Sunburn American, 8UNBUHY7AUGUST22Ti873. IlHllroiul Time Table. AimivAi. Aim pp.rAHTURBor mxiNS atsunhvht. N. C. R. W., South. P. AE. R. R. Went. Mall, 6.20 a m Nina;. Exrcsdia.'ir) p m Klmlra Mull 4.10 ' Eric Express, 0.40 " Erie Mull, 1.30 am Krle ExproM, 9.40 Mull, 11.13 " Nluir. Express 0.40 p m BTHM'Hf AMI LBWtSTUWS B. . Leave Btinhury for Lewlstowu nt 7.30 a. and 4-20 p. M. . Arrive Ht Sunbnrv from Lewistown at 1.50 nnd 7.45 p.m. MIAMOKIX IHVISIOS, . C. B. W. r.KAvn Sunhury at ft.45 a m 13.85 pin illMVB At Sunbury 9.25 a m 8.fv5 pin 4.40 p m 6.00 p to TMNVIU.E, DAZLETOS & WII.R,ESBABUB 11. U. Rcirular pa96oner tsnlu leaves Sunbury for Danville, Cattawlssa, Har.lcton and Intermediate notions, Ht 0.4.1 a. im Returning reave Haslc ton nt 1.00 p. m. Arrive (it 4.00 p. III. LACKAWANNA AND lll.OOMSUt;H(l B. R. ' I.cavo Noithuniberluiid at 0.40 n. in. and 4.50 p. in. Arrive nt Northumberland at 10.35 n. m. nnd COS p. ni. Aecideiitul Insurance Tickets eon bo had of J. Shlpmun, Ticket Ajfeiit, nt the Depot. Kummrr Arrangement tXtr the Vont OHIce at Niiiibiiry, ln. Ojflci Ojkh from 0.30 a. ., to 8 ;)'. ., ttttpl on Sulny. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE .MAI 1.8. Arrives as follows i From the Eust. at 0.15 n. in.. 12.13 p. m., 4 p. m. " South, Clou, m., 13.15 p. m.4.10p. in. " West, 0.15 u. m., 12.15 p. m., 4.10 p.m., mid S.20 p. in. " North, 0 a. in., 11 a. m., 3.55 p. ni. Shninokhi, Mt. Ciiritiel nnd points on that line, 0.15 u. in., 3.50 p. in. Mulls close us follows i For the East, 5. 50 a. m., 10.50 ft. ni., 7.85 p. m. " South, 10.50 u. in., 7.S5 p. m. ' West, 7.:i0 n. in., 10.50 . m.,.7.35 p. m. " North 5.50 u. m., 11.50 p. m., 7.35 p. in. Shunioklti proper 12.15 p. ni. Hlmtnokin nnd olllces on that route, 4.20 p. in. J. J. PMITH, I'. M. itsincss Tocals. Sewing Mac'Ihnks' and C'ottaob Ohgass. .diss Caroline DaliiH is tlie at'enl for the sale of the best Sewing Muehiiies in existence, viis : 'The Improved (irover fc Maker,' nnd 'Domestic,' which are constantly kept on liund, and sold at reasonable prices. Shu is also iiLfcnt Mr the sale of tliu celebrated 'Silver Tomruc ilrirans,' und the Hay Stale Oman,' and for the sale of Iho lrantz A. Pope Knittinif Machine. Call and see llicni. Otllce ou Market street, east of Iho rail road. Tiik Imi'iiiivbii (JuovKit & Rakeii Sf.winci Ma chine. These celehrated machines are offered nt the most reasonable rate. For particulars apply to 1). U. KUTJ!, Atfcut, Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Skcond hand Pianos for sale, or rent itt reason able rates. Inquire at this trlllcc. Foil Runt. A handsome room ovct Mclllek's Drug Store, Market Square. luqura of If. B. Masser. finr Insured by Voder. N'osr. but rellultle eoiupanlcs represented nt Voder's agency, olliee injur the Court House. Don't pay two prima when you caii uei goods at n small profit. At D. A. Finney's Btoro, Market street, but one price prevails, and piods of the best quality can be purchased at aaton Uhiugly low prices. Ills stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Hoots and Shoes, and Jewelry. The assortment Is complete, being selected with the greatest tare. No charges are niudo to show ir-ods in fact it is a pleasure to Mr. Finney to show what a handsome stock he has ml hand. 1. allies and gentlemen me invited to call and make a full examination before buy'ii else where. V. II. Mn.l.Ku's Excelsior Boot & Shoe Store, continues to attract the attention of the public by the excellent Hoots and Shoes sold at his es tablishment. His Trunk department Is com plete, and every style of satchels, valises und trunks can be had at the most reasonable prices. EiiiEK.v. Whcu a young man purchases a hat of Samuel Faust, the popular hatter, he ex claims, truthfully, too, "I have found it" a fashionable aud serviceable hat. - Mr. Faust has all styles of fashionable hats and caps, and eve ry one, both old and young, who will visit his store, on Market street, opposite Monument Square, Banbury, will be well pleased with a se lection from his large nnd varied assortment. Now is tiik Time. A splendid ussortineut of Moves, tin-ware, brass kettles, porcelain kettles for putting up fruit, glass Jars and cans of nil descriptions have Just beeu received, nnd ureof fured for sale by J. B. Reed, Third st. All aro invited to call nnd secure a chauce for the cook stove to be drawn. Ht Pianos, Ouuass, Ac. David Reimcr, music teacher, having located perruaumitly in Sunbury for the puipose of teaching music, announces that he has the ngcucy for Gachle & Co' Balti more I'ianos, which aro being rapidly introduced among tlie best judges. They mo now In use la the State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa., nlso at the Sunbury Academy, by 1. II. Jenkins, Esq., of Northumberland, und Judge. Ell well of Bloomsburg. He will also take orders for Btcln way & Co's, Chickerlng & Co's, aiid other well knuwu I'iuuos. Mr. Reliner also receive orders for Frlucc & Co's celebrated Organs A Melodcc'nr, of Butlalo New York. ' ' Sheet music on liMtl, uud orders for new pie ces promptly attended to. Mr. Reliner Is agent for the Cermun publishing bouse ot K. Bteigeupf Now York, am! win re ceive subscription for all German Books, Period icals, Newspapers, Ac. The celehrated Gachle Piauns can be seen at at all times at tho residence ot Mr. Reliner, on the earner of Third and Arch streets, opposite ino depot. WaI Affairs. Black Bass. Oue thousand black bass have beeu placed in the North Branch of the Snsque hauna and tho Lehigh rivers, by the Fish Cera iiiUsloucrs ol the Suite. , . i Tub members of Eastern Star , Lodge, Knights of Pythias of tills place, wcut to Belinsgrove lu the Lewlstowu train, ou Tusrlay afternoon, to Institute u new