Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 12, 1873, Image 3

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    nnbtttjp American.
' "SUNBURT, SEPTEMBEIl' 12, 1873.""
Sbwinw Maciiinbs .and Cottaob Oboaws.
A Caroline Dalius M the agent for the sale of
the best Scylng Machines In existence. Tin 1 'The
Improved' Grover Baker, end 'Domestic,'
which nre constanttyltept on hand, end sold nt
reasonable prices. She In aIbo agent for the idle
of the celebrated 'Silver Tongue Organs,' and the
. 'Bay Bute Organs,' nnd for the sale of the
Fra'nti Popo Knitting Machine. Call and see
them. Ofllco on Market street, east of the rail,
Tnn Improved Grovbr Baker Skwiwo Ma
enma. These celebrated lunchlncs are offered
at the most reasonable rate. For pnrtlcnlnrs
apply to . D. O. KUTZ, A (rent.
Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
Second nani (lunos for sale or rent at reason
able rates. Inquire nt this office. ....
i ,' . Don't pay two price-when you can petfoods
nt a small profit. At" D. A. Finney's' id ore,
Mftket street bot ontfirlcejirevalls, and floods
of the best quality can tie purchased nt aston
ishingly low prices. His stock consists of every
variety ot Dry Goods,- Press Goods, Groceries,
Notions, Boots and Shoes, and Jewelry. The
assortment Is complete,' being selected with the
greatest care. No charges. Are made to show
geods In fact It Is a plearnre to Mr. Finney to
how what a handsome stock; he hat on rtfind.
Ladies and gentlemen "artfnvltcd to caff and
make a full Sxatnlutfllon before bnylng-eJee-where.
'"- s.
Win. IT. MiLlbb, of the Excelsior Boot Shoe
Store, Is astonishing 'aerytiody' with Ula.low
prices ITe kcepl the 4est-iiinnufacturcd. ' His
stock consists of the largest Tariety In central
Pennsylvania.; Trunk and Valises of all sires,
are for sale at Ills store. .
ii T. Sc&affkr, well knoTn ns a furnisher of
elegantly JUtlng suits, takes the lead in merchant
tailoring.- His stock of cloths and casslmeres
nre not eiryolled anywkcra. "'The work made up
at iris short Is fit fubbljintlal, and. warranted to
Kive satisfaction:' '
JCdgb BocKkFH.i.KKI)ns been presiding at the
courts of tMlnton county during the past week.
- .
John S.-Mahsh luifc Jii6tJi'turncd tmm tko
city and isiofleriujr a. large stock of FaU-and
Wluter clothing, lower tu price than lust season,
beautiful stylos and makes, call and soo them
El npson Building, Market Square, SiitibnrTj Pa.
Joseph K. Siiaiip, Esq.", for many year an
employee of tho Northcth Central railroad com
pany, 11 ml for the pastfew years Supt. of the
Susquehanna ami Shatuokln divisions of the
above road, has tendered his resignation, nml
has accepted a positien on tho Baltimore mid
Potomac railrnud.
Anotiibu tribe of Indians last week became
extinct. Tt was iu Rhode Isluud. The Coron
ers Jury, WLhlch "sot" on bis remains said whisky
did it.
Tub Upper Dauphin "Agricultural fair wilt be
hold at Millcrsburg on Uie 10th, 17th, 1 St U and
ltftU Inst.
The Democratic Senatorial Conference met at
Lewlsburgfon the 9lh just., and unanimously
nominated tho lion. Andrew Dill, of Union
county, as the candidate for the 17th district.
Several of the emyloyecs on the Shamokln
Valley Railroad, stopped work on account of
having too hard a run. 6iucc the new arrange
ments, two trips a day are made. Several
smush-ups have occurred on that road lately.
Piles of boxes containing Boots aud Shoes ar
rived a few days ugo, at W. II. Miller's Excel
sior store In Sunbury. Every variety, aud tons
of Boots and Shoes may be found at the Excel
siur. The best tnukc Iu the United Slates are
sold at reasonable prices. Particular attention
Is paid to the selecting of ladies' Shoes, ami the
styles nre constantly arriving to keep up his
Mammoth stock.
Tiir professional card of Dr. C. M. Martiu,
In another part of this paper hits becu changed,
iu this issue. Asa physician the Doctor ranks
aiming the highest, and needs no recommenda
tion wherever he is kuown.
Tiir Sheriff on Mouday disposed of the follow
ing properties :
Bethany Church iu Lewis twp., to John Knouf,
lor (234. -
Geo. Lyon,s properly, on Front street, Sun
bnry, to W. C. Packer, for 4,101. !'
Campbell property, WaUontown. Jo C. S. James.
Sunbury Lyceum loVtb J. Beasholtx for
Tbb Union Park and Agricultural Association
Fair at Sunbury, Is being talked about every
where iu the county. The premium list Is pub
lished iu another part of this paper, and It will be
aeeu is the largest, and offers more inducements
than auy yet published iu this part at the s.ats.
The judges ol the different department will be
published und furnished an the fair ground at
the time of holding fair. ".
Mbksus. H. C. Srasiioltz and J. KiTZ, are
now engaged in erecting a Portable Saw Mill,
with an engine of 30 horsepower, on the Uohr
bach lot a few hundred yards above the Shamokln
Dum. They intend to saw to order fur iudivl
duals aud the boom company, until winter sets
in, whi n tbey purpose to build a Steam Saw Mill,
Minb Accident. tin Monday, at the Bum-
side colliery, Joel Dressier, a .laborer, was in
stantly killed by a fall of top In the gangway.
He was aged about 23 years, and leaves a wife.
1 Z
Au Inquest was held y Corner Husser an'
veiaiei in aecoruaiice wnn tne uus, reuocrcu.--
Conookb Grapes. Wc are Indebted to Dr.
