UyBURY7JULY"l8,T873. Railroad Time Table. aRlllVAX, XWD USl-ARTl'RK OF TRAINS AT 8CNBCRT. N.fJ. H. TV., South. Erie Mall. 13.50 am Soul'iarn Ixp 5.15 " Erie Expreu, 9.40 " Mall, 11.15 " Niag. Eipre-M 6.i0 p iu P. A E. II. R. West. Northern Exp 0.05 a m Mail, B.2S b m Nlac. Expreseia.80 pin Elmira Ala 11 4.15 " Erlo Express, 6.43 " UNBURT AND LIWI8T0WS R. B. Leave Suanttry for Lc-vletovrn at 7.30 a. m., and 4-20 p. M. Arrive nt Buubury from Lcivistown at 1.50 Olid 7.45 p.m. , . , iiamok- wrisios, It. C. H. W. i:eavb flun'mry at 5.4! a m " 12.85 p m 4.40 p ra ARRIVE At Bunbur 9.25 a ra " 3.55 pm " 6.00 p m DANVILLE, nA7.LF.TON & WILKKHnAIIRE It. R. Hecular passenger tsain lcavr-a Sunbury for Oaiiville, Cattawissa, Uarlctonand lutermet'iate xtntioDS, nt 6.45 a. in. Returning leave llatle tou at 1.00 p. in. Arrive nt 4.00 p. ra. I.AfKAWAMNA AN II nl.OOMSM'RO R. 11. ICnvo Northumberland nt U.40 a. m. and 4.50 p.m. Arrivo nt Northumberland nt 10.35 n. in. nnd '.05 p. in. Accidental ln-urnnco Tickets can be had or J. Shlpuian, Ticket Agent, at tlio Depot. .Summer Arrangement for the I'ost Oflice nt Nitnburj-, l'n. Offlce Open from G.liO a. m., to 8 p. in., except oh Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL, AND CLOSING Of THE MAILS. Arrives as follows i Fiom the East nt 6.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m., 4 p. iu. " South, 0.15a.m., 12.15 p. in. 4.10 p.m. " West, 0.15 a. ni., 12.15 p. m., 4.10 p.m., nnd 8.20 p. in. " North, 0 n. m., 11 a. m., 3.55 p. in. Slianiokln, Mt. Cannel aud points on that line, 0.15 a. in., 3.50 p. in. Mails close ns follows : For the Entd, 5. 50 n. m., 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. in. " Sooth, 10.50 n. in., 7.:i5 p. m. " West, 7.80 a. in., 10.50 a. in., 7.35 p. in. " North 5.50 a. m., 3.50 p. ni., 7.35 p. in. Slinmokin proper 12.15 p. m. Shamokin and offices on that route, 4.20 p. m. .1. .1. SMITH. I. M. ) . - in i i . . 1 1 1 i i ushtcss locals. SKWINO MtrillNBS AND C'OTTAOR OllOANS. iliss Carollno Daliiis is the agent for the sale of he best Sewing Machine in existence, viz : 'The 'mprovcil (irovcr rt: Haker,' ami 'Domestic,' .vliicli are constantly kept on hand, and sold at easonnlilc prices. .She is also agent for the sale rthe celebrated 'Silver Toniruu Oritan,' and the Hay State Oriraim,' nnd fur ilie sale of the 'rantz & I'npe Knittini; Machine. Call and sec hem. OHiee on Market street, cast of the rall oad. The Imphovkii (Jkovi-k & Bakf.r Pkwino Ma iiinr. Tlione. reifliratcd machines are oll'ered t the most reasonable rate. For particulars pply to I). (J. KUTZ, Agent, 'eb.22,'73.-ly. Cppcr Augusta township. Wood's Mowers aud Reapers, tho best In mar ':t, for sale by 11. K. Goodrich nt Rohrbaeh's oundry in Sunbury. The repairing of Reapers ttended to promptly. u21 3t. Don't worry your team and patience with a oor machine. Go to Rohrbach's Foundry and ct the Wood Machine. Goodrich w ill show you hat it will do. ' Second hand l'innos for sale or rent at reason- j ilc rales. Inquire at this ofll:-i-. - ., J Fon Rent. A handsome room over Molllek's ruir Store, Miukijt Siiunrc. Injure of II. 15. asker. ' v Dkn't pay two prices when you can cot goods . a small profit. At T). A. rinney's store, arkct street, hut one price prevail!", aud ;oods 'the best quality enn be purchased at nston hinirly low prices. His stock consists of every iriely of Dry (ionds, Dress Goods, Groeerios, otions, Boots and Shoes, and Jewelry. The sortineut is complete, being selected with the eatest care. No charges tire mado to show ods Iu fact it is n pleasure to Mr. Finney to ow what a handsome stock he lias on hand, idics aud gentlemen nic invited to call and ike a full examination before buying else lure. W. U. Mii.i.eii's Excelsior Boot fc Mioe Store, uitiiiucsto attract the attention of the public the excellent Hoots and Shoes sold nt his es Mishmciit. His Trunk department Is com ae, and every style of sntchels, valises and inks can be had nt the most reasonable prices. Ei iieka. When a young man purchases a hat Samuel Faust, the popular hatter, he cx inis, truthfully, too, "I have found It" a vlilonable nnd serviceable bat. Mr. Faust has styles of fashionable lints aud caps, aud eve one, both old and young, who will visit his re, on Market street, opposite Monument arc, Sunbury, will be well pleased with a ac tion from his large and varied assortment. 'ianos, Oroans, Ac. David Rciiner, music cher, having located permanently In Sunbury the put pose of teaching music, announces t ho has the agency for Gaelile & Co's Baltl e Pianos, which arc being rapidly Introduced :ng the best Judges. They are uow In use iu State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa., also he Sunbury Academy, by J. II. Jeukius, Esq., Northumberland, aud Judge F.tlwell of omsburg. Ho will also take orders for Stcln- Jb Co's, ("bickering & Co's, and other well wn Pianos. '.r. ReimeralKO receives orders for Prince & s celebrated Organs it NUlodeons, ol buffalo v York. licet music on hand, and orders for new pie proinptly attended to. Ir. Reinicr is agent for the German publishing so of E. Bteiger of New York, aud wlil re j subscription for all German Books, Period i, Newspapers, &c. le celebrated Gaelile Pianos cau be seen at .1 times at the residence of Mr. Kelmer, on miner of Third and Atch streets, opposite ilepot. re Insuranco effected In some of the best panics, on the most popular plans, by L. M. sr, Iusuiauce Agent, Sunbury, Pa. k Is selling bis delicious cream Soda er ut five cents a glass, ut hit Drug store ou ket Square. mmitted. On Thursday of last week, Jo. Swartz, of Shainoklu borough, was com d to Jail for threatening to shoot Win. n hood. i the same day Stewart Everett was com d la default of ball by Justice Barr, of outowB, on the charge of picking the pocket 11. Foresman of that place, of the sum of luudrcd and five dollars. E Couuty Soldiers' Monument Committee ise holding a gift concert about