sfuwjJ.WjWiViil.jiajai IS gWt'Jii 1073;;,:: " 1873. Enormous Stock. Greatest Variety. 9 s HP. T. BARNUM'S c o K e 3 3 It j 1 1 h i in Mill 111 A: 33 R A, 1ST' -1ST JU W S II O W ' ;tir"TIiWKK tim'hs LAUGKR THAN KVKU..& The (.treat Amusement Miniclc of the Xinotoenth Century ; Its magnitude no man, who has not seen it, ean comprehend, for thero was absolutely NOTHING LIKE IT EVER KNOWN ON EA11TH! RARNUMS ENTIRELY NEW SHOW cost 1,5110,0! 10 nnd is fully ton times larger than nny other exhibition in Amcriua. The Entire Yust Exhibition will Exhibit at Sunbury, Er'ulay Sept. 10,187.1 Three (Irniiil, Full nuo Complete Performances of llio entire Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Populaf Clothing Store. pjot TBiiMJrar.-wnHi.il hath iiiumiiu liuiiiju u iiiiUi Sa!' s3ta jjar1 w fr-Efcii.1 w?' - B CD I O -i CD HORSE RIDING (iOAT. wondeufcl talking, machine. x w ss Ear If W . -tea Oil ShirU Tlc"k3!; , 50: In order to .ii.'cotnnvi hvto the lt't.000 prr cons who visit, t tit Exhibition daily, a grand wimkIcii Ainpliit Yittre, similar to the ancient Human AtDii'iilliitilic, will be erected on tin! , lis sulccteil, at a cost of b",o;iii. I'niiiimui to Uio Moniinir. Afternoon nnd Evcninx. Poors open at 10 A. M. and 1 and H P. II. " ! . . .' Admits to all. Children under Nino Years of Age, 25o. Ileeeavcd Amphitheatre Scats 75c. 1 fido announcement, the whole world beius. challenged to visit J . jii .'.'ias'C - ' M I. Y AN TAPER. I'ttlos'Mit ;? : rtjXVil roiiio Pilviloins. With cb i i!-" rv.1 Si':iij overlooking the entire .! in t ; i in full view o!' the TllliKi: fEPAKATK CIIKU'S AND SPECTACCLAU MXCS 'Wiih a joint scilim: on ;i:n-it y for lit.lKHI peopi". The entire series of Exhibitions are brietly huiii iiKil up in t'.l!o'.vi!v; siaiilin j but bona.- 1 i V", ' ,' , the largosl atoek of SFEilHiS ' AMU ' ; SUMMER f GOBS ever offered in this town. 1000 Uoate, 1000 Vests, 1500 Pants, 200 Hoy's and Children's Suitg, 1000 Hat and Cups ' for jnon and boys, 5000 Linen and Paper Collars 1000 Pair Linen and Paper Cuffs, 1000 Tics, Kows and Scarfs, 150 Dozen Socks, 30 different styles Suspenders, Sits 2 OVERALLS ii KITS (jlRAFFE. Jlarnums Xew Colossal Aniuxcment ('nr-; nival, and judire for yourselves "whether : ttuw. ihinjjs 1h so." l(Ml,0:i0 livinj, liis- torieal nnd Keprcsentallve CnrinucitiK. l,."i(K) Animals, liirdh. Iteptiles and Ma- ! line Monsters. 1W) Magnilieeut Animal j Cagi s nnd. j ti'anze and Merino Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, ( Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. tncut. Kvcrybody is respectfully invited to oo.11 and examiuc this most msgnificent assort- M.JhhAK. T ASMAMAN HEVII.. : i 1-J Ciorgeous Statuary Chariots. 5 Trains of Railroad Cars required to transport it. Daily expenses exceed the Cross Receipts of half a dozen other Shows. H Great Circus j Troupes.' :- Scpernte nnd Distinct Circus Kiims, nil in full I'erformaiiee at the same time. MasMve Walter l'anks full of J.ivinur Sea l.ions nnd nthcr Marine Monsters, i 1'HOF. FAHKR'.S ifJii.UOO TALKlXtf MACIllN'i:. WILD FIJI CAXX1HAIA FOUR 1.1V1XU (ii RAFFFS POSITIVELY T1IK ONLY OXKS IX ! TUF COUNTRY. -MODOC, CAMAXC11K AND DUHiLU INDIANS. Four Performing; Klephants, Wonderful Horse Ridin (Joats, Admiral lot, TDK ORIGINAL AXD ONLY "WHAT IS IT V" The Largest nnd Smallest Men in the World. The Hearded Girl and Xo-Armed Roy. Prof. Mto-ers' Historical Croup of Classic Statuary. I'M) Magnificent Oil Paintincs of Celebrities, including Kings, Potentates, Kmpcrors, nud nil the Presidents of the I'niled States. A World of Henutiful I Automalions, so complicated nnd massive ns to miuire a Steam Engine to ojierate them. Including Landscape, Grotto nnd Transformation Scenes Ruuiiin" Water Brooks. it lppung r ouniains, jiiovmg uanronu irains, iiroiicsquc -Myinoiogieai i iiaiuaaia, unu jiumin-m in uinn i-.jirnufij . unous nnd Jivertin,T features never belorc placed on Kxliibitiou. 4 Ilrass Hands and Mnemosyuian Chariots. Procession nearly ;l miles long, -it) Colossal Pavilions and tlm Great Amphcthcntrc Huildin occupy 0 full squares. A Black Rhinoceros, largo ns nu Klephant. "1,2 10 Men find Horses. 70 FirA-Class Pel formers. Six Fatuous Clows. In fact it will require more tlum one glance at Mr. Rarnuin's Xew Amusement Enterprise to thoroughly satisfy the public as to tlm relative difference between und Absolute, Grand, Ma-nilieent, First-Class Exhibition and nn oiiiuiary snow, uuwvur, u bhjj umi nun wiocu iuv luuiuua ui uPitni;n; cniiriainns anu travclins mountebanks. Mr. Rarnum. nlthough averse to step aside from his lilc-loii" jiolicy, deems it necessary, in order to protect himself and the public, to offer a series of f-l,.")ti0,tK)0 Challenges, open to the World, that he exhibits daily more bewildering at tractions, startling curiosities, unique and sensational novelties, biological animate and htt.i ua turn-; more Rare Living Wild Animals, Rinls, Roasts, Reptiles, Crocoililus, Alligators, Living Sea Lions, and other Marine Monsters; the greatest number of First-Class Arstisis ; a more Gorgeous nud Unique combination of Equestrian, and Hippoilraniatic Talent. More Entirely Xew Features than are contained in theconibin at'.r.ictions of nny three shows in the United States.. The unanimous sentiment of the Public Press everywhere on the line of exhibition, emphasize the fact that P. T RAR XUM'S Entirely Xew Show, is Positively the Lnrgc&t and Most Attractive Combina tion of Exhibitions ever know n ou Earth, (fully three times larger than that of Inst sea son.) and remains Absolutely Without a Parallel in the History of the World the ouly Exhibition in America Recognized and Endorsed by the Religions Press nnd daily Visited by Eminent Clergymen nnd Divines. Free Admission to the Entire 20 Great Allows is guaranteed to all who buy the life of P. T. Rarnum, written by himself, S,(VJ page, illustrated. Reduced from 3.."ilMI to Si. oil. "Woitha .k0 Greenback to a be ginner." Horace Greeley. The daily expenses of this establishment have become so treat that the Free List has been positively Bupended except tlili Members of the Press. The Side Exhibition Connected with ibis Esiablishinent, contains the Largest nud Most Interesting Collection of Xovelties nnd Curiosities ever before exhibited, includion The Celebrated Aztec nnd Australian Children, Liviug Skeletous, Circassian As Albino Ladies, aud Mods. Goshen, the Giant, and Admission 25 cts. lhere will be no after Concert, or other Entertainments given, except in outside teuts after Ex- Xo Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered nt Extraordinary Low Prices, nnd satisfaction guaranteed in every way. Mcrzfeldcr, ! Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. S.ubury, Pa., April 12, 1ST:!. DIAMOND SPECTACLES, WATCHES & JEWELRY. CD 9 3 CD 1 1 P g CD e-t 03 CD CD d d CD CLi A. 'V it. y mm IS A r 4. .vr r -ill .V, I -?s mi mm mm WILD FIJI CANNIBALS. 9 C ilored Jubilee Siutro is from the South iiviny otlusr iliverli ng features, well worthy of recognition hi b'ui on of the Gre at Show. -: o :- Will also Exhibit at Williamsport, Sept 18, Harrisburg, Sept. 20 Excursion trains on all railroails at half fair, to and from the Great Universal Exposition. STOVF. A Tl KNTABLINIinFA'T. MAKKKT bTlir.r.T, eUNItCKV, l'A. ALFRED KRAl'SE, Proprietor 8rC( i-.SOll TO SMITH A GKNTUKK.J nAVINti iuirli:i5.il the alpciVii well kliOHU es tiililMimuiit, Mr. Kiaiii-e would Ii i'Ih-i-i ful ly inform the imhlie ilmt lie now has on hanil a l.nLVi- a mlMh lit of . C OO K I N G STO V E S, S.wr"H Cyok Aiili-l)ii-t, lli nulator i.r llcvohing , 'i'niV ( iiiiil'inai.ioii, tMiMiih li;innn nml ol tiers, v hu-ii ;nt' .-i .lITMliiTi -I u- lo 1". ii 1 i'or I oitl or : Woo'l. nnd lire rr:i 1 1 1 -l lii rionn ;.iii.'.iHnil Iv or nn s;i!e. IIKATKiib I -.11 WieU U to . 1,1 ;i! on. or Millie I. OIil -. HLATINli bT VES of .tilli -ivai kiiii ul v.-i-v low rrli-i s. TiiMtHi-4 of K4'ry Ien-rit ion Ui'pl t ioi.-taiil lv oil hand, ltooliui; nnU !'OUtliiK with the liil liiiileiial, done ul fliorl imlieu. I KKI' MKlNli itTti inli-a to wilh ilisiuiU'h. Coal I iil iM.d Lamp uoiistauilv on h.iud. Japan ware ol'a ,inl... btore opinwlle ConlrvV hanlwure j i-lore. (iivc liic a rail, A. KUAl f-li. iill'i4-lr A complrto Ntoek of Choice Selec tion in verj;;tprl incut forcd ut SperlHl prirex, dur iiiK the Nn in in or NOHKOD, While .KiakinK ultr-utiottN. BLATUIILKyS Jl S ISriCVED CDCUaBER WOOD TOIP iUf?l 7. T;ili'l6. Duiiible, KlUclt-nt auit Llicap. I nt- heni rump lor lue , k-uil innm r. Alltntiou U c- pccially Invited to Iilnlelilc.v'i Pnlnit Iiiipruvc-d liiackit uud New Drop Check Yalvn, which can be v.itlutiuwii without ic iiioviiii: the I'ump or lii'liiil.'nir I lie Joint.. A'.mj, iho Copr I'hiiii.ber, whirh never cruek. or settle, and will nnliiist any olher. fcorssleby DeHlern evcryw li'ie. Suud lor (tulos;iic und J'lieo LW. ( HAS. . ULA X'. ItLKV , Mann l'.ieturer, ,V)0 C'oiiiineieu j PIiIIhiI u J i: WELliY, STKKLING SILVER Watches, Plated Goods Cutlery, CIocUh, Itrouies & ranty lloodi. July 13, 1873. I. I i; O It STO It E I I.l.Mlll.tt A.l FUMU niLLN. ThUd Street, mljolnbir fhllii. A Eri U. R.. tliiare North of tbo Cintrul Hotel, t-l NHLUV, FA. two 117. 1 T. CLKMKXT, IS prepared to furnish rry deieiiplion ofliiin. her ri-.piired hv th cUiim'tnl !' Ihc piitdii-. CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, PL' N Itl KV, l'A., UespictfullT invitiM the ut tent Ion of Retailers uml n hers, that he luiR on bund, aud will con stain ly keep ull kinds of MUlr.Hi.li AMI DOMESTIC I.HJl OHS, ; X her required hv th dnind of the piitJ l onsi-tinir ot rare Hramlie: tojjniae, Churry, llavlnn ull the hite.n Improved niMi lilnerv tor (linger, Uoeh. lle and Olurd. j niiimiraetiirlnir Limber, he is now readv lo Ull or- Wliiskii-s: I'nrc Kye Copper-litllled, Moi'"ii- : dcrs all kinds ul' , ' ... gi.hela, Apple ejul Nectar. 'FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS! l'L KE HOLLAND iIN ! j SASII, III.INDS MOL'LDlNfiS, VK-. : 'lYiiies: Ctminininc Wine, bherry, Port und I RANDAS, HHACKKTS, , Claret. : nnd ull kindx of Oriiaiiirnul Fernw lWork. Turn- Crab Cider, Champai:n Cider, X. T.. Hum, j inu of every dceription i.roiuinlv exccutciU AU-o, o N m r H S m CD ft O a. aCS KIM HQ BT XX J&MW WATCU. THAD. S. SHAiTNOW, Corner Market and Third Strer SUNBURY I'hix Wpitre is ICMrved for the AllVtnTIM MtNT OK PAINE & McCORMICK'S HA 1)AV A li E STO 11 E ' Slurket St., Nuobury, DEALER IX WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKWELUY ccfar, I STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Lhiiiorn which can be, found In I the city markets, which will be sold ut Wholr- eale unit Kettill. i.very article iruarauteed us re)ireMiitel. Also, a laijrelot of DKMIJOllNd and 1IOTVLE8, ulwuyu ou hand. tztf Orders proinptlj r.tteudej to, und yuMlc palronage rcFiwfll'ully tolieitcd i) NF.FF Suiiliiiry, July 3, ISO'1. ly. Ml Oi TUF. H1G HA It It Kit Knoi Ki'KIU AMI M MMI.lt. MILLINERY (iOODS FOR T. 1 UST opcued au eitenslve usiortmenl of It STRAW, MILLINKJ1V AND FAXCV COODS, coiiiprisiuis tho lalunl uud nmi uttructivv'btyleii fcilectud with cam from I lie luinlinir Impoiliu;.' housed in New York nud 1'hiludclpUia, and lidapled for the present Keumu. RIbUONS AND FLOWERS In great variety, u general nmorlmcnt of ncck- tie., ornaments for saciiie. 1 RIM MI N(i 8 OF A I.L KINDS. , (loves, Colliiiti, Cutl'e, uud every fubhionable in tide of ladies' wear. Cull mid see the new fly lei of Goods ut VISSL. 6IllS8LV.lt, . Market buure, Sunbury, I'u. April '.'0, 1S73. C-lUAVF4ltl IIOIXi:, Cor. Third und J Mulberry, Uu.iue.s Ccutre, Willluiuspoit, 1'n. D. Ii. A CO., Froprlctor. June 2.1, IS:!. -8 THE SHOP OF TIIK TOWN and lontf X 1ms been j ntk hittoi y and she will tell you Men hnve jrrow u old in our patronage llabies on their mothers' breast To liouneiii; boy at luy i And youths by niai.lens fair caressed. To slnlwart men with cares oppressed, And old liieu silver gray. And anion j the lion ored and lasting Impres sions of time, aud the crush of rerolutlons in circumstances, we Hand u livinir monumtulnl I'a. SH.ly ! "ll"" uiooi nit iniieiiuiiy unu pertcveraueo up- - - - , "T-niioniiH in i iii iiiviimi., oi ro;irbsioii, I'lyiuj; vnr vocation wild the Ulghtsl style or art and I perfection, and iispiiinjr to achieve the highest i reward of uieilt nttainalile in our bnrable cap.ici I ly, und the seiitlmeiit of respect und approbation I which the preseuee of superior applinuees and cs I lahlishiiicnt ure always w ont to inspire. Always to please We shovu with ease i Cut and comb with taste the bnlr i Shuinpoo the head with soothing cure, And color the whl.kers black or browu, ' To suit the people about His tow n. I Theu ullow me politely request you to stop, And uot go past nor from urouud our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as ! some have doue for our use of the ballot for prin ciple suercd uud right uor uuder tho common I secret und Invidious guise of euinlty t complex- I ioo for the cut of a man's coat, or the oolor of 1,1. .Lin . - ..