Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 15, 1873, Image 3

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    SUNI1URY, AUQUST15, 1873.
Ilallroad Tim Twbl.
N. C. R. W., South.
F.rlo Mall, . l.SOura
Erlo Rsuross, 0.40 "
Mall, 11.15 "
Niair. Express 0.40 pm
P. 4 E. R. R. Wsst.
Mull, 6.20 a tit
Nlaft. JCxprcssia.SJS m
Klmlra Mull 4.10 "
Erie Express, 6.40 '
Leave Sunbnry for Lawlstown at 7.80 m.,
and 4-20 p. M.
Arrive at Sunbnry 'from Lewistown lit 1.90
and 7.45 p.m.
8IIAMOKI tllTISIOS, . C. R. IV, , , ,
UtAVl i I ' AB81V
8unlary at 5.45 m I At Suubury 9.38 a m
. " 13.80pm I " . 8.Mpm
4.40 pro I " 0.00pm
Regular passenger Ualn leaves Bnnbury for
Danville, Cattawlssu, Harlrton and Intctmrdlnte
atatlous, at 0.44 a. m. Returning leave Hade
ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrlv at 4.00 p. m. '
Leava Northumberland at 9.40 a. tn. and 4.60
Arrive at Northumberland at 10.85 a. ni. aud
0.09 p. m. r . ,
Accidental Insurance Tickets eaa be had of
J. SUIpmau, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. .
Nummrr Arrangement fbr the Pont
Office at ftnnbary. Pa.
Offlei Open from 0.30 a. m., to 8 p. fit., tzctpt
on .Sunday.
Arrives as follows t
From the East at 6.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m., 4 p. m.
" South, 8.15a. m., 13.16 p. m. 4.10 p. m.
" West, 0.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m., 4.10 p.m.,
and 8.20 p. m.
" North, 6 a. m., 11 a. ro., 8.55 p. m.
Sbamokin, Mt. Carmel and points on
that line, 9.15 a. in., 8.60 p. m.
Malls closo as follows t
For the East, 5. 50 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. in.
" South, 10.50 a. m., T-flS P- m.
" Wert, 7.80 a. tn., 10.50 a. m., 7.85 p. m.
" North 5.50 a. m., 8.50 p. m., 7.35 p. m.
8hamokln proper 13.15 p. m.
Sbnmokin and offices on that route, 4.30
p. in.
J. J. SMITIT, P. M. -
luahuss octils.
..lien Caroline Dallas is the agent for the sitle of
the best Sewing Machines In existence, via i 'The
Improved Oro'ver Baker,' and 'Domestic,'
which are constantly kept on hand, and sold nt
reasonable prices. ihc is also agent for the sale
of the celebrated "Silver Tonirne Organs,' and the
Bay State Organ,' aud for the sale of the
Fraiits A Pope Knittinit Machine. Call and see
tliein. Office on Market street, east of the rail
road. Titit Impiioveii Khovkk & Baker SrWino Ma
cimnk. These celebrated machines are offered
at the most reasonable .ate. Fnr particulars
apply to I). O. KUTZ. Agent,
l'tb.2.i,'73.-ly. Cppcr Augusta township.
Sr.coND hand Pianos for sale or rent at reason
able rates. Inquire nt this offlro.
For Rent. A bandsomo room over Mclllck's
Drug Store, Market Square. Iuqure of II. B.
Don't pay two prices when you can jret Roods
at a small profit. At D. A. Finney's store,
Market stroet, but one price prevails, aud guods
of the ben quality cau bo purchased nt aston
ishingly low prices. His stock conslets nf every
variety of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries,
Notions, Boots and Shoes, and Jewelry. Tho
assortment Is complete, being selected with the
(reutcst cure. No charges nre made to show
guods In fact it Is a pleasure to Mr. Flntiey to
fchnw what a handsome stock ho has on hand.
Ladies and gentlemen nio Invited to call and
make a full examination before buying else
where. tV. II. Mn.i mis Excelsior Boot & Kboo Store,
coutiinics to attract the attenliou of the public
by the excellent Boots and Shoes sold nt Ills es
tablishment. His Trunk department is com
plete, unci every stylo of satchels, valUes and
trunks-can be had at the most reasonable prices.
Ei KtiK. Whcu u youug man purchases a hat
of Samuel Fuusi, the popular hatter, he ex
claim', truthfully, -too, "I have found It" a
fashionable and serviceable hat. Mr. Faust has
all styles of fashionable lints and caps, and eve
ry one, both old aud young, who will visit his
store, on Market street, opposite Monument
Square, Suubury, will be well pleased with a se
lection from bis large and varied assortment.
Now is tiieTime. A splendid assortment of
stove, tiu-wurc, brnns kettles, porcelain kettles
for putting up fruit, glass jars aud cans of all
description have just been received, aud are of
fered for sale by J. B. Reed, Third st. All are
Invited to call aud secure a chauce for the cook
Btove to be drawn. St
iiVal Affairs.
Don't forget to nltrnd the "Boys la Blue"
Festival to-night, is Lyon's Jiall.
A Good Akkanokmeht. The brcukruau on the
P. E. 11. It., nre required to elve tho name of
the station Irom the middle of the car. Former
ly they were allowed to open the door und call It
from the platform a the train approached the
Mit. E. T. Dur miieixer, Mr. John Gartner,
and several other gentlemen Cf this place, are on
a visit to the Falls of Niagara. When last heard
from they were at Watkln's Glch.
More Cakdidatm. Adam Lenker of Lawtr
Tdabuuoy township, has announced himself us a
candidate far County Commissioner, subject to
the Republican Couuty Convention.
