Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 05, 1873, Image 2

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Editors. ,
fiUNnuinl5iii,TKMnn'i: 5, is-n.
Republican State Ticket.
.,-..: -"
It.,!. W-MACJKKV, ;
-'' t tf Alley ha ny 'jaunty. "'
." of .fJTcrwm
.. ,IX)U JOriNMcCLEERY, of -Milton, ,
. (Subject to decision f..jcnIOrinl Conortijoe,)
no vt t; it '. ':r,f V 'nrtn ItiWtii'h.
:' Catt. GEORGE LOVF.TT. brMontonr Co.
,i mwiTii o nromr.,c, ,j f
CAPT..ALEX. CALDWElAjOf. Stiomoklit Uoro.
SAMUEL SAViDGE, hf Upper Augusta.
I It Ml mi i - . ' ;.'
,,' .'AAM LE.NKEB, of ,l.owcr Mabn oy. ,
. i. ,4. !t ' iv it'mt fxwMiKsimnttt. .inn .
il.'U. frttlESTLY, of Xortiinmberlnnd'.
't MftiVoVok .1UK 5tAtb Central
CoMMiTTiaa. Tim member of llio Jicpnb
Hcan Stato Central Cotnmlttefr nwfc In the
House pf Ktfprc&c.lRittVcB on Wednesday
'lastj' nwcre'.pnllo! to order by their
.cbnirnifMJvB-ustoH. Erreit, who briuliy sta-
CO ino UUIUL'l w-'uiv iiiremiu, nuitu ntis
' merely fbr organisation', i ! , !i
;. , General JMnthatnvnf liilnifelriliia, was
rc-cltictcd treasurer, and four secretaries
were chosen . ,' : :. " '
' The headquarter or the Committee will
5 in rWladelphla:. ' , ., .
;' The feolitig throughout ; the Slate, nqd
the organization in; the several counties
were newt better, nnd iliowg that we Aro
flcstlhed tnie year to win, ns grana a victory
as attended our IrImhh lart year.
; Tjib editor of the Democ-rut thinks Caj.t.
,;CaMwpU "a gallant man to cliargo the or-
tinan department 01 ine couniy." tv.ncu
a number of soldiers who became infui iat
' cd by the 'i' Democrat's course DRainst the
frnuarnmAMf Amlf ton von t'ft flcrn tllfifln a
.charge upon the Democrat ofllco for the
r j iti.i ik rMl-l.. 11
purpose oi ueiuoiisuin iv., viju Luiuncu
; proved in protecting the es
tablishment from destruction, nnd received
the thanks of the Democrat. At Captain
Caldwell's qualifications nrc generally
good, it is already conceded that ho is the
proper man for the position of "Register &
Recorder, in which he will etill further
bers of Eichholts's Court ITouse Ring from
doing any further damage to the tax-payers
of the county.'
. Sikck thjj act is repealed allowing a pre
mium on Skunk scalps, our neighbor of the
Democrat is displaying a great deal of sym
, pathy for bis pels. As the taspiyets arc
relieved from paying HMO or $1500 an
nually, they cau easily uudemand our
neighbor's wailing.' Nor can they blame
him if he did get some of the proceeds from
the revenue of the scalp trade while the
King was giving out the contracts. .The
fiiet is wo never could understand why onr
neighbor was '.raveling through the neigh
boring counties Of .Bradford, Sullivan, Ly
coming, Moutour, Snyder, Uuion and
Schuylkill, until now.
It is a siiiunlar fact that -nearly every
Democratic County Convention held this
year a general contention and row is the re
sult. Even the State Convention was none
of the most harmonious. : There appears
to be a gcncrul mania for this kind of pass
time in their deliberations. Whether it is on
account of the offices, or whether nil the
good men havo loft the party, wo are un
able to say. .
JpUlt neighbor' of the Dunne rut must have
a particular hatred toward the people of'
t!. Mahanoye, as he is constantly casting
olurs upon them. And as no distinction is
inade between Democrats and Republicans,
our noigbbor.caunot expect to receive much
from that cud of iho county on account or
his persistence In such a course. In our
Intercourse with the peopls of that section
of Iho county, we have always fouud both
Democrats and Republicans a law abiding
.and respectable people, and in many in
stances more intelligent than the editor of
The editor of the Dttnorrut having lost
favor with the honest Democrats of the
county, i now trying to court some of the
Republicans to aid him to elect the Ring
ticket. Tin; same men who were 'constant
ly abused for adhering to Republican prin
ciples, &i'0 now highly aiplauded by titw
eilitor, and aro considered good clever fel
lows since his own party wont own him as
an honest Democrat. We opine that Eieh
.holtz will tiiul it much harder to dupe any
Republicans t han to clone I lie eyes f hon
est Democrats, which ho has becu endea
voring to do fur BOino years past.
Ahukstok a l'OKdKit. J. H. Horton
of Ijntaster,' practised forgeries on banks
io that city, in May last, to the amount of
875,000, nnd then his cscaiw. He
has evaded the vigilance of the police until
Saturday last, when he was arrested in
Providence, R. I., and brought back to
I-a ncastcr lor trial.
"Reau IIk kma.v," who was for many
years living sumptuously at Washington
cily by uctfgiugr, died in the hospital from
the elrcutuf paralysis on the 2d iust. Ho
managed to lire on long loans, dressed well,
moved iu llui buhl aocioly, all at the expense
ot others.
As the editor of the Democrat in of the
opinion that "tho people of lLo Coal region
"do little thiuking ft.! thcuiuslwes," it is
presumed by Lcmuol Shipman, that the
friends of Mr, Oallagher, iuj the Coal re
gion, will give him their support, lUMCjiar
ticularly for the reason that the wiwle
Shipman' family gavo their unitud'tuega
live) support to Mr. Gallagher, two years
Hgo, wheu tuy went upon the principle
tuat "iiu I run uecd apply. "
Ot'R Conorkssman. Wherever the
Hon. J. R. Packer, tho Congressman from
this District becomes known, he Is suro to
mako friends who appreciate his worth,
Tho Republican C'ouvention of Juniata
county, held on tho 23th ult., passed the
following resolution unanimously : 1
"2. That we aiuceroly regret that by the
late Congressional appointment of tho btate,
the Hon. John B. Packer, of Northumber
land, has been allotcd to a district In which
Junintn hniTno place, but having voted for
him as member of Cotigrcs,' for the ap
proaching session,, we claim hiai as our ru-
Fri'Ri'iitativo until tuq close ot llio next
Wgrcss oil ilarch 4, lWtf, anil re-afflrm,
nnd re-Cxpress our unbounded confidence
in him, knowing Ills', fuatty to Republican
principles' nnd dovotion to his eohbtituents
In tho past.'? , ,
EmilioLti, of the Dinoctitt has Mate
rially .changed lus opinion, of the people of
the. Coal roinon of lotci. As :long as the
Ring was kept tip by the voters' ih that-region','
tod much praise could not be heaped
upon them, by cir neighbor. Now he tays
,"the people; of the Coal region do. little
thinking for' themselves." Our neighbor
Inlnglnes that he has beeu doing the think
ing for'thtim. 1 We rather guess thb people
of, that region arc, ablq,, to do their .own
thinking. ! ; u: -i I. : I1 ' ! '
IT appears that; we were erroneously
Informed last Week as to the cost of Mr.
