V v. Sunburn American. H. B. MASSER, E. WILVERT. j Edi,or- SUNBUIIY,-JULY 2-),T7:t. ItrpiibllrHu County 4'oiMCullon. The Rcpublienii votcrt nf Xorltmiiihrrlnml rnunty nrc requested to meet in eiiclt elect inn district nt (inch place!" lit which delcirutc ck'Ctinnfi luivc licrctotorc been lieUl, on Siitui day, the lGlh day of August next, between the hours nf 1 mid 7 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of electing dele gates to the ltciintiliruii County ('(invention, to lie held ul the (.otnt House, in the horo'iirli nf Suiibiiry, ou Tuesday, August l'.'tli, 1 S 7 i. tit 10 o'clock, u. in., for the purpose of rininiti(tliiif n ticket to lie presented to tlo voter nf the comity ut the cninilitjr elretinn. Each dis trict polllntr two hundred l!ein1ilieaii votes, or less, nt the last general eleellen for State otlleers, v. ill be entitled to two dclcgatce t each dlstrlet pollinsr over two hundred vntes, and imt exceed liiS three bundled, three dc.leirutr ; and each ilirtrlct polliui; over three hundred votes shall be entitled to four ili'li'ir.-iU's, LM'L Wlt.YLHT, Cliuiimau. I.. M. MOKTliX, Scc'y. Tin; Kail Uoad Ti:a.si i:ii. Irs C'HANOKS AMI . i-FKIXTp.---Tito lllilcll talked of lease ami transfer of tl,c Xorth c rn Cintral to the lYnn'ii Kail llnntl, nnd the. changes remtltiiio; in the iii,ni:i".cn:eiit thereof, Ihib consiili'tably exercise J our citi Keua ami caused n gotid deal cniritnciit. It in well tuouyh to loo!; ahead and guard tig.iinst il.in;;er, hut at tho same time it is Jolly to burrow i-tovljli!, tf lo line ft lioiuely aj ini,lo complain of injury before you are ' lutrt. The Company naturally feel, an in terest in the prosperity of all the cities and tuvyns conuecleil by their toad, and we have reason to believe thiy arc particularly -rim tilled by the progress of, our town, and tho improvements and appearance of thin in connection villi the roads at this place. That the cluing may throw out of employ inent a lei? worthy men, and compel a few others to change their loealioti, is true, and is to be regretted; but this is not an unusual tiling, nnd is common to all enterprises. Thus far wo have seen but little to justify the alarm that some have proclaimed and tho false conclusions they have drawn. And tho i'ress should rather have dir cour- aped than fostered such idle fears and ru- that parents are to blame, in many iiistan mors as have been circulated. There never ces, in allowing their daughters to go un- Tiie confession of tho young womnu who murdered Goodrich, in Brooklyn, should serve as a warning to thoso who have not yet turned their feet from the path of rectitude to tho road that leads to wretchedness and death. It is another sad commentary on the result of sin which should bo productive of good results, but which' will fall, undoubtedly, like nil tho rest, without effect. Its application is equally Hliitablo to both sexes, for while the onn forsakes her virtue for a life of ease and style and the other becomes n villain to gratify his beastly appetites, the result of crime wretchedness and death falls equally upou both, This woman states in Iier confession that tthc was entrapped, ns thousands have been, through the oily tongue of her betrayer, who held out the usual inducements. She is the daughter of respectable parents, irs'uling in the State of Massachusetts, nnd left home, perhaps, on some trivial pielext of oll'cnee, with the expectation of some day returning the pos sessor of fortune, to meet with disapoint nient as is the ease in nine eases out of ten, when the young and unwary exchange good homes in the country, for a chance at success in our large towns and cities. Her parents have no doubt been solicitous for her welfare while she. was hiding her sins from them, and courting thn flattery of the vicious luMcad of takiug their ad vice. Tins woman went lo New York where, she nu t .ioikicb, a man of bad character, evidently, who induced her to live with him, and ufter living with her for a time he deliberately informed her of his purpose to cast her off. According to her story she begged him not to do so, but as certaining that he was fixed in his purpose, she shot him under the circtuuiilauec-fc (die relate!;. There is no doubt that she committed the act in a frenzy in consequence of her aban donment by tioodrich,whoitis stated was a heartless betrayer, and had probably more victims than one, and but little sympathy will bo expended on him. That girls are ( ften wayward and un controlab'.e is true but it is equally true. was a shadow