PiarxIIanfCKS. 1873. clcmn. A. 8te & ft:, g chj bbcrliscintnlB. I V dJ r-f Vi.il Vll &lStlW OTIMMyj Wmivdf WW. Enormous Stock Greatest Variety. . Iiowcst Prices. . Just opened at S. HEEZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, tlie largoBt stock of SPEI -: AM .mUMMR ever offered in this town. 1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, 1500 P.tnte, 200 Hoy's and Ciiildreu's Suits, 1000 Hats nud Carm for men and boys, Ms of 0000 Linen and Paper Collars, 1000 Pair Linen and Taper Cuffs, 1000 Tics, Uows and Scarfs, 150 Dozen Socks, 30 different styles Suspenders, 1 OVERALLS AUD OBITS, Gauze and Merino Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, -&c. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and examine this most magnificent assort ment. . . , . . , . . Xo Goods ruisrcprcBrutcd, no trouble to show f loods or to givo information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, nud satisfaction guaranteed in every May. Herzfeldcr, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Ta., April 12, 1S13. DIAMOND SPECTACLES WATCHES & JEWELRY. mum! . WWULU XVvX wPMMi national Y 8 CM KISIKO BT AST ELGIN WATCH. THAD. S. SHANNON. Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBTJRY, P A. . , WATCIIS,010C.K JfiffELRY AND SILVERWARE. Spectacles. These Louses are mnnufiictured from Minute Crystal Pebbles, united by fusion, nnd derive their namo 'Diamond," on account of their hardness aud brilliancy. Tho scientific principal on which they are constructed, prevents nil gliiuiueriug und wavering of Sislit, Dizziness, Ac, peculiar to all others in use. tsipcrior to Scotch or Brazilian Tibbies at less than half the price. They are mounted in the finest manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles of Gnld, Silver, Sttn-r, Rubber aud SIhII Frames of the best quality. Manufaetwvd by Tho Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. E. Spencer & Co., in the Optical IXmnrtmcut.) New York and New Haven. For Sale only by r. t TUADDEIH H. NHAWO.V. Suubury, Pa., May 31, 1873. NTUIVG OI'EMXG of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Cloths, Cnslmcrcs, Callcoi., and everything to the Dry (iood line, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Queenswore, Glassware, and Wood and Willow ware. GROCERIES. A lnrge assortment Just opened, which consists of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, 8pico, Meat, Fish, ie. The Celebrated Allentown bund made BOOTS AND SHOES, Warranted to give satisfaction. In fact a full assortment of everything kept in a Orst -class store, van ue una si greatly REDUCED PRICES. for cash. Call and see the tin sloclion of new goods, aud be convinced that r. j. by no on, near the Luthcrn Church, iu Sunbury, U the best end cheapest place to buy uJl kinds of store goods. No trouble to show goods. April 5, W3. ly. HM. F.lRKO., NOW CO., No. 3'.'8 South SECOND Street, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLI AM KARMSON, HENRY IIARNF.D. NELSON PL'lill, V. W. CREAUTHER8, Munufnclurers of First-Class FURNITURE. Pi !ii s iiainial'!i'. Pltase call and examine. all Oesnns GEO. EVANS. . E. G. MAKE. Geo. Evans & Co., 014 ' Market Street, Philadelphia, TAILORS aud MILITARY CLOTIIIKttS, Military, Band k Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Ours being the leading bouse on Military work, we fel that we can offer Inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Aug. 24, 1975. $n n 9f Per &J I Agents Wanted I All J IU yU elasses of working people, of either e, yonug or old, make more money at work for us In their spare moments, or all the time' tnun at anyming els. Particulars free. Address, O. STINHO CO., M-Iy. Portland, Maine. Q I S CO Thin Space is Reserved lor the Advkbtisement or PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A II D W A It ESTO K E Market tit., Nnnbnry, I'a. c HA W FORD 1IOI NE, Cor. Third and Mulberry, Uuslucss Centre, Williamsport, Fa. D. B. ELSE CO., Proprietor. June 39, 1873 GIVEN AWAY. A Fine Gkiimam Chhomo. We scud an clegunt chromo, mouuted and ready for fraoiinir, free to vrv ageut for l.MEltGHOl.D or Lim Below nir: SrRricK, nt Tuoa. W. Knox. 9l'J Page Octavo. 