Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 26, 1873, Image 1

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n published evert Saturday bt
EM'Ii W1LVEET, Proprietor,
Moore A Dlsslnfter's Building, Market Square
At fl.SO In Advance.
II not paid within 8 Months 93.
Snbtrriptton taken for Its than trie Month.
CovKrcTEn with till establishment Is an exten
ttveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of
plain and fnney tvpe equal to any establishment
n the Interior of "tho State, for whh-h the patron
ise of the public is respectfully solicited.
asd acting JUSTICE or TUB PEACE.
Next Door to Juilire Jordan'e Residence, Chest
nut Street, Snnbury, Pa.
Collections and all legal matters promptly at
tended to.
ConTeyanelncthe collections of claims, writings,
aud all kinds or Lcical busiuess will be attended
to carefully and with despatch. Can be consult
ed lu the English and Herman Innguuirc. Ofllce
formerly occupied by Solomon Malick, Esq., op
posite City Hotel, Sunliury, Pu.
MurchjW, 1878. ly. "
CT"a. hot iion f,
Jtt AttoniPT-at-Lnw,
Northumberland Co., Penna.
Can bo consulted lu the English 'and German
bineusire. Collections attended to lu North
umberland and adjoining counties.
Also Airent for tho Lebanon Valley Fire Insu
rance Compnny. mhl5
rp II. It. It ASF., Attorney at Law, 8UN
JLs BURY, PA. .Ofllce In Market t-qnnre,
(adjoininn the office of W. I. Hreenouirh, Esq.,)
Professional business iu this and adjoining coun
ties prompt! attcurted to.
Snnbnry, March 10, lS73.-1y.
Attorney at Law,
Sunbury, Pa.
November V, 1872. tf.
in. CII is. M. M Alt TIXt
Nuubnry, Penn'a.
Oilice on Front Street, next door to Una Si
Olttce Iloiirs. Uutil 8 a in. From 13 to 1 p m.
From 5 to t) p m., and ufter 9 o'clork p in.
At all other hours wieu aot professionnlly eu
iMire.1, can be found at Drug Store, on Third St.,
next to Clement limine. umS,'7S.-ly
J It. ItOYKR, Attorney and Counsellor
tO. at Law. Rooms No. 3 S Secoud floor,
llriirhfs Building, SUNBURY, PA. Profestioim
business attunled to. In the courts of Northmn
Jii-rlsnil ami nuiolmiuc cour.tlcs. Also, ill the
r'imiif and DUtriel Court for the Western Dis-
trlct of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect
ed. Particular attention paid to -mf 'in -Bank-rnptty.
Consultation sail be had In theier
man lanjuatc. ' 'rJ5,'71.
il. KANE, Attorney at Law, PUN
BURY, PA., ofllce in Mnsser't Buildinc
tiearlhe Court House, rrenl Koom up siairs
ohove the Drug Store. Collections made lu Nor
t humberland and adjoining counties. -''
Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 137'3:
B. C A UWAL I- A I ER.Markct Btrset,
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
nbiKs, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,
Pocket Books, Duiriss, Ac. . i .
C P. WOIVEItTOW, Attorney at Law.
tO. Market Square, 80NBURY,PA Profession
al busiuos In this and adjoining comities prompt
y utteuded to.
nil. MASSElt, Attorney at Law, SUN-
BURY, PA. Collections attended to in
the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder,
Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. BPlll,.-'u
Office at his rcsijeuceon Arch street, one square
north of the Court House, ear the Jail, SUN
IIUP.Y, PA. Collections and all professional
business promptly attended to In this nad adjoin
ing eouuties. Consultations can be had in the
Herman language. JulyU7-187'2.
o. w. ztrr.i.Bii. I.. T. Komiiuai.
zif.;m:r a uoiirhach,
attorneys, at law,
Offlce in Hanpl's Building, lately occupied by
Judge Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbach, Kq.
Collections and nil professional business
promptly attended to in the Courts of Norlhum-
berlaud and adjoining counties.
Dec. 'J. 1S7I.
a nb Ijfstitnrants.
KlI'CHEN, Proprietor. Opposite the De
pot SHAMOKIN, PA. Every attention given to
travellers, and the best accommodations given.
April ,r, 1S73. tf
Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second
Streets, opposite the Court Hoese, Btinhury,
Pa. May88,'70.
Proprietor-, Nos.813 and 814 Market Street,
above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terra, 3
per day. He respectfully solicits your patron
age. JauS'73., HOTEL. AUGUSTUS
WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd
County, Pu., at the btatiuu of the K. C. R. W.
Choice wines and cigars at the bar.
The tablets supplied with the best tho market
ulfords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers.
LOUIS HUM M EL, Proprietor,
Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A.
Having Just refitted the above Saloeu for the
accomodation of the public, is now prepared tfti
serve '.il Mends with the best refreshments, and
fresh Lager Bi er, Ale, Portur, aud all other malt
II! - 1 . - I. LI 1 .1.
W. g. HIIOAnS.
OrricE with Hiis, Faubi.t ti Co.,
Orders left at geasiotta Si Bro's.,wffice Market
treet, will receive prompt attention. Country
ustoni resoectfully solicited.
Feb. 4, 1871. tf.
VALE TIKE DIETZ, Wholesale aud
Retail dealer in every variety of
All kinds of Grain taken lu exchange for Coal.
Orders solicited and flllerf promptly. Orders left
i.t 8. F. Nevin's Confectionery Store, ou Third
tiect, will rccirve prompt attention, and money
receipted for, the same as at the olUce. , i
G E 0 11 ti E M. UENN,: I
la (stmpson'M liuildintj, Market Square,
1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining
to Dentistry, lie keeps constantly on baud
a large assortment of Teeth, aud other Dental
material, from which he will be able to select,
and meek ine wants of his customers.
All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else
the money refunded.
The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders
kept on band.
His references are the nuinorous patrons for
whom he has worked tor lue last twelve years,
Buubury, April 21, 187&
Shippers ad Wholesale aud Retail Dealers lu
E17Sole Ageats, westward, at (be celebrated
ii'inry iiav loau jan iv-on
XfetaMltthed In tH-lO.
vSlirlfT'sj Proclnmntlon..! -
I, 8. H. ROTIIERMEL, High Sheriff
of Nortliurabcrlatid county,Common wealth
of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known
and civ notice to tho electors of the coun
ty aforesaid, that an Election will be held
in the said county of Northumberland, on
TUESDAY, the 14th of OCTOBER, 1873,
for tho purpose of electing the several per
sons hereinafter named, viz !