the first of aay neit, to raise fuuds .to complete their iineut. E building committee of the Presbyterian ?b, have contracted with Mossrs. Grant of Indiana, for pews for tholr church, the f which will be 11600. The seat are to be Walnut, aud will be furuished byihe mid ' September. iusured by L. M. Yoder. He rcprcseuU !e companies, und pays looses promptly. Paxinob. In going OTcr tho old turnplko, some fifteen or twenty years ago , favorite routo of travel to Vottsvillo, a few days ago, wo were Im pressed with the numerous changes and Improve ments made, and those that are now bolng mado along the road. But few of tho old land-marks remain, and the evidences of progrecs aro visible on every side. Many fine buildings have been erected of late years, and now occupy the place of old, log fabrics which have disappeared. The farmers, too, nre making vast Improvements in their lands which gives evidence that they are becoming moro enlightened In tho setenco of agriculture, as their harvests testify. At Paxl nos the scenery Is magnificent, yet but little Im provent has been made for years past In that Im mediate vicinity. The old tavern stand well and favorably known by travelers between this place and PotUviUc, In the stage lino times, remains standing, but as the prcsunt proprietor did not get license, local option Is fully tested, and mint nnd beast arc allowed to pass by without an In vitation to bo refreshed. This is the first time In forty years that travelers on the pike road are compelled to travel from Punbnry to the Broad mountain without finding a house of pub lic entertainment. Many or Its formor friends e1ll t..rt In Un mm iti.ln.l r.f ff.rmpr lt(:lAnilt nfifiO- clallons, nnd partake of the bounteous faro j spread on the tallies or inino -liort nna nosn Mr. and Mrs. Tlioir.ns Nesbit. The Weary tiav veller, too, as he glances at the dilapidated sign of this country hotel, appeals for food and rest, but ns a private residence his chances depend npou the generous heart of the proprietor, and In innuy instances they are allowed to travel twelve nnd fifteen miles further to satisfy their needs. While looking at tho lare amount of travel passing nnd repassing, wo were forcibly Impressed with the oplalou lint Paxlnos would be much more entitled to a Lous of entertain ment than nine-tenths or those places in the country where licenses have been granted. Tun Northumberland County Fair to be held at Tnrbutvllle on the 1st, 2d and 3d of October, next, will no doubt be a great success. The chi tons of the upper end of the county are active in preparing the grounds, nnd making tho trotting course one of tho best In that scctiou oftlic coun try. We arc Informed that tho premiums oll'ered will be very liberal. The Watsontown rVo-rcI ' says : The olllcers nro J. mru, I'resiueni, assist ed by A. S. Wagner ( J. H. Jenkins, Treasurer, nssisted by Wm. Savldge ( G. W. Armstrong, Secretary, assisted by W. A. Dennis ; S. Bryson, Chief Marshal, assisted by C. Kapp and D. Driesbaeh. R. Montgomery will buvc .charge of the track, and Joliu McFaiiuud takes charge of the ticket otlleo. A ieadlag nttraetloii of the fair will be the irecual address by Col. David Taggart, paymaster of the U. S. A., stationed at Portland, Oregon, who is at home ou leave , of absence of four mouths. j The Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company has taken charge of the N. Central Railway, and j has announced by General order No. 1, the fol lowing officers i G. Clinton Gardner, General Superintendent between Harrislnirg and Baltimore. W. A. Baldniu, General Superintendent be tween Erie and Hnrrisburg. J. A. Redtield, Superintendent be tween Wllliamsport and Canandaigua. The Lt TiiFKAN Festival. There were great attractions ut the Lutheran Festival in Lyon's Hall during the past week. Everything In flic line of refreshments, Ice-crentn, berries, lemon a le, cakes and other delicacies to tickle tho pa late, abounded. A pail of fireman's torches are 1 ty the atcrnur sex w ithout injury, as the rend bmg voted for betweon the Steam Fire Engine ing of it will certainly cure the most aggrcvated Company, and the Good Intent Hook and Lad- case of dyspepsia. It is written by Josiali Alien's der Company, with much spirit. A gold watch i is being voted for between two hand-some clerks which appears to absorb the entire atteutiou of tho voting ladles, who do the electioneering for their favorite young man with na much feeling ; ni rl ',,... .Iof,. 1.! C , v. . .1 1 i as an interested partizen does for hk favorite candidate running for a third rate office, and their beaux are consequently bled out of tlicir bottom dollar. Gambling has surely been reduc ed to a very flue point. The festival will con tinue to-night and Saturday evening. Confidential. In looking over our books we I find a large number of delinquents who owe us j small anil large amounts. To many we have sent bills repeatedly without getting a reply. To j all we will fctutc that we aro constituted likeoth-1 cr people, and tlnd it Impossible to buy our pa- 1 per and priutiug stock on credit, aud iu the end fall to pay for it. Nor can we hire hands who arc willing to livo on crackers and cheese, and i be scut te jail for a change, of diet instead of 1 prompt payment of their wages. Nor ran wo sub sist on roots aud berries. If any one who ow es us i reads this article, we hope he may bo able to comprehend our situation, and learn that we stand In need of all that is coming to us to livo nnd to run our business. All money sent by mall will be duly acknowledged. We publish on the first page of one present Issue a few paragraphs entitled "A Word to Parents." While wo commend it to thoso who have daugh ters who have arrived at the period of life of which tho subject treats, re advise our young lady readers of "sweet sixteen," or thereabouts, to read 11, reflect over it, and biud it upon their memories. There Is sareely one of them who cannot, by looking around, .find cases which ver ify the truth or the article .we refer to. Look girls "before you leap," for lots of opportunities exist right iu your midst to got yourselves Into trouble for a wholo lifetime, aud a little silence on the part of your parents will assist you in do ing so. There is plenty of material in our place to work on If that is your purpose. Sinbukt Schools. At a mectlug of tho Sun bury school board, ou Tuesday evening lust, tho following teachers were eleoted fur ilio term commencing qu .the first Monday iu September lie', i High School Prof. E. Schneider, N. W. W. Grammar School-C. M.. Lesbor. Primary Secondary Primary Grammar Primary .Soeoiidaiy Miss GosAlcr, Jos. Morgan. Miss Chrletie. S. Stephcus. Beeca Brlce. W. Wolverton. Ella Painter. N. E. W. S. E. W. 8. W. W. " Primary Cukctowu Kcrllu. SiniiEN Deaxw.