130 Fino Engraving. Relate Incident and Accident boy on d the Light of Day ( (startling Adventure iu all part of the World t Mine and Modo of Working them Under-curreut of Society t Gambling aud it Horror Caverus aud their Mytterlc j The Dark Way of Wlckednes Prlsens aud their Secrets; Down lu lh Depths of the Sea Strange Stories of the Detection of crime. The book treats of experience with brigand night In opium den and gambling hell ) lifo iu prison Stories of exile i adventures among In dians ; journeys through Scwurs and Catacomb) accidcut in mine pirates and piracy torture of thu inquisition i wonderful burglaries under world of the great cities, eta., etc, AKnt Misused fcr this work. Exclusive teritory given. Agent cau make 100 a week In selling ibis book. Susd for circulars and terms to agents. J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, III. D Is the most poweiful cleanser, slrcngtbncr and rcinoverof Glandular Obstructions known to Materia Melicu. It Is specially ndgptcd In constitution "worn down" and debilitated by the warm weather of Spring nnd Bummer, when the blood Is not In active circulation, consequently guthcrlng Impu ritles from slugirlshncs nnd Imperfect nctton of the secretive organs, nnd l manifested by Tn mors, Frnptions, Blotches, Itolls, Pcstulcs, Scro fula. Ac. When wonry ami Innqnid from ovorwork. and dnilne, drowxinpss nnd lint la tnke the place of energy nnd vigor, the (system needs a Tonic to Imlld.lt np nnd help the Vital Forces to regain their rwuperntlvs power; In tho heal of Summer, frequently t lie. Liver nnd Spleen do not properly perform" their func tions tho Uterine and lrinnry Organ are lu nctive. prodnrltig wenknes of the stomach and Intestines nnd n prcdispocillon to bilious derange ment. ... rRi WELLS'! , ' Extract of Jnrubeba . is prepnren pirertly from the Sonth American I'lnnt, nnd is peculiar? suited to all these dilU cultics ; it will cleanse the Vitiated Blood, streng then the Life-Giving Powers, nnd remove nil obBtrnellons from Impaired and enfebled Orpins. It should be freely taken, ns Jurnbeba Is pro noanecd by mid leal writers the most efficient Purifier, Tonic and Deobslruent known in the whole range of medicinal plants. JOUN Q. K F.I.I. C)(i(), 18 Plntt St., N. T. Sole Agent for the Unite,: States. Price, 91 per Bottlo. Send for Circular. J25, 4w U ORHnU CLASS Mala or Female t00 a week guaranteed. Respectiibla rmployncnt at home, day or evening t no capital required ; full instructions & valuable packiige of goods scut free by mail. Address, with six cent return stamp, M. YOUNG & CO. 173 Greenwich Street, New York. J5-4w Write for Largo Illustrated Prico List. Addrc.f, GREAT WESTERN m JMITHFltLDSJ PTTTSBUSGH PA. Breech-loadiini Shot Gnns, 140 to :0. Pon lile Shot Guns, to f l.V). Single Guns, $3 to tM. Kitlcs, to (75. Revolvers, 0 to $2r. Pis tols, 1 to iS. Gun Material. Fishing Tackle. Large discount to dealers or Clubs. Army Guns Revolvers, Ac., bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be examined before paid for. J2j,'7S.4w. EVE II Neglect a Cough. Nothing is more certain to lay tho fouudntion for future evil consequences. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS are a sure cure for ail diseases of the Respira tory Organs, gore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diph theria, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, nnd all Diseases of the Lnugs. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly and freely used. They equalize the circulation cf the blood, mitigate the severity of the nttack, and will, in a very short time, restore healthy action to the af fected organs. Wdlls' Carbolic Tablets ore put up only in bine boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't be found nl your druggist's, send nt once to the Agent in New York, who will forward them by return mull. Bon't be deceived by Imitations. Sold by drnggifts. Price 25 cents n box. JOHN Q. KELLOCG, 1H Hlatt-Pt New York, JJ5,'73.4w.Send for circular. Sole Agent for U.S. 30th Thousand iu Press. Sale increasing. 