0 i ch) tibtrtlscmcnts $clu bbctliscmcnts jaUroats. tto bbfttbfntents. 1673. 1673. Enormous Stock, Greatest Variety. Lowest Prices. Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'8 Popular Clothing Store. tho largosl stock of ar-RIM? AKB SUMMER CSQQJJS ever oflbrcd in tins town. 1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, 1500 Pants, 200 lioy 's and Children's Suits, 1000 Nats and Caps for men and boys, Ms 5000 Liucn and Paper Collars, 1000 Pair Linen and Taper Culls, 1000 Ties, Hows and (scarfs, 100 Dozen Socks, 'M different styles Suspenders, 1 OVERALLS AND OVBRSHIRTS, Gauze and Merino Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is respectfully invited t call and examine this most magnificent assort ment. No Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. fflerzfcldcr, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Ta., April 12, 1873. DIAMOND SPECTACLES, WATCHES & JEWELRY. SI N RIMG BY AX TH AD. Bo SHANXTOIT Comer Market and SUNBURY, 1Pj., DEALER IN WATCinS,CL0CKS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. Spectacles. These Lenses aro manufactured from Minute Crystal Pebbles, united by fusion, and derive their name. "Diamond," on account of their hardness and brilliancy. The bcientilie principal on which they aro constructed, prevents all glimmering and wavering of Siyht, Dizziness, Ax., peculiar to all others in use. Superior to Scotch or lirnzilian Pebbles at less than half the price. They are mounted in the finest manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles of Gald, Silver, Steel, Rubber and Shell Frames of tho best quality. Manufactured by The Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. 12. Spencer oi Co., in the Optical lepartnicnt.) New York and New Haven. Tor Sale only by Til iii)i:i s s. SII vo. Sunbury, Pa., May 31, 1S73. kpkixu ope.mm of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Cloths, Casblmercs, Calicos, unit everything iu llic Dry Good line. CARPETS AND Oil, CLOTHS. Qucenewnre, Glassware, auj Wood nud Willow, ware. GROCERIES. A laro assortment just njienud, w hlch consists il' Ten, Collee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, Meal, Fish, Ac. Tlie Celebrated Alleulown baud made BOOTS AND SHOES, Warranted to give satisfaction. In fart n full Maui uncut oi evi-ry lliiny kept iu a liist-eliiss store, van be had nt greatly REDUCED PRICES. for cash. Cull nnd s"C tl'O tine selection of new goods, uud lie convineeil that r. j. uiuuu'n, nenrtlie Llilhern Church, in Sunbury, Is the bent uud cheapest place to buy ull kind of store goods. No trouble to show goods. April 5, ma. ly. WM. FAKKON, M. A '., No. South SECOND Street, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLIAM KARMSON, HENRY HARNKD. NELSON I'LUM, W. V. CKEAUTJIEHS, Manufacturer of First-Clus HUNITURK. IMvei reason. ihlc. Plcubc (..ill ami cxunilnc. & C 2 3 EIXlIX WATCH. Third Streets, ;EO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 014 Market Ft root, riiihululi.hia, TAILORS nnd MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Hand & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Ours being the leading house on Military work, we feel that we cau offer Inducements whiyh cau not be attained anywhero eUo. Aug. 24, 1072. to per day ! Agent Wanted ! All U classes of working people, of either ex, young or old, make more money at work fur u lu their par uiomeuts, or all the time thun at anything tUe. Particulars free. Address, ti. STINSON & CO., ill-ly. Portland, Maine. Descriptions, 05 CD W in bl Q 13 P P P. P ft o cr- w r i O D d w d p 3 B 25 0) N m r H 2 m ft ft ft ft o 59 Thin SpHoe is KcHerved l'or the Adveiitiskmekt op PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A R D Ar A li E S TO R E SlHrkot St., Nunbury, c 11.1 UFO It l 1IOIKK, Cnr. Third and Mulberry, UubiuOba Centre, W llliauioport, Pa. D. li. ELSE & CO., Proprietor. June 8y, 1873. GIVEN AWAY. A Finis Gehman C'iikomo. We seud ftu elegant vhromo, mounted and ready for frauiiiiL', free to everv scent for l .i:itcutoi M or I.1FR Bi:iXW TUB Bl'IIFACE, HY TlIOS. W. KNOX. Pages Oetuvo. luO Flue Engravings. Relate lucidenU uud Accident! bvyond tho Light of L)uy i bturtllng Adventures Iu nil parts of tho World Mines and Mode of Working them ; Under-curreiils of Society i tianiblingaud its Horrors ; Caverns aud their Mysteries The Dark Wavg of Wlekeduess j l'rihng uud their tcrets bown iu the Depths of the Sea fctruugo blorles of the Detection of crime. The book treats of exerience with brigands j nights lu opium deus aud gambling hells ; life lu prisou Stories of exiles ; adventures among In diaus Journeys through Sewers and L'utucombs; accidents In mines piiates aud piracy ( tortures of the iuquisitiou wonderful burglaries ; uuder. world of the greut cities, etc., etc, Ak" Hauled for this work. Exclusive teriiory given. Agents can make (100 a week in selling ibis book. Send for circulars nud terms to agents. J. H. It L Kit A HYDE, Hartford, Cava., or Chicago, 111. CO B CO I CO 1 a I o CD Q o B CO a. r. i.ti:hs. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PARLOR nnd BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRE3SED BY MACHINERY. !-7nont forgi-i the plncr on the East ride of Tinitn RTiti'.i:r,a few doom South of Market,8uu bury, Pa. Draids, Switches, Curls, and all kinds of LADIES' HAIR. Work mado to order cither out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left nt the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th si. and Shamokin nvenun, will receive prompt atteutiou. A Specialty in CIIILDltEXS' HAIR CUTTING, cither at their homes or Shaving Tartar. A. P. WALTERS. July 81873. tf. A. M. MEIXELL, WUI.F.It IN Aiiierlrm and I'liroponu H ATCH EN. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. erlW-tod Spocl nelos nnd Eye GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired uud war ranted. Market Sonars, SUNBURY, Pa. Feb. X 18T2.-tf. TTTieA. (FonumLT Wood A Mum.) STATION&RV 4 PORTABLE Steam Engines. Tke Kst & Most Complete Assortment Iu tho Market. Thfso KnirlnM have ulw.iv matatnlnM the rrrr hurhofit ntnndiird of eeJlenc. Wo make too tuumiffirturc of Koioncs, lMUon 0Tul 8w MiHa a IMcinlty. Vie have theimyfit and raouoomplt workji of tlm kind in Uie country, with murhiiwy pcrially fulnptt. to tho work. We keep couatantly in prooens large ntrmbCTi or Engines, which we f urnwi at tho viTyiowerft prioos mA on t!; ehitrto:it uotitu. Wo build Ecjrhua rviM-cinUr n-1 fpi to Miu-, Haw MUln, Urist MiR. TinruriVt, Cotton iiiua, TUreabeni ood all flu nil cf i:i;iufmj,.iriiu?. We are miw Imtlitinff tho olcbratl Laiu Clroo Inr H.iw hU, the bt aud mcMt ootuploto aav mill VfT iuvt'iiten. W iiinkw the mnnufacture of Baw Mill ootUta ft P"cirtl ftMturo of our buriinc, aud otui furuiah) oonipift' on tii thortt notice. Our aim in nil ca u to furnish the bret fn cliinery in the market, and work absolutely no eqiiMh d for beauty of druitrn, economy aud trenrth Bend for Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. UTicA. ar. t. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Market Square, M .MU ItY, !.. Keeps constantly on liaud a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Good, COM US, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, rATEXT MEDIC1XES, OILS, PAIXTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAKMSII, DYKSTIFFN, In fact everything nsuullv kept In a well con ducted JDTlTJGr STOP.R Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions uud family receipts by the Pinprialor hiim-elf. Sunbury, Pa., June S, 1S73. MA. III.XK. NI101 AXl liioV " FOI MHtY. GEO. KOII1UJACII & SOX3, Nuubury, I'4'iiu'a, INFORM tho public that they aro prepared to do ull kinds of CASTINGS, and hnving added a new Muchino Shop In connection with their Foundry, und have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Pluuing and lioring Machines, with the lalci-t improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they ore enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a satisfactory man ner. CJratew to unit any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build inK, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing rOK GKAVE YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS, Fort YARDS AT RESIDENCE, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still furthur Improved, and will always be kept ou hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Suubury, May 'JO, 1871. mm La.II i ILrMlPsa mmimm HW1HII 1 I i ill Send for Illustrated Cutalogue and examine our prices before purchasing, us we claim to sell lower than hut other establishment in the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, 1230 RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia. Central Drugstore. Mo. VV Market Ktreel, Nunbury, IS the place to buy your FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS, and all other article usually kept in a first class Drug Store. Special utteuliou paid lo compounding Physi cians Prescriptions at all hours Including Bun days. GEO. B. CADWALLADER, Puuiiuacutisi. mm iiiG Tiin NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and nodical Science. Dr. OAKVIK'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. OARVIN'S TAR RE1TIEDIE9 Cure Cntnrrh. Dr. OARVIK'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Asthma. Dr. GARVIN'S TaR REMEDIES Cure Heart Disease. Dr. OARVIK'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Skin Disease. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Regulate the Liver. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Regulate thcStomacJiandBowelS Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure all I'einnla Weaknesses. Dr. tARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES rurify the Blood. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Diseases of the Throat. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Bronrliitis. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cum "Rose Coll,"or"IIayFevcr" Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Lung Diseases, Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Curo Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Prevent Cholera & YcllowFcver Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Prevent Malarious Fevers. Dr. GAIIVI VS TAR REMEDIE8 ' Remove Pain in the Breast. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Removo Pain in tho Side or Back. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Restore the Appetite. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause tie Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Restore tho Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Gire Tone to Your System. L. F. HYDE it CO., BO LB PBOFBIBTOBS, 195 Seventh Ave., yew York, December 21, 1872. ly A complete Stock of Choice Selec tions in evcryr)cpartment o fercd at Special prices, tlur lug the Sniumer season, While .making alter ations. JEWELHY, STEALING SILVER Watches, Plated Goods Cutlery, Clocks, Bronzes A Fancy Goods. JulyJ2, 1873. BLATUULEY'S 3 cs IIPROYED CDCUIBER HuvD i'UMP Tasteless. Durable, Efficient and Cheap. The best Pump for the least inoner. Attention is es pecially invited to Blatehley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can he withdrawn without re moving the Pump or distHrbing the Joints. Also, the Coper Clumber, which never cracks or I 1 .:n At I.... P..- a .. I., f... semen, iiuu win iiiiim. u , i.i.ii. . i.i , , t; i i i ........ i ! licuicrs cvcrywurir. Price List. CHA8 Send lor Catalogue and G. II LATCH LEY. Mnnu- facturcr, 500 Connnerce '"is Philad'a. Pn. SU.ly TUi: Kl(i BABIIKB KIIOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has becu ask history aud she w ill tell you Men have grown old in our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys nt play ( Aud youths by luuidens fuir caressed, To stalwart meu with cares oppressed, And old meu silver gray. And among the honored nnd lasting Impres sions of time, aud the crash of revolutions In circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the ingenuity aud perseverance ap iertaiuing to tho identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art nud perfection, aud aspiring to achieve tho highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances aud es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shavo with case Cut aud comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care. And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To gel shaved ou the busts of ability nor as some, have doue for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred aud right nor uuder tho common secret nnd Invidious guise of enmity to complex lou for the cut of a man's coat, or the aolor of his skin, ought not to atl'ect his usefulness nor his qualincatious. A fuir chance Is ull that we demand, to give the proof to all tbe land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor, Sunbury, April 5, 1873 j No. 91, Market st. STOVE & TIN KNTABMMHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, rA. ALFBED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SL'CCESSOB TO SMITH OBNTUSH. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would rcsiectful ly In tor in the public that he now bat on baud a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Sf leer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arrunged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to beat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of ditl'ereut kluds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kept constantly on hand. Roofing and 8poutlng with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended so with dispatch. Coal Oil aid Lamps eoustautly on hau4. Japan war or .nds. Store opposita Conley's hardware store. Give uit a eall. A. KRAUKE. ai'124-ly i s LUMBKR AND PLANING MILES. Third Street, adjoining Philfi. A Erin It. R., two 6n,iiares tforth of the Central Hotel, BUNBURY, PA. IRA T. "CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. llavim all the latest Improved machinery for maMufiicturiuir Limber, he Is now ready to Ull or ders .fall kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, 8A81I, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental Bcrowl Work. Turn Ing of every description promptly executed. Also, a LAKOB APSOHTMKNT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, fcc. Orders promptly filled, and shipped hv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. deel 9-08:1 L I II U O It HTORKI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Conrt House, SUN BURT, PA., Respectfully invites tho attention of Retailers and others, thnt he has on hand, and will con stantly keep nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cognlue, Cherry, Ginger, Rochellennd Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copncr-Dlstlllcd, Monnn- gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Bberry, Port nnd Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout nnd Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found la the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Rctnil. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. Orders promptly attended o, aud yubllc patronage respectfully solicited O NF.FF. Sunbury, July 3, 186!). ly. ' " Nl'Xltl' li VPIAIt B EE Y AB D Fourth Ntreet below Market, SUNBURY, PEN N ' A. TIIIIE undersigned has returned from the Vcr X mont Mnrble Quarries with SS Tous of Marble for Monument, Grave-Stones, Ac, &c. He has bought nt such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, fur less money, than heretofore. The best sutncriana falls which is better than Italian, ltutland Is now I sold as low us the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Mnrble line, : for Monuments, (iravc-Stoncs, or other purposes, i will tind it to their interest to call nud examine ; this large slock, as better bargains can be seeur ; ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round ; the country. ; All lettering will be rlono lu the neatest and I most Improved style. ! W. M. DAUGHERTY. I Sunbury, Jan. II, 1873. j .KUVORK A.'I 1IIII.AIKI.IIII niLi.m:itY tioiH. SPRING A SUMMER BONNETS" A HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIM MED. An extensive assortment of Straw Millencry and Fancy Goods, now open nt MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY bTORE, Mahket Sthket, SirHunr, Pa. My stock of Spring goods Is unusually large and varied, comprising the latest nnd most at tractive styles, selected with care from the lead ing lin porting houses uud adapted for the present season. nl2.'73. MISS L. WEISER. KI'BIXG AND lSl .MMF.lt- MII.1.1NERY GOODS FOR 1873 J UST opened nu extensive assortment of STRAW, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, comprising the latest nnd laost attractive styles selected with care from tho leading imposing houses in New York ami Philadelphia, and adapted for the present season. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS in g'ent variety, n general assortment of neck ties, ornaments for sacques. TRIM MINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars. Cutis, and every fashionable artii'leof ladies' wear. Call und see the new styles of Goods at MISS L. SIIISSLF.R. Market Square, Siinburv, Pa. April 26, 173. 13 0 7. RIGHTER & GASKILL, 13 0 7 . PF.AI.KRS.IN Americaa ana Freiicli WiBlow Glass, Crystal Sheet, Roui(h PUte, Colored, .Ennmel.d and Ornaiiieutnl Olsss, 1307 Market Street, Pliiladolphia. January 11, 1873. 1y. "NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Builfling, Siliiry, Pa. It 1 C. M. MARTIN & CO. I '- I "XTE are now opening nn entirely new stock j V of I DRUGS AND MEDICINES, I nnd are prepared to supply nny article in our line j that may be called for, we have also a full stock ' of all the leading Patent Medicines. Fiua Perfu mery and Toilet Articles a speciality, a mil as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other Brushes, Dressing and other Combs In great variety. FINE TOILET MOAPN, a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper whole or ground, Castile nud Laundry Soa)s, Ijimp Chlmncye aud Lamp Goods generally. Bird Seed In large or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fill stock Fluid nnd Solid Extracts, Eiixcrs and Pills of t'. 