Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 01, 1873, Image 3

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    Jknlntrn American.
Itollrond Time Table.
N. C. R. W.. South.
F.rlo Mall, 1.30 am
Erie Exprw, ,B40 "
Mail, 11.15 "
Man. Express 0.40 p ra
P. A E. R. R. Wfrt,
Mull, 0.80 m
Niatf. ExrreslS.tJ5 j m
Elmlm Mall 4.10 "
Erie EprM, 0.40 "
Sl'ltWRT AND t.KWtSTOW!! ft II.
Leave Sunhnry for Lew Is town nt 7.30 n. m.,
nnil 4-30 p. M.
Arrivo at Snnbury from Lewutown nt 1.50
nil 7.45 p. m. .
Eunbnry at 5.43 urn At Sunbury 9.S5 ft m
" 13.35 pm " 8.65 pm
4.40 pm ' 6.00 pm
Regular pamMMiRfr taln leaves Snnbnry for
Danville, Cattsvflwia, Hazlcton nod Intermediate
station, at .4B a. m. Returning leave 1 1 tie
ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. m.
Leave Korthnmberloud at tt.40 a. m. and 4.50
p. ni.
Arrive at Northumberland nt 10.35 a. m. and
C.05 p. m. Insurance Ticket can be had of
J. Shlptnnn, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
.Nammrr Arrangement fbr the Pout
Ofllce at Nnnbury, r.
'OJlct Open from 0.30 a. m., to 8 p. m. txcept
on Sunday.
Arrives ns follows i
!rrom the East nt 6.t3 a. m., 1U.15 p. m., 4 p. m.
" South, 0.15a. in., 13.15 p. m. 4.10 p.m.
" West, 6.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m. ,4.10 p.m.,
and $.20 p. m.
" North, 0 a. in., 11 n. m., 8.55 p. m.
fliamokiu, Mt. Canuel mid points on
tlint line, U.15 a. m., 3.50 p. m
Mulls close ns follows :
Tor the EnFt, 5. 50 a. ni., 10.50 a. m., 7.3." p. m.
" South, 10.50 a. in.. 7.35 p. m.
West, 7.30 n. m., 10.50 n. m., 7.35 p. in.
" North 5.50 a. ra., 3.50 p. ni., 7.35 p. m.
Shamokin proper 13.15 p. in.
Shnmokin nnd olliccs ou that route, 4.30
p. in.
T. J. SMITH. P. M.
nsincss locals.
Skwino M.trniNRs ami Cottaof. Oiioans.
.1ifis Caroline Ihilius is' tlie agent for the sale of
"tha bct Sewlmr Marliint in existence, viz : 'The
Improved U rover & Baker,' nnd 'Domestic.'
which are constantly kept ou lntml, nnd sold nt
reasonable, prices. 8lio in also iiifent for the snlc
of the eclebmted 'Silver Tonirne Organs,' anil tho
'Hay tstnre Ureant,' and for the sale or tho
Fr.iutz & Pope Knitting Mnchinc. Call and see
them. Office on Market street, east of the rail
ruaJ. The Improved Grotr & Baker Sewiso Ma
cmiine. These celebrated machines are ottered
nt the most reasonable rate. For particulars
npplvt,i D. O. KUTZ. Airent,
Feb.-.'3,,73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
Si-.cosd hand Pianos for snlc or rent at reason
able rates. Inquire nt this oQlee.
For Rent. A handsome room over Melllck's
Drui; Store, Market Square. Inqure of II. B.
Chuck Fi'Li.. J. F. SchutTur, merchant tnylor,
is constantly making up the very finest suits ot
clothing worn, in the most fashionable style. lie
has n number of bands employed, who arc kept
busy in making up goods to nil the large amount
of orders. To secure a good mid fashionable
suit call on Schnfler.
Ei'iiiii.t. The cabinet making shop of B. L.
Rnuilciibush, lately burned dotvu, has been re
built, and considerably tnlnrjjetl. Mr. Rnuden
bush Is now prepared to accommodate all his cus
tomers better than heretofore. The best work
men are employed, mid furniture made to order
In the best style. The store room has also been
replenished with a new stock of the latest style
made in the cities, and a larger assortment Is
kept on hand to select from than has yet been
seen in this section of country. Those in need of
furniture will find nt the Masonic buildings a
cheaper mid better quality than can be found
any where else in this vicinity.
Don't pay two prices when you can pet goods
at a small profit. At D. A. Finney's store,
Market street, but one price prevails, and goods
of the best quality can bo purchased at aston
ishingly low prices. His stock consists of every
variety of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries,
Notions, Boots and Shoes, and Jewelry. The
assortment Is complete, being selected with the
greatest care. No charges are made to show
goods lu fact it la a pleasure to Mr. Finney to
show what a handsome stock he has on hand.
Ladies and gentlemen me invited to call und
make a full examination before buying else
where. W. II.'s Excelsior Boot & bhoc Store,
coutinucs to attract the attention of the public
"by the excellent Boots and Shoes sold nt his es
tablishment. His Trunk department is com
plete, and every style of satchels, valUcs aud
trunks can be bad at the most reasonable prices.
Ei'hp.ka. When a young man purchases a hat
of Samuel Faust, the popular hatter, he ex
claims, truthfully, too, 'I have found It" a
fashionable and serviceable hat. Mr. Faust has
.11 styles of fashionable hats and caps, and eve
ry one, both old and young, who will visit his
store, on Market street, opposlto Monument
Square, Sunbury, will be well pleased with a se
lection from bis large and varied assortment.
Now ts the Time. A splendid assortment of
etoves, tin-ware, brass kettles, porcelain kettles
Tor putting up fruit, glass Jars and caus of all
descriptions have just boeu received, and are of
'ercd for sale by J. B. ReeoV Third st. All aro
nvited to call and secure a chance for the cook
ttove to be draw. 3t
local affairs.
Wanted. A young man desiring to learn the
cwclry business, will And a good situation at the
cwelry establishment of Tbad. S. Shanuon, lu
iunbury. Good references will be required.
A Si'kdat Tuain Is bow f uo regularly over
ho P. B. aad the N. C. railroads, which ar
ives from (he west at 6.30 p. ui., and leaves
uuthward at 6.40 p. m.
Nelson E. Wade, the murderer of Mrs. Mc
ride, at Lindou, Lycoming county, was an ein
loyee on tire P. & E. railroad, year or so ago,
,id boarded at the bouse of Mr. Ellas Broslous
i this pacc.
A Goon Day's Work. One hundred aud
srelve arrivals were uortd On the ReglUor of the
ity Hotel en Monday last.
Committed. A man named Boyd, a cdsdufc
,r, was eommitted to jail ou Friday last, for ln-
eccnt conduct wliile In astute of intoxication;
Mrs. Catharine Kisaliug, an old Byreae often-
jr, was committed to prison on Monday last,
r keeping a dinerd-riy house in I'ppef Augus'-
i township.
Prop. N. F. Brown of fill r nice, hftr accept'
. a call from Lewiitown to acf lu trie capacity
teacher. He is an excellent ttscht"' r-d will
ndcr satisfaction.
Tub loss by the Mt. Carmel Pre' lick? eeV
lounts to about ftO.onO- Insured rioe!p!lj
b"!" e'linpmies.
