Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 29, 1873, Image 2

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    Snnburn SUcrican.
h. b. massm,
i. wiivert.
8 UN BURY, AUGUST 20, 1873.
Republican State Ticket.
tf AUtyhany County.
von srrHEMK jriniK,
of Jifftrson County.
(Subject to decision of Scuulmial Conference,)
DR. WM. J. HAAS, of Mt. Carmcl Borough.
CATT. ALEX. CALDWELL of Shnmokln Boro.
SAMUEL 8AVIDGE, of Upper Augusta.
ADAM LENKER, o( Lower Muhanoy.
M. B. PRIESTLY, of Northumberland.
TnERE appears to be a clusa of journals
profcMiDg to be llepublican ia priticiplo,
who nro so infiitualcd with the teachings
of tlie New York Tribunr, Mint tboy nre
constantly assailing our elaudard bearers
and misrepresenting the measures of our
platform. And in order to exert nu influ
ence, when disappointed in their schemes
in local matters, set up a hue aud cry that
the administration was interfering through
its agents. It is a well known fact that the
New York Ti ibune is as hostile to the Re
publican party as the most rebel Democra
tic Journals, and its fault finding is endless.
The Tribune having lost its prestige as it
Republican Journal by its course pursued
in the last Presidential campaign, in en
deavoring to cast the seed of discord into
the Republican ranks, with an expectation
of creating a new party over which It can
dictate. Wo regret to see that there arc
some journals in this state, and iu fact
around us, who are constantly aiding in
misrepresenting the administration by cop
pyiug leading articles from the Tribune, and
adopting them as their own editorials. We
find some of these journals Constantly
croaking at every thing that ih done by the
Republican party and misrepresenting the
administration for it, and at the same time
endeavoring to take the lead in the Repub
lican ranks. The fact is that all such
journals cannot be classed as Republican,
iut as belonging to the Liberal Republican
movement advocated by the Tribune and
its kindred sheets. Somo of the editors of
these journals, wc know, have been persis
tent office hunters, but probably being dis
appointed iu the continuance of a lucrative
position through the majority of the people,
they are endeavoring to create a party of
their own which they hope to eoutrol. We
notice that some of these kindred sheets are
so closely allied with the teachings of the
New York Tribune that they imitate that
sheet in the smaller local matters in their
vicinity, with a view of creating every dis
tention and drawing to their aid Ihc credu
lous to assist them to set up a howl nnd a
grumble, for the purpose of setting them
selves up as leaders of a new party, where
they cau rule and secure offices without
consulting the people whether they arc en
titled to it or not. Wo confess wo cannot
sec any honesty in these journals in pro
fessing Republican principles, aud to our
mind it is clear that they are more desirous
that Democratic principles should predomi
nate, aud it would he fai more creditable
were they to declare themselves openly in
favor of the piirty they are continually fur
nishing with capital.
TION. The Democratic Convention of
Moutour county, met at Washingtouvillo j
on Saturday last, and after haviug had
forty ballots, decided in favor of J. C. Am
merman as the nominee for Assembly. A
resolution was adopted of the old stereotypo
kind, reiterating "the time, honored princi
ples of Democracy," censuring the salary
grab, denouncing corruption in county,
slate and nation, aud endorsing the eouise
of Messrs Ammermau and DtW'itt. How
the convention can recoueile itself on the
course ot Messrs Ammei man and DeWitt,
is a mystery to many Democrats in this
county. Ruth of these gentlemen had weak
lungs last winter on thu salary question,
and liad a general weakness foradvocatiug
a number of bills which the convention
professes to condemn. It will remain uow
for tho people to say whether that conven
tion is justiliable iu endorsing their course
when they knew to Die contrary. It is also
asserted that Mr.Ammermau had a pecuni
ary weakness in procuring his uomiuatiou.
The editor of tho DcnM-rut, last week,
got on his war paint and is going on the
war path to defend bkunk Scalpers and
tho niauagers of the Ring. His ammuni
tion is composed of the usual material, of
some Hi i us in thu stylo of a low comedian
attempting to display wit by daubing on
a large quantity of paint.
TriE Democrat notices the fact that Mr,
Lemuel Shipmau, tho Ring candidate for
Register and Recorder spent his limo iu
Suubury, di r'iDg court, button-holing the
people for their votes. He is certainly eu
titled to the support of the Democrats in
tho upper, evul fur his earnest (negative,)
support of G. W. Armstrong, Esq., last
fall for I'rothonotary.
The Ilarrisburg Telegraph, of Tuesday,
says : William Jlollmau, Esq., a justice of
the peace of tho borough of Uniontown,
Dauphin couuty, and au olJ line lemocrat
ail his lifetime, lias renounced his adhesion
to the Democratic party. Mr. Hotliuan
declared to us to-day that tho party had
entirely deserted their principles, and noth
ing but the empty name was left. He will
, bores rtw: labor for the success of the priu
ciplesoftho lU'publican party, believing
thut (bey are more Democratic, and also
protect homo industry. Mr. Hoffman ad
vises all his friends to leave the old, defunct
and corrupt leaders of ttwt gdcailcd Demo
erotic parly.
Oun neighbor of the Democrat, In his
last Issue, already shows his fears that the
Ring ticket will bo unsuccessful. His rant
ing gives evidence that tho Ring party are
determined to regain some of tho offices if
possible. They do not like tho people of
the county to find out how matters have
been conducted, and hence every efl'ort will
be mntlo to put in office those who will
cover up many of the transactions of the
Ring of late years. The idea of Republi
cans bciQg hi office Lot quite a year, and
having already reduced the county debt
from upwards of twenty thousand dollars
down to about six thousand, Is too much
for their neivus, and 'shows that misman
agement existed some where, l'crhaps
too, among other items kept concealed dur
ing tho administration of tho Ring officers,
is oue which will make a material chaugo
in the conduct of the Ring favorites, viz: that
of giving out and charging collectors for
their duplicates. Cau our neighbor explain
how it comes that nearly all these collectors
are charged less on their duplicates than the
duplicates amounted to when properly add
ed. An explanation how it occurred would
go a great ways in enlightening the public
as to what was done with the surplus fund,
as tho amount already realized to the coun
ty, on old duplicates, sdnounts to over one
thousand dollars. Tho records show this
to be a fact, which every ono can see by ap
plying at the offices, and we demand an
explanation from oiirnolghbor.