--Ou Tuesday morning last, Ianeij, au infant sou of Mr. Jackson Harp, died suddenly. Mr. Harp has been unfortunate, hav ing lost his wife and two children within a few mouths by death. The dwulling house of J. II. Vincent, Esq., of Northumberland, was entered ou Friday night last, by burglars, aud a gold watch aud thirty dollars in money .were ttolcu. No clue to tho thieve has been discovered. SoMEtwelvoor fifteen persons were received Into full membership in tho M. EvChurch, In this place on Sunday last. four persons conuectcd themselves with the iPrcobyterlau Chttreh at this plaee on the samo day. Now u tub Time. A splendid assortment of love, tin-ware, bras kottles, porcelain kettles for putting up fruit, glass Jar and cans of all descriptions have just boen received, aud are of fsred for sale by J. B. Reed, Third it. All are Invited lo call and lecure a ehance for the cook Move to bcdrawe.;:t Justices of tub Peach. Wo copy the follow. Ing list of Justices of the Ponce, In Northumber land county, from the Sunbury Aii(j,cf Wednes day last I 2af of CommUnion. Joseph Bound, Milton March 16, 1869. John Miller, . . ' G. G. Vnn Norstran, Rush 1 B. M. Bnbb, Lower Mabanoy " Chas. Hottcnsteln, Tnrbnt Wm. B. Irwin, McEwensvllle, 17 Win. Waldron, Turbut 16 Jonathan Rixbcl, Chlllisqunqito ' G. A. Wykotr, Lewis Samuel McMnhno, Milton ' William Reed, Point C. K. Weikel, Cameron, J. R. Hilbush, Jackson Nov. 0 March 14, 1870. Abm. 8. Wagucr, Turhtitvtllo James I). Barr, A. T. Liidwlg, Delaware ' J. M. Wolverton, Shnmokin, J. H. Kanffmnn, Up. Maluuioy v O. S. Campbell, Shainokin C. M. Lesher, Point John McEliecc, Mt. (iirmel tup., Nov. 5 A. N. Briec, Sunbury John Tressler, Washington ' David Wittner, Jordan N. C. Pnrdy, Ctiilllsqtiaiiie. David J. Lewis Mt. Cnrniel March 13, 1871. Boro John Caldwell, Shamoliin John M. Leuker, Lower Mabanoy Nov. 5 IT. D. Kothermel. Mt. Carmel March 13, 1870. 1871. 1X70. 1S71. 'VmhbST.U'i1 iNOV. f, March 13, J. DicII'.mbar'hrr, Noi tlnitnberl d ' ('. P. Little, Martin Cess, Shainn:iu Geo. W. Coble, Jackson John W. II n fl iiui n , Rush Thou. M. Pursel, Hm.liury Andrew Nye. Delaware W. P. Withliigton, Shainokin tmui M. M. Meivine, Milton Dani C. Unlink, Siinuiukin boro. .lere. Illinium, Lower Aurnsta Win. Herglielscr, Upper Mabanoy 1:J Jacob Seasholtz, I piier Allgn-U Jacob W. Seott. Riverside April, !l Jeremiah Snyder, bunhiiry Mar-'h J Wm, K. Eriluian, Shainokin born ' Juo. Farnsworlh, Upper Augusta J. M. John, Ml. Carnitd 4 James Taylor, Wntsontown ' Thomas Burr, ' Henrv ?.. Raker, Zerbe ' IS" ! D. M. Swart, Jordan i .Ino. L. Shaiiiiahan, Mt. Cannel l.wp. IS ' Frederick Fetzer, Washington 17 ! M. P. Nolan. Coal I" i Abraham Shlpuian, Lower AiiguHa 17 ' It. F. Miller. Zerbe orgc II. Meyor, Cajcerou 14 Dead. i Lri'rost:ii Mramai. A farmer nalind Beard ; i was found dead In one of his fields on Monday j morning, in Washington township, Snyder ; j county, opposite Georgetown. His head was j j crushed In, nnd it is supposed he was murdered, i ' Various rumors are afloat ; one that the murder- j ' er came from this side of the river, as about that i I r...t l.nni ir-m utdlnn IVnm lltn I pur-i-pl ow n ! , " ' , r . ' 7 r f, 1 ! share, and after the murder was di,eocrcd it i I was returmul j and another that tho perpetrator lis minnosed to be a person who had, several ! years siuee, burtiecl Mr. Beard's Bam, and was only recently released from the penitentiary. We j i arc. however, without any detlnUe Information. Since the above ims-becn put In type, ws learn from the New-Bloomlleld -Vtirs, that the murdor of Mr. Beard occtirtied near New-Bloomlleld, Perry count v, and not opposite Georgolown, I iu Snyder county. ' tv (li.ivmv vi Hktsv Hdiinix's is the ..' , . ....... ... ., , ,. ,i. line oi u new- ju.oueauu.. ju., ..-u., "' American Publishing tompany. ol iiaitioru, j Connecticut The boik is designed '.is n beacon ! of light to guide women -to Isfe nt.:l liberty, and ; . . .. , , ,. ii i the pursuit ol happiness. It may also be read wife. She has displayed wit and sarcasm, lnter- mingled with advice more completely than has been done iu any other Lo0; of a similar charac ter ever issued. The book contains limut IS flill pa'es, and about -10 o'4-cr illustrative pages ap- j ,1 1 nn r I 1 1 n t n 1 1 u e I ce II. !r lill 1 ,1 Ulieit nil Sull. propriate to theease. It is published on sub scription. F. 1. Fink, Esq., Is .the agent for this scctiou of country, laid wt about to canvass the towns of Northumberland, Sunbury, Shaino kin. Mt. Cafincl, Shenandoah city and Tama- qiia, who will take ubicriptions, and deliver the worn. Every family should have a copy. A Yinoitofs Old Man. Mr. Michael Matter, of Bcrrysburg, In the S'Jth year of his age, and u soldier iu the -war of lspj, mowed, on Monday last, three-eighths of an acre of heavy grass in less than three hours. It would seem as though Mr. Matter had drank of the waters of Ponce du Leon's '"Fotn.