Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 12, 1873, Image 3

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    -. - SUNBUItY, J tfLY 13, 73. ' i
I I I i mnii i i ii
Railroad Tins Table.-'
ARRIVAL aD Wfr-AftTt'ir 1F tfl'I!B At STHBmr.
N. C. R. W., South.
Erie Mall, ia.5l)am
Southern Exp 6.1B "
Erin Ktfpress, B.40 "
Mull, 11.15 "
Xing. Express 6.40 p m
P. A E. R.n. West. '
Northern Exp fi.OH a m
Mull, 6.05 A m
Nine. Ex-ress12.90 p m
Elmlrn Mall 4.18
Erlo Express, 8.45 "
Leave Sunbury Tor Lewistown at 7.30 a. m.,
ami 4 UO p. M.
Arrive nt Sunbury from Lewistown ot 1.50
una 7.45 p. m.
LEAVE ' ' '
Bunbury at 5.45 a tn
. " 18.35 pm
4.40 p m
' ' abhivk
At Suiibur 9.25 a tn
8.55 pm
0.00 p m
Ttetrnlnr passenger taln leaves Sunbury for
Danville, Cuttawlssa, llnz.lcton nnd Intermediate
Muttons, nt 0.45 a. m. Returning leave Hnzle
loit.atl.00p. m. Arrive nt 4.00 p. m.
Leave Northumberland at 0.40 a. m. nnd 4.60
p. m.
Arrive at Northumberland nt 10.35 a. to.
0.05 p. m. '
Accidental Insurance Ticket cna be had of
J. Bhlptnan, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Summer Arrangement for the l'ost
OUlee at Nunbur) .
Offlet Open from 0.30 a. m., to 8 p. tn.; trapt
on Smulayt.
Arrive no follow! i
From the F.ust t 0.15 n. m., 1S.15 p. m., 4 p. m.
" South, 6.15a. m., 12.15 p. m. 4.10 p. m.
. t West, tt.15 a. ns., 12.15 p. m., 4.10p to.,
nnd 8.20 p. m.
" North, 6 a. m., 11 a. m., 3.55 p. m.
Shamokin, Mt. Carmel nud points on
that line, 0.15 n. m., 8.50 p. in.
Malls close ns follows i
For the East, 5. 50 a. ni., 10.50 n. m., 7.35 p. m.
" South, 10.50 a. m., 7.35 p. m.
West, 7.3(1 a. m., 10.50 a. in., 7.35 p. m.
" North 5.50 a. in-, 3.50 p. ui., 7.35 p. m.
Sburuokin proper l'J.ld p. in.
ahnmokin aud ofllces ou that route, 4.30
i). m.
,1. .1. SMITH. I
Sew ino Maciiinks and I'ottaoe Oikians.
.diss Caroline Dalins is the agent for the sale of
the best Sowing Machine In existence, viz : 'The
Improved (5 rover oi Baker,' and 'Domestic.'
which are con.-tantly kept on hand, nnd sold at
reasonable prices. She is also ogent for the sale
of the celebrated 'Silver Tongue Organs,' und the
"liny State Organs,' and for the sale of the
Fr.uiU ic Hope Knitting Machine. Cull nnd see
them. Ollieu ou Market street, cast of the rail
road. Tun Imtuoveu Ghovek & Bakeii Sewino Ma
chine. These celebrated machines are olfercd
at the most reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to D. U. KX'TZ, Agent,
Fcb.-J,'73.-ly. I'ppcr Augusta township.
Wood's Mowers nud licapei-a,tho best In mar
ket, for sale by H. K. Goormicit nt Hohrbueli's
Fouudry In Sunbury. The repairing of Reapers
attended to promptly. ju3. St.
Don't worry your team nud patience with a
poor machine. Go to Rohrbaeh's Foundry nud
get the Wood Machine. Goodrich will show yon
what It will do.
Second ban 1 igiauos for sale or rent at reason
able roles. luqatrc ntthis oBIm '. Tl -
Fon Rest. A, handsome room over Mellick's
Drug Storeifarket Square. 'inqtire of M. U.'.. , ' . '.;y-'"
Don't pay two prices when yon can pet goods
nt a small profit.' At, D. A. Fimiey'9 store,
Market street, but one price prevails, aud goods
of the best quality can be purchased nt aston
ishingly low prices. His stock consists of every
variety of Dry Goods, Dress, floods, Groceries,
Notions, Boots and Shoes, aud Jewelry. - The
assortment Is complete; being selected with the
greatest care. No charges ara made to show
(.'noils In fact it Is a pleasure to Mr. Finney to
show what a handsome stock ha has on hand.
Ladles und gentlemen nio invited to call and
make a full examination before buying else
where. We noticed ou Tuesday last, large number of
Trunks and Valices on the pavement in front of
the Excelsior Bout nnd Shoe Store of W. A. Mil
ler, on Market square, which are now offered for
sale at reasonable prices. Mr. Miller, we under
stand, intends to have a special apartment for
these articles, where parties can be accommo
dated with nil kndf of Trunks, Vullcvs, Satchels,
Ac, nt city prices.
Ei HRKA. When a young niA'h purchases a hat
of Samuel Faust, the popular batter, he ex
claims, truthfully, too, I have found It" a
fashiounble and serviceable hat.- Mr. Faust lias
all styles of fashionnble hats and caps, and eve
ry one, both old and young, who will visit his
store, on Market street, opposite Monument
Square, Sunbnry, will he well pleased with a se
lection from bis large and varied assortments
Pianos, Organs, Ac David Beirner, music
teacher, having located permanently lu Sunbury
for the put pose of teaching music, announces
that he has the agency for Gaelile & Go's Balti
more Pianos, which are being rapidly Introduced
among the best judges. They are now In use lu
the State Normal School, Uloomsburg, Pa., also
nt the Sunbury Academy, by J. II. Jenkins, Esq.,
if Northumberland, and Judge Ellwcll of
Uloomsburg. Ho will also take orders for Stein
way A Co's, Cuickering & Co's, aud other well
known I'iauos.
Vr. Keimer also receives orders for Prince &
i n s celebrated Organs iSi Melorieons, Of liulfalo
New York.
Sheet music on hand, aud orders for new pie
ces promptly attended to.
Mr. Rchuer is ngeut for th&German publishing
hoaso of E. Steiger of New'i'ork, uud wiil re
ceive subscription for all Gerinau Books, Period
icais, Newspapers, &c.
The celebrated Gaohle Pianos can bo seen at
t all times at the residence of Mr. Reimcr, ou
:he earner of Third mid Aich streets, opposite
:he depot.
Ical Affairs.
Confidential. In looking over our books we
find a large number of delinquents who owe us
small and large amounts. To many we have
sent bills repeatedly without getting a reply. To
ill we will state that-we ara constituted like ot it
er people, nnd And It Impossible to buy our pa
per and printing stock on credit, nud to hire
i.ind. without paying them their wages regular
y. Nor can we subsist on roots and bei ries. If
iny who owes us reads this article, we hope he
may 1e able to comprehend our situation, and
earu that we stand iu need of all that is couiiug
o us to live and to run our business. AU rao
.ry scut by mail will be duly acknowledged.
Lira Insurance effected In some of tbe best
ompanles, on the most popular plans, by L. M.
id lor, Insurance Agent, Sunbury, Va.
