f 1873. 173. illli If Mill MIliilL Enormous Stools Greatest Variety. Lowest Prices. Just opened it S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. the largest stock of SPRING AJiB QOQBS ever olTcred in this town. 10CX) Conte, 1000 Vest, 1000 Pants, 200 Roy's and ChiUlrcu". Suits, 1000 Hats and Caps for mi'u aud boys, 1000 Ms 5000 Llneu aud Taper Collar, 1000 Fair Linen and Vapor Cuff, 1CMK) Tics, Hows and Scai&, 150 Dozen Socks, 30 dilTcrcut stylus Suspenders, 200 OVERALLS ID OVBRSHIRTS, Gauzo and Merino .Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is respectfully invited to call incnt. Xo Goods misrepresented, uo trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices, and satisfaction guaranteed hi every way. S. fficrzfeltler, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Vn., April 12, 173. dT A M O N O S P c T A C LES, WATCHES & JEWELRY. !! ; SCX HI8IXO BY AX TKAD. . SHANNON, Corner Market and bUNBURY, P A. . , ; i;r.Ai.i:n ix WATCHES,CLOCKS, JEWELRY AXU SILVEItWAHE. Spectacles. Tlieso I.enscs are mntiuf.ictured from Minute Crystal IYbbles, ittiited by fusion, ntid derive their name "IMutnotul," on ttceount of tbeir liarducss and brilliancy. Tlie bcientitio principal on which they nro construeted, prevents all limtucrinq and wavering ol'Siht, l)izzineis, tVc., peculiar to all others in use. Superior to Scotch or Kraxiliun 1'ebbleH at less than half the. price. They are mounted in tlie linest manner, at our own manufactory, in all styles of Gtild, Silver, Steel, Iiubber aud Shell Frames of tho best quality. Manufactured by The Kix-nrer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J. E. Spencer - Co.,' in the 0)ticnl iA'partuieut.) New Voik aud New Haven. For Sale only by Til AIMI.I S S- SIIANO.. Suubury, Ta., May 31, 173. KPKIXU UPF.M.VO ; of ! DHY GOODS ANI) NOTIONS. I Cloths, CWiinere", Calicok, aud everything lu ! tho Dry Good line. ! CARPETS AND Oil. CLOTHS. j Qiieenswarc, C.!asware, and Wood und Willow, j ware. GROCERIES. J A biri;e assortment just opened, which consists 1 of Tea, Coll'ee, Sutra r. Molasses, ripiee., Meal, . FUh, ttc. The I eiebruted Alleutou n baud made ) BOOTS AND SHOES, ! Warranted to give satisfaction. In fact a full )6ortineut of everything kept in a Hi st-ela store, vau be had lit greatly REDUCED PRICES. for cash. Call and see the tins '.ceilrn of new goods, and be convinced Hint F. J. 11'ItOII'N, near the Lulhern Church, lu Sunbury, If the best mid cheapest place to buy all kinds id flore goods. No trouble to show goods. Apill 5, 1X73. ly. M. FAUSOV, SO. A CO., No. 9'28 8oulh SECOND Street, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WIl.l.UM FARMSON, HENRY 1IARNED. NELSON PUOH, W. W. C RE ACT HERS, Muuufnrturers of Firsl-C'lus Fl'RNI'I CUE, piic.s rriisoiiable. PU se c ill and ermine. DescriBtions, and examine tins most magnificent assort- ELGI WATCH. Third Streets, OKO. EVANS. E. . MAtE. Geo. Evans & Co., 011 .Market Stivot, l'hiltuleli.hiii, TAILORS uud MIUTAHY CLOTHIEttS, Military, Band 4 Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours belli'; the leading house on Military work, wo feel that we cau offer inducements which can uot he nttaiucd any w hero else. A us. 21, 1ST3. 2fv 1. C'Ofl per day I Agents Wanted I All QO 1U Q vU classes of worklnir people, of either sex, youiiK or old, inuke more niouey at work for us in their spare pioiucnts, or ail the time' than at anything else. Particulars Tree. Address, O. BTINhON & CO., Sil ly. Portland, Mniue. Ui ft in si S p CO N m r H 5 m S9 SPItlXts AM) SC. II M ER- MILL1NERY GOODS FOU 1S73 j JUST opened nil extensive assortment of STRAW, MILLINERY AMI FANCY GOODS, j comprising t lur latest and most attractive styles selected with cam from the l-;nlinir imposing houses in New York and llii!ad' -lphia, and ' adapted for the present season. I RIBBONS AND FLOWERS in great vai ii ly, a general assoi Uncut of neck I ties, ornaments for sacqucs. TRIMMINGSOF A 1,1. KINDS. ' Gloves, Collars, Cutis, and every fashionable I nil iele of ladies' wear. Call and Bee the new ftyles of Goods at MISS I.. SHISSLER, Market Square, Sunbury, Fa. April 20, 173. CltAWFOItO UOl Sl' Cor. Third and Miilbcrrv, Busiticss Ceutie, Vllli:iiif iort, Fa. D. B. F.I.SE & CO., Proprietor. June 3'.t, 1S73. 