Lodgu at that place. They were escorted by the Seliusgrovu baud, and returned on Wednesday nioraiug well pfen&'l wi'Aj Htieir trip. Tub stcue house of C S,, Wyuu, at fisher's Ferry, was destroyed by lire ou Monday uight. Tlie origin of the lire U a mystory, as uo lire had hr..m 1 1. t li a T .'ita cl....A nf f.rf. J. H. McDlvitt, lisq., of sthis, place, lias r. xived the appointment of J. 8. Comnilsbtouvr for the WufcteruDUtrict of PeuusylvanhtJ i A Yoi'NQ uan lu Miltou wus made the victim '.utcly of the wrath of several fast glrla, I'i.lijJ his herd eutiibcd villi several ihru1 leegC s'.o'jl'i, aud ell because IK Dry wue cscoll. .ul. , Di king ihc '(.cuvy ruius lujt week, the , Vjl-. iiV'.sporbooir. broke, and about eight .ai'losV feet''' "s escaped. A far? BiiinW'"TiV Biticidr or Prhrt Haas. On Monday morn ing last, as the jlnrnkcy was making his exami nation of the prisoners Incarcerated In the coun ty Jail In this place, he was horror-stricken at the suicide of Perry Haas, who was under sen tence of death for the shooting of Martin Obor. dorf. Perry was lying In bed with his throat cut cut Irom ear to ear. He had been confined to his bed for somo months past In the Inst stage of con sumption, nnd when found lie was covered with the bed clothing, his right arm extending across the bed, aud the razor with which he committed the act, lying loosely In his right hand. . Hans, It will be remembered, was tried and couvlctod by our Court nbout two years ago, and the case was carried to tho Supremo Court for a new trial. The Supremo Court having not yet rendered a decision no death warrant had been Issued by tho Governor. Hard Is the wny of the trans gressor. Perry was a violent transgressor of the law, and after ft long period of Impri sonment, during which ho suffered tho pains of disease and the pangs of a guilty conscience, he decided his own case violently, nud placed him self before a tribunal who cannot err In Judg ment. While Perry lived under disadvantages lu his youth, which circumstance might be nn extenuation (o his numerous faults, but no ex cuse before the law for his crimes, he had a na tural characteristic which we doubt whether dlf Icrcnt circumstances relating to his Ufa would have cured, and which must result, when com bined with clrcumslunees, In murder. Perry, from all accounts, delighted In cruelty, nnd oven iiiiihkiI himself In Its exercise. His sad ease might be seriously considered by many. In connection with this matter we state as an alarm ing and a lamentable fact, that within tho period of four hours, on Inst Saturday night, a riot occurred nnd a sulcido was committed within the limits of our borough, aud a murder took place j in a town but live miles o(T. In the caso of tho suicide, a Jury was summon- cd by A. N. Ilrlce, Esq., which rendered a verdict j lu accordance with the fncts asiibovc stated. Tub rcmnlns of Perry Haas were Interred In . tho old cemetery In this place, on Monday nt 4 j o'clock, p. m. ; I Raii.koao Collision. The Ehnlrn mull golog j north, und the Niagara Express going south, 1 collided a short distance east of Montgomery Station, on Tuesday evening last. The collision j took placo at a curve, and the trains came close together before the danger was discovered. The nlr-brakes were applied, uud the engtues revers ed, but not lu time to prevent the crash, which demolished both engines. The engineers nnd llrcmen saved their lives by Jumping off. Seve ral of the cars were Injured. Both trulns were running tit about 20 miles an hour; a higher speed would have caused a great loss of life. There were none killed, and but few injured. The firemen were slightly Injured. John Wea ver, n brukeinan, was cut nbout tbu head, mid had ouc arm hurt. Mrs. Lee, of Willlamsport, had her Hp cut, und Miss Alice Brown, of Lewis- burg, was bruised on the cheek. Tho cause of the accident, it is alleged, was through the care lessness of the telegraph operator giving fulse reports. Extra trains were run ou the siding along side of the wreck, and passengers aud baggage transferred. The trains were detained about two hours und n half. The locomotives were brought to the shops nt this place, complete wrecks, having run Into sach other up to the bell on the engine. MriiDKit at Sfi.insouove. Ou Saturday last, Dr. P. Richlcr Waggcuscller, a prominent phy sician of Selinsgrove, wus cut lu thciibdomen by Geo. Wenrich, u saloon keeper, from the effects of which lie died on Sunday evening. Tbu facts In the case, ns near as we can learn, uru ns fol lows : A hired man lu tho employ of Dr. Wug geuseller, Is addicted to drinking, und the doctor notified the landlords not to sell him liquor. Ou Saturday he found the man under the influence of liquor, and us he met Weni leli uear tho Key stone Hotel, accused him of selling his man liquor. Wenrich denied it, und called the Doctor u liar. Dr. W. then remonstrated w ith Wenrich, when he, ( Weuikh,) who had a knife in his hand, cut the Doctor in iheubjoiuen, lullieting a fatal wound. Wenrich was arrested uuil com mitted to prison to await an investigation. The remains of Dr. Wuggensellcr were Inter red ou Wednesday last, mid were folio Aed to the grave by a large concourse of relatives uud friends. C'l iiiot s. A few days ago we were shown u piece of glass by Mr. Jesse Macabeo which was in his baud for upwards of twelve years. Mr. Macabec has beeu acting on the N. C. railway in the capacity of engineer ever since the construc tion of the road, uud by a collision which occur red in 1601, sustained great bodily injury. Since that lime he hus hud u lump ou his left hand ubout the slzo of a large hlckoryuut, which, however, gave lilin no pain. A few weeks ago it festered und exposed a very small bright spot