2,000 more LIVE AGENTS Wa nted fiwour I.IVIMiNTOXE 'JS years lu A Est If A titiinlcte and in- over 600 pages, only t'i.M Inc Icrlor works are ouVred, look out for them. f of the greatest Send fur circulars und see proo suecess of the season. Pocket I H0 mailed free. HUBHARD J'j5,4r T4 Snnioin ompnulou worth BROS., Pub s, St., Phllu, Pa. Free to Hook Agi-ntH AN ELEGANTLY BOUND CANVASSING BOOK ror the hei-t and cheapest Family Bible ever published, will be st ilt free of charge to uuv book agent. It con tains NEARLY TOO fine Scriptural Illustrations, nnd sgcntii'are meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Addic.is, ftsling experience, etc., & we will show vou what our ngc. ts in doing, NA TIONAL PULL1S1IING CO., Phila., Pa. 4w. rV NUMEROUS TESTS HAVE TROVED rv X. F. nurliaiu'M new Turbine WATEU.WIIEEI, HM To be the Best ever Invented. Pamphlet free. Address, York, Penn'a. July 23 4w. C"1 A ( XT' XT nn C! Wanted for the Su J. JT lli i, A. IO perb New Chromo "BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART." Just ready, from an original painting by Ida Waugu. This picture Is greatly admired by all who see it, aud is sure to become highly popular. Though executed in the highest style of the art, In order to reach the masses A secure large sal, the price is made much lower than thatut which any Chromo of liks quality ha ever been told. Terms extremely liberal. Exclusive territory. Sold only by sabscition. Apply at once to se cure choice of territory. Circular, Ac, free. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 733 Simoom St., Philadelphia, Pa. July 4w. It I.ocBttHl at WilliamHuort, IH. K.tUUtluJ ma. Thi BF.8T COLLEGE In the Country. Has the best Penman in Pennsylva nia July 25. tw. For College Paper, Specimens of Penmanship, Ac, address DAVIS A OPLINGER, Williamsport, Penn'a. A Work or Ikteksr Ixtkhest and Iktkiksic VlLt'C OCEAS'N HTOKV. . By the gifted soa of the famous "PrruR Pah lbv." Tbe result of great historical research i An aulbenlie History of Navigation and its Man ifold Discoveries since the Flood. Abounds with Startliug Incidents, Fearful Disasters, Lawless Piracies, Bloody Battles, and Glorious Achieve ments ; also describes Diving, telegraphing, Ocean Fisheries, Ac. Over OOTiritrd Cut. Subject New. Price Low. Aiiist Wasted. HUBBARD BROS., Pub'. Sausout St., Phila. Pa July 35. tw. THE NEW FAMILY MACIIIXE. '-TKE EASY RUmK9 w wm m m m The Baeor Is simpler, better made and mora highly finished than any other machine. Sews everything, and I always ready no change of teuslon requUed In sewing front light to heavy work. Agents wanted. Gel the latest and best. Send for Circular. THE SECOR SEWING MAi CAIN E C O,, 897 Broadway, New York. . i JuneSVS. "CAMpilORINE" cure every pain, Ac. Try It. Bold by all druggist. REUBEN HOTT, Prop r, New York, J3&.fw TUB NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and medical Selene. I . . woe W-r I . .. IB i ,i i.i I , BT lrT , km. !.! A 1 . -V . ,. .- Dr. OAHVI'S TAR RUTIEDIES - Cure Inclpirni ConMHmptlB. . Dr. CiABVI.'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Cnuirrh. 1 1 '' - i ' -' r1 Dr. OAHVIX'S TAR HE!WEDIE9 "; Cure Athrnn. i ' i - . Dr. OARVIfl'9 TaII REMEDIES 1 Cure Heart Dlionso. Dr. OARVI V9 TAR REMEDIES Cure Skin Disease. . , . Dr. OARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Hogulnto tha EJver, i , Dr. ARVI.'S TAR REMEDIES Ttcgulato tncStomntJi and Bowels i Dr. OAUVIVS TAR REMEDIES iro all I'emnle Wenkiwsses, Dr. UAHVIS TAR REMEDIES Turify the Blood. Dr. AHVEVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Disease of the Throne Dr. MARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Brotieliltl. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose CoUir-or'-IIayFever" Dr. OAUVIX'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Euntf Diseases. Dr. UARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Constipation. Dr. OARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Salt Rhenm. Dr. OARVIf'S TAR REMEDIES Cure) Kidney Disease. Dr. OARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Trcvent Ciiolorn & Yellow Fever Dr. OAltVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Malarious I'evers. Dr OARVI VS TAR REMEDIES Remove I'niii in the Breast. Dr. OAltVIVS TAR REMEDIES Remove Pain in the Side or Back. Dr. OAltVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. OAUVLVS TAR REMEDIES . . Boo tore the Appetite. ' Dr. OAltVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause tho Food to Diffest. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore tho Weak and Debilitated Dr. OAltVIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Tour System. L. F. HYDE k CO., . BOXiB PHOPHIXTOHS, 19 H Seventh Ave., New Yorh, December 81, 1S72. ly A eousplotc Stock of Choice Scire tiona In every. Department of fered at Special prices, slur Inn the Nil miner seasou, , While makinK alter ations. JKWELKY, STERLING SILVER WfilcliL'g, Plutod (ioods Cutlery, . Clocks, Bronscsj Fancy Good. JulyJS, 1873. BLATCIILEV'S t IIPKCYED CUCUIBER WOOD iTJIP 5 Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and R. Cheap. Tbe best Pump for the least moner. Atlentiou is es pecially Invited to Blntchley't Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be witlnlruwu without re moving the Pump or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and wilt outlast auy other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price List. t HAS. (1. BLATCHLEY, Manu facturer, 500 Commerce '-13 Philsd'a. Pa. Sll.ly THE MING BARBER SHOP 18 THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long lias been j ask history and she will tell you Mcu have grown old In our patronage liable on their mothers' breast To bouncing boy nt play t Aud youth by maiden fair caressed, To stalwart men with care oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting Impres sions of time, and the crash of revolution in circumstances, we stand a liviug monumental memento or the liigcuuity and perseverance ap pertaining to tho Identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style or art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable In our humble capaci ty, and tho sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances aud es tabllshmeut are always wool to inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair t Shauipoo tbe head with soothing care, And color the whisker black or brown, ' To suit the people about the town. ' Then allow tn politely request you to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability uor as some have doue for our use of tu ballot for prin ciple sacred aud right nor uuder the common secret and Invidious guise of enmity t complex ion for the cut of a man's tout, or the eolor of hi (kin, ought not to attect hi asefulnee nor hi qualifications.- A fair cbanee Is all that we demand, to give tbe proof to all tbe land. . JAMES W. WASHINGTON. -" 11 Proprietor. Suubury, April 5, 1873 i No. 91, Market t. STOVE t TIN ESTABLISHMENT. ' MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. . ALFUED KRAUSE, Proprietor. ' l'OCES0 TO HITH 0KNTHBH.1 . ... . j 4 v i ; HAVING purchased the above well know es tablishment, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly Inform the public that he now ha on hand a large assortment of 1 . COOKING STOVES, f lcer' Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and othom, which are so arranged a to be used for Coal' et Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no (ale. IIEATEH8 of all kind put u to beatoueor more rooms, HEATING- STOVES of different kind at very low price. Tinware of Every Dewertptlott kept constantly ou baud. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short' notice. REPAIRING auedd U With dispatch. Coal Oil rd Lamp constantly on baud. Janau war of a .ndi. Store opposite Cou ley's hardware tore. Glv m a call.- A. KRAUSE. p34-ly 4 1 M mm I i LtinilEK AND PLANING MILLS. Thwd Street, adjoining Phila. A F.rki It. R., two ' Squares North of tho Central Hotel, . 8UNBURY, PA.t . - lli A T. "ctEMENTt IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber re'iulreif 1y the demands of the public Having all tho Intent Improved machinery for manufacturhig Lnnbei litis now ready to till or dcrs r all Winds of . , ; FLOORING, SIDING, DOOR8 IbHUTTERS, . . SASH, BLINDS MOULDrNT.S, VE !' RANDA8,' BRACKETS, ' and all klntfs of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn big of every desr-rlptlon pninplyemud. Also, I'"' im' a tsnda snmnh.irf or I i,! .. I . r1BILL LUMBER," -i KMLbCK nhfT'prKI?. "ATo, irrlngk, Tkkels, i-lTik :ii.iui;.j o loathe, dm. "n :. . . i lOrdcrs promptly tilled, aud shipped hv Railroad r otherwise. . ,.RA T. CLEMENT. decl&-fl:lv ' ,,,1,, 1. 