Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 21, 1873, Image 2

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    nnburj ntncmu
ffUJOTUlfr, JUNE 21, 1873.
Sortie time apo tho democratic papers
wore quotltiif Major A. IV Cnlhouu ns n
government rofebot, and now they quote
him at aumiml eVmocrat who denounces
the It.1 A. ft.
VK are ifnportiug toa much silk, bro
cade, velvet, cloths, jewelry, wine, etc., our
own mtantnctorics of fabrics are neglected,
to enrich those of Crie old world, nnd the
money 'which onht to bo invested at home,
is flowing to Korope, to enrich its retail
merchants jd be squandered on its artists.
M.oro mony will bo spent in Europe this
year, by American importers And travel
lers, than has been pnid thereby the same
pcoplo for the last decade. We will suffer
for this extravagance. It is bad house
kocpitig. .
It may be of importance to such ns are
in the habit of Hshing with any kind of ntts
to kuow that by a law of laRt session, which
appears to be general, they are liable t) ft
fine ot nc hundred dol'nrs for fishing with
9'jytliing but hook- and line, between the
1-Vt liay of June and Vie lOti day of Au
ynl. They are subjnctcl to an iiu
prisonment not exceediug Kix months.
Stokes aoain. He is to have a new
tiinl as the Court of Appeals, has unani
mously agreed upon a reversal of the deci
sion of the Supreme Court in his case. . If
"hope springs eternal in the human breast"
without any special iucitcmcnts, this man
certainly has, in the laws delays and
this final triumph, some ground for his
confidence that he will escape the scaffold.
rusx&YLVANU stands second on the
list for expenditures for public schools, the
aggregate being over eight millions and a
half of dollars. New York expends one
million more, but Pennsylvania schools
arc not' behind in efficiency although
there is yet much to learn before the system
iu aoy of the States becomes perfect, and
fulfillin the highest its mission of general
free education for the people.
According to the report from Washing
ton tins : total amount of the back-pay
"grab," which might have been taken by
Senators and Representatives in Congress,
but which Uiey rcfuso to receive, is over
8192,000. Forty-six Senators and Kepre
sentalivfs liavo refused to receive the
amounts awarded to them by this scheme
of grand larceny. It is known that some
oMu-r members did receive tho amounts,
nnd disposed of the prime either for chari
table purposes, or for the advantage of in
stitutions or objects within their districts
of a public character. These members
will probably insist that they were not
guilty of keeping the grab, and, therefore,
ought not bo censured ; but if they took
the money the subsequent disposition of
it cannot alter their accountability to public
opinion. The money laid out by them
within their own districts was used to ad
vance their popularity "nnf.rVcnomina
tuents, and gnft'.Vn. iVrhaps the people
l.l.?J? "fce bribed occasionally, but such
'transparent efforts to gain popularity as
these cannot succeed. It is but justice to
stiilo that our member of Congress tho
J Ion. J. li. Packer, is one of the forty-six
who has refused the amount awarded to
him by Uii6 scheme.
The Republicans of Suyder county
nominated the following thicket at their
primary election last Saturday week :
Senator 13. F. M'ngcnseller.
Assembly G. Alfred Schoch.
Coir.missioner Joel Row.
Associate Judge 15. L. Uaudcnbush.
Jury Commissioner A. S. Ilelfrich.
Auditor-Juff. Ilall.
Itegisterand Recorded--,!. M. Vauzautlt.
Prothonotary Jere. Crousp.
District Attorney! X. Meyers.
Appalling. Statement. The Brook
lyn (New York) Eagle makes the appalling
statement that over three huadr:l bodies,
with every evidence of vi"leut doth upon
them, have been found In aud about that
city duriug tho past twolve months. A few
of them were recognized by friends and
privately buried, but the great majority re
mained unideuliiiuii. Many ot' the dead
were children, a lew wero old men, but the
mass were composed of tho mature aud
strong of both si-.xes. In a single week the
bodies of twelve infants were found betienlh
the dork. This is a terrible exhibit of one
i iiy, and that not thu largest of the liuipire
Thk wheat crop of Virginia promises to
lie very line this year. A lettt r from Iwch
moud under d ue of 3d instant, rays that
the area in the fcurvont of this cereal, is lar
ger this year thim any aineo the war.