The Democratic State Convention, met
at Wilkesbarre, on Wednesday last, and
nominated Judge Ludlow of Philadelphia
for Judge of the Supremo Uoutf and Frank
Hutchinson of Allegheny county, for State
Mr. Ammerman, the Democratic noni
iuco for Assembly from this district, is re
ported to havo paid five hundred dollars
to secure his nomination iu Montour coun
ty. His election will cost about the same
which exhausts the salary of a Represen
tative, and would leave him to draw on his
private purse to pay his board bills. No
wonder his voice was weak on the salary
crab question dining tho last session of
the legislature.
Sorry "For It. Our neighbor of the
Democrat, has not got quite over his scare
during the lata "unpleasantness." He ap
pears to havo a general hatred towards
military titles. The souud of colonel or
captain causes palpitation of the heart, and
it generally takes two or three days before
his nerves becomr quieted.
In our notice of the nominees last week,
wo accidentally omitted tho nominee for
County Treasurer. Mr. Samuel Savidgc is
an old staunch Republican of Upper Au
gusta township, a farmer well known
thoughout the county, and will receive more
than his party vote.
A fire broke out iu the business part of
Mirllintown, Juniata county, on Saturday
morning, at 3 o'clock, which consumed the
entire block, destroying the business por
tion of tho town. The loss is estimated at
8180,000. Supposed to have been the work
of incendiaries.
Since it cost Mr. Ammerman five hun
dred dollars for his nomination, some Dem
ocrats are anxious to know what it cost
Dr. Dcwitt in trading delegates with
ICinuel Shipman, the Ring candidate for
Register and Recorder, to secure his own
The Late Murder at Selinsorove.
We give below further iarticulars of the
murder of Dr. Wngcusuller at Seliusgrove,
last week, in a few extracts taken from the
the Time published at that place. Tlie !
editor says :
We do uot propose to give a full detail of
all tiie incidents of this unfortunate atluir ;
but we shall endeavor to giyo such a brief
statement of facts ns will give our readers
uot yet acquainted with them, a correct
understanding thereof. Dr Wagenseiler
has for several years had in his employ a
hired man named Win. Mertz. This mau
it appears had one bad habit. He fre
quently indulged iu the free use of liquor,
which rendered him uulit for tho proper
discharge of his duties, and also set a bad
example to the Doctor's two sons, two
boys nearly grown up and at that age when
boys are most apt to be led astray by the
vice of intemperance.
The Doctor had becu striving for several
years to iuducc this mau to abandon this
evil habit, but his labors in that directiou
seemed fruitless ; for when the man could
not obtain it directly from the bar himself,
ho had some runners who would buy the
liquor for him by the bottle and deliver it
to him secretly. Some of these bottle run
ners became known to the Doctor, aud this
man Weurich was one of them. JLc notified
him about a year ago that ho must quit it,
but the evil practice continued ; aud ou
Saturday eveniug, soon alte tUe Doctor
returned home from a visit to his patients,
ho was told his hired mau was up at the
Keystone drunk again.
1 he Doctor immdiately started ui and
met Wcnrich and Merlz ou tho pavement
at tho Keystone. lie charged Wenrich
with agaiu furnishing liquor to Mertz,
whereupon Weurich cursed and swore and
called him a G d d d liar. Tho Doctor
told him not to call him a liar again, when
enrich used more violent language than
before aud repeated calling him a liar, and
challenged and dared the Doctor. At this
instant the stabbius occurred. Tho Doc
tor claimed his hands to his side and called
out loud, "Police I Police 1 I'm stabbed 1
Georgo Wenrich stabbed me." He started
homeward, aud somo ouu followed aud
helped him homo, nearly a square distaut,
Ho was helped up stairs and to bed, aud
Dr. Hottensteiu was immediately called iu
ana examined tne wouna.
As soon as be was informed of the na
ture of tht wound he himself pronounced it
fatal, and said he knew he had to die ; and
Dr. Hottcnstein did the same. Dr. Priest
ly aud Dr. M't'av. of Northumberland.
were scut for, and they oame and gave
about the same docision. He suffered very
much whenever ho was conscious. The
weapon used was a pocket knifo with a
blade about four inches long. The blade
entered the lett side aud under the stomach.
and by turning the blade upwards or in au
attempt to rip, a nolo was cut clear through
the under part of tho stomach about the
size of au old large cent, allow in j? some of
the contents ot the stomach to pass out.
The prisoner made no attempt to deny
lue slabbing, but, on the coutrarv, boldly
asserted that ho did it and would do so
agaiu, using most violent language even tho
next day. Alter the act he commenced a
search for his knife, and swore that if he
could- not 11 nd it ho would go to tho hard
ware store and buy another aud coiuo down
and cut out his G d d d heart: and
when the knife was shown him he admitted
that was th knife he did tho deed with
Tho testimony of Mr. Mertz before tho
inquest adds still further to tho outrageous
character oi tho crime. Ho made a clean
breast of it upon oath to the jut y, confirm
ing tho Doctor's charges against Wotirirh,
by swearing that every charge lite Doctor
had made was true.
Kent tirk;.--Kn-klni Ontriigc.
