v. X lii.Ljllii'il H. I. KtUH, . .' t.Vavep.T. sellers. Republican State Ticket. " Toil STATE TREASURER. n. W. M AOKEY, . if Alleghany County. . , ,. HON. ISAAC U. (iOUIX)N, . ; Jtfferson County. : ; ' . ', i'OL'NTY TICKKT. '' '" ;"mATt. DR. B. F. WAfJRNBELLKR, of Snyder Co. 1 ' AKKtHltLT, .DR. WM. J. 1IAA9; if Mt..Carmol Borough,, Cart. GEORGE LUVETT, of Montour Co. - . .-. BBOISftH AH. KKCOBKBH, C., CAPT. ALEX. CALDWELL. 'Of Shnmokln Boro. -' .'."' TntAsrnch, , ; ! 8AMUEL SAVIDGE, of Upper Augusta. j : , , COMMISSIONER, ' ADAM LENKER, of Lower Mahanoy. iunT COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM U. LE1GH0W, of NortVd. : ,1 i, AVt)lTOB, , . PRIESTLY, of Northumberland. , M. D, ! iOur noiglibor of the Democrat has a pe culiar faculty for exercising the ery of "stop thief" in order to divert attention from his own sins.' Ever since the Court House King has keen broken up, and our county affairs are again assuming n good shape- , , , p , . . ,, . . . r the indebtedness being gradually paid off, and the money properly appropriated our neighbor tries to divert tho, people's attcn- Uon bv crvina "Ring." . This, however, is an old dodge in our neighbor. He is well versed In such political trickery:1 Having deluded many of the citizens in the county : for years, bo thinks be can continue to do so by keeping hidden from the people the ' mismanagement of Democratic officers for ten years past. Our neighbor , bad belter invent somethiug new if he mtends to mis lead tho peoplo again. If thcro is such n thing as a "Republican Ring" now, we have no doubt the tax payors wish that it had existed long before this, as they would have paid off the county indebtedness, and ... . I A . I Ml. . would nave nau enougn ion, to ouiia a new jail besides, and every cent would have . been accounted for. Under the Into "Deui- nnrntin Ttinc " tho connlv was Sunk deGDCr and deeper in debt annually, and the rno- nev was snuandered bv the Ring. No ac count was kept, of the money collected on duolicates. and. what is still worse, the cor- ' rect amount of the sums total of thedifferent duplicates were made smaller than the true amount, the county of course loosing the bulanco. This difference, last year, on one half the duplicates examined, amounted to over oue thousand dollars. What we state . is no Interpolation of the truth, but our neighbor's cry of "Ring" is a frnud as re' suits hhve shown. The Repudlican Senatorial Conke hence. The Senatorial Conferees of this District, convened at this place on Friday Inst, and after having a number of ballots without cuecting a nomination, adjourned to meet at Newport,rerry county, on Wed nesday last. On Wednesday they again met pursuant to adjournment, and after se vcral bullots nominated Dr. 1$. F. Wagon seller, of Snyder county. Dr. Wngenseller is a very competent man for the position, and very popular with the masses. His election is conceded, and we are salisQcd that his constituents will have a faithful nnd vigilant representative. Oun neighbor of the .Democrat is trying hard .to make tho Republican candidates who wcro unsuccessful at the County Con vention, believe that intrigue in tho Con vention defeated thcru, and intimates that they should all have been nomiuated, sing' - ling out all, aud pleasantly calls on them to join tho -0011100111110 ranks. Unfortunately-for our' neighbor the Republicans thus siuglcd out, have soma faint recollec tion of tho doings of the Democrat and its adherents during the lnte 'unpleasantness, and' they object to being caught in such company. Tho insults heaped upon the Republicans by the editor of the Dintocrat, to hide the sins of his party, ore not yet for gotten, and it will be a long time lieforc Republicans ; will bo. willing to follow the dictates of the Democrat, or listen to its persuasions. Tho only surprise to .us is that the "versatile nigger" that for , msrly occupied a promiucutpositiou in the , Democrat, not brought forth and erubrac ' ed by the editor, as an inducement for Re publicans tojolu bis "Ring" party. . : Leuukl SiiirMAN, the Democratic can : didate for Register & Reeorder, spends most of bis lime with the Ring in Sunbury, , making arrangomenU to get up something to deceive tlw voters on the evo of the elec tion. Mr. Shipmau is a good hand at the business, having had considerable expert ence in that lino, and bousts about the de ception lie practiced on tho peoplo of the Mahanoys in former years. Tho last story lie circulated through tho Mahanoys was tho pardon of Tat Hester, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday previous to the dec tion last (all. Dr. DEvm-T the candidal for Assem bly; is uow telling tho people all about bis bad cold when the Salary grab question came up in the- House of Representatives last winter. The Mlnnequa county ques tion, of course be was in favor of, and why should bo uot have been. He insist too that tho Sanitary American is a mean paper, and that peoplo should stop taking it. That the editor published tho proceed ings from tho Legislative Record, in refer ence to the salary grab question which bo bad no business to do. That the editor of the Democrat kept quiet about it, and that was tbe right paper to keep U) a family. A. T mi.. . r. jx j: aii.ub. a ne greai wmiwie exper- iment of crossing tbe Atlantic lu a balloon, I was made in the Sixth Ward after the re has proven. el mal failure. , Tlte Ulloca 1 gular meetiug and six Butler delegates was pronounced uumauai:ettbla by , Prof. (..wuw Uw wui.ui.ituig i,gr , inii.j Wise, and the adventure has been abaudon- iuu preseuu Hen. BtjAer 1ms boon tlrfcatcd for the nomination for Governor of Massachusetts, wJttcli Is very (jratlfylng to evcrj ono who Iovcb the pmrty,(br its principles, instead of plunder, la this matter, Massachusetts' has shown lo the world that unscrupulous men have no right for ofllco that the peoplo are bound to respect. ' . . Oun neighbor Is still troubled with the hallucination that tho Washington s,u thoritio are intorfcrlnft with' the primary factions.' We wonder that ha did not ex tract another feather for his quiver of argu ments in the fact that Col. David Tae- gart, A paymaster in Oregon, was elected a delegate to the Republican County Con vention, irom Aoruiutttberiana ; no aouot this was done by direct instructions from General O'fnnt, and that ho conspired lo secure tUo nomination of lit Hans to the Assembly. AVe always cava Grant credit for - cood Ieai of brain, but if tho lntclh- yciwr will prove the above suspicion to bo correct, we sunn esteem mm more niginy than ever. It rcnuircs more than ordinary ability to reach out into the rural districts anu select sucii excellent canoiuaics. Mnntour Amerkun. The success of tho llepublicnns in oust ing the Democratic Hiug which controlled this county's politics for so many years and Bnuaudcrcd tho neonlc'a money, has induc ed the editor of ibe Sunbury Democrat to cry "Umg" at tho Kopubhcans. JJut we are of the opinion