THE SUNBURY AMERICAN, is rtrnLisnjcD every batubsat by EM'L WILVEBT, Proprietor, Moor Dlmlngor1 BnlliWng, Market Square, At 91.50 In Advance. II not paid within 6 months . SubitrtpHon tahtn fot"Uu than tit 2fothi. nnrmn wlih tila ratnhllahmcnt la an IMC ton - SiveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain ana funny type equal to any eniaMianment n the Interior of the State, for which the patron age of the public li reictfnlly aoHclted. rofcssloitul. A. ' MRICE ATTORNEY AT LAW, sd actijmj JUSTICE OF MB TEACE. Neit Door to Judge Jordan's Residence, Chest nut Street, Banbury, Pa. Collections and all legal matters promptly at- 1 ...1 In ,lltli;il vj JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACTIX J 1ST ICE OF THE PEACE. Conreyoclng,the collections of clnlms.wrltlnfcs, and all kinds of Legal unsiuess will be attended to carefully and with despatch. Can be consult ed In the English and Herman language- Office formerly occupied by Solomon Mallck, Esq., op posite City Hotel, Suubury, Pa. March 20, 1S7X it. GA. BOTBOIIF, AUorncv-nt-Law, GEORGETOWN, Northumberland Co., Penna. Can be consulted In the English and German lungirftges. Collections attended to In North umberland and adjoining counties. Also Agent for the Lebanon Valley Fire Insu rance Company. mhl5 al II. II. KANE, Attorney nt Law, SUN . BURY, PA. Olllce In Market hqnare, (adjoining the office of W. I. Grcenough, Esq.,) Professional business in this aud adjoining coun ties promptly attended to. Suubury, March 10, lS73.-ly. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. November 9, 1873. tf. Hit. CHAN. mTmAKTIK, PHYSICIAN AN1 SURGEON, StinUury, l'oiui'a. Office on Front Street, next doer to Haas & Tagcly. Olllce Hours. Until Sam. From 12 to 1 p m. From 5 to 0 p m.,aii(1 nfli'r U o'cloi-k p in. At all other hoars when not professionally eu sasred, cau bo found at Drug Store, on Third St., next to Clement House. nugV'j.-ly Sit. ROVEK, Attorney and Cotmsullor at Law. Rooms Nos. 3 A 3 See und Floor, Brljfht's Uuildinir, SUNBURY, PA. Profenslonn !iniacss vjittcndo l to, In the courts of Northum fiei-luni and adjoining counties. Also, in the rirewiJ and Dint'rirt Courts for tlie Western Dis trict of Claims promptly collect ?. Particular iittetitlcm paid to discs in Bank uUfy. Consultation cau be had In the Ger man language. mar'.'5,'71. LII. KANE, Attorney at Law, SUN BURY, PA., office in Masscr's Building learthe Caurt Honso. Front Room up stairs ilm the Drug Store. Collections inudu In Nor humiierland and ndjolnlni couuties. Suubury, Pa., Juno 8, 1H7J. II. C A D IV A 1. 1. A l E It, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. Dealer In Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, llass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, :'iK'ket Books, Dairies, Ac. . n OLVF.RTOX, Attorney at Law. O. Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Prolession I bushiest, in this aud adjoining counties prompt y attended to. H it. MANNER, Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to In he counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. iipllll-ftU OI.OIIOX 9IAEICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VlmVe at bis residence on Arch street, one square lortli of the Court House, near the Jail, SUN U'RY, PA. Collections ami all professional .iisiucss promptly ntteudud to In this and adjoin tig couuties. Consultations can be had In the iurimin language. July7-lS72. I. V. 7.1EH1.KU. I.. T. llOIUtli.UII. 7.1 EHL.ER V ROIIKIIACII, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office in Haunt's Building, lately occupied by ud'e Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbach, Esq. Collections and nil professional business r imptly attended to In the Courts of Xorllium- erlaud and adjoining counties. Dee. lrt?l. otcls stub flcstanrants. rTNITED STATES HOTEL, W. F. VJ K.irC'11 EN, Proprietor. Opposite the Dc ot SIIAMOK1N, PA. Every attention given to ravellers, and the best accommodations given, pill 5, 1S73. If iixutox house, c. neff Proprietor, Corner of Market & Second .rccts, opposite the Court House, Sunbury, a. wiitsi, vu. EEEGHEW IIOINE, A. BECK, V. Proprietor, No,. 813 and 814 Market Street, jove eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 3 r day. He respectfully solicits your patron. ;e. Jnn6'73. TATIONAIj HOT EE. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd juuty, Pa., at the (station of the N. C. E. W. Choice wiues aud cigars at the bar. The table is supplied with the best the market fords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. II MMEL'N R KavTAl" RANT, LOUIS HUM MEL. Proprietor, Commerce St., 6UAMOK1N, PENN'A. Having just refitted the above Saloon for the comodatlon of the public, Is now prepared to rve j is friends with the best refreshments, nnd .hU Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt lore. j 1 - i i . 