UsnllawciiS. Sci .bljfttistracnls. , j pclo Itbbcrllscmfnts 1873. Enormous Stools Greatest Variety. Lowest Prices. Just opened at S. HERZFBLDER'S Popular Clothing Store.; ,,:.;,'f ihc Inrgosl stock of cVcr offered in this town. 1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, lo00 Pants, 200 Hoy's ami Children'. Suits, 1000 Hats ami Caps for wen and boys, 111(11 Ms of all DescriDtious, 5000 Linen and Taper Collars, 1000 Pair Linen aud Taper Cuds, 1000 Ties, Bows and 9 Scarfs, 150 Dozen Socks, 30 different stylus Suspenders, 200 OVBBALLS AND OVERSHIRTS, Cause and Merino Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is respectfully invited to call and examine this most magnificent assort ment. Vo Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will he offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed in every way. fflerafcldcr, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Suubury, Ta., April 12, 1873. DIAMOND SPECTACLES, WATCHES & JEWELRY. SVN KISINO BY AX ELGIN WATCH. THAD. SHAM1IOK, Corner Market and Third Streets, SUNBURY.-PA.;, DKA1.EU IN WATC1IES.CL0CKS, JKWELKY AND SILVERWARE. ' ..Spcotacles. Tlieso Lenses are manufactured from Minute Crystal Pebbles, united by fusion, and derive their namo "Diamond," ou aeeount of their hardness aud bri!lianey. Tlie beientilio principal on which they are, constructed, prevents all glimmering and waverinn; of Silit, Dizziness, &c, peculiar to all others in use. .Superior to Scotch or Hrazilian Pebbles at less thau half the price. They are uiuuuted iu the lint st manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles of Gald, Silver, Steel, P.ublx-r and Shell Frames of tho best quality. lauuiaciuri u oy i ne j)eneer i optical iManuiactunns; Company. (Successors to J. il. njieneer cc ud., in tne optical lh Opt i' or saic only uy Sunbury, Ta., May 31, 1873. Nritl(l Ol'KMMl , - . . of DltY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Cloths, C'assimcres, Cullcos, and everything lu the Dry Good lluo. C'AIirETS AND OIL CLOTTIB. Queen. ware, Glansw are, aud Wood aud Willcuv lllre. GROCERIES. A large assortment Just opened, which consists i.f Tea, Cotfe, Sugar, Molns, Spices, Meal, Fioli, iio. 'flu Celebrated Alleotown baud made BOOTS AND SHOES. Warranted to give satisfaction, lu fact a full assortment of everything kept m a li rat-class store, vau v uua at greatly KEDUCED ritlCES. for cash.- Call and see the Cue saloetioo of uvv goods, and txt couriuced that V. J. UYKOD'M, near the Luthern Church, lu Sunbury, Is the best and cheapest place to buy all kiuds of store goods. No trouble to show goods, April 5, 1S73. ly. MM. FA It SON, SON V to., No. 'J-'8 South SECOND Strict, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLIAM FAtlMSON, HF.NKY IIAHNED. NELSON Pl'GlI, W. W. CRK.AL THEUS, Manufacturer of First-Cluss rUKMTLT.E. I'lico i' .v.oiiaMe. l'lia-e v.ill u ml ei.iniiuc. i partment.) New York nnd New Haven. Til. 4 DDE I'M S- SIIA.WO.V. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 1114 Market Street, l'hilaclelphia, TAILOKS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Hand A Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application, Our being the leading house ou Mlll'.ary work, we feel that we can olfer luducemeut which euu not Le nttalued anywhere else. Aug. 'J4, 1SW3. !"i I $9f per dMy! Agents Wanted t All tpiJ 10 QyJ classes of working people, of cither sex, young or old, luuko uioi money at work for us iu their spare moments, or all the time' than at anything else. Particulars free. Address, U. STINSON A CO., Sil ly. I'ui lluu;l, Maine. ffl J ss 89 rblst Kpurc 1st lJoKCrvcd Tor the AUVKHTISRJIKNT OP PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A It I) WAKE STOIi E 5Iarket St., Nmibrirj, lu. C K- WI'OIIO IIOI SF., Cor. Third and Mulberry, liuslnucs Centre, Wiliinmsport, Pa. D. B. ELSE A CO.. Proi.rletor. June 2J, 1873. GIVEN AWAY. A Fink Gfkman Ciikomo. We acud an elegant chroiuo, mounted and ready lor framing, free to every agcut for L'XDEItfiltOlaD or Live Below iiir Si iivalk, bt Tiios. W. Knox. Hl'J Pages Octuvo. IM Fine Engravings. Relate Incidents and Accidents bsyond the Light of Day i Starlliug Adventure iu all parts of