resembling glass. A physicluu in Baltimore opened the festered part, nnd discovered It to bo u piece of window pane fastened lu the flesh ver tically. By using a pair of forcips, aud conside rable force iu the effort, to the great surprise of both parties he drew forth a piece of glass of a spear shape, a half inch In length and threo clghths iu width ut Us base. It hud penetrated poiut foremost, between the leader of the second finger and tho bono. It evidently cume. from the w indow of the cab of the locomotive whcu tho collision occurred. Personal. We were pleased, a few days ago, to have a cull In our sanctum from Eugene Munduy, Esq., of the firm of Collins & M'cC'Ices ter, type founders, of Philadelphia. Mr. Mun duy is the author of several interesting works, uud editor of the "Proof Sheet," a monthly pub lication for printers. The firm of Collins As McLceslcr la well known, throaghout the United States as oue of the best for furnishing printer's supplies. They are geutlemeu thut euu be relied ou for fair dealiug, uud furnishing their custo mers with the best material made. Fell ruo a Buiutis. A sou of Mr. Vuudiua Murtz, aged about six years, on Sunday ufter. uoon, fell from the abutment of the bridge at Eust Market street, aud wus severely injured about tho head. One of our most successful horticulturists Is CoU Geo. CadwaUader, ' of this' place. Besides attending to a large custom lu his drug store, he culllvutcs a large garden adjoining Ms residence, und manages to do all the werk himself. . A few days ago the Colonel presented ns with fine sjcclmeu of tho Trophy tomato, raised, ln his garden, which weighed 30 ounoo. The. Trophy variety is a prolific siiecics, uud the specimen be fjio us is the finest we huve ever seen Iu the to mato line. Mr. Cadwallader' Intends procuring a large lot of seeds, of this variety, for sale t his' store ucxt season. ,i :"V r . x. Inji iieu. Andy Barrel, well knowu. iu this place, uu engineer on the Baltimore and Potomac railroad, was severely injured by a collision last week, iiy late aocouuta he Is recovering. Policeman Roai-B arrcatud Goo. Ocist, on thear rlv'ulof the Bhamokiu tralu ouThursday morning, ou4a telegruphlp despatch from Ashland, for steallug I2a5.00, from a luuillord. George was Uken to Potlsvllle jail a few hours after. On the Vlh iust., Joslaji Strauser, a lalucr at the Hickory KUlge colliery, tad his right kifee badly (rushed by a full of rook. U Is feared am putation will be necessary, lie has a wife and several small children dependent upon hlfl labor f t support. .S7w,oAi Mil, A DisoHACuri L Row. Our town wns mado i the scene of most disgraceful affair oil Satur day evening last. About 11 o'clock a row com menced In the drinking Saloon on tho corner of Third and Market street,- and several of. Iho b'hoy were severely handled. ' They then came out Into tM street, and attracted a largo erdwd by their noisy profaulty. Soon a brutal light commenced which for a while looked as though every ono topld Join In with perfect freedom.' Threats were frcelynuuJo to kill or to knlfo somebody. ' Ortt of the pajtlua crated wjtftbcn-t tlne.was stripped Baked, add tan dcnvij U hird street wHh nothing but bis vest on, nud with a knife jit his hand exclaimed, "I will clear out the whole towi) and then cut my throat." There were ho pollco around. Conttable Bright put In an nppearatico, but was rcpolled for want 6f as sistance. . Another constahlo also attenSiited to quol the row, but lucked ttrenilh to take them by force, tt It high time that pnr Council or. gaulit an effective police force to put ft stop to these drunken brawls, mid other bad conduct on our streets, originating from the parties who en gage In those violations of tho peace, and the forco Bhotild be so organized that If occasion re quires It can bo concentrated Immediately upon the point where there services nre required. It Is the liiodelhrougli w hich the force can be made effective, uud by which the offenders can bo nr rcs'.cd. Since writing the nbove we learn" that two of tho ringleaders engaged In the riot have been ar rested. ' - - Mil. W. Tayi.ok, baggage agent ou the P. A E. railroad, has passed un examination for con ductor on that roud. Mr. Taylor is aii experienc ed railroad muu, nnd will, make a polite nnd effi cient efliccr. Those making his acquaintance will find him pleasant and agreeable. Ho wlil prove a faithful officer, nnd a sale conductor to tho travelling public over that well managed road. RoMiEKiK. Several houses in Lowor Augusta were entered nnd searched on tho lltU lust., in the nbsenec of the occupants, aud somo small change taken. Persons should bo careful to se cure their houses well, nud leave uo money back whcu nbscul from home. . , Pbof. D. C. JonN, formerly of Milton, but now of Carilslc, has accepted the position of principal of ano of the Minnesota Normal Schools, located at Maukato. Wo wish the Pro fessor success, both pecuniary and otherwise, In his new home. "'. . The Coleman Sisteiis. These wonderful and versatile children "supported by nn excellent' company wM appear In Gnrliiger's Hall, Sunbu ry, on Sitthrday the 30th Inst? Their perform ances are chaste,'nnd of the highest order. Their exhibitions nre' highly recommended by tho press everywhere, nnd largely attended wherever they give entertainments. A crowded house will await thorn. FtitE at Danville. The plaining mill or Levi Berger, at Danville, was dcs'.'rojVif by Are on Tuesday last. Several r bberlcs were committed in Dauville, on Wednosdny night, und a horso and buggy stolen. ' " Ekhoiu In our notice last week, of the new Post Olllcc, we staled tho building was tiro sto ries high. Wo should have said throe stories high.. . A Vr.KV Vam-aulb Hook. MTlifc Undeveloped West j or, Five Years In the Territories'." Be ing a Complete History of that vast region tve tween the Mississippi und the Pacific j lis Re sources, Climate, Inhabitants, Natural Cilrlo-;!