Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 05, 1873, Image 3

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    unburn Uttncam
business locals. i
Miss Caroline Dallas is tlio rgent for the mile of
the best Bowing Machine in existence, viz : 'Tho
Improved Orover ci Baker,' and 'Domestic,'
which are constantly kept on band, ami sold at
reasonable prices. She hi also agent for tlio tale
of the celebrated 'Silver Tongue Organs,' and tho
'Bat. Slate Orirans,' and for tbo sale of the
KrniiU Pope Kultting Machine. Call and see
them. Office on Market street, cast of the f ail
road. ' ' ; ' C
Tub Imi-hoved Ohovbk Bakrh Sr.trixo Ma
chin. Those colobrated .machines are ollorfd
at tho most reasonable rate. Fur pnrt'.rnlnrs
apply to D. U. K.BTZ, Agent,
ycb.22,'73.-ly. UprwrrAuirusta township.
Second hand Pianos for salq or rent at reason
able rates. Inquire at this nfTbc.
j,. Oont pay two priocswbou you can get goods
at a small jnollt . At, II. A. inry's store,
.nrovrac.,o,l one ic-e prevails, au.i ;roota . rnluU v;Uo wMt l(J wltnCM u l0 be on band
of the best quality can . h, m.rclmse.1 nt aslou- - ,,., iniUb ,,, or"tlltll d:iy.
lshlngly low prices. Hi rcitk consist of every 1 3 . ... ' i ,
variety of T)ry tlood. fcnrV-rlroprlos L, jiu. Wn. EnuiSmjmUi tthotit completing the
Notions, Boots and SboVs. niid iWelry. Tho I fo'i,'rtli double linnse oii bift-iot, on tin) corner of
Assortment Is Joflnpfc4e,nltift wIMtJ Alth the ntlj J',iteK streets... Sir. Fugleman has
greatest care. No chargest art) rqada to show , . , , ,,
, . .1 'lone ncnt'Iv all the Carpenter work on theso
gaods In fact it la u pleasure to Mr. k Inner to i . i ,, - ,, ., ' ,. ,
h, , , - , . , . tiocs himself, which suuw great Indttsti')', and
how what a handsome stock, bo lias on hand, i ,, . . ... .' ,,,, , ,, . , i, ,
, ,, ... , .. , . ,, , , I be opptarnnec of the building!" Indicate derlded-
Ladies and gent omuii ma invitod to call and ,
- , , .. ' , r . . ". ly ood met halilcal taste.
make a full examination tH-forc buying else-
wiivra., , , x ' ii I -. A NKAt looking building has lately been reet-
. Win. II. Mii.Lka. of the f.xcctaior Boot Shoo 11,0 cr"cr of Sccoud " Venn streets, by
Store- Is UMbhins tvarybody with: his low j M,s- Til11" Tyera, ns a reileneo for her uged
prleos. .He keeps the bestr uituinfaetured. His ' "'Other. - . . ,
.took consists of the. UrgesV .-urloty i. .eepral !1A1.( ntanredTM bevcry biti'tiaa
Pennsylvania. Trunks ftttdVnllscs of all Biws, ; fall, owina to the fact Uat.ncnrly nil the valua-
are for a;tl at his store...
J. P. ScitAFFK'it, well known as a furulsher of
clcfrantly fl'tf Injr "suits; tnkes the read (n merchant
tailoiiiiL'. Ills stock of cloths and casslmeres
are not excelled anywhere. The' work mads up
at his shop Is all substantial, and warranted to
lifts satisfaction, j- i .i.. . '.
A boys found cnijajfcd in defacing or injur
iug tbo school buildings, will be promptly airest
c I by the directors and punished. .
' AiiinRVr.- Andrew Newberry ,"nn employee
on llic P. A K. rail road. Was severely Injured
whiles engaged in rcpiilrinjj cars In the upper
ynr.l, ou Monday last. His fare and head was
severely bruised by a car tallii.g ou him.. Dr.
Martin wad called, who dressed the wound.
We were mb-informcd lust "week as to the 'ap
pointment of Mr. 1). Druckemitler, as a police
man. Mr.'l Otlp received the appointment
and is now on duty.
A ni:w, two story double frame house Is being
completed on Peru street, near Third, by yal.
Deitz. It is u liuu iuiprovuuient.
Tar, handsome jirivuta residence of Col. T. II.
I'urdy, ou the Town Hill, is being rapidly finish
ed." It l a hiind.-omc structure, nnd adds great
ly to the improvements made In that part of the
Jowl). -,'
A MFr.TiNO of tlie Good Intent Fire Company
will be held en Tuesday evening next, at their
new engine house. All the members arc re
quested to attend. Action will be taken for a.
parade during the fair at this place, and every
member Is expected to be there.