of reason in supposing or sajing, that the machine shops ate to l.e removed, nnd ns li: tie to suppose the round house would bo emptied of its engines and left in solitude and sileuca for the occupa tion of bats and swallows. A number of passenger engines, it is true, have been re moved by tho recent change, but it is more than probable that freight and other en gines will occupy their place. AVhcn S'inbury was a village of one thous and inhabitant, a matter of this kind might have proved detrimental, or cheeked for a time its progress, but ils advance incut aud future prosperity is now placed on a too solid basis to be seriously disturb ed by a movement of this character. Wi: learn that a story is being circulated to the effect that the friends of Dr. Wagen- attended, and uncartd for, into largo cities for employment. Many girls leave home for the cities to l'md better treatment, and hundreds are allowed to go there to gratify their desire for the surperior polish of city life. We daily see poor girls leaving a couutry home of comparative plenty, who go to the cities expecting to mingle with the fashionable, but who return much wi ser thau they were, or remain jjs moral wrecks, generally tho rcrii!l of die-appointment and want. Another class are thw who wander the Vaouk ideas hive for somo timo been afloat that tho Kcpublicnu party is near its end ; that it must soon give way to u newer organization. These ideas either spring from n toeit acknowledgment, on the part of some of its members that it lias been ' failing to meet tho requirements of a pro gressive age, or a notion that its mission has becti so fully accomplished that its ex istence is no longer necessary. From whatever source this view may come, it seems to ns it fallacy. So fur, whatever may linvo been its mistake and derelictions they were scarcely enough to warrant the lirst assumption, and tho second ono may be safely atllrnied to bo entirely without foundation. TJic Kepublicali, like all other parties, has suffered many things nt the hands of its friends. It has untie red from visionaries nnd cnpables, and from tho roughly selfish members and thieving camp followers. Hut in all this it hns not lacked interior vitality nnd n constant exhibition of actual life. J'offxc''t Ji'itrr.s' Journal (') Attkmvt to Mi'UDmi Tin: Oithdi: Foil KM AN OK llKKCll WOOU ('(!. I. ti:t!Y.--On Monday afternoon (.'apt. J. II. Huskies, outside foreman at lira chwood Colliery, Mt. Lallce, worked bv the 1 hiladelphia and heading Coal and iron Compauy. nar rowly escaped death at the hands of assas sins, lie was attacked on the tip of the breaker by three strangers. They had re volvers. Fortunately the two lirst attempts to shoot htm failed in consequence id' the caps only exploding. At the third attempt, n shot was lired, the bail passing" close to (.'apt. lloskius1 head. At this lime he was between some cars. When lirst assaulted he was only about three feet from tlu would-be assassins. It is to be sincerely regretted thu4 attempts of Ibis kind arc be ing inaugurated again in this County. Wc had hoped tliHt the diijh of such outrages in Schuylkill County had passed never to return. Mim rpvilh .hwrnnh "A now parly must be organized. "' say a few ambilioud jieuiicinet), 'because the old parties are corrupt." Hut where is tin: materiel For the new parly to come from ? l'laiuly, the pure tleuu nt which is to com posed the new party must be gui, if it is gotten ut all, from the corrupt clement (if the old party. Can a stream rise higher than its source ' If there is a rascally" de magogue in the land he is the man who cares nothing for parties ; aud when he sees a probability of the new party niccceding, who so eager as he to join it t "lint they will be kept out of oHlee," says one. How? l!y votes. In the sainu way, by voles, ran they be kept out tf oii;co or driven from office now. It can be duue no iuicli.r by a new party than Uv the old, for one io con trolled by the people as much a the other. Kut think of an honest parly with the Chicago 'fiims mi its orijan and Ti-ibmw as Mondav, August 11 J 1873 .A. TOWERING GIANT AMONG ITS FJiXLOWS. Gnat. 12. MttiPi Tent id 3100,000 Map SI? mmm ' filial ;Olt.S "3- J i.' "fr "TV . tssaf ... . Musrieuni, Aviary, Circus, Hippodrome. and Egyptian Caravan. IlR augmentation the past winter makes it four times larger than last year, and then it was confessed the Monarch Mastodon of the road. Over a million dollars have be exM'ii(led (o make this the most stupendous and greatest World Kxprudtion ever