Sunburn- American 8UNHITRY, OCT0HER 8, 1873. Railroad Tint Table. AliniVAL AMI iiKrAIITPHeor TRAINS AT StWIII'nT. N. P. n. W. Smith. F.rie Mail. I.SO-i m Erin Kumiss, 0. ID " Mail, 11 1 " Nlng. Express 0.40 p in P. A E. R. II. Wer t. Mill, .81 ii m Nine. E-;m-pss13.25 pm Kliiilra Mull 4.10 ' Erie Express, 0.40 " aCNUCRT AND tKWISTOWH H. R. Leave Banbury for Lewlstown nt 7.80 a. and 4-20 p. M. Arrive nt Sunbnry from Lcwistowu at 1.50 nnd 7.45 p. in. enAMOKi mvisioji, x, o. n. w. l.ltAVB tinbnry at 5.45 a m " 18.85 pin ARR1TR At Suubury 9.85 a m B.fto p m 4.40 p in 0.00 p in PA.KTII.LB, nAZI.RTOS fe WIT.KKflBARHR R. R. Regular passenger tsnln leaves Sunbnry for Danville, Cnttawlssn, Har-lcton and Intermediate nations, nt 0.45 a. in. Returning leuvo Huelo ou nt 1.00 p. m. Arrive nt 4.00 p. in. LACKAWANNA AND RLOOMS1IURO R R. Leave Northumberland at tf.40 a. ra. and 4.50 .in. - Arrive nt Northumberland at 10.85 a. in. and J5 p. ni. Accidental Insurance Tickets cnii bo had of Shlpmnn, Ticket Agent, at tlio Depot. Sum in or Arrniifremeiit Tor the I'ont OKlce nt Miiiibary, I'a. OJftf Open from 0.S0 a. m., to 8 p. ., except on Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrive n follow : From Ibi! T. t nt 0.15 a. in.. 12.15 p. m., 4 p. m. Ninth, 0.15a. m., 12.15 p. m. 4.10 p. in. " West, .! 13 a. m., 12.15 p. ni., 4.10 p.m., : : ! S.'.;:) p. in. .V.i.ih. ti ,i. in., 11 n. in., 8.55 p. ni. tin iiM'ujin, U. Carmel nnd points on iiiii-, ti.15 a. in., 8.50 p. m. Mails close itit follows i For the East. 5. 50 a. ni., 10.50 a. m., 7.85 p. ni. " South, 10.50 a. id., 7.85 p. m. " West, 7.3(1 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. m. " North fi. 50 n. m., 3.50 p. ni., 7.35 p. m. Slmmoklti proper 12.15 p. in. Skiimokin uml ofllccs on tliut route, 4.20 p. in. J. J. SMITH, T. M. petals. incss Tiik I mpkov t-:n Gmivcu A Bakkk Skwinh Ma chin. Thee celebrated machines are oirercd nt the mot reasonable rale. For particulars apply to 1. . KUTZ, Agent, Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Caroline 11a mi s, (lcaltT In Musical Instru ment" nnd Si whii.' Machines, Market street, near Third. Sunhury, P.i. Call nnd e':amino the. best Organs. Melodeons, Sewing nnd Knitting Ma chines in tlie market. Always on hnnd the Es tey. Silver Tongue. Smith's Anieiienn. Mason ,fc P.Hin'in Organs. Orders taken for nil kinds of Piano- and Musleal lnslruuieiits. Tho l'eoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Domestic and G ro ver A Baker. Persons purchasing mnehines from m wlil receive lust ructions. First-class Knitting Machines for snlc. Hats and Cats. Samuel Faust, has just re turned from the city with a large assortment of the latest stylu hats. His stock Is fnll, and tho latest styles can be had at his store, on Market street nt city prices. Wanted. Two good girls to learn Drtmnk iii'j. A pood opportunity is offered to those de siring a trade. Apply to Mrs. A. Tweed, oppo site City Hotel, Sunburv, I'a. Win. H., of the Excelsior Boot it Shoe Store, is astonishing everybody with his low prices. He keeps the best manufactured. ID lock consists of the largest variety In central Pennsylvania. Trunks and Valises of all sizes, ore for sale at his store. New Fiknitiiie. A large assortment of fur niture lias just been received by B. L. Rauden tiusli, Masonic Hall building, Sunhury. Every style and iiuu'iity of furniture is In store, and sold nt the mo-t reasonable prices. Those who de sire to renew their household furniture will llnd a larger assortment than elsewhere. Tim finest assortment of full coods can be found at 1). A. r'inneys store ou Matket street. The selection is very flue, and every variety of Dry Goods, Queenswnre, Boots and Shoes. No tions. Jeweler, Carpets, Groceries, etc.. Ac, call be purchased at reduced prices. The goods have nil been selected wilh (treat care, and ladies will llnd the finest display that has been brought from the city. Fau. G (ions. The large assortment of fall just opened at J. F. Bvrod's store Is attracting the attention of the lower end of towu. Every thing in the Dry (ioods nml (iroeery line Is kept in his establishment, and sold cheaper than ever. Tin; h'vt of.full suits are made by J. F. Schaf-fi-r, on Third street, (ientleiiien can procure the best quality of cloth ami casslnieres at his estab lishment, and suits made up to lit. ifccul Affairs. DroK'AiioN Til" Elen Evangelical Lutheran Church, at P Ti creek, Lower Augusta, will be (lHlcih-d 'ii Mbh.itli, 12th October. Several inini-iiTs fro n abroad are cvpectcd, and all iicivb'ioring ministers re invited. All our fi'iemU are cordially Invited to attend. N. h. Dinner an. I horse feed can be had on tin- (.'round. A LAHOn yiELM. Mr. Charles (s.tringcr, at the Sli.-i iiiolvin D.i in in this borough, planted six bush -Is of see l potatoes of the Peerless Varh-iy in a lot rout. lining one acre. This week the crop a as dug. and the yield contained three-hundred nui liilv nine bu.hels. This is probably the largest yield on so small a space of groni i ev r h id in thi vicinity. If any of our farmer fii. n ls can l).-;.t it we will be gltd to nolo It. We notice in the lially that 6imeon Roush, the original living hone nmn.itU six musicians, wn; give .