Thai. Sarr, Esq., of Tnrbotvllle btttough, has
announced himself as a candidate for Jury Com
missioner. ' ' --
The Dkleoate Ki.wtioks. Theprlmafy elec
tions for dt'e-aZ-s to the Republican County
Csuveutiov, la ilil borough, wilt be held to
morrow, 6.ttuiay,) ia 4 he West Ward at the
)ublic house of C. Neff, aud lu the East Ward
at the Central Hotel, between the hours of 1 aid
Death op a Vaia-aailb llouae. A valuable
horse belauding ta Messra. Mre, Campbell &
Co., died on Friday last fjoia soek-Jaw. The
ta'i was woiin-4 (n it,c s(Ja by a stick strik
ing him, a j'ait of, which reiuulqed iu the flesh,
causing his dm th.' ' ' ' " '':
Fiv prisoners, seateaeei Utk PeniteatUry,
last week, ut our Court, wen: taken to PhllaJet
phia, ob Sutarday lat, by Kx-Sberlir Ileller, and
Win, Hendricks, Esq., of this place, aud Joku
Uiugauiau of GeorjtowM.
Tub BhumoWn Tmet tiar betr considerably
enlarged and mnch improved; Its two last Is
suos give the spptarauceof prosperity. Ill iar.ll
printed, well erlted:, and is a lrve local paper.
We wish brother iiilger au abundance Of success
in bU enterprise. -
Elopkuikts are becoming fasliroaabte iu some
of our neighboring towns. "
Our market Is Increasing.- Tliers vers 128
wagons iu attendance or last tatirdsy. Tbey
contained meat, truck, dee. The prices ranged
a follows-. Butter &ia 85 eU eggs HfVaO'eU
beef 14 30 r Iamb 1 a IS; veal 13ci chickens
50 a 75c ; eatiliftgo 8 a 13e ; huckleberries 19c
blackberries C a 8c pr quart new potatoes 90c per
. builiul, itppltw lOv.' pur peek.' , ,.;
Tn heavy rains on Tnosdaj and Wednesday
last cansed much damage south and sonth-wost
of us, and the ttavet oh yn)e of th railroads
n much intm fcrcd with. On Tuesday the In
habitants ,of Cumberland Valley wcro mnde
great sufferers by a heavy rain and hall storm.
The corn and other crops were literally cut to
pieces, and tho fields laid waste. Along the
Jnnlata there were heavy rains which considera
bly interfered with railroad travol on the Penn
sylvania road. At Black Log Station, In the
Lewlstowo Narrows, a landslides of considerable
magnitude occurred, and Until the obstructions
were removed, the trains on that road were sent
Over the Snnbnry and Lewlstowo road to this
place, and from here over the N. C road io Mar
rlsburg. Tht Cincinnati Express, fast ltne, and
Philadelphia Express were sent over this route,
and were considerably behind time. Ths South
ern Pacific Express trains vest, were also sent
via Snnbnry accompanied by engineers from the
N, C railway who were, acqualatod with the
route. Several narrow escapes of terrible acci
dents art reported, one of which was east of
Lewlstowo on the Pennsylvania road, ou which
was our esteemed friend Hon. J. B. Lino, Deputy
Secretary of State. Tne train Was running at Its
usual speed when It tarn In contact with a tele
graph pole blown across the track, and was al
most, instantly stopped by the air brake. The
unglue was considerably damaged, but no Inju
ry was done to the passengers or to any of the
employees. After a further examination, H was
fonnd that a culvert had been washed out short
distance ahead, which, bad the first accident not
occurred, would have precipitated the train loto
a chasm, and probably caused a complete wreck,
resulting In great loss of life among the pas
sengers. At one point along Red Hill, on the
Lcwlstown railroad, we. were lufbrmod, the wa
ter in a certain creek had risen so that It covered
tho railroad and retchej ths floor of the postal
car, as the train ran through it. .
Tub New Post Office. The hi'oll matter and
furniture in the postofllee were moved Into the
new postofllee building on Saturday last, and on
Monday morning the first mall was given out in
the new office. The building was erected for tho
purposo of a postofllee at the suggestion of our
present polite postmaster, Mr. J. J. Smith; It
is a handsome two story brick building, and Is
creditable to the projectors and the town. There
Is a great improvement visible between the two
offices. The post offie room on the (lnt floor Is
large and commodious. The Interior design was
executed by the Yale Lock Manufacturing Com
pany of Connecticut, and Is both convenient and
ornamental In Its structure. The building Is
twenty-one feet frout by forty-three in depth.
The general delivery Is In front four feet In
width. The delivery cases on each side extend
back ut an nnglc about eight feet, from whence
the Interior space Is continued 19 feet back, 0
feet seven Inches wide, with boxes ou e ich side.
The space between the boxes und tbe walls on
each side, Is six feet. At the end of the boxes
on the left, Is the mouey order desk. Ou each
side, in the centre Is a box delivery, besides the
general delivery In front. Tho number of boxes
is 800, namely, 500 call boxes, 800 lock boxes,
and 2S lock dr.irsrs.' These boxes nru the pa
tent metallic Yule boxes guilt. The wood work
Is pine Inlaid with walnut. The space from the
entrance door to the general delivery is 13 feet.
The entrance to the bacK office Is on tho right.
The delivery cases on the angle are covered with
stained glass.
All who have seen the new arrangement ex
press their udmlralion, and feel a just pride in
hnvtug a postottlee which compares favorably
with nny other In the State. And as the enter
prise Is solely an individual one, accomplished
through tho ludefutlgable efforts of postmaster
Smith, the citizens need not feel under obliga
tions to the government for this Improvement.
Snnbnry cnu well boast of its neat, convenient
postofllee as well as au accommodating post
master, and one of the most agreeable and polite
postofllee clerks that can be found in the Slate.
Violating- tub Mauket Laws. On Saturday
Inst, Market Master Geo. Reun, mode complaint
against Mr. Henry Shipe, of Lower Augusta
township, before Esquire fursel, for violating
tho Market Ordinance by peddliug produce
urouud town, during market hours. Mr. Shipe
was compelled to pay the usual fine of f3 and
costs. Our farmer friends should be careful In
observing the law, which can be had ou applica
tion to the Market Master, which will be strict
ly enforced for the protection of those who ut
tend our market, and abide by the law.
. Rib Accident On the morning of th 13th
Inst., ns the brick masons went to work on Mr.
