Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 21, 1873, Image 2

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    SUXBUIU", NOVEMBER 21, 1873.
m i i - II m ii II . .. '. i '... '
Tib RttTno?PiscTivB View. Tho cili
tor of the Democrat lay before the public
another illustration relntins to our county
finances which nccortls well with the lite
riUnre of his Bhcet. Wo cannot believe,
however, that tho Democracy in this coun
ty will be either amused fit his nonsenso or
deceived by his stupidly devised uilsrepre
etitsliotis. Tbo ilhistratlon is accompa
nied by n table of figures Unit none but
himself are able to understand.. They arc
tititirely incomprehensible to us as far
as they are intended to have any bearing
npuu the case in dispute, and wo are forced
to construe them into a most miserable at
tempt at exoneration from censure of
tho lato Court House "Ring," for their
misnmnaeiuent of our couuty affairs. -
companied, as usual, with that mos potent
auxiliary to-literalure, a wood cut illustra
tion, the representation of a man bearing
a burden in a stooping posture. Pictures
are sometimes as well as instructive.
If we were the possessor of thnt picture, and
were incliucd to illustrate the 'American,'
we could put tlutt picture to serviceable use
as an illustration of the ptnonncl of the ed
itor of the Democrat during his altercation
with a certain indignant young
when that pugilistic editor attempted to
eject the youthful inilignnnt from his sanc
tum. Tho attempt proved rather disas
trous, as our pugilistic fiieud was brought
to a stooping posture, and hurled back to
the place from whence he came with an
application of the foot of his youthful anta
gonist. But let this be as it may, wo will era
to the figure;?. By his exhibit, for the cor
rectness of which we will not vouch, he
shows a great improvement in our financial
coudition since the Republicans have boon
in a position to manure tho county nlUUrs.
The contrast exhibited by his own figures
of 1872 and 1808, arc certainly very cheer
ing. In 1803, after the indebtedness of the
new court house should have been paid off,
and there was a democratic board of Com
missioners, be gives us the following state
ment :
Jan. 1, 136S, the huleUertiiceu
atnounte.l to 49,80S 17
Jan. 1, 1S6S, Assotts, Funds,
on hand, mid uncollected,
subject to a etiiull deduction
for I'oruiiiissUrna and exon
erations 19 500 80
Jan. 1, 1S0S, Indeutednuti
above assets tM,S17 37
1ST. Amount nt tot retried... t t-'M'M """
Ontttalnlins; I.,. 1S.MII 9-fM.MO IS
Etpendlturea ,W3 9(1
"la the mount of expenditure! ! ebtrgfil (10,173
04 outstanding orders, marked
1863. Amount of tax limed. . .
Outstanding taxes...) ..
Expenditure... ..; . . .
lodebiedneM. ...... . .. i
1M9. Amr.tmtnf tux levied....
Outstsntll isjtalee ......
Ltil.euditur Ji
I.uob. .ducts
1870. Amount of tnx lovled . . .
Outalat d lift tr.xe ft.-duitiva
ludt'btoduone ,..
Amount o.'Ux levied...
Otl'SLl'ilt: g 111
,34,750 01
13,908 64 7S.t21
,Dl 0
841 44
J.-4.739 M
ilftSUj 05- n4,0firj f!
li.M'J 84
KS.9,.1 .1
I -.8, HI 9 Ai
"V"3 45
54,'J!4 68
fcxi euditutca..
lKdeb.eduM 00
1871, Amount of 1st Inviel.... S1,?10 fS
Ou'tttnilliit; tr.x 4.34 S7-
1- a a .dt mi-a
ludoulnlurs, S7W 87
S7,V.S 78
ISfl.fHO W
4l,tM 60 t!IJ,4n7 91
67,D-i7 4i
-!fi,574 PU
In 1872, when ono Republican Coiumis
siener was iu the board, ho gives the fol
lowing favorable exhibit :
Jan. 1, 1873, Assets f 1MC4 .
Debt aj,70U 67
" " Aeeets above lu-
t3 4,474 E0
Tub conduct of Cuba in connection with
the Captain of tho Virginlus, and the mas-
Mcrco of tho greater part of those on board
is regarded as n outrngo on our (lag that
demands jrompt atonement. Out of 103
persona " t'o Virginius, but eighteen of
tliera were notshot at Santingode Cuba. The
outrage has aroused indignation throughout
the civilized world. The' government of
Spain Itself seems appalled at tho crime
hut appears helpless in controlling the af
fairs of the island. At Washington there
!b preparation for proceeding to extremities.
Two ironclads have been despatched to
Cubaii waters, and other vessels will ra
pidly follow. Our navy yards are busy in
rcDiiir'inif and liltins out monitor, &c, tor
service. It is widely conceded that at pre
sent the Spanish navy is superior to ours
but wc can rapidly strengthen our force on
the waters. There will probably be noth
ing more than preparation before the ineel-
insr of Contiress. when Cuba will have to
atone for its barbarism, or expect a war
that may result in its annexation to the
United States.
At a meeting f ' Executive Commit
tee of the U. h. of A., held at the Conti
nental Hotel, a few weeks ago. Gen. ege
ly of Pittsburgh, was chosen President iu
place of Ex-Governor Geary deceased. Tho
next meeting of the society will be held in
Washington city some time during the
month of iJecember.
three ars to be chosen, hs ahull voto for no more
than two j candidate! highest In Tots (ball be
declared elected.
Hbo. 17. Should mvy two or mors Judges of
the Supremo Court, or ttttjr two or more Judge
of the Court of Common Puns for the Mmo
district be elected at the tume time, they shall,
at toon after tho election a convenient, cast
lots lor priority of commission, and certlly the
result to the Governor, who si. nil Issuu their
commission In accordance therewith.
Bko. 18. Tho Judges of tho "supremo Court
and the Judges of the several courts of Common
I'tcus, mnl all other Judges required to be lenrned
In the law, shall, nt stated times, receive Tor
their services nn adequate compensation, which
shall bo tlx Oil by law. and paid bf the suite,
They shall receive no other compensation, fees,
or ppiquls tes of otllco for their services from
uny source, nor hold any other olllce of protit
under the United States, this Slate, or any other
Bec. 19. The Judges of tho Supremo Court,
during their continuance Iu oilier, shall reside
within thl) Commonwealth i and thu other
Judges, during tlinlr cniitinuuncc In olllce, shall
reside within Hi" districts for which they shall
be respectively elected.
Bkc. HJ. Tiie several courts of Common Picas,
besides the powers herein conferred, 6hall have
and exercise xviililu their respective districts,
subject to fU"li changes as may bo made by law,
such chancery lowers as are now vested, by law
In the several courts of Common Pleas of this
Commonwealth, oi as may hereaf ter be conferred
upon Ihem by law.
Sue. 21. No duties shall be Impofod by law
upon the Supreme Court or any of the Judges
thereof, except such as are Judicial, nor shall
any of tho Judges thereof exereiso any power
of appoint nn nl. exeept as herein provided. The
Court of Nisi Prius is hereby nbo.ished, and oo
court of oiigiual Jurisdicilon to bo presided
over by any one or more of the Ju.les of tbo
Supreme Court shall be established.
Sec. U'J. In every county wherein the popula
tion sliull exceed one hundred and lifiythousand ryrr iiit-o. tut ui the prujier entity shall lo of n.
" -, . '
het'nirel Histt or fty tha a-t'rnntTor tais Tin.
mnnwcnlth, men elcciors may excn lss the tight of
suli'mgo in all elections by the citlxons under such
regulations s sre or snan ne iircserioeu oy ibw,
ss lully ss If they won present at their usual plao
es of election. '
Sec. 7. All lsws frgulatlng Hie l ohllngof elee
tlonsby ttiecblsnns or fur the reglstrallon of e
leetorsihall 1m mdlorm throughout the slate, but
no elenlor sJadl lo ileprlvo-1 ui lbs. prlvllegn or
voting by rtftson of bis naina uot lelng register
c.l. Src. t. Ant pers.m wbc shall glte, er pmmle or
oHor to irlve" to n eleoior, any money, reward or
ol licrviilunbte consideration lur his -vole at an e
l.etion or for wllliolilli'ghe same, or who shall
give or piiiniisi to it" suoli eonsl tormina t any
other r.crsoti oT puny Tot such elector's Tote, or
for the wltlikiiKilnic thereof, nnd my elector who
shall recclvom-aKrec to receive, .r bimself or lor
simiher. any nionev reward or oilier vsluahlocon.
31!, rnilmi for his vote at an election, or ror with.
h"Mlng the same. shall thereby lorrelt the right to
Tote at snob elect Ion. and any elector ahoso rlhi
to vole shall he ehalletured for sue h csuso heluro
the eleot Ion eitlccrs shall be re.itlre. to swenror
alrirni that the inallorof the challenga Is untrue
before his vo'.e shall be received
Sc. 0. Any person wiiosiihii, wnoo acanuioaie
for ollico, lie gull'.y or brl'.iery, Iraud or wllllul
violation ofon election law. shall be forever ills,
puililleil from bcMIng sn offlee of trust or profit In
Ihlscommrnwenlib: and siiv person convicted o(
will lulviolatlouor the election laws, shall, In Kddl.
tion to snv (lenaltlcs provided by law, lie deprived
of the rluht ol suffrage absolutely lur a term ui
four years.
Sr. 10. In trials of contested elections, and In
proceedings for the Investigation of t-leoiions, no
jursun shall be permitted to withhold hlslesiitms
ny VHin the ground that It may ortinlini.e himsi'll
ur mttjeet hint to public tulatny; tiut such testimo
ny shall not Hlierwarils be used uguln.n hhn in
anyJu.lUial proceeding, except for perjury Iu giv
ing sucn testimony.
,w, ii. Turn, ships and ware's of cities or bor
oughs shall lorin or bo divi'lcl Into election UIb
trlc.s ol oompael and com lgu us lerrbory, In such
manner as me court ol lluancr scie ion ot the el Iv
or county In which the same aro located may di
rect, hut districts In cities of over one hundred
thousand inhabitants snail be ills (.led by the
couiiSol quarter sessions having juiisolellon tlieve
In whenever at the next preeeolng election more
tii.m two hundred and liuy votes tdiull have been
pel eu therein; ami oilier election tnstrieis when-
counlv In which a sepanu. Utplitttis
bo established lite Hogister f
The above shows that there was a de
crease of $29,09S 30 of tho counly indebt
edness, aud an increase of the assets of
64,691 63 in tho period of three years.
What wo complained of was mismanage
ment, and the editor's own figures show
that we were not mistaken. In 1S05 and
1800, when the court houso was built, nn
extra tax was levied to pay oir the debt.