(ally exhibitions ou Ihe fair grouuds during the lair. Those who have never seen 8 ineon's wooden Heeds flying in air, will no doubt be considerably amused. Excursion Ticket for tuc Fair. Excur siou tickets will be issued on all railroads termi nating at this place, during the fair uext week ut Suubury, good from the 7th to the 11th Inst., at reduced rates. The holders of county orders will find some thing to tlidr interest by rending the notice, iu another column, of A. Cadwalluder county Trca surer. The portable saw mill of Seasholtz & Kutz, near the Sbauiokin Dam, is almost in order for sawing lumber. Jacob M. Pollhtr, Chief Marshal for the fair at this place uext week, was lii towu on Wednesday last, to complete the arrangements of the Marshal. Mr. Fullmer is very uctlve and uuJurUud the busluces. Ills appolnt' ineut U a good selection. The splendid Millinery goods Just opeued'at Miss M. L. Gossler's store, ou Foarth street, are attracting crowds ol ladies. Any one wUhiug to piirehuse the latest styles are requested to cull. Am Attempt to Bcrs a Hotel. An' attempt was mado ou Tuesday night last, to burn the Vaukirk House ut Northumberland; Oue of the boi.vrs smelling smoke, alout 3 In the morn ing, .-.'tut dowu .talis, and found a kitchen at the rear end of the hullilinir on k. ,i.. 7 . --. . tui u wm. 'Jiieiim - ioai!ou i rfas -Aunil thai the In-cuJIarT' raid" thrown coal o :' the ftoorned rV6o 'tf or applied th rp """n4 A DisonAftrrtiL Frockedino. We have re ceived a communication In refcicneeto tho eject ment of two young men from Gnrlngcr's Hull dining the entcrtnlnmcnt given by Jennie Carrol on Thr.rsdny cvenlntf the 25th Inst., which we , deem too personnl for publication. The action of tha young men, (one of whom being an cx-of-I lelnl of this county,) wns dlsgrnceful, find It Is to be rcercltcn t lint men of standing In (he com 1 m'tinlly should so far fnrcet themselves that their ejectment from a public plnce by the polka for mlslRdnivlonr wns necessary. Tho pollco man, Mr. Culp, raised himself hljthly In tho esti mation of our cltlrens In performlnir Ills duly fearlessly and without partiality. It lias been too freqncnlly tho case that thoso who possess a greater share of this world's goods, or perhaps wear finer broad cloth, were allowed to bchaTe In a dis graceful manner In disturbing tho peace, while others less fortunnte wcro compelled to suffer tho penalty for their misdeeds. Tho show men mid policeman who wero afterwards arrest ed and brought before tho Justice, did nothing more than their duty. Tho part tuken bv a few Individuals to punish the o'licer Instead of tho offenders for performing his duty, wns setting a bad example, and Is condemned by every law abiding citizen. Our police are appointed for tho purpose of preveutlng any riotous conduct, and are authorized te arrest anyone found dis turbing the public peace. It Is the duty of every good citizen to aid and stand by the officer In tho performance of his duty. And when a pence olllecr neglcctJ that duty lie deserves to be cen sured. We therefore agree with the correspon dent that there was no cause for the arrest of the policeman or the troupe, the policeman was simply discharging his duty. The Daily which is In the habit of noticing i every petty aet committed by poor men mnyhnve its reasons for not noticing tills a flair. Wcnlso ugreo with the correspondent that no partiality should have been shown in this case, particularly when he professes to publish au Independent journal. But as thero Is a strong political ndlii lty between the editor nnd the parties, he may think himself excusablo In shrinking from his duty. Tjie Good Intent Finn Cumpant. A meet ing or this company was held on .Monday even ing last, in tln ir new house, for the purpose of compleiiu the oricauizalioii, and making a r rnngcmeiils for the housing of their uew truck and ladder;-. The uttendance was larife, yet a number were nhsent. The interest felt In reviv ing this company is being manifested ill the right spirit, uud we hoie that the citizens will extend to them the encouragement that will place the company In a b. 'tier condition than ever before, as thy will never lose by the good treatment of firemen. The vacancies in the board of oillccrs wcretilleil. The following is n complete list of the officers I President Ein'l Wilveit ( Vice Pre sident II. D. Wharton j Treasurer W. I. Grcc noutrh ; Secretary R. A. Fisher; Dircctojs W. I. Isra-1, 6. E. Slaymaker, Win. Foter,Alex. MantK, E. J. Gibson and John Lowe ; Member ship Committee Lewis Dewart, Chas. Clement, Geo. Renn, Sam'l P. Bright, and Wm. Smith. The Fair to ho held nt this place next week will excel everything of the kind that has been held in this section of the Sluto. The committee will complete their arrangements to-morrow. By the large number of cutrics already made, the committee have found It necessary to build au addition of Ally feet to the. buildings ou the ground forthe exhibition of musical Instruments, sewing machines, fancy works, Blowers, &c. From Indications thero will be the finest selec tion of articles that have bemi olTered ut nny fair, and the crowd of people the largest that has ever assembled in Northumberland county. En tiles have been made every day during tho past week. There will be some of the finest machines from all parts of the State, placed on exhibition. As the entries are free, nn opportunity Is given o all to plueo upon exhibition their products, nud compete for the liberal premiums olTered. Chanbe op Hotel Proprietors. Mr. M. J. Tufts of the Clement Tlnusc, in this place, sold out to A. V. Cool, of C'attawlssa nnd re tired from the houfe on Wednesday last. Mr. TufiU will continue to reside In Suubury, and will devote his uttentiot to the manufacture of linseed oil nt the Mo-gun and Masser mill on Fourth street. During Ihe time Mr. TufTts con ducted the Clement Hoise, he gave general sat