Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 25, 1873, Image 3

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    KTOBUnvTjLfLY 25, 1873.
J .J ' J I'. - I. 1 li 1 Ll' Ail
HHtlroaa Time Table.
N. C. R. Vf, South.
Erie Mall, l.Wam
Krio Express, 9.40 "
Mull, 11.15 "
Mag;. Express 8.40 p m
P. & E. K. R. Wt.
Mull, 6.20 A m
Ni.ilt. ExreRl2.25 p m
F.hnini !".liill 4.10 "
Erie Express, 6.40 "
i Lonvo Sniibury for ,Lcwistown tU 7.30 . m
wnA 4-20l. M. , . ; r " '
Arrive, at Sunbnry from Lcwiftowu at 1.50
aud 7.4? p. m. v . i ,
Sunbnry at 5.4S am At Sunbnry 0.25 a in
" 13.85 pm " 3.55 pm
' 4.40 p m " 6.00 p m
Regular passenger wain leaves 6unbury for
Danville, Cattawlssa, Hnxlcton and Intermediate
, Hutions, nt. 0.45 a. lit. Returning leave Iiuzlo
loii at 1.00 p. m. Arrlvo nt 4.0'J p. in; ' '
Leave Northumberland at 9.40 n. to. and 4. DO
p. m. .
Arrive' lit Northumberland nt 10.55 a.m. and
.05 p. m. ,
AceidentaMnsurnnce' 'flekrrls con be had 6f
J. Shlpniaii, Ticket Agent, nttbe Depot.
Mummir rrniiKement Tor the 1-ost
Ollice at Suuburj', I'll.
Ojpt Qihm from. C.30 u. m., Iv 8 . .. except
i .. .. oh ,VwMito. ,
.' rrlvei ns follows :
From tlie Kant nt 0.15 a. ra.. 12.15 p. m., 4 p. m.
" South. O.laa. m., 12.15 p. m. 4.10 p. ui.
" Wi st, .15i. in., 12.15 p. ui., 4.10 p.m.,
and S.';0 p. in.
' North, (i a. in., 11 a. in., 3.55 p. in.
SJIuunokiu. Ml. Curniel and points on
tliut line, '.'15 a. in., !i.50 p. lu.
Mails elttsc iw follows:
for tlie K.ixt, Tt. Hi a. ni., 10.50 s. tn., 7.U5 p. in.
' So itli, ID.. 50 a. in., 7W p. tn.
Vit, 7.:.M . m., 10. M n. m., 7.115 p. in.
' North 5.511 a. nr., 8.50 p. ni., 7. 1m p. m.
.'li.itn.'Hn props r 12.15 p. tn.
Shim, -kin and ofl'.ccs m that route, 4.20
i,- , J' '' PVITH. I'. V
?:!siiif55 locals.
Skwimi ; .'its us ist C'iT.oi: Oiksani.
.di-s t aniline Dr. lius is I. lie agent lor the e.-ilo of
i be be-". Sewing Miu-hiiies in existence. 'u : 'The
.Improved I 'rover t Hake'-,' ami 'Lk.iucstic,'
which hiv constantly kept on hand, n nil suhl nt
.'cusonat-is pi ices, iihe is also agent for the sale
if the celebrated -Silver Tongue Orpina,' aurl Ibo
liny M.i'e Orcmu-,' ftnd for tUu t.alc of C tit
1'i.uiif .1 1'iipe KnittinK Machin'. Oall iindme
il.iMi.. t'lre oil Mnckiil rJ.i'ret, cast of ttu rail Till'. ImPUoVKU rFltOVV.M A U.Vkf.llr.lVlNH VlA-
:iiini:. Tb'iu teli'liratcil mavUiii'x hic otfrii'd
tbu n)o-t ruorab!e rate I'or vai.k'iilai
nptily t.t 1. i. Ki:T., Afitt,
ub.22,'7;i.-ly. v ipr Auuslu'towusliip.
Si'.rnsi) bnvl Pianos for Rale or rvi.t at Kawii
ible ratus. Inquire al IbU oDk-e.
TuK Ket. A bmiiNninc room over MelHvk's
. Iii'iiL' .Store. Market (failure. Injure of II. 11.
Uehcilt. The cabinet maV-n sliop di" P. L.
'KuudKubtt-'li, lately buim J dotvn, has been re
built, and eonsiderahly enlarired. Mr. Randen
littsh is no-.v prepared to ae'oir.;:ol.ite all bis cus
tomers bolter than lieretofore. The best work
men are employed, and furiiitiirc made to order
In tb bot style. The ttarc rxsra Las also, teen
r' plenisbed uttb a new i-loeL of (lie latest style
made in the. eilies, and a larger ass-.irtmcnl is
i;ept oti band to n'Us t froni than lias yet been
-'en in this of eouin ry. Tbosein need of
I'urnitiire will KnJ at ti.e MaMiiie V ui Ulluprs a
vlifiper and ii.'tti r ivn.ility .tau ,'an bj found
any wheiv e'se in this vi'imty.
Iont pay t prlres when yon cm set coods
-it a small pm;h.. At I). A. Finney's store,
M.uiLet stirvt. Ion one prive, :-.Ktds
.fthe best quality can be purf b-iwi I at aston
isLinly low prii-es. His stod; . on-i.-ts of i vory
variety of Dry fioods, Dres (iivo,!-, (iroerries.
Notion, lioits and 5hoes, ai:i; .leye'ry. The
nssonmcnt is complete, betuj .tinted with the
p'Hiest i-are. So oharvs are. v.iado to show
ai.k!s !r, fact 1: is u ple.isian to M r. t inney to
show what a handsome ioi- bo has on band.'.ie-j uinl entleuien ;ue invited to call and
tuaLu a fall examination before buyiuj; else
ivl'.ers. ". II. Mn.i.r.a's ExaJlor E-wt b. ore,
I'ontinui s to attract the uttriui.K: of the public
ly the excidicnt lloots and Shoes sold at bis es
tablishment. His Trunk department is com
plete, and every style of satchels, vaii-cs and
trusilu can be bad at the mo-t le.asonablc prices.
Ei :u:ka. When a young man purchases a bat
of tvunuei Faust, the iKjlialur bailer, lie ex
claims, truthfnlle, tor, tl lun. found it" u
fashionable and serviceable lit. Mr. l"au; has
all styles of fashionable h;j'.a aud'aps, and cve
iv one, but li old ami younjf, who will v:.-.ii lus
slore, ou Mjrk'.t hi reel, opposite J!'r.umi;iit
S'ptiire, Suiibury, will be well pleased, with a te
lectlon from liib iarc and varied jstoitmeji:.
Now is ;y.z Txmk. A fp'.eiulid asoilment ot
:-tovi- :, tiu-waiv, br.i:s 'i 't t ' v', porcelain Lcl'.les
I'..'i puitb. up l: i.i:, (;;.'!.. jars and cijjj of all
!o. eript'totiii have JuU been received, and are of
fered for t.i'.e by J. li. Ko-i, Third Ft. All
im ited to call uud secuie u id:ance ."ur Ibe cook
aliAe to be draM e. Ul
tzc. Affairs.
i:ir; lnuruuca etleetcd iu some of the Lest
compandor, c 11 the most popular plans, by L. M.
Voder, Insurance. Agent, Pnnbnry, Pa.
- - .
A buck s.NAhU measuring se.vcu feet in length
w as lately discovered iu tho kitchen of J. Zcrbe,
in Cppcr Auguuta towushlp, and was shot by a
'irl named Iseibei't.
Fhkhekkk DrNKKi.UKKOKH, of Heiudon, hav
ing got on too heavy n load of 'benziue," Wf.6
arrested by coustable Bright 011 Tuesday last, and
liken belore Esrjtiirc Suydei'..vbo coiniultted him
to sober up.
Sauau KiimibAfM uud Kate Creamer were av
res.od and brought before Esquire Suyder cu
Tuesday ou the charge, uf surety of . the peace.
Sarah was cornaiillcd, while Kato was relcated
on her own reeoguizaucc.
TiiL Vresteru Uuiou Tieg,ruph CUico U uoi.'
located iu Iluzletiue's store.