8- P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's and other Plasters, Aycr's, Wright's, Schenk's Mandrake, McLane's Liver und other Pills, our stock embraces every thing found in a well conducted Drug Store. Country Physician will tiud our stock full aud complete, and we guarnuuie to sell nslnwas the same articles can be bought in Philadelphia, choice Wines, Whiskey aud Brandy for Medicin al purposes. Octobers, 1873. , GET THE BEST. Webster's I'uabridged Dletlouary. 10,000 Wurdt and Jcant'njp not inotlur iHetion arte: 3000 Engravings i 1840 Page Quarto. Price 12. Whenever I wish lo obtain exact demiilious, I consult It. Schuyler Colfax. I 7 very Scholar knows lis value. Is W. II. Prescot the Ilistoriau.l Been one of my dally companions. John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac. Qo far ns I know, beat detlnlng Dictionary, kj Horace Maun. rpihe best guide of students of our Language. X Jehn G. Whitlicr. Excels all other In defining scientific terms. President Hitchcock, j Kemarkable compendium of human knowledge W. 8. Clark, Pres't Ag. College. A necessity for every intelligent fumily, stu dent, teacher and professional man. What Li brary I complete without the best English Dic tionary. ALSO Wiimteu's National Pictouial Dictiohart. 1040 Pages Octavo. 000 Eugravlngs. Prior 5. The work I really gem of a Dictionary, Just the thing for In mil. loo. Anurumm Sdueatumal Monthly. Published byO. AO. MERUAH, Springfield, Mass. Bold by all BooUclUis. BEADING KAILKOAIt. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MOKDAT, AlQl'ST 4th, 1S73. Trains leave ITnrrlsbnrg for New Tork as fol lows i at 5.30 and 8.10, a.m., and 2.00, p. m., connecting with trains on PcnnsylTanla Rail road, and arriving at ;iew York at 12.35, 8.S0 and 0.45 p. in., reppectircly. Retnrnlnlng i Leave New York nt fl.OO a. m. 12.50 and 6.H0 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30. 9.15 a. m., and 3.30 p. m. Leave Harrlsburir for RcndlnK, Pottsvllle. Tnmnquo, Mlnersvllle, AslUand, Shamokin. Al lentown and Phlladelobla nt 5.80 and 8.10 a. in., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. in., ttopping at Lebanon nnd princlpnl way stations t the 4.05 p. m., train con nerting for Philadelphia, Pottsvlllo and Colum bia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rnil rond leave Harritbarg at 8.40 p. m. Eait Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read rfAllentown, Easton nnd New York nt 7.30 and 10.85 a. m., nnd 4.00 p. m. Returclni;, leave New York nt O.OO a. m., 12.50 and 6.W) v. m., and Allentcwuat 7.20 b. in., 12.25, 2.10, 4.S3 nnd S. 65 p. in. ' Way Passenirer Train leaves Philndeli'.Ma nt a. m., cnnnectlng at Rending with train mi EaH Peniin. Railroad, returning lnnvra P(,tts villo M4M p. m., stopping nt nil station?. Leave Pottsvllle at 0.00, 8.05 and ft. 10 . m and 2.S0 p. m., llerndon at 10.00 a. vi., p.hamo kin at 0.00 nnd 11.02 a. m., Ashland nt 7.1i a. in., and 12.80 p. m., Mnbanoy Cllv at 7.53 and 1J.54 p. in.. Tsmnnna t a. IK Run . ., 2.15 p. m., for Phllndelphta, New York, Reiidinit, Harrisbnrg, Ac, ' Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.05 a. m., for Hnrrisburir, and 12.05 p. m., fbr Pinrgrove nnd Tremor.t. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle at 6.00 a. m., passes Rending nt 7.: 0 a. in., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.10 a. m. Return! Ing leaves Philadelphia nt 5.15 p. in., pas-- Rending at 7.40 p. m., arriving nt Pottsvllle nt 0.20 p. in. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 6. 45 a. in., returning, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and (irecn,) nt 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt i.30 a. m., nnd 0.15 p.m., for Ephrsta, i.itiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. ; returning leave Lan caster at 8.30 a. m.,and 3.30 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. m., and 3.20 p. in. Pcrkiomen Railroad trains leave Perkiomen Juixtlon at 0.00 n. in., 2.55 and C.30 p. m. ; re turning, leave (ir?ei- Lane nt 8.00 anil 7.4(la. in., 12.35 and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains oi, Readiut! Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phcr tilxville nt 9.05 a. m., 8.05nud 5.50 p. in. ; return ing, leave Bycrs nt 6.30 n. m., 12.40 nnd 4.20 v. j m., coniiertinit with trains on Reading Railroad. Cnlebrookdnle Railroad trains leave Poitctowir , at 0.40 a. m. and 1.05, 0.20 returning leave Mount i Pleasant nt 5.50 nnd 11.25 a. m. nnd 3.00 p. m., ; connecting with trains on Kearlin.r H .Hrnn.i forlilp Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridc--ill uic, pi)rt nt 8.3o (l H1 a4() nn(J 5i3; m lc:ve "oW"'tigtown at 7.00 a. in., 12.30 nnd 5.40 p. in., connecting with trains on Rsndinc Rail road, On Sundays : leave New York at 5. 