- . .... ... 1 , ..Mfiii. iu Rutei ui. iiMiuiurss uor Ids qualifications. A fair chance is ull that we detnuud, to ftive the proof to all the land. -JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor, Suntiuiy, April 5, 1VT3 j No. 91, Market St. MXKlltY M A It III. K TIKI), Foil rlli Street Iielow Murkel, S U - 15 U R Y, P E X X A. riHE unilersinued has returned from the Ver X inonl Marble. Cjtiurrict with 3B Tous of Maible tor 'Wi. .MoiiiimeiilN. t.rat e-MoufN. &c, &.c. He has bought ut such figures that w ill ullow- him to sell better stone, tor less money, t ha u heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls MarWo, which is bitter than Italian. Rutland Is uow sold as low us the Miinche.ter. Those w ho need anything In the Marble line, for Monuments, Grnve-Stoiies, or other purposes, will Uud It lo their interest lo cull uud examine, this largo stock, ns belter tiarifains can be secur ed than buy-lug from parties 'huckstering round the country. All lclterliiK will be done in the iieHtest and most. Improved style. W. M. DAfGHERTY, Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1H73. A LAIll.K Ab-OIITSIkVT IK RILL LUMREll. HEMLOCK nnd FINE. Also, Shingles, I'lekets, I.uthe, c. 1 1 . . Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv lUilrotu or otherwibe. IRA T. CLKMLNX. , deelO-OSili- ., ' KKKI IT IIAMV. . ' Tint ltri.iAiN.K Ftiii.r Mkoh ixr. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, Suiiime. Complainl, Crumps, etc., quickly cured bjr the ue of i ,.",. JAHDF.LI.A'S Compound Syrup of liiacUherry Root nud Rl barb. An old. well tried reiiiedy. eatlrcly veotablo, pleasant lo I. ike, quick nnd eel lain iu ettext j cuu bu depended on iu the mo.-l mtunt cases may be given to the youngest iulant a. -well its to udults. It contains . NO CAMPHOR OR O PI I'M. It Is 11 pleasant c. tract and readily tnVeii iy children. It lias often saved lifo w Ihii phyoi- . ciuus had despaired. Keep it Id tbe bouse aud I use iu time. All we ask fur it is a trial. Don't I Id your (Idler put you oil with koiuutblog else. I buy it. Try it. Sold by Drugirists uud Store j Keepers throughout this Slate. Prepared onlv by llAXbKM, BRO., June 1 V73-3IH. -000 .Murkul St., I'hlludoiuhlu. PA.., AXD SILYEKWAKE. 1 c s . Tlicso Ixnses are manufactured from Minute Crystait.W". -wiled by fuaion, and derivo their name ''Diamond," on account of t' .'.-! hnrdtisss and brilliancy. The scientific principal ou which they are c xi'tructcd, prevents all glimmering aud wavering of Siht, Dizziness, Ac, peculiar to. ill othur in usc Superior to Scotch or Urazilian Pebbles at lr :SS than half u. oriee. They are mounted iu tbe Jinast manner, r t our own manufaci.ry, in nn gtylcs ol Gald, Silrer, Steel, Rubber aud Shell Frame of the best quality. Manufactured by The Spencer Optical A ianufacturing Company. (Successor to J E. Siencer & Co., in the Optica' D A!partmcut.) Xew York aud Xew Haven. Tor Sale onli by , , ' - . THAOOF.t N H- Nil t!.0.. ' Suubury, Pa.fMuy "l, Wi. ' 1307. RtGHTER dt GASKILL, 1307. HEALKKS IN American anl French Winflow Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rough Plate, Colored, JEusuieltd aud