unburn Snmiram H. B. MAJStf), , t. WILVERT. j Wtor- 6UXBITR I'lTCNK "2TW3." V ... .. . ... .. Tins CiiotP.BA. There is every iiulica tiou that plinlor.i will spreatl extensively during ttii summer throughout tho United Stales. Jluropc is Rreritly exeUctl on the fknfejt'ct. At Home tho peoplo lire panic DtriVkcn by tins prcnonco ofu fearful plague, whi'.o in many part of southern Europo, the population in t tHii:ti;c1 an J ilinlivswil by the same fear. In the United Stales both yellow fever nm! thy cholera liavo niuile their appearance, ntnl in localities which provo that the disease was not brought liiltier ou ship board, but by nlmocplieric eouveyanw, which rcmlets it the more p.iuicizing. There arc two protecting in fluences in seasons of epidcmicK, which scJilom if ever fail, namely, cleanliness and liiic,t regular livinij and steady haWls. These are great auxiliaries to tuodicnt skill when contagion in on the winys of the wind. Wo notice that measures are buiii"; taken in tho cities and ull large towns, to force the authorities to rrinovo every thin' per taining to uiicit anlincf?, and purify their placo to arrest the progress of this dreaded disease. Our efficient Uurgess a few weeks ail'), Rave notice to clean up the streetsand alleys In this towu, which in many iti sliuiocs has been neglected. His sugges tions at that time, though regarded by some as out of place, may only too soon be Mkcd upon, as wise and prudent. We ,... ... ... i k f.i... win t nesitaw in exercising uieir power m nuiKo all tho citizens pay attention to cleansing, and removing all matter nbout their premi - , . . v. ,s having a tendency to attract disease. Every citizen should use all the sanitary picenutions to prevent epidemics getting into our midst. This dreaded scourge is now marching rapidly throughout It wes- B. 1 J n , , , tern towns on its progress towards the cast, miwI nn imp rvin toll lum anon if. mnv ni!il.-i. - j .. , Us appearance in our towns and villages j in this section of the. country. A writer in the .Viltonian of last week who s'rgns himself "manufacturer," who probably was justly nsscsscd by the mer cantile appaiser as a dealer, aud anxious to escape paying his license, very unjustly attacks the mercantile appraiser,thecouuly Solicitor and county Treasurer. Tho law in regard to ihc mercantile appraiser is very explicit, and wo cannot see how any one can justly take exceptions to his con duct. As for the otliccrs alluded to in a malicious manner that they construed the law to suit their caso is as unjust as it i absurd, as the writer will find by reading the law which almost any school boy woul.l readily com prebend in its intent. Although we have had no business, m.d have but slight acquaintance with the mercantile np praisei.we believe that ho endeavored to do his duly, and that lie has succeeded far bet ter than many of his predecessors. As to the solicitor win was akcd bis opinion of the construction of the law, we do not see that he has any more interest in the matter than any other private citizen. Hut as a counsellor of law, his opinion is entitled to respect, and where he is known, it is use Jebfor "Manufacturer"' or any one eiscs to cast relleclions upon his integrity and honesty. Tlw fact that tin; Treasurer hav ing conducted his olllce in the most impar- ; rial and satisfactory manner, leaves no i .... , ., '. ..j room for doubt as to the perioimaiice of J his duty strictly according to law. If, "manufacturer" had been dUeioet enough ! to hide his malice, his communication ' would perhaps, had some bearing. Hut the spleen which he exhibits iu rellcctiug '. on these ofliccrs, for what purpose wc know ; not, is too apparent nnd destroys thcctlect, if intended for the benelit of the public good. Tiik Pkbkl Sfikit not Ijeah. Mr. c , :.;7. ',." i ". it ifciait iito iiuiunuiin otmtueiu mu c.ilci, , .in .hn nnrtntm., t.t 11,,. , I . ,.,r, i , , , .1 II... WM Ul IUS " J graves of the conftderate dead, in Haiti more, on Tuesday of last week, said be was hopeful that the friends of the cause would cling to Its principles nnd that they would realiau tlein sonic day. He accepted the present situation, hut the right of selt-gov eminent niu.t yet be sained. He declared . ,, ' ,?, , . , i that the manacles which he wore cut deep j into his llesli, aud affirmed that it is mere sentimenttilisstn to pretend tlml there ia I peace between the sections when there is really no peace, lie then charged the ' N'l.rth with liaving caused the war, aud ho jn-oceeded to discuss, the reporter says, j " .viil. ih visiic-ntuu ,o me Vnuittrir ,,, I'IO and dut iius Mr T ln..r.i..t, t . is. iu ana uut ing .Mr. J.incolu's administra-, (- , BNYDUR t'OCM V W'AKTiS A !EXATO. The following preamble nnd resolutions were unanimously adopted at rt meeting of: me ltopuuiican re I urn judge held in Sny- ; Ucr conuty ut the court house a few days ! bluce, viz : i Wiieukas, At tho recent primary clec-' t ion the verdict of the people Las been so i suontfly lu favor of Ur. . F. Wagenseller, I who has been selected as our standard bearer for Senatorial honors ; aud iu view j of tlie fact that SnyJer county has not been . represented in lbs Stato Senate by ouo of her own citizens for near twenty years ; . therefore, be it. j ft .so red, That we most respectfully urge our claims to tho Setiatorship for the rnsu- i ing term, believing that we aro justly en. 1 titled to it. and 1001111'' eonliile.nt! that 11,,. ' doctor, if nominated by the Senatorial 1 t-'micrctice, will U triumphantly elected. I.NcitKAsixu tiik MotHEits. TheCon stitulional Convention, has adopted a clause increusin; the number of State .Sen ators tit fifty nnd members of the House of Heprcscntative. to one hundred and fifty. I v utter iiiii rate, we tiutik orthumt)erlaud In the Hcpublicau Convention for tho County will be entitled to two members, 1 nomination oftioveruor, held in Uaugoi, 11s wo had a large excess over the required ! " Thursday, a resolution was' under the old ratio. I I'l'ed condeinniug