Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 24, 1873, Image 3

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    unburn- mtricnm
llallroad Tine Table.
N. C. R. W., South.
Erie Mall, 1.30a M
Erie Express, fl.4Q "
Mull, 11.15 "
Nlng. Express 6.40 p ro
P. A E. R. R. Wert.
Mall, 0.80 am
Ulntf. Expres8l3.25 p m
ElnfimMall 4.10 "
Erie Express, 6.40 "
I.cave Sunbury for Lewlitown at 7.80 a. m.(
and 4-30 p. M.
Arrive at Bnnbury from Lcwistown at 1.60
and 7.45 p. mi
unbnry at B.4S a m I At Sunbury 9.25 a m
" 13.35 pm I " .'8.65 pm
4.40pm I " " 6.00pm
Regular passenger tsaln leaves 8unbury for
Danville, Cattawissa, Hasloton and Intermediate
tntlons, at 0.4S a. m. Returning leava Hazle
vou at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. ro.
Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. aud 4.50
Arrive at Northumberland at 10.85 a. m. and
V5 p. m.
A ecldeutnl Insurance Tickets can be had of
Shlpinnn, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
gnmmrr Arrangement fter the Post
Office at Kunbnry, Pa.
Iffic4 Qptn from 0.30 a. m., to 8 p. m., txtept
on Snndayt.
Arrives as follows i
rom Ibe East at 0.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m., 4 p. m.
" South, 6.15a. ra., 13.15 p. m. 4.10 p. m.
" West, 6.15 a. m., 13.15 p. in., 4.10 p.m.,
' nurt 8.20 p. in.
" North, 6 a. m., 11 a. m., $.55 p. m.
Shamokin, Mt. Carrnel aud xlntt on
that Hue, tl.15 a. m., 3.50 p. in.
Mnlls close as folfows :
the East, 5. 50 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. In.
" South, 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. m.
" Went, 7.110 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 7.S5 p. ui.
" North 5.50 n. m., 3.50 p, ni., 7.35 p. m.
Bhnmnkin proper 13.15 pVui.
Shnmokln aud otlice on that route, 4.20
p. in.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
Thk Improved tiitoVKit & Bakeh Srwino Ma
ui inc. These celebrated ruuchlues are offered
it the most reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to D. O. KUTZ, Airent.
Fcb.2tf,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Dami', denier In Musical Instru
ments and 8ewhig Machines, Market. street, near
Third, Sunhiiry, Pa. Call and examine the best
Orleans, Mclortcms, Sewing and Knitting Ma
chines in lie ket. Always on hand the Es
tcy, Silvr Tongue, Smith's American. Mason &
Hamlin Onrnus. Orders taken for all kinds of
Pianos mid M listen 1 instruments. Tho Peoples'
Favorite Sewing Mat-bines x Domest'c and Gro
ver A Baker. (Persons purchasing machines
from inc. wiil receive instructions. First-class
Knitting Machines for sale.
Hats and Cats. Samuel Faust, has just re
turned from the city with a large assortment of
the latest stylu hats. His stock Is fall, and the
latest styles can be bad at his store, on Market
Urcct at city price.
Wm. H., of the Excelsior Boot & Stioe
Store, is astonishing everybody with his low
prices. lie keeps the best manufactured. His
stoek consists of the lirgcst Variety In central
Pennsylvania. Trunks and Valises of all sizes,
ure for sale at his store.
Tiir finest assortment or fall troods can be
found at D. A. Finneys store on Maiket street.
Tho selection i very fine, and every variety of
Pry Goods, Queeusware, Hoots and Shoes, No
tions, Jewelry, Carpets, Groceries,' &c. it c, can
be purchased at redo ceil prices. The goods have
nil been selected with great care, and ladies will
llnd the finest display that has been brought
from the city.
No Si'Stension. B. L. Riudenbush's Furni
ture Store, in Masonic Buildings, has not sus
pended, but on the contrary Is promptly meeting
the increasing demands of his customers for
every description of furniture. Notwithstanding
'he Immense run the people have been making
upon him for sonic time he still has an Immense
dock to meet nil further demands.
foral ffairs.
Lost. Tho fire horn of the Good Intent Fire
Company No. 1, has been missing for some time.
Any person having it In their possession, or
knowing In whose charge it nov Is, will please
inform the president of said coirlpithy. On the
dde of the horn Is engraved "Presented to the
Good Intent Fire Company by C J Bruner.
Em'l Wii.veht,
IIrd Timks. From present indications the
nni'.ng winter w ill be. an unusually hard one on
ho poor. Wo would ndvlse all who have a situ
itlon to keep it if possible, und use their carn-
igs judiciously.
J. B. Haas, of this place, is 011 a tour to New
,'ork State, buying apples und elder for hi eus
omers. The Sheriff and Constables ure kept iiitsy just
:ow. Hard times Is the cnuse.
Lakcr Yield. John W. and Isaac lloffntav,,
isqr., of Rush township, from 5U shot-fcs of
ellow bybred corn, raised 130 bushels of cars,
fills Is an extraordinary yield. Can (i"itdy
icutitl Daily.
A Wreck of nlue coal curs o- .d at Delb
ors station, on the Shamokin ro,..-ottd,ou Satur
ay lust, o t, v-CCuuul of one car Jumping the
-uck. The passenger train was uuuble to pass,
uu be Hazleton train was sent out and brought
ue pnteeugers and baggage to this place In the
-veiling. The wrecks appear to be of frequcat
ccurrence on that road, as we notice the wreck
rew going out ulniost dully.
The Railroad employees of tbo Pennsylvania
tall road Company at this place, were paid on
londay last, by checks which were readily an
wcred by the First National Bank of Sunbury.
Uuce the late suspension all over the country, n6
Tiutorlul change Bus been effected in this old n
tltntiou. We are happy to note this fact as ft
ihows that tftie best management exists, and
hat they aie prepared to pay promptly dollar'
or dollar.
