: : . . t I Editor. SUNBURY, OCTOBfctt aJ, 1873. We are uot going to suspend. Thorn who have been waiting to see whether we would suspend before they make tip their minds to pay us, are notified that wo have given up all such ideas, and that they can feel assured we need all the money due us. We hope, therefore, that all who at tend Court for the next thrco weeks know ing themselves indebted, will call and pay P- The Centennial. Meetings fuvorably to the Centennial Exposition are being held nil over the State with good effect. The object of these meetings is to induce pcr sous to invest according to their means. In Philadelphia the individual subscrip tions exceed one million dollars, the banks have subscribed eighty thousand dollars, and the railroads and tho municipal cor poration, five hundred thousnud dollars each. The commissioners have determined that outside of Philadelphia, tho State should subscribe at least 500,000, and this sum has been apportioned among the coun ties of the State. Tho plan is, in each county to appoint a committee to assess each town and township, to appoint sub committees, &c. The Centennial Exhibition is now a fixed fact and should be fairly understood by every American. It belongs to the people of tho United Suites, and ns it will bo held upon tho soil of Pennsylvania, every one in the State should feel a just pride in having a Centennial eclubration of the birth of our j llcpublic so near llio spot where freedom j was first proclaimed of a United Colony. The exposition is to continue from the 18th of February to tho 18th of October ; from the anniversary of the battle of Lcxiugton to the anniversary of the surrender of Corn wallis. This exposition is to commemorate all that Is sacred in our country's history. There will be gathered there specimens of tho natural products, works of art and manufactures from all states of the Union, from Europe, and from the Orient and the Islands of the Sea. Tho ground, covering over five hundred acres, whereon, to erect the buildings, has been located in Fairmount Park, Philadel phia. There will be one building, cover ing five acres of ground, which will bo known as the Memorial Hall. This build ing is to be paid for ly appropriations ,by the State and city of Philadelphia. The buildings nssigncd specially for the pur poses of the exhibition, will covor from thirty to forty acres, and it is for tho ex cuses connected with these that subscrip tions to the stock of the Centennial Board cf Finance are asked. This stock is o Acr ed at ten dollars )er share, to be paid in five' quarterly payments, thus giving the -subssribcr one year in which to pay the "tvholo amount The certificate of stock -will'be iu itself worth the price of a share, It is to be handsomely engraved on steel i 'bytUe'Unitod States Treasury department . ,. .,,,1,. j , ., . r and It will.be 4om at the cost of $.10,000. 'lu-view oriiiwt-euusyivaumB project in 'making (heCentenntl celebration a graud suicess, -wo 'desire that more interest, be tdken by the 'citizens of this county, and thnt'the quota 'be ipedily made up. "Persons duslrincito place articles on ex hibition at thofrttcnniul Exposition, by leading their ttflCress at this office, will have room 'reserved in the building for ttholr'articles. ThE editor of the Democrat thinks that ive fought (Lent Shipman the hardest Pro bably we did, ae his opponent, Capt C'alil- well, vm far superior it qualification for -..ue oniee lnruesuoa to air. anipiuan, we of course preferred the best man. What wc stated of Capt Caldwell during tho campaign ueeds uo retracting, as his vote iu the coal region where he is best known, 'fully vindicates all we have said. His vote ut heme speaks volumes in his favor. He Hiuving the largest majority ever received 'by any man iu that region, convinces us that we were not mistaken iu our praise of the Captain. The official majority for Dill, Democrat, over Wagensellcr, in this Senatorial dis trict, has been reported at 23. There up leais to be cousiderahlo dissatisfaction in 6onie parts of the d istrict iti regard to the manner in which the electiou was held, &e. In Chapman township, Snyder county, all parties have suspicion of a loose screw. In this county matters don't look quite as clear as they might. The mauuer in which the returns wero hauded iu, unsealed, aud in several instances where election returns were opened on the street aud examined, does uot speak well Tor Democratic election officers. The Dnihi MilUmiau, of Wednes day, says : It is said that the electiou iu White Deci township, Union county, was conducted on free and easy principles. The judge and inspectors sitting on the fer.ee oui side of the polls half tho time. Vote, says our informant, were taken in aud counted with out being placed in the box. Dill's majo rity iu this township was 112. The majority for State Treasurer and Judge of Supreme Coarl, with three coun ties to hear from is as follows : Mackey, 25,313 ; Gordon, 13,400. Oi'K neighbor of the Dcnwcrat, says he feels sorry for us. Poor fellow I We were just about to express pity for our neighbor. The future disclosure of his false state ments made to iutluence the voters of the county will recoil upon his own head. Exploding Democrats. Before the election the Democrats of Ilarrisburg tried to make capital against Mr. Mackey by de claring that they bad been denied an exam ination of the Slato Treasurer's aecounts, and applied to the Courts to compel au exhibition. When tho caso came up, last week, tho Dcmociatic complainants did not appear, and well they might not, for the other side proved that the books had been opened to them and they had been cordi ully invited to mako all the examination they desired. It puts the Democrats io au unenviable position. H. . KAISER, I. WILVIRT. Threatened War in Eitropb. The condition of Europe is Hot thought to be favorable to a loop continuance of peace. C. C. Fulton, of toe Baltimore American, traveled on his homeward Journey with a number of Prussian youth who were escap ing from the military service of their coun try. In PrUAdia, arming and drilling goes on with ttiore vigor than