attempted ; uud an immense Twelve Ccutrc-1'ole I'avilion, covering over lour acres of groin and measuring MSji 00 yards of canvas, is required to exhibit its thirty-one dens of living AVild Ik-asls, bnathing Sea Monsters, I'lumaged Uilds. ricsh-cntitig Keptiles, and colossal . . ' Dual Circul Exhibition! Making it a Grand Combination more than Equal to Twelve hows in O DC ! To transport this ttoliah of Shows, 1(MI cars, 0 passenger coacb.es, and 1 engine: the success of this unpiecedenlcd ciiUTorise. its prime minister! Chk-iju In'.i llt'SHANDs will need to be particularly circumspect in the future. lady in Au rora lias sued her husband tor divorce bas- ; ed upou the revelations of the spirits. The! latter have informed her thut her husband : is not what he ought to be, and on their ; b'climouy sho has gone lo law about it. j Whether these v.iti:es.-ee will be deemed competent lo testify in an earthly court of j l:ee will doubtless depend lar 1 VriC gry. ; w'ii'iM. .i Tj:.'-r v. are bro'i'dil. into requisHion, and the services of over (K)r) ;-,jcn and hor'i-s rr -. nei-csstiry 3 -.-.V -. ' V Mi. .'-. r . M. Si'anci Triple IHcsiagcri in Separate Tents, in ifnyder county, hud bought oil i.:..i, i,..:.. i ;., . MeCkerv. and that if Mr.CIeerv rn- i "" . vicinity, on Saturday morning, thinkin-he cd the nomination of this county for ! , !, l,roauct,t Uic' ! iniht p.-ssibly Mmnble across .something I illJ'l tllt'iU 19 UU UllILl I'litU 1U1L I'M UlCill , V ill liil i-MU lll.L'. H.I.I mill ItoLilL !L IHCItlC Lilt' I lhan the path of sin. A large number of day before: !n his peregrinations thron-h i ,, . , i . i i i .i the I)ell he discovered a deinijoliii partly I tins class uii'ilit be redeemed if the proper , , n i .. - , . , - , , , ! ! tilled .villi vitriolic acid which had been course were pursued by parents. We have , ucd tho day previous by the members of J seen cases here gir'a have returned to re- the i'lueuix tire company to charge tne so- i ' soectabilitv and usetuhiess tliruu-di the. on- da loiintain elected on tne picnic "round 1 cuuragement f fniufc and arenla ; and : doubtless many of that character who ex- ist upon our streets, migh;, through the same iiithienccii. be brought back' to a bet- seller Col. (civet State Senator he would concede it to AVageiiseller at the Conferee Convention. Wo are authorized to state' that the story is untrue. It is no doubt put in circulation to influence other counties against Col. McCleery in case he recieves the nomina tion of this county. We would adviscour Snyder county friends to cease all such electioneering n.hcines, as it may prove an injury to tl.cir candidate. Col. McCiec.-y and Mr. Uergsticsscr of this county, i.uw seeking that nomination are both geuiie liH.a widely known as hcnorable men. who will not resort to any dishonorable nuans to secure the nomination, nor can they be bought Off. 15 t!i these geialeiiien are working to get the uoiuhiaiiwu in an honor able way, aud whichever receives the nomi nation in 11. is county, he will present his eltiim to the conferees based on the justice "of the claim this county has for the mciu 1 her. .Nor do titlur of these expect to coutcud against low trickery in order to secure the nomination by the conferees. If any ono thinks that either of the c Can didates will buy or bill out, we can assure Ihuui that they hav mistaken their man. . 111. ...n tl'l I , .,,,1.1.., .I..... ....I 1.. 1.. .... 1..t , f ... ., , , i it.'v.n, tun ,iiuL,ia lu tii iiii muni in mt: street of cities- girls. v.io have Ikch cast n.uylom ,,, . ...... ,Ul ;,, ,. away by parents, because they have erred, j In tho meantime the husband has cited his irobaby for thn first time, and not kuc.w-! wife to appear in court and answer to the ! ill- what els to do for a livelihood, sink j cllar?i! f '"sanity. r,:l -great interest" is 3 ' " m n Ml f ..'T,,, ' iti 'i.,li .