8. KIIOAD8. J. FACKEU Hlii VS. UIIOADN aft CO., KBTA1L PEA1.KK3 OF S'TnRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. OrFICB WITH Hiss, Kaoei.t & Co., Orders left at SeasWolti it Bro's,, office Market reet, will receive prompt attention. Country stom respectfully solicited. Fb. 4, 1871. tf. ANTHRACITE COAL 1 TAI.ENTINE DIETZ, Wholesalo and ' Retail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain tnken in exchange for Coal, ders solicited and filler) promptly. Orders left S. F. Nevln't Confectionery Store, on Third et, will reeieve prompt attentiou, aud money .-etptedfor, the suine as at the office. DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. RENN, Stmpaon'j liuihling, Market Squart, ECNBl'RY, Pa., prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on band an:e assortment of Teeth, and other Dental terial, from which he will be able to select, 1 meet the wants of his customers, VII work warranted to give smtisfaellon, or else money refunded. The very best Mouth Wask andTootb-Powders t ou hand. lis references are the numerous patrons Car oiu he has worked for the last twelve years, iuubury, April t, l73- lOALl COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., I r-uii'per and Wholesale and Kolail Dealers In IIITE AND BED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (Lowta wnAitr. "T Bole Agents, wtstwardj at tke celebrated lryCiay t-aJ- jan JU-01 SUSBU1T 32atabllahect In 1N40. t PRICE 1 BO IN ADVANCE. J ... 1-.' -J leto Abbtdiscmtnts. NEW COAL YARD. THE nnderslgned having connected the Coal business with his extensive FLOUR & GRAIN trade, is reps red to supply families with the VERY REST OF COAL, CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain taken In exchango for Coal. J. M. CADWALLADEU. Sunbury, Jan. 15, 1870. tf. NEW TOBACC O AND NEUAR, AND BRUSH STORE. South side of Market street between 3d nnd 4th 8UNBURY, PA. Just opened, an entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AXD'sEGARS. Scgars of every grade. Tobacco of every vurlc'y. Pipes, both plain and fancy. BRUSHES ! BRUSHES ! ! BRUSHES ! ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct from the manufacturer nt greatly reduced prices. His line of brushes are a specialty and mnny new kinds never before introduced Into this market. Also, Paper Collars and Cuffs In great variety. A Inrgo assortment of all the popular Pongs of the day. Call und examine my goods nnd get a list of prices. HENRY PETERY. Novembers, 1873. ly 1 H.T.Helml)old. I KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is the only Known Remedy for Ilright's Ills, ease and lis cured cicry ae of Dialwles in wlilch It has Ihmiii given, brltntlim of the Neck if Ihe Tllsuder and Inflammation of Hie Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Hladder, Helen Hon of Vrine. Diseases of Iho 1'rostaln I. land, Ston in the lliadiler. Gravel, Hrlek llu.t Deposit, aud Mucous it MilkT DiwliarKes, and fur. Ku ferbled nnd Dellcatofonstiliitionsof tioili Sexes, ottended with Ilia following symptoms: Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difliculty of lreatli lng, Wcik Nerves, Wakefulness, Pain in Ino Idick, Flushing of the Bodv, Enipl Ion on Die Knee, ralUdConutoiiaucc, ljissitudenr S.vlein, ele. Used hy persons in the decline or rhanv" e life; aflur ranflucmeut or labor pains, bed-wet tlnir In ehlUlren, clc. In mauT arti-ctliins npcnllar to ladles. Ihe F.x tract Huron is unenuafail by any oilier remedy As In Chlorosis or lUtention, Irregularity. I'aln f nines or Hnpnrossiun of Customary Kvacuations, Vleeralcd or hchirrus state vt the Vurus, Lea corrhiva or Whites, Sterility, and for aU com plaints incident to thu sex. It la nremrlhcd extensively by the most cmiHent Physicians and Midwtvea for enfeebled and delicate constitu tions of both sexes and sll spra. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BCCnil, Viim f Hi fat til Arirtng from Imprmltncu. Tl tliti of DMpnIUm, Ktc, In aH their slap's, at little cxM-nse, liltle or no change in diel, no in coaveuieuce, and norxoure. It csum'S a fre quent desire, and gives Mrenetli to nriiiati llierelir removing Obslructions, l'revenllng aoj Curing Strictures of Hie Urethra, Allaying Pain nd lnflammallnn, so fruqneut in this elusa uf dia ases, and cxpclllug all poisonous matter. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BlCHl', tl.OO per bottle or six bottles for $5.00, dullven-il to any address, secure from observation. Sold bjr - drucgiets everywhere. Prepared by ' KKAltS KY & CO.. lot Dunns St., N. Y. to whom all letters for lnfonuutlou should but addressed. "avoid quacks and impostcks. Hs Charge for Adrlos and Cenmltatloa. Dr. J. It. Jfyott, Cradnale of Jrffertm Mtdifal CotUs: Philadelphia, author of several valuablo works can bu consulted on all diseases of the hexual or Urinary tircitus, (which he baa made an especial study), either In male or female, no natter from what rauso originating, or of how long standing. A practice of 80 years enables torn to treat diseases with success. Cures guar anteed. Chargea reasonable. Those at a dis tance can forward leilar describing symptoms, and enclosing stamp to pftftay postage. fceud fnr Ihe i.nttle la ltmltit. Price 10 cents. i. B. DVCTT. M. D., I'liysiciaa and Surgeon, 104 Uuaus eu.Nsw York. February 8, 1873. ly. NEASOXAIIEE VOOOM. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES nt MIhs) Kate Rlaek'si, Market Snnnrc, Suubury, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every stylo uui qualltj. White Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions and Trim. minus n specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody Is Invited to eall aud see them end buv cheap. May 3, 1873. NI'RIXli MILLIXERY GOODS, A fall line of BONNETS AND HATS, trimmed and nntrlmmed. Flowers, Ribbons, Collars, Cull's, Handkerchiefs, Necatles, und (u general variet v of MILLINERY GOODS selected with great tare from the lending itu porting houses in New York aud Philadelphia, at MISS M. L. GO&SLER, Fourth Street, below the 8. V. It. R. Every effort will be made to please those who favor her with their patronage. April 26, 1S73. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAM FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERJDEN.CL Mancb. 89, 1878. ly. J. F. LERCH'S 5 rl l n n T I rt n i nn & kka;k an ' tTN UUUtUMU Ull II WAGON MAKINGgg ESTABLISnHtENT, CHESTNUT BT, 8XTNBUBT, PA. VcuicLis or all Kinds made to Obdek. The latest styles aud the best workmanship. Samples may be aeeu at the shop. Give him oall. Buubury, Dee. 7, 1873. lj. SUNBURY, (eh) bbtdismtnts. NPRINU AND MUMMER VOORN Just Opened . at the Store of Reest RrotUtr V Heholti, (successors to S. O. Reed & Bro.) COMPRISING OF DRY GOODS of every description and variety inch as Drr Goods comprising all the novelties In fubrlc and shade. White Uoodnt, Fancy Gooda. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Gkockriks and Pkovihions, pure and fresh. Qukknsyvark, Glassware, and Wood and willow ware, Nicest Brands of flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated band made Boot nnd Shoe Manufactory of Wutsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HE A D Y'MAVE CLOTJIIXG, of all elzes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western v. hltc wheat flour a speciality. The public are Invited to call and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales nnd Small Protlts," and to pleas alt. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. lly strict uttcntlsn to business nnd kccplne nt all times the inoi-t complete stock, and selling at the lowest prices, we hope to merit a full share of patronage. REED BROTHER & 8EASIIOLTZ. Sunbury, May 3, 1873. 1 . tr o c O T s o g s s O 9 s t S - S. ? H K m B 5 ? 3.2. 3? - CTg 2.2 a n 9 V C5 9 a ? 3) p H C 1 H 2 WANIIIXG MARE EANY t A Want long felt at lust suplled by the Improved ssfdjcC'ElIir WASHING MACHINE I ! With adjustable Washers, recently added, In creasing its utility f0 per rent, Invented ana patented by 8. M. SMITH, York.'Pu. It cleans all kinds of Clothing better and quicker than any other Washer. It eteaus per fectly and without Injury, any articte from the finest Lace Curtain to the heaviest Bed Clothing. It will cleanse a hulf doxen Geutleineu's Shirts, badly soilud, In from 5 to 8 mluutes, Includlug t ne louars ana risiouuas. The steam-being confined In the Washer, the clothing while being washed Is also bleached. Over H00 Machine were sold In York and Lan caster Counties and over (70,U00 worth In this etute und Ohio. wHfcln a u-1 giving satisfnc itlon. The celebrated Self-Adjusting ECRFKA Wringer Is attacked to the machine. I -if in (From one to two hours a large Family's Wash ran be done and rinsed, with Utss than balf the labor required ky uanc Ringing U done In tbla Mac-lslne thoroughly nnd rapidly. Ws asV bo one to purcliase without first trying lis merits. Sinoi.e MACDtyes, 118. Vith Vrkger, (25, tSf Addnass all oriers to ISA T. CLEMENT, Mauatfaslnrer aud Ageut, Sunbiu, Pa, eauburr. April 2S, 1873. BLILDEKM Bend for our Illustrated Catalogue of new books on balldlBg. A. . BICKNELL A CO. 5,T3.sw. il7 Warren-U., Htm York PA., fRIDAY MORNING, BALTIMORE LOCK IIONl'ITAI. R. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant aud effectual reined V In the world for all DI8EA8E8 OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Hack or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impotcncy, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confaslon of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of tho Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Limes, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youththose secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c, impos sible. fOUNG MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or -waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAQE. Married tcrsous or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procrcntlve Power Impotcncy), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the enra of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely unon his skill as a Phv slclnu. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotcncy, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Lire miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalty pnld by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into Improper habits than by the prudent 1 Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy olBiprliig, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Loss of Procrcatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. Iudiirestiou, Constitutional Debility, a Wastinir of tlie K runic, Cough, Consumption, Decay und Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined In health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month after month, taking poisonous ana injurious compounds, should apply Immediately. 