1873. 1873. j. - C-' V'.M VJO tiiii sf mm oraufifl. Greatest Variety. Saowcst Prices. Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. the largest stock of spume amb mwm& aooas ever offi;rcil in lliia town. 1000 Con to, 1000 Vests, 1500 F.tnts, 200 Boy's and ChiUlrcn'B Suit6, 1000 Hat? and Caps for nicu and boys, lllllll Sits of 5000 Linen and Paper Collar?, 1000 Pair Linen and Paper Cufls, UW0 Tics, Bows and Scarfs, 100 Dozun Socks, 30 ditferent styles Suspenders, 200 mm A! OraSHIRTS, Gauze and Merino Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and examine this most magnificent assort ment. No Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. 1 HerzfeMcr, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunhury, Pa., April 12, 1873. DIAMOND SPECTACLES WATCHES & JEWELRY. SCN B181XH BV AX CT.GIN M ATCH. Corner Market and Third Strcots, SUNBURY, PA., DEALER WATC1IES,CL0CKS, JEWELttY AND SILVEHWARE. pcctacScs, These Lenses are manufactured from Minute Crystal Pebbles, united by fusion, and derive their name "Diamond, ' on account of their hardness and brilliancy. The seientilic principal on which they ore constructed, preveiits nil glimmering and wavering of Sisht, Dizziness, etc., peculiar to all others in use. Superior to Scotch or Brazilian Pebbles at less than half the price. They are mounted in the finest manner, at our own manufactory, in nil styles of Gald, Silver, Steel, Rubber and Shell Frames of the best quality. Manufactured by The Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. E. Spencer & Co., in the Optical Depnrtmcut.) New York and New Haven. Tor Sale only by ily by Sunbury, Pa., May 3.1, 1873, KPUIXG OFEXIXG of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Cloths, Casslnicrcs, Cultco, an J everything In the Dry Good line. - CARPKT3 AND OIL CLOTHS. Qucenswnre, Glassware, anil Wood and Willow ware. GROCERIES. . A largo assortment just opened, which consistB of Tea, Colli, Sugar, Molasses,. Spices, Meat, Kiel), &e. The Celebrated AUcutown baud made BOOTS AND 8HOES. Warrautcd to give satisfaction. In fart a full ssaortmentof everything kept in a first-cliisi store, van do una at greatly REDUCED PRICES. for cash. Cull and ice the Hue telecticn of new goods, aud be convinced that V. J. llYHOlVN, nesrtho Lutbern Church, In Stmbury, ts the best and cheapest place to buy uil kiuds of ttore goods; No trouble to show guoda. April 5, 1873. ly. WM. I'AUSOX, KOX v ru No. 228 South SECOND Street, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLIAM KARMSON, HENRY HARNED. NELSON PUGII, W. W, CREAL'THERS, Manufacturers of Flrsl-Cluss VCHNI'l LRE. Pilccs reasonable. Please call aud examine. all Descr intious IN Til Alli:i H- KIIAXXOX. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. . Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, rhiladolrlna, TAILORS aud MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band Fir Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free cn application, Our. being the leading ho6e on Military work, we feel that we ean offer Inducement which can uot he atulucd anywhere else. Ang. 24, 1873. CJK 1 C?Of per day I Agents Wanted I pu 10 J),U classes of working people, of i I All of either sex, young or old, make more money at work tor u m meir spare momenta, or all the time' man ai auyming eite. ranicuiare rree. Address, G. BTINSON&CO., Portluud, Maiue. 814-ly. i S Thin Npurc In Itctterveil lor tit Advkutisement op PAINE & McCORM ICR'S HAItDAVAItE STOJIK MnrKct St., Suuburj', Ia. c HAtVFORD HOl SK, Cor. Third and Mulberry, Uubiness Centre, illiumsport, Pa. D. B. ELSE it CO., Proprietor. June 20, 1873 GIVEN AWAY. A Fins Gkkman Cukomo. We send nn elegant chromo, mounted and ready lor framing, free to everv agent for L'NDLRGHOL'ND or Lire Brxow tiir Sitiiface, nv Tuos. W. Knox. 912 Pages' Octavo. 