Ornamental Olass, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1873. ly. armrXif.iiKrr?rz '-WW-'risS. " - in m, TiWwsrf-'' V i Scud for Illustrated Catalogue aud examine out prices bclore purehusiug, as we claim lo sell lower than uuy other e.lablislnnent iu the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, l'.'0 RIDGE AVENUE, Vhlltidelphla. . jsr-. atX OPFMSU of ' ' DRY GOODS AXD XOTIOXS. Cloths, Casslnieres, Calicos, aud everything la the l'ry Good line. CAR FITS AND OILCLOTHS. C vueeosw-uro, Glassware, and Wood aud Willow ware. GROCERIES. . large assortment just oH!ued, which consists o f Tea, Cgllivt ttgar, Mulusses, Spices, Meat, "bit, Ac. The Celebrated Alleulow u baud mude : HOOTS AMD B1IOES. War ranted to gire autlsfuctloa. In fact a full Msor. tment of everyttihig kept in a Iral-dnse store, vua Ik " bad at greatly r .' . BEDUCED PRICES. GEO. ETANS. E. G. MAfZE. Cull uud see tho One selection of uew e coDTlnccd that ' for cash, goods, aud t It. I J IsBlBWD'H,! 'i I ' uear the LsVn hi Bsuburjr, ts the best un4 ckcuu llttC t. ) buy alt kinds of store iroods. Nfoublo to su sow goods. AprU 5,--'?- , ' wi fARKOSi, BOM No .(pulsiECOND Street, below vn K,Vl.'Gll. . W. . CRfcAt 1H Junufacturers of Ktrrt-CUas FtKNlTWKE. l'rlcefeoiiable, Fleaee call and owmh POCK, ED. E&3, ' Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Sttrct, I'liilntU-liili'm, ' TAILORS Slid MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, IUod k Firo Orpiuizatiinia "I " ... I'rotnptly ualfornicU. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Ouri being tbe lending hoese oo Military work, we fuel that we cau ofler luducxuteuts which ran uot be oltalued anywhore else. Aug. 24, lf3. i . $5 to $20, lair day I A coots Wauled I All classes of worklug ueoplu, of either sex, youug or old, make nioro niowry at work fur us iu their spar moments r ail the lluio' I Usb at aovlulsg els, rartieulare free. Address, . Gx T1NS)N A CO., 811 ly. - Fori laud, Maiue, NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BJpL Suntof , Fa. J)I(. C M. MA11TIN & CO. "yy X are now opening an entirely new stock " TDHUtiS AXD MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any article iu our line llmt inav be railed for, we have also a full stock of all the leading Patent Medicines. Flue Perfu mery aud Toilet Articles a sH.flallty, a full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, frhoe and other Brushes, Dmssluu nud other Combs lu Kicat, Turiety. ' I X K TO I LET NO 1 VS. a full line Ctjoklui; Exlrarts, French Mustard, Chetoe Spices, Feppcr whole or ground, Custilo aud Lauudry Soups, ljimp C himneys uud ljimp Goods Kenerully. Bird Seed in luro or small quautllirs, CARPEXTE1PS CHALK, fill stock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Kllxtrs und Fills Of V. F., Suuar Coaled, StreuKtheuini;, Arulra, 1'orous. I'oor Mail's aud other Flusters, Ayer'a, Wright's, Scbenh's Mandrake, Mi Lane's Urer und other Fills, our stock euibniees every thing found hi a well conducted Drnsf Store. Cennlry Fhyslduna will Ibid our stock full aud complete, uiid we guarantee lo sell nslowas the same articles ran be bought in Fhlludclphia, choice Wiuca, hlskey and Bramly lor Mcilietu-- at purposes, Oelol her i lT3.