Ahuucrnian,8..,',nooiiaUoiii.i-iu '; Moulpur
county. ; Ve see by the Daunville pajters
that the amount wan but 9250, and a grand
dinner. ' '' ' ''''i!- " " ... ;
l' ... .L.. ' '
So far as wo knoW the general sentiment
iu this Senatorial District is that Col. John
McCleeiy should receive ' tllo , iou)inntion
for Stato Senate. All feci that they; can
trust him fully nnd that he will mako a
Worthy member of the tipjier house of our
State legislature.' . His qualiticntions' are
undisputed, and we feel that the conference
which soon assemble will be 'consulting the
irishcs of the people of the district by put
ting Col. McClcery in nomination. Sboujd
he bo noluinated there will he- no, doubt
about his cleclion.T-jlito fait. ,';' ; .. .
,Thk Premium List of tho Northumber
land County Agi cultural Society- Fair, to
be held at. TurbutvUle , on Wednesday
Thursday and Friday, October 1st, 2d, and
:id, is already out. .The premiums oflered
are very liberal, and the exhibition pro
mises to be a arand success. We extract
the following from the regulations :
Joseph llird, President ; John Farland,
Vice President ; G. W. Armstrong, Re
cording Secretary ; J. P. Jenkins, Treas
urer ; S. Kendall, Corresponding Secretary;
C. A. Gutelius, Librarian ; Farnsworth
Reed, Agricultural Chemist ; Jno. llaag,
The Iftoks of Entries will bo open on
and after the 1st day of September, at the
office of tho Assistant President, in Turbut
villc, and continuo open until the morning
of tho Fair, when the ollice will be on tho
grounds. Exhibitors can enter goods with
out extra charge, upou tho purchase of a
One Dollar Ticket, which will admit the
Exhibitor and articles to bo exhibited dur
ing the continuance of the Fair. These
regulations apply to all entries except where
test of speed is had, in which ten per ceut.
of the whole premium will be charged. All
persons who exhibit horses, cattle, sheep
or swine, should Jiave them entered on the
Secretary's books, as far as possible, tho
week previous to the Fair.
Col. D. Taggart will deliver the Address
before the Society, ou Friday, tho last clay
of the Fair, at 10 A. M.
Excursion Tickets will be issued by all the
TIOX. Nominations and thk Platform
Tiik Ohio Resolutions Endorshu.
The Democracy of Peunsylvauia assem
bled in State Couveuton at Wilksbarre on
Wednesday of last week, and after a stormy
time eiiected an organization, nominations
for Judge of the Supreme Court were made.
James It. Ludlow, James (i. Thompson, J.
A. Graham, Wm, Ehvell, II. P. Ross and
Gi-orgo liarttt were placed in nomination
and at the eloo of the second ballot Judge
Ludlow, of Philadelphia, was declared the
choice of (he Convention.
. For Statu Treasurer, F. M. Hutchinson,
or Allegheny ; F. Lauer, of Berks ; W. P.
Willis, Fdward Perks, Jos. Laubach ; and
W. P. liyou, of Schuylkill, were put iu
nomination and the second ballot resulted
in favor of Hutchinson, and he was declar
ed the nominee.
The Convention then look a recess to
await the actiou of the Committee ou plat
form. " , , ,
tiikVlatforx. ,
Tho Convention reassembled at eight
o'clock aud adopted a series of resolutions,
prefaced as iollows : ,
Jitxulvetl, That the Democratic party of
Pennsylvania, believing that the platform
of the late Democratic Stato Convention of
Ohio is sound in principle, do hereby re
solve. . . tti- .
I Here follows the resolutions adopted by
the Oluu Democratic Stato Convention of
August 0, with the exception that in the
first resolution of the Ohio platform the
following words are omitted : "It insists
that our tarifl law should be formed with a
view to revenue, aud not for the benefit of
particular iududtviea. -
l he loiiQwlni additional resolution was
also adopted :
yf'WHt'sU, . 1 ual we will no longer tamely
submit to a repetition of election frauds, bv
which the will of the people expressed at
the ballot-box has been subverted for some
years past, and that tho Democratic State
Lentral Committee be directed to use all
their ellbrts to prevent a repetition of these
outrages on the franchise of tho people ;
and if, iu spite of their cuorts to secure an
lioucst election, the popular will is again
fraudulently overborne, to adopt such men
suies ns will result in eertaiu vindication of
the rights of the legal voters of this Com
Laiiok numbers of workmen aro beina
8UHCDded by the ditlurent railroads of the
.itate, una llio policy is creating much
alarm anion. the men engaged on the sev
eral lines. Iu Altooua and Pittsburg,
hundreds of men are now out of employ-
mem,; tit j'.tie ine same state ot aitairs
prevails ; .along the lino of the Norfficro
Central; tho Philadelphia and Wilming
ton ; the Ixibanou Valley, and the lateral
roads geucraMy, employees are being sus
pended, aud iu many cases probably will
bo discharged for the, winter. In other
Stntc. tho saao UBponioii i also bu'mg
enforced, by which thousands C wen will
bo deprived of work. There is no doubt
lliat llio tause or all this is to be attributed,
to the condition of utlaire io lite West, the
disturbance of the good tseliug which here
tofore prevailed between railroads and ship-
l-crs, uv winch the usual large quantities
oi ireiKiit which ougni to De passing over
the ditlercnt lines at this season of the
year, are wuniiciu. it is unfortunate for
the laborer and communities where large
circulating revenues will bo thereby lessen
ed, but It may havo the' efloct of settliug
the public judgment, aud eventually lead
to a more solid uuder -.lauding ull around.