Jos. Eyster for box of ace Concord grapes rais
ed iu his vine yard in Upper Aum1 j?'?-
Dr. Eyster has pknted a Urge viueard, and
judging tbe specimen of ths first crop, be wilj he
able to supply our market with as Ipe rrdpes
nre raised In the Stats. The Doctor Is now sup
plying many of tiurditlzeus with this, splendid
Paid Orr The Judgment held by tfce Conuly
airalust the Borough of Sunbury was paid In full
on last week. Tbe Judgment wee obtained on
the Borough authorities for the building of the
new Court House, aud subsequently tried in the
Sunreuie Court SI to U validity. The debt and
(Merest amounted to nearly six thousand dollars
En. T. DKCMUBI.IER, fcroprfotor of the City
Hotel, has a new and beautifully finished amnl
bms munlng from his betel to the depot on the
rrtral of every train. It was mannfaeured by
J. F. Lereh, of this place, aaeVIs a oe piece of
workmanship. It Is very creditable to tbe builder
as well as tbe proprietor. The CHj Hotel is
first els house, and Its' guests nil agree that
Druuihcller "knows how to Veen a hotel.
. i ti-ahl to
morning .cUB.-.- - -
srapty coal tralo, ran luW to w wh- , imui.rt lonlo for patients recov-
atn. rfnd' Wile ber lustanllf. " Io" (fif-ags I . . . Mher (ickoaMt H has no
rcsuTtod to (te enclue of any ol the men 6
trMn. Siinseors war, Hirownfm lbs track!
Bamcv is Coming. Bornnm, acknowledged
to Ve the greatest showman In the world, will
visit Sunbnry for .the first time next month.whcn
he will exhibit his big show. Mr. Barnum has
been on western tour, and It appears is drawing
Immense rowdi everywhere." The following ex
trnet from the Chicago Trllnmt of the 23d lint.,
will convey some idea how his show Is appreci
ated In the West i
bahnum's snow. .
Baranm's Mg show continues to draw nf
mense crowds tnmnlng afternoon and evening of
each dnv. Everybody scams to have gone or ta
bs rnlngi and the audience yesterday filled tbs
scats to their utmost capacity. It may not bo
generally known that there are two rings where
performances tnko place simultaneously. The
difficulty about It Is that It takes a cross-eyed
man to take In both exhibitions at the same
time. Still there Is diversity, and when the ob
server set tlrad of looking at one, If It be possi
ble to get tired, he Can relieve his mind by level
ing his eyes on the other. The most rigid dlscl-
1llno seems to pervade the entire establishment,
t runs with the precision of a well regulated
machine. Every man U In his plana at tbe pro
per Instant, and so Is every antral. There art
no breaks or gaps ) everything works smooth
and easy. The museum and menagerie are full
of pcoplo from morning to nlgbt, and It takes
hours to give the curiosities, living and dead, tbe
careful study they deserve. The attendants are
courteous and polite. To bo so is one of the
qualifications required of tbsm before receiving
an appointment. Tbey answer all questions
civilly, and Impart much useful and Interesting
knowledge. There is no such thing as profani
ty or unbecoming language among the 600 em
plovees. It is not allowed, and would be punish
ed by Instant dismissal.. This Is right, and Mr.
Barnum, In compelling decency in language and
conduct among his attaches, has done much to
cilcvato the standard of olrcus exhibitions.
Thera wilf b but twrvdiiT (toots at the sJisw and
thtrt flte cars f An.' will Weill: its way towards the
BRsl.' tt'keraVsri It gt's : Believe It will bo
io the representations made In the bills. In the
meantime those who have not seen It should go
whilo there Is yet tlme.i ' , .
Violation or tub Market Ordisascb. Mr.
nirntn DrtlsWs, of this place, was prosecated
hist Week for vldiatflig (he Market UrdlniAiac In
baying a load of melptsdurlnp market hflurs, for
tho purpose .of i aJJlug thorn- lie was taken be
fore Esquire Purse! and entered ball for a hcar
lug to-day (Friday.) A fish and ham hawkef
was ahx) arrested and lined for peddling goods
daring market hours.' Theso parties werearlcst
cd nt the instance of the market clerk, who Is de
termined to enforce the Ordinance. It Is no more
thau just toj put a stop to theso violations of the
law, in order to protect both the producer and
consumer. - If one is allowed to peddle through
to wu while others aro compelled to remain in
market until 0 o'clock, our mniketa will soon
be ruined, and great Imposition would be the re
sult. The market laws are liberul iu our opln.
i on, jiLd we see no tiucessity for their violation.
Those who attend market with a view of abiding
by the law, should be fully protected from being
imposed upon.
P. T Baiim u to the Pibuc. A rumor
originating with, and lujusiilouslyxlrciilales by
unserupalous rtbowmcn--huriug g ilued some
credence, that I would divide my Great Travel
ing Exhibition oii leaving Boston, I beg to state
that such an idcii bns never been entertained for
a moment. The vat enterprise involving a
cost or vnt million flrt hundred t Aotuuiid dullari
is Ilia crowning event of my managerial life, and,
all hough acting ugaiuat the ttU vice of ntuuy ex
perienced showmen, 1 shall adhere to my deter-uiliiatioii-Utkeep
the monster coinbiiMtiou intact
during thstnlire s'eusou. The public's oliedient
servaut, - - P. T. BAKNUM.
P. T. Bahni-m to tub L'rnuc, KiUter AmtH
tam In cunsequenet of tho Imaicose ttirougs
that have crowded my' exhibitions daily siuce
leaving New. York, thousands being Invariably
turned away for want of room, I nm admonished
that my Manager has made a mistake iu arrang
ing for one day only In your city. As, however,
we are advertised three months iu advance, it Is
impossible to mnke any change at this late dty.
In view of this, I would respectfully urge ladles,
children, and all who can do so to attend the 10
a. ui. exhibitions, as those are rarely crowded,
our performers aud animals are fresh, and the
entertainments are iu every respect as full aud
coinpletcte ns those in the ufteruoon or evening.
Tbe public's obedicut servant, P. T. BAKNUM.
Sckihnrh's Monthly. The' September num
ber of this excellent monthly, is not only filled
with useful and interesting Information, but it is
illustrated on almost every page ith well execut
ed cngiaviiiL'S. Arthur Boniilcaslle, an excellent
serial, by Dr. Hollujid, the editor, which has
been most justly 'commended by the Press, is
drawing to a close. The secoud number of Bret
Iluite's story, "An Episode of Flddletown," is
continued in this number.