ever. It is gen erally supposed throughout Europe that the present peace will be of but short dur ation. Prussia, Austria and Italy were never so vigorous in their soldiering pre parations. Hungary threatens to strike for freedom from Austrian control. Some think that Russia will lend a helping band, and hence tho preparation of the other powers. The meetings of kings, however cordial and apparently friendly, bodes no good to the peace of their respective nations. All creat wars of the preseut century have been preceded by just such meetings, and there is every reason to think that the meet ings which have recently taken place are no less significant than those of a past age. Allen, Democrat, is probably elected Governor ol Ohio over Noyes, Republican, by a very small majority. The other Re publican candidates for State nflices are ejected. Jay Gould, the noted New York stock operator, it is stated,' lias resolved to retire from business, which no honest man will regret. Ho has probably caused more losses to persons buying stock than any man living. Since Lent Shiprtian has been elected we siuccrely hope that our neighbor of the Demonat will not bo disappointed in his expectations of receiving his full share of the printing in that office, and hope that Mr. Shipman will not follow the course of his predecessor, who got all his profitable printing done in Philadelphia, which could have been done just as well at home , Pro vided, there has not been enough blanks already printed for the next three years to come. Our neighbor of the Democrat, last week brought forth his rooster to have a crow over tho result of the election. But as he had predicted a very large majority before the election, it reminded us of his remarks of the Irishman with regard to his little pig. The poikcr did not weigh as much as he expected, and he never thought it would. The public debt of Massachusetts, ac cording to the lust report of the State Audi tor, was $27,317,204 about ten millions moro than that of Pennsylvania. 'The total amount of worn out currency destroyed by the Treasury since ISO I and up to July 1st, 187:1, amounts to $5,935, 952,371 43. The number of distilleries running on tho 1st of the present mouth was three hundred nud fourteen, with a producing capacity of 227,800 gallons of spirits daily. The in crease in September was 00.255 gallons daily. The Flood In the I.rhlgh and Others Itiversj. Allentown, Pa., Oct 21. The Lehigh has risen about eight feet since yesterday morning. This morning, about eight o'clock, a boy, nanio at present unkuown , was drowned while trying to catch wood iu the Lehiuh. The Allentown lioHing Mill Company were compelled to stop all their work8 except t:e puddling mill tins morn- iujr on account of high water. I'ottsville, Oct. 22.-The rain storm commenced here early on Sunday night, and continued steadily until nine o'clock last evening, doing much damage through out the county. Between Minersville and Pott8ville a bridge of the People's Railway Company was washed away. A train had just passed over when it was swept away, narrowly escaping destruc tion. The furnaces at St. Clair are consid erably damaged. AtTamaqua an immense pile of coal dirt was washed on the tracks of Hie Philadelhia and Reading railroad, aud the track inundated one hundred feet. No trains have passed there. The 6ix o'clock P. M. and tho passenger trains j ii ... : nave ooon uemyca uuui uus morning. TKa Tl,..n,n.,lx. (fain rln. Iw.p. nl I in If. pa8t gcven iu tho morning, was delayed by a landslide at Mount Carbon At Girardville, while Mr. Levari, his wife and two children while returning home in a buggy, the hors Wanie frightened at the roar of the greatly swollen Bircam, the buggy was upset into the creek and the children lost iu an instant. James Bowden. a miner, was instantly killed at Mahanoy City by the fall of coal in tho mine.. Mavui Chunk, Oct. 21. The Lehigh has six feel and nine inches of water on the dam. The Delaware is reported twenty feet high. Xo damage has been done as far as heard from. The water is falling here. The w heater is clear and cold. Concord, Oct. During tho rain storm, which begau here on Sunday evening, about three inches of water fell. The Mer rimac river is very high and rising fast. The Plymouth Intervales are Hooded, and no trains have come from theuorth or gone up beyond 1iko Villago since yesterday afternoon. At Franklin the high water has stopped the paper mills. A temporary bridgo across the Orion river at Waterbury, Vt, was carried away yesterday atlernonu. TROY, Oct. 21. Tho high water last night carried away a portion of the bridge now being built over tho Hudson. Ship ping was but little injured, although the jalo blew all night. WIFE 91 I'll DEK. Death ok a Woman from a Star In flicted by her Hlsiiakd. Mrs. Mary Welsh, aged 45 years, wife of Lawrence Welsh, aged 22, both of whom resided at Forth-fourlhaud Seneca streets, West Phil adelphia, died yesterday at tho residence of Mrs M'Cready, Forty-Mill and Seneca streets, from the result of qiolcnce received at the hands ef her husbad on last Tuesday night. Welsh is said to be a rough and in temperate man, who has made the married life of his wife ns misetable as abuse aud ill nature could have done. Ou electiou uighl Mrs. Welsh was stand ing at the comer of Mica street and Lancas ter avenue, looking at a bonfire. Welsh, came up aud ordered her iu the the house, and immediately commenced to beat her. She fell to the pavement and ho left. The neighbors then gathered about her, and carried her into the dwelling of a Mrs. Dougherty, uext door to where she herself lived and uponanexamiuatio' Mrs. Welsh was found to have been stabbed iu the abdomen. The matter was hushed up, but the victim sank rapidly ou Thursday, aud the affray leaked out Mrs. Welsh was re moved to the bouse of Mrs. M'Cready, at Fortn-fifih and Seneca streets, where she expired vesterdav morning. Welsh was arrested, aud, upon being taking to the station house, he entreated the officers to get him some poison with which to end his life. Yesterday r. M. the Coroner held an inquest on the body of de ceased, aud upon the testimony submitted, tho husbaud was committed;, ftir. trial. 