iimburg American. SUNBURY, JULY , 1873. Railroad Tin Table. AftaiYAL AWD MtPAttTtTRXOPfRAINR ATSCKBCRT. W. C. R. W., Booth. Erie Mall, 13.50am Southern Exp 5.19 " F.rls Express, 9.40 " Malt, 11.15 " Nlag. Express 6.40 p ra P. A E. R. R. West. Northern Exp 0.05 a m Mall, 6 25 a tn Nlafc. Expre13.80 pm ElmtraMall 4.15 " Erie Expreas, 6.45 " SUHBCltT AKD LSWIBTOWS It. It. Leave Sunbury for Lewistown at 7.80 a. m., and 4-30 p. M. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.50 and 7.45 p. in. rJAMOKI Division, i. c. . w. i.KAva 1 ' ' AnntT Sunbury at 5.45 am At Sunbury 9.25 am " 13.85 pm " 8.55 pm 4.40 p m " 6.00 p m DANVILLE, 1IAZLBTOK A WILKBSBARRI It. B. Regular passenger tsaln leave Sunbnry for Danville, Cattawlria, Hasleton and Intermediate station, at 6.45 a. ra. Returning leave Haxle ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. tn. LACKAWAIf !VA AND BLOOMSBURO H. B. Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. and 4.50 p. ra. Arrive at Northumberland at 10.85 a. m. and 0.05 p. m. Accidental Insurance Tlcketi caa be had of J. Shlpman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Summer Arrangement lor the Foat Offlee at Suubury, Pa. Offlet Open from 6.S0 a. m., to 8 p. m., nrtpt on Sunday. TIME OP ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF TIIE MAILS. Arrives as follows : From the East at 6.15 a. m., 13.15 p. m., 4 p. m. ' South, 6.15a. m., 13.15 p. m. 4.10 p. m. " West, 0.15 a.m., 12.15 p.m., 4.10p m., and 8.20 p. m. " North, 0 a. in., 11 a. m., 8.55 p. m. ' Shnmokin, Mt. Curinel and points ou Hint line, tt.15 a. m., 3.50 p. m. Mails clone as follows i For the Eust, 5. T0 n. m., 10.50 n. m., 7.85 p. m. " South, 10.50 a. ru., 7.35 p. m. " West, 7.30 a. m., 10.50 n. m., 7.35 p. in. " North 5.50 a. m., 8.50 p. m., 7.83 p. m. Sluimokin proper 12.15 p. tn. Slinmokin and olllccs on that route, 4.20 p. in. .1. J. SMITH, P. M. jocnIs. msincss Sewing Maohinks and Cottaob Organs. diss Caroline Dull tin is the agent for the sale of ha beet Sewing Machines In existence, vjz i 'The Improved Grovcr A Baker,' and 'Domestic,' vhlch are constantly kept on hand, and sold at -cnsoiinble prices. She Is also agcut for the sale if the celebrated '8ilver Tongue Organs,' and the liny StAte Organs,' and for the sale of the 'rnutz A Pope Knitting Machine. Call and tee hem. Office ou Market street, east of the rail uad. Tup. Impkovko Ritovr.n A Uakeh Sewisu Ma iiinb. These celebrated machines are otferi'd t the most reasonable rate. For particulars pply to D. O. KUTZ, Agent, 'eb.3a,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Wood's Mowers and Reapers, the best in mar ct, for sale by II. K. Goodrich lit Rnhrbach's 'oundry lu Sunbury. The repairing of Reapers tteuded to promptly. Ju'J13t. Don't worry your team 'and pnticuce with a oor machine. Go li Rohrbach's Foundry and et the Wood Machine. Goodrich will show you hut it will do. Sr.coND Tand Pianos for sale or rcut at reason? blc rules. Inquire at this office. Foil Rent. A handsome room over Mcllick's rug Store, Market Squure. Injure of 11. B. (.isf-er. Don't pay two prices when you can get goods t a small profit. At D. A. Finney's store, (arket street, but one price prevails, and goods f the best quality can be purchased at aston hiugly low prices. His stock consists of every iricry of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries, otions, Boots and Shoes, and Jewelry. The .iorlincut is complete, being selected with the .e.ilost care. No charges are made to show nods In fact It Is a plcusuro to Mr. Finney to ion- what a handsome stock ha has on hand, .nc'.ics and gentlemen aie invited to call and ukc a full examination before buying clse hcre. We noticed ou Tuesday last, a large number of runks aud Valices on the pavement In front of ic Excelsior Boot and Shoe 8tore of W. A. Mil r, ou Market square, which are now offered for lc at reasonable prices. Mr. Miller, we uuder and, internist to have a special apartment for .eau articles, where parties can be accoimno ited with all knds of Trunks, Valices, Satchels, c, at city prices. Ki iieka. When a young man purchases a hat Samuel Faust, the popular hatter, he cx- .ilnm, truthfully, too, "I have found It" a shionnble aud serviceable hut. Mr. Faust has 1 styles of fashionable huts and caps, and cve ' one, both old aud young, who will visit his ire, ou Market street, opposite Monument iuarc, Sunbury, will be well pleased with a se ction from his large and varied assortment. Pianos, Organs, Ac David Relraer, music ichcr, having located permanently In Sunbury r the putpose of teaching music, announces at he has the agency for Gaehle A Co' Balti ire Pianos, which are being rapidly Introduced long the best judges. They are uow lu use In e