130 Fine Engravings. Relates Incidents and Accidents beyond the Light of Duy Startling Adventures In all part of the World; Mines and Mode of Working them Under-currents of Society t Gambling and its Horror i Cavern and their Mysteries The Dark Wavg of Wickedness ; Prissns aud their Secrets; Down lu the Depths of the Sea ; Strange Stories of the Detection of crime. The book treats of experience with brigands nights In opium dens and gambling hells ; life In prison ; Stories of exiles ; adventures among In dians ; journeys through Sewers aud Catacombs; aecideuts In mines; pirates and piracy ; tortnres of the Inquisition ; wonderful burglaries ; under world of the great cities, etc, etc, Agent Wanted for this work. Exclusive teritory given. Agents can make f 100 a week in selling this book, bend for circulars and term to agent. J. B. BLRR & HYDE, Hartford, Coon., or Chicago, 111, sis In the moot powerful cleanser, 'strengthncr nud remover of Glandular Obstructions known to Materia Mellcn. Jt is specially ntlgptcd to constitutions "worn down" and debilitated by the warm weather of Spring and Summer, when tlio blood i not in active circulation, consequently gntherlng Impu rities from Mucglshnr nnd Imperfect nation of the secretive organs, nnd is manifested by Tn mors, Eruptions, Blotches, Boils, Pcstulci, Scro fula, &e. When weary nnd Inmiuld from ovorwork, nnd dullness, drnwlne nnd Inclin take the place of energy nnd vigor, the (system needs n Tonic to hulld.lt up nnd help the Vital Forces to regain their recuperative powcrj In the heal of Summer, frequently tho Liver and Spleen do not properly perform their fune tionn; the Uterine nnd I'Vinnry Ortrnns arc In active, pniducl"" wcnkncfd of the Momnrh and InlcstincB and a iircdispocitlon to bilious derange ment. PR: WELLS' Kxlrnct of J tirubobu In pre pa re n piroetly from the South American riant, ami is pcculinry suited to nil these difB cultics ; it will cleanse the Vitiated Blood, streng then the Life-Giving Powers, nnd remove nil ohstrucllons from impaired and enfeblcd Organs. It should be freely t-iken, as .lurnbcba is pro noaneed liv medie-il writers the most ellieient Purifier, Tonic ami Deobstruent known in the whole range of medicinal plants. JOHN I. KKLLO(i(), IN Piatt St., N. T. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, $1 per Bottle. Send for Circular. J'J5, 4w H()ItKI.(l t l.AS?) Mala or Kcma'.e 800 a week guaiiinteeil. Respcetiibli employment nt home, day or evening ; no capital required full instructions & valuable package of goods sent free bv mail. Aildrc". with six cent return stamp". M. YOl'Ntf AUO. 173 Greenwich Street, New York. J25-4W Write for Large Illustrated Price List. Address, GREAT DPTERH SMITH FIELD SI PITTSBURGH PA. Iilcceli. loading Shot Guns, 10 to :t00. Don hlo Sht Uuiip, to $1.")0. Sinslc Guns, ?!1 to f.'O. r.illes, ?s to $75. Revolvers, fi to $25. Pis tols, $1 to J.S. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to dealers or Clubs. Army (inns Revolvers, Ac., bought or traded for. Goods pent bv express C. O. D. to he examined before paid for. J25.'7S.4w. X E V K II Neelect a Couth. Nothing Is more certain to lay the foundation for future evil eonsequencus. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS arc a sure cure for nit diseases of the Respira tory Organs, Sore Threat, Colds, Croup, Diph theria, Asthma, Cutarrh, Hoarseness, Pryncs of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and uil Diseases of the Lungs. In nil cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly and freely used. They equalize the circulation ?f the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, in a very short time, restore healthy action to the af fected organs. Wdlls' Carbolic Tablet are put up only in blue boxes. Take no substitutes. II tliev cuu't be found nt your druggist's, (end nt once to the Agent in New York, who will forward them by return mail. Won't be deceived by Imitations. Sola by drniriiUts. ' Price 25 cent a box. JOHN Q. KELLOCG, is Hlatt-st New York, J2.V73.4w. Send for circular. Sole Agent for U.S. 30th Thousand in Press. Sale Increasing. 