1114. JIUl.tSl vJ., Member of the liovnl College of Surgeons, Lon don, (iradunted from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whoe ife has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, has cfi'ccted some of tho most astonishing cures that were ever kuown j ninny troubled with riug iug in the head and cars when n Bleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soeuds. bnshfulncss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have liiiiirrd themselves hy Improper Indulgence und solitary liumts, wiiicn ruin both body und mind, uulllling tliiitu for cither business, study, Bociety or mar riage. iiiEsR nrc some or the sad and melancholy clleuts produced by early habits of youth, vizi Weakness or the back and Limbs, ruins in the Duck nnd Head, Dimness or otirlil, .boss ot Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspupsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement ot JJiucMive unctions, (icnerul Debility, feymploins ol Con sumption, Ac. MKSTAI.I.T Tlie rcarnu eticcts on tue muni are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory. Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Kvil Forebodiugs, Aversion to Society, tsulf-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &c, are some of the evils produced. TiioWAsna of persons of nil nges can now Judge what Is tho cause of their decliuing health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous und emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, couhund symptoms of cousump- lion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prnc- tico Indulged in when aloue, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tuo effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, renders marriage impos sible, und destroys both tulud uud body, should nri'ly immediately. vt nut a pity that a young roan, t nc uopeot ins country, the darling ef bis parents, should be snatched from all prospects uud enjoyments of lite, by the consequence or deviating trom tue path of nature aud Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons mot before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind aud body are the most uccessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness, ludecd without these, the Journey through lifo becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; thu luiud becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with tlie melan choly reflection, that the happiness of uuotUcr becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided uud imprudent votary of pleasure finds that be has Imbibed the seeds ol this painful disease, it too often happeus Hint an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from cducutlou and resiiocluuility, can ulone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ot tbis horrid disease make their uppcuraucc, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, uoctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shiu bones and arms, blotches on the head, face aud extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at lust the ualalc of the mouth or the bones of the nose full in, aud the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending biin to " that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It Is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through fulling Into tlie bauds of Ignorant or unskillful I'HE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ac, destroy the constitution, una lucapabl.8 of curing, keep the uuhappy sufferer month allsr month taKiug tueir noxious or in jurious compounds, and instead of bciug restored to a renewal of Life Vigor and Happiness, iu des pair leave bim with ruined Health to sigh over Lis galling disappointment. To such, therefore, Dr. Jounston pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable Secrecy, und from his extensive practice and observations in the great Hospitals of Europe, aud the first in this country, vis i England, France, Philadelphia and elsewhere, is enabled to offer the most cer tain, speedy aud effectual remedy in the world for nil diseases of imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFICE, NO. 7, 8. FREDERICK 8TREET. Daltimoub, M. D. Lett hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the cui uer. Fail not to observe name and number. IV No letters received unless postpaid and oaulaluiug a stamp to be used on the reply. Per sons writing should state age, and send a portion of advirtisuinunt describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing and Worthless Impnsters advertising themselves as Physicians, trilling with and ruining the Lealtli of all who unfortunately fall Into their power, that Dr. Jobnstou deems It ueucssory to say es pecially to those unacquainted with. his refuta tion that his Credentials or Diplomas always buug li) his office. . ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The mauy thousands cured at this Establish ment, year after year, aud the numerous Im portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the representatives of the press and many other papers, notices of which have appeared aeuin aud again before the publk, beeiaV hU standing as a gcutleman of character and retpoualbiUty,le a sulllcieut guarantee to the 6 131 lc ted. Shlu diseases speedily cured. March 1, lt'.a.-J JULY 18, 1873. fftiscclliuuons. TIIK NIAGARA K A I.I.N C'ATAN- xuoriiK. ..4 Irayte Eloiirment The liritlal l'air lash(d Over the Crttnract Vcnlh in the lltiijht if iojic ant! Life. Tho accident nt Niagara Tails on tho 4lh lust , by which a bridal couple, together with a little boy, brother of tho intended bride, were carried over tho Falls nud lost, has excited deep interest, and for hundreds of miles around Niagara has been '.ho prin ciple topic of conversation. The papers of Uulliilo, New York, in Riving particulars of the alTair, statu that tho young man and younqr woman were a runaway couple, and that they found somo difliculty in getting a Hcctiso, tvliich was finally obtained through tho assistance of the barkeeper at Wclland, who, in accordance with the Can adian requirement went their bail. A cor respondent of tho New York Herald, writ ing from Niagara, gives tho following ac count : THE TOWN OK CTIUU'EWA. If you follow the river up from Cliftou, on the Canada, shore, for a distanco of threo miles, walking sometimes ankle deep iu water, sometimes lcapiug from hillock to hillock over u spongy morass, and final ly climbing up a long, curved ascent, deep ly shaded, to the opcu, hot, dusty road ac ross the country, you will ultimately arrive at Chippewa. A poor struggling "hamlet, consisting of a few deserted brick buildings on thrco sides of a little open place ; a fac tory or mill, the machinery of which stop ped long ago, and which presents a broken roof ana unglazed window frames to the elements, aud, jicrhups, two dozen detach ed wooden structures of different sixes, nnd in various stages of decay. In tact, the usual Canadian town, where the buildings when tho slow process of construction ceases, begin a rapid dilapidation ; where moss grows ou thu roof aud doorstep of the house completed yesterday ; where there is no nerve or verve in anything ; where trans planted energy dies, und where everything seems slillboru. "THE ltOYAL BRITISH AMERICAN1 Hotel is one of those sad-looking structures, long aud low and dirty, whito iujcolor, aud broken down about the eaves, with a sort of apologetic angle, and a general expres sion of self-abasemeut. It was to this ho tel that on thu evening of Thursday lust a little company came to play a merry com edy. A little after 5 rVclock on that eveu- lug the landlord, Air. ilhaiu I'lummer felt, standiug iu the doorway of his inn, observed a croup ol persons chatting gaily. approaching from the river road. They were turee. Hit; lirst a young gentleman of about twenty-two years of age, beardless and with nn open, boyishjfaee, carrying a vali-c. Uy his side was a very pretty young girl of apparently eighteen, fashionably dressed aud attended by a Utile fellow of ten or a dozen years who brought up the rear. THE COMEDY OF LOVE. The trio drew near tho door and saluted the laudlord smilingly. The latter bowed politely, and stepping back threw open the door of tine little public parlor on the left of the hull as you euter. The young gen tleman wanted rooms for himscll, fur the young lady aud the little fellow, the lady's brother, and they all wanted a nice supper. Then he asked if there was a jeweler in the place, aud was directed to a little shop tiear by, kept hy a German. He ran over there to get his watch au American lever iu a line gold case repaired, and before he came away bought a set of jewelry, consist ing of earrings, brooch, &c, for the young lady ho had left at the inn. The jeweler took the number of the watch to bo repair ed, ami asked the name of bis patrou. The young man answered that his name was M't'OUMlCK, and afterwards iu conversation stated that he had lived in Detroit. Returning to tho hotel the young man soon prcseutcd himself before the proprie tor, with the girl ou his arm and tho little fellow at his side, and asked for a boat, as they wanted a row on the river. Air. 1'lummcrfelt at once explained the danger of attempting tho passage of the river, and told them tinally that lie would let them have a boat only on condition of a promise that they would con I'm e themselves to the waters of THE I HllTEWA CREEK, a deep but sluggish stream, which here empties into the Niagara. They nil pro mised readily, aud lowed merrily up the creek. Near thu distillery less than half mile above tho village they were si en "rocking1' tho boat after a reckless fashion nud amid peals of laughter. A boatman near tho shore saw that iu excitement they did uOt notice that the boat was tapidly titling, aud that if they continued their epori it would sink. Ilu rowed nut to them, and