Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 21, 1873, Image 1

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SM'I W1LVKRT, Proprietor,
Xtoor A Dlsslngor's Building, Market Square
At 91.BO In Adtkne.
It not paid within 6 Month 8.
BdtcrtjUm taktn for Itti than tie Mimthl.
OnivmOTKD with this establishment Is an axten-
alveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of
plam ana runny type equal to any estamisnment
n tne interior 01 tne otate, lor wnicntne patron
age of the public U respectfully solicited.
tto ibertismcnts.
Just Opened
at the Store of
Reed Brother A Seataholta,
(successors to 8. O. Reed tt Bro.)
of erery description and variety inch at
Dresa Goods
comprislne; all the novelties In fabric and shade.
White Goods, Fancy Goods.
Fell Assortment or Notions,
which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices.
Also, Groceries' and Provisions,
pure and fresh.
Qpkensware, Glassware, and Wood
and Willow Wars,
Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on band.
A very large
both glazed and earotnon, always on baud.
from the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe
Manufactory of Watsontown, for
fall elzes and of the latest styles.
A constant supply of western whKe wheat Sour
a speciality.
Tne public sre Invited to call and examine onr
Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick
Kales and Small Proms," and to please all.
The hlebcst prices will be paid for all kinds of
country produce.
By strict alleutlon to busluess and keeping at
nil times the most complete stork, and selling at
thelowest prices, we hope to merit a r.ill snare or
Bunbury, May 8, 1H73.
o. O
7 3 O
cl H
BJ .
S o
3 a
5 32
S 3 s-. '-2
v 3 " m
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ss 'era
MAMtlNt. ,AIK easv!
: -ong fsltaXlaatsi.gjhjtngTrop,.,,,
.... ' . "'?'; -IL;
With adjustable Washsrs.'receutly added, In-
creustnil Its utility SO per eut, itvented and
pateuted by 8. M. SMTll, York, Pa.
It cleans 'all 'kinds of Cotblng belter and
?' nicker than any other Itclcaps per.
actly aud without injury, aiy artlrh from the
finest Lace Curtain to the heiviert Bol Clothing.
It will cleanse a half dozen Oentleimn'e 6hirts,
badly soiled. In from 0 to 8 minutes, Including
the Collar and Wristbands. . .
The' steam belnr eouBued if the Waiher, the
elotblns while beinr washed is also bleached.
. Ofer bOO Machlues were sold it York sid Lan-
' easier C'ouiulos and over t70,X0 worth In this
btaui and Ohio, within a year gWlatr ilfac
tlnn. The celebrated Self-Adlustlne EUREKA
Wiiueer Is attacked to the machine. t In
from one to two hours a large Family's Wash
can be done and rinsed, wits less than ball tbe
labor required by hand.
Rinsing Is done In this Machine
thoroughly nnd rapidly.
We ask no one to purchase without first trying
it menu.
Bihol U acq ikes, 118. Will) Wrlogef, 125.
Address U ordors to
MaaBfacturaraad AKeot,
Sunbury, Fa.
u"i y, April 56, iSTA.
XtatabUabed In lS-lO. 1
Physician of this celebrated Institution, ha,
discovered tbe most certain, speedy, pleasant and
effectual remedy In the world lor ail
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Atiections or Kidney ana madder, invoinn
tary Discharges,. Impotency. General Debill
ly. Nervousness, Dyspepey, Laneuor. Low
Spirits, Confasinn of Ideas, Palpitation of
the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness
of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head,
Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lnnge,
Stomach or Bowel these terrible Disorders
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practice more fatal to their
victim than tn ong 01 syren to toe Manners
of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope
of anticipations, rendering marriage, ate., Impos
especially, who have become the victim of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit
wmcD annually sweep to an untimely grave
thousand of yonnc men of the most exalted
talent and brilliant Intellect, who might other
wise nave entranced listening Donate witn toe
thnndere of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the
living lyre, may call with full co liideuce.
MAtt'tl A K
Married Person or Young Men contemplating
marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss
of Procrcatlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved.
He who place himself under the care or Dr. J.
may religiously confide lu his honor as a gentle
man, and confidently rely unon his skill as a Pb v.
Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured
and full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing Anecuon woicn renders Liie
m iserable and marriage impossible Is the penalty
paid by tbe victim of Improper indulgences.
xounc persons are too apt to commit excesses
from not bclug aware of the dreadful conseqences
that may ensue. Now, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling Into
Improper habits than by tne prudent I Besides
being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring,
the most serious and destructive symptoms to both
body and mind arise. Tbe system becomes de
ranged, tbe Physical and Mental Functions
Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wanting
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decuy aud
Persons ruined In health by unlearned preten
ders who keep them trifling mo itb after month,
takiug poisonous and injurious compounds,
should apply Immediately.
Member of the Royal'Collcge of Burgeons, Lon
don, Graduated from one of the most eminent
Colleges In tbe United States, and the greater
part of whose lfe has been spent in the hospitals
of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere,
bns etlccted some of the most astonishing cures
that were ever known many troubled with ring
tug In the bead and ears when asleep, great
nervousness, being alarmed at sudden aoauds,
bashfuluess, with frequeut blushing, atteuded
sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured
Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injurrf"
themselves by improper indulgence aud solltr?
habits, which ruin both body aud mind, u-attiuK
them for either business, study, socle or ul'"--riage.
" nre some of the sad nd melancholy
eflects produced by early habie of youth, vi:
Weakucss of the Back and Limb, Pain in the
Back and Head, Dimness of SigW, Loss of Mus
cular Power, Palpitation of th Heart, Dyspepsy,
Nervous Irritability, Dcran:mcut of DieusUf
Functions, General Debllit, Symptom of Con
sumption, tc.
Mentally The fen'tul effect on the mind
are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Jepression of Spirits, Evll
Forcbodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust,
l ove of Solitude Timidity, Ac, are some of the
evils P' duce
InorsANDS of persons of all aees can now
judtce wkut is the cause of their declining health,
losing t-VJir vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous
and emaciated, having a singular appearance
aboat the eyes, cough and symptom of consump
Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac
tice Indulged In when alone, a bablt frequently
learned from evil companions, or at school, the
euect of which are nightly felt, even when
asleep, aud If not cured, renders marriage Impos
sible, and destroys both mind and body, should
apply Immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, the darliug ef his parents, should be
snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of
lifo, by tho consequence of deviating from the
path of nature aud indulging in a certain secret
habit. Such persons vrtT before contemplating
reflect that a sound mind and body are the most
nccessury requisites to promote connubial happi
ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through
life becomes a weary pilgrimage tbe prospect
hourly darkens to the view ( tbe mind become
rhadowed with despair and tilled with the melau
choly reflection, that the happiness of another
becomes blighted with our own.