One person for tho office of Judge of the
Supremo Court of tho Commonwealth of
One person for tho office of State Treasu
rer of tho State of Pennsylvania
Ono person in conjunction with the
countios of Union, Snyder and Perry, for
tho office of State Senator of Pennsylvania
Two persons in conjunction with the
county of Moutour for the office of Member
of ihe House of Representatives of Penn
sylvania One person for tho offlce of Register and
Recorder, Register of Wills and Clerk of
the Orphans' Court for said county
Ouo person for the office of County Trea
surer for said county
One person for the office of Commissioner
for said county
Two persons for Jury Commissioners for
the county of Northumberland
One person for County Auditor for said
county ' '
1 also hereby make known and give no
tice that the place of holding the aforesaid
election in the several wards, boroughs,
districts and townships within the county
of Xorthumberlf nd, are as follows, to-wit :
Sunbury. Westward, at the Court House.
Sunbury, IV ; East Ward, at the public
house of E. T. Drumheller ,
Upper A u oust a township, at thu public
house of Joel BiUerinan
IiOwur Augusta township, at the public
house of IVti-r Dunkolberger
Northumberland borough at the public
house of U. W. Donahue . , '
Point District at the house of Mrs. John
son, in the borough of Northumberland
Miltou, South Ward, at tho house of C.
W. Sticker f North Ward, at the public
house of J. M. Hull'
Turbut township, at the house ot Abra
ham Kissinger I
Delaware township, at the house of Wil
liam Hile
Cliillisqimque, at the house of Charles
Watsontown, lower room of Academy
Lewis township, at the house of D. II.
Dreisbacb, in Turbtitville borough
Shamokiu township, at the house of T.H.
Upper Mahanoy township, at the house
of John H. Ceist
Little Muhauoy township, at the house
of Conrad Raker -
Lower Mahanoy, at the house of A.
Rush towuship, at Libeity-Pole school
.Inckson township, at the house of Johu
AHert, Horutlon, Pa
Coal township, at the house of Job Don
Shamokiu borough, Eact Ward, at tho
house of Win. M. Weaver; West Ward, at
the house of Patrick Kairns
Zerbc township, at the house of Thomas
Foulds, jr
Cnmeron township, at the house of G.
W. Snyder Gowen City
Jordan township, at tho house of Jacob
Mt. Cartnel borough, at the Mt. Carmcl
Washington towuship, at the house of H.
C. Fisher
McEwensvillc, at the house of Henry
Turbutvillo. at the house of Simon Opp
Mt. Cartnel township, at tho house of
Michael Graham
Riverside borough, at tho public school
house of said borough '
Snydertown, at the public houso of Wil
liam Farrow
The irenernl election In all the Wards, Town
ships, Districts and Boroughs of the county is to
be opened between the hours of six and sevcu o'
clock in the forenoon, nnd shall eoutinue without
Interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock
in the evening, when all polls shall be closed.
Every persou excepting Justices of the Peace,
who shall hold any olllce or appointment of pro
tit or trust under the Government of the Culled
States, or of this State, or of any city or incorpo
rate!) district, whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who Is
or shall be employed under the Legislative, Exe
cutive or Judiciary departments of the State or
the United Status, or of any city or Incorporated
district, and also every member of Congress or of
the State Legislature, and of the Select and
Common Councils of any city, or Commissioner
of any Incorporated district, is by law incapable
of holding or exercising at the same time the office
or appointment of Jtidue, inspector or clerk of
any election of this Commonwealth, aud uo in
spector, Judge or other officer of any such elec
tion shall tie eligible there to be voted for.
l he inspectors and Judges of the election
shall meet at the respective plaeea appointed for
holding the election In the district to which they
respectively belong, before seven o clock in the
morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap
point one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of
such district.
In case tire person who shall have received the
second highest number of voles for Inspector
shall not attend ou the day of any election, then
the person who shall have received the second
Highest number of votes for Judge at the next
preceding election shall act as inspector la Ills
place. And in case the person who shall have
received the highest number of vote for inspec
tor shall not attend, the person elected jndge
shall appoint an inspector in his place and in
case the person elected Judge shall uot attend,
then the inspector who received the highest num.
iter of votes shall appoint a Judge In his place
or If any vacancy shall eontluue Id the board for
the space of one hour after the time fixed by law
or me opening or ine election, the qnalioed vot
ers of the township, ward or district for which
such officers shall have beuu elected, present at
such election, shall elect oue of their numbor to
nlletich vneiuioy. "
II shall be the duty of the several assessors of
each district to a"iid at the place of holding
every general, special or township election, dur
ing the whole time said election Is kept open, for
the pdrjiose of giving mformadoD to theiespec
tors and Judges, when called on, in relation so
the right of any pert on assessed by them to vote
at such election, or such other matters in rela
tion to the assessment of voters as the said In
spectors or either of them shall from time to
time requlie.
No person shall be permitted to vote at any
election, as aforesaid, other than a freeman of
ine age or twenty-one years or more, who shall
have resided In the State at least one year, and
In the electlou district where be offers bis vote at
least ten days Immediately preceding such elec
tion and within two year paid a Slate or county
tax, wuicn snail nave been assessed at least ten
days before the election. But a cltUrn of the
United Slates who has previously beau quail
tied voter of Ibis State and removed therefrom
and returned, and who shall have resided la the
election district end paid taxes, as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vole after residing la this
State six months i Ptooidtd, Thai the freemen,
emsoos oi ine liuuea cutlet, Deiweea I went v-
ana iweaiy-rwo years, wdo dots resided m as
election district s aforeeald, shall be entitled to
vote although, they stall net bait puld tascs,
. . 1 . 'Ill '
No person shall be permitted to rote erhose
name is not contained In the list of taxable In
habitants furnished by the Commissioners, un
less, First, he produces a receipt for the pay
ment within two years of a State or county tax
assessed agreeably to the Constitution, nnd give
satisfactory evidence, either on bis oath or affir
mation or the oath or affirmation- of another,
that he has paid such tax, or on full a re to pro
duce a receipt shall make oath to the payment
thereof. Second, if he claim tho right to vote by
being an elocliw between th age of twenty-one
and twenty-two years, he shall depose on oath or
affirmation thnt he has resided in this Stale at
least one year next before his application, and
make such proof of residence In the district as
is required by this act, and that he does verily
believe, from the account given him, that be Is of
age a forcsuid, nnd such other evidence as Is re
quired by this act, whereupon the name of the
person thus admitted to vote shall bo Inserted in
the alphabetical list by tho Inspectors, and a note
made opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax'
If he shall be admitted to voto by reason of hav
lug paid tax ; or the word 'age' if he shall be ad
mitted to vole by reason of such ngc, shall be
called out to tho clerks, who shall make the like
notes on the list of voters kept by him.