-in,, a j deeper in vice to obtain menus to live, 'i'he I ' ' j- ! ma jority of theso are girls of good qualities I A Fatal MisTAKK. liarlholouaew Ma i of heart, and constantly feel tho pangs t,f i honey, an old resident of llolidaysburg, IOIlCll 11 (Mil,;,- C4Ilt.ll 1 'Cll I'CUUT, III IOC i Combined with the Colossal Museum, Aviary of Tropical llirds, and Caravan of K'.ephais, Camels Dromedaries, Klks, 15u!l'ilocs, etc., e-le. GHANI) DOl'MI.K CU'.t 1 l'EH FORM ANC K in the Largest Ilippoilroma Tent in the World. ICVKliV ACT DOUllLK in Kings at the saimr hour, underoiie Crand I'avilion ! A IMJL'IU.K ffTA? I KNTKKK, oStuils of King Horses. Ilunl Corps of Kquestriehnes. Male Killers. Acrobats. fiynmiiRts. Clowns, etc. (Jreatest Achievement in Arenic Annals ever Witness, I Kverv day at 10 o'clock, a. m.. an unparailekd. t'AtiKANT A Pl! K'lJ. -I )X OVKK J MI l.KS I.ONU 1 With i uurald, crimson and gold dens, three brass and reed Ban. i grand Steam i'iano, and a full Martial Hand, as in the Days of '"(J; Twenty Keautiful Women, and one hundred liorsemeu and pages, mounted, and followed by thfl Cavalen I with their flags, banners and paraphernalia, mounted (i oil's and (fodesses, in original costumes, with Living Tigars, Lions, I'anthers and .Jaguirs Loosj in the .Streets. KY H- fore each exhibition a (iKAM) DALLt.lOX ASCKXSIOX will be given. tt'AU the Kailroads running iulo the city have been arranged with to bring people, at greatly re 3I02T, 50 OS1STTS. dueed fare. W. W. ULT7AND, Gcners! Agent. Danville, Saturday, Aug. D; 31iIton, Tuesday, Aug. 12; Shamokin, Friday, 15 ; Ashland, Saturday 1(. Taninijun, Thursday, Aug. 14 ter life ; but where no encouragement is given, like this woman who lur.v occupies a murderer's cell, they sink deeper aud deeper in dcrrad itiou uu.l crime. The owuers of barking dogs have a warning jdvvu thein by a legal niocecdiie' in aahingtou ciiy lately. The venerable , Caleb Cuching, brought suit against his ' neighbor hint week for having a bob-tail ' yellow dog, that k:pt up such a bow wow, ' that Mr. dishing could neither pursue hit . studies or enjoy a nap, i.ftcr remonstrating with his neighbo:, and he refusing lo dis- ; poe of hiia fur summer tuusagee. Mr. Cushing uemauiVd four thousand dollars ' damages. The Judge thought this execs-', Hive, but. commanded the owner to remove ..u: mi; or Mifrcr a penally v twenty dollars. i'i:ki:i:ii.k. H.viTI.1: of Lie: it 1 i::.s ' Unfits- 1 i:n: at or tmk Cai:i.i-js.'- . A sp'-eial edition oi'lhe o'.'v X e-.'-, i'.siied I on l the t'.'t'.i, announces that a large Car ' list force has beta deOiled by the govirn- ment troops at Igualada, in the province of ; l'.areel. .'n.t, after a bailie of eighteen hours, j duvi'Jg which the town was li -rijueiitly tak : en and lost by the opposing forces. The j number of dead and wounded left upon ! the field is o lm :;e that nil the vehicle; of every him! hi the town were presied into I the service for their removal. The report regarding the battle at Igua , hull 011 l'liday very gm ii'y, aejording as j lie. y come from MaJrii and government ', boura's. or by Carlist sources through l'er- piguun. Ail agree that the place was at . tacked bv united Carlist eolumus under , l'rince Alnhotiso, and that there was des ' perate fighting for eighteen hours. One part ol tlie population assisted 111 tho defense, iti.d the other part tyu:palhi.ed 1 wi'.h the Car'.ials. Madrid reports state ' the result both ways, but a circumstantial 1 account, bv way o Pcrni juan, says the ! )i!ace was captured by the Cariisls, with 1' '.'. prisoners, 1 cannon and li'WO stand of small arms. Actuated by a belief that it contained whisky or some other iutoyicat'.iig hcver- ; age, he laiscd it to hi.-: liji., and drank deep- ly of the eonteuto Unreof. It was a fear-! ful draught, for no sooner had he swallow- ' ed the same than he complained of a tend- ! ble burning in his stomach, wh:le the con- : tortious hi. face underwent are said to 1 have been frightful to wilniss. lb; was ' assisted to his home and medical aid promp'ly summoned, ycl withont avail, lie lingered until evening of the same day, whe-U death kiudly u lievcd him of billler- ; iugs of thonu osi, e:;erueialing anj terrible , character. His insides were completely burned out, and from the time he swallow ed the. vitriolic acid until it had t'.ccma plished its fatal work, tho poor uuii.itu natu was continually spilling blood, l'hy , fcicitiD.) and others present aver that he (lied it horrible death. i'Vu'jr: JiVoi'.'ei'. I - Thk lA.bauon CukWi r relates the follow ', ing snake story : A party of libation gen 1 tlemeii passing Koch's 011 the niountaiu be , tween Lebanon and Mauheiiu, were some what ctarlled to see some black snakes 1 hangitig about, of rather huge proportions. , Three were killed in that vicinity, last week, 1 which measured respectively seven feeloue inch, sis feet three, inches and live feet six inches, llathcr uuplesaut fellows, to have i around. 