Adjutant GenVih" Latta will Inspect lu pcr
jn, at this pluoc, oi Thursday next, the Eighth
Ulitury Division;
All kinds of Justices-Blank's are kept on Ua'iYd
A this office. Legal Blanks of every descrlpt i6h
satly printed on first class paper, can be had" at
nort notice at this olHce.- Our facilities for all
lnds of Job Prlntlug ate not excelled In this
ourty, and woik done hrthe latest style at city
Improvement. We noticed lately a double
.-ame building being erected'dh second strecVbe
w Walnut, by A. N. Brlce,- tiql Also, a two
:ory frame bouse on Front ilVoetj by M rs. 81
inn Bostlan. The brick butWlBof Mr. Jac6b
blpmau, on Fourth street is apprtoarttrog-tiom-
eUoii.- It !s a neat structure, arWill'TAslie
w-'denlrabhJ residence.
'os-nie cheap',' veXtA secand hf.WiM'8tfrVeS
A Fatal Aocidrht oit irr Railroad. On
Friday evenlnn last, Frank Honser, an employe
on the Northern Central railway met with an
accident at the lower yard which cost him his
life, lie was attending a switch, and a train
passing down unobserved, struck him, knocking
ulm down, with his left leg across the track.
Bevcra' cars passed over It maag'.trtg It terribly
from the knee down. Dri Hanpt as promptly
called, bnt thought It adviiablo not to amputate
the limb until reaction took placo. lie lingered
until about two o'clock, when death ended his
sufferings. The funeral took place on Sunday
and was the largest that has occurred In this
place for some years. Tlavlng been a soldier
daring the late war, be was burled with military
honors by his soldier comrades, accompanied by
the Snnbory Band, and as they played tho sol
emn strains of the "Dead March," we were re
minded that the heroes of the war are pass
ing away, one by one, luto the land ol eternal
peace. The romatns were taken to the Luthe
ran church which was crowded, and hundreds
turned away who were unable to gain an en
trance The Rev. O. W. Hemperly preached an
appropriate sermon on the occasion.
The circumstance Is a sad one. Mr. Houscr
leaves a wifo and Ave children In a destitute con
dition to mourn theli early loss. As we know
tho family to be most doservlng of public sympa
thy, we hope that, as a bard winter Is before
them, our liberal citlxens will not overlook them
In this their hour of distress.
Visiting Firkmbn. The Good Will Are com
pany of Allentown being on their annual excur
sion, up the West Branch, last week, an invita
tion was extended to them by the tire department
of this place to remain with us a day 00 their re
turn homeward, which invltntlor. .wo accepted.
On Friday morning as the ,0.30 trntu.ari'lvod from
Wllllamsport, the Ore department of Sunbury
met their guests at the depot, and marched to
the siUare where a speech of welcome was deliv
ered to tho visitors by den. Jno. K. Clement,
and was responded to by Mayor Yeagcr, of Al
lentown, who accompanied them. After this
they imrched through the principle streets head
ed by the Allentown Bund. The "Good Will"
boys presented a very lino nppeurance, being !
equlpivd In full flreiiiuifs uniform. The band 1
accompanying them Is composed of 80 members, i
and a variety of Instruments prominent among
which, as leading Instruments, ore the plenlo, 1
the elaroiiet and the trombone, and which, lu J
the efficient hands that controlled them, Inter-
I mingling with the tone of the Sax horn, produced
, that peculiarly beautiful music which cau be heard
! and felt, but which cannot be analyzed or ox
I plained. We will place our German population
I before all others In the science of music. The
bund has but few equals, aud the language ofits
members, and their facial contour, indicated
their nativity or descent as the land of Luther.
I As musicians and gentlemen they acquitted
themselves with great credit.
I After tho parade the visitors were escorted to
their quarters at the different hotels when a gen-
! cral intermingling of the firemen of Sunbury and
I their brother firemen of tku city of Allentown
took place. The afternoon was spent in show
ing the visitors our beautiful location, aud the
scenic attractions surroundiug our town.. As no
better point can be selected for that purpose
thau tho river, by invitation of Mr. I. T. Clem
ent, they steamed up und down the 8usquc
hnnua for several miles, the trip made more en
joyable by the music of their excellent band. Iu
the evening a bop wns given them iu the council
room which was largely attended, and by appea
rances hugely enjoyed. The Good Will compa
ny is composed of stalwart men, and Is one of the
finest mid best equipped fire companies that has
ever visited this place, and for gentlemanly de
portment they have lew equals, as firemen. Out
cltisens felt highly honored by the visit, and re
gretted thnt their time did not penult them to
make a longer stay. We hope that the Good
Will boys will not forget to pay us another visit
soon, and renew the friendly feeling of the fire
men and citizens of Sunbury.
That Same Old Coon KIli.fd. Not content
with having slayed the coons on election day,
our estimable Chief Burgess, Sol. Malick, aud
ex-Sheriff Becklcy, started 011 Thursday In pur
suit of coons, In Rush township, bent on extin
guishing the nice. In Rush they were joined by
J. W. and Ismic Hoffman, and several enemies
ofthecoor. race from Riverside and Danville.
They soon discovered the whereabouts of that
same old coon, well known to the luhnbilauts of
that region ns the most courageous of his race.
Dogs were at once set npou him, but they soon
succumbed under the claws of his coouship, and
nut until a little cur picked up courage, on the
third rouud, taking a deadly .grip on his coon
ship, and with the assistance oi his billed ru-in-forceinents
A'hich gathered around the scene of
combat with war clubs and other missiles, that
he was placed Aom ill combat. After the monster
was finally slain, his dimensions surveyed, aud
his prowess considered, it was concluded by the
victors that he must have been the father of
i coons, and as the bead was slain the tribe would
soon tic extinguished. It. wns then coucludcd to
give tip further chase. The sculp dance was
then performed on tho grounds, the pipe of
pence passed around, the wur clubs cust away,
when the hunters changed their course towards
their wigwams, carrying with them the prize of
33 lbs of coou flesh. As they passed along the
road homewards exhibiting their prize, there
was great rejoicing throughout the valley of De
mocratic Rush, ut the news of "that same old
Coob" having at lust been captured. The Bur
gess and cx-Slieillf returned laic lu the day much
exhausted but highly gratified at results. They
tiow warn all little coons to keep "shady" oth
erwise they will be compelled to go on another
Tub panic among some of the city banks aud
stock speculators has nearly subsided. Few per
rons have suffered except those who were gam
bling lu stocks, and the banks connected with
them. The banks outside tho city conducted
like our own bunk, have not been u tree ted lu the
Ricdaiid BrniEii, of this place, now serving
lu the 3d U. S. cavalry, at Fort Fetterninn, Ne
braska, has been promoted to the rank of ser
geant iu bis compauy. Tho fricuds of Dick In
this pluce, will be glad to heur of bis advance
ment. Graphs. The season for the sale of grapes at
this place has about closed, aud wine making
bus commenced. The product of the three vine
yards near this place owned by Gee. B. Young
man, Dr. Eystcr, and II. B. Masser, Was about
24 t'ous. Of this amount about Due half the
grapes have bceu sold being shipped' to various
points. The other half Is being made Into wine.