showed thcin their danger, mul assist ed to bail out their boat. Tiicy rcluriK'd to tho hotel delighted, uud the young geii tlcuiau drew a large roll of crisp uriv bank notes, wtapped up in a piece of newspaper, from the hip or 'pistol1 pocket of his panta loons, aud handed Mr. l'luiumerlolt tin anumut something in excess of what he owed, s&yiug, carelessly, "IVn shall stay several days. When that is used up I will pay you more." S;vcral persons saw Ihe money then iu possession of this gentleman, and one note was noticed as of the denom ination of SH0. Tho entire amount has been variously estimated at from fciiOO to 81,51 Ki. THE MARRIAGE LICENSE. lteforo retiring ou Thursday night the young gentleman asked where he should apply lor it inarrtiigu lieenso. Ho wa iu- tunned that Iu woulJ hive to go to Wei laud, tho county seat, iu order to obtain one. He then madu arrangements for a horse ami buggy, with which to lidoover ou thu morrow. lie I'd re noon ho started nccompanied by the young girl, whose little brother was left behind. During thu absence of thu lovers the landlord at iuterv.ils chatted with tbc child, AN ELOPEMENT. ''Is that pretty lady your sister V" asked Mr. riuiuuierfelt. "Yes, 6ir," said the boy. "Where do you live wheu at home "At, Toronto." "And whore does tho young geutletuau live V" He lives iu tho States, sir ; but he used to live iu Toronto. He lived there a little while." "Aud ao he nnd your sister are going to bo married V" "Yea, ir." This was on Friday, tho 4lb of July. Iu tho afteruaou tho iuvn returued, their la ces radient. "Cau you give ws a eold lnuch, landlord, aud what shall I pay you for the horse V" "The borsc will be three dullur, sir," New NerleN, Vol. 5, No. 1ft Old Berlca, Vol. 8, No. SS. and Mr. l'lummn felt brought out a lunch of cold meat, bread, cheese, ala and milk. Tho three sat down. They ate but little meat, but drank freely of tho milk, aud left the ulc untouched. After tho lunch THEY ALL WHISPERED TOGETHER and laughed merrily, nnd soon after tlioy left thu hotel nud walked down to tho creek. One of tho villagers noticed, as they pass ed out from under tho shadow of the inn, with its eaves ns humble ns Uriah Hcep, glinting tu llio suusinnc, a darK cloutl sud denly obscured the sun, nud they seemed to walk us if under a dark canopy, When they oblaiued a boat, however, Ibis time free to go where they pleused, and under no restricting promise to the landlord, they turned its plow down the stream, nnd the sun came out from behind the cloud and lighted up the waters uud threw a glory about the fair girl iu tho stem of tho boat, and dnzed the eyes or the boy iu the bow. Au old gentleman who was passing over the bridge that spans the creek a little dis tance from its month was attracted by tho light laughter that came up from tho boat, and paused a few moments, looking steadi ly iu that direction. Whether tho young man at the oars was nt the moiueut too much engaged in looking iuto the pretty face directly in front of him or not it is im possible to say, but the old gentleman re marked that ho wns very unskillful lu his management of the boat. OUT M THE CURRENT. While the old gentleman was looking, mo ooai, noaimg wan tne current, tliougli little impelled by tho oars, passed out Into I the Niagara. I mo ooat, floating with the current, thougl Now, at this point, less than three miles from tho cataract, it is possible to row across tho river. Not only is it possible, but a matter of constant occurrence, it is sonsidered comparatively safe. But in crossing from the American side, leaving the pier near the Krie depot, it is necessary to row up thu rivor ns far ns tho end of lirass Island, and than to cro98, still pull ing diagonally up the stream nnd bending to the work for dear life when in the dark looking waters pointed out from the shore as THE CHANNEL OP THE CUKItEXT. On tho other hand, rowing from tho Canada shore, you still pull n long way up tho stream before yoli venture to diagoua lize across, Down below the mouth of Chippewa creek, somo twenty rods away, there is a "river fence," beyond which tho current sets with fearful force toward the rapid. The old man watched the boat moving along iu a direction diagonally down the stieatn aud heading for outside of tho "river fence." Ho tottered back . 1111 caught at the ratling of the bridge for sup - port, his face grew deathly pa c . and I ho trembled like nr. aspen eaf. A little child crossed the bridge and looked at htm curi- ously, Then an old woman followed, and ho asked each of them if they knew who was iu the boat that was going. TO CO OVEU THE FALLS. Tho woman looked scared, as though sho thought ho was craz iil. The child rati away crying. This man was one of three who saw the boat after it left Chippewa, while it still retained its form, IX THE KAPIDS. As the water fence was passed and tho current was bearing them uloug swiftly specks tif froth dotted tho water. Tho ngat the crest of tho first rapids. She uttered n cry aud pointed in the direction of the first Hue of descent above Uont Island. Her lover looked over his shodlder, and aa ex pression of horror