the back-pay sUial. I -Nelson Hiugly, sr., was nominated fortiov In tho case of tho exclusion of tho Hible ' l''"'i' tho lirat ballot, from the common school iu Cinciuiviti, Turner's stables, at the Point lkeezo the Suiireme Court decided that tho school Trotting l'ark, Philadulphiu, wero burned board had a right to pass a resolution to on Thursday morning. Ol fourteeu valuable exclude uotouly the Ibble and sinxiug, but horses in thy stable, Mattie Lyle aud Nct rcliginus instruction, aud the court has no lie ouly were saved. McConuell Brothers' authority to iuu rtero with their discretion ' staklcs, at ltuiralo, with sixty horses were til the exorcise of this power. burned thc suuie inoniii, '. ' Tim Chief Jcstic ranir. The appoint ment of a Chief Justice of the Supreme Couit of the United States to fill tho vaeau oy created Iry tho decease of Judgo Chase, is atiubjei't which continues to excito con siderable discussion aud speculation. A ready and fair solution of this most respou siblu -duty devolving upon tho 1'rcbldent is suggested by a gentleman of prominence in the legal profession, it is lu permit the Associate Jnstices to select their own Chief. This, it is considered, would relievo the President of tho base intrigues of designing add incompetent aspirants for this high and sacred oflice. Tho highest judicial tribu nal, to preserve the coulidenco of the peo ple, must certainly bu tilled with suitable men, men of legal erudition and promi nence. To secure this it would seem that political consideration should be of secon dary consideration. There is no question of the fact that Curtis or Everts would meet the approval of tho present nusmberB of lha supreme lie nth and tho bar of the country. The President has stated that he will allow the bar of tho country to select the successor of Chase. This plan meets with general favor, provided it is carried out in mi impartial manner, but if the dis reputable quads, who arc generally the most active and shameless, lead in the matter the Court will lie likely to get nny tliiug but a desirable Chief Justice. , ". .. , . I.Ki HOhY ix b.vs 1-i!ANciH( o.I,eprosy has made so formidable appearance in San I rancisen that the icop e are !cginnii!g to be alarmed lest it should break out in the form ol an epidemic. A doctor, writing to a San Uraneisco paper ou tho subiect. traces the origin ( the disease to tho ad- vent ortlie Ui.nese. i liree years ago the presence f the disease was ftusiwcteil, nnd ... ll.l. uuiLilDU rt no PUaiULVVII. Kill! long search a native Caiifomian of blood was found secreted iri tho city i Indian blood was found secreted iri the city- i afflicted with leprosy ; but now cases arc ' "ct on the street, and in some localities i several at a lime. 1 he doctor recommends , l)lst vinroU8 mcngureB ahoilld bo tnkl.n to j establish a qimrntino to prevent the further importation of the disease, and that the. ! b(,i,r'1 of health ferret out and confine in a ' ',!' w""!'. bn e,aiB'"'1.1 for hc i purpose, such cases a9 eomo to their notice a the citv. ' a. . When verdant Philadelphia druninicra ! wander away from that slow village to the city of Ioek Haven, they ar j very apt to be taken iu and done for. A case iti jmint : A modest young gentleman, representintr a tnisiness establishment in tue ' city ol ! of homes," was in Lock Haven last Mor. ' day night, and in order to while away the , lime, went to a German ball. 'When re j turning, he was slopped by two mou, one representing himself as a policeman, aud the other saving ho bad lost a watch, nnd charging the Philadelphian with stealing it. The latter submitted to a search of his person, and the quest policeman anil his friend took a gold watch, money and other valuables, aud their departure. Another stranger came up at this moment and as-Mi:- d Quaker City that it would be all ; sight he would get bis property back when the ease was heard before a "magis trate. U is needless to say that hearing : never was had. : Tun Pomi: or Tin-: Capitol. The : dome of the Capitol nt .Washington is the most ambilious structure in America. It is one hundred and eight feet higher than the Washington Monument in Kaitimoro, sixty-eight feet higher than the IJuuker Hill, and twenty-three, feet higher than the ! Trinity Church Tower at Tov York. It : is tho only considerable dome of iron in lha world. It is a vast hollow sphere of iron weighing 8,00i),00i po,mds. How much ! is that y Nearly rt.tHIO tons, or about the weight of 70,)(Mi full grown people, or about , equal to laden cars, which, holding ! four tons each, would reach two miles and ! a half. Directly over your head is a bronze figure, 'America," l,$K pounds. l'rcuro or the iron dome upon Us piers and pillars is 1.1,1 1 1 pounds to the iqU;ire ,-, Til0 C()st w.ASltmt $1,000,- out). The new wings cost .0,.rlMI,O(K;. The architect has a plau for rebuilding the old central part of ' the Capitol and enlarging '.he park, which will cost about S3,2DVJ'i. Tho old party hacks of Pcnnsplvaniu, ami the played, out politicians who have been out in tho c dd for some time past, arc about to make an etrort to role of re form. It strikes us that it must appear a little suspicious to IVnnsylvanians to lind men like Lurtin, Urttw, "Aleck ' Mcl lure, Ciike.Joy, Morris, niid a host more, who : ,m H.e, 'nenriv u tnL.ir jivt8 ollicc-hold- ; ........ , W, )OlltlCill tilt! Iltl lOltll t S, IlClOrS IllKl 1111- cipala iu the most shameful frauds connect ed with the history of l'ennsylvnuia poli tics, iu this new . To expect reform .....I i,ii.nnli,,ti ft... ii sitl, i.n.i tuf.olil fk i rt , i.w.t. ii ti i..i.,., t i. f.. ' lioa it'i tin tin, iu ut'i tti tuu tiio) ituiviii-iii prison. The array of political sinners the IrtWHt piiratles as relormers, nulit belter J.uru l'U!ir nUenllim to saving their souls than to 9-ivui the (.oruinoiiwealth. Ihu frm,.r is iu Rr(..ltrr t,,,,lger t,uui thc ,.ltt).r- .V; V. Com. A h -- -- ;nibll ii .irtiji.tUoiis lu IMilla- The iollowinir ticket was on Thursday placed in nominationunder .JJici',S,V,(l ; cne, even by Forney, of the I'm, who j generally nuns lauit Willi everyth ins l ie LVnublioain .lo vi J " II .... .. . I - ... ... Sherilf Win. IClliott. City Tnasurer IVter A. 1. Widcner. ih'gister of Wills tiideon Clark. t'lci'k of tho Orphan's Court Richard Wis. City Commissioner Win. I.. Smith Tliinl Senatorial district Johu I.amon. lKJL'Si; OF l!EPIilEN TATIVEb. First Geo. ilauily Smith. St cotid fico. W. Shriller. Third James Haiun. Fourth in. .1. Ovens. Fifth James O'Utein. Sixth Unities A. Forier. Seventh John M'Cullou.di. Kighth John K. lti-yburn. -Ninth W. II. Vogdca. Tenth-ll. T. Wilson. Kleventh W. M. Worrell. Tweiah Joseph If. Ash. Thirteenth John N. Wood. Foiirt;enth- (ieorge A. Hakeoven. I iftceuth Hubert tiilltspie. Sixleclith Josseph Vetikle. Seventeenth-Charles il. Salter. Eighteenth Jmnes X. .Newell. Tho Mount Vernon Cottou Mill, near lsaltitnoro, was burucd ou I'i'i.Irv. I about fJJUU.O'JO. Two hundred persons are Un JmcuX tCfiro CIKKAT riKE AT POTTNVIM.E. Forty Huildinos Dkstuoyed. The loss estimathd at 1'j0,u00. PoTtsvillk, Juno ''(). T4ii afternoon a lire broke out in the plaining mill of ( 'has. Marlxlin, on Second street. The wind was blowing briskly from'tho northeast, aud H soon spread the (lames to the adjoining houses. The entire block bounded on tho east by Second street, west by Third, north by the Mincrsviile road, and on tho soutli by High street, composed of stores, shops and dwellings, was destroyed. Kopitzch's extensive soap aud tallow chunderly was completely destroyed ; in sured for .KI,tK0. Sparks were blown over the principal portion of tho town, and on Centre street a number of stores and residences were set ou lire. Clors confec tionery store, six squares off, took lire, and considerably damaged, but rapidly extin guished. The liro gaining so rapidly in the upper section of the tow, mid several of the stores taking lire in tho business portion, down Centre street, many of the citizens becoming" alarmed, and fearing the general destruction of properly, telegraphed to Ihu surrounding towns for assistance, which was promptly responded to by running special trains from' Mahanoy City aud Tamaqua. The Miiiersviile and St." Clair hose companies r.m their four miles 011 foot, hauling the reel of host', in sixteen minutes. Forty building, were consumed, princi pally tenement hutivs. One child was ! killed, supposed to have been burnt, and 1 another was seriously injured bv iumniiiff ! from a second-story window, and 11 gentle- I ,,, i,ui.t ' h Nivcral'tircnicti were wouuded by falling 1 debris, and others severely burned. Tho iS8 is ,.fliiniill(.u llt 12,1,000. Insured for js.-)0.ixhi. i.rinciimllv in home comimuies. Potts vi 1.1.1:, Pa.. June 22. Theexcite meut grow ing out ol'the late disastrous lire here has to a great extent subsided. The 1 I'.li. I !,,"",b,.r U"u "ffi iWny-four, ","LV", , fell W w.llh fln V Pill illiuu I.I .J-.lw,in.. A lit; PUUt'rVIS iv llJ I lost their homes and much of their furniture I are provided for by the citizens until they , can get homes to occupy. The lirst house ; is being erected in the burnt district and will lie completed this week. The churches 1 to-day contributed liberally for the relief of ol'the sullerers and further provision will be made for necessities. Foiiist Fimsix Anthu.u mi: Hkoiox-- ! A A' ILL AC i K ANJ Ml Ll.S OK AY OOD- i CcjXSl'MKn. I.AXI) PoTTSVlLI.E, Janu -'-. Since Saiurday afternoon a fearful lire has been raging in the northern part of the. county, about twelve miles from this borough, in the vi cinity of (Ji lbei Ion, a mining town betweeu Ashland and M ihony City. It started at three o'clock that afternoon, near the I)raper Hrcnker ol'the Hickory Coal Com pany, in some dry brush near the railway track, from a spark of n f. eight engine. In ' consequence of the severe drought the woods are as dry as tinder anil the tire spread with astonishing rapiditv. The breaker was in imminent danger, but sav ed by the exertion of ihe miners, and by the presence of large piles of coal dirt in front of it. The llann's is wept on until ; they reached a villiage situated on the mountain slope named tualily Hill, consist ing of nineteen ("Hayes occupied by the employees of the Hickory Coal Company. ; These, with their contents, were so quickly destroyed that the inmates had hardly time to escape. II.i-.li-...U nf ncoplu were in a short time rendered homeless. ti: W ; estimated nt JrM'UMU. The fire extended from this point we.-l and still racing with uoahated fur v. About three qil ire miles (if wood laud an; thu-t I'.u destroyed and several Mwiist are in immin.-ut danger of ties; ru:t ion. H tin iseariu stly hoped for to stay the lire. Ilt.rriMt- f'riasie. two ( ;ui.rjR!.N" r.o(jKi:u i.v of AM two - i ITIKli llOt'bK -- ONE STAiiVlCD TO DKAlll. rilll.ADr.I.l'llIA, June L'O. Two children, Annie lieutiu and Maitie Mulroy, aged five, who had been inisi-iiig since Wednesday, were found this morning, locked up iu a closet, in an cmpi lumw hi the Twenty-tifth ward. One was U-ynud human aid and the oiIpt revived uiler ie ing removed. The police are investigating the all'air, but it is believed that u teitihlo crime, has bet n committed, upiij the pi r sous of I ho iu'ants. IjI'.TAILH OF TUB HOUItlllLE AKFAIIl. PuiLADKt.miA, June -0. Of the two children found iu the closet, the one now de:td was frightfully bruised all over the hoody, black and blue marks beiii!; distinctly visible, whilo iho lower lre,!,,l'V" n a i.caieu in u.oou extremities -M:,?10 .Mllioy wns uruiscii mix, biij;oii.v , 1 lw. I:ieikl III! 1 lie tacts tllllS lur gaiacreil UIVC JJOOll , grounds for suspicion that the person of . Annie Hettu, it not both cl.ildrun, wa i outraged, aud that they were the victims I of somi! hellish design, for surpnssiiu that I 'f the llarlon all'air. of the llarlon all'air. .Several parlies resid-, ""' ' x" 111 " "Mile ill? iu the neighborhood aic under aiveat. I ou th' Pennsylvania Caiml. when we un a- i lion the tin I tliat in inv luniiier boats, car-I'O&T-MOKTKM EXAMINATION'. j ryjj, (,., sO.OiHl to '.i.j.lKJll Let of Inmlier, The excitement attending the finding of i pass, down the canal daily, ami lai''e lots the children, missing since WoducsJ.iy, iu . ure uulonded nt way point's. On Ihe w in, i f, iu ihu closet of au unoccupied bouse, still rcur of l.ehauou Valley ilcpoi.nvcr ti4ti.0U0 iucreasL'S. i let t of white pine lumber has already, been At tho post-inorlctn examination this ur.shipcd this season all of which will Lu aftctnoon, it was clearly showu that the reloaded tinoti the cat s and taken up the i child had not becu ravieheil, but had dud I Irom suil'ocalion. . I 1 .1... P..... .1.... ..!... I i no biouiacu rcvciueu loo laci. mav oui; ... . -. eioht hours. v.? iv thing for ucarly toity- fllllTllllO .t Cf.t.i.v .1.. - . I . 