Bwlmix American, 8UN BUIl Y, J Ui E aS." 1873." ' Railroad Time Tnblr. arrival ivd DrrAtiTrnKor VnAiNHATuriiinr. N. C. n. XV.. Pnnlh. Eric Mull, 13.m am L'rlc Express, H.40 " Mull, ll.l.'i " NTag. Kxpress 8.21) i m P. E. R. K. Wool. Mail, 6.30 m Nino. Expresl2.-10 pm Klmirii Mull 4.15 " Krlo Express, C.55 " rm:Kt and LcwiaTuWM R. n. Leave Sunbury fur Le wist own nt 7.80 and 4-30 p. M. Arrlvn at Sunbury from Lewistown nt ud T.4S p. m. nAMottr nivnio, s. c. n. w. l.tAVE 8ntiMiry at 6.43 a m " la.aspin 4.4U p in AKK1VR At Sunbnrjr 0.25 a m " 8.59 pm 6.00 p m tANVIU R, If AXLKTON A WrLKRSIIAHnt B. H. lteirulnr passenger tsaln leave Sunbury for Danville, Cnttuwissn, Hnrlclon mid intermediate ft'iAlnns, at u.4n u. m. Returning leave Huele t on at 1.00 p. tn. Arrive lit 4 00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND IlLOOMSnfnn It. It. Lcavo Northumberland at 0.40 a. m. nnd 4. SO p. in. Arrive nt Northumberland at 10.34 a. in. and fi.05 p. m. Accidental Insurance Ticket! can bo had of J. Miipmnn, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Nummrr Arrangement Tor the Post OITIe-e til Niiuburj-, Pa. OJflf Ofltm frotn C.30 a. m., to 8 p. ro.. ezcejit on Suniftiy. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSIN'lt OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows i Fioia tbe Kast at 6.15 a in., 12.(5 p. m., 4 p. nt. " SfliUh, 6.15a in., 13.15U-. m 4.10p. in. " West, 0.15a.m., IU.15 p. m., 4.10p m., iiml 8.20 i. in. " North, 6 a m., 11 a. m., 8.5J p. in. Sliamnkin, Mt. Cnrmel nnd point on that Hue, tf.15 a. m., 8.50 p. m. Mails close as follows t For the East, 5. .TO a. in., 10.50 a. m., 7.S5 p. in. " South. 10.50 a. m.. 7.115 p. ni. ' Wot, 7.:i0 ii. m., 10.50 ii. in., 7.:A p. m. " North 5.50 n. in., Ii.r.0 p. in., 7.K5 p. in. Ph ininkin proprr 12.15 p. m. Muitnokin nnd offices on that route, 4.20 p. m. J, .1. PMITTI, P. M. usiness Cecals. Si:wimi Mai'miic and Cot taut: Oiioans. Miss Caroline D.ilin is the agent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines in existence, viK : 'The Improved (irover .5 linker, ' and 'Ihvmestiv,' which are con.-taiitly kept oh hand, and sold at eeasoiialile pri hh is also itircnt for the sale of the celebrated 'Silver Toiil'Uc Organs, ' nuil Iho Hay Male Oriran.' and for the sale of the Train. .V: I'ope Kniitiug Machine. Call and see them. Oilice on Market street, east of the rail rosd. Tin; !'Mi'i;otT.n tinormi S Hvft i-:u Brwivri Ma i'IIinr. The-e celebrated inavliines are ollired nt flic mo. i reasonable rale. For particulars ppl fo I). U. 4tTZ, Anciit, reh.'.'J,'T..-ly. I'pprr Augiistii township. Wood's Mowers nnfi Heapcrs, the best in mar ket, for sale by II. K. (lootijilf ii ot Knhrhaeh's foundry in Punbuiy. The repairing of Ueniicrs nttended to promptly. ju2', :;t. Don't worry your team and patience wilh a poor machine, (loin liohrbach's Voundiyand the Wood Machine. Oondrich will show yon what it will do. SrroND T ind Pianos for sale or rent at reason- J able rates. Inquire at this ofll?c. j foil 1UT. A hand-omc room over Me! tick's Drug Stoiv, Market Pqunre. tnqnrg of II. II. Masser. j Fi.owrns ant Mim.inkry (ioons arc being constniitly received al tho store of Mi.-s L. Weiser, on Market stioct. to keep her tnn rnili c nt stock replenished. Call and see hi-r latest ! ussoitincnt. Mn. .l.vron Buioin, has lately built nn mldl tion to his F.urekA hnlooit, on the coincrof Third and Market ft reels, which has been neatly lilted up for lite nceoininodarmn of his eii-tniners. Warm meals arc tin niiicd at all bom lu his diuiui; rooms, while the best of mull liquors arc constantly on tap at the har. Tup Store room of W. It. F. Wiimer has been enlarged, an I Q'.led up With a larger nssoruiennt of store goods tlinn has ever before beeu in that eslalilishnient. Mr. Welnicr lias selected his Hock wilh great care, nnd for bennty, durabili ty and cheapness is not excelled. Ills storo is row a novelty, and Ins great variety of goods annul hcip hut convince all that he Is dctcrmiu vd lo keep up with tbe limes. Cull aud sec hU 'ale sioek just opened. I. vr.i.K Aunt-NT or FriiNiTTiin. While the cabinet making shop of H. L. Umidenhush is be in", rebuilt, tu'.cs of furniture will bo continued in the store lu the Masonic building. There Is a iii-ir arrival of u large assortment of the most muirniflccnt furniture, which is offered nt tho Very lowest prices. Everything In tho furniture line is kept, and full setts furnished ut the short iv-T notice. Call aud see the splendid styles, and j i-'il'-tautiul make up of parlor and bed room ' tuiies. ! I'us'r ttv.t prices when you can get good lit a small prclit. At l. A. Kinney's store, MrUct btieel, but one price prevails, and goods ift!ibe-t ipiniity cm be purchased nt astou-l-hlugly low pri.