In all rases where the name of the person
claiming to vote Is not fonnd on the list furnish
ed by the commissioners and assessors, or his
right to vote, whether found thereon or tint, is
objected to by any qualified citizen, It shall bo
the duty of the Inspectors to examine snch person
on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims
to have resided within the State for one year or
more, his oath shall bo sufficient proof thereof,
but shall make proof by nt least one competent
witness, who shall be n qualified elector, that ho
has resided In the district for more than ten days
next Immediately preceding such election, nnd
shall also himself swear that his bona fldo resi
dence. In pursuance of Ills lawful calling. Is In
said district, nnd thnt he did not remove into said
district for the purpose of voting therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make duo proof. If required, of ihe resl
dencennd payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be
admitted to vote in the towushsp, ward or dis
trict in which he shall reside.
It any person shall prevent, or nttempt to pre
vent nny officer of this election under this act
from holding such election, or use or threaten
nny violence to any such officer, or shull Inter
rupt or '.'iiproiicrly Interfere with him in the exe
cution of uis duty, or shall block npthe window,
or avenue to nny" window whore the same may be
holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at
such election, or shall use nny intimidating
threats, force or violence, with design to lutlu
ence unduly or overawe nny elector, or to prevent
him from voting or to restrain tho freedom of
choice, such persons on conviction shall be fined
In any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars,
nod Imprisoned for nny time not less than three
nor more thnn twelve months, nnd If it shall be
shown to the court, where the trial of such of
fense shall be had, thnt the person so offending
was not a resident of the city, ward, district or
township where the offense was committed, and
not entitled to vote therein, then on conviction
he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
than one hundred nor more than one thousand
dollars nnd he Imprisoned not less than six
months nor more than two years.
If any person, not by law qualified, shall fraud
ulently vote at any election of this Common
wealth, or being otherwise qualified shall vote
out of his proper district, If any erson knowing
the want of such qualification, shall aid or pro
cure such person to vote, the person otl'unding
shall, on conviction, be fined in any sura not ex
ceeding two hundred dollars, and be imprisoned
In any term not exceeding three months.
If any person shall vote at tnorothan one clee.
tion district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more
than once on the same day, or shall fraudulently
fold and deliver to the inspector two tickets to
gether, with the Intent illegally to vote, or shall
procure another to do so, he or they offending
shall on conviction, be fined In any sum not less
than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars,
nnd be Imprisoned for a term uot less than three
nor more thnn twelve months.
If nny person not qualified to vote In this Com
monwealth ngreeablv to law (except the sons of
qualified citir.cus), shall appear at nny place of
election ror the purpose or influencing the citt-
r.cns qualified to vote, be shall ou conviction for
feit nnd pay any sum not exceeding one hundred
dollars for every such oficusc, nnd be imprisoned
lor any term uot exceeding three mouths.
II any person or persons shall make any bet or
wager uKin the result ol the election, within the
Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such
bet or wager, either by verbal proclamation there-
or, or by any written or printed advertisement,
or invite any person or persons to make such bet
or wager, upou conviction thereof ho or they
shall forfeit nnd pay three times the amount so
bet or offered to be bet. " , f
And the election laws of the Commonwealth
further provides thnt ''The Inspectors, Judges
ami clerks shall: before entering 6a the du les of
their unices, scvemlfy take aud sub rihe the oath
or affirmation hereinafter directed., .which shall
be admlulstered to them by any judge, alderman
or J u si Ice of the peace, bat if so such magistrate
be present, one of the Inspectors of the -election
shall administer the oath or afflrmutloo to the
other Judge and Inspector, and then the inspec
tor so qualified shall administer the ftatU or af
firmation to him. - - . f f
"The Inspectors, judge and clerks required by
law to hold township and general elections shuli
take and subscribe the several oath and affirma
tions required by the 19th, SOth and -1st sections
oi the uet ot day or July, is.!'.', 'An net relat
ing to the elections of this Commonwealth,'
which oaths or affirmations shall he prepared and
administered lu Hie manner prescribed in the lSlu
and 2-Jd sections of said act, and in addition to
the power conferred by the 1Mb sectiou of said
act, the Judge or either of tho inspectors shall
have the power to administer the oaths present).
ed by said act to any clerk of a general, special
or lownsnip electlou.
The following shall be the form of oath or af
firmation to be taken bv each inspector, via t 'l,
I A. b.l do that I will dulv attend to the
ensuing election during the eon tin nance thereof
as an Inspector, nud that 1 will not receive any
ticket or vote from any person, other than such
as I firmly beliova to be, according to the pro
visions of the Constiiiitiou and t lie laws of this
Commonwealth, entitled m a vote nl such dec
linn, without requiring such evidence of the right
to vote ns is directed by law, nor will I Text-.-tiousiy
delay or refuse to receive any vote from
any person who I shall believe to bu entitled to
vole us aforesaid, but that I will in all things
truly and Impartially and faithfully perform my
duties therein, to i lie best of my Judgment aud
abilities, ami that I am luH.direitlyor Indirectly
Interested in any bet or wager ou tho result of
this election.'