the World i Mine and Mode of Working them Under-vreuts of Society t Gambling and its Horror ( Cuverus aud their Mydcrle Th Dark Way of Wiekeducs i Prlsua aud their Secret Down In the Dcptbsof the Sea Strange Stories of the Detection of crime. The book treats of experience with brigands nights in opium deu aud gambling hell ; life lu prisou i Stories of exllu adventures among la dian t Journey through Sewsrs and Catacomb; accidents lu mines pirate and piracy torture of the iuqulsitiou wonderful burglarie j under world of the great citlea, etc, eta, Agent) Mauled fortbls work. Exclusive tcritory given. Agents can uiake 1100 a week iu selling tills book. Soud for circular aud term to agents. J. H. Ill KK A HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, III, I.T Is Uio must pnwcilnl clcunfcr, Islrongtbncr ami remover of Glandular Obstructions known to Materia Mclra. I It I aporlaUy ndgpted to constitutions "worn down"nnfl debi itnlcd by the warm her of Spring nnd dimmer, when tlio blood la not In active circulnfioveonscqucntly Blithering Impu rities from slng-jls-hnca nnd Imperfect notion of the secretive orpins, nnd Is manifested by Tu mors, Ernptions, Blotches, Boils, Pestnlcs, Scro f lit, Ac. i When wenry snd lunqnid from nvorwor, a-nd dullness, drowr.lnc nnd liutln tnkc the place of energy and vigor, the leystem needs a Tonle to up nnd help the Vital Forces to regain their rcctipcrntlvs power; In the heal of Summer, frequently Jtho Liver nnd Spleen do not proiierly perform" their func tions j the Uterine nnd Urinary Organs uro in active, producing weakness of t lie stoinich and intestines und a prejlspoeilion to bilious derange ment. DR: WELLS' i Extract or Jurnlirbn Is piepnrp.ii plreetly from the South American riant, nnd Is pecu'linry stilted to nil theso dilll cultlcs ) it will demise 'the Vitiated lllood, strotig then the Life-Giving Power, nnd remove all oh-itrncllons from impaired nnd cnfubled Orpins. It should be freely taken, ns Juruheba is pro noaneed by medical writers the most efficient 1'urilicr, Tonic mid Deobstructrt known in the whole range of nieiliclnal plants. JOHN tj. KELLOGG. 18 rintt St., N. T. Sole Agent for the United Hates. Trice, 1 per Bottle. Send for Circular. J25, 4w itYOUKIXG CLASS Male or Fcina'.e SCO a week guaranteed. Respectable ciivployncnt nt home, day or eveiilnirs no capital required ; full instructions A valuable package of goods sent freo by mall. Address, with "six cent return stamp. M. TOUNGACO. 173 Greenwich Street, New York. J2f-4w I Wiltc for Large Illustrated Price List. Address, GROT WKTERM WGUH Wrw . 'SHIITHriF.lDSr FiTTSBL'RCH PA. llrpcrh-loading Shot (inns, f 40 to 30(). Dou ble Shot Guns. to !i. Mm;lr (inns, ?3 to -.'0. Killes, f-h to 75. Revolver. $d to $25. Pis tols, il to ?S. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle. Large discount to dealers or t'lulw. Army (inns Ilevolvirs, Ac., bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. 1). to be examined before paid for. J-J.V7a.4w. N K v r. It Neglect ft Cough. Nothing Is more certain to lay the fouudntlnn for futme evil conscqiiencas. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS nrc ft sure cure for all diseii-s nf the Respira tory Onrnns, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, liph thnriii, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, DryHess of the throat, Windpipe, or Broueliiul Tubus, and all Diseases oT the Lung. In all pases of sadden cod. however taken, these Tablets should be pioinptly nnd freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, in u very short time, restore healthy action to the af fected organs. Wdlls' CartMjllc Tablets arc put np "!.v blue boxes. Take no bubntiutes. If thry i'uu't be found nt your druggist's, send nt once to the Agent in New York, w Uo will forward thcin by return until. Bon't be deceived by Imitations. Sold bv drnggists. Price 25 cents a box. JOHN Q. KELLOCti, IH Hlntt-st New Voik, JJ5,'7:i.4w.Scnd for circular. Sole Agent for V. 8. 3'itu Tkousanl in Pn-s. Sale Increasing. 