-titin of Youth," for this is certainly a prodigious feat for Qucof his years. Us was raised in Lykens Valley.', utid is by .occupation a farmer. I'jiper ImujiMh Kegintur. ExTimi'itisi:. It is an evidence of er.terpriso ou the part of our busineB men to advertise, snys I the Lewisburg Juuriurt, but we never could see that the uiacrnblo directories, which every few months nro being produced by outside parties, are of a particle of benefit to those who havo their cards placed upon them. They are scarcely ever printed as well as promised, a few hundred are circulated, and they having nothiug ou theui of value to save, arc soon, and no one has reaped any bencitt except llio one who got up tho Directory. If -the business men would advertise iu their town papers properly they would find It to pay, itud the expense would be scarcely as much ns it costs ,to have their cards .on directories ; besides it would bo patronising home Industry. We have seen wheu parlies paid doubly the amount of the .cost for advertising and reaped no benefit. We always consider pay lug for a card on a dltectory is money thrown away and the parlies gcttiug them up as frauds npou the public. f Personal. We hud the pleasure of a call, in our sanctum, ou Thursday las'. , by Hon. Samuel Henry, of Cambria county, wh is a prominent Republican candidate for Statu Treasurer. Mr. Henry Is a young man of excellent qualifications, und would no doubt fill the po-itiou w ith credit to himself na well us to the party. Ho has al ready a number of counties instructed for htm, who recommend him in tho highest terms. Jehemiaii ,Osman, of JJcrudou, was committed to jail ou Friday evening last, by Geo. V. Coble, Esq., ou the charge of obtaining a wagon from J. D. Rubcndahl nnder false pretense. A Meeting of the Good Inteut Hook und Lad der Company, will be held in tho Council room ou Tuesday evening next, ul 8 o'clock, p. m. All incumbers are requested to attcud for the purpose of fully effecting the organization, aud io make arrangements to procure uniforms. The Morning spcuklug ,oI -the Im provements in Danville, puts the cost of tho new Opera House at that place, when xompleted, at (200,000. It Is a large building, but tho cost will not exceed ono-thlrd thut amount. Tho last Sunbury Guzetlt tildu't say "Dally" once. We would havu foil belter if only one of the eight or ten locsls copied frin tho buibj had been duly credited. Sunbury Daily. Tho little oversight lu oar neighbor of the Oa utti wasn't Inlntaiil. It occurred through that Urgi circulation, brother Eichholti. A new schedule will go luto clfcct ou tbe N. C. Railway, on SupOay next, July 30th. Tub work ou the Fair grouuds at this place, In putting up fence aud bulldlugs 1 progressing rapidly uuder Mr. Henry Wolf.of Lower Augusta. The Suubory GasCoinpaty refuse to acquiesce n tbe demand of the Council to lay their main. , fcUflcU W(:l0 1;,u, ,ilUiu ,lillf llon(nti Trial Iilat Tor Week oiniiiruolan Monday, AngnAt lltli, 17.1. Wlillam McNIneh & Marlon NeNlnch his wile, In the right of said Marion vs. E. S. Trego. Thomas Banmgardncr vs. George Pontius. The Burgesses and Inhabitant of tho borough of Sunbury vs. Amelia Flshcr.formcr owner and Aaron Snyder oecnpler. Tho Burgesses and Inhabitant of tho Borongh of Sunbury vs- William L. Dewart and Roselta F. Dewart, his wife, owners die. The Presldout, Managers and Company for erect Ing a bridge over the West branch of Susque hanna at the town of Lewlsburg vs. Daniel G. Drclsbaeh. Tho Burgesses & Inhabitants of the Borough of Sunbury vs. J. B. Masser, owner or reputed owner. Tho Burgesses A Inhabitants of tho Borough of Sunbury va. J. B. Masscr owner or repti'ud owner. , The Burgesses ft Inhabitants of the Borough of Sunbury vs. J. B. Masser. owner or repmed owner. The Burgesses ft Inhabitants of the Borough of Sunbury vs. J. 11. Masser, owner or reputed owner. Catherine Dand vs. The Enterprise Coal Co. William Lewis vs. James M alone. F. Zimmerman and F. L. Ilcrdic.cnilc.'-so'"! of E. W. lrfiwo vs. John Klat , adm'r of Valentine Khi-e, dee'd. F. Zimmerman anil F, L. IJ'Tdic, endorsees of F.. W. Lowe. vs. Daniel W. Samp'el, drawer. Martin SI rut ill and Thomas Bttilieu a. Uiiah Fouilie, coiiliaelei, uiid .Michael thijie, owii'-r. J. M. t adwall.idrr vs William Wiililn.rtim. A. X. Green vs. E. Sob-r. Jesse Potter vs. John R. Seller. ' J. A.CnkCjWhosucs for himself, ns well as for the Commonwealth of Penu'n. vs. N. C. Demi, agent of Pennsvlvnnla P., R. Co.,,Lcssces if liilladelphia ft Erie R. R. Co. J. A . Cake, who sues for himself us well as for tho Commonwealth of I'enu'a, vs. N. C. Dinn. J. A. Cake, who sues for biiiHi lf as well as for the Commonwealth of IVnii'a, vs. N. C. Dean. J. A. Cake, who sues ns well fr him-elf a fr llio CoinmonweaitU of I'cmi'a, vs. N. V. Dean. J. A. Cake, who sues n well tor himself in tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for vs. I'lii'.ip Bangleirl. J. A. t ake, who sues as wi-'.l f.r himself as for tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvaiut vs. I Philip Hanxliart. I T. W. Wagucr vs. James E. Taylor and William j Fisher. Ferdinand Piper, administrator of estate of To hias Pi per, dec.'d vs. S. A. Savidge and Emanuel Artinan. J. A. C.ike, who sues fur h-v.? If us well a-i for tJio Commonwealth ol IVnn- vlvimi i vs. Dan iel Lanib, Engineer ol 1'i un'a K. It. Co., lessees o liiiladelpt.i.i ft Kriu Co. S. A. -:rc, iio sues li.r hlm-eif as well as for 1 he Coiumok.wealt It of Pennsylvania vs. A. II,. I Assert, rnginear of tke Penii'n li. IS. Co., lessivi of the Philadelphia and Erit I!. M. ' o. J. A Cake, who sues ns well for himself a for tins Commotiwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Henry limit, watchman of the I'cmfa K. II. Co., lessees of the Phila.Ic'.pl.I.i v. J-iie R. R. Co. William Belknap vs. James M-Coikc vVMiillI! lit.