The following shall be the oath or affirmation
of euch Judge, vis t 'I, A. B. do that I
will, as Judge, duly utleiid the ensuing electlou
during the continuance there f, and faithfully
assist the Inspectors In carrying out the same i
that I will not give my consent that any vote or
ticket, shall he received from any ieraou other
than such as I firmly believe to be, according to
the provisions of the Constitution and luwa of
this .'pmuiouwealth, entitled to vote at such elec
tion, without requiring such evidence of the right
to vole as directed by law, aud that I will use my
best endeavor to prevent auy fraud, deceit or
abuse, In carrying on the sum by citizens quull-
ned to vote, or others, and 1 will uiuke a true ana
perfect return of the suld election, and will lu all
things truly, aud Impartially aud faithfully per
form my duty respecting the same, to the best of
my Judgment aud aUiltles, and that I am not di
rectly or Indirectly InloresUd In any bet or wager
on the result of this election.'
The following shall be the form of oath or af-flr-bullotob)iukou
by etwaoieik, vis, 'I, A.
B.l do i that I will impartially and truly
write down the name of each elector who shall
vole at the ensuing election, which shall be given
m In charge, aud also lUe name of the township,
ward or district, wberelu such elector resides, or
carefully aud truly write dowu the number of
vote that hal! be given for each candidate at
the eleelion, a ofleu a his name shall be read to
me by the uispeetors thereof, and In all thing
truly and faithfully perform my duty respecting
the same to the best of my Judgment and abili
ties, and that 1 an) not dlreetly or Indirectly in
terested In auy bet or wager on the result of this
On the day of election, auy person whose name
is not on the said list, aud clalinlug the right to
vole at said electlou, shall produce at least one
qualified voter of the district as a wltuess to the
residence of the claimant In the district of which
be claims to be a voter for the tierlod f at least
tea day next preceding saki election wblokv
; . .'
witness ihnll take and subscribe a written or
partly written and partly printed affidavit to the
met stated by blot, srnien aincmvit snail amine
clearly where the reside ce la of the person so
claiming to bo a voter, and the person to claim
ing the right to vote shall also mae nnd subscribe
a written or partly written nnd partly printed
affidavit, stating to' the best of his knowledge nnd
belief, where and when he was born t thnt be Is
a cltlren or tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
nnd of the United State ; that he has resided in
the Commonwealth one year, or if formerly a ci
tizen therein, nnd has moved therefrom, that he
has resided therein six mouths preccedlng said
election thnt he has not moved into the district
for the pnrpose of voting therein thnt be has
paid a State or county tax withtn two yours,
which was assessed at teasi ten nays oeiore nam
election I nud, if a naturalized citizen, shall also
state when, where nnd by what court he was na-
turalized, and also produce his cert I (I en to of nat
uralization for examination : me sum nmunvii
shall also state when nnd where the tax claimed
to be paid by the affidavit was assessed, and
when, whero nnd to whom paid, nnd the tax re
ceipt therefor shall bo produced for examination,
unless the nlllant shall stale on lusaimiuvii mat
It has been lost or destroyed, or thnt he never re
ceived any, but If the person so claiming the
right to vote shall lane and subscribe an ainiia-
vlt, thnt he Is a nntlve born citizen of fho United
States, or if born elsewhere, shall state the fact
lu his affidavit, nnd shall produce evidence that
he has been naturalized, or tluit ho Is entitled to
citizenship by renson of his father's naturaliza
tion t nud shall fort her state In ins affidavit thnt
he Is nt the time of taking the affidavit, between
the ages of twenty-one nnd twenty-two years:
that be has resided in tho State one year nnd in
the election district ten days next preceding such
election, he shall be allowed to vote, although he
shall not have paid taxes i the said affidavits of
all persons making inch claims, and the affida
vits of the witnesses to their resilience, shall ho
preserved by the election board, and nt tho close
of the election Ihcy shall be enclosed with the list
of voters, tally list, and other papers required by
law to be filed by the return Judge with ihe pro
thonotary, and shall remain on tile therewith in
the prothonotnry s olllce, subject to examination,
nt other election papers are i if tho election offi
cers sin 1 1 find that the applicant or applicants
possess all the legal qualifications of voters, hu
or they shall be permitted to vote, and the name
or nnmes shall be added to the list ol taxablcs by
the election officers, the word "tax" being added
where the clnimaut votes on ngc, the same words
being ndded by the clerks in each case respective
ly on the list or persons voting nt such election.
It shall belnwlii! tor nnv qualllled ol
the district, notwlthscniidlngthe unmoor the pro
posed voter Is contained on the list of resident
taxablcs, to challenge the veto of such person ;
whereupon the same proof or the right ot sut-
frage ns is now required by law shall be publicly
made and acted on by the election board and the
vote admitted or rejected, according to tho evi
dence every person claiming to bo a naturalized
citizen shall be required to produce bis naturali
zation certitlcateal the election before votinix, ex
cept where he has been for ten years consecutive
ly a voter In the district in which he offers his
vote ; and on the vote of such persons being re
ceived. It shall be the duty of the election offi
cers to write or stamp on such certificate the
word "voted," with the month nnd year i and if
any election otiicer or officers shall teceive u se
cond vote on the same day by virtue of the same
certificate, excepting where sons arc entitled to
voto by virtue or the naturalization or their fa
thers, they and the person who shall offer such
second vote, upon so offending shall be guUty of
a hlL'h misdemeanor, nnd on conviction thereof,
be nued or Imprisoned, or both, nt the discretion
of the court ; but thu fine shall tint exceed one
hundred dollars in each case, nor the Imprison
ment one year ; the like punishment shall be in
flicted, on conviction, on the officers or election
who shall neglect or refuse to make, or cause to
be made, the Indorsement required as aforesaid
on said naturalization certificate.
If any election officer shall refuse or neglect to
require such proof of tho right of sutfragn as it
fircscrihcd by this law, or the laws to which this
s a supplement, from nny person otferlug to vote
whose name it not on the list of assessed voters.
or whose right to vote is challenged by any qual
ified voter present, nnd shall admit such person
to vote without, requiring such proof, every per
son so offending shall, upon conviction, be guilty
of a high misdemeanor, and shall bo sentenced,
lor every sucli oticncc, to pay a flno not exceed
ing one hundred dollars, or to undergo nn impri
son men I not more thnn one year, or cither, or
ootn, at ihe discretion of the court.