Since good policemen have been appointed,
our town Is exceedingly quiet. The' "drunks"
arc rapidly subsiding, as they arc "pulled" just
as soon as discovered, and sunt to tbo lock-up to
meditate ou a reformation.
.Melons and Citrons. Our liundj were made
.happy on Friday last, by our 'neighbor, S. Bycr
ly, who rolled into our ufllce two mammoth cit
rous. Mr. liyerly purchased a inellon patch lu
Cbillioquaquo townt-hlp. .Id) is furui&lilng our
citi.cub with the finest melons' fredi from tho
will... -l ;. ---f
UimKitr Ahams, ah engineer ou the P. & E.
ivailroaj, had one of his anus sevmcly injured ou j
Thursday of last week while oiling hU engine at
Foi:;i:hy. IT. S. Mair, an Ashland lawyer,
has been bound over to appear at tho Poltsvillo
court, ou a charge of forging a note ou the Ash
land Suvlngs Bank for yi)0.
Dhownkh. Ou Wednesday last, a child of
Win. S'.einer, living back of Turbotvillc, Viis
..browned in a bucket of water. It was about ono
year old, says the Watsontown lUcurd. '
The public schools opened at this pluec, on
Monday list. .Prof. Schneider, Principal of the
High School, and Jtoiough Superiuteudaut, was
fcusy during the weuk In regulating the different
crudes. Prof. fi. has ids heart in the profession
of tcacliiiiR, and und-jrstands it thoroughly He
M ill open the High -School on Monday next, and
ns heretofore, -will no doubt, give entire satisfac
tion. Suuburv has now excellent schools, and
4irst class tcucliers.
TliK Oidiuiutce passed t divide the luaiket
makes the salary of the market clerk depcudeut
on collections upon those unending the mar
kets. This is doubtful .polit-y iu our opinion.
We arc indebted:! Wr-Clui. I Icrrick, of Low
er Augusta, for an apple which be says was
sound until within a few days. It is, however,
o uncommon thing to koup soaao kinds of up
Mcs, for 12 or 15 months.
Sign BoakM, with the 4muKsa of the streets,
liavo beeu put up ut the diil'ercut curwors of tbe
borough. In this matter oar City Fathers have
acted as they frequently do, without do reflec
tion or good Judgment. They sceui to prulit but
llttla by cxperieuee. Iu tho tlrst placethc uumes
bhould be painted on the street lamps, wherever
there ure such lamps, und the names of the two
streets ut tho corners on ruie ttinvp Is sufficient.
Sign boards at opposito corncra rc siicrtluus.
This Is tbo plau uw uuiv-rss-Hy doptod iu all
cities and towns of progress, sihJ (ir tltc test f
reasons, as the unmet can be rVart ru fha darkest
of nights ou the lamps, where tbeycaunot other
wise bo distinguished. The boards would have
looked better had at least an Inch of iwarglnfceeu
left ot the cluls. As It Is.they have somtlngof
a bob-tail appearance. . Another mUuke was
made lu uot putting thera up high cuogi. An
agile, six footer might kick them off their moor
ings, or light his match ou them iu some places.
We have previously likened oar Borough to a
good sutured goota thai submits to bo plucked
by all w ithout eveu squeaking. But It may he
said wliat is $jj to a rich borough. ,
The Premium LUt of tbo L'oiou Paik Associ
ation, but lcn orcUtvd ia this Uioo ou account
of want of room. The premiums offered will
be most liberal, and will give those iu adjuiuing
counties 4 line opportunity to oouivt with
thoto iu our county. Every effort is beiog made
by tlio manager to make tb ftlr the largest
ever held In the State.
Olb neighbor of the Vmwcral U eupwjsed to
have increased 300 lb In weight, lutcly, from the
effects of eating watermelons and citrons, aurt
"etill he is uot liappy."
P. T. BaihI-m's MtSECM, Menaocrtk An
World's Faib. At lout the announcement Is
made that the great showman arid hit lncotn
pariule show is to visit Sunbury. Tho entire
vast and colossal exposition now on lis home
ward march, wlU exhibit In this place, on the
18th of this month, and wa have no doubt bat
what twenty thousand people will bo ou band on
thai day, to soo and b seen. -..
Ve And In tho rehabilitation and reoqiilprnMit
of his lost new venture, Mr. Barnum has dis
played more than his usual enterprise, for In less
than six months from tho time uf the disastrous
fire which consumed hit Great Show on the 34th
day of December last, In New Tork, we find hint
ou the road again with a new combination of
ottractlous" every wharo conceded to be throe
(lines larger than ever.