30 p, rn., Philadelphia at (i.00 n. in. and 3.15 p. in., leare I'oltsvillc at tf.00 a. 111., and 2.35 p. in., leave Harrisbnrg st 5.30 a. in. nnd 2.00 p. in.; leave Alleiito-i ii at 4. 85 and 8.55 p. ni. ; ieav. head ing nt 7.40 a. in. and 10.15 p. in. for Harritburg, nt 7.30 n. in. fur New York, at 7.40 a in, for Al lentown and nt 9. W a. m. and 4.10 p. m., Tor Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School Bnd Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced rates. Unggnge cheeked through j 100 poundnillowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN. (Jtnfral Sup't. unci, Pa., August 4, 1S73. lirsr PEN X S Y I. VA MIKHAIL iu.in. 1'IIILATlKLIHtA A ERIE R It. Ul VISION. SUMMKU TIM 10 TABLE. On nud nfter Sunday, .Inly 2iHh. 1S73. the Trains on the 1'liiluilrlphiii & Erie Rail Road Divi siou will run as follows : WESTWARD. Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, ll ..V p in 0. ','' a ui VS" a :r 7. .".5 p il 12.40 p in li.4"i p in s.:,o ( m 7.4ft a in s.tio a in 4.1" p ui 7.: ."i . in 7.2 H in -.(' p m 12.SII p III i !'j a 111 9.4"i ) in Muimirv, " " " Wllllauisport, " " nrratErle, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sntiburv, " " " Williainspoit, " " nn at Erie, Elmlia Mail leaves Pliiliulelpl.ia, " ' Sntiliiirv, " " arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Wiliiamsport, " Sunhurv, " " Keuovo," " " nrr. at Niagara Falls, EASTWARD. Erie Mali leaves Erie, " " " Wllliamsport, " " Sunhurv, " " nrr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Wllliamsport, " " " Siinburv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Klmlra Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " " Williaui.poit, " " " Siinburv, ' " arr at Philsde'liJiiM. 11.30 a m 11.30 p m 1.2.1 u in 7.15 a m it.C.'i p m 7.. 1.1 a in W.3.1 a m 3.30 p m 7.75 a in 9.30 a m 11.1 a ui 0.UU p m Niagara Express leaves Niagara Falls, 7.15 a m Kenovo, 8.10 p m " " " Wllliamsport, 5.15 pm ' Sunbury. 6.3.1 p in " " arr at Philadelphia, 12.20 am Mall East connects east and west at Erie with L. Is. t M. S. R. W. end at Corry and Irviuetou with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and w'est trains on L. 8. A M. 6. R. W. and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. K. W. Wurreu Accommodation cast and west with trains ou L. S. & M. 8. R. W. cast aud west nud nt Corry with O. C. A A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation east at Corry and West at Corry and Irvineton with O. C. A. R. R. W. El in Ira Mail nud Niagara Epress make close connections at williamsport with N. C. It. W. trains, north and south. WM. A. BALDWIN, GenT Sup-t. KEEP IT IIAIY. The REi.iAm.r. Family Mhimcine. DIARUIIIA, Dysentery, Cholera, Snmine. Complaint, Crumps, etc., quickly cured by tho nse of JARDELl.A'S Compound Syrnp of Blackberry Root nnd Khu biirli. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quick and certain in rll'ect ; cau be deindcd on iu the most urgent cases ; may he given lo the youngest infant as well as to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It is a pleasant rxtnict and readily taken by children. It has often saved life when physi cians had despaired. Keep it iu the house and use in time. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you otf with something else. Buy il. Try it. Sold by Druggists aud Store Keepers throughout this Slate. Prepared ouly by HANSELL BRO., Juno 14,'7S-3m. 2000 Market St., Philadelphia. IHJTCllEHY! IJUTCIIEItY ! Messrs. BEFFEiV t ItOHER, Third Street, opposite Central HoleC, SUNBURY, PA., KEEP constantly on hand the very choicest of fresh BEEF, Ml'TTON AND VEAL, which Is sold at the lowest prices. Meat ciinbo had at ail hours during the day. Bunbury, Pa., June 8, 1S72. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAinL, RESPECTFULLY Inform the cltixeus that be has Just received bis Spring aud Munnuer Goods, at hi TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, hclow Market, In the Mullen building, and that be Is prepared to make-up all kluds of CiENTN A.I BOV'N MUTM, In the latest style. Having bnd much exper ence lu the busiuess he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be made np In th latest Pails snd Amerlsan Fashion lu the most satisfactory manner. al -73. C1IARLES MAIUL.