9 7 '.' ,u 1,10 ''Ule ones had sliaycd into thc house. n,,i ......i . 1 1 . - . . . ji ,- , , . u,biuL-inaiiy , "intM iiiuiuauivcfe uil ill a eluvi I,,,, ,i ", I testimony of Officer Dinger and otheis is I to the elicit that on Thursday afternoon ! they niado a search of thu house, and the. children were nut there at the time. The coroner's physician says that the bruises on the knees, bios utul i lhotva ,,r I ltogau are. easily accounU'd for. Thev ...:..i. 1 1.. .. 1 . .1 ..... J ...iiii n.ttc lcjcii causeu oy 111c cniucs own I p lurU to r.i.1 .mt ..I' llm ..b.nl I..M.......I ... ..... .... v. ...lt ... .uiiieieu 1 me, p iriteuiariv lim latter purpose, winch by Maggie Mu roy, who, when found, was 1 is an in-redietit of society not much used sitting on the dead body of her comnau- at the presint lime. ion. Maggie, when taken from thc place of!. T,,K wheat enp now being harvested I cinliiieiiieiic ma, I,, ilu. 1 i.ii-i-. ..tv.u.in.. 1 took tue to ihu country for gum doll baby, I and when I got hack, a man put 1110 iu the I closet." At this time tho child was labor- ing under great mental excitement, and I her skitemeut was not credited. 1 Hy the direction of the attending physi cian, no one is allowed lo see or converse with the little one, and ilia ofllceis have not, as yet, undertaken to question her. Au examination of the person of the liv ing child also did not reveal nny evidence of outrage. The theory now is that some one, out of puie hatred of tho Mulroy aud Kegan families, had hidden tho children to annoy the parents, or that sumo boy or idiotic person has been the cause of their imprisonment In the closet, and now fear to oufess. The town of Michigamnic, in Marquetta county, Michigan, was totally destroyed by lire on Thursday. More than two hun dred houses wero consumed. Kight lives were lost. The business of stealing childreu lu Italy and bringing them to New York to sell to miserable creatures lo mako beggars ami thieves of, is in quite a nourishing condi tion. Tho Italian govermcnt is taking Heps to arrest the li.itllc. The Uolern. Trrrlble VroRrrna ofllir Dlnrane X asiivillr, Tcnn., June The mortuary list from cholr.rjv shows fifty-nine deaths, of which forty-eight were colored. Weather rainy, with occasional sunshine. " Memi'His, Jutia 11. There were fourteen deaths from cholera to-day. lteports from tho surrounding country slate that the disease still prevails, bnt in less virulent form. Woathor to-day clear and hot. Cincinnati, June 21. Up to six o,cloek this evening thore were fourteen deaths from disease of tho bowels. Six cases classed as cholera wore reported for the day at the Health Olllce. iSt'sTOX, Mass., Juno ill. 1873. Tho Massachusetts Stale Board of Ileal, h has addressed a circular to tho cities and towns of tho Slats advising tho health authorities to take prompt measures to avert the danger from Asiatic cholera. THE CIIOLKKA IN Kfndl'ft Pisulix, Juno 21. A dispntch from Pantr.ic says forty-two Polish raftsmen on the: Vistula were at tacked by cholera und twenty-five of tin in died. Of the remaining seventeen four have entirely recovered. Another lazaretto has been established at Port Keufahrwasser. at thu mouth of the Vis tula, four miles from aiilzie. ALAUM AND rilKCAt'TIOX IX ITALY. ltOMK, June'Jl, 1873. Several cases of cholera are reported in the province of Treviso. The authorities aro taking precautions to prevent the spread of the disease. THE DISEASE AI'I'F.ARH IX BUI.UAIIIA. Constaxtixoi'Li:, June 21 1371. The cholera has appeared at Uoustchouk, in the province of Bulgaria. I'rrvnilloii of holeru. Wa,hisot: June -'.-Tho Board of Health, with a view to the prevention of cholera and other epidemics, have adopted a schedule of meaii res to be olwetvert by the public authorities and private indivi duals, involving general cleanliness and ; carefulness of diet. There have been sever- ' al eases hen; resembling cholera, but not j ol'the direct type. ! The lirst casu ofgenuino Asiatic cholera ' ocenred in this city Saturday, the. victim ' U'iug a colored woman. The ease proved fatal ! Six C.v-ir. of Ciioi.kh a. It is reported to-nighl, though not on olli- cial authority, that six casts of cholera have originated iu Ibis city to-day. The report comes from private sources and its trulli cannot now be vended. l'ATAL Aft IDKNT AT Lost Cltl'FK ! i Man's Hkai Entiiuji.y SicvhitFD from : ins PoiiY. Thursday while the 'J o'clock : ; freight and accomtnodatiou train of the L. i : V. It. It., from Mt. Carniel to Shenandoah, was near Lost Creek, it ran over a man ! named Jerry Commons, who escaped the I observation of the engineer. Tlw head of i the uul'ortuuate man was entirely tevered I from his body. Al this writinj our in for- : I mation is that Commons was under the in- . i tlueneo of liquor, though for threa years ! past he has been a member a temperance 1 society in Shenandoah city. His home t ; was al host Creek, where be leaves a wife ; and four children. Miiurs Jnunuil. ; ! Tin: coinage at he mint iu San Iran-' Cisco d'tring the mouth ol May umouuted SJ.TtUi.O'ju" in double eagl.