the cry will bo unheeded as long as the llcpubhcaus continue to do hs they are now doing. The county debt piled up oy tno Nomocracy is nearly paiu off. That has tho "ring" of the true me tal. Mittonian. TiiR Constitutional Convention will reassemble in Philadelphia on Tuesday morning, 10th Inst., when the first business before t w 1 be thee lection of a permanent ffl . . f ,Io "f Wm. M. iereditri, deceased. As the deceased was a delegate t large, it will also devolve upon the Republicans to choose his successor as a member ot the Convention. The ..Vi7fo)itnn states that an elopement occurred last week on the opposite side of tho river Union county. Henry Lw ellen. an cnibrvo minister of tho Baptist church from Decrfield, X. J., won tho heart and took the hand of Emma, adopted daughter of l'etcr llagenbuch. Mr. and Mrs. II. wero much opposed to tho match, and the vouns folks Davina no heed to the judgment of the girl's parents decamped on tuc siy. The Democrat is trying to make capital out of the report that Dr. Haas, our can didates for Assembly, will lose some Re- Sublican votes in MU Carmcl borougli. ;ut it is no bo. The Doctor's populari- sy among the dclvers in tho mine of both parties, is too well Known to anow any one to be iltined into the belief that ho will come out of tho coal regions with less than his party vote. blMinokin Jieraui. TuiiLic Deut Statement. The public debt was reduced during August Stt,752, 820. Coin balance, l7,l'.Hi,940. Currency balance, 812,003,61. Coin certificates, 834,493,000. Special deposits of legal ten ders for redemption of certificates of de posit, 832,240,000 The inhuman wretches who wero ac cused of trying to starve Miss Mary Row- laud, ot Philadelphia, ana subjecting ner to the most liendish treatment generally, have becu tried, couvicted, and will bo given llio mild puuishmeut of three years imprisonment, ana an audea nneoi fri.uuu, tbeir counsel does not secure for them a new trial. There seems to be a rivalry in all the Republican strongholds of tho Slate to as certain which can give the largest increas ed majority over the vote for Hartranft last year. Hundreds of honest Democrats are enlisted in this effort. The twenty-first annual exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural So ciety, will be held at Erie, on the 30th of September, and the 1st, 2d, aud 3d days of October. . Secretary Richardson has been more successful in keeping gold near par, than any of bis predecessors. All foreign governments have boon formally invited lo participate in Ibe cele bratiou of the centennial of American In- deiM'udence. So Far as the Democratic journals which have come to hand show, there is not a very enthusiastic appreciation amour them of the work of their State Convention. The platform, being of the sceoud hand order, cannot be expected to bo much ad- m i red. Hut what Is tue matter witti the candidates r They aro not particularly strong, but they deserve something better than suuDDing. .base up on me poor lei- lows I MAINE. Portland, Sept. 8 Portland gives Dingley, Republican, 1,571 voU-s for Gov ernor; Tilcourt, lfamoerat, 2b :V Uliams, Liberal Republican, 114; scattering 3. Last veur the vote stood Renublican. 2.- 822 ; l)cmoeratic, 2,727 ; scattering, 4. Portland, hept. 10. 10 o'clock r. in. Ouo hundred towns give Dingley 20,432 ; Titcomb, 13 ; Uliams, t)U3. Xtepubli- can majority 5.820. The same towns last year gave Perham 32.K17, and Kimball 24,104. Republican majority 8,713. This shows a majority this year of pro bably 11,000 out of an aggregate voto of 80,000, against a Republican majority last year oi 10,jJi, on a vote ot lzt.zwh l tie towns not ncaru irom gave last vear. Perham. 3t.0Ki : Kimball. 31.202. The Kepulican last year carried Know county for the first time. This year the returns Indicate that tno Democrats nave carried it, Tho Republicans havo probably carried the other fifteen couuties, though possibly there are one or nioro that will be lost on account of the independent ticket. Although the Democrats carry liangor on the gubernatorial vote, the Republicans have elected their representative. Lack of interest in tho election makes the returns meagre, H ANNAClll'METTN, TUB 11UTI.ER CAMPAIGN THE LATEST RETURNS OF UKLEOATKd. Springfield, Sept. 0. Tho caucus re sults received by the Sprinslield Kepullican up to ono o'clock this morning render But ler's (luteal ny a decisive majority in Weu nesdav s convcuuon absolutely certain. Of forty delegates reported to-day from the western half of the Mate. Wa&hburu gels 30 to Butler's 19 ; and of 168 in the eastern part, he has 81 lo CD for Butler, and 15 contested. This makes tho Jfct'Mtcan's totals : Washburn 543 Butler 1 . ; ' 410 Doubtful aud contested. 45 Washburn has thus 04 majority over Butler, giving the latter every doubtful vote, and tbe 103 delegalos yet to bo heard I from will surely Increase his majority in im IUC convention to wuue it is pio Iww.v aw 'in. . ft.f TlrkCTr luinl O IMialon. I .W., lB , ler and f,.ur Washburn deli-eate. A bolt nnuuignt iaev niSut me count accord I n t f thn Jowriinl- Wail. burn, SttTr BulJer, 3t ; doubtful, 57, with tUKu( iuu to oe ucara irom. " . AUPIT. ; ; r James BejJ for the hso 1 Cntirt of Common of John B. Douty. . i I fleas. Northumber vs. 1 In rid eouoty. Elijah Mummer and Ltvari J-WUu, No. Cnlhorlue riiimmer. ) 128. Aug. Term 1373. NOTIC'X U hereby frcn to alt pertom Inte rested, that the undersigned Auditor, to mnke distribution to and nmoiiR the creditors en titled to the money, arising from the sale of antd defendant's property, pnld In tho Court by the Sheriff, will attend lo tlie duties of his appoint ment, at his ollVe fh the borosgh of Bnnbur, on Friday the 10th day of October next (1873) at 10 o'clock A. M. - , W. I. GREENOUOIT, Auditor. Bcptembw 11, 1873. Dr. C. M. Mlhti. Geo. W. Bmo. NEW DRUG STORE, Ho. 13, South Third Street, Clement House WMi Suntiury, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE lust received n fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. W have also a full assortment of Dressing and packet combs. Iliilr, Tooth, NnU,Clothe,8hoe and other brushes. TOILET AND FANCY AKTICLEN. riNB EXTRACTS, POCKBT BOOKS, K!fITRR, )C, C. REEDS GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the vfetcst perfum In America. FnrtMan.a KI1 Olove ffMh, warranted to clcnn perfectly the most delicate hades wltlmut Injury to the kid All the lending preparations for the Tlalr, NE4JAKS, TIIE BEST IN MARKET, Pnre Wine nud Liquors, for medicinal purposes, I'hvsii lans Prrscrlptlona and family iccelpts cosnpoundod nkh care. TtmnWful for inht favors we hope by fair deal lug to receive n alinre of your patronage. September 11, 1S73. AUDIT. Kirkpntrlck anil Son. 1 Alia Vtn. Fxjmnat, vs. No. 108, Angust Term, Solomon Entcrllnc. )187i. "VTOTICE Is hcr.ibr siren that the nndnrsltrncd LN fens been appointed Auditor by the Court of Common Ploas of Northumberland county to distribute trie money