Au Irishman uamed James Dlguan,.wa'Ul!ed
u the railroad beyond Shamokiuon Friday nghl
ust. Ii Is supposed that be laid on the track
while drunk.
Tho moruIn rsu,publMie4 by F. A,IIpw-(
r&Co., has reduced Us subscription price to
.-is cents per week.
Get insured by L. M. Yoder. lie rep'rtfeets
clla'jle companies, aud pays lobtfc promptly.
Ai no effort was msrlo to get Tip a demonstra
tion at this place fan the" 4th, nr HtUens, gene
rally, visited our neighboring towns, and mingled
wIlMhelf Ixxrdld lb . o1cbratht lha "Oldrlous
Fourth.". Kariy 1d the Mretogi buada oC mu
slo and drum corps were heard. npon our streets,
and numiiersbf otif dltlrchR rcunlfed to the depot
to tako their' flepartTir) , Ih t'he' tnornUg trains.
As the trains arrived tbui-c, was. a livnly sceuo nt
the depot, when each iadwidunl In the orowd
was eager to be first Iri he' pnspengr' eoaehes.
The trains carried away fcvriil Uumrcd' per
sons to AVntsontown nnd Lock-Haven. About 9
o'clock the Mcnmbont left her. moorings nt the
Market street wharf, with several hundred more
for Northumberland, after whlob. our town pre
sented a quiet npponranco, ns nil busluess was
suspended. 1
At Northumberland ft' pvlekratlon was gotten
np under the auspice of thi P. O. 8. of A. Ear
ly In tho morning the town began to All up with
strangers, nnd before mid day every street was
moro or less crowded witli ponplo Hint had never
before been seen In lhat thriving plnec. About
11 o'clock the procession formed in the park, and
marched through the principal streets in the fol
lowing order :
The Mnrshals of the day wero, E. O. Vorls,
Chief Marshal Wilson P. Miller, District Mar
shal Jesse James, Assistant Marshal No. 1
Wm. Garahnrn, Assistant Marshal No. -; Tims.
Miller, Assistant Marshal No. 3. .
Milton Band, Snnbury Boys In Bine, Womcls
dorf Band, Putvlotlc Sons of Amerlcn, Washing
ton Gimps Nos. 10 und 102, of llarrleburg,
Washington Cnmp No. 10, of Soubniy, Repass
Band of Wlllinmsport, Washington Camps Nos.
157 and of Wlllinmsport, Washington Camp
No. 133 of Belinsgrove, Washington Cnmp No.
151, Shnmokln Dam, Mlddlcburg Band, Wash
ington Cnmp No. ISO, of Falrvlewi Washington
Camp No. 30, of Shnmokln, Washington Cump
No. 189, of Selinsgrovc.
fairvibw bano.
WuRlilngton Camps Nos. 03 nnd 135, Danville)
Wnshlugtou Cnmp No. 143, of Northumberland;
Bald Eagle Commandery, of WiUinmsport; Sus
quehanna Commander', f Sunbury j Speakers
lu Carriages, Citizens ou foot.
After the parade they ngaiu assembled in the
park, where they were addressed by Milton Alex
ander, Esq., of AHoomt, State President of the
Order or P. C). (J. of A., nnd Col. David Taggart.
(Col. Taggart's address will be found lu another
part of this paper.) Everything passed off lu
a most pleasant and satisfactory maimer. The
celebration of our sister borough was very cred
itable to her citizens, nnd will long be remember
ed by those who participated on the occasion.
At Watsontown tho celebration wns a grand
success. It was estimated that there were some
six thousand strangers in nttcud&uco from nil i
parts of the State. The procession was about j
one mile lu length. 'The following was the order
nnd route of the procession : .
Capt. A. Stearns with platoon special police ;
Color Bearer. Lycoming Drum Corps, of Muncy.
Capt. McCnll, Lcwisburg Artillery, with 10
pound Howitzer. Committee of Reception. Cler
gy. Orators of tho Day. Soldiers of 1S1"J.
Eastern Star Lodge, K. of. P., Sunbury.
inc.ntsvii.i.i: liitAss uand.
Odd-Fellowa. Jacob Crosslcy. Marshal. Sun
bury Lodge, No. -03. Hughcsvlllo Lodge, No.
331. Watsontown Lodge; No. 01'J. Order of
United American Mechanics. Hon. A. II. Dill,
Marshal. Cllutou Council, No. 'J80, Montgomery
rStatlon. Montoursville Coifncil, No. S75. Milton
Council, No. 215. El'unsport Council, No. 232.
Brady Council, No. 121, Sunbury. Lcwlsburg
Council, No. 215. Lycoming Council, No. 20S,
Muncy. Star of the Centre Couucil, No. 1S7,
Watsontown. Order of Red Men : Oscar Foust,
D. D., Grand Sachem. Conestoga Tribe, No. 28,
ol Williamsport j Shohoiuokin Tribe, No. C'J,
Sunbury ; Mahouing Tribe, No. 77, Danvillo j
Cutnwissa Tribe, No. 121, Catanissa. Mimic
qua Tribe, No. 130, Newberry. Chlllisquaquc
Tribe, No. 152, Northumberland. . Wuwcnoc
Tribe, No. 103, Watsontown. Monsaps Tribe,
No. 104, Danville.
Fiuemen. Hon. II.W. Petrikcn Marshal. III
bernla Fire Company, with steamer, &c, Wil
liamsport. Keystone Hook and Ladder Compa
ny, Muncy. -
Vigilance Fire Company of Muncy.
Eureka Fire Company of Watseiitown. Hope
Ilose Company of Watsontown. Citizens iu Car
riages. Citizens on toot.
The proocssiou moved out Ash street to
Eighth ; out Eighth street to Maiu ; down Main
to P. fc E. trossing, and thence out McEwens
ville road to the Grove.
In the Grove the Declaration of IudcicuJcucc
was read by R. II. McCorinick, Esq., nnd ora
tions delivered by W. W. Ketchum, of Luzerne
county, and Dr. W. C. Doauc, of Williamsport.
The Steam Fire Engine Compauy of this place,
spent the 4th at Lock Haven, where a fireman's
parade look place. They met with a tine recep
tion, and report that the celebrutlou in Unit
place wns a grand affair. They speak lu the
highest terms of their treatment by tho citizens
aud their brother tireiuen of that city, aud will
not soou forget their visit, nud tho manner they
were bauquctted by the people ol Lock llavcu.
lu the evening as the trains returned witli the
purties who hud left in the morning, there was a
general expression of good feeling for those who
had, during the day, given them so tine a recep
tion, aud the names of Northumberland, Wat
sontown und Lock llavcu, huve made a lusting
impression upon those visiting.
During the day a pic-nlc was held lu naas'
Grove, east of town, by the M. E. Sunday school,
which was a pleasant affair. It reminded one
much of the old fashioned May parlies of long
ugo, when the youth looked forward for a gala
day, uud a bright sun on tho first May morning.
Another Solpieb Gone. Peter Smeltzer, a
member of company C, 47th Regiment, Pennsyl
vania, Volunteers, duriug th lute rebelliou, died
at his resldeuce on Fiue street, this place, ou
Mouday lust, of consumption, after a prolonged
Illness. He was a worthy soldier, aud highly
respected by bis eomrades,'wtio consigned his rc
maius to the tomb with the honors of wur, on
Wednesday last. Mr. Smeltzer was about 40
years of age, aud leaves a w ife aud four children
lu very destitute clrcunistauce to mourn bis
Installation ot OrrcEiisA-At tbe last stat
ed meeting of Brady Couucil,' No. 221, O. U. A.