1'hiUuUliiliia lnun-ert of !wlnrdayj The l.mttt Eleetloa la Ienniylrnlsw Montgomery CotmTY. Tho official vote in Montgomery county shows tho fol lowing result : Ludlow, Dotn., for Supreme Court Judge, 349 majority; Hutchinson, for State Treasurer, 200. Chester County. Chester gives tho the following Republican majorities on the official count; Gordon, for Supremo Court Judge, 1,300; Mackey, for State Treasur er, 1,167. Northampton County. Northamp ton gives the following majorities : Ludlow, Dcm., for Supreme Court Judge, 1,855 ; Hutchinson, Dem., for State Treasurer, 1,823. ALLEonANY County. The official vole of Alleghany county gives the Republican candidates majorities ranging as follows : Gordon, for Supreme Court Judge, 3,791) ; Mackey, for State Treasurer, 3,002. Lancaster County. Tho whole Re publican ticket was elected in Lancaster, as usual. The maforitics, according to the official vote, were ns follows : Gordon, for Supreme Court Judge, 3,011 ; Mackey, for State Treasurer, 3'044. Berks County. The whole Democra tic ticket in Berks county was elected by the following majorities, according to the official returns ; Ludlow, forjudge of the Supreme Court, 4,109; Hutchinson, for State Treasurer, 1,110. Armstrong County. Armstrong gives the following official majorities ; Gordon, Rep., for Supreme Court Judge, 220 ; Mack ey, Rep., for State Treasurer, 271. Lehigh County. The official vote of Lehigh resulted in the following Democra tic majorities : Ludlow, for Supreme Court Judge, 004 ; Hutchinson, tor Stato Trea surer, 945. Clarion County. We have not re ceived tho full official vole of Clarion for county officer. The official majorities on the State and Legislative ticket is as fol lows : Ludlow. Dem.. for Supreme Court Judge, 714; Hutchinson, Dem., for State .treasurer, Jefferson County. Tho official vote of Jefferson for State nnd l;gilative offi cers gives, Gordon. Rep., for State Trea surer, 619. Mercer County. The official returns from Mercer give Gordon, Rep., for Su premo Court Judge,, 801 mafority ; Mack ey, Rep., for State Treasurer, 519. Washington County. Tho official re turns of Washington county show the fol lowing majorities ; Gordon, Rep., for Su preme Court Judge, 180 ; Hutchinson, Dem., for State Treasurer, 8. Fayette County. The following nro official majorities iu Fayette : Ludlow, Dem., for Supreme Court Judge, 201 ; Hutchinson. Dem.. for State Treasurer. 354. Dauphin County. The official vote of Dauphin indicates the following Republican majorities : Gordon, for Supreme Court Judge, 1,038 ; Mackey, for Stato Treasur er, 1,890 ; Allen, Fortenbaugh, and Shei bly, for Assembly, 581 to 1,989; Fox for Prothonotary, 082 ; Detwiler, for county solicitor, 1,909; Duey, for register of wills, 2,150; Earl)', for county treasurer, 913; Swab for county commissioner, 1,373; Umboltz, for poor diiector, 1,951 ; Porter, for corouer, 2,025 ; Robinson, for jury coui missiouer,l,9U0 ; Ingram, for auditor 1, 900. Erie County. The official vote of Erio shows the following Republican minorities : Gordon, for Supreme Court Judge, 1,280 ; Mackey, for Stale Treasurer, 753. Cambria CouNTY.-Ofllcial returns from Cambria give majorities as follows : Lud low, Dem., for Supreme Court Judge, 488 ; Iluthinsen, Dem., for Stale Treasurer, 011. Lycoming County. Lvcominsi's offi cial vote shows the following majorities: Ludlow, Dcm., for Supreme Court Judtre. 412 ; Hutchinson, Dem., for State Treasur er, 417 ; Hill, Ren., and Petrikin. Dem.. for Assembly, 171 to 532 ; Shalo, Dem., tor county treasurer. 2j : Vt hinccarduer. Dcm., for county commissioner, 81 ; Ro dearmel, Dem., for jury commissisner, 340 ; Thomas, Dem.; for auditor, 120. ochuyllill County. The maiontica in Schuylkill wero as follows: Ludlow, Dem., for Supreme Court Judce. 1.227: Hutchiuson, Dem., for State Treasurer, 1, 109; Bechtel, Dem., for State Senate. 1.- 480 ; Egan, Dem., Foster, Dem., and Mor gan, Rep., for Assembly, 1,120 to 2,021 ; Harlow, llep., and Labor Reform, for coun ty treasurer, 535 ; Conry. Dem., for county commissioner, ml ; Nutzman, Dem., for poor director, 1,418: Kohle, Dem., for jury commissioner, 1,152 ; Davis Rep. and La bor ueiorm, lor auditor, TJ. Nearly two million of salmon eggs, taken from California waters, are to be placed in hatching-houses on the Dela ware, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, aud James river. Winter has set in early in the Far West. Eight inches of snow fell in Wyoming Utah last Friday, aud tho Union Pacific' trains were delayed several hours thereby. The boards of directors of nearly all the mills of Fall River, Mass., met Monday eveniug and appointed a committee to con fer with the representatives of corporations in other places in regard to a partial sus pension of work during the preseut dull times. TO THE I'I BLU . THE PAIN-KILLER manufactured hy PEHKV DAVIS SOX hns won for it self a reputation unsurpassed in medicinal preparations. 1'lie unicermlity of the de mand aud surprising feature in the historj of this medicine. The Tain-Killer is now regularly sold iu large aud ukatlily increas ing quantities, not only to general nsents in every State and lerntory ot the Union. and every Province in Uritish America, to iiuenos Ayres, liraztl, l raguay, X eru, Chili other South American States, to the Sanwich Islands, to Cuba aud other West India Islands ; to England and Continen tal Europe ; to Mozambique, Madagascar, Zanxibar, and other African lands; to Australia, and Calcutta, Rangoon nnd other places in India. It has also been seut to China, and we doubt if there is any foreign port or any inland city in Africa or Asia, which is frequented by American and European missionaries, travelers or traders, into which the Paiu-Killcr has not bceu introduced. The extent of it usefulness is auother great feature of this remarkable mediciue. It is not only the best thing ever known, as everybody will confess, lor bruises, cuts, burns, .tc, but tor dysentery or cholera, or any sort of bowel compluiut, it is a reme dy unsurpassed for efficiency and rapidity of action. In tho great