Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 07, 1873, Image 3

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    nnburg American
RallroMd Time Table.
N. C. R. W.. Bonth.
Elmlra Mull, ll.l.rn
Krle Mull, 1310 "
Buffalo Ex. 2 BO "
HarrlsburiiAc. 6.10 pm
P. A K. R. R. West,
i Eric Mull, (1.15 m
I Rcnovo Ac. 11.10 a m
ElmlraMnll 4.10 pm
Bnttiilo Ex, 7.05
Leave Sunbnrj for Lcwlstown at 8.85 a. m.,
Arrive at Banbury from I.ewistown at 1.35
ana 6.65 p.m. .
Express, 11.45 a m 1 Mal, 9.85" m
Mail, 5.15pml Express, .4.00pm
An accommodation train leaves Shamokin at
7.10 a m, arrivinr at Mt. Carmcl at 7.40 a m,
Returlmr, leave Mt. Carmcl at 7.00 ? m, ai-riv
luff at Shamokin 7.30 p m.
Mall, 0.45 a m Accomoda., 10.45 a m
Accomoda., 5.05 p m Mall, 4.10 p m
Leave Northumberland at 6.35 a. m. 9.40a. m.
and 5.10 D. m.
Arrive at Northumberland at 10.47 a. m. 6.20
p. m. and 11.13 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets caa. bo had of
J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Winter Arrangement Tor the Post
Olllce at Nuubnrjr, Pa.
OJU-t Opm from 6.50 a. m., to 8 p. m., txetpt
on Sundayt.
Arrives as follows i
From the East at 5.15 a. ra., 4.10 p. in.,
" Booth, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m.
" West, 5.15a.m. ,11. 15p.m. ,4. lOp. m.,
" North, 1.50 a. m., 11.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokln, Mt. Carmcl and points on
that line, 9.25 a. in., 4.00 p. in.
Malls close as follows i
For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 ft. in., 4.50 p. in.
" South, 10.50 a. ni., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. in.
" West, 10.50 n. in., 3.50 p. m., 8.00 p. m.
" North 3.50 p. in.. 8 p. m.,
Shamokin proper 11.15 p. in.
Shamokin and ulllees on that route, 4.20
p. in.
Money orders will not bo issued after C p. m.,
on Saturdays.
J. .?. PMITTI, P. M.
business Morals.
Tiir Impkovkd Ukovkii A Hakku 8kwino Ma
im in i:. These celebrated machines are offi-red
tt the moat reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to I). (J. KUTZ, Acnt,
Fub.33,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Dalii', dealer in Musical Instru
ments and Si'.wintr Machines, Market street, near
TlilrJ, Snnhury, Pa. Call and c:amino the host
Organs, Mulodcotis, Sewlnir nnd Knlltintt Ma
chines in the market. Always on hand the Es
tey, Silver Tongue. Smith's American. Mason &
Hamlin Onratis. Orders taken for all kinds of
I'ianns and Musical Instruments. Tho Peoples'
Favorite Sewiiif Machines s Doinest'e nnd Gra
ver it Baker. Persons purchasing ninchiue
from me wlil receive instructions. First-class
Knitting Machines for sale.
Hats and Caps. Samuel Fuuit, has just re
turned from tho city with a large assortment of
the latest stylu hats. His stock is full, and the
latest styles can bo had at his store, on Market
street nt city prices.
Win. II., or tho Excelsior Boot AShoc
Store, Is astonishing everybody with his low
prices. He keeps the best manufactured. His
i -stock consists of the Ingest variety in central
inr.ylvnnin. Trunks nbd Valises of all sizes,
arc for Sale at his store.
Down to Bottom I'hices. Tho immense as
sortment of Boots and Shoes in the Excelsior
Store, are rapid!- selling at bottom prices. Any
Mylc can be bought id W. A. Miller's store. His
select Ion cousi'ts of the best in Mai ki t, nnd the
stock being thu largest In this section of the
country, affords all a fair opportunity to se
lect the best and most stylish article.
The Giieat Crash. D. A. Finney has the
latest assortment of goods in market. Every ar
ticle is purchased with great care in the city mar
kets, ami everything in his store can be relied on
as the best. Ladles goods of every description.
Cloth iinel Cassiineres for gentlemen. Boots nnd
Shoes, notions, Jewelry, and every article usual
ly kept in stors, will be found in his assortment.
Everybody Is invited to examine his stock. The
best bargains ure guarntecd.
Something New. Anyone passing the Ma
sonic Hall Buildings discovers something new in
the Furniture line of B. L. Rondenbush's store.
The very latest styles are constantly received and
old ut crisis prices. A largo assortment bus
Just been opened, and will be sold cheap.
jfocal Affairs.
The clothing of Mrs. Norman Haas, on Front
street, caught tire while boiling soup, on Tues
day last, but fortunately were extinguished be
fore she received severe injury.
A little sou of Mr. Thnrston, on Fourth St.,
fell out of the door In the second story of the oil
mill, on Tuesday lusl,and rccclvoc serious injury.
Protracted meetings will soon be In season
nnd there are lots of chaps who might bo bene
fitted by attending.
A.M. Meixell, the Jeweller, sign of thu big
watch, In replenishing his stock did not omit a
safe. Guess he don't trust banks any more.
How is It bos-?
It will be seen at the head of our local columns
that tlio new schedule, which went Into effect on
Monday last, makes a material change In our
malls. Tho Niagara Express having been with
drawn, deprives us of tbe Philadelphia mailt un
til 4.10 p. m., four hoars later thau by the for
mer arrangement.