(,u' v. ;t.ul-u Vong. I. Willisiu Belknap vs. John S. Sny.l. r. William Kelknap vs. James B. Wallace nnd Jane D. Wallace, his wife, William Belknap vs. Clmrlei A. ft Mat? Morgan, aduilKisI rutors ol Henry .v.nv dee'd. William Belknap vs. James Park. William Bulku.p vs. J. E. Toole. Jury Tor Align! Term, 1S7U. GRAND JURORS. Jacob Ecknrd, North'd Hugh M 'Donald MK ar Peter Welker, Shumokin tin i-tiun (.onseit. Cam Isaac Stealy, " 'Gilbert Reil., Cam W. 11. Viistinu Rush S.imi lion hind. Mbton nlll, Jtt liir jllc(lt, M.llthiaH. Nrth,i , ;,-, ,, slmu. Kefer. Up.Mah A. J. S ,vhlee, Isaac Maj'jir. Sb iinokin lleni.v E. M.ilick.L An 1'avi.l l itinT; Jilt at no Isaac .ar inan. Jack son Geo. ( nek, Shtimnkin rer.l nand Lhoads, i;m W,. . Fetter. Sunhurv Leonard Roup.'n Nath Ilenninger, Cam iJauna, Reiininger. Nor ti. A. New baker, Zcibc James l.'aira:i, Tui bui Tit AV EUS JURORS. L Kauiriiinii, L Mah'oy Sol Truekenmliler, Del John Krick, Shumokin' Henry Bin-h, Sluiinokin Peter Oyster, Delaware S. W. Clark. Jordon S. M. Reeser, Up Aug'a br. Johns. an. Watsiu"n Isaac Campbell, Itenj Zeltlciiioyer. p ml) V 'A''C1' il,M . V.C' ' r' ' iriiwn J ru Unller. North d Shani'ii O.-tin Stu'l, Watsonl'wii Hugh Marlin, Chilis'qc J -ic. Ran)', Milton Martin Harris, I. Mali W. M. I.'. .yd, North M George Dielil, Sunbury Simon '..bJ. Shumo'n Daniel liurman. Milton ,1. Il.t.'el-t, I'p. Mah'v i Rmib. Kempbcll, Sham. John Hotter, Turbut Abr. Kissinger, Turbut Wm Model, Lewis Henry Buehvr, Sunbury Peter Willieson, Sliain'n Win Follmer, Tui'iut Ira Shipe, I'p. Augusta Isaac Vincent, Wa'.s'nt Ellis Eraser, Milton Geo A Wykoll'. Lewis Chas. Ilarli-.ell.Up.Ang. Robt Wilson, North'd J hu Hurst, Rush S A Herkeiibine, North ni I-.vster, Sunliiiry P W Schleigh, Caii.ieron J E Weni ieli, Miainok'.ll 1 Alex Yocttm, Sbauioliu H V Ilotliini.u,Wash'ten John S SpaWs. L Mali Henrv Haup'., sr,U Aug j Jos Nie'ey jr. Ihiaware J M iloMi in, Sunbury Win. Allen Chlllisqna'e. W I Blair, Chii!ls.,ue PETIT JURORS. j II Kriss. 1. Angustii C B Reniilnger. North'd D Redrew McEwcusville Jacob Miirtz, Zerbe i J I) Dicifciidcrfei, Chll. It. W. Thuislon, U Aug j Wm Bryson Jr. Dehi're -P I) Shatl'er, Delaware' Ch R.inp, " Win B.-ii-tlioioinew, (.'hil Pulol- VillTAi. Sili-lllL.-,,, PI. ill, 1 I I 1. L- -Slll.Kltt-V .,., yuy Turuutvilu. UvU:n,. Jordon Thos Welsh. Mt. turbo Itenj F Miller, Zeibe Thos Barr, Watsont'n Henry Dcppen, Jordon ! Benj Krlcgbautn, I. Aug R Boaslev, Noitb'd ; John MeGee, t billi'q'e Geo Forester, Up A ug ; J B Reed, Milton !; Y Fryliinr. Snnbary . G M Reun, Siltihury Thos P.iiter, Tniliol Anson Snvdei', Point, A hr Wcrtmu-.;, 1, -w is ! Sol. Miller, L Augusta W lb lehley, Noilh'd ' Geo. KiiiiL'ur, Mt Cann .1 M Woiveitm., Sin derl D 8 Swartz, Jordon V'm Korseman, liiilisq. : I D Raker, Lit Valianoy Sal Dieflcndcrf'cr, Milti u j SPi:t'ivi.ori t;s. I Thirty Yeursf I'.i iirrienrr ot'nn M! j IS' li r.c. Mrtt Wiiislow'M Kootlitn;; Syrup is j Hie prt'Heripliuil ol'oiieof tin- best Feiuale j Physician and Nurses iu the United St:.tes, and has been used for thirty years with never railing surety und success by millions of mothers and I children, from the feeble in I .i i it of one week old , lo the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach. relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, nod I gives rest, health aud comfort to im tlier and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest, 1 Remedy Iu I be W'oild, in all cis.s ol" HVSKN ! TERY and DI ARB I UK A IN CHILDREN, who i ther it arises Crtm iiothing or from any oilier I cause. Full iltructioiis for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile I of CURTIS ft PI'.RKIVS is on the outside wrap- per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers, j July li, 1S73. ly. ! Children often look l'nle nu.l Kick ! from no other cause than haling wmiiis in Ijic stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COM FITS ! will destroy Worms w ithuut injury to Hit child. being porfeetly Willi li.iiii l from all llio coloring or other injurious ingredients usually uej in worm preparations. CURTIS ft BRtyW N, r ropru tors. No. 215 Fult.m Mivct, New Yoik. Satil by DnijiijittH Unit L'hi:itii?ti UiiU tltilla'i ill Mnlieiiu ut Twentv-Five Ci.nvs a lm.. July l1-', 173.- ly. The Ilouttoliuld I'uuueeu, and FHUiily Lluluieut is tbe best remody lu tbe world for the following complaints, via. i Cramps in the LlmU and Sto mach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism iu all It forms. Billions Colic.Neu ralgla, Cholera, lyrciitery,Colds,Fresh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chill and Fever. For Internal and External use. lis operation is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely remove the cause of the complaint. It penetrates and iicrvadt the whole system, re storing healthy action to alt iu pai ls, aud quick ening the blood. The lluuaeholtl I'auaeen, in purely Vegetable aud All Healing. Prepared by , CURTIS & BROWN, No. Hlb Fulton Street, New York. For tale by all druggist. July 13, 1873 ly. THE BECK WITH ';0,Potab! Family Sew ing Machine, ,ou StO Days Trial i msuy advan tage over all. -Satifclaelion guaranteed, or f-0 refunded. Sent complete, with full dircclip-M-. Beckwith Sewing Machine CV., bo-i Broadway, New Yoik. apl'J, cuwly. TIic CoufossJon ol au Invnlld. Published hy a warnhiK and for the benefit of 1 omn Men nnd others who suiter Horn .NKitvons Dfbilitt, i.oas of Maniioot), ote., supplyi'ig tha means of self-cure. Written by one who cured himself iivtoi' umlcrirotng considerable quackery. and sent f'roo or receiving a poi t-pald directed onvelop. Hu(T"rers am invited to address tho author. NATHANIEL MAYFAHt, Juno 14, '73 Cm. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fon Loss or ArriiTtTr, Dyspepsia, Indigestion Depression of Spirits and general Debility, in their various forms, Ferm l'hosporate 1 Elixir of Ualisny mado by Caswell, Hazard ft Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, i tho Ivst Tonic. As a stimulant toniz for patients recov ering from ftver or other sickness, it has no cqaal. If t i'.csu during the season It prjvctrta fever ami ag'.;e and other liitermiltei t li vcrr.. (;' - III Nortliuuibcrh'.nd, J ily 1st. 113,1'. F. Lit e, Esq., auJ (10 years, y months and 10 days. i .i!i irr jrisiti'.T.v " I'lour nnd rain MnrticC. Extra Family -12.011 Red Wheat, p. Buckwheat, p. et., 5.0t'Ryc, Corn, " '.Va-J (.'iini. Wheat Bran, p. bit. LoDiiiiekviieat Shoil", U.OO Oats, lbs. Corn ftOa'.s ('Imp, ;.'