"The C'ruUe among the Azores" is an article
fully illustrated, us is also "Central Park, be
sides a number of other interesting articles.
Bouornii ArniT. Tho borough Auditors beg
leave respectfully to represent that' they met at
the store George B. Cudwullader, on tbe Cath
and 2iltb days of AuKUtt, 1873, for the pur pot o
of settling the account ofE. M. Bucher, Esq.,
late Borough Treasurer. Mr. Buclier was pre
sent with his books and vouchers, and the set
tlement of his acconnt U as follows i
Date of last settlement, Oct. 20. 1H71.
,i; of offlre July 13, 1874
Oct. 20, l$71, balance due him a' :
per lust settlement
Went ont
'' l.i l.t
(139 23
..S,22S 29
July l'J, 1872 by poor orders cashed..
By bonds eushed ,
.5,200 09
By coupons nin orougU cashed.
By commission, a per cent on.....
57 , ' .
t- 461 6U
157 05
Total , fS,194 05
DR. l
To cash and orders and coupons' '
ree'd from Collector ',833 10
To cash received from market...
clerk as
jo ens irom firs, punnet, two ;
. years' rwit.; ii.'.- . .
To cash from James Boyd, wharf
rent for 1871 ......n......
To cash fioin Grant it liro.,.,.... 3
whurl rent for 1871 and 1873.
To cash from Val. Diets, wharf
(' I
. reut w 1871 ond
To coin froui ooiomon V caver,
tu collector ,...
7,893 tl
300 24
alance due Treasurer JJ"
8,m 0 -
total.- , . ... th. orders
t Your
and msrked all tbe stubs
but about
I Miuiwmf. ana mrw .
?'500 worth of poor order stubs that could not
ffrmI Te Inditors takt pleasure in saying
. . Tl: n.'X.,, hnH tl his accounts In good
J-a''- Bucher bad all his accounts
order j was PI " "T"0
retires irom mo umw .
Auditors. .'....
; ! I , V P.,Cawa"-
Oh-matloo of W. L. Dewart, 11 was
Rad, That an order be drawu Jr
.1.4 IaJp llr HP VW WU" "
surer. AaopUd.
iv .t. us a beautllUl.oil wnroiuo.
.z ,v,. Vnniia from a ve-
WJXZliCurt W Cap-
: ., .....k rv;." nd "South Dome,
Cloud's ReVotV. Merced River, the -Bridal
Veil Fall."W many minor details beautiful in
tberoseles wblcn we oav. ri;
This Chromo was recenny r-Ti.
8. E.8UI TBS, publisher and proprietor of Wood s
premium the pleiure may bs obtained b
to the above Urm U briptiu M
ID Di'lsllWf'W . .7 i mtA
i annmmAnfl HIT nMTl II D niBis.iuu
Chroma offered in this combination, aud add our
hMitf aSoracracni so in paviwuer "r-
for promptness sua isir aeiuis.
T . a.o.tivi. noetta. Tudlcestlon
Dtpresslon or Spirits aud generul Debility, in virion fs. Ferro-bospomt4 t llxtf
ia I .f l?Ui md t Caswbll, Hasabb
V2L" -i Yisv all drumrl., t. the best
70 oq
20 00 ' .
' ; , i - 1 .
800 00
tV e(,Ufti. retaken durig;rhe season It prevents
fW SB sg olber mwrnnuen .cver.
TnoDSAnns batr hxrw Cn anokti by the use of
the Pcrnvlnn'Byrnp (a protoxide of Iron) from
weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong,
healthy and'b&ppy meu and women, and Invalids
cannot reasonably hesitate to give It a trial. For
Dyspepsia and Debility It Is a specific
The Great Discovery for the Immediate relief ft
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, . Braises,
Pains, Stiff Joints, Swellings, Inflammations,
Bunions, Catarrh, Ac, Ac. It will not grease
or stain, and for the toilet Is a luxury In every
family. Thousands will and now testify to its
great merits. Try K. Price per bottle 25 cents.
REUBEN 1IOYT, Prop'r 303 Greenwich St., N.
The Houitrhold raaarea,
JtMr and
Family Liniment
Is the best remedy In the world for the following
Complaints, via. t Cramps In the Limbs and Sto
mach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side,
Rheumatism in nil Its forms, Billions Colle.Neu
rnlgln, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh Wounds,
Burns, SoreThroat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
and Bruises, Chill and Fever. For Iitornal aud
External use. i '
Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes the cause of the complaint.
It penet rules and pervades the whole system, re
storing healthy action to all its parts, and quick
ening the blood.
The IfeaNeJioltl Paaaeea la purely
Vegetable and All Healing.
Prepared by
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
, For snlc by nil druggists.
July 13, 1873. ly.
Thirty Years' Experience ofaa Old
Itlrs Wlnalow'n Soothing ryrip fa
the prencriptlon at one of tl heat Female
Physicians and Nurses In the United States, and
has been nsed for thirty years with never failing
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble Infant of one week old
to the adult. It corrects scidlty of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and
gives rest, health and eomfort -to mother aud
child. We believe it to be the Best and Unrest
Remedy In the World, In nil esses of DYSEN
ther it arises from Teething or from any other
cause." Full directions for using will accompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simllc
of CURTIS & PERKINS Is on the outside wrap
perr Sold by all Medicine dealers.
Jnlv 12, 1878. lv.
K7i"jii7"h ART I M rOfUee Vn Drug
Store, Clement House Block, Office hours :
from 11 n. iu., to 1 p. ni.,nd from 6 to 9 p. m.,
nt all other hours, when not Professionally en
gaged can be found nt resld nco, corner of Fourth
and Penn street, SUNBURY, PA. Fartlculnr
attention given to surgical eases. Will visit
Patients either In towu or country.
Eistate of George Zerby Uee'd.
NOTICF. Is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the un
dersigned, on the estate of George Zerby, late of
Lower Mohanoy1 township, Northumberland
county. Pa., deceased. All pcrsous knowing
themsclcs Indebted to,sald estate are requested to
make Immediate yaynient, uud those having
claims to present them duly authenticated for
. ' : - G. A. BOTDORF, Adra'r.