isfaction to the public, nd gained a large repu tation for the house. His retirement will be much regretted by his numerous frleuds through out the country, who Mill, no doubt, wish him success lu all his future enterprises. Ills suc cessor, Mr. Cool, comeihighly ricommended, and we haTe no hesitancy insaying that the high rep utation of the house w!l be fully kept up while he continues proprietor ; HorsiKO or the IboK and LAnncu. On Thursday s ltd noon thi different tire companies i iu this place had a fincpurade, after whidli the 1 new house of the Goodlntent FireCompnny No. 1, was appropriately ddlcated, and thehook and : ladder apparatus houed by the Suubury Steam : Fire Engine Company No. 1. An appropriate I uddress was delivered by Chief Bni gess Mulick, j member of the Cood Itcut Fire Company, who 1 gave a short and necuate sketch of the company ; since Its organisation in In the evening : the (iood lutein boyigave a hop at their hall to ' the firemen of fcnnbiiy. The parade was quite imposing, aud tho pceedings very interesting. Mk. Cool, tho uewlaudlord of tho Clement House, kept an open base on Wednesday eveu intC Itst. He, is a prfect gentleman, uud the friends of that popa'.stiouse will find him equal to his predecessor in mklnj; his guests comfort able. ' Tide Clock. It mir be Interesting to our readers to know that lk Life of McEwcnevllle, bus lutely succeeded lu rawing his thoughts of many years on a new theov of the tides into a tangible form, in what ma. properly be termed a Tide Clock. This lu'entin cousists of a me chanical structure and bus fir its object, the In dication of the rising aid fuling of thu tides. It perlorms this ouice wiHi nsieviatlug precision and uufulterlng regulaity jiavlug for its mo tive power the same thit lieaat the causullon of the tides. Its working IheMore, is perpetual without any further aumtiot. The particulars coirernlng tMs discovery to science unit acblevemet to a.-t, will be glveu iu detail by the Inventor 4 toon at practicable. WatuntloKH Itctord, 8a vr toi-b DorTOR'i Bill. When Dr. Wis tur's Balsam of WildJburry will cure coughs, colds, bleeding ut the lugs, and arrest the fell destroyer, Consumption it does more than phy sician, can do. The ue of a single bottle, cost ing one dollar, will satlfy tho luercdulous thut they need look no furtfcr for (he required aid. Tub following from .e HurrUburg Stars Jour nal, show the luterest nuulfested ubroad of the Fair at this place i Unioh Park and Agiici-i.ti'ka! Association. Wn arn (wl..l.t..H uni.....nn U..O..I. President of the Union purk and Agricultural Association, of Sunhur, for several complimen tary tickets of adiuissloi bilion of tha associutlou, which is to be given at Bunbury, ou Tuesdav, Weduesdny, Thursday and Friday, Oe(ober lb, 8(h, Wb. aud 10th, nest. The premium lis. 1 fuil, and theainounts to be paid for the dillcruit classes of articles are very niMrai. Arruugeuieuia have bceu made with all the rullrouds catering at Suubury for i reduced fures, at excurtlou rales. We presume ipnou iom iasie.1 Horse owned In Dauphiu, uV,ou, "uyder or Northumberland counties, ' IoItJIm "f? beMer lna" 3:fA). a premium of I 'T K"en "" De" orlllcd mllilury company, and to the best aluaia flr engiua. For Long or AprETnr.DyfpepslsJridlgestloii, Depression of Spirits and Kcncinl Debiilly. in their Tailoiis forms, Ferro-Phosphoriited Elixir Cnllsny made hy Cnswell, Hiixard A Co., New York, and sold by all druirirlsts, Is (lie best To nic. As a adniulent tonic lor patients recover ing from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. If tuken during the season it prevonts fever and ague and other Intermittent fevers. The most nnhnppy person In the world Is (ho Dyspeptic. Everything looks dnrk and gloomv ; he feels "out of sorts,' with himself and every body else. Li fo Is a burden to hlin. This can all be changed by taking Peruvian Syrup (a pio toxido of Iron.) Cases of 27 years' standing have been cured. Tho Ilotinehold ran ticca, and Family I.lnimcut Is tho best remedy In tho world for the following complaints, viz. i Cramps In the Limbs and Sti - mncu, rain in tne Btomacli, dowels, or side, Rheumatism In all its forms. Billions Collc.Neu- ralgln, Cholern, Dysentery.Colds.Fresh Wounds. Burns, Sore Throat, Splnnl Complaints, Sprains nnd Bruises, Chill and Fever. For Internal and External use. Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient. but entirely removes tho cause of the complaint. It penetrates and pervades the whole system, re storing healthy action to all Its parts, and quick ening the blood. The IIouclioll I'a n area Is parcly Vegetable and All Healing. frepnred nv CURTIS' A BROWN, No. 215 Fulton Street, New Tork. For snlo bv all druggists. July 12, 1873. ly. Thirty Years' Experience ofan Old Kure. !Ir Wlnnlow's Soothhiar Rrrnn In the prescript Ion ofoneorthc best Female. fliyslctans anil Nurses In the United States, and has been nscd for thirty Tears with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers nnd children, from tho feeble infant of one week old to tho adult. It corrects acidltv of the stomach. relieves wlud colic, regulutes the bowels, nnd gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. Wo believe it to bo tho Best and Surest Remedy in the World, in all cases or DYSEN TERY and DIARRHCKA IX CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from nny other cause. Full directions for using will nceoinpuny each bottlo. None Genuine unless the fac-simile ofCL'RTrs .fe PERKINS is on tho outsidu wrap per. Sold by nil Medielno dealers. July 12, 1S.3. ly. 23. Is Lower Augusta, on the 25th ult.. HAN NAH MF.NDENI1ALL, nged 70 jenrs, 3 months and 19 days. The deceased lived nlonc for ninny years, mnn- aglng her furm with singular prudence, and only gave tip its control a few months ngdv 173. FALL SEASON, IH7.1. MIl.Ll.MtV AMI FAXCV GOODS, now open, FALL STYLES. Trimmed Hats nnd Bonnets, Plumes, Feathers, Ribbons, Crape Veils, Crape, Crape Huts una jiomiris, urinal (tuts aud a lull as sort incut of (he latest stvles iu JIIM.IMlltV, ' TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars, Cutis, nnd every fashionable article ot imiies' wear. Call and sec the new styles of Goods at MISS L. 8HISSLER, Market Square, Suubury, Pa. Octibcr 8, 1S73. FALL OPKMXCI of New Dry Goons, Groceries aud Notions. Cloths, Ciisslincres. Calicos, nnd cvervthlnir in the Dry Good lino. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Queensware, Glassware, and Wood and Willow, ware. GROCERIES. A large assortment lust opened, which consists of Tea,- Colfee, Snirar, Molasses, Spices, Meal, r isn, ivc. i ne teieorateu Aiientowu Dami made BOOTS AND SHOES. Warranted to give satisfaction. Iu fnet a full Jssortinrnt of everything kept in a lirst-clnss store. vau be had at greutly REDUCED PRICES. for cash. Call and sec the tint selection of uew goods, and be convinced that F. J. UYKOIK.S, near the Luthern Church, in Sunhury, Is the best and cheapest plnce to buy all kinds of store goods. No trouble to show goods. October 3, 173. KA K Ly FAI.I, STY l7l A full lino of Millinery Ciood from New York nnd Philadelphia, now open at MlI.Mt:UY STOKi:, trliucd aud nut rime J BONNETS AND HATS, Flowers, Ribbons, Collars, Culls, Handkerchiefs, --vecaiics, uuu a irencrai variciy oi Mli.L,iLlUl UOOL1S selected with great care from the leading im posing houses iu New York aud Philadelphia, ut MISS M. L. GOSSLER, Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. R. Every effort will be mado to please those who fuvor her with their patronage. UPtoDcr 3, 1N73. i'Uilic nam: of valuble real estate. Will be sold nt Public Kale, on Natiinlay October 25. 173. nt the Montour House, iu the borough ol Dart- viuc, nt 1 o'clock r. M., all that certain Mes- suage or Teneineiit and TRACT OF LAND. situate In the township of Rush, and county of rsoriuumocnuiin, amoining minis now or late of Abner Pitner, John Piluer, Benjamin Gcurbart. uud North Branch of Susquehanna River, tUMAI.MU M ACKtS, strict measure. The above proper! v Is situate withiu a miles of the borough of Danville, and Ihe Diinvilh , Hazletnn A Wilkesbarre Railroad passes through it. 1 he Improvements lire a IH0 81OWV r RAM fc DWHI.I.1NU HOUSE. Barn uud other out-tiuildiugs. There Is also an excellent Apple Oreliard upon the premises. Persons desirous of viewing the premises before the day of sale may call uhhi Charles W. Zuner, residing iu Dauvilie. Conditions of sale will be made kuowu ut the time and place. OL1VKK P. 8TROII. October 3, 1873. ts. CAI'TIO. ! To all it may concern ! All persons are cau tioned not to purchase the properly known as .Manilas bcnmucK s Bakery, or at present the "Eurojican Hotel," built ou Amos E. Kupp's land, lu the borough of Northumberland; nor will any lien be ullowed if entered against the improvements on said lot, as they are at present in litigation, and ure owned by tha undersigned until the Court decides otherwise. MATHIAS 8CHMCCK. CHAMBERLIN FRICK & CO. Northumberland, Pa., October 3d, 1S73. " FALL. MILI.IXKnriOOUS From FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, BONNETS & IIAT8, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. an exteusive assortment of Faucv Goods at MISS L. WEISER'8 MILLINERY bTORE, Market Street, Si eulrt, Pa. My stock of Spring goods is unusually large and Tailed, comprising the latest aud most at tractive styles, selected with care from the lead ing importing bouses and adapted for the preseut season. October 8, 1873. MISS L. WEISER. ADJOURNED COKT.J 1'rorluuiation. "VITHEREAS the Honorable Vf. M. Rockcfvl TT ler, President Judge, and his Associates, for this District, have Issued their mandate for an adjourned Court fur Northumberland county, to be held oo Monday tbi 27lh day of October, A. D., 1873, being the 4tn Moudayof said mouth, In Sunhury. 1 therefore give notice, that all per sons interested, to be and appear at the place aforesaid at 10 o'clock a. m., of said dav. SAMUEL II. ROTHERMKL, Sheriff. Sheriffs Offlca, Sunbnry, Sept. 2, lb?8. tftifitiacmcnta. YVniileil. A WHOLESALE Purchasing Atent, for the NEW AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE, gell-diieading, both In the shuttle and mm, self adjusting tensions, self-setting needle, positive take-lip, can be ndj'isled to sew the cheapest and Coarsest patent linen thread runs light, sews fast j cheapest, best made, licit finisher), most durable. Written guarantee f,T three years. For Circulars, terms, : , nddre, AMERICAN SEWING .VACCINE CO., No. 22 North Second St., Hartishurg, Pa. Sept. 10, 1873. 3. mos. PRER1IUM L.ST OF THE FIRST ANNUAL PAIR OF THE Union Pari & Aaricnltaral Association, to nr. rnti.D on Tnmn onouxoa at S CJ -5ST IB XT Irl "TiT , PA., Tuesday, Wcdnesflity, Thursday nud Friday, October 7tli, Slli, 9th nnd 10th, 1873. 