-es. His stock consists of every j variety of Jby tiootls, Vets (ioods, (iroccrlcs, ' otH"u, Hoots and Mines, and Jewelry. Thu assortment li complete, being selected v. ith the crviitct curv. Vfi charges ure made to show ,,' iu fact il is a pleasure to Mr. Finney to show wbat a handsome clock bu bus ou band. Uiullct aud gentlemen oio iuvited to call and make a full eximibstion before buying else where. Ptill BE Lives. Tha iudefatigafcle Clothier, Thus. li. Nott, is striking out lu a new place. We notice that ha has rented the spacious room j nt Jl. Campbell s new building, adjoining the Ci ty Hotel, here he will opeu a general elothlug cstal.lishuivut. Thomas is dctei mined to make it so, aud as there arc but few who excel him iu making up a neat suit, he attracts the attention of th pub'is wlutrcvcr he locates. Wi: nolie1 on Tuesday last, a large number of Trunks and Vuliecs on the pavement in front of the Kxeelstnr Boot and Shoo riloro of W. A. Mil ler, on Markt4 square, wbirh are how offered for sale at reasonable prices. Mr. Miller, we uuder staiid, iuleud to have u' sperial apartment for t'.i -e articles, where partle can bs aconmmo- ! -au w. i,u,..m-,,,Mlti,m, -., at city prices, Miss Amii.ia Hakcoik has just received a lar; -c stock of Millinery (roods from the city of Philadelphia, consisting of Neck Ties silk aud Luc, C l.ildrcn's Lace Bon mis, Old Ladles' Press Caps, Hair Hi.. U, Ladies' Coitets, and a lurge v ui. lyef oik. r article too numerous to inen- r.op. Lnw-rt t Hn it. aia all lbs go. Everybody : ,-,-hs to nam ih m, uoi only because tliey nra t'tshhiiiuble, but becaute they are comfortable this warm wculhtr. Being pretty, neat and du'.e, lin y ciuWiace ull dusirsble qualllles. A splendid ussortmeMt of ''low-cuts' hare been re ' iTert ut I he Kscelslor Boot and Hboe store of W. II. Miller, Market tenure, bunbury. Cio and lie 111. Wnv Us- Wine of a tloubtf'al character when you can pioeuru a fssre article-the purejulce of ihe jji-rtpe- tor les money than is demanded by o I 1 r i!1 ,.ih u '! .1 li'iunV lU' call wine I Fotaok Oil Cocstr rArttRg. On tbe flrst day of July the new pontage law goes Into effect. It requires the payment en all regularly United publication aont through the mall. This refers to paper! circulated within tbe county where pub fished (heretofore free) n well as those without the eounty. The pontage on weekly newspaper! Is flu cents per quarter, of three months, but sub scribers may pay ten cents for tiro quarters, If they dimlre to do so. It woild be advisable not to py for A longer period than six mouths, as, In all probability, owe of the Drat acts of the next Congress will ha a modification of the law, nt leant as regards the eltvnlntlon of papers In the county where published. All copies of the Amtriean received through tho Banbury post of fice, 'finer July 1st will be charged postage. We therefore desire all persons tow receiving our paper through that channel to give ns notice where they desire It left for them hereafter. A number now receiving U through the post ofllce lire 1u town, nnd to all of these we cm scud It by carriers, If they call and leave their address. Persons living in the country, who cannot be served by the carriers, can get their papers at this ottce, or any of the stores, If they dcglro to save the postage. All subscribers to tho Ameri , residing wlthiu the county, paying one year lu advance, will have the nnrotint of postage de ducted from our advance rotes. Jrptie K'Of-KRiTLLKn moved Into his new house on Mondny Inst. His is.Mciice u i an etovatcd position In tint eai(ern part of the town. Considerable Work Is yet rrqnired to put the external finishing touches on the building. TrtK borough Council arc now issuing the new Borough Bonds. None hut Orders dated prior to the 31st of January are convertable. The Bonds are handsomely engraved, having a pho tograph of the Court House on one Corner, and the Park on the other ; the Pennsylvania coat of arms l in the centre. JrANFR.---T'hc Royal, Jcddo Jappanee Troupe pave a line cntertainnicnt ia the Opera fTou'c, n Tuesday evening last. Thc'.r perform ances Were appreciated more than others jilvcn in this place for n long time. They were par ex- rellcnoe. 