The eKtth has been searched for novelties arid
attructlgus, and Mr. Barnum to-day has th sat
isfaction Trf knowing that he has the grent est
traveling exhibition uow known, and that the
thousands who dully crowd his tents go away
satisfied "fliat they scon the biggest thing out.
Tho great street procovslnti, thrco miles Ion);,
usually lakes plaee early in the morning of the
day of exhibition, nud .we advise our qmtutry
I hie anthracite coal miifc in this State liava been
purchased arid hcloni( to thu great railroad com
panies who now have It in their own power to tlx
the price of coal at any Hirura they please. The
people should demand that tho next I'onffrcss
remove the tarltTaltogetlier on imported coal.
IhiUy, of Monday.
Ihm'l our neihlior know that there is no tin
thrneite.coal Imported ( consequtntly, we won
der how a duty Is to be imposed.
A Make belonging to G.' W. Bicwer was taken
out of the Held nt the gas works In this place, ou
I. Wartnesduy night of last week. The thief went
' as far as Klinesgrovc whera he let her loose. Six-
was lukcu up by a farmer. No clue to the tliicT
has been discovered. '
"Good Esoron." Mr. Jiinies Washington,
barber on Market street, lately added to his force
or workmen, Geo. Eilnion, master of the tonsn
rial art . All who go to Washington's tonsorial
palace, will Hud themselves "just in time" to get
u clean and easy slnivo, "gooil enough" for any
Prince or Potentate. Hair cut lu the latest style
of Iho art. All hands polite, and ready and
willing to do their best to please.
Nkw Uhfss, 3'be MnuUnir Antericnn came to
us iu mi cutire new dress of type, last week, and
looked us fresh as a rose on a May morning. The
Amtricun, though always well printed, makes a
decidedly improved appearance. This Is the first
new dress since It is established eighteen years
ago. The type were procured from the reliable
linn of Messrs. Collins & Mcl.eestcr, of Philadel
phia, and present u clean and finished appear
ance. The .lirii ii is edited with great ability,
and wields an Immense, inttiieuce iu Its advoca
cy of Republican principles.
O'imiEs's Consolidation of Knterialuments, to
be exhibited at tills place on Tuesday next, will
be the largest and cheapest show that bus ever
been lu this section of country. O'Hrlcn is every
where acknowledged to have tho largest collec
tion of wild animals, mid the best KTformcra of
any exhibition travelling. Many of our citizens
will, no doul.t, remember his graud entertain
a year or two ago. r-iiiee then he has added
a large number of the greatest novelties found
on cai th, mid wherever exhibited the press Is
profuse in its recommendation to the public.
The very low admission fee a Hol ds to every one
a sight of this great show. Six tents fail of eu
' iosities call be seen for '.5 cunts.
("has. I". Fisiiku, agent for the Mineral I'. R.
anil Mining Company, has hail a beautiful sign
put over the door of his office on Third street,
near the osl-ollle.i. The sign is very tastefully
gotten up under the direction of Mr. Fisher, aud
;ives further indications of that gentleman's cf- !
lieiency iu conducting a large business. The
company Is now the most extensive shippeis In
the coal region.
Ni.w Si'kam Saw MiI.l. The new sle.ini saw
mill lately creeled at Georgetown, Northumber
land county. Pa,., it now In fujl operation.
It is run by Mnssrs. Ressler Baehman A Co., and
cuts bill lumber, boards, lallf, shingles, Ac.,
which will bo furnished nt tbe shortest notice. I
Fiti:sii Shell Oysters are now served up by onr
restaurant keepers. Dr. Jeffries of the European
Hotel, keeps a splendid assortment, in connec
tion with spring chickens.
We arc happy to notice that the splendid as
sortment of hats nt S. Faust's Hat store ure ap
preciated by every one. His largo assortment
constantly ou baud gives all a chance to procure
a fashionable hat. His tine silk hats cannot be
surpassed for beauty.
Pkotiionotaky L. T. Rohruacli, has beeu fur
nished with a new seal by the Commissioners, for
the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of
Northumberland county. Objections were raised
because in tho old seal the words "of the peace"
wero omitted, aud lu tbe new one the deficiency
is supplied.
Pigeon Siiootisu. The 7uihy of Wednesday
says: Tills sport is just now In vogue among
tbe sjortlug fraternity, Several matches have
taken place iu this vicinity tecently. On the 24th
of AugUBt, in Trevorton, there was a match be
tween two Pcnnsylvuulaus and two Illinolsluns,
which resulted In a tic, as follows t
KUUil. Miutd.
J. D. Patton ...:..... 11 516
B. Mnchcuier t., V4 ,..,... 416
) ' . . ' ' , ILt.lNOlSANS. ,
Killtd. ilitud.