Sot "iuuer was found in Market rciciHy
ehcrrt in weight, and confiscateti by the Market
master. FarTeif tLouJd lju careful tuglve full
Wi: are happy to cji'.ce that Pel nstian Bougtt
ner, oae of out oldest ci', who bus becc
quite lii during, the past wiuler, Is uguiivublo to
be ou the strict. .
Tub Boys !r Blue, Cap', iltim, paraded our
s.rcets on Weuntiiiat? eVe-riuif, tscil made a fur
tciiii''.'s appcpniats;,-
it Msitn Exeunilon f..ofci re oow jucd At
Ibis jdaee to passeiij-ers lb the tiulp!iur Springs,
and Coutesvilli N M Mia'. Camp Mee?.n. Apply
o .1". --hipiiiau. ;'' ,1 'f a';.-..''', -"Vis i1"i.' '
A BfU. Fioht. -A remarkable trial took plaoc I
oti.Ticaduy lu the arbitration room belore rora- j
yeel In which Epbrulm Miilor wa pluintiir, ami
Samuel Brosioiu defendant, both farmer in Sim
mokln township. The ctiM wan known n Eph
ralm Miller's "Little Bull Suit,"m tbo neighbor
hood. The young animal was precocious If not
lntclilgent, nud had been borrowed, according to
the defendant, from Ephriilm'a house-keeper
without bis kuowleduu. F.pbralui nllcdged tbitt,
like humau blpeJs when not properly ru
stralned, he became "Inoacbj" atid uncoiitrol
nble after that event. Thu result wn the hull
wai brought to the cxncuiaouer's alioi butcher's
block, benec an action of trwpnsd to recover dn
mareS for early and pteimitutc death. The
evidence ( eyural of the witnesses w received
With rorB of laughter, which win varied occa
sionally with vociferous frrtluirlng and animated
discussion on poii;s of evidence by the counsel,
nccompatiled by thumps on tbo table that would
have astonished even the bulls of Uusham refer
red to lu the holj book- Tle arbitrators, after a
short deiiberatioa, Uucldod against Ephraini,aml
brought In an iiwurd of "no cause of nctioti."
The case, wo understand, will "po up" Into
Court. The "bulls" nud "boni s"or Wall street,
New York, haVfjbad tniyiy exciting and interest
ing typhis .over stuck opcrutbmf, but nouo that
will compare in point of broad fun aud arause
rrteut with the operations referred to In this suit.
A Pbak and Dumb Child Outiiaui;i nt an
Old Max. The crimo of rape seems to bo nu j
every d.iy occurrence. ,A few weeks Bfpwre pub- j
llshcd ii cuse which occurred lu the upper end of !
thouuty, but the following exceeds in brutality j
anything tbnt tou occurred in onr suction. A j
man named Henry Peifer, aged TO years, rccid-
lug iu Jordan towuship, a well to-do farmer, !
a pralcssor of rivlztim aud uu lncetsnnt reader
of the Bible, which he has almost wholly com
milted to memory, was thu committer of the
outrage, imd Lis victim a little dejif and dumb
girl belonging ton ueiuhbor'e family. The child
had been In the habit of doing erram'.s for the
old pian, and nothing was suspected until last
iveck, v beii the mathcr folbied tlier.iil sivwi af
ter a hi had gone on an enaud tn Peil'er's, and
caught li'nn in tbu act of committing the hienotis
crime upon her elm 1. The penalty against the
coniisoiou of such an is t-eveiv, but un
fortunately it is too often, Jiot enlorced from a
dcli'-acy on the fan of the I'r'.eniia of tin; vh-llni
of the uiitrase.
c- .
Kkw Tor:ttlliirsn.s'LiihKli.vcri-l roblH'iles
of clotliing iiave been pcrpcli'atcd iutliis I'
the evening whiiu the occupants were sitting in !
front of '.heir h -uses, ho had left the back doors
unlocked. A whole tuil lens taJoa: on .Sxturday j
evening I'eoui a young iiiiiu at out of our hotcLi, i
while the occupants were .-ittiu- til the front
door. Beverai unit :c air strongly nisp eted, j
but no arrests have been made. Theie is no j
doubt ibat a gang of thieves exist iu this iilaen '
who eo-uperale with piilh.-. in other Iovmis.
They are "-"i posed to be the tame parties who
were siihpceled cf being eonnccied several eari
ago with the McC'.'niick gang. A leaden pill,
given through a steel lube, is a sure preventive
when they tncf aeh H)sn your property.
Tut: Ac. uivi 17 1 nxi. " a 1 it . The Vuinu Park j
and Agricultural Society are bu.-i'y engaged in j
preparing the ground fur their faire.t thisplacx;. j
The tin k 's beiiig put iu excellent order I'or tr,- I
ting. 'J here is every Indication of the fair being
made, the. best that bus held in ecntnil
Pennsylvania. Waving been to different parts of
the county of late we were much gratilled to
leant that our farmers and luocuiiuk's ale intc-re-ting
tlieniselves iu gelling up articles, ft nek,
ic, to tie brought here for exhibit ion. From
what we can learn the stock depart incut will ex
ceed anything of any previous fair, and that, a
more general display of genius will
be exhibited than at our State, fairs. The Dot
ting will also be one of the nmlu features. Ap
plication has already been made for the entrance
of seventeen noted trotting horses to coutcud for
the liberal premiums that will be issued. The
mauaee.-s are determined on a mammoth fair,
and w ill leave nothing undone to make it plea
sant 10 eveiy body, to render it a sue, ess, and to
give satisfaction lo all cxhibitocs aud virRurs.
,.'!i; nMuiN. This village Incited about 15 raiicb
south of Saubury, at the junction of the Phila
delphia an-l Ileadlii'.' iitid N.C railroad, is one of
tlie uut-l pe.asaut towns along the river. He
skies being surrouuiK-d with most beautiful sce
nery, thcru Is it rich agricultural country, and
I,. rulers have large ros which are. shipp.d to
market from this point. The travelling public
are muih at a lo-s for a bridge. .u-io.,s ihe rifer.
The ferryman 1- constantly busy iu carrying pas
sengers across on the arrival and
p. inure, of
passenger trains. There 1. re a number of tine
dwellings put np within a few years pan. Two
hotels kept by Mr. Nathan l.nuticiisktgcr, and
Mr. John Albert, two yood stores doiug a Jlour
Ishing business, stove and tiiiA'arj bbop, coal
yard, strain saw mill In the place, all lining a
handsome business, ami constantly kocp on
hand an excellent stock. For spending a few
days of recreation, Heuidoa presents induce
ments superior to many larger towns along ihe
A Ft Hi! at Mt. O.wtMr.L. A fire broka oat In a
building adjoining the J-osteliiee, in Mt. C.iruiel,
ou Thursiuy moruiup. Thu tiro spieari
rapidiy over a block of frame buildinps on the
Main elie-ct, conisuihiiig stoics nnd other
business bouses. Some .-even or eight buildings
were entirely destroyed, all-of which were occu
pied uu business places and ilwellines. The
buildings were ail frame, u:i l among the oldest
In that place. The uiigi j of tho liie is not
known, aud is snpim.vtj to have Uen the w..ik .r
an ineemUury. We have not learned the e-li-
mated loss.
Tut: new Engine House of the Good Intent
Fire Company is progaessiug rapidly towards
completion, aud will soon be ready to receive the
luiudsouie hook and ladder truck, lately built by
j. t. Lereu or tms place, it is expected that the
company will occupy their house, aud be fully
equipped for the tlreuiuu's grand parade ou the
second day of the agricultural lair al Ibis place.