2,000 more LIVE AGENTS Wanted for our MVIXUSTOXE 2S years in A Fit KM over C'JO pages, only $2.50 IncnnuuVte inn! in terior works ure otlercd, look ont for them. Send fur circulars nnd sec proof of the greatest success of the season. Pocket Companion worth $10 mailed freo. HUBBARD BROS., Pun's, J25,4w 723 Sansom St., Phila, Pa. FrecioKoik A Re h tit AN KLEGANTLY BOUND CANVASSING BOOK for the best nnd cheapest Family Bible ever published, will bo sent tree of rhnrce to anv biok agent. It con- tains NEARLY 700 fine Scriptural Illustrations, I and iiireiit;.iro meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Adlies, staling experience, etc., A we will show von what our nice, ts lire doing, NA TIONAL PULLlStilNO CO., PWiia., Pa. 4w. (V NUMEROUS TESTS HAVE; PROVED VI N. K. lturhuiu'si new Turbine WATER WHEEL To be tho Best ever Invented. Pnnplilet free. Address, York, Penn'n 'July 25 4 w. ir1 A ""I A.T fTl d Wanted for the Bit- JT Hi J JL IO pcrb New Chromo "BLFSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART." Just ready, from nil original painting by Ida Waugli. Tills picture is greatly admired by all who see it, and is sure to become highly popular. Though executed In the highest style of the art, in order to reach the masses & secure large 8als. the price is made much lower than that at w hich any Cbroiuo of like quality has ever been told. Terms extremely liberal. Exclusive territory. Sold only by sr.bssiptton. Apply ut once to se cure choice of territory. Circulars, Ac., free. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 73 Sansoni St., Philadelphia, Pa. July 4w. j; Located at WIMinuiNport, Ph. VnU.W ISM. Tht BEST COLLEGE in the Country. Has the beet Penman in Pennsylva nia. July 25. Iw. For College Pnper. Specimens of Penmanship. c, address DAVIS fe OPLINGER. llllamsport, Pcnn a. A Woiik or Ijitcnsr Intkkest asi Istuissio Valik. OCKAJS'N STORY. By the gifted son of the. famous "Pbtrb Pau ley." The result of great historical research I An authentic History of Navigation and its Man ifold Discoveries since the Flood. Abound with Startling Incidents, Fearful Disasters, Lawleei Piracies, Bloody Battles, and Glorious Achieve, mcnts ; also describes Diving, Telegraphing, Ocean Fisheries, !cc. Over 200 Spirited Cuts. Snbleet New. Price Low. Auents Waktkii. HUBBARD BROS., Pub's. Sansom St.. Phtlu. Pa. July 25. 4w. THE NEW FAMILY MACHINE. -THE EASY RUNNINO j CW TnoffV SEGOR 1 -a BTITCHj The 8cor Is simpler, hotter made and more highly finished than auv other machine. 'Sew everything, and Is always ready ; no change of lensiou requueu in sewing rroin llgut to heavy work. Agents wanted. Get the latest and best. Bend lor l uculnr. Til BHCOK SEWING MA CAINE CO,, 697 Broadway. New York. June29,'73 tw. . "C:am PHOR1NE" euro every pain, Ac. Try it. Bold by all druggUts. REUBEN HOTT, i mp r, wtw rorn, Jc'Jii.-tw 5ao4!Nw HUM Ul. m mi' : ! vui in. a 2? sT-) ' NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and Nodical Science. 9 "itw. j Dr. CJAnVIN'Sr TAIt REnCDICS Cure Incipient C'onnnniption. Dr.AllVI'S TAU KU.HEDIES Cure Cntnrrh. lr. GAKVIVS TAIt RKTIEniES Cure Asthma.. Dr. OAUVIX'S TaR RKIEDIES Cure Heart Disease. Dr. CiAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Skill Diseases. Dr.3AKVI'S TAR REMEDIES llegulato tlio Elver. Dr. CiARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Kegiilnto the StomarJi and Bowels Dr. ;arvivs TAR REMEDIES Curo all Femnlc Weaknesses. Dr. JARVIX'S TAR REMEDIES rurify tho Blood. Dr. CiARVEV'S TAR REMEDIES Cnro Ilseaes of the Throat. Dr. OARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Curo Bronchitis. Dr. OAKVIIV'S TAR REMEDIES Curo "Rotc Cold,"-or"HayFcvcr" Dr. OARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Lung Diseases. Dr. UARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Curo Constipation. Dr. OARVEVS TAR 'REMEDIES Curo Salt Rheum. Dr. GARVI VS TAR REMEDIES , . Curo Kidney Disetises. Dr. GARVIX'S TAR REMEDIES Trcveut Cholera &Ycllow Fever Dr. ARVI.'8 TAR REMEDIES Trcvcnt Malarious Fevers. Dr. UAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES ' Removo Pain in the Breast. Dr. GARVEVS TAR REMEDIES Kcmovo Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES nostoro the Appetite. Dr. GAKVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Kestore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GAKVIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Touc to Your System. L. F. HYDE ac CO., FSOFBIBTOBS. 