Stale Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa., also the Sunbury Academy, by J. II. Jenkins, Esq., Northumberland, and Judge Ellwelt of oomstturg. He will also take orders for Stein ly & Co's, Chickcring A Co s, aud other well iowu Pianos. Mr. Reinier also receive orders for Prince A ' celebrated Organs A Melodeons, of buffalo 4W York. For Loss or Appetite, Dyspepsia, Indigestion presslou of Spirits aud general Debility, Vn eir various forms, Ferro-Fhosporated Elixir Calisay made by Caswell, Hazard A Co., jv fork, aud sold by all druggists, Is the best inlc. A a stimulant tonic for patients remov ing from fever or other sickuess, It ha no uul. If taken durlug the season It prevents yor and Agne and other Intermittent fever. jjUocal Affairs. Excursion Tickets on the dl&creat railroad to-day, the 4tk. 1 kccm Salmi, of tUU place, 1 the authorlz ageut for the New York Mutual Life Insur co Company. We were necessarily compelled to omit the ter f our special correspondent owing to the '.eness of Its arrival. The JuMriea Is Issued oue da ahead of our ;ular ku day, on account of Riving all em oyeet la dee odlce to sjicnd tbo 4Ui la a fa otic luauuer. '(Tit. CiUNGEri. Among the postal appoint 3nts las, week, we notice the follow lug change this cRD(y. Rebuck, II. C. Fisher appointed utinaster rice D. KJinn. A. Declus has been pointed Fortruastrr at Tuilut-vUki. ''all at J. II. Jefferle Et.cg llouro, on Third reel, far earing Chicken, served up In the bet Tai Concert gtveu 'by Trofeswr' Brown and 'imar's school, on Friday evening last, was a ani.t affair. TU exercises were ctertalnlng d we were happy to see that many of their tiolars have already become very proSclest, J ixV.Vit routUle.ra.Kc tiiubkal lalcot. Laboi 8himkt. The Mineral Railroad A Mining Company now does the largest business In the shipment of coal la the Shamokln coal region,- The amount reaches a boat 800,000 tost annually. Their general shipping office at this place employs a number of elerk", who are con stantly busy under the snperlntcndance of Cbas. F. Fisher, Esq., general agent at this end of the road. The business of the company Is done with the greatest precision, and with the lirrge-experience of Mr. Fisher In the transportation of coal, and bis tact and promptness, have largely In creased the business of the company at this point. The company ha gained a wide reputa tion through the efficiency of Mr. Fisher as an accountant, his books being alwaye correct, and lu condition for settlement. As facilities for shipping increase, we may expect the Mineral Company to take the lend lu tbo shipment of coal In this part of the country. ' That Champion Belt. As It has always been conceded that the DaSy office was the possessor of the champion belt, we are of the opinion that it now fairly belongs, to the Horning Exprtn of fice. A scene of valor was displayed a tew days ago In front of that office, which was calculated to pnt all ancient and modern heroes In the shade. A misunderstanding had taken place between the publisher and one of his employees. The parties, to settle the difficulty, proceeded to the field of combat, the front porch of the office. A ring of old stove and kettles was formed, and the pugilists entered. Luckily a tpiritval power took possession of the champions, which pre vented a copious flow of claret. After a few swings a la French Four, the publisher was de clared the victor, and now claims the belt. Ikjcrbd. Earnest Starkloff, on employee of the Upper Shops, received ;serlons injuries ou Monday last, by belug Jammed between two loco motives. He wss repairing the tender of the en gine when another engine was back ml np sndden denly, and he was Jammed between them, and Injured about the loins. He was couvcyed to his residence on Walnut street, and medical aid was summoned. Fire. The large and handsome brick barn belonging to Daniel Fisher, one half mile below Milton, was destroyed by fire ou Wcducsduy night. With the barn were consumed sevcu tons of hay, tweuty five bushels of wheat, fifty bush els of outs, a (mull qunntity of rye, a lot of cur ed meat, nnd n good spring wagon. The loss on barn and contents will full but little short of (3000. The barn was insured for 1 1,500 In the Dunvllle Mutual Insurance Compnny. The worst feature about the affair is the al most certainty that the fire was kindled by an Incendiary, and the person no other than the brother-in-law of Mr. Fisher. Henry Creasy has been living with Mr. Fisher, but lately has giv en the family much trouble through intoxication, nctiug in a rough and quarrelsome manner. On Wednesday he was plowing all day, aud In the afternoon was brought before 'Squire McMahon charged with assault and battery upon somo of the family. Upou promise of good behaviour was