I r " 8UNBURY, SKrTEM BER 20, 18737" ltallroad Time Table. AttRtTAt A!D DCTARTUnS Of TRAIN AT8TJNHCKT. N. C. R. W, South. Erie Mall, l.SOnm Erie Express, tt.40 " Mull, 11.15 " Niag. Express 0.40 p m P. ft E. R. R. West. Mull, 0.20 a m Nine. Kxprcssl'i.'iS p m HI mini Mall 4.10 " Erie Express, 6.40 " Bl'NnlIRT ARD MtWlflTOWK R. B. Leave Suubury for Lcwlstown at 7.30 ft m., and 4-90 p. M. Arrive at Suubury from Lewistown nt 1.50 and V.45 p. in. SHAMOKIN Division, N. O. R. W. leavi iinbury at 5.45 a m " 13.85 p m AHRITR At Stttibiir 9.55 a m " 3.ft5pm 6.00 pm 4.40 p in DANVILLE, IIA7.I ETON & Wlt.KKSBAHHR R. R; Regular passenger tsaln loaves Sunbury for Danville, Cnttawlssa, Har.lcton and Intermediate ttntions, Ht 0.4s a. m. Returning leave Huzlo .on at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. ra. LACKAWANNA AND llLOOMBm'RO R. R. Leave Northumberland at 0.40 a. in. dud 4.50 in. Arrive at Northumberland at 1033 a. ni. and J5 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of Shipman, Ticket Agent, at tllte-Dcpot. Kummer Arrannemeiit Tor the Vonl Oflice at Kiinbury, la. Offlrt Open from 6.30 a. m., io 8 p. ., tsetjit oh Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives ns follows i From the East at 6.15 a. m., 12.15 p. in., 4 p. m. " South, 6.15a. m., 12.15 p. m. 4.10 p. m. ' West, 0.15 a. m., 12.15 p. m., 4.10p.m., and 8.20 p. m. . " North, 6 a. m., 11 a. in., 3.55 p. m. Shamokin, Mt. Cnrmcl nud points on tbut line, 0.15 a. m., 3.50 p. nl. Mails close as follows! For the East, 5. 50 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. m. " 8outh, 10.50 a. ru., 7.8. p. m. " West, 7.30 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. in. " North 5.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m., 7.35 p. in. Shamokin proper 12.19 p. m. ShamoV.li) and iilHccs on Hint route, 4.20 p. in. .1. J. SMITH, 1. M. Tiik Improved Ghoveii it Hakkii Sewino Ma chine. These celebrated machines are nlfered nt the most reasonable rate. For particular apply to . (J. KUTZ. Agent. Feb.2-.V73.-ly. Upper Augusta townshi. Caroline Dalhs. denier in Mnsicul Instru ments iiiiii Si-win'.' Machines, Market street, near Tliir.l. Sunbury. Pi. Cail ami cramine the 1.'el Organs, Melodenns, Sewinsi and Knitting M i eliines in the. market. Always on hand the Es tey. Silver Tongue. Smith's American. Mason it lTnmUn Orpins. Orders te.h',ii lor all kind of I'i inn and Musical In-1 runieut s. The Peoples' Favoviie grwtatr MaHiiiie : lhmit''e and Gro- ver ltak"r. Pr rsw pun-basing machines from meHi'i receive Instructions'. First-clusS machines , Knitting Machines Tor sale. . f - Second h and Pianos for sale." or rrut at reason able rat'-.. Inquire at this office. Don't pay two prices when yon eaii iret goods e.t a small profit. At II. A. Finney" store, Market street, but one price prevails, and goods of the best finality can be purchased ut aston ishingly low prices. Ills block consists hf every variety of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Boots nnd Shoes, and Jewelry. The assortment is complete, lxdng elected with the lireut est cave. No ehar(res are hiude to show gnods in fact it is a pleasure io Mr. Finney to show what a handsome stock ho has on hand. Lndies and gentlemen nic Invited to call and make a full examination bcf.:rc buying else where. .- Wm. Mn.iT.li, of the Excelsior Boiit A' Shoe frocc. Is astonishing everybody Willi his low prices. lie keeps the. best manufactured. His stock consists of the I truest variety In central l'euusylvania. Trunks and Valises of ull sizes, are fiir site at his store. Nkw FruMTi uF.. A large assortment of fur niture has just liecti rcceiwd by 15. h. Iluudeu hush, Masonic If all buildlui;, Suubury. Every style and quality of furniture is in store, and sold ut thu inoit reasonable prices. Those who de sire to renew their household furniture will find a larger assortment than elsewhere. fjRll'Es of every variety can be purchased a wholesale or retail from John 1. Mullen, at hitf mother's icsiilenee, in Chestnut st. When re quired they w ill lie delivered. Oysters by tlttf hundred or the quart, throughout the' season, will be delivered from the old paint shop, oppo site Masonic Hall. SocaI Affairs. Call at S. Fai'T'i'a Hut and Cap Store, and purchase one of his new style fall hats. Every style is kept on hand. Cheap too at that. Wantkii. Two good girls to learn Dreumak in;;. .V good opportunity is. offersjl to those de siring a trade. Apply to Mrsj A. tweed, oppo site City Hotel, feruiburv. Pa. ,V Tub festival lield fcytlie members of the M. E Church In this place, closed on Saturday evening last. They realised about f -ISO, Ebes Boktiah of this place, claims to bavo raised a tomato weighing 80 ounces. That must 011 ,a" lla mnuu n"w escape iroiu drown be some tomato, sure! ' lnS- T1,a t the boy Jumped Into tho Those who absented themselves from Bar- emu's show lust week, missed a rich trent. The enteitiilnmeiit was the best tliut has ever been glvciz in tMs plce. Their agent, Mr. W.S.Pcase, the prei-a ngeiVt, Is one of the most polite and ru flucd gcnt'leirten we have met for many a day. Kif.i.eu. A boy,- aged about fourteen years, was accidentally killed by being Jammed between a wagon uud prop at Moutelhis' colliery, Mt. Carmel, on Thursday lust. An inquest was hold by D. J. Lewis, Esq. Tub lailles of the M. E. Church will furnish dinner and refreshments at the fair grounds dur ing the Agricultui.il t ati ut this place. Tbe pro ceeds to bu applied towards completing their eiiiiicli. Gone to tub Cirr. MUs I.Ou Sblssler has Koue to the eliy to scleJt her full Stoek of Milli nery goo Is. 