When the misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure finds that he ha Imbibed the seeJs of
this painful disease, it too often happens that an
Ill-timed sense of shame, or dread af discovery,
deters him from applying to those who, from
education and respectability, can alone befriend
lam, delaying till tbe constitutional symptoms ol
this horrid disease make their appearance, such
as ulcerated sore tbrout, diseased nose, noctural
pains in the head and limbs, dimness or sight,
deafness, nodes on the shin bone and arms,
blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro
gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last tbe
palate or the mouth or tbe bones of the nose fall
n. and tbe victim or tni awiui disease oecomes
a horrid object of commiseration, till death put
a period to hi dreadful suffering, by (ending
him to ' that Undiscovered Country from whence
no traveller return."
It 1 melancholy fact that thousands DIE
victims to this terrible disease, through falling
into the hand of Ignorant or unskillful PRE
TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol
son, Mercury, etc., destroy the constitution, and
Incapable of curing, keep the nnbappy sufferer
month after moulb taking inetr noxious or in
jurious compounds, and Instead of being restored
to a renewal Ol L-iie v igor ana aappiueu, in ues-
air leave bim with rained Health to sigh over
lis galling disappointment.
To such, therefore. Dr. JoBvtron pledge him
self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, and
from his extensive practloe ad observation In
the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first in
this country, vlxi Englaud, France, Philadelphia
and elsewhere, is enabled to oner the most cer
tain, speedy and enectuat remedy la tne world
for all disease of Imprudence.
Left hand tide going from Baltimore street, a few
door from the comer. Fail not to observe name
and number.
r-sr No letter received nmess postpaid ana
eontalnlne a stama to be need on the reply. Per
sons writing should stole age, and sand a portion.
of advirtisoinenl aescriuwg jmuai..
Th.r. mr an manv Pallrv. Desirnlnr
. . . -A ,M.nmlm-A. '
nonouu lmuunsn .uitin.i. " ' ,
Physicians, trifllug with and- mining the t-.y
of all who unfortunately fall into their power;
that Dr. Johnston deem It necessary to say es
pecially to those unacquainted with hi reoula
tion that bis Credential or Diploma always
bang in hi office.
The many thousands cured at this Establish
ment, year after year, and tbe numerous im
portant Surgical Operation nerforsae by Dr..
Johnston, witnessed by the representative of the
Dress and many other paper, notice or which
res and many other paper, notice or which
have appeared again, aadajcala before to public.
beside hi standing a a geutiamaa of character
and rponlbrmr, h i autttcieat guaxaule to the
afblctedV' (tula disease speedily eared.
March 1, 1873. ly
Hew Constitution Proposed to the
Cltlsens of this Commonwealth
Tor their Approval or Rejection,
by tho Constitutional Convention.
Published by order or the Secretary of the
(Joromenwealth, in pursuance of the 4tb
section of an act of the Ueneral Assembly.
entitled "An act to provide for calling a
Convention to nrnonU the UontituUoD."
approved tbe lull day of April, A. D.
We, the enp'e of the Common wealth of Penn
sylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the bless-
ings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly
invoicing ins guidance, do ordain and establish
this Couatltuiion.
That the General, great and essential principles
of liberty and free government may be recognized
and uualterubly established, we declare that
Section 1. All men are born equally free and
Independent, nnd have certain inhcient and Inde
feasible right, among which are those of enjoy
ing and defending life and liberty, of acquiring,
possessing and protecting property and reputa
tion, aud of pursuing their own happiness.
Skc. 3. All power la inherent lu the people, and
all free governments are founded on their autho
rity and instituted for their peace, safety and
happiness. For the advancement of these ends
they have at all times au inalienable and indefea
sible right to alter,reform or abnliob their govern
ment In such manner a they may think proper.
Site. 3. All men have a natural and Indefeasible
right to worship AliuMitv God according; to the
dictates of their own consciences ; no man can of
rigui be compelled to attend, erect or support any
place of worship, or to maintain anv minlstrv
aguliHt his consent s no human authority ran, lu
any case whatever, control or Interfere with the
rights of conscience, and no conference shall ever
be given by law to any religious establishments
or modes of worship. l -
8sc. 4. No person who acknowledires the belne
of a God and a future state of reward and pun-
isnmenis snail, on account or his rrPtrlous senti
ment, bi cliFotialillcd to hold onv office or nluce
of truft or prollt under this Commonwealth.
skc. 5. Elections shall he tree and eoual ; and
no power, civil or military, shall at any lime In
terfere to prevent the free exercise of the right ol
6kc. G. Trial bv l:irv shall I a heretorore.on
the right thereof remain Inviolate. I
Szc. 7. The printing pi-ens shall be free toevery
ncrsnn who mu v tinHi.itiilfM trt -vn minft tne pro
ceeding of the Legislature or any branch of
government, and no law shall ever be made to
retain the right thereof. The fiJ communica
tion of thouirliM and opinions Is o of the in
valuable rigtit or man, and evcrj n may
freelv sneak, write and nrlut on any subject, be
ing responsible for the abuse 'hat liberty. No
conviction shall be had 1" nf prosecution for
the publication of papr- relatlug to the official
conduct of officers or'nen public capacity, or
to any other ru.itte- proper for public Investiga
tion or iuformai'"1 where the fact that such pub
lication was r'1 maliciously or negligently made
shall be ei-i''ll,d to the satisfaction of the
Jury t nr- ln indictments for libels the Jury
shall r" "lc 1 o ueioruime tne law and tne
fact udcr the direction of the court, as in
otK-r cases.
Sic. 8. The people shall be secure In thir poi
sons, houses, papers, and professions, from un
reasonable seatrhoe and seizures, and no warrant
to search any place or to seize any person or
things, shall Issue without describing them as
nearly as may be, nor without probable cause,
supported by oath er affirmation, subscribed to
by the affiant.