Purdy's dwelling, now In course of erection In
Purdy's addition, a sad accident occurred. The
teuders hud piled up a large number of brie on
the seart'uld, where several men were standing,
when two mortar carriers also went on tbe same
place wtlb bods filled with mortar, with the In
tention of passing to a spot beyond, but as they
stepped on the where tho others were
standing, the scaffold at that point gave a sud
den crash, and Instantly fell.
The brick mason caught to the brick wall as
the scaffold Went from beneath him. Wesley
Campbell and Jacob Miller both went through
und ffcro both Injured. Miller went dowu with
his hod ou bis shoulder, the hod polo running In
to the ground a foot or more, while be was still
banging to it. The brick, padlocks aud timber
coming dowu with them contributed considera
bly to the Injury. Miller is recovering and will
soon be out, but Campbell, being hurt seriously
iu the head, is tn a critical condition.
Two others went dowu with the scaffold but
caught ou timbers and saved themselves with
slight injuries.
The accideut was Undoubtedly, caused from
overloading the scaflbld as the nulls, 18 in num
ber, were all broken squarely off. Tbe scaffold
ing was erected by the bricklayers themselves.
At these times it would be difficult to define
which is tbe most expensive, a wedding or a fu
neral. Expense is somewhat allowable iu the
former case when all tbe parties feel exuberant
aud liberal. But when the heart is bowed by
the most pressing sorrow, When the vanities the
foibles, tbe frailties of this World are most sensi
bly felt, aud secretly, If not openly acknowledg
ed, it seems boUow aud heartless to indulge in
pomp, ostentatNxj arid hoW.
. .. ' " ,i, vir vi ,.r. . '
Fprt. te ;ioe,aL?of. Ua Morning Eiprte
explains ( oar prluicr baflug iakeo bis ov
ere Bet, and one pair of pants, with 'which he de
camped. Tbla is really bad if true, fltff what bu
siness has be with an overcoat this warm wea
ther T And bow dees It com thai eves ye local
bad two'frttr of pants, or was be asleepwhen the
aforesaid pants were taken. It necdB little
further explanation. . , ,
Tub Mlllersbufg easap-uteotiug will be h61d in
Bowman's grove; about oue-balf mil fro fiie
town and depot of the Northern Central Rail
way, commencing AHjj. 30, and coatluuiug nlue
days. Excursion tickets will be Usue4 on the
Northern Central Rail way from the 18th to the
80tb Inst. Hack will lie hi waltlug at tha'de
pot Ut convey passengers' efrJd baggage to and
from camp. Tents may be rented M for cu.
pancy, on application to A'. DbWob Esq.-M1L
lersburg, Dauphin Co., Pa.
1 Bamcm is MiHO.Barriobr,- tbV grW&t
showman in th world, 1 eomlsg (i Sutlbliry 14
extrlbtt bt I lam moth Show. lis if expected' Ci
exhibit on tbe 19th of September next'.' SVeHV
body who baa learned Barnaul's name'wIIrJtJ
doubt, coins lb see bis snow erwdl aw hmuWlfv
TijR Keystone Commandery, No. T, M. A., P.
O. 8. of A., on their wny to Wllllamsport, on
Monday Inst, stopped off at this place between
4.15 nnd 6.80 trains and were received by the
members of Commandery No. 9. On leaving
tho cars they pnradod through several of tbe
principal slreets, and attracted considerable at
tention., Thsy were accompanied by the Falr
vtcw Band, who were dressed In a new Uniform
of dark blue, trimmed with red, aud with gold
epaulettes. A beautiful banner of the Comman
dery Was carried by a member supported by fan
boys dressed In fall Continental uniform'.
Th bflnner I mads of satin on side bloc
containing n keystone with a handsome faint
log of Washington, on a black ground. With
cross swords at lb top and No. 7 at the bottom,
Tho reverse side Is white, and bears tha roscrlp
tlon. ju gill letters on a green ground "Key
stone Cwmmandery, Nov?, M. A. Love, Honor
and Obey." . ' ' V - ' K
Tfce members of the Commandery, twenty-five
In number, followed, dressed iu black frock
coats, black pantaloons, white leggins, and
wearing a neat fatlgn cap with gold lace, the
uniform sash of the order, and handsome
swords.' - Tbey mod a handsome appearance) hi
tine. The movements were well executed, aud
they gave evidence of bains; well drilled. . Tbey
left a very favorable Impression upon our peo
ple, tad their-visit Is highly appreciated. We
hope that when they pay us another visit, notice
of tbeJt Intentions may b previously given, so
that a more hearty welcome may be extended of
which tbey r la ovary way deserving.
The Great Eastern Cirrus nnd Menagerie, on
Monday last, caused an Immense crowd of peo
ple to visit onr town.'' The streets presented al
most as lively an appcarunce as a fourth of Jnly
parade. The exhibition was very creditablo to
the parties concerned. ' Tlra three exhibitions
were well attended. . In lb afternoon standing
room was In demand. Tbe steam ptnuo piped
music, but we must confess none of the sweetest
melody. - Some improvement might yet be made
on that machine. . Tbe Menngerlo was nothing
too mnch to boast of, wbllo th ring perform
nnces were good throughout. Their horses Wore
iu Que condition, and some excellent feats of
horsemanship were performed by both men and
women. This show It appears has a good pat
ronage whenever It is put on exhibition, which
Is, perhaps, owing to tbcll live ngent, who un
derstands his business tn the advertising line. '
Patriotic' Ordek &os ov Aaitm, The
sixteenth annual State Convention of tbe Patrlo
tlcOntorrJoBS of America convened In the Aca
demy of Music, in Williiimsport, on Tuesday
lust, nearly all the counties being represented.
In the afternoon the officers were elected for
the current year, nnd they have been duly In
stalled ns follows : Slate President, J. A. Ilunt-zingtu-,
of Schuylkill couuty j State Vice Presi
dent, J. M. John, of Northumberland county
Slate Secretary", II. J, Stager, of Philadelphia t
8tate Master of Forms aud Ceremonies, U. S. N.
