Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 21, 1873, Image 4
1873. 1073. mm ine mom. Eiormous Stools, eat est Variety laowcsi Prices. Just opened at S. HBRZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. tho largest stock of ever oflured in this town. 10W Cunts, 1000 Vests, 1600 Pants, 200 Boy's and Children's Suits, 1000 Hat and Caps for men and boys, SMrts of 5000 Linou and Taper Collars, 1000 Pair Linen and Taper Cuffs, 1000 Tics, Bows and Scarfs, 150 Dozen Socks, 30 different styles Suspenders, i overalls m mm Gauze and Merino Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is respectfully invited to call KlCDt. Xo Goods misrepresented, no trouble to show Goods or to give information. The whole will be offered at Extraordinary Low Prices and satisfaction guaranteed in every way, s Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Ta., April 12, 1S73. BATCHU BROS' MARK POHCH GIGftRS. KOW Bolter than piij ev-r sonde by litem. Mcc llmt tho boxct nre brantlcd PECULIAR It. II. PINCH. Wholesale Depot 330 NORTH THIRD STREET, Branch 23 North 2cl St., Brunch H37 Chestnut St., (Opposite "CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. March 1, 1873. flmos. BUTCILEHY! 1.UTCIIERY! McMKrai. KEF FEW V IIOUEIt, Third Street, oppociti; Central Ilcte!, BCNBl'Rir, PA., KECPconetnutlyim Laud tho very choicest of fresh IIEEF, MH'IOX AM) VEAE, Milieu it told at the lowest juicet. Meat can bu had at nil hours durlni; the riay. enubury, l'a., June 8, 1S73. EOcTl E OF'i'IOX. Xovt la the time to form Vour club. FIXE OLD RYE WHISKY. Fully Four Years Old. S-l tr gallon. Or, in large bottles, secure ly packed in cases, 11.00 per dozen. VERY FIXEJPALE SAERRY, and RARE OLD PORT WINES, at same prices. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, Very Choice. 18.M) the dozen. Fnd In your orders, II. A A. C. VAX IIEIE, No. 1310, CUIZSTNCT ST.. l'hilndolphlu. April to, 1873,-1 yr. i 307TRiCHTER & GASKILL, 1 307 DE.VLKKS. IN American and French WiEiow Glass, Vryita.1 bheet, Eoujli J'lrtte, t'olored, 'Euaiaeltd aud OruAutouUkl Qlui, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1S78. ly. THE KING ISA It It E It SHOP 1 8 THE SHOP OP THE TOWN nnd long bus btcu i ask history aud she will tell you Men have grown old lu our putrouKgs , Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys ut play ; Aud youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwurt men with cares oppressed, ; Aud old men silver gray. And nmoug the honored nnd lasting Impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions iu circumstances, we stand 11 living monumental memento of the Ingeuuity and perseveranco ap pertaiuing to t'10 identity ol progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, uud aspiring to achieve the highest rewurd of merit attainable In our bumble capaci ty, aud the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of sopurior appliaucea and es tablishment are always wout to Inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut aud comb with tasta the hair 1 Shampoo the bead with soothing curs, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow ma politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved ou the basis of ability nor as some nave done for our use of the ballot for prliv el pic sacred and right nor under tho common secret and iuvidlons guise of enmity te complex ion 1 for the cut of a man's coal, or the color of hit skin, ought not to affect his nseluluess nor his qualifications. A fair chance Is ull that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAMEd W. WASHINGTON. Propriutor. is.Ll.niy, April '., U73 No. 91, Market tt. O R trade H3 all Descrijlis, and examine this most magnificent assort- JUL JUL V A. JSLa.ySLSmM. 3 B a S" a 2 o l-t- o o 3 "2- o" (-- Ul o 7T o a J ir es o f 1 n i ft o o o fi n eta 3 9 3 o 3 CO 2 N M r a' a o 3 &5 PI 0. W. KF.EFEU. C. W. BAS6I.ER. ISTow Goods! SPRING AND BUMMER. Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Groeerit, Oil Cloths, Glann and Nails of every variety, at one low price, at Keefer & Uassler's Store, Corucr of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY, PA. All kinds of Grain taken in exchange same as cash. Call aud see us. REEFER A BA8SI.FK. Sunbury, May 10, 17S. e a' ii ii NEW DISCOVERY Im Chemical ana medical Selene. Ir. aARVH'S TAB REMEDIES Cure Incipient Consumption. Pr.GAUYIVS TAll RE5IEDIE9 Cure Cutmrli. Ir. GAKVIVS TAU KF.JIEDIES Cure AMhmrt. Dr.GAUVIN'8 TaR KE?IEIES Cure Heart Disease. Tr. GAHVIVS TAtt REMEDIES Cure Skin Disease. Dr.OARVL' TAIt REMEDIES RnffnWto tho Elver. Dr. GAHVIVS TAR RIIMEDIES Rogulato the Stomach and Bowels Ir. GAUVI.Vfl TAR REMEDIES Cure all Female Wetikiievo. Dr. GAKVINS TAR REMEDIES Turify tlu Blood. Ir. GAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure DUciiKes of tjic Tliront. Dr. GAltVIVS TAR REMEDII2S Cure Bronchitis. Dr. GAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure "Rose Coitlor'-RnyFevcr", Dr. aAUVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Lmig 1ixeiMs. lr. GAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Constipation. Dr. GAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Salt Rheum,' Dr. GAKVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Kidney Diseases. Dr. GAHVIVS TAR REMEDIES Prevent Cliolern & VellowFcver, Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES IV vent Mnluriou.s Fevers. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Rcuaovo l'n 111 iii the Breast. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Remove Puiu in tho Side or Back.1 Dr. OARVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore tho Appetite. Dr. GARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Cause the Food to Digest. j Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Restore the Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVIVS TAIt REMEDIES Give Tone to Vour System. L. T. HYDE fc CO., ' ? BOLB FBOPRIETOBS, 193 Seventh Ave., JVew VorAs. December SI, 1K72. ly GET THE BEST. j Webster lnnbril;ed Dlcliouary. 10,000 Wortle find Heanimjt nut ini ther Diction aries. KOOO;ruviiii:s ; 1S40 Page Quarto. Price $13. " ""henever 1 wish to obtain exact definition, T I consult it. Schuyler I'olfiiX. 17 very Scholar knows lit value. U I W. 11. Prescot the Historian. 1 I cen one of my daily companions. L .lolin'l.. Motley, the Historian, Ac Do far as I know, hctl detiuinc Dirtiouary. IO Horace Mann. rrhe best guido of Undents of our J.ani;iai.v. L JehnO. Whittier. "ITicels all otbert In defining sclent'lic terms. J!i President Hitchcock. 1cuiaikHblc compendluni of human knowledge V W. 6. Clark, I'rcs't Ap. College. A necessity for every Intelligent family, stu deut, teacher aud professional man. What Li brary is complete without the best English Dic tionary. ALSO Weiii-tbk's National 1'ictouiai. Dictiosart. 1040 PuifCB Octavo. COO EiiKravinfs. Price $5. The work ts really a Kem of a Dictionary, last tho thing for the mil. ton. American KduaUwrnd Monthly. Published by G. .t C. MERKIAH, Bpriutrlleld, Mass. Sold tiy ull Mooksellers. WANTED AGENTS for the great scusa- tiou of hygienic literature, Our digestion , or, My Jolly Friend's) Secret. Dr. DEU LEWIS' new work U an immense bucccss. naves money, worrv una precious health, and shows how to live well uud grow fat 011 $1 a week. Agents are coiuing money aud doing a world of good with it. lit lay not, but address nt once. GEO. MACLEAN m31,'73.4w. publisher, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED Send for Catalogue. Domestic Sewing Machine Co., New Yoik. ra!U AGENTS WAN! ED FOR BEHIND '"SCENES IN WASHINGTON. The spiciest & best selling book ever published. It tell ull about the great Credit Mohellur Scan dal. Senatorial Briberies, Congressmen, Rings, Lobbies, and the wonderful Sights of the Nation al Capital. 'It sells quick. Send for circulars, and see our terms and a full description of the work. Address, National i'ublUhii.g ( o., l'hl.a dclphia, Pa. inj31.'7'I.4w. i'o Hook f MuviuerN. ANEW WAY of running a Subscription Book Thausands are sold. Canvassing reduced to a mere puss time. Profits to agents immense. Address, MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING CO., l-".l East SSlti street, New York city. mv31 4w . Nvmeroi's Tksts iuvb Piionkp i i. H. F. Bt'RNHAM'S NEW TUUBINE 2 WATER WHEEL im To be tho Best Ever Invented. Pumphlet feee. Address, York, P. 4t 9 llrllllaut BookM lor t'aurassrrs. and salesmen I Bryant's Library of Poetry nnd Song aud Miss Beccher's New Housekeeper's Mauuul. Both telling fast aud far. Exclusive Territory! liboral terms. J. B. FORD