The Latest. Mlis M. L. Gossler has the la
test arrival of Winter Millinery Goods, which
have Jnst been oened. They were selected from
the largest establishments lu Philadelphia aud
New York.
A Countt Sun dat School Convention la pro
posed to be held in the M. E. Church, at this
place, on the 2d and 3d of December next. This
Is a good move, and we anticipate much good to
result from it. Every school In the county
should be represented.
A Concert will be given In tbe Methodist
Church, lu Northumberland, on Wednesday ev
ening next, November 13th, by the Danville Or
phans' Quartette, for the benefit of St. Mark's
Episcopal Church of that place. The best talent
of Danville will nppeur, lucludtug Jos. Parry and
Goinar Thomas. Tickets 50 els. children 35 cts.
For salo at Hazleline's book (tore, and at the
Ri'nawat On Thursday, about noon, a two
horse wagon came ruuulug Into town on the
turnpike, at full speed, froiutbedlrertlonofPur.
dytowu, aud as they passe tbe City Hotel, Hen
ry Brown, au ostler belonging to thai establish
nient, was crossing the street with a wheelbai
row, and lu lit attempt to stop than they ra
aver Uliu off the knee cap, and seriously
injuring j Ufl leg. The team- we tear be.
1 ngoit v fcunur ojrrM UotloJuack.
Milton Fimalr Biat.a Socirtt. Tbe citizens
of Milton and vicinity met In the Lntheran
church at that place, on the 3d Inst., on the
anniversary of the Mil tori Female Biblo Society.
The reports of the working of the society proved
very satisfactory. An address was delivered by
the Rev. Art. Jack, of Danville. The Rev. 8.
8. Kennedy, the agent for the Society, made a
lengthy report which was full of Interest, giving
an acconnt of his efforts to spread t he Bible In
Northumberland county the past year, which
was adopted.
Mr. Kennedy reported that during the last two
months ho explored Lower Augnsta, Little Ma
banoy, Washington, Jackson, Jordan and Cam
eron townships. Ho visited Seven hundred and
forty families ; fonnd thlrty-seved of them des
titute ef tho Bible t supplied thirty-sis of thctrf,
one family refused to accept tbe Biblo. tie told
ninety-six Bibles and one hundred aud fourteen
Testaments and gave away sixteen Bibles and
one Testament. Total volumes distributed two
hundred and twenty-Mvcn.
During tho past thirty years the Milton Fe
male Bible 8ocicty bas done much towards mak
ing Northumberland county a land of Bibles.
Tiikiie Is nothing that Is to well calculated to
ruin the reputation of business men as minors
set afloat by busy bodies failures hinted at that
so and so is about taking the bankrupt act. Dur
ing the Inst week several of these stories were
eiictilated to alarm the public to the injury of
some of our most substantial business men. It
is not only a great Injustlco (o the Individual,
but It has an InJurloustfTcct upon the busines of
our town. If an example were set in having
some of those individuals whose business seems
to be to attend to other people'i business, dealt
with ns tho law prescribes iu such cases, we
might be relieved in tho fituro of occurrences of
which we speak.
Sheriff's Bales. Sheriff Rothermcl sold, the
following property on Monday last t
Eight lots of J. A. J. Cummings, Montnndon,
to A. N. Brice and A. J. Stroh for $191.
Three lots of same, In sumo place, to R. M.
Cummings for (250.
One lot of same, in same place, M. V. Andrews
for 165.
The hotel stiind of J. B. Becker, In Cameron
township, to L. II. Kuse, Esq., for $40.
The house and lot of Win. Sharp, In Shamokin
borough, to W. n. M. Oram, Esq., for 49.
The house and lot of Samuel Rucli, In'Sunbii-
ry, to II. Y. Friling, for $975.
The house and lot of Michael Brennnn, In Sha
mokln borough, to Vol. Fagely .for $190.
Jons W. CiiAWFOHH,;turnicrlT a resident of
Glrardvlllc, Schuylkill c.i., Pa., and at one time
Postmaster ut that place, bus assumed the pro
prietorship of thu " orld's Panorama," said to
be one of the finest exhibitions that travel. This
he will exhibit at Garinger's Hall to-morrow
(Saturday) evening, with n matinea for young
nnd old in the afternoon nt 3 o'clock. The ad
mission fee will bo 25 and 5P cts.. Mr. Crawford
received severe wounds during the late rebellion,
lie is a worthy man, and what Is more commen
dable, is strictly temperate in his habits, and has
associated with him a troupe of excellent char
acter. Ilis entcrtaimncut will be such ns to
please all, and particularly the young. Scho
lars who arc advancing in geography will find H !
not only Interesting but instructive.
F. B. flouts, Esq., President of the Phlldel- j
phia & Reading railroad CO., had his shoulder
dislocated while riding over the Lackawanna A I
Bloomsbiirg railroad, recently. j
A Yomso Man named Uriah Wllyurcl.of Union- I
town, Daaphln county, accidentally shot himself !
lutully while gunning In Jordan township, Ibis i
county. The accident occurred while crossing a I
fence. Tho chnrgo entered his right side, nud !
penetrated to tho left shoulder. Ho died from
the effects In ten minutes nfter the occurrence.
The ninth anniversary of the Sunday school
connected with Zlon's Lutheran Church of this
place, was celebrated on Thursday evening of ,
lust week. The exercises were most interesting
nnd in eveiy respect a perfect success. This
school Is probably the largest in tho State, and
under the superintendence of Rev. G. W. Hein
perly is doing a great und noble work. The ex
ercises were opened by singing and prayer. At
the close, the superintendent aiiuouneed the total
contribution to be $311 16 ; tho uiimbor of scho
lars 501.