discharged from custody. It was ubout two hours afterwards, or about 0 o'clock, when the flumes broke out lu the burn, and It is quite clear that the evil minded wretch planned nnd execu ted the deed for revenge. Mr. Fisher offers a re ward of (50 for the capture of Creasy, who is de scribed as a young man ubout 5 feet 8 Inches in height, with red, bushy hair, Inclining to curt, and a villainous looking phiz. Viltoniun. Tub Cholera. Newspaper specifics for epl- rieinics are proverbially unsafe aud unreliable but the following Is prescribed by the New York Journal of Comtncret as Infallible. It Is, that pa per snys, "au ubsolute ipeclflc for the proven tlou of Asiatic cholera if tuken when the loose ness of the bowels Is first uoticcd, aud is good ut uny stage ofiliu disease." Tluct. Opii, " CupsicI, " Uuei co, ' Menth pip, " Cnmpho, Mix equal puns each. As already explained, it consists of a mixture of equal parts of tincture of opium, Cayenne pepper, rhubarb, peppermint and camphor, nud the dose Is ten to thirty drops in two or three tcaspoonfulls of water. New Sciikih-le. We refer our readers to the new time schedule which went into effect ou Sun day last, at the beud of our local columns. Tbo departure of train on the N. C. A V. E. R. Kouds, is as follows : eastward. Erie Mall leaves nt Southern Express ut Erie Express at Mull Niagara Express WESTWARD. Northern Express leaves at .... Erie Mull at Niagara Express at Elmira Mail at1'.' Erie Express 12.50 a. m 5.15 a. m it. 40 a. m 11.15 u. in 6.40 p. in 6.05 a. m. 6.85 a. m. 12.30 p. m. 4.15 p. m. 6.45 p. ill. Willctts' lecture, a plea for marriage and home," in the Court House, on Thursday even lug of last week, was not very numerously at tended. W II lets is about a fourth rate lecturer. and hating been heard here several time, did not draw very heavily ou the last occasion. Sunbu ry Gazettt. What is the mutter neighbor 1 We have al ways considered Mr. WlllelU one of the best and most Interesting lecturers that we have ever lis tened to lu Sunbury or elsewhere. In fluency he almost equals Philips, aud in humor, is hi su perior. Fourth rate, Indeed ! Whom does our ueighbor esteem first rule I Certainly not the in evitable Geo. Francis Train. Mistaken. John Adams on the day succeed ing the adoption of the Declaration ol Indepen dence, wrote a letter to Mrs. Adams lu wbl:h be ays: "The fourth of July. 1770, wUl be memora ble epoch In the history of Awerica. I an apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding gen eration, as tUu great anniversary fcttivuL It ought to be commemorated a the dsy of ddlve rance, by solemn ads of devotion to Almighty God. It ought to be solemnized vith pomps, shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bou-flru, isid Illuminations, ion one cod of the continent to the other, from this time forward forever 1" In these modern times a flue of cue dollar is Is Imposed by a borough ordinance upon til who discharge, set off or explode any rockis, lire crackers or any other pyrotcchulcalitteton the 4th of July. Our forefathers must haw been sadly mistaken or else th patriotism wick the day usually Inspires ha dwiudled 4wa to naught as far as r borough fathers ire con cerned. Litest Improvement. Tho latest luprove ment Is a "perfect love of a thlug," to biseen on our streets, In the shape of a horse bonet. It has a fan Inside of It the double purpose which is to drive the Hies away, and cool the bed by Its moiiou. It gives tke animal a sprightly sr. Just Imagine a group of torse iu front of a tillluery tore, and tome prUp iooUug spluste flttiug the luteat agony of a bounet to each beaias it Is presented with inane combed on top, ad tucK full of skewers. Ain't It an linprovemec t Festival (Xoed. The festival of th Suubu- ry Cornet Band was bronght to a close a Satur day night last. The One beru loled foroetween the ttleura Fire Eugiue Company aad lie Hook J and ladder, was ssoa fay the former bjtwnty- seven dollars. Thf cak between Mews. Ey ter aud Cibsoo was voted to the lauerud the one voted for between Messrs. McUell fii Reed was voted to Mr. Reed. The latter cakfcrought 1150. The procoeds of the Festival wt reach .bout 1800. OCH Jolly friend, H. F. Mann, Esq.,, freight agent for th P. A E. R. R. company at this place, considering It expedient to bate a few day enjoyment week before lost, went on a piscato rial expedition among th hemlock of Baker' run. Like a trne Waldcn he pursued bis ocen pnt Ion Unmolested, until a correspondent of the Willtamsport Itegirtn discovered bun a la Liv ingstone, who broke the' news to til numerous friends lu thl wise t " "H. F. Mann, Esq., P. A E. Freight agent, at Sunbury, with a party of "congenial spirits," made a raid a few day ago on the poor little fishes which