Tul rumor that Col. John McClceiy has with
draw u frontutf cuuvan for the Republican nom
ination ut the ueit C'ouuty Couveutlou for (Stale
Senator, It not correct. Col. McCleery will re
uiulu u euudidute for uoiiiiuatiou, uud if tuecess-
ful iu getting tho uoutiuatiou of the Couveutlou, ! ,v, Pai, with a den ick, had his leg brok.u In two
aud that ol tliedistricliiuteud.Wbeawotnier. j phicee. The drvick became displaced and fell
Tiil- board walk iu Pnrdytown is in a bad con- j ",ou 1,,m' .
ditiou. Somebody mny have t pay liuuia.'.e hi Tub Wasuinoic k Fiee Company. The luem
bfokeu limbs if uot repaired soou. I bers of this old Are company met lust week aud
. , 7" rr,T- , I organised by electing a lull set of officers, unci
A LAKi,E number of new buildings are goin, La d mvmei t0 ,urt ,ol,jcut ol-j,.
np lud.flercnt parts of the tawu. There Is a , uuo.her tltjim for luce u t
great waul for theiu. For all the house, which p06ed t0 . , a ift coucoft tu
will be vacated by the removal of some railroad l0 hold ,oon fuf , of nM 0
men, five and six applicants are ready to take nrB. . ur.,.ra , k,,;,.,:,,,. .. .,...,.,
'heir III' ' - ...... ,ll, "UIIHIfij M PIII.UIU
'' iU-t- . I house. ' Another ttcumei- is mccxary hi this
Somb of onr Restaurant keepers take Uil I ll--ei W'd w' would urc the citizens t4) eucoo.
pride In exhibiting signs of prosperity by erect- 1 r"Bc uie Waiihlngtou boys In their eaiiinieuda
!ug a pyramidal pilo of cunjity lager beer kegs in ' b:,! projecl.
front of their establishments. They are not ve
ry ornamental, uud do no', corrtiepood very well
with the park aud other-aiiprovemeuts.
Bi t.iiKN Death.--(Iv. Isaac Zartmau, of Jack
tou township, d'.kir'uddeuly lu the harvest Held
cn Friday last'. Tie Is supposed to have buratcd
r. blood ves4, nnd bled inwardly. Ho was a
Uglily' .-Uj-rcltJ youug nun, aud leaves a wife
soil " .'oril ' liildn n.
AomcuLTi nAt. MKF.TiNO.A';i5ur, July 19.
The ofUccrraid Exnfutlve Committee of tbo
Union Faik and Agricultural Ateociutlon met nt
the Court Jlonsc nt 3 o'clock p. m.
On motion it was resolved to hold our annual
fair nt Suubury, October 7th. 8th nnd Uth.
The comm'.tteo on track and repairing fence
reportod proeress, nnd was contlutiud, with in
structions to have thu grounds fenced and track
put In proper ordor without delay.
On motion, C. Ncff, V. II. Moore nhd Oeo. B.
Cadwnlhtder were appointed a pnromlttec on
priullng, and Instructed to have the necessary
printing done.
On motion, all tho county papers bo requested
to publish these proceeding,
On motion ndjonrncd to meet nt Arbitration I
Room In Court Houso on Monday. Aug. 4th, 1
1S73, at 2 o'clock p. rn,, nt which time nil the
officers nnd members of the Executive Commit-
tee are requested to bo present, as Judges will
then bo appointed, premium list agreed tipot
and other business of Importance transacted.
. 1. II. MOORE, See'y.
A Nmv Camp of V. O. S. ;' A, Ouoamzhd.--A
new Camp of Patriotic Sou of America was
organized in this place on Monday evening Inst,
by the following persons acting us Grand Otll
ccib :
1 1'., U. II. Shiudel or No. 123. , . .
IV W; 1". Miller, I), r. or Northumbcrlain
county. '
V. P., J. A.: Lnmba'Cd of No! 183.
M. of F. itml C, Win. E. Taylor of No. 43.
It. 8., Geo. W. Young of No. l'J.
A. K. 3., E. Jf. J.eisenrinj; of KOiJaCI
Treas., A. M. 1'raliler of No. 151.
F. S., J. J. Aurnnd of No. 1M.
C, C. W. M.intz i;f No. It).
Chaplain, 1). II. Koch or No. !!.
I. ., A. J. Werner of No. 1 CI.
O. (!., J. !!. Miller of No. 1!).
V.. S C. u. Illairof No. l'.i.
1.. S., C. W. ll.issler or No. IU.
. After instituting the new Camp the following
Ol'icers were installed f.r the ensuing term :
I'., Thud. .S. Shannon.
V. P., Charles 1 lower.
M. of I', anil C, John K.ipp.
I!. II. F. (,'oopei .
('.. Isaac
T., John MantJ.
1. (i., Kichard Culp.
j (1. (1., Jacob Hc.ow r.
j The Camp nrgaui.i'd i No. 1H, ;.
1 posi d of excellent material. The
I tlouii.- bing rondilion thioughout I !
id is com
ler is in a
Mat.', and
! is I'cpil'y 0:1 the imn a-e o!" mcuibei 'ship.
N. S. Ksoi.i:. 11. M.
v.'cnt mil on a hunt 0.1
N'oith r.iau-di. well n
1! lele-r and J. J. Smith.
Wi-.Pie-- lay ho t, up Hie.
Hind and lull,.' equipped
lor iivviee. Frogs it .-eeias wire their inten
tion, many ol' which c.l t along the 1 1 ream.
In their efforts to sj ure . .1 ; . . .'table number of
the se.llps of the greeu-baeited iimpbibh'tis
ripeds, which briny; a high pri-minni in our mar
Let, we undcri land IhcV cam within several
feet of f calpjiii, nji orj;.i 11-ri ii(.li'j', who in a i.udc
conditiou, bar.pencd to be "bathing and viewing
I Lis manly limbo'' iu ihe classic waters of the
North llruneh. From accounts received the en-
dangcred "grinder'' bawled us lustily for the
removal of those guns from t he hands of our frog
bunting friends as did .bV. Pickwick. When n
bis Dingly 1'cll hunting expe I'uljui that credulous
old gentleman hail placed a 'vliooliu-iroi," into
tho bands id one Mi: Winkle, who, standing a
little, behind when he lircd at the coveted game,
did. so very nearly at tlie ixpi use of the sculp of
Je. Pickwick. We understand our hunters en
camped (for dinner) near the residence of our
friend Thus. Johnson, in Point township, where
they rooked tkei. f'fogs ; but from the heap of
feathers found a few hours a fti-rw .1 rs 011
"camping ground," out would suppose io ki frogs
vv shot la our friend Johnson slean yard. Hut
be that as it may, they 1 l 11 rue ,1 ia the evening,
and spoke cc-talically of the sijii.ire fior meal
they hi, d.
Ti:r (liii'A't Kam iuin Mi:v.ii,:;lii.:.Mi' t;i vi and
Clin i s. 'I Lis c.vetllcnt cniiibinnth,:: "f arenic
novelists, attractions ami inn eitiii of
won lets. Will exhibit uflcrnoon and night, on
Mondav the II Allcust al Ihi., flaee. The
Eastern establishment has been i.iree'.v augtni .it- -
ed since !:i"t year, and is now perhaps the largest ;
on the road, brincinc into requisition the services '
of 1110.1 e .mini and hoiscs.and requii iuir more curs 1
to transport it than tiny other idiow ol the sea-!
son. The. Louisville, and ('incinnail pre,, tell us I
of tremendous crowds in ulicndanee and the
brilLuacy of the Eastern's pcrl'orinnnci".
The men. igcile, enniplcle and rich in every d"- ;
partniiiil. presenls an cnoriuous .uray of gild -. I ;
ihuis, vans, Ac, which are said to tic only iqual
cd inMl.c e'.ig.inee i.t the circus 1 hil'ilions. 1,0
extensive arc llu: Ureal Eastern's dimensions,
that twelve broai, eciiirc-poii: pavilions an- re- '
j 'l"ire.i in cxuiiui us uggreiraiion 01 niuscuni. mp-
cus. If "Success ia the touehloi:e tit merit." as
1 the old iixiom has It, the of tb
(.irent Eastoru have every run son lo congratulate
themselves. Wu append u notice fi-otu ihe Ciu-
! liiinHll .'i'j'iiiaic of March 2s:
I This afturuiiou and evenine, will bo the Lis, op-
1 .rt n lilt ro 11 c;ti?.eus 10 wil'icss the perform
I anre of the tlrcat EimU'i u circus, menagerbi, etc.
I The iircuic pon.iui( ui Tue olio i is very line,
particularly the 'woniorf'il feats fftbe Daven
port brothers, po.tureis,' aud I he eon t f acro
. ba's.
j The menagerie, bird show, museum and aqua
rium ale coiiiicte in every particular,
I '1 h--..managers of the (in at Eastern have tea
j son to eoneratnlati theniaelres iu eonseqnsiipc of
; the immense intend. ince that has grcetel their
I xbibtiions. Lat niijit tin-l yester.l.iy nfter
! noon the seating ,ap..c.ty ol' the iiink was lully
tested, uud bundled, wi re turne.l from the door
i unable 10 gain admi.-i-ion.