must have settled upon his face. There was doubtless none of the girl's check that had made Iter the admira tion of the rustics iu the village sho was leaving behind ouly a short half hour be fore. Her lover grasped one of the oars with frnntii- h.isti. ntul with Iwitli In, thought to turn tho boat in the middle of! that current running like n mill-race. He lookcd then, apparently, for the other oar looked in the bottom ol the bout ntul ot) every side frantically. He had lofct the oar in the moment of his lint appalling hor ror. HE HAD JJIlOri'lCi) ONE OAll IN THE WA TKB, and it was canied nway in a second be yond si-ht and beyond souud, down in tho depths of the foaming. abyss of the rapids UVtl t til) IIIIIZ Uty'llVilllI LtSt'lIJa 1 HU MUllli wtsr sin iiimr luminal li f limn beneath them. 1 lie boat darted down iho lirst crest of rocks, the!1"" "7 " ,,n:1aua stern swinging about ; a m oment she waai; lost to view, uud then came swinging on, seeming to point toward Cedar Wand. Then she rose 011 thu point ol a great foam covered rock and darted down bow fore most, as though steered by iuvisi Ubi hands. J.' rom tho new tower the poor wivtclie who ; had gone so gaily l'jiah in II; :i frail cm-kK-r,- s.'itll wi re seen cling'.ug to each other iri 1 Hie bottom ot lli.s 1 lien i cluim o! ot' tiiui spray veiled Cue whole from siirht, and for an itislant on'. y, ju-i. tinder the arch of Iho rainbow over the cleft ol the Horseshoe Fall, the cud f tlie boat pro truded from the foam and mist ; another: instant, for the spaci; of iho lighiuitig's : tiesli, two block iVa .01.1t s ol the ;...v:.k.n; boat were seen, and thai was ;.!!. The j waters hid all else, an. I have continued to ; hide all save u lew Iraguieiits ol the. h, ml which washea usliore beneath the c.iUract. A IStoiim. The Wajuesburg (Greene county) Rrjiuhlictin, ut July -J, says a ter j ilic storm of wind, thunder lightning aud ruin was visited upon n portion of this county southwest of this place, Tuesday evening last, its devastations reaching witliiu two or three miles of Wayu-'sburg. Fruit trees were blown up bv the roots, ami also latt;e oaks, .lessee lilair had a stable struck by liguliiing, killing an os within. Thus. Hood had it steer killed either by lightning or bv a lieu falling ou !t ; corn fields were badly washed ; uud taken nil in u',1 it was thu most destructive and frightful storm thai ha Ueea expe rienced Ui tin swwity lor many a day. Laying Dowk the Law. Some years ago a luminous lawyer, wilh considerable swell, but uot much brain, went toDoyles town to "locate." Not long after, w hen the postottieo was full of iieople, awaiting tho distributing of the mail, u half-wit led fellow stepped up to young green-bug with the remark : "Mr. S , they tell mo you have come here to practice law." "Yes, sir, I have." "Well, you'll Hud it a first-rate location, I hadn't lived here four mouths before I was sued tea limes." "Well," said S., "it seems to rue that I could live here for yews without bejuj; sued at all." "You bet. People around hero are pret ty darned smart, I tell you. You don't ketch them sueiug a feller wiUiout he' good for the costs !" ADVERTISING, SCllKDULE 10 Linos, or about 100 Vord,niakf a Sqaari 1 8i 8T : 8n,' 4 rV, ieot !,'enl 1 co l.(M S.00; 8.50! 8.00. 6.00 8.00 1 8.00 One week Two wecstsi.ho; 3.oo. 8.5o; 4.0J BiouiLooisioo Threo " U.OOj 8.50. 4.ft0 6.00 u.oo, 18.00 20.00 Four " 3.B0 4.60i 8.50, 6.00 10.0?l.tX)'2a.60 Five " 8.7.V 6.00; O.iWJ T.OO 1 3.001 7.10 U.VOO BIX B.OOi 6.75; 7.50; H.00 1 8.018.00 27.60 Tffomo's 3.!W: 7.60; 8.501 9.0) 15.00 20.UU 80.00 Three " 8.50: 8.00, 9.5(M0.OO,.O.(JOifi.OO40.0C six ;5.oo: o.oc 11.00 12.00 .oo 85.0050.00 Nine i.0ii 10.00 18.0u;i5.OO5.O045.tiO!75.00 One Tear :8.0O 12.0til5.000.oorlo:o0,00.t01.00 - -'- LI. .I'-.tJj A Word to l'urvulN. To expect to dnm n river with a feather,' or stop au earthquake with n plaster, or drown a huriicuuo with n liu whistle, is about ns reasonable as to expect by nrgu- ment or device to change the inclinations of young people when they nre under the iu-i flucricc of tho tms-Mou they call love, and' nro determined to marry the objects of their desire. ' "Say what you will, and do whnt you will, mid I will have him 1" said one girl ; and she did have him, with intemperance, poverty, beggary, lusauity, uud death to close the scene. "Would you marry him if you thought these stories were truo V" said a christian minister to a young relative who was com. initting her heart into the keeping of ono against whom evil charges were brought by tuuttial friends who hud opportunity to kuow tho truth. "No, 1 would not," said she ; but no ono could convince her of the truth of the state ments. Twenty or thirty years of paiu and sorrow, nnd broken heart nnd broken spi rits, have done thu work for her at hist. "Would you marry him if you knew ho' drank liquor ?" said a womuu to a fair young girl. "Certainly ; I would marry him and ro cluiiu him," was the answer. Aud she did marry him ; and uro sho had passed a month wilh her huocund sho was advised by her friends to leave him, aud after a, year of abuse and sorrow she returned In her father's house, a poor wrecked shadow of her former self, fleeing from her brutal, y - - ...