cities of British India and the West India Islands and other hot climates, it has become the stand ard mediane for all such complaints, as well as dyspepsia, liver complaint, and other kindred disorders. For coughs and colds, canker, asthma and rheumatic ditliculties, it has been proved by the most abundant and most abundant and convincing trials aud testimony, to bo an invaluable medicine. The proprietors are in possession of letters from persous of the highest character and responsibility, testify in unequivocal terms to the cures effected find the satisfactory results produced, iu an endless variety of cases by the use of this great medicine. That the Pain-Killer is deserving of all its proprietors claim for it is amply proved by tbe unparolled poplarity it lias attained. It is a ur and effective remedy. It is sold iu almost every couutry in the world, and is becoming more and more popular every year. Its healing properties have been fully tested all over the world and it ueed only to be kuown to be prized. Sold by all Druggists. Sept. o, 16731 nios. ijjftto t)bttttmtnU. Report of"The Flint National Hash ofNuuhnr)', Pa." Report of llic condition of "The First Nattonnf Bnnk of Ptinbnry," In the Borough of Snnbttry, di the State of Pennsylvania, nt the close of bo. sincus, on tho 12ih day o! September, A. D. 1873 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In 1800,000 00 Surplus Fund 82,000 00 Discount, Exchange, Intercut, and Profit nnd Loss n 28,638 14 Circulating Notes outstanding.... 170,069 00 State Bnnk circulation outstanding... 6,058 00 Dividends Unpaid .'. 8.W4 18 Individual Deposits 271,855 80 United Btntos Deposits 22,467 78 Deposits of U. . Disbursing Olllccrs, 190 89 Due to National Bnuks 11,740 40 X)ue to Btnte Banks nnd Bankers, 818 81 $740,090 95 RESOURCES. Loans nud Discounts 278,07l 38 VT. 8. Bonds to sccuro Circulation 200,000 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure Deposits 60,000 00 U. 8. Bonds on hand 700 00 Other Stocks, Bonds nnd Mortgages.. t,850 00 Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents IM,40fl 69 Due from Natlon.il Banks 80.061 75 Due from State Ba.lks and Bankers... 88,828 65 Current Expenses nrtd taxes paid 6,51189 Cash Items, Including Btumps and Protest Account 8,888 99 Bills of National Banks ' 59,208 00 Fractional Currency, Including Sick els 1,804 40 U. 8. Legal Tinder Note 89,000 00 t74G,990 95 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA: Cotsrr or NoRTnrsnirixssn, set. I, Samuel J. Packer, Cashier- of "The First Nntlonnl Bnnk of Sunbnrv," do so'ennily swear that the nbovc statement is true to t.He best of my knowledge nnd belief. Slcned, 8. J. PACK EK. Crtshler. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 10th dnv of October, B D., 1873. Signed, Davih Rockf.fei i.fk. Notary Public. (Seal.) Correct Attf.ct ! J. B. PACKER, JOHN HAAS, W. I. ORF.ENOUGH, Directors. Bunbury, Oct. 24. 187a. " WINTER NTO It KM. RYE WHISKY, $4.00 a gallon. ' f 11.00 ft dnxen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, Iu large bottles, 11,00 a down. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, $18.00 a dor.cn. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA REM, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGAR8, AC. II. A A. V. Van Bll, TlIF WlME MF.HCHASTf, 1310 ChCKtmit Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 24, 187H. PALL 1873. va Mi momr envois IIIIIII III. I WT w, MA1IKF.T ST NT.AB TIIF. CITY IIOTE1, SI Mil UT, l-A., now open, nil the uorc'.tlcs of the season in RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ETC., trimmed and unlrlmmcd IIATM Alt llO.VKTM. Notions In every variety, call and examine the tine nFtorlmcnt and learn tlx; low prices. Also, DreKMiuaklng of the latent and most fashionable styles. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Snubury, Pa., Oct. 17, 173. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, T ESPECTFl'LLT Informs the cllUens that Ltlio has just received bis Mprlng and Summer Good, nt his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building:, and tbut is prepared to niakc.up all kinds of UKXTM' A.ND ItOY'N MUTN, in the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the bublnchs ho desires the public to ylve blm a trial. Clothing will be made up in the latest Tails and American Fashlous iu the most satisfactory manner. ol2.'73. CHARLES MAIHL. KOTICE. "VTOTICK is hereby given that application hns been duly nnd legally made, on August 5th 1S73, to the Court of Common Pirns of North umberland county, hy the Kuubury Cattle Insur ance Company, under their charter granted by the Legislature, approved April 1st, 1870, to the Court of Common Pirns, by vet it Ion, nud certified cony nnd aullioritv of the Hon. Harrison Allen, Auditor (ieneral of the State of Pennsylvania for change of name style and tille to the Suubury Fire Insurance Company, and to amend section llth of said charter, so as to give right to said Corporation to issue stock policies of insurance. &c, nnd unless stilhVient causes be shnwu to the contrary on or before the firfct day of next Term, to wit i the first Monday of November next, tbe prayers of the petitioners will be granted, and a decree of Court entered accordingly. L. T. ROHKBAC11, Prothouotarv. Sunbury.JJct. 10, 1873. I' AM. OPEMXU of New Dht Goons, Ghockhies and Notions. Cloths, Casslmcres, Calico, uud everything In l lie Dry oood line. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH8. Queeuawnre, Glassware, nnd Wood and Willow ware. GROCF.RIES. A large assortment lust opened, which consists of Tea, Colfee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Meat, Fish, c. The Celebrated Alleutown hand made BOOTS AND SHOES. Warranted to give satisfaction. In fart a full assortment of everything kept m a first -class store, van oe uua si greutiy REDUCEb PRICES. for cash. Call and see the line selection of uew goods, aud be convinced that F. J. UYKOD'N, near the Luthitrn Church, Iu Bunbury, Is the beat and cheapest place to buy all kluds of store goods. ro trouble to show goods. October 3, 1873. ITU LIC MALE OF V ALIBLE REAL ESTATE. Will be sold at Public Sale, on Saturday October 3tS. 17S. at the Moutour House, lu the borough of Dan vllle, ut 1 o'clock P.M., all that certain Mes suage or icuenieiii ana TRACT OF LAND. situate Iu the towuslilp of Rush, uud county of aormumoeriaua, adjoining lands now qr lata of Auuer rituer, Johu fitaer, Benjamin Gearhart aua morin uranen or Susquehanna Klver. CONTAINING 44 ACRES. strict measure. The above properly Is situate wltblu 8 miles of th borough of Danville, and the Danville, Hasleton A Wilketbarre Railroad pusses inrougn u. 1 lie Improvements area TW O-BTOKY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Barn aud other out-buildiugs. There Is also an excellent Apple Orchard upon the premises, Poriout desirous of viewing the premises before tbe day of sale may cull upon Charles W. Zaner, residing hi Danville. CouUitloos of tula will b uaae knowu al tbe lime and place. OLIVER I. STROH. October 3, 1873. ts. ON ailERIFF'N MALES. BT Virtus of certain Writs of Fl. F.. allns Fl. Fa., Vend. Exponas, nnd allns Vend. Exponas to me directed will he exposed to public ale, at the Court House, In the borough of ttan bury, on Saturday the 1st day of November, 1873, st 1 o'clock p. in., the following property, to wltt All that Certain plcfe Of lot of land situate in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bCKlhnlWtr al a atone set for a corner which slaridi north twenty-nine de grees, east two feet and eight Inches from tbe north-east corner of Catharine Coble' and Fred erick Coble's honse thence by land of John B. Lenker, north slxty-tbiee degrees and fifty min utes west, one hundred and eighty feet to a tone thence by the same south nineteen de grees and fifteen minutes, west one hundred and twenty feet to a stone thence by thesAme south sixty-three nnd fifty minutes, east ono hundred and eighty feet to a stone, aud by tho same north nineteen degrees and fifteen mlnnlcs, east one hundred and twenty feet to tbe place of beginning, containing one-hall of an acre or thereabouts, more or less, It being pnrt of an out lot No. 13, which was conveyed to John B. Lenker by John U. Markle, executor of Thomas Robins, deceased. Seised, taken In execution sod to be sold ns the property of Catharine and Frederick Coble. ALSO l A certain lot or piece of gronnd situate iu the villago of Hcrndon,- Jackson township, North umberland county, Penn'a. bounded north by lot of John Tressler, castwardly by the Northern Central Railroad, southwardly by lot of William Still, and westwardly by the Susquehanna river, whereon are erected a two storv frame dwelling house and stable. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Dnvld Snvder. ALSO! A certain tract of lnnd situate in Upper Au gusta township, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to wit t adjoining land of II. B. Masser nnd the Cnitawlssa road on the north, bounded castward ly by land of Michael Shlpe, southwardly hy lnnd of Jno. J. Rhlnes,and westwardly by land of Anna Mnria Myers, containing 0 acres and 151 per ches, whereon are erected a one and a-half story weather board log dwelling house and log stable. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold ns the property of Peter Barnhart. ALSO t A certain lot or piece of ground situate Iu tbe borough of itunbury, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, It being a pnrt of lot number two hundred and forty-nine (U4'.l) boundvd and de scribed as follows i beginning nt the corner of 'enter and ltuspherry alley, thence along Centre llcy two .lunilred nnd thirty (30) feel to Poke- berry street I thence along l'okeherry street wenty-nine 1 and six luetics to a post I t nonce parallel with Oentre alley to Raspberry allcv ; thence along sail1 nllcy twenty-nine feet and six inches to the place ot beginning, continuing sev en thousand, eight h undred and forty-Uve square rct more or less, wbi-rcon is erected a two story frame dwelling house. Sclied. taken In cxecn.'ion nnd to be sold as the property of Dauiel Dri'ckcmillcr. ALSO r All thnt certain lot or plcci'of ground situate in the borough of Suuburr. in., bounded nnd lescrlbcd ns follows, to wit : bounded on the north bv a ten (10) foot alley, ort the east by lot number twelve (12) on the south I'V Spruce ctret-t, and on the west by lot number .'oiirtccn (14), containing in width ot: said Sprnee.Hrcel twenty live (S5) feet, and In depth from said Spruce street to said ten foot alley, one bund red and (ire (105) feet, said lot being marked A'ld designated on the map or plan now in the possesion of Ben- aniln Hendricks as lot No. thirteen ( laj.wunine , !,. nr nnr (V.imp ( welling house. Also, a certain lot O" pieci of ! eround situate in J. W. Frlllnc's uddltl n to the fUrnnh nf Hnnl.nrv. 1',. tn. ,.. ,!... 'ir.n.led . nrn.,ni, p,. tn.i, ,i... .iuted I ... ... I n the plan or said J. v.. rriung s ndoii oil ns , lot number five (5), bounded northward 'y by Spruce street, castwardly by lot number fout (41, southwardly by a sixteen (16) foot alley, mid westward;)- by lot number six (u), containing in width fortt feet, nnd In depth one hundred lU'id thirty-seven (137) feet, with the nppunenancas, consisting or a two story rrame dwelling tiouso, hoemakcr shop, frame stable nnd wagon shed. Seized, taken In execution nnd to be tola as tho property of John Wllvcr. A certnln lot or piece of ground sltnnte In ! W. Friling's addition to the borough of Sun- j bury, known aud designated In plan of said ad ill! Ion ns lot number four (4), bounded north- wnrdly by Spruce btrcrt, castwiirdly by lot iinm- , bcr three (3), southwardly by an alley, and westwardly by lot number live (5), containing In : width fortv feet, anil in depth one hundred nnd . thirty-seven (137) fret, whereon Is erected a ; bakery and an ice house nlso. a certain lot or : piece of eround situate in J. W. Filling's addi tion to tlie lioroiiL'ti nl punuury. Known nun de signated in the plan of said addition as lot num her tliree (a), bounded northwardly by Spruce j street, eustward'.y by lot number two (2), south wardly by au allcv, nnd westwardly ny lot nam- 1 bcr tour (4) containing In wld'.h forty (40) feet, and in depth