JSmtburji nicrienit. M. I. MASSER, I. WILVIRT. I Editors. SUNBURY, OCTOBER 31, Tub Payment or Silver. Secretary Richardson hopes to keep up Iho payment of silver, and expresses the opinion that he will be ablo to do bo unless a run upon ', the Treasury bo made, and the silver taken out for the purpose of being hoarded. There is at present about half a million of dollars in silver coin in the possession of the gov '. eminent, which it is thought will last some weeks, but the work of coinage will bo still' continued though not more rapidly than : heretofore. There is an aboundanco of sil ver bars in the country and the- capacity of the minis is sufficient for the coinage of about $15,000,000 per aunuin in silver, "without interfering with other coinage. The Secretary having been asked as to , what had become of all the silver in the country before tlio war, replied that most of it had been melted into plate, some sent abroad, and some uow in California. With the exception of that in California, there is but little silver coin in the country now owned by the government. ' In order to prevent any rush for silver '. coin, ll:o Secretary will, in his order di recting the paymcut of that coin, positively forbid that more than five dollars be paid to oue person, no matter what amount of money may be called for in the check. EvEB since brother Chalfaut of ihu ban vilh lrUlliyenccr had this couuty annexed lo Montour, to compose a legislative dis trict whereby ho could give himself a life membership in the J.eifliituie, and was defeated .in his scheme on his lirst effort through a want of pliability on the pari of Vis democratic brethren in Northumber land, whose votes ho unfortunately lacked, ho behaves surly and ill-uaturcdly, snap ping at every Utile thing that meets his eye. Last Week he discovered an error ill our election table, which occurred in the hurry to get out the paper. : The error consisted in the transposition of two figures, making Capt. Lovett's vote in McEwensvillo 82 in stead of 28. The total vote was the same ' as that of the other papers throughout the . county. Any school boy of five years of age, might have seen that it was a transpo sition of the figures by comparing it with the balance of the candidates. But it ap pears that our cotcmporary's calibre was too small to compruhcud, although such mistakes occur daily in his own office. Of -course Chalfant's prejudice against North umberland county beiug unfavorable, he States to hear of a republican receiving a majority. Wo kuow of but two remedies ?or this, first, that if Chalfaut don't like the company he was so auxious to annex for 'his own bcuefit, let him reconstruct thin legislative district, and leavo Northumber land county a district by itself. If that don't cure his complaint we would recom mend a doso of mouutaiu herb tea, which old woman say is very beneficial for chro nic individuals. As there is no doubt that newspapers go very far towards moulding tho public mind in this progressive age, the more intelli gent class of our population estimate a newspaper according to its moral tone and dignified bearing, and consequeully frown upon those defieicut iu those qualities. The mind of the rising generation is ei ther benefitted or degraded by what he ga thers from that great source of information the American newspaper, and its intluence is felt for better or for worse. The moral tone of an editor is discoverable from what he publishes, and his ability from what he writes. If he writes aud publishes anything foolish he laeks dignity and feeds the youth ful mind on nonsense. This is not the purposo (or at least it should not be the purpose) of the journalist. Yet how fre , juently wo see this kind of journalism not only as matter written, but published with appropriate illustrations. For example sco the columns of our neighbor, the 7am ocrat, of last week. Such tiousense might edify the visitors of the urog-shop and con cert saloou, but cauuot be edifying to even a sensible child. At least a dozen rivals have sprung up for tho locatiou of the national fouudiy aud arsenal. - It will undoubtedly be built in Peunsylvnia, and no county iu the State can present better advantages for its loea- tion than Northumberland, situated in tho central part of the Stale, with her inexliaus tablo bed of Coal, Iron aud Limestone, and her advantages of transportation by railroad and water, will give her a foremost 1 - rank as a most suitable locatiou for the na tional works. ' The constitutional convention has fixed ". on the third Tuesday of December for vot ing by tho people. Iu the city of Philadel phia live commissioners will conduct the ' election. In other portions of the Slate the regular election officers conduct the elec tion. The Lewisburg Chronicle asks those Re publicans in that district who uniformly helped to elect Mr. Dill, Democrat, to the Democracy. Chronicle winds up an article oil the subject with these honest words : NoKvWi do not say that votiug for a Democrat U wroug every man is his own judge iu this matter but, houor bright, is it just fair for a man to profess friendship for one party and vote for the caudidatea of tho other? Doesu't prove that pcrsous who do so are more desirous for tho des truction of their own than the opposite party. Men of honor, please be Republi can or Democrats. Let the public know 'where you stand. Don't for pity sake, be identified with the low order of political ' kealawagt who lay no claim to uouesty. ' ' If you can't support our nion, be gentlemen enough to bike do part in our primary elec tions, The third UWt of Edward S. Stokes for the murder of vue Fisk iu New York camc.toa close-on VeduesdaT last. The verdict of the Jury was nHiaughteri iu the Third Degree, and he wgmd to four years imprisonment at bar vur lieueral liunks uaa uecu noruiuateu aiv -ndent candidal for Massachusetts "r in the Secoud Middlesex Dis-1 Eiout Years WrrnouT Eating. There is a young woman named Mary Fauchcr, residing at the corner of (fates avenue and Downing street, Brooklyn, who has, it tfe asserted by her physician, Dr. 8. F. 8pteir taken ho food for fctaht yearai She is twenty-five years of ago, Brlffht and intelligent As a girl sho was a close ap plicant to her studies, and was waut lo abandon her meals to ponder over her books, until tho strain upon her intellec tual and physical strength overcame her. She also sustained Injuries by being thrown from a horse. Subsequently she fell of a Ful ton avenue car, And was dragged along the stroct for a distance of forty feet by crino line catching in the car. Sho was then afflicted by absolute nervous prostration and has since been confined to her bed. Her legs are twisted and her bauds are drawn up behind her head. Sho sleeps but little, aud is said to bo endowed with clairvoyant faculties. Sho works embroidery in colors with great facility, and has made slippers and siuoking-capg with initials worked on them. , The doctor is positive that there is no decent ion iu the case, and has used every e.Qbi't possible to detect any sign of imposi tion, but to no purpose. Tho case has bullied the skill of hundreds of physicians who have examined it. Herald. Off for El'kopf.. Kevs. Miltou Light nor, late of Grace Church, Detroit, and formerly Hector of this parish, and Hurley Baldy, late of Doyleatown, son of Peter Baldy, sr.. expect to sail ou a tour through Europe, on the 1st of November, expeetiug to bo cone about ten months. Iu anticipa tion of this trip they havo both resigned their charges. We hope they may have, a safe, pleasant and profitable journey. Moimtinir American. The day is nolfimMstant when America will be called on to feed Great Britain. Agriculture in England is declining per ceptibly very probablo the granaries of America will bo looked to for breadstull's to feed tho people of Great Britain. If the coal mines also fail, as is predicted, we shall some day be called on fur cotton to clothe, coal to warm, and corn to feed the Englishman. Wlieu the call comes, tho btull'to do this will be on hand for shipment, with enough to spare for any other part of tho world iu waut. On Tuesday of this week, as Mr. Jas. S. Marsh was returning from the furnace with a horse and buggy, tho horso became un manageable,, between Seebold's and Pen ny's. Mr. M. got out of the buggy, and endeavored to manage the horse, but he inaugurated a retrograde system which he refused to discontinue until he backed the buggcy over a high and abrupt bank, aud tumbled over it into tho river. After the introductory plunge, ho discoverved his mistake and tried to save himself, but was unsuccessful, aud drowned. At latest ac counts m traces of horse or buggy were found. Ltwkbunj Chronicle. TnE New Pennsylvania Legisla ture. According to tl.e returns at liar rishurg the next legislature of this State will consist of "JO Republicans, 12 Demo crats and 1 Liberal Republican in the Sen are, and 0(1 Republicans, US Democrats and 2 independent Democrats in the House.. This gives the Republicans majorities of 7 in the Senate, 2-4 in the