'OFFICERS FOll 1S7;L rrtsidctit-Sol. Mulk-k. Vict-l'ivaiiliint Isrmc C.'tnipliell. TrcHstin-r Gen. J5. Cml wnliiiilor. Kecoiilitig Nicrclary l'liilip II. Moore, Corrcspouiiing Secretary Lcm. Sliip man. Librarian AV in. II. Sober. Marshal Jacob M. Follmor. F.X E V C T l V I! CO M M ITT li E . Lewis John Ml-FhvIihkI. IVlstwnin .Tnsi'pli Nicety, Jr. McEwctiavillu Wui. MuXinch, Turbutvillc I). II. Dricsbach. AValsontown J. M. Follmcr. Turbut Win. AViililron. . Milton J. II. McCorniick, 1 L. llack cnburg. (Miillisqnaquc Wm. Forsonuin. Foidt FnniRWortli Heed. Nortbtiniberlaiiil A. E. Kapp, Jr Hush Eilwaid (Jradv. ltiversido David Cliil'o. Upper Augusta 1. J. Ovcttlorf Sbauiokin twp. 8nl. Mart?. Ix)tver Augusta Elias Eiunierick Zerbe Lyman S. Weaver. Cameron Clitis. I. lloyrr. Little Malmnoy II. Il.-Dornsifc. Upper Mabanoy Joseph H. Maurcr. Jackson J. (ialen Smith. Jordan Elias Shaefer. Lower Mabanoy Augustus Wald. Coal John Downey. Slmmokin bur. Capt. A. Caldwell, Wm. F. Roth. Ml. Carmel twp. John McElieco. Mt. Carmel bor. J. S MeWilliams. Washington Henry C. Fisher. Snvdertown John Moore. Suubury C. Neff, J. M. Rartholomevr. Your conunitteo to whom was referred the duty of preparing Rules nnd Regula-' tions nnd a l'reminui List for the first An- Dual to held October 7th, 8th, I Hth and 10th, 187.'i, respectfully report, wo j Lave made as liberal a Fremiuru List as ! the interest of the Society would warrant, '. nud have selected tho awarding committees from the various sections of our county ! with great care. We kindly ask the sup- ' port of our farmers, and nil friends of the Society, "in this and adjoining counties, to civo thir assistance, so we make the exhi- j bition an entire success. ! RULES AND REGULATIONS. ! 1st. Eveiy Rule laid dowu in tho Pre- i raium List will be strictly adhered to, and uo exceptions whatever made. j 2ud. -Competition is invited from all parts ; of the State, nnd in Agricultural linple- i uicuts from nil the States. ! 3. All cutties or articles for Exhibition are free. j 4th. --Entries to compete fur premiums, ! must be made on or before Tuesday 10 o'clock, unless the weather should be un favorable whtn tho piivileges of tho lirsl day shall be extended until 10 o'clock, on Wednesday. Xo person whatever will be allowed to sec eu'.nes until ol the awards nie made. 5. All premiums awarded of five dol lars nnd upwards shall be subject to a de- ; duction ol ten per cent except in trials of speed, when the couilitiou under the head i ol racing shall goveru the entries. ! Cth A premium may bti awarded to a ! meritorious article, though not enumerated j in the list. 7th. Premiums not called for within : thirty days after the award, will be con-1 sidered forfeited. rUh. As npjieals fiom awards of com- ' tmttecs nrc not Allowed, the committees will see the necessity of great cate in rend- criug their decisions. Dili. All questions rcspectinsz the trial 1 of speed, shall be determined by the Judges, i whose decision will lie governed hy the Rules of the National Trotting Assncia- j tion, and bo final. ! loth. The party entering thorough bred stock, be required to furnish tho committee with authentic pedigrees. 11th. Ihe age ot a horse shall be com puted from the first day ol March of the year iu which he was foaled. r'th. JS o disorderly conduct ot niy kind will be permitted. A police force will lie upon tho ground, sutlicient to preveut the same, nnd see all rules are observed. l.ilh. All Articles aud Animals lor Ex hibition must be propely entered at the liusuiess (Juice. I lie Grounds ami Hand ings will bo opened ou Monday, Cth of Oc tober, to receive them ; and trusty persona employed by tho Society will assign them places and guard the Grounds. .Nor cau anything bo removed from the Grounds till Thursday afternoon, without written per mission from the l'resideiit. 14th. Premiums awarded to persons residing out of thu liurnugh, will be paid immediately on the close of the Fair, at tho Business Ollice on the Grouuds, by tho Treasurer, nnd those to residents of the lSorough, nt his omce, on .Monday and Tuesday following thu Exhibition, on pre sentment of the curd received at cutcriug. G EN E It AL A Rl'ANG EM ENTS. The exhibition will openou Tuesday, October 7, lS7:i. and contiuuo Weduesdny, Thursday and r rulay. The tides will ha opened nt 8 o'clock, A. M., of each day, aud at that time every clliccr is required to be at his post. fetalis lor horses uud cattle, nud pens for sheep aud hogs, ou exhibition, will be luruished freu ot charge ; also, hay and straw. Ex)iericnced hands will lie in at tendance, to care for stock during tho ab sence of tho exhibitor. TICKETS. Singe Tickets, '2 cts. Siugle Tickets good during the Fair, 50 cts. Family Tickets, sf 1.00 INSTRUCTIONS TO COMMITTEES. 1. Tho committee will assemble fur or ganization on Wednesday morning nt 10 o'clock, and immediately proceed to busi ness. The President of Ihe Society shull be ex-ojjkio Chiarman of tho Committees, till up vacanies, nud decide all disputed questious. 2. A premium may bo awarded to an article although thero bo no competition, il it be specially meritorious. 3. Reports of committees must be mado by Thursday morning at 12 o'clock. The Judges aro especially requested , to be present for organization at the appoint ed time, as tho success of the exhibition depends very much upon their promptness. Tin' .Tint 'ih ol innornH wui iVkitrd lu l lu symmetry, eail maturity, s..c mid general qualities i:lai"iitiri.