Ten days proceeding every election for electors
for President nnd Vice President of the United
States, It shall be the duty of I he assessor to at
tend nt the place fixed by law for holding the
election In each election district, nnd then nnd
there hear all applications of persons whose
names have been omitted from the list of assess
ed voters, and who claim tho right to vote, or
whose right have originated 6incc the same was
made out, and shall odd the names of such per
sons thereto, as shall show that they are entitled
to the right of suffrage in snch district, on the
personal application of the claimant only, and
lorlhwith assess them with the proper tax. Af
ter completing the list, a copy thereof shall be
placed on the door of, or on the house where the
election Is to be held, nl least eight days before
the election ( and ntthe election the same course
shall be pursued. In all resect, as is required
by this act and the acts to which It it a scpple
meut, nt the general elections in October. The
assessor shall also make the same return to the
county commissioners of all assessments made by
virtue of this section; and the county coniims
sioners shall furnish copies thereof to the elec
tlou officers In each district, In like manner. In
all respects, at I required ul tbe general election
m uctober.
The tame rules and regulations shall apply at
every special electlou, nnd every separate city,
borough or ward election, In all lespects us at
the general election In October,
The respective assessois, Inspectors and Judges
of the elections shall each have the power to ad
minister oalhs to any persou claiming the right
to be assessed or the right nl sutlrngeor In re
gard to any other matter or thing required to be
done or Inquired Into by any of said officers un
der this act - and any willful false swearing by
any person In relation to unv matter or thing
concerning which they shall be luwfuly Interro
gated by any of said officer shall be punished as
perjury. '
The assessors shall each receive the same com
pensation for the timo necessarily spent in per
forming the duties hereby enjoined, as Is provided
by law for the performance of their other duties,
to be paid by the county commissioners us in other
cases; aud It shall not he lawful for any assessor
to assess a tax against nny ersou whatever
within ten days next precedini! the election to be
held ou the second Tuesday in October In any
year, or within ten days next In-fore nny election
for electors of President and Vice President of
the United State i auy violation of this provi
sion shall be a misdemeanor, nnd subject the
oinccr so otlonulng to a tine, on coovlctiou, not
exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprison
ment not exceeding three months, or both, ut
lb discretion of the court.
On thu petiton of live or more cltizeus of the
county, stating under oath that they verily be
lieve that frauds will be practiced at the election
about to be held lu any district, It shall be the
duty ef the court of common pleas of said county,
if iu session, or If not, a Judge thereof In vaca
tion, to appoint two Judicious, sober and intelli
gent citizen of the county to act as overseer
who shall be selected from different political
parties, where the Inspectors beloug to different
parties, and where both of said tnsectors belong
to the sume political party, both of the overseers
shall be takeu from I lie opposite political parly i
said overseers shall have the right to be present
with tbf officer ol thu eleelion during the whole
time the SB me is held, the voles counted and the
return made out and signed by the election-officers
to keep list of Mm, If thejr ace proper t
to ebalUeg any person offering to vole, and
Interrogate him and bis wltuess under oath, In
regard to his right of suffrage at said eleelion,
to examine bis papers produced and the officer
of (aid electlou are required to afford to said
overseers to selected and appoluted every conve
nience and facility for the discharge of their
duties and if taid election officer! shall refute
to permit taid ovaraert to be present, and per
forin their duties a aforesaid, or If they (hall bes
ttrlvea away rrom the pool by violeuce and lu
(fmidatlon, all tba vote polled at such election
district may be rejected bj any tribunal trying a
(tiuteit under tela election I Prwidni, That no
sersots signing the petit lea thall be appoluted an
Thst the cltlwnr ef this Stale temporarily in
the service of tho State or of the United State
government, on clerical or other dnty, and who
do not vote where thus employed, thall not be
thereby deprived of the right to vote In their
several election districts If otherwise duly quali
"Section 1. The right of citizens of the Unit
ed States to vote shall not be denied or abridged
by the United Stales, or by nny Slato, on account
of race, color or previous condition of servitude.
Bsii. VJ. The Longress snail nave power to en
force this nrticle by appropriate legislation.
The following Instructions from Ills Excel
lency Governor Geary explain tho duties of as.
tcssors, registers and election officers, In regard
to all freed men of tills Commonwealth I
Executive CiiAMmtit, )
IlAunisnuHO Pa., August IK, 1N73. S
To the tihcryjr of the C'mmty of Xwthumbtrlawd I
WnEWtAS, Tho Fifteenth Amendment of the
Constitution of the United State us follows
"Section 1. i'tio right of the citizens of tbe
United States to vote shall not bo denied or
abridged bv tho United States or by any State,
on nccount of race, color or previous condition
or servitude.
Sec. 2, The Congress shall have power to
enforce this article by appropriate legislation."
And Khertnn, The Congress ot tho uuitea
Slates, on the Slst day of March, 1870, paised
nn act entitled "An art to enforco tho right ot
retizens of the United Stales to vote In the sev
eral States of this Union, nnd for other pur
poses tho flrBt nud second sections of which
are ns follows i
Section I, Be it enacted bv the Senate and
House of Representatives of the United States ot
America in Congress assembled, That all citi
zens of the United States, who nre or shall be
otherwise qualified hy law to vote nt nny elec
tion by the people, In nny Suite, Territory, dis
trict, county, city, parish, township, school dis
trict1, municipality or other territorial suh-dlvi-slons
shall be entitled and allowed to vote In alt
such elections without distinction of race, color,
or prcvlons condition of servitude; any consti
tution, law, enstom, usage, or regulation ot any
State, Territory, or by, or under its authority,
to tho contrary notwithstanding.