Since then nearly the same amount of taxes
was levied annually without ddcreaKing the
county debt. Hut while there was enough
outstanding in the bauds of collectors to
pay off the debt, the same amount of taxes
was continued to be levied as was levied in
previous years, leaving annually since 1S03
in the hands of collectors, amoutits ranging
from 513,000 to 5 11,000, while they paid in
terest on the amounts ranging from 20,000
to 37,000 with money collected from our
iudustrious fat hu m, mechanics ami labor
ing classes. Iu 1870 the amount of un
collected taxes and tho duplicates for the
eamo year reached tho sum of 05,5o3 12
instead of 91, 000 as e stated, and with
the aruount of assets on Imnd lha people of
the counly were forced to pay interest on
$27,563 90 on outstanding orders. During
the last year the Republicans have had a
majority in the board of Commissioners,
and tho result is that tho county debt is
wiped out, aud the couuty is free of indebt
edness for the first lime since its organiza
tion. Ou Saturday last tho day sot by the
Commissioners to pay off all outstanding
orders, and on which the intercnt on all
such orders not presented ceased, there
was a surplus above all indebtedness
in tho county treasury, nt d this too with
out borrowing a dollar. Taking iuto con
sideration that the treasury was bankrupt
when tho present Republican Treasurer and
Commissioners came into oilice, and still a
large amount to be collected from defaulting
Democratic officers, &e., it looks as though
there was a much healthier condition of
our finances, indicating a superior manngo
ment on the part of our Republican board
of officers, to that of the defunct ring.
As our neighbor says "we arc not uow
in a political campaign," wa have taken
the subjoined statement limn ihe official re
cords, aud ask him to explain how the
largo amounts paid by tho tax payers were
disposed of by his Democratic friends, and
how the surplus money above expendi
tures was applied, considering tbo fact that
there was scarcely any thing paid on the
county debt uulil tho Republicans came
into power :
LAND C'OUJi 1 & FUUM lw to una.
The Constitutional Convention adopted
a resolution requiring the printing of tho
Xew Constitution in sheets, which were to
be furnUln'il to newspapers iu the States
to be distributed with their regular issue,
for the distribution of which the newspa
pers were to receive ono cent and a half per I review.
'PI... ,.....T, !.., .1.1 .1... I I SKCI. $
x iiu ui Hint liLrata en n lliej law
which provided for the calling of the Con
vention required the Constitution to be pub
lished in two newspapers in each county
for four weeks before the election. A dilll
cully at ouce arose out of this coniliet of
authority which was further roiuplirntril
by n number of newspapers refusifg to cir
culate the printed sheets on the ground
that the compin.iation was entirely inade
quate. Sectvtaty tuay decided to adver
tise the constitution as required by law.
This is his only course possible, after tho
refusal of the newspapers to circulate the
printed sheets. And a part from this there
can be .little doubt that the Executive De
parluienls is bound to obey tho law as it
stands. Tho law and not the resolves of
tho Constitutional Convention is what re
quires obedience from the Slate officers.
The Santiago Itutchory Finished.
New Yokk, Nov. 14.
A dispatch just received here, via Jamai
ca, states that on the 9th inst. the remain
der of the crew of thu Virginius, onu hun
dred and eleven in nil, were shot at Santi
ago de Cuba. They were all marched to
the slaughter house wall and placed before
the l':rin' party by tiers. As fast as one
tier fell another tier were marched up and
their d:ad bodies fell on those already
the General Assembly shall, and in any other
co'inty may, establish a separate! Orphans'
Court, to cous'st of ono r.r more, judges who
shall be learned iu the law, which court shall
exercise ull the jurisdiction and powers now
vested In, or which may herealier be conferred (
upon, the Orphans' Coutts. and thereupon the !
Jurisdiction of the judges of the Court of Com- j
mon Pleas itbln sucli county, in Urplitins' Com t !
proceedings', smut t-e mid determine ; in any
ins t mill shall .
i Is shall bn
clerk of such coutt, and siiojccl jt9 direction
In all matters iriiiiiiini: to hioi'.ii. he may I
appoint assistant clerks, but only with l.-, Cl). i
sent uud approval of said court. All uccom,, '
Hied with him as register or ns clerk of the sain
sepal ate Orphans' Court shall bo audUed by the
court without expense to parties, except where
all parties 111 Interest In a pending prnceedhur
shall nominate an auditor whom the coutt may;
in Its discretion, appoiut. la every county
orphaas' courts shall possess till tile p lwers and
Jurisdiction of a Kecistcr's Court, and ecparule
registers' courts aro hereby abolished.
Sec -3. The style of all process shall bo
"The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All
prosecutions shall be carried on in lhc name and
by tho authority of tho Commonwealth of j
Pennsylvania, aiid conclude itjjalnst tho pence .
and ditir.ity of the same.
Sec. 24. In all cases of felonious homicide, :
and In such other criminal cases as may be pro-
i vided lor by law, tbo nccuscd, after conviction j
! and sentence, may remoYcthe indictment, moiini, ;
uud all proceedings to the Supremo Louil lor
Skc. 25. Any vacancy hnppcnliu: by death,
I resignation, or otherwise, in any coutt ol record, I
shall be lllied by appointment by tbo Governor, '
' to continue till the first Monday of January ;
next succeeding the first general election, which
thill occur three or moro months alter tho Hap
pening of such vacancy,
i Skc. -0. All laws rel itinj to courts shall bo
general and of uniform operation, and the organ
ization, Jurisdiction and powers of all courts of
the same class or grade, so far as regulated by
law, and the force and ctn-ct of the process and
Judgments of such courts shall be uniform ; and
i the General Assembly l hurehv prohibited from
: creating other coutts to exereiso u.o powers
i vested by this constitution in the judges of tho
j coutts of common pleas and orphans' eours.
I Sue. 27. The parlies, by agreement filed, may.
i In any civil case, dispense with trial by jury, and
' submit, the decision ol such case to ll e court
, having Jurisdiction thereof, and Buch court shall
1 hear and determine the same
incut thereon shall be subject to writ of etrott
as Iu other cases.
Plnli-n that the convenience ol the electors and the
ptll'lic interests will be promoted thereby.
Sic. 1:2. All elec.ious by persons lu a representa
tive capacity shall be viva v e.
sec. 13. For the purpose ol vioiuK, no person
stall bedeeine l lo have aained a resilience tiy rea
Sun ol his presence, or lose It by reason ol his ah
srnee while einploeit In the service, either civil or
rnllimry, of this state or ol ihe l ulled IS.alcs, nor
vlille cntrnKc.l In the iiavlcatl ai ol tho wuteis ol .
the Stale or ot t he t nl. cl States, or on the hivh :
sens, nor wlilso a student ol any institution of
learning, nor while kept in any pis r house r oth
er usyliiin at public expeusc, uor while cciiliuci In '
public prison.
.Vr. U. Itistrlct election bonrds st. all consist of
a JU'ire uiel two inspeeiors, wtio sh ill be chosen '
uttuuiilly by the eliueit.. l.Aeh elect, shall have j
the right to vote lor the ju'lire and otic ItiHpccLor
unit ciu-h Inspector sliull appoint one clerk. The j
0--t clee.ioii hoard tiny new oistrtet siiulileso i
'Vi au.i'-'les In cloetl"ii lllte.,1 ns
shall In tirovi'lc j hy law. Klcelion otllccrs sbnll bo
privtli'Kcii m-,, in urie.'i upon ilavs ot" election uinl :
while euKiiite&iii in.ikinn up mi l transmitting ro- ,
turns, exeepl up..., warruui ol a court of record
orjuilKt! therct lor n eh-iL ii tnu.l, for felm.v.
or lol wanton hreacli ot the oeaec. in cith-s thev
Srs. 1, The freemen of this commonwealth shall
hs simed, tirirnnlr.ed antl dcclpllned for Its defense
when and In such mtianer as may be directed by j
law. The irencrnt assembly shall provide lor.i
mslntnlninjt ihe nillllln by appropriation from the
Treasury of the ci tr.mi nwnlih. and msy exempt J
from military service itorsons having conscientious
sciuiles afcalnst bearlnic arms.
' rt'BLio orricena.
Sec. 1. All officers whnse'selcetlon Is not provided
for In tills constitution shall bo elected or appoint
ed as may bo directed by law.
AVc. V. No Ihcmber of congress from this stale,
nor any person bolillnsr or exeri-lf Inn any office or
appointment of trust or profit timler the t'nlted
States, shall at the same time hold or exercize sny
oltice In this state to which s salary, fees, or per
quisites shall be nttached. The general assembly
tuny by law declare what ofllcci aro lncompatf.
.Sr. S. Any ierson who shall flirhtaducl orsendt
challenge lor that purpose or be alder or abettor In
IlKhlhiK a nuel, shall lie deprived of the right of
holding any office of honor or profit In this state,
and msy be otherwise punished as shall bo pre
scribed by law.
Jitw corjKTita.
Sec- 1. No ntw County slmll be established
which shall reouce any county to less than lour
huiiitreu equsro miles, or to less than twenty
thousand loloildtants; nor shall any county tie
formed ol less area, or contnliili.g a less popula
tion, nor shall any line thereof (ias within ten
milesi't tbo couuty sent of any counly proposed
to be tllvliled.
COUWTT orricEiis.
Sec. 1. County otlieers shall consist of sheriff,
co.-oiiors, prutl.oniitaries, registers ut wills, record
ers ol ticeits, comuiissloiicis, treasurers, surveyors,
auoltors, or controllers, clerks of the courts, uid-
trlct attorneys, and such others us may Irom tlmo
to time tie established by law; and no sheritl or
trensurer shall be eligitde lor tlie term next suc
ceeding the cue for which he may lie elected.
&ec. 2. l.'ounty otlieers shall ho clecleil ut tho
general elect h ns, unit shall bold .their olliecs lor
the term ol three years, tiegiuniiig on lite nrsi
MoicJay tif .Inutiary next alter tht Ir elections, and
until their successors sliaii be ouly oualllte.1 ull
vaeaiii-iea not nihrrwise provided lor shall be tilled
In s leh iioinncr iismity be orovliled by law.
.S'cc. 3. No person shall be appolnteii to any olfice
wit I-In anyei unty who shall nol have been a
and tui iiriiabiiatit therein one year next hclmo his
apti' ililment, II the Ctuuty snail have oeeti sit long
erected. Put If II shall nut have ta'cn so long erects
cl, tin n v. It bin the limits ol the county or ovunttea
cut oi wtitrii it rnati nnve tieen taken.
Sec. 4. I'rot honotaries, elerks ol the ct.urls, ro
eonleis ol oeei.s. naisiers ol wills, tuaiuiy suty-.'y-ors.
an.! rlicrl.'is shall keep llielr I'tbees In the
countytownol the county in which they respective
ly snail tie ohieeis.