A CO., New Yolk, Boston, Chicago aud San Francisco. Agents wanted lor the New Illustrated Book, WILD LIFE IN THE FAR WEST. 30 years with ludiaus. Trappers, iu Mexican wars, c. Scalping Exjieditlou against Apaches. Full interest aud selling rapidly. The Book of the year. Address WILEY, WATERMAN EATON. ruS,'7,4w. Hartford, Ct. WE WANT AN AGENT. In this township to canvass for the new, valua ble and fast telling book by D. JOHN COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. Recommended and endorsed by promiueut minis ters, physicians, religious and cet-ulur pupers. No other book like it published. $40 per week guaranteed. Address, COWMAN X CO., 130 Eighth St., New York, ml'73.iw. 2 KtJ'Moe Ot SECRET OF BEAUTY. Row to bcuntiry tho Complexin. If there It one. wlh dearer than anotlicr to the heart of woman, It Is the desire to be beautiful. The wonderful reputation of !k. W. I.Ainrj's "Ht.ooM or Youth"' i very Justly deserved. For Improvine and heantlfylnit the skin, it is un doubtedly tho best toilet "preparation in the world ; It Is composed of entirely harmless ma terials, and w hile the Immediate ewects are to render the skin a beautiful crenmv white, It will, after a few applications, make it soft, smooth and beautifully clear, removing all blemishes ami discolorations. This delightful toilet preparation lms been tc vcrclv tested by tho Hoard or or Nkw Ynitii City. Dr. Lonls A. Bayres, after careful ly examining the analysis made by the above Board, pronounced Geo. W. Enlrd" "Bloom of Vouth" narinlest, and Entirely Free from Anything In . jurious to the Health or Bkln. BEWAKE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask vour Drupuist for Geo. W. Laird's 'Bloom of Youth.' The genuine has tho United States rcveunc stamp enirraved on tho front label, and the name, 'O. W." Laird,' blown in the plats od the hack or every bottle. SOLI) II Y ALL DRUG GISTS AND FANCY GOODS DEALKH8. May 81, '73. 4w. NEVER Neelcct a Conch. Nothlnc is more certain to lay the foundation for future evil consequences. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS are a tnrc cure for nil diecafcs of the Kospira' torv Orirans, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup. Diple therla. Asiluna. Catarrh. Hoaisencss, Dryness of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of the Lunjru. In all cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly and freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood, mitigate the severity of the attack, and will, in a very short time, restore healthy action to the af fected organs. Wdlls'" Carbolic Tablets arc put up only In blue boxes. Take no tnhstitutea. If they can't be found at your drnccist's, send nt once to the Agent in New York, wno till lorwurj mem ny retnm mail. Boiet be deceived by Imitations. Sold by dnmiiists. Price 25 cents a bni. JOHN Q. KELl.OCG, 18 Hlult-st New York. uiSI,' 73.4 w. Scud for circular. Sole Agent for U.S. 12,000,000 Al'ItES, CHEAP FAB MS ! The Cheapest Land in Land In Market, for sale i iiy.ine j UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, ! In the Great Platto Valley. I 3,000,000 ACCES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA ! Now for sale in tracts of forty acres and np- ' wards on Five and Ten Yeart' Credit at 0 per 1 cent. No advance Interest required. ' Mild and Healthful Climate, Fertile Suil, nn i abundance of Good Water. ! The best Market in the West ! Tho great I Mining regions ol Wyoming. Colorado, Utah and I Nevada, being tuppUed by the tanners lu the Platte Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED to a HOMESTEAD of 1 Kit) ACHES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES, j FREE HOMES FOR ALL ! Millions of Acres I of choice Government Lands open for entry un- ; dcr the Homestead Law, nenr this Great Rail road, with good markets and all the conve niences of an old settled country. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new r dilion of Descriptive Pamphlet with New Mapi Mailed Free everywhere. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Laud Commissioner U. P. R. It., my31,7S.4w. Omaha, Nebraska. FIRE! FIRE 1 ! FIRE!!! F 1 G II T I G F I It E ! Agents wanted for tho grandest book ol the year, now selling with astonishing rapidity. Telia the causes of Fire ; Cafes I-'iro-proof build ings s Conquering Fitc with Water, Steam and Gas ; Insurance Is it safe ? Its History, Basis, Management, How to Insure, Ac; vivid Ac counts of the Great Fires of History. Agents send lor circulars. Yon will not regret it. Sent free. Address Dustin, Oilman & Co., Hartford, Ct. mSU73.4w. "I 41 SAMPLES sent bv mail for 50c. that re 1 tail quisk for $10. K. L. WOI.COTT, uiUl,'?3.4w. lSljniathain-sqnare,N. Y. "CAMPIIORINE" cures every pain. fcc. Try it. Bold bv nil druggists. REUllEN HOYT, Prou'r. New York. mySl.-tw Write for Large Illustrated Price List. Address, GREAT WESTERN SltHTHFIELOST PITTSBURGH Pa. Breech-loading Shot Gnus, $40 to c300. Dou ble Shot Guns, $.S to S150. Single Guns, ( 3 to $20. Rifles, tS to 75. Revolvers, t8 to 335. Pis tols, tl to S. Gun Material, Fishiug Tackle. Large diseouut to dealers or Clubs. Army Guns Revolvers, fcc, bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be cxaminid before paid for. mSl,'7:M - 7"TO" i2iK CENT. We make a speciality of Comity, City, and Lchool Districts Bonds, Guarunteo Legality of all bonds sold, collect the coupons without charge, or take samo as so much cash oa sales. tT Send Tor price list. THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONDS just publiched by our senior, should bo In the hands of all interested lu this class of securities. Two volumes, price 310. n;i,'73.4w. W. N. COI.ER CO.Ll7 Nassatt-ht., , N. Y. 30th Thousand in Press. Sale increasing. 2,000 moro LIVE AGENTS WuuteJ forour LIVINGSTONE SS years in AFRICA vr 4iiK pages, only 3--5U Incoiuoleto and in terior works are otlered, look out for them. Send for circulars and see proof of the greatest success of the seasun. Pocket Companion worth $10 mailed free. HUBBARD BROS., Pub's, iuv3l,4w 7X'3 Sansom St., Pilla, Pu. Is the most poweiful eleunser, ttrengthuer aud remover of Glandular Obstructions known to Materia Melica. Jt is sped. illy adgptel to constitutions "worn down" und debilitated by the warm weather of Spring und Bummer, when the blood is not iu etive circulation, consequently gnlliering impu rities from sluggishncs and imperfect action of the secretive organs, and is manifested by Tu mors, Eruptions, Blotches, Bolls, Pestules, Scro fula, Ac. When weary and luuquld from overwork, and dullness, drowzluess and Inelia take the place of energy uud vigor, the system needs a Ionic to build It up nnd help the Vital Forces to regula their recuiierulivs power; In tho heal of bummer, frequently tho Liver and epleeu do not properly perform their func tions ; the I'tcrlUB aud Urluitry Organs are in active, producing wcukuats ot the stomach and intestines uud a predi.poeilion to bilious derange ment. DR: WEL1 8' Extract or Jarubeba is prepareu plrectly from the South American Plant, and is pcculiary suited to all these diUl cullies it will cleanse the Vitluted Blood, stroug- ihe.u the Llle-tiiving rowers, and remove all obstruelions from Impaired aud eufebled Orgaua It should tie freely taken, as Jurubeba is pro nounced by medical writers the most emcleut Purifier, Touic aud Deohstment known in the whole rnnge of medicinal plants. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Plutt St., N. T. Sola Agent for the Unite.'. States Price, VI per Bottle. Send forCticuUr. tuSI, tw ibbcrlistutcnis AGENTS WANTED FOR THE , HOME of GOD'S TEOPLE ' The (irnndot and tneit KiiocciRfiit hnok out. Ae knowlfi'iccd to be the mini decided success of the year now gelling with a'totilnhlnjr rapidity Itcontiilnt noiirly 3tK) tnaKiillctt engrvlti)js. Splendid opporlntjity for Aeentete mske money. CirrnlfirS, containing fnll particulars end terms, tent Tree. Addroei DUeTI.N, OILMAN CO.. Uartrofd, Conn. , mv3l , ' i . t' '. ..I .j .i. 95 0,0 00 FOR I'l I : i GRAND GIFT CONCERT"' 1 , ; Of the Mercantile Library Association of the City of Lcavonwotth, Knu. In accordance with an net of the Legislature and their Articles of Incorporation, tb Board of Directors announce their first Grand Gift Concert and Distribution by lot, among the ticket-holders, of 332,5M IN CASH, nt LAING'8 HALL, Leavenworth, on the 26th day of June, 1873, for the benefit of the Library. 