H. II. Kdgcrton.. 13 41 C
Geo. Maiilerre 11 : 510
Ou tbe UOtb of August, the above match was
shot olf, tbe Pcnnsylvuuiuus winning by fbrce
birds. ' '
Oh Monday', in Sunbury, there whs a mutch
between four" Individuals, (twenty-one yards rise,
three miuute tliue boundary,) which resulted as
follow t
Edgertuu ioiliuill 10111 IS a 15
Markle. IIUOIUHUWUU-: V ...... 16
. ... , I . . - W
Manler roHrjliitH)lluill
Mucucioor......,, UOO!HUtlU).U 1J It 15
. ,. . , 23 ' IK)
Manlcrre't sW 'm!n!f by one bird.
WuttnctWAp?of Mr.au4.Mrs, fccBrlde,
at Uudoa, fiuird 'guilty of muffler lu the'
first 'lirrrfV lm J hw aU'umdny
Council, pRorKKWNos. The borough Council
met in regular session on Tuesday evening,
Sept. 2 -
Affidavits or oaths of office of Policemen
Roach, Vandyke and C'ulp were presented, read
and filed. . r '
Report of pollco officer read. .
On motion of D. C. Dlsslnger, tho railroad
company be irqulred In fill up tbe crossing; on
Packer street, over their new railroad, In as good
a condition a thay found It, the full width of
sixty feet. ... . .. . - .. '
Orders were granted as follows i
Stoam Flrn Company for Augnst.r...,
I-rvl Seasbnltr.
. , teo oo
. ns st
. 87 50
,t 13 OU
. l'J f0
. H 00
l,ys3 54
I . 85 00
P. W. Gray, Clerk
Michael Hetrick
D. Buckley
Geo. II. llenii, Market Clerk
County of Northumberland..
Tho. Roach, pollcomku.A...
Edward ..,.. I. .I..X. ..
Jos, lUebardson....
Geo, Harrison
I'pDeGrufl'ifc Wharton w.....
Steam Klro Vmipsny ..t.....
Geo. W. Khhl.h.,..a ..,.:.
SamT Manlf .....s.,
I, . Stroll .,
F. Randies
II. Badshcr
Geo. Forrester
Chas. (iarluger ,,
8. A. Cufcij w
Goo". Cailwalluder
W. I.. Dcwurt ,
41 ,1U
7 HO
S40 00
r no
19 It
1 00
.3 ca
2 G'J
7 00
4 s?
3;i 81
4 50
tl 00
10 00
15 OU
W. 1.. Dcwurt, Chalrluan of Finance Commit
tee, presented the report of Auditors who settled
cvTivusurer Buchcr's account. Thobaiuncc
showed the borough to be In Mr. Buchcr's debt
to the amount of ?;00 !J4, for which on order
wasjgranlcd. A commendatory resolution was
pissol In favor of Mi. Buclicf.
( An olrleT was gratiti'd ftir amount due J. G.
"Marklrysaid 'amount to be drtet mined by the
Town Clerk.
The Chief Burgess was directed to sell 8:1,000
worth of borough bonds, ut the face of the bonds,
for cash.
; Oil motion, the (('solution of W. 1,. Dcwart to
divblo the market on ciicii side uf the railroad on
Market street, and dlrcMlng the Market Master
to tux each holder of a stand ten cents per week,
was adopted.
A petition from the citizens of the East Ward
toallow the market to extend down Y'i urth street,
between Market and Chestnut, was presented.
The prayer oT the petitioner was granted.
On motion V. Dicta, Street Committee were
directed to inquire into the cost of opening Penn
street to the river.
The same committee were directed to Inquire
Into the cost of a sewer on Chestnut street, from
the railroad to the river.
On motion, niljounicd.
P. W. Grat, Clerk.
Tun Festival to be held at Kllucsgrove, on
Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday evenings of next
week, will afford our people n lino opportunity
to enjoy a pleasant drivo among the moonlit
hills of Upper Augusta. The scenery is beauti
ful between Sunbury and Kllncsifrovc. The
people of that section are determined to make
their festival a great success. On Saturday af
ternoon and evening a grand dinucr will be serv
ed, nnd ns the Indies of that vicinity are well
known as good caterers, a rich tie it may be
expected. Let there be a good turn out, and
give n rousing benefit to the Church ut Klins
grovc. John Hrnry Dknio, aims "Jack Shepherd,"
has been stopped from blowing bis trumpet by
the Courts of Dauphin County convicting biin of
libelling Col. Wesley Awl and Mrs. Dr. Curwin
after her death. There will be no more street
sermons delivered by John Henry for some time
to come.