Louisville, Aug. 'J5. Tho Courier
Journal publishes another letter from a
special correspondent sent into the Ku-kltix
counties to investigate tho outrages. The
correspondent gives a list of eighty-six out
rages com.nilted in Ilnry, Owen nnd
Franklin counties, since 1870, varying from
simple warnings to property holders not to
employ negroes, to arsons, rnpes, whip
pings, pillages and murders. Governor
Leslie, some weeks since, offered a reward
of $500 each for the apprehension of Ku
klux concerned in the murder of tho negro
Wilson ou the Knox Drown plantation, but
Bince that proclamation several other out
rages havo been committed.
The outlaws laugh nt nil attempts to se
cure couviction, and when one is arrested
he easily proves an alibi by other members
of tho gang. Tho correspondent believes
that tho whole, number of organized Ku
klux in those three counties docs not exceed
one hundred, who have regular places of
meeting and plaus of operation. The letter
cIorcs as follows : "One and all agreo that
soldiers, State or Federal, can accomplish
tho dispersion nnd the utter annihilation
of the Ku-klux in short order. Can wo get
them ? We have furnished evidence time
and again that the civil law is a dead letter
in this case. Why should any ono longer
doubt? I havo attempted to furnish a
chronological list of Ku-klux villains. That
they have committed twice as many as
time nnd means at hand havo enabled mo
to gather, there cau be little doubt. If a
dozen murders, as many rapes, several
hundred attempts at murder, and whip-
)ings, beating and driving from their
louses of thousands of our best citizens, do
not call for extraordinary measures, what
in the uame of truth and justice ever will i
The people of Owen and Henry are earliest
in their appeals. They eveu protest that
Governor Leslie is tardy in coming to their
relief, while he has thus far done all that
any officer in his place could do. Still His
Excellancy is magnanimous enough to
overlook the nervous upbraidings of the
men whose wives and children arc at tho
mcrcv of the cut-throats and outlaws, and
ho must institute other measures, law or
no law."
The Couriers Journal, in a double-leaded
editorial, commenting on this letter,
calls for prompt, deeesive action to rid the
State of this band of midnight assassins
and banditti who liave almost complete
control over the whole section of country
around the State capital. Tho same pa
par has advocated the formation of a body
of armed police, to bo sent into the dis
trict and remain there until tho discovery
and arrest of every member of tho gaug
has been effected.
123 Buildings DeMroyed.
Delfast, Maine, Aug. -2i.
A very disastrous lire broke out here nt
two o'clock r. M. to-day, tho weather being
dry, with a strong galo blowing from the
It commenced in Dennett's sail loft,
north of R. Sibley Drothcrs' wharf, and
spread with fearful rapidity along tho
wharves as far as Carter's shipyard and
marine railway, crossing Union street aud
extending to Ilish street, consuming all
the buildings in its southerly course ns far
as the House of E. M. lloyle, on High
street, where the lire we stayed.
Were destroyed, mostly of wood, and tho
whole loss is set down at about $."ilM 1,000.
Except ou two steamboat wharves, with a
single exception, all prominent wliai ('build
ings are burned.
Washington, D. C, August :", 1S7IJ.
The War Department promulgates in
general orders the findings and sentence iu
the case of tlie Modoc captives Captain
Jack Shonehin, lilack Jim, and Roston
Charley, Darancho, alias Ouo Eyed Jim,
and Munich' alias Cox, who were tried by ,
military commission lor the murder ot ,
General Canity aud Commissioner Thomas,
aud for assault with intent to kill other (
Peace Commissioner. Thev are found guil- 1
tyofthe specifications and charges, and are
sentenced to bo hanged. Tho proceedings
have been approved by thu President aud
Secretary of War. Tho followiug is the
order made by the President in tho matter :
Executive Office, August Si,
The foreguiug sentences iu the ca&ses of
Captain Jack, Schouchiu, Dlack Jim, Bos
ton Charley, Darancha, alias Ono Eyed
Jim, and Sloluch, alias Cox, Modoc Iudian
prisoners, are hereby approved, and it is
ordered that the sentences iu said cases be
carried iuto execution by tho proiicr mili
tary authority uuder the orders ot the Sec
retary of Wat ou tlio aril day of October,
Signed. L. s. Grant, Presidout,
I'hu Secretary of War has ordered that
the sentences be duly executed uuder the
direction of the General Commanding the
iK-pai tnient of the Columbia, at Fort
Klamath, Oregon, on Friday October 3d.
The lVriielrator of the Cruel
Treatment oOIury Kowluud.
Philadelphia. Aucr. 'J2. Josenhine
Rowland and her daughter Daptiste, had a
further hearing this afternoon, on the
charge of cruelly treating Mary Rowland.
Mary was present, although weak and laint,
still in au emaciated condition, testified ns
to her treatment, and her clothing worn
when rescued exhibited, aud was iu perfect
shreds, so lilthy that tho origiual color
could not be designated.
tieorgo A. Miskey testified that four
years ago, Mary for four days was employ
ed as a nurse at his house, when she was
taken away by the one accused.
The testimony showed wretched treat
meut on the pan of the defendant. Winter
and summer thu girl was clad in the same
garments, made go bare-footed, aud fur
nished ono meal a day;, her hands tied,
aud she was locked iu hur room mauy
mouths with insufficient food aud clothing.
According to the testimony of several wit
nesses the girl was seen on several occa
sions to go in the yard wheu the snow was
on the grouud aud pick food from the slop
bucket. The accused was committed, iu
default of 3,000 bail, for trial.
The Kehujlklll County Dcutocrttry.
POTTSVILLE, Aug. 2."i.
Hon. Win. M. Raudall was to-day de
feated iu tho Democratic Convention by
a combination that was a perfect surprise,
instructed for him. His friends assert that
money, aud money alone, has secured bis
defeat, which has created a bitter dissatis
faction among old-line Democrats of the
district, believing, athey Wo, that it was
procured by open and shameless corrup
tion. There is a rumor on the street to
night that the friends of Senator Randall
insist upon his bciug au independent can
didate. The contest for the Sonatorship was very
bitten O. P. DechUjl, of Puttsville, was
nominated for the Senate over lion. Wil
liau luiudall by a largo majority. Doyer,
Lagan aud Foster for the Assembly,
Destruction or the Shoe Factory.