paid into snlri (onrt, arla Inc from the sole of defendant's real cFtate. He will meet the parties Interested In the distribution of said fund, at his olUce In the borough of Snn- bury, on Monday, uctooer tun, 187S, nt 10 o'clk A. m. A. N. BKJCE, Auditor. Sunbury, Sept. 13, 1873. Tie Union Part and Airicatal ASSOCIATION, Will hold its first Annual exhibition on their FAIR GROUNDS AT SUNBURY, on the 7th, ttth sV 9th ofOetobcr A. D 1873. Competitors for Premiums should now prepare tiicir articles lor exniuilion sua report to tno ya rious Committed. This organivaliou is not conQued to any couuty or particular ainrici, iiut extends a CORDIAL INVITATION to ail who may desire (o participate, nnd comply wiin 1110 ruies aua regulations or tue Absociu tion, to ' . j COME FORWARD and take an active part with us In making this oue 01 1 tie BEST EXHIBITIONS in the State. All persons dosirlng to become moratiers or this Association will make their np pllcatiouB at once to the Secretary, P. H. Moore. ny -raer. SOL. MALICK, President, P. II. Moohb, Becrctary VKO. W. COBLE, JU8TICE or THE PEACE, Real Estatb Aoknt, and Agent for the Pun... I-ADELI-I1IA Mt'TI AL PHOTKCTIVB LlKB l.NSMAKCB COMTAMT. Ilerntloil, .V'ot'(Aiim(xr(ifKi County, Pa. ALL CLAIM8 entrusted In his hands will receive prompt attention. lierndon, Aug. 73. 1 mos. ltoardiug and Male Mtable. SITERtFF VAN DTKE has opened a Vcterln ary Boarding and Sulv Stable. Bourdlng horses ttiul are well win he Kept in dinercnt stables Irom those that are sick, strict attention will bo paid to all horses well or sick. I will cure all bad vices In the horse, nil diseases of tbe luouih, all diseases of the respiratory organs, dlseuso of the stomach, liver, urinary organs, reel nnd legs Also discuses of the head, eyes, nnd all miscel lancous diseases. All surgical cases, such as Hleeilinir, Nerving, Boweline, Firing tcuotoinr. Tapping the chest couching, Ac, ice. Also, Trotting horses trained for the course. Stable buck of Centeral Hotel. JAMES VAN DYKE. July 19,'73. 3t. PI UI.IC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. WILL be exposed to Public Bale, on the pre mises, In Lower Muhnnoy towuolilp, Nor- tucuiucnunu uo., ra., on 8ATURDAV, SEPTEMBER IS, 1873, The following Real Estate, to wit : A Certain Tract of Land situate In Lower Mnbanoy township, N'orthnm berlnnd eounty.Pa.. near the County Lino .bound el and duscribed as follows : on tbe east by lands of Aloxnuder liiiieuman and Klius Uyerly, snutb by lauds or Joseph t potts, Joliu tpolU, und Mil hantoiiL'o creek, wcrt by lauds of Uuac ltadel nud J. B. Lenkcr. and 011 the north by luuds of n.nns nyeny, containing 124 ACHES, und 11 PERCHES, more or less, whereon are erected a two story LOG 110USE, wculbvr-boardtd, and BANK BARN, and other out-btilldlnes 1 a never falling Spring of Water near tbe house, an Orchoid with cnoice iruit, tvc. ALSO, Aaotber TRACT of LAND, In said towuship, bounded by lands of Solomou Reed Elias Hterly, John B. Lenker and William Ml chael, containing 25 ACRES, more or less, all or winch tscicurcd. and lu excellent ttutsofcul liTUliou. ALSO, Tbe undivided one-third of a TRACT of LAND, situate lu said Lowor Muhauoy to 11 ship, bounded by lauds of Pavld Schreiber, William Ik-ppln the Mabatitonco creek, and a puone road, vontulnlng 11 ACRES, more less, whereon are erected TWO STONE HOU SES, one of which U occupied as a blore and Tavern Stand, a BANK BARN, a young OK CIIAR1) with choice fruit, and all ueccssary out' ouuuinKs. ALSO, A Limstone Lot situate In snld town ship, bounded by lauds of Adam Leuker. Ellas Wert, Jacob n Itiner and other, containing one half acre, more or luM, whereon is erected a LIME KILN. There Uulso a Uiue ttoue quarry on ine 101. ALSO. Mountain Lund situate In Mifflin two Daupbln uounty. Pa., bounded by MaUautoui; creek, lauds of Moses Troulmnn's heirs, Inane nudei, tviiai oyeriy una others, coutatnlng IX ACUKi.and 105 perches, mora or less. This tract Is well timbered w ith Ouk-CbeMnut, and pine ineiupawin oe soia ju lots or tweuty acre each. . Late tho property'of Michael Wert, dCeM.Sale tn Mnimaikiu nt 1 . .. I . ,. I, ... ... .... . I ' uvu u. i u bltn n, UU M1HI UKJ, D SCII tue eouauioos 01 ais win be made kuown by , PKTKH WKHT. JOHN WERT. Lower Mahunoy, August, Si, 1873. JAM EM H. HeOEVITT, AtTORNET AT IiAW AND Uhitbd Btatbs Coiimissiombb. OtBcs with 8 B. Uoyer, Es., lu brigbt's Building, Buubury ra. nu. , jy. Kotlee to Treapaaaer. ALL Perseus are cautioned agaiust trespass , Ing, or bunting and shooting on the pretut wm wi uiv uuuersignen. in uppor Augusta towu ship, Northumborlsni couuty, Pennsylvania without perniUslou. Any puraoa violatiug this notice will be dealt with according to lav. . GEORGE (JAVL. Up. Aug. twp., Aug. 8, 1873. fr1 or pii a sa'yptfu'fJ&A tE. IN pnrsnnncc'?tru,'firdcr of lh OrflianV' Court of Northumberland county, l'.i wjll be ex posed to public sale, at the Court flouso, In the borough of Smibury, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of HRPTEMBER, 1873, the following property, to wit - A certain lot of ground situate In the borough of Snnhnrr, Pa., bonnded on the south by lot of Jacob O. Beck, north hy hit of Charles thick, de encd,eBSt by an all W ani westj tj, Fourth street, eoutnltilng 25 feet In front on Fonrth street, and 1830 feet In drnth. -The lot Is lacatr-d on high irround, nnd Is most dcnlrnhle for build, Ing purposes. Lnte the (state of itisrle Beck, deceased. Sale to commence at 1 o'clc-k p. m., when tho conditions will he made known by ; i .:cniRLES I. BECK, Snnbury, Aug. 2fl,' 1873.-. NOtlCE., , Rule on llio Itelrs of .Sarah Miliar, dceonsed. 88. A ortnwnbtrland County, AT nu Orphans' Court held nt Bunbory In and for snld county, on the (Hh day of Awrast, Anno Domini, one thousand, chht hundred ana iventy-three, before tbe Hon. William M. Rock efeller, President, and his' Associate Joseph L.8. Joseph Mqcly, and rr Justices or Court t ,,..: Upon tho petition of Ephralm R. MUler, of Shn mokln township. In the said comity, one of the sons and heirs nt law of Sarah Miller, lute of said township, deceased, the Cotirt granted a rule upon you, Win. M. Mlllerj resident In 8hnmokln township, Jabc, mnrrio lot Will him Foy, resi dent In Mt. UUead, Morrow oounty, Ohio, John M. Miller, resident In Foit Wayne,, Indiana, and Rllxnbeth Compared a danehtor of Job noon Miller, ono of the sons of deceased, married to Lewis Comparct, and living in Dosnioinea, In the Btnte of Iowa,uU the pet IUohkcUic said Kphraiin Millsr, nil heirs buib Jii;aJJuetrseiitatlvc of said Sarah Miller, deceased, to come Into Court on the first Monday of November. A. D. 1873, and accept orrcfuse the Real Estate of said de ceased, at the valuation, or show cuusa why tbe same should not be sold. Witness the Hon. Win, MlTtoekcfcllcr, Presi dent Judge of our said Court, nt Sunbury, this slxteoutu day or August, A. I., 17:1. GEO. o. KEI M KNSN YOBR, Deputy Clerk. ). C. Register's Ofrlcc, Biiubury, Aug. S3, 1873. Ot. Eatate offharlen Beck Uee'd., NOTICE Is hereby given that lottcra ofadmln. 