2.000 more LIVE AGENTS Wanted for our MVIXtsM OSK years In Al'KIC'A over b. 10 pages, only ?'J.5i) lucamnii'ti) mid in terior wik are oll'ered, look out for them. Send for circulars and sec proof of t he greatest success of the season. Pocket Companion worth 10 Ilt'BHAKI) BROS., Pub', jJ5,4w 7'JH Sausoni St., Pliila, Pa. Froo t7ltok igeiitM AN ELEGANTLY BOUND CANVASSING HOOK for the best .lid elunpe.-t Family Bible ever published, will be sent free of eliaigc to any book iigcut. It con tains NEAKI.V TOO flue Scriptural Illustrations, and iigentsjire meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Addici-s, stating cxeiienec, etc., A: we will show vou what our age ts are doing, NA TIONAL PUJ.LISIIINU CO., Phila., P.i. 4w. V NI MEUOUS TESTS IIAVEPItOVF.D 7y !V, 1 ntirbHut'sj new TiirViiit 1 avatj-:u:wiiei:l Hi To be the Best ever Invented. I-H Pamphlet free. Address, Yoik.Venn'u.K . Julyi'5-4w. K ri T7 T m Ct Wanted for tba Sn. IX. VX lit i- L k5 perb New Chrouio "DLF.S-SED AUE THE ri'KE IN IIEAIIT." Just ready, from au originul painting by Ida Waugh. This picture is greatly admired by all who sec it, and is sure tot-eeome highly popular. Though executed in the highest btyie of the art, In GTdurto reach the masses X secure large sales. the price is made much lower than thatut w hich nny Curonio tf like quality has crer been sold. Terniii extremely liheral. Exclusive territory. ' Sold only by nubstipiion. Apply ut once to se cure choice of teriitorv. Circulars, Ac., free. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, 7iia Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. July 4w. Iui-uieJ Kt WllHuiiiNporl, l'n. AVuM.-.V,! 1SC0. The BEST COLLEGE in the Country. Has the best Penman lu Pennsylva nia. July 'J.I. 4w. For College Paper. Specimens of Penmanship, Ac., address DAVIS OPL1NGE11. WilliamsHirt, Penu'a. A Woiik OF I.Mr.VPK Inti kest anu Intiiinsic Vai.t-K. 0(XIS'N.MOKV. By tlic gifted ou of tlie famous "Pk.tru Par ley." The result of great historical research : An authentic History of Navigation and It Man Hold Discoveries since the Flood. Abounds with Startling incidents, Fearful Dlsusters, Lawless Piraeics, Bloody Butties, and Glorious Achieve ment t nl descriK-s Diving, Telegraphing, Ocean Fisheries, Ac. Over SOO Spirited Cuts. Snbleet New. Price Low. Aukmh Wanteii. HUBBARD BROS., Pub's. Sansom St., Phila. Pa. July 25. 4w. Till: SK1V FAMILY MACHINE. '.THE Utr WMHIHa SEGOR The S.ieor Is simpler, better mado aad mora highly Anlslied thau any other machine. Sew everything, and t alway ready no change of tenslou requUed in lewlng from light to heavy work. Agent wauted. Get the latest and best. Send for Circular. THE 8ECOR SEWING MA CAIN K CO,, U7 Broadway, New York. June ,'T3. 4w. "CAMPIIORINE" cure every pain, Ac. Trv It. Sold by all druggist. REUBEN HOYf, Prop'r, New York, Jv'JS.-tw g NEW DISCOVERY In Chemical and Medical Selene. 5 w m sL s 2 - ft Tr. KARTTX'S TAR REitlEDIKS . Cure Incipient Consumption. Dr. GARVIVS TAR RK.TIEDICS Cure Catarrh. lr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Asthma, i Hr. GARYI.VS TaR REMEDIES - Cure Ile:irt Disrate. Ir. GAHVEV'S TAR REMEDIES Cure Skin Diseases. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Kcguluto tho Uvor. 5r. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Kcgulate the Stoinndl and IIOWClS Dr. GARVI'S TAR REMEDIES Cure nil Female Weaknesses. Dr. iAItVI'S TAIC REMEDIES Purify tho Blood. Dr. GAR VI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Diseases of the Throat. Dr. GARYI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure Dronrhitis. Dr. GARVIiVS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose "oId,"or "Ha j Fever" Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Eim? Diseases. Dr. GARYIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Constipation. . Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Salt Rhenm. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevnit Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent 3Ialuriiis Fevers, Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Ileiuovo Puin ill the Breast, Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Remnvo Pain in tlio Side or Back. Dr. GARYI VS TAR REMEDIES Aro a Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Appetite. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore OioVVonk and Debilitated Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. I. F. HYDE Ac CO., SOU FfiOPXUSTOXUSf 103 Seventh Ave., yew York, December 21, 1H72. ly A eofaplete Stock of Choice Scire lions in every Department lrred at Spct-lul prices, dur ing the Summer nchmou. While mukiiiK alter at ions. JEWKLTi V, STERLING SILVER Walehes, I'luteil (roods Cutlery, Clocks, It ron wm A' Fancy Goods. Julv 12. lS7:i. BLATCLI LEY'S I IMPROVED CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP $ Tasteless. Durable, Efficient and !U Cheap. 1 ho best rump for the least moner. Attention is es pecially invited to Blntchley' Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, w hich ruu be wiilidiawu without re moving the Pump or disturbing the Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never crack6 or scales, and will outlast aur other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send lor Catalogue and Price List. CHAS. G. BLATCHLF.Y, Manu facturer, 506 Commerce ''ig Phllad'n. Pa. S14,ly THE K1G IIABIIEK SHOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; usk history and she will tell you Men have trrown old In our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To liouncing boy at play j And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting Impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutlou ia circumstances, wo stand u living monumental memento of the Ingeuuity and perscverauce ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, nud aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable iu our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliance und es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut aud comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing cure. Aud color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Thea allow me politely request you to slop. And uot go past nor from around onr shop. To gel shaved ou the basi of ability nor n some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor uudcr tho common secret aud invidious guise of enmity le complex ion for the cat of a mau's coat, or the oolor of hi skin, ought not to atfect hi usefulness nor hi qualifications. A fair chance is ull that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. . JAMES W. WASHINGTON, r Proprietor. Suubury, April 5, 1873) No. 91, Market tt. STOVE TIN ESTABLISHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. rCCt!BOB TO IM1VH GKNTtlEK. j HAVING purchased the above woli known es tablishment, Mr. Kntuse would respectful ly iiiiortu the public that he now ha on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVEti, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Rerolviug Top, Combination, Susquehuuna aud others, which are to arranged a to lie used for Coal or Woed, aud are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no !. HKATsCKtt of all kind put up to heat one or more roods. UKATINU STOVES of d life rent kind at very low price. Tlawar of Every Description kept constantly on band. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal OU r d Lamp constantly on hand. Japan ware of a md. Btor opposite Conley' hardware store. Give nie a call. A. KRAUSE. jd'J4-ly EtJMBF.R -AKD PEAXIXG MI M.S. Thk d Street, adjoining riilln. A Erie R. R., two Squnres North of fhe Cfirtral Tlntel, '' SUNBURY, TA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved mnehincry for manufacturing Lunbcr, hels soar readj- to till or ders f all klnfls -of FLOOUINO, SIDINO, DOORS SHCTi'ERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, 11RACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Bcrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AHOIt ASSOKTMKUT of . BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Order promptly lilled, ntid hlpted by Rnilrond or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dncltl-OHilr El (III OR STOKE! CTIRI8TIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court Honse, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailer and others, that ho has on hand, and will con stantly keep all kiuds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pnre Brandies: Cognlnc, Cherry, Olnarr, Rochelleand Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Monu