While they do not expect to approximate
their crops of twelve to thirteen million
bushels before the war, the prospect gener
ally is very favorable. For years to come
tho increase of this crop in the wheat grow
ing Southern States, and in the Western
Stati s and Territories, will largely increase
- the former by reconstruction being more
completely perfected yearly, and the latter
by the grout immigration Iroui Kuropc aud
tho Eastern States.
Important I k vkntso. - lUihond
Tvurm Jiejjortiny thtir Vroyrta by Electri
or i.--A patent has been secured for an
electric railway reporter or signal, which is
operated on ordinary telegraphic wires at
taehed to tappets, so placed as to receive
the weight of thu car wheels, which there
by open and close Ihccurrent of electricity,
which curreut striking upon a bell or bells,
o.VJtB an alarm to bo given a rod, a mile
or uiUoo, if ad viable, in advance or rear of
a train. A eignal, stationed at a crossiug,
will be rung instantaneously at any fixed
distauco as tho train approaches, thus giv
iag lair notice to all persons to clear the
track.' One of these ulaiuis placed at a
elation will report a train, tappet after lap
pet, until it passes on to the tappets of the
next signed station, where a similar report
is inane, aim so ou to the em! ot tuo route.
If a trait, is delayed or wieeked it will be
immediately reported at the station and
other trains, regulated accordiuuly, by
which means hundred of lives and vast
quantities of property may be saved. The
improvement that enables trains to give
notice of their approach to urossiugs and
to approaching trains meets a want that
I ui long leen one of the lucxt serious cm
Kiriii. merit.-. l tailndis;.
- Tbe Trial fthe modftCM.
San Francisco June 13.
A -dispatch from Uuylc's Camp dated
June 11th, says that the Modoc captives
will be taken to Fort Klamath, where the
routmission will sit to try them. Some of
tho wounded soldiers have been already
sent to Fort Klamath. It is generally
thought that Bogus Charley, Hooker Jim,
Shacknasty Jim, and Steamboat Frank,
who volunteered to aid In capturing Cap
tain Jack, will escape punishment as mur
derers, but those who a to not tried for
murder will be forwarded ,to Alcatrns, iu
San Francisco harbor. - '
Major Jackson's troops will start for
Fort Klamath this evening to prepare for
the reception of the Modoc prisoners.
A dispatch from Jacksonville, Oregon,
says General Hose and tho Oregon volun
teers have just arrived. They deny that
tho massaeree of the Modoc prisoners was
committed by tho Oregon volunteers, and
declare that they had other and better op-
f)ortunitics for killing the prisoners if they
tad desired to do so.
Boyle's Camp, Tulo Lake, June 11.
Last evening lion. J. K. Luttrell, Con
gressman elect from the Third district,
Judge Steele, Sheriff Morgan, J. 8. Mat
thews aud E. II. Antiock arrived here.
Messrs. Duttrcll and Steele came for the
purpose of inquiring iuto Indian affairs.
This morning Captain Jack, Scat'aced
Chartev, Boston Charlcv, Scbonchin,
Mosc, William, Princesses Mary and Liz
zie, were escorted to the oillec tent under a
corporal's cuard, so that Judge Steele
might talk with them, and gain such iu
formntiou as might throw light upon cer
tain acts wliiub arc uow enshrouded iu
Jack, Schmichin, Boston aud Mose, wero
in chains ; the others were loose. The cap
tives formed the usual scmi-circlo iu the
tent. Jack had an uly, sullen look, an
pleascd at being brought forth for a talk.
The dark lines about his eyes, which are
bright and glittering, indicate that confine
ment even iu n largo airy tent is beginning
to wear him. Restriction of his liberty has
a greater effect on him than the suspense
about his future fate. Only a few days
since ho told the officer in charge of tho
prisoners that his Indian heart was dead
aud his body cold.
All that he wished was that Lizzie, his
favorite squaw, might be allowed to sit be
side him. His request was granted and
the squaw came to him. During the inter
im he nnd Scbonchin sat on a dry goods
box aud Lizzie 6quatted at their feet.
A Terrible Tragedy in Miiiac.
