V gnnburj American:- "SUN13UU1', AUGUST 8, 1873. ItHllroad Tim Table. ARRIVAL AD DErARTrnB OF TRAJUS AT BUNBCRY. N. C R. W., 8011th. Erie Mail, l.S0am KrleiKxprust, 9.40 " Mull, 11.15 " Niag. Eipress MOpra P. & E. R. R. Went. Mull, A.20 a m Nlnr. Expressl'i.tiS p m Klmlra Mall 4.1U " Erie E I press, 0.40 " ICIfBCRT AND L1WISTOWH H. It. Leave Smvbur'j for Lcwlstown at 7.30 a. m., and 4-20 p. M . Arrlva .at Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.50 ond 7.45 p.m. . SHAMOK1N PIVIMOW, K. 0. R. W. t.F.AVB 'I AI"UVN Bunlinrj at B.45 in Al Bunhnty ".OT a m l3.H5ptn " rU5pm '-4.40 pm " 6.00 pm lA.VILL, HAJtl.RTOM TVIMtMnAHhlt ft. R; Regular passenger Main leaves Bunbury .for Danville, Cattawlssa, Hnileton and Intermediate stntlons, at 6.45 a. m. Rcturnlns leavo Hazle lou at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. in. LACKAWANNA AUD llLOOMSnVRO R, . Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. rrl. and 4.60 p.m. Arrive at Northumberland at 10.8ft a. m. and 6.05 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tlcketsjrin tie had of J. Shlpman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Mummer Arrangement frr the Post Office at Nuuburj , Offlci Optn from 0.80 a. tn., to 8 p. tzcept on Sunday TIME OF ARRIVAL ANDCl.OSlNti OF THE MAILS. Arrive as follow i From the East at 0.15 a. m.. 12.15 p. ltl., 4 p.m. South, B.15u. m., 12.15 p. m. 4.10 p. m. " West, 6.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m., 4.10p.m., and 8.20 p. tn. " North, 0 a. m., 11 a. m., 3.55 p; m. Shamokln, Mt. Carmel and points on that line, 0.15 n. m., 8.80 1'. Ml. Mulls close as follows i For the East, 5. 50 a. m., 10.50 ft. imi 7.35 p. in. South, 10.50 a. m., 7.00 p. m. . " West, 7.30 a. m., 10.50 a. in., 7.35 p. m. " North 5.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m. 7.83 p. m. Bliamokhi procr 12.15 p. m. aiiamokin ami olllccs on that mute, 4.20 p. m. J. .t. SMITH, P. M. i .. . 1 ! lusincss locals. Sewino Maciiinks ani Ciittaob OkoAss. ..I ins Caroline Dallus is the agent for the sale of the best Scwim? Machines in existence, viz : 'The Improved (i rover it linker,' and 'Domestic,' which are constantly kept on hand, und sold at reasonable prices. She is also utfent for the salo of the celebrated "Silver Tonnue Organs,' and the 'Hay Male Orirmis,' and for the sale of the Fiautz .V I'ope Kiiittini: Machine. Call Mini see Iheiii. Olliee on Market street, cast of the rail road. Tub lMrnovF.li Hkovkm & Bakf.k Sihviso ttk chink. These celebrated machines are offered nt the most reasonable rate. For particulars applv to I). (,. K.UT., Agent, Fcb.22,'7:l.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Second hand Pianos for sale or rent at reason able rates. Inquire at this office. Foil Rent. A handsome room over Melllek's Drug Store, Market Square. Injure of II. B. Mascer. Wantf.d. A young man desiring to lcaru Ihe Jewelry business, will And a irood silnnlion nt the Jewelry establishment of Thad. 8. Shannon, In Bunbury. Oood references will lie reeinliv.d. Why not secure the best investment that can be obtained 7 The ihisschsIoii of a reserve en dowment will a (lord a cm-li return In 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, larger than cm be procured from any oilier source. For full particulars, apply to the otllccrs or agents of the Metropolitan Life In surance Co., 310 liroacwuy, X. V., and U. t. Yoder, Sunbury, l'a. Don't pay two prices when you can gel goods at a small profit. At D. A. Finney's store, Market street, hut one price prevails, and (roods oft lie best quality can bo purchased at astoil Ishinirly low prices. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Good, Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Boots and Shoes, and Jewelry. The assortment is complete, being selected with the eireatest care. No cliargek arc made to show gnoils In fact it is a pleasure to Mr. Finney to show what a handsome stock ho has on hand. 'J.nilics and gentlemen nio invited to call and make a full examination before buying elsc V, here. W. H. Miu.r.u'H Excelsior Boot A bhoe Store, continues to attract tho attention of the public I y the excellent Boots and Shoes sold lit his es Vaolishmeut. His Trunk department is com plete, and every style of stitchers, vuli.es und trunks can be had at the most reasonable prices. Ffur.KA. When a young man purchases a hut of Samuel Fuusi, the popular hatter, he ex clrrlius, truthfully, too, "I have found It" a, fasl.iouuble uud serviceable hat. Mr. Faust has all styles of fashlouablc hats and caps, and eve ry ore, both old and young, who will visit his stcve, ou Market street, opposite Monument Sqnart.'Sunhury, will lie well pleased with a se lection from his large and varied assortment. Now f s tuk Timb. A splendid nssortmeut of stov! s, tin-ware, brass kettles, porcelain kettles fiir putting up fruit, glass Jars and cans of all (Uscrlpticrns have Just been received, and are of fered for salo by J. B. Reed, Third St. All are Invited to call and sccuro a chance for the cook stove, to t4 drawn. 