1 WiLMAMsi'iiii t hab a match factory with a producing capacity of lO.l.fj-iU'.'O matches per day of ten hours. When in full operation about forty men and boys will be employed. The most I'op'.ilar Ylcdicliir Ilvlitut 1SIO. T!lf OYF.R T1TIKTY YK MIS Sill,',' ttie 1 1 1 1 : 1 ln-t i' 1 1 of l'KKKV DAVIS' PAIN FILLER. I'.viN-Kn.txa ' 11 ii 1 3 Trciisiirni'. "I" 1 1 K suliseriber, IiiiTiii :-eeelii,l eecio.'iL'eiiHiil troai his I'lieiul-. I'ltc;"-' l.iiu-elC;ii; a eeinli.lalc l,.i co'.N 1 v 1 i;f..sii:!-.i:. niliji lt to tin: .1, 1 i-i,,:i lint He ul,lie in ('on eiitiun of Noilliiiitilu rl nut eiemiy. -slxinWl Ip 1: nun, ilia leil In- i;l mat., e I lie ),ri,M i- ctliil wil I, llui iiHsUtanee cf le- fi ii inl-. lo l. ,-'i etej, an I IiiiiniK ia SeJ.oul la' C,,',;.-.!..,, re.i. Ilil- 1. t., a:e" I hil.il ol' tlif C)j:-tric.--il-jei Stititinr.i 1 11. 1 in;. 1 r : - Till". Pais-Is 11 1 1:1: eaei, '.la.ly niip!ie;i!i:e r! clli. 15 in ',tii!g or old. rn.il aiil lo ( a.;!;, . ! illt'-t" tCll. la ,f 1 tic ;'- ts nf tlw T1IF. Pun -Kim .1:11 lb tiotli :in Int 1 1-111:1 1 remeilv. THK IV-.is KiM.ru Hi!' eurc wliell- r!il, f.tile.1. lever r rem. i-n 1 Atflle. have first j or TUT. Vain-Hi: i.- THK Vain-Kim : it THE I'ais-Ku.i .eh 1 THK V.WN-Kn.i.r.ii S'.ioul 1 he usel at the inaiiilcrtailoii" of Cel s. eii;-!i. Is the (at rami!'. Me.liettie cf !'..v A.ne. hhouiil he b. m, t,,i t ,ni ,! pledges li' l.i-.-. 1' to ;.;'.: 111 1 1 Ilea laillit.l :V an ! I lie 1 eiillll. V. s mcki. s.w infii:. rjvr.M-;v'..J.,,,-:.'l.h:::. I'or I!';jisT :iiti! Itccttrilcr. AT the .".Ucitat'cn i.f Iri-mN 1 1 -iitieiil, I'tlem l:iln-e:t a- can li t it,- ,,r It, i -' r ami 11 eorih r. nilij at to the ,!ta eoiiVfiitinn ,,l' tin- cium.I.v he p'.e'K'ea 111 :n 1 1 , fi! illltles ,,1' tl Hi. .-, al ia llt of lhe cop'..-. is;-, .1 '111,- l, l;V i-ia. .1 ii.,- .1 ii in- ;. i,v ,l ll:r 'J. I. il Tr , p r : :e"ts, i t A. I. VAI.Ti:!ti. MiiNIMKNTAI. SIIAVIN;; ! ' : I and 15 A Til JiOOM? ISA! ft IH!l,-r.I 11 V M.U'lUNTlw". ,l'Ol.l'-:i'll nil v ,,n. r.itiitii ti,,l :.', i. n l :irn- 'I , ) l: f.ni,, t 111- pla, ; i el ! r.a t v: ii'i,,i ,111 tl S..-U i el f. i.,u , (1 le- l;cp'.i!lie.ill Si. .mil! l.e b' electeit, !' :!! , I i v. -rlia ia t In: i..,,i iie lo the int"- i 'I to (. ui',i!ir.--mncr- I -.fane , Tax Co'.teetur, 111!. I, to ali.'t of li' -Oe ef IS'.-.', f 1,VT ( A. CAl.DWr.Ll.. Will Cure ValHter'si'oli". il Is iroe-l for Pe.ihlj and lliiriw THK Vain Kim.i TH" I'd K:mi Il:i tlie Venliet of the ill lb leV JI . Veople Sli.itinil.iii. .1 ii ii.- Jl , 1 i','. I'or Nen at or. AT the H.lii i-ali.iii i.t nr. 1 1 ! t .1 1 seilte.! In a ,., ILIal, for 111- ,.!'.; ,1 .-TA I li M v.(m. SUi i l l I ,cc, ic He- in ii. in .lion i I ll.e lieaii I". . . . ii ,e I : ihnmi u! Iia Uiv:'! l iilveiiii! P.tti.-fuMioii. a lheva o of Jin f'lfi'mx.i.'i,.' '..i- ! jH;h-UOIlfe-eil'ha-i 111 'al ii VC The Coiislitmioija! (. considered and passed ollVelillou ag a resolution mi on Tliv Cliolcru in Iiiiliniiii. - KvAXsvn.t.K, Ind., duly Despatches A WasHIKctuN correspondent blates ' lo thn Jmii-na! from Mount Veruoti state thai it is well known thai a majority of the 1 that four deaths occurred yesterday from female clerks in ihu Treasury Departmeul j cholera iu that place. The dieape is abat conie from our very best families. It was iui; ; but u number of people have hit ihe place, llie new cases reported ore ol u :.,;' l ... i...... IX MIssOL'KI. ill the Triii-.iry that tiovernor Fairchild, of Wi.icoi.fai.i, found his wife, and hhe was the beautiful daughter of a distinguished uulie itliiu. the present tinted Mates rpilK I'A1X-Kl!.l.l.i! 1. Is a Iii. o-l a -ei'taiti cire fur Ctioleru, an I h , wi?l 'i.l itoi',1'1. 1 m i. ua.re iieei-ji! ul in cm lie' thin I, 'i i ilile tliMMSe thn n nn v ut her known r-tn ,-.ty. .i even Ihe r.m-l euiiiienl ami .-ekillfn! I 1 1 v r- i i - i , I , . In linlia. Allien it ii, 1 China, wliclc this (lienilfiil ill-i-iiw i ever more or leff preva lenl, llie I'ain-Kiiler 1 eon.iiU-ie.l by the unlive'. us i ll a lau,,Haii re, uleiits m l!ier climate-, it biin' ri-ineily. THK Vaiu-Kiiler Kaeli tnitT.lt- is w ia;ipe,l w ith I il. I ilirecianiK for Mat. 'I IIE Va'ui-lv.llor 1 Js hul l by nl; Di'IIl'ihIS anil Dcahao lu Kainily AUtli-' eilHb. I Jiilv 5, lbf.i 1 in, i. 1 i'ueod iv nf 1 isi . ..r .... ...li ..( i I'isinet Atloruey b,r suuth Carolina wooed ' " -j'".. ....... ..i. . ., .....,!... Alice lie Tl ic vole was M for aud 4. rsoll (wltose falher iillist, lis .'imii-.l llie. n.,'ui,.n nf it,nuv I ...o udojitions and Ihe lime to which it w:i:i eral of Massaehii.si.lts, from the oilice of the resolved to adjourn is to the l'ilh of Son- ' Comiitluller ol the Currency. Mrs. Mary tcmbcr next. i J'dmson, d iughur ol Colonel Abet t, for a loug sia ies oi years net., I ol Uiu iopogra- Theiv is talk, ,,lvs ihu Philadelphia roi.s, of a renewal of tho troubles iu the Si i 1... 