-tles, etc., with Life mid Adventure ni.' Prairies, Mountains, and tho Pacific Coast. By J. 41. Beadle, Western Correspondent of the Cinelnuull Commercial, and Author of "Life in I'tah," etc. The National Publishing Co., ot Philadelphia, has just issued onu of the most reinurkable, and attractive books of the century. It Is well Known to every one that, far beyond the Mississippi, and stretching over half the continent. Is a vast region which we vaguely term "The Great West' a region abounding iu the most wonderful na tural formation, rich In precious mineral depo sits, and offering the greatest attractions, to tho settler und the tourist. Though so often spokeu ot, it is almost uu "unknown laud. ' Mr. Ilcadle went Into this reiiion for the nvow cd purpose of seeing nnd describing it, and bis journeying and observations were all governed by a fixed purpose, that of discovering and leak ing knowu the actual character, condition uud resources of the country visited by him. JIo first traversed the States of Iowa, Minnesota, Ne braska und Kansas, examining the lands, and living aud conversing w ith the people of those seetious. For five years he kept moving from point to point, exploring the Territories, und tho great and rich States of the Pacific Coast, en countering strange people und innumerable hardships aud braving many dangers in his wanderings among the sqvages. He visited the rich mines of Colorado, L tali, Nevada aud Ida ho t passed into California nnd Oregon, and there enjoyed the peculiar advantages for seeing nnd Investigating tho resources nud curlonities of those remarkable States. He spent considera ble time iu New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, and his account of his observations uud discoveries In those strange mid deeply Interesting portions of our country will commend his book to the careful' consideration of the scholar, as well us to nil who seek practical information or amusement. His only companions in his travels In Arizona were Indian guides, uud for weeks during his ex plorations in that Territory he uever saw the fate of a white man. To prospective emigrants nud settlers In the "Fur West," this histor) of that vast region will prove nn invaluable assistance, supplying ns it does, u wuiit long felt of a lull, authentic and reliable guide to climate, soil, products, distan ces, localities, menus of travol, etc. It may be relied upon, for it contains no secoud-huud In formal ion. it is comprised In'cno large octavo volume of 833 pages, und illustrated Willi 240 fine engrav ings of the sceuery, lands, mines, people and cu riosities of the Great West, and a ucw map of the region described. The low price tit w hich the work' Is Issued brings it within the reach of all, ami tho great popular Interest iu the subject, and established reputation ol the author, combine to make it tho best aud most popular Ixmk of the day. It Is sold by subscription ou'.y, and agents are want- 1 Ing in every County. A Clks-ukman willing to a fi ieud says, "My voyage to Europe is IndefiulUy potlpoucd. I have discovered the 'fountain of health' ou this side of the Atlantic. Three bottles of Peruvhiu Syrup huve rescued me from the pangs of tlie fiend Dvspepeiu." Dyspeptics shoijld drink from this fountain. Council rrccetdlug. . SiNBUiir, August 10, 1873. Couucil met In regular session, minutes of last meeting read aud approved. umimlltcu ou the extension til Second street southward was continued. On motion of Jared Irwin the follow -fbir resolu tion was adopted Resolved. That the Street Coinm ttsc be in structed to have painted ou the glass vt each gas Tamp, whorcwr it is situated, the uauie .of the street 6u which It is placed, ,ud where thefo ure no lunips there they shall have tho name of each street puiuted iu Urge letters ou a board prepared ror me pirrposc, and said board uuilcd up lu a conspicuous pluee on tho hauso or fence ut the corner of each pfaid streets. .On uiotW of 1. A. C'ai.0 the following resolu tion passed i - ' Resolved, That '.lie Chief Burgess be hereby instructed t Inquire of Lryling.Bowtl & Euglc, and Win. I. Grevjiough, what they will ask the borough for land enough to open Second street 60 feet wide through their land to. connect with the street Bain'l Hycrly has opened, aud thereby give access to people living iu the upper end of Sunbury. Ou motion of Wm. L. Dcwart, the Gas Co. be requested to move the gas post at Dr. Haupt's re- sldenee, ou East Market street, from where It now stuudslo a proper position ut the curb On motion, the couucil agioe to enter Into con tract with A. Boyd for u renewal of his wharf lease. . On wotlou of W. L. Dewart, the Chief of Po lice be lustrueled to disperse the crowds ou tho street comers. On motion of J. A. Cuke, tie Chief Burgess was authorized to orguuizu aud regulate a ihjIIco force for tlie borough. Adjourned. I'ETua W. Giuv, Clk. Rri'L-hi.icak Coi-ntt Convention. The Re publican County Convention met In the Court House, Sunbury, on Tuesday the linh lnst., mid wus called to order by Em'l Wilvcrt, Chnlrmnn, of the County Committee, when rrrerieutlnls were presented by thtf delegates from the different eee tlou districts hi the county. ;tl8T OF DELEGATES. Lc wIsi-D. IL Durto. A. P. Hill. TurrjutvHleDunlel BelscI, Dr. E. n. Horner. Delaware-Saml. Hryson, David Hurhrat. McEwennvillo Jos. R. Housel,Win. MeNineh. Turbni twpWm. P. Dontral, Adnm Hatoorf. Milton TS W-L. M. Morton, P. L. HaCken berg. ,j . i , . . i . r Milton 8. W.