1st rat Ion have been' trrniited to llio hnder- iirns, on the estate of Churtcs Buck, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to presout tucm for set' Dement CHARLES I. BECK, Adm'r. Sunbury, Aug. 39, 1878. 8w. GOD SAVE TIIE COMMONWEALTH KherifT'H Proclamation.. I, S. II. BOTIIERMEL, Hish Sheriff of Northumberland county, Common wealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make' known and civo notice to the electors of the coun ty aforesaid, that an hlucttou wjll be held in tho said county of "ortliliitijierlaud, on TUESDAY, tho 14th of OCTOBEK, 1873, for the purpose of afectind llwVorplVcr- 'ISO UWOIUUIU-I UMUJWf VIA '. " n One person for the oflli tt J&life of tbe ns liAininn llnv ntxwnnm Mt wall v Supreme Court of-tli-CoiiiruooweolU of l'ennsylvama. -1 One person for tliej offloc of State Trcasu rer of the State of rcnnVylviuiia. One person in conjunction ' 'Witn. the counties of Union, Snyder nnd Tetrr, for the o th co or btate beuator or ixnnsylvunla, Two nersons in conlunction with the county of Montour for the office of Member ol tbe House ol Kepresentatlvea Of fenn svlvania. . One person for the offloe ol Secietar and Recorder, Register of Wills aad Clerk of tue urpnans1 iJourt tor sHlwayf Ouo person for tbe office of Odtinty Trea surer for said COUUtV.a' ' Une person for tbe oillct w CAatunJsBiOner for said county. I.-.'. jJJ! vl . t.v Two persons for Jury Commissioners for tlie county ot jNerlhuiuoerlaniW i-f J t Une person lor Uounty Auditor for said county. 1 nlso hereby make known and give no tice tnat the place ot holding the aforesaid election in tno several, wards, boroughs districts and townships within tbe county oi onnumnorinnn, are ns follows, to wit: bunaury, est ara.al the Court House, Sunbury, Pa. ; East 'Ward,'a the public house of E. T. Drumhelleif, , Unner Aucusta townshin: ab tlta nublir house of Joel Iilttcrman: - .- ''l ; . ' Lower Augusta lownsbip..at .the public house of Peter Dunkelbcrger, 1 JSortiiumOettana DorotJKh. nt tbo public nouse oi it. w. liormnue. ' r. Point District fltbe houso of Mrs-Jolin son. in the bflaourrlnof iyaKliunbarland. Milton. South V aal. at .thn linuan nP C. W. Sticker ; North Ward, at the public , ..T II fl . ' nouse oi j. oi. nun. Turbut township, at thehomwot' Abra linm lCiadlnirnr Delaware to wnshfpy at lte Uoosc of Wil liam HilL , ,r. a -., n.r I Chillisquaquo.'nt llio house 6rChar.cs Harlman. ' " Watsontown, lowerifooar'or-Aeademv building. , , .. . , . ,. lewis township, at the house of D. II. Dreisbaeh, in Turbutvillp boio,iift).r r Miamokin townsnin. ak-MiclrOuse-of r.H. Ncsbit. , Upper Mahanny township, at tlto Louse of John II. Geist, Little Muhanov townshin. at the house of Conrad Baker. Lower Mabanoy, nt the bouse- of A. Rondarmcl. ; . ,, Rush township, at Libcity-iTole school house. Jackson townshin, at the bouse of Johu Albert, lierndon, Pa. Coal township, at the aauatfof Job Don- neys. . - Shamokin borough, East Ward, at the house of Wm. M. Weaver; West Ward, at the house of Patriek Kuirns. . Zcrbe towuship, at the house of Thomas Foulds.Jr. Cameron township,' atlhe house of G. W. Snyder Goweu City.' i . . ) Jordan township, at tbe Iteuao of Jacob Masscr. , : . t , ;..-- i . Mt. Carmcl borough, at tbe ML Carniel House. ... -. ." Washington township, at the house of H. C. Fisher. ' ' McEwensville, at the house of Henry Boeder, Turbutvillo. at tba heuae of imoa Opp. Mt. Carmel towuship, at the house of Michael Graham. Biverslde borougn,.:At'lha;'p;uUltj school house of said borongb, ': . Snydertown, at the public frouso of Wil liam Farrow. v f f 4 The general election la rds.S'own ships, Districts and Boroughs of the county la to be opened bet wees toa hours of sis and seven o'. clock In the AMvuooa,ad shall aoutlous without Interruption or adjournment, until seven o'clock in tbe evenlug, when all poll shall be closed. Every person exoepllug Justuses of the Peaoa, who shall hold any ollloa or appoiutmeat of pro fit or trust under the tiovsrnuiuut of the United Stales, or of this State, or of any city or locorpo. ratep district, whether oiailJoi(cdBoer or otherwise, a sabordiuais-timVeY or -ugit,' who Is or shall be Mnploy4 uadsr lbs Lscialatlva, Eie. cutive or Judiciary departments of tbe btalo or tbe L'ultod Hutu, or of any city or Incorporated district, and also every niambar of CoBgrass or of lbs Bute Legislature, aud of the Select and Common Councils of any ally, or JUoaiialsskmer of any Incorporated district, la by law In cap bis of.bolding or exorcising at Ihoeauia tlins tas otlles or appointment of Judge, Inspector oei-vlark of any election of this Commonwealth, and a h. spec-tor, Jndga or other olttccr of any each eloe tion shall ba eligible there to be voted for. Tbe luepeUors and Judges of the election shall meet at tbs respective places appointed for holding tue election In the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, And each of said Inspectors shall ap point ono elerk, who shall be a SualHed voter of such district. tl f .' In eat the person wh shall nave reoclvo1 the second fjlghcst numher of votes for Inspsetor shall nol attend oa the sViy of any election, then the perswi who shsdl have received the sesond blghnat immber vots for Jnri-f the preceding election shall act as Inspector In his place. And In ease the person who shall have received tbe highest numher of votes for Inspec tor shal not attenq, the person elected Jnrtgo shall appoints Inspector In his place and In ease tho person elected Judge shall not attend. then the Inspector who received the highest tiMm- ucr or votes shall appoint a Judge In his place or If any vaennc shall Continue In the board for the space of one ltnnr after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election, the qualified vot ers of the township, ward st district tar iwhlch such officers shall have been elected, present at snch election, shall elect 911s of tbclr number to nu sncn vacancy. It shall be the duty of tho several assessors of each district to attend si the place of holding every general, sjjeviiai or mjwubiiii election, uur- Ing the whole time snld election Is keptoen, for the purpose of giving Information to the inspec tors and Judges, wheu called on, in relation to the right of any peri on assessed by them to vote at snch election, or snch other matters In rela tion to tbe assessments or voters as the said in spectors or cither of tltera. shall from time to time requite. . ,, NO person shall he permitted to voto at sny election, as aforesaid, other than a freeman of the age of twenty-one years or more, wbo shall have resided In the State at least one Tear, and In the election district where he offers his vote at least ten days ln.imxiiaioly preceding such elec tion and within two years paid a Slate or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the ejection. .But a citizen of Ibe United States who has previously