Tnr. Luthciun Festival closed on Saturday
ui.'.ht, ica'.iziug 3J0. Tho pri.'.e were drawn by
the tollowiug pe.ifo ;,; Win. Moore, forty dol-
I ';u silver watch : t?n u'li Flru I'uginp Co., the tire
' l" MUs.- K .' Mails, -the, s-win stand ;
' lia M'0"1 'Lm '1 ieks, (luf ma lionuet, U. v.
! Milllken a Cukei U. Hoover;' ipnn -r l..qi j Mrs.
1 I'.ev. Ilcmpcrlr, n. rake: .Mrs. Tweed, pir of
j no:iai,;n,, ir,,os : Si. l.l:.i' ..!.. f
: pcr1 ,
' xu'k 10, , nU(Ui feature of Ihe lcstivul was
tne 6pi,itL(i cll(l.,t ,,,,.,,. ,,, fl U.,lfl8 ol- Miss
Ella M. Dru..,h"l!".- and Miss Zettlemoyer for
a valuable set if jewelry, aud a cake. As thu
candidates boih did well on u run, tho was
awarded to Miss Zettleitoyer, and the jewelry to
Miss DiuinheUc., she hivli; hud the most
fiicuda by jciir,.l dMart worth.
Accii.k(,t. Michael Creek, ou the 12th hist.,
while helping to lift stone from the piers of the
old Juuiaia bridge, .it Benvcnue. Dam-bin coun.
Skveual Coal Cars were wrecked a,. Ilced's
Station on the Shainokln Valley R. P.., ou Tucs
day last, by a l.ocQuiytivuTununtg Inta he hiud
end of a train. Tho locomotive lau off the truck
and .was slightly damuged. . . , .
Henkt V. Biupsom, ; teamster of the Buubury
Steam Fire Co. No. .1, was presented with, a luge
straw hat ou Tuesday last, by his Mends of fan
join pui iv.
Tun Fish Commissioners have inado urrangn
meuts to stook tho Lwbigli nnd North riinnoh of
tho BtlsqneHimna with black bass. The tlsh will
be caught In tho Delaware with n sciuo of small
mesh, nnd kept in "live boats" until tliry can
be transported.
Ol'ft neighbor of tbo JJniiy throws out strong
hints to our Chief Burgess for "one or two cab
bage heads." We wore never aware that u De
mocratic odllor was ever In want of a cbhuge
"liood bye Frit?.y !"
8lnco writing the nbovi we learn that our
worthy Clrlef Burgess presented our mU'libor of
tho Daily with n cabbage. V.'c prcsuupj that the
olHee of our neighbor Is now well provide;! with
awbaae Ji'OtU of more than the. average sire j we
. .1.1... t...l. ,,f mnrn llian II. o i --
llM'UfB II im ".v. ..... .... 1 ,. . t ...v
hope they don't lack the required solidity.
Tnr. new ear shop nud foun-liy of Me os. Wit
cier and Wolverton U progri'ssim veij rapidly
lowardsi Coinpietioti. The buii li;-,-; iA;f uo.-.t
uud Is well ClU'lllatcd to keep 1 ii:-.o;':er of bali'ln
-. . . -
A Hot named !en: go Wilve.rt had his thumb
partially Out, oil by circular saw at the plaining
mill on Monday ho t. The n'tnibrr of accidents
enured by thesu snt' in the course of a year is
lamentably large. "iihinilturg C'oeioii''ioi.
Vai. Ilr.siLit. A 'familiar nu'iie, i.n'l it (
)YulIj there Is a well organized scheme on foot to
secure his pardon from the. Eastern Penitentiary.
It Is said that one oftlic flrong'st petitions ever
scnl to IIurrlshMrg, was a few days ago present
ed to (tovernor Hart raf ft in behalf of iie.-ti-r.
I Wccm liai'il'y heltevc tir-.t enoti-rti in'fienec car,
! Iw'Wisiilnbt to beflf npAn our honored iovi rnor
I tivottut a piiiiifm. .s'-'!i ;(.'' A'eifi'iWi'iiH.
i. KirK.MKM--'i wo we, lis ago it was reported
j that an elopement paiiy had left Watsontown.
; It turns out to b" a fciet, and the parties, names
I are Michael Martin, employed at the shoe faeto
!, iud Mr?. James Cahill. Mrs. Cahill pur
chahctl a ticket for Fltniia and left on the moru-
ing traju, ami MiHiu pureh.i,cd a ticket fur the
' same jiiace and left on the evening train. Moth
were seen ut Wavcrly, N. Y., last week. The
woman left- her husband In charge of two little
: children. Martin was a boavder ;'.! the house of
Cablll. This is Wat-notou n's ti;l ( lopeiuent
c;f e. H e.'.ifO U'in Pt'i'i!.
1-V;.i its s.nvhti On: Win. A. M.
Aim, Vi-liK of this place, bad the l
6iiji-i mi h'a left haml .iw.;il ntl lya
sw, iii iU.iiiin's mill, on Thitr-iluy of : 1
t wi , 1;
The iJoVlbe'-n
lately pill on lb"
taken off nil S:
Erij mail sunt li.
and So: ll rn
V .v 1 , I N,
i;i,.i iii-l .all
ehui.jt e !' ".a 1 '
W.. w, re
1 lim
it' 1.
ol tnc
SO a.m.
tl l-ii-l US l.Vi l,
ingtoii lamp No. PI;;,
-Ai a meeting of W;h
. . S. if A. of North- '
umbel land, li- .d o
o!P-crs we;. '. u.-i .1 '
lift i Vice I'lc-.i' i
V. and '., l.jhu 1:
tl.c lOl'u l.iil., !.. ! ii, owing ,
, .1 ; l'i - i i- n; , doipi Y. Siei -
f . 1 - . 1 : . , . , .i-l
.110.1.1111 .ij e'. 01 iiii j .0.01
:'.'. ; Conductor, Isaac Wil-
Kii.i.r.n 11V LlHiiTMMii. Mr. John Fletehi-r,
formerly of N'ort tiinli.crl and was killed by light
ning at Suiin.i l.m- is, on tbo night of tlie -1th
iitst. Al the tin.e. of the occurrence be Mas I;, iug
iu. bed iu eoliipan.v villi ( lias. Freely, formerly
an employ'-.: r-n tin- ','. ,v I', r..i'i",i I. The light
ning siu'ied Mr. l 's h-i'i- cl"4,. to the head.
Foit I."h- H' At'i'!..' ire. Dyspepsia. Indigestion
I!i pri'ssiou of S'irhs and geuer il Debility, in
their various lWm. l ei 1 1 I'lai jiorat; d Elixir
ofCalisay made by l'.v" 1.1.1., .Hazikh i: (n.,
Ni'V York, and sold by a1! druggi-ds, 1- the In d
Tonle. As a stiuinl int toule !m 'lienis recov
i-rir.g from fever
er ether sir:, nc s. it hi.- no
cqv: I. If taken dining the season it prevent
lev' r and agile au.l oil., r i"terii,itt"iit fevers.
: I n e c
Sunday. .1 uly til ii. 1
', iu i;thl-'.ug, ...
y ll V. 1 . (I. flee-. 1
Valiey. to Mi-s I',
ii tin .
ihni. .In .' ,tl eo o.ty,
Il . I.. W it VI l .-IS. of
'HUM: Ssvin:;:, if
r;ri 1
.On Monday lust, in this place, l HAKI.FS
'itlRNKLiLS, jonls sou of I A. and l ie 1.1 Itei- !
uiiiihiiyucr, a,rci abau'. ars.
1 IV 1 il tue of certain ill s of ','. i. to me ill
I.) recti d, will he expo-e.l to pel'.; s.i',.: ut tin
I unit lio'.nc, iu ihe hi-rougn o. M..,'.-,i:-y, on
Hutiirtliay tltcVil lj' ol'A.iusl.ISTol,
it 11 o clock, 11. l" .. ' full'jwiug property, to
1 n
A cert til) tract or pi e of ground situate in J.