1 uc andieuco ns not as large as the euteetalnmelit merited, owing, perhajis. to in suf!icie:it udvertlsliiif through their inconside rate agent. Ainirr.TKD inn Viit Wiiiri'iMi. Ziliedec Rosiinu was committed to prison, on Tuesday last, on complaint of his wife, for brutal treat ni"iit. On the same evening, fleoigo llowers was in rested for null renting his wife, and enter ed bail. These two6rae could flud more room for exercising their pugilistic propensities if they were scut among tho Mo Iocs. Tut: Western Telegraph Company are now cn g'led lu lining lip the room hi lla'.eliue's store for their nlSee. They will soon be ready to sel up their iusiriimeuts for opcrati.m. The locu tion is the most prominent in town. A Vol At. AND iNSTltl MrNTAI. CONCI'UT Will he given this (Friday) evening, in the Court House, by Prof, Hi own and D. Kcltncr, which will be one of thu finest entertainments of the sca-on. As their cntcrtaintncnlsaie well known to be of n high character, and the -admission very low, tin doiiM a full house will greet tlicni. 1!i:ad iikkohk Y- Sk.n Viint X.ixc A large number of persons who put their signatures to a recommendation of E. Ii. Haines, Certifying that his IPfory of Sunhuvy is concct, Ac, have wailed upon ns and slated that thev sli"'.i ii without, reading the content', ntld that since they have examined it tin y l'.r.d themselves told. We would aip. isc all who arc ''bored" for their sig natures. It, the future, to lir.-t read the contents of the instrument to which they arc Invited to at tach their names. Tbie last rase Is certainly a good lesroii. I In l..-n;. Our youn I it'-n-l Toter S. Burrel of the Washington Ho.1-', woe, the t'dnicst for the j large cake, at the festival lull, last Meek, by the ! He!'o:nni ( hureh. The cimte-t was between Mr. Hum ! and Mr. (n o. F-. IIo.Tinan, two of the . le'.-t hotel clerk of this place, but IMcr being somen h;: of a hiillcS' man, und preporessing in j his appearance, thereby distanced his competitor an 1 look the piiie. The Church realized f(s.70 bv Ihc contest. Tim: t'otute Hut has this viclnitv. f.i.nie its nj pearance iu l Is.triivn.--A young mail named Long, np i preut lei d lo J. 1''. I.en li, at blachsmiihiiig, was : thrown f"jm a horse, on .-Spruce street, on l iiday j last, and seriously Injured about the head. IIu I was insensible lir several hours. Doctors Mar i tin and Clark dressed tho wounds. He is, we I are happy to lcurn, lapldly reeovcritig. I Aiiiiuri.TciiAL Mkbtino. the Ksecutivc i Cotnmitteo of the Northumberland County Agri i cultural Society, (Jos. Ulid, Pnidctit,) met In the Arbitration Room, on Saturday last, aud np- poiuled a committee of conference lo unite with the Turbutville (Northumberland County Agri- tfultiiiul Ijoclcty.) Tbu time for holding their 1 fair will be decided on soon. Mr. Yuungmiiii corded to him. After transacting some minor businos, the committee adjourned. Till! P.efprmcd festival closed on Katvadty I night, after fivo nights of successful entertain I ment. The uct rceeijits will pro lahly reach ?;J00. Rki'Iirsiiinii Rais. The rain on Tuesday' morning was must propitious, and gives a re- , j freshing appearance to everything. The summer i - crops were suffering everywhere lor the want of ' ruiu, and iu many places the sun had scotched i plauts beyond resuscitation. Tub 'J-vurtli" will probably bo a dull day in Sunbury, as the dilfereut societies have all cou eluded to send the day elsewhere. The firemen will mingle with their friends nt Lock Haven ; the Red Men wilh tholr brothers at WuUoiilown. The Knights of Pythias will go to Shickthinny. The P. O. . of A., aud the Hoys in Qltie, ns well os a large portlou of our citizens, will pay a visit to our neighbors of Northumberluud, where a grand liiuo await them. The address of Co!. Taggart alone, will repay all w ho spend the day ut Northumberland, Nov von Modocs. Wo would inform our neighbor of the .lurniug t'iprei, that wo havo no disposition to make un cttuck on Modocs uu- ,c(jl u be jn ie,f derenee, Ai lo Jlutoriaa, we regard the icodcrn Haines class too small game to shoot, at long range, as In that case we would bo only wusviug uulinunllloh. Pnor. fSciiMUnru, of the high school in this place, has gone on a visit to Poltsville bis j former residence, to a'tend the 9th annual com I lueocement of the High School in that place, of ' which he was Its first Principal. I Tut .Viltoiiios, says that It U rumored that the shops of the P. fc R. It. Co., are to b removed I from this place. Wo lliluU not, as preparation! I arc being made to Increase the works. Tho Penn sylvania Railroad company uever overlook such favorable locatious for shops as tjuubury pre sents. Besides being Ihe termini of live rail roads, where freight takes afferent directions td market, It would be poor policy to temovt the shops located here, particularly when the own a large -ope of land upon whlchtheyarcfnitc-l. Brno tho tcaslon of the United Btato Dis trict urt, at Wllllatnsport, last Veek, om el1rt nine bills were found against Dudley, who tconnectlon tilth Wales, formerly postal route jent bottreori Toledo and Buffalo, com