FALL. 1873. ((to Aubfrtiaujfnls. 1 $ch JVbbciiiscmcnts VrOVE A Tltf ESTATREIfclEvlE'VT. MARKET 8TKBRT, BUUtl'KY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor, attcuufnii to smith oititTmjii. j TT AVINU purchased the ahnvewrll known tr S X tablishmrnt, Mr. Krause would respectful ly Inform the pnblle thud lie now has on hand a large assortment of (JOOKIKO STOVES, Fpcer's Cook Antl-Dnst, Rcpnlnlor or Revolving Top, Combination, ftiisrinchrinna and othcra, which arc so arranged ah to be need tor Coat or Wood, and are warranted to perform sallsfvctorl 1y or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put P to fcfja one or more rooms. HEATING BT( VE3 of different kinds at very low prices. Tinwnre of Every Iccrltlon kept constantly on hand. Rooting nnd Spouting wUh the bvt material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ur.d lumps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a a.iids. Htnre opposite f en -y's hardware store. Give me a call, a. KRAUSE. aplS-l-ly BLATCIIIiEVS I imra cncjsm wjid pdp 3 Tasteless. Pnrablw, Efficient and n. Cheap. The cost rump for the . least moncr. Attention is es pecially Invited to Blstchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Chock Valve, which can be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the joints. AIo, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or pales, and will out'nrt any other. For sale by Jt'Milers everywhere. Bend (or Cntnlotrae nnd Price List. CltAS. O. BLATCIILF.T, Msnn fiictnrer, SOU Commerce Phllad'a. Pa. S14,ly A complete Niook or Choice Scire iloni in every 'K?pnrtuit o fereil ut Special prices, dur ing the Snminrr nrnttou, tYhl'e mnklitx "niter ationM. JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER Watches, riatcd Goods Cutlery, Clocks). Kroaww A Fancy CooiIm. July 13. 1S73. THE II1MJ A Kill. It SHOP S THE SHOP Or THE TOWN nnd long has been ; ntk history ana cue, win ten you Men have irrovrr. oU in or.r patronage P. Abies on their .'Hitlers hrcatt To hounc'ng boys at plr.y i And youtliB by niai.irns fair er.rroe 1. To e'.i! -v -.it men with rare oppressed, Ami old men tt.ver ei.iy. And air.nnj fie honored and lasting imprest-Ions of liiii.-. uii.l the crash of revolutions in , circunista'tees. we Maud a living monumental j mcmcuto of the livjcntitty ntul pi r?evernnce ap pertaining !n the Identity of progn-Fsioii, j'lyiiijr our vocation w'.lh the highest stylo of art and i perfection, mid p."piilinr to achieve the liihvct ' reward of merit c.tt:iinaljle in our humble eapaei- ' ty, aud the sentiment of respect nnd approbation which the presence of Fiipcrior af pliances and es- . lr-Uiifhiiien' lire alwu3 wout to lusidiv, i A Iwnys to pluaso We sha' c '!'h ''ii-e Cut and ccti'lj with liite the hair ; . hhiimpoo the hpd with soothing care, And cn'or the wtiUkPis black or browu, To :iit the peojilo about the town. 'I hen .ill.m- Hie politely r?iUi t yon to ftop, !.;-t put ;,or I mm uroun.l our shop. 1 o K :t shaved on the basis of ahillt v nor as some have done for our ue of the l;..I.vi for prln ''');'' .-:u -' i :irni !.!. u't'lerihe common ... .1: ' it v i" comp ex- -.r , '" Colo ' i,f I 1 nes nor : . ' ' ih it v. : v I ! i 1 1. of to ;.!t la. ' !. T.:!iv5 'U'. WA:5ill UT'.)V. I'p., ivtor. inil 3. 