W. f riltng-'s aihlii ion to ih t'oroi'gh of Miiibu
ry, NoLlliuin'.ci laii'l nil)". Pa., known and de
signated in the g. ueial plan of said addition as
lot iiiimher t liri e (11.) b iiindcil north w.ii'div bv
Spruce urect east an:iy by lot number t wo (2,)
i-uiit hwardly li v all alu y. and cstwanlly l.y lot
number four (4,'J eonlaining in width forty (40)
lci-t. ami in ileptn one nuudreit and thlity-scvcu
l l-'l ) 11 1:1, lit ii-nii nu, iiiioi 11 iisilil l.ailll'
dweiiiiig house, witli store room and .table.
Si', taken in 1 xcciiiion and lo I e sold as the
pro-pcrly of David Fry.
A certain lot or piece of ground sit'iate In '.he
borough of riliuniokin, Norl lininb-.'i!:in-.l county,
Pa., knov 11 and designated in Ihe g.-ueral plot or
plan of said borough as bu number thirty-four
till.) iu block number one Imn liv.l and fifty or.e
, bounded north by lot No. thiity five (11..)
eastward'.)- by Franklin street, southwardly by
lot number thirlv thne Clh.l and w.-stward'v l,c
' Shauuiktn sti-i'ci, containing if width lu
eight nnd a-haif ('.'s'j) feel , an I in depth one
hundred and ninety feci , w hereon are crcted a
. I wo slorv f.ume dwelling house with store sar-iai,
I bakery, cic.
I Seized, takcu in execution and to be sold as '.he
, projH'rty of Auna E. Solv r.
,.,.rt:,iu ,, ,-,,!, of p,,,,., ,
; town of TreMirlon, ',n 1 liuiulierlou 1 ,, uaii y,ain!
! State ot Pennsylvania, u being the our half of
lot of ground known nod design
d in the eclie
r one (1.) in
rnl plan or sun town as lot nun;
block number Iilly eight (St.) fr
: ting ou Kail-
i road, twenty the f, et in wilth,
: feet lu depth, wh'-icon is cr,
i.i 1 FCM'lity-liVe
'ed il two stole,
1 frame dwelling house, .Vc
Seized, taken into cX'-.eition, and to Ik'
the property of(ieoige Id l.!-:.
Ccrtnin two lots or pieces of grotin l. sii in.t
cd in the borough of Mount l'a: met. in ..tie vuun
ly of Norlhiimhri .an I, un I "stale of I'
uia, u umber twenty -ihe ( J5) au 1 1 weuiy-SiX. ( -d)
in block number forty ( l i.) ou the litbograpli-d
general plan of suid boiougn, n hereon D cnelel
ouo two fctory ir.unc ilwclitng house, st ibie, .ni l
oilier buildings.
Seized, taken In execution, ami to be sold as
the property ol John ll. Hi ed an 1 Sarah J. Reed.
SAMCEI. If. 11" Tl'I'P.MF.L. Sheriir.
Sheriirs Ottiec.fujil'uty, yuiy ij,
niii:ki t'F'K K.ti.nis.
BY Virtue of sun Iry writ-, of Vcu. E.x'i'oiia.-,
uIi'iM Vcu., Lt lira 1-iicuiS. iW.Ks Le
vari Facias to me iliiill,-,!, m.l he r.Aposed to
public sale, at Ihc i uin House, iu Ihe boiough
of tsuubury, on
Moutluy, llhduy ut August, 1S73,
at 1 o'clock, p. m , ihe following property, to
All that certain pie.-e or h,t of p round, s'tuate
In the borough of Munbury nfore: aid. marked lu
the general play of snl I hoi nut h as lot uumher
ulnely-lwo "J2, eouluiuiug in breadth, north and
south, ou Broadway strict, IM'y i. ve i o.', t t
and six inches, iu I i.i lengia.' .-a.t -ad wt,
lu huiiilred and thiity feel, UU, bouudtd
on the south by Whortlcbcny street, now Wal
nut street, on tho west by Uroa Jway, on tho
north by lot number ninety o:m t)l, and on the.
east by Mi alley, whereon is erected a two story
franto building with back kitchen.
Fc.ii'.r-d, t iken in exoention, and to bo sold as
the property of Mary Hhi-anl, with notice to
licoi:;e I.yon nnd Nancy his wife, ten : lenauts.
A 1! 'veiling houe and store room 1 omb'nicrt, of
two stories, having a front of twenty-seven '27,
feet, and a depth of f.rty-two 'W, feet. : ml a pri
vy npp'irtenaiil theielo four 'J , t'oet ile -p by six
'tf, fuel bro-ii', sit'.iule. upon ;i i-ei'tain lot or piece
of groUad within the boro:.-'i (1 tiauhury, coun
ty Of Nortli .1 1 nto i liiiiil, and !-'ti,to of Pennsylva
nia, ti 11 5 ill , i- I upon t bu general plan of s iid bo
rough as lot No. 2-0. being part 01 s.ii t lot lo
scrlhed as fn'.lows: beginuing at a point ou the
west side of Thiid street at the disla ni e of one
hun-lri'd and ten '110, feet ni. I one ,
north ward l'i 0:11 the south -i le of ( 'if tuut st'ee! ,
tlHTline by 11 line parallel to s nil Chc:;t:i;:t stiei't,
weslwardly in-ioss said lot sily '11 ), feet, to a
post In tlni division line hetweea the s ! 1 lot mil
lot No. ;.;40 j -e by said division i'e.c soi;''.i
wardly, t',ve.i,ty-een fi 1 1, Uriel ne-asuie
a Pint : til, nee bv 11 Hue. parallel In sal t Clie-t-
nui street, hixty 'li'l, feet t: the western fill ol
said Third, and tt:enr(- uorthw-irllv !.;. s
siilit Third street twci'ity-seen 'u7, le,-t. i-trlet
measure, to the) lace of beginning, containing;
sixteen hundred mid twfili'y Mfi'Ji', square led ol
Seized, taken In cxeuillon nnd to bo sold us
the property of James Yandj ke, owner or reput
ed owner nnd contractor.
A c.ntuht lot 01 piece nfgioaml situate i:i the
town of Dalmatla, Lower M.ibanoy township,
Northuinberhjiid count). IVnnsylvani:;, bound -d by lot of .loha l'oon, F.aslw.irdiy by
an iilly, southwardly by an ally, westwurdiy by
River street , rontainlrg in width nivty-stx 1et,
and in lieplli one bitndred aud sixty-livo feet,
whereon arc erected one Irutac Loure and olio 1
! Seized, 'lat.eti in evrcution, nnd to be sold a;
! llu- proper! v ol li. W. Art'
All that certain tract ol land situate in Sh.-.nio-Uln
township, county ol' Nnitliumberiand, nnd
Plate of Peiuf-jlvania, bounded and described as
follows, lowil: lieiriunl'.gat a white oak, iience
by laud of John Kcpley, north si:;ty degree.', we; t
one hundred and IHty-ihren pi relics to a j
thence by lands of James Yoeum, south twenty
nine nnd it-half degrees, west forty-two perches
to a post s thence north sixty-live aud ono-fonrth
degrees, we-t t wen! y-three pi relies au .l 5 10 to a
post j thence south iwcnl y-ic-v ea d"grc. and P.-4,
west forty jieicbcs ami four-tetiths to a while
oak or lone i thenee south sixty-Kevin and a
half d-'irr-'e- ea-t two perehes and 2-10 to a white,
oak ; thence by laud., of deor.;u Ileckert, south
twenty-nine degrees, eut niifiy-thic-- perches
I and 1-1(1 to a ttmi" ; Ibeiice by lands of l.eon-inl
j I'ei.nsy! and Daniel Nile:, is, north forty-! lire, de
sou of ! trees nnd one hiill, i-ns; 1 Ijluy-four perehes to a
I stone l y tl hnrrh ; lie..:, en cii;hiy-"!ie degrees
I east richly p relies Idtne' place of bee InniiiL'.
' i;iitaiuint: s. rnly aeic-, ;u; 1 one bundled and
! fourteen iioi'ehe.-. whereon are iTccie.l cue haui..'