'lb'-y will hts cpeucd next week. Miss Lou Weisek Is now opciifug a fine sclee tiou of Fall Millinery Goods, at her store 6n' Market street. Call und scctueni. Phtek Bkixti-.u had hi. Toot caught between two curs whliu coupling ut T. Mortaln bro's col liery, and mashed ou Saturduy lust. A boy was badiy bruised about tlei head, on Saturday lust, nt the colliery of M. feweu t Co., neat Green Ridge. Rkiu'Ctiox op Horns or La boh. The Penn sylvania Railroad Company reduced the noOrs of labor ut their machine shops lu this place, on Wednesday last, to work but eight boars ier day, commencing at 6 a. in., and quilling st 5 p. nt. The late Crush In monetary affairs lire sup osed to be the cause. Tug Good Intel, t Fire Company No. 1, export to .U-dlcnte their new .trA an Fourth st , and house their truck, fec, on Thursday, October 2a. A parade will lake plaea lu Ihe afternoon In which Ihe SteaittVira Engine ( wiirpany will par ticipate; uud take clinrgo tlf tif appaVirtus. A h'ii will be given lu the eveuing by the ubbQ In- lent, boys. Thu music will bo furnished by Mil-' 1 er' Buad of Lancaster. Anothkr i.aro Firr Frtlino's Mammoth Btorr Drstrotbd. On Thursday morning J about 8 o'clock, Are wat discovered In the Mam moth Store room of Jno. W. Frlllnfr, on Market street, and an alarm wns raised which soon be came general throughout the town. The Steam Fire Engine Company wai on the ground In a short a time ns possible, but the Are had gained too much headway to be checked speedily In He ptogress. The Are originated about the centre of the building on Hie second floor, and spread ra pidly over the Itisldti of the store room. There being a large amount of cotton goods near the centre of the building the flames were brought to perfect fury. In n very short time they bad spread over tlie etitlre building reaching from Market street to Ihe alley, a depth or 200 feet, enveloping the large stock of goods, a Tory small part of which was saved. The entire building was gutted, Including the storehouse. From the store room the Are extended to tbe dwelling house which also became ft prey to the flames, the furniture, having previously been removed, was saved, but greatly damaged. At this junc ture ttle Court House stood In Imminent danger, and had It not been for tho steamer, would have suffered great Injury If not destruction. On tho east side or the store building the Arc reached the oflice of Messrs. Masser and Englc, bankers, which wns almost entirely destroyed. Adjoining It was the Rinslc nnd picture store of n. B. Mns scr, and the Masser buildings occupied by 8. Foust, Snr., ns a dwelling nnd hat and enp store." All tho furniture wns hastily removed. The books nud furniture of L. H. Ease's law office, In the samo buildings, were removed. Tho roof of part of the Mnsscr buildings was burned off, and the building much damaged by water. The musical Instruments, c, of H. B. Masser, also sustained considerable damage by removal. The loss of Mr. Frillng is cptlmated at about f 22,000, on which thero Is an Insurance of $13,000. The or'lrln of the Are Is unknown. The loss of II. B. Masser, on hulldln; nnd store, will probably reach fSOO, which Is fully covered with Insurance. 8. F iusl's loss Is about 2). The members of the Mcam Fire Engine Com pany lire deserving of the highest praise for the manner In which the) nnducied themselves on this occasion. They were under command of Mr. John Ca.lwnllader, assisted by E. M. Buelicr, und it gives ns pleasure to state that we have never seen better order displayed on similar oc casions, here or elsewhere, tfcaii was exhibited by the boys of the Steam Fire Engine Company on Thursday morning. We very much regret that Vlie Hook nnd Ladder Company wns not fully prepared to conic out with their apparatus, which was owing Ki the difilcultles they have been in boring under In not having a house to meet in to perfect an organization. Several attempts have lately been made to get a lull meeting for the purpose of organizing, which failed on ac count of the poor ultendaiice, attributable ton lack of interest taken In the mat ter by a majority of I lie members. We hope that on next Monday evening there will be n lull turn out by all who to heroine ucllvi members, so tbnt the company may be fully organized. That It Is highly Important that an early organization i should take place, was shown nt the lulu lire. Much assistance might have been rendered had ' the company been organized. M. Ross Urmi-rult has creeled a counter in the front part of the post olliec building from w hich he will sell papers aud peilodicals, letter stumps, envelopes and paper. The American will hereafter be sold regularly ut his place of business. The Faiii. Every furmcr In the county can have something to exhibit nt the Union Agricul tural Fair at Suubury. See the liberal premiums olfcrud In Stiothor part of this paper. It will bo the largest fair ever held in this part of the State. The best horse-r.ieing of the season will come off at that time, as some of Ihe best blood ed horses in the country uru already entered. A C'oi.ottwi Gnu. Shot. A colored girl named Fietta Earust, was shot uud instai.tly killed, on Thursday last, on tho Turnpike, between Tea ger's and the Ilg Mountain, near Mt. Carmol by u Wcli-h boy named Fred Davis. Davis Is about 15 years of uge, and ullegeg that the shooting was accidental. It Is rumored that ho and a girl of bud repute Were in company with the girl on a shooting and feNbipg excursion, and that the shooting was lntciitiounl. Davis wus arrested 6u the day following by constable Sttllwagner and tV. Davis, and brought before Esquire Lewis of Uu Cariuel 'jorough, who made, out a coiumlt- j mcnt and banded the prisoner over to Sherilf ; Rothermcl, who was in I hut reglou ut the lime, i aud who brought him to jail at this place. I Ant person who desires the Job of putting In i about u doxeo window panes in the Masonic j building will please apply immediately ut this ) olliec Daily.