Belfast, June lO.--At daybreak this
morning. Almond Gordon, a farmer living
near Thorndike Statiou, and his wife nnd
youngest daughter, were found murdered
iu one bed, and his littlo son, 6 years old,
who slept iri a crib in the same room, fear
fully wounded, aud the house set on lire.
All the bodies were much mutilated.
A bloody axe with which tho slaughter
was done was found near ut hand. A
younger brother of the murdered man is
now under arrest, charged with tho crime.
The alleged cause of the bloody work was
a dispute about some property. The sus
pected man appears perfectly calm aud
manifests no anxiety.
Additional Particulars.
"The following additions! particulars of
the Thorndike murders have been elicited :
Johu Gordon, a man of 70 years, had re
cently conveyed to his son. Almond M.,
his farm, with 5000, taking a back mort
gage for life for the support of himself and
wife. The other Bon, John T., was dissalis-
1ed w,il.h.,lhi" 1nrfr!'i''li'ir
tho,u?'i!:.Ul.nthe'"property would fall to him.
This is the ouly motive thus far assinned.
At the time of the murder the old people
were absent on a visit. Tho iumates of the
house were the murdered mau, Alonzo. M.,
aged 25; Emma A., his wife, nged 1'2 ;
their children, John B., aged 0 ; Anna, a
little girl of 17 months ; Anua, a niece,
aped 0 ; John T., the brother, and a hired
man. At three A. M. the latter was
awakened by the shrieks of the little boy,
and immediately discovered that the house
was on lire. He called the neighbors and
the flames were extinguished before much
damage was done. The bodies of the fa
ther, mother nnd infant, who occupied one
bed, were soon found, mangled and bo
scorched ns to be hardly recognizable.
The little boy, who slept in a crib in tbo
same room, was severely wounded, bul
may survive. The b' j-jd j deed was evi
dently committed wijli s,u axe, which was
found on the premise.
The wounds of the three murdered per
sons were inflated upon their beads, &nu
must bavo caused instnnt death. The
brother, John T., was soon nrrcsted. He
is 2S years old, a farm laborer, and unmar
ried. He maintains a sullen indifference,
refus'tug lo answer any questions, but says
that at the proper time he will defend him
self. The coroner's jury had uot render
ed a verdict ut half past six P. M. The
prisoner will probably be arntingued before
the Police Court to-morrow.
Fire. A large nnd destructive fire oc
curred in Valley township, last Wednes
day tiight. The largo distillery of E. J.
Beyer, togethor with a grist-chopping mill
and a saw-mill were burned to the ground.
The cause of tho fire is unknown and whe
ther the result of necident or neglect can
only be conjectured. Most all the whis
key was saved by the exertions of those
present. The amount of whiskey saved
was considerable, being worth alout50(-K).
All the hogs were also saved from tliedes
structive element. Tho loss to Mr. Boyer
must have been very great, his establish-
ment being very large "and extensive and
which has beeu turniti-' rut a quality
of whiskey famous through all this portion
of the Stale. We will give a more detailed
account iu our next issue when nil the facts
will have come to light. The property was
uuiusurcd. iia.irillc Inttliijcnccr.
It is believed by leading delegates in the
Constitutional Convention that the busi
ness of the body can be finished by the 4th
of July, ami the amended instrument com
pleted to bo voted upon at the next October
It is said that there is a growing feeling
among officials at Washington for the au
nexution of Guatemala lo the United
States, aud that two citizens of the formed
county, accompanied by its accredited
minister, assured tbem of the desire of the
people for annexation, and an anxiety to
Know wheu such a result could be reached.
A J'uw weeks ago a party of prominent
New Englaud coal dealers visited the
Schuylkill coal rcgious, and leuruod, in a
practies.1 way, of the bene tits ot protection
to homo industries. From the tone of the
visitors, upott the conclusion of their tour,
it is pretty certain that they appreciate
now, it they uever did before, that policy
which protects thu iuduBlries of a country
and makes a homo market for all the coun
try's products.
Loc al Orriox was killed finally, in the
New York Legislature, duriug au effort
to pas the bill over the Governor's veto.
The opponents of the measure argue that
there are atiingenl laws uow on thu statute
books of that Slate suHLuient for all neces
sary purposes of tuioperance reform, if they
are properly euforce..
Four Men Killed WUIlo Anleep.