New York, August 30. Tho Daily
Uritphic this afternoon published the follow
ing facts regarding the coming rorial trip to
Europo :
In all hitman probability the Daily Gra
phic trans-Atlantio balloon expedition will
set sail from tho Cnj itolino grounds,
Brooklyn, on Wednesday allernoon, Sep
tember 10th. There Is somo uncertainty
regarding the precise time, as the weather
rnay not bo favorable, and and n com
pany not be ablu, Uspnro the 400,000 cubic
fuetofgas required, but, it Id . hoped thb
nscension will not be later than the lOlh.
The great air ship is' well advanced to
wards completion, nnd a large force of men
are engaged In finishing the various ap
paratus. All parts wilt bo completed and
go together iu a few days,, when the ballon
will be publicly exhibited on the Capitolino
ground, commencing next Saturday, and
continuing day and evening until the ns
cension takes place; It was first Intended
that the ballon should start without any
preliminary public exhibition, but in con
sequence of the earnest desire .manifested
by the public and prcBS, tho Umphic com
pany have deided to make the exhibition
public. All the paraphernnlia will bo on
exhibition, including the carrier phicons to
be used. Tho followiug is a description of
t lie ballon and its cost: length of nine
great sections, each 17ii fort in width ; ;I0
feet hight ; when en tinted, lit! feet ; diame
ter when Inflated, 110 ; circumference when
inflated, 83." feet; extreme height from the
crown of the balloon to keep of tho boat,
24 feet ; cloth required, 4,31(1 yards ; sew
ing ten miles , rope used, over 5000 feet ;
gas required to till the balloon, 400,000
feet; weight of eu tiro apparatus, 7,000
pounds ; cost nearly Sfl5,000.
The gentleman heads this article has
been unanimously nominated by tho Re
publicanConvntlmi of Montour County as
a candidate for Assembly, from the district
composed of .Mont out aud Northumber
land Couhties. The'ua'incs of a number of
very excellent e.ulemi'n were presented
for the consideration' of the Convention,
either of whom -would hnve mado honorable
tond- sdiviceablo members, but the choice
finally .fell on Captain Lovctt, and bis no
mination was immediately made unani
mous. The spoulanious outburst of ap
plause which greeted the announcement of
the result indicated 'the popularity of tho
man at home, and wo have no doubt but
that, the same; feeling will .be. .developed
over the entire district .when the. peoplu
come to know this young soldier candidate
as his own fellow citizens ' and associate
workingmon know him. ' -
Born iu the ranks of labor lie has earned
his daily bread by tho sweet of his brow
from early youth. Having few advantages
of a scholastic character- ho has so improv
ed theso meagre opportunities that few arc
better informed upon the topics of Uks day
and the fundamental principles of our gov
ernment. Iu 1802 he entered the army of
his country and served it faithfully until
the close of tho war, in 18(5. He received
a severe wound in tho arm, at the battle in
front of Fredericksburg, which has ever
since rendered him unfit for manual labor.
In tho spring of 1803 he wns promoted from
2nd Lieutenant to Captain, after a com
petotive examination before a board of
army officers. Since his return he has been
an active and highly respected citizen of
Dauvillc, occupying a position in the Penn
sylvania Iron Works, where he has always
discharccd bis duty to the entire satisfac
tion of his employers. Ho hns served in
the School Uonrd" nnd Town Council and
is now onoof tho prominent members of
the latter body. He has always been an
active, honest, progressive man, and his
errors, if any, have been it trying to serve
his constituents too well. Whatever posi
tion he has occupied he has always pushed
himself to the front, and never content in
taking a negative or doubtful position upon
any question. As a member of the ditler
cnt bodies of local government we always
knew where to (hid him. As a Republican
his position never has been doubtful.
Warm active influential he has worked
for the interests of his party in season and
out of season aud the glorious record of
tho 4th ward is largely attributable to his
unceasing labor.
Ho is a member of the Trinity Methedist
Church nnd for some time was tho efficient
Superintendent of the sabbath School nt
tached to the Church. He is ono of those
impulsive, energetic men whose whole soul
seems to bo wrapped up in tho cause he es
If elected to the position for which he has
been nominated we bespeak for him nn hon
orable record of great service to his consti
tuents' Although a Republ'cm in the
strictest and broadest sense of that term,
yet lie Is enlillea to and will receive the
support of a very large portion of his po
litical opponents ou aecouut of his integrity
and fairness. Aluntour American.
The Water Works. The trenches for
the wooden pipes have been completed from
the dam to the Cameron Colliery, and the
pipes are how being laid. The first lot,
some 1,800 feot, arrived on Monday. The
balance will be shipped at the rate of a car
load yerday, and laid ns fast as received.
Tho dam is nearly completed. It has been
cleared of all refuse and vegetnble matter
and the supply and wastc-piK's have been
placed in position. Excavation for the en
gine house mid pumps wns commenced
Monday week, and the work is well under
way. The contract for furnishing 10,000
feel of iron pipe has been giveu to the War
ren Foundry and Machine Co., of Phillips
bnrg, N. J. It is to be delivered during
September. Considering the unfavorable
weather and other causes of delay, tho
work has progressed ns rapidly as could be
expected.- Mr. 'Aiispnch, the superintend
ent and engineer, belongs to that class of
men who "pach things,'' and If given a fair
chauce he will have the water introduced
before cold weather sets in. Miamokin
Mine Accidexts, Ou the 21st Inst.,
Oliver Kreiger, a young man employed as
a lauorer in me mcKory wamp mines,
had his right leg broken near the knee by a
rocK thrown iioin a ulnst in tne gangwnv.
On the same day, at the Cameron Colli
ery, vt m. Simniouds, a miner, had Ins left
ankle badly crushed by a tall of coal.
i)u the 22it, Jyd Hotli, a driver on llio
dirt bauk at the Camerou. had his rmht
loot ruu over by a dumper and severely
lacerated. Shamokin Herald.
Tiik Murder Confirmed. A letter
Sanutago, Aug. 141U, confirms the report
which we published some weeks ago ot the
murder of Phillip Jiiight. It seems that
he wilh others had been prospecting in the
mountains and had come down into the vil
lage of Phoenix, Arizona, where thoy en
camped withiu the limits of the town, ex
pecting to repkiuisU and agaiu start, out.