3t oc;il flairs. Ice Ciilam Festival. Our readers will please remember that the Lutheran congregation at Stoue Church, Lower Augusta, will bold a festi val commencing on Thursday evening, August 14th, to continue through the week. Ice cream, whortleberries" and other delicacies will be furn ished. All ure cfrdiully iuvitcd to uttcud. Last week wc 'Hit lit loncd tho accldeut occur ring to Mr. Kneni, Kf Rush township. Wc are glud to state that it wa not as bad as at first re ported. We learn that no amputation will be neccbtury. J. B. Ikwin, of this place, for a loug time running a passenger eugiue on the P. & E. R. R-, has becu appointed road foreman of engines on the Susquuhuuua Division, Sh.isaoklu Divislou, D, 11. &. W., and P. R. coal cngifes ou L. & B. roads. The appointment Is one ct the best and most decrviug that could be mudc.' Great Eastern. Ou accouul of" the enor mous crowds which are daily in atteudance upon Its mammoth nianagerle aud circus, the man agement arc compelled to anuouuee three per formances iu Suubury, and in all other towns, at ten, two and seved o'clock, making the grit 4 parade at nine Instead of ten a advertised. TX morulug exhibition is eic'ally adapted to la dies uud children, as they cuu avoid the jam of the aftcruoou aud ulght entertainment's,. Races. The suhinier meeting at tho Dur.villo Agricultural Fair Grcmud, V. DapvtUe, Pa., will take place on Wednesday, Thursdav, Fr)4ay and Saturday of uext weci. a uuniocr oi ice ei horses in tbecouulry, have bees cnterod tor )J raciug aud some good 'trotting 'pj-iybe ttfi&ai, The premium run up lo "tl.Sjf'j! Jacob 'iCre mer, the lessee, 1 arranging-1 . sverjrhipg pleasaut to all who may tter.o'- -.zickioh ticket wtl! be issued Rcadiug Rail line. ' by the N. l Csn'.rararid'rTiilji'. Roads', d :ru;;'ti? we'e.'Vf'' tlie Railroad Chahom. Important railroad changes took place on the 1st Inst, on the N. C. R. W. The Busquehauna Division between Ma rysvllle nnd Bnnhnry, and Diinphln and Harrls burir, is now superintended by Mr. Thomas Qucker, and now extends from Harrlsbnrg to Rcnova. Mr. Joseph K. Sharp, former Super intendent, is stationed at Ilarrlsburg as assist ant. Mr. E. B. Westfall, or the P. A E. R. R., has been appointed Superintendent of the Sha mokln Division from Bnnhnry to Mt. Carmel, which will hereafter be known as the Bunbory Division, lie Is also Superintendent of the D. H. W. R. S., extending from Bunbury to Tora hlckon, and will also have cbarjro of the L. & B. R. R. from Northumberland to Nantlcoke. The goullcmen appointed to these positions arc all experienced railroad men, nnd are excel lent appointments. Mr. Onckor will be located at Wlllinmtport, Mr. (Sharp at Barrlsbnrg, and Mr. Westfall, at Suubury. Themauagcrs of the road have chosen fedod, reliable officers, Who are widely known for their general snferBftnngomcnt of their roads. We are pleased to note this fact, and can bespeak for them a hearty welcome on the part of our citizens to onr town, nnd a fra ternal feeling on the part of the railroad men In this vicinity Fim?n.' Ff.kry. Perhaps some people don't know that Fisher's Ferry, with Its country store, dwelling house, barn and empty ware-bouse, Is a place of Immense importnnco. If any one doubts this let them look at our two daily pa pers, eiteh having, at that place, a special cor respondent of his own, maintained, no doubt, nt an enormous expense. These correspondents having crossed swords arc using up columns of matter In discussing whether one, or the other has "Ave" subscribers or "six," at that place. Another Important subject discussed was the social status of oii'i of tho correspondents at a picnic. These arc only a few of the Important topics of a similar character, served np for the renders of onr dally papers. If the editor of the New York Herald should ever come across these correspondents, he would, no doubt, secure their services exclusively for that Journal, and the glory of Fisher's Ferry would be no more, nnd the dailies wool 1 go down and their readers sutler forwuul ot interesting correspondence. TnosF. people who were frightened nt the chance made In the management of the railroad in this place, will no doubt be considerably re lieved ou learning that there was i:o occasion for any fear. As we have stated before we are sat isfied that the managers of the Pennsylvania K. U. Company, who have assumed control of tho X. C. R. W., arc pleased with our location, and will establish more workshops here than we have had before. We are Informed that Mr. Martin Walls, Master Machinist of the P. it E. shops, expects soon to increase his lorce, und that he will have more work to do thun has been done heretofore. lie will also have some sixteen men In the lower shops for repairing uuder the charge of Mr. De Haven. Mr. Walls' position Is there fore more responsible, and as he has had much experience will prove himself comctcnt for the task. Many of tho hands discharged In the low er shops have been engaged to work In the up per shops, and we may expect that all the others together with the new ones, will find employ ment under Mr. Walls, and those who have been croaking will find our town benefitted in stead of injured by. tho change. Mr. Jacoii Snviikb, for a long time baggage master ou the train between Lock Ilavcn and IIurrisburg,was lately promoted to a conductor ship on the D. II. & W. K. R. Mr. Snyder Is polite and attentive to passengers, and will make a popular conductor ou that road. Admittkd to Piiactick. James McDcvltt, Esq., was admitted to practice in the several Courts of this couuty on Tuesday last. The ex amining committee couslsted of Hon. J. B. Pack er, lion. A. Jordan nnd S. P. Wolvertou, Esq., before w horn he passed a very creditable exami nation, and wus highly recommended to the Court by the Committee. Mr. McDcvilt was a student of S. B. lioyer, Esq. He is a young man of close application, and will make a good coun sellor. We wish hiin success lu his professional career. Fiuks at Siiamokin. On Thursday of last week, tho slaughter house of II. L. Rogers and