Crdusc, of Clinton county ; 8tate Treasurer, J.
II.'lIofTer," of Lebanon, There are two hun
dred subordinate camps In Pennsylvania alone,
numbering about 23,000 members. The Order
is rapidly extending Itself Into other Status, and
Pennsylvania is the seventh Stato Camp in nc
tual operation.' -
Camp No.19, wss represented by Wm. F. Wal
smltb und E. Peon Smith. Camp 104, by Wm. P,
Roberta and Thud. S. Shannon.
Falling of a New Bfii.niso. The new build
ing iu course of construction fry J. F. Irch, ou
thp corner of. Fourth aud Chestnut streets, this
place, collapsed and fell in, on Wednesday hist)
while three carpenters were on the roof putting
on shingles. A man nnmed Lyons was Injured
about the head and Mr. A. Shlfc was hurt In
the leg. The frame being two light for such a
lnrge building bould not support the heavy
weight on the roof. Mr. Lerch mudu a narrow
escape, having left the building but a few min
utes previous to its fnlll(f. Tht! escape of tho
carpenters from serious Injury or death is mir
aculous. The loss to Mr. Lcrch is about (300.
Wb loam that the old depot building Is to br
repaired and that the freight business of the
railroads Is lo be removed iuto iu The new de
pot belnj not large enough to accommoduto ail
tha freight aud other clerks. The superintcu
danl's office will be nut In th new buildlug, aud
Mr. Maun, Chief Clerk, and bis subordinates of
the freiglit defartment will occupy the old depot
Messrs. Bowen SeasholtZ have Completed
their railroad contract for the dew passenger
track tn the upper part of this borough.
A FKEsnsT. The heuvy rains ou Tuesday aud
Wednesday has caused tbe creeks and small
streams, tributaries to tho Susquehanna rrver, to
rise very rapidly. The water In tho river at this
place has risen several feet and is still on the
rise which may yet cause consldrubl6 of n
tresbet. '
A. A. Suissllk, Esq., Representative Delegate
from this county, was cbotcn Secretary of the
Republican State Convention, ou Wednesday
Inst, by the Commrttee on permaueut organiza
tion. This appointment was a haudsomc recog
nition of Our couuty, aud we believe was the first
the county has had io any State Convention fot
mnny years W were pleased to se tha Mr.
Shitsler' filled the position with houor and great
credit to his constituents. .
Tub Suuoury Doily hut two reporter's a "Cross
Eyed Reporter," and "it "Straight Eyed Repor
ter." As Brtrttifm Is coming this way, It Is not
likely that we will be treated to Uml-nalls effu
sions much longer.
Miltox Items. The citizens of Milton are
moving to annex the suburbs of that place.
The lock-up will be ready for guests in few
Milton has one of the fhfest marVet bouses In
the Btato, but uo market. Farmers peddle their
produce around the town.
Over one hundred bouses are In course of erec
tion iu Milton.
Tub cry, "bard times, no motrty" is heard on
every hand, and yet from tbe extravagance in
dress of our women and men one would think
moaey was plenty as 1 'leave In Vwllombrosla."
Editor' Table.
As an Illustrated Magazine, ShribnfrU Jon.'.t
ly stands iu the frout ruuk, aud Is not exceeded
In this or nny other country. 'Nautueket," by
Henry M, Bulrd, ho eighteen engravings nMd a
inapr "Normandy Picturesque," by lieory
Blackburn, has seventeen "To .Cauopus
Stone," record of Egyptian bistqry, described,
wHb translation, by Edwin Joliu Davis, has
one f "An Episode of Flddletown," by Bret
Uartc, new serial, Which begins very' well with
ths scene tn the fJblrtea State, has one. ''Mount
Shasta," a California locality, deacft&ed by
Thomas Magee, Dr. Holland's "Arthur Bonuy
castle," Und '"BncohdrUomU Surrender' a lyric
in the Scottish patois, bus each it picture also.
The peetfy In ScHbner Is above tbe ordinary ave
rage of merit. "If. If." gossips eharmuigly
about "My Pur to' h Wilderness" In the most
wouderful Valleys, up ludian Canyon, on new
trail t aud oue or the most ratioual papers on
"Modern Hotels," There I a long paper here,
by Aliifustus BlauVlt, Upon "Modern Blftpti
clm,raud It is to oeWndwed by two other ad
dressed to the ArMrVcad'ChRktbttr aud Lull.
Tbe' rlxtJT'i Far?fD. Tbfl Aigjkf number" 6f
tn:r naeaxio announces that it subscription
list' CSV been sold to'Meaare. T.-H. Arthur Jtrifnn
vbjjesigrt Incorporating if With that of their
. ni be' e
nt tfaw
llli In 11 I' ata rn'i
TTjrar unmt Mogwstu. Th subscrrt of
.V lady's' rleod, tVLreforeVwlll receive hereaf--r11''
Aoim'J('Maar1rl(f it Us cMie".
1 ..fLYlSrlal rtriesn'oVTltf ifct'he fa'dy's
1 rlerid.'wrll be tw--imm im-,mv
Court PBorEEniNns of Thursoat. Com. vs.
Ephrnlm Miller, Ttnrofry. This defendant was
bound over until next Court.
Com. vs. Hugh Whrclcr. Forcible entry and
detainer. Defendant found guilty, and sentenced
to pay a fine of (fSO) nod the costs of prosecu
tion nnd stand committed for 10 days In the
tounty prison.
Com. vs. .Thomas Tonlds, selling liquor to
drunkards. Verdict, not guilty, but to pay the
costs. , .
Com. vs. Harris. TTorss stealing, no plead
guilty of the crime, .and was thereupon sentenc
ed to pay the Commonwealth a fine of five dol
lars, pay the eosts of prcc.utlou, and undorgo
an Imprisonment of seven years In the Eastern
penitentiary. F. A. Moscr, who was Blso con
victed as an accomplice of Harris, wns also
sentenced to pay n flue of flvo dollars lo the
Commonwealth, for the uso of Northumberland
county, pny the costs of prosecution, and Under
go imprisonment for a term of six years In the
Eastern penitentiary;
Com. vs.. Edward Kraft. Drunkenness nnd
disorderly conduct. Plead guilty. Sentenced
to pay tho costs.