1.'".! : No. Ill, Miilkct M. i lid. P.i.,l)'irv, MQlOlt sTORCI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Peeond Street, oppobite the Court Houee, SUN KI RV, PA.. P.espectfally invites the atteutlon of Retailers and others, that he 1ms on h.iud, aud will con stuutly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Cons istinir of Pure Brandies: Cognlac, Churry, (Jinsier, P.ochcllc and Otard. Whitkice: Pure Rye ("opper-'ibtillcJ, JIon"n gahcla, Apple aud NYctar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wlneat Champagne Wine, Bherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Chiuupatrne Cider, N. F. Hum, Brown flout and Scotch Ale. STOMAC H AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Liquors which can lis found In the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article iruaranteed as ........ SP,.ted. Also, a lame, lot of DPMIJOllNd i.a ' BOTTLES, always on band. ; ..' ' . i 'ls .roi,,ptn i t -ii ld'o, nnd vulilic .. , ...i ' . . it ! -. I' K V iSQ7. H:GHU.R&GAiKiLL,J307. iii-'.AI.i:!! IN Americafl alii Freucli Winflaw Glass, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January II, 1173. ly. !. ii.or'rio, Hov U (he time lo form Vour club. FIXE OLD RYE WNIfKY. Tully Fi-tif Ytiim OKI. H jier trillon. Or, in luro boltlt-a, secure ly packiil hi t-incb, j 11.00 per iluzon. VERY 1'IXH TALE SAERRY", nnd RARE OLD PORT WIXE3, at snnie prints. (.OLD SEAL BRANDY, Very Choice. iris.txi lite dozen. Send in your orders, II. A .... VAX HE 1 1,. So. 1S10, CHESTNUT ST., Phl!nd.'lpLitt. A; til l.t, ,v-l ; r. A (soil Iiaiict' ii.e u ouU htove I At J. II. R FED'S LTOVE AN:) TIN W A Kij bTOKE, Third t. opposite the Ce .iial Hoiel. Siinhiiry. ANY iieioa p iicliamHir ..omhU to the amount id ll .( I it r t. il i ice, f.ir cash, will ho entitle I to a Tick-I tor Hi drawing of a flr.l cia-s No. 7. I'd ,k Siv. with ill thi ttxtines, valuad i,i f .10, tv.irr.iiile 1 to aivii sallslnctioii. No.icowiii lie niv,., of I he piam and linn: of ilruwiilg tUroiiirh tin: papcii. J. H. KEtl). Suoliury, Jmy is, ls73. AAENT3 WANTED TO SELL OCR NEW Improved Clover Machine, A 1 In . h.IiD.-r.U. MANUFACTURING CO., flueuea.tlo, Fiunkliu Co., Pa. An;. , I ra. linos. ma 7 7T?s mm of the LARGEST CHEAPEST Assortment of EMBf mmm olquvsmsq, xrAn 1 Gents Furnishing Goods, TRUNKS, VAMCES &c, ever offered in this place at Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third and Market, D I A M 0 N 0 SPECTACLES, WATCHES & JEWELRY. 8C RI8IH BT AS ELGIN WATCH. TKAD. SHANNON. CorDr MarKtt aod Third Street?, S TJ N 33 XJ R Y , ' P A. . , DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. pcctaclcs. These Icii6ts are manufactured from Miuutc Crystal Pebbles, uuitcd by fusion, and : il rive their rmnio "Dhunoud," u account of their hardness aud brilliancy. The scicntilio principal on which they arc constructed, prevents all glimmering and nvcrinir of Siht, Dizziness, &c, peculiar to all others in use. Superior to Scotch or Rra.ilian Pebbles at less than half the price. Tlu v are mounted in the linebt manner, at our own manufactory, in nil .styles of Gald, Silver, Steel, Rubber aud Shell Frames of the best quality. Manufactured by The Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. E. Spencer it Co., In the Optical Department.) New York and New Haven. r or bale only ty Bunbury, Ph., May 31, 137:1. 