Geo. W. Metz, ut Shamokln, cuut;ht tire caused by a kettle of tallow, which was being rendered, boiling over into the tire. The building was entirely consumed. Loss about 1 2,000. No In surance. On Friday last, the Planing Mill of D. C. Smlnk, in Shamokln, was. consumed by fire, caused by lire getting into a lot or shuvings. The loss is estimated at from eight to ten thou sand dollars. No Insurance. The lower end of this county was visited, on Sunday last, by a tremendous rain aud hull storm which destroyed a number of bridges across the streams and knocked the corn flat to the ground. Many of the roads were made impas sible by being washed out. In several lastanccs trees were uprooted and roofs torn orf from buildings. An Addition to Mr. Clement's 8aw Mill. Mr. Ira T. Clement Is now engaged in putting up three more boilers la his eugiue house at the steutn saw mill ut the river, in this place, in order to lucreuse tho capacity for sawing lum ber. An additiou to tho main buildiug I also being erected for the admission of more saws and other machluery. Mr. Clement's mills, when these udditions are completed, will bo the largest iu this section of country aud ure con stantly running, employing a large force of hand. The new foundry uud car shop of Messrs. Wolvertofi, Shcdduu & Witmcr, have just beeu completed, and are ready to comineuco opera tions. Their englue U 25 horse power, and we will soon hear Its busy hum in lu the neighbor hood. Vi'ofl Will be commenced as soon as the pig Iron for casting arrives. Ot r town preset. ted a lively appearance on Monday last, on account of the commencement of Court. Resides the jurymen summoned. there were several hundred witnesses attending Court. The criminal cases on the opening of the Court j on Monday, had run np to some eighty. ' . ,. . . . Wa are Indebted to Hon. Joseph Bally, Dele gate to tlje CdhKlltutlonal Convention from this district, for three bonnet volume of the proceed ings of the CorVentloo, On onr first pap of this weak' issue, w'lH be found the speech of Mr. Bally on Ruilroadt and Cunals. . - f We direct attention to an interesting oomiim n lea t Ion In another column from the pen of John B. Llun, Esq., givlp?he muster roll of Capt. Casper. Weitsel' company, from 8ubury,wb!oh was engaged In the olsV.Urous action of Long ( !aud, at the opening of our revolutionary war, ifagust 27, 177. Capi.weltzei tiiVa number Jl descendant residing lu our vicinity. HV Freemam Mark, Chief , Clerk or the P. E. (rc''r.tt Office at this dace, has been assigned the wbclereight business at '.els point, embracing the P. R., N. C, Shamokln Dv., p. H. A ,W. . Abroad. Mr. Mann' no doubt at sunie Ui additional respona'l'tv willingly, and .nairunhis . reputation as au,, etflcieDl officer though hi task: be more ouoroul Ceo. W. Smith ha bee: ubpoinled freight f'kw.' r tbe .EmrA'- Line t 9l' pW vice I Vr tUnVlUoo .ransrrr0lauisi6rt. ,r n. x - fuEI-ORIED UT A. B. BRICI.J Court PaocxRDtwos Nuntmrg, AnguM 4, '78. 1 Court commenced at 10 o'clock. Judge Wel kcr having been confined to hit home tfy a severe attack of sickness Is not able to be on the TJcneh. Judges Rockefollow and Nltely .present. The Court r9om prevent! marked rind Im proved Appearance. The walls afo calcnmlned, the floors covered with new carpeting, thefnr nlture cleaned and TitrrJlshod, the ventilators are producing a very ijreai Improvement npon the air la the room. The Commissioners deserve thank for their wrirk. ' r A large number of poople are In attendance np on the Criminal Court. Over one hundred bills of ludlctmcut aro lu tho hands of our faithful Dis trict Attorney, Gen. Clement. Commonwealth vs Gideon Markle. Fornica tion and Bastardy prosecutrix, Mary Wetzel. This case comes from Jordan township. Oldcoti was made the father of the young' Infant, and sentenced to pay a flne of tlO, and $30 to tho the motherland It per week to be for the main' tennnee of the child for Ave years. Com. vs Bridget O'Brlan. Assault and Batte ry j prosecutrix, Catarinn Hester, wlfo of Pat rick. It appears that our friend Bridget assault ed Catharine In the cars some time ago. They clinched, blood flowed and the people on tho train were scared. Bridget was declared guilty by a Jury of her peers, and sentenced to pay a flne of t?.ri, pay costs of prosecuton, ond to lodgo In Fort Rothcrmel for ten days. Com. vs Thomas Nesblt. Selling liquor to mi nors, on Sunday, and to drunkards. Plead guil ty. Sentenced to pay a flne of (18 on each case, and to remain with Sheriff Rothcrmel for thirty days for the three cases ten days in each case. Mr. Ncsbit has been keeping hotel al Paxlnos, but license was refused him on account of these courses. It Is worthy or remark that most of the cases which came before the Court, result from appe tite for drink, and gratification of lust. A good ly array of unfortunate girls, with crying Infants, seeking fathers for the innocent yet unhappy offspring, aro sitting waiting for their opportu nity to fasten the child on the man of their choice. It Is certainly not a delightful task for our attorneys to sit in Court during the Quarter Sessions week, to sec and listen to tho filth and dirt that rises to the surface from the outgrowth of crime In our county. Of course, In these dif ficulties, the Innocent arc dragged Into Court us well as the guilty, and thry as well as the guilty must be, and should bu defended s but parties who can ulford It ought to be ashamed of them selves to ask nttoruics to defend tliein without fees. Altornic live on fees, nnd we thought ev erybody knew it. We cannot