M., the following officers wero Installed by Dis
trict Deputy, Martin McKinuey : C, Geo. W.
Suydca V. C, Joseph Poyer R. B., J. U. Hil
las ; A. It. S., Audrew Newberry ; F. 8., 8. O.
Reed j Treasurer, Calvin Woodcock ; Exnmiuer,
Klehsrd Poyer j Inductor, J. B. Hoover i I. P.,
Wm. Zlm j O. P., Moses Cu'.p.
Vm Amui hou a Co'sMENAQEKiB.-This grand
show is again In this vicinity. We notice that
tley will exhibit at BcaVertown, July 11th j at
New Berlin, July 12 1 at Milton,' July 14, aud at
Myucy((ly 15. A number of cuges of animals
tfifilcd since exhibiting ut this place a
f"V' '.., '8i!in(' " i no the must varipd col
kiUyu, .rjVJllog'. There Is uo circus attached
".o, ;t:s show, so there Is not a single humbur'glng
leiure aooul it. Van Amburgh nils the bills in
ev,ery particular, ind eH who visit thls'colios'sal
collection cf wild t-'Als will see more than has
aver before hr i'iitil&Aft one canvass.
! Messrs. Gfo. RouunAcii a pJs, piacMnlsts
and foundrymcn In this place, nro constantly
adding Irnprpvctuenta. to their, establishment to
facilitate the MimnrnMore ofrnftrhlfwry M rat
ings. Mr Rohrbaeh's foundry nan now be number
cd among the oldest In tbe State, and be has tn his
rhnchlne shop one of tbe largest clnss of lathes,
a planer of accurals fdid, drills, end everything
necessary to bnlld t't tatlonarj engines. Mr.
Rohrhach commenced business about 40 years
ago along the Shatnokln Valley Railroad, about
one mile front this pin, la a very small way,
nnd somo years subsequently moved his foundry
to Stinbtlry. ' He purchased n stia'.l cBglne, tfter
bis fetnefnl.-ffcmi IfciJ-wood oi jrtydtr, I Poits
villc, which was snld to be tliu Hist engine
nstjd for mnnitfuctiirlng purposes (n that placo
by these i succcssf'gcntlcmcn. It was upright,
of eight horse power-, nnd primitive In bnlld.
This engine supplied him with power until with
in the last few months, when he built mi engine
for himself of 20. horse p?iwer. The present llrm
have put up nn Iron eylinrtpr' lor fllllnir gas cy
linders for pHssenger cars. Tho cylinder Is near
ly six feet in length, nnd about fourteen inches
In diameter, bearing ft pressuro of 500 pounds.
The gas eylliiiler Is tilled through a branch pipe
nnd pump. It takes several hours to till one of
thenu Wbqn flilud It 1 litilpl to !iiryaal
fnsteV'cf underneath.' .'.A car Is' supplied Willi
light hf this way for'n WrcVof lliofc'.'' " ' ' ' '
Jonas Tyson, who lost a cow by being run
over by n locomotive, recently, brought ftull
ngainst the engineer, Orlando. Krlcgbauni, run
ning on the Northern Central rdarl, for running
faster than Ave miles nn hour. The parties np
pearcd before Esquire Snyder, on Saturday for a
hearing, which resulted In the discharge of Mr.
Krlegbnnm on the gdiiiid that' the 'borough or
dinance: provides : Hint suit shall be brought
against tho company. The Squire decided lhat
suit brought against nn employee uuder that or
dinance was Illegal. '
Tnn Supreme Court has reversed Judgment In
the decision of the Court below, In tho case of
Rush township vs. the D. II. A W. R. R. Co.
The action was brought against the R. R. Com
pany for ocenpying an old ; wngnn road at the
hill abovo Riverside. The opinion of Judge
Mercur was stisfntncl by the bench, iu which he
says that the conviction of the railroad Compa
ny "is contrary to the hole spirit of Hie statute
which authorize n railroad company to lay its
track upon n pub ic highway, therefore Judg
ment reversed and Judgment entered in favor of
the defcudaut below."
Okficeus Installed. At a meeting of Wash
ington Camp, No. IU. P. ). S. of A., held on the
1st Inst., tho following nMcrra were Installed:
President, C. D. MnuU ; Yi.ce President, Newton
Shindel ; M. of F. and C, K. P. Smith ; Conduc
tor, Joseph Alexander j !. G , Ed. Reed ; O. G.,
Wm. Everett.
- . -
The midnight passenger train, on Saturday
night last, was run into by a freight train, iu Hie
lower yard, at this place, and a baggage car und
a passenger coach were considerably damaged.
No one was injured.
Oru neighbor of the Daily complains that his
nightly prayers are cut short by noisy hounds in
his neighborhood. This Is much to be regretted
ns it is well known that brother Eiehholtz should
have no Interruption in his supplications, ns his
political sins qf the past are more than of n scar
let hue. If tho hounds nre not dispersed in the
future, there will be poor hopes for brother
That troublesome and ugly pest, the nrmy
worm, bus again appeared upon the gooseberry
nnd currant bushes. The best medicine for them
Hint we know of Is pulverized wlsite hellebore.
Sprinkle the bushes (or apply while wet with
dew or rain) and dust tlicui well witli the helle
bore. An old pepper-box is well adapted to this
purpose. As this drug is a rank poison, he care
ful where you place it before and after using.
One good dusting Is enough to relieve the bushes
for the season.
CorNcn. PitocF.EUiNCH. Sunbury, July S.
Council met this evening. Members prose,-, t
W. L. Dcwait, J. M. Cadwallailcr, Val. Diclz,
John Clark, J.ired Irwin, J. A. Cake.
Minutes of last meeting rca 1 aud approved.
Bills were presented aud orders granted as fol
lows : John Smith, Supervisor. $2.'i ; Fire Com
pany, for hauling, $20.25 ; 'has. Haas, $13;
Henry Btichcr, SS cent.- ; Levi Scasho'.tz, $3 ; P.
W. Gray, for n book, $5.r)il ; S. A. Cake, light
ing Caketown lamps, $'!l ; ('. F. Martin, $0 ;
Steam Fire Co., for June, SIO; George Harrison,
$142 ; P. W. Gray, $25 ; J. J. Smith, $3.13 i G.
B. P.cnn, $13 Val. Dietz. $23.70 1 Jacob Croll,
$24 ; John R. White, $22.50; A. l.entzer, $11;
W. Mockert, $'J.C2 ; A. Hopper, $11.2."); Johu
ShUsler, $9; Martin Kinney, $0 ; C. Garringer,
$9 Jos. Arnold, $4.50; M. D'n tz, $0 ; Fire Co.,
for hauling, $311.7 ; G. W. Kichl, $41.50 ; D.
Hartz, $17.06; J. W. Harp, $14 ; Thos. Hold
worth, 3.50; H. W. Bitch. r, $27.50 ; Sani'l
Mantz, $10.00 ; Isaac Lees er, $3.50 ; Chae. F.
Martin, $00.80.
Council passed a resolution to adjourn nt 10
o'clock every evening.
Ou motion of J. C. Irwin, Jteiolrttl, That the
lease of Grant & Bro., for coal wharf, be con
tinued ten years.