Skc. 9. In all criminal prosecutions, tbo accus
ed hath a right to be heard by himself and his
counsel, to demand the nature and cause of the
accusation against him, to meet the witnesses
face to face, to hare compulsory process for ob
taining witucsses in his favor,'and In prosecu
tions by Indictment or Information, a speedy
public trial by an ImpnrtMl jury of the vicinage;
he cannot be compelled to give evidence against
himself, nor can bu hs deprived of his life, liberty,
or property, unless by the judgmeut of his peers
or Die Ian of the land.
fc'Eci. 10. No person shall for any Indictable of
fense be proceeded acaiust cilmlnallv, by infor
mation, except lu arising in the land or nsvil
forces, or in the militia, when in actual service,
In time of war or public danger, or by leave of
the court, for oppression or misdemeanor in of
fice. No person shall for the same offense be twice
put in jeopardy of life i r limb nor shall private
property be taken or applied to public use with
out autliorily of law, and without Just compen
sation being first made or secured.
oeo. i. All courts shall be oiwu ! and everv
man for an injury done him in his lands, goods,
person, or reputation, shall have remedy by due
course of law and right and justice administered
llliout sale, denial, or delay. Suit may be
brought ugalnst the Commonwealth in ucb man
ner, in such courts, and in such cases as the Leg
islature may by law direct.
Sec. l'J. No power of susivndinir laws shall be
exercised unless by the Legislature or by Us an-
bite. 13. Excessive ball alia.l not be required.
noi exce wivr flues imposed, tior cruel puuiahmeuls
Sec. 14. AU prisoners sh.i'1 lie bailable by suffi
cient sureties, unless for capital oflenes, when
the proof is evident or presumption prcal I and
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall
not be suspended, uiilesn when in esse of rebellion
or Invasion the publie safely may require It.
t-KC. 15. No commission of over and terminer or
Jail delivery ahull be issued.
dkc. 10. 1 be person of a debtor, where there Is
not strong presumption of fraud, shall not be
coiiliuued in prison alter dulivuriug up bis islute
for the benefit of bis creditors, in such manner as
shall be prescribed by law.
dec. 17. No ex post pacto law, nor any law
Impairing the obligation of contracts, or making
Irrevocable any grant of special privileges or im
munities, snail lie passe i.
Sec. 18. No persou shall be attainted of treason
or felony by the Legislature.
BBC. l'J. So ait tinder hall work corruption of
blood, nor, except during Hie life of the offender.
lorleilure of estate tn ilie Commonwealth, ibe
estate of such crson us shall d ntroy their own
lives snull decuud or vcl us lu cases or natural
death, aud if any person shall bo killed by casu
alty, there shall ba uo forfeiture by reason there
of. Sac. 20. The citizens have a right ln a peacea
ble manner to ussuinblo together for their com
mon good, and lu upply to those Invested with
the powers of goveinment for redress of grievan
ce or otber proper purposes, by petition, address
or remoustrunce.
Sue. 31. Tbe right of citizens to bear arms In
defuuee of themselves and tbe Stale shall not be
Sec. X3. No stupding army shall, In time of
peace, be kept Bp without the consent of the Leg
islature and the military (hall, ln all case, aud
at all times, be In strict subordination, to the
civil power.
Sec. IS. No (oldler (ball In time of peace be
quartered in any house without the consent of
the owner, nor in time of war but iu a manner to
be prescribed by law.
Sao. Zi. The Legislature k-M a
title of nobility or berdltary distlucitou, mat
create any oihou tue appoiuluienl of which shall
be for a longer term Iban during good behavior.
Sao. lis. Emigration from tbe Stale shall uot
Kj nrnhihttttH.
bxc. 'Jtl. To guard igalust transgression of the
nnn which si have dolaut atad. we declare
''. f -verything lu thi article 1 exoepled out Ol
i . . . .
y leral power oi government, sun iusu iu-
mam luvtuiaio.
Section 1. Tbe legislative power of this Com
mnnwantih shi.ll ha vssted In a General Astern
bly, which shall eouslsl of a Seuale aud House of
Sao. $. Member of the General Assembly
auil hi ehoasui at the ueneral election every e-
Thalr Larni of service shall begin on
tbe first day of December next after their elec
tion.' WkoMOvar a vacancy shall occur la either
u w. .....i,)!,,. aMmmv iliuMaf shall Issue a
1 !"' T
fwr of-alecnoa to nil oca vacancy i
maiooer oi u .rui. u ,
1 Sao. . Senator stroll he elected (n
I of foot year, and Represent"
of two year.
Sao. 4. Tbe General Assembly shall meet at
twelve o'clock noon, on the first Tuesday of Jan
nary every second year, nnd at other times when
convened by the Governor, but shall hold no ad
Jon ined annual session after the year one thou
sand eight hundred and Bcvvnty-elght. Iu case
of a Vacancy In the ofllce of United Stales Sena
tor from this Commonwealth, In a rencss bo
tweeu seeslons, the Governor (hall convene tbe
two houses by proclamation on notice not ex
ceeding sixty days to fill the same.
Sec. S. Senators shall be nt least twonty-flvo
years of ago, and Representatives twenty-one
years of age. They shall have been citizens and
inhabitants of tht Slate four years, and inhabi
tants of their respective districts one- year next
before tbclr election (unless absent on the publie
business of tbo United, States oi of this Stale,)
and shall reside hi their respective districts dur
ing their terms of servic e-
Sac. 6. No Senator or Representative shall,
during tho time for which he shall have been
elected, be appointed to any civil office nndcr
Ibis Commonwealth, and no member of Congress
or other person holding nny ofllce (except of nt-torney-at-law
or lu the militia) nndertbe United
Btatcs or this Commonwealth shall be a member
of either house during his ln ofllce.
8zo. 7. No reison hereafter convleted of em
bezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury or
other Infamous crime, shall bo rllfible to the
General Assembly, or capable of bolting any of
fice ol trust or prollt In this Commonwealth.
oec. o. i be members of the Genera. Assembly
shall receive sucb salary and mileage for regular
and special sessions ns shall be fixed by law, and
no other coinpeusatlon whatever, w tether for
service upon voniniltteo or otherwise. No mem
ber or either bouse shall, during the term for
which he may have been elected, reccivo any in
crease of salury, or mileage, uuderany law puss
ed during such term.
dec. V. the senate snail, at the beginning aur
close of cacb regular session and at such o'A,'r
times as may be uecessary, elect one of it mem
bers president pro tempore, who sh-'' perform
thn duties nf tint I.lentanunt Gcernnr, in any
case of absence or disability that officer, and
wheuever the said ofllce of Lieutenant Governor
shall be vacant Tbe House of Representatives
shall elect one of its members as Speaker. Each
h. n hull choose its other olllccra, and shall
judge of tbo election and qualifications of Its
Sue. l'J. A majority of each House shall con-
slltuto a quorum, but a smaller uumber may ad
journ from day tn day, uud compel the attend
ance or absent niomoer.