19S Seventh Ave., Xew York, December 21, 172. --ly A eonsplete Stork of Choice Nelee tioiii in everyl'Depnrtnieiit of Tereil ut Npeeinl prleesi, lur iiiK the Nnmiiier Hensioii, While making Miter ntionsi. r. STEKLIXG SILVKK TR'ntclios, Plated Goods Cutlery, ClorkN, Itronzett A l'liiicy (jiooilsi. JulJ2, 18711. j BLATCIILKY'S I mraavED cdcumber wkb tukp j ' S Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and cu Cheap. The best Pump for the least inoner. Attention Is es pecially invited to Blatchley's ! Patent Improved Bracket and ! New Drop Check Valve, which j cau be withdrawn without re moving the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, thi Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, und will outlast nny other. For sale by Dealers everywhere, fcend lor tatnlogae nua Prico List. CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Mann facturer, 50(1 Cemtnercc ''is Phllnd'a. Pa. S14,1y T1IK KING HA It HER SHOP 18 THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history and she will tell you Men have grown old in our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys nt play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored nnd lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions iu circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the Ingenuity and perseverance up pcrtaiulng to the Identity of progression, plying our vocation with the (ugliest style ot an and perfection, nnd aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit ultalnahlo In our bumble capaci ty, nnd the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with case Cut and comb with tnsto the hair ; Shampoo the bead with soothing euro. And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politoly request you to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor a come have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor uuder the common secret and Invidious guise of enmity t complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or tha color of his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance Is nil that we demuud, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. SuuburyAprll S, 1873 ; No. 91, Market st. STOVE TIX KSTA BLIS11 M EXT. MARKET BTREET, BUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SUCCESSOR TO SMITH OENTURR.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly inlsrm tha public that he now has on baud a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Sneer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, whli h are so arranged as to he used tor Coal or Wood, aud are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dill'erent kinds at very low prices. Tlu ware ol Every Denerlptlou kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil cd Lamps eonstaully on hand. Japan ware of a a.ndj. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me call. A. KRAUSE. pl24-ly JEWKLin l.i niltKH AND PLANING RIILI.M. Thkd Streot, adjoining Thlla. & Erie. R. It., two Squares North or the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, TA. 1HA T. "CLEMENT, 19 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber rcqnlred by tho demands of the public. Hnvluit nil the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, hci now ready to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE KANDA8, BRACKETS, and nil kinds of Ornamental SerowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AIIUB ASSORTMENT or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, nnd shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. i IRA T. CLEMENT. deeltl-fiSilT M l V O II STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, and will con stantly keep nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LTQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies! Cognlac, Cherry, Ginger, Roclie.Uc and Otnrd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-Ulstilled, Moi"n