About daylight yesterday morning, a
smoke was discovered issuing from the Shoe
Fnctory, on Eighth street, in this place.
An alarm was raised immediately, nnd a
rush made for it, but the elements had full
headway, and all efforts to save the build
ing ntul machinery were unvalling, and all
Were laid iu nt-hes In a very short time.
The loss amounted to perhaps $7,000 or
8,01)0. The machinery was tho greatest
loss, ns it wns tiew and of the very best.
The building wns alarg frame, and not
very expensive, As the factory has beetl
closed for some time, fortunately there was
not much stock in it. We learn thai It Nas
Insured. Lewisbury Chronical. ' '
The Democratic papers deelnfo that a
great political crisis is upon us ; that the
counrty is either to bo saved or hopelessly
ruined in the coming campaign. Republi
cans don'i seem to recognize a crisis, and
are calm and cerene. Some persons will
fret and fume themselves into n violent
perspiration, and thou declnio Hint the
weather is excessively hot, wheo dvery body
knows that we have had no heat to causo
perspiration for a week or bo post.
Wyoming Territory Is tho battlefield
for deciding the rights of women. For a
long time tho women of that locality have
had the right to vote, but not the right to
hold any important offices. This has
aroused tho females of Wyoming, who are
now determined to bear thoir bosoms in a
desperate struggle to secure tho impartial
enjoyment of every honor and emolument
of tlio territorial government.
TlmeTcNtM tho Merlin orall Thing
Has been tested in every variety of cli
mate, and by almost every nation known
to Americans. It is the constant compan
ion and inestimable friend of tho mission
ary and the traveler, on tho sea or land,
and no oue should travel on our Lukes or
Hirers, without it.
Since tlio Pain-Killer was first introduc
ed, and met with such extensivo sale,
many Liniments, Jtelrifs, Panaceas, and
other Itcmidies have been ofiercd to the
public, but, not ono of them has ntlained
the truly ei. viable stHniliny of the Pain-Kil-ler.
It is because Davis' Paln-Killcr ls what
it claims to be a Reliever of Pain.
If you aro suffering from Internal Puin,
'lVcntijto Thirty Drop in a Little R'dferwill
almost instantly cure you. There is noth
ing to equal it for Colic, Cramps, Spasms,
Heart-burn, diarrhea, Dysentary, Flux,
Wind iu the Dowels, sour Stomach, Dys
pepsia, Sick Headache. &.C.
In sections of the country where
prevails, there is no remedy held in greater
esteem. Persous traveling should keep it
by them. A few drops, in water, will pre
vent sickness or bowel troubles from change
ol water.
From foreign countries the calls for Pain
Killer are great. It is found to Cure Chol
era when all other Remedies Fail.
When used externally, ns a Liniment,
nothing gives quicker ease in Hums, Cuts,
JSrui.ies, Sprains, Sting from Insects, and
Scalds. It removes the lire, nnd the wound
IiwiIq lilrn nrilitirv onrns Tlwic. en 0'.t i lift
M'ith Rheumatism, Gout, or Ncurnliga. if ;
not a positive cure, they find the 1'ain-Kil- !
ler gives them relief when no other remedy .
will. j
Every House-Keeper should keep it nt
hand, and apply it on tho first attack of
any Pain. It will give satisfactory relief,
and save hours of suffering.
Do not trillo with yourselves by testing j
untried remedies. He sure you call for and i
get genuine Pain-Killcr, as many worth- j
less nostrums arc attempted to lie sold on i
the great reputation of this valuable medi- !
cine. x j
K-jr Directions accompany each bottle. v-.j
Price '2 trtf., ."u ets., nnd $1 per bottle, i
August 1, 1S73 -1 num. !
' l
)icv Abbrrtisfincitt3
TI3 Union Part art Apoltnial
Will hold Its first Anuuul exhibition on tbeir
on the
7th, Sth lh ofOrtober A. D 17S.
Competitors fur Pri'ininins should now prcpnre
their nrticlt-k for exhibition and report to tho ra
tion Committeet.
Thi orKMiilviition Ih not confined to any county
or particular district, hut cxteuds a
to nil who may desire to participate, nnd comply
with the rules mid regulations of the Associa
tion, to
and take nn active part with u In milking this
one of the
j in the State. All persona desiring to become
tnenihcis of thin Association will make their ap
plications at once to niu secretary, 1'. It. Moore.
By Order.
SOI,. MAMCK, President,
V. II. Mooue, Secretary
Entale oft karles Beck Iec'd.,
"VTOTK'E Is hereby given that letters of admin
Utrulion huvo iK'en Kraute! to the under
signs, on the estate of Charles Beck, lata of tbe
Horough of Punliiiry, Northumberland couuty,
Pa., deceased. All persons indented to aald es
tate are requested to make Immediate payment.
aud those hating claims to present them for set
Stmbtiry, Aug. 3'.l, 1873. w.
TS' pursuance of un orderof the Orphans' Court
. ol .-.nrtliumiiermml couniv, l a., will do ex.
posed to puhlic sale, at the Court House, iu the
borough or bunoury, ou
SATDKDW, the 27th day of SEPTEMBER,
1873, the following proerty, to wit i
A certain lot of ground situate In the horonch
of Bunhury, Pa., bounded on the south by lot of
Jacob O. Beck, north by lot of Chariot Beck, de
ceased, cast by au alley, and west by Fourth
street, containing 25 feet iu front on Fourth
street, and 'i'M leet iu depth. The lot Is lucated
on high ground, and is most desirable for build
Ing purposes. Late thu estate of Charles Beck,
deceased. tale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m.,
when tlie conditions win he made known by
Suubury, Ang. 80, 1873. it.
Attorney at Law and
Unitmd State Commissioner. Offlca with 8.