.Ste.-6. The c -iiipeiisiit l.n of county otlieers shall
be by law, and all couuty oltieers who
arc or lu.iv be salaried shall pay all lees which
they may bo au.horir.eil to recive Inio the treasu
ry oi thucounty or s.atc, as may be illi'ecled by
law. In counties enntiiitilng o,cr one hundrcil and
filly thiaisaiel loh:il'i:uu;s all cuutily oltieers shall
be paid bv salaty, ana the subtly ol any such otlt
cers and his eleiks. hereu.luic paid by lees, shall
let exceed the aggregate aniounl ol lees earned
ilut lug his term uutl eollcete.l tiy or Tor him.
.Src. 0. The Kcncral assembly shall provide by
law lor the the slricl ace. imlahllii v ol all c. un v.
township and borough t tlicers. as well fi r the If
may cliittn exemption (rout jury duty during their kkh may be eollee.t-tl by as lor all u'.llu
terius cl servU'e.
See. IS. No person shall he iti tllllc.l to sctve ns
nn election otttfcr who shall lad. I, or shall wlttilu
two mouths have behl any oitne, appointment, or
ctiiployniciil in or un.tcr i lie government ol ll.o
Lniteit States, or t.l ibis state, or olanv city or
coiniiy, or cl any iiiuiilt ip.,1 buard, coiiiu'ilnsion, or
trust iu any city, save only justiv..g n,e pence
and alilertnen, notaries public, and persons in the
militia service ot the State nor shufl any election
olhecr be ellglt'lc lo any civil otliei) to li ailed at
an .declou at widt h lie sliaii sci vc. save only to
iuii siiooriitnitte municipal or local ofticcs below
the grti'ie tit etty t-r enunty olliceff as shall L Ue
slgnaie l by geiicial Uw.
Sec. 10. 'li:e courts ot ct innion please of lite sev.
eral etiuntles ot the commonwealth shall have pow
er wllliln ttietr rt;S'ectlvejurlsulcllon to Mppotnl
or iiiuiilt ipal ltioni-ys uhieli may be paid to tin in.
dec 7. ihrevcounty tvmniisMonci's nrni ihrec
county auoltors sltall I e clecleil in eaeli county
w here sui'lt I'tlicers are chosen, in the year one
thousand eighi Itunoretl and seventy live and every
third year tbereiilter; an-l In the clectp n ol said
otlieers eaeh tpitilihed elector sliall vote lor no more
than two persons, and thu three crsoiis having
the highest number ol votes shall be clecteil; any
cusintl vaeaney In : he' til e. uuty Coicmissioucrs
tir county n in ti tor shall I c Illicit by the eourl of com
mon pleas ot I he county In which such vacancy shall
oci-ur, by the appoimiueulnl an elector or t he prop
r county who shall L.n c voted tor the cotiluti"a..ti.
er or auditor whose 1 tot c lillcl.
stock, property, or frtnchlset of sneh corporation
with, or lease or purchase the works or franchises
of, or In sny way control any other railroad or ca
nal corporation owning or having under Its control
a parallel or competing line, nor shall sny oihccr
nt such railroad or cannl corjiorntton act stanotll
eerofany other railroad or eanal corimratlon ow
ning or having the control of a parallel or compe
ting linn, and the question whether railroads or
canals are parallnl or competing lines shall, when
demanded by the party complainant, be decided
by a Jury as In ot her civil Issues,
Src. S. N'o Incorimrated oompsnv doing the
business of a common carrier, shall directly or In
directly, prosecute or engage In mining nr'mnmi-
"nuiii, never its wora,
nor shall such company, directly or Indirectly en
gage la any oilier business than that of common
carriers, or hold nrsciiulre Isnds, rrechol l or lease,
hold, tlireotl) or iiHllreetly, exceiu sncli ns shall
be necessary for carrying on Its business; hut any
mlnlmr or mnniUacturliig company may tarry the
pnaluctsof Its mines and manufactories on Its
railroad or canal uot exceeding fitly miles in
Sir. 8. No president, dhcelor, offlrcr.'ngcnf or
employee of uny railroad or canal company shall
bo interested, directly or Indirectly, In the furnish
ing of material or supplies to such company, or in
tho business ol transportation ss a common car
rier ol freight or passengers over the works own
ed, leased, controlled or worked by such oompanv.
See. 7. No diwiriinliiiatlon In cliurges or facili
ties for transportation Until be made between
transportation companies and Individuals, or In fa
Torofcb her. by abatement, drawback, or other
wise, and no rnllroad or canal company, or nny les
see, manager, or employee thereof, shnll make
any prclerences In furnishing ears or motive now
er. See. 8.' Xo railroad, railway or other transport
ation company shall gr.tnt Irce passes or passi-s at
a discount, to any persons except officers or em
ployees of the company.
Src. 9. No street pissengcr railwny shall bo con
st ru -icil within the limits ol uny city, borough or
township without the corsentul Its focal authori
ties. .c. 10. No railroad, canal or other transporta
tion company, in existence at the time of the adop
tion ol this article, shall have the I. client ol any
tut lire legislation by gincrttl or S)Meial laws, ex
cept on condition of complete acceptance of all the
provislonsol'this article.
Src. 11. The existing powers and dut les of Ihe
Auditor Clcnerul In regard lo railroads, catinls,
antl other transportation eoniinnlt-s, except ns to
their accounts, are hereby transfcred to the Scent
tnry tiflntcrual Alf.iirs, who shall have a general
siipi rvlslon over tlicni, suhject to such regulations
and alteralloiisas shall be provblci! by law: and in
addition lo the nnnun) rcjioris now reoulred tobo
made, said Secretary may requite special rcitoris
at any time uism nny sohict rclathnr to the bust.
nessofsald companies ipim any ellicer or olhccrs
Arc. is. The Oentrnl Assembly shall enforce by
appropriate legislation the provisions of Ibis arti
Stctinn 1. Any nmcni'iinent or nmenoincnts to
tills conslitutton liuiv lie ttrntiosoil iu the Senate
House of Koprrsciuiitlies, and if tho same shall
he agreed to ly a nttijorUy ol the uiemhers eleeitsl
lo eaon lo use, sucn pr -pt. Fed uuieni'mi'iii
inendinents shall l-e iiiteieil tin their tournnls.
with tlie yens and n.iys tnkn thereon, and the
Secretary ot l he ('t.iiimoliwefilth shall eauso Itie
same lo oe tililistied three uionttis belot-elhc nt xt
generiii oitctitui in ui least two newspapers in ev-
cv e. uuty in which such new spa peis shall be pith,
llshed; and if. In thctlcneral Assembly next after
wards chosen, such propi sed amendment or nmend
uiciKS shall be agreed to by n majority of the mem
bers elected to entll house, the Secretary ol tho
( 'ouiinoiineali h shall cause tho same again tube
publisher! in the muhher atoicsatd, und such pro
pi. sed amendment ,ir nmeadmetitii shall be sub
mit led to the qtialilleil electors of tho Stale in
such manner, and at ruch tltne. nt least three
mouths alier being so agreed to by the two hous
es, us tlte Ochcrul Assembly shall prtsertne ; and
If -U'-h amendment or amendments shall lie appro
veil t.y a majority of those voting thereon, such a
mendineni or anicnoinents shall t.ccome a part of
the const iitn ion; 1. ut no uniianluicut or anieiid
nients shall be nit nitttttl oltcncr than once in
five t'eart; uh-.'li tnn or titorc unieuiliiieu;s sloill
be tiil.'iniiied Ihey shall Pc volcd upon separately.
riTIKS AMI I'lli CHAltTUIia.
..r..l I - .i. . ...oi . "rt- l. I I 1'H nUV G f Itir lir.4 IV ...iinrn. a n..
UiflMTtf utvift.ii'ii iu ruiitniwj tiiu ,11 ..-.inifKa l,, t ,.f , , . - ,
ofcleclioli olhwrs, and to make report lo 11,0 '" ' l; "lectoisul an. to-n or borh baling
court as may be required; stu ll appointments to ho
made t..r any otsiriet in a cny or county, upon pc.
a populailtm otnt leas: ten tht tisnd shall vole at
7 " ., ciecnon in nivnr ol the same.
uistriet. si-iiMis, ru.. ,n suaneeol an ant,,..., . i " . , .','.. '
rcasoiialilo precaution U' Seeuro the purity and r . ,. , ., y M""!"""
fairness ol elections ovcr-v-rs shall be two in num. , rur "",! tl .T,"'11""'
her lor an el'Cii.indis.riti, slntli be r,sl lents there. -i,i,.i,i'mn he'iiivf.ilabll !'".'""".? '
In, and shall be pci-soi, qii.tlttted to serve upon el- or its fujXidebt U,IJ f"r'
tt.ioii of live citlr.etis. lawtul vo.cts. I such election ' rl,rredl' aov . i T !'ew,"''rse'ctl or lliitdlity In.
.1, appointment Is a .,. ,.,. KI,'ai " ' " V- V'" .""
uii,oe lucre-
Sltiking fill) I
rtho paytneul
Snc. 1. Tho IloiiFO of Kcpri'srntutivcs elinll
Itriitnl .tlurtler ofn I'urtuer.
XIiddi.etown, November lo.-Abraham
Iteain was murdered in his barn last even
ing, by two negroes, who subsequently cu
deavored to enter Ihe house, where were
stopping an old lutly aud a young man.
The authorities are in pursuit of the murderers.
1800. Amount of tL x lovicd ....
Otitatui'ding taxi's
1801, Amount of t'tx 'evitd...
Outs'sndli gta.-"
Y.x vt.tliturtn ...... . ...
19H. 'mount of tui levied...!iig Uxuf
Kit nodi. i. ,
1863. Amount of Ux levu.
Outstaiidii g taxes
ISM. Aroonut of tax levied....
Gutsund nt'kin
Ell cnflltiucM
ISCS, A.-.,,,! rf u,, livi-ltwl,,.,
Ow"V'l Silases
Xudftaedut b'.