been a quali fied voter of this State nnd removed therofrou: and returned, and who shall have resided In the election district -nnd paid taxes, as aforesaid. shall , be entitled to vote after rustdlng In this 8tatc six months 1 Proidtt, That the freemen, citizens of the United States, between twenty-one and twenty-two-years, vho bavf resided In an election district ns aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote altlioneh they shall Hot have paid taxes. Pio person shall be permitted to voto whose name is not contained in Hie lint of taxable in habitants furnished by the Commissioners, un less, First, he produces a receipt rot the pay ment within two years of a State or county tax assessed agreeably to ths Constitution, and give satisfactory evidence, cither on his oath or nUlr innllon or the oath pr slllrmnllon of another, that he has paid such tax, or on failure to pro duce a receipt shall mnke oath to ths payment ihcrcor. Second. If be claim the right to vole by beltfg an elector betwren the ngo of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall depose on oath or anlrmMion that ha has resided in this State at least oue year next before his application, and make such proof of residence In the district ns Is required by this act, nnd thnt he docs verily believe, Irom the account given him, that he la or age aforesaid, and such other evidence as Is re quired by this act, wnpreupon the name or the person thus admitted to vote shall be lusertcd In the alphabetical lift by the Inspectors, nnd a note made opposite thereto oy writing the word 'tax' If he shall be admitted to vote by reason of hav ing paid tax t or the w ord 'age' If he shall be ad mitted" to rota by reason of such age, shall bo called out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes on the list of voters kept by him. In all cases where the name of the person clalmlne to vote Is not found on the list furnish ed, by the commissioners nnd assessors, or his right to vote, whether found thereon or uot, Is objected to by any qralllled citizen, it shall be the duty or the inspectors to examine such person on oath as to his qualifications, and If be claims to have resided within tlie State for oue yeur or more, his oath shall be sullleient proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided lu the dlttrlct for more than ten days next Immediately preceding such election, and shall also himself swear that his bona title rest denee. In pursuance of his lawful cnlllng, Is In said district, and thnt he did not remove Into said district for the purpose of voting therein. Every person qualified as nforcsuld, and who shall mnke due proof, If required, -of ths resi dence and payment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote In the townsh&p, ward or dis trict in which he shall reside. If any person shall prevent, or attempt to pre vent any officer of this election under this act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall Inter rupt or Improperly iutcrfere with him in the exe cution of his duty, or shall block up the window, or avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the peace at such election, or shall use any Intimidating threats, force or violence, with design to Innu ence unduly or overawe nny elector, or to prevent him from voting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall ba fined in any suitl not exceeding live -hundred dollars, and Imprisoned for any time not less than three not more than twelve mouths, nod It 11 snail De shown to the -court, where the trial or such ot fense shalLbe-ba l, that the person so otfendlng wns not a resident of the city, ward, district or township where the offense was committed, nn.1 not entitled to vot therein, then on conviction hraliull ! sentenced lo pay a fine of not lt tbaa ono hundred nor more than one thousand dollar and h Imprisoned not less than six niooths nor more than two years. If any person, not by law qualified, shall fraud ulently vote at any election of this Common wealth, or being otbcrwhe qualified shull vole out of bis proper district, if any person knowing thtvwant of such qualification, shall aid or pro cure such person to vote, the person olfuniliug shell, on con Met ion. he lined lu any sum not cx ceoding two hundred dollars, and be Imprisoned lu any term not exceeding three mouths. : If any person shall vote at more than one elec tion district, or otherwise fraudulently vole more thas once on tbe same day, or shall fraudulently fold aud deliver to the inspector two tickets to gether, with the Intent Illegally to vote, or shall procure another to do so, he or they ofluading shall on conviction, be fined in any sum not lex than fifty imr more than live h und red dimurs ana be Imprisoned for a term uot less than three nor more than twelve months. If nny person not qualified to vote In thUCom moeweullh agreeably to luw (except the son of qualified citizens), shall appear at any place of election ror the purpose or luiiuenciiie the cut Bees qualified to voto, he shall on convict loa for felt aud pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for every sucii offense, and be imprisoned lor say term not exceeding three axootbs. U any porson or persons shall make any bet or wager upou the result of the election, within tbe Cninmonweullb, or shall oiler 10 make any sucii bet or wngur, ltlHW by verbal proclamation there of. or b any written or primed advertisement or Invite any person or peraou to make such bet or water, uou conviction thereof be or they shhll forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet or offered to be bet. . And the election laws of the Commonwealth further provides thnt "Tbe Inspectors, Judires and clerk shall before euterlng ou the du'iu of their otllcea, severally take end suosofioe the oath or ntflriuatioB hereluafter directed, -which shall be administered to them by any Judge, alderman or Justice of ths peace, but If ao such magistrate be present, one at the Inspectors or tbe election shall adiaieistsr, tbe oath pr affirmation to tbe other Judge and Inspector, had then the Inspec tor o quatuMa mou aanuuisies ut cam or a nrmatlon to hlni. ' ..cd by VTbe Inspectors, Judge and clerks requ shall law to bold township and general clucind afflnna take And subscribe the several oatba Slst sections lion required uo lltth, aoth Jiffl, 'An act relat or lb act of f VrMnis Commonwealth,' Intr to. tho !. mjalka shall be prepared and which oaths or at manner prescribed in Ihelfub administered lathe" said act, and la addition lo and ttzd Motion o. by ths INtb section of said the power conferredher of tb Inspector shall act, the Judg or eiidmlnUler the oath pretertb have ths power to iny clerk of a general, special ed by Mid act to alu. or township electloall be lb form of oath or af . The following h n by each Inspector, vli 'I, firmtvtloo to be tsk t I will duly attend to tbe (A. B. do . thilng the continuance thereof ensuing election durjliat I will not receive any a an iurpoctor, end J person, other than such tlakrt or vote from at be, according to tbe pro a I armly believe to 'ou and the lew of this vision Of the Constltut. to a vote at snch dec Commonwealth, entitled cb evidence of the right tion, without requiring su law, nor will I vcxa lo vote a Is directed by It any vote from llimsiy delay or efus to reO1 to 'ba entitled to any person who I shall believe ,Hll thing vote a aferstsvU, but thai 1 wilt-ta. -forin my truly and impartially aud faithfully pel. .