Mr. YoUnginan's crop was about 15 tons, aud he
expects' to make from 1300 to 1500 gallon bf
A New Daily. The Daily MUtonian was
sprung Into existence last weelf, published by
that enterprising firm Messrs. Moiton A Co.
It Is a sprightly sheet, full of local matter, and
Just the thing business men ot Milton and vicin
ity need. The editorial department exhibits
ability, and every uumbtf Increases In Interest
The citizens of Milton ufey well be proud of such
an'cnterprize, and sh6uld Tieep it up for the cre
dit of the town', a'Jd benefit of their business In
tertill. FBEsagT. The heavy rains on' Monday and
Tuesday night got the river on a rampage. The
I watdr having risen some six feet carrylug off all
a'ong its banki. -
Want Lioht. As yet the eltlsens of the lower
end of the borough have been sadly neglocted la
rot having gas lights pnt In that part of the
town, and much tfdmplhlnt, Is heard against the
council for not, ttfgltig the, erection of street
lamps. While the citizens there help to pay for
the light In the upper end of the town, they be
lieve themselves eutltled to the samo convenience,
particularly as there is more travel In most of
the streets In that end than In any other port of
the place. We hope the council wilt give tho
matter their attention, and have street lamps
erected as speedily as possible In the lower end.
At a meeting of the Good Intent Fire Compa
ny of Sunhnry, held at their hall Tuesday even
ing a week, the following resolutions were
adopted 1
Jletolwid, That on account of the beauty and
taste displayed In the decoration of our room,
and the ardor shown by tho ladies of Bun
bury on the occasion of our dedicatory exercises,
that the heartfelt thanks of the Good Intent
Company are horoby expressed to them for their
littolned, That we tender the Steam Fire Com
pany No. 1. our grateful acknowledgments for
the energy they displayed in assisting us in the
housing or our new apparatus, aud we stuna
ready now to work with und for thorn whenever
opportunity offers.
Hetol-cd, That the thanks of the Company ore
due to Sol. Malick, Esq., for the able and inter
esting address delivered at the dedication of our
new hall.
littolttd. That we hereby express our gratl
tudo to the Sunbury Cornet Band for their libe
rality In playing for ns free of charge, and add
ing by their good mnsle so greatly to the occa
Itttob'td, Thnt n copy ol these resolutions be
furnished each of the bunbury papers.
A TOI KO mnn by the name of William Glass,
got di link Inst Saturday evening In Sunbury for
the irst time In his lire, and died from tne ef
fects of the poisonous liquor. I'ltMon (iazttti.
Brother Rlchnrt Is in error as to the location
of the above. Tho occurrence took plnce In Sny
der eounty, not iu Sunbury. We are told thnt
there Is somo bnd whisky sold in Bunbury, but it
does not kill qttitt ns rpiick.
On Thursday of week, a son of Dnnlcl
Fettcrolf, aged nbout II years, In Lower Malm
noy, was riding a yonug horse, the nnlmol ran
away dragging him soino distance Inflicting Iu
Juries from v.hlch he died a few days after.
In Dakitness. Much complaint has been in
dulgcd In of Into iu regard to the darkness pre
vailing in town fur some nights during the past
week. On Saturday night last we observed only-
two gas lights on Chestnut street. Tho rest had
not been lit, or were extinguished at a very early
hour. As the Gas Company contracted to fur
nish light at a certain sum per month, it is won
dered whether tl.ey make a deduction when no
lights ore visible. An explanation is ucccssnry
The Loeotnntivo Brotherhood of Engineers
moved their quarters In the third story of the
I post office building where ihey meet every Sun
It Is a noble order. 1 lielr otiject is to con
together for the purpose of Imparting
to one another t lie knowledge of their experience
as engineers, thus hoping to save the lives and
property of tho traveling community which they
have iu charge.
Boors ! Books I Blank books. School books,
8uiiday School bowks, and miscellaneous books,
Initial Paper of new styles, note, letter and cap
paper, wall paper, picture frames, dockets, toys
and everything thai can be mentioned in thesta
tionery line is new open and' lor salo nt C. 8.
Hazlcltue's Book and Periodical store. The fin
est selection ever knowu to have been exhibited
in Sunbury have Just becu opcued at this mam
moth store. Call and examine his stock.
The Danville Intrltitjmrer thinks seriously of
employing a "fighting editor." VittUn (lax'clte.
Our Democratic editor lu this county does till
his own fighting, and he is not much b'ujgtr than
brother Chalfant cither.
j E. B. Haines, the historian, well known in
, this place, and anxiously looked for by several
i of our officers to "pay what thou owest," is no
i longer connected with the Williumsport Gauttt
j u- JJulhlin. Wonder whether Haines wou't write
a history of thnt establishment.
j Pike. On Tuesday night last, the dwelling
house belonging to the estate of the late Wm.
Cox Ellis, Esq., ou High street, in the rear of
the new addition to the office of the Lycoming
Firo Insurance Company, was entirely destroyed
by fire. The house was occupier by Mr. Wm. E.
Mohr mid his sister, und the tiro had made such
headway before being discovered that hut little
of their furniture, clothing, Ae., w as saved. The
The fire is supposed to have originated from the
explosion of a coal oil lamp. There wns an in
surance of $500 on tho house and TOO on the
furniture All surrounding properly was saved
without damage. Munnj Luminary.
A toi'no man named Rentier, from Uulon
county, accompanied by two ladies, came to this
placo iu a buggy to attend the fair. As they
were approaching the railroad lu tho upper end
of town a train of car just huppened to come
along, which so frightened the horse that he be
came unmanageable and upset and broke the
buggy, throwlug out the occupants. The ladies
escaped uuy serious injury, but Mr. Rcnner was
very seriously injured in the spine. He was la
kcu to some relative four or five mi'.cs above
town, and hU Injuries were attended to by Dr.