Sec. S And be it further ciuwted, That ir by or
under ihe authority of the constitution or laws
ot any Slate, or the laws of nny Territory any
act Is'or shall he required to be done os a prere
quisite or qualification for voting, nnd by such
constiiiitiou or lnws persons or officers nro or
shall be charged witli the pei foi mence of duties
in furnishing to citizens an opportunity to per
form such prerequisite or to become qualified to
vote, it shall be the duty of every such person
and officer to give to all citizens of the United
States the same and equal opportunity to perform
such prerequisite, nnd to become qualified to
vote, without distinction of race, color or pre
vious condition of servitude j and if any such
person or officer shull refuse or knowingly omit
to give full effect to this section, he shall, for
every snch offence, forfeit and pay the sum of
five hundred tlollais to tbe person aggrieved
hereby, to be recovered by an action on the case,
with costs and such allowance for counsel fees
ns the court shall deem just and shall also for
every such offense be deemed guilty of a mlsde
mciiuor nud shall, on conviction thereof, be fined
not less than five hundred dollars, or be im
prisoned not less than one month and not more
than ono year, or both, at the discretion of the
And vhercae, it is dc-clared by the second sec
tion of the VI article of the Constitution of the
United Slates, that "This Constitution, and the
laws of tho United States which shall be made
In pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law
of tho and, anything lu the Con
stitution or laws of any Slate to the contiary
And vhertat, The Legislature of this Common
wealth, ou the 6th day of April, A. I). 1870,
passed an act entitled "A further supplement to
the act relating to elections in this Common
wealth, tho tenth section of which provides us
follews .
Sec. 10. That so much of every net of Assem
bly as provides that only white freemen shall he
entitled to vote or bo registered as voter or as
claiming to voto ot any general or special elec
tion of this Commonwealth, tie, and the sume is
hereby replied ; and that hereafter all freemeu,
without distinction of color, shall be enrolled
and registered, according to the provisions of the
first section of tho act approved 17th of April,
lS(il), entitled "An act further upplcmental to
the act relating to the elections of this Common
wcalb," nnd when otherwise qualified under ex
isting laws, be entitled to vote at all general and
aud special elections in this Commonwealth."
And vhereat. It is my constitutional and offi
cial duty to "take care that the laws be faith
fully executed," and It has come to my know
ledge that sundry assessors nnd registers or vo
ters have refused, and arc refusing lo assess and
registered divers colored mule citizeus of lawful
age, and otherwise qualified as electors :
.Voir therefore, In consideration of Ihe premises,
tbe county commissioners of said county arc
hereby notified and directed to instruct the sev
eral assessors and registers of voters therein, to
obey aud conform to the reqiiircHieiils or said
constitutional amendment and laws ; and the
sheriff of said county is hereby authorized and
required lo publish In Uis election priH-lainution
for the next ensuing election hpreinreeilcd con
stitutional amendment, net of Congress, and
act of the Legislature, to the end thai the same
may be known, executed and obeyed by all the
assessors, registers of voters, election ollicers aud
others, sad that the right and privileges guaran
teed thereby may be secured to nil the citizens of
this Commonwealth entitled to the same.
Sni l Given under mv hand and the groat
seal of the Stale at llarrishnrg. Ihe day and year
first above written. JOHN W. GEARY.
Attest I F. JllKDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
The qualified elector will lake notice of the
following net or Assembly, uppiovcd mo J. Hi
day of March, lSfi'J : An Act regulating the
mode of voting at all elections iu the several
counties of this Commonwealth.
Section 1. Bo it enacted by the Semite and
House of Representative of the Commonwealth
Pennsylvania in the General Assembly met, and
it is hereby cuactcd by the authority of the same.
That the qualified voters of the several cutiniies
of this Louimoiiwealtli, at all general, township,
borough aud special elections, uro hereby here
after authorized and required to vote, by tickets,
printed or written or partly written, severally
classified as follows t Ouo ticket shall embrace
the names of all judges of courts voted for, and
to b labeled outside, ''judiciary ;" one ticket
shall embrace the names of all State officers
voted for, aud be labeled Vtate ;" oue ticket
shall embrace the names of all officers voted for,
and members of Congress, If voted for, aud be
labeled "county ;" oue ticket shall embrace the
name of all towuship officers voted for, aud be
labeled "township;" one ticket shall embrucs the
names of all borough officer voted lor, aud
shall he labeled "borough;" and each class shall
be deposited iu separate ballot-boxes.
fete, i That it shall be the duty uftlie sheriffs
In the several counties of tills Commonwealth to
Insert in their election proclamation hereafter
Issued the first section of this act.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved, the thirteenth day of March, a. d.
oue thousand eight hundred aud sixty-six.
Pursuant to the provlslous coululucd iu the
7tlth section of the act aforesaid, the judges of
the aforesaid districts shall respectively lake
charge of the certificate of return of the elec
tion of their respective districts, and produce
them at a meeting of one Judge from each dis
trict at the Court House, in the Borough of Sun
bury, on the third dov alter the day of eleelion,
BER, l7i at It) o'clock A. St., then and there lo
do aud perforui the duties required by law of
suld Judge.
Also, that where a judge, by sickness or una
voidable accident, is unable to attend such
meeting of Judges, then tr.s certificate or return
shall be takeu charge of by out of the inspectors
or clerk of the election of the district, who shall
do and perform the duties required of said
judge uuubl to attend.
Given uuder my baud, at my office lu Sunbury,
thl 6th day of September, lu tho year of onr
Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy,
three, and In the nlneiy-eightb yeuf of the lude
puikdeact of tbe United Stale.
8. H. BOTHF.RMIXs Sheriff.
thcrlfT Offlce, Sept. 10, 1873,
New Nrrlen, Vol. 5, So. 26.
Old Ntrle, Vol. SS, No. 4$
ales onto kltcs.
A Mory with i Moral.
Reverend Doctor Hall was sitting ia his
study oue pleasant .August afternoon, his
thoughts lutcu; upon his suiuiny sermon,
and his mind withdrawn from earthly
cares, when his train of thought was rudely
interrupted, and bis attention distracted
from his theme by thu following conversa
tion :
'Oh, Ncllio Hnll t where are you T you'd
ought to have been here just the stunning
est fellow.'
Then a sound of running feet, and pretty
soon he heard his daughter exclaim :
'Is that you, Miigyio ?
'Yes, come doivu quick, I've got some
thing to tell you.'
'I'll bu lliero iu half a jiffy.'
Then a door opened and shut, aud in a
few momeuts
'What do you think, as I was coming
ovet here, there was just the stunningest
fellow right in front of mo 1 Just as L trot
in frout of the new church my music roll !
slipped, aud every paper in it fell out on
the sidewalk.'
'Gracious I should have been dumb-confounded.'
'And so I was ; but it was so ridiculous I
that I almost died a laughing.'