House and 31 on joint ballot. In tho list legislature the Republican majorities were 8 in the Senate, 20 in the House and 23 on joiut ballot. . Anotuf.ii Murder in Lycoming Covn TV. VilH(tmsort, Oct. 28. Johu Mc Laughlin, aged !50 year, was murdered yesterday while driving ou a public road iu Pascade township in this county. Ho was found ly ing in tho mud with his breast and throat horribly mangled with a shot-gun wound. His cousin, James McLaughlin, started out in the morning with a gun, and, as he is missing, it is supposed that he did the deed. Tlieie had been ill-feeling be tween I he in for some time. This is the fourth murder in this county within six mouths. Nelson E. Wade will be hanged on December 0 for committing two of them. Black Bass. As the subject of stocking our streams with black bass' is being agi tated throughout the country, and as the Delaware river and Swartswood Inko has already been supplied with them, it is of interest to the uninitiated to kuow what they aie. In the tlrst place they are a fish unequaletl in llavor by any other found in fresh water, and arc of great fecudity and rapid growth. In six weeks after being spawned they will reach three pounds, aud gradually increase to tho muxium size, which may be set at from five to six pounds a year. I hey leeu niueli on thes lu sum mer, and the calm, surface of tho water is often agitated by their breaking for this purpose. They range iu quest of food, of ten driving small Ilbh ashore. Iu August, September aud October they are in tho best condition for table use, and a baked black bass of five or six pouuds, iu September, wUh appropriate coiidimeuls. is a rich dish, which all who taste will fully ap preciate. Though called black they are not so iu color, but have beautiful dark green backs and mottled bellies. They have mouths like a trout aud are like a trout in shape and geueial apperauce. They are entirely different from any fish that have been know to exist in the waters. They cannot be caught easily with a net, even should lawless persons endeavor to capture them in that way. Being very hardy, they are ablo to take good care of themselves, and to a great extent, at tho expense of just such other fish as arc not very desirable for the table. J-'UmimjUtn (A. 1'.) ictiiocrot It is estimated that the surplus wheat crop for Minnesota for 1K73, in its trans portation to mat ket at Chicago, Milwaukee and Dululh. will fill lOO.OUUcars, constitut ing more than six thousand five hundred trams of fifteen cars each. The buckwheat crop in Eastern Penn sylvania was never more productive than that just harvested. It was not injured by tho hot suns of August or tho early frosts of the latter part of .September. Tho crop here is never considered o much import ance, thouuh it comes in very conveniently to help out the winter's supply of food for both Iho higher nnd lower order of animals. Tho Unitarian Society of Northumber land havo received a donation of glutl from their Stato association. This is probably the oldest Uuilariau congregation iu the Slate, having U-eu founded by the celebrat ed Dr. Priestly. The Republicans gained a Judge iu tho Judicial district of Payette county, as well as two Representatives in the Ix"gilaturo. This only proves what harmony of action among our friends, will always secure. Horatio Seymour, who was nominated for Assembly by the Democratic Convention of Oneida county, Nw York, has publicly declined to accept, lie has been beateu often enough for higher ottloes than Assem blyman, aud don't like the idea of a popu lar rejection for a position which has ceased to convey auy houor to the individual who achieves it. A coukesI'ONDKNT writes lo tho Wat sontowu ltevord that they have found silver on a tract of land owned by the Sugar Val le Lumber.Gompany. D. H. Kauhmao ra sh.npud fast week. The furnace works cvor , ututf. Ore is received STATE KLF.CTIOX. Tho following is the complete official vote cast for State Treasurer and Supreme Judge, ttk the late election. Treasurer. Judge. , it. iXr$ffor- I tfciX COUNTIES. Mack Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Blair, Bradford, . Bucks, Butler, Cambria, Cameron, Carbou, Centre, Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Columbia, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphiu, Delaware, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Franklin, Fulton, Forest, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jeirerson, Juniata, Lancaster, Lawrence, ' Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycomiug, MeKean, Mercer, Milllin, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour, Northampt'u, Northumb'd, Perry, Philadelphia, Pike, Potter, Schuylkill, Snyder, Somerset, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Uniou, Venango, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Westtnorcl'd, Wyoming, York, 2113 12012! 