14 UOR: SrOREI ! i :. christian Nirr. Second Street, opposite the Court House, 8UN- diki, rA., Respectfully invites the httctitlon of Retailers and others, that he ha on hand, and will eon- tahtiy kres nil kinds or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cognlac, Chorry, Ginger, Roelicllc nnd Otard. i Whlskiesi Pnre Rva Copper-Distilled, Moin- gahela, Apple nnd Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. ' 'I Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E.' Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquor which can be fonnd in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed a represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. l-ST" Order promptly attended nnd public patronage respectfully solicited C NF.FF. Sunbury, July 3, 1809. ly. " SCNBCRy" MARBLE YARdT Fonrth Ntreet below Market, j SUXBURY, PENN'A. THE nnderslgned has returned from the Ver ment Marble Quarries with Bel Too of 1 Marble for .tlonntucntn, Gray e-St ours, &o., &x. He ha bought at such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls Marble, ; which is belter thsn Italian. Rutland Is now j sold as low ns the Mancliesur. ! Those wlio need anything iu the Marble Mine, for Monuments, Grnve-Sfones, or other purposes, '. . will find it to their Interest to call and examine this lnrge stock, ns better bargains can be secur j ed than buying from parties. 'huckstering' round j ! the country. i j All lettering will be done lu Ilia neatest and ' most Improved style, j W. M. DAUGHERTY. j I Sunbnry, Jan. 11, 1873. NE WVORli AND I'llILADELI'lil A j MILLINERY GOODS. 8PRINO A SUMMER BONNETS A 1IAT3, ' i TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. j I An extensive assortment of Straw Millenery i I nnd Fancy Goods, now open nt i 1 MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY STORE, i ' Maiikkt Sturkt, SiBBrnv, Pa. 1 My stock of Spring goods Is unusually large' and varied, comprising tbe latest nnd most nt- , : tractive styles, selected with care from the lend- '. iug importing bouret and adapted for the present ' ; sen sou. j al2,'73. MISS L. WEISER. SPRING AND Nl'HMEK- MILLINERY GOODS FOR 1873 UST ojK'ncd an extensive assortment of !J STRAW, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, comprising the latest and most attractive styles selected with care from the leading importing houses In New York nnd Philadelphia, und adapted for the present senson. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS III g'eat variety, a general assortment of neck ties, ornaments for sacqucs. TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars, CutTs, nnd every fashionable article of ladies' wear. Cull aud scu the new styles of Goods at MISS I.. SHISSLER. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. April 20, 1S73. 1307. R1GHTER&GASKILL, 1307. DF.ALERS.IJf American ani French Winflow Glass, Crystnl Sheet, Rough Plate, Colored, ;EnivmeLd and Ornamental Glass, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11,1873. ly. NE W DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BuUflin, Simtinry, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. WE are now opening an entirely new stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any nrtlcle in our line that muv be called for, wo have also a full stock of all the leading Patuut Mediciues. Finn Perfu mery and Toilet Articles a speciality, a full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other Brushes, Dressiug aud other Comb lu great variety. FINE TOILET NOAPN. a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper whole or ground, Castile aud Laundry Soups, Lamp Chimney and Lamp Goods generally. Bird Seed In large or small quantities, CARPENTER CHALK, ful slock Flnld and Solid Extracts, F.llxer and Pills of t. tt- P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's aud other Piasters, Aver's, Wright's, Scheuk's Mandrake, McLanc's Liver nnd other Pills, our stock embraces every thing fonnd In a well conducted Drug Slor. Country Physician will find our stock full aud complete, and we guarantee to sell as low us the same article can De oougni in ruuancipiiia, choice Wlues, Whiskey and Braudy for Medicin al purposes. OctoWorS, 1S73. , , GET THE BEST. WebMter's I'aabrldged Dictionary. 