1307.' RICH T ER gASK I LL, 1 3 0 7 DEALERS IN American ani Frencb How Glass, Crystsl Sheet, Rough Flute, Colored, .Eimmclid and Orns-iucutnl Glass, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. ; January 11, 1S73. ly. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third street, Clement House Biilii, Sntanry. Pa. PH. C. M. MARTIN & CO. I WE arc now opening an cntirelv new stock ' of J DUlGS AND MEDICINES, j und are prepared to supply any article In our lino ! that may l e called for, we have also n full stock i of all the leadins; Patent Medicines. Flue Pcrlu- j Miery nnd Toilet Articles a speciality, a full as- : snrtmenl of Hair, lootli, ail, felloe and ottier Brushes, Drc-.'slne; und other Combs In great variety. FIXE TOILET SOAI'S. a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Cuolcehpic.es, l'eper whole or ground, Casli'.e and Laundry Soups, Lamp Chimneys aud Lamp (IcxmL giiierally. iiiid Seed in lnp'e or small lUtuntilies, CAItl'ENTER'S C1I A LK, fill ttock Fluid and Sidid Extracts, F.iixers and Pills of V. S- P., Suir:ir Coated, Slienthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's and other l'lasters. Aver s, Wright s, Mdienk s .Mandrake, Mcl.ane s Liver und other Pills, our ttix-k embraces every thing found in a well conducted Iirui; Store. Country Physicians will timl our stock full aud complete, und we guarantee to sell nslowns the same Hrticlca can be bnuclii In riiiladelptna, choice. Wines, 'Whiskey and Brandy for Medicin al purKjscs. Octobers, GIVEN AWAY. A Fink Uimimas Ciikomo. We send an elegant chroino, mounted and ready for I'raminir, free to everv agent for l.MtEIIUKUl'.Ml or Lint Bkmiw tiik Si kkai k, nv Titos. W. Knox. l 13 Pages Octavo. I'M Fine Engravings. Relates Incidents nnd Accidents bayoud tho Light of Day i Startling Adventures in all parts of the World Mities nnd Mode of Working tuein Cnder-currruls of Society i Gambling and its Horrors Caverns aud their Myiterics The Dark Ways of Wickedness ; Pi isuna uud their Secrets Dow n iu the Depths of the Sea j Strange bvorles of the Dttcetlon of crime. The book treats of experience with brigands ; nights in opium dens and gambling hells ; life iu prlsou Stories of exiles ; adventure, among In dians j Journeys through Sewers und Cutucouibsi accidents in uilues ( pirates and piracy ; tortures of the Inquisition 1 wonderful burglaries j under world of the great cities, etc., etc, AKeutst Wauted for this work. Exclusive teritory given. Ageuts cun make (100 a week iu selling this book. Scud for circulars and terms to agents. J. B. lit KK & HYDE, JUrlfoul, Ctnin., or . hicajjo, III. fit3i Jtbbcrtienitnts. J...r , NEW DISCOVERY In C bcmlrnl aud medical Selene. v-vA-l- Dr. OAR VI VS TAR IlKnEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. nr.GAnvn s tar remedies Curo Catarrh. Dr. OARVIVS TAR KE.Ttr.WIES Cure AMhiiio. Dr. UAUYI.VS TaR KEJIBDIES Cure Heurt Disease. Dr. tiAKYIX'S TAR REMEDIES Curo Skill Diseases. Dr. WAEIVIXM TAR REMEDIES Tb-giiluto tho I.iver. Dr. CiAKYIVS TAR REMEDIES Kogulato thcStOMMCJlundllOWClS Dr.UARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure all 1'einule Weaknesses. IU. 4.AKYIVS REMEDIES Purify tlio Illood. Dr. CSAKVI VS TAR REMEDIES Curo Diseases of the Throat. Dr. (3 Alt VI VS TAR REMEDIES Curo lironrhitis. Dr. , CSAKVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Cure ' Itosc Coll,"or"Ilaj Eevrr" Dr. , OARVIVS TAK REMEDIES Curo I.iiiik Diseases. Dr. CiARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES duo Constipation. Dr. , ; AKVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Salt Rhoitin. Dr. JRVI"S TAR REMEDIES Curo I&irtuey Diseases. Dr. , ;ai:vi v tar remedies I'revi'nt Cholera &, Yellow Fever Dr. UARVIVS TAU REMEDIES Fitvent. Malarious; Feverw, Dr. JAHVI-i TAR REMEDIES - liemovo Pain in the Breast. Dr. JAIIVI.,S TAR REMEDIES Ileutom Pain in tho Side or Back.' Dr. CiARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Aro a Superior Tonic. Dr. CiARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Kci,tore tho Appetite. Dr.ARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Causo the Food to Iipest. Dr. 4AItVI S TAR REMEDIES Kontoro the Weak nnd Dehilitnted Dr. iAVI .S TAR REMEDIES Give Tone to Your System. L. F. HYDE Sc CO., BOLE PKOPRIETOES, 19S Seventh Ave., Xew York, Deeeinher 21, 1S7'.'