Lower Mohanoy, Sept. 12. 6t.
J a the Orphans' Court OF NORTH
EHtale of Nary Ann Ilonnd, dee'd.
' 6ur,Arittf Partition. a .
, To Franklin Bound, William II. Bound, Julia,
Intermarried with H. C. Slcudmau, M. D. of
Miltliiiburg, Pa., Joseph B. Force and Phebe
Force, of Milton. Pa., children and heirs nt law
of Margarets Force, deceased, who was inter
married with Munson A. Force, also deceased,
and to all other heirs and legal representatives
of the said Mary Ann Bound, deceased.
Take Notice, That by vlrtuo of the above
Writ of Partition to me directed, an Inquisition
will he held upon tbe premises therein described,
on Thursday October Sd, 1873, at 9 o'clock, a.
tn., to ascertain and inquire among other things
whether the said premises caa be parted aud di
vided without prejudice to, or spoiling the whole
thereof, or otherwise to value and appraise the
same, when and where you may attend if you, sec
Respectfully, yours,
8. II. ROTHERMEL, Sh'ff.
ShcrllTs Office, Bunbury, Bcpt. 5, 1873. tt.
Execejtor'N Male of Heal Estate.
on the premises, in' Jordan township,
Northumberland county, on
Thursday, October 2d, 1&78,
The following property to wit i All that valuable
situate In Jordan townsutp.Northumbcrland co.,
Pa., on tbe public road leading from George
town to Klingerstowo, aud three miles from
Untontown, Dauphin conuty. bouuded as fol
lows i on the cast by lands of Geo. Wolf, on the
west by lands of Moses Wert, on the south by
lauds of William Eagle, on the north by lands of
Gabriel Adams, containing 40 acres and 67 per
ches, more oi less, wbereou Is -erected a
and all the necessary out-bulldlngs j a never
failing spring of water- ucar the house an or
chard with choice fruit, itc.. . .
The land, nearly all cleared, and in an excel-
f MeM.UUMr.tiH)ivtilon. Lute the property of
ueury it inner, ueccuocu.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. on said
day, when tbe conditions will be made known by
'- Executor or tbe Estate of Henry Winner, dec.
Jordan twp., Aug. 22, 1873.
Executor' Notice.
Estateof Ileury of Jordan tp, dec.
OTICE Is hereby grven, that letters testi-
tneutary have been granted to tbe under
signed on the eolats of Henry Wltmcr, late of
Jordan township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
deceased. All persous Indebted t auid estate,
are requested to make Immediate ymcut, aud
tbose having claims to present them for settle
ment. ' The undersigned will be at the residence of tbe
deceased on Thursday the 2d day of October,
1873, for the purpose of making final settlement
with all parties who niay be unable le make set
tlement before that time.
i Executor.
' Jordan twp., Aug. 15, 1873.
Worth aad lleanty
AVING voutroi,KMITi,
CHROMO, nor. .
. . r ttt T ItiA itiiiirtilflreDt
Offer a comoinaw"" "-.-,. .... -W. .
work, not IuJ11.1 raWJ
Thiti nn codt oi
Its dimensions, WM, inakln(S ".picture ot ver,
dcslrublo slse, in useu
AN i
grBuf fcwt2taSThl. besutiful Cbromo wl I J
uut rcw ""vie oi iu ' " .nd tuosOl
M aiiowuu vi i w
will be suli t Hielr
ACICAU aBTAII. FUICB, 8.00. it Ar In ennnectlsn with our Maea
sine, both will be furntahe4 for fl J0. 1
Asa Premium the picture may be obtamJ dI
sendine us la tob-HpOon, or 14 ilaaazUu t, or by subscribing tor ids .
two yaars to aavaucn, it - -----.
Kewburgbuss, .
8. B. B110TE3, PublUher. . i , N E,
Bent. S, 1873. , N. T.
iBextenslvs ...1) UNTRIlpri
- ortmeut of Bl. MllleaaVv
Mlfla L ' Fancy Goods, now or f,ulen8r'
ana opruig goods Is Uno.llv larss
Utiu bbcrllsfmoita
A CJIood Chance Hr n Cook Stove I
Third St, opposite the Central Hotel, Sunbury,
ANY person purchasing goods to tho nnintint
of 13 00 at letnll prices, for cash, will bo
entitled ton Ticket, for the drawing of a first
class No. 7. Cook Stove with all tho fixtures,
valued nt (HO, warranted to give sati fact ion.
Notice will be given pf the place and lime of
drawing through the papers. t
Buubnry.July 18, 1873. ' ' ' '; "
Improved Clover Machine,
Oreencnstle, Franklin Co., Pn.
Aug. 8, 1878. Smos.
Union Part &Airicultural Association,
S -CT 3ST B TJ 1 "T , J?J..,
Tuesday, AVcdncstlay, Thursday rind
October 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, 1873.
President Sol. MaHck. ..
Vice-rrcstdent Inn6 Camtibill.
Treasurer Geo. 13. U.idwallatkr.
Recording Secretary l'liilip II. Moore,
CorrcBptmdiug Secretary Lent. . Ship
man.' ,
Librarian Win. H. Sober.
Marshal Jacob M. Follruer.
Ixiwia John McFarlnnd.
iHiluware Joseph Nicely, Jr.
MeEwensville Wm. McNinch,
Turbutvillo---U. II. Driesbach.
Valsontown J. M. Follraer.
Turbut Wm. 'Waldron.
Milton J. II. McUormick, V. L. Ilack
enburg. Chillisquaquo Wm. Forseman.
f IV'ut Farnsworth ltced.
Northumberland A. E. Kapp, Jr.
Rush Edward (irmly.
Riversido David Clitre.
Upper Augusta 1. J. Overdorf.
Shamokin twp. Sol. Martz.
iower Augusta Elias Emmcrick.
Zerbc Lyman S. Weaver.
Cameron Ghas. H. lioyer.'
Little Mahanoy II. 11.
Upper Mahanoy Joseph R. Maurcr.
Jackson J. Galen Smith.
Jordan Elias Shaefcr.
Ixwer Mahanoy Augustus Wald.