Ou motion of W. L. Dcw.ut, .Vjuim, That
the Committee on Public Square be instructed to
insist upon the committee having ehaigc of tho
building of the Soldiers' Monument, either to
tlulth Hie foundation, or remove the earth aud
stones from the Park.
O.i motion of G. W. Smith, Jletulied. That
the Street Commissioner be directed to put a
good stone crossing al East Market street, iu the
neighborhood of A. J. Stroll's dwelling.
J. M. Cudwallader was given permission to
lay the pavement in front of his warehouse, with
stones like cross walks.
On motion of W. L. Dewnrt, the committee on
Square be Instructed to Invite proposals for luy
lng uo gravel walks, one the leuglh of tlie
Sqaare, nnd tha other across tho middle."" '
Agreement with the Gas Company was accept- .
ed, which provides Hint certain ctreets shall be
lighted with oil until the gas mains are extended,
which must be done within nine months. j
- . r, ;, , , ,P, W. GRAY,.CUiik, , 4
The ladies connected with Ike Luthern congrc-'l
gallon, will hold a festival in Lyou's Hall, com- j jacb Matthias. Nortlid Liny 1 J. bn
... i f.. 1 . ... r .i.-i .t..i..t'L! iir. r..i... I
uiuuciug uu i iieeuny iic&b, lur iuu ocueui ui iueir
Mr. Jacob Hinkel, wns Instantly killed Oil
Monday lust, at Mt. Carmel, by a fall of coal
In the mines. '-'.' II' ' .'
OfH neighbor of the Morning Erpreu, com
pluius of diseased meat being brought to our
market, and says" lie Is ac vised by correspon
dents of the fact. If such is the case, our neigh
bor should not hesitate In giviug us the uawes of
tbe parties.
Pic yiCoWe understand that a pic nlc was
held In Haas Grove by the Buuday school scho
lars of the Uefortued Church, ou Thursday last,
and that a good lime was hud amoag the juveniles-
J.-. TJ '
'Wuii' In Sunbury this weet, ealledatthe
different newjpaper oracee and found them all
busy us bees, particularly so with the AimrUmn
otfice. Friend WHveH has a great dal of job
work to exccjfte which we were pleased to learn
as he deservtis all the patronage thin) way be be
stowea tjpon him'-iiiAiwion Timn oHust week,
friend Oilgrt wUl fritasccoasidcr cur bat off.
' Thb Union Tark and Agricultural Bodi ly, of
Sunbury, nre nli:idy np nnd doing. Wo notice
that they nre making preparations to fence In the
park, nndo;nlr the biilldlnc.8 which will be con
sldejtabit enlarged, and lilted Up In better style
for lha, cccoiuRimhillon of exhibitors. The trot
ting course Is nlso undergoing repairs, nnd will
bo greatly Improve.!. Tlie malingers no doubt
intend business, nud wiil lifiks it a llrst d iss
Fair. Au InvltnllOn we Understand, will li i x.
teiuled to neighboring counties to Join in, and
provision will be made for slilpplng of freight,
and truielilng expense nt reduced mte.
FlNK Beeves. We notice that Henry Ncuer,
butcher of this pluee.hus Just leecived n t ar l-mrt
or fat cattle from New York Slate, for our mar
ket. The cattle nre In n line oii,;il Ion nnd look
far fcupcrlor to any lhat lias been in our market
forsomc time, lie has engaged nm.thei car loud,
to bo sent here In a fev weeks. Ills his Inteii
t ion to s-ippfy our citizens w itli the ben that can
be secured.
Tn Court room Is being handsomely pnintivl
which nives li quite s icfreshiug appearance. The
work .will uvTotiiplcU'd In lime to lnild Ai(iit
Court. When tin's
House In I hi; Stale.
;t will, i.xocil any 0.u:t
,., ... Loweii AfofsT, Jniy 8, 17.1.
Yifi7 ir.'ccri .
Witli profound gratitude to tlie Great Giver. I
Inform thee we nre busily and thankfully gath
ering tin excellent harvest. The coinlitio'ti tuliy
200 per cent, above the avenue of last season.
Our corn, .since the late tains, is more promising,
and where proper care bus been given to its cul
tivation, a line Jlul'l rimy !iu anticipated. Oats
are short on high soil. Our farmers arc bt-gin-iiing
to feel the. necessity of piyingtnore atten
tion ta Ihiprovhm tlie sol1., to ilii' pvr anil civanar
cultivation, , nnd timely repairing of feiicu.
dwellings, barns, out-housim aud farm imple
ments. Negligent farming won't pay. God will
not ovtjht " to prnier a slutrgard. "1 can
read character," siiys IK. hanford, "from Ihonf
pect of the promises." Show me a farmer v. ith
tumble down fences, VoKrn gates or bars,
dilapidated out-houses, horses nnd cattle taken
40 rods to water, women currying water from n
distant spring, lor nil culinary uud di inking pur
poses, half played nnd one-lillh cultivated Ileitis,
grass und fonl weeds crowding out the growing
crops, ami If I do not know the farmer ()
is, I eau.'nt lcat, ti ll Mice what lie is not.
lu conclusion, Irlcnd W., I tell thee, in confi
dence, .that a careless, f'.ov.'ttly farmer i not a
good husband or lather, or an orderly Christian.
If any such take the .lj.nri'.-iin, see that l hey pay
Ihee hr advance. F.
, ICommiinicated.
St'NI'.fllT, Ji IT '.i, 1S7".
At a inci ting of the Sunbury Stentn Fire Cmi-1-aiiy,
No.'l, tlie follo-.ring resolutions were un
animously adopted :
llfni'lml That tbe thank of this company arc
hereby leudeicd to the nilicei.4 and incinbers of
Cataract Mi'iiin Fire Company, of Lock Haven,
Pa., for llic. reception nnd hospitalities extended
lo us ou Hie occasion of our rc'cut visit to that
place. And when we acrt that it wai' the Imp-
piest occasion that we ever cni ived, wo speak
the sentiments of tveiv member of Steamer Co.
Hrtvbvd. That we return our thanks to the
molhtH-r iif tfic West Brnrich,Citizen and Darint
i less Companies for thi lr endeavors to m-.ike our
' visit or pluaVknt as Ksiblc, nud we assure lb mi
j l hey were successful In every respect. To the
i vistlnjr llrtmen nnd citizens of Loek Haven our
: thanks iutj tlue lor tho many nets of kindness,
and to our hosts of thu Imnc House we retain
sincere thanks for many kind acts.
J ' W. C. P vckkh,
v '' ' FltANK MlLLIMI,
V.. M assf.h lirciiKtt,
Kditor'.t Tabic.
Maoizinfs rnn .Tri.v. ScniiiNE'i3 MoNTitr.v. !