'Well that fellow, do you think, stopped,
turned around, and helped me to pick them
up. I was all hunky dory then. He '
walked as far os here with me ; I thanked j
him of course, etc., etc. You know how
'tis yourself.' ;
The good doctor scratched his head. I
Could that be his Nellie, whom he thought
so lady-like V lie opened ths door softly,
a little crack thinking, no doubt, thai he had
the right to piny the part ot listener lo so
strangely mixed a conversation, nnd in his
own house. Very soon it was contiuued,
this time his daughter commencing the
conversation :
'There t how's that for high V
'Oh, isn't it sweet I how much was it?'
'Only five dollars 1 cheap euough.
v.,o ;.,,!. 1 . i,t o..;.l ...... .ru
going to have piuk-this is blue.' I
'Xever mind it's all the same in Dutch.'
The doctor pecked to see what they were
talkitm about aud Miss Nillie was exhi
biting her new bonnet to the admiring gaze
of her friend.
It's raging hot here.'
'Well, I don't know as I can make itany
cooler,' said Nellie looking around.
'I s'poso father'd kill me if I opened a
door.' J let-father had requested her the
day before to keep the door closed.
'I guess its time for me to absquatulate,'
said Maggie rising.
'Don't tear yourself away. Are you go
ing to the lecture to-night r
Yes : I had a staving old
TupRihiv nisrht .'
time last
'(ieorge banders said he would go home
with you to-night.'
'Did he V He'd belter learn to spell able
'That's so. If there's anything I hate,
its these boys bothering around ; they -
ought to be put into a barrel and fed through
the bunuholc until thev are old enough to
'I must bid you a fond adieu now ; I
have thousands of errands to do.'
'Well, good-bye.'
'O, the dickens, I've lost my parasol !'
'Here it is.'
'Now, goodbye, be sure aud come to
night.' 'Yes, good-bye.'
Then the door closed and Nellie went off
up stairs.
Tho doctor gently shut the door, with a
sly twinkle iu his eyes. He sat buried in
thought some little lime. Now and then
a good humored smile broke over his face,
and unco he shook with silent laughter.
Then again his face lengthened aud his
brow grew dark, till at last, with a gesture
of impatience, hu pushed back hia chair,
got up, shook himself, took his hat and
went out for a walk, lie got as far as the
gale, wheu an idea seemed to strike him.
He came back, hung up his hat, aud went
iu search of his wilu. For a long time they
were closeted together, until lime for tea.
When tea was ready, Miss Nellie came
dowu equipped for the lecture. After they
were fairly seated at the table, Mrs. Hall
said :
'My dear sir, will you have some tea ?'
'lu hull' n jiily, madame.'
Nellie looked up. but her father took no
'ltcally, this cake is quite) stunning,'
weul ou the doctor, ns solemn as a judge.
Just then his napkin fell lo the floor.
'Gracious, I'm,' ejacu
lated the doctor, geltiug it a liuie wrong.
Nellie gazed at her father iu perfect
'My dear, this sauce is slaving. Whero
did you buy il "t"
'1 made it,' said his wife coolly.
'Oh, well, its all the same iu German.'
Nellie dropped her kuife and fork.
'You must give me some money for thu
butcher, to-morrow,' said Mis Hall.
'You'd . latter spell 'ubilily' firtt,"
growled the doctor savagely.
Tli en suddenly taking out his handker
chief, lie gave his nose a tremendous blow.
'There ' said he, 'how is that for high V
k! ' iioiv luiw 'lis iiivsi'lf ' ttiit-ki. relilli'il
ThiB.luniuHl the climax. The knowledge
that her father must have heard the after
noon conversation was loo much for Nellie.
She burst itito tears and left the room.
The sage doctor nodded wisely to his
wile and when she had got out ot hearing
'There wife, I guess we shall hear uo
u.ore slang phrases from her.'
The next day the good doctor called his
daughter into his study, aud said to her :
My dear girl, don't you seo how very
foolish these phrases are V They mean
nothing, but ar uxcevdiugly injurious lo
those who use them. Hy ever so sparing
a use, one's speech gets so corrupted that
a person ofleu makes use of ono of these
expressions at times, which afterwards he
would bo sorry to remember. They souud
very silly to a listener, and often the use of
them would lead to something wrong. It
is bad enough to hear boys use them some
times, but girls is expected to be too ruliued
and ladylike to sully her lips by such ex
pressions. Tbe use of theut is simply a
bad habit ; but bad habits, like cuts in the
bark ef a tree, grow and widen with age,
and if they once get firm hold they are hard
to get rid of. Then there Is a great deal
in companionship. If we koop company,
and are intimate with those who use bad
language, we are apt to make use of it our
selves. Tvrsoos are kuowu by (lie torn
puny they keep.' When you see a persou
using these phrases, you may be sure that
such a persou knows not what is called
'gooJ society.'
. i. . . . .. "
10 Lines, or about 100 Word, make a fiar't
1 Sq a Si! 2 8i! 4 6q Ucnr'i'col t e
1.00 9.00 8.50 8.011 5.oo: 8.0015.09
I. 50: 3.00 8.50j 4.00. fj.0011.0018.0fl
3.00 8.50; 4.5U 5.0O Q.IXV 1 8.00 20.00
a.fiO 4.5tl. 5.80, 6.00 10.0O15.002K.B0
8.75 5.00, 6.501 T.ooia.oon.noas.oo
II. 00: 0.75: 7.50. 8.0t13.0 18.00 27.5fJ
8.U3: 7.50j 8.501 0.0W 1 5.0O20.00 SO.Otj
:l.50j 8.00; .60'10.00JO.OO.'6.0f40.0e
;5.0o; O.Oti 11.0O.'i8.0O88.00a5.0tri0.O0
iu.oti 10.00 1 3.ou i5.oonm.oo 45.0075.00
. ... " . .1 :. . .!l,.'.l i'
One week
Two weeks
Throe '
Four -Vive
Six "
Two mo't
Three '
Nine "
One Yenr
Murder or Little) Girls.