Wm. Grant, of the Arm of Grant & Bro., coal
dealers, met with a serious accident on Saturday
last, while engaged in shifting coal cars at their
wharf ou Front street. The cars were being
pulled by horses hitched to u ropo with an iron
hook. The hook became detached und rcliound
cl, striking Mr. Grant ou the forehead, upon
which n serious gash was cut. His wound was
dressed by Dr. C. M. Martiu.
Wi: clip tbo following Item from the North urn-,
bcrland J'rem of lust week :
Wc learn (hat an attempt was made to rob the
t'eket ollleo ol the P. & E. It. U. Co. nt this
place on Sunday night last. The burglar gained
mi entrance to the ollleo by prying off the bolt
which closes the slldu of tbe ticket window. The
money drawer was (orced open, but tho thief
found it as free fiom change as A contributing
b utter tlie pastor has gone through it.
A. 11. Stone has consented la take charge of
the cur shops as superintendent. Tho Directors
have made a good selection, ns he understands
machinery, and no doubt will by his industry
nud perseverance, carry on the business of man
ufacturing cars successfully. He is the right
man lu the right place.
Mr. Philip Gibbons, of Point towushlp, fell
from a wagon load of wood on Monday last, '
which caused a severe contusion lu his scapular
region. No bones were broken and we lcaru ho
Is doing well.
Mr. Jesse Miller bus struck a vein of soft ore,
from 13 to IH inches thick, on his laud iu Point
township. This is good news for the furuuee
lloiioi (,I AflilT. The boroilL-h Auditors beg
leave reseetfully to represent that they met at
tho store George B. Cadwallader, on the 28th
nnd JIHh days of August, 1S73, lor tho purpote
of settling the account of b. M. Bucner, tsq.,
late Borough Treasurer. Mr. ltiichcr was pre
sent with his hooks and vouchers, aud the set
tlement or his account is ns lollows i
Date of last settlement, Oct. 20, 1S71,
of ollleo July 13, 1S73.
Oct. 20, 1871, balance due him as
per last settlement
July 13, 1873 by poor orders cashed.,
By bonds cashed
By coupons from borough cached
By commission, 2 per cent., ou
7,8'J7 57
Went out
9130 23
.2,225 29
.5,200 0
.. 405 50
157 05
$,104 05
To cash and orders and coupons
ree'd from Collector $0,838 10
To cash received from market...
clerk C5
To cash from Mrs. Douuel, two
years' rent 120 00
Tocast from James Boyd, Wharf ( ,
rent for 1871 70 00
To cash from Grant & Bro.,
Whitrl rent for 1871 and 1873. 50 00
To cash from Val. Diets, wharf
rent for 1871 and 1872.. 20 00
To cash from bolomon Weaver,
tax collector 800 00
J7.8U3 81
t '300 24
BalKTrce duo Treasurer Butlirr,
Total t8,iy4 05 .
Your Auditors Canceled all tbe orders aud
coupons, und marked all the stubs but about
(25 00 worth of poor order stubs that could uot
be found. THts Auditors take pleasure in saying
that Mr. Bucber bad all bis accounts lu good
order Was prompt with all explaoulUus, und
rvflre from tbe office With confidence ot the
RespectfuHy Submitted.
V, L. DrwAiiT.
On motion of W. L. Dcwurt, It was
AcMisW, Tbul an order tie favor of
E. M. Uucher, Esq., for 3'H n.c above
auce due him, and that thj Cfctef Burgess bo di
rected to deliver up bis uoud us tkiroujjh Trea
surer. Adopted.
Sit' new' aud" fc4i.UtlfulJy finished fjuescuger
cars for tWlew York; Boston and Montreal R.
paskctf1 our oBice on Mouduy latt, on their
. ; Morning, Afternoon nnd Kvcning. Doors open il 10 A. f. ttnd 1 and 1 1. M.
Ono Single Ticket, 50c, Admits to 'all." Children under Nino Years of Age, 25c. Rencavcd AinpliitLoatrc Scats 15c.