8riiKN Death. We regret to Icnm that on
Sunday last, Mrs. Jonathan Hoover of Mt. Cur-
mel, died suddenly of appoplexy. She was In :
apparent good health at dinner, but soou nfter !
had an attack and died In a few hours after. !
Mrs. Hoover was highly esteemed by tho whole j
community us a most estimable lady.
Accidental Issuiasce. Some time lu Febru
ary '.ast, Mr. Jacob Shlpmun, ticket agent ut the
depot, sold io Isaac Runifelt an accidental insu
rance ticket, a. lie docs dally to passengers. A
few days ago Mr. Shipmun received n letter
fiom the Serctnry of the Hartford Railway Pas
sengers Insurance Company, In which we find
tho following i
"You may be Interested to know that wc have
Just paid $390 to Isaac Runifelt of Hillside, Mi- !
chigan, formerly of McKecs' Half Falls, Pa.,
who was insured by you in February Inst, was '.
Injured In a railway collision, February 10, nnd j
bus been disabled li months." j
The investment of Mr. Runifelt of 25 cts. has '
proved of great benefit to him All travelers
should do likewise.
W. A. Baldwin, gcucrnl snperiutendeut of
the Philadelphia fc Eric, railroad gives notice
that tho general ofliecs of the P. A E. division of
the Penna. railroad have been removed to Wil
lluuisport, and that all reports, communications,
Ac, formerly sent to Erie must' bu forwarded to
Willlamsport, Pa. '
We have lately examined a patented Steam
Roaster, which is one of tho uiott useful articles,
iu our our oplulon, that can be introduced in the
cullinary department. This roaster will prevent
any vegetables from burning while boiling, no
matter bow low the water may bo in a pot. It is
also useful for setting a hot tea pot, coflee pot,
or smoothing Iron on In fact it la oue or the
most useful articles that a good housewife can
desire. H. G. Dunkelbergcr, of Bhamokln, I Ms
county, tbe palcutee, is Introducing this article
iu every family, and wUl sell county or State
rights to agCDts, if applied for. It Is one of tho
most saleable articles now being introduced.
Tut purest and finest Drugs,' Medicines, Ac,
can be bad at G, B. Cadwallader's store on Mar
kct st. See advertisement In auother column.
We are happy to learn that James Beard, Esq.,
stood a creditable examination before tbe com
miltee compoxed of Messrs. Jordan, Packer &
Hill, aud was swsrn in as a practicing attorney
in the several count ofthlt county on Tuesday
Ust. Mr. Beard read law with 8. B. Boyer,
Esq. U was Prothoootory of this eounty for
two terms, and Justice of tho Peace for scveial
years, where be had tc nslderabl. legal practice.
We wUh Mm abundant success In his new avo
cation. Jaoobusickeb, Esq., late eounty Commis
sioner, las lea-sd tbe V. B. Hotel .1 Dew., ,d
Intends ensHsaktac u the bout niue urxt
Conrt ProeeedlngNt
As A. N. Brice, Esq., who formerly so ably
reported the Court Proceedings fiir this paper tins
been loo busily engnged In Conrt to furnish ns
with copy, we take from the Banbury DaUy the
following nble report i
Tbi Courts Otkr and Terminer, and Quar
ter Sessions.
MondaT, Nov. 8d.
The several courts of this comity were regular
ly opened this morning at 10 o'clock, Charles
Wharton, John Bmltb, 1. M. Cummings and
Hiram Price were appointed tipstaves. The con
stables reported tbe condition of their several
charges, and Judge Rockefeller proceeded to
charge the Grand Jury. After the usual Instruc
tions In regard to tho finding of Bills &c, the
Judge suggested to the Jury tbe propriety of ad
vising the Commissioners to have as much work
dono np tho public roads, through the winter, ns
possible, to the end that employment might bo
given to those Indigent men who suffer from tho
stringency of the money market, and thereby, to
great extent, prevent the usual amount of
crime attendant upon "hard times."
The attendance Is very large, as is usual dur
ing "criminal week," but there Is a slight fall off
in the infant d pu intent.
The first case before the Conrt was Common
wealth vs. Amos Glasp, on charge of desertion.
Wolverton for prosecutrix Lawson for defend
ant. After hearing tho facts In tho casa, the
Court decided and directed that Mr. Olaso pay
ills wife, the prosecutrix, $15 per month during
her life, nnd nlso pay tho costs of prosecution,
amounting to $60. All this, mind you, becane
Glase wouldn't live with his wife, nnd because
bis wlfu wouldn't live with Glnsc. Tho Court
also informed the parties that If Glase didn't bo
have himself with proper decorum the$i5 would
grow, and that if the kicked up any didoes It
would diminish.
In the case of Coin. vs. William Gaining, con
tinued from March Sessions, Mr. Boyer moved
to quash the venire on account of the seal not
having tho words "of the pence" after "Quarter
Sessions j" but the Court refused to entertain it.
The following oro the cases returned by thu
Grand Jury to day, all true bills t
Com. vs. Samuel Lalshaw, fornication nnd
Com. vs. Patrick Connelly, assault and bitte-T-
Com. vs. Same, open lewdness.
Com. vs Georgo Lewis, assault and baltery.
Com. vs James MeCormick assault and batte-
The following cases were continued :
Com vs BenJ. Seller.
Com vs Ernsmun Adams.