TtlR Grand Lodge of Knight of rylhia held
its annual session In the city of Reading during
last week. Mr. Thad. 8. Shannon represented
Eastern Star Lodge of this place, and was suc
cessful In getting that grand body to decide on
knnbury as the next place In which to hold the
next annual session, commencing on tho third
Tnnsdny In August, 1874. Mr. Shannon reports
the session Just closed as one of the most inter
esting held since the origin of that order. The
Readlbg papers, speaking of the representatives
state "that no more intellectual body of men ev
er held deliberation III that city, and that their
gentlemanly deportment while there has made
hosts of friends for the Order." The Order
numbers (bur hundred and three Lodges In the
State, with a membership of about sixty thou
sand. As ths grand body has decided on hold
ing Its session In this place, we hope our citizens
will mnke early preparations to give them a
hearty Welcome. The order Is composed of some
of our best men In the Stale, and we feel sure
that the representatives will meet with a hearty
grasp of friendship from our cltitens, and that
there sojourn here will be made not only plea
sant, but one which will long remain upon their
memories as nn agfceablo visit to onr town, its
unsurpassed scenery, and other matters connect
ed with the early history of our country.
TION. The Domoc ratio County Convention met
at the Court Honse on Monday, July 2Hth at 11
o'clock, and organized by the election of the fol
lowing olBcers i
President D. L. Sherwood of Polut township ;
Vice Presidents Isaac Marti of Lower Au
ta township, nnd John McElicce of Mt. Carmel
Secretaries A. O. Po6tlcthwa'.tc, W. O. Kccf,
nnd Peter Gearhnrt.
The list of Delegates was called, and a full re
presentation was prescnt The Convention ad
journed to meet at 1 o'clock p. m., at which
hour they met, when, on motion, the Convention
proceeded to a nomination for candidates.
On motion, nominations for Senator were de
clared in order, and the following names were
proposed i A. II. Dill, Union county, and G. W.
Zciglcr, Northumberland county.
The name of (!. W. Zciglcr was then with
drawn, and the uoiiiintttlon of Dill was made by
On motion, the President was ordered to name
Mr. Dill's conferees, w hich he did, as follows :
Senatorial Conferees G. W.'Kyon, W. T.
Forsyth and Charles Lusher.
On motion, nominations for Legislature were
declared in order, and the following were named :
A. T. Dewitl, James M. Tufts, W. A. Dean and
J. II. Vincent.
liallottlng was then prrtrecded with :
DcWKt 50
THfts 25
Dean 33
Vincent 4
A. T. Dewitt having received a majority of all
the votes cast, was declared nominated.
Nominations for Register and Recorder were
declared in order, and the following names were
presented : Wm. R. Kidman, Erustus llolfiiian,
L. stilpman und J. Ilartleln.
Kalloling was proceeded with as follows :
Erdnmn S3 I
Ilotlman 1U
Kbipiuan 5S j
Hsrtlein 9
Lemuel Shlpman having received a mnioritv of
all the votes was declared nominated.
Nominations for Treasurer wcro declared In
order, and the following were named i John Uaag
Juiiu Trussler, Daniel Berkley.
John Hang C3
John Tressler 33
Daniel Beckley 10
John Ilaog having received a majority of nil
the votes was declared the nominee.
Win. Waldron withdrew us a candidate for
County Commissioner.
Nominations for Countv Commissioner were
declared to be next in order, when the following
persons were named : D. S. Rcitz, Isaac Albert,
John Hummel.
Relts............. 53
Albert 30
Hummel i
No nomination and the second ballot was or
D. S. Rcitz harlntr a majority of nil the votes
was declared nominated.
Nominations for Jury Commissioner were de
clared In order. Tim following were named :
Daniel lietrlck, F. M'Carthy, I). M. Swartz.
Balloting Was ordered Willi the following re
sult :
Hetrick..... 0
M'Carthy 28
Schwartz 00
D. M. Swartz having a majority of all the
votes was declared nominated.
On motion, Joseph Eisely was nominated for
Auditor by acclamation.
All thd nominations were tueu made unani
Mr. Dewitt Was allowed privilege to name his
own Conferees.
W. T. Forsythe was appointed as Representa
tive Delegate to State Convention of 1874.
D. C. Dissiuircr was appointed as Senatorial
The follow nig resolution was adopted :
Resolved, That We cvartily endorse and ap
prove the course of the lion. A. II. Dill lu the
State Senate.
Resolved. That we herebv endorse the course
of Hon. A. T. Dewitt und J. C. Ainincrman lu
the House cf Representatives.
The following Standing Committee was elect
ed for the cnffu4ng year
Lewis G. A. WykofT.
Turbutville Henry Raup.
Delaware-Nf. A. Nicely.
McEwensvlllc John P. Beard.
Turbut Johu W. Huthcr.
Milton North Ward Jos. Caldwdlr.
" South " Moses UoniT.
Zerbo S. B. Conrad.
Cameron J. H. Long.
Upper Mnhanoy Jacob II. KautTinarj'.
Washington Sol. lflltiuau.
Jackson Simon Bohner.
Little Mahauoy Dauicl Raker.
Jordan Elias Bhafer.
Lower Mahanov Ellas Weisl.
Watsontown H. F. Algert.
Chillisquaque J. II. Heller.
Point Wui. Grady.
Northumberland John P. Hllkcrt.
Sunbury East Ward Wm. D. Haupt'.
" West " Geo. W. Zeller.
Upper Augusta nenry II. Conrad.
Rush E. C. Campbell.
Lower Augusta D. D. Conrnd.
Shamokin township Jared Harriett).
Snydertown borough Jos. M. Wolverton'.
Coal Putrlck Ready.
Mt. Carmel township Jas. Median.
Mt. Carmel borougb-'-P. Dunlavy.
Shamokin East Ward Geo. W. Ryon.
" West " ). II. Zlmincrmun.
Riverside R. P. Laird.
Two Horses 6tolbn. Two valuable horses
were stolen from Mt. M. Keminerer, near MIS in,
on the night of the 25th Inst. The thieves were
pursued by a number of men in the vicinity of
the theft, aud were overtaken and arrested at
Owego, N. Y., by Isaac II. Wagner and John R.
Coonor, of WutsonCoW'D', who with some forty
other gentlcmon belonging to the old Turbut
Horse Protective Company, b'ad gone In pursuit.
They were brought to tfhis place on Tuesday ,and
lodged Id Jail for trial. They gave their names
as Joseph Harris and Frank M osier, and are sup
posed to be old offenders.
A Bad Habit Wd notice that' the bad bablt
cf Soys and men Jumping on cars while running
through town still prevails. As there Is a law
to prirveut this practice, We' skc-old like to see it
enferfed before a serious occideut occurs.
Ll KneaI, of Rush towush!p, had both- his
;tgl badly cut by a reaper on' Friday lasr.- One,
m 'imposed, will hsve o b itPiV,M:-
Mr. Peter Zimmhrman, of Angustavlile, nnd
on, In coming to town on Frldny Inst, met with
an accident which resulted In serious injury. In
coming over tho hill at Purdytown, the shaft be
came partly detached from tho vehicle when the
horse ran away and upset the wagon, throwing
out Its occupauts. Tho son became entangled In
tha lines, and Was dragged some distance. Mr.