B. Buyer, Esq., iu Bright' building, Suubury.
Pa. Aug. 2J,'73. ly.
Real Estate Aoknt, aud Agent for the Piiii.a-
Imsi kance COmpaht,
HrrudOU, XcrthumbirUni County, P.
ALL CLAIMS entrusted in hi band will repair)
prompt atieulion.
llcrndou, An;;. S3, 73. 1 nies.
ch) bbcrtiaments.
Public Sale.
WILL bo offered .it Puhllc Pulcntthocornnrof
Fourth and Packer street, In Cake's addition to
Bunhury, on
TuendHy, Nrpttmbcr 2l, 1H79,
the following irojierty, to wit i
whereon arc creeled a gnod, lariie stahle, well,
bnke-oven nnd other nut-buildings. Also, tho
following personal properly i
KlgM 1 1 end Young lIornCH,
between the ftgeeof five and eiht years, part are
westorn horses all (rood nnd sound nnrl
guaranteed to do any hind of work. B carts,
1 two-horse wagon, nearly new broad tire t 8
sells double team harness i 6 setts cart-harness
t Corn, Oats, and liny a lot of manure j
30 wheelbarrows a lot of ahovels, picks nnd
such other tools as are generally used on public
works 1 four horse Iron plow with steal shear ;
4 dirt scrnpera or latest pattern! 3 tool boxes 1
pair of spreaders and ewliigletroe 1 lurire slr.ed
galrcnlxcd boat-pump; 18 feci pipe and pump
fordrWIngi 1 sledge, Si crowbars, and a lot or
office furniture, nnd other articles too numerous
to mention. Sate to commence nt 11 o'clock.
Bunbnry, Aug. 19, 187.
Executor' Nalc or Real Esttatc.
on the premises, In Jordan township,
Northumberland comity, ou
Thurmdaj-, October 2d, 167ft,
Tht following property to wit : All that Taluablo
situate In Jordan township, Northumberland co.,
Pa., on the pnbllc rond leading from George
town to Klingerstown, and three miles from
Unioutowu, Dauphin comity, bounded a fol
lows t ou the east by lauds of Ceo. Wolf, on tho
west by hinds of Moses Wert, on the south byj
land of William Engle, on the north by lands of
tiabriel Adams, containing 40 acre and 07 per
ches, more oi less, whereon Is erected a
nnd all the ncccasnry out-building; a never
railing spring or water near thu house j nu or- i
runni witn cuoicc trim, ixc. i
The land, nearly nil cleared, nnd In nn excel- j
lent state of cultivation. Late the property of
Henry Winner, deceased. j
Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, n. ni. on said
day, when the conditions will he made known by
Executor of tho Estate or Henry Witmcr, dec. '
Jordan twp., Aug. 22, 187X j
BY Virtue of sundry writs of Ven. Exponas,
Plurlus Ven. Exponas and Levari Facias, j
Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county nnd to me directed, will ;
be exposed to public sale nt the Court Hoii5c, In i
the borough of Suubury, on j
Monday, Nep'tember Sth, 173, I
at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following real crtute, to ;
wit : j
All that certain piece or lot of ground situate ;
in the borough of Suubury, aforesaid, marked In i
the general plan of said borough ns lot number ;
ninety-two, (y-j) containing in breadth, north j
and south on Broadway street. II fly-seven (J7) i
feet and six inches, and In IciikiIi ea.t and west !
two hundred and thirty feit (U30,) bounded on!
the south by Whortleberry street (now Walnut
street) on the west by Broadway, on Ihc north by I
lot number ninety-one, (ill) nnd on the east by '
nu nlley, whereon is erected a two story frame j
building with back kitchen.
Seized, taken in execution, ami to he sold ns !
the property of Mary F. Slnantz, with notice to '
Uoorge Lyon and Nancy his w ile tene tenants.
All that certain lot or piece of land sililnle in
Lewis toncship, Northumberland county, Pa.,
bounded aud described as follows : beginning at
a stone iu tin' centre of the rond; thence by land
of Michael Welsh, south forty-live deirees,
one hundred (100) feet ton stone, I heme by land
of which this Is a part, south forty-live and n-luilf
(45'j) degreess wesl fifty-live (.') leet, to a
stone; thence by the same north forty-live (45)
degrees, west one hundred (100) feet to :i stone ;
thence bv the said road ami hind of Christian
(imtl', north forty-live (45) degrees, cast liliy-live ;
feet to the place of beginning, containing Ull
perches strict measure, whereon is erected a one j
story frame building, known ns the Bethany i
Evungelical Church. j
Seized, taken iu execution and to he sold us the ,
procrty of James Hollyouk, John Lindauer, and
Howard .lames, Trustees in trust for Bethany ,
Church of tho Evangelical association, Lewis
township. :
Ail that certain lot or piece of ground ait mite i
in the borough of Watsoniown, Noithiimhcrliind !
county, Ph., hounded and described as follows,
to wit : hounded on the north ly laud ot James J
Wenck, on the we.-t by llu public road, on the
south by I mi. I of l'lii'ip Winicrsicin . and or Ihc
cast by 111,' brewery properly, containing in width
sixty-two feet, and in depth two hundred feet, ;
wheicnii is eivieed u ouu and a-half story brick j
dwelling house.
Seized, iukcii In execution and to be sold as the
property of James Campbell.
All that certain lot of ground situate In the
borough of Sunbiiry, county ol Northumberland,
Male of Pennsylvania, marked In the gmieral
town plan of said liorough ns lot number nliiety
two ('J'-") containing in breadth, north aud South
on Broadway street, tlfty-seveu feet andsixuch
es, and ill length, east ami west, two hundred
and thirty feet, bounded on the south by Whor
tleberry street, (now Walnut street) on lit west
by Broadway street, on the north by lot number
ninety-one (Ul) and on the cast by an alley.
Seized, taken in execution nnd to lie sold as
the property of George Lyon and Nancy hi wife.