3(188: 2.V10' 2570 j 3872' 3001' 4057: r.8i4 2541' 2057; 418 1 10-.I7I 2557i 4780 1773 1G!17 1458; 110:i! 4D23' 3150 52111 33'.Hi 417 3752, 2sm 287! 3153 (ill 12051 210'.' 2iiisi; urn 1110 71133 232.1' 3377, 3024 7178 3173, C2II 3731 1510 0800 407 850 2181' 3273 2053' o!N77 128' 823 f.7uS; 1714 2315 3113: 2480' 3517, 1072 2307, 1785 4003 151(1 3830 1130 3710 24881 214H 24S7 8501L12237 . 6009 - 28m 28171" 218ttf ptfiiiybiwv 2844 7St80 2504 3032 0227 2158 3208 307 1020 2949 301!) 2009 2009 2010 6888 2582 0109 2134 2734 401 2031. 2532 , 2920 3040 2550 2538 1995 2580 3091 3949 , 3KJ0 2112 1200 2709 3303 189 3094 . 905 2512 2212 1048 1507 1450 4757 1233 2315 4000 801 5 3583 519 3050 1037 7150 1907 1320 4013 3417 2213 42732 488 1120 7911 1157 1151 723 1742 1371 1023 2229 1057 4013 1901 4712 1457 5230 4941 1800 1740 14G.r 2584! 3808' 3978! 3323, 1975, 1218; 2899, 33 IX, 199 3112. 91 4 1 245lt! 2231! 1004 1001 1 i4ot; 489 1301! 2429 40011 8017, 359 J' C94 3154 103S 7000 1900 1310 4034 3474 2240 34200 497 045 7817 1155 1134 731, 1745 1419, 1145; 2250 1082, 4071, 1989 4757' 1459 5249 1115 4149 3252 C104 3298, 405 3887! 3002. 2!I8! 32071 015, 1283, 294li 2050 2099 1127 ' 8308, 2427; .3511' 3074 ' 742 3171, 074: 3851' 1502 0807 420, 821 : 2200 3307 2090 51057 . 134 823, 0(184 not; 2333: 408! 2507' 3544 1S22 24 JO J 828' 4193' 1001 3875 1 151 3742 Total, 244823 219471 240235 225941 219471 225941; Majority, i 25352 14291: Yellow Fever. Tho following de scription of this terrible disease, which is now prevalent in some sections of our country, will bo oflntcrest to our readers : The disease begins with a chill and pain in the head, back and limbs, which is often followed by delirium. The stomach will not retain food, and feels as though it were on fire. The face is pulled and swollen, like that of a confined drunkard, nnd the eyes are red and extremely sensitive to light, aud gradually tho oraugo or darker hue charaetercstiu of the disease, extends to the neck, breast ainfr extremities. Tho person attacked is ofterr remarkably rest Iobs changes his position constantly, and his face assumes a look of intense nervous anxiety or is tierce and threatening Thei comes an abatement of ihu symptoms, the skin grows moist and cool, pain partly vanishes ; and the patient is apparently growing well. Tho third state is one of prostration ; tho pulse becomes more fre quent aud feeble, nnd the skin darker, tho tongue is largo and moist, or brown, or dry, or smooth, red fissured and bleeding. The stomach again becomes irritable, the vomiting often incessant and the matter ejected contains dark (lakes which, if tho case goes on, gradually becomes tho terri ble "black vomit," which often looks like a mixture of coffee grounds or soot.- Low muttering delirium supcrvcnesr aud- m a few hours the victim dies. The monthly wile of Scran tou coal on Wednesday, in Mew York, show a decline in all varieties except steamboat. Five thotiHnud persons are thrown out of employment by tho slnppago of the Har mony Cotton Mills at Colrnes, X. Y. It is said tho mills will rcsumu work in a couple of weeks. Their pay roll, when in full operation, is S0,0i)U per month. The heavy rains last week flooded sever al of the Sehuykill county collieries, and in soma cases tho operators hud barely time to save their mules. The yellow fever at Memphis and Shreve port is somewhat uLnling, jet the suf fering and death at both places have been very great. The oldest church in Philadelphia is the filoria Iei, which was erected iu 170U, ou tho same Bite as its predecessor, which was built of logi, and served the double pur pose of a place of worship aud a defence against tuu luuiaus. AHiutic Choleru in Cliiiiu. ALMOST EVKKY CASK t't'HKD WITH 1 A I K . K I J. 1. K U I Dear Sius : During a residence of some ten years in Si a in aud China, as a tuihsiou aiy, I found your Pain-Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with sugar ; then, after about fifteen minutes, being to-give about a tablespoont'ul of the same mixture every few minutes until relief was obtained Apply hot applications to the extremities, llalho the stomach with the Pain-Killer, clear, anil rub the Hub briskly. Of lluu-e