. ly UET THK BFST. 1Velstern I Htibril)jed liet ionary. 10,000 H'f r,V ami JAnui'tyj nt inothtr Jiii-tiun-arks. SOW Knuravinps ; 1S40 Patrc tjuarto. Price M2. "1 X riienever I wifh to obtain exact dellnilions, I consult it. Schuyler Colfax. T'verv Scholar knows its value. JL ' W. H. Prefeot the Historian. 1een one f my daily companions. John 1.. Motley, the lli-toiian, c So far as 1 know, best deliniiiL' Dlelinnary. Horace Maun. riilic best (juidu ofstudents of our l.nntruaire. (Jehu (i. Whlltier. "J.icels ail others Indetluini; scient'tlc terms. i U Prei-idctit llitehcoek.J 1 oinaikuble compendium ot unman knowledge X V. 8. Clark. Pres't Ag. College A neeceslty for every intelligent family, stu deut, teaelur and professional man. What l.l binry is complete without the best Enjjlish Dic tionary. ALSO WfHSTEk's NaTIOMI, l'K'TOItlAt. DlCTtONARV. 104H Putrcs Octavo. (il() Knirravlnir. Price f5. The work Is really a item of a Dictionary, just the thiu for the mil. ion. American .'durational MuHthlii. Published byC. & C. MEKRIAU, BprinKuVld, Mass. Sold hv all Kooksellers. , THE Kli ItAItltEK SHOP IS THE SHOP OF THE ToWN and long L has ticca ; asU history aud slie w ill tell you i Men have grown old in our patronage j Kahics on their mother' breast i To bouncing boys nt play ; And youths by mu'eleus fair caressed, i To si ilwart men with tales oppressed, ' A'ld old men silver gray. And among the honored and tasting linpres- ; sious of time, uud the crash of revolutions iu circumstances, we stand u livimr moiiumeutal I lncuiento or the Ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the Identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and nspiiiug to achieve tlie highest lew.ird of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation w Inch the presence of superior uppliauces aud cs tabiirhiuent are always wont toiusplre. Always to p'.casa We shave with ease Cut aud comb w ith taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing curo, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the tow u. Then allow ine politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as ! some have done for our use of the ballot for prlu- ! ciple sacred and right uor under the common secret nnd invidious guise of enmity t complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of bis skin, ought uot to ulfect bis usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance is nil that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5, 1873 ; No. 01, Market st. CEVI'EK OF ATTKACTIOX. Everybody is Invited to come nnd buy of -the handsome, assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES ut SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adiniulng Moore A Disslnger'a building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just iened a fresh supply of CoufeotionerL'S of every description. TOYS OF AM. UIXIIM constantly on band. The best RAIhlNS, FIGS, CL'RKANTS DRIED FRUIT. TITHE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns fc Cukes, every uiomlug. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS I OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS I Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters iu every style, l adies aud Gentlemcu will be accommodated with the best bivalve iu market, at all boars during the day aud eveulug. Families w ill be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, aa is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. 8. F. NEVIS. Dec. 16, 18TI. l mm, te i l ipfeto bbcrlistmcnts DLATCHLEY'S IMPROVED CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP. Tinlel"!M,r)nrnhlB, Efficient and Cheap. Tho best Pump for the lent moner. Attention In m peclnlly Invited to Blntehley' Patent Improved Bracket nnd New Drop Check Vnlvs, which can he withdrawn without re niovlim the Pump or dlnturtilntr the Joliitn. A lno, tho Copper Chnmbej, which Ttcvr cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere, henrt lor Oitnloi;ne and Prlco Ust. CHAR. O. BLATCIILEY, Mnnu fnctuier, 500 Commerce '"ig Phllnd'g. Pa. 8U,1y W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. V. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Market Square, NIWIIFKY, PA. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of well elected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PEKFUMKUY, rATENT MEDICINES, OILS, TAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, S VARXINII, DYF.NTl'FFS, In fact everything usually fcrpt In a well ron ducted IDIVETGr STORE. Particular attention paid to eompoundine Phy sicians prescriptions aud family receipts by the Fropritttor himself. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1872. Till Spare la IteserTed Tor the AtlVEDTISEMr.KT Of PAINE & McCORMICK'S II A H I) W A li E S T O II E Market St., Sunbury, I'll. A eomplete Sloi h of Choice Selec tions in ever)- Uepurtineut of fered tit Special prices, dur ing the Summer seusoii, Wliile mahiiiK niter nlluns. JKWELHY, STERLING SILVER Watches, Plated Ooods Cutlery, CloekN, Itroiisett A Faucy Goods. July 1?. D73. Is the most powerlul cleanser, lrengthner aud remover of (ilandular Obstructions known to Materia Melica. It is specially adapted to constitutions "worn down" and dehllituted by the warm weather of Springund Summer, when the blood is not iu active circulaliou, consequently gathering Impu rities from sluggishurs and imperfect uct'.on o the secretive oiguns, und is manifested by Tu mors, Eruptions, Blotches, Bolls, Pestuks, Scro fula. Ac. Wheu weary and lanqnld from ovorwork, and dullness, drowsiness and Inula take the place of energy and vigor, the (system needs a Tonic to bulld.it up und help the Vital Forces to regain their rccupcrativs power; In the heat of Summer, frequently t he Liver nnd Spleen do not properly perform their func tions ; the Uterine and Urinary Orgaus are In active, producing weakness of the stomach and intestines and a prcdispoetlioii to bilious dtrauge mcnt. DR: WELLS' Extract of Jurubrba Is prepareu plrectly from the South American Plant, and is peeullary suited to all these diffi culties ; it will cleanse tho Vitiated Blood, streng then the Life-tiivlng Powers, and remove all obstructions from impaired and enfolded Oigans. It should be freely taken, as Jurubeba Is pro nounced by medical writers the most efficient Puiilie.r, Touie and Deobstrueot known iu the whole range of medicinal plants. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. Sole Agent for the Unite! Stales. Price, 91 per Bottle. Seud for Circular. J25, 4w ''CAMPHORISE,iaiiresTve'r Try It. Sold by all druggists. REUBEN 1IOYT, Prop'r, New York, JeM.-4w WOHHIXO CLASS Male or Female 160 a week guaranteed. Respectable employneol at borne, duy or eveulug) no capital required full instructions Si valuable package of goods sent free by mall. Address, with six cent return stamp. M. YOUNG CO. 17V Greenwich Street, New York. J!5-4w Of M "8 H 1 I I'M-.- 3 & fffl.'s Kcltunn. 80th Thousand In Press. Sale Increasing. 2,000morti LIVK AOF.NTS Wanted foronr LIVIXUNTOXE 28 years In AFRICA over 600 pages, 'only t'i.fiO Incomplete and In ferior works, ore offered, look ont for them. Send for circulars and see proof of tho greatest success of the season. Pocket Companion worth HO mailed froo. HUBBARD BROS., Pub's, Jl,4w 738 Snnsom St., Phlln, Pa. Wi ite for Large Illustrated Price List, Address, GRMT WESTERN SMITHriODW PITTSBURGH PA. Brcech-londlng Shot Guns, 110 to t.100. Don hie Shot (inns, 8 to 150. Single (luns, 13 to 130. Rifles, f 8 to (75. Revolvers, 6 to t'25. Pis tols, (1 to 8. Oun Material, Fishing1 Tackle. Large discount to dealers or Clubs. Army Guns Revolvers, Ac, sought or traded for. Goods sent by express CO- D. to be examined before paid for. J2i,'73.4ir. NEVER Neglect ft Cough. Nothing Is more certain to lay tho foundation for future evil ronscqueneas. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS are a sure euro for all diseases of the Respira tory Organs, Sore Throut, Colds, Croup, Diph theria, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the Langs. In all cases of sodden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly nnd freely used. They equalize, the circulation cf the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, In a very short time, restore healthy action to the af fected organs. Wdlls' Carbolic Tablets are put ut) only In blue boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't be found nt your druggist's, send nt once to the Agent In ew York, who will forward tnein by rotnrn mull. Bon't be deceived by Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cents a box. JOHN Q. KELLOCG, 18 Hlatt-st New York, J'5,'73.4w.Send for circular. Sole Agent for U.8, Free to Hook Aeentis AN ELEGANTLY BOUND CANVASSING BOOK for the best nnd cheapest Family Bible ever published, will be sent tree of charge to uny book agent. 11 con tains NEARLY 700 line Scriptural Illustrations, nud ngentsjarc meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Address, stating experience, etc., & we will show vou what our nge.ts are doing, NA TIONAL PU1.L1SH1NG CO., Philn., Pa. 4w. rV NUMEROUS TESTS HAVE TROVEU X. F. Ilurluiin'a new Turbine WATER WHEEL To be the Best ever Invented. Pamphlet free. Addrcss.lYork, Pcnn'u. July "Jj 4w. J AGENTS Wanted for the Su perb New Chromo "BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART." I Just ready, from nn i Waugli. This picture original painting by Ida Is greatly admired by all j who see it, and Is sure to become highlv popular. j Thotmh executed iu the highest style of the art, ' In order to reach tho masses eV secure large sales, i the price is made much lower thun that at which ' any Chromo of like quality has ever been sold. ' Terms extremely liberal. Exclusive territory. ! Sold only by snbsclption. Apply nt once to se cure choice of teriitorv. Circulars, Ac, free. I GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, To8 Sansom St., I Philadelphia. Pa. July 4w. I l,orufed ut VIIllamHiort, I :f.io(i7.H806. Thr BEST COLLEGE in the Country. Has the best Penman In Pennsylva nia. Jnly 25. 4w. For Coilege Pnpi-r, Siecimens of Penmanship, Ac, address DAVIS A, OPL1NGER. Willlamsport, Peun'a. ' A Woiik or Intensr iNTitnrsx inn IvrniNstc ! ! Vai.ib. i i OCEAXI STORY. . By the gifted son of tho famous "1'ktuu Pah-: ; l.i:V." The result of great historical research:' j An authentic History of Navigation and its Man- i i fold Discoveries since the Flood. Abounds with j Startling Incidents, Fearful Disasters. Lawless ' ; Piracies, Bloody Battles, and Glorious Aeliiee- j meats j also describes Diving. Telegraphing, ! ! Ocean Fisheries. Ac. Over 20O Spirited Cuts. : Subject New. Price Low. Aufnth Wavtkii. ' , HUBBARD BROS., Pub's. Sansom St., 1'hila. ' j Pa. July 25. 4w. CHOLERA ! AND I EPIDEMIC DISEASES Prevented by using BRO.MO -CHLOUALUM, The New Odorless and Non-Poisonous Poweiful DEODF.RIZF.R ami DISINFECTANT. It destroys all bad odors and poisonous emana tions about your premises, and tiiereby prevents contagion nad disease; contains no poison, has no odor, nnd Is always safe. "Diploma awarded by the American Iwtitutt to Tii.iiks A Co., for Broino-Chloralum. They consider It of value ns b'dng lion-poisonous and Inodorous, and can recommend it especially for medical nnd genera! household purposes where disinfection nnd deodorizuliou Is called for." Kihlbitiou of 173. Pn pared only by TILDES A CO.. New Xork. Sold by nil Druggists. July 25 4w. l 12 SO IN FOUR WEEKS' CANVASSING was one agent's profit on Bryant's Library of Po etry und Sbng j t70 in one week on The New Housekeeper's Manual, by Miss Beeeher and Mrs. Stowe. Anv active man or woman can have nu agency. J. B. FORD A CO., New Fork, UoMou, Chicago and San Francisco. Iw. Ju25 STOVE A TIX .ESTAREISII.VIEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SITCKliSOU TO SMITH OKNTHKlt. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krause would respectful ly inform the puMie that he now has on band a laie assort inent of (M)OKIN(J STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna aud others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds put up to bent one or more rooms. HEATING STt'VES of different kinds ut very low prices. Tiu ware of Every lleacrlptioii kept constantly ou hand. Rooflug and Spouting with the best material, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ai.d Lamps constantly on hans. Japan ware of a x.nl... Store opposite Conley's hardw are store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. apl24-ly '4 Mayt' MACHINE SHOP AXD IUO.M FOI.MH1Y. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, Suuburj', Peuu'a, INFORM tlie public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having ad. led a uew Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Flawing aud Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful luechauics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be glreu them, In a satisfactory mau ner. Grate to Bull mnj Stovv. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sizos. BRASS CASTINGS, Ae. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOU GRAVE YARD LOTS i VERANDAHS, FOR YAHDA AT KKS1DENCB8, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Punbury, May 20, 1871. REAOIXO RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAT 20tb 1873. Trains leave Hitrrlsbura for New York as fat. lows i nt 5.80 and 8.10, a. m., and 2.00, p. tn., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rnfl- roud, and arriving at -Jew York ut 12.85. 3.50 and 9.45 p. m., respectively. Keiurniniug t ixinve New Tork nt 9.00 a. m. 12.50 aud 5 .Wi p. m., Philadelphia at 7.30, 8.46 a. m., and 8. .10 p. m. Leave Harristmrg for Reading, Pott s Ills, Tamnqna, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, fcbnmokln, A lentownand Phllodelohla at 5.30 and 8.10 a. id., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p. m., (topping at Lebanon and principal way stntlnna i the 4.06 p. m., train co- ueeting Toy Philadelphia. Pottsvlllo and Colum bia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road leave Hurrlebnrg ut 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains lea vo Read ing for Allentown, Easton and New York at 7.30 and 10.86 a. m., and 4.00 p. m. Hctnroing, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 13.50 nnd 6.30 p. as., and Allentewn at 7.20 a. in., 12.25, 2.10, 4.35 and 8. 55 p. m. Wby Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia fit 7.30 a. m., connecting at Reading with train on East Penna. Railroad, returning leaves Putts Tille at 4.85 p. m., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle at 0.00, 8.05 and 9.10 a. ru., nnd 3.30 p. m., Herndon at 10.00 a. n., Shamo klu at 6.00 and 11.02 a. m., Ashland at 7.1M a. in., and. 12.20 p. in., Mnhanoy City at 7.53 nnd 12.54 p. m., Tiiiiiuqua nt 8.35 a. ni., and 2.10 p. m., for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Har rlsburg, Ap. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Bnsque hnnna Rnllrond nt 8.05 a. m., for llnrrlsburg, and 11.45 n. in., for Pine-grove nnd Tremont. Pottsvllle Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle nt 0.00 a. in., passes Reading nt 7.f0 a. in., arriving at Philadelphia nt 10.10 a. m. Return ing leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 p. m., parses Reading at 7.40 p. in., arriving ot Pottsvllle at 9.20 p. m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town nt 0. 45 a. m., returning, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green,) ut 4.80 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending nt 7.30 a. m nnd 6.15 n. in., for Euhruta. Lit!?. Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. ; returning leave Luu enster nt8.20 a. ni., nnd 3.30 p. m., aud Colum bia nt H.15 a. m., and 3.20 p. ni. Perkiomeu Railroad trains leave Perkloinen Junction nt 9.00 a. in., 2.55 and 6.30 p. m. j re turning, leave Gr:cr Lane at 0.00 a.m., 7.-10 a in 12.35 and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Plue nixville at 9.05 a. m., XO.Saud 5.50 p. m. j return ing, leave Ityers ut G.30 a. m., 12.40 und 4.20 p in., connecting with trains ou Rending Railroad. Cnlebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at9.40a. in. and 1.(15. 11.20 returning leave Mount Pleasant nt 0.00 and 11.55 a. m. und 3.00 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge port nt 8.30 a. mi. 2.4(1 and 5.33 p. m., returning, leave Downlngtown at 7.00 a. in., 12.land 5.4) p. m., connecting with trains on Rending Rail road, On Sundays ! leave New York st 5. 