10,000 Herds and Jftuniuys mA utJur Dictiu. aritt. . , 3000 Engravings 1840 Page Quarto. Price 813. Wheuever I wish to obtain exact definition., I consult It. 8chuyler Colfax. ITvery Scholar knew Ms value. It ., , . W. ILPreseottbv Historian. Been one of my dally companions. John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac. So far a I know, best defining Dfeshnmvy. Horace Mann. rpk peat guide of student of ear ksinruage. JL JehuG. Whilfler.J Excel all orhert in defining scientific term. (President Hitchcock. "I VemarkubUeompendluai of human1 knowledge X (W. . t'lajft, Prea't Ag. College. J A necessity for evert Intelligent family, stu dent, teacher and1 profcsalowal man. What Li brary I eomplcM without the best English Dio tlonary. v WfSSTIl'l NaTiomal PicAwuk DurrroHABT. 1040 Page Octavo. , 600 Engraving. , Price 15. Tbe work, i real!y a gem of a Dictionary, just the thing for the mQ.rou. Amtrtcatr tdttionai MmlNy. - ' ' Published by G. AC. MERRIAH, Springfield, Mas. Sold by all Booksellers. HEADING JtAlLUOtD. 8 U M M E n' A ilttA KOEMENT. MOHDAT, ACOPST 4th, 1678. Train leave iTrtrrlsbtirfr for New York a fol low i at 5.30 and 8.10, a. m., and 3.00, p. m.. connecting with trnln on Pebnsylvnntn noil road, and arriving nt .Jew York nt 13.35, 80 nnd 9.45 p. m., respectively. ' -' Rclurnlnlng Lear New Tor nt 9 00 a. m. 13.50 nnd 6.S0 p. m., Philadelphia nt 7.30, 9.15 a. in., and 8.30 p. m. ' Leave Hn rrlsburg for Reading, Pot.tevlltc. Tnmnqna, Minersvllle, Ashland, Bhamokln, Al lentownnnd Phlladelohla at 5.30 nnd 8.10 n. m., 8.00 nnd 4.06 p. m., Hopping at Lebanon and principal way stations the 4 05 p. m., train con necting for Philadelphia, Potuvllle nnd Colom bia enly. For PottsvlUe, Behnylklll Haven and Anbnrn, ln Schnylkill and Sosqnchanna Rail road leave Hnrrisbnrg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad train leave Rcad L"L Alleotown, Easton and New rork nt 7.80 and 10.35 a. ro., nnd 4.00 p. m. . Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.50 nnd 5.30 p. ra., and Allentewaat 7.80 a. m., 1S.25, 2.10, 4.85 nud 8. 55 p. in. Way Passenger Tram leave Philadelphia At 7.80 a. m., connecting at Rending with train on fcastlcnnn. Railroad, returning k-aves Polls vllle at 4.35 p. m., stopping nt all stations. Leave Poltsvlll. t 6.oo, 8.05 nnd .h) a. m., nnd .80 p. m., Hcrndon at 10.00 a. St-nmo-klnnt6.tM) and 11.03 a; fn., Ashland at 7.18 a. in., nnd 13.20 1 p. m., Mnbanoy City at 7.53 and 12.S4p. m.J Tn.nanua at 8.15,8.35 k, hi.; and ir i Qiinoeipn'ft, .cw yorlt, Read ng, Hnrrisbnrg, Ac. . Leave Pottsvllln via Schuylkill and Suiqne buana Railroad at 8.05 a. m., for Harrishurg, and 13.05 p. ro., fur Plnrgruve nnd Tremont. Pottsville Aceomtnotlatioa Train lenves l'olts vllle nt 6.00 a. m., passes leading nt 7.yo n. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.10 a. m. Ketnrn IrHt leave Philadelphia nl 5.15 p. m., passun Reading nt 7.40 p. m., arriving nt Pottsville at 9.30 p. m. PoltBtown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 9. 45 a. m., Tetarning, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.. to p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading nt 7.30 a. ni., and 8.15 p. m., for Ephruta, Lit!, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. returning leave Lan caster nt 8.30 a.m., and 3.30 p. m., and Colum bia at 8.15 a. m., and 3.20 p. m. Perkiomcn Railroad trains leave Pcrklomen Jui.ction at 9.00 a. tn., 3.55 and 6.30 p. m. ; re luming, leave Gr;cr Lane at 6.00 and 7.40a. in., 13.35 nnd 4.30 p. m., connecting withtraius on Rending Railroad.. - . Pickering Valley Rallrond trains leaTe Phue nixvilleat WJn. m.,8.05and 6.5Up. m.; return ing, lenve Byers nt 6.30 a. m., 12.40 and 4.W p. in., connecting with trains on Rending Railroad. Colebrookdule Railroad trains leav 1'oltntowu nt 9.40 a. in. and 1.05, 0.20 returning leave Mount Pleasant at 5.50 and 11.36 a. m. and S.00 p. in., eonnecliiig with trains on Reading Railroad. Chentrr Valley Railroad train leuv Bridge port nt b.30 a. hi. 3.40 and 5.S3 p. in., returuiug, leave Dowulnglown at 7.00 a. tn., 12.30 and 5.40 p. in., connecting with train on Reading Rail road, On Sundays : lenve New York at 6. 