A certain lot of ground situate in the borough
of Northumberland, couuty of Northumberland,
and Slate of Pennsylvnu'a, hounded on the north
by an alley, on the cast bv an allev,ou the south
by Queen street, and on the west by lot of Win.
KUlott., w hereon arc erected a two story frame
dwelling house and other buildings..
Seized, taken in execution aud to be sold ns the
property of John Dale.
A certain messuage, lot or piece of land situ
ate in Uper Augusta township, county of Nor
thumberland, l a., ou the south side or Centre
turnpike, it being '.he piece of land commonly
known as 1 onracl academy, lot more particu
larly bounded and described us follows, to wit .
beginning on the Centre turnpike, at the corner
of ii lot of ground, which the said Conrad sold to
Solomon Everitt ; thence ulong the eastern line
of said lot two huudred feet to un alley ; thence
cubtward along linn of said alley (on n liue to be
a coiitluunllou or tlie lute line or tlie several
lots which thu said Conrad bus sold, facing the
pike aforesaid, two hundred aud forty (240) feet
to a post thence oh a Hue parallul to the Urst
mentioned Everitt Iwie two hundred (200) feet to
tbe said Centre turnpike t theuce along the sou
thern side of said pike ou a straight Hue two
hundred and forty (40) reel to the place of be
glutting. Selzud, tukeu Iu executiou and to be sold as the
projerty of the Suubury Lyceum.
A certain lot or piece of ground situate IiiCIhM
Usiuuiuu township, Northumberland couuty
Peuusylvaniu. bounded and described a follows,
to wii i northerly by tbe publie roud aud tlilllu.
caslwardly by public roud, southwardly by Cbll-
lisquuque creek, aud westwurdly ny laud ol lies
akl.ih Park, knowu a the Cuiuuiiug Home
stead, containing five acres more or less, where
on are erected a two story frame dwelling house,
frame barn and other buildings. Also, cer
lalu lot or piece of ground situute In the town ot
Montandon, Cbilllsqnaqne township, county and
State aforesaid, bounded northwardly by Main
street, southwardly by an alley, eastwardly by
lot or 6. G. Frcy, and westwurdly by lot or
Cburle Hartmnn, containing sixty-nve (63) reel
In width, and In depth one hundred and sixty
(1C0) feet more or less, whereon is erected a two
story brick dwelling house. Also, twelve, and
a-balf (WO eerulu lot of grouud sltuat in
the lowu, township, county, aud Slate aforesaid,
known aud designated Iu tho general plan of
said town us lots numbers twelve, (13) seven
teen, (17) eighteen. (18) nineteen, (IU) twenty,
(20) twenlv-oue, (31) twenty-two, (22) tweuty-ty-three,
(23) forty, (40) forty-oue, (41) forty
two, (42) forty-three, (43) each containing la
width forty fuel, and lu depth oue hundred and
sixty (100) feet, half or lot uumber thlrty-nluer
(tf) containing In width twenty (30) leet, aud
in depth one hundred and sixty (160) (eel, and
lot number forty-seven, (47) containing In width
forty (40) feet, and lu depth one hundred aud
forty feet, (140)
Seised, taken la execution and to be sold as
tbe property of J. A. J. Cummings.
herlff's Oflce, Sunkury, August 29, 1873.
Valuable It 1 F. atnte.
WILL ho exposed lo Pnbllc Pule, on the pre
mises, in Lower Mulmnoy township, Nor
thumberland Co., Pa., nn
Thu following Heal Estate, to wit : A Certain
' Traet of Land
situate in Lower Mulmnoy township, Northum
berland coutiiy,ra.. near the County Line, bound
ed and described ns follow i on the east by lands
of Alexander Blngaman and Ellas Byurly, south
by lands of Joseph Bpotts, John Spntls,nnd Mu
hnntongo crook, weft by lands of Isaac Rndel,
and J. B. Leuker, and on tbe north by lands of
Ellas Bycrly, containing
124 ACRES, and 11 PERCIIKS, more or less,
whereon are erected a two story
LOO HOUSE, wenther-bonrded, and BANK
BAKN, and other ont-buildings ; a never falling
Spring of Wator uour the house, an Orehaid with
choice fruit, &c.
ALSO, Another TRACT of LAND, lu said
township, bounded by lands of Solomon Reed,
Ellas Byerly, John B. Lcnkcr and William Mi
chael, containing 25 ACRES, more or less, all
of which is cleared, and in excellent stnt? of cul
tivation. .
ALSO, Tho undivided one-third of a TRACT
of LAND, situate in said Lower Mahanoy town
ship, bounded by lands of David 8chrclbcr,
William Dcppln. the Mnhnnlongo creek, and
a public roud, containing 11 ACRES, more or
less, whereon are erected TWO 8TONE HOU
SES, one of which Is occuplen as n 8loro and
Tavern Btnnd, a BANK BARN, a young OR
CHARD with choice fruit, and all necessary out
buildings. ALSO, A Limstonc Lot situato In said town
ship, hounded by lands of Adam Lcnker, Elins
Wert, Jacob Witmcr and ethers, containing one
hairncrc. more or less, whereon Is erected a
LIME KILN. There Isalso a lime stone quarrv
on the lot.
ALSO, Mountain Land situate In Mifflin twp.,
Dnuphin county, Pn., bounded by Mahantongo
creek, lands of Moses Trontman's heirs, Isaac
Rndel, Ellas Bycrly and others, containing 121
ACRES.and 105 perches, more or less. This tract
is well timbered with Oak-Chestnut, nnd pine.