Hie be-t of the leading American Magazines,
makes headway steadily but suiftiy. The num
ber for July Is pnrtlculnrly rich in illustrated ar
ticles. 1 liosc are 1 he Itreal toulu : 1 tie .New
Route to the Gulf or Mexico," by Edward King,
with one map nud forty-thivn itigiavinv's I
glimpses of scenery, views of lailnny bridges, I
portraits, vignettes and social scenes. After !
this is Low Lile ia Merlin." by Wiiliam Wi-I'.a, j
with mativ nuaint n-i-i aud e.vvoii eliaracter i
vskctelies. Dr. Holland's stmy, "Arthur Bonny- j
castle," ami there is a closing chapter, "Klcli-
ings t to Mate in Three Moves." n pleas.. nt pi (cm
! bv Sol Eytiinrc, the artt-t illustrated. A I
novelette entitled Elcuor Dare," by A.Uline
Traftou. An nutobiographio paper, licolli -lections
of a Restored Lunatic." bv Dr. Stepln n
Nowcll, will ultracl utlenliou by its forcible i
The article In Ser'.bacr likely to lie most gener
ally read and talked about is entitled "Tbe Io li- i
gitius Sciitimeiits of Abraham Lincoln." written ;
by the Rev. b. A. Kced, pastor ot Hie rirst l'n s
liyterian Chiin-li, iu Springlield, Illinois. In 1. 1
moii aud llcrndon's biograpliy of President Lin
coln, two charges wero made without the slight
est malice, but simply because the writers t hem
selves believed what they told to the world, and
thought that it was their dntvlo tell evcryl liiug.
These churges were that Mr. Lincoln was born a
bastard aud lhat he died aninli lel. Mr. Heed
I ultinus that there is not the slightest ground for
'supposing thai Mr. Lincoln was an i,le:iliinate
; child, thu only found:, Hon fur Ibis bnit: lhat the
I biographer hud not foiind tlie uiarriuL'c cctiiii
j cale of Mr. Lincoln', parents. Mr. Reed shrewd
j ly says ; "If every man iu this country is to be
j considered ns Illegitimate who cannot produce
j his parents' eerlllieale of mai riatre, or Und a re
j cord of it in tl family Bible anywhere, there will
t bo tl good many respectable people iu lile same
1 category Willi Mr. Lincoln." Hat Mr. Reed
; ndds, and this is a clincher, "There is a well-ail-'
tlieulieatcd record of the marriage of Thomas
j Lincoln and Nuncy-llanks, and in the same con
! iicction Hie birth of Abraham Lincoln and Sarah
Lincoln." Moreover, h-i shows that lle-re is. uud
' that Bible record anil lhal brth icililieati- are
now as tin y ought lobe, in po-sc-sion of Mi.
' Rola-rt Lincolu, of Washii.l ni. So m::ch for
Hint lie and libel. As ivg.ndi I' at I.incole.'s
I belief, Mr. Reed clcarlv proows that if Mr.
! colu had doubts in his .uuth as even sonic
Church members have recorded of lln iii-e've-
: they were soon dispelled l.y tile s in of'.ed
truth. For eliAi-n years b. ton- he became 1'ic
; sident he nnd his feini'.v cont.intiy nltic lc.l di
: vine worship iu the First Pie-bytcrian Clitiieh in
I Springlleld. In rcint'on to Ibis f.ut might be
I quoted the Well-kiiou ili-tieh by Pope :
For points of faith let graccltss zea'uts fight,
I Uli can't be wrong r life it i (Ae i'i(.
, But we agree with lbs Ri-v. Mr. bed, lhat
President Lincoln lived like u Clnistiaii, nud his
death, cruel ninl sudden though it wa, dd-erves
to be called "the death of the milileou-,.'' Pub
lished by bcribucr tV. Co., New Yolk.
Jury I,lwt l'or AutjiiMt Term, lH7;t
Jacob F.ek:ud, North'd lluuh M'Doiuild Mt Cir 1
Peter Welker, hhamokin Chris'.inu (i. insert. Cam .
Isaac Steal)', " (iiibeit 11-itz, am
W. II. Vasline ltiish Min i llnairiand. Miliou
nn, Ml Car
Samuel Kcefcr. L'p.M;ih A. J. Sai'niLc, I.ei
Isaac May.jr. Slniiiiokiu if airy 1.. Malick.L Aug
David Hairer, MlCar bo Isaac Z nun in, Jack-on
(ieo. Crick, eiliumokin Kelilmaii I Hlmads, Con I .
Win. S . Fetter, Sunbury Leonard Koup, Mi.iino'n i
Nath Ileniiingi r, Cam : K iiiiinii.T, Nor
U. A. New baker, Z-ibe James L'-nili, Tuibnl
L Kaiiffinan, L Mah'cy S-il Tiuckcuniiller, Del i
John Krlck, Shutnoklu Henry Bach, Shainokiu '
Pclur Oyster, Dvlaaare 8. W. Clark. Jonb.n
8. M. Heeser, l-p Aug'u Al r. JiiIiiimiii, Walsou'ii i
Isaac 1'anipt.ell, " l'.ciij Zctlicinnver, Siinb I
V Leiser, WaUonlown Irua Duller. North d
Geo Peutll, Jr. Sliair.'n Oaliu Stu'.l, Watsont'w n
Hugh Martin, Cbllh'o,e Jeie. lump, Mil ton
Marllu Harris, L Mull W. M. Lloyd, Noith'J
George Diuul, Sunbury Siiiion Vogbl. bhamo'u
Duniel Buiniun, Milton J. II. dcil, I' p. M ah'y
Ileub. Kuuipbell, Shain. John Holler, 'I'm but
Abr. Kissinger, 1 urbut Wm Motlel, Lewis
Geo A WykoJf, Lewis
Heury Kueher, Sunbury
Poll r Wilkesou, Sham'n
Win Kollmer, Tutbul
Ira 6hiH, Lp. Augusta
Isaue V lucent, UiU'i)
Chas. HailsvlLl p. Aug.
Itoht WiUou, Noriu'd
John Hurst, Kuah
S A Herkeabine, North
Wm Lysler, euubury
Mils Kruser, Milton
P W bculeigh, Caiiimou J E Wenrita, Sbamokhi
Alex Yocum, Bhomokin II D Jlotfiiian,Wush'lcu
John b Sputu, L Muh Item y Haupt, sr,U Au
Jos Nicleylr. Delaware J ii sIimIimu, Buubiirv
m. Allen fhtllianuu't W J Uisir, hilli j'i;ue
n Krlss, L Augusta (C B Rennlnger, North'd
DRedrey, McEwensvlllejJacob Marts, Zerhe
J D Dlcllenderfcr, Chll.iR. W. Thurston, U Aug
Wm Brys m jr. Dela'ro P D ShalTor, Delaware
h, ' jVin Bartholomew, Chil
Peter Teager, Slmmo'n Philip Clark, Btinhury
Daniel Fav. Turbutvlllo Ellas Hccknrd, Jordon
Tbos Welsh. Ml. Carbo BenJ F Miller, Zerbo
Tho Burr. Wutsnnt'n iltenry Dcppen, Jordon
Hen Krli L'banin. L Aug R -Bonsley, North'd
John MeGce, I'hilllsq'e Ot.ii Forester, Up Aug
i B Keiil. Milton -K T Ending, Sunbury
t M Rc'nn.8ii'ilmry iThrv Rl'ttcr, Turbot
Aoso'n Snyder, Point. : Abr Wcrtman, Lewis
Sol. Miller, L Augiisln (i W Keicliley, North'd
Geo. 'KlltiL'er, Ml Carm J M Wolvei ton, Snydert
DM Hwang, Jordon : Wm Forseman, Chlllsq.