Zimmerman received a severo gash on the fore
head, and the boy serious bruises about tho head
aud body. They were taken to the residence of
Mr. Sam del Reeser, and their wounds properly
attended id; their injuries Were such that they
could not bo removed to their homes for several
Jcdoe Scopield, Congressman nt largo of this
State, appointed a competitive examination nt
Warren, on tho 16th Inst., for a endctship nt
West Point. Nine applicants were examined be
tween tho Ages of 17 and 23. J. Garrctson Gal
brallh, of Comly, Montour county, tho sneeess
competitor, will bd required to report at West
Point, In August, for examination.
On Friday last a misunderstanding took place
in a nest of "Sirens" on the suberbs of our bo
rough, between somo four or Ave sisters in ini
quity, which resulted in information being made
before Uqulre Brlce for various crimes commit
ted. Flora McGec, alios "Corkey," Mrs. Kcrs
tetter, Mary Judge alia "Coalhravtr," and Mrs.
Kissling alias the "Bell of the Woods," were the
principal actors In the drama. The parties had A
hearing, and those whose friends were not forth
coming to outer ball, wcro committed to prison.
The scene at the Squires olBcc Is rcorted as be
ing very disgusting, and it is regretted that all of
them were not given a place behind the bars.
We noticed our friend Anton of the Watson
town Rteorrt in our market on Saturday morning
last, hunting for something for tho replenish
ment of the Inner man. John purchased a quart
of blackberries stating that berries were scarce In
Watsontown, nnd that ho was determined to have
a pie baked for Sunday on which he might fatten
and improve his corporeal appearance for tho
Democratic Convention on Monday. On that
day friend John looked happy, but we could not
say whether it was the blackberry pie that was
the source ot so much apparent felicity, or whe
ther he got the three hundred dollars for hoist
ing the Democratic ticket which ho declared, n
few weeks ago, he would not do unless the mo
ney was raised.
The latest drink out is Modoc punch. It puts
the Imbibers In their prison beds in less than five
hours after they swallow it. SKatnnkin 7"iie,
In Luzerne county Modoc punch has been
ubandnncd, and Buffalo milk substituted, which
has the sumo effect.
Sekioi'b Accident. We regret to learn that
Miss Niobfl Stroll, daughter of Sol. Stroh, of this
place, met with a serious accident on Tuesday
last. Her father is building nn addition to his
honse, and Miss Stroll haviui; an occasion to go
through the building, stepped from sill to sill on
the first floor, made a misstep, nnd fell through.
When found she was unconscious, nnd Is sup
posed to be fccrinusly Injured.
A Camp Mebtino will bo held ot Wolf Station,
August 13th to tho 21st, on the line of tho D. H.
& W. R. R. Excursion tickets will bo issued
from all stations on the Danville, Hatlrton oc
nnd Wilkcsbarro Division, nnd nn extra train
will leave tho camp ground for Sunbury, every
olght lit the closo of the evening service.
We learn that Charlie Swartz, of the V. A '.,
Is about to give up railroading and go to hotel j
keeping. Don't do it Charlie j passengers want ,
Just such a man as you on the rou.T. Clever nnd ,
ohllgliig conductors should hold on to the punch. I
iri&ur7 Chronicle. j
The Ladles connected witb the Mt. Pleasant '
M. E. Congregation in I'ppcr Augusta, near the j
Campbell farm will hold a festival commencing '
on Thursday evening, the 7th Inst., and eontin- j
uing during the week. A studying gown will be j
voted for worth $rJ between Revs. Penny packer j
and Collom. The Sunbury Band will bo present I
on Saturday evening.- Everybody is invited.
Great Eastern. This mammoth show made
Its apcarance In town yesterday morning ac
cording to popular expectation and was wel
comed by n delUfhlcd crowd which thronged
Main street to see the "elephant" und the grand
parade. The street pageant comprising the
bands, the scope of riders male and female the
tame tiger and leomrds on the top of their cage,
and the absurd novelty, tho steam piano, was
till that thti imagination, yuvciille and adult, had
conjured up and afforded aiinisement to the lat
ter and unrestrained delfgM to the former.
In the afternoon the crowd betook itself en
masse to the tents of tho mammoth to witness a
very creditable in tho dual circus pavilion, and
to take a most Interesting and valuable lesson
in zoology any ornithology which this largo and
varied collection of animals affords.
So far ns wo nre able tojudgoof the general
verdict, from having heard not one Complaint
and many expressions of admiration, we con
clude It to be entirely satisfactory.
This afternoon and evening the exhibition A il)
be repented, nnd all who would uvaH themselves
of au hour of pleasure und profit should go ear
ly. iJiiflalo (.V. Y.) Krprt; June 13.
Fire. A destructive lire occurred M thfs bo
rough ofi Sunday morning hist. Tho fiVe broke
out in the stable at the rear of Mrs. McCarty'a
residence on Water street, destroying tho stable
and two or three smaller buildings on the rear of
Mr. Solomon Diell'enderfer's lot. It ulsoexlend
ed to the house of Mr. Dielfcuderfer, occtipicj by
Jacob Seydell, and damaged the building consid
erably, burning a summer kitchen at well as the
roof of an addition and the greater part of tho
roof of tho main building. Two lightning rod
wagons, belonging to the North American
Lightning Rod Company, wcro destroyed In the
stable of Mrs. McCartv. There was no insur
ance on tho wagons. Ikiss about (400. Tlie
loss of Mrs. Met'aity Is small, the stable de
stroyed being of little value, and her only loss
being lences torn down, Ve Mr. Dielfeiidcrrcr
loses heavily for a man of his limited means.
His loss will probably reach tftOO, and nul'ortu-
uately ho hud no Insurance. His property was
already involved, and the added burden imposed
npon liim by tlie lire renders his case one deserv
ing of practical sympathy.
The tire was undoubtedly the work of au incen
diary, as there hud been uo Are near the stable
wuere It originated for some lime. .Uiuonum.
Look Oct pou the Swindleh To Odd-Fellows.
Wc take the following (rom ono of our
neighboring exchanges t An impostor calling
himself Geo. Myers alia James Steward, and giv
ing a new name for every occasion, has been
truvellng In the South and West for nearly four
years, swindling the members of various Lodges
by representing himself ut different times u mem
ber of Qulucy Lodge, No. 285, Ohio, aud Wayue
Lodge, No. 010, Pennsylvania. This fellow was
in Maubcim a few weeks ago, aud swindled cer
tain parties by false representations. Ho is a
young man apparently about twenty-five years
old, 5 feet six inches high, heavy build, dark
complexion, aud rather goad looking. t'z.
FikemaxV Basket Picnic. The members of
the Steam Engine Fire Cc hi puny No. 1, of this
place, lutend holding a basket picnic soon when
they are expected to be joined by all the firemen
in SuDbury aud vicinity, abd the citizens geuer-.
ally. We wish the boys a flue day, aud a gene
ral good time.
A Kt'MBEB of deaths are announced in our ex
changes produced by bathiiiR
A Private Residence, advantageously located
for business or as a private rcsideiico, Is offered
at public sale by M. J. Habne. Sue advlrlise
nient lu another column.
fuE 8unbury Fire Insurance. Cum pauy oignn
iked on Wednesday last by electing tho following
officers i President, Dr. D. Waldron Vic Pre
sident, A. J. Stroh ; Secretary, C. A. Itclincu
snyder Treasurer, Solomon Stroh General
Ageut, E. D. Kiltiaii i Clerk. J. M. Fov.