61,038 CA81I GIFTS, AMOUNTIFG TO I333,6ri5 This enterprise Is endorsed by the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Superinten dent of Public Instruction, Treasurer of Plate, Mayor and Common Council of Leavenworth, and all leading business men of the Jtnte, and the certainty of the distribution and payment of gifts, us advertised, Is fully guaranteed. TICKETS $3 EACH. 8 for $5. 6 for $10. Memorandum of Cash Gifts to be distrlduted Bunc 26th. 1873. 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, $50,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 40,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 85,000 1 GRAND CASIIGIFT, 30,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 25.000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 20,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 15.000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 12,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 10,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 8,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 5,000 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 8,000 1 GRAND CASH tUHX, 2,500 For balance of prteos send for circulars. This concert is under the supervision and di rection of the following BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 C. H. Durfee, Merchant, H. L. Newman, Bank er, 11. D. Rush, Lumber, II. W. Glllett, Mer chant, G. V. Prescott, Commercial, James B. Kitchen, Earmcr, W. O. Fonld, City Kng'r, P. G. Lowe, Capitalist, C. R. Morehcnd. Merchant, i. L. Wever, M. !)., S. W. English, Lawyer, C. Mollcr, Cnth'rGcr. 8. B., E. T. Carr, Architect. OFFICERS s E. II. Durfee. President. II. L. Newman, Mce 1 Pres. Geo. F. Prescott, Sec. Carl Moller, Trcae. Tho well kuown character of the Directors of the Mercantile Library Association nnd the en dorsement presented, Is a sullicicnt guarantee to alt absent licket-holdeis, that their interests will be fully guarded aud protected. All correspondence strictly confidential, and any person drawing a pri.c need not be known unless thrv so desire. Ticket drawing ririres will be cashed on shfht. ! This Is 'the grandest, safest and best cuter- I prise -ever presented to the public. I ! Olllclal lists of winning numbers w ill bo sent j to purchasers of tickets Immediately niter the 1 distribution. For Information and tickets address, BAM BARGE CO., General Agents, 05 Liberty Street, New York. I Tickets sent C. O. D. at our "expense. 1 Agents wanted. Liberal Commissions paid m38w W OltKING CLASS Male or Female $80 a week guaranteed. Respectable, employment art home, day or evening; no capital required , full Instructions it valuable package of goods sent free by mad. Address, with six cent return stamp, M. YOUNG & CO. 173 Greenwich Street, New York. iny!il-4w Thin Spnrc 1st Reaervrd tor the AtivrnTisKMtNT of FAINE & McCORMICK'S 11 A li D W A It E S T ORE Market St., Suubnry, I'u. W. D. MEL1CK, Druggist nnd Apothecary, (Suocessor to Dr. W . W. Moody,) At the old established stand ou .Market Square, SINHIHV, I'A. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of well Selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS. Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISH, Iil'ESTI'FFS, la fact everything usually kept in a well eon ducted IDIEtTJGr STOP.E. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts by the Propriutor himself. Sunbury, Pa., June 9, 1873 BLATCI1 LEY'S IMPMVT.I1 CnCTJMBn WOOD PL'IP. 4 3 Tasteless, Durable, Efficient aud Cheap. The best Pump for the least nioner. Attention is es pecially luvlted to Bluteliley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be wilhdrawu without re moving the Pump or disturbing toe Joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never eraeks or scales, aud will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere, bend lor I dialogue ana Prioi List. CHAS. G. BLATCIILF.Y, Manu facturer, bo Commerce U., I'UilaJ'a. Ta. l'.'U;ly til si SI I STOVE A TIN ESTABMKIIMENT. MARKET STREET, 8UNBUBT, PA. ALFRED KRAUSH, Propriutor. fat OeKOSOH TO SMITH eKNTIIKII.