For some reasou Phillip was loft alouo the
uight of the murder, aud Ihiscircumstauce
was taken advantage of by a tamp follower
who, after killiutt him, felolo his hoiso.uou
ey and aruis,. DanvUlt American.
Schuylkill County. The Republi
cans of Schuylkill county have uoninnted
tho following ticket : i . '
Sonata, Col. J.. R. Sigfried ; Assembly,
WovA. FieJd, John W. .Morgau, Ron.).
A. Juiuflinan. County Treasurer, Daniel
liarlow ; Coiuwissiouer, Holeinou Hoover ;
Director of tho Poor, William M'tuail ;
Jury i.oiiimibsioner, reltc llcluis j AuJi
tor, TUoa.aj Davu.
Indications lead to tho belief that there
will bo a great Christiau revivnl all over
tho country very son. If it is for tho ad
vanco of reliijinn, nnd not tncrcrly for the
benefit of the church, let it bo hailed with
glndness. Your mere revivals for church
purposses, are hbllow hearted affairs.
Jacob M. .Tones, f Alio- killed Charles
Williams, in HarrisbwrjL It few weeks ago,
was tried for tho crime Jast Week,-ftud con
victed of murder iu tho second decree.
Ttikre are only two papers In Pennsyl
vania that defends the SnWyllJifabi-tho;
Harrisburg- Dalml and tb Wellsboronh
Democrat both Democratic. .XUoL'aUiot.
is the Stato organ of the party. ,
Tluic TeNt thX Merita oTall Things.
PERRY DAVIS!; . 1 ,m . '
Hftf) been tested'an every variety of di-
mat,' and by'alm08t every nation -known
to Americans. It is the constant compan
ion and inestimable friend of tho. mission
ary and the traveler, on the sea or land,
nnd no one should travel on our Lukes or
Hirers, tritlwut it. i
Since the Pain-Killer was first introduc
ed, and nlut with Mich extensive1 sale,
many Liniments, IMrifx, l'unwcux, and
oilier Hemidies have been' iill'ered to the
public, hut not one of them "has attained
the truly enviable stamUmj of t1io Pain- Kil
ler. ; ' -
It Is because Davis' Pain-Kill'ej-'is,' what
it claims. to be a Reliever of I'alrt.1 ' "
If you aro sull'ering from Internal Pain,
Twenty to Tliirtii Droit in a Little' Wulcr will
almost instantly euro yon.-ft'liero is noth
ing to equal it for Colic, Cramps; Spasms,
Heart-burn, diarrhea, Dysenlary, Flux, '
Wind in the Rowels, sour Stomach. Dys-1
pepsin, Si(ek Headache. &.ci , t ' i
Iu sections' of the coiuitry wliere
prevails, there is uo remedy held in greater
esteem. Persons trnveling should keep it '
by them. A few drops,, in water will pre-
vent sickness or bowel troubles from change j
ot water. ' - i
From foreign countries the calls for Pain- '
Killer arc, gi cat. , It is fouud to CjiroChol- f
era When all other Remedies Fail. j
When used externally, as a Liniment, -nothing
gives quicker ease in Hums, Cuts,
Jiruises, Sprains, Stimjs from Insect, and :
Scalils. It removes the lire, nnd the wound j
heals Tike ordinary sores. Those sutler ing
with Rheumatism, Gout, or Neuraliga. if j
not a positive cure, they find the I'uin-Kil- i
Icr gives them relief wheu no other remedy I
will. i
Every House-Keeper should keep it at :
hand, and apiily it on the .first attack of'
any Pain. It'will give satisfactory relief,
and save hours of suffering.
Do not trifle with yourselves by testing
untried remedies Ue'siite you call for and
get genuine Pain-Killer, as many worth
less nostrums ar attempted t tie sold on
the great reputation of this vafnablo medi
cine , 'sl,:' . v
(Direction accompany cacfc botlld.
Price 25 ets., oil cts., nnd SI pTfr bottle.
August 1, 1S7:1 1 moe
In I lie, Orphan' Court OF NORTH-;
r.ntatr or Mary Ann Bound, decM. j
Sur Writ of Paititton. j
To Franklin Round, WHllnro II. Bound," J;ili:i,
IntHrmurriml with H. C. Siendmnn, M. TV of
MilUinbiirtr, Pa., Jiwciiti B. Fotre inul Pliulic I
Force, of Alllton, Pa., chlldrcu .Ht (leiiii nt law j
of Ma rpiirrta -Force, dnvsi'd, l,l. ;U Inti'r- :
marrii'il with Million X. Force, ulso decensi'il, I
unci to all oilier heirs and lepnl representatives;
of tlio inid Mary Ann Round, dseetsud. f I
Tn he 'oUe', Tlint ley vlrtiift of the nhovc j
Writ of Partition to me d!rc lecl, an Iininlc-ilion !
will he held upon the premise" therein described, '
on Thursday Oi'tuler 2d, lSitf, at '.) o'clock, a. !
m., to uncertain and inquire, anicnii; otiier tliinirs ,
whether the said premises ran he parted nnd di- ;
vidid wlihout prcjulieo to, or spoiling the whole j
thereof, or otherwise Io value and appraise the
fame, itiuia unci where you uiuy ultcu.l if you tee
proper. . "i
Rohpectfullv, vonr. ;
SlicrltTs onice, Sunhuiy, Sept. 5y ItSTd. -4U
J. Walker's California Vine-
gar Bitlei"8 nro n purely Vegetable
preparation, made chiefly .from the native
herbs found on tho lower ranges of the
Sierra Nevada mountains of California,
the medicinal properties of which are
extracted therefrom without tho nso of
Alcohol. The question is almost daily
asked, " What is the caue of the unpar
alleled success of Vixehar Rrrmtsf''
Our answer Is, that they removo tho
cause of disease,' and tho Tpxrtimit recov
ers his health. They mo iho great
Mood purifier and a lite-giving princi
ple, a perfect RenovaUu'-und luvigorator
of tho syRtcm. Never before rn tho his
tory of tho world has a medicine been
compounded possessing tho remarkable
qualities of Vinegar Hitters in healing
the tick of every disease man U heir to.
They urn n gentlo l'urjiuuvo m well as a
Tonic, relieving Ccaipostion or Iiiflammatiou
of the Liver oud Yideeral Organs iu lHlious
The proirOrtieb of D. Walker's
Tinkgau lirrrsKS are Aperient, Diauhorotic,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, lliuretic,
Sedative, Countor-Irrituut, HudoriCc, Altora
tive, aud Auti-Kilious. .