mitted number of robberies of the mall. Wales havlngnstructed Barman Ma successor, the presenile agent, was permitted to rido lu the postal o, assisted In the distribution of the malls, tring which ho managed, nt various times, tr,btract and pot In hli pockets, a nunv her ofjHablo letters containing money, chocks nnd drafli The lattor wero handed over to his partner Ijicy who forged the necessary In dorsement and collected t money through the Etprengints, who were Victimised to tho aniouut of On Wedniijay tho Grand aud Tctlt Jurors, olllccrs of tho'Jourt nnd others, visited "Mlane qiin,! nt the Stance of Mr. Peter Herdic, who provided thu Means of conveyance and hand somely cntcrtiliJCa Ms guests at his largo estab lishment at '.le springs. The hotel has been enlarged, auihvill now accommodate four hun dred guests, aid Is ably mannged by our old friend Peter Attick, formerly of the Olrurd IIoiw, Philadelphia. Dv Invlnviitlou of tho Sunbury Yacht' Club, wo boarded tho yacht "Huttle," on S.-Uurttsy ftfternoou last, to take a sail on the beautiful basin fronting our liotoiigh. The winds being unfavorable for a genuine good sail, we content ed nmselro Willi beln. whirled nrouud occasion ally by "", nr.d gliding i, .ud fro, ou itn oltti: waters of tbe Kitsii'irhuuuu. v found the officers in control very obliging, but "not hnppy," because the craft could not begot to her usual fast speed for tho want of a regular gale. Wo wo-e, however, much pleased with the trip, and we were forcibly struck with the beauty of the scenery, which Is extremely plcluiesqnc, as w e passed up the river beyond old Fort Augusta, and moved around the point of the Island. When favorable weather for Bulling is had, we shall ac. ec-pt tho next invitation, nnd give n full account of "Ilattlc," their favorite craft, together with her speed, and the magnificent scenery that may lay in her cour.-c. Sol.niriis' Moni mknt. At ii meeting of the Eseculivu Committee of the Soldiers' County Monument Association, a few davs ago, it was ; resolved to lay the corner stone of the monu ! nient to he erected in this place, on the second day of the I'uion Park and Agricultural Associ J ation Fair, the coining fall. ('apt. Hctvr l'nlli j ter having rusigned as Secretary of the Assoein . tion, A. N. Iliice was appointed in his stead, ! and Cictt. Jno. K. Clement was appointed Assit , taut Secrelai y. j U.MoN PaUK AMI Anilll Tl Tt K II. SlM'IKTV. j The Conimitlee of the I niou Park and Agricul . tnral Association are requested to meet in the Arbitration Room, in the Court House', In Sun i bury, on the 'JSih day or June, 173, al 1 o'clock i p. m., to transact business of importance in rc i forcuee to holding the fair next Tall. ' Sol. Mai.u k, l'rcst. j Tin: renowned 'Historian,'' Haines, having ; failed in his action for libel against tho Junior -editor of this paper, put him under bonds to np i pear on Saturday lust, before Esquire Snyder, to answer a charge for having advertised nostrums, but failing to appear himself, the suit was, of course, disu-.Nscd. In this lie has exhibited more discretion than usual. '. Tin: (iermania Orchestra of Reading, on their return from the commencement of the l.ewlsbuig University, stopped here on Wednesday evening last, in wait of the train ' mcy u-"t-u i.auusonieiy ciuerlaiiie'.l by Mr. Moses Marx, ut the. Clement House, over which our friend Mr. TuI'M presides to the satisfaction of every one who stops at his hotel. While hero they played several peiees of initsic in the d'aw-ing-room of the hotel, which attracted a large number of persons to'l'hiid street, as listeners. Their music surpassed anything ever heard in our place, and "as accepted by oar citizens as a : rich treat. Tim: local e lit or of one Of rut r daily papers, and a correspondent of the other, arc at logcrheads : Result, several columns of mattet. Subject ill disput-.; involving the consumption of ginger bread and other edibles ut n social i:e;!tcl:ng. Interesting. Tin; festival of the Sunbury Cornet Hand in Lyon s Hull, during the past week, h is been tin) principal attraction of our young people. We ' arc happy to see that good order prevaled, ajnl i that the members met a merited reward. The ' voting lor a speaking trumpet between the steam j file limine company, and the hook und ladder ! company was quite spirited. While the ladies! are much interested in several licaulit'al cakes to be voted for betv.cen the cong. young men and tallies' friends, Messrs. A. M. .M-ixeil, S. (.). Reed, (ieo. (iibson, nnd Win. I'.yi-ter. l'rom the efforts ut. tile by the ladies to secure the prize for then), we think they buvc riu-nii to feel prmid, and they should lend their ail in making the fiS tiVal a grand success. Asmsii the recent improvement:! in Williams port, is u new hotel, thu Crawford House," lo cated iu the city proper and center of business. This is an Institution that was much needed, ami it allorils us much pleasure tn say the Craw ford House ir- u Hist class hotf-l in every sense of the vvord: Tl.c house is a toiiiiiioiliutis one. built csprersly for a hotel with ail the modern iin protcmentb. The rooms are furn'sheil in exccl Kmt style, and under the management of Mr. Fie". Ihe proprietor, ale! Mr. Wells, the super intendent, e!eaii!in..