but admire the uniform patience of Judge Rockefeller as ho sits amidst it all, exhibiting rare courage, fidelity to duty, and yet great kindness to the bar, and es pecially the younger members thereof. James McDcvltt w.i examined and admitted to practice In tho Coarts of Northumberland county as an attorney. Com. vs John EcKmnn Nuisance Joseph Emcrlch, prosecutor. In tho peculiar construc tion of some of the buildings In Purdytown,some of the back buildings necessarily Join the dwell ings. It seems that a charge of nuisance against one good old friend, Eckmau, was start ed for erecting or allowing to remain, a back building on hi lot. How could he help It? Where would he put It buiV.the back part of his lot t That some one erected a dwelling near that point was no fault of his. The Grand Jury Ignored the bill at the cost Of prosecutor. Our friend Rohrbaek, 'rothonotary, has, among other things In his effee, introduced the two,-; following Improvements which are worthy of all commendation. Tho (me is the matter of llllng in each case In an envelope all the papers connected with or relating to It. This is a great convenience, and reference to tlidflnm ber of tho case and envelope gives nft'fsl to all tho pupcts belonging to It. jtnothcr Improve ment Is the numbering of orlgin'rii actions as well us Judgments to the same term", one after the other instead of numbering the action to the term and Judgments to tho back term ns hereto fore. Com. vs Thomas Foulds. Selling .lii'i'uor to drunkard. This case brought by the h'is?Arhd of a drnuken woman as an offset against Mr. Foulds because he would not sell liquor to jJiu man. Tho husband whose name Is John KcUey, t browed stones at Fould's house on account bf this refusal and was arrested for It. The jury brought in a verdict of not guilty, but Thomas Foulds to pay the costs. The scene ';T this un- : pleasantness is In tht village of Trevbrton. Com. vs Henry Creasy. Daniel Fisher prose- j cutor. Creasy was) iudl-tf d for the crime of nr- j son, in that ho was accused of burning the barn or uu orotiier-ln-law, Msticr, near Mtiloo, some time since. It uppeurs that Fislrcf wife Is a si6tcr of Creasy: The father of the two whed he dlddj left his property to Mr. F'lshcr' wife, and an annuity of $200 to Henry Creasy, the defen dant. This did not tilense ftenrv. cud althoueh living ut the' house of his Aster tie was dlssatls- fled and quarrelsome, drunken and abusive. On the dny oftho firing of the barn, Henry was ve ry quarrelsome and was arrested by Fisher. Af terwards; towards evening. Creasy wus released by the Jgsttce, aud m an hour afterwards, the barn was fired, and its contents, consisting of teu tous of bay, ancT farming material, together with the building, consumed by tho flames. Geo. W. Zelglcr, Esq., did his best for the unfortu nate yet guilty man, but the evidence being or- erwhelmiug agalust Creasy, the Jury brought in a verulet of guilty. Sentenced to pay a lino of 100, pay costs of prosecution, uud undergo an imprisonment of seven years at labor In the Ecsteru Penlfcntlary. Com. vs Stciv.irt Everett ( prosecutor John II. Foreemicnt charge I, irceny. Everett and Fore mini left home together to go. to McEweusvtlle on the second of July, lo purchase) a flag to be used' iu Wutsouiowu ou the Fourth. They went luto Reader's bar room iu McEwcnsvUte, aud while at Recders, Everett undertook to steal F6fettf au'S pocket book, but was detected lu the act. On their way home the theft was commit ted'. Foreniaaa (wore thai he lost (105 and sev eral checks aud notes. The jury brought lu a verdict of guilty, ftcntencod to puy a fine of (5, cost oT prosecution, return stolen properfy, and t'o Imprisonment In separate aud solitary confinement at labor in the Eastern Peullentla- ry, for the period of two years. Com. ts. Tlios. Oruut, mallcloug mitcM?, on ok I'll of Mis., Qbtich. Evidence showed that Q rant visited Mr. Shoch'i place In Shamokln,' ou the ulght of the 2d of May, and demauded ad mission which was refused. He tteri' kicked In the panels of the door, for which' act suit was brought. Verdict guilty. , As the prisoner ha alreudy been iu jail Aver three month, the court Suit disposed to bclcoicnt ,with hha, and gave hiiu Utu day in the, county prison, pay a flne of 15 and coat ofjprosecutlou. . Mr. Bchocli Is the wife of Jacob Sohocb,' who wa tried for the murder of a iiarf whoe haute. We fbet for a like offence, fichocb, it wilt, be rerseuibered, died after he wa discharged, froni consumption, he Laving contracted the disease' In onr dumb an 4 unhealthy jail. Com. vs. Frank Truxel, selling liquor without license. Plead rjilHy, Pehleueed to pay flue of $50, and costs of rSroseeutWnv Com v Ilarris and Frank Moser. These are -the. pair who stole two bone from Wm. B. Ktmerer of Milton, a week or two ago, and who" wen pureoed ane brought back. Af ter the reading of the tndlotmeal, Harris plead guilty", saying ihey.were both guilty, but Moser nut in a plea of cot guilty. Harris la an old of fender, haviug lately cam out of the Western Penitentiary, at Pitubnrg, after a term of Ove year, for having passed counterfeit money Council Preceedlns;. .,., t .BtJiiBca'a, Angunt .V 1873. Conaall met in fcgnlnr sosslnn, J. M. Cadwnl lader,1 In the nhtonre of the Chief Burg?ss, took tho Chair, this following members wtiro pre sent f J. M. Cadwallnder, Wni. h. Dawivm, Chks Senscnrmch, Geo. W. Smith, W in. II. Mil ler, D; C. Dlsslnger, Jacob Rohrbacb, J. A. Cake and J. C. Irwlu. Minutes of In mooting read arid approved. On motion of Wm. L. Dc wart, the following