gahcln, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stont nnd Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Llqnors which can be found in the city markets, which will be sold nt Whole sale nnd Retail. Every article guaranteed ns represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. Orders promptly attended to, and ynbllc patronage respectfully solicited O NEFF. Sunbury, July 3, I860. ly. KI.V1HRY M Alt 111, K YARD, Fourth Street below Market, SUXBL'HY, PENX'A. MIE undersigned has returned from the Vcr- t Marble Quurrii r Monuments, Grnve-Stones, Ac, Sic. He has bought at such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls Marble, which is better than Italian. Rutland Is now ; sold as low us the Manchester. Those who need niiytlilng In the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, ! will find it to their interest to call nnd examine i this large stack, ns better bargains can bt secur i ed than buying from par'lcs 'huckstering' round ' the country. All lettering will be done in the neatest and i most Improved style. I W. M. DAUGIIERTY. I Sunbury, Jan. ll, 1S73. m:iyokk a riiii.Ain.i.rin a MILI.IF.KV GOODS. SPRING &, SUMMER BONNETS ec HATS, ! TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. j An extensive assortment of Straw Mlllenery nnd Fancy Goods, now open nt I MISS L. WEISEIt'S MILLINERY TORE. Mahkft Sthkkt, Sfrnriiv, Pa. My stock of Spring goods is unusually large and "varied, comprising the latest ami tnojt at tractive styles, selected with care from the lead ing importing houses und adapted for the pre.-ent season. nl2.'73. MISS L. WEISF.R. SPRING AND SI M. Mlllt- MILLINERY GOODS FOR 18711 ! J UST opened an extensive assortment of STRAW. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, I comprising the lutest nnd most attractive styles seleetdd with care from the leading importing houses in New York and Philadelphia, and adapted for the present season. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS in g-cat variety, a general assortment of neck ties, ornaments foi saeques. TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars, Cuds, and every fashionable article of ladies' wear. Call and see the new styles of Goods at MISSL. SHISSLER. Market Square, Sunburv, Pa. April 20, 1S73. . 1307. RIGHT E R & GASK I LL J 3 0 7 . 1IKAL.ERS.IX America, ana Frencli WMow Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rough IMste, Colored, lEnsmeltd and Ornamental Glass, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1873. ly. NE W DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Bjffiii, Sitary, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. WE arc uow opening an entirely new stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and arc prepared to supply any article in our lino that may he called for, we have also a full stock of all the lending Patent Medicines. Fine Perfu mery and Toilet Articles a speciality, a full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe nnd other Brushes, Dressing nud other Combs lu great variety. ITXE TOILET KOATN. a full line Cooking Extracts. French Mustard, .Choice Spices, Pepper whole or ground, Castile ond Laumlry Soups, Ijimp t. nunneys nua l-nmp Good generally. Bird Seed In large or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CIIALK, ful stock Fluid nnd Solid Extracts, Ellxers and Pills of t. S- P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Muti's and other Plasters, Avcr's, Wright's, Sehenk's Mandrake, McLnnu's Liver and other Pills, our stock embraces every thing found in a well conducted Drug Store. Country Physicians will find our stock full and complete, and we guarantee to ell a low a the tamo articles can be bought iu Philadelphia, choice Wines, Whiskey and Brandy for Medlelu al purposes. October 5, 1873. GET THE BEST. WebHter'g Inabriiliccd lltlnary. 10,000 Wordc and Meaniwj not inothtr Diction aries. 