-.s und coiiiioi t pervades the entire t s t !!! si, mci ; t . Wr. return oiirll. uihs tothc lln. .1. 11. Packer for Valuable ptihlii t'ui-uini nts. Riot ai Riinova. -A tiol o-itiried al R-nova on Tuesday e'eulag last, between a party of Swedes, and a party of Irishmen, employed on Ihe railroad ut that place. Three (Swedes were thul dead, and a fourth seriously wounded. SiUAWBiatitms. This fruit Is uow largely cultivated, and sold iu almost every market at remunerating prices, und yet they aru scarce In out own maiket al higher prices than almost anywhere else. This is radically wrong. (Jno of the lrgct producers near Washington, says his beriics utcrage him only 11 cents per quart, und so about ll.irrit'ouig una oilier placet. The business ought to be a paying ouc in this Neigh borhood. Jacob Dumlel, aged li years, son of Martiu Duiikul, was drowned iu the river al Lewisburg, on Monday week, whilst lo the water, bulbing, with tw o other boys, all studcuts ol the Aiadcmy. 'fur. passenger furc on the Suuhury and Lewis towu rulliojd, excepting between Sulinsgrove and Buubnry, baa becu reduced to SI ccuU per mile. Wokbe than a Modoc the who cheats the printer. The votaries of the Nine are not ull dead yet, at least not In Suubury, as the folios ing will testi fy, which hints, In verse, we suppose iit some Uliug funny which occurred In one of our vli arches i If you go to Church, sit down with ease, Aud hold your bohuct when yuu sneeze j Jf without care you case your nose, I he strings may tear aud away It goes. FotitOE bngs can be destroyed by sprinkling the top with & broom brush dipped into palls of water, In w hich sufllcleut parie green has been tirre! t hI 11 wiqli'i'i Good. Our neighbors of Northumberland arcl waking up, and going lo work In lha right way with a lew to the Improvement of their beauti fully located town. The Tr of Inst wrolt gives a the following gratifying news. 'There Is now lo process of erection and abwit helng built, not less than ono hundred how houses In crory part of the town, and on almost every street tbe busy sonnd of tho hammer and saw are heard. Nc walls, new frames, new collars, nnd soon ft new house. People arc com ing In dally, and sales of lots are dully taking place. Lots are cheap, nnd never will be cheap, er, bnt every year thuv must advance. At pre sent they eun be bought on long time payments. The largo furnace of Juincs rt. Marsh U al most ready to put iuto blnst, and boom wo hope lo sco It In successful operation, nnd it? projee tors rewarded for their energy and seal. North umberland must becomo tho centre of a largo and successful Iron Interest, located as Is upon the river, canal, and railroads. Close to the ore, coal nnd limestone. This furnace Is rttily the be gluning of a serlos that will soon bo built, if thi is n success. Tin, car nitons under Col. Junkini", are. We are Informed, about ready to commence work, and will soon glva employment to a lurgu force of m Van Allen A (Vs. rolling mill has beeu en larged, nuil with the nail factory Is now turning out a large amount of work. Frlck Ai Clmtnbcrlin's saw mill Is busy n'lit ml d,iv Inrnlmr bat its thousand of IVit of lumber, nnd our iliuvlianlcs, merchants, and i everybody are as busy a- they well can be. The old land murks am pris.iiv; itwiiy. ninl new ones taking their jilaecs. There Is room for limn , more men, women and children. More homes, j sliol nnd manufacturing establishment. And , now Is the lime to come to secure good, cheap ( nnd valuable location. ; aUnlitaue we have,; tind thai. Is one ol the best public school build-: Ings In thn Mute, an.! the schools are cijual t' i any j graded and supported by an active intelii- j gent ami competent corps of teachers, wc do not want In the least to n ear or seen boastful, vet. we do think our place is one of the most Inviting in the whole slate." Tim citi.eiH in and ahmlt Milton are d ! iug the propriety of extending their boroJgb limits so as to embrace the suburbs, with it pop ulation of somewhere near !l,000 souls. Vt'r. have been favored with specimen page a of a book now In the course of manulucture i nti-j lied "Tho Undeveloped West t or Five Years in the Territories. Being a description of Hint vast region between the Mississippi and Vac-hie : Its j resources, climate, inhabitants, natural cuiio.