gahela, Apple aud Nectar. PURE HOLLAND CIN I Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port mid Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rom, Brown Stoat and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Liquors which can be found In the city mnrkcts, which will be sold nt Whole sale .and Retail. Every article guaranteed ns represented. Also,, large lot of DEMIJOHNS ami BOTTLE8, always ou hand. Hf" Orders promptly attended 'o, nnd yubllc pntronngo respectfully solicited C, NF.FF. Sunbury, July 3, ISfiiJ. ly. SIXIH'RY JI lllBIiK YAK fourth Street below Market, 8UXHUKY, PEXN'A. rilHE undersigned has returned from the Vcr- JL iiiout Marble Quurrlcs with 50 Tons of Marble lor 'i. Mouuiiieiits, Grnve-StoncH. &c., &c. He has bought nt such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, for les money, than heretofore. The best Sulliorluiid Falls Marble, which Is better than Italian. Rutland Is now sold ns low as tlie Matuhtflc r. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other p'ir oses, will find It to their interest to call and examine this largo stock, as better bargains can h secur ed than having from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done In the neatest nnd most Improved stvle. W. M. DAUGHERTT. Sunbury, Jan. 11, lb7;i. . i: 11, V O It Kt , t I'll 1 1. A It E 1, 1 1 1 1 A JIILM.Nr.KV GOODS. SPRING A SUMMER BONNETS Oc K A TS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIM.t ED. An extensive assortment of .Straw MiUVnery nnd Fancy Goods, now n M MISS L. WEISEU'd MILLINERY STORE, MAIIKKT pTItl'.ET, St'EiSL'ttV, l'A. My stock of Spring goods is unuually Urge and varied, comprising the latest nnd most at tractive styles, selected w-hh care frnm the lead ing importing houM-s and adapted for the present season. nl'J.'TS. MISS L. WEISF.R. SI'KIXG AXI NCMNEIC- M1LLINERY GOODS FOR 1S73 J UST opened au extensive assortment of STRAW, MILLINERY AND FANCY COOPS, comprising the latest and most attractive styles selected with eare from the leiidimr importing houses In New York and Philadelphia, and adapted for the present season. RIBBONS AND FLOW ERS iu fj'at vaii'-ty, a general assortment of neck lies, ornament fot sacques. TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars, Cull's, and every fashionable article of ladles' wear. Call and see the new styles of Goods nt MISS L. PHISSI.F.Il. Market Square, Suubury, Pa. April 2fi, 1S73. 1307. RIGHTER & GASKILL, 1 307. DGALF.IIS.IK American anH French. Wow Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rough Plate, Colored, ;Ens.meUd and Ornamental Glass, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11.JK73. ly. NE W DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, dement House Bjiii, ambry, Fa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. JR are now opening an entirely new stock ot DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and urc prepared to supply nny article In our line that ntav be called for, we have also a full stock of all the leading Patent Medicines. Flue Perfu mery and Toilet Articles a speciality, a full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe nnd other Brushes, Dressing and other Combs in great variety. riXK TOILET SOAPS. a full line Cooking Extructs, French Xiustard, Choice Spices, rYpHT whole or ground, Castile nnd Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimney nud Lamp Goods generally. Bird Seed In large or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, fill stock Fluid and Solid Extract, Ellxers and Pill of t!. B- P., Sugar Coaled, Streuplheuing, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's nnd other Plasters, Aver's, Wright's, Sehcnk' Mandrake, McLnnc's Liver und other Pills, our stock embraces every thing found In a well conducted Drug Store. Country Physicians will find our stock full and complete, and we gunrnntoe to sell nslown the same article ran be bought in Philadelphia, choice Wince, WbUkey and Braudy for Medieiu al purposes. October 5, 1879. GET THE BEST. Wcksiter's) Unabridged Dictionary. 10,000 U'orJs and .Vcih aol in offer Vietiaa . mWi. 3000 Engraving ; 1840 Page Quarto. Price (13. Whenever I wish to obtain eiact definitions, I consult It. (Schuyler Colfax. IP very Scholar know it value It I W. II. Prcscot tb Historian. 