Tho following vivid details of a most har
rowing nnd heart-freezing butchery of sev
eral cattle men while asleep was given us
by a gentleman from the neighborhood of
the tragedy, yesterday:
On Friday last, a most fiendish murder
occurred on Elm Fork ot Trinity river,
near tho village of Head of Elm, In Cook
county. One of tho numerous herds of
cattlo being driven over tho Kansas trail
had been corralled for the night, and after
supper those that were not on duty us
guards soon rolled themselves in their blank
ets, to get what little rest a "cow-boy" can
About ten o'clock, a Mexican who was
one of the hands employed, and who was
acting ns cook, stealthily procured an axe
and commenced in cold blood to murder
the unconscious sleepers. He succeeded
in killing four, when, just as he was in the
act of despatching the' tifib ono, the sleeper
suddenly awoke, and discovering his dan
ger, gave the alarm, and he, with the re
maining ones, escaped.
One of the murdered men bud bis head
completely severed from his body, while
the others wero mangled in the most ghast
ly nnd unrecognizable manner. The Mex
ican was not looked upon ns being danger
ous, ana no cause was iriveu lor this tear
ful deed. The only object was to secure
the money and stock belonging to the party,
which the fiend was only prevented from
doing by the alarm which was given, dur
ing tho excitement of which he precipitately
fled. Dallas ('Irxa) lit raid, June 7,
The mining industry of Nevada was
more productive in 1H72 than in any form
er year, the value of thu hullio'i produced
being estimated at $2 ,00J.U J J. The Cum
stock mines alone yielded $12,000,00.1.
N KWsrArER mistakes are scarcely
avoidable. Ever1 issue of ninny journafs
involvms the placing of 140,00l) types.
Out of that number some will be wrongly
placed, in spite of the best care. A Pitts
burg paper made a ridiculous blunder late
ly, and yet there was ouly one letter out of
place. The editor said, "The Legislature
pasted (passed) the bill over the Governor's
It is now believed no more Indian trea
ties will be ratified by the Senate, nnd that
at the next ssesion of Congress radical
changes will be made in Indian legislation,
as it is very generally held that otherwise
wo canuot avoid most serious and unfor
tunate consequences in the future.
Commissioner Dora lass sny the re
ceipts from internal revenue, yesterday
reached the 8110,000,000 which was estima
cd for tho preseut fiscal year. Seventeen
days yet remain, and it iR expected the re
ceipts will be larger in tiiis lime than usual
on account of the settlements for the year
made by collectors.
Gu.vs were invented by Swartz, a Ger
man, about 11178, nnd were brought into
use by the Venetians in 1382. Cannons
wero invented at an nntcriar date. They
were first used at the battle of Crcssy, in
13415. In England they wiro first used at
the sietre of Berwick, in 1405. It was not
until 1)44, however, that they were envt iu
England. They were used on board of
ships by the Venetians in I'i.'IO, ami wore
use among the Turks about tho same time.
An artillery company was instituted in
England for weekly military exercises in
There were only twelvo inlernie.'its iu
Memphis, on Saturday, from all diseases,
against seventeen on Friday. There have
beeu thirty-eight deaths from cholera dur
ing the week.
Tho Kicknpno Indians cxpreH.-. their will-
-o---' ft, ,in ... fcjtitlco And
go on a reservation, provided their women
and children ure restored them while in
TnE grasshoppers of Texas have oaten up
all the crops betweeu San Antonio and New
Braunfels wheat, corn everything to the
leaves of the mcsquite bushes.
After years of litigation tho wife of
General Simon B. Buekner has been finally
secured in the possession of one-half of the
large Kingsbury estate in Chicago, bv tho
decision of the Supreme Court of Illinois.
A MouiLK begear died rteontlr. leavinr
a fortune of halfn. million dollar. Tl-ouu
formerly an outcast, his funeral was largely
atleuded. by his relatives.
TlIE President
Bingham, ot Ohio, Enyoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary to Japan.
Franklin B. Gowev, Esq., president of
the Readme Railroad Comnanv. who sail.
ed for Europe last week, will, l;o absent
about three mouth?, during which time J.
7 . uuurs, x-nq., ursi vice president, win
act for him In alt matters relating to thu
busiuess of the compuny, and Geo. I)e B.