We regret to learn that Mr Alexander, Pnper
Intendcnt of the X. '. It. R. yard hi this place,
has been relieved from duty by the new arrange
ments. Mr. Martin Wall", Supertcn.lenl In the
upper yard takes charge of all the works nt this
place. Mr. Alexander Is a. first class mechanic,
and wlll,nodonl)t,not 1-fl long out of employment.
Should he be Compelled to leave this plare. it will
be m-O'i regretted by his numrrous friends.
SoMRwrtAT of an excitement wan created on
Wednesday last by coiires beiuir put up by the
Sheriff of Elk conntv, ottering a reward of t.TOO
for tho arrest of Wnl. Brom'y Mm committed a
murder In Elk county. Every stranger wns
closoly Viewed, nnd reports circulated that the.
murderer had been seen nt dlircrcnt places In
town. Tho officers wcro busy following up tho
supposed tracks of the murderer, lint nt last ac
counts no nrrcsts have been made.
Tnn Coal Bi siness Impihiviko. The agent
for the Mineral U. R. ei Mining Co., Mr. Chas.
F. Fisher, nt this place, has shipped 33,009 tons
of coal during the last month. The demand for
coal appears to be getting better, nnd prices Im
proving. Mr. Fisher Is an active business man
and ships irorc of the black diamond than any
ono person In the region.
IIeiip. it l" ! The Amr'ist "lumber t.f Wood's
Household Magazine ! It brings Willi it a ray of
sunshine which reaches clear to thu heiirt.. We
always feel better for reading it, and it will
make any household brighter that it enters.
Among the many articles of the present number
nre i Advlco to young men by Hon. Joel Parker ;
A Glimpse nt the Siamese, by Karl Kase. s The
Other Girl of tha Period, by Mary llartwcll s
Darkness, by H. V. Osborne ; Old l'inchein, No.
II, by Chas. Dickinson, ,fec, Ac.
Price of this Mnguzina only one dollar a year.
Wood's Ilorspiioi.n Maoapini-.
Newburirh, X. Y.
List of Letters remaining In the Post -Office In
Sunbury, July 30, 1873.
Miss Ellen Ileum, Ch is. Bnwen. Ceo. D.iwl.F.
D. McFadden 3. F. II. Hoy, llyley Ueler. Tlios.
R. Lonir, Th's. Lotz. Henderson Moore, M;ss
Martha iNirvav, John Savidge.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
JV. EuUur i
What Is "." 1 Lexicography pays, nJ a
verb it means to fall from t lie truth, or faith.
No human authorship can expect to be entirely
tree from lapse without careful revision. In ti e
Htforntnt'mn "an excellent work by Ir. Fisher,
be' says, "Mary, the Catholic yn'een of England,
hint died and been tntctnlrtl I y Edward the VI,
by whom I'l' teBtaniism was re-established.' Tins
is a laptt. Edward prrrettiai Mary. It was Eli
za net li who kueeeri!t,l Mary in 1558. She re-established
Protestantism i i Knislnnd.
In a late number of the Jlemornil yon may ob
serve a lnMf. It says Jcsmi I!. Grant was the
ftrtt person who live I to see hl son elected Pre
sident. Incorrect. John (J. Adams was Inauirn
rated President March. 1S'.'5. Ili father, the El
der Acains, liveil till July, 4, 1820, moro than
a year afterwards.
Trial I.iNt i'r Week ('oinineiiciii
Moiiflnj, Amciisl 11th, IST3.
William MeX'mcli fc Marion NcXinch hi" wife,
ui tlie right of said Marion vs. E. H. Trego.
Thomas Baumgardner vs. Gcorg l'oiilius.
The Burgesses aud Inhabitants of the borough of
Sunhiiry vs. Amelia Fishur,former owner nnd
Aaron Snyder occupier.
The Burgesses and inhabitant of the Borongli of
.Sunbury vs' William L. Dcwnrt and I'.osetta
F. Dcwiirt, his wile, owners Ac.
The President. Managers and Company for erect
ing a bridg"ovi-r the Wct branch of Su-que-hanua
at tlie towu of Lewisburg vs. Daniel
ii. Dreisbach.
The Burgesses & inhabitants of the Borough of
Sunbury vs. J. B. Master, owner or reputed
The Burgesses inhabitants of the Borough of
Sunbury vs. J. B. Masser, owner or reputed
Tlie Burgesses .V: Inhabitants of the Borough of
Sunbury vs. J. 11. Musscr. owner or reputed
The Burgesses A Inhabitants of the Borough of
Sunbury vs. J. It. Musa r, owner or reputed
Catherine D.uid vs. The Enterprise Qoal Co.
William Lewis vs. James Mulonc.
F. Zimmerman nnd F. 1.. llcrdie, endorsees of E.
W. Lowe vs. John Klasc, udin'r of Valentine
Klnse, dec'iU
F. Zimmerman ami F. L. Herdic, endorsees of E.
W. I.owe. vs. Daniel W. Sampsel, drawer.
Martin Wratiffnnd Thomas Berlieu vs. I'riah
Foulke, contracter, und .Michael Shipe,
.1. 11. Cadwulladef vs Yfillhun Witlilngton.
A. N. (i recti ts. E. Sober..
Jesse Potter vs. john R. Seller.
J. A. Cuk,who sues for himself, ns well as for the
Commonwealth of penn'a, vs. N. C. Dean,
agent of Pemiv"ivc.rda It. It. Co., Lessees of
Philadelphia ri Erie It. U. Co.
J. A. Cake, who sues for himself ns well as for
the Commonwealth of lVnn'a, vs. N. C.
J. A. Cake, who sues for himself ns well as for
the Commonwealth of Pcuu'a, vs. N. C.
J. A. Cake, who sues as well for himself as for
tho Commonwealth -f lVnn'a, vs. N. C.
J. A. Cake, who sues a well Tor himself ns for
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs.
Philip Daiigh.irt.
J. A. Cake, who sues as well for himself as for
the Commonwealth of lYnnsvlvami vs.
Philip Banshart.
T. W. Wagner vs. James E. T.ivloraiul William
Ferd'muud Picr, admlni-trntor of estate of To
bias Piper, d'ee'd vs. A. Savidge and
t'm iniiel Artman.
J. A. Cake, w ho sues lor liims 'lf ns well ns for
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Dan
iel Lamb, Engineer of P nu'a K. l!. Co.,
le'-ces of Philadelphia .V Erie C'o.
S. A. Cuke, w ho sues for him-elf as well ns for
the Com'monwenllh ol' Pennsylvania vs. A.
11. dissert, engineer of t lie Penn'a K. R. Co.,
lessees of the Philadelphia and ErieK. K.Co.
J. A. Cake, who sues ns weil for himself a for
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs.
Henry Hunt, watchman of the. 1'enu'a R. R.
Co., lessees of the Philadelphia eV Eric K. Hi
William Belknap vs. James MeC'orkel.
William Beldnap vs. (,eorge Young.
Willism IK'lkntp vs. John ti. .Snyder.
William Belknap s. James B. Wallace and Jabe
I). Wallace, his wife.
William Belknap vs. Charles A. i Margaret
Morgan, administrators of Henry Morgan,
William Belknap v. James Park.