- I . As 6ur neighbor Is occupying the Masonic building, It looks a lilJle suspicious on hi part. We hope be will wait until after the election if ho flnds it necessary to knock out window paucs. Mrs. Geo. Gass, (widow) living on Peun st., fell down stulrs In her dwelling, on Tuesday night about 1Q o'clock, aud was uot discovered uutil ubout 'i o'clock ucxt morning. She was considerably hiurcd. A ,tti.e so of Joseph Ray, residing on Front lreet. iroin tne stern ot loot boat.onMon- i nver, ana rescued mm by putting lilm ashore. 0Ild Uleu by rolj11(j Ulm ln a bHrrel rt.8Uscltatcd j;fei ' ....'...: Tub audlente room of the M. E. Church will be completed" fn a few days. We learn thai thu dedication ceremonies will take place on Suuday, Ociobc'r SGlh, and that some eminent clergymen from abroad will officiate on the occasion. Tub triul of Weuricb, lu Snyder county, this week, was brought to a s itldeu stop by the at torneys for the defence making a motion to qnasb tbe array ef jurors on the ground that tho jury wheel, which the law requires to bo kept lu possession of one Of tbe Jury Commis sioners, was allowed to remain in the office of the County Commissioners. The motion was susluincd, aud the case goes over to next term. A large number of persons were In attcnduuoe to witness tbe trial, but were doomed to disappoint ment. Hiram H. Malick, of Lower Augusta, a stu dent of Dr". Awl, at this place; has received the appointment' of Cadet to the' Louisville (Ky.)' Medical Col lego from - the. 14tlj Congressional District, or t'av Mr. Malicjt has already attend ed one course of lectures at the Jefferson oriegc,' Philadelphia, wltb great' credit to himself. The appolutrheu' fulls upoil a worthy young man. Tue Daily of Monday lueutious the death of one person and almost tbut of another from the' effects of laudauum. furnts caouol be too' cautious lu tho use ef medicine that has been standing fur any leuglh of time. Foi kis Giit.Tr Tucker McClow'afad James Brooks, lridlctrd In the Quarter SesJHos of Mon. tour county, for assault aud battery with at tempt to kill rt t hai let Kaldy, collect of gas rents for DSutrtllo; were Ou Wodnesday 17lWlhst:, found girllty In iiiaurrer'alid form as they" jer' Indicted'.- Th'rcuse'ex'cKea a great deal of' j'.V rest ou tl.ep.Wjr tue cltlzkue of Danvi(le,,' j.V the partle wl:' Jiell kaown, Comly nd'Hildy' for Com-f"SW;iBow bawsov1 for1 de Minr Accidents. On Thursday, st Rear Valley Colliery, Benjamin Bird, ft minor, was In stantly killed by ft fall of top coal. Ho was aged about 40 years and leaves ft wife nnd two children. . . '- ' , At tko Cameron, Saturday afternoon, David Montellas', driver, nged nbcm 14 yeurs, had hit head crushed bat ween thebumpeis, while un coupling curs at the mouth of ft drift. Jt was quite recently that he entered the employ of the Company! he bad no relatives In this place, and from what we can learn had no home, his parents Uailh parted nnd loft him to toko care of himself. fits remains were taken to a rela tive, In Mahttntongo valley, on Sunday. Inquests cfo held oil both bodies by Coroner Ilesscr. At Unrrslclc Colliery, this (Thursday) mfifn Ing, nbout I o'clock, a son of Wm. Morgan, in side boss, was killed by u full of top (n gangway. He was a driver, nnd aged about lSycurs. Sha moJHfi Herald. Major LafatkYtk Hammond died nt Fori Ta ma, Arizona, oil Sept. 6th. Ho wns a Major In the regular army, and had storied home on lonvo of absence when ho was stricken down with up poplexy nnd died. Ho was Well known In Milton, having relatives here, and was a brave sndller during the wur, holding the position of Mujor of volunteers. His dcnlh wns a sad surprise to his friends In this section. .Viffunfrut. Tun polico or this pluco have been picking up "John Drunks" pretty lively the past week and housed tliein in the lock up. The company was considerably mixed a telegraph operator, a n.g picker and laborer met at that sobering-up Insti tution at ono time and "still they wcro not happy." Faih. Tho annual exhibition of the Northum berland county Agricultural Society will be held near Turbutville, October 1st, 2d und 3d. The grounds on which the Society exhibit this year have been very much Improved, and It is deter mined that nothing shall ho left undone that will tend to the complete success of the fair. Wo have been furnished by the officers with the fol lowing Information t A. Wagoner, Esq., Assist; President, will furnish any Information in regard .to the tenting of, stands and assign places fur the same, and entries for exhibition can be made nt his otllec in Turbutville between this time and the first day of the fair, when thu olliec will be on the grounds. William Savldgo, Kat., has been appointed to pay ull prcmiumi nwurded. ll'nf noiifeioi Jit coiil. fXTASAftji-A Pa., ,"ept. 22, 1S73. Editor A mbkicas-- .Sir: All in'enibers of the Forty seven! Ii Keglmeiif, Pennsylvania Volunteers, me respectfully Invited to meet ut the house of our old comrade, Capt. U.S. Ilarte, In Catusauqua, on Wednesday, October 22, 1S7I!, the unniversary of the buttle of l'ocataligo, to re new friendship, nnd