I D Raker, Lit Mahanoy Sol Dlellcnilerfcr, Milli n
Thirty V ears' F.xprrlouce ofnii Old
nirsi M'IiisiIow'm Nootttlng K rnp tn
the lr'M-rit in ol'oncof Hie best Female
Physicians and Nurses In the United States, and
has been used for thirty years with never failing
safely nnd success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble Infant of one week old
to the tidult. It corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, nnd
gives rest, health nnd comfort to mother nnd
child. We hoMevc It to be the Best nnd Snres:
Rcmedv lu the World, in nil cases of DYSEN
ther It nrlses from Teething or from any Olhcr
cause. Full directions for using will nccotnpnny
each bottle. None Genuine unless tho Ine-simlle
of CURTIS PEKKI'S is ou the outside wrap
per. Sold bv ri Medicine dealers.
July 12, 1S73. ly.
liildrrii oni'ii look I'alc nnd Kirk
from no other cause than buying worms iu the
win destroy Worms without Injury to the chit?,
being perfectly WIIITE.and from all the eoloriug
or other injurious ingredients usually used lu
worm preparations.
CURTIS BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Stnltl by DrHftitM ami Chemitt. and dcaltn in
Mtriicine uf Twentt-Five Cents a Box.
July 12, 1S73. ly.
The IIotiMrliold Panacea,
Family I.iuimrnt
is the best remedy in the world for the following
complaints, viz. : Cramps in the Limbs and Stb
much, Pain iu the Stomach, Bowels, or Side,
iihenmatisiu In nil its forms. Bullous Colic, NcO
rnlgia, Cholera, Dysentery,Colds, Fresh Wounds,
Hums', SoreThrout, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
eud bruises, Chill and Fever. For Internal and
External use.
Us operation is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes the cause of the complaint.
It penetrates nud pervades the whole system, re
storing healthy action to nil itsparts, and qulck
inlntr the blood.
Tbe lIousK'hold Panacea l. purely
Vegetable und All Healing.
Prepared by
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
For sale bv all druggists.
JTnly 13, 1873.
Tlie ConlVssiou oi nn Invalid.
Published bv a warning and for the benefit of
Youne Mcu und others who sutler from Neiivoi'S
! Deiiility, loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the
. tt'-i I... ...i.., . ..,
means of self-cure. Written bv one who enred
I himself after undergoing considerable quackery,
I and sent free or receivins; a post-paid directed
' envelop. Sufferers nre invited to address the
June 14,'73,-Otn. Box 153, Bmoklvn, N. Y.
Foil Li:.n or AiTivrm:. Dyspepsia. In ligcstion
1 Dipression of Spirits and general Debility, in
their Various forms, Ferro Pho-porate I l'. iir
j oT C.ilisay made by Caswell, IIaz vkd ,: Co.,
Nea- York, aud sold by all druggists, i the best
I Tonic. A" a ftimulant tonic for p.itic.ils recov
ering from fever or other sn kue-s, ll lias no
cquul. If t.iketi d iiiag the season it prevents
fevcrnud acne and other iiitcrniittctit fevers.
! I'll lb.- 31 hist., a: tin- n-i.lcncc of Mr. 1. P.
; (In-li r, by 11 v. ( '. ,S. ( eih ud. KltANKI.iS W.
I Shut to Mi-s Myoi.n- Maiit, both of sunbury.
tsivitrscv m tit sis: ik.
Flour isnel rtiii .t!iii'Uvl.
Extra Family M'J.U'.i lied Wheat, p. bu.,vl.R0
Hiickn licit, p. ct., a.llvjjltyc, ' 0
Corn .M.-ai, ' -J.."u t inn, " on
Wlnat liieti. p. bu. 1.1'sl Bm kwlicat I.IHI
I Shorts, J.tH) tials, ii' lli. 40
I Corn V (lals Chop, S.l;l I l.txseed, 2.S5
l tmulliy See:l, p. n. ;i.uu
k'l'oiltico tarli'l.
Ku's. per ioz.,
Hotter, per lb.,
Vir.l, "
75 llams
ir TalloM',
'Jo ( onntrv Sr:
15 Dried Apple
111 " Peaches
A complete Stock f lioice Soloc
lion) in every lepiirlmeut ot
Tereil ut Npeelnl prices), ilnr
iui( the Nuiuiiier sensou,
Mbile making niter
: jKwr.i.iiV, M'Ki: lino si lyf.i; i
Walidu s, ridteil fiooils C'tnk ry, '
' t'lucks), Ilro.iti'B A l-'ancy t.mnl. I
July IS, lsTli. i
rrMlE Urmu lies) taught are
t 'ullivi.iion of l'ie Voice.
M usical I 'oiiipi h'.tion. i
(n'.in, Piano. -
The principal being a giadiiiiU- of the Loyal
I Academy of Loinbui. and li , villi b' ell liu'ior- d
with I in- di-i'ie., ot "Bachelor of Music." l-y ll.t;
i Cainlai.lge I'nivi rsity, bus made the Ins'ltulo a
, srraiid -licceis, lie prcsvnt term ends Willi I ifty-
Xlll" (51) M b.. 1:111-
Kvcrv elf'.rt vvi.i b-- imid-- t a tiiinn-
coming IVoui a ilislanci
l i-.l'.MfS , l."ll. S.vsio i 1
son, per W i k.
PI' in sl-iai I.
.1n I'AHKY.
I.V 111
I 1! .
i e .
'I ,vo
li li be'oi f Music.
MI'.S. Kl"N.-i. .s.-i t mt
li.inviie, ,(-.!: j U 1 IT"-.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue tint examine
our prices belore purchasing, as we elalni tn sell
lower than anv oilier establishment in :Le City.
II KM KM BE It the M'MlttU, '
12311 FIDliK AVKXl'E, l'liUadelphia.
CHAW lOUU IKI 'JsE, ( or. Third nnd
Mulberry, business Centre, Williamsport,
D. It. KI.FE CO., I'ropriUnr.
Jit.t: ItTi
. VlarnilBlsWpil IIIIIIIMII I 9
lTlHMr!Wa'svW v
V;' " ''lim'-'i
11ns Wn befora tho Amorlovi public
OVER THIRTY years. It tin never vet
filled tii give perfect satisfaction, and has
Just'y lwen ttyled tho panacea for all ex
ternal Woumla, Cuts, Burns, Swelling,
Pprains, r.niises, &c, Slo., for Man and
Boost. No family nhould be a single day.
a rrvv Arpf.iCATtox'j ;;i:u a
Puro Blooming Complexion.
It U rurdy Vctff table, &&1 ip onrfttlon r Rfen nrt
ft it nt o.i. It lin)b jy t.nj l".Un!inl Aiii fir
fcuc cu I by 11- tt Viitiuir, niut HxoiLnu-ut. Ilif.tls
Mid riitvtB 4ul JiiuVl)'HKiitl 1 itnpli , d- sc4Jin tlur k
utl uniiglitly Npotn. Brivt away Ttt, JKkU . nd
Hnnbu.n, mt'! l.y it rntin but liouerlui iulluouoo
zuaoUos tLv Ltd .1 cUci i VilU
8old 1 . .. i i u 1 Tsn.-r Stores. Depot,
Jn I he Orphan) Court OF NORTH
F.Mtutc of Narah Sillier, deeoaited.
Bur Writ r Partition.
To F.plirnlm 1!. M'!!! X. Mi'.lcr.J.ine,
ititei in.u ried with William. 1 in. resl leal in .Ml.