It. II. HlcUONAI.D cfc f'O.,
DruuRiaU uul Ueuvrml AyruU. Sui t'nuawi, CcUfur
liu, aud cur. Wulilsutuu uiU Cliwltuu bu., Now V"(.
Sold br U UruBf itud lH)Uleri.
i:t.tatc ot't hatrlea Ueck Dec'd.,
""OTlCE is hereby iflveu that let ten ofaduiiu
Al istraliou have LtMtu gruutecl to Uiu under
ii;ni, ou the estate of Charles Bock, lute of Ilia
UnroiiKh of Suubury, Northumberlaud county,
l'a., deeeused. All (vraoui luduhttxl to Said es
tats aro requested to mako iininediule puyuiout,
and those havliir claims to prooeut Iheiu for sot
tluuieut CHARLES I.- BECK, Adui'r.
Bunhury, AngJJ'J, 1878. w.
" OH I'll AX V (Ol'ItT KALE.
IN piirtuauct of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Nirthuiuberlsud couuly, Pa., will faa (ex
posed to public sule, ul the Court lloust), in the
borouifh of Suubury, on - '.
1873, toe following property, to wll i
A certain lot of ground situate to the borough
of Bunbury, l'a., bouudud on lUt south by lot of
Jacob O. Beck, uorth by lot of Charles Beck, o
ceased, east by ml alley, and wet y Fosrth
street, coiiUilnin 2b feot iu front on fourth
street, end 'i'M feet iu depth. The lot )s Iwealed
ou hii;h Kiouud, and Is most dIruUs f buU4,
ing purposes. Lute the entitle of Cuais Lsck
deceubed. Bale to couiiuence at 1 o'clucli p. iu,
wheu tho conditions will be made known by.
C lIARl.La 1. BECK,
buubuii, Aii;. 10 :Z U.
u-i M mmzt w - m w t
(itto &tibertisemcnts
Ksetr'is Kstle of I ten I folate.
W1I.L RF. ltl'OfiKn TO PUBLIC BA1.K,
'on the premise, In Jordan township,
Norlhiiialierliuid county, on
Thtirwriny, October Sd, 1&79, '
The foltewina pti.Jirty tti wit i All that valuable
- ' - TRACT or f.AN'D
("ltrmte In Jordan towiiBhlp.N'cnthuinlierlBnd Co.,
Pa., on the public road lending from George
town to ICIiiiKursiown, nnd ' tlireo miles from
UiiioiiMii'ti, jllsurlliis ecmnty. bounded as fol
lewsi kM the" esst by'huids of Oco. Wolf, on the
jvckI hy lands of Moses Wert, on tho sonth by
"in nits of WilHnm" Enffre, on -tiro nirrth by Innds of
UahrleL Adams, rnntalHlng.40 icrc.Sj and 67 per
chec, mctie or whCfooa is cYeeteA u
c . l!M' BARfl,' .li2f
and nil tho sjeCjOssarjt ut-buildlnns n never
railing ppi inu of water near tlie house uu or
chard with choice fruit. Me. '
The tatrd, ficivfly aircfenred, 4A fw tin excel
lent state of cultivation. - Uxl tho property of
Henry Winner, dycciired. . .
S.llo to cbinimltaoiKf 10 otock'a. til. 6n said
day, wlien the comlitions will be nmdo known by
Executor ofthi EntnTe hf Henry Witmcr, dec.
Jordan twp.; Ainr. B8, 1873. 1 ; '" .- - '
1 V Virtne of 'snTi-SryVrit? of Vcn. Exponns,
, l'lurius; Veu. Exptiuns and Levari r arias,
issund' out of Ihc. Court of Common Pleas of
Nort h'tlm berth nrt Tinuty nnd to tun' directed, will
tie c x)cd to publie Sale nt the Court House, Iu
tiic borough of Sunhiiry, on
' itloudy, felciiibcr 8th,
at 1 o'clock, p., in., the following real estate, to
wit : ' ' ' - .
All that certain ptr-c or lot of ground sltnnte
,in tlie notouKB Of Sunlniry, afonwukl, marked In
tbe general plan of snid borough us lot uuinber
ninety-two, (tfci) coutnlninir in brcadtli, north
and soiRh ort Broadway street, Illtj'-Jevcn (.')7)
fuut and six inches, nnd iu leuuth east and west
two hundred ami thirty feet (330,) bounded on
the south by Whortleberry street (now Walnut
Ftrrkt) on the wert by Rrondway.on Hie north by
lot iuiiuIht niiK iv-oue. I'Jl) aud on the cant by
an alley, Whereon is ereeted a two story frame
buildlnjr with buck kitchen. !
Seized, taken Iu execution, nnd to he sold as L
t lie property of Mary Y. hhrunlz, with notice to '
licoi'Ke J-ynii and .Nancy tils wile tcrrc, tenants.
All that cirt.iiu lot or piece or land situate in
Lewis township, NorthnintH'rliiiid enmity, l'a.,
hounded and ilufcrllmd as follows : beginning nt
a stone In the centre of the road; thence, hy land
of Michael Welsh, south forty-five degrees, cast j
pnfl hundred (100) feet ton stone, thence by laud 1
iif which this is a part, south forty-live and a-half .
(4.V2-) dc irreess west Itlly-tlve (35) Teet, to a '
Htone tlience by tliu same north fortv-tlvc (4."i)
degrees, west one hit tnl red (100) feet to a stone j ;
Ihcucu by the said road anil laud of Christian
Oral)', north forty-live (4.") deirrecs, cast tlliy-tlvc '
feet tortile place of beu'lniiiiii;, conlalning 20 j
ticrche,Hl rlct inensnre, whereon t enfctrtl a one
slory liainu biillilini;, known us the Bethany ,
Evuiielieat Cliureli.
Seined, taken in execution nnd to he sold as the j
property or Jmic llollyoak, John l.iudaner, nnd ,
Howard James, Trustees intrust for Bethany;
Church of the Evangelical association, lcwis !
All that certain lot or piece of irround sltnnte
in the borouifh of Wntsoutown, Northumberland
county, Pa., hounded nnd described ns follows,
to wit : bounded on the nortli by land of Jnmes
Wcnck, on the west by the public road, on the
south hy land of Philip Wlnterstein, nnd on the
cast Icy the brewery properly, contniiiinn in width
sixty-two feet, unci in depth two hundred feet,
whereon Is erected a one and a-half story brick
dwell mil' house.