- tl)(j duties therein, to the beat of my Judemeut . abilities, and that I am not, directly or indirectly Interested In auy bet or wager on Ibe result of this eUctloa.' .. . . Tba following (hall be ths oath or affirmation of each Judge, vlsi A. B.J do -...that I will,, a Judge, duly atteud tbe ensuing election during tbe eoullnuance thereof, and faithfully assist lbs Inspectors In carrying out tbs same that I will not give my-eonsmt thai any-vote or ticket shall be received from any person other than snch as I firmly believe to be, according to the provision of Hie Constitution end laws of this Commonwealth, entitled to vote at such elec tion, without requiring such evidence of the right to vols ss directed by law, and that I will use my best endeavor to prevent any fraud, deceit or abuse, In carrying on the same by citizens quail ted to vote, or others, and I will make a true und perfect return of the snld olertlon) nnd will In all things trnly, nnd Impartially nnd falthftilly per form my duty respecting the same, to the best of my Judgment and abilities, and that I am not di rectly or Indirectly Intorestbd In any set or wager on the result of this election.' The following shall be the form of oath or af firmation to be taken by each clerk, vis 'I, A. B.ldo -that 1 will Impartially and trnly write down the name of each elector who shall vote st the ensuing election, which shall be given tns In charge, sed Shoe the earns of the township, ward or district, wherein snch elector resides, or carefully and trnly write down the nnmber of votes that shelf h given- for i)r 'candidate at the election, es efleu as his name shall bs rend to mo by the Inspectors thereof, and in all things truly and faithfully perform my duty respecting tho same to the.brst-ef nry Judgment and ablll ttss, sad tkst 1 sen Dot .directly or Indirectly In terested In any hot or wager on the result of this election.' . ..... On the day of election, nny person whose name Is not on the snld list, nnd claiming the right to vote at said election, shall produce at least ono qsallfied voter ef the district as a I wanes to the residence of the claimant In the district of which he claims to be g voter for' the period of at least Un days next .preceding snld election which witness shall take and subscribe a written or partly written nod partly printed affidavit to the fact stated by blui, which affidavit shall define clearly where the residence 1 of the person so claiming to be a voter, and the person so claim ing the right to vote shall also take and subscribe a written or partly written nnd partly printed affidavit, stating to' the best of his knowledge and belief, where and when be was born t that he is a cltlwm of .the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nnd of the United State j that he has resided In he commonwealth one year, or If formerly a cl- tlkon therein, nnd has moved therefrom, that he hns tosided therein six months proceeding snld election ! that ho hns not moved Into the district for the purpose of voting therein t that he has paid a Btate or county ttnt within two years, which was assessed at least ten days before said election 1 and, If a naturalized citizen, shall also state when, where and by what court he was na turalized, and also produce his certificate of nat nrallzutlon Tor examination 1 tbe said affidavit shall alio state when and where tbe tak claimed to be paid .by the affidavit was assessed, and when, where and to -whom paid, and the tax re ceipt therefor shall be produced for examination, unless tbe nlflant shall slate on hlsnllldnvit that It ba been lost or destroyed, or that he never re ceived any, but If the person so claiming the right to vote shall tnse and subscribe an affida vit, that be is a native born citizen of the United States, or if born elsewhere, shall state the fact n his nllldavit, aud shall produce evidence thnt he hns been naturalized, or that he is entitled lo citizenship by reason of his father's naturaliza tion 1 nnd shall further stnte In Ills affidavit that he is at the time of taking the affidavit, between the Sees of twenty-one nnd twenty-two years t that he has resided In the Slate one year and In the election district ten days next preceding such election, lie shall be allowed to vote, although he shall not have pnld tnxea; tbe said affidavits of ail persons making such claim, and the affida vits of the witnesses to Ibeir residence, shnll be preserved by the election board, and at the close of the election they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally list, and other papers required by nw ta be filed by tlm return Jnilge with the pro- thonotary, and shall remain on file therewith In the protlionntnry's olllcc, subject tocxamluution, as other election pacrs arc ; if the election oiu ccr shall find that the applicant or applicants possess all the logul qualification of voters, he or they shall hu permitted to vote, nnd tbe name or name shall be added to the list or taxable by the election officers, tbe word "tax" being added where the claimant votes 011 age, the same words being added by the clerks in each case respective ly 00 the list or persons voting at inch election. It shall be Inwrul for nnynnnliflcd rltizcu or the district, notwllhirandlng tho name of the pro posed voter Is contained on tbe list or renldcut taxubles, to Challenge the vetc ot such person whereupon the same proof or the right or sur- frago as Is now required hy law shall tie publicly made and acted on hy the election board nnd the vote admitted or rejected, according to tbo evi dence 1 every person claiming to be a naturalized citizen shall be required to produce his naturali zation certificate nl the eleulou before vol Inif. ex cept where he has been for ten years consecutive ly a voter In the district In which he offers his voto 1 and on ths vot of snch persous. being re ceived, it shull be the duty of the chctinu offi cers to write or stnmp on snch certificate the word "voted, with the month and yeir t and if any election officer or officers shall receive a se cond vote on the same day by virtue of the same certillentu. t-xn-hting where sous nreentit'ed to vote by virtue of the naturalization of their la thers, they and the person who shnll offer such second vote, upon so offending shnll he guiUy of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, be fined or Imprisoned, or both, nt the discielion of the court ; but the tine shall not exceed ono hundred dollars In each case, nor the imprison ment on year i the like punishment shall be in flicted, un conviction, on the officers of election who shall neglect or refuse to make, or cause to lc made, the indorsement required as aforesaid on said naturalization certificate. 