(iili iid, Morrow count v. State of Ohio ; .lobii M
Miller, resident in roil Wayne State of liuliatie,
and F.lir.ilu tli ( oinpaii t. a daughter of i'-.b:!soii
.Miller, one of the mhis deceaseil. iutenmifried
Vfilh Lewis Cnmp.irct, resi li',g in lies Mi hies,
in tlie Stale of Iowa, ami to all the other heirs
and leital representatives of -he sai l S-:rah Miller,
ih ceased.
Take XnHoc, That by virtue of the above
writ of i'nrtilioii to tuc ilirecli-d. au Iii'tuisi'.inu
will be livid upon the premises then in dc-cr!.il,
on Wcdtii-sdt.y, the ;.utli day of July, 1ST;',, :a in
o'clocl. a. m., to ascertain and inquire nmoijg
other tilings. M ltetbcr the said premises cm 'i
parted aud ii,vHlcJrV'rth.ut prejudice to, or spn.I
ing the whole Ihi.-u.P, or othciwisc lo Value an. I
approprialetke sunt -, v. hen anil where jou may
attend if y-)M sec proper.
KcspiCllUilV Vollrs,
fi. 11. KOTIIKliMF.L. Sbi-riir.
S'.ietilfs Ollicc, Sunbury. June SI, 1S7.L tit.
( (H UT I'StOt I.A.Vl ATIO. Notice
is henl y given that the eevi-ral ,uils of i'i milium-Pleas,
(ieneral li'tartcr Sessions of the Peace,
anil i pbans I 'ourt, laiurt of Oyer anil 'I'd miner
and tiei'icinl Juil Dclivciy, in and for the county
of .VoKhuinhcrluml. will commence tit ihi Court
lloitss, in the Imrotigh of Sunliuvv. til in o'clock
A. M.. on MONDAY, Al'til'ST 'llic 4th, n-.-xt,
ati-l v ill continue two weeks.
The Coroner, Justice-, of the IVaccand CmistK
hies in an 1 for the county of Noithumberlatid are
reiiuesteil to be then and therein their jn-oper
persons, with their rolls, records, iiiiisitions,
and other remembrance-, lo do those things lo
their several oiliccs appcilaiuiiitr to be done And
all witne-sr prosceiitiog in beli.ilf o' tbuCom
liiouwcalth iirninsf any prisoner, are requested
and coinnian-hd to bc'tia-vtttt'l there iittending
in their proper pirsous lo fri.seculu nguinst liim
as shall lie just and not lo depart without leave
at their peril, .luroisarc requested to be punc
tual in tin ir attendance, al tlie time appointed,
ngreeab'y to their notices.
(liven under my hand nl Siielmry, the 1st day of
July, in the year ol our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and scvetitv-tbrce.
SAML'l'.I. II. lloTIII'llMri.. Shcr'.tl.
iFobmiult Wood at Muni.)
Steam Engines.
The Best & Moot Complete Assortment
lu tho Market.
Theae Fnylnss have always malntilQi-d tha very
highest stHudanl of exceueinv. We mak the
D&niifitcture of Katrine. Boilrn and 8w Mills
sptx-ialty. 1W, have UietarynHt and MiiMUxiaiiUt4
works of the kind in tlie oouuUy, viUk autdunury
specially to thu work.
We keep constant! jr in process larf? numbora of
Enjrtnus, whu-h we furnish at tb very lowest priors
aad on the shortest notios. We build LuVaus
nrciallT sdaptMl to Mine. Saw Mills, UrUt Mills,
Tanneries, Cotton dins, Thruauors sad all chuees
of luaaufaeturirMr.
We are now building the oelebratad Lane Ciran
tar Baw Mill, the boat aud moat couplets auw null
ever lnvenusf.
We make the manufacture of Baw M di outfits a
Special feature of our buaiuuaa, and can furnish
complete ou the shortest notice.
Our aua in ail eaaus ia to furoiab the beat Baa
ehinerv ia the market, and work absolutely uu
auaivu for beaut y of deaiini, eoon uiy aui UtiUetiu
Bead lor Ciraular aud tnoe Last. -
j Aiulllor'ts oliee.
! Isaac Dnllcry, cl. ul. i In tin- Couit of Coniinon
I vs.- I'leas, ol .Niiiiliuiola-r-
I r. F. Wrist. land eoiintv, Fi. Fa.
I 1 No. 113. Maivh I'cltn, 1S7X
I "OTICK is hereby Riven Unit the undcrslgiied
. has been a .iuled Audit-or by the Colli I of
It'omiii.ui Pleas of Xortburi'ie'lnmt coaniy, lo
j make distiibiiiion ol the n.oii,. i p ii.l h-.til Court,
arising from I lie sale of ilef u.iai.. m ;..,- t -, lo
I nud niuiini! those entitled llnn'to. He Hill meet
i the creditors, and those claiming out of lhat
I fund, nl his olHce iu the Iioioul'Ii ot Sunbut v ou
Thursday, July lTih, lH7;i, ut 10 n'clocK. a. in.
A. N. IIKiCK, AuJ'.tur.
SiiLbiiry, June l!', l'.iTii.- It.
s ...
without Oils Dnlmrnt. Tho money t
funded tinlesa tho Liniment Is na rcpro-sonted.-
Be snrc and ptt tho genuine
by all Druggists and Country Stores, at
25c.. 60cv and $1.00 per Bottlo. Notice
style, sine of bottle, Ac
I tin- most
cletnser, jlr
JI 111:
ninl remover of (ila,rlun
to Materia M-lic.i.
. vt is specially adapted pi coiisttf I t i. ei, ,r
d.wi,"ainl ih hilitnteilbv the warm of
Sprii-gaiid Summer, when the b ooo is mi lu
a- tii.- circuf.lloii. CMic.ti.eiillv gtilbi-riiig iinp-i-
runs from singgishncs and iuipeifect mi: ,
li:CM--ri.ri urgaiis. iiimI is manifest,-i o
mots, Ltnpilons, liiotdn-s. Puds, p.-tn',-. Vcri,
I'll m. iVc.
When weary nnd latninid from ovnre ork. und
lullness'. ili-owziness aru) hi. -in take the plno o'
eneru-y and ' i'or. 'lie v-ni-. needs ii Ti nic t.
build it up and help the Vital' Force- Inn-gal:;
llieii recupetalivs power;
Iu the beat of Summer. fi-eijitcMlv the Liver
and Spiccn d not properly perform' I heir lime
tions; the t tcrine nnd Lirlnui v Clrgans i. re in
active. pnMucing Weakness r tiie stomach und
inlestincsand a pii-disjioctlion to l,llio'is deinugc-
'iu nt.
i UK: WF.llI S"
Kvlvnet ef jat u:u-l,a
l pi-eimren phect'v from the South A nu ri'-.n.
Phut, nud is peeniiaiv suitcil f) nil these liilli
cul'.ies ; ii, will ci.-iiuscthe Uioo l, slrir-ig-Ihi
n the Life-liking Powers, and remove! ti.l
ob- trucilons from impairad and enluiiied Oi trans.
It should be freely taken, as Juriilu-ba is pio
nnanced bv medical writers the most e.theteu'
l'urilicr. Tonic ami Deohst ructit known in tl. j
whole ru Hire if liic-llciiiMl pl.-ivt.
di'UX it. KlXLlKiiJ, is riutt St., N. V.
Sole Agent for the l liito.'. Stntcs.