Kni.ed. i.'K'-m iu execution arid to be sold as the
properly of Janus t'utnphell.
All that certain lot of ground situate in the
horoue;li of Suiihuiy, county ot Northumlicrhiud,
Slate of Pennsylvania, marked In Ihu (jenem!
town plan of siiid borough as lot number nlaety
two ('J'-') containing in breadth, north nnd south
on Broadway street, liny-seven feel and six inch
es, and in Unigth. cast and west, two hundred
and thirty feet, bounded on the south by Whor
tleberry street, (now Wuluut street) on Hie west
by Broadway street, on the north by lot number
ninety-one ('.II) and on I he east by nn alley. ,
.Seized, tukeu in execution and to be sold ns j
tho proiwrty of (Jeorgo Lyon and'Nancy his wife.
Al.SOt v ' .
A certain messuage, lot or pleco of land silu- !
ate in Upper Augusta township, county of Nor- !
thunitierland, l'a., ou Ihu south kIiIo of Centre j
turnpike, it being the piece of land commonly '
know n as Conrad's academy, lot more purlieu-
hil ly bounded nnd described ns follows, to wit .
beginning ou tho Centre turnpike, nt the corner
of a lot of ground, which the said Conrad sold to
Solomon Evcritt j thence along the eastern line
of said lot two hundred feet to an alley j thence
eastward along linn of sulci alle y (ou u line to be
a continuation of the back Hue of the several
lots which I lie said Conrad has sold, hieing the
piks aforesaid, two hundred Bud forty (-MU) feet
to a post ; thence on a line parallel lo the first
mentioned Everitl lino two hunched (-00) llpcl to
tliusaid Centre turnpike ; thence along lbs sou
thern side of said pike ou a straight line two
hundred and forty (210) feci to the place of be
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tho
properly of the Suubury Lyceum.
ALSO i r-
certain lot or piece of ground situate InC'hil
liniaqiiB township, NoilhiimtH'rland county
Pennsylvania, bounded and described us follows,
to wit i northerly by the public road nnd OIIHn,
eaitwsrclly by public road, southwardly by t'liil
lisciuaciie creek, and westwurdly hy hinil of Ilex
nkiuli Park, known ns Ihu Cuuimliigs Home
stead, containing live acres more nr less, where
o'l are erected a two slory frame dwelling house,
frame- barn and other buildings. Also, a Cer
tain lot or piece of ground situate in the towu ot
Mcintaudou, I hilliscUaiiic township, county and
Stato aforesaid. Invalided northwardly by Main j
street, southwardly by uu alley, cuaiwardly by j
ioi m u. ii. rrcy, ana wcsiwuruiy oy lot oi
ChSrles Mailman, containing sixty-live (65) feet
In width, and iu depth one hundred and sixty
(100) fact more or less, whereon is arootcd a two
story brick dwelling louse. Also, twelve nnd
a-half (13'j ) certain lots of ground situate In
the town, township, couniy, and State aforesaid,
known and designated Iu the general plan of
said town ns lots numbejs twelve, (13) seven
teen, (17) eighteen, (18) ulueieeu, (IU) twenty,
f20) t scnt-v-oue, (Ul) tweiay-lwo, twenty.
ty-lhree, (38) forty (40) usey-ou (41) forty
two, (4'J) forty-three, (48- each 'Jn tabling in
width forty foct, aad.48 doptlinue jiundred nnd
sixty (1V feet, La If of Lt number thlrty-nlue,
(lill) oouHlutng -wOdth' twmty (30) tei t, aud
In depth one Ii owl red arnf sixty (H'0) feel, and
lot number forty-seven, (47) containing iu width
fort v (40) feci, and Iu depth one hundred uud
forty feet, (Ufl) ...... ,
Seized, taken In execution aud to be sold as
tho property of J. A. J. Cumiuings.
ShuritT's Office. Sunburr, August liJ, 1873.
Emator' Notice.
Estate of Ileuty Wltmcr.late of Jordan tp, dec.
"VVOTICE fs hereby given, that letters tesll
inentiiry hnve been granted to the under
signed on the estuta of Heury Witraer, late of
Jordan township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate,
arc requested to make Immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them for sottle-
I UlCllt.
! The undersigned will be at the residence of the
, dejoeased on Thursday tlie lid day of October,
1873, for the purpose of niakiug final settlement
with all parties who may be uuaMa ts make set
jtleiueut before that time.
Jordan twp., Aug. 15, 1873.
The' thrnt Discovery for the Immediate relief it
Rheumatism, Mearalgia, . Sprains, Bruises,
Pains, Si ill' Joints, Swellings, Inflammations,
Bunions, Catarrh, Ac, Ac. It will not grease
or stain, and for the toilet 1 a luxury Iu every
family. Thousand will and now testify to Its
great merits. Try It. Price per bottle 35 cents.
REUBEN IIOYT, Prop'r 203 Greenwich St., N.
Y.4w. ...
. , GEO. W. 4'OBI.E,
Bail. F.tat Aoxw, and A rent for the Phii.a
- MHWiruit-ili'TCti. PaovacTiva Lira
. i. ' lNsbstlsoa Umraav. ' " i X
HerndomyrrthttmbrknKi Cotrntil P '
ALL CLAIMS awtruated Iu nis bauds will recolr
;.iciiu4 uiiemioii. '
Herudou, Auif. ti, 73. 1 mo.
ri iilk: walk of
' V a 1 n at It 1 e It e 1 llstate.