The land will be sold in lots or twenty acres
Lnlc Ihc property or Michael Wert, dcc'd.Sale
to commence at 18 o'clock, ni., on said day, when
tlio conditions of sale will be made known by
Lower Mahanoy, Anguit, Si, 1S73.
which can bo- cured by a
timely resort to this stand
ard preparation, ns has been
proved by the hundreds of
testimonials received by the
proprietors. It is acknowl
edged by many prominent
physicians to be tho most
reliable preparation ever in
troduced for tho relief .and
cure of all Lung complaints,
and is offered to the publie,
sanctioned by the experience
of over forty years. "When
resorted to in season it sel
dom fails to effect a speedy
cure in the most severe
cases of Coughs, Bronchitis,
Croup, "Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Sore I hroat, Pains or Sore- i
ness in (ho Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
at the Lungs, &c. 'Wistar's
Balsam does not dry up a i
Cough, and leave tho cause
behind, as is the case with
most preparations, but it
loosens and cleanses tho
lungs, and allays irritation,
thus removing tho causo of
the complaint.
BETH V. FOWLS 4 B0H8, Bostoa, Ksu.,
And sold by DrugflsU sad Dealers fneraJly.
Orphans)' Court Sale.
IN Pursuance of an Order of tho Orphans'
Court, of Northumberland County, will be ex
posed to public sale, at the house of Solomon
Troutmaii, lu Jordan township Northumberland
couuty, ou
1873, thu following ralunblo described real estate,
to wit :
No. I. A certain tract or Wood Land situate
In Jordan township, county or Northumberland,
Pa., adjoining lands or the heirs or Mokcs
T root man, John Bohnor, David Scbwartx and
others, containing thirty-four acres, and one
hundred aud thirty-two perches, all well tim
bered. No. 2. A Tract of Wood Lnnd situate in the
township, county and Stato aforesaid, adjoin
ing lands of William Shutter, Henry Bycrly, and
Peter Troutmnn, containing Ten Acres, and one
hundred aud forty perches, all well timlicrcd.
No. it. A Tract of Wood Land situate lu tho
township, county nnd State aforesaid, adjoining
lands of Ycrgcr aud Daniel, Moses Troulimin'a
heirs and Elias Troutman, all well timbered.
No. 4. A Tract of Land situate in the town
ship and comity aforesaid, adjoining lands of
Jacob Hoffman, John Troutman, Moses Tront
man's heirs, John Boliuer, Daniel Broslous,
Emanuel Bohncr, and George W. Troutmau,
containing Eighty-one acres and tweuly-five per
ches, all In A tine state or cultivation, ou which
are eructod .
BASK BAUS,und all necessary outbuildings.
No. 5. A Trnct ol Laud situate in the town
ship, county and Stale aforesaid, adjoining lauds
of John, Ellas Itin-U, Peter Troutinan,
Ellas Troutman, John Botiner and Moses Trout
man's heirs, containing ninety-three acres nnd
sixty perches, all lu a Cue. slate of cultivation,
ou whicli arc erected
BARN, and all othor necessary outbuildings.
No. 6. A Trnct of Land situate partly In Low.
er Mahanoy township, Northumberland county,
nnd partly in Mitfliu township, Dauphin county,
l a., adjoining lands or Samuel Kietii, Alexander
Bingnman, Elias Byerly, Jacob Witmer, Heury
Lahr, Isaac Kaedul aud other, containing Eighty-eight
acre, and tvuty-four perche all iu a
One state of cultivation, ou which are erected a
necessary outbuildings.
' No. T. A Tract of Wood Lnnd situate In Lykcns
township, Dauphin county, Pa., adjoining lands
of John Troutmau, Jacob Holfinan. Jacob
Bush and John 'iVoutman, containing Nuiecrc
mora or less, wn timrjereoV
No. 8. - A Tract of Limestone Laud situate in
Jordan townhtp,-Vothmubcrland county, Pa.,
adjoining lands of Peter Reefer, Henry Itarscher,
Mins f blllps 'and' William Shntltir, containing
one-fourth or an acre more or les.
Bale to eornwjcnca at 10 o'clock of said day,
wheu condition or sal will be made known by
Executor or Moses Troutmo'n, dec.
Jordan twp., August 6, 1M3.
Is the most poweiful clennrer. Hrengihner
nnrtremoverof Glandular Obstructions known
to Materia Mellon.
It Is specially adgpted to constitutions "worn
down" and debilitated by the warm weather of
Spring and Summer, when the blood Is not in
active circulation, consequently gnthcrlng Impu
rities from slogglshncs and Imperfect actw.n of
the secretive organs, and Is manifested by ru
mors, Eruptions, Blotches, Boils, Pestules, Scro
fula, c.
When weary nnd lanqnid from ovorwork, nnd
dullness, drowsiness nnd Imtln tnkc the place of
energy and vigor, the system needs a Tonic to
bill up and help the Vital Forces to regain
their reeupcmtlvs power;
In the heat of Summer, frequently I'hc Liver
aud Spleen do nnt properly perform' their runc
tlons; the Uterine and Urlnarv Organs are in
active, producing weakness of the stomach and
intestines nnd a prcdlspociticn to bilious derange,
Extract of Jtirnbrbn
Ispreparcu plrectly from tho South American
Plant, nnd is pceulinrv suited to nil these dllti
cultles t It will cleanse Hie Vitiated Blood, streng
then the Lire-Giving Powers, and remove all
ohstruclinns from impaired and enfublcd Organs.
It should he freely taken, ns Jurubeba is pro
nnnnced by medical writers the niott cllleient
Purifier, Touic and Deobstruent known In the
whole range of medicinal plants.
JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y.
Sole Agent for the United States.
Price, 91 per Bottle. Send for Circular. aug'-Ww
WOHKIXU C1YN. Male or Female f 60u
week guaranteed. Respectable employment at
home, day or evening; no capital required ; fill I
Instructions A valuable package of goods sent
freo by mail. Address, with "six cent return
stamp, M. YOUNGS CO. 173 Greenwich Street,
New York. - uiig2'.'-4w
Neglect n Cough. Nothing is more certain tr;
lay the foundation for future evil conscqtiuucus.
nre a suro cure ror all diseases nf the Respira
tory Orgaus, Sore Throat, Colds. Croup, Diph
theria, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dtvuess
of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes,
and all Diseases of I lie Luugs.