-iiie of tliu IhvciU ivhieli they judge. They will ninke duo allowance, fur ago, feeding and oilier circumstnncPH on Ihe character and condi tion of the animal. They will give en couragement to overfed Animals, nor award Premiums for Hulls, t'own or lleifera, whit h shall appenr to have been fattened for butchers ; (except fat Cat tl.i in Class 2) the object being to have superior animals of this description for l'.reeding: PttKMIUM LIST. class 1. Ti'oi:oi iii'.ni!i:i) nouses. Best Bt:i!l!on kept In the County, fir, Hi-fit Miire, ' 10 Best Horse Colt, lielwei n two nml three years, 5 ltest llurfc Colt, betwueu one nnd two years, fl Beat Hnrlilng Co, l, 8 class neivi s Ton a I, i'i:itrosr.s. Tle( Flulilon over four yen r, flO Best Stiilllon umler four, I) H"M Horse Colt between two nml three, Ii Best llorset'olt between olii-ninl two years, 5 Best Mure Colt between one nnd two years, 5 Best SueliiiiK Colt, 8 CAT l I.i: liEI'AHT.M EXT. clash 1 iii.ooi)i:n eATH.i:. Persons coin no i ii.j lor i reinlnnn, for lilomleil Cnllle must preei pi (iirees or written trn.iwin tees of purity of Mock, in each of llio lollowiii! niiro'il Ifreeili, viz ! 'Ihe Iiurli.ini. (short horn), De von, Ayip.liire, Al'leiiiey, Hereford uud Itol stein i Best Itloofled Bull, f 10 " Coinnion " 8 " Blooile.l Cow, 8 " Coin in on " .5 " HloodeS Ifeffer, 5 " Common " 3 Blooded Ciilf, 3 ' Coiniiioti " l.fiO woiik oxrv. Best yoke of Oxen, 5 Best iot Tut Cattle 3 or more, 5 HORSE AXD M CLE DEPARTMENT. class 3 houses. StaiUuiw, iMiiiYS and Cvllt. l or Hiavy Druuyltt. Best Stiilllon, 4 years old nnd upward, i'20 Be.-t Stallion under 4 years, 8 Best Brood Mine, 10 Best Colt between 3 nnd 4 years, C Best. Colt between 'J nnd 3 ycuis, f Best Colt under 1 year. 2 class 3. Draught Jfurnet, Jack' anil -lii!c. Best pair Prnimlit Horses or Mares, . f 10 Peeond best " ft Best Slncie Draught Horse or Mare, 5 Best Jack, 0 Best Team Mules, 10 Best Jack Colt, 5 " Mule " 3 class 4 Sliilliont, .Vmv.1 anil Coll. For Quick Drn uj'tt. Best Stallion 4 years Hnd upwards, $10 Best Stallion under 4 years, 10 Best Brood Mare, ID Best Colt between 2 nnd 3 years, 4 Best Colt between 1 nud 2 years, 3 Bust Colt under 1 year, 2 class 5. Jfttfticil ITornen, Gdil'.ng and Martt. Best pair Carriatfii Horses, S10 Best for Sinsrli; Harness, 8 Best Saddle Horse or M ire, 8 Fastest walking Saddle Horse or Mare. 5 l i'Triiil of speed every day. Liberal Pre miums oll'ered, and w ill be unnouueed in another sheet..;' SHEEP DEPARTMENT. class fi. i!Ei:r. Jilted llurfcd. For best Burk, $5 Best Pen of Ewe, (not less than S) 5 Best Pen of Lambs, (not less than 4) 3 Long H'ot.!t(. For best Buck, ?5 Best Pen of Ewes, (not less than 3) 5 Best Pen of Lambs, (not less than 4) 3 Xatii e or Mired Dlood. For best Buck, (5 Bebt Pen of Ewes, (not less than 3) 5 Best Pen of Lambs, (not less than 4) 3 SWINE DEPARTMENT. CLASS 7. SWINE. ! Large Dre'd. For best Bo;ir over 2 years old, ?5 Best Boar, 1 year old, A Best breedinir Sow over two years, 5 Best breeding Sow, one year, S ; Best pair Shoats, 3 Best lot oi Piirs, not less than four, uuder six months, fi Best Sow and Pigs, not less than six, G POl'LTRY DEPARTMENT. CLASS s. roi LT11Y. Best Pair Turkeys, ?t " " (icee. 3 " " Ducks. 3 " " (ianie Chickens, or other variety, ' each pair, " 3 : ;l " Co:niuon " 3 " collection nf chicken n.'t Ies than six, 5 " coop of t ime Pigeons, f or more, ! " fair Pea Fowl, 2 " ' (iuinea " 2 " Coop of Rabbits, 2 i " " ' Maltese Cats, 2 : CLASS D. I'LoWINa MATCH, i Best Plowman, 8 O .. ti I " Reaper, with sell-rakiuc: and Linding ntlachnien, 3 " Mowing uud i!i -aping M uhine eonibiued, 3 ' Reaper, 3 1 " Mower, 3 j " Sweep ti Horse Power, 5 ; " " four Horse power, 3 ! " Hallway, 3 " Threshing Muehine, four horse powe.-, 3 1 " Separator, H horse power, 3 j " Voitable Hay press, 5 I " Com Slieller, Hoise Power, 4 i " Clover lluller and Ciciiner, 3 ' " Coi u and Cob CrUhher, 3 ' Agricultural Boiler for stock, 5 j " Portable S(eam Engine for cec.ernl juir- i (loses, 5 j " Portable Steam Saw Mill, 5 CLASS 11). KA1CM I VI'LEMLNTS. Best Fanning Mill, sli " Com Stalk Cutter, 3 " Hay nnd Straw Cutter, 4 " Vegetable Cutter, :t " Corn Cultivator, 2 " Grain Drill, 3 'Small Seed Planter, for Iloie or Kami j Power, lor bills or drills, 2 " Corn Plainer, 3 1 ' t ultivator for ecneral purposes, 3 " Broad east Sower for Grain, 3 " Roller lor (;ener:il use, 2 " liayloading machine for Held use, ft' " Implement and tiMttre for lilting hay or straw from w igou to mow, 2 " liny Tedder, or Machine for turning or spreading hay on the lick!, 5 CLASS 11. FAUX lMI'LEMKSlS. Best Varm Wagon, fr, " Horse Cart for Farm, y " Ox Cart, 3 " Hay Rigging, 1 " Horse Italic, 3 " Plow Gears, 1 " Wagon Harness for Farm, 2 " Call Gears, 1 " Farm Saddle, 1 " Two-Horse Piow, 1 " Sub soil, 1 " Gang Plow, 1 " Farm Chopping Mill, 3 " Slump extractor, 5 " Wheel-Barrow, 1 " Harrow, 1 " Lime Spreader, 2 " Road uud Track Semper, 1 " Ilusikng Machluu hoibe-power, 2 " Potato Digger, 1 ' Machine lor cutting off ami shocking Cam iu the Held, (Horse Potr,) S CLASi 12 fAlill AM) IIOI'SLUOLII IMl'LLM !(STS. For best arruugemeiits for raising water, $1 " Weighing Machine for general purposes, 3 " Portable Cider Mill and Press, 3 " i dozeu Flour Barrels, 1 Vurlely of Cooper Work, 1 " Cow Milker, (other Ibau ouo hand.) 3 " Post hole illgijer, 1 " Best Chum, 1 " " Butler Worker, 1 " Cheese Press, 1 " 1J Milk Puns, 1 " Milk Slialner, 1 " Wushinir .Machine, 1 " irain Cradle, 1 " Sevtlie Siiall.e and Bcythe, 1 " 6 lluinl Kakes, 1 " Hay Forks, l Axes, 1 Muuure Forks, 1 " Loeg-llandled Shovels, 1 " Snort-Fiaudled thovels, 1 " Spades, 1 " Com Hoes, 1 .ol of Urulu Measures ' 1 i-j ib reil Cm, i 1 kels. (!.-h"l) 1 " Meal Chil'.i.'r, I " ( lollies Wriiig.-r, 1 " lnveutlnn fur Mcinlng the run of wilier lu drains, 3 CLASH 13. Jfl1Cr.LLXro:i IMI'LLMMNTS ANII KI'AV ISVr.NTIOSfl. Under this pcm-rid bead nrc Ineliuli d ell iii:w IMvetitloiiP, and luiiclioiery not enuineiated In mi) of tin c'ases, mi l ou Hie jadiici are nntliorlEcil In t'lelfillsci-'lioii (o award preiiiluiii. or diplomas, or nmkc hotioi'ib! tiicnMon. 