one hundred and thirty-seven (137) feet, whereon are creeled a two story rrnmo , dwelling house anil stable. Seized, taken in rx, cutin and to be sold as the property of David Fry. ' A i.su : All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the boron L'b of Simbiiry, Pa., In the county of Northumberland, nnd Slate of Peiinsylvaniajind bounded nnd described us follow s, to wit : on the north by Walnut street, formerly Wortlehorry street, on the cast by nn alley, on the south by parts of lots numbers two hundred nnd twenty three, '223' nnd two hundred nnd twenty-four '224 and on the west by 1 bird street, formerly Deer street, It being part of said lots numtcrs two hundred and twenty-three '223' nnd two hundred and twenty-four '2".4' containing In width on said Third street, twenty-eight feet and eight '8' Inches, and In depth en suiii Wal nut street, one hundred and leu '110' feet where on are erected one two story brick dwelling house and other outbuildings. Seized, taken In execution uud to be sold ns the property of Michael J. llabnc. ALStl j A certnln lot or piece of ground situnte in the borough of Mount Canned, county of Northum- berlnnk, and State of Pennsylvania, known and designated in the lithographic plan or plot of said borough as lot number eight '8' in mock number thirty-one '31' bounded northwardly by lot number seven '7' eautwardly by Apple street, southwardly by lot number tihie 'tl and west wardly by Oak street, containing in wintii twen ty-live '25' fret, aud In depth one hundred and fifty '130' feet, with the appurtenances consist ing of a two story frame dwelling house, with kitchcu attached, oue stable and one wagon shed. Also, a ccrtaiu lot or piece of gronnd situate In the borough of Mount Carmcl, county of Nor thumberland nnd State of Pennsylvania, known and designated In the plan or plot of said borough as lot number fourteen '14' io block number fifty '50' bounded northwardly by Fonrth street cast wardly by Hickory street, southwardly by lot number fifteen '15' and westwardly by Apple street. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ns the property of E. B. Slillwagner. SAMUEL 11. ROTHERMEL, Shc'fT. ShcrifTs Office, Bunbury, Oct. 10, 1873. MIF.HIFF'M SALE BT Virtue of certain Writs of Ven. Exponas alias Vend. Ex and LevlraFacias to me direct ed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, lu the borough or Bunbury, on MONDAY.the Sd day of NOVEMBER, 1873, at 1 o'clock, p. m.,the following property, to wit I A certain lot of gronnd situate In Camerou township, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, bounded and described as follows i begin ning at a hickory north seventy-six (76) degrees, east thirty-one (Sl)perches to a stouc thence by land of Weary south twelve and a-half (13) degrees, west thirty-four (341 perches and three tenths (3-10) to a sloue.by other lands of Mary Kern, south slxty-ulue () degree, west fifteen (16) perches and oue-teulh (1-10) to a stone) thenca north fifteen (15) degrees, west 85 per ches to the place of beginning, continuing live (6) acre strict measure, whereon are erected a two story frame house and liable. Seised, taken In execution and to be sold as tb property of J. B. Becker. ALSO i All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In tha borough of Sunbury ,on the eastern side of Fawn street now Fourth street, and nombartd on lh geuenl plan of said borangb ef Sunbury a lot number being bounded ou tit north by property of Solomon Stroh, on lb east by an al ley, on th south by Blackberry now Chestnut street, aud on tha west by Fawn street now Fourth street, whereon I erected a two and oue half story log dwelling bouse, being twenty feel front on Vawu street, now Fount street, by sev enteen feel la depth, to whkeit is attached a wee-iner-boaid frame bulldlug tweuty-four fS4) feet In depth, making tbe depth ef th eutlre building forty-one (41) feet l also a shoemaker shop, sit- nat on lb northern corner el said tot, oeuig a frame building, and having a front ti lathe (13) feet on Fawn now Fonrth street, by twenty-four feet In depth, said lot containing In front on Fourth street sevety-seven 77) feet, and two hundred and thirty feet In depth, southern side fronting on Blnck berry Bow Chestnut street. Bel Bed, taken In execution and to be sold ns the firopcrtv of Catharine Hlleman, widow, Wash ugton Hilemnn. dee., EdWnrd Hlleman, Amelia Klchl, Mary Wester. (Mnry Wright,) Louisa Weaver, row Scott, Fanny Weaver, now Boyer, and John Weaver, heirs at law of Elisa Hlleman formerly Intermarried with Charles Weaver,dco., and Wm. II, Rolirbach, guardian ad litem or Charles Weaver, Minor child of said Eliza Hlle man, Intermarried With said Charles Weavcr,dec, owners and occupiers. ALSO t A certain lot or piece of" ground, sltuats In the borough of Bbnmokln, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, beginning at the sonth-east corner of Washington and. Cameron streets, and running thence along the line of Cameron street seventy-two (72) feel to a post thence south by line nt right angles with said Cameron street, eighty-five (85) feet to a point thence east by line directly parallel with snld Cameron stroet seventy-two (72) feet to Washington street thence along tbe line of Washington street eighty-five (85) feet to the place nf beginning, being part of block No. 188, whereon are erected one two story frame dwell ing house and one stable, Ac. Seized, taken tn execution and to be sold sf the property of William Sharp. ALSO i All thnt Certain lot or piece of ground sltnnte In J. W. Fril lug's addition to the borough of Bunbury, IV, and numbered on the plan of said J. W. Frlllng's addition ns lot number thirty eight (38), bounded and described ns follows, on the north by a sixteen foot alley, on the east by lot number thirty-nine (38), on tbe south by Short street, and on the west by lot number thirty-seven (37), containing In width forty (40) feet nnd In depth one hundred and fortv (140), feet whereon is erected a one and a-half story frame house. Seized, taken in execution aud to be sold as the property of Samuel Rnch. AL80: All those seven contiguous