Innocently sport in the water of Baker' Rah. Mann, who by tbo way has a powerful Imaiaglantloti,, positively asserts that the aforementioned run flow through the '"sna kiest" region on the face of the earth. He says, "snake to the frout of them, snakes ta the right of them, rattle and wriggle." We did not learn, however, that any sought refuge in the boots of the party, but they were bitten times without number by mosquitoes, and aecordlng to the account given by the Iminaginatlve Mann, they must have walked 80 or 90 miles. Remain ing over night In the wood, lodging among the trees, our Informant was exceedingly jubilant In carrying out Ail pari of the programme, he hav ing caught three very flni trout, one of which wa about three Inches tall when standing on its tail. Th second was a few sites less, but the third wa a small one." Since the above made Us appearance, our neighbor of the Daily, always on the lookout, al ready mentions Mr, Mann In connection with the Presidency of the United States. In connec tion with the matter, we should like to know how about the gentleman with the red moustache and the dish of tomatoes. Will Mr. Mann ex plain t . ' A Lawteh'b Pic Nic The lawyers of the Schuylkill county bar had time to hold a pic nic last week, and, according to accounts, had their palates tickled with all the delicacies of the sea son. The Mtuenvll'.o Rejmblican says, "there was inspiration In every mouthful, and mirth tn eve ry draught, beyond the power of the pen to pic ture." We rather guess It was Lager Beer. Their wives were absent. Our lawyers have no time to spare to Indulge lu pic nlcs, nnd if they had they would take their wives iilnng, and drink lemonade. U. L. DiEFPENRArii, Esq., lute editor of the Wllliainsport Standard, ha taken charge of the Bloomsburg Columbian, Charles B. Brockwuy hnving retired from that paper. Raspuerries though Just coming into market, have been picked In our garden, a week since. Cherries though a failure In many places, -have been rather abundant on the hills, aud our mar kets have been well supplied. Rain. We had a refreshing shower on Satur day last, and a coplons and continued rain on Monday night, which was greatly needed, and for which we should bo grateful to Him whu tales all things us He deems best. Cows Killed. Several cows have lately been killed on the track ut the lower end of this bor ough, by being run over by locomotives. If the trains were run at the speed prescribed by law, at the rate of five miles pur hour through the bo rough, these accidents might be avoided. Ot'R neighbor of the fJazette, had a critical ar ticle, on the late editorial excursion and festival at Danville, laf-t week, for which he docs not seem to entertain a very exalted opinion. The resignation of A. P.. Fir-ko, superintend ant of the N. C. Railmad. was accepted by the board of directors ou Friday !u-t. A. J. Cassatt, Esq., was elected general manager of the road. PlC NIC. A pic uic was liclil on Saturday lust by D. Iteimcr nnd bis pupils in miii-, on Una's Is'.and. Wo leu in that it very pleasant time was had. Maukets. The rmirket on Saturday last wus well titteuded. Eighty wugons were couutcd along market street. The ruling prices were, butter, 10 a 28 cts ; eggs, 13 n 20 cts ; potatoes, old, 80 cts per bushel, Lew, 40 its per half peck ; beef, 17 a 20 cts ; veal, 12 a Hi ts ; mutton, 14 a 18 cts ; strawberries, 15 u 25 cts per quart, chcr rles, 10 a 12 cts ; onions, 5 cts ; rhubarb, 5 cts salad, 10 cts ; radishes, 5 cts ; spring chickens 75, Si'mmek Diiink. Iu these warm summer days a cooling cup is a desideratum. All "hot nnd rebellious liquors" should be adjured i but such a dainty drink as the following may be taken tonamort s Half OU a China punch-bowl with slices of pineapple (the riud cut llierofrom) and lemon cut very thin, arranged lu alternate lay. cr each layer being thickly strewed with grunu. lated supur. Pour over the frnit as much claret wine as will till the bowl ; cover closely, and let it stand six hours. Then put lu a piece of ice, and wheu cold, turn into It a bottle of plain soda water, and serve, lu large goblets, with slice of pineapple and leuion. The long freight train standing on railroad crossings within the borough limits, have become a great annoyance to pedestrians. They are fre quently compelled to wait for half an hour or longer before they can cross. Kallroad em ployees should be compelled to cut their trains, and leave the street open hen they arc detain on the siding. MosiMKNTii, Shavino PiiiLOK. For neut hair dressing and clean aud easy shaving, call at A. P, Walters Saloon, ou Third Street, below Market. See advertisement in another column. SrntNO Cuickkmi. Served up daily in the best style at J. II. Jefferics European Eating