-s and Sl-MMMI in halt tlotiai. in ti.o rreiioiulinj month hint year the amount coined wan 5f J.OJ l.'i'jo in tbuibl eatrlei. Mo more : crude bullion wi.l lie ree. ived until after July I. Coin t'.v oper.tii eis will -.!ase this week uti:li after the uiintia! clear up. which i will require three nr four weeks, hi the . meantime live bullion will In: reeeivt I and : com paid fur i(. the same as usual. Vt liis'rvv 1 ik- it i;i lurjc iH:in!:i 8", li,.icM .lll.l iMU lor 1 l.f V ell Hll SllllkeS, all l Is Used Ir.-e y ;'S tun S ill'll mill Wi s'. M ,s.. tliink of 'iinpnruii!; n hiri-'o si nk i is a I i.ullo- tho ; o ilo ra'llu- tsii.it;. s f ir ti. ,S rt- i V' in- nt I i biroi i-o Irish !'.' n i ... bi.t ! p i i' tue.i . .i in ' t s . r. . .a t . r an 1 1 it.;, j .:' mil. i s.iy I s 'i 1 i. . .-p.. -mil who U Ml!. I ,r -i l'll . i !..tl:v hi. : .. III, and tin ii 1 1 1 v.- Aiiii'iieno tvoo w a i ;.rc seril'f tiii'l ri.sii'tiau tire pin'.ty r.f the sunn' crime iiiiniiisl the princii'les of tlie Cotisli tion. Itu! the Irishman is iiiiiliy of inor than the other ; when In- juinsi a secret a.iciety ho i rvvreuiit to his religion ; whoa he v ins a ios!-ripiivi: s ieiet he is recreant to his citizenship." Geiicl'iil Win. O. Ibitler. tho IVtuocrulie -,intli,late for Vice IVsjdctit iu 1S4S on (, .j(.kl.t witl, iivnpra (J.iss, is still living, If.. in Ilia .1 .hle.llile.l i-icr- Iml n k'n. junu '.. liu W4vlk al least osix niiv.. each day. An exchatiu'v snys some idea may be Cumberland Valley. It rccpiiri s from eLht to twelve hours hard work to unload a boat of fO.Uuo or HO. DUO t. rt, for which ihe bauds g- t twenty cents per 1,000. Tm.Y understand sounding about the valuu of advertising in New York. A correspondent states that ono linn has just settled n bill ol'7s,oti0 lor ouo year's advertising, and (but the cumin? iveult ing from that advertisement were ?fti."iO,liOi, divided among four jiersons. A NKWSl'.M'l'lt has been started in the South among thu ohiocts of which ate, two. to repeal all tlivorcu laws and promoto uni- vcrsul love, that ought to insure it a lona I,.- ...... . . .n 111 NiutlKTii Ohio, srivs I he Toledo JilwU: is mo nr.e-i ctu lor many years. It 1 tree from ail the ills wheal is heir lo. Tim War iVpartnient is about to invite proposals for 250,IM.k"i, headstones for the deatl L'uion soldiers. A t;irl iu Heading possessed herself of her father's bank-book', forged a check for nil the old mail's balance 'on deposit, had it cashed, and "lit out" with a "handsomo young foreigner" who had made her ac quaintance through a handkerchief flirta tion. Last Sunday a man in New York at tempted to brain his wife with a loaf of stale bread. The interesting all'air took place on the sidewalk in front of his house. It didn't hurt the wife much, but it furnish ed a perfect Uelshazzar feast for tho spar rows. Kleven thousand five hundred people were killed in thc United States in one year, wu learn from the last report of the Bureau of Vital Statistics.after this fushiou : From burns ami scalds, 3.31)1, explosions, vJUO ; falls, 2,074 ; falling bodies, 712 ; railroad aeculents, l,uM) ; miuiiig accidents, Hd5 ; injuries by machinery. 4JU ; KUiishot Hounds, !.". ; other injuries, 1.H.S3 ; total, 11,01 1. CANDIDATES!' CARD!. For RegUtor and Recorder. AT the nllettutloD of friend the nibscrltiH offers himself 08 candlrlsts for RcKlftpr nnrl Re corder, snbjprt to the decision of the Rf pnhllcan convention of the county, tthnnlfi he bn elected, he plrrtees bltnelf, falthrnllv, ti perform the tlulit: nf the nfllec, always lookltifr to the Inte rcBti of tHo pooile. A. CALDWELL. Plmmokln, June 21, 1873. County Trcannrer. THE tiberlbcr, havtne received encoursDicnt front hll friends, oflers himself a csnrtidiitc for CX)U.NTT TUEASURKR, uliject to tho (IccUion of the Republican I'on vention of Northninberlnnd county. Bhnulfl he be nomlnnlcd he will make the proper rtl'ort Ith the nsaUtnnee of his friends, to bo elected, nnd should he be so fortunate ae to be elected, ho pledges hlmnclf to perform tho duties of tbo of fice fnlthfully and to tho beet lutcrcrts of tbe county. SAMUEL SAVIDGE. Cpycr Angintn, June 81, 1878. For sienator. AT tho tolrcitatlnn of my friends, I have con tented to he a candidate for the ulHcc or STATE SENATOR. Should I receive the nnmlnntlon of the Repub lican party, sublect to the decision of the Confe rees of tho District, and be elected, I will endea vor to discharge the dutlci of the office Impar tially, and to the bextof inv nhilltv. SAMl'EI. A'. BERtiSTREStsER. Mt. c:arnicl, May 81, 187.'!. onnt) Trriisnrrr. IIAVINC coiiKcntcd to the wishes of numerous friend throiiKhnut the county, I oftci myi-elf as a candidate for the oflice of COUNTY TREASURER, sutiject to tho dculnlon of the county convdition. Should 1 receive the iinminnllnn niid be elected, I will nc my heot endenvort to faithfully dl eliarcc the duties of the ollico to tho beft Intcr csls of tho tux-puyeri of the county. CHRISTIAN NKFF. Sunhnry, May 31, 1873. tf. For County C'ommlMKlon. I i 7"'" lmmtta Cotinty ConinlMlantFr nubjcet to the decision of the Republican county convention. If nominated and elected 1 hull endeavor to All the elllcc with tho hci-t of mv uUitilv. DANIEL SEAL. .Tackon township. WAGES. IT'Olt ALL WHOAREWILLINOTOWORK. I A.. ....... I . I . nr :t1 ...... .-in i vi:mmi, um wi ltiunji 'i titiiri ' ciin make from $10 to t."0 per week, at home dav '. or evening. Wanted by all. Suitable to cither ' City or Country, and any season of the year. This is a rare opportunity for those who are out ofwnrli. ant', uut oT moaey, to niiike an inde pendent livini;. No caiital beiu reipiin d. Onr paliiphlel, ''How to Ml n ko a living,' tciviug fall liisti ueliiii!. sent on receipt of 10 cents. Ad j dren, A. lil'liToN .V CU., Moirisnna. West- chcMt'rCo., N. l . Ap. I'.'cnM-y. , ( II t H antral evervwhere lo sell onrttrw iiiii! novel I '.inbroUlrrlnir Machine, send for illus trated Circular, to the MeKee Maniiraetnrlnii Company, t'otl Rroadwny, New York, up l'.l,-1y. THE PARI-OK C OMPANION. Every I.ady Wants one ! Every Man oui;ht to have one ! .enl on receipt of Ten Cents. Addre-s, I.. F. HYDE A CO., ID.". Seventh Avenue, New Yolk. HON-ToN FLIRTATION SIGNALS, sent on reeoipl of.'Scts. I'liique Piiiitlnir and l'lltiiish imr llourie, :;ti Yesey Street, New York. Till'. IIECKWITII tM Portable Family Sew inj .Machine, on l!0 Days Trial; many advan tages over all. Fati.