Cora. vs. John Mory. Larceny. This defend
ant, was rhnrged with stealing two dollars from
R. P. HnfT. The prisoner having no counsel, the
Conrt npiolntf d ' T. H. Denton Case. Mr. Case
was assisted by Simpson. Not guilty.
Com. vs. Joseph Swarty larceny. This de
fendant wns charged with stealing a sum of
money from Catharine Rash. He plead guilty,
aud received the following sentence! To pay a
fine of one dollar, pay costs of prosreution, aud
undergo nn Imprisonment of separate and solita
ry confinement ut hard labor In the Eastern pen
itentiary for twelve months.
, Com. Vs. Jacob Rcnner. Surety of the peace,
was heard,' and the Court directed that he pay
half the costs of prosecution.
Com. vs. Victor WelsU Fornication nnd bas
tardy,. nn oath of Amelia Trontniun. Bound
over. ,
True bill. Com. vs. Catharine Kerstcttcr.
Abortion. Trne Bill. Bound over.
Com. vb. Isunc Wetzel und Edward Entry.
Misdemeanor. True Bill.
Com. vs. Catharlno Kerstetter, or Catbnrlno
Christ. Bawdy house. True bill.
Com. vs. W. 8. Going. Misdemeanor. True
True bill, -
Com. vs. Catharine Kesslinp. Bawdy house.
Prosecutrix, Flor.l McKec, to pny costs.
Com. vs. Daniel Sullivan, assault ami battery.
Prosecutrix, Elir.abcth Sullivan, to pay cost. Tho
court ordered n bench Warrant for E. Sullivan.
Com. vs. Peter Olgler, cruelty lo animals. Pro
secutor. Jeremiah Straus, to pay costs. Bench
warrant ordered lor prosecutor.
Com. vs. Joseph Biieher, soliciting to commit
nssou. County for eosts.
Com. vs. i. W. Riger, J. D. Killlun, nnd oth
ers. Forcible entry anil detainer. Prosecutor,
Caleb Pershing, to pny costs.
Com. vs. David Allison. Larceny. Prosecu
tor to pay costs.
Fridat 8th. Com. vs. Hariison Ileim. As
sault aud battery. Notguhty. Jacob Conrad,
prosecutor to pay hall the costs, and defendant
Com. vs. John Gallagher. Assault and butte
ry. Not guilty. Defendant aud Henry Buek-
mnn, prosecutor, each to pay half the costs.
Com. us. Henry I'elfcr. AssiinH und buttery.
Contlnnued, and defendant held in the sum of
flvo thonsnud dollars bail, which was given nnd
Com. vs. Minnie Waldorf and Frnnk Waldorf,
assault and battery. Defendants not guilty, and
the costs to be equally divided between William
Summers and defendants.
Com. vs. Wm. Clark. Assault and battery.
Not guilty. Costs to be divided between defend
ant and John Brewer, prosecutor.
Com. vs. Hufrh WIe.r. Assault nnd battery.
Verdict that defendant pay a flue of fifty dollars
to tbe Commonwealth, for use of county, costs
of prosecution and undergo an Imprisonment in
the county Jail for ten days.
Com. vs. Peter Uubeuthal, selling liquor with
out license: Plead guilty i sentcuced to pay a
flue of fifty dollars to tbe Commonwealth for use
of county and cosl9 of prosecution.
Com. vs. Kate Kramer and Sarah Krlegbuum.
Surety of the peace. Court directed that Lnvimi
Miller und Kate Kramer each pay half the costs.
Court also directed that Sarah Kricgbautn be
Com. vs. Win. Summers, Thomas Weiin and
Thomas Gallagher. Surety of the peace. Com
plaint heard, and Court directed the discharge
of Thos. Wcun and Gullaghcr, und that William
Summers pay one third tl.e eosli, aud Julia and
Frank Woldorf, prosecutor pay two-thirds the
reported uv a. s. mum.
Court Piioceeihnos. Monday, July 11, 1873.
The several Courts of Northumberland county,
convened this mornlnjr, Rockufellcr, P. J., and
Nicely. A. J. presiding. To the cull of the docket
this morning, thirty-one eases were marked rea
dy for trial. Three were continued and oue dis
continued. The Case of Wm. McNlnch and Marlon Me
Niuch ys. E. 8. Trego, Ejectment. Ilcmittur
from Supreme Court, wher it bus twice been ta
ken ou exceptions. Thh tlmo tbe defendant
bavlug no defence left, did not make nny, and
the plaintiffs simply contented themselves In
making out their thMe. Packer ami Porter for
defenduut. Verdict for plaintiffs.
In William Lewis vs. James Maloue, Af sum -sit,
the jury returned a verdict In favor of the
plaintiff for over tZM Iu this dispute It appears
that plalulifT avers that he sold the, Major a
horse, aud defendant says lie did not get the
horsey atod the note for which it was given was
obtained fraudulently. Zicgler lor plalutitf. Kasc
for defendant1.
J. A; Cake vs. N. C, Dean, ugent of Penn'a
R. 11. Co., Aic, came before the Court on an ap
peal from tbe deeisiou of A. N. Brice, J. P., w ho
gave judgment, June 1!0, KVW, in favor of nlain
tlff and against defendant, fut having allowed
tbe road crossing ut Pucker street, lu Caku's ad
dition, to be blocked up with curs, &., to the
delrhriunt of travel. Cuke and Hill for plaluifl'.
Bcardsly aud Packer for dofeudant.