27"For t A lug ami Knitting Miielilnes nnd Mil it ul ln-1 1 nno iits, the Managers oiler no Premiums, but in iie uii to ehiliiltaud let every machine si. mil on Its own meiiu. FARM AND GARDEN PRonUC'tlONS. CLASS 11. ( LOCH, MI:aL, CHAIN, AND KLKO. Best barrel fuinliy flour, 4 " " rve Hour. 1 " Corn-Meal, not less than B5 pounds, 1 " Buekw heHt-Meul, not less than 25 pounds, 2 " One bushel whllo wheat of any va.iety 1 ' One Inihe. red wheat of any vat iety, 2 " One bushel Miditerrancaii, 3 " " Rve, 1 " ' iellowCorn, 1 " " Wliite Unit Corn, 1 " " Oat-, 1 " " Bariev, t " " (lover. feed, 1 " 11 Tini'ithy-seed, 1 " " r.uekwheal, 1 " sample newly Introduced grain, valuable to the I'ariuur, not less than oue bushel 1 Grain and Seeds to be measured and weighed by the Judges. " CLASS 15. TEOKTAnLES. Best bushel potatoes, (Mercer,) tl " " (Pink-evc.) 1 " Sweet Potatoes, 1 " " Potatoes any other variety 1 " " Field Turnips', 1 " " Ruin Baga, 1 ' " Sugar Beets, 1 " peck Beets any other voiiety, 1 ' " Cnrrots, 1 " " Onions, 1 " " Parsnips, 1 5 best stalks of Celery, 1 3 " heads of Cuuliiloiver, 1 13 " white tabic Turnips, 1 3 " heads of Cabbage, 1 8 " beads Broccoli, 1 12 " Tomatoes, 1 2 " end largest Sweet PumpUiu', 1 2 ' nnd largest Field " 1 Best purple Egg Plants, 1 " half peck Lima Benna, 1 " Garden Siiiashe, 1 ' sample of newly Introduce I Vegeta bles, valuable for the table, 1 Mammoth Snuash, 1 class 10. pkiits: For the largest nnd best exhibition of Apples, correctly labeled and Hot less than 3 specimens of each 4 Best assorted basket or dish of Apples, 1 or Greatest number of choice vari'.ies . of Peaches, 4 of each variety, with llio name, 3 " assorted basket or dish of Penehes, 1 Largest nnd best varieties of Peais named nml labeled, not less than 4 of each, 1 Best basket or dish of Pears, 1 " " " Quinces, 1 " collection of Plums, 6 of each 1 " " " Grapes grown iu tha open nir, 1 " of each distinct variety, 1 specimen of Musk Melons, 1 " basket of Fruit, of all kinds, 1 All fruits otl'ered in couipclion must be grow u by the competitor. class IT. sin i:tt, ciirEsn, honey, wis::j, riDCK AND COI1D1ALS. Best t lbs. Butter, fi " Cheese, 1 " " home-made, 1 " r, lti. llonev, 1 " Bee Hive, 1 " Decanter of Sorghum Syrup (not less than a quart,) made by the Exhibitor 1 " Specimen uf honie-inudo Vv'lne, 1 " " Bounce, 1 ' " " Cordial 1 " Bottled Cider, with mode of curiug so us to keep sweet one year, 1 " r, Ilia, dried fruit each Uiud,. 1 " ' Bologna Sausage, 1 " Water Cr iclier, CARRIAGE, LEATHER AND ETOVE DE PARTMENT. CLASS IS. CAllllIAGr.j AN I) LtUTllEK. t'rhibiitil by the .liiif'ic.'iircr. Best two-horse pleasure Carriage, 55 " one-horse Cuniage, Baggy and Hutting Wngnu eacli, 5 " two-horse Sleigh, 5 " oue l;ors0 " 3 " double set Carriage Il.irncs;, 5 " Single set Carriage Ilarne.-s, 3 " Riding Saddle, ' 1 " " Bridle, 1 " Lot of Sole, Harness find Vj -per Leather. I aeli, 1 " Lot of Calf Sk'uib uressed, 1 A (pploma may be awarded for articles com ing within lids class, not cumneraitil above. class 10. STOVF.S. Best Cooking stove for coal, S3 " Cooking stove for wood, 3 " Range for famiiii s, 5 " Furnani-e or oilier apparatus for warming houses, S " Ornatneniai Parlor Stove, 3 " Sample Hollow Ware, 1 " Sample Iron Railing, 2 SILVER PLATED, STONE, GLASS AND Q,UEENmWARE. Best Exhibition of Jewelry ami Silverware f5 " Exhibition, of Table Cutlery, 3 Exhibit! in of Glassware, ' 2 " Sit ol China ware, 2 " Set of stoneware, 2 " Display of Lamps, 1 " liozeu Cliairs, 1 " Set o Cottage Furniture, 1 " " Chainber " 1 " Display of Cabinet Ware, 1 " " Ru.-lic Wotk, 1 class 2d. hats, )'.( t, i:ors, cloviiiso, -te. Best,iy of II. us urn! dps, fi " Made i'oals, 2 " P inta!iion, 1 " " Vi-I, 1 " Boots and Sin:.;!, For lest pit tr Cigars, 2 " " 'f ooac-o, 1 CI A'S 21. rilNIINOS, I'LNMANMIII', &C. Best display of Draw lag and Paintings, 5'.' " ili.-play of nlies and ci;iio..:ile", S 41 Walel" Color Palming, 1 ' Cray n or Pencil Diuw'iii;;, 1 " Di-pl.,y of I'lioiogi.iphs, " " Displuv ot Dinil.-iry, !i " ' sign :id Ornamental F.ihif'og, 2 " Display M nlile Woik, ' 1 " Fciilunn.'hilS 1 '" Gram. '.le or sand sin'ic woll., 2 ' Card or fancy Printing, 2 ' P.ip-r Hanging-, 1 DC) M l "I KM A l'FACTl'1! I'.S, CI. AS 3'i. l AHI'l.T--, WOOL AMI 1.IM.S AUTH.LES. I ' la v.irds Voo'..-:l CarpetU', 1 1 " la" !ic; " ' 2 I " Health Rug. 1 ' Double Cov. rl. l, 2 Slaga 1 ' l-.i ardi. Iioine inade flannel, 1 'lOvaids Ta'j'..-I.lnen, 2 " 10 yards " l.l.ieii. 2 ' iO vard.H " I.inen Di iper, 2 Best pound " 'i biea.l, 1 Pair Woolen blutikets, ltooic-inaJ 2 " ll iie-.-iiiii t : 1 urlli nig, 1 " p...,r n:g, " 1 Two li s w, jllen yarn l.ome-ii. ide, 1 " Hoiiic-iuade Soap, 1 CLASS 23. i;l l!.is, slin KINOS, AC, ALL To PE llANll-MOKK. For best p.ilr WooU-n Knit Stockings, $1 fancy pair " " " 1 Foi last" pair Woolen Knil ll-ilfllos" 1 " Linen Knit Stocking', 1 " " " H ill Hose, 1 " ' Woolen Mittens, 1 " " Quill, patchwork si.!:, 2 " Couiiterpiiiie, 2 " Delaine IJuilt-patcli work, 1 " Calico ijullt " CI.ASj 24. HOHSTtl) wour. Best vsrh ty Worsted Work, fi " Worked Chulr-tul uud lacl:, 2 " Otloinau Cover, 2 ' Rei-plU)li Chair, 3 " S.ifa cufhion, 2 " Toilet cushiou, 2 " S!lperi ou Cloth, 1 " " on Canvas, 1 " Worsted and Bead Woik, 1 " Lamp Mats, 1 " Flower vase Mais, ; 1 " Carriage Afghan, (crochet) ' S ' Infant's Agnail, H ' -oi Let Tiov. ' " ' ' Sulii etisliion " lC A Khun. i " " Mi iv.-i, i it ii i-,v . 