Iu all cases of sudden cold, however taken,
these Tablets should be promptly and frce!
used. They equalize the circulation of the blood",
mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, in :i
very short time, restore huillhy action to the af
fected organs.
Wdlls' Carbolic Tablets are put nn only in
blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't
be found nt your druggist's, send at once to tin
Agent in New York, who will forward them bv
return mail.
llon't be deceived by Imitations.
Sold bv druggists. " Price '25 cents bnje.
JOHN Q. KI'.LI.Oeti, IS Illalt-H New Yolk,
ang '2H.4w.deud for circular. Sole Agent for U.S.
Lock toil nt Williumsport. In.
.M)Kftcif lstiO. Tht BEST COLI.EdE iu tk
Country. Has tin: best Penm.iu in IVmi.svIvu
niu. July '25. )w.
For College Paper. $pcclm"; '.r Pe:. :i uishiv
Ac, address DAVIS ,t OPLINGr II,
Williamsjiort, l'eiuj'u.
A Woiik ir Istknhs Ivri:ur.r ani Istuissi
By Ihc gifted .on of the famous -'I'i.t ku i'ai
I.KV." The result of L'real liisl . , ic:, I ! :.;, n il
An nut hemic lli-ioiyof Navigation .iu 1 its Mac,
Hold Discoveries since the Flood. A! i Is w,i
Startling lucidcta, Fe.ufnl Disaster... Law;,.,
l'iiio-ies, li'oody Battles, and (;;..i;.. :s AeYew
menu i also iiscril'cs Diving. T -i. : i i !i ii;
Ocean Fi-heries. a.-c. Over i!!IO inte.l' i 'tit:
Subject New. Price Low. Aoksts V.mi:i
IlL'ltHAi;;) BROS., Pub's. Sansoni ft..
Pa. ang. '2S1 4w.
A ( I T71 V T Wanted for the Sr
1. KJ Hi X A. O perb New throui
Just ready, from an nrigintil painting by Id
Wiiugh. This pic ture, Is greatly admired by a',
.w ho see it, and is sure to become highly popular
Though executed in the holiest style of the ari"
in order to reach the tniii-ses ,V secure large suli
the price is made much lower limn that at wide
any Cliroino of like quality lias ever liecn soli.
Terms extremely liberal. Exclusive tenilorv
Sold only by ah.ciptinn. Apply at once to s"
cure choice of territory. Ciicnlars, ,v,c, frei
liKO. MACLEAN', l'uli'lisher, Sansom St
t'liil.ide'pliia, ni g.'2'.l 4v
ImHIi Thousand In Press. ' Self incre.irinv
'2,000 more LIVE AGENTS Wanted forour
MYIVG.SroXF. '2S years iu AI KK'l
over GUij page, only t'2.50 Incomnicte ami i'
lerior works are oll'ered, look out for them..
Scud for circular and see proof of the grcutet
success of the season. Pocket Companion wort
10 mailed dee. H.UBBARD BROS.. PuVs,
nug.'2'.l, 4w 7-':t Sansom St.. l'liila, I'u.
was one agent's profit on Bryant's Library of P
etry and Song ; $70 in one week on The Ni
Housekeeper's Manual, by Miss lieechcr ai
Mrs. Slowe. Any active man or woman cc
have an agency. J. B. FORD iV CO., New For
BoftoiijJChicago and Snn Francisco. 4w. au-
WEWTjrt.t.'s pTwrTTinfinsTnp
innY aue.vii ha.mi.ii.
I J.UUUp:rdiy. Samples. 35 Cts.
V. uuku 4. fruca, 436 Walnut St. Phils.
manhood und their mutual Inter-relations ; L01
Its Laws, Power, etc. Agents arc selling fro
20 to 30 copies of this work 11 dav, and we sei
n convassing book free to any book agent. A
dress, stating experience, etc., NATION;
PUBLISHING CO.. Phlladclphir, Pa. 4
Wanted ALL men wishing to make mot
to send lor a pamphlet containing Instruction
&c., which evervbodv shonltl know.
J. C. Tl'LTON,Piitsbuig, T.
Wanted Wholesale purchasing Agci
made at Danbury, Ct. The latest and best. T
Stillest, Fatest and Eu.lest Lock Stitch, 81
Setting, Straight Needle Machine in tho mark
Bettor terms limn any Company. Address,
JOHN A DOIKi KiCoilAgtlt Jhinbury, Com
Kent Free. The Great Remedy for Di
llieu and Cholera ; also the sure cure for Ke
aud Ague as found in OUR HOME PHYMCI '
by Dr. Beard. Die latest and best Family M, di
Guide with remedies for every known disea
Its value 1 attested by thousands w ho hi,
saved money, heutlth aud life. Agents want
E.JL TREAT, Publisher, So5 Broadway, N
The Great Discovery Tor the immediate relief
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruit
Pains, Stitt' Joints, Swellings, Intlummulid
uuuious, luinrru, iv.c, ccc. 11 will not gn
or stain, and for the toilet is a luxury in el
family. Thousands will and now tc'tif'v to
great merits. Try it. Price per bottle l.r ce
REUBEN HOYT, Prop'r 20 (ireenwich St.,
Y. 4w. ',
Executor') Xotlre.
I Estate of Heuiy Witi'.er,',ute of Jordau tp, d
NOTICE I hereby given, that letters f
ineulary havo been granted to tho nu.
signed on tlie of Heury Wi'.mer, lul
Jordan township, Northumberland county, I
deceased. All persous Indebted to suid est
are requested to make immediate payment,
those haviug cluiius 10 present '.bhi for set
The undersigned will be at the rtsidenee o
deceased ou Thursday the 2d day of Oct
1873, for lb purpose of making nual settler
with all parties who (nay be unable to make
tleineut before that thne.
Joiu.iu Iwp., Au;. 13, 1S7U.