The proclamation printed below has
been lately issud by the provincial treas
urer ol Ilupo.i, a district in China, con
demning Uiu destroying of fehinlo chil
dren. It is Interesting both from its
quaint language and as illustration the de
gree of civilisation which prevails in sonieJ
parts of that country :
Tho provincial treasurer of Ilupei has M
Issue a proclamation prohibiting, ia tho
strongest terms, tho drowning of female
children. In ancient times the girl T'iying -begged
his majesty to permit her to sacri
fice her liberty iu order that her father,'
who was in disgrace might be released from'
bondage. In another case again, the girl
Mulan wished to serve a soldier iri order
to take upon herself the liability of her old
father to serve in the wars. The instances
show that with what filial instincts girls of
old were imbued. At the present timc
too, the treasurer apprehends there is na
lack ol daughters equally ready to sacrifice
themselves to their parent, or to render
tho names of their family as illustrious bv
filial acts of devotion. Such being tho case,
how comes it that the female infant is look-,
ed upon ns an enemy from tho moment of1
its birth, aud no sooner enters the world
than it is cotisighed to the nearest pool of
water ? Certainly, there are parents who
intcrtain an affection for their female in
fants and rear them up, but such number
senrcely twenty or thirty per cent.
The reasons nre cither (1st) that the'
child is thrown away in disgust because
the parents have too many children already,'
or (Jd) that it is drowned from sheer chi- .
I grin at having begottcu none but females',
I or from apprehension that the mother will
: not conceive again readily enough il sho
has lo suckle the child : or lastly, in tho
; fear that the poverty of the family wilt
! make it difficult to devote tho milk to her
J own child, when the mother might other
wise hire hereon out as wet nurse. JNow
all these are the most stupid of reasons;
People seem to be ignorant of the fact that
110 iui:ii aro uoru iioiu ueaveu vr miouisouie
" "'" "
cold or bodily comfort are matters of pre-
destination ; so also with sous and heirs,
: which arc even iu a greater degree depen
I dent upon the destiny of heaveu and con
not be forcibly coaxed out of it. All that
I those have to do who are uuablo through
! povcaty to feed their children, is to send
I them lo tho Foundling Hospital, where
they will be reared until they become wo
' men and wives, and whore they will always
: be sure of enjoyinsra natural lifetime.
With regard to tho question of money or
110 money in the bridal casket, means, or
no means of bringing up a family, why, tho
bare necessaries of life for such children in
: the shape of the coarsest sown and head
! gear do uot cost much. There are cases
! euough of poor lads not being able to liud -
I a wile all their lives long, but the treasurer
ba8 yt to hear ot a poor girl who cannot
find a husband, so that thero is even less
! cause for anxiety on that score. But thero
! is another way of lookiug at it. Heaven's
j retribution is sure, and cases arc common
1 where repeated female births have followed
mose neu ine imams nave oeeu urowneu ,
that is, man loves to slay what Heaven ,
loves to beget, and those perish who set
themselves against Heaven, as those dio
who take humau life. Also, they are
hauutcd by the wraths of the murdered
children, and thus not only fail to hasten
1 the birth of a male child, but run a risk of
making victims ot themselves by their oe- .
havior. The late Governor, hearing that .
this wicked custom was rife iu Hupci, set
forth the law soruu time ago iu severe pro- .
hibitory proclamations ; notwithstanding
this, many poor districts and out-of the
way places will not allow themseves to seo
what is right, but obstinately cling to their .
old customs. Ilia Chieu yin, a graduate
from Kiatu hia, aud others have lately pe
titioned that a proclamation be issued ouco .
more prohibiting this pralicc in strong
terms. The treasurer has now to issue
this prohibitory proclamation for the in- .
formation and instruction of t he people aud
soldiery of the whole province :
W hureforc you are uow required and re
quested to acquaint yourselves all, that
mule and female in hints being of your own
tlesh and blood, you may be visited by
some monstrous calamity if you rear only
the male, aud drown the female children.
Let all henceforth start up from their delu
sive lethargy, and exhort their neighbors'
to eschew this dreadful abominaliou ; let
them cause their families aud ucighbors lo
become alive to its terrible uature, and with ,
one will and consent wrest themselves from
uuder its jicruicious influence. If these
exhortations nre looked upon any more as
mete formal words, aud if any people with
conscious wickedness and ueglect to turu
over a new leaf, they will be punished (but
with one degree of additional severity) un
der the law providing for the punishment,
of "wilful homicide of children and grand
children." Relatives living with such of
fenders and neglecting to rescue tho chil
dren, or deliberately inciting the parents
lo drown them, will also bu severely dealt
with, lteware nud obey 1 Bev are. 1
Seventy-five rattlesnakes have been killed
at oue lumber-camp iu Clearfield county,
this summer.
ltt:CII'F.J, '.
j l'Ki'i'KU Manhoks. Am put up in tho
I same way, using green peppers that aro
r..n .... : A ...;.!.
They are very Kood, hut your ti hirers will
smart after thrusting them into the pep
pers to pull out the seeds. For this pur
pose 1 have used, first, a small penknife, to
cut the core from its attachment to the
stem end of the pepper, limit a smooth bit
of stich, to pry open thu slit in the side aud
work out the loose core or bunch of seeds.
Hy the exercise of a little ingenuity you
may spare yourself all suffering from this
cause. Should your fingers burn badly,
auoiut them with sweet-oil and wear gloves
that uight. Cream will also allow the
I'r klki) Cabh.ujk. Two gallons vino
gar ; one pint while mustard-seed ) four
oz. ginger ; three oz- pepper-corns ; oue oz.
allspice ; two oz. cloves ono oz. mace ;
one oz. nutmeg ; two oz. tumeric all pouud
ed fine, oue lame handful scraped horsera
dish, four lbs. sugar, two oz. celery-seed,
three lemonds, sliced thin.
Mix nil and set in the sun three days.
To prepare the cabbage, cut in quarters
leaving oil the outer uixl green leaves
aud put ill a kettle of boiling brine. Cook
three mlutites. Take nut, drain, aud cov
er thickly with salt. Spread out iu the sun
to dry ; then shake off tho salt, and cover
with cold viuegar in which has been steep
ed enough tumeiie to color it well. Leave,
it m this two weeks, to draw out the salt
aud plump the eabbnge.. They trre then
ready to pack do wo' in the seasoned vioe
kar Do Dot use uuder six weeks ox twoV