who had tho Cholor.i, and took tho medi cine faithfully, iu the way stales above, eight out of ten recovered. Rkv. It. TELFORD. Missionary iu China. Dear Sius : During a long residence iu Chiua I have used our valuable Puiu-Killer, both in my own fumiiy and among the Chinese, aud have found it a most excel lent medicine. In tho Summers of lsti2 and ltt3, while re'bidiug iu Shanghai. I fouud it an almost certain cure for cholera, if used iu time. Iudeed, using it in a great niauy iuslauces, I do not remember failing iu a single case. For three years I have been residing iu this place, more than fifty miles from a physician, aud have been ob liged often to full upou my own resources iu cases of siekuesa. The L'hiueso come to us in great numbers for medicine and ad vice. Though without medical knowledge ourselves, the few simple remedies we can commuud are so much iu advance eveu of their physicians, that we have almost daily applicalious. Wo allow them to cmuc, be cause it briugs us in contact with them and opens a door of usefulness. Iu diarrhea, colio, vomiting, cholera, Coughs, etc.-, your l'aiu-Killer has boeu my chief medicine, Yours, very truly. Uev. T. 1. CRAWFORD, Tuugehow, Chiua. Those using Pain-Killer should strictly observe tho following directions : At the commencement of the disease, take a teaspoonful of Pain-Killer, in sugar and water, and then bathe freely across the stomach and bowels with the, Pain Killer clear Should the diarahea and cramp continue, repeat the doso every fif teen minutes. ' In this way the dreadful Acodrge may. be checked add the patient re lieved in the course of a few, hours. N. Ik Bo sure arid get the genuine ar ticle ; aiul it 1ft recommended by those who havfe usW lU Phio-Killcr for the cholera, that in extreme cases the patient tafte two asattaJWlfar ore) toriapoonfiils Instead of one. 3114 2575 The Paln-Killcr is sold by nil the Dr 4i58 2944 gfots end Dealers In Family Medicines. Drna- H-CS-Prloe. 25 and 60 cenU and 81, 3:liMiipufs Prop's. 130 High, Pr ifflff QcUyi373.-Im.. .... 1 r.iini i;; v 10 OUA, rov.4 H. I .f'U'Vi ' ltUtt!M,ihtli'l 1 . " ... GAHINGER'S HALL. One 2nght; Only; i.t' - - Saturday, NOV. I, 1873. i it- Dan; Shelby's Congress of Stars. Composed of Ladles and (Jontlemon of ac knowledged abilities, engnged express ly to produce the great wnsation - al play, ifu-i.uis---- JUSTICE; OR Tin:' ' In which w'il! bis Jntroduccii now nnd start ling novelties, including thy pleasing !- and . . , 1'AUI.on COXIEKT M F.XES, 15y a full corps . of Special Artists. Popular prices. Admission 35 and 50 cts lVood'H ItrnptrM ami Mower. - BEitiirsm-KO, Ia., Oct. 10, 1S7X .' Simon 8. Bowman, Ki., Eh'q. Upper Dutiphlu Agrlcalturul An-uciiition, Dtatr Sir t-r- t SliCcr, Wall ami Slnhicr, manufacturers of tho 'Hiick-cje" Mowers nnd Rn-ipcm, circulated ut the Suulmry Fair a Pamphlet n-ttinir forth that thc-y hail hwn nwnrrtVd by the Judges ntthe Grand Field Trial of th Upper-Dnnphln Aitrl ciiltuial Association, tha Diplomn for the hefct Mower and Ileapr. This evidently Is n mistake ; the Waller A. Wood-,Mmilacturiug Co. hold now In their possession the. Diploma for the "host Mower," awarded thciu hy the Judges at that tr'a'. Ho kind enoiish to write me the fart concern ing the award of Diplomas ns rcorted to the As sociation by tho Judges of said Trial, (t oblige Very TnUy Yoiirs. , , DAVID WETZI.F.R.. Mii.i.KKsnmiH, Pa., Oi-t.;U, is":i. David Wrtzlki:. F.q.. Aifont ff Woml" Rend ers und Mower. Bcrryshnrg, Dir tlr : Your lulter of the 10th came duly to Imml.and in reply v o lUl Male lhat the "Buckeye" Kcnp ers ami Mowers were n warded at our Exhibition in 187!1, the pr emium for the "best Dropper, "and that the "Walter A. Wool' received the diplo ma lor the ''hpt display of Mowcn and Heap- crs," nnd for tho "best Mower." I Tho circular printed and circuWtod by Bllfrr, Wnlls ami tMirbier, mnnufnclurs of the "Buck eye" Reapers and Mowers, stating Ibnt they , were awarded the flrt jrruiititn for the best ) reaper and mower It not correct j thctr nward is only for th "best display of Machines," and for the "best Mowing Mucliino" as above stated. I am Very Truly Ynuts, fllMOX 8. BOWMAN, Scc'y I'ppcr-Dauphlu Agricultural Association. Oct. HI . J S73. 