Coal John Downey.
Bbamokin bor. Cant. A. Caldwell, Win.
F. Roth.
ML Carmel twp. John McElieco.
ML Carmel bor J. S McWilliams.
Washington Ilenry C. Fisher.
Snydertown John Moore.
Sunbury C. Neil, J. M. Bartholomew.
Your committee to . whom was referred
the duty of preparing Rules and Regula
tions and a Premium List for the first An
nual to held October 7th, 8th,
9th and 10th, .1873, respectfully report, we
have made as liberal a Premium List as
tho interest of the Society would warianl,
and have selected tho awarding committees
from the various sections of our county
with great care. Wo kindly ask the sup
port of our farmers, and all friends of tho
Society, in thut and odjoiuiog qouutiea, to
eive Ihir assistance, so we ruuko the exhi
bition an enliro success.
1st. Every Rule laid down iu the Pre
mium Liat will be strictly adhered to, aud
no exceptions whatever made.
2nd.-Coro petition is invited from all parts
oi the State, and in Agricultural Imple
ments from all tho States.
3rd. Eutries to compete for premiums,
must bo made on or before Tuesday 10
o'clock, unless the weather should bo un
favorable when tho privileges of the tirst
day shall bo extended until 10 o'clock-; on
Wednesday. No person whatever will be
allowed to see entries uutil of tho awards
ate made.
4th A premium may be awilrdcd to a
meritorious article, though not enumerated
in the list.
Slh. Premiums not called for within
thirty days after the uwurd, will be con
sidered forfeited.
6th. As appeals fiom awards of com
mittoea are not allowed, tbe committees
will see the necessity of great care in rend
ering their decisions.
7th. All qucstious respecting the trial
of speed, shall be determined by the Judges,
whose decision will bo govorned by the
Rules of the National Trotting Associa
tion', and bo final.
Hlh. The party entering thorough bred
stock, be required to furnish the committee
with authentic pedigrees.
9eh. The age of a liorso shall bo com
puted from the first day ol March of the
year in which he was foaled.
10th. No disorderly conduct of any
kind will be permitted. A police force will
be upou the grouud, sutlicicnt to prevent
the same, and seo all rules are observed.
11th. All Articles and Animals for Ex
hibition must be propely entered nt the
Business OQiee. The Grounds and Build
ings will be opened on Monday, lit!) of Oc
tober, to receive them ; aud trusty perspns
employed by the Society will n8fiigu them
places and guard tho Grounds. Nor cau
anything be removed from the Grounds till
Thursday afternoon, without written per
mission from tbe President.
12th. Premiums awunled to persons
residing out of the llornugh, will be paid
immediately on the close of the Fair, at
the Business OtHce on the Grounds, by tlie
Treasurer, and those to residents of the
lloroub, at his olllce, ou Monday and
iuesday following the bxhimtioa, ou pro-
untmnnt of h rjirl n.,ivi.l nt
exhibition will open on Tuesday,
V -.iober 7, 1873, and coutinuo Wednesday.
The wjU , - eJ g Iock
A. M., of each day, and at that time every
efflcer is required to bo at his post.
u o
Stalls for horses apd cattle, aud pens for
sheep and bogs, on exhibition, will bo
furnished free of charge ; also, liajr and
straw. Experienced hands will bo iu at
tendance, to care for stock durimr the ab
sence of tbe exhibitor.
Family tickets of admission will ccst one
dollar. Single tickets tivenl y-tlvo ceiits.
1. The committee will assemble for or
ganisation on YVeducsday insruing at 10
o'clock, and imiueUiatety proceed to busi
ness. Tbe President of the Society shall
be tx-ofllcio Cbiarman of the Committees,
OU up wacaaies, and decide all Uiepulud
2. premium may be awarded to an
article although there be no competition,
it it be specially meritorious.
3. Ueports of committees must be made
by Thursday morning at 12 o'clock.
Tlie Judges are especially requested to
be present for organisation at the appoint
ed time, as the snccess of the exhibition
depends very much upon their promptness.
Tlie Judges of animals will Lave regard
to the symmetry, early maturity, size and
general qualities characteristic of the
breeds which thr-y judge. They will make
duo allowance for age, feeding and other
circumstances on tho character and condi
tion of tho animal. They will give en
courngementto overfed Animals, nor award
Premiums for Hulls. Cows or Heifers,
which shall appear to have been fattened,
tor uuiciiers ; (except lut uatue in uihrs )
tho object being to have suiwrior animals
of this description for Breeding:
Ret Ptnllloti kept Id the County, (15
Best Mure, ' 10
Beet Horse Colt, bctireen two end three years, 8
Host liorso Colt, between one and two years, 5
Best Bucking Coit, 8
Bct 8tnltlon over four yesrs, f 10
Bunt Stulllon under fouryenr, 8
Bent Horse Colt between two and tlircc, 6
Bnt HorPcColt between onetind two years, 6
Best Marc Colt between ono and two years, ft
Bust Sucklnir Colt, 3
Persons competing for premiums for Blooded
Cuttle muft iircscn pedigrees or written guui en
ters of purity of stof k, In each of the following
named breeds, viz i Tlie Durhnni, (short born),
Devon, Ayrshire, Aldurncy, Hereford and Hoi
st cin t
Uet Blooded Bull, 10
" Common " 8
" Blooded Cow, 8
" Common " 6
' Blooded HcfTer, 6
" Common " . - " - 3
" Blooded Calf, 8
" Common " 1.50
WOHK oxbs, -
Best yoke of Oxen, ' B
Best lot fat Cuttle 3 or more, ' 5
Stallion, Mara and Colt. For Iltavy Draught.
Best Stallion, 4 yonrs old and upward, (30
lietit Stallion under 4 years, 8
Best Brood Marc, 10
Best Colt between 8 and 4 years, 0
Best Colt between 3 and 8 years, ft
Best Colt under 1 year, S
Draught Hornet, Jack and ATulet.
Best pair Draught Horses or Mares, . $10
Second best 5
Best Hinglo Draught Horse or Mare, ft
Best Jack, 6
Best Team Mules, . 10
Best Jack Colt. 5
" Mulo " 8
Stallion, Mart anil Colt. For Quick DratgM.