.0il I'laxsu-d, Timothv ree l. p. b. X.(K) AO ! l'roilnrc nnrkrt. Potatoes, Hams, 1" Kirg-, jwr do., Butter, jh r lb., Lard, 15 Tallow, .a (Viintrv So i: Dried App1 III, " p'eae Mioaldcrs, in if ;Q,'- til'-H't.'.-T-tiivnil:-. TeiH'he rs Witittftl. oix : k5 Lib MAI. K AND FOUR FKMALK Tearher. alnral saliii ii-.- to guml teachers. Appliui- tions will be received by the Secretin y of the Snubiiiy S.-'.inol District until Satuidiiy, tin- -Vli day of Juiy. School term eoninieines or llio i liist Moinhiv in September, to eontiniu' nine 1 inontbi. ' II. Y. FRYLINU, M-c'y. . Sunbury, Jiiie lM. IN T X Mai DISTRICT CtH UT of (lie United ates of the Western Dilriet IVnn'ii. ' lit ItmKriit- . The undersigned hep by glcs notice nf his :ip: pninlnieul aM assignee of Daniel K. Kidire, of Wa-hington tow the count v of Nori hum- hcrhiud. State of lVira'-ylvania, within said 1 i i triet, who has been a-lj nitt'i-.l a b.itikrnpl u'nn : his own petition, by the D:.-.tiiit t.'ouit uf said DUtriet. ; Tj lie Creditors of said Hiiikr'i"! . ' P. 11. Mtiuti;, A:-.-knee. Siinbury, July 12, lfiT-i. 0w. j 1 THE DISTRICT COURT of the United 111 ItiiiiUruptcr. The nndersigned bcrehy uivi-. nuiiee of hi- in pointment as assignee of William Ri ' Vi u-'u-iiiiiton township, in the county of Northumber land, State of Pennsylvania, within sai I District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his ow n petition, by the District Court of said 1 i-ir'nt. To the Cicilitors of sai. I Haiikmp1. P. II. MOORE, Afsignce. Sunbury, July li. 1 S", ;s. t'.w. .(liiiiiiist ralor's .olicr. X'OTICE is 1 cr -l-y given that Letters of Ad ,..l..iti ..ti. t. l.'-ivimr I n 1. 1-.. , .-.I t.-. ll.n ,i,uiersig!ic,l, on .he estate of Jeremiah Fain-- I ..,!, I.ii.. i.f flu. I nrn-drli ,.l Simliii i-v- V.ii-lli-. Itmberland county, l'n., deceased. All persons itnh bled to said estate are requested to innkc im mediate payment, and those having claims will piCiCUt Cicui djlv authentU'.ited for seltlement. A. K. Hit 1 11", Administrator. Sunbury, July .1. 1S3.-I".!. A -mijlcto Ktct'lc J' t'lmirt' Si'Ii'f" (Ions in vTj" I'pai- in cut ol' f'croil nt Special ri(-cs. ilitr- ing I lie Uliite Niiiiinii'i m ii III it tfllou.i. KCIIHU1I. tiller- 72' s$W JKWKLI1Y, .STKKUXO SILVKK Walflu'S, riiiteil (ioods Ctillery, t'loeliM, llrouzest A l uiiej .;ol-. July 1'., 1S73. THE DANVILLE MUSICAL INSTITUTE. rjtllK ItriiiielieM lni!(lit are Cultivation of the Voice. M usiciil Composition. Ol'g.Ui, 1'ii.IKI. SVMMllli SKSMON UlailNS Jl'I.Y 11. The principal Iu ing a gnolnate of tin- Roy-, ! Aci.demv of l.i'Udou. and having been hoiioi- d i with the degree of "Bachelor of Music." Lv the Caiublidge I iiivcrslly, bus nia'ie the ,;.l,li;te a I' grand h'.u.e.i., the present term en Is will. I.liv N.ii'i ( M') Sehi-lis. Every cll'ort w ill be nui'b- to aei-oiniuo-!:,te pu- plls coining I'iniil a ilirtai.e-,- le. train, ,V . I 'i l-.KMS : 41., a Se.-sio'i ut 1 i weeks, Two Les- I sons per week. I Hi assistant . I JOS. PARRY, Bachelor ol Music. ; MRS. FUNSi'o.N. Assistant. : Dunvi'c, June .1, lu?L!. :il. trir V miflrs?iLifiC7wiri'tf1t! Send for Illustrated Catalogue and cv.n.iim our prices beloie purchasing, as we claim to -il UiWcr than nnv other establishment in the t itv. R KM I'M HE'! tin- NUMBER, liSfi RIDGE AVENUE. Phi:., h i hia. In Hie tirpliaiiH' Court OF NOKlii l Si liKUl.A N 0 HU N I V. llslute ufSttruli .fiiller. rle-eael, Sur Writ of l'aiiition. To F.phtiiim R. Millcr.Williau. M. Vlher.-Itne, iiiteriiiiin led Willi William i'oy, rei-i lent in Mi. Gili-ad, Morrow count v. Stale ol Ohio j John .M. Miller, resident in Foil Vayn-, Stale ol hi Lana, aud Elizabeth Conip'ie. a daughter i-l .ielihs-ui Miller, one of lite sou deceased. Intermarried with Lewis Com pa ret, residing iu Des Muln in the Male of Iowa, and lo all the other l.cii., rcpivsCiitalives of lliesai l Sarah Miiier, deceased. Take otiee. That by virtue of the nbovo writ of Partition .to me directed, an Iiiqiiifiiiou will be held upon the premises therein described, ou Wednesday,. the UHth day of July, Dia, at 10 o'clock a. in., lo ascertain und Inquire among other things, whether the said premise oni be parted und dividcd'witLuut prejudice to, or spoil ing the whole thereof, or oihoi w ise to value aud appropriate ll.e same, wheu aud where jou may atleud if you sec proj-er. Respect fully vours, 6. H. KOTHERMEL. Sheiilf. Sherilf's Ollh-e, Sunbury, June a I, 1ST3. ill. r-UIMM'U-M KKW IIOTKIi. Corit'ort" lamit ami New Church Si., New York. On the Europeau plua. RICH AUD P. FRENCH. Son of the hue Col. RICHARD FRENCH, of French's Hotel, ho taken tins Hotel, newly titled up and entirely rcno,,ld Hici same. VctUrall-j ii.-nftj itlt BUSINESli PART uf tin Lty. l-AHIEs,' iV, i:ui.' DisiNfl ltmis At Hl li LP. July i.'?3. Cm. ! ! .s?esii3i:r.-jM . ATHA1R0N n0nty GO Ccni? :: r tt ptrm '1 t!e (.in- S.Oi., r ! ev.i r--.-.:" '.-'I m i T .-.. 'A KaT'MI'.V -'T. ' i" l ie la :ri-' V l t' -" s i . i l i-ito r 1 !ii-r: n f.'i' V- 1 1 '.in IIki I " I iM'f n-," '' Ti-.r. )loi u i -irsl T. i ii-.m.i i 'i, 1 , '.I lie nrliH i1- i.'i ivc-' ; uiiyiii? I" i'" , ' fjiMirit hnmrc.'.'iv..;.. : hi Mirrif l.'ir.-tl i Ctn-wrn nil 1 i';...:v ! flrtsin:-. I ia.. iJ : Jiinrlii'ir lawa il i fives t!ir li.oi n T ' a i nvr. in (ii".-.T i r . '' ' ;'t ' ' j'1'' H'lli ff l-''l'. Ml ! : ! inf.tlii'r, l.raii-' lie. IV i 7t i: li.a In:: VMll1lt ft.) ).i it-1 f o! ami i:f. I' t:. -. r.- 1 !::-..mlr.u:-l i t.Ulu, nncl ni ri-. Country S'.