8000 Engravings 1840 Pages Quarto. Price 13. Whenever I wish to obtain exact deflnitlous, I consult it. Schuyler Colfax. "f T'very Scholar knows Its value. lu W. n. Preseot the Historian. Been one ef my daily companions. John L. Motley, tha Historian, Ac So far as 1 know, best detlulug Dictiouury. Horace Mann. flhe best guide of student of our Language. X Jehn G. Whittler. ITUcels all other in defining sclentlfle terms. U President Hitchcock. J Hetuarkable compendium of human knowledge W. B. Clark, Pres't Ag. College. A necessity for every Intelligent family, stu deut, teacher and professional man. What Li brary Is complete without the best English Dic tionary. ALBO Wrbstiu's National Pictokial Dictiowart. 1040 Pages OcUto. 600 Kugravliige. Price IS. The work Is really a gem of Dictionary, Just the thing for the mil. ion. Aiutrieon ZdueaJivnai Monthly. Published by Q. & C. MERRIAH, Springfield, Mats, Sold by all Booksellers. Marble foi ItKAIMSU RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. WON DAT, ACOfST 4th, 1873. Trains leave ITnrrisburg for New York as fol lows i at 5.80 and 8.10, a.m., nnd 2.00, p. in,, connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rail road, and arriving nt -lew York at 12.35, 8.50 nnd 9.45 p. in., respectively. Rclurnlning i Leave New York nt 9.00 a. m. 13.50 and 5.30 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 9.15 a. m., and 3.30 p. m. 1-nve Hnrrisburg for Readlne, Pottsvllle, Tumaqnn, Mlnersvillc, Ashland, Shamokln, AN lcntownnnd Phllndclohla at 5.30 and 8.10 a. m., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. m., Hopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations t the 4.05 p. in., train con necting for Philadelphia, Pottsvlllc and Colum bia only. For Pottsvllle. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Rail road leave Hnrrisburg tit 3.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allentown, Easton nnd New York nt 7.H0 nnd 10.85 a. m., and 4.00 p. tn. Retnrnlng, leave New York nt 0.00 ft. ni., 12.50 nnd 5.30 p. m., and Allentewnut 7.20 a.m., 12.25, 2.1t, 4.35 and S. 55 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. m., connecting nt Heading with train r.u East Pcnnn. Rnllrond, returning' leaves Potts Villc at 4.115 p. m., stopping at uil stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 0.00, 8.05 and u. in., and 2."0 p. m., llerndou at 10.00 n. v,., P).nino kin at COO and U.U2n. in., Ashland at 7.18 a. in., nnd 12.20 p. m., Mabatioy Cil v at 7.53 and 12.54 p. in., Ta.imqun nt .15, 8.H5 a. m.. and 2.15 p. m., for I'hiliulelpUia, Now York, Reading, Harrisburg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Susqnr hannn Railroad nt 8.05 h. m., for llani.'nng, nnd 12.05 p. m for Pinegruve nnd Tremont. Pottsvllle Aceotnniodation Train leavis Potts vlllo nt (1.00 n. in., passes Reading at 7.:'0 a. m., nrriviug nt Philadelphia at 10.10 n. m. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passes Reading nt 7.40 p. in., arriving at PotUvillo nt 9.20 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 0. 45 ti. m., returning, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green,) nt 4.:i0 p. in. Columbia Rnllrond Trains leave Reading nt 7.30 n. m., nnd 0.15 p.m., for Ephrata, Lit'.z, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. returning leave Lan caster at 8.20 n. m., nud 3.:0p. m., und Colum bia ut 8.15 a. m., and 3.20 p. m. Perklomen Railroad trnins leave Perklomcn Junction nt 9.00 a. in., 2.55 nnd 0.30 p. nt. j re turning, leave Ursen Lane at 6.00 and 7.40 n. in., 12.H5 and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave riice nixvillc nt 9.05 a. m., S.ofmnd 5.50 p. ra. ; retuni lng, leave Byers nt 0.110 n. m., 12.40 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with trains on Heading Knilrond. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.4(1 a.m. and 1.05, G.20 returning leave Mount Pleasant at 5.50 and 11.25 n. m. and 8.00 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge port nt 8.30 a. in. 2.40 and S.Kit p. in., returning, leave Downiiigtown nt 7.00 n. in., 12.:K) ami 5.4t p. in., connecting witii trains on Heading Rail road, On Sundays: leave New York nt 5. .'SO p.m., Philadelphia Ht 8.00 n. in. and :.15 p. in., leave Pottsvllle iit8.no h . in., anil 2.H5 p. in., lenvo Hnrrisburg at 5.110 u. III. nnd 2.00 p.m.: leave Allentown at l.lt.k nnd 8.55 i. m. s leave Read- i ing nt 7.40 h. m. nnd 10.15 p. m. for Hnrrisburg, at 7.H0 a. m. for JCnw York, at 7.40 a m, fur Al- lentiHVn nml nt. 9.40 a. in. nnd 4 10 p. in., for Philadelphia. I Commutation. Mileage, Season, School nnd . Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced rates. I Baggage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed I each Passenger. j J. E. WOOTTEN. i (rVufi'iif .St. J RuAtuxd, Pa., August 4, 1S711. f ri.WSVI.VAMA RAIL ROAO. i rniLADELPIIIA KR1B It. ft. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TAHLE. On and after Sunday, July SIHh. 1873. the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Itnil Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia, Williaiusuort, " " arr at Erie, Erie Express leave Philadelphia, " ' " Willianisport, " " nn at Trie, K.linlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, 11.. in p in S.V. a ir 7..')" p ir IJ.tl! p in S..MI i in 7 . 4 "j a m 8. Oil a l " " arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Expros leaves Philadelphia, " " - Winsrn.-i.. rl. P 7. . i m p in '.. )" p Ml " " arr. nt Niugara Falls. eastward; Erie Mali leaves Erie, " " " Willhinisport, " " nrrnt Philadelphia. Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Willinmsporl, " " nrr at Phlindelpuia, Elnilru Mail leaves Link Haven, " " " Wiliinm-pi.i!, " " an-at Philadelphia, Niagara Expirss leaves Nisgaru Fall", " Kcnovo. " " " Wiliiainsport, 11. SO a in ll.:i p in 7.1.1 a m f.DS p 111 7 . f r a m .:; p tn 7." 'i a m ii.li'i a ni li.eO p m 7.15a ni X. 1.1 p 111 5. If) p in 1 i.il a in nrr at 1 lnki leiuhiu, Mail East connects eii t nnd west at Trie with L. S. A M. S. K. W. ami at Cnrrv nn I Irviucton with Oil Creek and Ail. glieny U.K. W. Mail West with east nnd west trains on L. S. & XI. S. K. W. nnd nt Irviucton with Oil Creek and Allegheny H. K. W. Warren Aceommodatioii east nnd west with trains on L. S. A M. 8. K. W. east and west und at Carry with O. C. V A. R. R. W. Erie Accommodation east at Corry and Wct nt Corry and Irviucton with O. C. At" A. R. R. W. Elruira Mail und Niagara Epress make closo connections at wiliiainsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north nnd south. IV M. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup'L LM Klt Or ATTUAt'TK. Everybody is invited to come and liny of .tho handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore .v. Pisslnger'a building, THIRD STREET. St'XHl'KY. PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confeelionerird of every description. TOYS OF ALL K1XHX constantly on hand. Tho best R AISINS, FIGS, CI RKANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buus A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! Having lilted up a room expressly for serving np Oysters in every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will lie accommodated with the best bivalve in market, at uil hoars during the day and evening. Families will he supplied nt their residence wilh. the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is dcsii ible, at the very lowest prices. C-ult and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the price. 8. F.NEVIN. Dec. 16, 1871. BUTCHERY! RUTCIIERY ! Me-NMra. UEFFEW A IIOWF.R, Third Street, opposite Central Ilotei. SUNBURY, PA., KEEP constantly on hand tho very choicest of fresh BEEF, Ml'TTOX AM VEAL, which I sold at the lowest prices. Meat ennbo had at all hour during the day. Buubury, Pa., June 6, 1872. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAILTL, RE8PECTFULLY Informs the citizens that lie has just received bis Kprlng siitl Nuuiiuer Good, at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in tho Mullen bnllding, and that be Is prepared to makeup all kind or GENTS Al BOVN Kl'ITS, a the latest style. Having had much evper ience tn the kunr hs desires the public to givo him a trial. Clothing will be niado np in tha latest Pails and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. aU.-xa. CUARLFS MAIIIL. t