This Is one of several cases which' were placed
ou lbs trial At, Had were for trial ut the present
term. After the plaintiff, Wlt brought suit iu
tbe name of the Commonwealth, for it us well ns
himself, under the set ol 80th March, 1HI5, In re
lutlou to public croojugs, bud made out tho af
flrmatlVA side of the case, tho defend ant moved
for a dSmpulsory nou-sultou ibecrouud that the
suM should bate been brought lu tbe nume of
"tbe Common wealth of 1'vnukylfaula." The
Court did pot enter tbe non-suit, but directed the
change to be made 'aud then tbe defendants
plead surprise, and tha case was continued.
These case wore all fbrn cont'.uucd
Jara Potter vs. John K, Seller. A'etlon In As
sumpsit, Verdict for defendant.
Carhorlao Dard ft. tha' EularprUe Coal Co.
Hill and Wolveilou for plff. Packer Comly
for defer . This suit Wns brought fr Mrs. Doud
for 910(000 datsMges, suatalued by the loss of bcr
husband, John DotrO, bo Was killed by the
runaway car !h tlid mine of the defendants
when be wtW leaving work at 0 p. iu., omeiimo
lu tbe year TO 07.' The breaking loose of the Car
was pro'ed'to ba teen causrd by the defect of
wtr ropi'wliici'i was drawing tho car up th
slope;: Plaittllff closed, and defeudants, without
bearluf evidence, asking that a judgment of
: nob-sVit be entered oo the grouud that plaintiff
Had provcu tht accideut occumd ever cue year
before the bringing of suit (an act of Assembly
providing that such suits mnst brought with
in one year) whereupon the Court ordered Judg
ment of lion suit to be entered. Catharine Doud
is a poor woman, and has four children to sup
port. Tho act of Assembly gives the riidil of
pleading the slatutc in law, but It goes hard
F. Zimmerman and F. L. Hordic, endorsers
of E. W. Lorie vs. Johtl Klnse, administrator of
Valentine Klnse, deceased. Action on n note,
given for patent right of some kind. Hill and
Wolverton for tho plaintiff, and Packer and
Uoycr for defendant. FlnlntlfTs Voluntarily of
fered a non-suit. It Is contended that the note
was obtained through frand.
Borough of Suubury vs. Dr. J. B. Masscr nnd
others. Municipal Liens for pavements laid In
1806-7. Brlceaml Malick for plaint iffs, nnd I..
II. Kaso nnd Buyer for defendants. These cases
were ordered nn a special trial, as Judge Reckc
fellor was originally Interested for tho borongh.
One of these cases was taken to tho Supreme
Court, nnd decided in favor of the plaintiff.
To thr Cmzr.KS or Bi'Xksyi.vaxia. Your at
tention Is especially invited to the fact that the
National Banks nro now prepared to receive sub
scriptions to the Capitol Stock of the Centennial
Board of Finntice. The funds realized from this
source nro to be employed lu the erection of the
buildings for tho International Exhibition, nnd
the expens-s connected with Ihe same. It Is
confidently believed that the Keystone Btato will
bo represented by the name of every citizen alive
to patriotic commemoration of the ono hun
dredth blrth-dny of tho nation. Tho shares of
stock nre offered for toO each, and subscribers
will receive a handsomely steel engraved Certi
ficate of Stock, suitable for framing nnd preser
vation as a national
Interest nt tho rate of six per c?nt. per nnnuin
will be paid on nil payments of Centennial Stock
from date of payment to January 1, ltTO.
Subscribers who are not neui a National Bank
can remit a check or post-office ordur to the nn
- FRF.DK. FRALEY, Treasurer.
004 Walnut 1st., Philadelphia.
Children oftrn look Pale and Nick
from no other cuus thnn havlug worms In the
destroy Worms without Injury to the child,
being perfectly VIIITK,nnd from all the coloring
or other injurious ingredients Usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS A BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
A'lW by Vfti;i and Vh'muU, ami ilcnlnt in
McdteiM at Twenty-Five Centh a box.
July 12, lN7a. ly.
The ConfcMstiou ol an Invalid.
Published by a wnrniuz nnd for the benefit of
Young Meu and others who suffer from Nervoi s
Deuility, loss of Mamiood, etc., supplying tho
means of self-cure. Written by one w ho cured
himself after undergoing considerable quackery,
and sent free or receiving n post-paid directed
envelop. Sufferers arc Invited to address the
author. NATHANIEL M AY FA 1 11,
June 14,'T3 Cm. Box loll, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Thirty Years' F.xpt-riciM'c of un Oltl
K ii me.
Mrs Wiiiklow's Mouthing Syr up it
the iireHcripliou ol'one of the best Female
Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and
bus been used for thirty years with never failiiitr
safety und success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble Infant of one week old
lo.tlie adult. It corrects acidity of tho stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, ami
gives rest, health nnd coin fort to mother and
child. We believe It to lie the Best and Surest
Remedy iu tho World. In all cases of DYSEN
ther it arises from Teething or front any other
cause. Full directions for using will accompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless the lae-sinille
of CCRTlH .fc PERKINS is on the outside wrap
per. Sold bv nil Medicine dealers.
July ia,is73. ly.
The Household I'aua ,
Family Liniment
Is the best remedy in the world for the following
complaints, viz. : Crumps in the Limbs and Stj
niaeh, Pain in tlx Stomach, Bowels, or Side,
Rheumatism in nil its forms, Billions Colle,Neu
ritlgiu, Cholera, Dysentery, Colds, Fresh Wound,,
Bums, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
nnd Bruises, Chill and Fever. Fur Internal ami
External use.
Its operation is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes the cause of the complaint.
It and pervades the whole system, re
storing healthy action to all its parts, and itii ll
en i n r the blood.
The SIoiiNcholtl luitui'u i( purely
Vcgetablo and All Healing.
Prepared by
No. '.'16 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale by all druggists.
July 1J. 1H7-.I lv. "
For Loss of Appetite,, Dyspepsia, lndiiestiTn
Depression of Spirits nnd ircucral Debility, In
their various forms, Fcrro-llidsporated Elixir
of Callsay made by Caswell, ILvZAUft it Co.,
Ncvf York, and sold by all druggists, Is the best
Tonic. As a stimulant tonic fur patients recov
ering from fuvcr or other sickness, It has no
equal. If takeu during tbe season It prevents
fever and ujrue aud other intermittent fevers.