re solution was passed ' ' itViufefrf, That the Street Committee be In structed to Inquire Into the cost cf opening Second stre.it, 60 feet In width from tie point at which It now stops, on Pine street, tot he brldgu at the point over Shamokln Creek, anil to rcKrt In full al the next meeting of Couucllfor furthor Consideration, and also to inquire InUand report what s.eps are necessary io do taKUi to repntr Broadway, ot or near tho residence of C'lins. Ocrlnger, nnd also to Inquire Into tin propriety of putting k cross' ig on Fourth struct nt or near the property of P. Scupham. Ou motion of Mr. Dowart tho following was adopted i Jlemiltttt, T int a commllteo of three lio ap pointed (of vhlch tho Chief Burucss shall bo Chairman) to request the County Commissioners to remove the Iron biidgo over the "Gut," at the enst end of Market street, and to supply its place with a stone, culvert U0 feet in width, with u foot walk on each side the width of the pavements in the street and a roadvruy in tho mid. lie. Committee S. Maliek, W. L. Ivwurtund G. Vf. Smith. On motion of Mr. Dewart tho following was adopted i Jleiolfed, That the (Jus Committee bu Instruct ed to enter luto a contrail with the Gas Com pany to light the streets of this town with oil m t now lighted with gas, and report their action to Council for its decision. On motion of J. A. Cake the following was adopted t Jtnmhcd, That J. W. Cnke bo allowed to raise the slope wall In front of bis home to the huiirht of the bank, nnd that he be paid what tho stone wflS fost and the laying of thu same. The same not to cost more than $ J.25 per perch und not to'extend more than 100 feet. Tho Chief or Police, Capl. Roach, petitioned Council for a ntirht policeman. Aetlou deferred. Oritur were granted for hills presented to up wards of two thousand dollars. On motion of Gcorgo W. Smith, tho following resolutions were adopted t Itetnlnrf, That tho Street Commissioners be Instructed to put a good crosslnir across south r oiirtb street at Kourtli anil walnut sirecis. llcnirttl. That the alley crossing nt Clement House be inlscd by the Street Commissioners to m'ake It correspond with the pavement of Cle ment House. Adjourned. P. W. GRAY, Clerk. Tint Republican County Committee met In the Arbitration Room In the Court House pursuant to the following notice sent to eacli member of the commit fer1 : SlNIU'KV, Jui.t 21, 1873. DkarSiii: A Hireling of the Republican Coun ty Committee, of which you are a member, will lie held in thu Arbitration Hooin, In the Court House, Suubury, Pa., on Monday, August 4, ltf73, nt half past ten o'clock, a. m., fur the pur pose or selecting a Representative Delegate to tho Slate Convention on the 13th of August, next. Your attendance Is punctually requested. Yours, Respectfully, EM'L WILVERT, Chairman. L. M. Morton, Sec'y. The committee was called to order nt 101J o'clock by the chairman. Tiro following mem bers being present I Emannol Wilvert Chairman. P. M. Shindel, W. I'nrd, Sunbury. Joseph Bird, Northumberland. L. M. Morion, N. Vard, Milton. W. M. Wairncr, Witsontown. Jas. Rothcrmel, M'Ewcnsvillc. Thos. llarr, Turbutville. J. 11. Hincy, Delaware. Jno. A. Caldwell, Lewis. Williamson Marsh, 8. Wardj Milton. I). W. Sampscl, Paint. T.'Shannon, V. Aigusta. W. Raker, L. Augusta. O. P. Patton, Rush. Frederick Rlioads, Coal; John Moore, Snydertowir: W. II. Lamb, Jackson. Andrew Ditty, Lower Malmoy. S. F. Reed, Little Mali.inoy. W. Deppln, Zeibe. 1). J. Lewis, Mt. Carmel Borough. Juo. L. Hummer, bliamokiii Borough, E. W. R. I). Bower, Shuinokiu Borough, W. W. Resignation of John E. Rathbun, Representa tive Delegate to State Convention, received und accepted. The following gentlemen iterc nominated, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mr. Rath bun : Oscar Foust, of Watsontown. A. A. Shlsslcr, of Bunbury. A vote was bad, which resulted In 15 for A. A. Shlsslcr, und 5 for O. Foust. A. A. Shisslcr was thereupon declared duly elected. Remarks wero inaile by T. 8. Shannon, Jo. Bird, Thos. Barr, D. W. Sampscl and others, on a motion to instruct the Representative delegate, w hereupon It was (VIc, Thnt our Represen tative delegate be uniustructed. On motiou it was Ituvlml, That the places of holding delegate elections, in tho scverel elec tion districts, bo designated by the members of the standing committee, respectively. On motiou, the Republican papers of tho county were requested to publish these provecd- ' '"K" Adjourned. E. WILVERT, Chairman. L. M. Morton, Sec'y. On Friday afternoon last, while Mr. D. R. Pencil, of Sbamokiu townvblp, was engaged with several men on his farm harvesting oats, with a reaper, a storm audilenly came up. Mr. Pencil, with two of his children uud six men' sought shelter under a large tree stumliug tn the field, when a flash of lightning struti; I tic tree,' pros trating tho men uud two Horses that tiai sou;;nt shelter under the tree. The shok lasted but a few minutes, when the horse revived aud ran over one of Ihe little girls, considerably bruising her. All have fully recovered. Murnlng r jirtu. Two Boat Ilousr.s J)ikv. nkd. Two boat horses belonging to Capt. W. W. Surls wee drowned by breaking through tho wasteway a. Mr. A. E. Kapp's saw mill, above town on Woaiicsuuy last. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Surls, he having paid f 225 for one of the horses a few days previous to the accident. Tub new engine house of the Good Intent fire company Is uow receiving Its second coat of paint. It already makes un addition to Fourth street, and when finished it will tea liancisofic building. After It is ouCc occupied by the company, they lutend puftl'ug lu a five library for the benefit of the members. Auy person having book to give to add to this worthy object, till receive the thanks of the compauy, Some mean, contemptible, unprincipled, ras cally, villainous ir.cai' thitf entered the cellar of our neighbor of the Aiiion Mouduy night lust, aud stole the eutlrc stock of provisions consist ing of a huir bushel of potatoes, aud several pie ce of dried beef. Tlie thief that will steal from an ed'tcf commits tn unpardonable sin, and it is certain that hi fntnre ruiiUsbmenl will be cf the most excruciating character. Tu Ureal Eastern Managerle exhibiting here on Monday next,, will by all accounts, draw thu largest crowd of poople that has been iu this towu for mauy year. The show I a good ouo, and It draw crowded house at every exhibition. H. D. Wuartok, Esq , has been aided to tbo Executive eommluee of the Korihumbeilaud County Soldier' Monument Association, in pla.e of H. Thatcher, resigned. Thu appointment is a good one, as Mr. Wharton was a good soldier, aud elbibrt m lively interest in the project of that association. The attendance al Court during the past week was larger man ever nerore. 1 be Court room was literally packed alaiost every day with panic, witossse and spectators, quite a nuiubct buiug fe male. The number of returns ou tho I'ritni Cultudcr, wa ulbvly-fix. Wapf's DlfiioNFSTV. Early In tho summer of 1S72. Nelson IC. Wade,' the ferocious murderer oftho McBrldes, was employed ae n hmkeman 1 on the Eastern Division of tho Philadelphia and Erie railroad. On day irt Banbury ho missed his train, and in order to overtake It took tho Niagara Kxprmsan hmirortwo later. Between Mnney Station and Willlamsport a passnngor lont L'1 hut, nnd noticing Wndo as a railroad miur, asked him If ho would procure n new hnt for him at Willlamsport, ns ho was unacquaint ed In tho pluco. To this Wudo readily assented. On the arrival Of the trnlil nt thu Williainspoit ltntlon, the striimier lianilml hlin a twenty dollar bill to purchase tho hat. But instead of acting iu good filth, he pocketed the money, and Jump ed on his freight train, started nir,loavlng tho passenger minus both money nnd hat. A few davs afterwards the ofllccrsof the East ern Division received a letter from the stranger detailing the circumstances, how he bud been cheated out of his money, nnd usklng If It could bo reeovored for him. An (.investigation was nt on ! Instituted and It was not long until suspi cion poluted to Wndc ns tho guilty man. Ho wus at once hauled up ami stiarpiy questioned. At first he denied the chnrfro, but on hearing orders given to lock hint up, promise 1 to pay the money if they would let film oil. lliis was sat isfactory of his guilt, and he was disclmwd about tbu middle of July, 1472, after having been In the employ or tlie railroad company less three months. Soon after this rascally transac tion ho stoic a watch from Dr. llow inan, of Wat- sontoivu, for which he was sentenced to four months' imprisonment In the comity Jail.-Duffy. F.LOl'F.MF.NT IN NoRTHI'MBHM-ANH. About 10 o'clock on Monday evening last, a young gentle men of this plnco, whoso living advauccs to ffarcls the Idol of his heart had been sternly op posed by tho cruol parents of the object of his airecttons during the past two or three years, displayed his pluck (which we will hero state wus not superior to that of tho young ladv, who tiailcd the way from her home to the livery sta ble through alley nnd rain, robed In while, at which point she met her intended lord.) and drove to Siiuliurv. nnd as gossip Ims it. the enuplo took the car nt that place for Chester county. It appears the serenity or the courtship of this young couplo was disturbed throughout tho whole term bv tho father of tho daughter. It was stated tlmt llio young man wan on one, oc caslon while holding Bwect communion with his sweetheart, copiously treated to cart-whip crnO?' er dessert, which of course added fuel to the attachment, anil inadu the young couple cling so much the closer, anil culminated as above sra ted. A'orfiunitieWanil I'rct. Tub JiIohi'uii says tho clorgymcn of Sunbury have laid themselves open to the cliurge of ne glect of duty by tho entire neglect which they have shown towards the condemned murderer Perry Haas. This young man is almost dead from Consumption and liis days' will soon be numbered. Yet, during all the tinio of Ills int prisnnnient not a Minister or Jesus Christ la Sunbury has called to ask after tho welfare of his soul. "And In that day the Son mt Man shall say depart from me I never knew you. 1 was sick and in prison and yo visited inu not Inasmuch ns ye did uot to the least of these my brethren ye did it uot to mo." List of letters remaining In tho Post Office ut Sunbnry, for week ending August 6, 173. C. II. Bibbic, Andrew Bayscl, Horace Connel Iv, Peter Duiikleberger, Jack Gilinger, G. Hons man, (2), Michael Ilought, David Houd.'O, R. Johnson, Benjamin Kricgbaum, Alburson Moyer, Miss Catharine Miller, John P. Miller, M. Maher, John Cyon, Ann M. Ryunn, John P. Smith, Richard Walsh, Isaac M. Wuntzel, Miss Adlc Wilkison, Robchrrt G. Wilson. Persons calling for uny of the above, will say "advertised." J. J. SMITH, P. M. SI'IX'IAI. NOTICES. Children olHon look l'ulc and Nick from no other cause thun having worms In the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child. being perfectly WIIITE.and from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used In worm preparations. CURTIS hkuvvin, rropneior, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Solit bi Itnuiiiuti and Chrtnittn, ami dealtrt in MeMeine at Twf.ntt-Kivf, Cents A Box. July 12, 173. ly. The ro'iirVMsion ol nrt IiivHHrt. Published bv a warning .Tml for the benefit of Toung Men nnd others w ho suffer from Nkuvolh Dkhilitv, ia (F Manhood, etc., supplying tlie. means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery, and Heut free or receiving a post-paid directed envelop. Sulferers are invited In uiMrcss the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIH. June 14,'"3 Om. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thirty Yoisrs' KxprrltMire ofuu Old Mr WIiinIow'n Nootiiius Syrup if tho prt'su-riptioii of one of the best Female Physicians nnd Nurses tn tnu Limed Mates, aim has been used for thirty years with never failing surety nnd success by millions of mothers and children, from tlie feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach. relieve wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health ami comfort to mother and child. We believe it to bo the Best ami Surest Remedy In the Woild. in all cases of IHtiF.N- TERY and DIARR1UKA IN CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from any oilier cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless tlie fae-simlle of CURTIS PEUKIV8 is on the outside wrap per. Sold by all Medianc dealers. July vj, io..!. ly. The'llouMohoId I'uuurt'n, ami rnrtill) I.iniiiK'iit Is the best' rcmody lu the world for the following complaints, viz. : Cramps in the Limbs nnd Htu iiach. Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all its forms, ruinous e,one,.eu ralgiu, Cholera, Dysenlery.Colds, Fresh Wounds, Bums. Sore Throat. Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruise,- Chill and Fever,, For lntcruul uud t.xtcrnal U6e. Its operation is not only to relieve thu patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates aud pervades tlie whole system, re storing healthy uctiou to'aJl its parrs, aiid quick ening Ihe blood. l'h llonHFhold Puuucra ts purely Vegetable and All Healing. Prepared hy Cl'RTIS A BROWS', No. 215 Fulton Street, New Yolk. For sale by nil druggists. July 12, DS73. ly. For Lonse r Arrr.TiTR, Dyspepsia. Indigestion Depression of Spirits and general Debility, in their various forms, Ferro-Phosporatcd Elixir of Calisav made by Caswell, Hazaud & Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best Tcnlc. As a stimulant Ionic for patients rec OT criiig from fever or oilier sickness, it has no equal. If taken during the season it prevents fever and ague nnd other intermittent fevers. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on narkrt Nqusire, M'Mtl'ItV, I'A. Keeps eonstautly ou hand a full stock of veil selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, DnipgUls Fancy Goods, COM US, . , . BUVSIIj, PKUFt'MEKY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, YAKMKII, DYEMTl'I'FH, la fact cvcrythlnc; usually kept iu a well con ducted IDDFtTJQ STORE. Particular attention paid to eompoiindiu) Phy sicians prescription aud fanii!jtceelts hy the Proprlutor himself. Sunbury, Pa., June ", t8. KK.M'II'N KEW IIOTF.I.. Cor.Cort. landt anet New Church tits., New York. Ou the European plan. UK HA III) P. FRENCH , Hooof the late Col. RICHARD FRENCH, or French's Hotel, has taken this Hotel, newly fltted np aud entirely renovated tho same. fWru.'ly InffHii ' BUSINESS P.'RT ofttu Viltj. l.AOIC' Jfl NTI KM! N'h-HlMSO KoOMil AT- Ts'.uea. Jv'y 5,"!3.-9m. 51a Wen before tho Amerlcur?- irrlilrrt oElfli!IX:Y years. . ft barf never vet f ilct to give perfect srttlsjartion. and ho jiMt'y been styled tho panacea for nil X tomal Wonn-lir. Cnbi, Bums. SwellTngs. Hprnlin, Pru'ses. ftc, kc, for Man anci l!ot V f '"''', ''" P""'" iiv Magnolia I. 31 A few ArFMCATioN.s ma.::;: a Pure Blooming Complexion. I in Purely Yegttablfl. ntratton ic'ufwn Tut flt at oucn. It dtx'a away with tti KIuh'i nl ptar aitv up J by lint, Atiuo, anl l.xi'it-itt--'it. H.a anl ruiuovea all Il'.otcbvnautl Pimpin. (Ln,'0ltrt(T tUrk aul unaiifUtly aptfl. Lrivna awny Taij i kK and Uuuhnrn, ait't by itn R.-iitl tut p JWorful luduuuvo mantles tbo la led cliot-k with YOTJTHFTTL BLOOM AUD BEATJTZ. Bold t . .! Tsnr jr Ftoros. Depot, A. I. WAI.TEKS. MOXUMKNTAL SHAVING PAULOIt and BATH ROOMS. HAIR DKKSSED HY MACHINERY. J-0"Dont forget tho place on the Eaut side of Thikd STiiiiKT,a few doors South of Market, bun bury, Pa. Dratfd, f?Vitche8, Curl?, nucl all kinds of LADIES' HAIR.. AVork made to order cither out of combines, or straight iinir.. kAU or- ri tiers loft ut tho rer.idunce of A. 1'. Walters, corner of 4th el.' and Sharnokin avenue, will receive yirompt attention. A Specialty in CIIILDltENS' HAIH CUTTING, cither at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTF.K3. July 5, ISTjtf. thiniirlal Fxhlblt or tlio Niiiiturv I1 Nt'liool IMNtrlPt. Solonii;!: Weaver, Tax Collector, 1ST1. nn. June 1, to am't of Dnpllcate of IS71, f.R'.l 24 1872, CK. Juno 1, by am't paid Trcas. per rcc'ts, 94,130 13 18TH. Juno 3, " " " 1,224 22 June 2, hy com mission on ? 5,030 It, ' SO June 2, hy exoneration and tax return ed to Commissioner 175 10 5.S11 24 Solomon Weaver, Tax Collector, 1S73. DR. June 1, to am't of Duplicate of 167.', $6,027 01 1S7H. ( It, .. ! June 2. Iiv amount nald Treasurer Tier receipt to this Cat's M.O 40 llii'.nncfV 2,613 S5 . T)it' To halnuce cine district' on dr.pHc.ito of 1S72. on which the Collector I enti tled to exoneration and coininUfiuii ou whole amount. Lloyd T. Kohrbach, Treasurer. 