Price, 1 per Untile. S.-nd for Urcuiar. Jri, Sw
I, N'fVUnl s 'i I STS :. I: 1'l.oM'Ii
I 4. N. F. ltl'UVH M'S NKW Tt: KBINE 3f
i 3 H A Ii !: M ill I I. t
if To i the Ih-: I'.vcr Invented. ? '
" Pamphlvt f, Ad-lrcsj, Yoik, P.i. 4t 2.
! W XTKI. Wlii.,.-:i!e Purcluislng A-.'cnts
- for th.i liaitrmn Sewing M.o-hlm: tne.ln nt Daii
' buiy, ft. The Latest and be-t. Vie- S'llie-t,
I'.i-I est and K.-isicst Loci: Si itch, Straight ".-.-dle
Machine i:: the Maikd. li -l'er I- r "s tb.-i'i anv
eotnp.iny. Addic.-s, .Ii )liN A. D ll)iK.
July ,"i,'T:;. I ' dou'l Aci.t, D inbnry, Cotsu.
! "CXMl'IIOiilNF." cures evci-v p-iin, Ac. Trv
lit. Sold by i!riigM. KKl'llEX l!OYT.
' Prop'r, Xiw York, J.S.-4w
I WOKKIXU t'S..tN M i '? o- I-VimVK) :-.'
week guariiiitec-l. Ki-spcct :,!! i.:npli.,y-ncnt n
hum.-, day or i-vcniinr : no e.i ita! ii ,pi:rci ; full
itlstrni tiiili- ,V. v p.ic . il'c of L'l-oil-fen.
free by mail. A.v.r -. tii -ix ccnl nluin
-lamp. M. Yi'l'XO CC 1M luceirvieh Mreet,
Xer Yolk. ,t'.'S-4w
111. I I t'J' II.lMtV.
Tilt i'.iu.i.Mii.ii K.yvii v Mmu tNii.
D'MlitllKA. Dy-.-ntcry, (.'holei i. Snninit
Compla'r:!, I -'.I'lips. etc., ,'ii'-l,!y c.ire.l ! y
the use of
.;.i;iri.;. ,
Conipotin.l S rap of lilackbcn v Loot and Lhu
An i'il. well tried re ncdy. entirely vegetable,
Jileasatil tn take, unii k aud certain in i-tlect .
cmi be dcH-iiib'd mi iu the ni"s iirecul casi s ;
limy lu-uivcii to th v iiiugi-sl itjfntit us well 11.1
lo a-dulis. Ii c mi.iins
NO CAMi'ilOlt fiii i'.l'IlTM.
!t is a pleasant extract uud readilv bv
cllildH'tl. It has nttcn saved life b.'R physi-'
ci iris h nl despaired. Ixeco il in the l.,.,c an.'.
use Iu time. All we -k for it Is a trial. Don'l
1 h t our d '.ili r pin V1.11 oil it h soiiu-thing else.
I liny it. Try It. Sold by '.'rti.'j!sfs and Stoic.
! Ke. 'n -i thioiighoiit tbh State. 1'iepaivd only by
! HANsKI.L HliO..
! Jioic 1 L'T-.-r-tn. liioii Market i .. l'l-i! id- Iidii i
I"'. Oil.-i.t ins ii- ince Co.. of Ilurtfnrd. li.ia i! ! y lYiNn Snniiury, and rcvok--.ell'
.-ittl.ileoi uii'hoiuy issued to L. M
Yo.lcl lo a-'I l.s .l.-lil f.r s lid OtMUV.
S. C i'K UN.
Vie) i'le.-i Jclit.
j Ha-I 'o. l, .Live !, 1-7...
Will :' so!-! at I'lifiit- Lite ,.
-iiuatii In Wai-hinirtini tou'iisl.ip, Noitluiuibcr
land eom !). p:i.,.ciiila!iiing .Vj acres more or
tt hetcu 1- ci-.- .i -l a iro's! ,
'1-Vi'i Li.l.'.U litJL'sa,
I'.piiii- i.r Water n.-ar ti e house, n'ld ull Lcoee
nry 1 inb-ii ditigs. 'I he laud 1 iu a high sU.'.u
of 1 11 1 1 i s nl H 111 . Al-ii 11
i.iilM' MILL
t'li-.-.---tories bih iiith n tii-i i-r failing Wal-r
I'o-.. cr, I o not of j ' 00C'. .lia-i'Uf an excellent
111 1 oi cli-l.ilii. nii-i is I- -:,l.-e 4illtin Irtt,-,. nitii
o:' the rai i.-stl -i .l..-t:. 'lei Va'.lt t,''.c Tep-ltv
"ill be - 1 .1 ol, , u-V it'lllis. F-u f.llll.i.-l "i.lMe
I ns aj pv ti.
k;:::ii. nr.o.
r.- 'i-i -ic v. 0.
.'in !: :-' ' :;.-ot -i .1-1 1 '.. i a
.!--- Sale.
VJO'i'K'ii 1- h.-r.A.y L-in-li.lli -t at .-l I 'oust a Id- '- .
a .'-. went i-i-iv ,11, ii,.- Kill nl dune, IS'.".),'
f lb- I I go- .! ! 101 I'. iv ipp. in r'-,
boiojeii ,,r s-iotiiai) . t lie f..lliiwbiL' .1. .,- . --I,
(iiicli.ise.l l.. liie u'i-Ii i-Vii-'.l : 0 cane smI.
'bails, : I an ;-m, ml-, --i ;,-I hair. 1 i.'n kiln
ban, 1 111 iti .e lop f-1 mil, I J'.-. t.rn-l.iii 'l.ili'c, 1
6-l 1 i! i- is ' i -e, 1 i,,- t .trl 'l l iilpol. I pic-!
0,1 C1..1I1. 1 frc.ur, 1 Sti v I ,.f, :.
Stole i l.y.iiio -, 1 lo t itelicn Cri'-pi t,
II comiiioii I'lmii s. - t-hci-r.v I' llib-s. 1 l'i,,i t, 1
Stan I. I 101.14 I Tal c. 1 lo; hall nn I sMirCttip 1.
'. wash SI Hi-Is, t llortis nnd i'ltcl). rs. :i 11. -t.
steads, ii Wind-' i-i I: ii: s, 1 I,.' I.. o'-i..nii t'.n ict
lu two rismis, J l.o.iklii.; (ilasJ 'J H ii-a'i", :1
Tubs, I lies!;, runt ar iicr. Thi s,, goo!s nre
left lu the keeping ol I lie said Johu r. Kiippdur-
ing lbs pleas .f the uiidci signed, and the pub
Ii- ale warned 11.11 to 'aed'l.'c with the same.
II. Y. I KII.INi!.
Sni.biiri', Jni.c Ol, 1st:!. it ,
17i: ws w.w inn ,.t ,..
In'iil iiul X il. i. h :,i-. N-w Y.ok.
in the Kiirvp. jt, ;,,4,. 1,1 llAUH I". I lir.M II.
s.i, 1 of ti. ia.. ii . u:. ::.;;, fu.':xcii. (
Vreneh's II Vi 1. lis - I '.- 11 i'o-. f! i !. lu".- ) III let .
up and cut.n-iv r,.a ile.l Hie s hin.. 1 -.(..i.'.'s
W-Onl in tf.t PL SIX I'SS p K T ,;C .... r:-,. '
l.ltitci' ,V t.'jN'it t uis's I. -:.-; 1
1 k. 1LI-.