Keim, Esq., vice president of the Philadel
phia and Rcadiiu Coal and Iron Company.
in all matters relating to the busines of the
latter company.
Mrs. Lke. widow of the General, will be
satisfied if the Government pays her a
quarter of a million for Arlingtou, which
nns been occupied as a national cemetery.
There is nothing like being reasonable.
New York (iirrespuudruce,
From our Special Corrfpnndi'iit.
New York, June 10, 1873.
While there are many aud continued ru-
M110" ' dread King Cholera visiting cities
iu iuw ouiuMwuu oiuiuh uot more uiuu a Or
4 days journey Iroui New I'ork, it behooves
the health otlicials among us to bo on the
alert, lest tho disease should steal a march
upou the crowded metropolis and assume
the form of an epidemic. That such cau
tion and watchfulness as the case demands
is exercised at tho entrance of our port,
where infectious diseases are sunnosed first
to demaud entrance among us, a visit to
Quarantine will fully satisfy the most ex
citing inquirer. 1 lie authorities holu that
they are ever on thu lookout for cholera
and kindred ditve:iH.-, bul they do not an
ticipate that the former will reach ibis port
at this time, yet it may, us any single pas
senger from a village iu Europe or else
where infected with tho disease might take
passage ou board a crowded ship, and
after departure coutamiuate tho majority
ot bis or tier fellow pusseugers. This risk
has been deemed one of danger for years,
aud now is held as such by the medical
geullemcu there iu charge, but uot more so
than during many seasons past.
Aijotable eveul which has been antici
pated with much iuterest iu all business
and insurance circles, was the annual elec
tion of the Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany, held ou Monday last. A peculiar
interest attached to this meeting, as, for
the past year, this company has been made
the object of fierce invective aud abuse by
black-mailers of high aud low degree aud
by the lesser salilitea who revolve iu there
train, humble imitators of tbo notorious
English. The most atrocious charges
have been made against its rmnninal ih.
cials iu order to destroy the coutidunco of
its memiiers tn tho mauagemeut, which is
composed of tho most euiiueut business
men of the city. The Legislature had been
Informed, ns wcchroncled last March, that
ine oinctals only held tbelr placet by prox
ies procured by agents, and this Is where
the event is striking and notable. At the
election but ono voto was cast by proxy
that of n policy holder who was unnblo to
appear in person, nnd the next striking
point is that the old board wero unani
mously re-elected, except two who had ro
signet! whoso ploces were acceptably Cllod.
Therefore tbo thing w all one aided aud
very dull. Hnd English xca rut of Jail
you may rest assured that ons vote would
nave Iwen recorded stdid and solemn
against this result. Put the 82,000 mem
bers whose officers bold In trust a cash re
serve of over 300,000,000 would probably
care very little about it. Apropos of this,
English is still In Jail, the bail though re
duced from 20,000 to 2,000 not being
The races at Jerome Park draws an im
mense crowd from the city, which is Just
beginning to feet tho influence of the sum
mer heat. Tho meeting so far has been
very successful.
The examinations of the Junior aud So
phomore classes of Columbia Colleges is
concluded. The examination of the Ju
niors for prizes will tnke place on Tuesday,
Wednesday aud Thursday next, nnd on
Friday the examination for admission will
bo opened.
The Forsenic speeches of David Paul
Brown, of old, one of the lcndinijlights of
the Philadelphia Bar, have been edited by
his sou. Kobert E. Brown, and will be
published by subscriptioh.
Mr. Ilepwerlh Dixon will leave shortly
for tho United States lo deliver a course of
lectures upon the Spanish Republic and
the new German Empire.
Olive Logan's Summer romance will be
issued by Adam Victor & Co., in July.
"They Met by Chance" is its title.
The proposal of Professor Wiso to cross
the Atlautic in a balloon revives the long
mooted question of the practicability of
icrial navigation. A sudden fit of econo
my on the part of the Boston City Fathers
after the hist (ire, prevented the. projector
of the transatlantic balloon from carrying
his enterprise into effect. He accordingly
appeals to New York to aid him in the un
dertaking. For traveling there is nothing more
fashionable than either dark blue violet,
Chestnut, colored or prune bego cashmere
fastened the entire leiigth of the front witli
large plain jet buttons. There are square
pockets on the fronts, the back half tils the
figure, and there ii a waistband ou the
front only, which is confined with a large
jet buckle. .
justness Morals.