Best Stallion 4 yenrs and upwards, (10
Best Stallion under 4 years, It)
Best Brood Mare, 10
Best Colt between 2 and 3 years, 4
Best Colt between 1 aud 3 years, 3
Bcbt Colt under 1 year, 2
CLASS 5. .
Jlfntched Hornet, Gelding and .Vara.
Best pair Carrhieo Horses,
Best for Single Harness,
Best Saddle Horse or Marc,
Fastest walking Saddlo Horse or Marc,
t3?Trll of speed every day. Liberal
niiuins ollerud, und will be announced in another
Fimd Wooled.
For best Buck,
Best Pen of Ewes, (not less than 3)
Best Pen of Lnmbs, (not less than 4)
Long Wooled.
For best Buek,
Best Pen of Ewes, (not less tlian 3)
Bust Peu of Lambs, (not less than 4)
Xative or 3fired Mood.
For best Buck,
Best Pen of Ewes, (not 1cb than 3)
Best Pun of Lambs, (not less than 4)
Large Brred.
For best Boar orer 2 years old,
Best Boar, 1 year old.
Host breeding Sow over two years,
Best breeding Sow, one year,"
Best pair Slioats,
Best lot of Pi;:, not less limn four, under
six months,
Best Sow and Pips not less than six,
Best Pair Turkeys,
" " C.cese,
" " Ducks.
" " Came Clitokcns, or other variety,
each pulr, fa
" " Common "
" collection of chickens not less than six,
" coop of tunio Pigeous, 5 or more,
" pair Pea Fow ls,
" " Guinea "
" Coop of Rabbits,
" " " Maltese Cats, ,
Best Plowmnn,
" lies per, witU sclf-rakiuc and kindini;
Mowing aud Reaping Machine combined, 3
" Hca)er,
" Sweep C Horse Power, .
" four Horse power,
" Railway,
"-Threshing Machine, four hursc-power,
" Supurator, 8 horse power,
" Porlublo lluy pre,
" Corn Slieller, liorso Power,
" Clover Huller oud Cleaner,
" Corn uud Cob Crusher,
" Agricultural Boiler for slock,
" Portable Steam Engluc for general pur
poses, " Portable Steam Saw Mill,
Best Fanning Mill,
" Corn Stalk Cutter,
" Huy and Straw Cutter,
" Vegetable Culler,
" Corn Cultivator,
" (iniln Drill,
"Small Seed Planter, for Horse, or Hum!
Power, tor hills or drills,
" Coin Planter,
" t ultivutor for general purposes,
" Broad cast Sower for Grain,
" Roller for general use,
" Hay-loadiug inaehlne for Held use,
" Implement aud llxture for lifting hay or
straw from wagon to mow,
" Hay Tedder, or Machine for turning
or spreading hay on tho Held,
Best Farm Wagon, (5
" Horse Cart for Farm, It
" Ox Cart, S
" Hay Rigging, 1
" Horns Rukc, .1
" Plow Gears, 1
" Wagon Harness for Farm, 'i
" Carl Gears, ' 1
" Farm Saddle, 1
" Two-Horso Plow, 1
Bub soil, 1
" Gang Plow, 1
" Farm Chopping Mill, 8
" Stuuip Fxtruclor, 5
Wheel-Barrow, 1
Harrow, 1
M l.imu Spreader, 'i
Road uud Track Scraper, 1
" llnaikug Muchlue horse-power, 4
Potato Digger, 1
" Machine lor cutting off aud shocking
Corn lu ths Held, (llono 1'ower,) 5'
For best urrangemeuts for raising water, (I
" Welgblug Machine for general purposes, 8
' Portable Cider Mill and Press, 8
doxen Flour Barrels,
" Variety of Cooper Work, 1
" Cow Milker, (other thau one hand,) 8
" Post hole digger, 1
" Best Churu, 1
m Sutler Workor, 1.
" Clieese Press, 1
" 13 Milk Pans, 1
" Milk Biraiuer,
- Washing Machine, 1
" Graiu Cradle,
Sevthe Snatbe aud Bcyths,' 1
" 6 llaud Hakes, 1
" Hay Forks, 1
Aes, V
41 Manure Forlts',- 1
Long-Handled Shovels, 1
" bhurl Haulllcd thovcls,' 1
' Spades,
" Com linos,
" Lot of Grain Mcnsnres,
Lot of Wire lied Brooms,
' Lut of Twine llefl, Brooms,
' " U down Corn Baskets, (bushel)
" Meal Clinpper,
" Clothes Wrlnner,
" Invention for securing the run of water
In drains, a
Under this general head arc Included all new
inventions, nud mnchlnery not ennnipratcd In
any of the classes, and on which the yudges are
authorised in theirdiscrctlon to award premiums
or diplomas, or mukn honornbl mention.
lFor Sewlna-and Knitting Machines and
Musical Instruments, tho Managers offer no
Premiums, but Invlle nil to exhibit, and let every
machine stand on Its own merits.
Best barrel family flour, 4
" " rye flour, , j
" Corn-Menl, not less than 35 pounds, 1
" Buckwheat-Meal, not less than 25
pounds, o
" Ono bushel white whcnl of any vnricly 1
" Ono bushel road wheat of any varictv. 2
. t . ...... 1 . ..1 nnji.. .
", 1
" VellowC-irn, 1
" Whlto flint Corn. 1
" " (mis, 1
" " ' Unrlcy, 1
" " ( lover sced, j
" " Timthv-sccd, 1
" " Buckwheat, 1
" sample newly Introduced eram, vnlunhlo
- to the farmer, not less than one bushel 1
Grain and Seeds to bo measured and weighed
by the Judges. B
fLAg 13. vrnETAM.rti.