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kraute would respectful ly inlorra the public that be now has oti hand a luritonssoiiincnt of stoves. Specf's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving, Top. Conibiuntioti, Btisqucnanna and others, which nrt to nrranged as to be iiend for Coal r Wood, nnd are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or 110 talc. HEATERS of all kinds put up to bent one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of dlirereut kinds at very low prices. ' Tinware of Every Desert pf Ion kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spoutlug with the best material, done at short notice. - REPAIRING attended to with dlspntdh. Coal Oil nt.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a .nds. Store opposite Cotilev't hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAU8E. ap!24-ly Ll'MBEK AND PLANING MILES. Tbkd Street, adjoining Phlln. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, FA. IRA T. UlEMENT, 13 prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having all the latest Improved ntachiucry for manufacturing Luuber, he Is now ready to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDINO, DOORS SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKET, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Tam ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A Li HOE ASMIHTMKKT Or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, dec. Orders promptly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. dccl9-flS:lr MACHINE MIDI' AND IKON FOl'NDKY. GEO. ROIIRBACH & SONS, Nun bury-, l'eun'n, INFORM the public that thev are prepared 10 do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, nnd have tnunlled themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with 'the j latest improvements, w tth 'the aid of skilmil I mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders ; ol I NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, ! that may be given them, in a satisfactory man . ner. Grille) to unit any Stove. ! IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ! ings, of all sixes. I BRASS CASTINGS, A.e. i Ornamental Iron TPencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YAHIW AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their sn- I perinrity, have been still further improved, aHd I will alwavs be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. I Sunbury, May 20, 1S71. LltC OR NT OR El CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opiosite the Court House, PTTN Bl'RY, PA., Respectfully invltrs the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on baud, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies! Cogniac, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelle and Olurd. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Dletlllcd, Mo-n-TabeUt, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN Tlne: Champagne Wine, SheTV, Tor! 11 ml I I Claret. j Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, . Iirowu Stout nnd Scotch Ale. I STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which van be found In I the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed ns i represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS l nnd HOT! I.EB, always on baud. 1 ttT" Orders promptly attended to, nnd yu'.ille patrouuge respectfully solicited C NEFF j Suubnry, July 3, 1WW. ly. SlMlt ItY .tl.VRULE YAKIt, 1 Fourth street below Market, j SUXHURY, PENN'A. rT"HE undersigned has returned from the Ver- ! X mont Marble Quarries with 5tf Tout of i Marble for i Monumenls, Gruve-Ntone, A'c, &;. I He has bought at such flgnrcs that will allow him to se'.l better stone, lor less inouey, than heretofore. The be.-t Sutherland Falls Marble, which is better than Italian. RntlHni is now sold as low as the Manchesttr. Those who need anything In the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes. will find it to their iuterest to call and examine this largo stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done In the neatest and most improved ttyle. W. M. DAUGIIERTY. Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1S73. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CIIARLES MAI17X, KESPECTFULLY Informs the eitUens that be has Just received his Spring aud Summer Goods), at hit TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mullen j building, uud that he Is prepared to make up all kinds of I GENTS AND KOV'K SlITS, In the latest ttylet. Having had much exper ience In the buaiuess be desires the public to give hltu a trial. 