-i- i lies, etc. Life and Adventure on prairies, : Mountains and Pacific Con.-!. Wilh 211 Unci!-! lustrations, from original sketches r.n.1 photo- I graphic views, of Ihu scenery, cities, lauds, mines, people nnd curiosities of the (ircut We-t. 1WJ. II. Ueadlc, author of 'Life in Vlnti,' National Publishing Id, 19 N. tfcrciilh ?.., Phi ludvlphiHi . . . Miamokin Tows-tiir, J'JIIC '.'I. JCdilur A mtr'u'tvi : On Sunday lust a l.irg.t f one jui jc of people were present at the laying of the corner stone of the new Baptist ne-rliu house, in a b.-.tuiiful location near tbe old tunipik-, sir miles from Sunbury. The day was hot an I sultry. Clouds of dust were raised by ihe nmllitu le of carriages and vehicles of all kinds. Hut all was general good order and solemnity. The services wcie nppropriuto to the occasion. The dinner, made, to assist the church election, was cecl!c:.l, and large! v pat ronizi d by :i hungry au 'ti 'ir'e. The !ree-will otlermgs were quite liberal. Tho new house of worship Is building by the ; old Shamokin church. org.ini.ed In lT'.U. They j erected the first Baptist church in central Venn- sylvania. nbotit two miles above Snydertown. ! There Is tho oldest burying prouud In the ei.tin- ' try. containing the dust of the early pioneers of 1 Shamokin val cy. In 171U the Baptists In the United States nuni bared about 7."i.(Mii). Now, according l their statistics, 1.5Mi.ui,o. ' During the clay I noticed many eyes looking anxiously toward heaven ; especial. y when a little clond seemed to raise a h!pe of h ln.i' h meded rain. I jinlfe imt H'e devotional feeling of the congregated mass ; but s.iie.t "v'.,": ' III a f inoln,. ..,eoill. not tall to si e incetlect of the drought on all vegetation, and looking upwards was their right and privilege, i whether lor a prospect of rain or for spiritual ' bleshinus, as all must twiir fjit from above. V. S. A line ruin on Moiidav night gives us fresh hope for our mm, iuU an l vcgetaNe.. Oui harvest is quite promising. Camdi::;. 1 lip onr'SHln l n-.i I its a'ii. l'i'.biislu'd l-v a warning and fur tie- heii.-i,! loung Men nil I others wlio mi!!i r I lotn .ki:io;s llKllll.n V, I.i -s UK M t lloi .li, etc., !-t:p.l iiu ' he means of seil'-eiire. Written by one uliii cure-! Iiilllsl If after Ulnlcl'LTnilig Ciilisuh'l alilc nuaekei y, and sent free or rereiiing a pnrt-ail d in ir j envelop. Isuirerers ale iuvite.1 to n.l Iress the author. NATIIAMKI. M.Y1-A!i:, June 1 1." ill liui. llov 1.".:!, ltrook'yu. N. V. V, ii t Coinpasvillc, Chester count v. Pa., on th, I o, fiih of Mav, 1ST:;. Mr. JAMKrt I RW1N, auej '.Kl years, IU mouths aud :.'ii days. The deceased was a soldier of the war of lM'i, He bad 11 children, fi'J giMii.I-ehie',r n at. I '7 great -grand-children. Argilmciit t'o'ir.'. IN consequence of the repairs that are luing made in tin) Court room, 1 am directed tn state thai the Aiiiuineiit Court lived lor .!..u.l..y luvt (June !'MUli will iii-eosariiy have I i be postponed. Any mutters thai putties or Counsel may ,--u- Sider lis ttlgent Wl be disposed of i i l''i till next, after which theCourt wiil a Ijouii! until the BeM regular Term in Aiilmisi. LI.OV I) T. ill illItilAt II, I'rothi'iiilaiy. Sunbury, June lht:i. It. a;i:tn v.tTi:i i cast adhii-; CAST AUIlll' I I A eoinjiailioli to tin- Jam ais "Three Veins in a M.ia-'l t-.ip" and Ten Nitlit: iu n," by '1. tt. Anliui. 'l i;; laie.-t and gl'eatetl book ol this ce.el'i-al-I aatii splendidly i.liislralcd, vh-gant!) Inu ;i rt , an I at sight by thoilnaud-. Il highly iailoi.-i l bv the uiosi prominent prnpic. aiai papers of the country. A story of ci iuie and oitlr.ure iu air ini.lst which will appal liie stoutest hert. Will do luoi'c- for Ihe cause of li mperaiice and iiiora!: ty ill i ii the law. Agen s ( ho sold "Man Trap" cannoi fail to n il dniiliK) the number of this book. A Life ol ihe Author, u ith se-i I por Irait, picscntea to every :u!.sc! .bi r. 1 'e.s' i ipi ami 1 1 1 ids nut ficc on .ipp..i itinii to J. M. STOUDAUT i CO., Puh'.ishcr, V- i fan bum Mii-I, Philadelphia, Pa. June u".!,';:!. w. Ot l-'.AVh STOKV ; Or triumphs of thirty centuries. By I'. D. (loodricli C'sou of I'Ucr Pai'tey'-; anil L. llow laud. Awoikof liistorica! research, n couuting iu truly graphic style Ihe wonderful growth of nauk'alioii aud history of discovery since the Hood ; is leplcle with iu. idciils, thru; iug adventures. Untie, shlnwreeks, niutiei..