Bert hu'licl potatoes, (Morcer.) Pi
" " " . (l'lnk-t'ic) 1
" " Sweet Potatoes, 1
" " Potatoes auy other vnvlcty 1
" " Field Turnips, 1
" " RntaBagn, j
" " iSugnr Beets,
" peck Beets any other voi let v, 1
" " Carrots, 1
" " Onions, i
" " Parsnips, x
5 best stalks of Celery, 1
nenrts nruiulitlnwcr, . 1
white table. Turnips, 1
heads of Cabbage, 1
heads Broccoli, 1
and largest Sweet Pumpkins, 1
and largest Flelil 1
Best purplo Egg Plant, 1
nan pceK t,inia Beans, 1
" Garden Sunshes, 1
" sample of newly Introduced Vegeta
bles, valuable for the tnbio, 1
Mammoth Bijuasb, 1
cuss If). ritriTs:
For the lnrgeft and best exhibition or
Apples, correctly labeled and
not less than 8 specimens of each 4
Best assorted basket or dish of Apples, 1
or Greatest number of choice vaiitics
of Peaches, 4 of each variety, with tho
nnme, g
" assorted basket or dish of Peaches, 1
Largest nnd best varieties of Pears named
and labeled, not less thuu 4 of each, 1
Best basket or dish of Pears, 1
" " " Quinces, 1
collection of Plums, 6 of each 1
" " " Grapes growu In the
open air, 1
" of each distinct variety, 1
' specimen of Musk Melons, 1
" basket of Fruit, of all kinds, 1
All fruits offered In compctiun must be growu
by tlie. competitor.
CIUKil ANU L'ullllAL9.
Best 1 lbs. Duller, (to
" Clieess, i
" " homemade. 1
5 lbs. Honey, 1
" Boe Hive, j
" Decanter of Sorghum Syrup (not less
than a quart,) in mle by I ho Exhibitor . 1
" Specimun of hoino-iuudo Whio, 1
" " Bounce, 1
" ' " Cordial 1
" Bottled Cider, with mode of curing so
ns to Keep sweet one var, 1
" 6 lbs. dried fruit each kind, 1
" " Bologna Sausage, 1
" Wuter Cracker,
Fthihitrd by the Manufacturer.
Best two-horse pleasure Carriage, $5
one-horse Carriage, Bugy and Hunting
Wagon each, 5
" two-horse Sleigh, ft
" one-horse " 3
" double set Curriago Harness, 5
" Single set Carriage llurncus, !
' Riding Saddle, 1
" " Bridle, 1
" Lot of Sole, Harness nnd Upper
Leather, each, 1
" Lot of Call" Skins dressed, 1
A diploma may bo awarded for articles com
ing w ithin this class, not euuiuuraUd above.
Best ('(Hiking stove for coal, (3
" Cooking stove for wood, S
" Range lor families, 5
" Furuanec or other apparatus for
warming houses, 5
Ornamental Parlor Stove, 3
" Sample Hollow Ware, 1
" Sample Iron Railing, 2
Best Exhibition of Jewelry uud Silverware (S
" Exhibition or Table Cutlery, :i
" Exhibition of Glisti ware, 2
' Stt ut Chluunaic, 2
" Set of Stoneware, 2
" DUplny of Lamps, 1
" i Chairs, 1
" Set ol Cottage Furuiturc, 1
" " ChaiulKT " 1
" Displ .iy of Cabiiiet Ware, 1
" " "Ru.licWoik, 1
Best display of Hats aud Cup',
" Mado Coots,
" " Paululoons,
" Vest,
" Boots and Shoes,
For bust lot of Cigurj,
.. it Tobacco,
Best display of Drawing Hiid Paintings,
" display of reJics nud curiosities, .
" Water Color Painting,
" Craynu or Pinell Drawing,
" Display of Photmriaplis,
Display of lleiillftry.
Sign nnd Ornamental Painting, S
" Display M-irhlu Work,
" " ivnmaiistilp,
' (irannite or sand lone, woik, i
" Card or laney Pilnting, 5
" Papjr Hangings, . 1
Best display of Dry Goods,
' 14 yards' Woolen Curpeling,
" n " Rag
" Hearth Rug,
" Double Coverlet,
" Hinge "
10 yards home-made flannel,
' 10 yards Tabic Linen,
" 10 yardi " Linen,
" 10 yurd " Linen Dupcr,
Best pouu I " Thread,
" Pair Woolen blankets, bome-inadt',
" Houie-madu hearth rug,
" DtK)r rug,
" Two lbs woollen yarji Lome-made,
" Hiiiuc-mada sVuip, .
For best pslr Wooleu Knit Stockings,
r.iucy piiir " ' "
F01 best pair Woolen Kuit Half Hose
" " Linen Knit Stockings,
' " Half Hose,
" ' Woolen Milieus,
" " Quilt, patchwork sl:k,
' Counterpane,
" Delaiue Cjuilt-patch work,
Calico guilt "
Ctitf 24. W OUSTED WOUK.
Best variety Worsted Work,
" W or sod Cuair-eotU aud lack,
" Ollouan Cover,
Rtx-ef4ioo' Chair,
" Sofa cusbloo,
" Toilet cusblbu,
" Sllpoers ou Cl.nh,
' ' ou Cauvas,
" Worsted nnd Bead Woik, 1
" Lamp Mnts, 1
" Flower n Malsr . 1
" Carriage Afghan, (trocliel ) 3
" Infant's Afghan, 9
" Crochet Phnwl, 1
." Crochet Tldv, i
" Sola cushion
" Knit Anglian, 1
" ' Rliawl, 8
Tidy, 9
" " SolH-cnrhion, '1
" Worked Tablo Cover,
" " Piano .
Best 4rvt of Cotton Embroidery, f'J
" ". Bilk,
' Ejnt)roldcrcd Yoke fof Night Dress, fl
Braided and embroided Yoke for Night
Dpr.s, 3
" Embioid'srcd bund aud sleeves of under
garments , !)
" Braided nnd cm'jioldcd baiul und sleeves
of under garments, 9
Variety of Tatting, i
" Tatted Sleeves oud Bnnd, , 1
" Variety Sewln Haehlne. work, 'J
" Child's Dress, 3
" Piece of Tucking', I
' Cording, . 1, j
" Child's dress, home-made, I
" Collar nud Cuffs, "
' Shirt " f.
" Embroidered Handkerchief, 5
" Display of Embroidery, . 1
cuss 20. FANCY.