-ai E-YOK'S M I ;, r-rf. t.'i.ii.iio "i-tir: i' U-A IS PUBEL? A VEC1ETAELE rREPAP TION, com. posed simply of well-known ROOTS. HERBS and FRUITS, combined with other properties, which In tbetr nature are Cathartic. Aperisut, Nu tritious. Diuretic, alloratlva sud Autl-Ulllious. Tbs whole is preserved iu a sufficient quantity of spoil from tbe HI OAll tA.K tj keep Ulim Ul sny climste, which makes tho "PLANTATION ' Sitters oner-f the most desiraWe Tonic nntl Cathsir t Im in the world, si hey ara inten-twl strictly a a . m M60-X V'iJ1,W,'i'"Tw J It- I k L-i1' Temperanco Bitters'!; onty to be oswl a a medicine, ana siwsy Ecooraintj to dtrectlou. Ihoy re the sheet-snchrr of ths feeble snd debili tated. They set upon ft diseased liver, aud stimulate to such a degree that a healthy action i at ouca brought about. As a remedy to which Woman are especially subject it is superseding every other stimulant. As a Hprlntr and Hammer.'f'unln they have no equal. They are a mild and R'atlo Purgative as -veil a Tonic. They Purify the blood. They are a splendid Appetiser. They mike lb weak trug. They purtly and imflfcorate. 'ihey cure Dyspepsia, Coustipation and Headache. They act a aspecific Inallepei-IM of disorders whith uiiileinaua the bodily strength aud break down Uio auiml -.j.uils. CeDot, 63 Park Place, New York. , iFobmkult Wood A Ua-tm.) STATIOMARf S PORTABLE Steam Engines. Tho Best & Most ComplMo Assortment in tho Market These FnRlnihnTOftlwaTimain.ri'nM fJW tt tiihett taiultinl erf excflln-rt. Wt makt iha m DUaiiuiauturo of Knuim, ItniU rt and Saw Mills a pocinlty. Via hvu theluire.t iukI motumpl-tn wurkaoC thokinj in the country, with ulinvry pwially Viupt--J o thu wuk. Wekot'p c-.mtHtity in proeow lnrpo ntimK-TH f Engine, which wo funii-h uttho vury It-wtl pruv-i una ou tlid hnrto-tt n-itUv. We buill Kiiunn' flpecinlly u-irtpU-J to Minn. Haw MilU, Urist Mill-t, Tauuuriea Cuttoa UiAat, 'fUroohr aud uUcliWixja ol niuumtuoturiii((. We are now buiMing tho t h'brivtol I,ano Cut-u-Inr 8 i w Mill, the bct aud UXi coaiplcW aaw uull t-r invented. Wo muk't the Tninufaetiiroof Saw Mill out tit a Vpucitil fiuture of our bu-nnena, aud uuu iurm4i complete on the MhorU-at notion. Our aim m mLI cum U to fnrnUb theb-At ma chioerjr ia the market, and work ubtlutI' uu quaku fur betiut y of de-tiira, eoonouiy aud nt ruu-rth tivud tor Circular aud I'rioe Lit. j UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. I Tit A, Mi. Y. ) t oi i: r nun i. is ilert hy Ln ell t t he IliOll I'le is, til-iieliil 1 1 in and ( l pha::.- t unit , I u i .-Hid liela-lai Jail I'e ll'el .NATION. - i Mill 11 It. 'Ill . i.f I t- I Se-v.-it:;!., tin. I'i it i.flil-i- in I 'I II. t , ia ;i ti J r-.i I ! L ,- a. an I .iav of .Noi ititiihliei laud, w ill i-n.iii'u-a.c :il t li I i-iu' ' lloii-c, in the t:iiniii!.'h ol Suniinri. ul lo jA io- k A.M.. on MttNUW. .Mill Sl' Hie n-M, ' alel will ee i:l in ll t wo w , i k .. i 'llio loioni-r, ol In.' IV a, a a ad I'niist.i 1 liles in and lor the county of Niulhiiinl- -i land me I rcipn sled lo Petheii ami there m Ha ir piopii ' -rr'vni, ill: Itn-ir mlln, rcenuls, n m t -. i -n, - and olhcr rciiiemlirauia, lo do lli. u lli. i'- to 1 tln-ir ocvciai olllce. app' li.iiiiin ui i d-ii-.c. And 1 all miIi.c-.m- proccutitij; in l.elui.i ol Ita- I nui j luoiiwe.illU atraiutit any priei 'ii.-r. i,rc ie.(:;vted ' and coiiiniiiiiili d to hi) ilicn and .tale in their proper prrs.uii u imu ale -jc.iim'I I. la. at...iM lie j a-i aim not lotiep.irt :it.o it le.iie at their lniil. .1 uixti hi c rc.iucteJ lo l-e lain - tual ln thi ir iilteiidaiKv, ul tl.e tin, appoint. J. nu-rccilili lo llieir maicii.. t;ivcu under my hand a Snnl.ui i . I In- 1 ' .ta v .-i duly, in 111.- ea i ul our Loid u:.c Itiuii -.-lul . I;:..t 4ilitiaicd and e cut v-tlnce. eAMlLL il. IHiTiiKKMi:! , tlKtill. STMEI1I iiclu 5illicittftnifnts. Is the most powctful ch aiifcr. J-trurpthner aud removeror tilanlaiar oli.triw-ti'irs noWn to Materia Melica. :i It is npuc'ally adgptcd to or.:,.tit t.t ikiih "worr down" and debilitiitcd bv the warm weather of Spring and fiuir.Tiicr, w hen the blr.;.! Is not n active eirculiition, coiirequctiliv gul' i ilni; itnpu. ritloa from sluj g'slincs nnd linjii. rfi-et act-on of the secretive organs, and is inanif'isteri by Tu mors, Ertipl Ions, Blotches, Pol's, 1'Cfttil' s, Scro fula, e. Wln-n weary nnd Illiquid Trim ovo-wial. rmi dullncsr, itro iacs .ind iniil.i take the place of vigor, the Isyslem in-cils a Ionic to build it up nnd b"'p (lie Vital Forces to icpiii! their reenperntivf power; In the. bent of Summer, frequently (the Liver nnd Spleen do net properly perforin their func tions j the Uterine, anil Urinary Organs arc in active, producing weakness ol the stomach an' intf.stinesiind .1 to bilious derange ment. Drl. V ELLS' ll-.rnet of I iiriibelm Is i v 0 an the. Snath Ainer'c.n, Plant., Mi. I I.-, peculiurv suited In nil these dilll eulMes ; it- w .U eh-anse the Vitiated IMood, streng then the Lite-Giving IVri. cud remove all obs'trui 'i.)"s from itr.p-'.j cif a- e'. enfe'i'eS ""'rgaiiB. It si ou!-l be fi r 'y taTicn, a- J a: nhoba is pro r.onneci by uihII il wr'ien the must cfBcicnt Puriiier, Tome and Du' nt Luouu hi the whole raauc of no diehml ph-is. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 1 Piatt St., N. Y. Sole Ageut for the Unite ! St alts'. I'riee. per I)o!t. Send for Circular. J2.i, 4w u Ni vviir.- s Tr'Tr to.vr Frt r-T.n :;. 1'. r.uKNH am s nv.w.ti; rbine g i MATIK 1VPI1I, m T-i tie the Pc-t l-.'vr Invented. PampliM fc-'c. Aiipcjs, York, Fa. -it 2 AMi'.l. Who', sale Pnrchiisieg Agents for the liartiam Sewing Machine made at Dan bury, Ct. Tne. Latest and best. 1 lie Stillest, Fas'i -t anl -st Lock Stitch. Straight Nef flln Machiuc iu t.e M irk-.t. Jjollbr tents t'nan utv company. Address, JOHN A. DODGE, July 5,'.'li.-l tieni Age.l.t, Daubuvy, Coau. CAMPIIVKrNE" c-res evei v r 5 :-, . fco'd by ell dr;.b-g:s,t. REUBEN IIOYT, i.'. -I -v on New York, YMtli lJ t i Sf M , Fema'.e ?vi u week guaranteed. Itesper-lnlilv einp'oy-iK.iit nt. home, ,!ay or evening i r.o capital n ijuijeil h stnieti-jiis ft a'Uiibio paclsaue if good, five by iri;i-l. A-l li-'-s. t:i'i six cent -. stamp, M. Vol' Nil A 1. 