Wiliiam Belknap vs. J. E. Toole.
Sl'lX 'KM.
lVOlllilliiS HAXTEl)
For Wood's Household Magazine, w hich, with
its Premiums, is one of the. most attractive in
the country. Price ol Magazine,
One Dollur m Year.
Commission liberal, offering a lucrative and
agreeable business to those willing to give it
proper attention. ol. Mil, ucglns w ii tt titiiy,
1873. Examine our Clubbing and Premium
Lists. Two Hrst clufS periodicals for the price
of one.
f" For specimen Matazlno and further lufor
malion, Address,
8. E. 8HUTES, Publisher. Ncwburgli, N. Y
Children often look 1'wle anil Niek
from no other cause than having worms lu the
will destroy Worms without injury to th child,
being perfectly WlHTE.aml from all the coloring
or other injurious Ingredients usually used In
worm preparations.
CURTIS BltfWN, PrnprWom,
No. 215 Fallon Street, New York.
S'tM by DrwijM nnd ChemM, and dealer in
Medicine at Tw entv-FivE Cents A llo.
July 12, 1873. ly.
The CoureKNiou ol n list alil.
Published by a warning nnd for the benefit of
Young Muu nnd others w ho sutler fl'oin Nruvor
Deuilitv, loss or Manhood, otc, supplying the
ineaus of self-cure. Written by on" who cured
himself after undergoing considerable quackery,
aud sent free or receiving a post-paid directed
eovolop. Sufferers are invited to address tho
June 14,73 -m. Box 153, BronklyiV, N. Y.
Thirty Vobph IKsperlenee ol'nii Oltl
Mr Win-slow "h NoolhlftK Nynirt I
I lie prescription ofone of tlie best Female
Phyieiniis and Nurses hi tho United Slates, and
has been used for thlrtj vears with never falling
safely and success by trillions of mothers and
children, from the feeble Infant, ofone week old
to the uilnU. It corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, nnd
gives rest, health nnd comfort to mother and
child. We believe It to be the. Best nnd Snre'
Remedy In the Wotld. In nil cases of DYSEN
ther it prises from Teething or from any other
cause. Full direction" for using will accompany
en eh botrlc. None Genuine unless the fac-Himilc
of Cl'llTIn .t PEKKP-'S Is on the outsldu wrap
per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers.
Jtily V'.,
The Household I'aiiaceH,
rami! I.titlmeiil
is the best remedy In the world for the following
complaints, viz. : Cramps in the Limbs and Sto
mach, lit in tlie Stomach, Bowels, or Hide,
IMieiimalism in all its forms, Billions Colic, Neu
ralgia, Cholera, Dysentery ,Colds,Vrcsh Wounds,
Burns, Soro Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
nnd Bruises, Chill aud Fever. For Interim! and
External use.
Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes tho cause of tl.e complaint.
It penetrates nnd pervade" the whole system, re
storing healthy action to all Its parts, and quick
ening tlie blood. .
''tic IlotiHehnM IMiiiaeea i purely
Vegetable and All Healing.
Prep .red by
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale bv all druggists.
July i, 1873. ly.
Foh Loss oe Aitktite, Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Diprcssloii of Spirits and general Debility, in
their various forms, Ferro Phosporate.l Elixir
of Celisay made by Caswell, Hazard A: Co.,
New York, and sold by all druggists, i the best
Tonic. As a stimulant tonic for patients recov
ering from fever or other sickness, it has no
equal. If taken during the season it prevents
fever and ague and other intermittent fevers.
In Greenbrier, on tlie27ih lnt.. by the Rev. J.
Wolhacli, Lewis I)ei;k to, both
of Cameron tow nship. North d county.
In this place on the. ',".)fh lilt., of Cholera la
fiii'. iin, SAMUEL, son of J. V. and .Mary llu
cher, aged about '.I inontas.
BY Virtue of curtain writs of Fi. fit. tome di
rected, will be exposed to public sale ut the
Couit House, in t tic borough nf Sunbury, on
Sni unlit y the 2tl luy orAugtit,IH7:t,
nt 11 o'clock, a. in., tho following property, to
wit :
A certain trnct or piece of ground situate in J.
W. I'riling's addition to the borough of Sunbu
ry, Northumberland county, Pa., known and de
signated in tlie general plan of said addition as
lot number three (3,) bounded northwardly by
Spruce street, castwardly by lot numlier t wo ('J.)
southwardly bv an alley, and westwaidly by lot
number four (4,) containing in width forty ( Id)
feet, and in depth one hundred and thirty-seven
(137) feet, whereon are elected a two story l'ramu
dwelling house, with store room nnd stable.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
proiHiriy of David Fry.
A certain lot or piece nf ground situate lu the
borough of Hhaiiiokin, Northumberland county,
Pa., known and designated in the general plot or
plan of said borough as let number thirty-four
(34.) in block number oue hundred and tl Ity one
(151.) bounded north by lot No. thirty live (35)
castwardly by Franklin street, southwardly by
lot number thirty-three (33,) and westwardly by
Shamokin street, containing in width twenty
eight and a-half (28'a) feet, und in depth one
hundred and ninety feet, whereon nre erected a
two story fiuinc dwelling hoiiscwith stoic room,
bakery, Vc.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Anna E. Sober.
A certain lot or piece rd" ground situate in the
town of Trevorton, Northumberland ncmnly.and
State of Pennsylvania, it being the one-half of a
lot of ground known ami designated in the gene
ral plan of said town as lot number oue (1.) in
block number tilly-eiglit (58.) fronting on Rail
road, twenty-live fet lu width, ami seeuty-tivc
feet III depth, whereon is ereitcd a two story,
frame dwelling house, iVc.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as
the property of George Kehler.
Certain two lots or pieces of ground, situat
ed in the borongli of Mriim' Carmel, in the coun
ty of Northumberland, and, State of Pcunsylva
lila.number twenty-five (:.'!?) and twenty-six, (20)
in block number forty (h.) on the lithographed
general plan of faid borough, whereon is crtcted
one two story frame dwelling house, stable, and
other buildings.
Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as
(ho property of John B. Reed and Sarah J. Reed.
ShciilFs Office, Sunbury, July 18, 1873.
BY Virtue of sundry writs of Veil. Exponas,
ifiu Veil. Exponas, Levira Facias, il;i Le
vari Facias to me directed, will be exposed to
public sale, at the Court House, in tlie borough
of Sunbury, on
MuimIhj , Itli luy ol Auttusit, 17.1,
at 1 o'clock, p. ni , the following piopertv, to
wit :
All that certain piece or lot of groan 1, s;tuate
In tlie borough of Sunbury aforesaid, marked In
the general plan of said borough as lot number
ninrtv-two 'ij, containing in breadth, north and
soulb. on Broadway street, tifty-sevcu '57, feet
and six inches, und in length, east and west.
two hundred and thirty feet, l2.i0, feet, hounded
on the south by Whoitlebciry street, now Wal
nut street, on the west by Broadway, on the
north by lot number ninety one ",1. and ou tl.e
uist by an alley, u hereon is erected a two Mory
frame building with back kitchen.
Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold us
the property of Mary Slirnntz. with notice to
George Lyou aud Nancy his wife, ti ire tciau.ts.