30 p, in., Philadelphia at 8.00 n. m. nud 3.15 p. in., leave Pottsville nt 8.00 a. ni., nnd 2.35 p. m., leave Hnrrisbnrg at 11.80 n. m. and 2.00 p. m. ; leave Allenloi u nt 4. $5 nnj 8.55 p. in. ; leave Read ing nt 7.40a. m. nud 10.15 p. in. for Hnrrlsburg, nt 7.80 n. ro. fur New York, nt 7.40a in, for Al lentown nnd at 9.40 a. m. aud 4 10 p. in., for Philadelphia. ( nmmiitHtlon, Mllruge. Sen.on, School nnd Excursion Tickets, to aud from all points, at r dueed rates. Bagirnge checked through ; 100 ponnds allowed ench Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, (teneral .Vui'l. Rkamno, Ta., August 4, 1873. MACHINE SHOP AND IKON FOFNDRY. OEO. UOIIRBACII & SONS, Kunbnry, I'run'n, INFORM the public that tbev nre prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, iiixl having added . a new Machine Shop In connection with their i Foundry, aud hnve supplied themselves with New I Lathes. Planing nud Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the nid of skillful liuckunics, they are enabled lu execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, I that may be given them, hi a satisfactory mn- ' ner. ) Grnten to unit any Move. ( IRON COLUMNS, for churches nr other build ings, of all sixes, i BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. t Ornamental Iron Fencing j FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS j I vtviti m vn a r-rr VJCiXVd.itlJAXls, 2 ; FOB YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC., AC. I The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, nave oeen still turtltsr improved, and will always be kept on h.i'j l. Aiso, THRESH! KG MACHINES. Sunbury, May 30, 1371. ( ENTER OF ATTRACTION. Everybody Is Invited to runs and hny of .tho handsome assortment of TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. KEVIN'S STORE, In frame biilldinr, adjoining Moore A Dlsslngrr' building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened a fresk supply of Confectiourri- of every description. TOVH OF ALL KIXDN I constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Bun ti Cukes, every mornlug. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly lor serving np Oysters In every style, Ladies aud Geutlemeu will be accommodated with the bunt bivalves in market, at all hour during the day aud evening. Families will br supplied at their reshlcuce with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is de.ir tblr, at the very lowest prices. Cull and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. S. F.NKYIN. Ike 16, 1871. WITCHERY! BUTCHERY ! Mesmra. KEFFEH' A IIOHER, Third Street, opposite Central notet SUNBURY, PA., KEEP constantly ou hand the Tery tUoicr.t of fresh BEEF, MITTON AND VEAL, which Is sold at the lowest price. Mast caujbe had at all hours during lh day. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1873. Tailoring! TalloHngrr CHARLES MAIHL, RESPECTFULLY inform the citixen that he has just received bis Nprlna; aud Nntntuer Good), at hi TAILOR SHOP, o Foaith Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that be I prepared to uiake'up all kiuds of GENTS' AND BOV'f? WITTS, In the latest styles, llaviug had much exper ience In tbe business he desiies the public to give him a trial. . Clothing will be wade up In th latest Pnrls and American Fashions In tb most satisfactory manner. a 1,'73. CM A RL VS M AIHL. KEEP IT HANDY. . Tu RtXJAL8 Familt Midicinc DIARMIIAy ZHsentary, Cholera, Sutnms. Complaint, Cramp, etc., quickly enred by the o of 11 JARDELLA'8 Compound Strap of Blackberry Root' and Eau barb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to lake, qnick ancr eerUio la efJecl ; can be depeuded on iw th must urgeut cases ; may be glvsn to th youngest' lafaal a well a to adult. It contain NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. ' It Is a pleasaul extract' aud readily taVen b ehlidrem I ba often saved life when physi cians Had cespalrtd. Keep It in tb house ami a itt tlw. . All we sk for it 1 a trial. Don': let your draltt PU Tou off with something else. Buy It'. Try It. Bold by Druggists and Store Keeper tbrougbont this at ate. Prepared only by HANbELL BnO., June 14,'T 3in. -am Market M., Pbiladdtpb'.