1B6S. Amouutof tax lv-4
Ouulaiiding laxui
Ia U smouut of En ei dl urea la cUaavsl llB.lW 49
ontstsudlug ortlsrs, and $133 bouuty order, ahich
toould bs doduoted from Uis unouut total tt,n,u
twret Awewnt of IndtUtedrmi.... Sk.1,334 SJ
ill. AltO tit
f J 113,71 PS
l.TU 41
, 14,:tT M
s,-rit at iir.fatl
. I5.V.1 11
V47 64
. 17.06'J Ti4
. Ill 'Ull SO $'.1,0M 17
19.SV3 07
Jt7 Vid
. 11,713 it
" 7.77 7. 1 MSI
. tll.OOS 44 '
41 01
1S0.794 J
. 7,504 75 8S,S T4
Vi.UoS 00
.' It.iiS 47
. $:W,tm St
sa.J'Jl 07 $71, 70S 88
S7.3K4 SI
New Const!! u t ton Continued
from I'lrtt I'usc
Skc. S. The said courts lu tho ciiuiities of Phi
ladelphia and Allegheny respeclivi-ly, shnll, from
lime lo time, detail one ur mure of their judges i
to bold the courts of Dyer and Terminer, uud the
conns of (juurtcr Sessions of the i'ctico of said
counties In such manner us iiitty bo directed by
bix. 0. Judges of t lie Courts of Common Picas
learned in the luw shall be judges of the courts
of Ciyer nt.d Terminer, (liiatler Sussions of the
Peace, and lieuornl Jail Delivery, and of the Or
phans' Com I, antl within their rcspeeiivc dis
tricts sliull bo justices of the la'uce as toci iiiiiuul
111 111! fie.
Sue. 10. The Judires of tho courtB of Common
Picas, witliiu their leapi'i'live counties, shall
have power to Issue wilts of EltTioitAltl to justi
ces ol the peace, and other interior courts not of
record, and to cause their proceedlm; to oc
brought bcloto tlictn uud right and justice to bo
t-EO. 11. Except as otbei wise provided in this
Conslitulion, justices of tiie pcuco or uMcrmeu
ahull iia elected iu llto several wards, districts,
boroughs and loaiislilps at the time of the elec
tion of constable, by the quulillcd elector there
of, in such manner us (.hall bo d'ncclctl by I tw,
und slnll bo coninilssio.ied by the (inventor lor a
term of rive vo i i s. No township, ward, district
or borough shall ciet t more than two justices of
Ihe peace or aldci incil wit IikiiI tiie consent of u
nitijnilt'-' of tho t tuii 1 11 cd electors wiilnii sucli
township, ward or borotiiih ; no person shall be
elected lo such ollleo unless he shall ItuVt resided
wilhiu I hi township, iHiroUL'h, ward or district
foi one year next preceding: Uis election. In el
ite cotiltiiniui' over lilty thousand inhabitants,
not more than ouu ttldcriuuii shall bo elected in
each ward or dlsttlct.
8tr. K. In Phil.iilelphia there shall be fstab.
lUbetl, lor each thirty thousand Inhabitants, one
coin l not of record, ol police und civil causes,
with Jurisdiction not uxtccdliiL' one hundred dol
lars) such courts shall bo held by numlst rate!
a hose term ol olllce shall bo Ave years, and they
shall be elected on general ticket by the ipiulillcd
voters at laijre ; und in Ihe election of tho said
magistrates un v iter shall vole for moro than
two thirds tf '.tic number of persona to be elect
ed, when more thau one arc lo bo chosen j they
shall be compensated ouly by tiled salaries, to bo
paid by said counly I and shall exercise such ju
risdiction, civil aud criminal, except ut herein
provided, us is uow exercised by aljeiuien, sub
ject to such cl a o tits, not invo'.vins; nn increase
of civil jutUdictiou or coul'criiu;; political duties,
hs may bo made hy luw. Iu Philadelphia tbo
olllce of alderman is abolished.
Sec. lit. All feet, lines ami penalties hi laid
courts shall be paid into the county treasury.
btc. 14. In all cases oi summary conviction In
this I'oiniiioiiweullh, or of judgment lu suit for
penalty bctore a iiiniiUlrale, or court uot ot re
cord, either putt; way appeal to such com I of
record us mav be Dreacribed bv law. unon allow
ance of the appellate court or Judge thereof ' "u
cause shown. , , ,
t.... i an i,..i.. riitred to do learned tu
law, except the judt of the 8upe Court,
tlttllr.' , by J,h0 alitled -Iccloit of the
reiCtivec1 ove,' which they aro lo pre
side, anj tliall , t,1;lr 0ulces for the period or
leu years, if they shut. co UMt: behave themselves
well i but for any reasonable cause, which shall
not bo tuniLiewt ground for Impeachment, the
r.nvernnr mav remove av nr iWin ou the ad
dress of two thirds cf each u-,,s 0f lue (jcueral
a. ...n Liv
en., in. Whenever twojudeca of the me
Court ere to u n...,n for the tame lorni ol
i vkc, each voter shall vott (ut na only, andjwhen
have the sole power of impeachment
Ski". 3. All Impeachments shall be tiled by
the Senate; when sitting for that purpose, the
Senators shall bo upon oath or ntUi million j no
person sltall be convicted without the concur
rence of two thirds of the members pit suit.
Skc. 3. The lioveinor antl nllothcr civil tdllcers
shall be liable: to impeachment fur any misde
meanor in olllce, but jiidelin'tit in such cases
sliull not i xtend further than to removal from
olllce mil d'ts'iutiliticatiiHi to bold uny olllce of
trustor protit under this couimonwca til ; the
person nccuscd, whether convicted or ncittitte.l,
shall nevertheless bo liable to Indictment, trial,
judgment and punishment uccordlntf to law.
Sec. 4. All olliers shall hold their oltlccs on
the condition that they behave themselves well
while i:i olllce, and tli ill bo removed en convic
tion of misbehavior lu olllce or of any Infamous
Appointed officers other than jii.ta't of the
cnnits of record nnd the Supi rintcndciuieiit of
Public Instruction, may be removed nt the
pleasure of the power by which tht y shall bnve
been appointed. All oulcers elected by the people,
except (lovcrnor, Lieutenant Governor, members
of tho lieucrul Assembly, and Juih'cs ol the
courts of record, learned in the. law, shall be
re moved bv the Governor lor reasonable cause.
after due notice und full hearing on too address
of two-thirds of the Senate.
Section 1. Senators and Ite resentat ires and all
judicial, state anil county otl.cers, shall, bctore en
tering on the duties ot lln-lr respective i tta'cs. take
and stiliscrtlie the billowing tilth or alio mat Ion,
-1 do solemnly swear (or atlirui) that I will sup.
port, obey und n'etend Ihe cons.l,uiioii of Ihe I lil
ted States and lite consi li nih il of this common,
wealth, antl that 1 will discharge the cutics ol tny
ottlce with fidelity; that 1 have not pal I oreouirlli.
uteii, or promisee lo ciy orciinti il iitc, either til
rectlv or indirect ly, any money or o:h'r valuable
thing, (o procure iny noniiuai phi or election (or
eeliou hoards, and In each ease ineinbets of oilier.
ent niltttcal panics: whenever the members of nn
clec Ion hoard shall differ Injuplniou. thu overseers
11 lliey shall he agreed Iheie.-u. sil.ill tncloe iho
question ololllereiict:; ill appointing ovet seers ol e
lee: lull, all the l..w judges ol ihe proper court a
ot. ., net hi the tiilie snutl concur in tiie appoint
Ulcus tnai.t .
Sec. 17. T he trial and,, of contest
ed eleelltilisof electors ot 1 rcsldeut tiiiu vtM
president, luelliiieisol the gcuctal a.-seiiildy, and
of nil pulilie otllocs wheitter s. ate. judicial, muni
cipnl. or bs'til, shall be by the courts ol law, or by
Ri d tin. iiidi--i one or more ol ihe law lU'igt-s tiiercoi, ihe gencrnt
eon nit. jutij. , .. . ,,., i .i.-.i,,, ,.
I etiurts and judges f.y ivhotil the several cl.isa of
I election contests slia'tl he tried, nnd regulate the
I manner ol t-l:it and all mailers Incident hereto;
hut no such law as igttlhg tin isnicil'-u, or regula
ting its exercise, shall apply to any contest aris
ing out ol ati election neld bctore its
' 7.
1'HIVATE coneor.A,
See. 1. All exi lug .-barters. or,ntsoril.,f(!jl
or exclusive orivtlt ges, uinler w
'iei:a line or-
Sec. 1. All taxes shall b utiirortrr up 'it the same
cla.-s of sul.jtc.s wit liin the ten pi.ri..! limits of
the author!,)' levying the tax, an.i shall ho levied
and eollectol under ncral laws; I ut the generul
us.cuiblv may, by general law. , t xeti'pl trotn tax
at Ion ptil. lie pri'i'cr.y c.-e.i It r public I urp-oses, a" places tit ri.tigl'-u. wrtliip J lac, ol huiial- used or ln-l .ior private or cm ..rate prolit,
and institutions of purely put. lie charily.
.Sir. o. All laws exempt ii.g property Irottl taxa
tion other thau llto property ahovu cnumcraied,
shall bcv-ld.
Src. 3. The povrT to t x crpi ia' I ,ns an 1 corpo
rate orotiertv slut 11 not he surrendered or susp ,-nl-
c,l by any contract ur grant m wtiich lite State i
shall he a paitv. I
Sir. 4. No debt shall be created hy en behalf
j ol the Slate, except U supply casual deride lloica ,
! ol revenue, repel invasion, upirtss ii.euiTt-etioii
! dul-nd ilie suite la war. or lo pay er istlug tleht,
J and the debt created lo su ply dctiel in rev
cnue shall never exceed in the agreijatc at auy
i one time one million ot dollars. t
.Sec. "S. All laws iiuthoriyiiiu ilie horn wtng of
ftanization satin not nave iniicii place an, p,
icen commence I in thio l, faith at tiie tint, (1 t (',,..
adoption of ihis ooustitutitin, shall ihcrcatU.V.y.'
no validity
, .Sac. '1. The general assembly shall not remit tti
lortci.ui t Hi,, oharl'-'r ot anv cnris.rai Ion now cx
isiiog, or a Iter or ntm-u-i ihu satne. or puss anv ot ii
er gent ral special law I', r the tieociii i f sncli cor
siralon. exivpl ii-m liic condition that such c.r
jsirailon shall thereafter hold Its charier subject to
tlte roVlsicliSt-l this const ilut ion.
Src. 3. Tlte exercise ot t lie right of eminent do.
inuili shall nover bcabt flged orso construed as to
1 rev.-tit ihe general assembly In iu takii g the
prat-cny niid Iranehls s ot Incorta-ratcl coinj ani.-s
und Btil jccting tl.em to ; nhlic use, the same as
the properly ol individuals ; and the excrclsa of
the police (ower olthu stale shall never be a
lirh'ged or soe.instiucd as to jicruiit corjuratien.
tueoiidie-t tbeirbusinessin such mnntter astoin
frtng ! the rluiits ol iadivlduali orthc gi tier
ulwell tieingoltttc state.