Imii'-e, b ink ba 1 a and ol her I -nil ding-
'zed. taken in execution, and In
noff rly of Peter Bong!-.:). ::
AI.'cO 1
be mild as
I Tl.
following real estate, namely : lot Nu. -I iu
No. l'.'l, as laid down noon the g neral ii-
tlioitiaflieil id. in or plol ol' tie- horo.iL'h of Siia-
mnkin, said lot being 25 !',-. t in front l.y i;i'.i'a
led ill depth, and bounded on the ca.-t by Pearl
street, .and nn tin' wist 1 y r rniiloin me t. and
I'Hjthc. si'rtilh by l 't No. "1. upon wi'.'u ii i situated
a t -i : tore'ii fvame duelling house with base.
I mem
i Sri
Si i.ed, taken in execution, and to he sold as
Ihe. prop.ilv of John McCabe, nnd Catharine
Met'alie hi,' wile.
A certain lot or piece of ground, sit'iate iu tlie
town ol Dewarl, Northiliuhei land coiintv, front-
lug oil .1 1 c t a 1 i . 1 11 11 si 1 a'ei ,1101111 00 1 ..-i-i, aim i nn-s.
nine- Mini 1 1"U Icet o an 11 ,ev. and a'!Hi:nuiLr lot ,
No. 17 on the cast, known and iK'signnted on thu
plan of s.ii I town iis lo; No. IS. Also, all that
eel tain lol or piece of ground simate usui'oresa' I,
known ana di-lgnated on the plan of sai l town
as lot No. , flouting on Main street 1'. ) le t.
and evt. n-'.lr.g north 12,' hat to an alley, ii .niiil
cd westwu-dly l.y the Philadelphia and I'.ile rail
road, whi.-cou are er.-el i a one ;l
I holl-e, and a sir,, ill owe..,
I 1 mbi. liilc an,! iuti'ie-t ,,f
i lo, and in a cieiain lot or
! :id a aforesaid, km o n u
' p an of said town as lot No
I'.n land street i',o feet, and
eit U
t he
, 17. 1 1
icet to an alley, Isenf h d 1 -a-.i
1 and westward. y liy io! ,'ie. !-'s.:u-,teas
ai'o:,' id, lroidii..
' Mel'allau l stre, t. and i-Me;.
! to ail alley , bounded ea-t 11 iii .
! w.-st war Hy bv-i'.t ol 'io.-iq h '
I Sei vl, taken iu execution,
1 the piopciiv of Jehu He.:;. 1
Hi I-
I on
1 .0
"V bv a !
t. aud
i.-;v, dr.
.ml t 1 la- -"'d
and V. 1". Da
' IH..U. -
! ALSO : ;
j All that certain .'nt or piece of grout I senate I
, in the borough of Sliai'iosin, b ung lol No. .1, in 1
' block Pi), in I he general pl.'u ol said town, hound-
I ed castwariliy by lot number four, d) south- ,
' wardly bv Mulberry street, west w ard: v by id
number six (fij ami noi th '.va' ,!:y by an a. ley. :
Seii'.eil, taken in exeeullun 1111 I to be sold as I'ne I
property ot' John Waiharn and Auuetta Uis wife.
A cettaili Id 01 pice of ground situate in I'ne .
borough ot'Siinbury, County of No:t!nini'.erl.iLi 1,
Pennsylvania. Icing part "f : lot nuinl.-ei'-e: in I
the general plan oi .-aid horoiiuh I vo ii .1 ml red i
and iwenly-uine, '22'.), and hounded and desciiheil j
as follows : beginning at a post on the west side 1
j of Dear or Third street, at the clutui: .ce of one I
1 hundred 11ml ten feet and uiic iiu.n souihward j
I Iroin the small side of Chestnut or lliuckbei ry
street j thence by a line parallel lo said Chest- !
1111: street, westwardly across the said lot sixty j
f"Ht fou' post iii a division line between the said
llot and lot number two hundred nnd thiity;
I thence by said division liuesouthwaidly, twenty
! seven feet strict measure lo a post ; thence by a
I line parallel to said Chestnut street sixty feet to
j the western side o! suid Third street, nud thence
I northwardly along said third street, t weni v
j vc l0l.t Wrtc, measure, to the place i.f begin-
mug, containing sixteen Hundred ami twenty 1
souurc feet of laud with the appurtenances, ou
I w,c;, .e elected u twosloiy wood
1 luiiil::ii'. j
, alio OU1- i
occupied us a dwelling, and a tlol
building., cce.
, !, .i.ed. taken in exeen i.-::, ;
I profsutv of Nichfiiiis Wenk. J
mil t
1 be so' I a the
Vandyke, late
' partner trading nsW vnk o: V
A certain lot or piece of ground, situate in Dtl-
i aware township, Noithunibci'laud co'.in.y. Pcnii- '
i s) ivanin, bounded and described us Inilows. lol
j wit s on the north by David W. Van dim, m: the '
I cast by laud of Charles llartzel. on ti.e .-oii.h l.y
t '.,n,l ..'.'. l.ieoli WeiLe. .'ill.) ol. I Lii U'i'.l liC 1:111,1 i,i i
' taar.uiel
, containing thiny-four (HI) aires
liinii: nr I,..", -.i',.. a' , ac creeled a two story 1
frame dAcliing Ik use, t.-.-.u.t buru, iVc, I
A:so, A c -:t.:':u tract or piece of (,'roun I, sifi
ate iu Delaware township! Norihuuibi I land
county, Poffev vunia. bounded uud desci i''i-,l
;i follows, tn iv it : on the north by land of D.ivid
W. Van, line, on ihe cast l.y land of J.ieo': Aru
w'ne, ou l!ic south by land of Jacob Wcii;, . end
on the w ,-st by Ian Is ol Charles Hall.' 1. en, lain -log
I w en: y -f'our ( -1 ; uci s n,oi e or Ice .
Se.i-..-.l. t.iUcu 1,1 CXel iltloll, and to le tela U.3 I
the property of Peter Artiwinc
All that tract, piece, or parcel ol land, siiuair
:ir'!y in Cameron township, and paiilylul'oal 1
liri'nship, county of Noi'huuiherhni 1, and St He
of Pennsylvania, bum led and d; henhed as fob i
lows : beginning al a heap of stones in a line of
Is iae Holla's land; ilienee by the same
loiiiieen and oue-h.iif l.-gn-i-s m-1 sixty pen-bis 1
and lelee-leiiths t : : . 1 m ic ; Ilienee by land of
Peter Weikei.iiol 1 h elg'ity-liine and t'.ri e fnlilfll .
il' gr. es.ea.-l e'glile tlva'- I -ich -s and ht-Vcil -1 en ' hs I
to a stone ; tln in- no-.t'i Hue, ilegi.s-s, ta.-t thir
ty six perches tin, I I' C''-leir.lis to a stone ; thence
by Daniel SehlcVs laud, iioftb scv.-nty-six de
grees., e isi seveu!i-en perches and elghl-lcnlhs lo
a he i.p uf .-Ione ; II, i nee north fourteen dcgiies,
w est iouiti-eii pen lies io stones ; thence l.y Inoiin- !
Iain land south eighty-eight and three-fourth de- I
I'lees, cast n yi ntv-one petehes and eight tenths i
to stones ; tbeiici! by Peter Weikel's hind nmtli i
fourteen uud one-bill' degrees, west sixty two I
Perthes to a stone on the southerly side of the j
Minersvlllc road j thence south fourteen degrees, I
we-t sixty-three and eight tenths perches in Hue !
of Harrison Wagucr's hinrl ; thence by, the same I
south sixty-three and olie-fourth ib trecs, west j
thirty-seven perches and two tenths to a po-t, I
and llicuce by the same south eighty-six and one ;
half degrees, west four perches and three-tenths
to the place of beginning, containing seventy-six
acres and one hnu ir-.f and tlfty-four perches
strict measure.
Also, all that tract or piece of land, situate In
(aineton township, Northumberland county und
Mate ol P. ..iisvlvanl i, bounder', as follow s : north
Py i hi iioloi montinnwt tract. M by land rf !