--Jas. B. Miller, John S. Potor mnn. Chllllsqunqno D. H. Ross, Win. 8. Blair. Point Kurnswoith Reed, Joslah Newberry. Northumberland David Taggart, Jos. Bird, L. M. Savidgo. Sunbury E. W. Chan. J. Brunei-, Ja-. Beard, Geo, Harrison. Sunbury W. tv. Chas. Ganlngur, Alex. Manlz, Cli as. Sensenhiich. Up. Augusta Henry llaupt, J. G. Bright. Low. Augusta Henry E. Malick, Jno. B. Snyder. RubIi Christian Dlehl, Lorenzo Metier. Sbamoklu twjt Jesse Campholl, L. I). Robins. Shnmokin E. W. J. L. Hammer. F. S. Haas, W. H. M. Oram, W. It. Douty. Shainoklii W. W. It. D. bower, 3. II. Adams, 1). 11. Hnllciibnek. Coal Frederick Ilcsscr, John Fox. Mt. CiirincI twp. Hugh McDonald, Geo. Clinger. Mt. Cflnnol Boro. Wm. Huntzlnccr. Win. Brown, F. B. Bliilwagner. Zerbc Win. Dcppeu, Samuel Tlitupt. Cnmcroii J. II. Bclsel, Clfrlsllau Gonscrt. Up. Muhauoy D. D. Biltcrmnit, G. V. lloi n bergcr. . , Washington II. C. Fisher, Audrert IJuclier. Jackson Jos. Dressier, II. D. Bower. Llltlo Mahanoy 1). F Reed, Solomon Heed. Jordan D. T. Troutman, Sainl. Shaffer. Lower Mahanoy 1). J. Kcene, H. M. liubb, J. Spatts. WittHontottn Oscar Foust, E. II. HimkcI. SnyderUiwn Wm. Furrow, Win. F. Kline. Wiii. II. M. Oram nnd Col. David Taugart were nominated for Chairman of the Convention. Col. D. Tngirurt asked to withdraw bis name. On motioui Mr. Oram Mas declared President by acclamation. I.. M. Morton, L. D. Robins und J. L. Ham mer, were nominated as Secretaries. Mr. Hammer declined. Mr. .Morton und Mr. Rubles were elected Se cretaries by acclamation. Mr. Win. Dcppcn, nnd Mr. Jos. Bird wore elected by acclamation ns Vice Presidents. There being ono delegate too many from Mil ton N. W., uud Shnmokin twp., respectively, the delegates agreed upon the propfr iiuuil.'cr, und one withdrew from each delegation. On motion, a committee of live on resolutions was ttnpoiutcd by the Chair, as follows : John L. Hammer, David Taggart, Win. N. Brown, B. M. Bubh, f. S. Hackenberg. Ou motion, adjourned until 1 o'clock, p. m. Couvcuilon convened nt 1 o'clock p. m. Roll culled, aud delegates responded to their names. Ou motion nominations for State Senator were declared !u order. John McClecry of Milton, nu I S. A. H.'i gstres ser, of Mt. Cnrmcl, were nominate. 1. The Secretaries were appointed as tellers. John McClecry receive I 4:: Voles and S. A. Bergstresser 1 therefore John McCicery was declared elected. On lnotiou the election of Col. McClecry was made unanimous. On motion, Col. MrClccry authorized to select his ow n conferees : Nominations lor As-cmb'.y were declared in or der, and the following were named : O-cur Foust, Joseph Yunklrk, A. N, Brice, Dr. Wm. J. Hans, John 0. Parker. Balloting was thou ordircJ, with tlie follow ing result : !;t Ballot. Dd Ballot. 6 , 8 h oG -M Foust Yauklrk llrUe Haas Parker 1.) J7 15 Wm. J. Haas, having received a majority of all the votes 1:11 the second ballot, was declared uominaU'd for Asscmbiv. Nominations for County Treasurer were next ordered, with the following result : 1st Bal. Shlpp 10 Smith G Savidge "1 Marsh 1 Bartholomew 0 Neff 1)1 Bal. 3d Bal. 4th Bill. 0 0 (ill 0 0 10 IS .. 15 0 31 0 4 10 7 15 Samuel Savidge having a majority of all the votes on the 4th ballot, uus declared the nomi nee of the Republican parly lor County Treasu rer. (.'apt. A. Cal.l j eil.of Sh iinnW'ni, was nominat ed for Register inrl Record. 1 by aevlamatioii. Nuiniiiiitious tor County Commissioner were declared next in order, and the following were named. Adam I.enker, Daniel Seal, Jacob R. Clark, M. D. lio.-tian. Balloting wus ordered with the following re sults : Lcuker 45 Seal K Chirk- 3 Host ian 2 Adam Lcuker was declared nominated for County Commissioner. Nominations for Jury Commissioner were next In' order, and the following were presented: Thos. Burr, W. 11. I.eiuhow, Win. It. Lamb. ltHlloting was ordeied, with tho following re biilt : Burr U2 Leighow 31 Lamb 0 No nomination on first ballot, when a viva Vo.'O vote was ordeied, with the following r -Milt: Burr, S3 ; Leighow, 13, au l the latter was declar ed the nominee. On motion, Mark" '. Pi Icily, of Northumber land, wus nominated for C' irity Au lit 11 by ac clamation. R.M. Flick nnd A. A. Fhlssler were nominated for Representative Delcg.Ue to the next Republi can State Convention. Mr. Shislcr asked to have his name withdrawn, when Mr. R. M. Flick was elected by nccl uuatioii. B. M. Buhb, Esq., of Lower Mahanoy, was chosen ns Senatorial Delegate by accl imation. On motion the committee 011 resolutions re ported ns follows : The Representatives of the Republicans of Nor Ihumbirliiud county, iu Convention assembled, endorse the platform of principles adopted ty the last Republican Slate Convention, assembled in Hnrrlsburg on tlte loth hot., und uppeallug to the recoriia of U.e country and i'.s 1 npar:.lle!ed success, in Justification of our action ; pledge our selves to hold fai.t to tho iirg:tul.ation of the Republican party und remain Liuu toils faith. 1 hut we again heartily cmluli-e U.c wise, pa triotic, just und leouuiaieul administration of President Grunt. That we coidially endorse nud npprove the administration ul Governor H.nlruiift. That we ratify and approve the nomination of It. W. Mnckey for Stale Treasurer and Hon. Isaac G. Gordon for Supreme Judge, und hereby pledge our best energies und n'r'.oic-t und bou- oruble e (forts, to secure their triumphant elect ion. lual our c in our itittintrulshcd I . S. Senators ruinains uushakeu nud v.e :'io justly proad of their ubiiity and integrity. Thut the tutiru course of our wonliy represen tative lu Congress, lion. Jno. 11. 