11 M. FAKSOX, NOX V CO., No. SL'8 South KECONi) Htreet, btlow DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLIAM PARMSON, HENRY II ARNl'.O. NEI.K)N PCliH, V. W. CKCA L"l HERS, Mamifaefirers of Klrbt-Ciusa H'ltNITtiti:. Prices rniiminh:c. Please call and ewnilne. $5 io$?0, Pi'P ilnr 1 A.no.ii Unntefl I All asses of workin-' people, of either ker, yoiitic or ohl, make more money at work b;r u in their fparo moments, or ail the time' than nt anrthing tet. Particulars free. Address,' G. fcTINSuN A CO., hi -!. Portland, Maine. liUTCHEHY! UUTCHEItY! MeNsrs. ItEEI'KiV & IIOIVKH, Third Street, opposite Central Ilcte'. t-l NliLRV, PA., KEEP constantly on hand the very choicest of fresh ItEEE, 1U T I OX tD VEAE, which Is sold at the lowe?t pri'es. Meat caii'.be had ut all ho'irs diirine; the day. Suubiiry, I'a., .Iiiiio H, 1 i?J. hIMll ltV U VI5IIJ.E AltD, Eour'li Sli-cet lxIotv IfHrkvt, SUNIllTKV, PEN N't a. rpilE unilerlk'ned hns returned from the Ver- A. mont Marble O'larriei with 56 Tons of .msi me tor llouniuents, ('rave-NtoueH, &e., Ac. He has bought at such figures that will allow him to tell better stone, for lots money, than heretofore. The beet jtSiithci'lunil Fit! la Marble, which U butler than Italiuu. sold as low at thu Manchester Rutland is now 1 hie who need anything iu the Marble line, for Mciiiunicul. UrMVe-Ktoues, or other pirpokea, will fiud it to their interest to call and exaaiiuo this laigo stock, as belter bargains can be secur ed than bnyiug from parties 'bucksleriug round the country. All lettering will be done In ths neatest knd most Irapiovtd style. W. M. DAUGUEUTY. Bunhary, Jan. II, 187a. ' 11 1 1 ID BEST AJ)TD CAPi 5 TIIADDEl'S H- NIIA.OY. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, T E8PECTFULLY informs the citlzeus that A.V he bus just received his Mprlnff aud Ntiiuuier Cood, ut his TAILOR." SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, In tho Mullen building, and that be le prcpnrod to make up all kinds of CiEXTV AND nOY'M KlITfi, thel atest styles. Having had much exper nee In the bunlne. he dcblres the public to give him u trial. Clothing will be made up In the lalet Paiis and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. al2,'73. CHARLES MAIHL. iHTtrcoil YAH IV. r1NE undersitmed having connected the Coal L biiHin'est with hisextenslve Fl.OCR A GRAIN trade, is prepared to aupplv families with the VEItY It E.ST OF (Oil,, CHEAP t'OII CASH. Etf , Htove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain taken in cicuango fur Coal. J. M. CAUWALLADER. Sunbury, Jan. 15, lts7u. tf. XEWTOHACCO AND KI'.M.tH, AND li HUSH STORE. South side of Market struct between 84 and 4th BUSBl'RY, PA. Just opened, an entire new stock of all binds of TOBACCO AND 8EGAR8. Bfgare of every grade. ToliHcro of every varle'y. Pipes, both plain aud fancy. BRUSHES I BRUSHES I ! BRUSHES ! ! I A largo assortment of Bruthcs direct fioin the muuufaclurer at greatly reduced prices. His llnu of brushes ate u specialty aud inauy uew kinds never before introduced iuto ibis market. Also, Paper Collars and CsIIm Iu great variety. A large assortmeut of 11 the popular Sougs of I he day. Call and examine my goods and get a list of prices. HEN UY PETER V. November I, 1873. ly w o D o o 3 o . , o fn. o 3 w sw CD B ! 9 CD 2 CD "I 1 Pi P ft CD e CO CD CD r-t- cj w d w Hi S SI 5 Thie Npaee Is Ueaerved for the Adviwtisbmknt or PAINE Sl McCORMICK'S HARDWARE STORE Market St., buubury, Pa. ' l.il . . Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine our prices betore purchasing, as we claim to soli lower than anv other establishment In the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, li38 KIlMiE AVENUE, Philadelphia. JAM EM II. MeOEVITT, An TTORNEY AT JUAW AND Unitfd States CotimssioxER. Office with 8. B. Uoyer, Esq., In HrL-hi's Building, Suubury. Pa. Aug, 2d,'73. ly. Kotiee lo TreNpasMre. ALL Perseus are cautioned against trespass, lug, or hunting and shooting on the premi ses of the uudersigned, In Upper Augusta lawn ship, Noithumburland county. Pennsylvania, without permission. Any Dcrsou violating this notice will be dealt with according lo law. GEORGE OAUL. X'p. Anj. twp., tnj. 8, IST8. 1 s Emm . . . 3 S M S 3 THE PARKER GUN. ML. B SU2- S m$S Feb.8.18;8.-trktt8,,1r-'BC5,URT','tt- K fej ' StNO STAMP W'assKULAR U UL JsLC-L. j sss!k STEAM ENGINE M O C A . ;t vMt Comitate Assortment i pi x 53 A r tf XI IVIvT:ilVIltillTrV ...,...,.. ;.,nn.i,Mii,.. ij k - " -1 A-ai ur.d. itaiKcr s caiiiomia vine- w is Awn::; twwwitu!!i. vk stiff: srij3 LVDIRF.R AND PLAKINO IfllLLS. Third Mreet, adjoining Phllit, A Brie R. R., two Sfpiares North of the Central Hotel, 8UNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of Inrn ber required by th demands of the public. Having all the lntcst Improved machinery for manufacturing Lnnber, he Is now ready to fill or ders f all kinds of iXOORINQ, BIDIN0, DOORS SHUTTERS, 8A8H, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn Inn of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AROX ASSORTDTRirr OT BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Tickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dcclfl:l KEEP IT HANDY. ' TnB Rri.iam,i Familt Mkdioikb. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, Summe. Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cored by the nso of JARDELLA'S Compound Syrnp of Blackberry Root and Rhu barb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain is effect ; can be depended on In the most urgent eases t may be given to the youngest Infant as well at to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It is a pleasant extract and readily taken by children. It has often saved life when physi cians had despaired. Keep It In the bouse and nse in time. All we ask for it Is trial. Don't let yonr dealer put yon off with something else. Buy it. Try it. Bold by Draggist and Store Keepers throughout this State. Prepared only by HANSELL k BRO., Jnne 14,'73-8m. 2000 Market St., Philadelphia. Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native lirrbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho U6e of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled SUCCESS Of VlNEOAR BlTTBBa t ' Our answer is, that they removo tho cause of disease, and tho patieut recov ers his health. They aro tho fjreat blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing Uie remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bittbrs in healing tie sick of every disease inaa is heir to. They ore penile 1'nrpative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tbe Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Disease. Tho properties of Dr. Walkbr's Vimboab JiiTTBBS are Aperient, Diephoretio, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. II. II. HcDOKALD CO., DragirtaU and Unanl Agtnlo, ban Pranoit. Oalifor m. aud ooc. Wsthuiirtoii and Charltoa Bis., hew Korfc. SoU hj mil UmggiaM mmm IXmlars. TTTE GREAT REMEDY FOR corjsur.iPTiorj which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in tho most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at tho Lungs, &c. Wistar'a Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, nnd leave tho cause