1 i . ni.ji.ii, boulli by hinds iiu nr late of
o joie !L I on, wist by laud of Isaac H ;tra,
w in i.imis jahoTI hMtinrt-ai ft i, rn- -
k.-,-t'- r'V ' -.!.;-' e Z. ..-
if,' i 1 1- .-':' '..v, .'' j-'.,' - .s'..-"-V.,.-.- '?;'.'. ' ' " V
V-Vh v-il''- ' '' ': i,
. : . r-;V -r,- ::- -- v'iix-, . -' -;'
r--Vi;V'.- ?v;-?'H'Vi'f tS" &
l.i been liof"T0 tho Arpevir.n puiiiio
iiVE'-l film I Y vcars. It has t'cvu -t
f iie It 1 pivo p 'rfeet sntifntion. all 1
iut v Lei 11 s'vlcil tho jf.n:.i'A f.r n!l
t.'.rn-il Woof's. Cut-, 'lunis. ivv-i .r.-.c ;.
t-prains, ilnrsi k; Ac, n.. .iiu .... i
f ....ti.. .l-r,,-M .lr,l,T
eontnining thirty-live a"ics and one hundred nnd
Ci'rly fi' t p, bo the siiu'e inoii 01' ic i-
rfel.K'd, taken in execution, and to be sel l as !
the. property tf William L. Ikdjciistine. I
Al.bO: " j
The foilowing dcscrilied real e-iat", to '. .; : I
ail that certain lot or piece. of ground -ituutc. in !
Delaware township, No'thiiuiberhind ronnty,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: 1
on tho east by an ally, 011 the south by Maine '
street, on the west by lot of William Dalesman, j
and on the north by an a'ly, containing in front I
i.O feet, and one hundred and twenty (l .'l!) feet j
in depi h, w in rcou are erected a two story In Ick
hotel, with basement, a Mood shed aud an ice- i
bouse. ;
Also, another lot or piece, of ground, situate In
Delaware township. Nun hu, 1, '.inland county, j
Pa., bvilude I ale ile-eia!,,-,! as follows : on the a slreet, on l ho cast by an ally, on the 1
south by an ally, and on lb" we: I bv" land of I
John Mel arland, containing (in feet in front. and
nee hundred and twenty IVet ( I'.'o) in depth,!
vi hereon a re erected 11 frnir.ii stable and chicken i
house, belonging to tic afiues.,:!! hot.-!.
Ah o ;:' other hail I'd sit1. ate in Delaware ;
I iownsleii, boundctl un-l dc-on-ilied 10. follows: on j
the south !,y iiii ally, on ihc we-t by an ally, on
' the 1101 1)1 by a street, au.l on I In; cast bv lot. of
j i;.)'".:rt Mcrai-'and, eoit lining iu fi'of':.) f,,,.t j
1 and in dc;th I'JU tect; thereon is c: .'i 1 1 a pig-
I '''"' ' ' !
j Seized, I iken in ex. -en I ion, and to b" i-ol-i a - the
propcilv r-f Wil'iuu I Iu 1 iiigii.'nree W. Ileri'iig,
I with not ice to V''. 1'. Dale-ni. Mi au.l John Ile.ekel.
All that eiili'.in tract, piece or pirnd of land, I
situate in ( .snu ion toivnship, Northum'ierian.l '
county aforesaid, and bounded and ib .-c ibed as !
follow: L'-giioiing at a sloiie i.i a lii.,, of I-aai '
Holla's latni ; laene.: by the same sont'h foi'!i en
il,".;iees ami a he.!!', ens', Ihiee peiches and t!,re,:- ,
tenths of a perch to 11 stone ; tlcnce I v the late '
I Peter Weikel's lanl, now Harrison Wagner's. ;
I north 1 iL-lity-iiine d'-gi ei s and thrci -fo'ir'.hs, cast
j eihty.'iv,' ,-ieli. s :,. 1 o-i-:i-t' nth" to a stone ;
1 thence l y ti.e .-anie i.oi lh Ihiee. ili:;ici s. cast.
ithiiiy .-; peohes and live-tei.ths to ;i stone;
i lh,-lii-e In' Itlolmlaln Konlh Kevenl v-siv il:-Kr,'e
vv- st X
six perehi's,and one tenth to a stone; 1
l.v 1'
one: .Sicig s land sontl: l.iue iie::;e. ,
I air: i hi ,
urth-, e:'.-L
.11 per
ml two-
j t-'i-lhs to a 't-.ii"
I seven) -i e d 'e .
I lo :r-t enths to th
I niiii' acn - ai d
j strict measure.
Sc.-cl. '..:-:,:
and thime.
l.'V the sane' Mj'ith
1 s, .."'est six
place ol he
V-i.icy pel .-lies n tn.'
rinnini;, eont. iit'ln'
I an.'i live pcreli'-s
ti in.l to !
.. lb- ;.;..;.:
.TiiE'.tM EL.
v. Julv !:. I
1 1
d -.
t'C 1,'S'
I i.e -i- , e"-.s,
i ', ' 1 ' , i ".
':....-- Nothv
1 l I'll I Is Of' I '!'.l-
-:,.:;..; fit.' !V ice,
; 1 ; aiul 'I i-rtni.ier
nil i"i' lb'' county
, ,ea 1,; : i;,- I onrt .
try. at id 'chirk
f "tlie 4th, next,
1- i.ei-
. ('
n il.i.t
and Orph.
( a
and (1, 1 j.,;;
of N-etliu nfj-ilai
IP.iis,., In 1 in- I- .:
A. M.. "li .M'.JND
:. 11 I V ill coi:tl-..i-,,'
'1 If Coi-Olier, .1
hies in ., id 'or I le
o M'i . e.);ii!:e
t;li id cunh
AY, .U't.ll l
two weeks,
n tiees uf the 1
count v of Noi
ee ;in.I C -:i-ta-ainlierland
rt-i a- s
and ol
1 to be then and there in their proper
will: their lollu, n-eords, inquisitions,
r reiiiembrances. to do tle.-.e things io
their several olliees apfertaininir to he lone. And
all witnesses prosecuting in heha't o' the Con. -
monweaith iu-aii,-t any prisoner. :uo roqueted
au.l coinniunde 1 to be th'-u an ! ih"ic attending
in their proper persons to pro-v.-uio against him
a, shall he jitdt tuid m t to depart 11 it Iio'.il lea Vii i
al their t'Cl ii. Ji.ioiSiiro reqili s'ed io be p.'.ne
t :ial in tlieir at lei,.!. ;r. Hie iiin upfointed,
agiveal .') to thel, 1, ,-.:.' ' i
(ll.e;. n.".kr my J,.ii," 1 at c-iinhury. th : I.-', diy of I
July, in the year ot o,.i Loio cue thousand e: :ht J
li'.iudrcJ and n'Ventv-lhrce. I
S.W.l'EL l'i. IiO'1 HI-r.MLL, Shell!'. !
iN T11M DLSTIIHT C( l UT or the Coiled
State-, id the W estern l'tstilu Pciin'a.
Iu J" a til. ii,t' .
The tindclsigucd heiihy gives notice of hi ap
p .'.iil cent as ass'.gn.'e of Daniel E. Ki lacs, of
We-.hbiston township, in tic count) ot N-ithirii-berl:
a 1, Slate of 1 anki, w, thin said Di.s-
trict, who has be
n :nl i uili: 1 .1 a h.mkiupl i.pou
by the Diet: let Court of said
his own petition,
To the Creditors of 1 aid Bankrupt.
v. ii. Mm Aisignce.
Siinhiny, Jul;, j'j, 5s;.i.- ip.v.
.1. Sta'
uf Ihe V
1 IV .n'a.
I'or t h.
esicrn Hist 1
'the iiuder
iini meet a-
- i-l
s a p.
i- ti ..(.! ;siv of Wi'li
f W.isli-
ii'.'iou ton :.-!iip, iu I nc count' ,,f Noi i f ,.:el , r
I:: lid, is ai CI' l'etll-s) .v.inia, w it li;i .-i t Dl.-t i ic, J
who has !, B-I.ill'.l ed 11 .ialll.1 11 pt I ;"" hisoWll
pclltil'll, bv the jKs'ii.'l Coliil of Sail' ! i tr'.cl. j
To the I icil'tois o! s..i 1 1'. el--. ' p .
1'. !l. lliii'llll, Aslene,..
S-.nil.tiry, J.i'y 12. i;:'.-Cv.
Ad-.:; I..: st ra tor's :l iw.
mini -
V is 1 cr I'V L'iVell that L' tll'ls of Ad-
Iiathu having bun eiai.ted to the
undersigned, on -l e est,.tc of Ji reiniiih l-'uiris-woilh.