-faetion L'liaraniced, or t'M relunileil. Sent complite, with full directions. Heck with Sewing Maelilne Co.. M'rJ llri.adivny. New York. apl'.l. rowly. THE NEW ELASTIC TliCSS. An Impor tant Invention. It retains the Rupture at all tones, am i.i,.i..i tw. leinlrst exercise or severest strain. It is wo it Willi coiuioti, uu. ifVeptoit niulil and day. etleits i: pennauent CJr." iu a few ve. Us. Sold cheap, nmi sent by Mall w hen re quested, circular trie, when olden . I hy letter sent to 'the F.laslic Truss Co., No. ii;i llroad way, N. V. City. Nobody uses Metal Spring Trusses j too painful ; they ulip off too frequei.l ly. uplH, eowly. 35 Itt-port oi't'Thc First a(iojitil ItnnK orSunhiir). lu. Ri port of the condilioii of" the I'h.t National tl.i'ili of Stiiibuiy." lu the. Uoroiiu'li o.' Mieliury, I i il.e St .o- of Pennsylvania, at the close of bu s.iics.j, oa ,jc loth day ol June, A. li., ls-iJ. LIAlilLITlES. I .tpilni Sl.ielt paid in S-tW.iHk) !0 S'li-plim Knnd u.'.iUJ ll'J Ii-eo,int, FKehanue, Interest, anj I'rotll and Loss k't.'.MS 11 ' Cireii!iniii! Notes nutstaudlnc lii'.i.'.i4'J 00 ; State Hank circulation outstanding... li.n.'ij 00 i Hivlilends I'npalil 3.:til i Individual Deposits .'.So.-j:;,.l 75 t'liiti d Slates Deposits "J.;i7ll Mi j I Deposits of I'. S. Disbursing OlUeers, :iS t ' i Dm: lo Nalional Ranks 17.lil57 07 ! , Due to State Uauks und Uaukers, 'J'JH 40 ' JTUI.IO 71 IlESOl'KCES. Loans and Discounts I'. S. Ponds to secure Clroulution fL".'.i,Til-' 81 '.'isi.ihki Oi) ', ill.O JII (KI j oK.1 (ill 1 1..'K) (JD ! I.'. S. Bonds to secure Deposits L'. rt. Hoods 011 bund Oilier blocks, Honds and Mmtiraccs. Due from Kedeeuiing and Heserve Aceins Due from National ll.eil.s Due from t'tate Hanks uud Hankers... ' '11 r rent Enpenses und taxes paid Cash Items, liieliiding til a 11414 und Protest Account Hills of National Hanks Fractional Currcnev, including Nick els I". 8. Lt-iriil Tender Notes I 4",'8t -I5 II .u4'.l 01 0,'J'9 74 ' 1.SJ3 tJ I a.nr,5 11 I s,:t 00 ; .'.'o'i!! ml CLOiKl 00 oll. olfi TI STATU OF PF.NNSVI.VANl Ai Cot SIT OK NotlTIII MIIKIU.tMi. K' T. I, Samuel J. l'm-ker, Cnshier of " l lie Fitst National Hank of Sunbury," do oletnn!y swear Unit the a hove statement la true to Ihe best of inv knowledge and bell''. Surned. 8. J. PACKElt, Cashier. Sworn 10 und subscribed before me, this 27th day of June, A. I)., ls;a. isinuej.l l'.ivin Uoi kki rxt.Eii, Notarv 1'iibllc. (Seal.) Correct ATI kst I W. I. UREENOVGH, JOHN HAAS, A. JOKDAN, J. B. PACKER, Directors. Sunbury, June 28, 1S7X Tt'ttrlirrn Wautrd. OIX MALE AND FOVR FEMALE Tear hers. IO Liberal salaries to good teachers. Applica tions will be received by I he becretary of the Sunbury School District until Saturday, the fall day of July. School term commences oil the tlrrt Monday la September, lo continue niue months. II. V. FKl'LING, bec'y. Kuubiiry, June 2S lb3. CRAWFOItlH UOI SK, Cor. Third uud Mulberry, Uusiaets Centre, WUliainsport, I'a. D. 8. 'ELSE & CO., Proprietor. Jane 39, 1878. ConatKble Nwlr. 'VJOTICE ia hereby glven.that at a Constable's 1 Sale, occurring oa the 18th of June, 1873, of the personal goods of Johu F. Kapp, in the borough of Sunbury, lha following goods wura pin chased by the undersigned 1 6 eune seal Chairs, U Camp Stools, 1 large Chair, 1 Hocking Chair, 1 marble top Stand, I Extension Table, 1 Sofa, 1 Book Case, 1 lot parlor Carpel, 1 piece Oil Cloth, 1 Healer, 1 room Stove, 1 cook Stove aud fixtures, 1 lot kitchen Carpet, 0 common Chairs, 8 cherry Tables, 1 Clock, 1 Slum), 1 rouad Table, i lot hall aud stair Carpel, 8 wash Stands, li Bowl and Pitchers, Bed steads, Wludsor Chairs, t lot bedroom Carpel In two rooms, 1 Look In a; Olasa, 3 Bureaus, S Tuba, 1 Ueak, aud Wardrobe. These good are left In lha keeping of thc Said John V. Kapp dur ing Ibe pleasure of the underslgued, and the pub lic are warned not lo meddle with Ihe same. n. Y. FRI1.INO. tutaiy, June 51, ltt. vbbfttismtnts. MIKKIFF'M -VOTICK Tor the eaCorcement or tho Flan Law. UNDER tbe Act of tbo Leglslntora of Penn tylvania, paused at the (canton of 1871, for the protection of rnlinon, black bas, and other food unites ncWiy Intrmluced, or to be Introduc ed Into the river Delaware and 8usqucbaaua,and their tributaries Kcnerallr, and for the protection ot Uch generally iu mild streams, 1, Hamucl 11. Rothermel, tiheritf of Northumberland County, In compliance with and for the enforcement of raid law. hereby give notice that all convenien ces for the cutehiug orflsh, commonly called flh baskets, Ac, within my jurisdiction ai Blicrlffof aid county, and now known to eilnt In the rtrcnmi of raid connty, are hereby declared to be common nuisances, and I hereby command, Re cording to law, that they be removed and dis mantled by tao owners or manairci thereof, wuiiiu ten day from tbo Date of this proclama tion. And lor the information of the public, I hereto attach tliut section of the Fish-Law relat ing to tho removal and dismantling of ash-baskets, Ac. i AVc. 11. On any of the stream or parts of rtrca'im cortteniplnted by tbli ai t, and under the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, to which an adromons or migratory Hsbcs shall have access, by the nou-rxhtencc of dams, or by openings In the dams, whether Intended or not to facilitate such ncccVs, and w hatcver 1n the reaches of spa ces below or between dams, such planting of new species sknll have taken place, as herein contemplated, the sherilfs of the count! having jurisdiction of such reaches of the streams, when ever they shall discover or he informed of the ex istence of such contrivances to the entchiuj; of lih as are commonly known as fish-baskets, eel wiers, kiddles, brush r fascine nets, or any oth er lernianently