House, on Third Street. You can use a pot.i'-p rtnmp twice. The first time It costs three cent. the sei-oud timo tfty dollars. Why don't the township clerks make a state ment of their township accounts 1 Tax payers require It, aud it Is their light. As additional passenger trulu will be placed on the D. II. A W. U. R., on Monday next, which leave Sunbury about 4.25 p. in., and arrive about 9.U0 a. in. Tue worst case of "Mary had a Little Lamb," we have yet seen, lately, we Oud In an exchange and commend it to our lady reader. Mary bad a little lamb With which she used to tussel, She snatched the wool clean oil' Its back Aud stuUed it lu her bustle. And when he saw ue bad been fleeced He in a puubra flew, Bo Mary got upon her ear And stuffed the lamb In too. Toe time Is coming for pain under your vest or apron call It what yon may "you pays your money and takes your choice." Editor's) Tkle. To TH Editor. Wood's Household Maga zine for July is ahead of any previous number, and whn we consider the usual staudard excel lence, this Is rare praise Indeed. It Is kouuhold. not only la nam but in eArfr, and lu table of centeuls shows a wonderful adaptation of arti cles to toe individual members or the family cir cle. "Sim' Little Girl," a temperance story by Mary U art well, "Wcather-toufib block," by Karl Kate, "How lbs Vow was Kept," by II. V. Ooborue, "Lunatics at Large," by Rev. F. W. Holland, and "The Declaration of Indepen deuce," by J. B. Wakelcy, V. D., are among tbe more noticeable articles. Tbe Children Ucuart. meut Is crowded full, and centain a poem, in baby-talk, which without doubt, will e very ac eeptable to the little ones. Tbe price of tbe ma gatlne Is one dollar a year. Address, Wood's Hocstuot r Maoiiine, NeWburgb, N. T. Thb Ladt' Friend ob Jotr. With the Ju ly numbor of this favorite monthly It assumes more of a literary character, the fashions, while not exclnded, being placed In the back-gronud. This will commend It still more to that large class of render who value a tnngnzlne for the quality of Its reading matter. The frontispiece 1 an engraving of "Lady Jane Grey, that'tjuecn of Ten Day,' In the Tower of London." Among the literary contents, all original, are "The Ncit Heir," by Christian Reld "A Winter Night," by Florence Percy f "Dorothea," by Fannie Hodgson t "The Cause of It." by Annfo L. For. celle "A Girl' Romance," by Daisy Ventnor "The Laud ofContMrles," ly Mr. M. C. Pyle i "The Master of Greylnnd," by the author of "East Lynne," Ac, Ac. There are also- a Fash ton Department, Music, Editorials, and Receipts. Send for a sample number. Price, (3.00 a year. Fonr copies (6.00. Five copies (and one gratis) (8.00., 'The Lady's Friend" ((3.00) and "The 8aturday Evening Tost" ((3.00) for (4.50. The Premium Chromo or a largo Steel Engraving Is given to the sender of every club. Single num bers (for salo bv Newsdealers) price 20 cents. Published by Deacon Pkierson, 819 Walnut Street Philadelphia. Jury Ut lor Angnat Term, 1S73. GRAND JURORS. Jacob Rrkard, North'd nugh M'Donald Mt Car Peter Welker. Shamokln Chrlstlon Gonsert, Cam Isaac Stealy, " ;Ollbert Relt, Cam W. H. Vastlu Rush Sam't Hoogland, Milton Jacob Matthias, Northil l.lovd Johnson, Mt Car Samuel Reefer. L'n.Mah A. J. Sn vie ire. Lewis Isaac May Jr. Shamokln ;llenry E. Malick.L Aug David Ilnlrer, Mtt nr bo Isaac artman, Jacason Geo. Crick, Shamokln ;Perdinnnd Khoads, Coal wm. A. Fetter, Bunonry:i.connrn iionp, anamo n Nath Hcnninger, Cam Maine Rennlngcr, Nor G. A. Newbakcr, Zerbo 'James Longan, Turbul TRAVERS JURORS. I, Kauffinnn. L Muh'nv Sol Truckeniniller, Del John Rrlck, Shamokln Henry llucln, Shnmokin Peter Ovster. Delaware 8. W. Clark. J or don S. M. Recscr, Up Aug'a Abr. Johnson, Wntson'n Isnnc UuiiiDboll. " :lleui .ellicmoycr, biiuu P LcUcr. Watsohtown Trus Butler, North'd Geo Pencil, Jr. Blmm'n Oslln Stu'.l, Watsont'wn inigh Martin, Cbllls'qc. Jcre. Kuiip, union -Murlln Harris. L Mull W. M. Lloyd, North'd Oeorgc Dlehl, Suiibtiry :Sinion Voght, Shnmo'n Daniel Ilurmon, Milton J. H. Uelst, I p. .Mniry Keub. Kempbell, Sham. John HolTcr, Tlirbut Abr. Klsslnirer. Turbut iWm Moffct, Lewis Geo A Wykoir, Lewis Icnry Bneher, Sunbury Chns. Hartzcll,L'p.Aug.: Peter Wllkeson, Shnm'n Robt Wilson. North'd ;Wm Follmor, Turbut John Hurst, Rush Ira Shipe, Up. Augusta 8 A Berkenblnu, North Isaac Vincent, Wats'nt Wm Evstcr, Hnnliury : Kills Krnser, .Milton P W Sl hlclgh, Cameron J E Wenrtch, 6bamokln Alex Yocum, Shninnkin II D Hotrninn,Wash'ton John S Spatts, L Mab Henry llalipt, sr,U Aug Jos Mlcley tr. Delaware J M lioetliin, Biiiwury Win. Allen Chillisqua'ci W 1 Blair, Chillisq'que . PETIT JURORS, n Kiiss, I. Augusta C B Rcnninger, North'd 11 Redrcr. McEwensvllle'Jucob Martz, Zcrbe J D DlefTendcrfer, Cbll.;K. W. Thurston, U