behind, as is tho case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing tho cause of the complaint. FBBFAaiB V BETH W. r0WLB A 8059, Beetoa, If, A4 sola by pnijtfitti an4 DmUm rally. a r". A&Jma&&. SHTiorar s portable a s mm &fmfmT?mrlPuT biii best M'MniiiLit of excellonoo. We msk. tlia i r '"1 ' 7: A. P. WALTERS). MONUMENTAL SIIAVING TARLOR and BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRES8ED BT MACHINERY. fEisTfont forifnt the nine on lb Vnmt mlAn Third BtltBET,a lew doors South of Mai kct,8un onry, ra. Braids, Switches, Curl, and all kind of LADIES' HAIR. Work made to order either out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th si. and Shatnokin avenuo, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty in CIIILDRENS' HAIR CUTTING, either at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. July 5, 187a. tf. A. M. MEIXELL, DIALSR til AmcrleM (tad European WATtnES. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE, Perfected Npcctaclcs nd Eye Clawae. GOLD HEADED CANES. STATIOHARY t PORTABLE Steam Engines. i oit Complete ijfortmeiit . i:?a Market Y.. -.'i n nt.e ftiWiiri mruntnlroM tberery hiijbet M'Mntiiifti of xctltonoo. We make -Uio mMiiufsvtui of-KnfonM, Bttilcr N-nd BiwMilUa rj)t-ilty. Uo havt tiiL-ltttyest unit mostnompUrU worim of t1- kiud ia ttio country, wiUft mitcUuisn-y ptvinllj: Adapted to tbe woiiu We ktp runstAiitly in proofws larg fitttabcra of Sninnnit, wbi-Ji wh furninn it tb very kvaat prios and on the nhorteU notion. We build Umx ri-fciMlly udupU-d to Miiiph. 8aw Mill, Urul Mi Ha. TuHmric, 1 ottoo Uio, 'iurvabun tuul alt oUsew of iimnuftnifcihiiK- We ai? liuildtnffthe MlcbraUJ Ine Cimn lar b.tw Mi'l. tlic Ui aud iuu.t euiupku aaw loul ever inv.i'tl. Wn iuulf the rninnfartam of Raw Hill oatflta a Tciul f. Ktt it of our biuinMa, aud eaa funuah Oumplr'f ui tje tshorttait mot toe. Uur ua:d in nil cumhs if to furnlab the beet machine;-' ax tli market, tud work absolutely nn eq'mll fur b-aur y of dnun, eonnotay aod eUvtiglh. hvud fiir ( in-ttlar aud Phoe LA. VTlCh STEAM ENCINE CO. VTICA, sr. T. W. D. MZLICX, Druggist and Apothecary, At the old estailished stand on Market NqiiHi-e SI XUI RY, 1A. Kecs constantly ou hind a full slock of well settled DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists ltncy Goods, COMBS, BRUSIES, PERiTMERY, PATENT MEDICKES, OILS, fAlNTS GLASS, CUTTY, VtHMSH, vi:sti EES. vt1 v .i njiv Ki'j t in n con l .led v . ii r iitteiition 1; d to coinjMiatitlintt IMiv- !!;! piu-ciiptlou nni family receipts by the l'ro;i lalor hiuiHCif. tv.niliury, Pa., June 8, $73. HACIIIKE N!Ir AM IKON FOEJOUY. geo. Roiiuia.cn & sons, Sunbur) l'riiu'a, INFORM the public at they are preps rea to do al kinds of CASlNtiS, and limine added a 'it Machine Shops coDiieetion ith their Foundry, and bave suplied iheinnelvea with New Lathes,' Planing and Itriug Machines, with Ihe li.teft ini,roveiuenlt. With the aid or skillful nn chaiilcs, thev are gabled to execute all orders NEW WORt OR REPAIRING, tli.il may he given .lasn, iu a satisfactory maii- iii. tiratt'N it Halt may Move. . .: N ( i iLl'MN,, fm churches or other build ills, cf all sizes. BRAfe CASTINGS, 4c. ii viiR.menta.1 Iron Fencing FOR G1AVI YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, Hilt YARDS AT IESIDENCES, C, AC. I'i.uWb, slrettW celebrated for their su. i Imv liecn (ill further Improved, tiad ii vi. lie u pt o hand. ... THhEfllNG MACHINES. I :iv, 'av iO. i t rl Jriiff Store. . . " !rke Mreel, Nuuburj, 1. .y our FRE&I1 DRUGS, us s. oii,h. .:i ivOia'urmiV'Rr PATENT ML! u- . clam d.iv li'SF. I.UjURS, and all other articles kepi iu a tlrrlc'.ast Drug Store, ci-ii iiiientioii lil to comiiouuding Physl Pieserii tioiik a, all hours Including Sun- GEO. U CADWALLADER, Pbarmacutlsl. HE A NO .M AH EE GOODS. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES at MUsj KM Blstek'a, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS of every styls and uallly. Wliite Goods, Fancy Goods. Notions and Trim, Oitngi a tpocialiy. TOILET SOAP8 AND PERFUMERY, Everybody Is invited to call aud tee them and buy cheap. May I. 1STV hTPItlXU AMD NinnEn HH)Tm Jnat Open at the Btors of Ret Brofbs BeRshoHs, (saacessors to 8. O. Bead A Bro. ) COMPRISING OP DRY GOODS of every description and Tarlefy inch as Dread 0ol4 ootnprisinx all the novelties la fabric and shado. White Ooodit, Fancy Good. Full Assortment op Notions, which are betng sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Grocemks and Provisions, pure and fresh. qtjeenswark, glassware, and wood and Willow Wark, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on lxtud. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and cemmon, always on baud. .BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Wstsontowo, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. XEADY-MADE CL0TI1ING, of all elaot and or the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western white wheat flour a speciality. The public are Invited to call and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits," and to pleas all. The highest price will be paid for all kluds of country prodnce. By strict attention to business nnd keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling at thelowest prlots, w hope to merit a f-ill share of patronage. REED BROTHER A SEASHOLTZ. Buubury, May 8, 1878. 1 r w -.& e Cr 7 r o 5C 3 2 a - 2 2 9 " COD il a, a '.i Sir X ? ? r: 3 r 32 l" 1 n M V f.;.1ail.jaii:. tv ;v.a-.vs WtKIIIKii IE A Want lor Mut ln.t aupp'ied NI S't EN" V. A (i Y I by lkeIiniroi'( YVASHWiC MACHINE ! ! With adjustable Washers, recently added, In creasing its utility 50 per cent, invented and patented by S. M. SMITH, Tork, I'a. It cleans all-kinds of Clothing belter and quicker than sot other Washer. It elsnns per- Vrtly aud without injur. ... ........ r... fluci-'t Lars Curtain to the heaviest Bed Clothing. . It will cleanse a half dozen Gentlemen's Shirt, badly soiled, In from to 8 minutes., including Ihe Collars and Wristbands. The steum being confined In the Washer, Um clothing while being wathed is uleo bleached. Over hoO Machines were sold In York and Lan caster Counties aid over 70,000 worth in thi Stats and Ohio, wiibinayear; giving uifac tioa. The celebrated Self-Adjusting F.l'HF.KA Wringer Is uttiickcd to the machine. In from ons t two Sours a larue Family's Wash can be don and rlused, with less than half tho labor required by huud. KIiimIuk la done in .TI tsi hliio thoroughly uud rlilly. We ak n one to pinahae wiiLout Br.t Irving its incuts. SIS..LD Mcuiaa, $1S. With Wriugei, -'ri Lif" Address all order to IRA T. CLEVFA'T. Manufacturer and A-fii'. Sunbury, i'a. Snuburv. April Si, l7i. J. P. LERCH'S lr STl Miscarriage and WAGQy MAKING EST ABLISHM EIJT, CITBSTNUT BT., BUKBURY, PA. Yeuicle of six Kinds mm to Ohheii. The latest styles aud the best workmanship. Sample tuay be aeon at tbe shop. Give hlin call. Bnnfcury, Pec. t, 1ST!. ly.