1 . ,uwii iVnm miwiTn ma iimiurs ami i i:nic v'.i. .wiuji.iuica. II lilis lllilol lUll.lle li suit .1 I.I 1 1 i ,. . T . 7 ' -1 c 'i'-mics Wl.l lie h.leilial U. venue. Soll'tV lc.Millll.1 I.. I I ' .. .... - J '"".'""I'll muii Jtiu.'.-ii .1 1.-. t'.m-.: piiicai uuicau, lias lor ten years Uau a clcik in tho Tiv.i.sury. Her husbauj was consul lo l'lorenee. ai.d died there a nhorl before the war. Mra. Tiltou, sister ol Ijcucral Kohoi l 1 luld, is a clerk iu the 1 ho widow ultCaptain The widow of Major Sr. J.oi'is, July 'J. Further advices from Louisiana, a lo.vu in Northern Mis souri, ay the cholera has abated there, but some titty persons alloeihof have died with it since it ti lot biokc out. including some of llie most promiucnl citizens. In 1'iiiirieville and Troy liuiseorge raed fear fully, the town being almost depopulated titli ;r by thj iiitea: or by the people flee ing irom iiio.r uomes. v..ui oi a laimiy oi lluJ bl. KWclCit i Hm endeavor lo fiil.ll th ri.i llilli: persona in the lormer place, all of i i-e4 of tlie olMce to the b -ft of inv aliililv. MATH I AS U. K(!?TI.VN. IIIATKS' AltDS. j I'or County 4 iiionT. j AS I have been nnf.,rtiiimi,'. In lofiie; my rifs ht I anil in the aiiny nn,ii!'' Ihe lute rebellion, many ! of my friend have been earnestly s,,!i,-itiie me j to ecus -nl to be a ean li hiie. All, T due delibe riitiini, 1 have uiven my consent lo be a caiidi ! (late for the iilliee ef ! COl.'NTY COMMllsSIUXKIt, I subject tu tic il-" Nioii of tlie Hei'iibiieaii County CoiiVeiitiun. bhnnld I receive Ihu iiimiinnliuii rees ol the Di.-tin l, al,,l in: e: eli 1. I K vorto ill-charge the ilul'n-s of lie- , !li" linllj', an I to Ui be-t ,,t niv aboitv. I AMU Kl. A. llV'.KliS'l K 1: SsEll. ' Mt. ( .me 1. May ;.l, 1V.:1. I'or t oimly oiuinis'iioii. At tin' rolieHiitlon of many fil-nd.., I eon "cnted lo hfl a caiiliil ate for I In- oilb-i; ul 4 on nl-' 4'omiuiNMioiicr. subject to tlie drcl.-Itiu of the Kepiili'.ic in i-uiinty elUIVt-lltioll. If l.l'lll:l':.f'i 1,11,1 elected I -ll lll ctulemor to lill the i-tlle" w ill the ,el of my abllilv. in in. sr. i.. J.iel. en ,. n.-hip. 4iomily TrruNiircr. ll.WIM; runfifir. lo tbd w'.slie- of n.iin,-i,ii,.-flic ii. 1 throughout the eoiiniy, I olfei in --elf i.r i e onli late for thi nllie.- ,f ( OL XTY THE VSl'h!:H, filiec-l to tilt decision of tlie cowrf . eon' enlion. Should I lO.-eiVg the liollI'ltHl OB all I be i-leeted, I Will li-e my tttfl i-n b ivt.i lo fa'ttifnllv ilis-c-har.'e the dnlict of the otUetf to the best .aier- ests of ttie tat-tmy of He ronnty. is:;-;. en. Jane U. by iiiiciiiit paid Ti ea-ie er per receipt to !l.N dale ? I'.llilliee, t mi. l o balanee d ie diMrict on d ap'.ietite of lsi:.'. on which tie- Coilecnir is enti tled to cNuiici al'.uii and coiiiti.is.ii''U! on wle.ic Hiuo'iii . I.lovd T. I;,.iiilu li. Tie iMiter. r-7. DK. .Inn, 1, to bi.l. oo linad pi-r Aud'.tui:;' Ibl.olt. , 1,..., to ea.-t. liolii tulleelor ell ieale of 1 X". 1 , in fuil. , is;;:, In ea-h freili ( 'u'.N i.to;- u: lean- of 1STL', "ii ao-mnit. 1 -lo, to e:; li State appropi ia .11:; ,iu:; JtllUi d ii ,1 unc dtip;b .tin..-;, tiOII. Jane :;, :aei- f l''1 Jlraids, S'.vilches, Curls, an.'! a!! kin Is L.viur.v ha:;:. Work made to order cither out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left ul the resi.'eneo of A. 1'. Walters, corner of 4th st. and Shamokin avenue, wil! receive prompt attention. A Specialty ;' CIIII.DUKNS' IIAIK ( UTi'iAi' either at tl'.eir h dr.es or Shaving Tar'. a. 1'. A 1.1 1:.'.: J ii ly is?;;. tf. A (iootl 4 liaucc lr a ( oi.Ii. At. i. ii. i:i;i:i-s ST'iVK AM TiNWAliK Hoi T. Ili'.rlSI, i I poi-ite the Central li.,;, ,. ANV J"-oll plireliaspii; g l,i I':- ; a,, ol If.-. Uo nt retail prices, fir et !., 'a et.liCed lo .1 Tii-lc t for tin' : , :' .. . ela-- No. .ul; Move vi' . :' -. : . : valued nt :;n, :ur.t:,t -d t-. ..-;v . (1 :;.n. :i du .;, lo t-iisli fiutn (.'uieii.y Treiu- tax- on i:i,-e.md land. Nnii- dr.rviii" be unr! .t if. :."J ;;s ls;3. J line by n d. r paid. eotnmi-Hinn (It. i.J.i.i In.'. S'.ll'.'irv. duly IS, '.S7 ;. A jlJH','1. N'oTIcf". is . .-. -the Huroiii!h M r: f.ti.iln e Ul.e li-liict. Pnnhiiry Si-ln.,.1 fii.'ti;, !. June 1.1st::, orders uittHtan rtii. :? ' iK-'..'. for nliteh no or,b:i-i--ii,-.. t llunds i -in I. Iniere.it lo une 1. Is7d. Suiibuiy, May .it rm.IiTIAV Nl'.l'l-. 