WILL he exposed to Pnbllc Sale, on the pre
mises, In Ixiwer Mahunoy township, Nor
theinbcrland Co., Ta., on
The following Real Estate, to wit t A Certain
Tract of I.nutl
situate In Lower Mnhanov township, Northnm
berland count f nesrth County I.lnc.honnd
ed and flsserlWiln tolloWs': on theeast try Innds
of Alexander Blngnman and Ellas Byerly, south
hy binds of Joseph Spotts, John Ppolts, and Ma
hnntomQ creek, west by lands ,pf, Isaac Rndel,
nnd J. . lTiken and tilt Abe north by lands of
Ellas Byerly, containing
12 1 At BKK, nnd 1 1 PERCH KS, more or less,
, . whereoa are erected a two story
' LOU HOUSK, wenthcr-boarded, nnd BANK
BARN, and othef out-bulldlhgi i a jcver Jailing
Spring of. Wuter.tirur the hodse, an Orchard with
choice? Irftlt, &c.57 '
ALSO.'Another TRACT of LAND, In snld
township, bounded hy hinds of Solomon Reed,
Kilns byerly, John H. l.enker and William Mi
chael, containing 29 ACREj, more or less, all
of which jia cleared, yid iucxcc-Jleut statj of cul-
ALSO, ThcHBdlvldoclnne-thlrd or a TRACT
of LAND, sit until in said Lower Malianoy town
ships bounded by lands of David Schrclber,
William Dcppiu ,.tlie Muhaulongo creek, and
a public road, containing 11 ACRES, more or
leS, whereon nrrl'cfected TWO STONE HOU
SES, one of which is occupied us a Store and
Tavern Stand, a BANK BARN, a young OR
CHARD with choice fruit, end ull necessary out
buildings. ALSO, A Llmstono Lot situate In said town
ship, bounded by lands of Adam Leaker, Elias
Wert; Jacob Winner and ethers, containing onc
hnlf acre, more or less, whereon is erected a
LIME KILN. . There is also a lime stone quarry
ou tlie lot. ,
ALSO, Mountain Laud situate In MiWIn twp.,
Dauphin county, Pa., bounded by Mahautongo
creek, lands of Moses Troulmau's heirs, Isaac
Rudel. Ellas Byerly unci others, containing;! 121
ACRES, nnd IDA perches, more or less. This tract
is well timbered with Onk-Chcstnnt, and pine.
The land will be sold in lots of twenty acres
J.sle the property f Michaol WB; OeeM.S.llo
Irfcommence at l o"clork,-m.: on ilhid day, wheu
the conditions of aalo will be mule known by
, Lower Maluinoy, August, 2U, 1S73. - .
which can bo cured by a
timely resort to this stand
ard preparation, as has been
proved by tho hundreds of
testimonials received by the
proprietors. It is acknowl
edged by many prominent
physicians to be the most
reliable preparation ever in
troduced for tho relief . nnd
cure of all Lung complaints,
and is oflered to tho public,
sanctioned by tho experience
of over forty years. "When
resorted to in season it sel
dom fails to effect a speedy
euro in the most severe
cases of Coughs, Bronchitis,
Croup, "Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Soro Throat, Pains or Sore
ness in the Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's
Balsam does not dry up a
Cough, and leave tho causo
behind, as is tho case with
most preparations, but itr
loosens and cleanses tho
lungs, and allays irritation,
thus removing tho cause of
the complaint.
BETH W, FOWLS 4 SONS, Boston, Kssi.,
And sold y Druggists and Dealers fsoerslly.
J A. 11 F.N II. .UcDKVlTT,
Attorney at Law and
Usitkii Statu CodMissinsrn. OlBco with S.
B. Boyer, Esq., In Brlghl's Building, Suubury.
Pa. Aug. J'J,'7a. ly.
Rule ou the Heir of Sarah Miller, deceased.
Xurtltumbtrlind County,
AT aa Orhau(' Court held at Sunbnry In aud
for said county, on the Hth day of August,
Anno Domini, one thousand, eight hundred and
siventy. three, before the Hon. William M. Rock
efeller, President, nnd hi Associates Joseph
rr a i Joseph Nlcelv, and , Justice of
l""B'J Court i
Upon the petition of Ephrulin R. Miller, or Slui
mokln township, in the said county, one of tho
sons nnd heir nt law of Sarah Miller, late of township, deceased, the Court grained a rule
upon you, Win. M. Miller, resident in Sluimokin
townsnlp, Jane, married to William Foy, resi
dent Iu Ml. tUllead, Morrow county, Ohio, John
M. Miller, resident iu Foit Wayne, Indiana, and
Elixabelh Compare!, a daughter of Johnson
Miller, ouo of the sou of deceased, married to
Lewis Compuret, aud living in Desmoiiics, iu the
State of Iowa, and the petitioner, the. auld Ephraini
R. Millar, all heirs aud legal representatives of
said Sarah Miller, deceased, to come Into Court
on tbe first Monday of November, A. I)., 1878,
and accept 01 refuse the Real Estate of said de
ceased, at the valuation, or show cause why tho
same should uot be sold.
Witness tlie Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller, Presi
dent Judge of our (aid Court, at Suubury, this
sixteenth day of August, A. D-, 1K73.
Deputy Clerk, O. C.
Roglster Office, Bunbnry, Aujt. ti, 1S73. ot.
Itoardlua; mud Maal N(wbl.
SHERIFF VAN DYKE ha opened a Vetcrlu
u ry Boarding and Sule Stable. Boarding horse
that are well will he kept ludiltereut stable from
those that are sick. Strict uttcnllou will be paid
to all horses well, or sick. I will cure all had
vice iu the horsa, all disease of lb mouth, all
diseases of the respirutory organs, disease, of tho
stomach, liver, urinary organs, feel nnd legs.
rAlqo diseases of lb heady ojos, and all luitwicl
lateons diseases. All iturficul eases, such as
Bleeding, Nerving,' Boweling,' Firing tenotomy,
Tapping the chest, coucliug, Ac. Ac. Also,
Trolling huiaes Irivined for the course. Stable
back of Oenterul Ujtil. , JAMES VAN DYKF.
July 1U,'78. Ut. ' ' ' ' '
," 'a(lcr: t TrepuasM-rM.
ALL Preeo8 arejauisMed aifaluU tiospsss
ing, or huuting shooting on the premi
ses of Hi uudwsiBHotl. jir-Vpiicr Augusta town
hip, Northuiuberlana . couuiy. 1'enusylvauiu,
wilbout iiertnlssion. AOT person violating this
notice will be dealt with according to law.
Up. Aug. twp., Jrug. 8; 1873.
Is the Most powerful cleanser, strergthncr
aud remover of Glandular Obstructions- i.uowu
to Materia Mrlica.
It is specially adgptcd lOjconstitutlcms "worn
down" and debilitated b the Warm weather of
Spring and Summer, when tho blood is not iu
active circulation, consequently gntherlng Impu
rities from slnggishncs and Imperfect nclton of
thcsccrctlvo ntgans, nnd Is manifested bv Tu
mors, Eruptions. Blotches, Bolls; Pesttilcs,'Scro-
ioia, reel .''.. .