Io order to ricc'nnitriodiitr! tlio 110,000 per
sons who visit this Exhibition daily, a
grand wooden Amphitheatre, similar to tho
nneient Itoman Amtiliithetitre, will be
erected on tho lots selected, at a cost of
",000, contiguous to tho
ColOMMitl IIIiolronir I'nviloiiiK,
"VVitli choice ltcervu Seats overlooking the
entire nudienee, in full view ol' the
SPECTACULAR HINtiS Willi a joint
seating capacity for 10,000 ieop;t. 'The
entire series of Exhibitions lire briefly sum
med up iu the following startling but bona-
12 Goreeous Stntunrv Chariots. o Trains
Troupes. 3 Se pern to nnd Distinct Circus
nil-, oaiui,,uj ii.xn u.iu itjiivj. jiiiu iiii;Dttum .'ui.uiioi ,iL-u 111 uiu tiuiiu, xiiu jjumui-u ijii i nun io- i ineu jioy. i rot. nosers' tiisioni;al tfrotiji
of Classic Statuary. 100 Magnificent Oil 1'aiutings of Celebrities, including Kings, Potentates, Emperors, nnd all the l'resideuts of the United stales. A World of lleautilul
Automations, so complicated nnd massivu ns to require a Steam Engiue to operate them, Including Landscape, Grotto and Transformation Scenes, Running Water lirwiks,
Rippling Fouutnins, Moving Railroad Trains, Groltesquc Mythological Phantasia, and Hundreds of other Extremely Curious and Diverting knurrs never lcfore I'hicod o'i
Exhibition. 4 Urass Hands and Mueninsynian Chariots. Procession nearly ."? miles long. 20 Colossal Pavilions and the Great AinpheihealTu Builditig occupy 0 full square.
A Rlack Rhinoceros, large as an Elephant. 1,200 Men and Horses. 70 First-Class Pet formers. Six Famous Clows. . Iu fact it will require more than otui glance at Mr.
llaruum's Xcw Amusement Enterprise to thoroughly satisfy tlie public as to the relative dill'erenee between and Absolute, Grand. Magnificent, First-t lass Exhibition ami int
0 Colored Jubilee Singers from the South
many other diverting fiiatures, well worthy
hibttion or the Great tfliow.
Will also
Excursion trains on
6wiNDUSD.A few ilnys ago a farmer of Lower
Augusta township bought what he Biipposed was
the rlyht of thU county for a patent harrow,
giving therefor a promissory note for six hun
dred dollars, payable In one year. Upon exami
nation a dny or two afterwards, the rum-hut-cr
fonuj hu had only been given the r;i Io net at
agent In the snle of the harrow. The sharper
sold the ootc to a citi.v of Sunbury, but its
validity will be contented In the court before It
will be paid. The swindler U not known, nnd,
of coun-e, will give this vlelnily a wide berth for
nt least one year. JMily of Thurtdtty.
A special meeting of the newly elected board
of directors for the StiNUiiry Klre Insurance
fjonipuuy, wui held ou Wednesday lust, In this
place. Tlio stiitibtieii of tho company thowed
tluil the company now hold as follow. :
Valuable real estate. f Hi:!,tS50
Ca.b clock us subterihrd and seeured &J,oOt
Mortgutre held by coiiip;.ny for money
loaned (in stuck)
Proposals for stock not yet finally ne-
cd upon because requirements nut
fully compiled with
a, W0
Total l.i7,60
Among tho gentlemen present In tlio hitejests
of the company, wero Hon. F. 8. Barney, of t'or
ry Hon. A. C. Vhlto, of Brook vWe j It. IL Ca
verly, Ks.,of l'hiladclphla.and Dr. D. T. Krebs,
of North Carolina. The Ifo-ce Urst arc directors
In the compnny. We iiniUrVtand that ogrce
meiits were eflertett with a prominent Insurance
agency in Philadelphia, by which the company
will hav an office lu 4'JO Walnut street, I'hlla
delphla, and lie represented lu every county in the
Suite, B tfoll' as In come of tho other larj:a
Btatep. ' It.
Tuot ttAMVs .Kr- CiiJisoEii by tbo nse of
the l'eruvlan Byrup (n protoxido of Irou) from
weak, sickly,, sutlerinu creatures, to strong,
hialthy and l-.t-PPT men arnd women, aud invalids
eaunnt roakonably bwiUlo to glvs It a trial. For
Uyspep.ia and Debility It Is a specltle.
Bsrni-m' Pt-IIiltQiiiNj llEiioi.--Tlio Great
8howiian it. trucking this season, in every largp
town ho visits , a. large wooden building, In raaot
Imitation of, hut ti many respects superior to,
the ancient l'.onu'.n Amphitheatre. It Is contig
uous to hlo Collossal llippodroine I'avllllon, giv
lug a joint seallun capacity of nearly SO.Oouo icr
soiis. This Auiphitbeatra Building alone coots
mora rooufy toicct than the eulire totiK'tibcs of
an ordinary stow.
Bakncm's Treasurer don't count his currency
or scrip at ail, but ships it lt Iho Vaiu b.tuk
In barrels, always Lavljij several b.trrul. uhiaU
"P. T. I JRI tlNrXJM S
A. T3 n A. 1ST 1ST
Tlio Great Ainuscnioiit Minit-lo of the Ninclfciitli (,'i iittify
lis tnapnitudG no man, who lias not seen it, cuti comprehend, fur tlieiu iib tthaoluti-ly
KAKXUM'S EXTIUDLV M5W SHOW cost ?l.r,0t),(l(i0 nnd is fully ten times In rger
than any other exliibition in America.