set means of takinf; flsh, in the nature of it reive, which arc known to he waste ful and extravagant modes of fishing, the said sheritl's shall give ten days notice in two news-pa-icrs of their respective counties, ibnt tbe said contrivances are known to exist nnd are commou nuisances, ordering them to be dismantled by their owners or mnniigern, so as to render them no longer capable of injurinji the fishes of the strwinis of whatever kind j nnd t nt Hie expira tion of the raid ten days tho disiiiantlelng shall not have taken place, then the said sheriff shall proceed, with such force of good men of the comity as may be necessary for the purpose, and destroy or dismantle the said fish-baskets, kid dles, eel wiers or such other devices contemplat ed by this section, so that they may he no longer capable of injuring fish ; nnd the accounting offi cers of the counties shall mako good the cost of the said procccdlnirstotlic said short If or sheriffs. In the sell lenient of their accounts with the said sheriffs j und if upon bring duly Informed by a reputable citizen ol the couuly that said nuisan ces, are In existence nnd require abatement, the s.iid sheiill or sherills shall not proceed as di rected In this act, then lie or they, upon convic tion In the connty court of the said neglect of duty, slut 1 1 be lined not less tluin one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars for every such neuflect ( said tines to he collected as ordi- nary lines are collected, and Ihe proceeds are to be divided equally between tho iuformer or com- j1 n i tut lit nnd the school directors ol the proper district, for school purposes only ; this section Is not intended to supercede any other law of mis i oinmonwea,, n tor me suppression ot nsn uiskets, et cetera, If the same bo found eftienei- '. ous to tlestrnv or abolish them. SAMUEL It. I'.OTII EltMEL, Phcriff. i Sheriff's Olllce, Sunlmry, .lune 13, 1S73. CoiiNlnlIvs) Snlo. : "VTCJT1CE is hereby civen, that at a Consta- i bio's K'tle, on tfte JiKli day of May. 1 ST:;, of ' the personal :ood of Joseph Sv. Mjeis, In the i borough of Sunb'.iiy, the followini; articles were ' purchased by the undersitfiied : 1 Cookinir stove ! and fixtures, 1 Cupboard and contents, 6 WirKl- ! sot Chairs, 'J Pine Tables, 16 yards Ras Carpet. 1 1 Clock, 1 Coal F.ueket, 1 small Loutit'e, 1 lot . Tin-ware, 1 Rudiantlielit room Stove, 1 N-ltee. l j t hairs, 1 Rocker. 1 piece Oil Cloth. U't yards room Carpet, 1 wool Table-cloth, I LnoUinc (ilass, S Reds unci IlcddiUf;, 1 Hedsttad. 1 llnreail chests, 1 Detk, 1 Hoc, 3 ISarre.ls. ;; Tubs, 1 ,' Trunk. I Meat-barrel, 1 Trundle-bed nnd lied dintf, 1 Lamp, 2 wooden Buckets. These ironds j are lell in the keeping of the said Joseph W. , Myers ditrliii; the pleasure of li e ttitdc rained, and the pulilie are warned not lo mid.lie with! tile same. .1. W FRYLING A SON. I Sunbury, May S'J. 1ST3. lit. ! Autlitor'n Notice Isaac He.ttfiy, t. al. 1 In the Couit of C. J- Pleas, of Xoi-thi ommoii vs. r. F. Wcist. No. nr. ioa, oi ,oi i a a in uei - . 3 land eoiuity, Fi. Fa. Mulch r.-iui, 17o. THE iN he her b", n api oiiiied Auditor In the Couit of t oeimoii Pie. is of Noitlmiiilierland county, to m ,'ne dl-trihiit-'onof the monies paid into Cinirt, ai i-'m from tlie (ale of defend. nit's pioj eity. to ai d iinioiiL' those entulcl thereto. He will mi el , the creditors, and those elaimlu out of Hint ! fund, at hi office In the borough ol Sinibuiy on ; Tlmrsd.iy, July 17th, 1S7::. nt 10 o'clock, a." m. A. N. HRiCE, Auditor. i Sunbury, June l!l. 1W7: ti. ! i:OC II JIOIKiWS' SUXK' j KATOLIO . is a tir.bstitut-2 for Soap f r all HousiholJ purpo ses, except wtislilnir clothes. . sA'rbLio i for cleaning your Houo will save Iho labor of one cleaner. Ulvo il a trial. SA FOLIO for Windows is better than Wlilling 01 Water. o reinovii'K enrtiilns und eurjiets. eleans Pulnt nnd Wood. In fuel the enlire House, better than Soup. No s'nppini;. Saves lithor. You can't itlford to be without il. POLIO for f eoitrlng Knives is better and rlertnner than Bath Brick. Will not scratch. SA POLIO Is better than Soap and Sand for polishing Tin ware. Biltiitens wit hunt seratehintr. S A POLIO Polishes Brass and Copper utensils better Hum I Aci.l er Oil nnd Molten btouc. S A POLIO ' for Washing Dishes nnd Glassware Is Invaluable. ! I lieaper 1 ban Soup. j SA POLIO ! removes Stains from Marble, Tables und Statu ary, from Hard finished Walls, and from China and Porcelain. SAPOLIO removes Stains and (j reuse from Carpets and oth er woven fabrics. ! HAND SAPOLIO j anew nnd wouderfnllv effeethe Toilet j oap., having no equal in this country or , abroad. i MANlT SA POLIO ! its an article for the Bnlh. 'reaches fhe foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action und brilliant tint to the skin. HAND SAPOLIO ('lenses nnd Beautifies IheSkin, Instant ly removing itny slain or blemish from both hands and fnee. II AND SAPOLIO ia without a rival In the world for curing or preveutlug roughness uud chat plug nf either hands or face. II AND SAPOLIO removes Tar, Pitch, Iron 01 Ink Stains and Urease) for workers In Machine Shops, Mines, Ac, ia Invaluable, lor muking the Sklo While nnd Soft, and giving lo it a 'bloom of beauty," it la unsurpassed by uny Cosmetic known. UAND SAPOLIO costs 10 to 15 cents per cake, 11 ud every body should hava It. You will Ilka il. DON'T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODsT" Buy it of your merchant If he has It or w ill pro cure It for you. If not, theii write for our Pamphlet. "All about Sapolto," and il will bo mailed free. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS, 30 TV New Yoik. May 81, 1873. lyr. UOItUISQ C'LANH Mais or Female f60u week guaranteed. Kespectubla employment at borne, day or aveaiug 1 bo capital required 1 full Instructions oV valuable package of goods seat free by mall. Addreaa, with six cent return tliirip, M. YOl Nfl CO. m Greenwich Street, New York. Jlv w tbbcrtforacnis. MILL AND FARM FOI SALE. XVIII be told at prlrata sale a tract or IkHV, sltanto In Washington townsMp, Northutnbei land county, I'a., coutaioing 60 acre more t less, whereon Is erected a good mVKLl.INU nocsE, Pprlng of Water near the bouse, and all neeei rnry outbuildings. The land Is la a high slut of cultivation. Also, a ORI8T MILL three stories high with a never failinft Wste Iower, two run of rtone, having an eicellcn ron of custom, nnd Is located within three tulk of the railroad station. This valuable proper! will be sold oft easy terms. Tut further partlcn laii apyy to tlKHI. & BftO, Rebuck V. O. JuneJ I, IS '3. Northumberland Co., Pn In the Orphans' Coart OF NORTH I'M BKRLAND COUNTY. FmIiKp ofNurnlt Millor, dcreatsed. Sur Writ of Partition. To Kphmlm R. Miller, WHHam M. Mlller.Jsn. intermarried with William Fot, resident In M (iilead, Monroe couittv. f?tate o'f Ohio ( John M Miller, resident in Tort Wayne. State of Indiana and Kllzubeth Comjinrct, a daughter or Johnsot Miller, ouo of the sons deceased. Intcrmarrlei with Comparel. residinc; In the Hate of lo wa, und to all the other heirs and local repreaen tntlves of (ho said farnh Miller, deceased. Take otlce, Tlmt by virtue of the abov. writ of Partition to me directed, an Inquisitio, 111 be held upon the premises therein described on Wednesday, the 30th day of July, 1873, nt P o'clock a. m.. to ascertain nnd inquire nineni other things, whether the said premises can b. parted anil ditldediwlthout prejudice to, or spoil Ins tlie whole thereof, or otherwise to Valuu aiu appropriate the same, when and where you nsi intend if you see proper. Ucspcctfullv vours, . 11. liOTIIFIRMr.l., iJheriff. Sheriffs OlOce. tfunbitry, June 21, 1H7.1. 8t. XOTITK. The Orient Insurance Co., of Tlartford, hat withdrawn its niwmy from Sunbury, und revok ed tbe eertirleatc of Hiithority issued to L. M Voder to act as neiil .for said company. C. PRESTON, Vico President. I llartfoid, .lime 0, Wi. MKF.i IT IIAXUV. j Tiik Ur.i.iAnt.r. Family MKiut tM-. Dl AltRlir.A, dysentery. Cholera. Summti Complaint, t -a'lips, et quickly cured In I tlie use of JAHDF.U.A'M ' Compel'.,. d S rup ot ItUiekbei ry Root und Kb fain. An old. ill tried icinedy. entirely tcgctnble. i pleasant lot.'kc. p'u k nnd i-citain in ( tl'cet ' can he depended ou iu the mo?t urgent eusit 'n' be iwn to the youngest infant as well n i to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OK OPIl'M. It I.-a pleasant extinct and rendiiy' taken to ' children, rt has i.lUr,. sated life when i.IuVi emus nail ncspaireil. Iveep it In t lie bouse anc use iu time. All wo ask lor it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put you nil with romrlhiinr else, lluy it. Try it. Sold by !ru(.'tists und Si or. Keepers throughout this State. Prepared oiilv t HANSELL A HilO., ' ' .Jiinel4."73-ain. 'I00 Market St.. I'hilad-lpMa, SI(tlU .tI fiX'M nv.it' MILLINERY fiOOHS FOR l!t7r, I'ST opened ,-iu extensive assortiueiit of STRAW. Mil.I.INEliY AND FANCY (iOOHS, Cor.tpri.--iu; the lateot am) most attractive styles felfcte.l k ith cart! from the le id'ncr impoiiin.: houe in New York nnd Philadelphia, nil. I adapted for the present n. in. K1HHONS AND FLOWERS In uieat v a i ii ly. a irencial a-oi tnieiil of neck-tie--, orieiu.ents f.n ac,iic-. '1 KIMMINHSKF ALL KINDS, liloves, Collar-, ( nil., nnd .very lasiiionable ,ii lit le ol ladies ' w ca r. Call and see Ihe UCW styl-s ,it lloods :'t MISS I.. SllISsLF.il. Msvk' t S piai-i , ;iai.b.irv, 1'.'.. April :.'i.. (F0BMIHLI Wood Mjjts.) STJtTIONARV POBTIBU Steam Engines. The Boot Si Most Complete Assortment Iu the Market. These Knffin hare always maintained the rerf hlirheat alandurd of f lorlleno. We make the manufacture of KnKim, Boiler and SawMillaa, pornalty. Ve have Uinluryowt and raa40oora,u.-to worka oc tha kind in the country, wilh machinery specially adapted to tha work. We keep constantly in proem larg n ambers of Snpin, which w furnish at thu very lowest prioca ana oa the ahorteat notice. W builil EiuOnca apecuuMy adapted to Miw-a, Saw Mills, Ontt Mills, Tanrwrias, Cotton Oins, Tormbera and aU claaaua Of mauufur'turintf. We ara now buildinft tha celebrated Lana Cirrm lar Saw Mill, the bust aud moat euupleta aaw mill ever invented. , Wa make tha tnanufaetnre of fviw Mill outflu a special feature of our busineaa, and can f'Tt'-h oomiilet ou tbe shorteat notioa. . Our aim in all raaaa ia to furnish tbe beat ma chinery ia tha market, and work absolutely un aiual.sl for beaut y of drawn, economy aud atreogt a. Send for Circular and Prion List. j UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. CTICA, M. T. somi:tiiiv; m.h . An elegant Album for 2.S cents, hoMing 24 full sized cards, bound iu full giit cover and sold al Ihe low price of 2.'i cents, suitable for the pocket or centre table. Order a sample sent by mail, post paid on rrrvlpt of 23 cents. 3 for 00 cents, or 0 for il. Address, IU'ltKOW A CO., Baltimore, MJ. !" Agents Wailed. Catalogues of Books, IVctuio Sir., sent free. June H,78 ;tw. f SffTiTni rr-imagiriTn-T f ginss'iaraniiiTirvi'r-wfft "Trsvp'r 1 J 'vrat-s Kai! s. w -tan 'f ' Send for Illustrated Catalogue and evntuin 1 our prices In lore purchasing, us wo claim 10 sell lower lb. 111 ur.v other i-staliiisiiiuent in the tit v. REM EM I! Ell the NIWI BEIT, l'J! ItlDGE A YEN IE, Philade! h!u. NHi:iciri"? nam:. J Y Virtue of a ceitaiu w 1 It of .u-ori fueiui t, J me directed, will bo sold at Public Sale, on MONDAY IhettOili day of JUNE, at 11 o' clock, 11. in., nl tho Court House, in Suubury, tlie follow in property, lo wit : A II 1 hose ci 1 tain set en, contiguous lots or pie ces of gionu.l, sHiialr iu the borough of Shnuio kin, count v of Northumberland, mid Stale of I'ciiMsvlvuuia, and kuown ou the general plan of said borough of Suuuiokin, as loU numbered two (5) Ihree (II) four (t) live (5) six (0) svveu (7) aud ilfchl (S) j,, block ihirty-nlnc SO. Seized, taken iu execiilioii, und 10 be sold oa the propel I) of Elijah Hamuier aud Catharine Hninmor. sAMVFL II. ROTHFHMFL, SheriflT. Ml 1 II 's OlU'je, .Sutll'lll V, .Itine 11, l1 mm mm