Com vs Hiram Driiiuheller.
Com vs James A. Shlpp, John R. Uoughncr
and Thomas C. Rees.
Tl'KSDAT, Nov. 4.
At Hie opening of Court this morning, James
Beard Esq., was sworn lu as n practicing attor
ney, after which Samuel Latshaw was tried for
fornication und bastardy on oath of Lucy Ann
Shiitts. of Washington Uwnship. At tho In
stance of the Court, thu Juiy returned a verdict
of guilty without leaving their scats, aud tho us
ual sentence was passed.
In Comvs James Mccham, for cruelty to ani
mals, on oath of John Shade, tho jury returned
a verdict .of guilty. Medium it the Turbotvlllo
man who allowed his cow to starve and. freeze In
a open field lust winter. Wc gave an account
of tills at the lime, und presume our readers re
member it. Ho was sentenced to Dav a ne of
$20, costs of prosecution und to undergo nn Ira-
prisoumotit in the County Jail Tor the period of
ten days.
Martin Haley, Ellen Haley, nnd Michael Ha
ley, Indicted for threatening tho life or John
GulIcspK., were sentenced by the Court to enter
iito recognizance for their good behavior In the
sum of $100, and to pay one-half the costs j John
Guilespiu. the prosecutor, paying the other half
The Court also directed John Gullespie to give
S.i00 ball ri;. his appearance at next Quarter :
Sessions to answer the charge of fornication nud '
In Coin vs Simon Opp, selling liquor to drunk-
nrds, the Jury found the defendant not guilty, i
hut directed him to pay the costs of prosecution; '
nnd in com vs Same.selliMg liquor on Suuday, a
verdict of guilty was returned. Scnlenrf de
ferred until to-uiorrow morning.
Com vs Charles ll.iitm in, of Moutandon, sell
ing liquor to minors, was I he Inst caso called.
The Jury retire I nt iihout 10 p. m., aud the Court
adjoin ned.
During the day nboi t twi nly witnesses were
brought bcfiMu the Court on attachments, and
sentenced to pay cost of sen Ices.
The Grand Jury makes the Col'.owlng additlorl
ul returns :
Com vs John M. Gugle, larceny.
Com vs James Muchain, cruelty to animals.
Com v Win. Madison, assault and battery.
Com vs Charles Hartiuun, selling liquor to
Com vs Sanio, selling liquor on Sunday.
Com vs Same, selling liquor to minors.
Cam vs Simon Opp, selling liquor to drunk
ards. Coin vs Fredrick Dibner, embezzlement.
Com vs George W. Benson, alias Charles II.
Rodgers, bigamy.
Com vs Win. Basihin.
Com vs A. G. Marr, conspiracy.
Com vs Same, false returns.
Coin vs Charles Hartmau, selling liquor to '
drunkards. Prosecutor sentenced to pay the !
Wkdsesd.vt, Nov. 5. !
Simon Opp, who was convicted, yesterday, ol '
selling liquor on 8unday, was sentenced this
inorulng to puy a fine of $20, b 'sides costs of !
...... uiuviKif an iiiij'risonineut IU
the county jail for a period often days.
Iu tho case of Com vs Charles Hartman, se'.l
lug liquor to minors, the Jury returned a veidlcl
of guilty.
. In same v same, selling ll.juor to drunkards,
a verdict or not guilty was returned. Defeuduut
to pay the costs.
In same vs same, selling liquor on Suuday,
the Verdict was guilty.
Hartman was sentenced by the court to pay
the costs of tbe three prosecutions, pay a fine of
$100 and undergo au imprisonment iu the county
jail for a term of twenty days.
Cora vs Mary Breeler, surety of pence, proved
Itself one of those Dutch-Irish squabbles so com
mon lu the coal regions. The parties nil reside
in the same,row,(fighting row we preBume),iiscd
the same well, and, as the counsel for the Com
monwealth technically observed, got into a duti
fully about the "right of wuler." After hearing
the complaint and defeuco the court sentenced
tbe defendant and the prosecutrix (Surah E.
Shuffler) each to pay one-half tbe costs.
Com vs George W. Bentan, mluii Charles II.
Rodgers, sure charge bigamy, was their
takeu up. The facts in the ca) are us follows
Borne time in tbe year 187J tbe prisoner, under
the name or George W. Beasoft, mvrrled Mary
K. Egers, at Easton, Pa., and lived with ber un
til May of this year, when be deserted her. Com
ing to Buubury under the name or Charles H.
Rodgers, be married Miss Anna Levy, and lived
with ber mull the fact of his bavlug auother wire
came to ber notice. Tbe evideuce was over
whelmingly convicting, aud tbe jury brought in
a verdict or guilty without aay hesitation. The
senteuee of the court was that he should pay a
fine of $10, tho cotm of prosecution and undergo
an imprisonmerrt in seperute and solitary confine
ment, al Sard" labor, In tho Eastern penitentiary,
for a terror of two years. '
In tlr ease or Com. vs. Jacob Mohn, larceny,
the jttry returned verdict of guilty and he-was
sentenced" to oue year In tbe peotentiary. The
ofleoee for which Mohn was ludlcled was forci
bly entering his own store roon and stealing his
own goods after they had .been levlod npon by the
Howard Hamilton, being arraigned for larceny
plead gullly, and was sentenced to the peniten
tlnry for one year.
In the case of Com. vs. Patrick Connolly, on
chnrgo Indecent exposure, tho prosecution
proved that Pal, on the night of tho Kith of Au
gust last, Stripped himself of all his clothing nnd
ran down Third street, Btmbnry, In a State of
nudity, to tho enrrnptloii of public morals, etc.