II. P. Hiitteusteiu. Mr. Rentier was engaged to
be married shortly to one of the ladles with
him. Sclituujrot Time:
A Qi KKit Fish. A fish was caught lu the Sus-
queliunnn rccci.t'y which has no known parallel.
It was about eighteen inches in length, has n
head like a cattUb, a broad and thick body, wfth
rour short, stout We, und a tail like a tadpole,
weighing between four and five tKlunds. When
tiikeu from the water It became speckled like a
trout. Xurthumberlaiul Vcs.
Several of a similar character were caught
below the Shamokin dam ut different times some
years ago.
List of Letter rennilu.'ng lii' Buubury, Oct.
d, 1873.
Geo. II. Blade 2, Wcs. Fowls. Wm. M. Gear-
hart, G. W. Ileiserman, Mrs. Liable Hewitt,
Daniel Holler, Miss Krlssie Hudson, Henry C.
Husser, G. 11. Johnson, G. M. Jones, Elizabeth
Lesher, J. H. McCormick, Chas. Wier, Chas. II.
Roger, James M. Stock, II. W. Scott, Ames
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
Am Aged Party. A party of nine ladles
whose united agei summed up six hundred and
eighty-three yean, assembled by luvltailoo at
the bouse of J. Lelsenrlng, Esq., ou Satnrday
last, the 4th lust., In honor of the birth day of
Mrs. Ann Gasklns, mother-in-law of our worthy
Register and Recorder, J. Lelseurlrig-. We
doubt whether a puny of nine ladles,- aggregat
ing the same number of yean can be brought to
gether In any other town In PouhsylVaala of the
size of Northumberland. 483 yean divided
among nine would allow ea'cft' Ohe'oY tbli aged
gathering to bave been on Saturday last 78 yean
of age. No better evidence could be given of the
healthy local leu of obr town. May they all live
to enjoy many more birth day parlies. Aorta
un&tTland Prtu.
It li au established fact, that Consumption
can be cured 1 but It is far better jV prevent tha
cruel disease front fastening iUelt ou'the system,
by the timely use of 4 remedy like Dr. If utar'i
Baltam of Wild CAo-ry. This standard, prepara
tion will speedily cure a cough or cold and even
Cousumptiou oftep yields to Its great power.'
1. 1 NT OF CA1NF.N
For the week commencing Monday, Novem
ber 10th, 1873.
W. L. Lance vs Thos, Mast. Ooo. W. Morris
and Chas Morris, Exccut's, etc., of Frcomnn
Thomas, deceased.
W. J., liitnr.e vs 1 110s. mnsi, iico. w. iiojrn
and Chns. Mpfrls, Executors, &c, bf Freeman
Thomas, doccased. , .
Henry Baylor vs Andrew jn. .bsiwick, ei. ni.
Philip H. Mortt-e Vs. Reuben Hollenh'ach,
Thos. Baumgardner vs GeorRC Pont,lii,
The Burgesses and Inhabitants of Sunbury vs
Amelia Fisher) H, Hi.
Same vs Wm. I.. newarl el. at.
Same vs Jacob B. Masser.
Same vs Jacob B. Masser, owner. At:
Same vs Jacob Masser, owner, Ac.
Same vs Same.
Isaao M. Cake vs Joscpn ft. Cnttc. ,
Mairrinlnna Grant, ct. ni. vs The fill? Moun
tain Improvement Company, Stephen Ulttenbcn-
dor, et. al.
Same vs Same'. .
John Fahnestock vs Tbaddeus Shannon.
8ame vs Steeman and Shannon.
Adam Lnwery vs John McManus.
B. John A Sons vs Henry Baylor.
C. B. Wright vs J. B. Masser.
John Reiarert et. al. vs Jnn.cs Kelso, ct. ni.
Nicholas Wcnek A James Vandvko vs Philip
Moore A 1). C. Dlsslnger.
Ephralm R. Miller, who sues as well for him
self as for the School Directors or Bhnmokln
township vs Hugh II. Tents.
John W. Hut her vs Jo in Aiungni.
Sarah C. Shell by her nex I frlcud Jacob Shell
V8 John llaler.
B. Blltonbcnder A Co.; T Tlios. M. Pursell.
A. G. Murr vs Jonathan Hoover.
Ross, Shott A Co., vs J. E. Smith A Co.
Jackson. Richards A Co';, vs Alfred Kranse.
J. W. Davis vs Joli'i) f. Beard and James
Beard, adin'rs of Win. BenYd, dee'd.
Charles Glass vs Pet'r Baldy, owner, and
Charles Roiulg, contractor.
A. W. Creamer Vs Jos'eAh Vnnklrk.
John Fry vs Danville, llazlelon A Wilkcsbarrc
Railroad C.
Joseph Bocher vs Mn'tbias SmucR.'it al.
.Tiienh Ftiirftlv vs David Kellibel. -
O. S. Lewis vs Swnlow, Uowinnn A Jacob M.
Tits most unhappy person In tit vWrld is the
Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark and gloomy j
he feels "out of sorts,' with himself and every
body else. Life Is u burden to him. This can
all be changed by taking Peruvlnn Syrnp (a pro
toxldo of Iron.) Cases of 27 years' standing hS.'vo
been cured.
For Loss of ArrFTiTE.Dyspcpsla.IndleestioVi',;
Depression of Spirits and general Debility, In
their various forms, Ferro-Phosphorntcd Elixir
Cnlisay made by Caswell, Haxard A Co., New
York, and sold by all druggists, Is the best To
nic. Asa stimulcnt tonic for patients recover
ing from fever or other sickness, it lias no equal.
If taken during the season It prevents fever and
niruc aud other Intermittent fevers.
Children often look I'ule and SH-lt
from no other cuuso than having worms In the
will destroy Worms without injury to the child,
being perfectly WHITE.and from all the coloring
or other injurious ingredients usually used lu
worm preparations.
CURTIS A BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by Drurjfiutt and Cftemit, and dcalert in
Meditint at Tw'entt-Fivf. Cents a box.
July 12, 1H7H. ly.