Ang v m tlrvson jr. Uein're ir t pnnner, ieiaware Ch Raup, " ;Wm Bartholomew, Chil Peter V eager, Sliumo'n l'lillip L lnrK, Buirjury Daniel Fnv. Tnrbntvlllc Elias Herknrd, Jordon Thos Welsh. Mt. Car bo BenJ F Miller, Zerbe Thos Barr, Watsnut'n Henry Deppeu, Jordon Benj Krh'irbnum, 1. Aug it lloasicy, ortU'd John Mce( Chltllsq'c Geo Forester, Up Aug J U Herd, Aimou 11 X r ryung, cunuury G M Konu, Sunbury ;Tbos Rilter, Turbot Anson Snyder, Point, ; Abr Wertman, Lewis Sol. Miller. L AiiL'tista U W Relchlev, North'd Geo. Kllngcr, Mt Cann:J M Wolverton.Snydert D 8 Swartz, Jordon ;Um horseman, ChiUbq. I D Raker, Lit Mahanoy'Sol Dleffcuderfcr, Miltou The ConfcNftlon ol an Iuvmlitl. Published by a warning and for the benefit of Young Men and others who suffer from Nervous Debility, loss op Manhood, etc., supplying the means of self-cure. Wrltteu by one who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery, and sent frco or receiving a osl-paid directed envelop. Sufferers are Invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAY FAIR, June 14,'73 Cm. Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. M'XUIKY .n.lKK-''"- Flour and Grain Market. Extra Family t3.00 Red Wheat, p. bit., (1.80 uiickwiic.it, p. n., o.i ki Kye, Com Mcul, " 2.50 Corn, Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.50 Huckwhoai Shorts, 2.00 Oats, 82 lbs. Com A Oats Chop, 2.00 Flaxseed, Timothy Seed. p. b. 11.00 l'rotluce Market. Potatoes, Eirs, per doz., Butter, per lb., Lard, " Side?.. 75 Hams, 15 Tallow, 25 Country Soap, 15 Dried Apples, 10. " lVaebes, f boulders. 1ss .'An EiiiiMite I'hroiuo, Size 14 X 'JO, In 14 Colors. "THE STKAWJJEKRY GIKL," For Every Subscriber to Hearth tiud Home Tor 1S7S. ThU beautiful Chromo. which the Publishers of Hearth aud Home have provided, is printed I IS llincf. in colors, to produce the beautiful co- ! 1 oritur aud shudiui: ut the original. A copy Is ; now within easy reudi of every Home iu Auie- nca. The Journal itself Is a rich treasure for any Household. A single volume contains ubout ' (25,000 worth of splendid engravings, finely printed, nnd ot a uigniy pieaing nun uiMruciive 1 character. U hu, also, a vaet amount of the I choicest reading, carefully prepared, and lull ot instruction. With all these attractions, au.l oilier Improve ments contemplated, the price of Hearth and Home continues ut the low rate ol only t-i a yeur. or (4 for lluarlh ami Home and the American Agrkultunlii-t. (With the Agriculturalist there will also be presented a iiioet beautiful Chromo of an original picture, painted expressly for this purpose, entitled "Miscihc! urcwing, uy u. r. Keluunrt. Bent, mounted, lor only 23 cents ex tra. N. li. f4.75 secuiei both pacr ror tho year 1B7;I, and both Chromo, mounted and sent prepaid. ) The Hearth and Home Ceroinos Are delivered In the order In which the names arc received. No cliarge for the Chromo when taken itt the olHce, uuuiiMinted. if to ue sent prepaid, uuiuouiiled, Oecutsiuust be sent for prepayment aud pack ing. I It mill be mounted and varnished, read lor putting Into a f rame, for SO cents extra that is, lor ou cents It will lie mounted, vuruttiiua, pack ed, and sent prepaid to subscribers (to Hearth ud Home tor lBTli. that la the llearin una Home t hromo w ill be delivered Ai the Otlicc, Unmounted Free. .Mounted oO cents r.xira If sent prepaid Unmounted -0 cents K.xlra " Mounted au cents extra We adilse all to have them mounted before leaving the olHce, as iu lurgu quautities we ura able tobavelbein mounted for a quarter of the cost of doing it siugly, and better than it cau usually be douc clscwdcrc. The subsciptian price of the Anierlcau Agri culturalist, whUh U well Luuwu us oue of the oldest aud best luatfaitue Lu the world, for the Farm. Harden and Household, is tl.DO u year. One copy each of Iteartn aud Home weekly, and : American Agriculturist .tior.miy, win ue sent one year for 14. 3'J cents additional w hen the pa pers are to go lo bihimi America. OKA NO K JUDO CI)., J'uhlulurM, 245 llroadwuy, New )'oik. CKAWrOltD IIOI SK, Cor. Tli id and Mulberry, business Centre, U'illtaucport, Pa. D. U. ELSE A CO., Proprietor. June S1.), ISIS. C'utstble Ksile. NOTK'K Is hereby clven.thst ot a Constable's Bale, oceurriui; ou the 10th of June, 1873. of the personal i;oods of John F. Kapp, In the Oorouuh of cunbury, the following goods were purchased by the undersigned i A cane sent Chairs, '4 Camp (Hools, 1 large ( liulr, 1 Kockinj; Chair, 1 marble lop bland, I Extension Table, 1 Sofa, 1 Book Case, I lot parlor Carpel, 1 piece Oil Cloth, 1 Healer, 1 room Btove, 1 conk Btove and Qxturns, 1 lot kitchen Carpet, fl common Chairs, a cherry Tublcs, 1 Clock, 1 Bland, 1 round Table, 1 lot ball and stair Carpet, i wash Stands, ki Uowl aud Pitchers, 3 Bed