I. i I' i! i oro igli nl So ii tji i j y, Noiih.
UI'l!-er...l.l colfity, 1 u.
in. I. hie 1 lo said c-l:ile ,
mediele payment, and I
),; e-a o t t hem d a,y aui in
Sen I f.,r l'll'.stralcd I',
our pih-es beloic piuiha
low el tlia li a i: v ot her e t
liKMI'MIir.!; I
l-.'Hil RHUii: .W I N
ISIlM'It'S M'W Itil !. i-,
landt and New lleireli S.., .New Veil..
liiithe European plan, iiii II AUD I'. V I'.FNi ii. i
Sou id' the ht,: lol. Kil II Alt I) FULNlil, m
I' ll'lich's Hi tel. lias taken Ihls ll".-l. lu ii'il l:'l"d
U(iati,I cnthely renovate. I ll." saim. in,', n ry -U.ltrl
i IIVSINIISSJ PAP. 1' ..f ;'-" l',f:,.
LAliIUs' 0. 1.1 s 11 I-V. s's D'SiS-i lluey. . J
Tl HKli. " I
July 5,':J. Cm. . t
Ir. Ittl i i;v V llOUl It,
TfctrU t-tii'ft. opnoniti- i't-ntrnl Ui.teL
Kl hi tonstuntiy on Imnri U f v-rv cVficiit
o! freiili
hi:i;f, mi ttoy,
l.-i folj ut tlie lowf )t j ricv. .U.t c.::,bt
l.a i ut t.nui-j tiariu tl. c1.. .
&Vn t.i v, Va.. June lrT .'. '
, llcceased. :ul pelsous
n icq :-," te ' to make iin-ho-e
li. vo'g c'a i in i, u l'i
nlicn-i d lor 'ell 'cment .
. v in.'ii-i:
A-luiiui-tialor. i
I s-fii'i-ry, .rid..-.-. isr::.-ri. '
t.ll.,.Jae i.l' l. eXal-iii.i I
our pi lees I'd. nc pun lia-iug. as we c a iu in seh i
! low ei than in: v o I her c 1.1.,, l,,r., in Ihe ( 'if, .
! REMFMIil'.ll lb- N.'M!;i:i:. ' '
IT. I'l.l, .,.:...: i,: ..
vkiiliM!!- I.'u'frt.. 'n, nor.v vr
f -:. I -' i i. o.:--, i.n- i.ioiiie-nt. h ; repre
.ri." p- h've and ivt tor ""iieiuo
l.Xl'W eil'STAi-l.i MNIMK'J'I. Sohl
J 1
1 if -
1 .'
I 'ni"; i-;is 1111,1 t-ii'o v dor -s. et
L'l'.-i 1 U pil llotUe. .,tiu
I ...
- - ' ...-ovi:-ih. . ... -.' 1 .- '
. ft-'
;;i-:- "i
: ,1 '
!t .Is i-nr
f- itlltouei
i ' ' ,-. : t 1
it ,t ,es BW.i e v t-i I ,.
ne e ejiase 1 i'V U-:il, 1 ;.,., 1, ...1 1
hii-i i-en,,'! nil l.'io ids.. lil i'-mt 'I
n'ld UllmelllW ' t.',ti. If :' .. a-'-l ,' '!
i'!lijl',irn, and Ov ;TI I lot - Is.t X
;:..ivJih V"' l-e.e'l - .:
ii H;s
.1 1 i.uia
1 ;' a y . . 'rr '. Dcpot
-! f- -.
1 lie. K:.t.
... i".i:
Choli i
-I 1-y
jLf Comp.aiut, '. "a'u;-', et
the Use of
Compound Svrup ol lll.iei.lj.
1,1 I.i.' :
An o'd. well tred rem
plecaiil t o l. -I.e, quid:
cm be if fei'd-'d on in I
. I'll'iielV VI
d ceM. ill: :;
IU s' U'ue;
.I illlal:! .1.1
!'. I'i'i'M.
lc.iy be given to the ynuia
to -'dulls. Il eontains
"(((' M i ' I i K (!'.
ll is h plc.isai.i i.xlruet it ml
elii'ilr n. has otten saved
el 111s h id de: palled. Keen it
iff in life-. A.I we ii-U tor i'
1" y,i,,f lie lie!' p,,l vnil i ll wil
1'uv ii . Try 11 . r ol I l.y 1 'r
K :e;.e. .-- tl..iugbiil t lii t tale'.l.l. ,v !
June 1 1 ,'7:!-'liu . Le'VO .N'arke.
I .le"
I'-l, phi
and Si
A uililor '-. ;C :'
V, l i. ,ll. ) 111 the Col
L.aau Duller,
i'i,.,s.,. N
ei-t . ) ! " 1 e,-un: 1 .
! 1 !'5
I "VoTi. i
i iN his.'",-
Coinui"'! i,'
' make di-t 1 11'
. 1 lo, M.u.-h i ,'.- ),. is"....
' hi nby given ih ii the 1,
n :ipp.;'n ,' 1 V 11 ill.'.- ' ! '
lis of ro.lnumi-e.iiai.d
niou ot the tnoiii- s p. .11 1
t..e s.ile ol' defend. mi's 1
iio (.',, ::',
Ail! in'-'' '.
ll of 1 hat.
J arising 11,11:1 t,,
! and aiifne ti.o
1 the creditors, r
et, I (li"i Ltietei i. 11.
I th. iae claiming o
1 fund, nt his 1, tlie" in Ih" borough ol Sanhary
! Tluirstlav, Julv l;th, WA. at lo o'clock, a.'
1 A. N. LIU-'IK, All I:'...:- Jiiu" ill. l'.i7Tj. It.
Mi leu
91? '"- -. 4
l.r.iB.'ts..: rrrrn
l' -T-i let- y 1 -. ir-stV-a-'- S-
iig.s-s- .sa
..xn.i i V.'cou S ILtKM.)'
Jte-am Mngmes.
Tks i:.?l S TUM Compli'lt- l--onnt)il
if. tin' Mitrbft.
Pnr'r.sih-.-o ntn.av'- Tnr.m'amcl the v.-ry
snoi.i irl of ixi Ihin-e. We make tUtf
.etitf-of is .-s, ljt...-i-s nnd S'liviiillsa
V.'.' htie tii-tlaivest nnd mrnlwiniilete
rks of h t Iv-nd in the (M;uiry, yrim uiaoxiiutir
ri.:'-..iUv r-Jitp'.-l tlu wor-.
Vi r n tSMmtt'tiy in .tw- of
i''i;iirt-, i w hi tin-v.:ry l.'We.-A p itx-a
.'-.tid -u U. r-hnrtt'-tt noiii'. We I. mil .ii-rint3
r1-iMv iiti,i.ttsl lt Mm". Sitw MilN, Ur'st .Mills
'hii'i ti : i.'uttnti ti.un, 'ILrcah-jr-i uni liUwlas
u' Tt iMMl' iri 'ii ni'.
V. i;i' tir.-A l.'iiNVii tn? c-1, iinl T in' nnMi-
j IT Mt.l, l'v- l'-'L ilta-i Ui l"OIUiils,-W eit..' luul
i ' r i:i.v:t i.
V.'.' i i i!"s.-mftnMfjt !:intf fnw Mil' outfit it
pr-si il i - i". :. (. o ir .'lUiTir-u, uud ?uj tuniiii.
i(iinili'i' (;. tie' linric't un'.K.!.
t.,.1 ni;i: iii ft'.li.i h to lun.ith thuNvt nff
chiiicrj m t-jf niiUnt't, and work iUir-Jut'-ly un
t j'i.t.1 ". tirr- nit ci( iK-ttV-n-.ytiiitniy m:d -sUt.nv Lii.
i?.i..d Ini- i.' :m i uixi
t rii A, x. v.
i'(-rl iiii hi: a i;nro;M"::n
M t rt iii:i
L:i: .u; ,:.Y ari.t .Sll.T!'.','A
r-c: li tri'if K4"taclc"4 tti:l I'je
:!. D 111. ADID CAN J-JS.
Watches uud Jc
ay ri nil itpairel miJ war
Market St :n.:r e. - I
lVb. ;,, 1-