to take Into consideration the forming of iin association to keep bright the recollections of the past. Nearly every other re giment has done tins already. Let us, there tore, gather ut least once more toy ether, aud touch elbows ns of yore. Colonels ttobln and Good w ill be present. As It is Impossible for us Io remCniTer the names of nil the members of the Kegiment Wo cannot nolify them, und, therefore, rcifucSt you to notify any In your vicinity ho may not have received this notice. Very Respectfully, Yours, Wm. H. IUiitiioi.omew, A. C. McIIosr, Edwin tiii.ni'.iiT, Wm. Ki.kckni'ii, Wm. Wink, Wm. Sir.iiEli, CumiitilUi. Inry I.isit POK AlUOfliSKll t!:il IIT, OCT, 27, 1873. Abraham Adams Benjamin Hover llenuoville Until), Alex. J. Coult , William Clark David DiuHeiibaeh David Friints, William Fiirmuii (.'buries Hammer Geo. W. llombergur Henry A. Hilbisb Joseph John Joliu W. Kulscy David Kline........... le t e r K rcege t .... .. David E. Kehrea Wm. H. Kein merer v... John C. Krnck Nathan Lelnbuch Peter McDonald Samuel Mantx Win. M. Merviue...... Wm. Reed Andrew Reminger Cnsper J. Reed1 W. Z. Raker Jacob H. Klionrds Daniel Klshel....... Eldrld Rom' Alexander D. Snyder Abraham F. Stone Elius Sehnffer Jacob P. Star fa m lie I E. Tucker Abraham Wugnor John F. Zimmerman Jordan Low. Mahauoy Low. Mahanoy M irthuinberl'd Rush Deliwuro Turbut Lower Augusta Point l"p. Mahauoy Washington Shainoklii Turbut WnUoutown Shamokin Washlngioir Turbut Turbut Turbutville Mt. Curmcl Suubury Milton ChillTsquuque XortbuiiVberlund Rush Zerbc Zerbe Chlllisnuiuiue Turbutville Jackson NorthubcrlHml Jordan Wntsoniown f.owVr Autfustu Trtrbutvl'.lo Shamokin Fon Loss or ArrKTiTE,Dyspcpila, Indigestion, Depression of Spirits mid ireneral Debility, in tlieir various foriri Ferro-Vliosphorated Elixir Calisny made by Caswell, Ilulnrd ii Co., New York, aud sold by all druggist?, Is tho best To nic. As a stl'mulent tonle for plitlents recover ing frotri' fever or other slckuess, It has no equal. If taken during the season It prevents fever aud aguo aud other lut'cruiiiteut fevers. Tk most nnhapfiy person' in tiro world Is the Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark and gloomy t he feels "out of sorts,' with hlmsolf and every body else'. Life is a burden to him. Tills Cull all be changed" by faking Peruvian Syrup (a pro toxide of Iron.)' Cases of Si years' slundiiig have neeu cured. The llonisf hold PMUitrrit, ;' ' ''.ud.;" ' ' ; Fwisslly Llnlmeui :. Is tilt!" best remedy In tho world for the follow ing complaints, vis. i Crumps In the Limbs aud Stu- much, Pain lu tbe btomacli, Bowels, or bide, Rheumatism In nil Us lorms, Ulllinus Lollc,Mcu ralifiit. Cholera. Dysentery.Colds.Vresh Wounds, Burns', Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Spruins uud Braises, Chill und rover, for internal and Exteruui Use. Its operation is uot only to relieve the patient, but enlircly removes tho cause oftl.e complaint. It penet rules aud pcrviides the whole system, re storing healthy uction to all its parts, aud quick ening the blood. The Ilouttehold Puuacca 1st purely Vegetable and 111 Hculing. i , Prepared by , ' CURTIS Si BROWN, No. VI 5 Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all druggists, July 13, 1873 ly. : . . Thirty Years' Experietrce oru Old ' Vurse. iMrn 'iuMlow'n Moolhlug fiyrup la Ihe preaeriptiou ofoneyf ttie.txst Female Physieiuua aud Nurses lu tbe Uuitcd Stutes, and bus beeu nsed for thirty years with never failing safety und success by lullliou. of. mothers and clillilren. from the feeble lufant pf one week old to the udult. -It corrects acidity of t'lie slomach, relieves wind colic, regulates tue bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother end child. We believe It to be. the Best and Surest Remedy In the World, lu all rases of DYSEN TERY and DIAKRHCEA Itf CHILDREN, whe rtiy it srUes from Teething 4r from any ether daise. ' Fall directions foY using will accompany each liotile. None (ienuliie unless lit fae-sunlle of t VHTIo A PKKKIvs U on the ouulde wrap pert' Bold by all Medlclha demlers. July W, 1873. ly. . r t At (Clou's Lnthern rrsouugu,' (u Turbutvillo, on. the ItHh Inst, by the kev, J. F. Wanipole, Mr. fiAsif ni. RaVh', of Lwle tbwtslilp, tb Miss MATtLSM u,n'-r, oi lurootMiic.' In Wasl fiigton township. Sept, 17th, JOHN, sou ot tiitieu and tiluabetu tloliioan, agea 1 mo. : J days- . . . uIu W Ahlukton twp., on the 19th Sept., HBN- "T,a'!s isisirt n-rer, st'M m qs. Tn tapper Mnhaiioytwp., Reptcnibcrft), ULYS SES ELLSWORTH, son of Isaac brown, nged 8 years, 6 months, and "0 days. At Dcwnrt, on the lth Inst., WILLIAM, son of William and Caroline Herring, aged 1 year, 1 month and 0 days. At California, on the 37th tilt., 8ARAH, wifo bf Gideon Wertmiin, nged 03 yonrs and 20 days. In Derry, Montour County, on the 11th tilt., ELMIKA, wife of James L. Hitler, aged 34 years, 4 mouths, and IS days. At Dewart, July 17th, DANIEL fiOSIt, nged 69 jenrs, 5 months nuO 6 days. rjbcrliscmcnts. PREMIUM L.ST tflBST ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Union Park & Aricnltural Association, to nr liEi.n on thkib oRot-Nna at S TJ 3ST B TJ 23. "ST , 3P-A.-, Tuesday, "Wednesday, Thursdsiy and Friday, Octolief Ttli, 8th, Oth and lOtli, 1873. OFFICERS FOR 1S73. PresIdiuH Sol. Miiltck. Vire-rrcsiilunt Isnuc (Mtnjibcll. Ti'L'iisutur Geo. U. Criilwallmlcr. Recording Secretary Philip II. Moore, Corresponding Secretary Lew. Ship man. Librarian Win. II. Sohor. Marshal Jacob M. Follincr. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Icwis John McFarlnnd. Dclawnrc Joseph NioeJy, Jr. MeKwensvillc Wm. McNinch, Turbutville 1). It. nrieinfflch. M'alsontown J. M. FolhuDf. Tuthut Wm. Wnldron. Milton J. II. McCorniick, I'. L. Hack enhur. Chillisqtiatjtic Wm. ForSeman. roint Parnswonn ncea. Northumberland A. E. Kapp, Jr Rusli Edward (irady. ltiversido David Cliil'c. i Upo.r Augusta P. J. Overdorf ' Sliamokin twp. Sol. Martz. T.ower Aujrusia Elius Emuierick Zerbe--l.ynian S. Weaver. 1 Cameron Chas. U. Royer. litttle Mahtuioy U. il'. lhiT.s!!o. Upper Malianoj Joseph R. Mattrer. i Jackilon J. (ialcn Smith. ! Jordan Elius Shaffer. ! Lower Mahnnoy Augustus Wald. i CJoal Jolill J)o-.vney. i SliainoUin bur. Cajit. A. C.i'.d well, Win. F. Rotli. I Mt. Carniel twp. John Mcl-liece. ; Mt. Carniel hor. J. S Me Williams. ! Wti8)iinto;i Henry C. Fislar. j Snydertown Joint Moore. Snnbury--C. XcH, J. M. Jtartholomew. Your conitnitteo to whom was referred 1 the duty of preparing l!u!es aud Hegula tions and a l'n:tnium List for the first An- i fftial Exliibitioti.hc (o held October 7th, 81 h, j full and 10th, lSTo, respecti'tiily reporl, we have niado as liberal a Premium List as i tlio interest of tho Society would Warrant, and have selected tho awarding committees i from the various sections ot'our county vvith great care. Wo kindly nsk the nip- 1 port of our fanners, and ull friends of tho Society, in this and adjoining counties, to i eive thir iiPBistunce, so we make thu exhi- ! billon a entire success. 1 KULES AND REGULATIONS. 1 1st. Eveiv Hule laid down in the Pre mium I-ist will lie strictly adhered to, and ; no exceptions whatever made. i 2nd. -Competition i invited from all parts ' of tho Slate, and in Agricultural Ituple- nients from all tho States. II. All entries or articles for Exhibition are free. 4th. --Entries to compete for premiums, must be made ou ur before Tuesday 10 o'clock, unless the weather should bu un favorable when tho privileges of the iirst : day shall be extended until 10 o'clock, on nednesilay. No person whatever will ha allowed to see entries until of tho awards ! are made. 8. All premiums awarded of five dol- i lars and upwards shall bo subject to n dc- i duction oi ton per cent except in trials of ; speed, when the condition under tho head of raciii'' shall "overti the entries. ! 0th A premium may be awarded to a meritorious article, though not enumerated in tho li is r . i 7lh. Premiums uot called for within ! thirty days alter the award, will be con- ; sidered forfeited. 8th. As nppeals ftom awards of com mittees arc uot allowed, the committees ' will see the necessity of great care in rend- j criii" their decisions. i nth. All questions rcspectinc; tho trial ; of 8 peed, shall be determined by the Judges, whoso decision will he govcrncc. by the ! Rules of tlio' National Trotting Associa- I tion, and be linal. : loth. The nart' riltering tnot'ouirh bred Block, be required to furnish the committer- with authunttc pedigrees. mil. The age ot a horso shall he com puted from the first day ot March of thu ; year in which he was fouled. ' l'Jtb. o uisorUeriy conuuet oi any i kind will hi permitted. A police forco will . be upon the ground, sufTlcieut to prevent j the same, ana sen all rules are observed. i:Slh. All Articles and Animals lor.r- liibition must be propely entered at thu Uusiness Office. The tJ rounds and Ruild- iugs will be oixilicd ou Monday, Ctli of Oc tober, to receive them ; and trusty persons i employed by the Society will assign them places and guard thu itrounds. ror can i anything bu removed from tlie (rrotinds till' ThursdrtV afternoon, without written per- j missiou from tlie Presideut. 14t.li. Premium awarded to persons residing out of thu Dornugh, will be paid ; immediately on the close of tlie Fair, at the litisiuess Ollicu on lite Ground, by the ! 1 reasure.r, and those to residents oi the i Uorough, at liis office, on Monday and ) 1 uesday tollowin thu hxlulmion, on pre sentment of the card tvecived ut entering. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS. The exhibition will open on Tuesday, October 7, 1S73, and coulinue Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The gates will he opened at e o'clock, A. M., of each day, nlid at that time every c Ulcer is required to be at his post. fetalis tor horses ana cattle, and pens for sheep and hogs, ou exhibition, will lie tumished fred or charge : also, hay and straw. Experienced hands will be in at tendance, to cure for stock duriCg the ab sence of the exhibitor. TICKETS. Slrige Tickets, 25 cts. Siugle Tickets good during the Fair, 50 cts. Family Tickets, Vl.UO INSTRUCTIONS TO COMMITTEES. V. Tho committee wilt assemble for or gauizatiofioti WedtiesUay morning at 10 o'clock, and immediately proceed to busi ness. The President of Hie Society shall be cx-ojicio Chiarman of tho ConuuitWes, fill up vucanics, uud decide all disputed questions.' 2. "' A' premium mny be awarded to fin article although there bo no competition, it it be specially meritorious. 3, Reports of committees must bo made by Thursday m'oruiug at 1'2 o'clock. Tho Judges are especially requested to be present for organization lit tlie uppoiut ed time, as tbo success of the exhibition .depetuhi very much upon their promptness. 