1 Been one of my daily companions. John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac Oo far a I know, beet deilning Dictionary. O Horace Mann. f Plhe beat guide of student ef our language. I. JehuG. Whlllicr. I ,1 eels all other Indefiulng soient'flc term. U President Hitchcock. Keiuarkuble compendium of buiuuu knowledge I W. S. Clark, Prcs'l Ag. College. A necessity for every lutelllgcut family, stu dent, teacher and professional man. What L.I brary la complete w it bout the best English Dic tionary. ALSO Wkbstek's National Pk tobial Piottomahv. 1040 Pagea OoUvo. 600 Engraving. Price (5. The work I really a gem of a Dictionary, jasl the thing for the tull.lou. Anuria Sducnttonal Monthly. Published by O.AC. MFRRIAH, Swinacld, Mass. Sold ny ull Booksellers. trim - KEAW1KU RULItOAU. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MOKIiAT, AlOl'St 4th, 1ST.!. Trnlna leave Hnrrlsburg for New York ns fol lows i at 6.80 and 8.10, n. in., nnd 2.00, p. m., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rall ron1, nnd arriving at Jew York at 12.KS, 8.50 and 9.45 p. m., respectively. Returnlulng i Leave New York ftt 0.00 a. m. 12.S0 nnd fi.80 p. m., Phlhidelphlu at 130, 9.1t a. m., nnd 3.110 p. m. Leave narrlsbtirg for Rending, PotteUU, Tamnqnn, Mlnersville, Ashland, SlminoKIn, Al lentown nnd Phllndelohln at 5.80 and 8.10 n. m., 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., (topping at Lebanon and principal way stations j the 4.05 p. in., train con necting for Philadelphia, Pottsvllle and Colum bia only. For PoMsvllle. Scboylkill Unveu nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road leave ITttrrisbnrg nt 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad train leave Read Ln? for Allentown, Enston and New York nt 7.80 nnd 10.85 a. m., and 4.00 p. m. Retnruln lenvo New York at 0.00 n. m., K.M and 5.30 iu., huh rtiiemcwBHt l.'JO a. m., l' 2.10, 4.i)u and S. 55 p. 111. Way Passenger Trulu leaves PbihuUll hla nt "30 b. 111., connecting at Reading with train 011 Kastlenim. Railroad, returning leaves Potts Villc at 4.3ft p. tn., stopping ut all stations. Lenvu Pcltsvillc at fi.00, b. 05 and 0.10 u. in., nnd S.30 p. in., Herndon at 10.00 a. vi., Sbamo kill at 0.00 and ll.lrta. m., Ashland at 7.1.1 u. 111., and PJ.3J p. la., Mnbanoy ( ity at 7.03 and 12.54 p. 111., Tnmaqna nt ft.15, S.S5 a. m., and il5 p. in., for Philudclph'n, New York, Reading, Harrisbnrg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill nnd Susque hanna Railroad nt K.05 a. m., lor Harrislmrg, and ia.U5 p. m.. Tor Pins-grove nnd Trcmout. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Putts Mile nt 0.00 a. 111., passes Reading at 7.iM a. in., arriving ut Philadelphia at 10.10 u. m. Return ing leave Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., passes Reading nt 7.40 p. 111., arriving ut Pottsvllle at 9.120 p. m. Pottslown Accommodation Train leaves Pctts town nt 0. 45 n. in., ret-.inilng, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green.) nt 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.30 a. tn., nnd 0.15 p.m., for Ephrat.i, Litlr, Ijincnster, Columbia, Ac. t returniug leave Lan caster nt 8.30 n. m., nnd 3.30 p. m., nnd Coiuin biu ut 8.15 a. m., nnd 3.20 p. in. Perklomeu Railroad trnitis leave Perklomen Junction nt 9.00 a. m., ..-, and fi.80 p. in. ; re turning, leave Grjer Lane nt ti.00 nnd 7.40n. in., 12.35 and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains m Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phu--nixville at H.05n. in., 3.05 and 5.50 p. m. t return ing, leave Byers tit 0.30 a. m., 13.40 and 4. p. in., connecting with trnlns on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave l'utltowii nt9.40a. iD.nni 1.05, fi.20 returning leave Mnnnt Pleasant nt 5.50 nnd 11.25 a. tn. nnd 3.00 p. 111., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge port nt 8.30 a. m. 8.40 and 5.33 p. in., returning, leave Downingtown nt 7.00 a. ui., 12. 30 and 5.40 p. in., connecting, with trains 011 Rending Kail road, On-Siindiiys : leave New York nt 5. 