Skc. 11. teach house shall have power to deter
mine the rules of its proceeding und punish its
members or other persons for contempt or disor
derly behavior in its presence, to enforce obedi
ence to Its process, to prot'ot Us mcmbort
against vlolcnco, or orTers of bribes or private so
licitation, nnd witn too concurrence of two-
thirds, to expel a momher, but not a second time
for the sumo cause, and shall have all other
powers necessary for the legislature of a free
State. A member expelled for corruption shall
not thereafter be eligible to either bouse, und
punishment, or contempt or disorderly behavior
shall not bar an Indictment for the same oflense.
Sec. 111. Each house shall keep a Journal of Its
proceedings and from titnu to time publish tbe
same, except such parts as require secrecy, nnd
tne yeas aim nays oi tne members on any ques
tion shall, at the desire of any two of them, be
entered on the journal.
pec. 18. I he sessions of each honse aud of
committees of tho whole shill be open, unless
wnen the business is such as ought to ' fcpt se
Sac. 1a. Meituer house shall, without the con
sent of the other, adjourn for more than three
days, nor to any other place than that lu which
the two bouses shall be sitting.
dec. in. l he members of tbe General Assem
bly shall in all eases, except treason, felony, vio
lation of their oath of office, and breach or sure
ty of tbe peace, ba privileged I rotu arrest during
their atlenduuce nt lbs sessions of tliclr respec
tive houses, and in going to nnd returning from
tbe same ; und Tor any speech or debate in either
honsr, they shall not be questioned in any other
cue. 10. The state snail be divided into fifty
Senatorial districts of compact ai.d contigious
territory, ns nearly equal in population as uiiiy
be, and each district shall be entitled to elect ouc
Senator. Each couuty containing one or more
ratios of population shall be eutitled lo one Sena
tor for each ratio, and to an additional Scuator
for a surplus of population exceeding tbrce-UTths
ol a ratio ; but no couuty shall form a sepcrate
district unless It shall contain four-fifths of a ra
tio, except where the adjoining counties are each
entitled to one or mora Senators, wbeu such
county may be assigned a Seuutor on lees than
four-firths, BLd exceeding one-half of a ratio.
and no couuty shall bu di vldc.d unless entitled to
two or more Serutors. No city or county shall
be entitled to separate representation exceeding
one-sixth of the whole number of Senators. No
ward, borough, or towushlp shall be divided In
tbe formatiou of a dutriet. The Senatorial ratio
shall ba ascertained by dividing the whole popu
lation oi tne etate oy tne unmoor nity.
Pre. 17. 1 he members ol the House or Repre
sentative shall be apportioned among the sever
al counties, on a ratio obtained by dividing the
population of the Slate m ascertained by tbe
most recent United Slate census by two hun
dred. Every county containing less than five
ratios shall have oue representative lorovery full
ratio, und an additional representative when the
surplus exceeds half a ratio ; but each couuty
shall have at least one representative. Every
county containing five ratios or more shall bavu
one representative for every full ratio. Every
city containing a population squal to a ratio
shall elect separately its proportion of the repre
sentatives allotted to the county ln which it Is
located. Every city entitled to more than four
representatives, and every county huvlug over
one hundred thousand Inhabitants, shall be di
vided luto districts of compact and contiguous
territory, each district to elect It proportion of
representatives according to Its population, but
no district shall elect more thau four represen
tative. Sec. IS. The General Assembly at Its first ses
sion after the adoption of this const itutiou, and
immediately after cuch United States decennial
censes, shall appnrtlou the Slule into Senatorial
and Representative dittricl ugreeahly lo the
previslous of the two next preceediug seetious.
8kctiom 1. No law shall be passed except by
bill, aud uo liili shall be so altered or amended
on its passage through either house us to change
Its original purpose.
Sec. j. No bill shall be considered unless re
ferred to a committee, returned therefrom, und
priuted for the use of the members.
dec. 3. no bill, except general appropriation
bills, shall be passed, containing more than one
subject, which shall be clearly expressed lu it
Sec. 4. Every bill shall ba read at length on
three different days in each house all amend
ments mude thereto shall bo priuted for Ibe use
of tbe members before the llnal vote is taken ou
the bill, and nu bill shall become a luw unless
on Us final passage the vote bo taken by yen
and uays, hte uumes of the persons voting for
and against the same be entered ou the journal,
and a majority of the members elected to eucn
bouse be recorded tliereou a voting lu Us luvor.
Sec. o. No ameudmeul lo bills by oue bouse
ball be concurred in by the other, except by a
vote of a majority of the member elected there-
:r ':"". UV yea and nays, and the uaiuo of
. i.k fJ.r' .TfflR" recorded upon the
Journal thereof, and repm--- - .
fereuce nau ue aaoincu lu min ,
the vote of a mujorliy of the members elueccb
thereto, taken by yeas aud nays, aud tho name
of those votlug recorded upon mo journal.
Sec. S. No law shall be revived, auieuded, or
the provisions thereof exteurtcd'or conferred by
refercuce to Us title ouly, but so much thereof a
U revived, stueuded, exteuded. or couferred,
thai I be re-enueted and published at length.
Sec. 1. Tbe Geueral Assembly shall uot pass
any local or special law
Authorizing lbs creation, extension or impair
ing of lien I
Regulating tb affair of counties, cities, town
ships, wards, boroughs, or school dun let ,
Changing tbo mimes of persons or places,,, f
Changing the venue lu civil 0.cfithg, alterlug,
Authorisiug tbe laying--kye, streets, er al
or malutaiuliu? r "
ley L, '.f or1brldges, or Incorporating
i or bridire eomnanla .. , ?
rl between tkl and any other Stats ,
Vacating roads, towns plots, streets or alleys t
Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or publio
grounds not of the States ,
Authorizing tho adoption or legitimation of
cnnuren ,
Locating or changing county seats, erecting
new counties, or changing couuty lines ,
Incorporating cities, towns, or villages, or
changing their charters I
For the opening and conducting of elections,
or nxing or changing tne place oi voting ,
Granting divorces ;
Erecting new townships or boroughs, chang
ing township lines, borough limits, or school
Creating officers, or prescribing the powers
nnd duties of officers in counties, cities, boroughs,
townships, election or scbocl districts.