1 'inker com munds our respset and upprovul. He is eminent not ouly for his abilities, culture nnd industry ; but also for his uuscllishuraa uud bis Integrity aud his devotion to principles, truth an I duty. Thut wo hereby plume our. individual und united efforts iu behalf of the Mholu tkkct nomi nated by ikiw Convention. B. M.'lcan, Jno. L. 1Ummi.ii, Chairin in. D. TOAMT, P. L. lUcKENUtltli, V.M. M. Bnow., . x . ' , On ctbilou thu foregoing resolutious wcro un animously udopted. Euiauuttl Wilvert was on motion, ro-clectcd Chairman of the County Committee. .The following geutlemeu were appointed muiu bers ot le staudlng Ceiiiinlttso for the eunuirg year ; y . Lewis Michael Welsh. TuibuWHIe Tfcos. Burr. Deluwaia . MeEwlnvillo John I. l'uiker'. TOibut Adam Batuorf. Milton N. W.-L. M- Mortou. Miltou b. W. Jus. R. Miller. Point Farm worth Herd. Chillisquaque D. B. Ross. Noith'd A. C. Siiupsou. Santury E. W. George M. Reun- Siinbury 'W. W. Chas. (iarrluger. Cppor Augusta ie.nry Iluupl. Lower Auitsta--Wui. Baker. Rush O. P. I'u'.tou. Shambkla township John W. Rwd. . Shainokln Bor. T.. W. J. L. llamiiier. Hhamokin Bor. W. W. John A. Adams. Coal S. H. Chauiberliit. Mt. Caruiel township II. Mi'Dmiahl. . !'. I aiuicl Hoi. W. C. yuutlingur. Znrbe B. F. Miller. Cameron Chris. Gonscrt. t'pprr Mahanoy Joshih Shndlo. Washington Andrew Hncher. Jackson Joseph Dressier. Little Mahanoy H. II. Dornalfc. Jordan Goo. W. Troutmnn. Lower Mahnnov Abraham Biosser Wntsontown J). C. Hogne. Snydcrtown Jackson Burger. h. M L. D. MollTllN, R'llllNS, Secrctars fou the "amehican." Low er Ai clsta, Aug. (), 1H73. Mr. IV. 1st. Permit me through jet to thunk tlin Re publicans of Lower Auifiista, for the almost unanimous vote "iy which (bey Instructed our delegates to support main the Convention. 1 nlso thnnk tho Convention for giving the Com missioner to the lower cud, where he belongs. : ad. I do not thnnk the other friends (f) for their felonious entrance and search or my house, In my absence, on tho 1 lit) Inst. If t hey nre go ing down hill of lute, 1 keep no money on baud for stcnllng. Let them Coino when I urn , nt homo, and borrow a check, nnd bring my tune fork home. A Df.mociiatio EniToii thus reasons with a man "who don't subscribe :" "Now, I tell you Squire, tho day will coma when somebody will write a long eiilgy on your lile, character, etc., nnd the urinter will put It In type, with a heavy black rule over nnd under it, and with nil your riches this wiil be done for vou ns a crave pau per. Your llberulltv, wealth uial all such will be spoken of, but tho printer, as lie arranges the type, will remark 1 'Poor incaU devil, ho never took tho paper, nnd is now swlm'.llng the printer out of his funeral notice.' Mi:t IAI. MtTlt lS. C'liildrrn of'tfii look Pule uiitl Sick from no other cause than having worms in the stomal h. BROWN'S VF.RMIFCGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to (lie child, being perfectly WHITE, and from nil the coloring or other injurious Ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CL'KTIS .V: BROWN. Proprietors, No. 1M5 Fulton Street, New York. .SWf by lh'U't'jht tvid i'ltf-mihtu, mid ilntlcr in Medicine ut Twenty-Five Cents a Box. July 12, 1ST::.-- ly. The t'oiitt'NSiioii ol an Invalid. Published by a warning nnd for the benefit of Young Men und others who suffer from Ni:i;vot s Di'.niLiTV, loss he Maniioou, etc., supplying the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery, and sent free or receiving a post-paid directed envelop. Sufferers nre invited t address the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June l i,'T3 0m. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thirty YeursT Kxtericiiro of'an Old iirsio. Mrsi WIiihIow'n Soot hint; Sjni Is tho r'M'rittion orotic of the best Keinale I'hysieiaus nnd Nurses in the I'nited States, and has been lined for thirty years with never failing safely and succi ss by millions of mothers nnd children, froai the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother aud child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the Wo; hi. iu nil cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRIHEA IN CHILDREN, whe ther it ari-es from Teething or from an v other eallse. Full directions for usingwill accompany I 1. v ; ..;. . 1' S eaen o.inie. .ooe leiiiiiue uu u .- nie I i e-piiu ue of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrap, per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers. July P.', 173. ly. Tlie Household l'liiiiicoa, and Family I.luiinciit Is the best remedy iu the world for the following eompluints, viz. : Cramps In the Limbs aud Sto mach, lain in the Stomach. Bowels, or Sale, Rheumatism iu allils forms, Hillious Collc.Ncii rulgia, Cholera, Dysentei y.Cohls, Fresh Wounds, Burns, Sore TLroat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chili and Fever. For Internal uud External use. Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates and pervades the whole system, re stoiing healthy action to all its parts, and quick ening the blood. The Housotio!;! I'liiiacoit is purely Vegetable and AU Healing. Prepared by CURTIS .V BROWN, No. :.'1. Fulton Street, New York. For sale bv all druggists. Jiily 1S71!. 1' Foit Lixs ir Ari'ETiTE, Dyspepsia. Indirection Depression of Spirits and general Debility, iu their various forms, Ferro-Pbo-poratcd Elixir of Caltsay made by tl.tsw lix, IIaz.viui Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the he..t Tonic. As a stimulant tonic for patients, recov ering from fever or other sickness, V. lias uo equal. If taken during the season It prevents fever and nguc nnd ether Intermittent fevers. si.viiiuv ma it:: i:ts. I'loiii' ami riiiii TlnrKot. Extra Family lied Wheal , p. bu. Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.00 live, t orn Meal, " -'.oil l orn, ' Wheal Bran, p. bu. .M .Buckwheat Slioiis, -J.iik 1 1. its, ;! lb-. ('41111 .V O.its Chop, ti.Dd Flaxseed, Timothy Sei d, p. b. a.PO a'l'Oillii'4' tturht-I. 1'e.tat lies', 7"i 1 la ins, I'.'