lv' bbtttistmcnts fc-rovF. a rty fstaiilishmi.xt. '4 "MARKET STIIEKT, 8UNBURY, PA. i ALFRED KltAUSE, Proprietor. gt'eui'.StMIH TO SMITIl GKMTHKR.J HAVING purchased tlic above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krnnsc would rcvped ful ly in lor m the public that he now lint on hnnd a large ortrrtont of COOKIXfl STOVER, Spccr's Cook Anti-Rust, Remilutor or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquchaiuia and others, which nr.i no arranged ns to he lined for Coal or Wood, and mo warranted to perform sutlsfuctorl lv or no ealo. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware oT Every lONrrit Inn kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ai d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a A.wl.. Store opposite C on oy'n hardware stove. (Jive me a call. A. KKACSE. npl'J4-ly BLATCIILEY'S a IXFROVED CUCUK3ER WOOD rUMP p Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and Ph Cheap. The best Pump for the , least moner. Attention (s es pecially invited to Blulchlcy's Patent Improved Rraeket and Now Drop Check Valve, which i.n ..-t.l.,1......... .:!. i ?"J 0 moving the Pump or disturbing C.iNVI 3 the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send tor Catalogue and Prico Lift. CHAS. (1. 151.ATC1ILEY, Manu facturer, ftP.8 Commerce '-is Philad'u. Pa. S14,1y M'IC1U AM) XI VIM Kit- MILLINERY GOODS KOU 137:1 J UST opened an extensive assortment of STRAW, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, comprising the latest and most attractive styles selected with care, from the leading importing houses in New York and Philadelphia, and adapted for the present sen son. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS In great variety, a general assortment of neck ties, ornaments fin sacnucs. TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars. Cutrs, and every fashionable, article of ladies' wear. Call and see the new styles of (foods at MISS L. SII1SRLF.R, Market Square, Sunlmrv, pa. April 25, 173. " CMtAWFOKIl IIOI SK, Cor. Third anil J Mulberry, Business Centre, Williamsport. Pa. D. B. ELSE A CO., Proprietor. June 211, 187:1. A complete Stock of Choice Selec tion! In ever; Iscpiirt incut o l'ered at Special price, dur In a; the Siiniiner m'hhoii, While 'making niter at I mis. JEWELRY, STERLING .SILVER "U'tUclies, Plated Goods Cutlery, Clocks, ItronzcH A I'ancj- ;ooIu. July 12, 187.1. Tin; kixu iiakhf.ic shop S THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been j ask history and she will tell you I Men have irrown old in our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing hoys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed. To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting Impres sions of time, and the erai-h of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living memento of the Ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity ot progression, plying onr vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave wiili ease Cut and comb with taste t lie hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to slop. And not go past nor from around onr shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under tho common secret and invidious guise of enmity In complex Ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the. color of his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance is nil that we demand, to give the proof to nil t tic land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April B, ls.73 : No. il. Market si. I. 1 l II on H T O It K I CHRISTIAN NEFF, Feeond Street, opposite the Court House, EUN- buky, pa., Respectfully invites the attention of Pictailers and others, that he has 011 band, aud will con stantly keen all kinds i,f FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Hramlies: C'ojjnlac, 'hurry, (inger, Rochelleand Otard. Whiskies! Pure Rye Copper-Histlllcd, Moi"u gahcln, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! IVincs: Chump: Claret. ,'no Wine, Sherry, Port and Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rnm, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors whif h can he found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale und Retail. Every article guaranteed us represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always ou hand. &f Orders promptly utteuded o, and yublle patronage respectfully solicited 0 NEFF. Buubury, July 3, 1S01I. ly. hlMtt ItY .H.4KIII.I: VAItl, Fourth Ktrrrt below KIurKcl, SUXnUItV, l'ENX'A. rpiIE undersigned has returned from the Vcr 1. mont Marble Quarries with 50 Tons of Marble for tffifo. M011 11 111 en (si, Grnte-KtoueN, He h is bought lit such fiirures ti nt luw hilll to sell better stonA iv jfcMx ! n iiuuey, than heretofore. Tinbest feSuthoi-Iaiul Fulls Marble, which Is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything tn the Marble line, for Monuments, ttrave-Stones, or rjher purposes, will Und il to thir iulerest to ea'.l and examiue this large stock, us better bargc.tus can b secur ed thuu buying from parties 'I .ucksleriiig' round the country. All lettering will be done hi the ueutcst and most Improved style. . T , W.M. DACGHERTV. Suubury, Jan. 11, Wt. 1307. R1GHTEP. & GASKILL, 1307. DEALERS.1N American aufl. French WinJow Glass, Urjstsl Sheet, Vough pute, Colored, Enameled rid Oruanientsl QIsm, 1307 Mr jrket Street, Philadelphia. Jauuary 11, 1873. lv. ,1 UTA-LXj, 1111 of LARGEST CHEAPEST Assortment of HATS Gents Furnishing Goods, TEMKS, YAIiIiES &c. ever offered in this place at Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third and Market, DIAMOND SPECTACLES, WATCHES & JEWELRY. etm BISIKG BY AN ELGIN WATCH. Corner Market and Third Streets, 8TJNBURY, PA.., DEALEIl IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. Spectacles. Those Lenses nro tnnnufttcturcd from Minute Crystal Puhbles, united by fusion, and derive their tinme "Diamond," on account of their hardness and brilliancy. The ficientilie principal on which they arc copstructed, prevents nil glimmering and wavering of Sight, Dizziness, A:c., yieeuliar to all others in use. Superior to Scotch or Brazilian l'ebbles at less than half the price. They are mounted in the finest manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles of Gald, Silver, Steel, Uubbcr aud Shell Frames of the best quality. Manufactured by Tho Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. E. Spencer A: Co.,' in the Optical Department.) New York aud New lluvcu. For Sale only by Til AIIi.I S H. SII.l.WOX. Suuhury, Fa., May 31, 187X S!Ht(J Ol'EMXG of fiOODS AXI) NOTION'S. DUY Cloths, Cas!uiercf, Calicos, and everything in the Dry Cood line. CAR PETS A.ND 01! CLOTHS. Qncen-warc, (ilasswarc, and Wood aud Willow w.ue. (iUOCERIES. A huge assortment Just opened, which consists of Tea, Colli e, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Meat, Fish, iVc. The Celebrated Alleiitnwn hand made BOOTS AND SHOES. WariaiitMl to give satisfaction. In fact a full assortment (.( everything kept in u tirst-cluss store, :an be 'and at greatly REDUCED PRICES. for .ifh. Call and see the line selection of new goods, and be convinced that V. J. HYItOU'K, near the Lnlhern Clniu h, in Sunbury, is the best aud cheapest place to buy all kiuds of store goods. No trouble to show goods. April ft, W3. ly. UM. I' A It SO , NO A CO., No. S'JS South SECOND Street, below DOCK, Philadelphia WILLIAM FARMSON, IIENRV IIARNED. NELSON PL'iill, W. W. CREAL'TIIERS, Jiunufacturers of First-Class FLKNITLRE. Prices reatouuble. Pleaso call aud exumluo. $0 1 1) $'U c'lassMof ! Agents Wanted I All of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more money ut work for us in their spare moments, or all the time' than nt nnvthing else. Particulars free. Address," U. 8T1N60X ii CO., SH-ly. Portland, Maine. BUTCIIEUY! BUTCIIEltY! NeMMrM. RLl'I'EU V UOH'KU, Third Street, opposite Central llotct. BLN11LKY, PA., K "EEP constantly on baud Uie very choicest ol iresii Ht:tr, MITTOJI AM) VEAL, which