A dwelling hoii-e nn I store room combined, of
two stories, having a front of tweiily seven v.'7,
f.ft, and a depth of Hfly-nro f. , and a pri
vy appurtenant thereto four ' I, feet deep by x
'11, leet broad, situate upon a Ceitaiu lot or pi. re
of ground within the borough of Sunbury, coun
ty of Northumberland, unit State of Pennsylva
nia, numbered upon tlie general plan of said bo
rough ns lot No. 220, being pall of said lot de
scribed usfollowr: beginning a? a point on the
west side of Third street at tl.e distance of one
hundred and ten 'lid, feet and one "1, inch
northward from tlie south side of Chestnut street,
thence by a line parallel to said Chestnut street,
westwardly across said lot sixty 'Co, fen ton
post in the division line 1 el wee, i the said lot and
lot No. 240 ; thenec by sal. I division line south
wardly, I .tenty-seveu 'M feet, strict men sura to
u post s theneu by a line parallel to said Chest
nut street, sixty 'ill, feet to the western tile ol
said Third street, ami thence northwardly along
mid Thirl street twenty-seven '27, feet, strict
measure, to 'lie place ol beginning, containing
sixteen hundred and twenty M020, square leet of
Seized, taken in execution nnd to be sold ns
the properly of James Vandyke, owner or reput
ed owner and contractor.
A certain lot or piece of ground situato lu the
town of Daliiiutia, Lower Mahanov township,
Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded
northwardly by lot of John Boon, Eastward!)' by
an ally, southwardly by au ally, westwardly by
River street, containing in width slxlv-sl:: feet,
and lu depth one hundred nnd sixty-Uvo feet,
whereon are erected one frame bouse; aud ether
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold us
tho properly ot U. W. Arhnwst.
All that certain tract of land'sltun'e In Sllanfv
kin township, county Of Northumberland, and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to wit i bcgimiirgiit a White ouk, thence
by land of John Repley.n'mh sixty degrees, west
one hundred and flfty-lhres perches to a stone;
thence by lands of James Yociiin, south twenty
nluo aud u-hulf devices, uist forty-two perches
to a post j thence north slvty-llve and one-fourth
degrees, i'tt tweiity-thieo perches and 5-10 to a
post i llienee south twenty-seven degrees nad 3-4,
west forty perches and' four-tenths to a white
oak or stone i t'lence south sixty-seven nnd a
half degrees east two perches and 2-10 to a white
oak j thence by lnds of Georgu lleekert, south
twenty-nine degrees, cast ninety-three perches
nnd 4-10 to a rtone i thence, by lands of Leonard
Pennsyl and Daniel Adams, north for'y-three de
grees and rnn-half, east eighty-four perches to a
stone by the church thence eiglit.y-ene degrees
east eighty perches to the place of heit;lniiinr,
containing seventy acres, nnd one hundred and
fourteen perches, whereon are erectid one franio
house, hunk barn an 1 other buildingr.
Seized, taken In execution, and to bo ao'.i us
the property of Peter lln.:ghuei .
The follow ing real estate, namely : lot No. 4 in
block No. l'.H, as laid down upon the gi neral ii
thogrnpln I plan or pint ot the borough of Fhu
mokln, snld lot being i feet In trout by I'JUVj
feet In depth, and bounded on the cast by Pearl
street, and on the west by Franklin street, and
onjthc south by lot No. 5, upon which is situated
atwortoiicd frame dwelling house with bo.e
Seiwd, taken In execution, nnd to be fold as
the properly of John MeCab", nnd Catliarinu
MeCnbe hia wife.
A certain lot or piece of gr..ut,1. siln ste ie. the
town of llewnr'., Northumberland county, front
ing on Mel'iuland street, north I'm leel, and run
ning south ll.'O fc-t to an alley, and adjoining lot
No. 17 on the em-t, know n ami designated on the
pl.m of said town as lot No. is. Alo, all that
certain bit or piece of ground situate ns aforesaid,
known end designated on the plan of raid tow n
as lot No. , fronting on Main street 10 :,',
nnd extending north 1'iO feet to an alley, bonud
ni wc.-! ar diy by the Pl.iladelphi i and Erie rail
road, whereon are eroded it one storv grain
1 hoiie, and a small dwelling levis-. Arisn, tho
fluhl, title and intere. t ot W. I'. Datesmau. of.
to. and in u certain lot or piece of giound, situ-
ale as nfoivsnid, known and designated in the I
plan of said town as lot No. 17, fronting on Me
Farland street (10 feet, and extending south 120
fivt to nil alley, bounded cnstwnrd,y by an alley,
and westwardly bv lot Nn. 1H. Also, lot No. 15, j
situate as aforesaid, fronlii.g norm (ill leet mi
MeFarlan 1 street, ami extending south I'.n feet .
to nn alley, bounded castwardly by a sliced, and
westwardly bv Ii t of Joseph Nicely, Jr. :
Seized, taken In execution, and 'to be sold ns j
the property of John HeeUcl and W. P. Dates- ;
man. ;
ALr.O: :
All that certain lot or piece of ground sHnate.
in the borough ol Miami, kin, being lot No. 5, in i
block 0", in th': general plan of said town, bound- ;
cd castwardly by lot number four, (4) south- 1
vi-ardlyf ? Mulberry street, westwardly v lot
number six (Ii) a'ai northwardly by nn a lev.
Seized, taken i:1 evcM'ion auj to be sold as the I
properly of John Wulbarn ami Auueit.i hi.- wife.
A ci'tain lot oi pieee of gro'.nd MUiale m toe
borough of Sunhnry, County of Not rhiiiiiberlaiid, j
lVuiir.y! v.'iiia, being pal t of a lot numbered in i
the general plan oi sal-thorough two hun-'liri J
and, lii'.".i. and bounded .uid di-'i ile. d
as loll owl : beginning at a p'.-t on Ibe. i.i st side
of Dear or Third street, ut lii: i!i-l i: , f one end ten f -el and on.- ia.b ro.ithward
fioin th'J south s'do of Chestnut or Blackball-)'
street ; thence by a lino parallel to raid Chest
nut street, westward!)' across the t,ui,l lot sixty
f"Ct toa post in a divii.ion line between the said I
lot and lot number two hmi lied und thirty;'
thence bv said division lir.c sO.irTv'arf'ly, twenty- j
seven feet strict measure to a post ; thence by a :
line parallel to said Cher Hint streel sixty feet io
the western side o! said Third ttreet, and thence i
northwardly along said Third itrcct, twenty-sc- I
veil feet, strict measure, to tho place of begin-
nine, containing sixteen hundred and twenty I
s'lunrc feet of land with the appurtenances, on
which are elected a two stoiy wooden building, i
occupied as a dwelling, and a store, also out-1
buildings, ,Ve.
SeiZ'-d, taken in execution, and to be. soul ns the
property of Nicholas Wciik, James Vandyke, late
partner trading as Wenk & Vandyke.
A certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Del
aware township, Northumberland county, Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, ?o
wit : ou the north by David W. Van, line, on the !
cast bv land ol Chaih s llartzel. on the south by I
land of Jacob Wcike, and on the wc.-t by land of
Samuel Sees, containing thirty-four (34) acres
more or less, whereon nre creeled a two story
frame dwelling bouse, frame bank barn, ,Vcf
Also, certain tract, or piece of ground, situ
ate in Delaware township, Northumberland
count v. l'ennevlvaliia. boundeil
bounded nnd ilescn',,-!! .. '-t . .... ,1 ,.rll, I, e 1 ml r.T 1 1:1 Vld
W. Vandiue, on the east bv land of Jacob Am-
wine, on the south bv land of Jacob Wcike, nnd
on tue west ny lanusoi i naries nanz ei, coiiiaia-
lug tw"niy-l'o'ur (2f) acres inon- or less.
Seized, taken in execution', i.V'd trr be sold as j
the property of Peter Arnwine.
A LSI ) :
All that tract, piece or parcel ol land, situate
partly in Cameron township, and partly in Coal !
lownshio. countv of Northumberland, nnd Si ite :
of I'ennsv'.Vrtiiia, boundc 1 and described as fol-
lows: beginning nt a heap of stones in a line of
Is, i, ii lloif i s land i hence bv the same
fourteen and one-half degrees west sixty perches !
and three-tenths toa stone; thence by laud nf I
l'eter Wcikel, north eighty-nine nnd three-fourth ;
degrecs.east eighty-five perches ar.d scvcn-leiilhs ,
ton stone : thence i:nrth three degrees, east thir- i
ty-six perches and live-teutb's to n stone ; thence I
by D.'.uiel Sehh ig's laud, norlh seventy-six de- '
glees, cist seventeen perches and eight-tenths io j
a heap of stone ; north fourteen degrees,
west fourteen perches toslones ; I hence by moun- '.
tain land south eighty-eight and three-fourth de- I
grees, east seventy-one perches and eight tenths I
to stones ; thence by Peter Weikel's land south !
fourteen and one-h..lf degrees, west sity two j
perches to a stone no the t-oullu rly side of the ,
Minersville road ; them e south fourteen degrees, j
we-t sil v-thrce nnd eight tenths perches in lino .
I of Hai iisoii Wagner's land ; thence by the same
south sixty-three und one-fourth degrees, west!
I th'.H v--i veil iierehes and two-tenths to a post,
au. I thence by the same south eighty-six and one
half degrees, west lour perches and three-tenths ,
I to the place of beginning, coniaining seventy-six ;
j acres ami one hundred and tiliy-iour perches ;
strict measure.
Also, all that Inlet or ldefe of land, siiuhlc h: '
Cameron township, N'ori nuinlierhind comity an,) I
i State of l'eiiiisv'.vania.bouinied a-I lllow s : north ,
by Hie belore men'.io'.u d tract, east by knur f :
Peter Weikel, south ly lands now or late of)
Geor;c II. I.r-ng, v.est by 1 d" Isaac Holla,,
containing t hlrty-tive acres aiu, one hinidred and I
thi-ty-tive perches be the same more or less. j
Sei.ed, tal."!l ill exccul ion, ami to be sold ns i
the i, ropeit v of William 1.. Ileiletisliuc. I
The follow ing described real estate, to w it :
.1'! that certain lot or piece o ginund situate In ,
Delaware tow nship, No' lliuli l,er and county, 1
rViinsvl ania, hounded and d"scilbed us follows:
on the cast by au ally, on the south by Maine
sired, ivi the we-t l y lot of WiMI m" D.itr-man,
and on th" noiih I v an ally, containing in front :
'.0 Cert, and one him lied an I twenty (120) feet,
in depth, whereon are ere. I'd a t A o -tin y brick
hotel, w it ti ba-cM.-nt , a , m.I .-'.; d ;.ad an ice-,
bou-e. j
AIo, another lot or piece of ground, sitiialc in j
Delaware tow n-hip, Noil !u:n,be: la'id c u.n'y,
Pa., I.oanded end descr'b-l a fol'ows : i n Ihei
norlh he a slteet, ou I he east l,v an ally, on the
s, a, th by nn nl , and orilhe v-r by land of
John MeKiirl.ind. containing 110 leet in front. and
one hiindrcl and twenty leet (i'.'n) In depth, i
whereon are i reeled a liaai-.i stable and chicken
bouse, belonging to Ine afi'siii.l hoi.-l. I
Also another half lot somite in Delaware !
township, bounded an I desci .le d ;is to'lows : nn i
the south by nii j'!;', on the "t by an ally, on I
the norlh I v a strtrl, and on the ea-t by lot of
Robert Mel', , i land, eon i. lining m lioi;i 11,1 feel i
lllld ill depth i2ll b.ii lliercoil - creeled a pig- :
pen. j
Seized, taken In execution, and tohesoM as the :
property of William llei i Ing.lieorge W. ll-'i ring,
with :ti.M. 3 to W. P. and John lletkel. I I
All that certain tract, pieee or pare.-! of land,
siti'Ste in Cameron township, Northumberland j
county aforesaid, nnd bounded aud ih sci ibcd as j
follows : beginning nt u 'tone in il line of Isaac ,
linllu's land j Hciiec by tlie same sousli fourteen
degrees and a-luill, east three perches and three- ,
tenths ol" a perch to a stone ; t hence r'v the Into j
Peter Weikel's hind, now Harrison Wagner's,
forth eighty-liine degrees und t hree-lcrths, east
elghiy-llvo perches and seven-tent tot lb a loue ,
I hence by tlie same north three degrees, ca;t
thiity-MX perches and liie-tenll.s Ion nr.ue ;
Iheucu by mountain south seventy six degrees,!
west twenty-six perches, and oras tenlh to a 3'ouej
theucc by Daniel fcdelg s land soiuli nine ili-grce
and thiee-fourths, east clevr-.i perches ond two
tenths to a stone, and thence by the same south
seventy-five degrees, west slxlv-lhiee perches and
four-tenths to the place of beginning, containing
liiuo acres and one bunJ.M mid live perches
strict measure. j
Seized, taken In exenlir'n and to be sold as ;
the property of William L. lleifenstine. j
S. H. P.OTHFKMEL, Slu-rin". I
Sheiilfs Ofliee, Sunt my. duly It, IT.i.
flclu &btrrlbnnti.
I.'OI'HT l'K()( I, i " I I tt) i.
Is. hereby civen thai the -. ,.-1 .. 1 Coaiis of
nmn Pleas, General Qua iter ' sn,on? of I he
l eacc,
and Orphans I'ourl, t ,,enl
, r and i crmuicr
1 for the co'im v '
lice at tie- Court
.;. lit 10 o'rlo.-i:
Hi', ii-ex:,
' a i and Cmi.-t
iitiiii'ierbi'id ar-i
ill I :c-ir pi n.i
! in jiilMtlone,
t hose thbis to
to be done. Ar.d
and tie'livel .1 ,il D-lie. i v. ;,,
of Nut bam' rl.iii'l, wV .-.t.ii
House, I'l tu" 'loroiitfh o miii
A. M.. on .MONDAY, A I i.i
and will eoiillline t.wo wee! .-.