Changing tbe low of descent or succession i
Jtcgiiiutlug the practice or jurisdiction of, nr
changing the rules or evidence In any judicial
proceeding or Inquiry before courts, aldermen,
Justices of tbe peace, sheriffs, commissioners, ar
bitrators, auditors, matters in chancery, or other
tribunals, or providing or changing methods for
the collection of debts, or the enforcing of Judg
ments; or prescribing the effect of judicial sales of
real estate
- Rvu-llliittiifl tho tamm, rT r ton d I n sr ! po .r.
and duties of aldermen, justices of the peace,
magistrates, or constables i
Heir" luting tbe management of public schools,
the building or repni tug of school houses, and
tbe raising of money for such purposes j
Fixing the rate of Interest ,
Affecting the estates of minors or persons un
der disability, except after due notice to all parties
In Interest, to be r-lt';d ill the special enactment ,
Ruinittiug sues, penalties aud forfeitures, or
reruudluv moneys legally paid luto tbe Trea
sury i
r.xe:nptlng property from taxation ,
Regulating labor, trade, mining, er uianufauc-
Creating corporations, nr amending, renewing,
or extending tne charters thereof.
Granting lo nuy corporation, association, or In
dividual any special or exclusive privilege or Im
munity or to any corporation, association or in
dividual the right to lay down n railroad track.
Nor shall the General Assembly Indirectly enact
such special or local law by the partial repeal of
a general law, but laws repealing local orspeeial
acts may be passed. Nor shall any law be pass
ed granting powers or privileges In any
case where the grunting of such powers
and privileges shall havo becu provided for
by general law, nor where the courts have Juris
diction lo grant the same or give the relief ask
ed for.
Sec. 8. No local or special bill shall be passed
unless notice of the Intention to apply therefor
shall have been published in tbe locality where
the mutter or the thing to he affected may be
situated, which notice shall be at least thirty
flays prior to tho Introduction into the Geueral
Assembly of such bill, and ln the manner to be
provided by law ; the evidence, of such notice
having been published, shall bo exhibited in the
General Assembly before sucb act shall be passed.
Sue. 9. Tbe presiding officer of each bouse
shall, in the presence of the house over which he
presides, sign nil bills and joint resolutions pass
ed by tho General Assembly, after their titles
have beeu publicly read immediately before sign
ing, and the fact of signing shall bo entered on
tbo journal.
Sec. 10. The General Assembly shall prescribe
by law the number, duties and compensation of
th uinccrsand employees of each bouse, nnd no
payment shall be made from tbe State Treasury,
or bo in any way authorized to any person, ex
cept to an acting officer or employee elected or
appointed in pursuance of law.
Sbc. 11. No bill shall be passed giving any ex
tra compensation to any public officer, servant,
employee, ngent or coutitictor, after services
shall have been rendered or contract made, nor
providing for tbe payment of any claim against
the Commonwealth, without previous authority
of law.
Sec. 12. AU stationery, printing, paper and
fue.1 used in the legislative und other departments
of government shall be furnished, nnd the print
ing, binding and distributing of the laws, jour
nals, department reports, uud all other printing
and binding, nud tbe reairiug and furnishing
tbo halls und rooms used for the meetings of the
Geueral Assembly and Its committees, shall be
performed under contract, lo be giveu lo tbo
lowest responsible bidder below such maximum
price and under such rcgululious as shall be pre
scribed br law , no member or officer of any de
partment of tho govoruincnt shall be In any way
interested iu sucb contracts, and all such con
tracts shall be subject to the approval of the Go
vernor, Auditor Geueral and Stutc Treasurer.
Skc. 111. No law shall rxleud the term of any
public officer, or increase or dimiuish bis salary
or emoluments after bis election or appointment.
Sec. 14. All bills for raising revenue shall ori
ginate in the House of RepcKCtilalivcs, but the
Senate may propose amendments as ln other
Sec. 15. The general appropriation bill shall
embrace nothing but approbations fur the ordi
nary expenses of the cxeculit-u, legislative und
Judicial departments of tbe Commonwealth, in
terest ou ibe public debt, and for public schools ;
nil other appropriations shall be made by sepa
rate bills, each embracing but one subject.
Sec. 10. No money shall be paid out or the
Treasury except upon appropriations made by
law uud ou warrant drawn by tbe proper officer
lu pursuance thereof.
Sec. 17. No appropriation shall be made to
any charitable or educational Institution not un
der the absolute control of tbo Commonwealth,
other than normal schools established by law for
the professional training of teachers for the pub
lic schools of tbe Stute, except by a vote of two
thirds of all the members elected lo each house.
Sec. 18. No appropriations except for (tensions
gratuities or military services shall bo mude for
ebarilublc, educational or benevolent pur,Hses,
lo uuy person or community, nor to any denomi
national or sectarian Institution, corporation "
Sec. IU. Tbe General Assembly may make
proprialious of mouey to institutions wherein tho
widows of soldiers are supporl-d or assisted or the
orphans of soldier are tuulntalued and educated;
but sucb appropriation shall be applied exclu
sively to the support of such widows aud or
phans. Sbc. SO. Tbe General Assembly shall uot dele
gate to uuy special commission, private corpora
tion or association, any power to make, super
vise or Intel fere with any municipal Improve
ment, money, property or effects, whether held
In trust or otherwise, or to levy taxes or perform
any inuuicii al function whatever.
Sec. -1. No act of tbe General Assembly shall
limit the amount to be recovered for iujurle re
sulting in death, or for injuries to persons or
proiwriy, and la case of death from such inju
ries, the right of actlou shall survive, nnd the
Gcucrul Assembly ahull prescribe for whose beu
edt such uclious shall be prosecuted , no act
shall prescribe any limitations of lime wllhlu
which suits may be brought against corporntious
for Injuries to persons or property, or lor oiber
causes dillereut from those fixed by geueiuUuws
regulating aclieii aguiusl u alum I persons, uu!
such acts now existing are avoided.
Sec. 23. No act of the Geueral Assembly shall
authorize the Investment of trust funds by execu
tors, administrators, guardiuus, or other trus
tees, lu the bonds or stock of uuy private corpo
ra t loo, aud sucb acts uow existlug are avoided,
saving Investments bcre'.ofore mude.
Sec. 'Si. The poser to chauga the venue in
civil aud criminal cases shall bo vested lu the
courts, to be exercised lu such mauuer a shall
be provided by law.