1 . "V ni.-i-mv :eh New i oi k. J: fa 1 -I kill' II' IIIMIV. Tin: Rkliahle Famii.v M::h ;:r. D! AI.KHEA, Dyseiit.-ry. Chol, Compl.iii t, Camps, ct.-., nuic Suniins cured by ' the Um. . .1 Al'.HKI.LA': svrup vl Bi.icl.beriy i t 'nU'pi-.uie barll. Root mil R'a-i- An olj, well tried remciiy, entire!;; v- ! pleasant to take, quick and "rtaiii In" 1 cau he cpcuJ--.l on in tlie most urt.ei.t; j may b- tiven to the youngest Infant as V'-i'.l -is i to aditiU. It contains NO CAM I'ilOK Oil OPiV'M. It Is a p'eaiii't t-xiract aiul rea.liiy tal, -n l-i ! children. It o!c-i save! life v h. a pli'.'M ci ins had ie;.aire I. Keel; it in I he Louse a,t ti-c in tiin-. 11 w-: s,k tor It is a '.ii.l. 1) i.i'l ; let your deal, r pal vo-i oil with s itt-t liitltr o'sc. H-iy it. Try 'I. Sold by Dniful-U und Mem K.m-j tn thio-i); boat till ttatc. IVi j cm. lv I 11 ANMF1.1. .V: il.;-).. 1 Juiii 1 l,'7:!-?.iii. 11)1)0 Mail-.-; :-t., Fhllii I'li-l,!:-. Atiililor'si .Vol initUiV, ct. ai. ) in i art of Coir. men vj. . 1 i'-.i-., el NurtiMiuher- t V.. V. W- -t. ' i:fi loutity, Fl. I'a. I l.i. M del: l-.ri.i, 17-!. ITU'!-' ii' hereby 1,'vn lb it the nn-lt rsi-rne-l i i lu;: I' -'.l app. nut. --i 'l.litoi bv lac Couit -)" nuru-.n I'le is of N... i hiuiihei land ei-ii:,'.; . . ma ku .lt rpiui. on ut :- m ';o - in1.. I nit-, i ''."-', ar:s:.i I; -aia tie-saa. o! Mr'ea I ml - pi"! i'te t- mi l ra -n-r ! h i iC eutit ,e i t'l - to li v -i : I the t' :e.iM-i:s. atld lin'Se c''l''ll" 'U nut fuut!. at l,i o.:i--! in ib 1 ' i a o' S i--' . T!tU..--(l:ll, Juiv 1 Tt It. !'.- il ' )! oe a. i. I '. I,".!-. T. Aal t I Set.'mry, June 19, I ..'.'. :i i:( tunc ettii.3utt. S L M M K K A li I! A X ti K ! K X T MtiM'Ai, m iv fit: it l ?;i. Trains have I'-p i'e.ii;ii fur lows: al o.HoaeJ s Id, a. iu., colilita'lin Willi Ll'aiui ou I1 Y .k as fob .111. I '- .U a, p. in., loii.j iv.uii.i ! i a, ' - road, and ai riving at ..'i w Vori. t 1 i."t, aud '..4-'t p. In., I - - pi-eii W;v . Keluriiinino' i iaaic .. York at -,i.ii a l'.'.rd aud .'t.lltl p. m., Philadelphia nl T.ijU, a. m., aud 1)110 p. l i. Leave Hariisbuii; ' ir 1 vl'tt., l'.ills Tamaiua, M mcisi l . -l. m M.-i -ntikin, lenlow a and I'liilinltl Ilia at i t and S.lO a -J.lKl ami I I'a p. m., -toj'pin.- at li.-VI ir . ' Si.-! I'le." ti f d i on- pilnei n way siaiiou : t le- -I t;t. p. m., ir tin ne.tii.L; foy '!i.;! i. i'.e i s , ,; e a id t'oliiin- hia only. 1 .a Put villi . t !,... i, I Auliiiin, via fehn lUill and r-a- "u ro-l-l ieae ilal rifhai at II. lo p. in. 1 ft i'i iiiyla;ua llaiiinad ti,,ir.c in I'oi Alleiitowii, mil Ni'l nnd lii.:i.t;t. in., a el l.-'i: ; . m'. leave New York at -J IM a. in., 1 :..'' in., and .Vlet.lewti j,t T.'.'o h. ni , i .'. and s. ii.'i (i. in. Whi l-aM n;- i 'i r.iti ! ins i'l.i '...Ha. ill., ci-linei in. u' at Keadiiij i. ! I! av.-n anil i a ir. t ii.iij i-ii" He.ol L-.V i - -1 U lit L'fi ai nine, aa-1 ..::;) p. .-. u.b', ;':..e 'piiia al ill l,.-;a i-i t'i-lt.- K.n-l I'euna. H.ii'io..ii, retititiin le., lllle i.l 4.:.."- p. i,,., .iiie; nt all .-1. Leave ljU.-,lle el I'-.l'i', .S.O.'i a 1,,'. and .'.till p. in.. Ilei n l.-n al lo f I a. -. P ... in ' , hllllM kin at ij na ati.l 1 1. p. 'a. il'. ..i!-i-t!..' t:' 7. ! a a m., and I '.'.'O p. lu., M., I'i '. at 7.. . .inn I'.'..'. I p. in., I' ia at i.5:i a. in., and '.' 10 in , tor I'liiliuli-pli :. Ne Vo!k. Keadiei;, llar ri-ioat, iVc Uiive lot'-i'i'i a f-i. lr.i ll.ill nnj Mi ut liiini.a K..i! ;,i V .'. a. in!, lor llai i Ifimi. a n -I 1 1. !.'. a. in., t,u -iii,-i!i i. c ami 1'icuivi.l. l'oltvi p.. A i e . i n i ; t i d: 1 1 i 1 1 1 Train leave l'.aia l i.'c ..I r.a't a. lil.,p F-e- li -.ulir.ii at 7."-.'. a. l!-. aiii;..,: at P.,11 I.-,; h: i al In. Vl a. iu. lo.-.- -a-in; leavei- I'.ul.ule.j iii.i al i.l 5 p. in. .. lii iiiinut 7.1') p. in., at 1 1 li.;; i,l L. t - i . : h' '.'.I'o p. in. I'litt-totvn Aecoiiiitio Pitlon Ti.n.l !eavt.ri;ti' t.'ivualii 4"i a. in., rel in iiie-M leaM Pl,i..iji-i p!l. I I ailll ami in. en, ) i'4.;.ii i,. "'ilutiii.i.i '; , :i,n. lie i-lli a 7.:.i) u. in-, und 0 V. p. in-, for I plnnia, l. i l.KiicaMi r, I '.limn hia, , ,.. ; i, (ni l.a.. i a-t.-r iH t .'..I a. oi., ..nd li.l.i- p. i::., .ui,! linn. lea :.t l.i a. ut.. a nil 3.ii p- in. I'cl kiolncu l;.'...!i.'nd tlilllit le.ile I'i rhl -1": -i .luiiclioii al '.i.o-.i a. in , i:.a. an. I (.. in. ; i, turning, leave liner Lane at t. OJii.ui., ,M,j a :, l'.'.:i.'i and -l.'.'il p. ill., e.iai.ei Weiiltain Kcaditic l;-il':i-..i l. I'iel.ciinu' Vail -v .N t'lv. a.' i i, a , v ' ho nixvillc nt '.'.')' a. t.i. . e li 'ii':i- -j.a.- p. in., iituiii isiS, lei' c II- cr; nt J'.SO a. in., I'.'.-m an. I I -.t' p III., l-i-llllC.-llil V i'.i. '.lallni till lieiidll'i: li-llllo-ld I 'oicltioe.k-iaie l.aiiroait iialns I. me I'oltteu lit 'J. Ida. in. and l.i''". i. '0 reun nil-j It a vc V r ttr. -, I'lcio-ant al ('' aud 1 ' 'i'i it -id. i ml p. in .aoiiiii-.liiie witli ii.i.ui en i;.-.ulii -. i'.ul.. -r j lliol.r Valley llailload ll.lili leave iiride-- i poll at N.iil) a. lii. V. lo and i.N:; p. in., I. ti l nine, ! leave low ii'uicioh n al 7.00 a. in., P :. aiml .' 41 j p. m., coiiiicilan; withtrainti on loading 11 ill ; road, , j Oil Sundays i leiiecw Vol k at."., nn p". in. 1 I'hiladc'pliia iit h.iHi a. 111. .11m X li . ut., !. j lV'ttsville ut t.(i 1 w 111.. and 0 p. in., leave J Harrml iiii; ! n.:w a. ill. and U mi ji. 111. ; ' AJIi-nU-nu ai i.'f.i and p. ui. . lia. -t.eid- j li"; al 7.4Hn. m au: '.'.'.li p... I t: :iari-:..iiun;, I at .'..ia. in. for Ne -v Vurk, nt 7.Ja 111, tor Al- .eiitow u and a 1- ll.l I a. in. ..n.l 1 10 p. in., for 1'iiiladt.pliia. ' l.'omu illation, SIM. ac, Se-.n n. t"eliool ni l Kacuision Tickils, t.;.iiu! in in an i-uinu. at re ituced rates. Lat:nre ehecl, ( oael. I'a ei?cr. ! dinn ; lii poin-.d-allowed .i. II. WiHil 1 I V, ' l.Ei., ,l..,.t. '. ,(. ,1 r. ;. 'i'i e Mm '.'ii 1-7;;.