The Cormier, Justices of 'he
hi i s in and for the enmity of N.
le,Ueli-d t be en a" 1 .
persons, with their ro'.'s, v-c
and other ivir-cmhrutircs, to il
their several o.m-es riL-pertain:-:
ail witness prosecuting in behalf o the Com
monwealth iirAltist any prbonei. aic request"'!
and eon.inaiided to be then and there attending
lu lli-iir proper persons to pros i.t" nga.ii' t Mm
ns shall bojust and not to I'epi'rt whlioat leave,
lit their peiil. .lurors mo r. d',, Med to he pune
tusl ill !h, ii -illenuaiiee, a' thu tii.'is epiioiiited.
agreeably to tli iir noti.-,
ttiveii under my hand nt Sunbury, Ore j-t .',,r of
July, in the year of mil' lord Mjc'li.ju'.ind tight
hundred nnd seven! v-tbl ec.
SAMUEL II. l;oTlir.iMEI-'.'Sri:r.
Central Drug Store; .
o. .Alarhct strci'l, SuuUurj-,
f'S the place to buy ; ,jur
1 rr.Esii i hugs,
ximi' IXES, PAINTS. OIL.-.
GLAr-s. PEim m::t:v, pateni
MEDICINES, LIQUOR:!, und all other article:',
usual')' kept in a tiit clars 1 'n:g
Speeia! attention paid to ciMpou'ul Physi
cians Pit,- criptions at all hours in, iudia;' Bur.
GEO. B. CAD W.U.l A i I E 1 1 .
I",,. Ii niaeiitis i.
THE DISTRICT CO! VI' of th-; Uuited
,;'.es of the Western Dis'.ie t Punf.i.
It IShiiI; rM(') .
Tile undersigned herebv gb.'cs nuti-v r,f his ap
pointment as assignee of Daniel '. K-hres, ..!'
Washington 'owi;!,'p,'n the eouiitvol Noithuii
beiiand. Slate of Pciiusyiv.iui.i, within said '):.'
trict, who has been adjudged a bam. nipt upon
bin o n pelilion, by the District Court v( said
To the Creditors of said Bankrupt.
1. II. MOURE, AsMgnc.
Sunbury, .Tuly I I, 1S73. Bw.
Mates for the Western District I'er.n'u.
In liiuil. riitc) .
The undersigned hercl-v gi es notiee of hi - a;'
pointm, it us a-.-ignee ol William R'-it3.of Wash
ington towiir.hi, in the comity of Northumber
land, Slate of l'ennsyl aula, w ithin said Dislri-t,
who has been adjudged a bankrupt i.pon hismvi,
' ti!'hin, by the ;it-iut Court of sai l District
To the Crea'.lors of said Bank' up! .
P. II. MOORE, Assignee
S.intiury, Ja'y 12. 1MT3. -w.
liliiiliiisttrntor'H .Xotico.
TOTICF. Is hereby given that Letters of Ad-
ministrntii.n huvin-r been grant-d t- the
iindersigiii-d, on ,!.o estate of -lereiiiiuU Funis
wnilh, late of the borough ol Sunbury, North
umberland comity, Pa., deceased. All persons
indebted tosai I estate are requested tomakc im
mediate payment, ar.d thoseliavini; claims will
piescnt them dulv authenticated for settlement.
If. Bti'tCS,. . ,
Aduiinist ratof.
Srinourv. Julv 5, IS".";. fit. .
iii:r.i it ii vmy.
Tnr Rkluiilf. Family MEnict'.rs.
IARRI1EA, Dysentery, Cholera, Rummer
Complaint, C'uinps, etc., imckly cured by
the line of
Compound Svrup of Blackberry Root and Rhu
barb. Au old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable,
pleasant to take, o,uick mid certain lu ctrcet ;
can be depended on in the most urgent ca'cs ;
may be given to the youngest infant aa well m-ti-adults,
't. conteir's
Il i :l pleasant extract and readily taken by
childrili. H has often saved life when physi
cians liad despaired. Keen it. !n the house and
j use ill time. All v.v ask for it is n trial. Don't
let your dealer put von off with sometbimr else.,
j Buy it. Try it. Sold by Druggists and Store
I Keepers throufinut thi Htate. 1'rep.iivil only by
! 11ANEI.L Jc lino.,
i J.inr 14, 'T8 am. "Oini Market ht., PhilailelpMa
Duttciy, cl. al. J In the ( ourt of
i .. f Pleas, of Noil'
I leas, it orthuiui,ei'-
E. F.
Wci-t. ) land conntv, Fi. Fa.
No. 115, March l'erin, 1S73.
T"T ICE i- hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed Auditor bv the Couit of
C ommon , Iras ol' Nirlhtimherland, eoirrly, to
make distribution of te monies paid h to Court,
arising from Hie sale of defendant's property, to
and among those entitled thereto. lie will meet
the creditors, nnd those claiming out of that
1 fund, nt bis olliee in tin- borough nt Sunbury oi.
Thursday, July Kill, I'l o'clock, a. m.
.'. BR1CE, Auditor.
Sunbury, June 10, 107
tFoaariiLT Wood Msks.I
Steam Engines.
Tke Best & Most Complete Assortment
in tho Market.
T1ip-o Tnirino hnre nUv;iy- tnftlilt HneM tnn rt-rf
h'm'iMttt .:uiiJ:iM of cxci'!u-nc Wo tu;ike tlio
mtuuila-Htiif ri Kntni-i, ji-iil ta rtv. S iwMillaa
woiksof tbff kird in tin country, witu Kinclaucrjr
p'H'iiUly iul to the w uk.
We ktp (,tnutly in inxv3 Inreo tinmbrs of
Ki iihnet., whith wu furnish uttbt'Vi'i'ylowutttprioca
aul on tli" ih-irtost luttuv. Wo ImiM KntHm-s
V '-'i iV.y ul'.iit'il to ?Iin. cw Mills, Urit Mill,
T.iun- r t'tt'in Ouid, 'iLruli-r aui all clumt.4
of tmiiui.ifturitf.
ti: . in, ft iMiMinf? tnee't'nT.vtt,l T.nno Cirpu
l .r S.ivr Mill. tUif lt aud U'Jt cut'ipLut now will
tvtT inw'i'o.1.
W.MmU tVTnanMfivtuwof Saw MiH outfit A
p-!;, il ( i!um it our budUti-MM, uuj cuu iutumu
touiiUt't. oi tii- Hiinrtint uouro.
(itr-ii'i in nUi-isf is to furnish thbint m
clniii'y in t!n mmkt't, and woiit ulMiluuly ua
lualfd forliiiity tit tK'nitni.fOuminiy aud MtivurftU.
bond iiT 1'ircuUr und 1'iioti Lut.
I TU A, N. T.
Peiul for llluitrnteil!ouini niul exanilne
our 'i iees betore Mireli ii'i..', n, we i-'.eiin to pel,
lower tli. in :iuv oilier c.-rililislirii i,t In the City.
V.' RIIMJF A EN I E, Pbihi.leli'ir.ri.
1.t(l: II'N i:iV IIO I F.I.. Cor. 'nit.
.1? I. unit und New I huirli .Si., .New Voik.
oniho KuroHMii I'Ihii. l;i( IIAl.l) P. FRENCH.
Smiof tlie Lite Col. RICHARD FRENCH, or
Fmieh'i, II..I, I, h.i liiken tho- Hotel, new!) tilted
4ji unit rnliiely reu,iniei Ihe ;iil,e. I ',).( uffy
MH'li i tlx: HI I N FS PA K I' tl t ,1,1.
I.AOlK-i' ,V. Iicmi Mil HlMNi. Iloovio AT
1 ti IIK1.
July "i.'Tii. Cm.