3p Tho Judges of animals will have regard to the symmetry, early maturity, size and general qualities characteristic pf the breeds which they judge. They will make due allowance for age, feeding and other circumstances on the character nnd condi tion tff the animal. They will give cn coiiragctnentto overfed Animals, nor award Premium for Pulls, Cows or Heifers, which (shrill appear to have been fattened for butchers ; (except fat Cattle in Clans 2) tho object being to have superior animals of this' description for Breeding: PREMIUM LIST. class 1. THonot'oii-niinn nonsF.s. Best Stall ion kept 111 tho County, $1 Hcst Mure, 10 Hi st Horse Colt, between two snil thrco yonrs, 5 Hcst Horse Colt, between one nnd two years, 5 ilest Bucking Co, I, 3 CLASS ij. IfoHSFS FOB OF.NRHAI. I'l'HPOSKS. Hest Ptiililon over four years, f 10 Best fctiilllon under four yeurs, 8 Ilest Horse Colt between two and three, 5 He.-t Horse Colt between oneiind two yeurs, 5 It--t-t Mure Colt between one und two years, (5 Ueht SiK-l'in-r (V.lt, 8 CATTLE DEPARTMENT. CLASS 1. BLOODKD CATTLB. Persons compeiliift for premiums for Wooded Cuttle must prcscn pedigrees or written guiiinn tccs of purity of stock, in crtch of the following named breeds, viz i The Durham, (short horn), Devon, Ayrshire, Aldcrttry, Hereford nnd Hol- stein i Dcst Blooded Bull, " Common " " Wooded Cow, " Common " " Wooded Heller, " Com mon " ' ' Wooded Calf, Coiuniou " WOI1K OXEN. Best yoke of Oxen, Hcst lot fat Cattle 3 or mote, HORSE AND MULE DEPARTMENT, CLASS 2 HORRUS. 10 H 8 6 r 3 1.50 5 5 Stallionn, Xraret and CvltH. For Ifcary Draught. Best Stallion, 4 yours old and upward, Best btullion under 4 years, H Bet Brood Marc, 10 Best Colt between 3 and 4 years, 0 Bust Colt between 3 und 3 years, ft Best Colt under 1 year, " 2 class 3. VraiujM iur, Jin k and Mulct Best pnir DruUttht Horses or Marcs, N;cond best lioft Kindle Draught Horse or Mare, Best .luck, Best Te im Mu'.cs, He-t -luck Colt, "' Mlilc " . SI0 CL ASS 4 UlaUhms, Mart and Coll. For ''tick J)ravght. Best stallion 4 yeurs and upwards, $10 Best fruition under 4 yeurs, 3 0 Best Brood Marc, 10 Best Colt between 2 and .1 year?, 4 Best Colt between 1 aud 2 years", 3 Best Colt under 1 year, 3 class t. Matched Jlortct, Gelding and Mare. Best puir Curriniru Horses, $10 Best for Pimrle Harness, 8 Best Saddle Horse or Mure, 8 r:i!-!"'t walktii": Saddle Horse or Mare, .'i I .'"Trial of speed every day. Liberal Pre miums ntfered, and w ill be announced in another sheet. rf-t gllEEP DEPARTMENT. class f. smi;i:i', Fined Winded. For best Ilnek, $" Best Pen of Ewes, (not less than 3) ! Best Pen of Lambs, (not less thau 4) 3 Long Woohd. For best Buck, $5 Best Pen of Ewes, (not less than 3) 5 Best Pen of Lnnihs, (not less thau 4) 3 Xative or Mixed Blood. For best Buck, $5 Best Pen of Ewes, (not less than 3) 5 Best Pen of Lambs, (not less than 4) 3 SWINE DEPARTMENT. CLASS 7. SWINE. Large Dreed. For best Boar over 3 yours old, f 3 Hcst Hour, 1 year old, 5 Best breeding Sow over two years, 5 Best breedinn Sow, one year, ft Best pair Shouts, 3 Best lot of Pins, uot less than foijr, under six months, 5' Best Sow nnd Pis, not k?s tttui six, C POULTRY DEPARTMENT. OLA'S H. rol'LTllV. Best -Pair Turkeys, $1 " " Geese. 3 " " Ducks. 3 " " Game Chickens, or other variety, caeli pair, 3 " " Common " 3 " collection of chickens not less than six, ft " coop of tame Pigeons, 5 or more, 3 " pair l'ea tow is, 1! " Guinea " B Coop of Rabbits, 2 " " Maltese Cats, ; CLASS y. 1 Best Ploivman, LOWING MATCH. Reaper, with sell-rnl'.lu and V,riidliii; nllachluen. Mowiutaud Keapliig Matlilne combined, 3 Rentier,' 3" " Mower, 3 " B iti C Horse Power, 5 " " four Horse power, 3 " rtallwa, .1 " Thrcshai:; Miielilnc1, four liofsc po'.Ver, 3 " Separator, 8 horse power, 8 " Portable I lay press, " Corn Sheller, Horse Power, 4 " Clover Hullcr and Cleaner, 3 " Corn und Cob Crusher, 3 " Ajjrlrult'ural Holler for si'orli, 5 " Portable Steuui Eiif-inc f(,f general pur poses, 5 " Portable Steuin Saw Mtll", 5 CtAS 10. i!Ali:.f IMIM.EMEN TS. Best Fanuiiii; Mill, $3 " Com Stalk Cutler, 3 " Hay nnd frruw Cutler, 4 " Veeta'jle I utter, 2 " Cr.rn Cultivator, 2 " Grain Drii. S 1 'Small Seed Planter, for Iloi'xe or Hand Power. !or hills or drills, 2 ' Corn Plainer, 3 t ultivulor for ueiieml pin poses, ! ' " Broad cast Sower for Grain, 3 " Roller for Keiicrul use, " " Hay-loadimj iniieliine for Held Use, 5 " Implement aud tixlure lor lift in f l.ay cr j straw frotu iv-ijmi to mow, 2 ! " Hay Tedder, or Machine for turning or spreadiui; hay ou tbe Held, 5 CLASS 11. KAUM IMI'1 EMI T . Best Farm Wutfon, ?5 Horse Curl lor tarm, 3 i " Ov Curl, . . 3 " Hay ll'urfiui:, 1 ! " Hornu lLike, 3 j " Plow Gears, 1 Waiton Harness for Furm, 2 " Curl Geais, 1 " Farm Saddle, " 1 " Two-llorno Plow, 1 " Sub soli, 1 ' Cue- Piow, 1 " r.irui Chopping Mill, S " Sunup extractor, S VVheel-Barrow, 1 ' Harrow, " Liu fc Spreader, ' Ji. ' Roud und Track fjcrnper, 1 ".HimkiiK Miuhiiie Uuise-power, 2 " I'oliito Diiru'er, 1 " Muchine for cnlt ini! off and sliockiuj; Corn iu the tleld, (Horse Power,) 5 CLASS 12 FAIIM AN II HOLSUUOI t IMl'l EM1INTS. For best nrruugemeuU for rulsini; water, tl " WcIkIiIuk Machine for nenerul purposes, 3 " Portable Cider Mill and Press, 3 " ' doxeu Flour Barrels, 1 " N urlety of Cooper Work, ' 1 " Cow Milker, (other thau tic hand.) 3 " Post bole digger, 1. ' Best Churn, 1 Hnlter Worker. 