Sec. 24. No obligation or liability of any rail
road or other corporation, held or owued by the
Cximmouweallh, shull ever bu exebuugod, truus
minisuJaul"lcd Plpoued. or lu auy way dl
rucl lUbiilVyi(P-Ueuu':l Assembly, nor .hall
payment thereof iulW released, except by
UO. 25. Wbeu Ibe General8. rrott,,ur K
eouvened In special session, thefeSP.!0.1, De
lslalion upon subjects other than tboenu.JcK'
ted in the proclamation of the Governor, uuiiYn
sucb sessiou.
tsao. 20. Every order, resolution, or vote, to
which the concurrence of both house may be ue
cessary (except lu the question of adjonruiueul)
shall be presented to "e Guiuiuor, uud before It
h. "eel on upproved ry him, or bclug
uUappioved by two-third of both heuses. ao-
cas of 'bill" rBlC al"1 lllu'tation Vrribcd In
Sac. 87. No State offloa!l be' continued or
created for the Inspect ion or Ufsisuring of any
merchandise, manuraatrrfr or commodity, but
any eouuty or asaniclpality mar appoint "h
officers when aaihorliaed by law.
New ISeries, Vol. S, S. JI5.
Old Nerles, Vol. SS, Xo.SH.
8r.o. 28. No law changing the location of the
capital of the Slate shall be valid until the same
shall have been submitted to the qualified electors
of the Commonwealth, at a gonorul election, and
ratified and approved by them.
Seo. 2tf. A member of the General Assembly
who shall solicit, demund, or receive, or consent
to receive, directly orlndlrectly, for hlmseiror for
another, from any company, corporation, per
son, any money, office, appointment, employ
ment, testimonial, i-uvard. thing of value enjoy
ment, or of personal advantage or promise thoro
of, for his vote or official luhnenco, or for with
holding the same, or with an "ndurstunding, ex
pressed or implied, lint bis vote orotilclnl action
shall be lu any way Influenced thereby, or who
shall solicit or demand any such money or other
advantage, matter, oi thing aforesaid for another,
ns tbe consideration or his vote or ofllclnl In
fluence, or for withholding the same, or shall
give or withhold his vote or Inflnuuee In consid
eration of the pnymcut or promise or sucb money,
advantage, matter, or thing to sioiber, shall be
held guilty of bribery witbiu the meaning of this
Constitution, and shall Incur theflisabilitles pio
vlded thereby for said olfense, an) such addition
al punishment ns Is or shall b provided by law.
Sec. 30. Any person who shall, directly or Indl
rvetly, offoi , rIvs, or promise any money, or thing
of value, testimonial, privilege, or personal ad
vantage, to any executive or Judicial officor or
member of the General Assembly, to Influence
him In the performance of any of his public or
official duties, shall be guilty of bribery, und be
punished ln sucb manuor as shall be provided by
Sec. 81. The offense of corrupt solicitation of
members of the Geuurul Assembly or of public
officors of the State, or of any municipal division
thereof, and any occupation or practice of solici
tation of such members or officers, to influeuee
their official action, shall be delincd by law, aud
shall be punished by Hue nnd Imprisonment.
rkc. 33. Any person may be compelled to
testify in nu lowCiiI investigation or judicial
procecdiug, against auy person who may bo
churged with huving commuted the otl'eiisc of bri
bery or corrupt solicitation, or practice of soli
citation, and shall not bo permitted to withhold
his testimony upon the ground that it may crimi
nate himself or subject him to publio Infamy,
but such testimony shall not afterward bo used
against him in any judiclil proceeding, except
for perjury in giving such Icsiimoney, und any
persou convicted of either of the offenses afore
said, shall, as part of tho punishment therefor,
be disqualified from holding any office or position
of honor, trust, or profit In this Commonwealth.
Sec. 311. A member wbo has a p trsonul or pri
vate interest in nuy measure or bill proposed or
ponding before tbe General Assembly shall dis
close the fact to the bouse of which be Is a mem
ber and shall uot vote thereon.
tub executive.
Skctios 1. The Executive 0iniirtinent of this
Commonwealth shall consist of u Governor, Lieu
tenant Governor, Secretary or the Commonwealth,
Attorney General, Auditor General, State. Treas
urer, Secretary of Internal A Hairs, nud a Superin
tendent of Public Instruction.
Sec. 2. The supreme executive poffer shall
be vested la iho Governor, who shall take care
that tbe laws be faithtully executed , he shall be
cnoscn on tne day or the general election by the
qualified electors of tho Common woalth, at tho
places where they shall vote for Representatives.
Tho returns of every election for Governor shall
be sealed up and transmitted to the sent of go
vernment directed to the President or the Senate,
wuo shall open and publish them ln the prescnoo
of ibe members of both bouses or the General
Assembly. Tbo person having the highest num
ber or voles shall be Governor by the Joint vote
or the members of both houses. Contested elec
tions shall be determined by a committee, to be
selected from both houses or tho General Assem
bly, and formed aud regnlnted in such mauuer
as shall oc onected by luw.
dec. a. the Governor shall bold his etllco dur
ing four years from the third Tuesday of January
next ensuing his election, und shall not be eligible
to the office for the next succecaing term.
dec. 4. A Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen
nt the same time, In tho samu manner, for tbe
same term, and subject to the same provisions as
the Governor , be shall be president of the Semite,
but shull havo no voto uulcss they be equally di
vided. Sec. 5. No person shall be eligible to the office
of Governor or Lieutenaut Governor except a
citizen or tho United States, who shall have at
tained tbo UL'e of thirty yeurs, aud have been
seven years next preceding his election an inhabi
tant of the Stutc, uulcss he shall have beru ab
sent on tbe public busluess of the United Stales
or of this Stute.
Sec. 6. No mombor of Congress or person hold
ing any office under the Lulled States or this
Stute shall exercise the office of (joveruur or Lieu
tenant Govciuor.
Sec. 7. The Governor shall be commander In
chlef of the army and navy of the Commonwealth,
and of the militia, except when they shall be cull
ed into the actual service of the United States.
Sue. S. lie shull nominate, and by aud with tbe
advice and consent of two-thirds of nil the. mem
bers of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of the
Commonwealth and an Attorney General during
pleasure, a Superintendent of Public Instruction
lor four years, and such other officers of the Com
monwealth a he is or may bo authorized by tbe
constitution or by law to appoiut , he shall have
power lo till all vacancies that may happen lu
offices to which he may appoiut during the recess
of the Seuale by grunting commissions which
shull expire nt the cud of their session , he
shall buve power to till uny vacarcy that tnay
happen during tho recess of the Senate, lu the
offico of Auditor General, State Treasurer, Secre
tary of internal Alfair or Snperintedeul of Pub
lic Instruction, iu a judicial office, or lu any
other elective office w hich he is or may be au
thorized to till
If the vacancy shall happen during the session
or the hcuale, the Governor shall uoininaletotho
Senate before their llnal adjournment, a proper
person to fill said vacancy.