Tho Entire Vast Exhibition will Exhibit rtt.Siinbury, Friday Stiif. 10,
' Three Grand, Full nno Complete Performances of the entire
af3L ICS.
IJ , JA. t4 ATT'
of ISttilrnnd Cars required to transport it,
Hinss, nil in full i Cfl'ormanee nt the same
oruiuary snow, iiowver. to stop cavil iiiin close tnoutns ot Doasting rliai lalans anil
traveling mountebanks, Mr. Karnum, although averse to step aside IVo'iu his life-Ion ;
policy, deems it necessary, in order to protect himself nd the public, to offer a series of
Si, oOO.OOO Challenges, open to the World, that he exhibits daily more bewildering at
tractions, startling curiosities, unique and sensational novelties, biological animate and
htsux nnlin-if ; more Hare I iving Wild Animals, Hirds, lieasls, l,'eplile, f.'.-oeodilcs,
A lliijators, Living Sea Lions, and other Marine M ousters. ; the greatest number of
First-Class Arstisis ; a more Gorgeous and l'niqre Combination of Equcstriau and
Ilippodramatiu Taleul. More Entirely New Ftratutx-j than are eonlained in thecomliiii
aUractious of any three shows iu the l.'uited States.. Tlie unanimous sentiment of tbe
Public Press everywhere on the liue uf exhibition, emphatic .the liu.t that P. T R.MJ
XUil'S Entirely Xew Show, is Positively the Largest and Most Attractive Combina
tion of Exhibitions ever known ou Earth, (fully three times lamer than that of last rtm
son.) and remains Absolutely Without a Parallel in tho History of the World the only
Exhibition in America Recognized and Endorsed by the Religious Press and dairy
Visited by Eminent Clergymen aud Divines. Five Admission to the Entire "JO Great
Shows is guaranteed to all who buy the life of P. T. IJarnuiu, written by himself, S,0n
pages, illustrated. Reduced from SU.olK.) to trl.o'i. "Woitha t'loo Gn nibaek to a be
ginner." Hornco Greeley. The daily expenses of this establishment have become so
'reat that the Free List has been positively supended except tho Members of the Press.
The Side Exhibition Connected with this Establishment, contains the Largest and
Most Interesting Collection of Xovelties and Curiosities ever before exhibited, including
The Celebrated Aztec and Australian Children, Living SUc'iotou.;, Circassian ,y Albino
of recognition,
Admission 25 els. lucre,
Exhibit at Williamsport, Sept 18, I larrisbifrg,
all railroads at half fair ojuJJ0111 the Great
Foil Loss or ArrcTiTC, Dyspepsia, Iinl'u'e-i!,n I
Di pressiou of Hpirks and m ral Di billiy, in
their various fonm, Fcrro-l'lio-noraied Kitxir
ol't'nlUay made by Cvswei.i., IIa.aho ,. Co.,
New York, and sold by all tl rit-ririot s, i the best i
Tonic, As a Himulant tiiaij fur p oii-n, s r cov
ering from fever or other sieKi:ess, ii has no
equal. If taken during the season it prevents I
fiver and ague and other intermittent iVvers.
Thirl' Years' i:iei-ii-iict' ol":i: old
X iit-isc.
Nrn VIiiiI(iw'k Soothing S.vriip is'
the prescription ol'nm- of I lie be-t Female
1'liy.ieiaiiii ami Nurses in the I'niled ,-tati'-, and
has been used for thirty yean w ith never failing
safety and tueee.-s by millions nf mothers ami
children, from the fceMe. infant ol one week old
to the adult. It rorreets acidity of iho,
relieves wind colie, ngahtti tie- bowels, ami
givim rest, health and eunilort to mollier rot 1
child. We believe It to be the Hc.-t ami Sure-,
lieniody In the Wot Id. In all c tsc of DYfKN
TKllY'snil DIAlil'.II.KA IN flllLDHKN. wlir
ther it arises from Teething or from any oilier
catue. Full direction for lining will necoinp u.y
each brittle. None (ii-nnine unless the lae-Minile
oi'C'l"IiTIa it PKHKIS i on the tnitsid.! wrap
per, fold hv all Medicia.t dealers.
.Inly ! ; 1H7-J. 1 v.
a ir.7 Arri.icAHoM.s a
Puro Blooming Cornplsxicn.