1 " Cheese Press, 1 " 12 Milk Puns, 1 " Milk Si miner, 1 WaliliiK Maehinc, 1 Grain Cradle, 1 " Sevthe Sualhc aud Scythe, 1 " fl Hand Rakes, 1 " Hnv Forks, 1 " Axes, 1 " Manure Forks, 1 u Lonjr-Hundled Shovels,'- 1 " Short-Haudtcd Shovels, 1 " Spades, 1 ' Corn I iocs, , 1 Lot of Grain Measures, 1 ' Lot of Wire lied Brooms, " Lot of Twine tier?, Brooms, 1 HoKnn tinm liuslinLB. rhiisbsl Steal Chopper, ' Clothes Wrlniier, Invention for se.curlug the run of water In drains, 2 class 13. mscnLLAwsoiis implkwk nts Attn sew MVRTtTtOKS. llndcr this pen oral head arc Included all new inventions, nud mnchlnery not enumerated In any of the classes, and on which tho judges are authorized In their discretion to award premiums or diplomas, or make honornbl mention. E-r For Pewlnif and Multting Machines und Muslrnl Instniments, tho Mnniifrcrs offer no Premiums, but Invito ull to exhibit, nnd let every machine stand on its own merits. FARM AND GARDEN MIODCCTIOXS. CLASS 14. fl.OI'H, MltaL, OIIAIN, AND tr.T.O. Best barrel family flour, 4 ' rye Hour, 1 " Corn-Mcul, not less thnn SS pounds, 1 " Uuekw hcut-McuT, not less Until 25 pounds, 2 " One bushel white wheat bf liny vnriely .1 Out! bushe. red wluat of liny variety, " One bushel Mediterruneu!!, ' " Rye, 1 " " Vellow Corn, 1 " White flint Corn, 1 " tuts, 1 " " Barley, 1 " " Clover-seed, 1 " " Thnpthv-seed, 1 " Buckwheat, 1 " sample ncvlt lntrodaced irraln, valuable Jo the fanner, not less tliiin one bushel 1 Grain nnd Seeds to be mensured nnd weighed by the Judges. class Io. vroLTAr.i.r.s. Best bushel potatoes, (Mercer.) " (Pink-eye,) ' " Sweet Potatoes, " " Potatoes nnv other variety " " Field Turnips, " " Rirtu Bnpi, " " Sugar Beets, " pctl: Beets anv other voi'uty, ' " Cnrrol3, " Onions, " " Parsnips, 5 best stalks of Celerv, 2 " heads of CanliHowcr, 12 3 ti 12 white tnble Turnips, heads of Cnbliujje, heads Broccoli, " I ouiatoes, " and lurjrest Sweet Pumpkins, " nnd larcest Meld " t purple. El'c Plnnts, Be " hall peek Lima Beans, " Garilen S,llaslies, " sample of newly Inlroilueed Vcetu bles, valuable for the table, Mammoth Stunsh, class 10. FUt its: For the Inrireft nnd best exhibition nf Apples, correctly labeled und uot less than 3 specimens of each 4 Best assorted basket or dish of Apples. 1 or Greatest number of choice vat ities of Peaches, 4 of ench variety, with llio name, 3 " assorted basket or dish of Peaches. 1 Largest nnd best varieties of Peats named und lubelcd. uot less than 4 of each, 1 Best basket or dlnh of Pears, 1 " " " Quinces, I " collection of riums, 0 of each 1 " " " tirapes grown hi the open air, 1 " of each distinct variety, 1 " specinici of Musk Melons, 1 " basket ol Fruit, of all kinds, 1 All fruits offered iu competion must be grown by the. competitor. CLASS 17. lll'TTEl!, rilltOR, UONI'.V, WINIIS, i-inr.u ami ronniALS. Best 1 lbs. Butler, S2 " Cheese, 1 " " home-made, I " 5 lbs. Honey, 1 " Bee Hive, 1 " DCfCRUter of Sorghum Syrup (not less tl.rrrt a quart,)" made by the Exhibitor 1 " Speeinieu of liome-mndc V'l:ie, 1 " ' " Bounce, 1 " ' " Cordial 1 " Iiottled Cider, iih mode of curing so us to keep sweet one year, 1 " 5 lbs. dried fruit each kind, 1 " " Bologuu Sausanc, 1 " Water Cracker, CARRIAGE, LEATHER AND STOVE 3)E PARTMENT. CLASS IS. CARUIAUES AND I EATIIEII. f.thiliited by the Mantij'actvrer. best two-horse )ilnasure Carriage, $5 ' one-horse Carriage, Buj;gy and Hunting Wagon each, ft " two-horse Sleigh, ft " one horso " 3 ' double set Carriage Ilarnc.-s, ft " Sia,;lc set Carriage HarueSe, 3 " Riding Saddle, 1 " " Bridle, 1 " Lot of Sole, Harness nnd t'j'pcr Leather, each, 1 " Lot or Calf Skins drc.'sed, 1 A d'ploma may bo nwardrd for articles com ing within this ciass, not enranerattd above. CLASS 10. STOVI"S. Bast Cooking stove for dial, $3 " Cooking stove for wood, 3 ' Range for families, ." Funiance or oilier apparatus I'jr Avarining bouse.-, ' ' Ornamental Parlor Stove, 3 " Satuple llolime Ware, 1 " Sample Iron liai'.ini;, 2 SILVER PLATED, STONE, GLASS AND (JPEENSWARK. Best Exhibition of Jewelry and Silverware 5." " Exhibition of Table Cutlery, 3 " Exhibition of Glassware, 2 " Set ol Chlimware, 2 " Set of Stoneware, 2 " Display of Lamps, 1 " I,: iln-e. ii Cluili-K. 1 " Set of CottiiL'e Furniture. 1 I " " Chalibcr 14 1 " Display of Calilni t Ware, 1 " " Rustic Work, 1 class 20. hats, nooTs, siioLS, clutuino, Ac. Bet dii-play of Hals uud Cups. $2 " Made Coats, 2 " Pantaloons, 1 " " Vest, 1 " Boms and Shoes, 2 For b -l lot of CiL'ars, a " ' Tobacco, 1 CLASS 21. l-AIN I1NOS, 1 TNMANSIIll', .'-C. Best difplay of Drawing and Paintings, $2 " display of relii-s and euiio. '.ties, 8 " Water Color Paint inir, 1 " Crayon or Pencil Drawing, 1 " Display of Photograplu, 3 " Disilav ol Demist rv. 3 Si 'ti nnd O'nuiueiit.il Paintinir,2 44 Display M irbl.! Work, 4 44 44 Penmanship, 1 44 Grannlfe or sand sione woik, 2 44 Curd or l'.iit,:y Pi luting, 2 44 Paper Hangings, 1 DOM EST1C M AN I" FACTUi! ES, CLASS 22. CAKl'ETS, WOOL AH II 1.1X1 11 AltTICLES. 14 1.1 vards Woolen Curpetiirg, 4 '' 44 R.i r 44 44 Hearth Rue, 44 Dout '.e Covi.rle:', 44 Siie.',' 44 10 v.-ir.ls h'ouie-i.i'iidc llannel, 4- :0 yards 44 Tabic Linen, 44 10 yards 14 Linen, 4' 10 yards " Linen Hiupur, Best pou n 1 " Threiid, 44 Pail' Woolen h'unkets, liolm; nia.le, 44 Home-made licuilli rug, 14 lloor rug, 44 Two lbs woollen yum home-intidc, 44 Hoiuc-inudu lioap, CLASS 2.1. yl'll.TS, STOCUINOS, AC,, Alt IIANO-WOUK. For best pair Woolca Knit Stockings, 44 fancy pair 44 44 44 Foi best pair Woolrri K tdt'IIalf He 44 44 Linen Kuil Stockings, " ' 44 44 Halt Hose, 4 WooleE'Mlttetis, ' " tjnlli, patchwork si.k, 4 Counterpane, 14 Delaine Qulll-patch work, Calico Quilt 44 CLASS 24. "VOUSTEU WOliK. Best variety Worsted Work, , 44 Worked Chair-seat and ra??:, " Otloiuao Cover, " Recejntoa'Ctinlr," " Sofa outbloii, 44 Toilet cushion, . 