Src. 4. Iu alleiseOoiis fjr direcors ornianagcrs
of a corpora.'! ,ncaeh ineodicror shareholder uinv
ens flic whole number of his vocs for one eaiiui
tlnfe, ordisrihuclhcui iis,u wo or more cant! I laes
us he May i rctev
svr. .'. No foieign cori.orn.'loti sliall do any l.nsi.
ntssin this s.'ae wlhouf having one of more
Unov, n t laces of business, and im authorise I ugen
orag its in flic saaic, u;au ahom ilicm may be
Vr. 0. Xoci:',:cr;:.'i .p. shall engage In nny l.nsl-nee.-t
oner .lac. nia e.prcssty autiiorlf.ed'i n ls
charftr. iiorsha'l it alie-ir hold any re .il csinre, ex
cel t sit: m ly lie in ec.-'tir., and prooertor Wler-
llini-l.'e ',u-ii.e-.
Sec. 7- Ai ci.r, i rafl Hi s'cill Issue sooks or bon is
exco7 lor i:i,-:i' y, !alir done, or money or proiery
ttCitlily ret tit',:.' ; it'ld all liclltlls iuerciisc ol sfoeiv
fir iiidetrcdi"ss sliull he vol I: the siik-Ii mid iu
det te diessol e..ri oi at Ions Mnill not Pe itu'rcas.-d
eveci-tiii pi rau-inec tit genera) law, nor without
That no Inconvenience may i.tise from the chan
ges in tiie constitution of tiie Commonweal! it,
und lu order lo carry ttic same Into complete tip.
erutloii. It is hereby declared Dint:
Sec. 1 Tftls constitution shall take effect on the
first day ol .ianuary. In the year tine lle,iisand
eight hundred ami for ail purines
not otherwise provided for therein.
Src. 'i. All laws in force In thisCcmmonwcalth
at the l lino i.l the adoption of this com; it u I ion not
iiiit.hsis.ciii ilicrewt.h, and all rights, ac.lons,
prosecutions, and ct tttntcts, shall ci as if
tltis constitution had uot beeu adopted.
Sec. :1. At tiie ' election in tlu years ono
thousand eight hundred and si veuty-tour and oua
tht-usitu'l eight hundred and seventy. rive Senatois
shall he elecii"! In all dls'.riets wlicre there shall lie
vacant-US. Those ilcclcd in the year one lla u-
''nut eight hundred and scventy-leur shall serve
wo vctrs. tin. i those ciceic.i iu tiie yctrotc
as-., i
svi ve lof
those w In
money by and on hchall ol thu jia'e shall spccllr ' ' c nseut ol .lie ersons holding he larger a-
- . . .it..,.-... ... . . ... ln.,1 , ii ii. v,. Int. ol tin, Mf..e!f Ol I i .1.1 1 1,.. il ii I .. ti-.. u.
te year. Senators now- electtd. and i
'C ...... u .,.ir...l kleill r..i,r,.... I
;" ' ' t.icii iney resitte uni ti itie cud '.-I
the lertus (. ,f whlfi, i.y ,!, , U-cled. i
Src. 4. At the general elect Ion III the venrcno i
thousand eight .hundred ami seventy-six. Sena-'
tors shall bn el-ctcd ,m u,e rVt. nmui.cied dls.
ilea lo serve 1,1 iHoye.tls. miI lioinutli uunib-
crel distric't t-.scr-e for louryeurs. j
Src. b. T'rc lirjt -h tiiieh ol tjoverncr under -
this culistlilliloii Foiillt.e ,,t the geti'Ttil el.
in the one I!., llrtll.l light l.nudie.l and
Cllly-tive. wliillll O ivcrl..!- shall bo eli eleri I. j
lliree jtars; and lliu lerni . u,e tlovenu r elected
in tiie yearoiit thoujatcl el,t hu.i lied and sev
en! y-etght and of th ise there.tNi v t i.-.-te i shall t e
lor lour yens, uecorolns lo the rovi.lons ot this
con ti i ui ion. At the git'.cral elreti n in ;tte vear one
thousand elgllt hiltli'.red htid fccventydiur" a I.i u
tenant Govt rnor ..liall he eh fi-l ut - i.tiito, la n,u
provii.,us ol thli constitution.
Sic. 7. The Secretary ol lverhal Afbiirs sl.all
be clecle.l at i ho lu st generul eleci i,.u alier th, a-
cb e by lot to which ooert they (hall belong...
Their term Of offlceshsll commence on the first
Monday of January, in Ihe year one, thousand
eight hundred and seventy-five.
src. 10. in Iho county of Allegheny, for the
purpose of flrst oit-anliatlon onder this oontttta
t Ion. I he judges of the court of common plans a
the time of the sdoption of this constitution shall
be thejudKei of theoourt number one, and tbe
JjK'Sof be dlstrlot (Jonrt at the tame date
shill be the judges of tbe common pleas number
The president Judaea 0f Mho common Jnloae ami
district eouris shallV president ; tndsjM of JaM
court ninnlier one and two resiiectiyJiy nntli iS!.ii
ottloc. ,l,l end and IhereafVeTtie K'oldSlt
Incotnn, ,n shall b president jiidg.. b. ntee
president judge re-elected In ihe ism. VmihX
dlst rlct shall ooni Inno to bo preslluen"ptti,;i The organ litatlon of Ihe courts ofeom.
He.D V,Xl 'ZW, M" "."''" ". I " the eSin
ties ot Philadelphia, nnd Allegheny, shall take a.
. i . i. , ",vnltty January, one thousand
elghl hundred and eeventy-flve. and existing
courts In said counties elm 11 continue with their
I ... - J iiiisiiiction nntii tnatdatet
,,u,,-' suits sbnll bo Instituted In the coor.i
lion '"rrl1"' "er the adoption of this ooustlia-
tl,'e'eroaIi , T Pru''l'" pending In
' i it ,.NI"' " '"is, court of common po,,
and, Met court In l-hlludelphin shnll bo tried
The ,.?",'!':'"' .' n1"''"rt "I common pless.
l,n.Z' 7n'Vlo,il"of n,1 'ns shall be
county I'rot honutary't offleo of said
in. . .' "hd proceedings pending- In
ti e court, of common ,,,,., ln
gheny shall be t r ed ut r...a ... " " "Z.
.,iH,,!i'i7.'rl!i,".'! ,.hu ' and priK-ceilingspcn-ding
n the district cort shnll be tried aoddlsuof-
wi iii mo eouri nuruncr two.
Sec. 23. The I'rothonotnry of the court of oom
"on Pleas ol Philadelphia shall I flrT. pdmed
by the judge of f.,, ccurt on the llrst Monday or
December, in the year one thousand eight hun-
v fr''.!":"!!';' !1"1 011,1 ,,,e l'r'"int ro'hono.
!hlyp, m .'""rlct court In snld county shall be
miV r,1"n.",!'r'' u'"'o-"ld,urt ol common pleaa
until said . late, when ,t, cjinuiisslon shall ex
plre and the present clerk of the court ol Over
?i" i T,,r,"";' ri"",l,uarter sessions of the tienci In
ti ,i i ,.lia11 ('u "1C civr "f euch curt un
til he explrailou of Ms present comnilsslon on the
first Moiiiluyoi December in the year one thou
sand clifht hundred ami seventy-flvc.
i'",?.' .J',' ,,lk'."li'il'igovcr 0y thousand
inhabitants (except Philadelphia) all aldermen ln
ottlce at he time ot the a,lop,n of this consiltu.
lion shall continue In othee until the expiration of
their conniiissloiie. aud at Ihe election for rtty and
ward otheers in the year one thousand eight buu
drcd and scventy-live one alderman shull'be elec
ted in each ward, as provided In this coustiiu
lion. Sec. 15. In rhlludclphU magistrates in lieu of
aldermen, -tmli he chosen as required in this eon.
stltution at the election in said city and ward oC
nters in the yenr one thousand eight hundred and-Bcventy-hve;
their term or office shall eminence
lection " l A'r" "":u'J,,ig their e-
The terms of ofttce or aldermen In said eltv. hold
ing or entitled to commissions at the time ih
thereby'1 constiiuilon shall not bo cilected
- ..A" P0,"" "'s 'a olfice In this common
wealth at ll,, tune of the adoption of ihisconsll
lutltin, and at the first election uuder It, shall hold
ttielr restrictive olhees unlit the term lor whloli
....- nii,e . fin ircici or appotmed sliull expire,
nnd until their successors shall be duly oualitied,
unless otherwise provided In tliis constitution.
Sec. 27. iho seventh article ol this constltu.
tlon, prefcriluiig an oalli ul oltice. shnll take eltcct
on nnd alter t lie til st day of January, ouo thou
sand elgle. hundred and soventv-live.
Sec. -s. Ihe terms id othee d county commis
sioners nnd county auditors chosen prior to iho
yenr one thousand eight hundred and seventy
live, which shall not have expired belore the hrst
.Monday ol .lunutiry. In the vear one thousand
eight hundred and scvenly six, shall expire on
tiiat day. 1
Sec. 20. All State, county, city, wnrd, borough
and township others In olhte al the time ol tho
adoption ol this constitution, whose compensation
is not provided lor by salaries alone, shall contin
ue to receive the cotupeusatioii allowed Hit in bv
law until the ton of their respective tenuis
ol othee.
Sic. ao. All state and lUill -l il officers hereto
fore elected, sworn, all, lined, or ln ottico when
tltis constittlMoi. shall take elfeel, shall severally,
within one month alier such adoption, take and
suhserlhe un oaili (or ultirniallon) to support this
Src. 111. The gonernl assembly, at Its first ses
sion, or as soou as may lie aru r the adop lon of
this eoiislltll. ion, shall pass such laws as maybe
necessary to carry the lulu full lorcc aud ef
fect. Sec. 32. Tho ordinance passed by this conven
tion, cm iilcd "An ordinance for submitting tho
allien, e.l constitution of 1'cntisvlvnuiu to a voto
ol the electo 8 thereof," sliull bo held to bo valid
for all the purposes thereof.
.r. 33. 'ihe words "county commissioners,"
wherever used In tills constitution, ami iu any or-dlnaneea-eotiipanyiiig
the same, shall be held lo
lo'diide thucomu.issioiiets for the city ol l'hilatlel-
Adopte lut l'hil.i iell.l.ia. on the third dy of
No eaib.r. In the y -ar ol our lyird on tbousaud
eilii l.uuurcd uud set'Liity-three.
OKl'JCK of
JlAtlll. so.l ltd,
13, 1S73. S
I certify that tho Is & correct copy t f
he neiv c-,i s-ilu.ion. in ot.sed lo ilm i.c,..,;.. r
the coiiini",, wealth ol I'ciiiisylvuiiia. I-t I It' ir ap-
lov.ii or rejecjou, as lay saico af-iitais ot reeuid
iu tins oil.c. M.S. Ul'AV,
Secretary of C euiuKiiw, aliii.