4t. : Administrator's Notlne. (Estate of Chtistiah Miller, dee'd.) "VJ OTICF, is hereby given that letter! of admin .1 titration having been granted to the under signed on the estate of Christian Miller, lute of Bbumukin tnwntdilp, Northumberland county, Pit., dee'd. All peri-ons indebted to said astute are rriiieslcd to make Immediate payment, and those having elalnm to present thetn authenti cated for sctflumont. E8T11IR MILLER, Administratrix. Shnmnkin twp. Oct. ISTtV 6t. NEW GOODS for FALL AND WINTER at NIm Kato Black'a, Srarket Si'tiare, Sunbury, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS UOODS of every style and UHlil. WOOLEN GOODS .' of every (!licriptlon, Fancy Goods,' Motions nnd 1 riiniiiiiigs a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND l'ERFCMF.RT. The II not assortment of Ladies' gnoda. Everybody U iuvited to call atul sue thcui uud bnv cheap. October 81, 1ST:!. " ' ' o. w. KEEPER. C. Vf. UASPLEIt. FallOoods! Dry floods, Notions, Fiirnislinif; tiuodsi, (JrocerioK, Oil .Cloths, . (JllOT! Mllfl Utlli of crery vnrletr, at one low price, at Kecfer & liasslcr's Store, Corner of Koiirtli and Mai ket Streets, SUNBURY, PA. : All kinds of Grain taken in exchange same as Ctt'li. Call ami sec u. KF.EFER & UASSLER. Sim'jury, Oct. HI, 17. ji:o7 . t oiiLK, JUSTICE OK. THE PEACES Rkai, Estatf Aobnt, and Agent fur' lbe Piiila l.illKl.l'IIIA Mi Ti-.il. Photiwtivs Lifb ISMIIAXI K CUMPANY. Ilt'rudou, SwtUvwbtrlml ( M, fa. ALL CLAIMS ciilrutud in hishuuds wilt red ire prompt atlciitiou. llenidou, Aug. i'Xy 73. mos. Xotlre. "Ol'ICE Is hereby given that nppllcatiyn In.s X . bet i made to the Court of Common Picas of Xoriliiiiiihurluiiil county, by the Sunbury Mu tual Saving Fund uiul Building Aici: tion, for amemluieal to Iho Charter of Ineoi iHirutimi, aud that tho same will be granted ut thu next regu lar term of said Court, unless cause be shown to the contrary. L. T. UOI1RI1ACH, Proth'ry. Sunbury, Oct. 17, IS73. . " KAKLY fAlA, NTYI.F.H. A full line of Mtllluery Uoo4s from New Yrk and I'liiUih-lpbln, now open at MltS M. L. GOSSLKR'S MII.I.Ii:it NTOltC, trimud nud unlrimed BONNETS AND HATS, Flowers, Ribbons, Collars, CuOs, Haudkerchlufs,' Neckties, and a general variety of ;, MILLINERY GOODS selected with great rare from the tendl-ig lis-, porting houses iu New York and Philadelphia, ut MISS M. L. GOBBLER, , Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. R. Every effort will be made to plettsa thoso wao favor her with their patronage, OctolMT 8, 1S78. SEW TOAI4 YARD. " riHE uudcrvigued having connoled the Coal X busiasss with his extensive FLOUR & GRAIN trade, is prrpm-cd In suiply families with tb V fcll V B KMT DFI Otl, CIIEAF FOR CAM1I. Kn.'HtOve and Nnt, t anstautly on bund. Grala taken lu exchange lorl'oal. 1. M.CADWALLADER. Suabury,- Jau. 13,' ISiO. if. ibbcrtiscmcnl. ' ' ' '' NOTICE. , NOTICK Is hereby given I tint application ha been duly and legally made, ou Angast 5th 1871, lo tho Court of Common Plens of North umberland county, by the Banbury Cuttle Insur ance Company, unrtor their chnrUr granted by the tcglxlntnre, approyed April lit, 1870,' to the Conrt of Common Plena, by petition, nnd certified copy and authority of the Hon. Harrison Allen, Auditor General of the Mate of PenniiylTania for chan go of pains style and title to the Sunbury VIM Insurance Company, and to amend section MH Of ald charter, to ai to gra rlbt to laid Corporation to Usui stock policies of Insurance, Ac. and nnlcss inffletcnt causes be shown to the Matrary on or before tha firet day of noxt Term, to wit t the Ant Monday of November next, the p rayon of the petitioners will be granted, and a decree of Court entered accordingly. IO , - L. T. ROHRBACH, Prothonotary. ' , Bonbnry, Oct. 10, Z873. IF.AX.Xi 1873. Millinery. 0 BAST MAkKET ST., KEAB THIS CITT HOTn., I . .i '. , iusLliit, I'A., . . now open, all the novoltlri of the loason in llIBBONS, '.VELVETS, SILkS, FLOWERS, .: .i "i i FEATIIKRS, ETC., : - . I-- i , o : ,,-1 . i . trimmed anil untrlmmoj IIATN AM) IIOWKTS, Notions In ovary Variety, call nnd examine the fine assortment and learn thu low prices. Also, : nreitsiniaklitg of the latest nnd most fashionable styles. ' MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Sn'pbury, pa, Oct,. 17, 1S73. ; ' ., ' RTF. WHISKY, ' ..;' ,' .. ' 14.00 a gftilon. 1 1.00 a dozen. ." .:'.'. ' YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, , ' . In laVge bottle, 1I,00 a tlorcif. ,i . . tiUl.L" Cf.AL. UK.llMJl,. 18.00 rt down. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA Rt'M, hCOTClt . WHISKY, CATAWBA '"WINE. :-- OLD PORT WINE, . CHAMPAGNES, SEGAR8, &C. II. V A, 1'. Van Bell, TllK WlNR MrUOHAST!", 1310 Chestnut Street, ' Philadelphia. Oct. 24, 1873. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vix- Boak Bittbbs the most wondsrfoi Invigor aot that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Billons, BemittenC, and Inter mfttent Fevers, which are so prev alent in the valleys of oar great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Rod, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensivt derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels are loaded, at the same tinio stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed- Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache,1 Tain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipolaa, Swellod Neck, (ioitro, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Att'ec- tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vinegar, Bitters have shown their great curative powers in tho most ob stinate and intractable cases. j For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints aud Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk -SB's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. . For Skin Diseases Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, HiDg wornis, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of the Skin, Humors sad Disease of tha Skin of Whatever oamo or nature, are literally dug up and carried at of the system in s short time by the use of these Bitters. . . Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tbs system of so many thousands, are etToctually destroyed snd removed. Ko system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an theliuinitics will tree tho system uom worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonio Bit ters display so decided an iuflueuoa that im provement is soon perceptible. - Cleanse the vitiated IMood when ever yon rind its impurities bursting through tha skin' in Pimples, Erutttioni, or Sores: cleanse it when" yoa"flnd ft obstructed and sJucrfshin the ' Vein J: cleans "it when U is fuuJJ our feelings will tell yotfwben. Keep tha blood puro, and the health of the system Wtllsollow. R. H. McDOHAtD CO., Dnursits and Gen. A (IS., Ssa FAmcisoo, California, awl oor -vf Wsstiinrton snd CkiuDoa Ms., N. t. iVsMtjrUIraa.tUUaaItswtn. . ooks ! Blank Books, School Books ! SUNDAT.SCH00L BOOK and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS! New Styles Note, Letter and Cap Papers. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPB t .i i. x riiiMiicu r Picture Frames, 0VAL AN$UAR1 BRACKETS ! f MS Special Attentian paid to SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES. All the above (Jooils at Wholesale HAZEL T INK'S Popular 'Book and Stationery Store COR. MARKET SQUARE & THIR1) ST Dii. C. M. Mahtix. (il'.O. W. Ill.OOM. NEW DRUG STORE, Ko. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Buiing, Silnry, Pa. DK. C. 31. MARTIX & CO, nAVK just reri'ivpd a fresh lot ofl'tirc Drus uiul I'.itrnt tnc-iliciin-. c have nUo i full HSMirtnu'iit of DKRSS1NC AND PACKET COMBS. Iliilr, Tooth, Xail.Clothe.Shoc uiul nthrr Ih-iisIk's. TOILET A Si I FAXC'Y AUTK I.K. KINK KXTUAUia, 1'IHKET U'MlKS, KNIVES Ac, AC. KEF.D'S (iRAM) DLCHESS COI.OCXK, llic scoti-st icrfump Ih America. lMrilun, a Kid Glow M null, wiirrnntnl lo c-lonii perii-Wly Hie nio-t (k-licutf sliailrs wiilinul injuiT to the ki-l All tlw li-adiiik.' pii'l'iirations foi tin. lf.ilr. NMiAKS, THE HK.bTIX MAKKKT, PurH-Whui nii'l l.liiiors, fur mfilical purposes, l'hysli i.-uis Prescriptions nnd liiiiillj ii-i-i-ipts roKiHnnitcU with pare. Thankful fur past favors we hope hy faii ck-al- ini to receive a slmrc of your patronage. .Vl'lrinhrr 11, ISTlt. Oi:riIA.S' ( Ol'KT SAI.K. WILL he sold hy thn adnilnisl rator of the es tate of Kt'iitien liiiriimer. ik-c, lati-of Up per AuiHta, ul the Com I Home in siiinhury, on SATURDAY', NOVK.MUEK 1, 1S73, all that certain Tract of Land situate In Lime stone. Valley, Upper Augusta township, North umberland county. Pa., ndjoinini! lanil-i of E. (;recnoti;l!, dee., W. 1.. Dew ail, Daniel Miilick, Lawrence Keen, Aittouy Morris, ihe late Peler Mallek, the lale Hcv. J. P. Phiudel, and others, conlainii.tr ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY' ACKES OF LAND, whereon arc creelo-) n m w TWO STORT URICK DWELLINU llOUSK, New Uauli Rum, and other outuiiildinirs. Also, an excellent oichnid of elioiee kinds of fruit Male to commence at 1 o'c'.ock, P. M., when terms will he made known lv SoL. Si A LICK, Adin'r. (ieo. B. Relinensnyder, Dep. Cl"k I). C. li-c -- ttf FiiiH'j ArevuiU in Court. NOTICE is hcreliy'iriveu that Win. II. M. Oram, Assinnci) of James E. Forrester, has tiled his account in I lie otliec of the Prothonotary