-'irs, per do?., 15 Tallow, Butler, per lb., ".'.i Country Snap, Lard, " l"i Dried Apote,, Sides, H' . " Pcaclivs h.mle r Ml M) .'hi .00 40 W. D. IV1CLIGK, Druist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Mnrl.t t Kittar, SI -MJ 11! Y, I'A. Keeps constantly ou hau l 11 full slock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, ! Druggists Fancy Hoods, COMBS, BUl'SHl'lS, PERFUMERY, PAT E X T ME1MCIX KS, OILS, PA IX (il.ASS', PUTTY, YAUMNll, IY1:XH1I'S, in fact evervthing usuallv kept iu n well con d;i.:ltd IDlXJG STOI1E. I'artU'uIiir atttnititu" nU to coiiiitouutliiiir lMiy piriaiih rcfCil'iit8 and family rcivipts ly tla l'ltHiiiittoj liiiu&olf. Suu'i ury, la., Juno 8, lT'i. (IlOI.IlItA AMI El'IDKMIC DISK ASKS PrcviuteU by using BROMO -CTILORALUM, Tho New Odorless and Noii-PoUoiipus Jnriful DEODEKIZEP. Wi! DISINFECTANT. It destroys all bad odors and poLouous emana tions ubout your premises, and thereby prevents coului;iou aiid ticaba coutaius uo puisou, has uo odor, ud li lway sufe, "Hiploiuu awurdc4 by li-.o Xiin Intlituli to Tu. hum tb Co., for Rronia-CbloralHin. Tuey cousidur it of value as t-iiiLt non-poisouoi-.s ami Inodorous, mid cun rceoiuiiieud il especially for medical und reuerul houncbold puriKwes wlie.K disinfeclloii and tk-odorlratiou Is called for." ixiilbiHoHof lSii. Prepared only by TM DEN .V CO., .' New Xoik. Sold ly ull Uru;;liis. July V 1 it?i7a."a .--s TKT''.L.s, - -iji''tiSA As. &A.sUt.t& if1. BrriWs IS PfTBEI.Y A VKUFTATiLB rEEPAHAT!0:T, oim. poscdslrorly orrrll kTi'itrn ROOT3, HEFU33 and FRUITS, eonibim-d rith other pri)iertica, whlnh til their untura a.o CailtarUe, Apodont, Nu trltl"s, iJluretlc. Alt. rr.' on 1 Aiitl-H.ll!ui:. Tho wools Is ir.sem-d In a satnclcut quoct.ty of spirit frpm tha fl (I V't flM; u t.ijf thus in U17 CJimste, Wuiciv n.lj4Ui3 Bitters ono of tin rrrpt 'rBlmbloTonlr niifl Cathttr f Irn lu the wot Id. lucy aro lutjntV-d as ft Tempsraaaco Bitters only fobs used as a modlcine, and sIwsts sccordlng to directions. tT?Z7U.MlM to such s detrrte tuit a healthy action is st once brought about. As a ruuet'.y to blca Women - tvre spoeudly subject it is upersd log svery other jmuUi.t. As s ti;rln 01..I BummeiVl'oalo Jirilne si well Bs Tonic. Ihey 1'iiriXv thu Illood.. I illOoa., They are sspleodlil Appetiser. Jlicy aulia the weDc strung. Ihey purlly and invigorate. Ibcy euro l'jspoj'sia, ConBUpnuon and llr-adachti. he-yaetas a specific in all species of dlsnrders which unlci7ulnj the bodily irebKtb and break down the auimnl irite. Tecot, 63 Park Place. New Yort. s4 tl BBMBBfl6 Only 50 Cents per Dottle. ft roi-.iolca tho CsHlOWTT, ' 'inwthe Vlijur ai:-i 3 tAl XI or Cho IIAI-l. . Ovrn TmnTT on I.tx'.i TTATa.vinos nil: JlAt:i u-.i.liMt pai-'.1-! 01 tl.e liei:i.f-t l i'l-.i.-ft.i' Thonaiuo Md.Thel tiv.e! tl.o (ov. " IC-.Hno." . tiifyii'i? to cfin", purify, t 'utH.u-.'t, rr Tstr. Tfc-J f.noi nhH tv-.ivod,ri.iw t!'r ii)iituitty .tl'.aVoUnlno!, is upreoetUr.s-l hvJ i.nclil.k'. I; iitv!XWM tii. iiu iv.TH iki.X J i:rrr vt t!i H un. 7t is d.liIitl"iil dwnt. It iTK-lic'ijiu.- J ' iT.-'.riii!. I'- ' n-vcjiuj th iljjrfniTn tnr.4iiif yrty. It kwi V.. ? h. 'tj cimI, mi 1 ptv;B tht' llflT i 1 it'll. s-Uf, ;-lss-y i.r tt! Iti ili i lucx in ui'AKTri if mid UtfA'.jf ; ii4 1- v.f i.r a U'Un Ttaof a ti.tvL'n.; A i. a, un i.t ) v it: ! i an! Country tiw:?.liily Vifly c t;.-tw iictU, Wert fey ii Eer Hair. LYON'S T! a May 17, i SiEICI IT H.ixY. ! 'I'm: RiM.iAiu.r. Famim Mi:dicini j IARRI1EA, 7)ysciitcry, Cholera, Siiminc. . Complaint, C'aur.'S. elc uui. klv curd l v ! the U:. of ' j JAi.lli.f.l.A S I Compound Svinpid lli.ulJj, r. v Knit and Kbit.; b.nb. " i An o'd, well tried rem.-ly, eelirely vegetable, pli asant to take, ,,uiek :,lul . enaiii in i tleet ; , can l.e depended ou iu the nn-t ni.enl eases j may be tiver, to the oun-e-l inl.iiil a ttell u to adults. It eoiti.Liii . ( No CAMi'IloK !! Ol'li M. i It is a I'leasaut extract and readilv tatcu bv J children, it has oiren im I life w'l'.-n phv-i- ci in had i!c"palte,:. - K. -p il iu the i nisi, and i lire in tin.'1. A.l i. : ask for it U a t.i.ii. Don't h 1 Vi ii. i-, r ,M.t vou nit nab s. an, I hi u:; else. Kuy it. Try it. Sold bv lliast: a.. I Stoic' Keep. is. i!o,,::L.i..i,i ihi Sta'e. I i. e..nd oalv bv 11 iNSi:'.:. .V i.K.i., " " : June IV-iS-Sii-. '.'.tiu Market St., Phikolpbla. ! HAl illMl MMOJ' AM li:t l"t.RY. a no. lioinniACir & sox.-., ! SuuWiir.r, I'oiiii'a, INFORM the pub!!.-t hat t hev arc prcpareilloj do nil kinds ..f CASTIXCS, !ind bavins .o. i, a. a new Maihine Sliup in cieiiieetioii with their Foundry, uud have supplied thein-elvc- with New Lathes, Planing an I lo:in. ilmi n - will, the latest iinpiovctiicnls. Witi. tu.- ;,.a of skilllul nn'.-, t'-.y arc caaLlid to execute ail orders of . . NSW ;.-0.;K CR I.El'ATRIN i. tl.'t" !); l-e nlv-.u tin. m, iii a t.itSfxciury - rul4M lu hint any Mine. IK'.-:; v ;..eil.SS, for chuieiiea oi other l.-.ilUl il's, nt' yll si, s, HUAt-b CAs'l INCiS, Ac. Ox nar.icnt-tl li'on ifciirdiiK for ;r we ya;:; i.oi ; VTRASTDAHrS, kci: Y.viti at nw:'i::n i. .-., r. The I'i.oVi S, a'-.w.y lelebiate.l hi- tin-ir en ptili'lit. ba-e 1 sen still fuither iinar ,ad, amf v.i'.l ai..avs lie kept on h.i'nl. AUo, THRKSIIINti M.UTliX iC.. Rimbut v, m .i u ::. Hoard ui ami Mali- Ms-lali-, SI1E1HKE V N DVKE ha p i: i . U'r.n ary lloaiil:nu' and S lie SiahV. t.n.. i Jm ; l-oies that ale el! will I.e. kepi p. dillcieiit from those that aie nick. Strict ;.Uei..ii.n will be paid to nil hemes well or tick. I wl.l cure all had vices iu the horse, all dii-easci vf the luo'.'.'