Hut in auy sucb case or vacancy, lu nn elective
office, a persou shull be chosen to said office ut
the next general election, unless the vucnucy
shall happen within three culcudur month Imme
diately preceding snch election, lu which case the
election lor suM office shall be held at the second
succeeding general ulecliou ,
In acting ou Executive nominations, the Senate
shall sit w ith open doors, und iu continuing or re
jecting the nominations of the Ooveruor, the vote
shall be taken by yens aud uuys, aud shall be en
tered on the journal.
Snc. 0. lie shall have power to remit fine aud
foileitures, to grant reprieves, commutation of
seiiteues uud pal dons, except in eases of liu
peaehmeut, but no pardon shull be grunted uor
sentence commuted, except upon the rccouiineu
daliou In writing of the i.ieuteiiaiii Governor, Se
cretary or Iho t'olnmouwcallh, Attorney Geueral
and Secretary of Internal Affairs, or uuy three of
them, after full bearing, upon due publie notice
and lu open session, aud such reeoiuiiieu lallou,
with I ho reasons therefor al length, shall be re
corded and filed lu tbe o' of Ibe Secretary of
lb" Commonwealth.
Skc. 10. lie may require Information in writ
ing from the officers or the Executive Depart
ment, upon auy subject reluliug to the duilus ef
their respective office.
6zc. 11. lie shall, from time to time, give to
tbe Geueral Assembly Information of the stale of
the Commonwealth, and recoinmeud to their con
sideration such meusurcs as he may judge expe
dient. Sec. 13. Uo may on extraordinary occasions,
convene the General Assembly, and lu case of
disagreement between tbe two houses, with re
spect to the time of adjournment, adjourn them
lu such time as he shall think proper, not exceed
ing four moil lbs. lie shall buve power to con
vene the Senate In extraordinary suasion, by pro
clamation, lor the transaction of executive busi
ness. Sau. 13. In rase at the death, eonvielloa on
Impeachment, futlure to qualify, reslgualloo, or
other disability of the Gbveruor. the powers, du-
1 --. ami BiimliiiiiMiits of tin otllrs for the re
mainder of the term, or until the disability "
removed iual, deT0V9 upou ,ue Lloule- '
rnor. r
Hko 11 i.. lu iho ofllce of
LleuWnat r" W ha Lieutenant
Gove"n0V.uS17red by tb. House of
Representative, er shall be uuable to .xercise
the duties of his otne. - pvr. duties, aud
emoluments if-""" Jf h remainder tbe
term or lua disability be removed, shall
iey.J' upon the Prusidtui rao TBwroki of th
jouatei aud th President pro taint ol the
SeaaM shall In like nisn-- -"'no Governor If
a vscaoer "s'oiiiiy shall occur lo lb oalc
10 Llnpa, or about 100 Words, make a Sqnart
Bq; 3 8V4; S So, 4 Rq Hen Wool 1 ont
,oo .o(; e.5f s.oi. ft.ooXoais.oo
.60, 3.00; 8.RO 4.00, 8.0011.0018.08
00. S.ftoj 4.50 6.00: P.0i 1 8.00 20.00
.50: 4.50i 8.01 0.0010.00 ,5.0032.50
75i fi.pOl 6.501 7.0018.00,17.00 35.00
00, 0.751 y.GOj g.0J'13.0018.00 J7.o0
2b; 7.501 8.50j 9.015.0020.0080.00
-r0i 8.0ij o.50(io.OO,'JO.OO-i5.0040.0
00; .lK;ll.00ii2.00 2H.00,S5.t0 00.00
OuilO.OO:! 8.00,15.001)5.00 45.00i7(.0
00 12.1;; 15.00! CO.! 0 $100.
One week I
Two weeks 1
Tiro mo's
Mn '
One Year
of Governor, his sent at Senator shall become
vacant whenever be shall become Governor, and
shull be tilled by olocllou as any other vacancjf
lu the Senate. "
Sec. 15. Every bill which shall have passed
both houses shall be prcscnlod to the Governor ,
If ho approve,, ho shall sign it but It be shall
not approve, he shall return It with his objec
tions lo the house ln which it shall have origi
nated, which house slutll enter tbe objections at
large upon llicir Jonrnal, and proceed lo recon
sider It. If, after such rcconsidoratlon, Vwo
thirds of all the members elected lo that honso
shall agree to pass the bill. It shall be scot with
the objections to the other house, by whlcb, like
wise, it shall be leconsiderrd, and If approved by
two-thirds of all the mombera elected to that
house, It shall be a law , but In such cases the
votes of botb houses shall be determined by yeas
and nays, and the names of tho members voting;
for and against tho bill shall be entered on tb
Journals of each house respectively. If any bill
shall not bo returned by the Governor within ten
days after it shall have been presented lo hlmy
tho same shall bo a law In like mauner as If he
had signed it. unless the General Assembly, by
tholr adjournment, prevent Its return, lu which
case it shall bo a law, unless be shall Die tbe
aniU, Willi UIB OOJVUllwiio, vi o v.V Ul .uo uo-
crctary of the Commonwealth, and give notice
thereof by public proclamation within thirty days
after such adjournment.
Snc. 10. Tbo Governor shall have power to dis
approve of any item or Items or any bl 1 making
appropriations of money, embracing dlstiuci
Items, and the part or parts of tbe bill approved
shall bo tho law, and the item or Items of appro
priation disapproved shall be void, unless re
passed according to tho rnles nod limitations
prescribed for tbo passage of other bills over th
execntive veto. '
Sec. 17. Tho Chief Justlcs of tho Suprome
Court shall preside upon the trial of any contest
ed election or Governor or Lieutenant Governor,
and shall ilceide questions regarding the admis
sibility of evldcuce, and shall, upon request of
tho committee, pronounce Ms opinion upon other
questions of the law involved in the trial. Tbe
Governor and Lieutenaut Governor shall exor
cise the duties of their respective offices until
their successors shall be duly qualified.