( j!!'""'1 adulterous husband, tosayo what httlo life she had left. Ten thousand trirls stand on the vcrtro of the same abyss to-day, nud nothing you cau say, or 1 can say, will effect them in the least, except to hurry them ou to their terrible doom. Why is it? Partly because they havo never yielded their wills to parental con trol, and have always had their own way, and partly because their parents have ne ver warned them of, their danger, till it carao upon them like nn overrunning flood. -1'iirenU do not win or encourage the confi dence of their children. Old people forget that they were ever young, and young peo ple do not remember that they may yet bo old. Mutual cntilidcucc is needful to mu tual comfort aud improvement. If the mother would say to her daughter in early life long before the dangerous pe riod comes "My child, thero will come a limu wheu new fecliugs, impulses, in stincts and emotions will sway you, aud when the opposite sex will awaken iu your nassions which often nrovo stronger than 1 I judgment, reason and conscience: nnd I I. II III, t ,11V. 1 11 II 111, IJV.ll VJ 1 .11 11,11 j vu u 1 1, inn ..ii, lia Untile f r. In.a m'riM. on) I'- , c(mU , bc cd b his Jwill and ! think ilU UiouijlHa. Snd feel his feelings, ; nnd WtK rL.qutsts, because ,t"u : i,iQ .;u .,.,,1 1:,i ,i,A. ,i. .. .,,!, ino iistt (tins iuimu 1 til. iiittrvi. 0 1 vu oiivn o the words he des'uew to hear ; all this will -come and you will bc liable to be swept ' to ruin by the force of nn influodcir you cannot understand, and can. nei ther control nor resist, and which may bo -strong in proportion ns its soureo is vilo and worthless, and your only securiiy froni ' it is to place your future iu the hands of God, and watch your paths, nud thoughts, -nnd avoid even the outer circles of this dan- 1 gerous whirlpool, by investigating and, judging first, and loving afterwards ; aud only yield your nfl'ections when nnd where thesa were giveu from day to day iu early j life, how many a young girl would ponder ' Uiu paths of her feet, aud walk carefully . I that she might escape the ruin that attends 1 so many iu their wayward course. 1 ' Mothers and fathers beglu iu season with j your children. Prepare them to rightly 1 estimate Um uow instincts and emotions of moiuriug life, not by Joking ami hectoring them, but uy a wise nnd loving course. ' Win their confidence nnd keep it. Trc- serve their privacies ; shield tho secrets of 1 tllt;lr "cart "urn the rude gaze nnd mock- ing laugh, aud let them feel that it is the safest thing that they cau do to show their lirst love letter to their lather, or whisper their first tender secret into their mother's ear, nssured that they will llnd such com munications, a patient, courteous, reason able and tender reception, and have tho best of counsel, with uo daugct that their confidence will ever be betrayed. 1'areuU. train your children in time. They have thu sea to sail over see to it I. . .1 . 1 .1 . a a I tne 'CK ,l; im- il V U'L,U ." mey ucca to kuow. uuiiiu itmuisii tuo wreck and ruin that destroys so many of 1 the young. "Irani up a child iti tho way 1 I he should go, nnd when he is old he will ; not dupot from it." The Vhristinn. 1'iiv. 'i tji;i: a .'.'.':. m; i. K the neigh borhoo.'i oi ', the other day, an 1 uuamored pair were walking p'.eaaautly : tiioi.;.;, ijiilUr uueo::.sei,",tis of ilnjir surrouud ! hi's, u:id more p trtieui.irlj" of tho fact that j nn iij)jer:u:t photographer had taken up ; iiis portion, MitTLmii'lcd hy au ititeiesting ; crowd. As I bus wain aud the main.-u t).k their way, what more natural than that I the former should jmprint a chaste salute on tlie pouting lips ot his lair con;iuioii f Wh it uiof j annoying than that tho camera should have seized lliein in the act aud rendered it iintuoitul r Tlw hapless couplo became aare of the fact from thu loud outburst of laughter which ru through the assemblage as ihe plate was held up, and Iho girl ut first stormed and threatened, but, subsiding into more reasonable mood, olleied to purchase the negative. Hut Iho phulogrujihcr was iocsorable, He was will ing to sell any number of topics,, but in sisted bpou I'.elaitiiug the original. 4jHavkyaiii Wit. An Irishman who had been employed at the cemetery some time siuce, weul to Washingtou to draw bis pay. After receiving the amount the paymaster, discovering a sabre cut ou his , face remarked . "You wero iu tho arm during the war V" ' Yes," said he. "What coiutnaud wero you iu f " '. "Iu Ceu. FiUhugh Lee's comtuaud, sir." , ' "Did you have the audacity to apply to a federal cemetery for wor whoa you were iu the rebel army '" 'Yes." renlied the Irishman ; "I help- 1 ed kill them,' so I thought I had a right to help bury the at," Hy a lata Act of Congress, approved March 3, tku children of deceased . ultjccra ut n entitled to pcusious. Heretofore, -au If tbeJuildva ofeulwletl sueu were'eu- tilled, tu aome of llwee cases a'loO is dut to each child. A. N. Uriiv, 1'uns.iou ageuU at .Suubury is procuriu.' tWao u ulitet pension. 1