That he had received a violent blow en the head
from the effects of which ho was non rompit men
tit, was the defence urged. Verdict not returned
at adjournment.
Com. vs. Peter Shnltes, assault nnd battery
with Intent to kill, was called np. and the Jury
returned with instructions to seal up their Ver
dict and return It In the morning.
The Grand Jury Imvo made the following ad
ditional returns t
Com vs Jneob Mohn, larceny.
Com vs Fred Davis, murder.
Com vs Howard Hamilton, larceny.
Com vs Wm. Edwards, nnull and battery.
Com VsThes. Ilenuluger, Fornication nnd bas
tardy. Com vs Henry B. Johnson and Duncan Camp
bcl', neglecting to open a roid.
Com vs Simon Derr, nuisance.
Com vs Peter Shnltes, assault and battery.
Coin Vs Geo. Edwnrcts, breaking Jail.
Com vs Geo. Ollplmnt. larceny.
Coin vs Charles Gover, larceny.
Coin vs William Neucr. larceny.
Com vs John Huey, Hunry llueynnd F.unlel
Haiduman, larceny.
Com vs Seme larceny.
Com vs Oliver IlcH'imr, aggravated assault.
Com vs Same, misdemeanor.
Com vs Murgaret Madisou.assaultund battery.
A Cold Bath. On Inst Monday, John Ross,
Hie celebrated flsbcrand wntermnu, residing on
tbe street running along the bank of tho river,
pushed out his skiff into thcMrcnm for the pur
pose of catching some rloiiting thnucr which lias
been nbundant.ever sfne tli reei-nt heavy rains.
After getting out uenr the nilddV of the river,
the wind was so high and tile, water so rough,
that his boat become partftlly unmanageable,
and filled with water and sank, nothing appear
ing Oil till. Blirr.ii.n l.lil . 1 A tl l
n " ' " - .wm. " num.. kit l 111
persons on shore seeing the perilous condition of
...w '..p.if,i iii-urr rMiuiiTU K, biivq nun, mil w ll li
mit H 1 1 P C (i Tlin Kninn... nf Pl.n -1 .
... ..u ... .t. ... muv rioi ill ti:-
vented them from rendering assistance and
drove them back to shore. The boisterous bil
lows continued to bear him rapidly down stream,
his course being Indicated only by the old hat
which was distinguishable upon the surface. Se
veral boats were launched from the Northumber
land shore to go to his assistance, bin in vain.
Wind and tide seemed to favor a watery grave
for John Ross, nnd anxious eyes watched the
cwursu of tho old hat, nnd as it approached the
shore about, n mile below town, near tho mouth
or the Mahoning creek, Mr. Jacob Uecd drove
down his wugon expecting to bring home the
lifeless body of the old fisherman. But ho w as
not brought up on tho water to die by drowning.
Ho did not appear much the worse, for his peril
ous voyage of a mile under water! During the
whole lime he retained his rent iu his skiff which
sank entirely out of sight so that he could barely
keep his head above water. By carefully mani
pulating the boat he worked it' to shorc'at the
bend of the river below. Montour American.
CnoLEit.i and Pain-Killeh. The efficacy of
ferry Davis' world renowned Paiti Killer In nil
diseusco of tho bowr.1, even in that terrible
scourge, the Asiatic cholera, has been amply at
tested by the most convincing authority. Is
Sionarles In China and India have written home
In Cnmmeudation of this remedy In terms that
should carry conviction to the most skeptical,
while Its popularity in commuuttlcs nearer home
Is ample proof that tho virtues claimed for it arc
real und tangible. The Palu-Kiilcr has been be
fore the public for over thirty years, nud has
won a deservedly high reputation ns an allevia
tor of pain and n preserver of health. It lias be
come a household remedy, from tho fact that it
gives immediate and permanent relief.: ft is a
purely vegetable prepara'lon made from thcjicst
nnd purest materials, safe to keep and to use lu
every family. It Is recommended by physicians
and persons of all clasfcs, and today, after a
public trial of over thirty year tho uvcrngc life
of man It stands unrivalled and unexcelled,
spreading Its usefulness over the wide world. Its
large and increasiuj saleTaffords'positivc evi
dence of its enduring fame. " ..
The Sklinsokove Races. The four days ra
ce nt Seiinsgrove closed on 8u.tnrd.iy, nud were
of the most satisfactory churacter. In the 2.27
race the following entries were made: W. A.
Ogden, Philadelphia, Lady Patterson s C. T.
Potter Flmira, Frank Ph -lps ; J. H. O.ites, Uti
ca, l'oinpcy. Won by Frank Phelps in three
heats. Time 2.42, 2.4(1, 2.51. The next was for
horses owned in Lycoming, Union, Northumber
land, Montour, Snyder, Dauphin und Juniata
counties. Jos. Hutchinson, Williamsport, en
tered Prince ; J. Gamberlain, Lewlsburg, What
Not ; T. H. Kants, Blind Tom. Won bv Blind
Tom in Thrt-o straight heats. Time, a.t'O, B.02.
List of Letters reintilnlng In the Postofllcc lu
Bunbury, Nov. 5, 13T3.
Wllllum Anderson. A. Baker, Llzze Eystcr,
John A. Guss, Lemuel Houson, James Hallamin,
William L. Jems, Jane Leas, John Lookens,
Jennie Lee, B. A. Malone, James Reed, J. W.