4'lothlng will bn made up in the latest Palis and American Fusions in the most satisfactory manner. al2,'73. CHARLES MA1IIL. A. M. MEIXELL, DKALRa IK Auierlcnu aud European WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Perfected Npeetaelea aud Eo Glakaiea. GOLD HEADED CAKE. Watches and Jewelry aeatly repulred and war ranted. Market Square, Feb. 8. 1874.-tf. SUNBURY, Pa. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING & SUMMEU BONNETS & HATS, TRIMMED AND t'NTRIMMED. An extensive assortment of Straw Mlllenery and Fancy Goods, now open at MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY STORE, Mauket Sthext, Si invar, Pa. My stock of Spring goods U aausually large aud varied, ceniprialug the latest and wost at tractive styles, selected with ears from the lead ing iinyortlnf houses and adafaedfor the present i stasoii. si:,' . 1IIS5 L. WLIiLR. H LJLJr 9. REARING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT ttosrtAT, MAT 2tUh 1S73. TruHis lonvo niirrlsbnm for New York as fcit. lows 1 at 5.80 and 10, a. ra and 8.00, p. in.., connecting with trains oa PeuusTlvnnta RnlU -road, and arriving at ;Iew Tork at 18.89, 60 ana p. iu., respectively. Reluruining t Leave New Tork at .00 a. m. 12.50 nod 5.80 p. m., Philadelphia at 7.80, 8 4 m., and 3.30 p. to. Leave liarrlsbnnr for Rondlnir. P.,ttviiu Tanuiqua, Minertvllie, Ashland, Stmuioktu, Al lentown and Phlladelohht at 6.80 and 8.10 a. to., 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.0S p. 01., train con nectlng foy Phlladelphin. Pottsvllle und Colom bia only. For Pottsvllle, Schuylkill Haven aud Auburn, Via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail- ronu leave llarrlsbnrg at S.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rend. inr for Alleutown, Eatton nnd New Tork at 7.80 and 10.35 a. m., and 4.00 p. m. Retnrunng, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.60 and 6.30 p. in., and Allentcwn at 7.SM a. m., 1U.25, 8.10, 4.8 and 8. 65 p. m. Why Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., connecting at Reading with train ou East Penna. Railroad, returning leaves Potts- villn at 4.35 p. in., stopping at all stations. Leave Pottsvllle ut 6.00, 8.05 and 0.10 a. m.. nnd 2.30 p. m., Herndon nt 10.00 a. at., Sbnrac- klu at 0.00 and 11.02 a. tu., Ashland at 7.18 a. m., and 12.20 p. m., Mnbanov City at 7.63 and 12.54 p. ui., Tninaqna at 8.35 a. m., nnd 2.10 p. m., lor 1'iniaacipti'B, ew lorK, itenduig, Uar risburg, Ac. Leave Pottsvllle via Schuylkill and Sntqas banna Railroad at 8.05 a. in., for HarrUburg. aud 11.45 a. in., for Pinegruvc nnd Tremont. Potlsvillc Accommodation Train leaves Potts vllle nt 8.00 a. m., passes Reading at 7. I'll a. m., nrrlviug at Pblladriphiu, nt 10.10 a. m. Return ing leaves rhlladelphU at 5.15 p. m., passes Reading at 7.40 p. m., arrivlug ut Pottsvllle at 9.20 p. m. rottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts- town nt A. 45 u. m., retnmliv;, leaves Philadel phia (Ninth and Green.) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rending at 7.30 a. nr, nnd 0.15 p. m., for Ephrata, Lltla, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. t returning leave Lan caster nt 8.20 a. m., and 8.30 p. m., and Colum bia nt 8.15 a. in., aud 3.20 p. ui. Pcrkiomen Railroad trains leave Perkknuen Juuctlou at 9.00 a. in., 2.55 nnd 0.30 p. m. ; re turning, leave Gncr Lane at 8.00 a.m., 7.40 a ta 12.35 and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains ou Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave I'liu? nixville at 0.05 a. in., 3.05aud 5.50 p. m. ; return ing, leave Dyers nt 0.30 11. m., 12.40 nnd 4.20 p in., cnuuceling with trains ou Reading Railroad. Cnlebrookdnle Railroad trains leave Pottstowu at 0.40 a. in. and 1.0."). 0.2J returning leave Mount Pleasant at 0.00 and 11.25 a. in. ami 3.00 p. in,, connecting with trains ou Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge port at 8.30 a. hi. 2.40 and 6.33 p. m., returning, leave Dowuinmowu at 7.00 a. in., 12.30 and 5. p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Rail- j road, I On Snudays.t leave New York at 5. 30 p, m., ! Philadelphia at ii.00 a. in. and 8.15 p. ni., leave I Pottsvllle at 8.00 a. m., and 2.:i5 p. m., leave j Harrisburg el 5.30 a. in. and 2.00 p. in. ; leave Alleutown at 4.85 and 8.55 p. in. t leave Rcad- ! tntr nt .7 AOn. m nml 1(.1!i n. IB. fnr 1 In rri.lmrrr '- - - - 1 - - -- at 7.30 a. m. for New York, at 7.40 a in, for Al leutown and at 9.40 a. m. and 4. 