30 p. tn., Philadelphia at t00 a. 111. and 3.15 p. U1., leave Pi.ttsville at 8.00 11. In., and U.35 p. m., leave Ilarrlsbtng et 5. SO a. m. nnd 2.00 p. in.j leave Allento'vn at 4.35 nnd S.55 p. 111. ; ! :iv Read ing at 7.40 u. m. and 10.15 p. ui. for Hnriishurg, at 7.30 a. m. for New York, 11 1 7.4'la 111, for Al lentown mud nt 9.10 o. m. mid 4 10 p. m.. for Philuili-ljibia. Coinniutiition. Milrnce, Fennn, Selioul r.n l Exeiiisiiin Tickets, to und from all points, nt le dueed rates. Baggage cheeked through ; 100 rounds allowed each Passenger, J. E. WOOTTF.N. i'tnrrai .S'tti't. RcAiimo, Pa., August 4, 1S73. MACIII.K SHOP AXO HtO. I'OlXIHiY. GEO. ROilRBACII & SONS, Sunbnry, I'euu'n, INFORM the public that they are prepjren 10 lo nil kiinls of CASTINtiS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connect mti with their Foundry, aud have snpplied themselves wiili New Lathes. Planing and Boring Machines, with tlie latest improvements. With tin: aid of sMlil'ul 1111 chanies, they are onitbled to exeeate all i-rder of "v NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be givn tliem, iu a satisfactory man ner. CrntCN to unit nny Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build lugs, of ull sires. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron jfenciug FOR till AVE YARD LOTS i VERANDAHS, FOR YAliDS AT KKSIDKNCES, AC, ..('. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still furtlwr improved, und will alwavs be kept on lurid. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunlnirr, May 20, ISTl. CI.STKIt OF ATTKAC'i'IOX. Kvervlnidy Is invited to come and buy if. tho han'lsotne nsortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moorr A Dissiugcr's building, THIRD STREET, S'. :1U RY, l'A. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectioner! a of every description. TOYS OP A I.I. KIDS constimtlv on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FIU'lT. l'UHE RIO COFFEE, TEA & Sl'U'ES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every niorelug. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, .ve. OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS ! O YiSTEItS ! Having fitted up a room expressly for serviug up Oyslur In every style. Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the bvsl bivalves in market, at nil hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence .1 li the best Shell or ( untied Oysters, as is desn .lile. at the very lowest prices. Call and scemv excellent assortment of gi.ojs nnd ascertain the prices. c. r-M-.i i. IVe. 10, 1871. liUTCKEltY! BUTCHERY! MCHNra. HKFI K1V A KOH I.R, Third Street, opposite Central llotei. SUNBURY, PA., KEEP eonstautly on band the very clu iceit of fresh llKCF, MI'TTO AXD VF.AI,, which is sold at the lowest priecs. Meal caube had at all hours during the day. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1872. Tail or I ng ! Ta i I o r i rig !! CnARLES MAIIIIi, RESPECTFULLY informs the cltixeu tluit be has just received his Spring and Summer Goods), at his TAILOR SHOP. on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mh'V.i building, and be Is prepared to inuke.up all kind of GKTS AD BOY'S SI ITS, lu the latest styles. Having bad much exer lenee la the busiuess hu dt sires the public to give hjiu a trial. Clothing will be msd. up In the latest Pails and American Fashion iu the most satisfactory manner. al3.'73. CHARLES MAIHL. KKEP IT IIADY. Tun RariAHi a Famii.t Mkimciie. DTARRTIEA, 7ysentcry, Cholera, Summc. Complaint, Cramps, etc., quickly cured by the use of J ARDKLLA'K (bmpouud Eyrup of Mlackberry Root aud Rhu barb. Au old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, qnick and certain lu effect ran be depended on lu the most urgent case may he given to the youngest iufaul a well a to adulu. Hcontaiu NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It I a pleasant extract aud readily taken by ehtldreo. It has often saved life when physi cians bad despaired. Keep ll la the bouse and use tn time. All wo ask for it I a trial. Dou't let your dvaler put yeu off with something else. Buy l. Try It. Sold by DruggUt and Store Keeper throughout thU State. Prepared ouly bf HANSELL A BRO., Jooc 1 l,'73-3m. 2O00 Market St., l'hilailJphla...