1S72. DR. Jitne l, til bal. on hand per Auditors' Report. $rH 01 .Tune 2. 1S73. to eaii!: frilil Collector on duplicate or 171. in full. 1,224 22 ! June 2, 1S73, lo eah from Collector on j duplicaia of 1S72, on iiccount. 8,413 40 j June 2, 1073, to cash fclatc appropria tion. CM 02 June 2, '73, to cu-h from County Treas urer for tuxes on unsealed land. 2'.i 3h! ?.VVi os I 1S7I1. CR. j Juue 3, bv orders paid. .VJ5 tv! 1 " comuiibbiou. l'i H 5l00 i3 ' Balance clue iliati it t. f.'H in Sunbury School District. June 1. W: order oiittandln '. ?1,12S " " (mtil ror w bleu no cruers Issued. ' Hi 5 S2 BomU IssiK'd. &.7O0 00 Interest to June i, Ui?. 320 00 J7.472 W) 18TS. !t. June 1. hy balance in Tren' lianill $'.'8 Id " ' ' " on Collector's dupli cate less supposed exoneration nnd euimnlstlsn. 2,lt 00 r.,12S Hi Debt of District f '.,S44 74 11. V. FRII.INti, Secretary Suubury Sebool Hoard. Since paid to M. P. Scupham, Treasurer. J-ily 23, 1S13. ( JlfT.i:!tA' EPIDEMIC DISEASES Prcvciiled by using BRoMO -C1ILOP.A1.UM, The New Odorio aud Nou-Poisonout i'jwui DEODERIZER and DISINFECTANT. It debtroys all had odors uud poiiou.iviseinitna tlon about your preui'.kus, and thtreoy prevents cuutuciou and disease j coulsiuj uo poison, has lio odor, and U alwa'yJ efo. "Diploma awarded .)y tue Auurvan Itutitutt :5TM.nr.L'o., for PMinn-fliloralutu. They consider it of valuta oeiuc; nou-poisnuou aud .nlorom. and can reeoininend it exneeiallr for I medical and icenerul household purpoacs where dununu-ion a.ud deodoriuttoji ta called lor. tWilbiUunty lb7J. Prepared only by TII.DEN CO.. New Xork. ' SaU by al! Irt'c;!tt. J.iiy 2',t. 5v ' : 1 without tlfls Liniment. The money re fnndivl unlctw the Liniment i na re pro sonted He snro nnd (ret the pennine MEXICAN Ml'STANO LINIMENT. EoM lv all Iirturfrisl and Country Stores, at 60c- fwd $1.00 per bottle, otioe 'v1. mitt of hnttle. ka. : " . ... .3 Central Drugstore. No. 0 JIarket Street, Kuubor), 13 the place to buy jour FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OII.H, (il.ASS, PERFl'MERT, PATENT MEDICINES, LIQUORS, and ill other articles UMially kept In n r)rtlas Drfjj Store.'- ' Special ftttent'mfl pnlel to couipoundinit phyei clans l'rercriptloiu at, nil hours including Sun days. . '. ' GEO. B. C.YDWALLADEF., Phurmaciitlst. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of Ihe United . States or the Western District Penu'a. In Itaukruptry. The nnders'iLjncd hereby nives notice or his ap pointment a iissiirnce of Daniel E. Kehres, of WanhiiiK'ton township,in the couuty of Northum berland. State of Pennsylvania, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudired a bankrupt upori1 his own petition, by the District Court of said District. To the Creditors of sad Bankrupt. P. II. MOORE, Assignee. -ftiinbiiry, July 12, ls73. Ow. , IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Unltcr?' States for the Western District Pcun'a. Ill Itankrtitr'. Tho uudersiirncd hereby irlve notice or Lio np (Ointment afi (isKiiec of William Uelt7.,of Wash inptou township, in the coVtity or Northumber land, Slate or Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a bntkrupt upou hisowi. petition, by the District Court of said District. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt. P. II. MOORE, Assignco. Sunbury, July 12. 1S7X Cw. Aelnilnisit rator'M Xoflee. NOTICE Is hereby (riven that Letters of Ad ministration liuvini; been emoted to the undersigned, on ihe estate of Jeremiah Funis worth, lute of the borough of Suubury, North-' iimbcrlHud county, Pa.-, deceased. Ari personB indebted to said- cstnfe nreTciieted to'makc im-' mediate payment, and. those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement A. N. HRICE, Administrator. 8unbury, July 5. 1873. Ct. a7 m. meTll, IIKAT.EII IX Ainerli'itii ul T.uropran FINE JEWELUY nnd SILVKltWARE. rerCt'iietl SpeetueieM nud Kje dilUNNCN. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market S.juurc, SUNBURY, Pa. Feb. 3, l72.-tf. ( (ioBMauLX Wood kUtni.) STATIONARV S PORTABLE Steam Engines. Tlie Ite-sf & Most Complcto Assortment iu the Market. -The Jn'ttfthavo alwavt maintined tho very ,, hltcnoi.t stand .rd of excx-llcnee. We make the tumulvtutv of Kortfit lViil. and 8w MilUa uwudlv. Uo have tbvUixt-at and mixtwompluw wcrk of tho kind in the euuutry, wilh maciunerj spseinlly daplid to the work. We kmp ront.ijJy in prooe lnn numbert of EiiKintm, lii'lj we t uruish Kt th very lowewt priees and on the sh.irUwt notuw. We build Katrine nefiiUlr alnpilo Mln. 8w UiuV. ertut JUUs, Tjiii-ries UUa liuu, Yhiushen luul aUelson . or manufj reriiar , , t . We are i.or building the eUbr.ttJ Law Circu Inr S ew M ill. tlie l.ut tuid out vuuiyleUi uw uuU ever iiivented. We umko tlw iBaniifn-irn of S ew Mill outfits a frwiit) fi-ttture ot our bviaiDs, uud euu teuxuaa culuileVf eu Ui- id.orte.-tt uot ice. einr aim m iiUease in to furnish the beet me ehiuery in the mitrket, aud wuek abaulutvly w. wjualM for beHuty of d.Un. eennouiy aud aUxiutfUt. (send for Cireular aud l'rue Lut. UTICA STEAM ENCINE CO. ITICA, W. Y. tirfnrrrrizr f-1--"; Send for Illntriiti-d; Catiil-iriw and examine our prices before; ;r M.iesnn;, si ws claim lo sell lower tlinri nrv fcher'swlnlilif hm;iMw the City. REMEMIU'K llvo NUMBitK. 1SS8 RIDOrAJJ-Xra, Vl:nidelphla. MIIU.IO IN FOLK Wf KKS CAWASSiyr, was ona ae;enls ptollt ou Bryaut'l.lbr.irv of Po ctry anU tsoutf ; f 70 In eaie e k ""!,.: S.i Houseket-pcr Manual, by V. !. , ' . Mrs. lit owe. Auy neliva initi ' i. have an auency. J. U. FORD t... New FeKli, S j.'lJi , CW.-ii,e and f.ib Vranc'o. 4w. !: STEAM ENGINE mi