is sold at Hie Ilk est prices. Meat canbo had at nil hours during the duy. Suubury, l'a., Juus H, 16T'J. 1873. fill the CAP 1 5 Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAiHL, RESPECTFIT.LY Informs the citizeus that hc husIjnst'receWcd his SprluK iiikI NmiinicroolH, at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he Is prepared to make up all kinds of ; ami iiovn ni itn, n the latest styles. Having had mHeh exiier rnee In the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be made up la the latest Pails and American Fashloiu lu the most satisfactory manner. aLV73. CHARLES MAIHL. NEW COAL YARD. THE undersigned having connected the Coal business with his extensive FLOUR ii GRAIN trade, is prepared to supply families witbthv VICKY BEST OF COAL, C1IKA1' t OK IAS II. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on baud. Graiu taken iu exchange fur Coal. J. M. L'AUWALLAUtK. Sunbury, Jan. 15, 1S70. tf. .NEW TOBACCO AXO NEUAK, A.U B It US 1 1 S TORE. South sid of Market street between Sd aud 4th SUNBURY, PA. J ust opened, au entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND SEOARS. Segars of every grade. Tobacco of every vaiio'y. Pipes, both plulu and fancy. BRUSHES 1 BRUSHES ! ! BRUSHES ! ! ! A large assortment of Brushes direct flow the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His line of brushes are a specialty and many uew kiuds never before introduced tuto ibis market. Also, Paper Collars aud Caffs iu greut variety. A large assortment of all the popular Songs of iho day. Call aud examiue my (roods and gei a list of prices. HENRX PETERY. November S, ISr.'. ly BEST bltttatmtnU. D t 2E o 'A c XT. CD B o I. a 9 CD CD Q o 4 CD p- p p p. K p o w tr -i CD CD trh VI St W a d St 2 Til ft p o (Ji ft N m r H m o o j' I'll in Space is ICoNervPtl for the Advphtiskment op PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A Ii D V A II E STORE JIurUet Nt., Simburj-, lu. Scud for Illustrated Catalogue and examiue our prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell lower than ucy other establishment in the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, 1230 RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia. M'ltIKU MILLIXKRY UOOON, A fall line of BONNETS AND HATS, trimmed aud uutrimmed. Flowers, Ribbons, Collars, Culis, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, and (a geueial variety of MILLINERY GOODS selected with great care from the leading im porting houses lu Now York and Philadelphia, at MISS M. L. GOSSLER, Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R. Every effort will be mado to please those wio favor her with their patronage. April 28, 1S73. Ml I 8 I K -,..,.:-,. .J i ir v ilSii Is the most tiowoiful cleanser, 'strongthner andremovorof Glandular Obstructions known to Materia Mcllca. It is specially ndgpted-to constitutions "worn down" and debilitated by the warm weather of Spring and Summer, when the blood Is not in active circulation, consequently gntherlng Impu rities from slnggishnes and Imperfect action of the secretive organs, and is manifested by Tu mors, Eruptions, Blotches, Bolls, Pcstnlcs, Scro fula, Ac. When weary and lanquid from overwork, nnd dullness, drowsiness and luctiatake the place of onergy and vigor, the 'system needs a Tonle to np and help the Vital Forces to regain tholr rcenpcrntlvs power; In the heal of Summer, frequently l he Liver and Spleen do not properly perform their func tions; the Uterine and Urinary Organs are in active, prodncing weakness of the stomach and Intestines and a predlspoettion to bilious derange ment. DRi WELLS' Extract or JnrnbebA Is prcpnren pircctly from the South American Plant, and is pcciillnry suited to alt these diffi culties ; it will cleanse the Vitiated Blood, streng then the rowers, and remove all obstructions from impaired and enfebled Organs. It should be freely taken, as Jurubeba is pro nounced by medical writors tho most efficient Pnrlficr, Tonic and Dcobstruent known in the whole range of medicinal plants. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. Sola Aircnt for the United States. Price, 1 per Bottle. Send for Circular. nug'jy4w UOIIKIX1 CLASS Male or Fcma'.e f GO a week guaranteed. Respectable employment nt home, day or evening i no capital required i full instructions & valuable packago of goods sent free by mail. Address, with six cent return stamp, M. YOUNG&CO. 173 Greenwich Street, New York. augSlMw X E V 1". It Neglect a Congh. Nothing Is more certain to lay the fouudntlqn for future evil rnnsequencas. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS are a sure cure for all discuses of the Respira tory Organs, Soro Tliroat, Colds, Croup, Diph theria, Asthma. Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the Lungs. In all eases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly und freely used. They equalize the circulation Of the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, iu a very short time, restore healthy action to the af fected organs. Wdlls' Carbolic Tablets arc put up only In blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't be found at your druggist's, send nt ohce to t lie Agent in New York, who will forward them by return mail. Won't be deceived by Imitations. Sold by druggist". ' Price 25 cents a box. JOHN Q. KELLOCG, IS Hlatt-st New York, aug 'J!l.4w.Scnd for c ircular. Sole Agent for U.S. : I.ocuteil at MilUtsmmporl, l'a. Fuliillithtd 1800. The BEST COLLEGE in the Country. Has the best Penman in Pvnnsylvn ui. July 25. Iw. For College Paper. Specimens of Penmanship, .vc, auurcss ti.w i .v i it'i.i.MiCic, Willianisport, Penu'a. a wohk op intensk lntr.uft asi) ixtuinsic Value. OC'KAX'M.NTOKY. By the gifted son of the famous "Petbii Pau ley. " The result of great historical research I An authentic History of Navigation and its Man ifold Discoveries since the Flood. Abounds with Startllirg Incidents, Fearful Disasters, Lawless Piracies, Bloody Battles, and Glorious Achieve ments ; also describes Diving. Telegraphing, Ocean Fisheries, Jte. Over 200 Spirited Cuts. Subject New. Price Low. Agents Wanted. IIUUUARi) BROS., Pub's. Sansoni St., Philn. Pa. aug. 2(1. 4w. A 1 T? XT rV CJ Wanted for the Su 1Y J( Hi JjS Jl k5 perb New Chromo "BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART." Just ready, froir. an original paintliig by Ida Watigh. Tlii picture is greatly admired by nil who see il, and is mre to become highly popular. Though executed ill the highest style of the art, iu oiili r tn teach I he masses it secure large sal. the price i made much lower than that at which any Cliioiuo of like quality has ever beuu sold. Terms uxlreiurly liberal. Exclusive territory. Sold only by sahsclpliou. Apply at once to se cure choice of territory. Circulars, A:c, free. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 73U Sansoin St., Pliiladelphia, Pa. nug.2vl 4w. 3Uth Thousand iu Press. Sale increasing. 2,000 more LIVE AGENTS Wuuted forour MVIXGSTO.XE 28 years in AFRICA over 000 pages, only $"-i.5U Iucomnletc aud In terior works arc oil'ored, look out for them. Send for circulars and seo proof of tho greatest success of tho season. Pocket Companion worth tlO mailed free. 11UBHARD BROS., Pub's, nug.2tl, 4w 723 Sanson) St., PhilnPa. li'2.HU IN FOUR WEEKS' CANVASSING was one aeeiil's prodt on Bryant's Library of Po etry and Song ; 70 in one wctk on The New Housekeeper's Manual, by Miss Bcechcr und Mrs. Stowr. Any active man or woman can have an agency. J. B. FORD & CO., New Fork, Boston, Chicago uiid, San Frunclco. 4w. auill. WEIDELL'8 7 ATEKT fJOE STOP. 1 fVtn AttEni SWiNlXD. iUVU prdr- Eanplcs.sjCts. WcadcU tiuca, o Walnut !