30 n. m.. I'hilailelphiu nt 8.00 n. m. nnd 3.15 p. in., leave I'sville at 8.00 a. ni., and 2.85 p. in., leave iiiiiiici'iii u.du it. iii. mm fc.vu p. in. ; ifntu Allentown at 4.85 and 8.55 p. in. ; leave Read ing at 7.40n. ni. nnd 10.15 p. in. for llnrrlsburg, at 7.30 a. ni. for New York, at 7.4(1 a m, for Alb-mown nnd at 9.40 a. in. nnd 4.10 p. m., for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Exclu sion Tickets, to and from all points, nt re duced rates. Baggage cheeked throngh ; 100 pounds ullowcd each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, .ImW. Nupt. t- f.'mj. Ma -h'ry. RruiUNO. Pa., May 26, 1-S73. M'.TIKER AXD FEAXIXCi Ml M.S. Third Street, adjoining Phila. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IliA T. UlEMEXT, 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum Iht rc(iiircd by the demands of the public. I Havinu nil the la let improved nuinlilncry for maviul'aciurlng Lunhcr, he Is now ready to till or j ders !' nil kinds of ; FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS', 1 KAMI, BLINDS MOULDINfiS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kind of Ornamental SerowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. AUo, A I.AIUtX ASSOIITMKNT OF RILL LUMHER. HEMLOCK uil PINE. Also, ShliigYs, Pickets, ' Lathe, Ac. : Orders prompt lv filled, and shipped hv Railroad . or othcrwirc. " IRA T. CLEMENT, j decl9-C8:lv I. It) I'O It S T O It E ! I CHRISTIAN NEFF, : Second Street, opposite the Court House, BUN- BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers ! and others, that he has on h.iud, and will con j stnntly keep nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMFSTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniae, Cliorry, Ginger, Koehellv and Otsrd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-'bstllled, Mo"n gahela, Apple aud Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port aud Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rain, Brown Stout anil Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be. found In the city markets, which will bo sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS aud BOTTLES, always on hand. l-if Ordcii promptly attended to, nud yubiiu patronage respectfully solicited C. NF.FK. Suubury, July 3. 186!). ly. St .Mil It Y MA It It I. E YAKIt. Fourth Street below Market, SUN 151' RY, PENN'A. rpilE undersigned has returned from the Ver .1. niont Marble Quarries with 58 Tons of Marble for MoiiiiiueutH, rnve-StoiieM, &V., &c. He has bought ut such figures that will allow li l in to sell better stone, tor ss money, than heretofore. The lust utliorlaiul Full Mar-Mo, which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold ns low as tho Manchester. Those who need anything in the Murble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other pnrpos. s, will find it to their Interest to call and examine this large slock, as better bargains can be secur ed thau buying from parties 'huckstering' round the eountrv. All lettering will be done lu the intest and most Improved style. W. M. DAUGHF.RTY. Suubury, Jan. II, 1 b73. XEW YORK AXI FIIIEAIH I.IMII A MILEIXERY .OOIS. SPRING A SUMMER BONNETS A HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMFD. An extensive assortment of Straw Millenery und Fancy Goods, uow open at MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY bTOKE, Mahket Sthkkt, St rai KT, Pa. My stock of Spring goods is unusually largo and varied, comprising the latest and most nt- j tractive styles, .elected with care from the lead ing Importing houses aud adapted tor I lie pre-,eui season. al2,'73. MISS L-'FISFR Tailoring! Tailoring!! CnARLES MAIIIL, RESPECTFULLY Informs the citlreus that, he has Just received his Spring nud Summer lioodv, TAILOR "SHOP. ou Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mallcu building, and that ho Is prepared to luuke up all kluds of OEXTN' A.W BOY'H NUTS, In the latest styles. Having had much exper ience in the business be desires the public to gtvo blin a trial. Clothing will bo made up lu ths latest Pails and American Fasblous iu the most .ati.fuetory manner. aV.'7S. CHAKLIS M.UHL.