FottHl'SM.TTIXI THK AMEM1KU I ' JMiTtTt' Tt, t.y
i-a:.s. lvamato a votcop i.iu t AL.rtr.u l-lei.-ioim
Tt:i:ns.ip, as pamk sii-csd kuaihso.
I'! U orJdi.l. J ly lit,- L'cnjflUif'jau CutY ,i(u.:i oj
le Commuuuvallh of i'aayfcuiu, as J'ollowe:
1. Tint the auieu lc l coiis:Pu:i..n or. tcit-s.i tw
iuaiiutil e-
1 a, -
ler o
di ptioii of this eous' i, ut l. it; and w h,-u the sat-t er. ! !e!
It, er snail oc uuiy eiecte.l and i;uiillllei!, the ult.c.
111 11, l S'-Vel
.uni:, nwc
tiling, lo procure iny noniiuai imi or cicctum
aiipoiutlneitl). exeej-l lor necessary nnd proper
peliscs exprcsslv uuillorizcd liy law; that 1 ha
to! know imlv violated any elect Inn law of ll
comiuonwealt'h. or procure I it lo be done by ot licit
in mv U-lialt; that 1 will not knowingly receive,
directly or indirectly, any money oroilo r valuable
thing for the performance or iioii-perroruiiiueu of
any act or duty peritiining b my olhec, otltrr tliuu
Itie eninpensation nllowed hy law."
The ton going oui h slittll bo adlnlnistere l by
smile person uiilhorired liiaImlnisicroaths. and iu
I lie case ol Stale oltieers Slid Judges oi the Suprt me
court, shall lie tiled iu the oltice of Iho Secretary
ofllie counuouwcali h, ami in Ihe ease of other u-ilh-ial
und county otheers. In tile ottiee of t lie I'ro
thonotary ot t he counly In which the suit" Is tak
en; any V'i-soii refusing to lukc said oath or attirm
ution shall forleit bis olliec, and any person who
shall he convicted of having sworn or ad, mud
falselv, or ot having violated sat I oiithor aillrtna
tioii, sliall la? guilty ol irjury, and lie forever dis
qualified froui holding any uthce uf trust ur profit
within this coiniiliiliweai'.ll.
The oath lo the members of the senate and bouse
of lieprcsciitattves shall be administered hy one of
thejutlgcs of t he Supreme court or of a court if
common please, learned In the law, lu the hall of
the house tu which the member sliall be elected.
Bt rFUAliK A.ND Ei.ev'TI05a.
Section 1. tverv male ell Ijen twenty on years
of age, pi sscssing Ihe lollowli.g tUal!lloatloiis,
rli n 1 1 tie entitled lu vote at all t let lions:
Hrst. lie shall have been a citizen ol ihe C nited
States st least one month.
Second. He sliall have rest led tnthes'ate oue
year (or if having previously livena qualified elec
tor or nulive Imuii eiiiseu ol tbe state, he shall
have removed thorefroiu aud returned, then sl
utoiilhs) Imuietilalely preeoling i!.e election.
Thinl. He shall have resided iu Ihe election dis
trict where be shall otter lo vote at least two
months Immediately preceding the election.
Fourth. If twenty two years ol aire or upwards,
he shall have paid within two ytars a stat or
county lax, width shall have beeu assessed ut least
two inunihs, and paid at least mm mouth belure
the election. . neld annu-
Sirc. 1. The general eloetlon tlis;i,e nrsl .Mouday
ally un Ihe Tuesday uexl mlltf' B,M.uhly may by
ol Noveinhcr. but l lit; ."two thirds ot all Hit) mem
law fix adiilcre'ouuainiinfiiieruto.
hers of each, Jdutnioiis t,r city, ward, borough, and
'"fAiilp olboera, for xgular teims i f aeivlte,
(.oti mi iho third Tuesday of February.
Sic 4 All elections by Ihe cltUeus sliall las by
ballot Every ballot voted sliull be numbered lu
the order In which 11 shall lie received, and the
number retarded by Ihe election olhccrs ou the
list uf voters, upmialie the uuuie of the eleclor who
preienle the ballot. Any elector may write bis
it...- noon his tuw..( r euuss the same to be
written thereon an I si.--- i i- .eitlien ol tiiu
Sec. 6.
luauui rm.i...... t Arcl(JO
fel uy uti or fuioiy t tin - I r
I uSirt in lu ii3 reiunilutf lhrelruui.
Uim. un iu k . w uUttoa e.Mori of
the ur . l'ir winch the nmnt'.v ts t- l uvi
Hii t lUu moni'V mi .Mirruwitl i1iiiU Le uJ for ll.u
imi .wise p 'Citio-l khJ n-i it Uor.
.Sr. 6. Tl.e cf iIk .!iiminwra1I h phnll not
bo i ile tu"' ur Inaui'd u nny tmlivl , e. iiipany,
eorHriLiioii, or asuiM iiuitm. m r !.ull tiit fMiiiinuii.
wiMlih tiucuinea jtiuiii-.vucroi niov kli. 1 Ur in any
cuiuMny, aMHii.U..n, ir iMri'uraiivii.
Src. 7.Tli Kteil' tUti-tnl 1 -li.tll n Dt ;;u'.hirlz
anv county, ct iv, iHTuUvih, it'Hiiiiii r in miuru
tex'ulisiiMtnroino a uLik k ..! t in nny wm
an, af"Mdvn vr xrnjrx.Ui, ur i 4 ii'iiin r
apl-V. iirlalo iiii m-v i.rr it ! l"an l crciiii iu uuy
tX'i porji iu!i.OMt'-iatloii, Infill iHu:i t lit .ivi mui.
.Sir. h. 1 in i vi uny Ci-iiuty. t y. i'"i'umi,
tcwnf-i.ip, ii-li.l (ti-'fin'i. r .utitT ljui.uljj Uny, j
(r iru-orpitiiiu, ii.Mii ir. t xw.t u lun Ui .c- .-t
i In. 11 hcvir t'Jti tH". hewn per tviKHUi v n ilie an- i
aH'. i. t value 'tho laxul'le pn -r y t:u:U;i. n r
rlutllaiiy i-ti -Ii iiui:iU-ip 'lUy or tiistri- t i.i -ur auy ,
new ilt'li:. or u liis'olt.i- iiun t an a
lMt itiit i'x'-flin two pur cniium np n nu l. aK's
pea valujstlvni pi't-ixtrty wi.h.iUL I ho a a L uf
.Wet K-viurd llM'ici'l, at a puMu olt'ilUoi. i.i surh
Uii.i.iii r us -On... tt. I ru i.i.t t y law, but unv city,
the tU li ol liKli nw iiui. tivcii l ' i ctntuia
i.l 9Uk'h a.-fcsr'-.H) vulua;lii:, muy i n au l.-ri7 ul ly
luw to hHTfusi' the mimo tin e pr tvntnin in the
auioiv-tte tu any uu time iiru rueli a.UHtli-n.
St j. u. li.ew'Uimi.uweul.h shall uol unU'iic the
.It !!, ur any p;trt t)u-r l. uny i., umy, bi-r-
titih ur tttwiohlji. f-ui h ml; 11 b .v. 1h.u
t-t'iiinifti'l lofiiahb' iho time to r- iiiviiciun,
Fupprea ltui'iitie iiiui nation, tlitli'ial I m-ll in
iim-4 ul hut. ir tu uw-iat tbw iih(u tu tbo -;i.'C:.arae
i ot any por'tuu ul iit jriw-ta lnuib!itjt
rc lu. Any fount y. lownntip, pimmh'i i in, ir
oilier iniiiilrlpHlity IncuiriiiK any liim-ti;,ineM',
him II, Ht or la'loru the lime ol en tb inii, pru lor
the eollt elh u ol un nnnuttl lax Miilt -itiil to pay
tbe .merest aaj aUo tb;- priueipal tbirc-l nilbiu
Ibiriv veuri.
&c.l. To provi-Ie for tin? payruont of tbe pres
ent .State ileM ami any al lit ttebi eutiaeiel
hi alttrtn.ttl, t he k herul aoi-'i nil K rhall continue
aul m.iintuiu the nnktiief lunl hUti.iKiii lo pay tbe
a rm i buerest on iiu'ii tieot u.i ( .imaially to re
duce, the prtueipul thereof, by n mutTi n t U"J than
two buu irvtl anl htiy ull: r, the mid
ttnkiuir iuuH ihall-eousMt ol 'On pn-ce n ol I lie
Kilcnoi tbe pti.'Ue wurKti or any i ail tneioui uuu
tt' i he luc.unc or priK-i-f-iii ol iho salt' 01 nny ut k
ouneii by the C4inm nnrpMl'b. I t Ii-t vi h olbor
tun U anJ redourees tat he .l .i.v.i.e'l by
law , ami ihull he lifrvam"! Irom time to ttni vby
aMtiKoitiK U it auy pari of .be 'ae or other reven
um it the male u il re.-uroi hir tin' ortlinury ami
current eiMn-4ei of 'jfuvernnien; an I iinbiw lu
o:.rvof, iavuui n. r in-nr:v I m. im part of
the k.M ninkinu lun.l fbull be um or apilivl oth-
erwlMjlhan lu tho t-X. j.igui-riiUiu; ui Ibe public
i.e. V. The u.i'i.evi of tiie uiate. over unJ
lMve tbo ueeiitrtary reserve, thall Ive mmi in tbe
imvinent ot tbe debt of the ftate. either diruetlv oi
tlin-uh the ninknitf turn!, and the inonei uf tbe
tuikniif luud sbuil never Ins in vented in or loauetl
umu t lie itM-urity ol anvihin except the boudi of
the I- lilted rtiait-s or oi win eiaii.
Sec. U. Tbe money-held im neoenarv lt.r'rt "
Mmlt be limited by ,14.-',,"'
euir.uteipe,i9.;,y Uw Mombly tateuieui
?..ln't3 puMbl -d all,. inn the aiuouut of uih
money, wberu tbe ame are deposited, anj bow
Stc. U. The inklnir of prufU out of the public
moneyior unlug the same lor any purpose not au
tboiitttwl by taw- by auy othee r or tbe stale ur uieiu
ber or otber ot the general nf-M-iubly, ball be a
mitemfiinor. aud sliall be punUhe! a may be
prov bled bv law. but art of ueh pun tub incut
Khali be a dimiualifieallon to bold, utltca for a perluU
ol uot ltd tbun live yeaia.
Eltt ( ATOtW.