Reed, W. L. Snyder, Kate M. Snyder, Ann Sny
der, 8. B. Suydcr, Abie J. Suiter, Kinm.i Scrgun,
L. L. Stearns, Anniu Stroh, John W. Sheriff, Dr.
Harlan Williams, 2, G. M. Williams.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
Break ix Sewing Macaine Puices. Our
renders will be imeiestcd to leuru that the Flor
ence Company bnvo responded to tho general
call for lower prices frr tewing machines, and
henceforth tell theif well known and sureiior
machines at a reduction of from 30 to 40 per
cent, from former prices.
Wild Tt nKiES appear to be plenty this season.
Sovcrnl have been shot iu tho Shamokin valley,
which were brought to our market. Mr. Isaac
Sober sold two on Tuesday nt $3 50, and $3 00 a
Wild Dl'CKS are ubundant on tho river this
season, a number have been bugged by some of
our Nlmrods at this pluce.
Bi dden Death. Hon. Geo. Hilbush, residing
nt Frceburg, died very suddenly nt Akron, Ohio,
on Sunday last, of pneumeuln, w hilst visiting bis
friends. Mr. Ili.bisli was oue of our most uctive
and progressive men and Frceburg looses oue
of her most enterprUing citizens ul a time wheu
she cmu lcnt afford such loss, for bo has been
idniitithd with every laudable enterprise. He
died at the residence or Joseph Seiber, formerly
a citizen of Freeburg, uow residing In Akron.
Fritburg Couritr.
Kditor'a Table.
Scrmner's Momitlv, fob NovEMnER, contin
ues to sustain the high character of this periodi
cal. The leading article, "The Great South
Old and New l.ouslanua." by Edward King, Is
richly Illustrated throughout its thiity-lhree
pages with almost twice thirty well executed en
gravings, aud is of Itself north double the cost
of the book. "The Story of the Telescope' Is il
lustrated by a portrait of Alviu Clark, tho re
nowned lelescnHi maker, of this couulry. Au
excellent portrait of Stcdiiian, the poet, aud ma
ny other excellent vugruvlngs iliuslrute this
In U'ami't HuhicXM MmjutitH for November,
tbe tuble ol couleuts seems spread for a Thunks
giving feast, and gives evidence that no efforts
huvu been spared that could add to its excellence.
"A Bexiuou ou a Skimmer," is not only pleusiug
In its qiiulntuess, aud originality, but contains
sound logic. "Mrs. Pomeroy's Pin Money," is
capital. "Upon the Bluud," is another merito
rious sketch, by the popular writer Kate W.
Hamilton. "Ccdtlsh und Potatoes, "by Eleauor
Kirk, is a shart serial which oiens well. "Grow
ing Aged Together," by the Rev. Kobeit Collyer,
is well worth the price of the year's subscription
it Is full of this great man's eloquence power
ful in its veiy simplicity. There are mnuy other
interesting articles hud we space to mention
them. The poetry In this number Is unusually
good. A new feature of the magazine is the in
troductlon of pictures, aud the Illustration,
"Past, Present and Future,' bore given, Is ex
ceedingly pretty.
Price of magazine, one dollar per year with
the chromo "YoeemUa," one dollar and a half.
IM'l HonrAd Maguint,
Newburgh, N. T.
Tol ilnlitN. T 9len of Medium
Hleitus. mill In till iNnlng
lloiiM'i nnd Hi ust Avoid
I'mj Iiir Itentn.
By refulcnce to the Watsontown Titconl and
8unbury "Unzettu" will bo seen a full and more
explicit description of the property I offer for
sale, either In lots or by the acre. Hut what I
wish to more pititlc'illirlv bring before the pub
lic is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are
I will SELL LOTS from ftlOO to ! and
Lands by thn ACRE from $200 to $500, according
to the location.
Tiiiims i Ten per cent, of the purchase money
down, the balance In time nnd amounts to suit
nurchascrs, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with
legal interest from day of sale.
The streets and alleys will lie opened ns fast as
lots are sold, so that alt may bo approac hed with
All persons who are now paying rent fun bnve
au npimrtunlty of securing a home for loss mo
ney annually than thev are wow THROWING
AWAY m reut.
Any person wishing to seo the lands or lots
will call on in, when every opportiuity will bo
given them to bnve a fair chance to rte the eujic
rior advantages presented to the public.
In addition to tho lands above referred to, I
now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU
SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo
rough, the oue being the largo and coinmodioiu
Brick Dwelling now occupied by mc, all of said
dwellings hnviug tho necessary outbuildings for
Immediate use.
For further Information call on or address
Walsontow u, Pa.
ucioucr ut, iBiii. l yr.
will best tastily t'aclr shiiuneuts
to their destination by using
over '1 wo Hundred Millions have been used
within Cue past ten years, without complaint ot
'oss by Tag becoming detached. All Express
i " use tliem. Sold by Printers and Stationers
liet. 81, 1S73. am.
Fnt-ND at Last ! A remedy thnt nut only re
lieves, but cures that enemy of mankind, Con
sumption, ns well as the numerous satclltcs
which revolve around it In tho shape of coughs,
colds, bronchitis, sore throat. Influenza, Ac. The
remedy we nlliulo to is Dr. Wlstor's Balsam of
Wild Cherry, prepared by 8eth W. Fowlc it Sons,
TrE purest nnd sweetest Cod-Liver Oil Is Haz
ard it Caswell's made on tho seashore, from
fresh, selected livdrs, by Caswell, Hazard & Co.,
New York. It Is absolutely pure nnd sweet,
Patients who have once taken it prefer it to all
others. Physicians have decided it superior to
a:iy of the other oIIb In the market. N7.4w.