steads, i Windsor Chaira, 1 lot bedroom Carpet In two rooms, 1 Looking tilass, 'i bureaus, 3 Tubs, 1 IfeMk, and NVsidrobe. These (roods ant left In the keeping of the said John V. Kapp dur ing the pleasure of the undersigned, and t he pub lic are warned sot to meddle with the same. H. Y. I KILIMJ. Sunbury, June 31, 1ST3. ct Lr3 V? II urn 1U $25,000 in SPRING and SUMMER GOODS now open for inflection The finest stock of White and Lace Goods, Carpets in flflsifirv fl ims UUM1U1 J A full and complete iinhortment of GROCERIES. CLOTHS, CASSMERES, CLOTHIKG. Merchant Tailoring, RICHARD SIMPSON, Champion Cutter. A'e have added Merchant Tailorinp: to our business with RICHARD SIMPSON ns Cutter, and will guarantee complete satisfaction in this as well asiu every other department. 'ufitt'ii A'lf it i "Wo keep on hand constantly, hent Imported Stwixo Machine NEKni.i. and will forward ' Jr t to any address post 'paid on receipt of cash price- iSinger all kinds, and Orov&r k Raker, 50 cts. per dozen, all other kinds, GO cts. per do.cn. Mile DeMorcst's Put terns for sale. Sunbury, Ta., April 5, 1873. 3mos. 1SM860X I Pi : X r ! - 18 PtnSUTXT A VEaeTABLB PBEPARATtOW. oora domS simply ofwU kuownROOT8, HERBS aa4 FRUITS, eomblasd wtta other Btoysrtles whisk la thslr natore are Cathartic, Aperient, nu tritions, Diuretic, Alterative and AuU-BUuooa. The whole Is prMsrvsd In a sofflcisnt qusnUly of (plrl troai ik avSAia casus to kws SlMia la mnj Tl'i ' whlob mokse th ' PLANTATION ir Bitters n of th most 4lnbl Tole sail Catksi ! la the weria. XLij are intended strictly u a , Temporance Bitters enlytobeaas4MBudlelnBd always seeordin Is nlisstt on TLy are tn iheetaneher of th fSeble sad MHr fated. Th act upon a diseased liver, and attatuiata to each a degree that a healthy aetioa f at once mM anout. a a remsay so weioa -waman r wpaclaUy subjset it 1 eupra4iiif every other ttaolaat. As s aprtas; aaa asaaaenTaaie they hsv no equsL Tbey are a BBlld and fsatl InugeUve as well a Tonio. Xhey Pnriry th Bkwd. They are a splendid Appetiser. Aey ssake the week troBa'. Ttwy portly and tovigorata. Thay cure Xyapapela. Coostlpatkai and Hanla-h. Thryactae speoiAe in all spulss of aisor4re which ondermiae tke poolljr unUi and break down the animal Uita. Depot, 63 Park PUo. Sew York. KKKI' IT IIAXUV. The Rrxuni.B Famii.t MeinciNa. DIARRHEA, dysentery, Cholera, Mummer Complaint, Cramp, etc., quickly cured by the ns of JAKDELLA'B Compound Syrup of blackberry Root and Rhu barb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant tn take, quick and certain iu rtlecl ; can be depended on In the most uriieut cases i way be given to JAie youtiest Infant as well as to adults. Jt contains NvtAMmoK onoriCM. U It a pleaaut eatnKit aud readily tuken by children. It baAt'.cn saved life when physU eiaus had desiwhiud. Keep it In the house and use in lime. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't lot your dealer put you olf with something els. liny it. Keepers Try It. Hold by in uggl.is and Store throughoui U.is fctaU-. Prepared only by H AN&KLL BKO.. Jiir fi,'i-3in. 'Jm0 Market fit., Philadelphia SPRING at Titis: I , i 11 eonsistiiuc of Ladies' Drcsa Good in thin section, Trlmniinfrs Mawls great variety and price, from 25 cts, Only 50 Cents por Bottte. It promotes t!i CTwOVTH, mr.SniU.sl IbiWliOUi mid InrrcOB- Hio Vigor Anil IlKALTV of th XIAIlt. CVttr Ttur.TT Yiur.fl a",o I.tn'1 ITt:iaia yn- Tnx iAtK Wity flmt jt.iiv-. in Uio t:i:i rlt mt I jt rnifsnnef K. ThiuM 1 j-nri, n pru'ltinto nf l'riut'-jtdn roll's'. Tlieunnio jrWiveil fntm thl flrwW, " IATifn," -tir-Blfuito cVtiiic, f'f,f'yt rrjnrmit, or rttfnr. Tho favor it hitsrtHfivot,iiiiil tli.' Kjjjui.Liitv it h.u o)tutijJa la uiiprwNwlntftl it ml in'TiV.iub. It incru tbs OltnwTH Hntl ltitAi-rr i-f li.n Kair. Jt i u tU'lcibtful ArHiDr. It M-itrlint(4 J'-tninit7 It 1)rrvrnt t1 Hair fmm tuminK Krny. J V-y p ttm ud wA. iuii friTM tlw hir n ricli, Nift, irlimj Hparniie. It it U AaMI in QrtKTrTa nn l Or.v itt r.r:iivcr tftrut TBBof a ficNTtmY Aro, uml iawnll 1 y nil ltriiu'KitiMtin l Country biure ul only fifty liula xei ilutU Woman's Glory i ffir Eair. LYON'8 May 17, lltlTtililiH-JIHhH:! Is the nmt powerful cleanser. fclrciiL'thn-r mid remover of (ilandular Obstructions known to Materia Mellc.i. It Is specially adapted to eonstitulions "worn down" and debilitated by the warm veuthcrof bprlng and Suiniuer, hen tho blotxl is not ia active circulation, cot',ucuttt- eilierinir linpu ritie from s!ui;i;ibiupa and iiiiiu'rfccl action of the secretive (HgjiM. and is manifested hv 1 u nors, KruiHiou., Bhaches, Uoils, l'ebtules.'bcro fuia, .Vc. Wheu weary ond lamuid from ovorwork. and dullness, drowzincs and iiiLtla take the place of euergyaud vii;or. the syteni needs a Tonic lo build it up and