(. ttula. CANVASSING BOOK'S SENT FREE for PROF. FOWLERS GREAT WORK on Manhood, Wo manhood and their mutual Inter-relations ; Love, Its Laws, Power, etc. Agents are selling from 20 to 80 copies of this work a day, aud wc send a convassing book free tn any book agent. Ad dress, stating eXH-rlence, etc., NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelphia Pa. 4w. Wanted ALL men wishing to make money to send (or a pamphlet containing Instructions, Ac, which evervhodv shonld know. JC. T1LTON, Pittsburg, Pa. 4w Wanted Wholesalo purchasing Agonls lor the BARTRAM SEWING MACHINE made at Daubury, Ct. The latest and best. Tho Stillest, Fatest and Easiest Lock Stitch, Self Setting, Straight Needle Machine in the market. Better terms than anv Company. Address, BAUTRAM A FANTON M'fg Co., 40IIN A DODO, Gen; Agt., Danbury, Conn. Went Free. The Great Remedy for Diar rhea and Cholera t also tho sure cure for Fever and Ague us found lu OUR HOME PHYSICIAN by Dr. Beard, the latest and best Family Medical Guide with remedies for every known disease. Its value Is attested by thousands who have saved money, heat Ith and life. Agents wanted. E. B. TREAT, Publisher. 805 Broadway, N.Y. THE NEW FAMILY MACHINE. S E COR gt'a The Bocor Is simpler, better made aid more highly finished thai any other machine. Bcws ever) lhlu((, d ta always ready no change of tension requUed In sewing from light to heavy work. Ageuts wanted. Get the latest and best. Send fer Circular. THE BECOK SEWINri J4A CAINE CO,, 6V7 Broadway, New York. . i $eto Jlbbeiiismcnts. A. 1. WALTERS. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PAULO R and . BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRESSED BY MACHINERY. WPnnt forgnt tlin place on the Enst side of Tiunn Stkubt,i lew doors South of Market, Suu bnry, Pa. . Uiaids, Switches, Curls, and all kinds of LADIES' IIAIlt. Work mnde to order ., . cither out of combings . or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th si. and Shamokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty in CIIILDUENS' HAIR CUTTING, cither at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. July S, 187H. tf. A. M. MEIXELL, ' DEALER 1 Amerirnn and Knroponn HATCHES. FINE JEWELttl" and SILVERWARE. rerfoctod Spectacle) nud Eye CilasiNest GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. Feb. 3. lS72.-tf. (Formerly Wood Makk.I STATIONARY t PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment in the Market. Thie r.ntrinf hire nl w.rn malntnlnM thn vrrf uhctt. M'uiitlurfl of exfx-llenrw. We make tb Bianiifiirturr of Knifim-, Boilt-rn und 8w Mills A aiMM'inlt y. Vmt have tlii'lurytMt und motoomplt7t wiirknof the kiml ia thecouutry, wiLii miMbincry peoiftllj mlaptetl to the work. We kuep otumtantly in prooens lnrffe Humbert of Eneinos, which we f urnwi nt the very ly wtwt prior4 and on the hortest notice. We build Knfritiea pocinHy Ailnpti-d to Mine. Kaw Mil In, Urist Mills Tuunfric, Cotton Oitu, XhrtMoers and all cUa of mnrmfnciirinf. W are now bmldroff the oelchrated Lane Circu lar Hiiw Mill, tlw bAt und iaut complete aaw null evrr iinvMit-i. Wo iual: tike mnnufarture of Saw Mill outfits a Pacini f-Mtupi of our liuaintwa. and oun farniah uniplt.'fputi tiit nhortust not ioo. Our tiim in nil cam is t furnish the bent ma chinery in the miirkct, and work absolutely un Cimlil for tx;uit y of iliirn, eooooiny and ttrength. ' 8ond for I ircular and Price LUt. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. CTIl'A", N. Y. W. D. MELICK, Drussist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Murkot Nquare, SIXIUKV, PA. Keens constantly on hand a full stock of well seli'eled DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fuucy Goods, COM IIS, HKCJMES, PERFCMKRV, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, V AKMSU, DYESTl FFS, In faet everything ususlly kept lu a well eon ducted STORE. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions uud family receipts by the l'riiprliitor himself. Suubury, Pa., June 8, 1873. nA lllK SIIOI AM IKO. FOtMHtY. (iEO. KOIIRBACII & SONS, Nuubur'. l'enn'rt, . INFORM the public that they aro preparer) to do nil kinds uf CASTINGS, und bavin-; added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes,' Pluuinff and liorini; Machines, Willi the lutct-t improvements. With the uid'of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OK REPAIRING, that may be giveu them, in a satisfactory man ner. .rufN to suit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build lni;s, of all sixes. BRASS CASTINGS, &v. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS i VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT It EVIDENCES, JtV., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on baud. Abo, TURKSlUMf MACHINES. Buubury, May , 1671. . .Central Drugstore. No. 99 market Mreet, Snuburj, 18 the rlace to buy your FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAIST8, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS, and all other articles usually kept In a first cluss Druic Store. u I.. I ,m ... 1 .a nnmiuinndlnir PtlY.t. clans Prescriptions at all hours including Sun days. GEO. B. CADWALLADER, Pburmucutlst. MEAMONAULK COUUN. SPRING AKD SUMMER STYLES al Mists Hl Black', Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. " LADIE'S PRESS UOODS of every style aud quality. White Goods, Fancy Goads, Notions and Trim ikigt a specialty. TOILET BOAP8 AND PERFUMERY. Everybody Is luvlted to sail and see them and uy cheap. May S, DS7S. STBAM ENGINE jbbcrlismcnts. HPRINC1 ASD MUMMER I.OODS Jnsit Opened at the Store of Reed Brother A Ncaidiolts, (successors to S. O. Reed A Bro.) COMPRISING OF DRY GOODS of every description nud variety such as Dren rloods) comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. White Cloodis, Fancy Uooda. Full Assortment of Notions, which arc being sold ntthe lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. qceenbware, glassware, and wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on baud. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot nud Short Mannfuctory of Wutsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READY-MADE CLOTHING, of all eizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western white wheat flour a speciality. The public are Invited to cull and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small l'rotits," and to pleas all. The highest prices will be paid for all kiuds of conulry produce. By strict attention to business and keeping nt all times the most complete stock, and selling nt thelowest prices, we hope to merit a f j11 share of patronage. REED BROTHER A SEA8H0LTZ. Sunbury, May 3, 1873. M AMIII.Vti M.UIF. F.ASV! A Want long folt at last supplied by the Improvml WASHING MACHINE I I With adjustable Washers, recently added, in crui.iiiK its litilitv ') per cent, invented and patented by S." M. SMITH. York, Pa. It cleans all kinds of Clothing belter and quicker than any other Washer. It clems per ectly nud without injury, any article from the finest Lace Curium to the hcuvir.t Bed Clothing. It will cleanse a half dozen Gentlemen's Shirts, badly soiled, In from a to 8 minutes, including the Collars aud Wristbuuds. The stenin being confined In tho Washer, the clothing while being washed is also bleached. Over NK1 Machines wero sold In York and Lan caster Counties and over t70,000 worth in this State and Ohio, wilhin a venr ; giving satisfac tion. The celebrated Self-Adjustii.g EUREKA, Wringer is attacked to Ike niarhine. T" In from one to two hour a large Family's Wash cau be done and rinsed, with less than half the labor required ky hand. IllnnliiK in done iu tliiH .Ma'tiiue thoroughly and rapidly. We ask ne one to purshute without first trying its ineiits. SiNULB Machinsw, CIS. With Wi Intel, f '.'5. t" Address all orders to IRA T. CLEMENT, Manufacturer aad Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury. April -', 18TH. J. F. LERCH'S CAREIAGE AND WAGON MAKLG( ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., SUTBTJHY, PA. Vsiiici.m or a ll Kimos wade to Ohdkk. The latest styles and the best workmanship. Samples may be seen at the shop. Give him. call. Buubury, Dee. T, 1S72. ly. 2 2 ft " -a B c " b M S. ' M I "2. "jsc? v-.j: . m I -i ! Or : i 3 . " j 1 'i h I s M I S71 'ffnftWgagBB