Children often look Pule mid Nick
from no other cause than having worms in thu
will destroy Worms without injury to the child,
being perfectly WIIITE.and from all the coloring
or other Injurious Ingredients usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by Dmnyhtt nnd Cheinislx, and dtnUr in
Mrdieine at Twkntv-Five Cents a box.
July 12, ist:L ly.
The C'oiilV'NNiou ol an Iuvnlid.
Published by a warning and for the benefit of
Young Men and others who suffer from Neuvoir
Deiulitv, loss, op Manhood, etc., supplying the
nouns of self-cure. Written by one who cured
himself after undergoing considerable quackery,
und sent free or receiving a post-paid directed
envelop. Sufferers nro invited to oddrcss the
June 14,'T.T Cm. Box 15a, Brooklyn, N. Y.
The Household I'mineett,
Family I.iiiliueiit
is the best remedy in the world for the following
complaints, viz. : Cramps in the Limbs nnd Sto
mach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side,
Rheumatism in nil its forms, Billions Colic, Neu
ralgia, Cholera, Dysenlery,Colds, Fresh Wounds,
Bums, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
nnd Bruises, Chill and Fever. For Internal aud
External use.
Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes tho cause of the complaint,
it penetrates and pervades tbe whole system, re
stoilng healthy action to all its parts, and quick
ening the blood.
The llouxehold Panacea 1st iiiircly
Vegetable and All Healing.
Prepareil bv
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale bv all druggists.
July 12, ly.
Thirty Years' i'..erieiice ot'uu Old
X ii rsie.
.Ilrt lYlunlow'N Koolhiutr Syrup 1st
(he ireNerliliou of one of the best Female
Physicians nnd Nurses iu the United States, and
has been used for thirty years with never failing
safety oud success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant of one week old
to t lie adult. It corrects acidity of t lie stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and
gives rest, health and comfort to mother nnd
child. Wc believe it to he the Best ami SurM:
Remedy In thu Wotld. in all cases of DYSEN
ther it arises from Teething or from any other
cause. Full directions for using will accompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile
of CUKTIs A PERKIvs 8 the outside wrap
per. Sold bv nil Medicine dealers.
July 13, 1S73. ly.
At Heruron, on the BOth nit., by Geo. Coble,
Esq., Mr. William Michael, of Jackson town
ship, and Miss Hehkcca Kl.Arr, of Milton.
In Jackson township, on Thursday morning
last, Mr. EMANUEL HOLS HOE, aged about Vi
In Georgetown, this county, ou the With tilt.,
Mrs. CHRISTIE ANN WALD, wife of Mr. Au
gustus Wuld, aged about 93 years.
The deceased hud been an Invalid for some
months, and suffered excruciatingly from
the character of her disease, but she bore her
affliction with Christian fortitude. Mrs. Wuld
was widely known ns an excellent woman In all
the tea'ions of life, but more particularly In
that which embellishes the Christian character,
charity. While she had, none wanted. As kind
and umluble in life, so was she patient lu suffer
ing even unto deutb, submitting all to Him who
docth all things well. For n number of years
she was a consistent chinch member, and took
great delight in instructing her little Hock the
way to Christ, ut her Sunday School, lu her
death the poor hate lost a friend aud benefactor;
aud a husbuud experiences a vucnucy iu Ills
household that can never be re-occupied. Her
remains wcro followed to her lust resting pluce
by friends from every part of the State,
Iu whose memories her same will live,
Through long succeeding years,
Embalmed with all their hearts can give,
Their praises und their tears.
O, Tor the death of those,
Who slumber In the Lord I
O bu like hers our last repose,
Like bers our last reward. En.
O. W. KEEFKU. C. W. BAr-.sLEIt.
Fall Goods !
Dry Goods, Notion, Furnishing
Goods, Groeerien, Oil Clothn,
Glass and Nail
of every variety, at one low price,
Kcefer & Uasslcr's Store,
Coraor of Fourth aad Market Btrtrts,
All kinds of (iraln takeu Ih aXiliaDga samo as
easb. Call aud sou us.
BuuborTy Ot t. 3t, 1ST5,
0 0 Jicib foe) B
Blank Books, School Books !
New Stylos at all prioes.
Note, Letter and Cap Papers.
Trimmed Free of Charge;
iclwe Frames,. 0VAL AquAni:.
Special Attentian paid to
All the above Goods at Wholesale
3?opialar IBook and Stationery Store,
- - - -- 1 I .".. I. J .L - ...SJL.
r!.i lo'.n lxf :o I'm American public
tiVKH 'i Ulli ! Y It Ui nevr yet
f il ! t- five pTfVs natiffm'ti.-w. ! has
iust y t'.vld tbe pnniuva tor nil cx
t:Ti;il r.'.r'TvV Cut', Hums. SwelilDgs.
Sprains,- Hru'si-s. &c, kc , tor Man uml
Ucast. X i fviilv tdinuM ! a slnile ilav.
Magnolia Ik m
a few Amci7w::j jiaz:: X
Puro Blooming Complexion.
It Is Purely Vnretabla, an-1 Its oporntfon I rran snd
feltittouce. It iti.-tfaway witu thn Kluutit.,1 Afpenr.
aiK' cauftrd by H.-ut, i at.u'ue. aud Kxoil. niHjit. H i al
and removes alt liiotclixuaiid I'lmplm, dixpetlinii da: k
aud unsiglitly apnls. Drivrs away Tail, Kreikl.-i. and
Sunburn, aud by lis pontle but powerful lunuuiKV
mantles tlie laded cuiea witii
Bold by all T'ru"Ti. t an.l T'anry Btoroa, 'Depot, I
Utat Ha.n. v
Wood) UenjMTs aud Jlewers.