1 If nny election officer shall refuse or neglect to require such proof of the right of suffrage ns Is prescribed by thl low, or the luw 10 which this is a supplement, from nny person offering to vote whose mime Is not on the list of assessed voters, or whose right lo vote Is challenged by any qual ified voter preseet, and shall ndmit sues person to vote without requiring such proof, every per son so offending shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and shall be seulenced, for every such offence, to pay a fine not exceed ing one hundred dollars, or to uudcrgo an luiprl sonmoul not more than one year, or either, or both, at the discretion of the court. Ten days precoedlng every election for electors for President- end Vice President of tbo United States, it shall be tbe duly of the assessor to at tend nt the place fixed by law for holding the election In each election district, and then and there hear all application of persons whose names have been omitted from th list of assess ed voters, and who claim the right to vote, flr whose rights have originated since ine stale was made out, and shall add the niifnes of such per sons thereto, as shall show that! they are entitled to the right of suffrage In sucy, district, on the personal application of th cUlmaut only, aud forthwith asses thorn with the proper tux. Af ter completing the list, a copy thereof shall be nluced on tbe door of. or on the- bonan where the election is to be held, at least eiKht days before the election t and ntths etectl'oa tue (ante course shall be pursued, lit alt rs;PecUi, a is required bv Ibis act and the acts to w 's a scpple- ment, at the general election ,n October. The assessor shall also maks lb, return to the county commissioners of at i 'u0" m," ? virtue of this ccllon t an JT ,r V" "" ., .i.v 'os thereof to the lec tion officer in each dUti' l'?;ike n?nuer'l tn all rcpect., a I requ4 l toe enoriU clectlon '"fho n V. ml., an "f" hll apply at evcfi7.neclal electl?11' aD! eTer' cfwrte city. .he .nel .V n " "ODCr. Tie rf peellTe aseoi , inspectors and J udge . je-ieciious man eacn nave ine power 10 ad ' '.uhver oaths to anv nersons claiming the rirht to be assessed or the right of suffrage, or lu re- i,ra 10 any 01 ner usuri or taing required to De done o inquired lnte by anv of said officers un der this an , and any willful false (wearing by auy person In relaton to any mutter or thlug concerning which they (ball ba lawfuly Interro gated by auy of said officers shall be puulshed as perjury. Tbe MHHon bal each receive th same eom- pessauon tonne time nossnrily apent lu per forming tliedultea hereby enjoined. Is nrnvldet by law for th perforuwuice of their othei duties, to be paid by the county commissioners as in ot her case 1 and It shall sot b lawful for any assessor to asses a tax against any yerson whatever within tea days usxt preceding th lcllon lo be held on- the second Tuesday tn October In any year, or within ten day rext before any election for elector of President and Vice President of the United Stale 1 any violation of thl provi sion stall be a misdemeanor, and subject the officer a effandlijg 9 (je, ou cqtstietlon, not exceeding one baud red dollars, or to Imprison ment not rxccediug three months, or both, at he discretion of tbe eeurt. , ' ftn.he peiltoo, of five or mare citizens of tbe county, staling under oath tbat they verily be lieve mat irauns win no practiced at Ibe election about to be held In spy district, It ahatl ba tbe duty of Ibceonrt of eonosoe pen ft aaldicpunty, If In session, or If not a lodge thereof1 ln vaca tion, to appoint two judicious, sober aud intelli gent rKlaoas of the txjonly t ot as overseer shall "be- selected Trma 'different political WUu Mai. Ik. k.u.. jt . rilM Vkni whera both of said lusnclore belong parties, ac political party, Dot 11 1 lie ov rsee rs '? .""Sken from the opposite political party "J" ,ors ol the election during Ibe whole h. hal"' ,h "" the tlm tne me , . ,:,,, .i...ir;.i return Slide d - - t - eers to keen a list of votes, If they see propr t to cuaiitnge any 1 person mtcring to voto, and Interrogate him and tils witness ,nndor onth, tn regard lo his right of snffrnge at said elect ion, to esamlns bispaiiere produced 4 sal the officer of said election are required to afford to said overseers so selected and appointed every conve nience una racuity lor tne mscuurge or their dutlest nnd If snld election officers shall refute to permit said overseers to be present, and per form tneir untie as arorcsald, or if they shall ba driven sway from the pool by violence and lu llmldntlon, Btl the votes polled at such election district may be rejected by any tribunal trying a . . 1 1 .1 u 1 . 1 . r . . r.' 1 " cuiiiwt miner ram eieeiiini I i niKini, l link no person signing tbe petition shall be appointed sit overseer. ' . That tbe citizens of this State temporarily in the service of the State or of tbe United States government, On clerical or other duty, and who do not vote wncre inns emptuyea, ennii not oe thereby deprived of the right to vote In their several election districts If otherwise duly quali fied. - XV. AMENDMENT CONSTITUTION t 8. "Srctiok 1. Tho right of citizens of the Unit ed States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United Btnlcs, or by any Slate, on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. Bsc. 3. Tho Congress shnll bare power to en force this nrtlcle by appropriate legislation. l-'lFTRSMTIl AMBNDMRNT TO TUE CONSTITUTION. --.The following Instructions from His Excel lency Governor Geary explain the duties of us -lessors, registers and election oOlcors, In rcgar c to all freed men of thl Commonwealth 1 EXBCI'TIVI C1iiMnF.11, ) riAHiiiHBCHa Pa., Angust 18, 1H73. ) To Iht tituriff of tht County of Xorthumbcrlaud 1 Wnr.nr.AS, Tbe Fifteenth Amendment of tho Constitution of tbe United States a follows 1 "Srctioh 1. I he right of the citizen of tbe United Slates to vot shall not lie denied er abridged by the Uulted States or by any Stat, on account of race, color or previous couditlon of servitude. "Sec. ii. The Congress shull have power tn enforce this article by appropriate legislation." ilnd tessnas, The Congress of the Uuited States, on the 81st day of March, 1K70, parsed an net entitled "An net to enforce the right ot ecllscn of the United States to vote in the sev eral Slates of this Union, and for other pur poses,'' the first and second suctions of which are ns follows 1 Section 1. Be it enacted bv the Senale nnd House of Representatives of the United States ot America iu Congress assembled, That all citi zens of the United States, who are or shall bo otherwise qualified hy law to vote at any