2 " ' Porn -.! h Ion. Z " Worked T it !e Cover, J " ' Piano ' 2 CLASS Lj. MI smm WOMK. Ue.-t piece ol Col ion Embioldery,' ti ' " Silk, 1 " Enibvoideicd Vo'.ii fo? Mt,t DukS( 2 " lliiiidtd m il tmbioldtd Yoke, for Night Dress, 3 " LiobruideieJ baii'1 and s'.ei.vts of nnder gaiiiients ? " Braided and em'-Moi'lM bned and sleuve of under (Tarments, a " Varieiv of Taltbig. 1 " Tatted Sleeves ami Baud, 1 " Variety Sewlnij f lachii.c work, '2 " Ihild's Dress, 2 " Piece m Tucking, 1 " Cordlug, 1 " Child's dress, home-made, 1 " Collar and Culls, " 1 " Shirt ' 1 " ICinbroidered Haudkerehlof, 1 " Display of Kuibroidury, I cuss 30. JFANOV. Best displny of wax flowwn,' ii " Plxplny of wax fruit, l " Oruanicntal Shell work, r " Display of bend work, Largest aud best display of Fancy Work, 'J Best Hair Flowers, ;; " Seed work, 2 " Display of Mi'.IInory goods, 3 CLASS 27. CAKES, BREJLD, 40. Best home-made bread, ti " Baker's bread, 1 " Tound Coke, t Sponge " 1 " Fruit ) " JellV ' 1 " Lilly " ' i Dover " 1 " Madisou " 5 " Gold " I " Sllvrr " 1 " Ginger " l " Sugar " " Muciiroonus, 1 " Jumbles, I " Biscuit, 1 " Rusk, l Best other fancy enke ench kind, , 1 Display of Con fecttouery, 1 CLASS 23. PKE3E11VES. 13est preserved Strawberries, f. " " Uuinces, 1 " " l'lums, 1 " Peaches, 1 " " Pesi-s, 1 " " Pine Anules, I " " Tomatoes, 1 " " Crab Apples, 1 " " Cherries; 1 ' Canned Fruit of each variety, 1 Best other preserves, each kind, l CLASS 29. JELLIES. BcRt Currant Jellcy, $t " ituiuee " " itaspberry l i " Wsekbcriy ' i " Apple " i " Cull Foot i " PI inn i i u Grape i All conipetors for Premiums In Classes 2t nnil29 are requested to exhibit not lvss than a lioll pint lu w hite glass. cr.A.8 30. ricKLUS, ic. Best Apple Hotter, fi " I't-Heh " j " 1'ear " j " tluinee, " j ' Pickled Cucumbers, 1 " ' Peppers i ' ' 'loinsloes, l ' " (Nnlelopes, 1 ' ' Walmits, i " " Peaches, 1 " " Plums, 1 " " ftlixed Piekles, 1 " Tomato Catsup, x " Walnut ' 1 ' Oysters, Pickled, 1 " Sample Cider Vinegar, 1 " Si'iced fruit or vegetables each kind, 1 CLASS SI. FLOWERS. Best collections of Flowers, owned by the person present, Greatest variety of IV-ihlinB, j. Greatest variety of Roses, 1 Greatest variety of Vcrbenns, 1 Beat collection of O.iruiau Astors, 1- " and crealest varieties of Psuslrs, 1 " collection of Ureenhouiie l'lauts, owued ty one person, 2 " Floral Ornament, 1 " Hand-liO(uet, 1 For the most Lealiful srrarired hlsket of flowers, 1 Best Hanging basket growing plants, 1 Best rustic stand w it It growing pfants, I CLASS 33. MISCEI.LANEOC3. Best display of Relicts nnd Curiosities, $5 T'ndcr this ho-id all articles of merit which have not been (novated itir iu any of the almvi classes . will he entered in lltii class, and relorrc.l to a com mittee to award such piemiur.o! an they may think proper. r.ACINO. 1st. pat. so. 1. For Horse under 5 years, owned in North'd, Co.. tlnrtv days prior to Oct. Till, 1)573, PurwflDU. First Horse, fU5 Second Horse, Third Horse, Not less than 5 horses to enter r.'.CING r.ACE. NO. First Horse, Second Horse, Three to cuter, aud 2 start. 2ND. DAT. NO. 3. HO , mi l 3 to s'ait. far. For Hones owned in Northn Snyder and Dauphiu counties, better than ?2j. Purse tloU. .iberliiUi!, Vnlou wilh no record 1'1-J '3 Fastest lit r: c, Second I lone, Third Horse, Five to enter, and 3 to start, KI NNINO KACB. NO. 4. Tl KsE $o0 First Horse, Second Horse, Three lo cuter, 2 to start. UACINll. 2nd dav. no. 5. Double team trot, PuiseiT"). Best Team, Second Best Team, $"35 10 30 t25 Thiee to enter, 2 to start. The above teams to be owned in this county. ,i!iii. hay. 'o. 0. I'CHSK ?20, Oven "il ItiM-sei owned !n N'M-'r-pv Uuion. Snyder and Dauphiu couutics. First Horse Second Horse Third Horse -Nnd, SI 23 .-,o Five to enter, and 3 toetnrt. 3ui). pat. no. 7. rmsE tio. opeu to all trolling Hordes, 5 to to enter, aui 3 to start. Besl w alking Horse I Mile $10 l.idies' F.oucstrianlsiu Premium flu Fool Rauo ; ; n.ile 3 to enter Premium to CONDITIONS. All the abore tro'.ling races tobe m'.le heats, be-t 3 in 5 in harness. Entrance Fee 10 pel cent, ol purse nud must ticcmiinany inmiuaiioii in all eases. Eutrb'S must be irai'.s the oliU-0 ol Ihe S.-eiel i; y by lOo'clocl;, u. in., of each day. A horse distancing the ticlii, cr t part lh'!vco;" shall be entitled lo die tiir.t premium oulv. Heals lu cucli day's races may be trotted nitor nntely. The distanre shall be one hundred yards. A horse, will not be allowed to compete tor mole than one preini-.'.in, except in races Mus. 3, fiuuJ 7. MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT. Bet display of Dry'.s to ' " " (-roctries .r " " " Boots uud Shot s 5 " " " Jeweliv .', " " " Ch. (Iiiug .1 " " Millinery Goods " " " Hardware 5 " ' " I'onlci lioan. v 5 " " " Drugs nud Chemicals f ' " " tiueeu.v.ue !5 " " "Coal 5 MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. Best Band of Mu-lc $00 2nd Best Hands of Miu'c t.iO 3d rd Best Baud uf Music 1J Bands con: rtlng lor I'lcniiu.ns uiUbt report to the Secretary on or before Weilnesdav Oct. Mb, and be lb uttendiiuce Wednesday pud Thursday, ami uru fcuhjcci to the coniio uf the Chief Mar shal. STEAM FIRE fcNCJNi 8. Besl Ste.uu Fire Engine, Premium t23 Engine (browing walir the t;rea(est distance through 1 i iui h imriel shall be ealiCed (o (be premium. Kilobit,'! ju at ,1 o'clock, a. lu., Oct. StU ou Ihe Fair Grouu:!s. MILITARY. Best drilled and .lulppe ' C"inpai,y of not less (hau 'M ineu. l'reniiiiln. j-j" Exercise and !lss.ci1oii i.i ldoVflct;. a. m. ' There will be a Giaifd Military and Fireman- Pa tads al 10 o'clock, Oct. ib.