-, piracies, Ac. LCsenlCi how from the lll -l liny bark, when ocean was ihc daik realm of terrors, sails now whiten i-my sea, liuhtniaa tlaMics tidings from shore to shore, und lin n bling up wonders from deep waters; with many oilier matters of lively interest, wUicli go lo cake up one of 'I'.u most ValuaVIe, faseinatiim ami re maikat'le productious if Ihe age. Over :MI spirited iliu.liutioiis. Agent wanted. For eii. culars and leruis addict. Hl'BllAKO bRO.i., Puhlisliers, Philudclphhi. Moury MitkluK Uookit lor Nuiauif-'r Chiiv MttnluK. AotMsuud (Sai e,.mi;' Anea llon! Bryants Librury of Pot-try and 6oim ; The Nt W Housekeeper's Muuual.hy Mh'-a Beccll er and Mrs. blows. Bolh soiling last und far. Kxcluslve Teriitory t liberal terms. 3. B. Foun Co., New Vork, Boston, Chicago aud fcaa Krauclseo. Juue.'J 4w. ItVt HUM A V, or Soul ( luiriiw lllS" How cither sex may fascinate und gain thu line and ntt'ccthios of any person they choose instantly. This simple nieuuil retitiir.iiiicut nil can possess, free, by mail, tor liac;, togethur with a marriage guide, Lgvptiun Oracle, dreams, hint! tn ladies, wedliliL'-ul-M sblii, Ac. A queer hook. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. ThiM lis uo HuiiibUR. By sending 35 cetlls.. with lKe, blight, color of eves und hair, voU will receive a eorrerl 4cture of your future, hu'hnnit or wile, with name anil date ot inornate. ' I W. POX, P. (., Urawcr -.1, r'uUouvliie, N. I. 4MW.SHI - i. , 13 Iff 13 m it? i bli 1 iiM -J.").000 in SJ'ltlXO ami h'UMMK i iiuiiioii, liiuyuD, lijjiuiip, mm, mim, mtm., Whilo ami Lnco (JooJ ( urjicts in A i'u CLOTHS, OASSIHEESRES, ' Merchant Tailoring, RlCHftRO SIMPSOR Vc hitvo iiddcii Mr.liaiit Tiiorin,r roiiijiliito s;tti i i AHi l 44 1 Vl' kft-i '' J'J't :"itaiitlv,l)es-t liiij.orU'l Skwimi M.m:mi.nk Xi:;.i MUUt 1st II to any mlilros-i iks! t.aid on rtet-i,r. of cash j.iri.i.! bwr all kuU, j'O ets. ier dozen, ail other kinds, tiO ets. doen. MHV D.-MoirriL'.-, 1'at.tfni.s for ,t;.!(.. Siinhnrv. Pa., Aiir 1S7?.. tlllOi:. Km::-: !Iii'.v I!' I'. lie lit , (; loin:! fi llio ('oi)i!i'ii!m. r,- is cue w i-h il-aier than anetl-.T tn : it 1 ' u. ll IS til desir Th (iiit-'i 'al p'VUillioll of '!'.;.. i M ol an;.! o ;t:i; ell.e,:v iv .rid ; i; i V il 1 I!" is V,., y j u an l 1, nil 'i :"e " I' the b t fi:'et M, - C-,-1 poscj oT e-.'Cl ! V. I. ,v tile illlille li .!,:.. a l-.-.t I4t i.-ti. . si, .... I i IV I IMT, 111 I' s, ale rt ti ll feS' rll'fcts " li-e, sofl . l,e k-at m:.k ' It and heal tifully removing nil bi' a!v1 di-e .,,i:ii:.,as. '1 his ileli-ht I ill t'.i'et pre)i iral io'l h is v.-v.-l v ii-1e l by the ISoai;: it I Icai t :i Vault CfiV. I'r. Louis A. h..yrc-. tl.-. iv exaliliui'ie lb- ana v- i i i-ie tn- t', :ibov- lioai I. l -imi.i.ue - ;r. W. E uifd'st i'.Ioii of V(i't?i Ila-iu-'is, am' Kntlre'y Kie" t": i - i .y;!.:.i- li j ;r',ous l,i th- l.'-a'.th n: S';'.-.. IH'.WARK UV COrN'T!:!:-'!'!T:'. A-k ;o':r l'iri'g-i-1 fir U-o. 'X . f.air, .I' Vo all.' I'l.c f..ut:ii; ha" "n- I fi' I t en 'le si J M ' el! - I i Veil :.. !,.,;( the lei'lte. t.. W. I v I. L ow " "i St' I ae hack of cv. i v ,i ;i , . S-i )!.!l ii'l A I (;: sl.s AMI I 'AN- r.'.i.i i ta: M'.w rA.'iii.v i At rt j r:, -THE EASY R'JCKIKS W "lock" J Ills Zi?.Di fli: TV :;.,M. sillltilet. better 111. 'lie ;.e.J it l:'.;h!V tlntillcd than uy tilhcr lll.ichi.le. t"i'W .vervihliig, nil ! is alw ays rca Iv ; no ell uv.'t i tsa-ioll lilijed Ml se-.t'l'S Irnm IVht tillaatt w..rk. Agents w.ttitct. (id the latest und hi-'. .'-en-1 fur Cticiiiar. 1 11K l;'Olt MAVIVH M f VIN'K Ci,, "'. 7 li.-iM.lw.iy, Si w Vork. June '-H,'7o. 4w . I'U' lLT.K. AN! liCCK. AWl'N f S shouM a I ,lie:,s ut oi.e-lor c;, Ac. (Wnl-li wi:' rent 1'nf.) dfr:Hng new and Mi'ih woil. cf .ut, hv a pupti:..r i.rtirt, no i.eaily rr.uty l-r delivery, and whbli Is vonf to have art enniiinnis sale. K. I erieneed a cents should haslr'.l lu secure tetiltory. l iiiisiial iiiduccimoiis will be olleitd those who mean steady ciierg- tic wr'ik. (iK.o. MAI l.KAN. Publisher, T'll ransom t., June -".i,'7j. lw. PhiWdclphbi. CANVASSIN'l isKNT KKEE V''R PP.oF. X'OWMKUMilll'.AT WORK on ManhooJ. Wo nnd their mutual Inter-relatives t Love, lis Laws, Power, etc. Agents aru selling from iO to n.l epics of this work n day, und wc, n-nd a conVasf iug boofi tree to any book uncut. Ad dress, statiiiu experience, etc., N A l lo.N Al. Pl'ALItslliMi CO.. Phiiedelpliii, Pa. June '."J.'TS. lw. t-L'N'UA V-tsCltOOl. BOOKS AM) PAPlliS. Calaluiiiies Bupilied by (lie Anieiieau bunilay hehool I'uion, No.ll Chestiiul tire. I Phi'adel pbia. June -U.'ill. lw. "C tMPIH'l'INK" cuic cviry pain, Ac. Tic I it. M hr H rtrnrglsts ' Vr.,,'i. Ve iofk. ltri r" H'M l . r or rv. t : .'j. . It' V&tJ)3r-!.v . . A 'C .:. (y.' s-i-v -.' -Is . '-i rf7 stn on l SPRTlffO AT THE A A- r... fAir. mm Ii OQODS now oim'ii fr iisip.ri'):i con-sis! in -5 9 iiitiii's 1 -IV, l i in tli 01 jrroHt vur.otv ami pnoc, from J. .!.s, UT m si m i an s m m m m aiii I m III u il 111 in II 11 ;iml cnini-K'ti! risstn tuicnt ol" (i l,Oi:i;UI l',S. -, kuwiM.;! mmmmr- - y-sW-a, mj is z:0 TA to our l;ii'iiu .