Best display of wax Rowers, (S
" Display of wax fruit, K
" Ornamental 8hell work, (5
" Display of bend work, 'J
Largest aud best display of Fancy Work, ii
Best Hair Flowers, !l
" Seed work, 3
" Display of Millinery goods, 3
CLASS 27. CAKES, BKPAll, AC. . ,
Best home-made brfadj (1
" Baker's bread; 1
" Pound Cake, 1
" Sponge " 1
" Fruit " 1
" Jellv "
" Lsdy "
" Dover " i
" Muilison " f-
" Cold " 1
' Silvrr " 1
" Oinger " 1
" Sngnr " ' 1
" Mocarooons, t
" Jumbles, 1
" Biscuit, t
" Rusk, i
Best other fancy cake each kind, 1
" Display of Confectionery, 1
class 28. PHnsEiivns. . .
Best preserved Strawberries, $1
" " Oulnces, 1
" 1'lums, I
" " Pesehes, 1
" " Pears, 1
" " Pine Apples, I
" " Tointitots, 1
" " t'rab Apples, 1
' " t;iierrli-s, 1
' Canned Fruit of eseh variety, 1
Best otiier preserves, ench kind, 1
Best (Tumu.t Jelley, St
" Ctuince " 1
11 Itsspberry" 1
" HUckberry ' 1
" Apple " 1
" Calf Foot ' 1
" Plum " 1
" Orje 1,
All competors for Premiums in Classes 28 anil 29
are requested to exhibit uot less thau a lilf plut
lu w hite glass.
class 30,-ric xlks, fcc. ,
Best Apple Butter, .
' Peach ' 1
" IVar " 1
" Quince, " l
" Pickled Cucumbers, t
" " Pcpcrs t
" " Tum.ntors, 1
" Cantrlopes, J
' " Waluuts, 1
" " Pvitclies, 1
"' " Plums, 1
" ' Mixed Pickles, 1
" Tomato Catsup, T
" Walnut ' 1
' Oysters, Pickled, 1
" Karaplo Cider VlnCRSr, 1
" Spiced fruit or vegetables each kind, 1
Best collections of Flowers, owned by the poison
present, ft"
Orcstest variety of Dahlias, 1
Greatest variety of Hoses,
Orestcst variety of Vvrbouas, L
Best collection ofOarinnii Astors, 1
" and greatest varieties of Piui&Icb, 1
" eolleetion of Oreeuhuuse 1'lniits, owned by
one person, f
" I'lural Uraaiacnt, 1
" llamt-bottuft. 1
For the most bentlful arrnnirpd bsskct of flower.i, 1
Best llaniat? basket growing piHiils, V
Best rustic stitud with growing plants, 1
Under this bind all articles of merit which hnvc
not been .rovheJ for in any of the above cinsses
wlil be entered in this class, ami referred to a eom
mlttec to award such premiums as they mny think
1st. DAT. no. 1.
For Horses uuder 5 years, ownod In Nnrth'd, Co.,
thirty days prior loOet. 7th, 187.1, Purse (100.
First Horse. (r,
rVcoud Horse. (25
Third Horse, (10
Not less than .1 horses to enter, and 3 to start.
PACINI! hack. no. 2.
First Horse, f 3S. '
Second Horse, (15
Three to enter, and S start.
2nu. pay. no. ?,.
For Horses owned In Northumberland, Union .
Snyder und Dauphin counties; "1h no record
better lliau ('.'ij. Purso (10 J.
Fastest Heme., $100
S"Cond Horse, 35.
Third Ilurse, (1?
Five to enter, and S to start,
III NMNCI UAI li. no. 4. rt use (50
Firht Horse, ("iii,
Secoud lloisc, (1?
Three to enter, i to start.
kaciso. '-'i i.r. vO. 5.
Doublo team trot, Purse f 75. t
Best Team, (:C.
Secoud Best Team, (25
Three to enter, 2 to start. The above teams to
bu owned lu this county.
8bo. dat. no. tl. rrn"E (200.
Open to nil Horses owned In Northumberland,
L.111011, enyucr una uaupniu couulies.
First Horse
Second Horse
Third Horse
Five to cuter, and S to start.
Shd. day. no. 7. rtusE (75.
0x!n to all trotting Horses, 5 to to cuter, aud
S to start.
Best wa'klng Horse I Mile ,
Ladies' F.iiucntriimisin
Foot 't inMe 3 to anter
Trenilum (10
l'reiuium (?
All the above trotting races to be mile heats,
best 3 in 5riu harness. F.ntrnn'ce Feo 10 per
cent, of purse and must accompany iiomiuatilu
in all cases. Entries must be made at the otf.. e
of the Secretary by 10 o'clock, a. m., of each day.
A horse distancing the Held, or a part thereof
shall be entitled to I he tiist premium only.
Heals In each day's races may bctrotied alter
nately. . . . w
The distance shall bo one Jiuitf red yards. A
horse, will U')t be allowed toenmpeie for more
thau out f roii:l"rrr, tr.ccpt in races Nos. 3, Cam'.
Best displav of Dry Gooods (WO
" " " Groceries MM.
" " " Boots and Shoes ftcX'
" " " Jewelry '
" " "Clothing &oj
" " " Millinery OooJi 500
" ' "Hardware 500
" " " Coufttiouary ram"
" " " Drugs and Chemicals 6cH
" ' Qmouware t !M0 '
11 ii Ttiliacoo and Uigurs &L0
Best Hand of Music. CiiC '
!ind Bcwt Bauds of Music '. (;i0 '
8drtJ Best Bund of Music (10
Bauds to be present during the Fair are sub
ject to the control ol the Chief Marshal.
Best Steam Fire Engine, Premium. (2a -
Engine throwing water the greatest d'stance
through 1 i Inch uoxxel slia II le entitled to ths
prcuuuiu., Exhibition at II o'cUnk, a. ru., Oct.
Slh ou lbs Fair Grounls.
v . . . . m'ilit'ahv.
Best drilled and euipi I romfany of not less.'
thau SO men. -renilulii. (2S
Exercise and tacpcctUia at 10 o'cl V, a. 111.
There will bo a Grand Military urtl FiriuaV.
Parade at 10 o'clock, Oct. Mil.