The C'onreNKion oi nn Invalid.
Published by a wnrnlng and for the benefit of
Young Men mid others who suffer from Nehvoi s
Dbiiilitt, loss ok Mamioop, etc., supplying tho
means of self-cure. Written by 0110 who enred
himself after undergoing considerable quackery,
aud sent free or receiving a post-paid directed
envelop. Sufferers are invited to address the
Juno 14,'73 O111. Pox 153, Brooklyn, N. Y
The Iloufiehold Pauarea,
Family Liniment
is the best remody lu the world for the following
complaints, viz. : Cramps in the Limbs and Stu-4
mach, fain In the Stomach, Bowels, or Nde,
Rheumatism iu all its forms, Billious Colic, Neu
ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery ,Colds,Frcsh Wounds,
Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
and Bruises, Chill und Fever. For Internal and
External use.
Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient,
hut entirely removes the cause of the complaint.
It penetrates and ervudcs the whole system, re
storing healthy actlou to all its parts, and quick
ening the blood.
The Ilouwehold Panacea is purely
Vegetable and All Healing.
Prepared by
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale bv all druggists.
July 12, 1873. ly.
Thirty Yearn Experieucc orau Old
Mm WinMlow) Soothing Kyrup 1st
the preNcription of one of the best Female
Physiciaui and Nurses In the United States, and
has been used for thirty yean with never falling
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from tho feeble Infant of one week old
to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates tho bowels, and
gives rest, health und comfort to mother and
child. We believe It to be the Best and Surest
Remedy iu the World, iu all eases of DV8KN
ther it arises from Teething or from any other
cause. Full directions for usinir will accompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile j
01 i-lkiib is rtKMs Is on tho outside wrap,
per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers.
July 13, 1S73 1 v.
At Turnutvllle, on the 0th Inst., fcy the Rev. J.
F. Wnmpolu, Mr. Daniel Hillmkvkh, of Lime
stoneville, to Miss Lizzie Rta-n of Muncy.
On the 19th inst., by the same, Mr. William
Coi.BKii to Miss Makv E. IIowkk, both of Trout
Run, Lycoming county.
Near Comly, on the 17th Inst, OLIVER R. M'
CLELLAN, uged 2 years, 0 1110s., and 17 days.
jjcto bbcrtismcnts.
Agent, for the
self-threading, both in the s'nuttlo and arm, self
adjusting tensions, lelf-sctting needle, positive
take-up, can bo adjusted to sew the cheapest and
coarsest putcnt linen thread ; runs liitht, st-ws
fast t cheapest, best made, host finished, most
uurnuie. written, guarantee for three
For Circulars, terms. Ac., address.
No. 83 North Secoud Si., HarrUburg, Pa.
8opt1lU,1873: S.jna.
BlagnoM tz lm
Pur Blooming Completion.
It Is Purely YsoetebU, ant I U opentlna I s swn n 1
fall at ooo. llduwawsy Willi tuo t lunli. d M" r
auoe caused by list. Fallens, and KituU-uii-ut. '-( . i.n
and removes 11 iUoidiftaaud Pimples, LHaJtiiiiE da
ul Dslgbtlr sputa. Iniret sway Tan. Fm-kles. suit
uuburn, and by It atl but pwarftif irSui!Ue
snanll th' ladJ chcA with .
Ytnmfttftr BIOOM Alfi) BEAUTY.
Bold br all 1 '
:isl Mil J'an-y Mores.
sL, ,J mm
'l.i lern LefnTO tho American public
"'i:rt TIUIllY von in. Itlin ncveryct
1' ilcil to plvo perfect satisfaction, nii'l has
just y linen rtylcil tho panacea for all ex
ternal "'oiin-U. Cuts, Burns. SwellingR,
Pproins, llru'w-s. tic, &c, for Mnn nni
Posst. y fiTUy should h" slnrrls: i!ny
NOPICE is hereby given Hint nppllcntlyn hi.s
betn made to the Conrt of Common Ptens
of Northumberland county, by tho Bnnbury Mu
tual Saving Fund nnd Building Association, for
amendment to Ibe Charter of Incorporation, and
thnt the samo will bo granted at the next regu
lar term of said Court, unless causa be showu
to the contrary.
L. T. ROIIRBACH, Proth'ry.
Sunbury, Oct. 17, 1873.
A full line of
91illinery iools
from New York and Philadelphia, now open nt
lvllM.INKItY NTOItl-:,
trlmed nnd iintrimed
Flowers, Ribbons, fjollnrs, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs,
Neckties, and a general variety of
selected with grcnt enre from tlio le:i(flT Im
porting houses iu New York nud Philadelphia,
Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. R.
Every effort will be made to please those wlio
favor her Willi their patronage.
October 3, 1S73.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vnf-
BOAR Hitters the most wondarful In vigor
ant that over sustained tho sinking system.
Xo Person can take these liitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison orotbfcr means,'
and vitnl organs wasted beyond repair.
Ililious, Remittent, and Inter
mtttent Fevers, which aro so prev
alent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Red, Colorado, llrazos, Rio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
cntiro country during tho Summer and
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, aro
invariably accompanied by extensive
derangements of tho stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful intlueuco upon theso various or
gans, Is essentially necessary. There is
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr..
J. Walkek's VixEGAtt Hitters, as
they will speedily removo tho dark
colored viscid matter with which the
bowels aro loaded, at tho samo time,
stimulating the secretions of tho liver,
and geuerally restoring tho healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body against disease
by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar
Hittep.s. No epidemic can take hold of
n system thus fore-armed.
l)jsiej)sia or Indigestion, Head
ache, Tain in tho Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour
Eructations of tho Stomach, Had Taste in
tho Mouth, Hilious Attacks, Palpitation
of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs,
Pain in tho region of tho Kidnoys, nnd a
hundred other painful symptoms, are
the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlo
will prove a better guaranteo of its
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, White
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled
Neck, (Joitre, Scrofulous lutlaminations,
Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec
tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin,
Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all
other constitutional Diseases, W-AXKEu's Um'EKS havo shown their;
great durative powers in the most ob
srtnatd and intrattablo fuses.