When weary and lancpiid from ovorwork, and
t dullness, drowsiness and inc tla take the place of
1 energy and vigor, tho system needs a Tonic to
I bulliLU up and help IV Vital Forces to regain
ihclr reenprraths power) a ;
I In tlm heal of Summer, frequently the Liver
; andSjlnrn ilpnnt properly perforin tbulr tunc-
""I iecmc unci u riuary urgans are in
active, producing weakness of tlie stomach and
intestines and a prcdispociiion lo Mllous dtraiige
inent. DR: WELLS'
:-i Extract t Jurubebt
Is prcpareu plrcctly from the South American
Plant, and is ieculinry suited to all toese dilll
eultlcs t It will clcanse'tha Vitiated Blood, streng
then Ihe Lifc-(iiving Powers, nnd renrtf all
obstruction from Impaired and enfubled Cigaus.
It should be freely taken, a Jiiriiheba is nro-
noaucrd by medical writers the most cfflcieiit
Purlelcr, Tonio and Dcobstruent kuowu Iu tho
I whole range of medicinal plants.
I JOHN Q. KF.LLOOO, 18 Piatt St., N. T.
Sole Agent for the United States,
j Price, 91 per Bottle. Srnd for Circular, nuglilltw
WORKINH CV.hHH Mnloor Female $Co"a
I week guaranteed. Respectable employment at
j home, day or evening) no capital required s full
! Instructions A valuable pnekngo of goods sent
free by mail. Address, with six cent return
stump, M. YOUNU&CO. 173 Greenwich Street,
I New York. nugW-lw
Neglect a Cough. Nothing Is more certain to
lay the foundation for future evil ronsciUcncas.
are n sure cure for all diseases of the Respira
tory Organs, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diph
theria, Asthma.' Catarrh, Hoarseness, Prynei-s
of Hie throat, .Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes,
and all Diseases of the Lungs.
In all cases of sudden cold, however taken,
these Tablets should be promptly and freely
used. They equalize Hie circulation of the blood,
mitigate tiie severity of the attack, and will, in a
very short time, restore heiillhy actiou lo (he af
fected organs.
Wdlls' Carbolic Tablets are put up only In
blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't
be found nl your druggist's, send nt once to tlx
Agent in New York, who w ill forward tliciu bj
return mall.
Bon't he. deceived by Imitations.
Sold tiv druggists. Price 'Jo cents a box.
JOHN Q. KEI.I.OCt;. IS Illutt-st New York,
ung 'Jll.4w.Send for circular. Sole Agent for l".S
i I.ot-uloil nt Williamnport, ln.
: ,ifcffni 1HCC. Tht BEST COLLEGE in Hi
Country. Has the best Penman in Peniisvlva
uiu. July 25. iw.
For College Pnicr. Specimens of Pentiinnsliir
Ac, address DAVIS .t OPLINGER.
Williainsporl, reiin'a.
A WolIK or Is'TCNSR Isteubst an ii Intuinhi
j By tin; gifted son of tho famous ''I'kthi: I'm
j l.KV." Tlie result of great historical research
1 An authentic History of Navigation and iu Ma:
Ifold Discoveries since the Flood. Abounds wit
Startling Incidents, Fearful. Disasters, Lawict
I Piracies, Bloody Battles, and Glorious Achieve
, incuts i also descriles Diving. Telegmpliin:
I Ocean Fisheries, Ac. Over 20O Spirited t'ut
i Subject New. Price Low. Aciknts Waktki
i HUBBARD BROS., l'uh's. Snnscjm St., Phil;
ra. uug. u. iw.
A T? "XT rV C Wanted for the I
1 V KJ JLi IN X k5 perb New Chro
perb New Lhron
; Just ready, from an original painting by 1c
Wuugh. This picture is greatly admired by a
who see it, and is sure to become highly poptila
j Thoitiih executed Iu tlie highest styie ot the at
! in order to reach llui masses A secure largo sale
the price is made much lower than Hint nt with
any t'hroiiio of like quality has ever been sol
Terms extremely liberal. Exclusive territor
Sold only by sabsclption. Apply at once to s
cure choice of territory. Ciiculars, Ac, tic
GEO. MACLEAN, Pub.lsher, 7:tS Ssnsoni s
Philadelphia, Pa. aug.'JSl 4
. 30tti Tliouand in Press. Sale increasing
J.OOtl inure LIVE AGENTS Wanted for onr
1 I.lVI.MiSTONE ss years in Alltltt
I over tl'Jt) pages, only (J.5c) IncsiiDietu und
! I'crior works are oifercd, look out for tliein.
. Send for circulai's and sec proof of the great'
i success of the season. Pocket Companion woi
; tlO mailed freo. HUBBARD BKoS., Pub's
aug.'JU, 4w 7JU Sansoin St., Philn. Pa.
was one agent's profit on Bryant's Library of V
etry and Song; $70 in one week on The N
Housekeeper Manual, by Miss Ueecber a
! Mrs. Stowe. Auy active man or woman c
have un agency. J. B. FORD A CO., New Fo
j Button, .Chicago nnd San FrunHsco. 4w. au
SStwrdAT. fiunoles. O
aUU a tiaaus, 4 j6 Wslaut St. Flul
manhood nnd their mutual Inter-relations ; l.c
Its Law, Powor, etc. Agents aro selling fr.
30 to 3;) copies of this work a liny, und we si
a convassiug book free to any book agent. .'
dress, slating experience, etc., NATION.
PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelpliir, Pa.
Wuntftl ALL men wishing to make mo
to send for a pamphlet containing lustruclio
Ac, which evervbodv should know.
J. C. T1LTON, Pittsburg, Ji.
WUillecci Wholesale purchasing Al
made at Dauburv, C't. The lutcst and best. '
Stillest, Falest and Easiest Lock Stitch, S
Suiting, Straight Needle Machine in the mar'
Better terms than nnvCotnpnnv. Address,
JOHN A DODGE, Gen': Agt., Dniibury, C01
Nrnt Eroe. The Great Rtmedy for D
rhvi and Cholera 1 ulso the sure cure for Fc
nnd Ague us found ill OUR HOME PjiYSK'l
by Dr. Beard, the latest uud best Family Medi
Guide with remedies for every known disc:
Its value is attested by thousands who h
saved mnncv, Ik at It li and life. Agents nan
E. B. TREAT, Publisher. 8l5 Bioadway,
tit Ei;:i;i
(Tit Kolsl)
The Sacor Is simpler- better made aud -
j highly finished than any oil r machine.
uveryihlug, aud i always ready i no cuaiif
tension rcquDed la sewing irmn light to h
work. Agents vruptcd. Gi t the latest uud
Send for iiculnv. THE SEt OI! SEWING
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