It if rarely Vrr W5e, sni Its operation la een smt
f, it uk one. It ,1 ,,,away wita tin i l I t.i. ,1 AK -'i.i.
in o I by llr.t. l.t.un, iin.t l i. it.Mii.- t. II .t:
sail riucvt .ull )Uo.lit.iitl I'iinijl.'it.Uisfiuiltiii uurU
sua ua.ititljr sp.iji. Lrives stv.ty J.u. J'rtkle. .tel
buuburu, said t.y 11. tfPutlA but ,uTycrful ifcttaiucd
UUUiUtis Uui livlt .1 ''i'.'k tilth
i,;j i ,
I !"ja ft ,rc
Magnolia r b
ID W S I t O W
"Brs & Tr: CS
J&ZOH ra,:a.J
Daily expenses exceed tho Gross Uowa'pls "I
ilHfFivo alter I'anks toll of laving
l'ertormiti!' ElcphanU, Woiwlerful
will be 110 alter Conceit, v: other Eutcrtaiitmeuts given, except iu outside tents utter Is
1 t-:i 1 j.'oro tl:o Ar.ieritan pnMie
1 " - J -1 - "liili". ; Y yeaii. it l.:ia nevi r yet
! '.ile.l to civ" p.-rftvt satisfaction, ami has
ju-l y b y.i r'.yletl tho p.tiuiora for ull ex
ternal liiji-id. Cut-,, liuiim. Swellings,
Sprains,- lirirm s, Ac, -e , r Man urnl
llcaat. o familv h'.iouM In; a single (lav
A uoil Tiunco lor u Cook Stove !
. . At j. j. nrED1-:"
Third ist, oiipiwItethe .Ccjilral Hotxl, irJuulmry,
AMY pejson pun basing kooiIs to tlio amount
oHM UU ut retail pritus, tor, will be
entitled to a Tiek6t for the drawing of Hut
class No. 1. Cook Stove with all tho f'.xturcs,
valued ut :!0, Wsr runted to give alUfuetion.
Ko. lee will b. jrlvea ol tbe piucu and time ol
draw lug through the papers.,
Bunhury, July 18, 1873. "
Improved Clover Muthiue,
(irceucastle, Frnnklln Co., IN
A''1, s, iH7:i..mci.
i, IB'?,
WllXDWKL'l, T.l.hU.C. MACill.SK.
W,W pJfij
lido .iii:Vuiiet iieiH, tlio whole wurld Uin;
chalkti!;i:il to vt;:it
l',:iniuins New CoIohni) Amufctm nt Cnr
nival, and jiicii;(? Inf yotnclv-s "w hether
lliem! things lo so." ion. ()( (( living, liis
lojii:il nti'1 liepreRotilttlivi' 'Curiouuities.
Auiiiials. Jiin!. livili!c :uid Ma-
llicetil Annual
A P 51 A MAN
half a down other Hiow
,'i Great (.'iffiis
Marino Monsterx.
Sea Lions ami other
Horm- Uidinir . Coats. Admiral Dot.
Ladies, and Mons. Goshen, tho Giant ami
Sept. -0
Universal Exposition.
without tliis L! 11. e monejr re
fundetl unlfna 1'ie Liniment is ns repre
sec ted. He fmo and .,t the fcnuinn
l'V all Druggists tnd ("onntry fiteres, at
21c , 60e. ud ei .00 per BotO. ".'otico
st la, r. of bottle, 4o.
The Iloii.-t-hotO. l'nuiM-oii,
I'm'. .
I :imily Liniment
is the b, ?t reiaudy In the world for the following
complaints, viz. : t ramps In the Limbs aud "-l-inaeb.
Vain in the Stomach, Dowels, or Sluu,
Hheiimalisiii in all its tortus. Billions I'olie.N'cii
ralgia, t'liolcra, Dyseutety,! olds, Flesh Wfwivds,
Uuriis, S.tiv Tbront, Spinal ComplaiiK, Sprains
and Bruises, t bill and Fever. For li'tertiul and
F.Mermil ie,e.
Its oierati,ni Is til uulj to n l'rt ve tho patient,
but entirely rcnim c- ".lie cause, of II. e complaint.
It peiietruleb and (vrvaiUs tlie whole fcyMuiu, re
sloiing bealihv n to all its parts, and uji.i k
euiiig the I'lood.
The lionet :, , I'niiucca in pnr !y
ttvtarle and All lkulliii;.
'rtpu.v.l by
t.i Kill vt BKU'VN',
i No. '-'1 ii Fulton btrctt, New Yyk.
For nle bv alt dt UK"i-ta.
duly I '. l-i.;:.- H.
nno .Vi,n.;lcr . 1"0 .uiu
t.agi q ami.