.For Inflammatory and Chronic
IlheuThatisni, Gout, Hilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases
of the Uiood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad
der, these Hitters havo no equal. Such
Diseases nre caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases. Persons en
gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as
Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters,
and Miners, ns they advaneo in life, are
subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To
guard against this, tako a dose of Wak
eu's Vinegar Bitters occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet
ter, Salt-Rheum; Blotches, Spols, l'implos,
1'UHtulcs, liuilti, Carlmuclflfl, King-worms,
Scald-head, Suro liyca, Erysipelas, Itch,
ScurtV, Dnicoloratinos, of tho skin, llutnora
aud l)icaica of the Skin of whatever name
qr uutuio, are liberally dug tip aud carried
out of ths systoui iu a short time by the uiiu
of these liitters.
Pin, Tape, and other Worms,'
lurking in the svstem of so miiny thousands,
are effectually destroyed and removed. No
svstem of medicine, no vermifuges, no au
tuulmimtius will free the system from worms
like theie liitters.
For Female Complaints, In young
or old, married or single, nt tha dawn of wo
manhood, or tha turn of life, these Tonio flit
ters display so decided an influence that iiu
proremuul is soou jnorccptilile. ,
Cleanse the Vitiated .Blood when.
ever you fiudiu impurities bursting through
the skin in Pimples, Eruptioui, or Soros:
cleaiibe it wlji'U yW find it obntructod aud
bluirgihh in the Tern, ; tlcuuee it when it i
foul ; yoflr'feelings will tell vou when. ' Keep'
the blood pure, aud the huaftn of the ytcra
will follow.
H. II. Mt DONALD rft'rti..
lrugi:!bls und Ih-k. A fit., tjiin PnuioUoo, California,
uuux't .oi aaiiniKi.m aim 1 uaiiton Ma.. IV. .
avid by all Dr
by all DruKtMsli and Dealers.
without this Liniment. Ths money ro
funded rnlcsi tho I.lnlmcnt I ns repre
sentee! I'm imro nnrl pet thn fcnnino
ly all Druggists und Country Stores, nt
2.. 60c and $1 00 per Bottle. Notico
'vie, sine of bottle. &c.
11T1IEUEA3 the Honorable W. M. Mockcfcl-
YV lcr. President Judcc, nnd his AssocIiiIps,
for this District, hnve iup tlu-lr mandate for
nn iidjourncil Court for Noitluinihciiiind county,
to be held nn Mondiiy the 27tli rlny of October,
A. 1)., 187;t, bclus; the 4th Mouilay of snlil nnnith,
In f?unbury., I therefore uivc nutlcc, that nil cr
snns Intitrcitpil, to be ami nppcnr nt the place
aforesaid nt 10 o'clock it. n't., of snid ilav.
SAMVI. H. K'OHIF.nMEI,, Sheriff.
Slicritfi Ollicc, Puiilmry, hept. 'Jtl, 1S":!
7Airioiv !
To all It may concern f , Al) persons nre cau
tioned not to purcliasu tha property linon ad
Mathlas Sclimuck's liakcry, or nlpresent the
"Eiirojicnn Hotel," built 011 Ainnl. E., Kapp's
land, In the boinnh of Northumberland ; nor
will uny lk'ii be alliiwed if entered ngninst the
luiprovenicnts on said lot, ns they lire at present.
In litigation, nnd ure owned by the undersigned
until the Court decides otherwise.
S'orJh'unilicrlnnrt, Pa., October 3d, l-
KEXTi riii W "great kamterm
7 icrrlit Ciold Itoinls,
Coupons payable February and Auyit iu ("told,
In New York or Baltimore. For S.ilc, ut !i: per
cent., nnd accrued Interest in currency ; secured
by First Mortgage j, executed to Fanner's Loan
and Trust Co., of New York, covering Company's
Line, its Franchises, Equipments, Kcnl and Per
sonal Ktnle, ut tho rate of tlfl.OOO per mllo on
the Koad, extendinte from Cincinnati tQ('atlctts
bura;, the terminus of Chesapeake and Ohio Koad,
140 miles. 1
Governments, States. City, Railroad or nny
other marketable securities taken in exchange,
nt highest maiket rates, without commission,
nnd K. ,V (i. V.. K. Honda forwarded free of
charge to purchaser. Pamphlets, Maps and full
information will be furnished on application to
yj South St., Baltimore,
Hankers, Stock nnd Note ilrokers. nud Fiscal
Agents of the Company ; dealers iu tiovcrmnciits
nnd Railway securities iu all the markets of the
1'. S. Or to Banks and Bankers throughout the
country. Ocl3-4w
WATCH FREE worth 20, givcu gratis to
everv live man who will net n our aeent.
Business light nnd honorable. i?M lrf.iuc In !
davs. Saleable as Hour. Everybody buys ii.
Can't do without it. M 11st have It. No (iift En
terprise, no llui-bui;. KENNEDY & CO.,
Octll 4w. Pittsburg. Pa.
X How either tux miij fuucinu'tv and gaintho
love nnd affvctlous of any person choose In
stantly. Tills simple mental acquirement nil
can possess, free, by mail, for )Me., together with
n marriage guide, figyptian Oracle, Dreams,
Hints to Ladies, Wed. ling Night Shirt, &c. A
queer book. Addiess T. WILLIAM & Co.,
Oct 3-4 w. Publisher Philndelphln.
. .
ML'RDEK I Xo, we would only call attention
to our well auger, with which a "inn can
earn $25 per day in good territory. It bores any
diameter, and ordinary wolls nt tho role of 150
feet per day. Farm, Township and Conty Rights
for sale. Descriptive book sent on leccipt of It
cents postage Address ALl.KK ClJ., St. I.o'.ns, 1
Mo. L. C. HOOTER S: CO., Washington. D.C., !
tieu'l Aa'ls lor Ptun., Virginia and Mar.v'd. I
Oct 3-4 w
PROF. I'IMVLKiCS (.lti:t l V4MtK
On Manhood, Womanhood and their Matual In- .
ter-reUitions i Love, Its Liws, Power, etc.
Agents nre selling from 1.1 to 'it copies of this ,
work n day, and w e snd a canvassing book free j
to unv book agent. A.bties. stating experience, 1
etc., NATIONAL PL ISLISIIlNti CO.. Philadel
phi.i. Pa. .(Kl3-4
A;ENT.W.YNTKD. Send for Catalogue.