clec tlon by the people, In nny Suite, Territory, dis trict, county, city, parish, township, school dis trict; municipality or other territorial sub-divisions shall be entitled and allowed to vote In all such election without distinction of race, color, or prcvlon condition of servitude; any consti tution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of nny State, Territory, or by, or under its authority, to the contrary notwithstanding. . Bsc. 3 -tnii bt if furthtr enacted. That if by or under the authority of the constitution or laws ol any Stnte, or the laws of any Territory nny act is or shall be required to be douo us a prere quisite or qualification for voting, anil by siirh constitution or laws persons or officers aro or shall be charged with the porformence of duties In furnishing to citizens un opportunity to per form such prerequisite or to become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of every such person and officer to give to nil citizen of the United States the some and equal opportunity to perform snch prerequisite, und to become quulilied to vote, without distinction of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude ; nnd if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full effect to this Section, he shall, for every snch offense, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to tho pernor, aggrieved hereby, to bo recovered by nn action on the case, with costs aud such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem Just nnd shall also for every such offense be deemed guilty of n misde meanor nud rhall, on conviction thcreol, be fined not less tbau five hundred dollars, or be Im prisoned uot less thsa one month aud not more than one year, or both, at tbe discretion of tho eonrt." Ami trheriat, It Is declared by the second sec tion of the VI article of the Constitution of the United Stutes, that "Thl Constitution, nnd the laws of the United States which shall be made In pnrsnnnce thereof, shall be the supreme law of the and, anything in the Con stitution or laws of any State to tho contiary notwithstanding-" And trkentu, The Legislature of this Common wealth, on the fith day of April, A. D. 1H70, . passed an not entitled "A further supplement to tbe act relating to elections In this Common wealth, tho tenth section of which provide ns follows . Sec. 10. That so much ol every set of Assem bly as provide that only white freemen shall bo ontltlcd to vote or bo registered as voters or ns claiming to vote at any general or special dec liou of this Commonwealth, bo and the same U hereby replied ; nnd that hereafter all freemen, without distinction of color, bhall be enrolled nnd registered, aceordiug to t uc provisions of tho first section of tho net approved 17th of April, 1W.9, entitled "An act further uppleniental to the act relating to the elcctione of this Comninii wenlb," ad when otherwise qualified under ex isting laws, be entitled to vote at all general ami and special elections In this Commonwealth." .tnif irArfu, It is my constitutional and offi cial duty to "take care thnt the laws be faith fully executed," and it ha com to my know ledge that sundry assessors and "egiJtcrs or vo ters have refused, and are refusing to assess and registered divers colored male citizens of lawful age, sua otherwise quannea as electors : So tlurtfort, lu coiisineraiion 01 ine premises, the county commissioner of said county arc hereby notified and directed to instruct the sev eral assessors and registers of voters therein, to obey and courorm to tne requirements 01 snui constitutional amendment nnd laws ; and the sheriff of said county is hereby authorized and required to publish In hi election proclamation for the next ensuing ctcction herein recited con stitutional amendment, act of Congress, nnd act of the Legislature, to Ibe end that the same may be known, executed and obeyed hy all the assessors, registers of voters, election officers aud othera. sad that the right and privileges guaran teed thereby rosy be secured to all tbe citizens of this Cororoonwcaliu eniuiea 10 me same. TSealI Given under my hand nnd the great seal of the State at lliirrlsburg, the day aud year first above written. aiuiis H.iis.tm. Attest t F. JOKOAN. Secretary of tbe Commonwealth. The qualified electors will take notice of the following act of Assembly, approved the 12tli day of March, 1BCU 1 An Act regulating the. aiode of voting at all election iu the several counties of this Commonwealth. Sbction 1. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth Pennsylvania In the General Assembly met, and It is benny enacted by the authority ef the some. That tho q-wlitUd votors of the several count lea of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough sod special elections, are hereby here after authorized and required to vote, by tickets, printed or wrlttou or partly written, severally classified as follow t One ticket shall cmbrucc the names of all Judges of court voted for, aud to be labeled outside, "judiciary;" oue ticket shall embrace the names of all State officers voted for, and be labeled "rHate ;" oue ticket shall embrace the name of all officers voted for, and member of Congre, if voted for, and be labeled "county i" one ticket shall embrace the Bamee of all township officers voted for, and be labeled "township;" one ticket shall embrace the name of all borough officers voted for, aud hall be labeled "borough;" aud each class shall be deposited lu separata ballot-boxes. Sec. That It shall be the duty of the sheriffs in the several couulie of thl Commonwealth lo Insort In tbelr election proclamation hereafter Issued tbs first section of thl act. JAMES K. KFLLEY, Speaker of the House of Kepresentalivcs. , . , DAVID FLEMING, Speaker of the Senate. Approved, the thirteenth day of March, A. P. one tbousnud eight hundred aud slxtv-six. A. O. CCRTIN, Pursuant to the .provision contained iu tho 76lh section of ths set aforesaid, the Judge of the aforesaid, district shall respectively take charge of tba certificates of return of the e'.o tion of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one Judge from euch dis trict at the Court House, la the Borough of Sun bury, on the third day after the day of election, being ON KK1UAT THE 17TU DAY OF OCTO BER, 1S73, at 10 o'clock A. a., then and there lo do and perform tbe duties required by law of said Judge. Also, that where a Judge, s-y sickness or una voidable uccldeut, 1 unable to attend such meeting of Judge, then the certificate or return shull be taken charge of by eve of the Inspector or clerk of tba elect km of thediarriot, who shall do and perform the delivt ' required of said judge unable 10 attend. Givou under tny tend,' ox my eiBce iS Sunbnry, this fith day of fter :enirv'n uw who- of our Lord one thousand eigtl huuSned aud seventy, three, and in Ihsi'ltiue.y-uiglatb year of the inile--peudeuce of IhS Uuited Stairs. 81 H. ROTIIErtMF.L, ShctlfT! BbcrilT Office, Sept. 10, l'73.