lots or pieces of ground situate tn the borough of Bhnmoktn, Northumberland connty, Pennsylvania, known In the general plan of said bnrongh of fthnmnkln as lots number 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, In block No. 30, containing In width each twenty-live feet, and In depth one hundred nnd fifty (150) feet, fronting on Lincoln street on the north, and on the ensl by Eighth street, on the weit by lot No. 1 of the snme block, nnd on the south by an nlleye whereon are erected on lot No. 304 n fnim, dwelling house two stories high, and on lot No. 5, A ware and Ice house, nnd ft well of good wa ter. On lot No. 2, there Is a valuable frame sta ble 35 feet 8 Inches by 16 feet 3 Inches ; nlso, a 1 lnrge frame kitchen, nnd frame wash house. j Seized, taken In execution nnd to be sold as the ! properly of John H. Dewecs and T. 8. Dewee, trading as John II. Dewrrs & liro. I ALSO i I All that certain pastern hnlf of lot numbered ! tn one hundred nnd sixty-four (164), situate In, thu borough of Bunbury, Northumberland conn- j ty, Stnte. of Pennsylvania, on the noith side of; Chestnut street, late Blackberry street, bring i bounded smith by Chestnut street aforesaid, north by an alley, west by the other hnlf of said I lot nuinlercd one hundred nnd sixty-four, nnd i east by lot nnmlicred one hundred nnd sixty- j three, coiiniiiin: thirty feet in front, nnd two hundred nud thirty feet in depth, with the appur tenances consisting of u frame stable, u house, nnd a well of water. Seized, taken in execution nnd sold ns the pro perty of Xh holiis tVcnck. A 10 . A certain lot or piece of ground situule in the bonMiL'h of Slmmokin, county of Northunibcr I'"", and Btnteof Pennsylvania, nnd known nnd ccsiBunea in li e general junn oi sai.i norongn "8 lot nllUllier SIX (0 In MOCK nilllllXT One bllll- "S lot nnuilier six (C) in Mock ntim , l.n.lv.llT. !-. lu, ,..'.. l VnHl,n.nL .JL."." I eouthwnrdlv bv MonlgomrrT slrrrl, nnd west- wardlv bv lot number the (5) containing in width' twentv-five (25) feet in depth, one bun- drcd and fill v (150) feet, whereon are erected n small frame dwelling honse. Ac. Seized, taken in rxeculiou nnd to be sold ns the properly of Michael iirennnn. ALSO: MO, feet front bv twenty-four 24, feet in depth, , iv, i iramp, or wmim riwniiit- nvn.a ininv , of two stories in height!) in front, nnd nui nnd it- halt' story in renr, situate In Cnmeron township, NortJiuinucrlanil county, rmnsylvanin. npmi . . 0 what l kuown ns the IJouly tract, purchased of jx 30. jijVflTl ? tSZ) CJO. John Weik'.c, containing two acres more or less. ! ' Also, four frame or wooden double dwelling I J14 Market StlTt't, I'llilrttlell'lli;!. houses being-1 hi rly 'Mo' feet in front by twenty- 41 ... , , ., 1 four '24, feet In depth, nnd n frame stable two I 'One I nee" Merclmut liulors ntlj storlcs high, tdxly bv thirty feet, the said four , Clothiers. dwelling houses and stable, nrc located npwn n j part of what Is Vnown ns the '-Douly Inul.'sit- i unte lu Camel on township, Norlhinnhcrlaiu county, Pennsylvania, nnd purchased from Geo. Weary and Magilalenn Weary, his wife, by Rich- I nrd It. Douty, being about six Hi, acre marc or J less. Also, ten frame double dwelling houses, bciiiu; ; two stories high each, and thirty feet in front by i twenty-four '24' fret in depth, with basement be- . neat h located upon what is known ns the "Douty j tract," lu Cameron township. Northumberland . county, Pennsylvania, seven 7' of said ten hou ses being upon that part which R. B. Douly pur- ' chased of John 1). Wcikcl, being about three '3 I ncrcs and 12U'i perches more or less, two 2' or the ten MO.icferred to above are located upon tho J "Doutv tract" upon that part purchased from George Weary aud Mugdnlcna his wile, being about six acres, and 130 and 0 10 perches more or less, the tenth aud last house of ten house re ferred to nbovc, situate uion whnt Is known us the "Douty tract," being upon that portion pur chased from Daniel Kncrr. Alio, one frame dwelling house situate on the ' south side of Market street, on rots numbered ' five '5 and six '0' In block number lwenty20'in j what is known ns Gowen City, Cameron town- j ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, ' said house having a front of thirty 'o0 feet, nnd I a depth of twenty-four '21' feet. I Also, an office, being a frame or plank build ing one story high, thirty feel in fro:.t b fifteen ' feet In depth with basement beneath, situule I upon whut is known ns the "Helfrnstein tract" In Coal township, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania. Also, a lump coal scliute nbout three hundred feel long, five feet six Inches iu clear, and about five fret high, being attached to whut is known as the "Douty Breaker" iu Coal township, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. beized, taken in execution mid lo be sold as the property of R. B. Doutv. SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, She'ff. IMierltr Office, Suubury, Oct. 10, 187JL TO HOLDERS OF COUNTY ORDERS. ALL iwrsons holding County Orders arc re requested to present them for payment on or before NOVEMBER ISIh, 1873. Interest will cease on all outstanding orders on that date. By onrifcr of the Commissioners. A. CADWALLADER, County Treasurer. PohUury, Oct. 3, 1873. 31. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS AND ALL T11HOAT DISEASES, use WF.LIN CARIIOI.lt' TABLETS. put up onlv tn blue Roxes. A TRIED AND SLUE REMRiV?. Sold by Druggists. Ocl3-4w Oltl'llA' C'Ol'ItT A A I.E. WILL be sold by the administrator of the es tate of Reuben Garingcr. dec, lute of Up per Augusta, at the Court House In Sunbury, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1873, all that certain Tract of Land situate lu Lime stone Valley, Upper Augusta township, North umberland county. Pa., adjoining lauds of E. Greenough, dec, W. L. Dewart, Daniel Maliek, Lawrence Keen, Antony Morris, the late Peter Mallck, the lale Rev. J. P. Sbiudel, aud others, coutaluiug ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES OF LAND, whereon are erected a new TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, New Bank Barn, and other outbuildings. Also, an excellent orchard of choice kinds of fruit Bale lo comineuce at 1 o'clock, P. M., when terms will be made known by BOL. MALICK, Adiu'r. Geo. B. Rotmensnyder, Dep. Cl'k O. C. BTotiee Of Filing Aeeount in Court. VTOT1CE is hereby given that Wiu. 11. M, LN Oram, Asslguee of Jatue E. Forrester, has filed hi aesount in lb office of tile Ftotbonotary In and for the eoote of Northumberland, aud that tbe same will be presented to tbe Court of Common flea oraata-eeauty, on Monday me so day or November next. L. T. ROHRBACH, Frotli'iy. Bunbury, Oct. 10, 1873. Notice Of Filing Aeeount in Court. NOTICE Is hereby given thnt Isaac Lenker. committee of Adam Lenker, a lunatic, has led his acconnts In the office of the Prothonota ry, In and for the connty of Northnmberland.and that the same will be presented to th Court of Common Pleas of said county, for conflrmntion and Bllownnco on Mondny the Sd dny of Novem ber next. q . f T. ROHRBACH, Proth'ry. Bunbury, Oct. 10, 1873. i ?R7 rpoAMATION.- Notlc Is hereby given that the several Conns of Com mon Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Pence and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer Mm! General Jail Delivery, In and for the connty tit Northumberland, will commence at the Court House, In the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A. M., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER the 8d next, rind Will continue two weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta bles In and for the county of Northumberland are requested to be then nnd there In their proper persons, with their rolls, records, Inquisitions, nnd other remembrances, to do those things to their several otllces appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf ol the Com monwealth against any prisoner, are requested and commanded lo be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute ngninst him ns shall be just and not to depart without lenve nt their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc tual In llitlr attendance, nt the lima nppointed. ngrcenbly lo their notices. Given under mr bnnd at Sunbury, the 26th dny of September, In the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and seventy-three. SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Da. C. M. Mian. Geo. W. BummT NEW DRUG STORE, 2To. 13, South Third Street, ClMit Honse BJiii Sunlnry, Fa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We hnve also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tool If, Nall.tlothe.Shoc nud other brushes. TOILET AXI FAXCY ARTICEEN. ri!E E-XTKAOTf, PtH'KET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, SC. REED'S GRAND Dt'CHESS COLOGNE, the sieeiesl perfume In America. rarlsiau,H Kid Glove Wali, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the lending preparations for the Hair, NEGAKS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physii-ians Prescriptions nnd family icceiptsj compounded with care. Thankful for past favors wc ho,c bv fair deal ing lo receive a share of your patronage. Srplcmber 11, 1873. GEO. EVANS. E. G. M AIZE. FALL, 1873. e take pleasure In nnnoiinclng to our rriends " " ""lie generally, that wc have opened n ! M,,n,'nt of looll!1 f,,r FA1'1' ,in(' V '''J1- e lolitcly solicit a call from all i " " "Mb S B Ciol Fit. Superior Workminliii, and Keliable Materiul. i Our perfect system for Self-Mensnrrment, recom mends llscir lo every one who may desire lo nr. " t'lolhlng from a distance, copies of which. wilh Samples of goods, will be ri:t on applica tion. Scmptembcr 10, 1S73. T HE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO.. want reliable and energetic Aueuls in IliU county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch, Shut tle Machine, with salt' setting Needle, best finish-' ed and most perfect Machine otli-red. An in crease of 500 per cenl. on sales of 1872 over 171 . For terms, Ac, Address, VICTOR MOWING MACHINE CO.,12J7 Chestnut St.,Philudclphiu, Pa. Sept. 12,1873. 4mos. DR. ('. M. NAHTIK, Olllce In Drug Store, Clement House Block, titliiv hours : from 11a. in., to 1 p. in., nud from 6 to U p. in.. ul ull other hours, when not Professionally en gaged can be found at residence, corner of Front and Penn street, bUNBURY, PA. Particular attention uiven to surgical cases. Will visit Patients cither in town or cotintrv. Esitate oftseurge Zerby I--'l. NOTICE is hereby fcivcn that Letters of Ad mliiislratiou have been granted to tin- un dersigned, ou the estate of George Zerby, late ol Lower Mohanoy township, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselcs Indebted to suid estate nrt requested to make immediate yaymcnt, and those -Luvinir clainis to preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. G. A. BOTDORF, Adtu'r. Lower Mohanoy, Sept. 13. Ot. Ffctatr ofCharlesi H-k Iec'd.T TeTOTICE Is hereby givcu Unit letters ofaitinin LN 1st ration have bi'en grunted to the under signs, ou the estate of Charles Heck, lute of thu Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested lo make immediate payment, und those huviug claims to preseut them for set tlement' CHARLES I. BECK, Adiu'r. Sunbury, Aug. 2U, 1873. Ow. FALL .tirLI.INK.IlY UOODM From FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, BONNETS ii HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTR1MMED. au extensive assortment of Kancv Goods ut MISS L. WEISEK'S MILLINERY bTORE, Market Stheet, St rut ky, Pa. My slock of Spring goods Is unusually largo and varied, comprising the latest and nioel at tractive styles, selected with care from the loud-'-Ing liuyoiliiig houses aud adapted for the present' season. October S, 1878. MR!8 L. WE1SER. ana. xai-l. ciladu.i, M1LLIXEHY A!I FAXt'Y CiOOUS, now open, FALL STYLES. Trimmed Hats and Bonnets Plumes, Feathers, Ribbons, Crape Veils, Crape, Crape Huts and Boouels, Bridal Huts aud a full as sortment of the latest '! ill MIEEIKEKY, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS." Gloves, collar, iuu, ana every lAsUtoouoie article of ludie' wear. Call aud See the new styles of Goods at MISSL. SHISSLER, Market Equate, Suubury, P.u Octilift i, 1SJ3.