1 ,7::. if. IS 73. June 1. bv 1 ; whom wero wull on I nday last, ouly two i remain to bury ihe dead. The disease Cppei- Augusta, July ls7:i. also prevails iu other towns iu that vicini- -I coal duiii.'Mlieiminiiicrmonlli.u,,, nail. . ".',.r "w ' ' J : J . 1 , ,1, , , ' l 111' is it C.CI U. lilt, I.Ul lilil. Al I.IMI..AI1, ami as Ihe c.mViiUiie u.ive. largo t,iocU ou - - - .(Iikcinvit. -Ii.lv ' TI,r.. elu.l,.,-:- liaua, to secure their usual profit licxt win- Ti,c Siu-im:!',, Id , lil.Unt,( savs : Thia ' deaths were, rcnorted to-dav-onu ut the V reduetluu ol the 1 ,, 'I,.,,,,,! ,,f 1 1... .,.,.1 im I'm, I'm,!,. : i:,i,l S:,iiniiihiii ll.,iieil ,,, ,L :!,, 1 1... till b l.eitguerii lo u.ke advaiitage ot llie wrongs deulli ut that uibliluuou in u week. Tho ! cudeavor to ilUcluiiec n,u dutteu of the office In of Hit: tanners, in order lo tout upon the Health Olhccr to-!ay reported somo dau- a utilaetgry jwauner uud to ihe best ol my let they will I'enol t lo juouuclion. JUcy are now en-jaged in bUorlcuiiig the hours of labors of li.cir uu.li, Willi the ulterior design, no doubt, of foil ing them to quit work altogether for a ea auu. fortunately for rhi'.adelphiaus, iisus pcusioa iu tb.i region in iueBtiou will oulv blighlly all'wcl the pi ice of coal here. ; lion. William El well, formerly of lirad ford, uow of Coiunibia county, is coiiiui" oul as Ihu lXjuiocraliccaudidale (or Justice of the upiv.mu Court. Hcpublieau r.rgaui'.at.ou iu Ohio is bc'ug condueled with great Vigor, and the pros peels is a hiplcudid victory iu that Mate this year. An Oiuahii farmer vv nlout to dig home radttli, uud Mriick a kettle eoutaiuiug ijflisxi iu Kohl. Ii i-4 vc him 1 prodigioU'. appelile f ,r r.elc-h. COU.VTV THEASUHKU. At Ihe milieilatiou of ui.tny Kepiibllcani., I oltcr luv.elf a a eaiulldate for tlie olllco ol (.'OUNTV TIIKASI'KKK, aubject to lUc deeioiuu of the lb jiubUi-iin County CiillVelitioll. If nolllil'lltei! iUld Cbeted 1 V. 11 i coiiu try schemes of deadly ilest ruction to gerous cholera-morbus ciii.es from eating our iiiauuiiieiunii inleresls, is bimidy in- smoked l.sli, aud the Hoard of Health lias famous. If the ijritish monopolists can prohibited the tale of euch libh. only destroy all home market for our itgri- , 'MiIaka. cultural products, limy know that they ill Evavii.li:, lud., July -JJ. Advices havu tlie people ol tho L ulled Mates entire-, from rrinceton, about 2-i miles north tif ly iu their power ; and that they will tlnvi : this city, report the cholera iu that laigh buy our bicudslulfs uud sell us their uiauu-j borhood. Threo or four miles cast of fact iii-cra ut their owu price. 1 1 is a bhnrp i l'rinceton, ou Indian Creek, ten iiersons game, but will hardly buocccd. , huvu (tied siuce Friday last, uud new cases - -- are reported daily. The. largest castiug uvur made iu Harris- lleportu were current that tho disease, burg as turned out hut week, nt the t'ouu-, bad brokeu out at Carmi aud Mount Car dry the llarribburg Cur Co. Tho casting ! Mel, -Illinois, but it is believed tho stories it thirty loti biug, two inches thick, about I are unfounded. There arc only about, fif cight leet wide, weigbbubuul ftiurtcuu touk, ; tccii hundred ecplo!uft iu Mount Vernon, and is iuleuded at a Utd plain tor the cn- j and tho sunouuding tow us are tilled with giuo lictng coiihirucled at the iiiaehiucs , Mount 'cr:ion eiti.eue who have lied fr'jin i worka lot llo. new y;hmi woiko i their own litv. ubiliiy. Ul-KdHOK lilUtiilT. tuuhiiiy, July IS, IST'J. Couul) TrfMMurer. AT the tolleitiitlou of my friemU, 1 have content ed to be u eaudiilale for the nlllee of CUCNI Y TliEAtirKK.il, subject to the ileeUioii ef the Kepubilcan County CuliVeiillon. If ueanli.ated Slid elected, It (hull be my uiir. .to iilU-nd to the dutlet of Ihu olliis: iuipurliallv, uua lo the be-t of my ubiiily. chaj:lks baktholomew. Lower Augusta, July 15, 1S72. Kor Aanfinbly. Tut underhiiied wculd respectfully ijifonn his frienda, that he ii a cuad'.d.Uu for tho An' nil'ly, gubj. et lo Ihu Pk.'ii.biii-au Convention, promUlllK Hint If ii-iuiiiiaud aud elected Uo wiU dibcliarj;c hi. duly faiil.fuKy. JOSKl'Il VAVKIRK. Norlhuiiibeiiaiiil, July li, 157. 3 hv Jib erti3 .emir. 2. I'ropobHlH for H ttUil iu llie Turk. riKIK iiiideioiiied will receive proposals until X SATURDAY, JULY 30, l7a, for Uyiiu; two rouuilcd ciavel WuiUn betweeu llie 5 ate iu Ihu Park in Market giiuure. Clue walk lo be 400 feet loin; (circllm- uioiiud llie nioniimenl and well,) and 8 feel wide the rouud to lie exca vated and Ihe (-lavi-l to be put 011 ten indict deep. The other walk lo be 73 feel long, Same width mid (leplli. The lowest bidder to lie the contrtelnr if lie nrd lilt swurlty are approved by ( ounril. W. L. I)F.VAKT,Chairninn Pink Coin. Sunbury, July IS, ls7;l. 