In this place on Friday lust, Mrs. H. ALICE
TA'EITZKL, aed 3S years, months lind 20 days.
Flour ami raiit Tlrt:ot.
Extra ruinily J12.00 KM Wheat, p. bu., 1.80
Bticktfhvut, p. et., 5.00 Kve, " 80
Corn Meal, " 2.fil Corn, " 50
Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.50 lluekwhent 1.00
Shorts, 2.00 Oafs, !i2 lbs. 40
Corn v. Oats Chop,- !.tl) Flaxseed, 2.25
Timotlr)'leC(r, p. b. 3.0U
l'roiluoo Market.
Petatocs, 75 Hams. IS
Fl",'s, pr doz., 15 Tnlb.w. 10
KiUter, per ll., 'io t mint v S iap, S
Lartl, " 15 I'll I plei, u
Sides, 111 ' Peach. 'S, 111
.!. !;.-. 14
it :'.) i mn :t.ij.
Druggist and Apothecary,
At the old vslabli&bcd stand ou
Market Nrtif, Nl Xltl ItV, I'A.
Keeps constantly ou huud a full stuck uf well
Dnij-'lflsTs Fuucy Goods,
VAt EN T M E 1 )I CIX KS, O I LS, l A I X T.S
VAKKiMii, iYr.sTrrr,
lu fact everything usually kept ra a well con
iDnxJo sToli-l'
Particular attention paid to compounding Phy
sicluus prcr-crlptlons and family receipts by the
Proprintor himself.
Suubury, Pa., Jim 8; 1?$.
ITUKKCHf KliW llirfKiiTcnr. t'ort.
lanlt and1 New Church Sts., Now York.
Ou the European plan. Rll'lI AKD P. FRENCH,
Sou of Ihe late Col. RK'IIAKI) FRENCH, or
French's Hotel, bus taken this Hotel, newly titled
np and entirely rtnovHtcd the sxuic. Central'.;
loenttd in Oi4 KUS1NES8 PART n(A Ci;y.
Ladies' Uknvi.kmkn's Ihmno Rooms at-'
July 5,'73. mi
"las been lefnro tho Americon public
OVElt 'illlUl Y years. It ho never yet
failed til givo iH-rfoet satisfaction, nml has
justly bfcu r-tvlod the patiaUja for all ex
ternal Vomv'.s, Cut, Burns, Swelling.!,
Sprains, Unisys, &c, &c., for Man and
W(ist. No fvt.llvrhnnbl h R tfVV Hrtv.
Blagnolia B m
Pure Blooming Complexion.
It Is Purely Vsj?(bli, still Its opsrotlfm Is & sril
fcltatoncn. It d'ms stray witli th ' Ar-nrar-aucn
caused by llsat, Katitrnn, sud Klcllnment. Heals
ami remevsi all Hlotcbc s and i'.mplrs, i-o.Hn dai k
anil unnigbtlr sr)Ui. DrivrsawHV Tio. I'reck'.Hs. and
Hunhtirri, an-l ty tta K"atln but p-wurtul ixo
ut) the faded che.-k with
(! .1 ) il rw; Htan. Depc
i.a A'Ark 1 ..
A. I. Vt VM r.KS.
'"Ilonl forget the place on the East fide of
Tmiu Stiikct,ii few doors South of Market, Snri-
bury, l'n.
ISraids, StritcncH, Ciu'le, and all kinds of
AVork mnde to order
t'itlier oift of combines
or straight hair. All or
ders left nt the, residence of
A. 1'. Walters, uorticr of 4lh st.
and rjliainokin avenue, will receive,
prompt altetition. A .Speeinlty in
cither at their homes or Shaving l'arlor.
Jnly r.. 1ST". tf.
Iiiianriitl Kli!i't ol" tli' niilurj'
' Nt'hool ItlNfrtit. Soltirou Weaver,
Tax Collector,
iri. DI5.
June 1, to aiu't of Duplicate of '.'sTl, -.", s;i !
isr:. cn.
Juno I, bv am'tpald Tieu. p -r ive"l , ? 1,11'j V.
June -J, " ' l.'.'Vl :-l
June 2, Ly commission on ?5,tiC0 i f, "JV. ihJ
Juno , by exoneration aud tax retain
ed to Couiuiifionen V)
So'omou Weaver, TaS Collector,
1-.72. DU.
June 1, to ain't of Implicate of 1ST J, $fl,027 01
1870. C..
June 2, by amount palil Tra:ircr per
receipts to tMs date 3.43 4fi
2,f.l S r5 i
To balance due district on duplicate of
1H72, ou whicli the Collector i enti
tled to exoneration and commission
ou whole amount.
Lloyd T, Uobrbaeh, Treasurer.
1S72. DR.
Juno 1, to bal. on baud cr Auditur.,-
Report. $5S
June 2, 1S to cash from Collector ou
duplicate of lS7f. in full. l.-l
June 2, 1!S7H, to cash f rom Collfilor on
duplieaio of 1S72. on nccouiii.. P.tlU
June 2, 1S7B, to cash State appropfifi
, lion. G0t
June , '73, toc'h Couuty Tivas-
urer for taxes ou unsealed land. 2.i
no I
113 !
t'3 ;
io :
S2 I
to :
lS7f!. CR.
June 2, by orders paid. $5,955 S2
" " commission. 105 1 1 e5.S60
"Balance due district.
Suubury School District .
June 1, Wo, orders oulstuudinir.
" debt for which i.o orders
issued. J115
Bends lncd. 5.700
Interest t.i Ji 1, lslv. o.KJ
is;:;. cn.
June 1, l v ha 'uuee In Treas' Ininds
" " ' ' on Collector's dupli
cate less s'ipposed eisniitrat ion aud
eonimis-ioii. 2,100
2,12 10
Debt of District
H. asrFKILlNt.
Secretary Suubury School Hoard
Sines paid lo M. V. Bcnp!nSi; Treasurer.