Kocjirstlr Kt'wing .IhMiiih- Co., . V.
A CENTS WANTED for the n-w hook,
t.IKK. AN1 ADVENJ l lil S up
ii .1 t : a :t s
by his comrade and friend, I). W. C. Peters,
Brevet Lt. Col. aiicl Suigcon, I'.S. A., from fids
did 11 led by himseif. The only true ami Authen
tic life of America's greatest IIi ntfh. Thai i-kii,
Scot t and (inoK ever published. It coin ibis
full and coinpltte descriptions of the Indian
Trib s of llic Fau as seen by Kit C.nsou,
who lived among them all his Hie. It givee
full, relial Ic accoimt of the Mhh-h-n an 1 ti.i
Mniioi: Wak. Asa woik ol HiNTt'Hl, it Is In
valuable. A grand o;ip,iiiuiiy for ageiiis to
make in'oiicy. Our l!u-iraied ciiculars sent f'ice
to ull applhau.s, V, ri:'c and tecure U rritory nt
once. . Oi t. 3-4 v
DL'STIN, tJILMAN .t CO., Hurl find. Coui.
An tllliclal and ThcilUing llirtorr of
The ro'itri I'.t-li t ion
I'nder tU lute Cupt. Hall, Ins untimely IValh,
Remarkable Rescue of the the Crew I rom a float
ing Field of Ice. Also, 11 IIistouy of nil the Ex
peditions tu the Akctii Woiii.n from tt-n Ei(
l.trsT Timiw. Profiisi-lv lllu-triiei. igenfi
Wanted. Addre.s, PHI I. VDKI.l'll IA HOOK
COMPANY. P11ILA. (lot. 3-4w
1 . ii:vt.i.oii:t: ivkst
The only complete lii.-'.o: y of that va-t region bc
twecu the Miiaippi a ad tho the r.i.ii.o: Its
Rcsoureer, Climate, Iuliuliitati's, Natural Curio
sitlci, etc. K conlaini "ID tln vnutaviags oft lie
Seeneay, Lands, Pecqlp and Cuito.iliea of I hi)
G mil Wot. Agenta are sclllTs- from l" to 25
copies a day. und we .scud a cauvusaiug book
free to m.y book agent. Address, tinting expe
Philadelphia, I'a. Oct. U-4w
Teachers, Students, Clergymer., Postmasters,
and wide aw uke Youn Muu. und Wuiiicu of all
c-lussus 1
You ruu easily enaily earn a 6rst-clua Sewing
Machiue ; or books suttleienttoslocka Library j
or some valuable Pictures to beautify your home;
or a nice Stereoscope; or a kimkI Tiuie Keeper
(Clock or Watch) 1 or a Music Box t or a Gold
Peu 1 or a Photographic Album t or a Staud
Kcroaffiic Lump for your Palor 1 or a Fine. Ae
corden t or Webster's Illustrated y-mrto Diction
ary 1 or Koscr's World ltcuowntxt, Statuary
Groups 1 or a Finn Ylollu 1 or a Kciuiugloii ntlv
Caue ; or a Reiniugtou Double Biiircl Breach
Loading Shot Guu t or a Cabluct Pi4U worth
$140 1 by simply workhig up jqur uiipccnpled
time lu a way explniued in tat circulars of the
M. II. P. Co Perfectly legltiman aud respccl
uble 1 many would sbv pbllanthropie Address
M. li. 1'. Co,, U'J Eact, !i7lU St., New York.
Oct. 3-lw
Is (lie most poweiful clennpcr, slrengthm!'
aud remover of Ulan lular Obit ructions kuiwu.
Llo Materia Hcll'ii, 1
Jt is awv;iiy udgpted In foiuiiiiillons "worn
down" and debilitated by the w.trm weal her of
Spring and Summer, when the blood Ii not In
active circulation, consequently gnlhci Ing iini'ii'
rities from sluggioliiics and Imperfect, nctton of
the secretive organ, und Is munircsted by Tu
mors, Eruptions, Blotches, Boils, Pcstulcs,'6cror
fiin. Ae.
. When weury nnd lanq'uld from nTorwork.nnrl
dullness, drowr.lnes nnd intia take (he plnce of
energy nud vigor.. the systnui ntils ,ii TiiulC In uf (tnd holp the Vitiil Forces to regain,
their rceuperntivs powcri
In the heat of Summer, frequently 3ttio l.lver
and Spleen do not properly perforin, their, fuue
tlonsi the Uterine nnd tJrlnaiy Organs nre in
nctlve. producing wenkness of the stomach nnd
Inle-linesand a prcdlspotiliou to bilious dirangc-
, , . DR: WELl.', ... ,
l:lfnct or Juriibeln 1
Is prcparcif pirectly from the 6011th American
Plant, ami i )cculiiirT-su'iti-d to nil f difll
FuHics 1 it will rlennsc lbe Vitiated Blood, strcug
then Ihn Life.-Olvlng Powers, and remove ull
obKtruclions from Impaired and enfeblcd Oignns.
It should he freely taken, 1' Jimibubn Is pro;
nonnred by medical writers the ninst cHlr-Jcnl
Purifier, Tonic nnd Dcoi.stii.cut knowu iu the
whole range of medicinal plauls.
JOHN Q. KELLOOfI, TP Hlalt St.. N. Y. '
Sole Ageut for the Unite.: Slates.
Price, UM par Bottle. Send for Circular. 0;'t-4i
WOICKI( t l-ANM Male :r Female $60 a
week guaranteed. Respectable rmploynient iu
home, day or evening j no capital required j full
instructions fi valuable package of go-ids set-
free bv mini. Address, with six cent retiiu,
stamp". M. YOl'NG & CO. 1T3 Greenwich Strc-iv
New York. Oi t:)-4-
X E V E It
Ncglctt 11 Cough. Nothing Is more certuiu to
lay the foi'ildu'tion for future evil conseqiicncn.
arc a sure cure for nil discuses of thn Respira
tory Organs ..Sore Throui, Cjlifs, Croup. Diph
theria, Astiiiiia.' Cnfarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness
of the throat, Windpipe, or, BroncL-li'Y Tubes,
and all Discuses of the Luug?.