See. 1. The freneral auembly thall prov I tie for
the inaluteiiauee and ruppt rt ol a thorough and
eilteleut rvixm ol public :i-mi1j, wherein all in
ehiblrvn ot 'hi cuuiuionwiai b, ahova the aye of
u .wart,, utmy im ttHiUi.i-ti, u i Pitaii appri'prtate
itotM:. -"o uiiiiiuu utiiiii imu rar ior inai our
.SV . Miiuiu.. 1
public r booU urOie f-! for the support of the
J.ropriaUHlloorubodf-.iUuu..!. aU
nionn in vilue i1 be i.ek in n 1 Itlatuel ut it inee.
inn tv be held ul; r(.ly days n Ue iveti in urtu
atr e ol luw.
Sr. . Aluni' lpil an . fb.-r c ni?t an i In
.livi tit il lnve.iil wlh M10 1 (vileire of biklnu prl
vae properiy lor (. ublieiipo. r-h.ill uuke jn eotn
i i-iisiil n t r piin-i7y fak' n, injured r ilci'ry-l
hy be eoiiMi tti-iin er tulaieuivn' f heir worku
blgbwiivb ir eiio ii.s vbib ei 11111 iiMiiin
-.bail be pa i I or s- cured helo-e wiih iikiii-C, htiaiy
or desirtn i n. Ti e iir. a.-euWdy. a heiehy
prohibit! Irunuleprivittn nny p'isiii of hu aj j enl
ttoiu any ireli:niu.ii y ai-efi-iiu-u ut daman' s a-
ifiiin nuy fUMi irir.itti or lui:tvitiual., u-ii!e
by viewers r b rw n I 'be nin- unf of tu h
(lainittf- iu h il i-.tses ;.j ;.eal, .iall on ho iU-in:uid
ol tiio r 1 Hiy. I v oeerinin'-d by a jury aecerdiiii;
oheei.ur-jo oi lueo -iniio 11 i.iw,
.Sec- l- l-.vei . t ankiu-x law bhall 1 n vlle b r lie
p-go-iTy and eouniei imtdn by au oli:cer ol be
Si;-.', o all lo-. r bit I i u-fimtl f-r cir-.ul.ii.n
andMiHutnplefeeuriy f. he lull nim uut fit-Tit I
1 bu 11 be 'crt,sieii wltt Che uu-;t. rgiiu--..l tor (he
re i inpb ii ! mi--U n n or I'll In.
.S c. 10. 1 he uei.'Tji HSsetiitdy Moiii ii ivc ,'hc row
er ualt r r vi ki r aunul ;uiy e:ar r el iu.i r; r.'-M'-u
n -w exi-iiu an I r.-v e ihle ul he a b.ptb 11 ut
h iie n-Mui"n ur nny Mmf 1.1 ly here:ii(er he erea.'
utl utiouever iu fiiviropiniou it in-iy be inuti i - uh h.
he WiUen- ol 'bi; e mui uwrubb, in tfueh niauuer
boWi er ha in iu.jUiie4- sl.nll I ttlviu1 to liu mr
(.ira iii. No law hi-rcater enueeti h: ereuo re
new or exen J be tburer oi more bun nu eorpoi a-tbui.
.S c U No eor riii no ly o M,fm h8bnnklni flul dl-
euuiWitiK prii ilogfb hU::ll heen-aed or 1 11411UUMI iu
Iuiuau' e4.iaii taw w wueni mree inuuintf revnu
1 ut'hf uoi o a be i-bu-n ul he int'ii ted bxai'n
ot the Intetuioii toapi ly triiieh ri lle-jes in loi- h
manner at f nun oie-MU'ineu ny niw nor Mian a
charier brueh pi t lit 140 bemuiiiuulur a b itter
peruMltbuu twiuty yeur.
.Sfi-, 12. Any ui-MK-iatn n or ctrjtnrat Ion orguniit
etl tor tbe purjK.jte, or ani indlvbtua), shall bae
tho rinbt tticoiisiruet and inuintuin lines ot teb
Krapb within thin stale, ami to oniineo! Iho cauo;
wubulber lines; ami tbe i ienerul Asseinhly ball,
by (funeral law of uuilorni uK-rai ion, provide rea
B.iualde rt-KulMtloiotlo Kivo lull el-feet lo ibis see
tion. No ti le-xraph company slut 1 1 cunptd itlule
with or hold a coiiiroll Iok interest lu Ihe stork or
bonds ot anv other telegraph cmpany uwuinn a
ctmipelinjj; line, or aei-uiie, by pure bit !e or other
wie, any other e-uipeiiitsT line of teliKrupb.
.Sr, IU. Tbe term "eurpuralious.'' as used In
thisartb le, tbnll be eonmruml to im-lude all joint
HtiH-k eiuipaub s nr ass,eiailoits bavitiK any of the
powers or pi i ibres of eoriHiratious uot Kasesa
od by iudiviiaUaU or partuerttbips.
Sitni ytir (ienerul shall he ut lifbed, un i tbo
Surveyor iet.eral In oil. 10 al the lime I tbe adi'p
tiuii ot litis coiiS'.lLuil- u shnll ouutltitje in ollli-e un
til ihu cxpirntioii ol tbe leriu tor wbieh bu wus e
leted. Hie. J. When tho Superlitleti lout cf l ublie In.
Siruel Ion shall be iiuly mntliilfd, the oftii-c oi Su
pei intciideiit td t 'otiiuion t ten. Is shall eettso.
.tc. U. Noliin- eontuiiie t in thin const iiuti n
sbali be e.-ns-.Tue 1 to reu.b r ai:y perbu now indd. j liue;bn.
iiiL' uuv aSiuie lor a liret oifK-ial term ineliai- counti sh
bit: tor re-tleeti -n at the end ot snt j term.
.Src h. The Jiidjft s 01 the Supretno tV-urt in
oltteo w hen Ibis con, bin Id) shall take etleet sbuil
eoutiuue until tht ir euiimiif -do'in stAuriilly expire.
Two jU'-m s iii at'dit i'H to t be miiiil-vi now com n f
the s..iil e.turl shall be i lectt-.l at the lirst n''n
erul cle'.nb'ii alter tho adopthm ot this consUtu-
: IU UKlvJii, by SUbuiiited lo tin
01 toe e.uiiiionVL-:ilih h r t heir uuiiiihh
m ut tlee-l' lltobe behl on Ihe lUlrd
; i.'.v I hi e -tuber m xt; t-j.eepl us Ikti
&n: Uiieetetl. ibe said en-ciiou sbuil uo
.t-.'i e.-ii tue'ea t.y u.i- r uu lar 1 lect i n oineera
ti eletiit-n Linnets t hnuheut the
bb. u-t.ier all mo iczulatlous and
idoviMuiis . I Atsiina: laws rebuliia lo wineral e
letit.n.: and ih.; .ii.t.nil ..1 iiu. c.v. mi ..tnitiBa
! )l,,il tflvo .1 b-.-'t twenty das uot b:e ol said t-ico-
llon pi.K'lanjati-
i. iUK Ntereiaiy ol the couiiiivriweaUli shall,
at itusL tteiuy ..a. the said . b-eib,n, lur
nisli to th.-c ruMi- in is . 1 vaeh e-'iimv. a sultt
tlellt nuinb.r.l nrolffr.v imiuiri-il ii,"nli , ,,, in.
'fbt e iiu lo',. it in 1 tt d the t-evt-rat
1 e is; tu I e l liiife.l ut l-itl Hhi-m
limes us many baik.t s ..1 utLrui.ti Ive v.n e as tbero
are voters iu earn u. uni :ni. 1 1, s;ti-ie number
ul nemitive; iu,,i tho f-,tld cuiniuis fiouei h
sh4ll, at le isi live .!.i bet.-re Mil I eleeiion. eausu
t. be luiily diMritti ed to the -.ei:il ibetiuii dis
tricts In iheir rr-per ive c-.unties, tbe sditl bulbas
lall-lisis. retun.s. eireulai ol ii.sirueiioi.s. una
i-ueu tuner iih uiltl pupers 1
lti:i l lit nii'Kii rr
Mc.11. Aiicounj ui rreorti ana Hit existing ";t i e piinie.i ir wniieu in t he bdl-
couiis wbieli are not spt-eined in tht eotiftibu- nwinit lor nr. 1 n 1 he unhide VI, e wonls "New ( '011
lioti ehull eonllntie in existence until tho lirst day ! Piiiuiim; in the lii It- lor all i r.mnuivina-athrui-id
Deei inber. in ihe year one tin ui.nd eight bun- mivv votes the ru "rr the New 'oust it ui ton."
dred and seveniy-live. withoul itbiidtment of 1 heir "nl I'"" H pei-oo; (riving u Jlive Vtdeslhe words
present uiUib-iloii. but 110 lnnier. 1 he court t f I "A'Miu&t tbe Xt w i.ii.-ii u Jin.'
lust riiniualjuils lie, Wn lor Iheeountlesof S"bu b ) s- ' t febull u jn-ar that a mnority -f the
kill, 1-ehuuoii ;titt luu I1111 is hereby alatlished; j voles 1 tolled are lor 1 he new ei us;iuiiiuii, then 1
uutl ull causes unJ proiee Hni, pending then iu in "hull be the e n- itu; hoi ol ihe cvniinonweulih ot
the couu ol Sebulklll shall be iried and ili-pi s- ' I'i unf.vlvaniu uunud alter tho bit day ot Janu
e I ut iu the e. ult. d 1 cr 111. d Tt iiulnei an I iuur- ' ''" " the tdour Lord one u.ouMiud el-;ht
ler t-sci.. in ul tbe poaee ol said couuiy. buiulred and st veiy-b ui : I ui il it Mull app.r
te. V Tbe UMi rfc coim now In cxU'.tiuo , that a maturity u tin vote pulled vrt aaainat
Section . All railroads find canals shall be puts-
lie highways, and all ruiliuad and canal coinpau
les shall tv common earru is. nuy Mellloll er
eorptirailuii orxanizotl for tlte puroie Miall have
the ritfht to construct and operate a railroad be
tween any points within this slate and to connect
at the slate lino with railroads of other states.
i... ...... ..a wu.l.Mny shall have the right with
Us road lo tuterseci. connect with, or cua any
other rallr-sad, and shall receive and transiM.rt
aeh tiie others pasftenitrtirH, ttinnH-fe, ni.d cars buid
ed or empty, without delay or dlei imiuailon.