Sec. 1.8. The Secretary of tho Com niob wealth
shall keep a record of all official ants and pro
ceedings of the Governor, und when required lay
the same, with nil papers, minutes und voucher
relating thereto, before cither branch of the Gen
eral Assembly, and perform such other duties as
may be enjoined upon bim by law.
Sec. 10. Tbo Secretary of Internal Affairs
shall exercise all tho powers and perform all ther
dutlos or tho Surveyor General, subject to such
changes as shall be niudo bylaw. His depart
ment shall embrace a bureau of industrial statis
tics, and he shall discharga sucb duties relating
to corporntious to the charitable institutions, the
agricultural, manufacturing, mining, mineral,'
timber aud other material or business Interest
of tho Stale as may be prescribed by law. Ue
shall annually and at such other times as may
be required by law, make report to the General
Skc. 20. Tbe Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion shall excercisa all Iho powers and perform'
nil the duties of the Superintendent of Common
Schools, subject to such chunges as shall bo,
mado by law. ' -
Sec. 21. Tho term of the Secretary of Internal
Affairs Bhall be four years, of tbe Auditor Gene-'
ral, three years, and of tho State Treasurer two
years. These officors shall be chosen by the qua-'
titled electors of the State at general elections.
'o berson elected to the office of Auditor Gene-
I ral or State Treasurer shall be capable of holding
tne tamo ouico ir two consecutive terms.
Sec. 2. Tho present Grcut Seul of Pennsylva-.
nla shall be the seal of the State. .
All commissions shall be ln the name and by
authority of tho Commonwealth of Peuusylva-
nla, aud be sealed with the State seal and signed
by the Governor.
Section 1. The Judicial power of this Conr
nionwealth shall be vested iu the Supreme Court, .
in courts of common pleas, courts of oyer aud
terminer and gcnerul Jail delivery, courts of
quarter sctslon of the poace, orphans' courts,
magistrates' courts, and lu ouch other courts as
the General Assembly may from time to time es
tablish. Skc. 2. Tbe Bupremc Court shall consist of se
ven Judges, who shall be elected by the qualified
electors of the Slate at large. They shall bold
their offices for tbe torm of twenty-one years.
If they so long behave themselves well, but shall'
uot be again eligible. The Judge whose commis
sion shall first expire shall be chief Justice, and
thereafter each judge whose commission shall
first expire shall in turn bo chief Justice. '
Stc. 3. Tbe Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court .
shall cxteud over the State, and the Judtret there
of shall, by virtue of their offices bu Justices of
oyer and termluer and general Jail delivery In
tbe several counties, they shull bare original
juridlctlon In cases of injunction, uud where a
corporation Is a party defendant, of habeas cor--,
pus, of MANOAMts lo courts of iuferlor Jurisdic
tion , und or gco wakkanto as lo ull officers of '
the Common wealth w hose Jurisdiction extends
over the Statu, but shall uot exercise any other'
original jurisdiction, they shull have appellate
Jurisdiction by appeal, cebtiohari or writ ofer-;
ror iu all cases, as Is uow or may hereafter pj
provided by law.
Sec. 4. Until otherwise direct by law, th
court of common picas shall continue as at pre
sent established, except us herein chuuged , not'
more than four counties shall,' at any time, be'
included iu one Judicial district organized for
said courts.
Sec. 5. Whenever n comity shall coutalu forty
thousand luhahilauts it sha'l coustitute a sepa
rate judicial district, and shall elect ou Judge
learned In the law , and the General Assembly
shall provide for additional judges. Counties'
containing a population lest than is sufficluut to
coustitute separate districts shall be formed Into
couveuicut single districts, or, if necessary, may
be attached to contiguous districts as Ibe Geueral
Assembly amy provide. The office of associate'
Judge, not learned lu tbo luw, Is abolished lu
counties forming sepurute districts , but the sev
eral associate Judges In office beu this constitu
tion shall be adopted shull serve for tbelr unex
pired terms.
Sbc. 0. Iu the counties of Philadelphia and Alv
leghcuy, ull the Jurisdiction aud powers uow
veated lu the District Courts and Courts of Com
mon Pleas, subject to such changes s may bv
made by this coubtituliou or by law, shall be lu
Philadelphia vested in four, and In Allegheny la
two distinct and separate court of equal and co-,
ordinate Jurisdiction, couinsed of three Judge '
each ; the said courts In Philadelphia shull be
designated respectively as the Court of Common
Pleas number one, number two. number, tbre
and number four, aud iu Allegheny a the Court
f Common Plea number one and number two,
but the number or said courts may be by law !'
creased, from time to time, and shall lu Ilk '
mauuer designated by successive be number; tb '
number ol Judges iu any of said eonrls, or iuauj
couuty where the establishment of an additional
court may be authorized by law, may be Increas
ed from lime lo lime , aud wheuever sucb Uu
crease shall amount In the whole to three, such "
thre? Judges nholl compose a distinct and sepa
rate couit as aforesaid, which shall bo num
bered as aforesaid. Iu Philadelphia all suits shall '
be Instituted lu the suld Courts of Commen Pleas,
without designating Ibe number of said court,
and tbe several courts shall distribute and appor
tion the busiuess among tbsin In such uinnujr jji,.
shall be provided by rul of court, and mm
court 10 which auy tuil shall be thus assigned
shall huve exclusive jurisdiction thereof, subject
to change of vuuue, as shull be prwvMed by law. '
In Allegheny each conn h" have exclusive '
Jurisdiction of all proceed1-' l ' and in equi
ty commenced therein ubject 4u change of voW
a may be proyj.'-'- t "
Sec. 7. Philadelphia ther shall tO ona '
Prot hi MrJ 4 0,Iic4i "d on Prolbonotary for
'..-aid courts, unit l., h,.l,l .1 " 1
e . 7 " iw fttiro yearn, -
Subject to removal by a n.alurky 'of -tba ai
Judges , thesuid Prutbotiotarsball apMl-"acn
assUlants a may be necessary and .- 'orizedby
oiu vuuits, aua n ajin nis ass1""' ' v
celve fixed salaries, lobe d"-' n"uea bV luw and
paid JL-jr said couuty , all "Heeled In said
office, except such as -'a.T lv due to tha '
Commonweal!!, -xali be paid by the Prothono- '
tary luto t- coiuiU' irauswy Eackf eonfl shall
bar-. separate dockets, exoept lb judgment1
docket, which tuall contain ike judgments and"
lieu of all the said court, a la or way b Ml
rucid by law.
( I'oftfltMiSt' 'il lv.