.h, all disease- uf lUc lespiraj my ui jans, iI1m ..u of the stoin.ii'a, I Ivor, niiiar. oiL'ans, f'et aud h-ijs. AUo il.sease of the head, eyes, and all inl-siel-laueoiis di-easet. All musical casca, such ns iilccdinir. Nerving, Boweliui:, Eirinj; tenotomy, Tapping the chest, courting, Ac. Ac. Also, Trollin horses tiuincd lor the couise. Stable buck oft enteral Hotel. JAMES VAN DVKE. July iu,';:t. lit. A liood IiMiu-tt tor tx l ook Nov At J. tt. KHJ'DT. BTOVE AND T.'NWAPE STORIa, Third St, opiMisltethe tVn'.ial Hotel, Sunbury, ANY persou pur, ha. in- goods to the amount ol 1 6 00 ill retail prices, for cash, w ill bo c.l. tilled to a Ticket ( ,r the draw In r of a tlv.-t cluas No. ?. Conk tslove With nil illn tliLiirei, vuluedat f", warranted to civ; iail-fuetlo:-.. N'olico will oe tflven of the phuc and lime of drum iuc, through tho papers. j. h r.Ki") Siuibnn-, Julv It, 1SM. fl -rffgsv ' 'IEU e?.A' -Wi4T2 C. I lOUU V ft-1 HE'S :A1'iii.r.:lLi;i.f a1...-'.. ! A . I- 1 I.'M-US. Monumental .siiavinci pahlo;; 1 i.tiii . . IB AT II IU) OM S. HAIR Ii;ESS1'I BY M M HINERY. :T"Octnt forget the Vlacn on the Mel ( Tumi) STiiKEr,a few d jors Soul h of M i l ' ; jan bury, Fa. ' ' I'.im'iJh, SwiU:lu;H, Curls, mill (ill kin. i , ni' J.ADtKS' 1IAIJJ. WoiU BKllll! In Ol'ill!!' ttitlier out of cuiuliiiioM id-blraiglit luiif. All ur mIois hit nt Iho ruaiilrnuf! of A. I. AVnltors, cornel' tt tti st. atul ShniuoKin Avctnio, i-croivi, jqoiupt Hi.fiilion. A Siociiiliy ii. CIIILDKKK.S' ItAUt CUTT1,(;, oitlior ut tlicir hotnt' cr Slifiviu;;' I'arSr. ' a. r. waltkrl?. .Iiily 5, 1ST;:. tf. Kolirt' lo Trt'hisi!srs. ALL Kiscns are l autioned ngainrt trcspc.i-s-iie,'. or liunling and shooting 011 ihe prciui sesof the nnderslgno.l, in Upper Augusta town ship, Northumle rland county. Pennsylvania, without permlsr-ion. Any person violating this notice will be dealt Willi according to law. 1 (il.i.UlOE C.Uf.. Up. Aug. twp., Aug. S, lTll. Central Drug Stoni X. !'. .tlarkcl Stvi-vt, Ktiul!:r., JS the place to buy votir I'RESH DRUCS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, Ol!.::. (il.ASS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICTVES. Uptons, uv.d nil oilier hi tides usually kept iu a l.i.-t 1 lass llnitr Store. Special attention paid to compounding Physi cians Prescriptions ut all bourn including Him da vs. GEO. l;. CADWAI.I.ADER, Phuruiaeiitist. ,' IN TliK DISTRICT CCIT.T of the United Slates of the Western District Pcuu'u. Ill ISunkriipf vy. The undersigned hen hy m ticc of hi-, up )ointmcnl us nssignce of llaiiiel E. Kehre., of Washington lo'vus hlp,iii the county of Norihum bcrland. Stale of I'eai.-vlvania, within said DL-' t rict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt npoi; his own petition, by the Di tiict Corn of said. District. To the Creditors of-uid Bankrupt. 1". H. MOORE, Assignee. Sunbury, July VI. 11.!. tiw. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Uuilu States fjrhe Western District Pel.u'... In Itank i'iit y. The undersigned bcrcliv trlves notice of bis up poiutnient us assignee of V. lllian . Veil .,of Wash im-non township, in the county of Nortbuinl.. r land, Stuto of Pennsylvania, wilhmsuid Distriit. who bus been ndludircd a bankrupt, upon bisowi: petition, hv the j)istrict Court of said District. I Tu tle t'l tc!itorS of said P.anknipt. I .... r,"- Mimniry, airy rj. ow. A l 111 i 11 i 1 1" S r "s , o t i . VJOTiCE is li-.rebv given .hat Letteri of Ad I lu.'iisirn.i.Ki l.avi-ig i.ei r uran ed ' lie. undersigned, on ,hc estate ft jerennati ruins worth, late of tho borough of Siuiburj;, Noi t l: uuiberlaiiil county, Pu., deceased. A.l persotn; indi hled to said c-late are rccpicsted to make im mediate payment, and those having claims wi" present them dulv uiillientieuted for si llieiiieht . A. N. BRICK, Admiuistrutur. Sunbury, July 5. lSTli. Gt. A. M. MEIXELL, 1:1 . iiK'ricini anil Iluroju ai' AT lEl'S. ' I . 1IM-JI.W LI. 1.1 niKlSIL I.liV.AKL t'crFi-jfi-i! Np'-t('k'N nud '.r 4 H: ;.-,. (it .1.1) JIKADK!) C'AXLs. Wutclic? au.l Ji weiry iicu.Iy ;;-. apd var lautel. Market S juare, SUNBURY, P.t Feb. 3. is-'. tf. UTICA STEM! m6? 8V'.:i-.itr.fs liojaiiiLY Woor St ilom.) STSTIOHSRY S POSTISELE Tkc i'.Lvi k ?Iol Ciii:loto Assortmetit in tho ?t,vriat. Ts-o rr,rtr(.fl h ve always maintfiincl tho very I'Vn-'itt siiin i rd at exialicncK. Wo nuko tba la uiuiii..iiir . ( y'.-ivj, YxnUiit anil Saw MiUaa ' i ily. MV h..V's theliaacit aud niKtinrletrt wur.-aof tK - km.l m tluemiutrjr, wiia nwchiuary sp. cu.llv n,la;iasl to the until. 'ki p iiumtjuitly in tuuevw lurnanumtn-rsnl Fn .:iii-s, whioh we fiimishnt tho very lweut pricw and on tho alinrteat notxv. Wo builj. ijii?i!lj ltmiatlvii.laiit.1 to Miue.. 8aw MUU, Uiit Mills, '1 anf lies, 1 - u.a liiiu, lluvalicra out uU cleans of l .eiauLi.-tiiiiinr. " . nro now hiiddius the o.I. Dr.itM Lane i.ln-u- lar Saw Mill. th bcaluild Ul J3t OJUllJuU) kIW rui'J ver iuv.'iiti.l. Wo in ih" tUoTrniTnihstiireof Siw Mill ontfi ri-iual f. ataii Lt' oar '., uud euil furuish C'ee.;.i'ti' nu the shortest aotico. our aiai iu all uu. is to iiirnlsh th tKirt m. chmery IU tlie market, and Wink ut-sntalely un ci juuhi f ir b...oil y nt deuru, ih moiny aud ol rtngUl. b'-ud tor Cnx-ulur uud Piioe last. . . . UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO, VT1CA, N. T. Send for Illu-truti'd Cn.ilotie and L..ainiue our pil.-cs la-tore pnivha'i'iir, as '..v claim to sell luacr than ni-v olh-r eslaM! I.nieiil in the I il v REM EMliEU tin NUMBER. ';:!.' HIIMi1. A. EN .''I?, '.'I.lla.lelphiu. SH'j.f IN fOt R W K E! S C A N V A St 1 I one ii'.i'iil's !nl., II. . nil's Library of Po etry and Souk t a) ' one week ou Tho New lloiisekeevr'ii Manual, by Miss lb-eeher and Mrs. I'i-.v.'e. Auv active man or woman itiu ' a-, an ii'o in v. J. II. Et.RH A CO., New Pork. .S.i-l'in. ( I. .i d .in riaiiiise-o uv. ,lii.'. 1 1 C7- Eteam Eagines.