help the Vital Forces to regain their rcciipcrulivs power; Iu the heal of Bummer, frciv-icnlly the Liver und fpleen do not pri'p-riy perlnrm llicir func tions j the Uterine and Uriimiy Organ are iu active, pmdufliig weakuess of tiie ktoinach i iutc'diuctaud a pnJL.iejtlonio tlUwif. ,us. Ulelil. I'.xtrHct of Jurubelm Ifprepareu pirectly froin the South Ainericnn rlant, end Is peeuliary suited to nil these diffi culties ; it will ricuusr'thr Vitiulid lllm.il, slreiit theu the Life-iiiviiitr l'ouer, aul rci'iuie all obstrucllons from iiii'.iitc.l and cnfcliV.I ( igaus. It sluHild Ik' freely taken, h J'lrnlu h.i Is pro nonnred jiedieal l iters the nut etllcient Puiitler, "fav'ie and Deobstruent known lu tbe whole raij; of I I icimi I plants. olIN t. KKLLotiU, IS Plutt St., N. T. Sole Ageul for the United tflules. Vrtce, l pef HirttW. ccud fortlicular. .I2e, w Simmers TfSTi ltvi! Huomfk F. KUItS'HAM'S NEW Til KBINT. i K. M HATl etIIKEC m To be tbe Best Ever Invented. I Pamphlet feee. Adilress, York, t'a. 4t i W.ISTWI,-Wbolnalo Piircioislng A gen Is for tbe liartrain Bowing Machine insdn at Din bury, CI. The Latest nd te.-t. The Millesl, Fa Met und Euaicst j.dck Slilih, Straight Needle Machine iu lh Market. Better Ure s than uuv company. AddreFs, JulIN A. DoDUK, July 6,'Ti.tii (icn'l Agent, I i.u.liury , Conn. Nl'XUAY-htllOOI. IIOUHM AND PAPFJtfl. Catalogue Supplied by ithe Aluoiicaa SuuJay- i ... . . ,. , ' Bt"4"1 L j No. Hi! CHESINCT T., pin um mi. Julv j,'JJ.-4r if OflllTC ami sale at the STAT; STORE; at very low prices. Ulaf fits upward, Oil Cloth. Winrlow Blinds. - '.. .... j - i MILL AND FARM FOB SALE. Will he sold at private sale a TRACT OF LAND, situate in .tbiiitou towiisi.ir, N "n-'.hUui'-'.T laud counly, l'a., roulainin .'.J aeieb liuic o: less, wherton is rvclcrl a ptMn! DWl'.l.l.l.Vo Horf Hprlni; of Wairr near tho hmis.-, and all nctos sary oulhuildingt. The laid U In H high r''.( of cultivation. .Mo. u tilflSiT MILL three stories hii;li with a never fulllli W;itcr Power, two run of sfmc, having an cXce'lcr.'. run nt custom, and Ik luealel uiihin tl. ;.'e niilut of the railroad i-tation. Thi valuable properly will be sold on ea-y Icrnis. For furthdr psi tlcti l.tm jpy lo KfKH I. lir.O. Rebuck P. O. June 14, IS?". NoitliiunlH'ilaiid d.. P,i Iu the Orhrua' ( oiirl or NOKin U.MBEUI.AM) COUNTY. ICntitte "fSarah Miller, tlcccpaet! , fur Writ of Partitiou. To Eidiraim It. Mlllor.Wllliitm M. Miller..! itir, Intermarried with Willh.ru Koy, resident In Mt. tiilea 1, Morrow counlv. Stato of Ohio t John M. ' Miller, resident in Eort Wayne, Mate of Indian::, 1 and Elizabeth tiilijpi.lct. u daughter of Jol.iijo.: i Miller, ouh of the sous deceased. Intermarried : with Coinparut, reshtlt.i; In tile ttate of lo wa, and to all t tie other heirs and let'al rep'eM ii I tuiiveo of I be said riarnh Miller, deceased. Take Notice, Tlmt by vinun r.f the u. ,v writ of I'a ri itvi m to me direeivd. an Iuouisi i will be held upon the premise therein desci b. on Wednesday, the UUth tlay of July, 1K73, ht 1. o'clock a. tn., to ascertaiu nnd i n q u iio him i.: other things, heihei the Said premises can hi purted and divhled.wilhout prejudice to, or spoil ing the ho thcrucf, or otherwise to value and appropriate tbe sum, when aud where tou ttiht attend if you seejiropt-r. I!esieel I'uliT ; ;u:n, J. 11. lioTJiEHMEL, fibers SherltT' fMllce, Sunbury, Jnue g?', 1S73 - xotki:. The Orient Insurance Co., of Hartford, ' withdiauii Us neeniy 1'roiii S n i . I ia ry, and lerol I'd I he certille.it e of unthority issued In L. M Y o.ler lo act s agent for said romi'iiuy. h. C. rilESTON, Vice l'resldeut. Hart ford. June tl, 1S73. Send for Illustrated Catalogue aud examine our prices bet ore purchasing, a wo jaiui lo sctl lower than unv olbrr establishment In the City. KEMFMItuR the Nl'MHKU, v.T.rt nuv.f. Avr.xur, riiiiadcipiiu. hfitiMi axi sf.n.nr.R. MILLINERY GOOD8 FOR 1S73 J I'ST opened an extensive assortnient of STRAW, MIL1.INEKT 'vf) FANCY GOODS, comprising the latest tut most am active styles selected with cue fieu. the leading !inpo:liu houses iu New Y,.r f'n?! rii'lRelfbhi, aud adapted for the prrseui season. KltllUlNS ANL Fl.OWF.ni III g'eat variety, a t lu'iul assoilinenl it netk lies, ornament for sacqot.. TiilMf!lNli.OF Al l, Kl.M's. lilovrs, t'!hir.i. Lulls, an. I ! ,'v.shionab'e article ol lii'!e' V ear. Call and see '.'e new slyleact (iooJs St MUSI.. SIMS'' I FK. MarkU Aiu.irc, Snubun , I'.i. Ar.ril 1:0. 17:1. UUUKIJ f 'l..Ni Mule or Knn re f CO a week guarauleed. lU'spei'tablir t'liiploynent t hoiur, day or evenliii; ; :,o c;iitrl leijuiie.1 ; full instTtietioiis A valuiiile pai Laue of goods sen I five ly mail. Aibliess, villi six evtit returb .t....i. vi i M ri : iiv.-nui. iinii New r. ' .l-i-s Sprem lllife