Src 'i. Lvery railrotul and eanal eurMratbm or
Kan 1 red In this stale shall uiuinlaiuau olllee there
in , where tarnsters ol Its stuek shall be uia., and
where its books shall be kept for Iiis'kk. tion ltnv.
sitH-a ntuoer or emiuor 01 such coriH.ruth
which shall be recorded tbe amount of
stock subsorilteU vr paid iu, aud by wb
names of the owuersol Its stjek and tho
owned by thtiu, resieetively, the traustei
to k, and the Dawes aud placet of reside!?- ol lis
iff. a. AM Individual, atsoelatlom. and oipor
atious shall have equal right to have persons aud
proerty irausin.rted ovr railroals aud canals,
aud no undue or unreamtnable itiscriiiiinal ton shl
be made In charv," bjr or lu faeilities lor lvosipor
tatbHi of freight or I timers witUlu tbo slate, or
eomiuif Irtiui or )tToiii4 to any other si ate. fer
S4ins and irH'rty trausporieil over auy rallnad
hall lie tlelivered at any station at eharges not ex
eeetllna; tho cbares for transportation of eraoie
aud prorerty ol the aame class In the aauie diree
lioo to any more distant station; but e&eursion aud
eommulatlou tlekeia may be tasued at special
4 Ne tmllroa.1, eanal, or other eorrtoratlon,
ball be abidiflieil cu tbo tirt tbiv of .larury
m xt rU'.retHiiin the altpibn ol this eoustltuilon.
Sec. Iii. Tbo Uenerul Ar-seuibly shall, at the
iitii m luii uiur tho silt oi nn ot this Ci.ustiLu-
ib-u, lift innate 1 be tt crul juiii'-ul ditiieis a le- j
ijtiiie ll y ei-usi i:uLi-n. Thejutliri-s in com-
liiissritii wiitnruen oesinitiiou snuu re maiie
shall eontinue ilurinu; their lint xnired terms judjj.
es ol ihe new dilrie:u in wbiebtuey reside, iiut
when liieie shall bo two judges resbiliiK in tbe
tame distrtei, the 1 rerlcui judge ball ilect lo
which tiistrlet be sliall be assigned; uud tbo ad
iMtloiiHl law jutlye Mm 11 Le u.-fciruui to the other
Stc. 14. Tlic ucuernl nrietnbty sbull, at tbe
licit MuvecdiiiK tsdon after each t'eoennial ucu
ms, un i uot ulicuer, tierijftUHte the several judl
etul tMstrleisas rtjUtrei by ibis eoustltuilou.
.Stf. la. J ml ties learned in llto law ul any court
of record botoin-f cviuinlsriions lu force at the ad
option id this e-Hislliuih'U shal hobi their repoo
live otluvs until Ibe vkdratbu of tbe terms ior
whh-h tin y wero coN-missioncd, and uittil their
sinvi ssiMS shall ho duly t-uallned. The irovernur
shall uoinmissbm tbe prei kiiii jud-e of ihe ot urt
01 k irsl eiiutiual jui bsdniiou for the couutiet of
Schuylkill, Idanou aud ltaupbin as a jmeof
the court of common pleas ol Schuylkill tourty
for the utuiplred term ol hi other.
.s?. Id Alter the expiration ot tbe term uf any
president Jiuiye ul auy eourl of exuuuoii pleas in
comuili-siuii ai the aioptiou id this consiiiu'lou.
Hie juo'xe of sueh court learned lu Ihe luw and ol
dest in commission shall be tbe prei-tdtut jui'e
thereof, aud when two or more judyes era elected
at tbe same time in any juoicul district, tbey sbull
decide by lot shall tie presideul juitgc; but
w ben tbe presbieut jutie ol a eourl shall I r.-e-leeidl
he shall continue U be president jutle ol
that court. AsP'N-iale judftri s, not lenrned in the
law, elect td alter Ihe adoption oi ihiacouslituiion,
bull be ooiuinlfsioiied to bold (heir omovs lor the
term ol hve)ears Iroui the tiisl day of January
next alier tin-ir eleethu.
Sec. 17. The iteneral assembly at the first ses
sion alter the adoption ol this constitution shall
fix aud determine the eoiiieusatlon of the judges
ol the supreme Co urt and ol ihe judges ol the rer
eral judicial distrielsid the oouiiuuiiwealih, and
tlte pntvlslons of tbe lilteenth section of tht ortb
eleonthe leirlslal bn shall uot )e deemed Ince.m-'is-tent
herew ith. Notbiim oiulaiuetl lu tbisixiistb
tutlousball l held to roduce the C4mtiiat ion
now nuid 10 auy law judge uf this iioumouweallb
now In comiuistdim.
SVc. ln, Theiiurts f oommon pless In the Oiun-
ties 01 t'liiiaoipma ana Aierneny snan oe cum
yv' ismhmI ol ibe prwideut judKes oi the distriet i-ourt
Vvr,tnd iHturt ol oomiuou pb-HM of said couulhs uulil
. v .heir oibers shall seveiully enl, aud ol su.h other
jU-'Ctt as mav iroiu lime to uin oe aeioi-ieu.
Kr the pufN ae of first orifstduti.-a in Phila
delphia tbe judges ol the court number one shall
be JudKes Allisou, I'leree aud I'axson; ol tbeeouri
number two. Juiiietes Hare, Alitehell and oue oth- ,
er judjre to le !Htotl; id the eoart nuiol-er three, I-udlow, Jiuletter and I.yud, and of
the court uuinher lour, Jmlpc-s lbaer, iirlgs
and oue other judgs W be eleot ed.
TbejudKe first named shall be the president
ywsltte of said uiurts respectively, and ihorealier
tb presideut judwe shall be iho judK oldest lu
eommisaioii; but any president jutftce rv-eltvte! !u
the same court or dlst net shall eoutiuue to be pre
Sldeut judge there-d.
The ailditional judarea tor coorts Dumber two
and four shall be voted for and leoted at the first
iceneral elretieu alter the adoption of this eoustb
U-aseea. purehasers, or managers of any rail- I tutloo iu the same u-atincr as lha two addlitobal
I vorrwrailnn. shall e.nsvdbisja ihs 1 Judirea ( the supreme court, ee l they Ull He-
the new euustbuti.iu, thi n it shall le rejivted and
he null und void.
4. Five C'tiinrMdoiien of 1 Ur: i"-n. vi?: r.JwIn
11. Killer. l',owKri lin.wi.ii.ix. .Iibn V. err-e,
Henry S. Huurt, and John t. ,ltrj s, are hereby
appidntud by ll i.-'i mention, whin-"" have dl
reeibui ol Hie elie.i. n upon this e"!"uJl'd Cotistl
(ui. 'ii In iiu- ci; v' A riubi ilelpbia 1 besuid ct.m-intr-sioiieis
sb ill l-e dulv sworn e "'brined to per
lot iu then duties with hiipunl v, a1"1 hdelby.
Thev shall aU. have iwer !M vaeuncies lu
Ihef'rowii number. It shall r '"'y d said ,
c uimissh ners, or a iiui..iVo1 l,;Ll"' ,lfl l-y
shall haveauthoriiv to im-- " ri ilUlli'" vo
ters for Ihe several eh e;n- '"visions ol said rity. -and
lo lurtilsh (be llsix 1 l,m,lt' ' 'hf '
tieers ol each preciuei n iM"i; J ibue Ibe
tb kes lor said ely p:"'. ""u;e
be used nt he eleeiion; Jo ulimiii a lu.ife and wo
insiieehtrs ior Cih eU-.iiui.jivis.iun,' ly whom bo
eleciuii herein shall luU and cuiou. ed aud
tu (jjive all lirct ssary lr.i ifh us to tw rlewkn of.
beeis retraitlii s: heir duiS in hobiiatf be rlec
tion Au. iu uiukiiiK reurii, bereid. No person
ball serve as au ebviou du er vbr will be dls.
qualllietl under Seciit n 15 Aricle, of be new
ct ti.'imit n. The tener:l reurn ol (bo eb-s ion
In he said ely shall be oeurd, ctjiuued und ver
itied beloie ihe said eOiiub-sii iit-rs, and wlh
(heir approval wh oh arovul shull be udorscd
upon the rcuin. 1 bey ball make repot, direct
ed to be prt sldcnl- "f bisnveiWK-n, ol heir ottt
fiftl ac'ion utvler li I h i (huiiic and eou'-erninx
hecotiduoul he mid iliim wi.hiu 'he said cl
The judges an 1 kn-iiseers afurt Kultl shall eon
duel he clcciou In all mj-ej L-oulormubly to he
Itencral eltxieu lars ol is eoiuiuonwvnlh, and
w ilb like (Mtwers and tli'ies ohuse ot ordinary
elw'kn otheers. eh 1 peeor shall apiolnt ouu
clerk lo u.-fbr he b'urd u he pertot 11111 nee of ls
dllleS, ailJ ull MifCleehfc uttltets sliall I t!ul
sweru or allrmd a urd II ur In w t and shall
fMiS4'MS all ihe iiialitU'aiK ns rei-uired by law id
eleclion iMeers n his t mim-iiweaii-h. At said
ele. ion any dub qualilial elecor who thall be
unn yisere J, sUill le amii(ed to vole uion uiak
liitttr pnKifof hbriRb tu be eleiioti oltieers, ao
is Till uk 'he reueral cMi.i laws of bis com
monweulfh, J;efuru iivpe-lors Jml heir clerks
aud an h- urlye .uuof I" vA shnll he tlif'4 t)S
s I w lib, but jverseers it eleeiun may be "wleeed
for sny preeknlby mill eleelon commiM-iuners,
whose duiet and Kwirs 'ball te be same ia
IhoM of ovenaers of ilecion In said ety under
exlwin, eleh'ii Iswr applieal le bereo. Ke
urns ofbe eleeiun sl.all be ma-10 insaidcly aa
In ihe easetd sn eleeion tor aovernur. bu a liljs.
lleau uenral n-urn lur raid ely shall l-e inane
our aud brwaMtxl o be IT. sblcn ol bis Oonveti
ibtQ al ll-trrislurr, as is bereiualer provided lu
case of suiiuy reurns.
fc. It eat-b of he countes of he eommonwealh
(eiocp k'hiladrli bia.) Ill reurnsofbe elewloit
shullbd luadeastn fbecaie ol ju clueIon lor K'
rrnor.bu be reurn juls in each county shall
makeoula Iriplkae eouwy nurn and Irunsmil
fiiAti..M.t. wwiiin in. drawvitrier he eleelon uireo-
leilAtho presideul of lha oouveulh-u, al Harris
bnri. M .
liuua ;n oinvenlon his (bird Jay of November,
in be year of our Innl, on Ibousand elghl hun
dred aud seveu')-threo.
JNO. H. WALK til, rwitont.
D. Ie, IMHK1E, CUtk.
A fraooopy ofordlunoo of sabmlsalon.
aV:rfrei-y 0ihe raatouvaTift.