10 p. m., for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at re duced rule. Baggage checked through : 108 pounds allowed I each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN. Anift. Sufjl. i Eng. Mh'ry. T'.kamno, Pa., MuV 11, 173. Northern Central Rallwny. ""INTER ARRANGEMENT. xna after Out. 27, Ja?2, trains will inn as 'ins : NoinnwAr.D. Niagara Express haves Sunbury at 12.10 p, in., for Niagara Falls MM1 arnws at Sunburv nt 4.10 p. m.. ni ri .'e I nt WliliamsiKirt 0.2O and Ellnira 10.30 p. m. t Fast Line arrives at Suiiliury ut 0.50 p. in., , arrive nt Williamsport 8.h.1 p. ih. Erie Mail leaves Sunbury at fi.SO a m j Wll- 1 liauisport at S.40 a m, and urrives at k'tmlra at I 12.40 p m. ! SOUTHWARD. Mall leaves Sunbury ut 11.0.1 a. m., arrive at iiaiTisnurg i..- p. m., rj.tiiimore n..o p. m. ! Erie. E.spress leave s bunhuiy at U.40 a. m., nr 11.30 a. iu., Hattlmore it.UU rivo at Harrisburg p. m. Erie Mull leave Sunliury at 12.50 a. m., urrlvs at Harrisburg 2.45 a. m., Baltimore 8.45 a. rn. Niagara Express leaves titubtiry at S.00 p m, Harrisburg at 10.40 p m, arrives at Baltimore 2.14 a in. SHAVORUN DIVISION, j isrwia. Leave Fnuhury at 4.40 p. m., arrive at Shamo kin 5.50 p. ni., Mt. Cniiuel 0.30 p. m. Lean-Stiiibury ( Accommodation,) at IE. So p. in., an h e at Shinnokin 1.35 p. m. WKSTWAKK. Leave Mt. C'Armel ut 7.40 a. in., Sbamokrn 8. 20 n. in., arrive at Sunbury U.25 a. m. Leave Shumoklu (Accommodation,) at 3.40 p. in., arrive at Sinibury 3.55 p. m. Express leaves daily. All oilier trains leave dally, except Snndnys. A. R. Fickk. Ed. S. Yorxni Gen'l. Sup't., Ceu'l Passen'r Ag't., Harrisburg, Pa. Balimore, Mi Philudelphia aud Erie Railroad. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Ou and after Sunday, Oct. 87th, 1872, the Traiueonthe Philadelphia & Erie Kail Road will ruu as follows i ' WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Snubury, " ' urr ut Eric, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, ' " Sunburv, " " art at Erie, Elmiru Mall leaves Philadelphia, ' " Suuhury, " " err at Lock Haven, 11.40 p ta 0.30 a IP 7.56 p m 12.40 p in 7.01 p rn 7.45 a in 8.00 a m 4.30 p m 7.45 p m 7.34 a di Niagara F.xiress leaves Philadelphia, " fcuubury, " " a it ut Renovo, EASTWARD. Muii Tialu leaves Erie, 12.40 p ra 4.SS a in 11.85 a m 12.45 a m 0.55 a in 9.05 p m 9.35 a m 8.S0 p ra 7.45 a us 11.00 a m S.OO p ra 8.25 p ra " " " Sunbnry, " " arrat Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " Sunburr, " " urr at Philadelphia, El in Ira Mull leaves iick Haven, " " " Snubury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Renovo, ' " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, 7.55 p m X.30 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. . & M. S. R. W. aud at Irviueton with OU Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exorrss aud Eric Express East, and Erie Mail, Niugura Express and Eluiira Mail West, connect at Wllliumspoit with trams goiug north on the Klmira and Cauanduigna division of the N. U.K. K. Catawissa pussengur traius will be run east and west from Williauispuitoii Elmiru Mull. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Snp't. Daiiiille, Ilasletou Wilkeabarr R. R. Penuu. H. R. Co. Leant-. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ou aud after this date Passenger trains oa the D., li. A W. R. It. will ruu as Wllowt i WrSTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. A.M.: U1V(, A.M. New York, :00 Sunbury, :20 Philudelphia, 8:00 Dauvlllc, 7:09 Easton, 9:25 Catuwissa, l.X Bethlehem, 10:05 liuilelou, oi r. m.: r.H. H:iil.rfna. 1:00 Bethlehem. 12:10 I Cuttawissu, S:40 Enston, 1 j Dauvlllc, 3:20 Philudelphia, K it (Sunbury, arrive :tv r.ew rork, urr. t.mj Tralu West arriving at Buubury 8:67 p. m., makes close conuectlons with trains ou Philadel phia Erie It. R. for Milton, Wlllhimsport, Lock Uavxn and all points West, Blinka and all poiuts North, als with Neratowta 4JsutraJ Bail, war, for Harrishurg and Bultiiuere. NfNcw and elegant euaohst rus tkreoga ka tweca Suuaary aa4 KatMt. FRANK THOMPSOy, Sapt. D. H. A W. J(. SL ,(rri'i Orrirf, WilltAM:r8si, 1. May 1, 1jY.