Julv IS7X
'EriDEiiic jiskas::s
Prmentml by uslnt. UROMO -CHLI UtALL'M,
The New Odorlt as aud Noll 1'oioiUioiis
It destroy ,M bad odors and poisonous emana
tion about your preiultcs, and thereby prevents
toittiilfiou and disease contains n'o poison, bus
no odor, and Is always safe.
"Diploma ewurded by tho imttiam ImIUvH
to Tilkbn & Co., for Rroino-l hloralum. They
consider it of value as beim; non-iolsonous ami
IihmI. nous, and can reeoumiend it tsyt-eially for
iiii il.eal uud t boiisrhold rurooscs w herd
disinfection und dcodorizailou Is called for."
i'llMittoti of li'i.
Prepared only by TILDES it CO.,
1 New Xork.
Bold by nil D.'U.ists. July 2o 4w.
f Si".
without this Liniment. Tho money re
funded unless the Liniment Is as repre
sented. Re snre nnd pet tho penning
by all Druggists and Country Stores, at
2Sc. 60c. Bnd $1.00 per Bottlo. Votto
ivH siV rf bottlo. ftc.
Central Drugstore:
o. U9 .Hurkrt Ntrrot, huubnr.v,
IS the place to buv your
MEDKTXKS, LIQUUKS, and all oihpr
usually kept In a first class Knur Store.
Special attention paid to cotopouiirtintr l'l.i-i-ciims
Prescript u'ns nt all hours iucludlf!.' tttf'i
duvs. CF.O. II. C A DVv'A LLADF.n,
l'liarmaciili.-l '
ITl lilK DISTUICT L'Ol'KToF the Unite f
States of tho Western District Pcnu'a. '
In ItMUkrnptry.
Thu iltldcrsiirned hereby irives notice of h; n'
poiutmentas assignee of Daniel E. Kchns, "t
Wushinpton township,ln the county of Norlhnm
burlund, Slutu of Pennsylvania, within suid l;-i;
trict, who hits been ndliulired a . bankrupt upn.r
his own paition, by the District Court of saM
District. .
Ta the Creditors cf.ald Fanlirunf.
P. II. MO'-'ft'E, Afs!Jnco.
Simbury!jJuly 13, 187. Ow.
1M THE DISTKTcfToUnTo71lt:ii!i,a
States for the Western District Fcuu'tt
III ItMukriTivtr.
The undersigned hereby irives notice of IiJ up
pointment r. itssiirnee of William Kcitz,of tas:'
iuuton township, in the county of Northumber
land, State of Pennsylvania, withlusaid Disti?!'',''
who has been adjudged a Ifankrnpt upon hlsi.'n
petition, by the District Court of said District.
To the Creditors of said Bankrupt.
1. II. MOORE, Assignee.
Suubury, July 12. 17:J. 6w.
Aliiiiiiiit rntor'N Xotice.
""OTICE Is hereby piven that Letters of .VI
v miiiistration Imvint; be a urati:cd to i In
undersigned, on iho estate of Jeremiah Fa; r -worth,
lute of the borough of Suubury, Noil 'i-.
uintierlaiul county, Pa., deceased. All pcrsoi a
indebted to said i.-tat-. arc requested to make
mediate payment, and those having claims i
present them iliilv authenticate! for ett!en-t.1i
Sni'i iry, July 6. 173'. Ot.
!lu.i:i; iv
merieini mill f.iiriioiu
IVrlV---1 (; 'tiu-icH a;il i;jr
Watches and Jciveli v ucally repaired and aar
Market SMUarc, SUVBl'RY, i;.
Feb. !). iS72.-tf.
' ' J
ir.-iirr'tiiii'- '' J,T1lt'lnr 1'
J?"Sfcu"J (FoausaLT Wooo & t.
Steam Engines,
Tke Bf k Jtott hp1o( Assortmont
Tht Fnffinta bare 1wat maintain Vl tho ttt
liitfTet iiiudrd of exut'lumiw. W nikf t;i
imuiufiis'tui'e of EiUfino. HiIpm anJ Rnw Millt
pHcwltT. V6n have thilun:ett aud moativiup.i l
work of t! kiud ia Uiepuuntry. wiiu mociausi t
jHriallT dptttl to thd wftrk .
"We klp cotmUntljr in protn Urp nuratxT
Kiufiut-, wliioh wo f uniinh at tb very lywent j-i-wu
uT on tho fehortiMt notice. W build niH.D
upeeiiiliT lulnpttsi to Minw, 8w MilU, Orit M ill s
TauiuTtct. C'utum Urn, Thnvher Mod &Ul1uh i
of miumfttcturmtf.
"W re now buiU1in tbe (vlmf Tn rirri--lnr
buw Mill, the Ut und uumI iumolt4 mw m-.
vtr in vent fd.
We in tkr Um mAnufaHnw of Biw Mill out t t j
Twfiril ftMtnm of out l-ivtintMS, uud ouu finis :i
fiwrjlet on th hitr',f noti. t - -.
Our nun iu h!1 uiw.. u to furnlbh tha boat Ui.-
cliiuary m tho ni trkt, and work ul)lutvly u-quU-U
firbtaity ufdi'siirn.eoimoiuy and tttriufe'i h.
bc-ud fur Circular aud l'rioe Liu
4 VWA4r UrtT liiVt-t
Send for Illuetrale l t'.italouo und examine,
our piiees before purelmi-iiin, an we claim lo sell
lower limn any oilier urtabliriimvi.. ju U.c City.
ItKMEMHEK tbe XlMliF.K.. ,
I'JSU l!IDtiEAVKSl"E, I'bilndelpbia.
was one aneut's prolit on Hryai.t's Library of l'o
etry and ISoni; f70 in one'week on Tbe New
llousrkepr' Manual, by Mis beeelier uud
Mis. Utowe. Any active man or woman can
bave no aceney. J. h. I'ORl) A CO., New Fork,
Boston, Chicago aud ban I'rauclsco. lw. .lu"