in and for Ihe county of Noitliiimherlaud, und that the mne will lm prcseulod to the Court of Cinnuion Pleas of said couuty, un .Monday ihe lid day of November next. L. T. ROURBAC1I, Proth'ry. Suiihury, Oct. lO. 1873. Tailoring ! Tailoring ! ! i CHARLES MAIHIi, 1 FSPKt'TFULLY' h-Tornis the citizens that Xv.he has Jutt rret-lved his Kprlng und fiiimiuer tinuds, TAZLORSKOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, hi the Mullen liuililmi;, ami thai be Is prepared lo make.up ul! kinds of UK.TN' AMI ItOY'tf NL'ITN, In the latest styles: llavhi; had niueli rxei'i ence In the business he desires ihe public lo give him a trial. Cloihiui; will be nmile up In the latest Pails and Amerieau Fashions lu the most satisfactory manner. 1.1V73. CWARLgS MAIIIL. FALL. OPEIXU of Nkw Duv Goods, Giuilkhies ixo Notions. Cloths, Ciisslmeres, Calioos, aud everything iu the Dry Good line. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Quecnsware, Glassware, and Wood and Willow, ware. ' GROCERIES. A large assortincut Just opcucd, which consists of Tea, Colfee, Puirur, Molasses, Bplccs, Meat, Fish, itc. The Celebrated AUculowu baud made ROOTS AND SHOES. Wurraulcd to give satisfuetlou. Iu fact a full ssortmcut of evcrythlii"kepl i-Jt Pnt-cluss store, van lo hud at greatly KEDUCEO nUCES. for cush. Call aud see the Hue sclcctlou of uew goods, aod be couviuccd that r. J. iivk6W'M, near the l.uthern tTiurch, In Sfirfbtry.-ts the best and cheapest place to buy all kluiU' of store goods. No trouble to show goods. Oilobir o, 1S7J. Books? at all prices. r rue ui Vviiarge. BRACKETS 1 IMS or retail, nt- GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAI FALL, 1873. We tnfci! pleasure in unnnuncliig to nur fi lei nnd Ihu Public generally, that we have o Hennlifnl assortnient nf Goods for FAI. WINTER. Wc politely solicit a call In w ho w ish tn get a Good I'll, friuprrior llnrlnuim 'I'M' I. a Mil :i nnu Itt-liulilf Mulfrial. Our perfect system for Self-Measiiremei.t, mi-nils llself to every one who in iv desire ib-r l inlhiug from a distance, copies of with Samples of ;;oiU, will bo sei.i on a lion. to Mil. II"' Qeo. Evans fc Co 1U4 Market Stix-et, riiihulclt.liia. "Uno i'rlcu" Merulmnt Tailors ai C'lotliieis. Semptcmber l'J, 1S73. rilllE VICTOR DEWING MACHINE (' JL wanl reliable and energetic Am-Ms in l county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch, fcli tie Machine, with suit' selling Needle, best tiui cd and most perfect Machine ottered. An crease of iiKI pvr crnl. on sales of 1S7J over is' j ror terms, ie., Address, Wl'IDi; KHI. MACHINE to.. 1-7 Cnestaut Sl.,Plii!udilph , Pa. Sept. IS, 1873. linos. Dlt. '. M. MAltTIV, Olliee In Dr ftore, Clement House Ulock, litliec hoiu fiiim 11 n. in., to 1 p. in., aud trom G to 'J p. i ut all other hours, when not Piofessionally gaged can be fouud at residence, corner of Fr ami Peiin street. SUNBURY, PA. Purlieu attention given to surgical cases. Will V Patients cither In town or country. i:tittt ofifr(rc Zerhy lscc'd. TOTICE Is hereby (.iven that Letters of . .iA ininislraliou have been grauicd to Un dersigned, on the estate of George Zci by, late Lower Mohanoy township, NoilhumlKTh county. Pu., deceased. All persons know thcniscle Indebted lo said estate are reipaesle, make immediate jmyinent, and those hav claims to present iheiu duly aiilhentlcated kctlleinciil. fl. A. HOTDORF, Adm Lower Mohanoy, Sept. VI. ot. KhtMte vrt'liHrlen lltH-k llerM., "TOTICE is hereby given llint letters of adm . i isiruliou have liseu gruulei! to the und signs, ou the estate of Charles Heck, lute ol lloiough of Sunbury, Northumberland conn Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted lo said tale are requested to muku immediate pa yme aud Ihoso liuviuj; cluiius lo pre.-enl them lor i llement CHARLES I. BEC K, Adui'i Suubury, Aug. St, 1S73. 0w. fall. mili.im:k GOODS From FROM NEW YORK AND PI11LADELVI1 BONNETS Jk HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. an extensive assortment of Fancy Goods a MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY BTOKK Market Stheet, Si mi hv, Va. My stock of Bprlmr gooils Is unusually la aud varied, comprising the latest and most tractive styles, selected with care from the le lug imyoiling bouses and adapted for the pre season. October 3, 1873. ' M1S8 L. WF.ISKP- I'OR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS A AlX.TUJiOAt DIKEASXS, YVELL s' ' CAKUOI.IC TABI.K1 . put up onl 111 blue Boxps. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Bold Druggisis. Ocl3-4 ' HAW MAAIi