44 biipiwrs on Cloth-, 4' 44 44 . ot) Canvas, 44 Worsted and Bead Woik, 44 Lamp Mats, 14 Flower vase Mats, " Carrlti;c Afchuu, (crochet)" 44 Infant's Afghan, 1 fl $3 a a a a " Crochet Shawl, 3 Croohet Tidy, 1 " Bora cushion I " Knit Afghan, 3 " Shawl, 2 " Tidy, 3 " . " Sofa-cnshlon, 3 " VPorkcd Table Cover,' 3 " " riano J CLASS Wi." Mt'SLIN WOHR. Best piece of Cotton Embroidery, , 12 " ' 8ll,':i i 1 " Einnroldcred Jn'if fo Night Dress, 2 " Bmld6d and crnbroided Yoke for Night Dress, , 2 ' Embroidered band find sleeves of under garments 3 " Braided nnd cm'Hoidnd band and sleeves of nnder pnrments, 2 " Variety of Tutting, 1 " Tatted Sleeves nnd Band, 1 " Vnrletv Scwlne Machine worP, 2 " Child's Dress, 2 " Piece of Tucklug, I " Cording, 1 " Child's dre, home-made, t " Collar nnd Cuffs, " i " Shirt " 1 " Embroidered Handkcrelilef, t " Display of Embroidery, 1 CLASS 20. FANCY. Best display of wax flowers, (f2 " Display of Tvax fruit, " 2 " Oinumeiital Shell work, f: " Display of bead Work,, " Largest nnd best dlsi'lay of Fancy Work, 2 Best Hair Flowers, 3 " Seed work, 2 " Display of Millinery goods, 3 CLASS 27. CAKES, ItREAIi, AC. Best home-made bread, $1 " Baker's bread, 1 ' Pound Cuke, I " 8iong " 1 " Fruit " I " dellv " 1 " Lady " I " Dover " I " Madison " '' " Gold " 1 " Silvrr 7 " Ginger " 1 " Sugar " 1 " Macaroooii.'', t " Jumbles, 1 " Bisi uit, 1 " Husk, I Best other fancy cake eaeh kind, I ' Display of Confectionery, 1 class 2S. PlinSKIlVffS. Itest preserved SI raw berries, $r. ' ' ilntnrei?. ? " " Plums, " " Pesehe-, u rears. " " Pine Appli r, 41 44 Tonifttoes, 44 41 ("rati Appie, 14 44 Cherries, 4- Canned Fruit of each variety, Itest utler preserves, each kind, class 111. .iklli us. Best Currant Jeitey, 44 iulnee ' 44 Ksspherry 44 44 llbi'-klieriy 1 44 Apple -4 44 C.tll foot -4 44 I'liiin 41 44 Grape I I 1 I 1 tl 1 i r i i All eompetora for Premiums In Classes ttj und 2U arc rrquested to exhibit not U'js thauul.nlf ilnt nt u hue iiass. CLASS CO. I'M KLKS, Kr. Best Apple Butter, ' Puaeh ' 1 ii l',..lr '.i t j 44 U'liaee, 44 1 14 Pickled Ciicunihrrs, 1 4I. 44 Peppers i 44 44 Tomatoes, ' 14 14 CantelopCrt, 4 14 Walnuts, 14 44 Peaeheo, 14 44 Plums,' 14 44 Mixed Plrkies, 44 Tomato Cutsup, 44 Walnut ' ' Oysters, rirkled, 44 Sample A)ider X'tiieirur, 44 Spiced fruit or vegetables each kind, CLASS 31. KLOWI'llS. Hcst cnllcetioDS of Flowers, owned by the prison present. Greatest variety of Dahlias, Greatest variety if Hoses, Oreatee' viu tety of Verbcnasv Hest colleriiou of U.'iu'ati Astprs, " and Rreatest varieties of Pal 44 eollectiori of Greeuliotls. i'lants, owned bv i 1 I 1 1 one person. ... X 44 Floral Unmincilt, 1 44 H.-iDd-lioquet. 1 For the most beatiful arranged basket of flowers, t Best ltaiiffin? b-iskct i-rowtntr plHuts, 1 Best rustle stand with growing plants, 1 CLASS 32. MISCLI.LANEOCS. Best display of Relicts and Curiosities, $5 T'uder this heid all articles of merit w hich have not Iteen provided for in any of tne above eia.ises will he entered iu I h Is class, and relerred to a com mittee to award such premiums n they may think projier. RACING. 1ST. HAT. NO. 1. For Horses under ft years, owned iu North'd, Co., thirty days prior to Oct. 7th, 1S73, Pursc?100. First ll'orse. Mo Second Horse, f'J5 Third 11,11-1,,-, $10 Not le.-s tiian 5 horses to ceter, and 3 to start. Vll INd back. no. 2. First Hers-'. $3.' jfl."' i Second Horse,; ... . Thne to eiuei', it It u 2 si.nt. i 2m. DAY. NO. For Horses owned in Northumberland, Union . Snyder and Dauphin counties, with no record better than 62.iJ. Purse f l.VI. Fastest. Ilerse, $icr-' Second Horse, f3! Third Horse, 15' Five to enter, nnd 3 to stari". lU'NNINU KACK. t. i "M ll.T. $r0 First Horse, tV: Second Horse, (IZ Three to ci.ter, 2 to start. KAl'INll. 2nu n.iv. no. 5. Double team trot, Purse $75. Best Team, "(!' Second Ilest Team, $2"; Three to enter, 2 to stun. The above, teams to be owiied In this county. 3lll. I1AV. NO. fi. I'l'KSE ?204l. Open to ull Horses owned in Northumberland, Union, Snyd"! uud D:'lipi;!u lounlicg. Wirst Horse $12.'j Second Horse e7l' Third Horse 2:". Five to cuter, and 3 to start. 3uo. i.u. so. 7. I'fissE $7.i. Opi-u to all trotting Horses, 5 to to cuter, mu' 3 to start. Best walking Horse 1 Mile $10 Ladies' E'pietrianistn Premium $10 Fool Race mile 3 to enter.., l'reiniiim conditions; All tho nhore trotting raci.-s tsf j' i;:".le heats, best 3 hi 5 in b'trhee,i. Entranse" r'eo 10 per cent, of purse and must accompany nomination in all cases. Entries must be inado ut tho olliec. of the Secretary by 10 o'clock, a. iu.,of each day. A horse distancing the held, or a part thereof slni',1 be entitled to i lie tiist premium only. Heuls lu each day's ruces may be trotted alter nately. Tko distance shall bo one hundred' yards. A horse, w ill not be allowed to compete lor more lliuu one premium, except iu races No. 3, 0 and 7. MERCHANDISE DEPARTM ENT. Best display cf Dry Goods 44 4 4 44 Groceries ft 44 41 14 Boots and Slireo'....;. & 44 41 44 Jewelry 5 41 41 44 Ciolliiiif 5 4 44 Ml.lli.iiv Goods ft " " Hardware 5 " 44 " Confectionary 5 " 4 Drugs and Chemicals S 4' Qmeim.iiL' ft 44 Coal f. ."SICAL DEPARTMENT. Best Hand of Vusic '.....' SO1' Snd Best Bands of Music fSC Sdrd Best Band M' Mils:"' $10 Bunds compel, V lor Premium must lVport to the Secretary on or before Wednesday On. hth, aud be lu uttendunc Wednesday nnd Thursday, nud ere subject to liv couirol of the Chief MaV sh.il. STEAM FIifK ENGINES. Best Etcaui Flro Eugluo, Premium 2'r' Eugluo throwing wat. r the greatest d'nneo through 1 liuli noy.zel sbajl be entitled lo ihe pruiuium. Exhibilu-u ul 11 v'el.ik, u. ui., Oct. bth on the Fulr (irounds. MILIT.ll Best drilled and equipped comiVny of not less than 30 men. premium. 'j.r. Exercise aud iuspct lion ul lo o'l, k, a. in. There will be a Gram! Mililurv i'Vl Kln-min"i Paiaile at 10 oVlock, Oct. Mb. ,