-s witli UH'H A K I ) SI MI 'SOX lusCuiter. ami - i;u tim in lliiH :is wt-!l its in every oilier lejart ment. 'Irs l.ecu l,".,rci site American public! 'y rili TTilUi V" yeuia. It liu nenryet ;"iiiej to f,ivr) perriy t satisfaction, ami has'y tieoii tty L-i tho panaex'a for all cx tcniitl Wouii'ls. (,'c.U. Burns. Snllln'ri Hpt-iin j, V.nih sc., for Man mi.t iM Ih.- ii s'';:'lii i1 ItHist. My, I I. I-'. t o- I I H-h ;s le Sii iu:r ai-1 irnni-r, w r1, t 1 . - J , a -,',e eilCll'-il loll, -i-r.-e,; I. ill 1 V li'M i'-t i lilies lioni sitiu-i'-hn-'s .ui'l iilMiei fi-'' ; 1 lie seeleti vc e I 'talis. Mild i' ttia'ii , mors, I'.i ajiiioa -, 11!, -UU--, l,i'i. Pea .. I fllia. .t t. j Wh-ii s.ti'T I Un,jn' 1 fro-aoc-v i ,lli..aes , 'Irovi :a.-.s u, in, t';a tal,.- . !: . eliet-v ali'l vi-or. t le- ,y.l-lil t Is a ! build il no an I h'-lp in. Vital r'..r. ,-s III ir r ip rti' s t-w r; lu 111- Il Ml !' Ml'lllllel. t'.-e,j-i- s in a - 1 T l - 1 1 , t '"'1 o I bv Yj . i T.'ll'.e to ihe Lv.-r l,i ,r I'uue-ii-i sre in 'i u It and .. iLraii-.. atl I ople.-ll do l" t piopT'v I,;:tol-u li-i'i -; the Ct-l un- lu l 1 1 1 ' i i r v 1 ; . i adiv-. I'l'odu 'ia, wctk ! o tin- -i.n iutcstiues and ti pvedispoi'r'hm to b.lUu un .it. i it. w i' : i ; lfr:ut t r J ii ns Ne'.iri is prepir-a pin e! !y I'l-en lha f-uat'i Alarrii in Plant, ami n fceuliai v su 'ed to nil tin so dilll l ulties ; ,1 w ill cleanse the Vitiated Blood, strcui' ; then the Lit'e-CB iug I'owers, uu.l remove ftli I obstruciious I'riuii impaired and enfeTilcl Ortjaiis. I It should be freely taken, ns J urnlH-ba is pro- lioiuiccd bv medical writers tho must ertleletil j.'ritlcr, Toule mid Deohstrucut knowu iu the whole, range of me lieinal plant JOHN KLI.l.Otili, lo Plittt St.. N. V. rioie Aneul for the I'tilled States Price, 81 pi'r Botile. Send for Circular. J';i, 4w . Nl 41KIIOI s Ttsts itwi-PtcMin t. N. 1'. lil'KMIsM'S M VV Tl IUU.M-: M ATI It Hlll'-tl. -m To be the Best liver ItitenteJ. Pamphlet feee. Address, York'a. tt UOth Thousand In Press. Sale Increasing. S.OUOninro L1VK ACiKNTS Wanted forour MVIVCSrUVi: 'JM years in Al ICIt A over tliW pug' . on iv i'J.St Jirroiiiiieto a.i.l in terior works me ottered, look out for them. Send for circulars and see proof of tho croattsl success of thu seiiooii. Pocket Coinpatiiou worth ?lu mailed t:v. Hl'BHAUll HKOS.. Pah's, ,;i,if 1 .'11 tviinnin Cl , 1'lti .i, I'i. t ! .. I : e u T . .. i i a'el t'e',i,'V--r ,,f ii,: i,i.,.l ., i .s: i .1 .,, s Kti,ir ' to Mi tel, . M ' il i -;,.i i.:v , : -i I . '(' :: '! ' ,1 ivvn' a i! 0 V 5-1 rt it hi IT K.- :i; in,, Oil $J&TMim , hampioR Cutter. will guurnnli ami il! 1'.j:-:;i' ;ri.v...r IJhI.ct, Mid withont (liis Liniment. The nonev re. funilcil i:nlos3 the Liniment is as repre sent,!. To sure ninl ry tlto ceiinino MKX1CAN MCSTANG I.iNISfKNT. SoM by all DrugtriHts ami (imtitrv Stor. s. at 2oc , f)(K;. nnd $1 (s per littli. Notion sl!i:, s.i:1B of Pottlr. fte. '.;,'.'. '.-'?.)' fit? A T. V.-s, of'v1-, "V. He. ' i'.'l .V . . r U - ; isls'.....-. 1 1 . 'XI Of: ti ..! "II 1 f..i .i , . . n I .-A S . i .1 ,; ; , . i n si. r. i 1 ' i.'.'TU 111 ,. I s.s..-.. I-M 1,1 I 4 .-. . .-It'-- .1 ji. i ....-.. a.- Ml l s. .i..,. n.l i .,. , V: 1 i sua iin,,t,'iT s; .-.s. a-. .-s, it,, -are., s -. I I , Its -.-.ev ,.. tijlio.,? i:.e U-l-.i L-r. .Mil m'ffcrr.. i Ai-rt bsaot1. fi..!si t , ni ' : : .- y "n-. j. Vzi) iJ i's 1 . ' - - .. X E V T. K Neglect a Cough. Nutbing is "i t eerln'ti t lay tho fouadullon lor futu'e t!I cot si-.jueui.u. WF.IL'S CARBOLIC TABI KTS sre a sure cure for all disease of the Le-p r.i tory Oi't'iini. Sots Thr u t, Cil-s, f.'io.p, U.'n thcrla, Asihtrtit Catarrh,, 1'rtiie.s of the thio.i, Windpipe ut l;.Ve, Ulld all Ll'.ieAJes of t(,u l.-l'ici. In nil s of sad '., ti co. 1. lev. , -r taken, these Tablet i hoi -I p.-.t.l t.y sti.l l.euly used. The- e 'Uii'.i.'ij I in- i' '. 1 1 i "-1 o n of the food, uiilig.ile tiie suteriti' nf it '.truck, and will, in a very short time, lesljle le.,!:hy ib lii.n to Ihc ul fected organs. Wdll.' Carbolic !..'.:. !.-u:e pu: up only in blue boxes, l'aks tui'.'.ii i .ii ' I: they can't be found h( yonir ilrn-tsi'-, :a 1 i.i ome to the Agent in New York, who nil. t.- 'M.iJ theOi by riitirn mail. Bott't be deceived by it o'i- tsol.t by dlll-gi.-ls. Pl ice .'a ec! t lix JOHN il. KKl.l OCC Is II ,tt si .n Voi., P".'V; ,,r , ir. ul , i . ,- . i I '.-i I. .ft A Mh ut tin- ST AH STOl.K. is-!io:i. :it vci'v low iirircs ;. Window V.V.t'.