'Jt (It. lanee in Trea' hands ' ' on Collector's dupli cate less Mippocil exoneialioii and 1 -.iiiiiiii:-ioii. ms :;:! :'(! no 1 ii:) IT'i '.'0 ' I f'.'S 10 i J.100 (10 J ,',1-Js llj I IV bt of IbMli.-t. MILL AND FARM FOB SALE. Vill lie told at private mile a 'TRACT' OF LAND, titu.ilu in Wiishluirton tnwnthlp.'Nortliuinber l.iinl iiiutiiy, I'tt., conliiiuinif l0 aeret more or lek. whereon in crerted (roo, DWELLING HOISH, fpiiu of Wilier ueur the lintibc, mid all ncocii tnry oiilbuildings. The laud ii iu a liigh Hate of eiilllvalnm. Also, a (iKIST MILL throe ilnioi high with a never f.iililli; Wuler Power, lt -run of tlone, liavint; mi excellent run of ruttiiM, and U liK-aled within three niilet of llie ruilroad tluliou. Thin valuttile propoily will be Mild on easy term. For funlicr ailicu Uii K uppy to ,-- K I E III. A nRO, Itcbuek r. (). ' ijiinc II, Nyilliuinocil.-ind Co., Pi. .1.;',ll 71 II. Y. FIlILlNi;. Secretary Siinbury rieliool lioai.l. Spieo paid to M. P. Bctipli.un, Treasurer. July 2, 1S7I. Central Drug Store. o. 1M Market Slreel, Siiulmrj, IS the place to huy your F11V.MI MIU.S, M I'.UU I MES, PAINTK OILH, fiLAbS, PERFl MKIiY, PATI-.NT MEDICINES, LHiUOKS, and nil olher uilieleb UMial.y kept in 11 licet class Dcu Store. fpeei.il ullentiiiu paid lo rouijiouiidilig IMivm .'U.ns Pioi iipuons ul nil lioiiit including htm- a'?8' (1EO. B. r.VDW.M.I.ADl.U, . 1'Uul'Uluelltil.t. Veil tl.al I lb oy v :.. - ' ' appi-aN limn II. n. ' , r 1 I '-s, 11 ili 1 4." ,j. . Cli irrrliec, on Wed.i y. .1 i' ;' "!:. V. v : nil intere-iiid may i.v-. i M tl," ti. ; ; 1 ' He order of tint C-.'ieoi!. SOL. M !.Ti 'J-.', 1 I i f 1! lr -l,l'."t a-1 i p. V. (,uiv, Clerk. 1 Siintiurv. 1 -i. 1 -.Til. 111 llie 4rtliaii' 4'ourt cl' N(K i Miii:ni..n col vi v. I'.tlalP ol'Kuruli Miller, ili-cctiMM Svir Weil uf I'.ivr.tiun. To Ephiaiiu K. Miller. Wilti.ini M. Mlilei ..! intermarried Willi Wiiliaii) lev, r, lei.i ;.i Uileud, Murcow county. Matt' or Ohio; .lotm Miller, resident iu Fort i.e. M.,lc ol In, I uud Elizabeth (ompaiit, a ilauliLer nl' Jeli.. Miller, one of the mu licensed, ii-li-ima: with Lewi C,)iiiiacel, Il nidiuj ill l!es M.,'. in tie Stale of Iowa, 1111 I to .1.1 tbe ,.( '. 1 I and b iia! 11 prcsen'.iilLves of ll.e sa'al s.u .h V.. dee.-as. !. Take Notice, That l,y of tin ..: writ ul I'll .1 11 lull to 1110 ilili, led. an !ln;u will be In id upon llie viteuiises iln li .a d. -clou Weduesday, the oCih day cf July, ls'.o, a: o'clock :l. 111., lo afccclt.l'li Mitt in-.j i:e ;.: oilier Ihiims, whether tlie said pi 1 ia';-,a ea: U.rted uud 1l1videJ.11 ilhoi.t p. judiee lo, 01 t Ina ,ltn- .whole tbeieuf, or ut her :- 1 1 v .1 ' ut upl'l.riiUv.tLf kiilur, l..u '.,'....1 ..'.: . attend iryou see jiroper. Refpeetfully vour-!,, . H. KOT1IEK.MI I.. Ma r; S'l.-r'nl fJUiee, Siinbi:ry, J;:;ie Cl. I7.:. Mustube Nule. I "VJOTICF. U hereby ivi U.S'.iat at l ( ,,i;-tal ' ,i Sale, ocelli riie.; uii the li'.tb of June, I j of the ion.il gixjda of John F. K.ipp, in bnrnui.li of fuiit-nry, the follow in;; loouj '. . Lt ! luirchiiH'd by the r.nrlfrslgued : 0 cum ItoMMiMC ! HUM. o c' t V).i , 1.,,?.,. , hair. 1 Koc! 9HEKIFF V N f)TKE bak opened a Viteriu- t hair, 1 luarfile I ip Sitind, 1 llMenrUni Tab Sura, I Hook (.'Me, 1 13! pallor 1 arpel, I j Oil Clolli, 1 Uealer, i room Stove, 1 , Stove and Hturos, 1 lot kitchen (':: 0 coiiiiiiou ( hairr, 'J chei.-v Tables, 1 ( Ion Stand, 1 round TnWe, I lot tall and MuirCai J i,li Blnndu, tJ lloyrts nisi I'itelKrt, ;i bleudu, li Windsor Chalrt, 1 lot bedroom (';, In two rooms, 1 LooVini; (ihi-s, 'J llun aii Tnbt, 1 Ik-sk, and f . d 1 ,i. These foods left In llie keeping ' the Raid John F. Kapp MS the plea mire uf r!ic UildciWncd, uud the lio are warned not to liut.Ull" with the h,in:e. II. Y. I'lflLlS :;iu,h i. Jinn '.'I. li'iT. 'i i ury Uouidiiii; uud Sale Stable. Ibuudini; boreea that urn uell will be kept iu dilferent stables from those I hul are tick. Htrirl it'.Uiiliou will lie I'mI lo all hornet welt or blek. 1 will iiiru nil bad vice iu the horse, all disitoci of the liiou'.h, all discuses of the rcpimlury oryuiui, UIae of llie lomneh, liver, uihinry vn,-('eel ami let. AUo diaeei u( llie bead, ujjet, Ulitl ah luissici lalicnnt disease. All eurt'Ieal casct, tueh Ul ltlecdiu, Nervlu, lloeliiir, Firing leuoloniy, Tui'piini Ihu theol, couciiin.', ip.. Ac. AUo, Troitinc hornet trained for Ihe course. Stable back of r.-uitral Hotel. J AMFrt VAN' DYKF. July l'.','7o. til.