UK:tKYnriii., Pa., Oct. Id, lS7:t.
Simon 8. Bowman, Ksc., Bee. l'pM-r Datipliln j
Airi Iru'tural As-oeiatimi, IK-ar Sir : i
blit'er, Wulls and Miiiner, iiiiiuiHaeturers of
the "Huok-eje" Mowers and .':ikts. circulated
at Ilia Snnhury Fair a PainpliU-l si'tlin forth
thai t !' V li id lieen nu'anlcd bv thn .Indies lit the
(irinil Field Trial of the L'ppvi'-Riiiphlii Airri
cultural AssiH'lalion, the Hipliiiua br the heat
Mower and Mc.ip'T. ThU evidently N a mistake ;
the Wultcr A. Wool Maiiutaeliirin Co. Iio'd
now In their poxst-'iuii the diploma lor the
'best Mower," awardid thorn by llu Jiiilj;es at
that trial.
Be kind crovich lo write mo (lie facts concern.
IniC the award of Diplomas as retried to the As
sociation by thu Judges nf said Trial, A oblige
Very Truly Tours,
MiLI.KU!-u'..i:o, I'd., Oei. 1I.187U.
David Wethlrb, Esq., Aireut of "Wood" Reap
ers and Mowers. HcVirt;, !'., Dear Sir :
Your teller of Ilia lOlii nunc duly to Imn.l.nnd
in reply would sluts Ihul the "Buckeye" Heap
ers and Mowers were a wanted al our Kxhlbiiiou
in 1873, the premium for the "bol Oropiier'and
that thu "Walter A. Wood'' received the diplo
ma lor the "best display of Mowers aud Keup
ers." and for the "besl Mower."
The circular printed aud ciieul itcd by B'licr,
Walls aud hhriner, niauutacturs of the '-Buck
eye" Kcapers aud Mowers, slatlni itat they
were awarded the tirtt preiniu'u for the boM
reaper and mower is nol correal thuir award is
ouly for the 'Mest display of Machines," uud fox
the "best Mowing Muciiiue as above stated,
1 a in Very Truly Vcvum,
S'y Uper Dauphin Ajrleulturai Asswlaljoiu
Oct. 31, lbJ. - il.
jEii 0 0 ISIS If
9 m
or retail, at
v.-Htmi U.!s L!;i'r.t. tto money re
fim.'.ifi t;nivM8 tho I.inimmit is as repre
Feot.vl e RTire and pet tha rcnuiue
l'V all lirtiL'piats and Countrv Stores, at
2V . COc. and $1,110 per Bottlo. Voticrf
f'vlt, rise of bottle. &c
l . . am.
'. roin
j mi extensive assort mem of Fancy Uoods at
j Market Stiieet, Slbbvut, l'a.
My stock; cf Spvlnn i;oods is unusually lart
and vailed, coiiiprisiiiir the latest nnd most ul
tractive j-lvlon, ,.i.i tcj with cara from tbe lead
ini Importing houreiuud adapted lor the present
October 3, 1S73. U83 L. WEISEIt
for coughs, colds, hoarseness aNs
iiul C onlv in bine Roves.
i Di-ujk'(,'ii'ts. OclU-tw ,
! A full liuc of
' JliJliiierj .ood
' from New York und l'hiladelphia, now opcu ut
i MS M. I.. OOSM.F.U'S
; MII.I.IM itv ktoki:.
I Irimcd nud ur.:rime("
I Flowers, Itlhbcns, Collars, Curl's, HuudUorehiefs,'
I NeCKtlcs, unit a general variety of
j selected with prci cure from the leading Im
porting liuu-ci iu New York aud fblladelpiita,
I 1,1
I Fourth Street, below the 8'. V. R. R.
! Every cfl'ort w ill be made to please tboee wai
; favor her with their patronage.
ticioner ;i, 1,3.
I7:. FALL SEASON, 173.
.vllM.l.Ei:V tl) FAM'V GOODS,
now open,
Triinmed Hul and Bonnets, Flumes, Feathers
Ribbons, Cruiw Vulls, Crnie, Crape Hal
and Bonuets, Rridal Hats and a full as
sortment of th latest slvles lu
)', "
Gloves, Collars, Cuds, and every fashionable
article of ladies' wear.
Cull and see tbe new styles of Goods at
Square, guobur'. fa.
Orliber3, 1S7S.
Rbal Estatb Aoknt, nnd ADt fo? tlie Vuilx-
I'jl MANtI C'onrAr.
Ilrrw Jon, .thur-tiHr.i Cvunty, Fa.
ALL 1i..IN1b eiiiru3t"d Iu bis bands Will receive
prompt utluuilon.
lleindou. Any. Si, VJ.i iu. . t
Notify. "
VJOrH'E Is hereby jilveu liint'upplicstiyn bas
li be ii made to ihe Court ot Coininou Pleaa .
vl Northumberland county, by tbe Suubury MI ''
tuitl Saving Fund und Buildiui; Asociatiuut for '
amendment to the Charter ol Incorporation, aud.
that the same will be granted at the Den I regu. '
lurterui of said Court, unless eauao be showu
to the contrary.
L. T. KOllRUACH, PiotVrT.
fcunhiiiy, OlI. 17, lf3.