Iu nil cases of sudden cold, however taken,
these Tablets t-hould be promptly and freelv
used. They equalize the circulation o-f the blood'.,
mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, in a
very short time, restore healthy actiou to the at1
fectcd organs.
Willis' Carbolic Tablets are put up ouly Lk
blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If thny can't
be found nt your druggist's, send nt once to thn
Agent in New York, who will forward them by
return mail.
Bon't be deceived by Imitations.
Sold by druggists. P.rJceS-1 cents a box.
JOHN, y. jvKLLOCG, lh H:itt-st New York,
Oet;t.4w. Send for circular. S-ile Ajrent for U.S.
1 y j
I.orafed nt WiIliuuiiort, a
FMablishnt 1SG0. Tht BEST COLL '
Country. Has the best Pen man in Petu
nia. F'or College Paper. Specimens of Pent
Ac., nddresa DAVIS A-OPLIXGEr
OctS lw Willlnmsport
ite for Large Illustrated Price 1
Biecch-lnadiue.Shot Guns, (
blu Shot Gtii.r., in to t'M. Sf
$20. Rities, i to.t',5. Revolvoi
tols, $1 to $4. Gun Material,
Large discount to dealers or Clu
Revolvers, Ac., bought or trui
sent by express C. O. D. to be c.
paid for.
1 1. 1 must bea.
rA fclvle end perfect .
esrer imb1s. The .
;f5-T.. 1 1 irro miik 11,, .
;'fiv''N, ever plurotl In ni..
. -.1 ' - . 1 llruR,,. It , . . .I.rrt i.j
F ir&jTr'V-.''! extrrt sclnfrmn pe-feMiPjH.J---cjlin.rli-
JiPti -rr-rrj-'y; XI , Ml. I'lUnillMi
f)i-i-t ,',(!( I-1A1VOS and H.Ai rj firwt
rlasM maker, including WATIIHS', ol ei
treiuriy lowpricen for cash," part rok,u.l
Mnve in finafl tnontlil) f"!,nint'. New 7
OcCave f iral-claan I'l tMIH, nil modern
liaproi(iiirills.l.rr ;.t ni;t. OIK1AKN 3
1 no; t s i of alio; vi oi, , t-j.t. and xj-
divmtnttu Minuter, 'ChwMx, ,SvndavhorJt, Trm)jcranet
SocUiia, Lodpa, He Atif XTS WANTED. " .
I A GREAT SENSATION! Agents wanted.
1 Cash Salary, or Commission allowed. Strictly
I honorable. Address, F. A. ELLS .t O., I liar
I lotte, Mich. Oct.3'73. 4.
f.m;lj meiit for all! One A,vnt In
four we., ks ni.ule 11 prolil 0111'-' h'l, r.cliiug 111 y -'
nut's Library af Poetry and S at j fr?0 in one.
' wc-k on The Xcw Hontel ecpi-i-'s Manual, bv
j Miss Beei her and Mrs.inwe. Any live man 01
; voiii iii ran b,-.y i... :irncv. J. It. i'l RD ,V C .,
, New Vcrk, Boston, Chicago or San 1'rain iseo.
tct.:;, .
Wmc AwiKf AorvTs Wavikii run '
ll llMlllllK OF Till: 4URF.AT IM.l I'.
I By P10I'. V, A. liossc. it inc lude Submarine,
i Divhig, Ocean Telegraphy, Artie
j Tliiilling Adventures, Whale Fisheries, aw!
j everything of Inlet et III nnd about the Ocean.
Fully illin-Uatid. Bound in sti ei ior styles. Sub.
leii " new. Selling rapidly. Fxira lerini.
j tji AKI'.ll Cm I'l lil.isi:ix,j lloi si', Phiiadelphia,
! Pa. OctS -4 w.
! " A .M 1 II O It I X 1: "
1 The (iri-Htest Dicovery of the Age for 1 1-4 H.ii-i
land cure of Rlienwatlsni, ili'r.:niTS -i.'nd neitie,
! Sprains, Brusia, rain ill Chet, Hack, or Liml,
Stltl Ji-iul-v. Hl.nil.o, f-:i:iiiduliil Swt-liings,. Inlla
nialioii,, Neuralgia,. Bunions, Catarrhs, .vc.
Will not grease or stalu the nitt delicate fabric,,
which uu..i, it .i luxury iu every family. Try
it and be coi.vii'i.-cd (' it great merit. J'rici', '-"
cents per bottle. RKL Bi:N 110YT. fli np'i-, o?
Greenwich St., X. Y. Uct:!- 4w.
Tho oldest und most reliable lu-thjile, fo
taliiliq; a Mercantile EducnlUu!. i.Vuf-
ars write tu r. UUKi- ir M.", i-iuur.-, la.
Oct 5-4 w
m iinr..
AtiKN IS WAN I'ED for a ouipbte biatory tt
our Xutloual Cuidtal. Its origiu. growth, excel
leucies, nbiiacs, beauties, and iicraonages an' af,
portrayed i': Miat gruphiu style which lias placer
the author, 'alio. Aur. Townknii, auuinif lie . .
I'oreinost iiewspMi r corresoiidem of tbe time.
It givea bold stall ling, truthful InskUt views of.
Washington life, and Congressional and Lobby
ing aud Jobbery. Book ulriajy ihr delivery.
Address, JAMES BUTTS C'i., ll-.rtford. Cl. :
. . OrtH 4vr
lROt wW'iariiooK' T "
'THROUGH T11&K'V' Forty yeur adven
ture iu the clouds. Compli-lu hUtoiy of Balloon,
and how to inufe und luHUngc theuu Full of
Thiilling licidcnls uud Ua.ioieadlh Eseus.
Lite of Aut'iio, '4 Ixtt most intclcling uud n
ciiingvoliiiiiceTeriBsUA;. Profusely lllusinii-i
Agents should sc.iuL.uiie dollar for i-uiDt. Ad
Phhadcltdaii", Wcw Yolk, Boston, 01 I hint;.,.-.
v-v-i t nn.f KOI S.
IWiW' unri fav.-.. -a h 1 v.(.,7e v. 1,1-
''fitf $?r?-'-kHKttrtl '"'A'I lOK rfllu Hl.
Ksfei2?5rWAXEIl8 ft BOW, 41