Sbwino Machines and Cottaciu Ohijans. I
.!i Caroline D.ilius is the uircnt tor the ulc of
the best Sewing Machines In existence, viz : 'The
Improved O rover JE HaVer,' and 'Domestic,' !
which are constantly kept on hand, ninl sold nt I
reasonable prices. She is also agent for the eulu ;
of the celebrated 'Silver Tongue Orpins,' aud llic '
'Bay Hato Organs, ' and for the tale of the ;
Frantz & Pope Knitting Machine. Call and sec
them. Office on Market street, cast of the rail- '
CnKAr Goons. To buy good imJ cheap goods, 1
none can go amirs by culling at D. A. I'iuticy's '
Store, On Market street. Ills selectiou is of ilia ,
most extensive, nnd the giKids of the best quail- i
ty, which nro sold at reduced price. Dry Goods, !
r)re!s Goods, Groceries. Notions, Boots and :
6hoe, and Jewelry will be found in great varie- ,
ty aud nbundance. I.adius and Gentlemen will
find a general as?orlnieut to select front at ;
Finney's. I
M-s Awmii u.scortf ha just received a!
large, stock of Millinery Goods from the city of
Philadelphia, consisting of Neck Ties hilk and ,
luce, Children's Lace lloi.ncts, Old Ladies' Dress
Caps, Hair Uraids, Ladici' Corsets, nnd a large
variety of other articles too numerous to men- .
tiou. i
Low-ct T Sitons are sll the go. r.tcrylmdy j
seems to want them, tot, only tiee.auso they aro I
fashionable, but because they arc comfortable I
this warm weather. Uclng pretty, neat and du-
rable, tlicy embrace all desirable qualities. A i
spleudid assortment of "low-cuts" have beeu re- I
coived at I.M '4cc!Mir Boca tnd Slice store of
TV. .t. .tiller, lluikl-rr-ii-are, fcawlmry, Gq uud J
sec them. I
Wat esb Wine of a doubtful character when j
yon can procure a pure article the Dure iulce of
the grape for less money than is demanded by j
liquor dealers for a liquor they cull wine t
That Favorite Home Kiimedy,
I'AIX.KII, I. r. n.
Has been lioforu the public over triktv
Yeaks, and probably lms a wider and bet
ter reputation ibau iiny otlicr proprietary
mcdiciue of the ptvscut day. At this
period there are but few unacquainted with
the merits of the I'ais-Killkk ; but while
some extol it as a liniment, they know but
littlo of its power in casing pain when taken
internally ; whilo others use it internally
with great success, but are equally ir no
raut of its healing virtues when tipplied
externally. Wc therefore wish to say to
ull, that it is equally successful, whether
used lulernslly nr eternally. It is suflicient
evidence of its virtues as a standard medi
cine, to kuow that it is now used in all parts
of the world, aud that its sale is constantly
increasing. JTo cuialivc agent has bad
such a wide spread sale or given such uni
versal satisfaction,
Davis's I'ain-Kiu. eh is a purely vege
table compound, perparcd from tho best
purest materials, and with a care that in
sures the most perfect uniformity in the
ruediciuo ; and while it is a most effective
remedy for paiu, it is a erfcctly safs medi
cine ; aud while it is a moat eucctive io
mcdy for pain, it is ;i perfectly safe niedi
ciue, even in the tnntti unskilful bauds.
It is euiiiKMuXy ti Famii.t Meuicine;
aud by beiug Vcpt ready for Immediate re
sort, will save many an hour of suifering
and many a ilur iu time- arid woe tor's
After over tliirfjr years trial, it is still re
ceiving Kie most unqualified testimonials
to its virtues, from persons of thn highest
churactcr und rtpttibility. Kuiincut
i'hysicians commend it ns a most effectual
preparation for the extinction of pain. It
is not ouly the best remedy ever kuowu for
llruists. Cut, Hums, &c, but for Dysen
tery, or Cholera, or any sort of bowel com
plaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed for effi
ciency, and rapidity of action. In the great
cities of India, uud other but climates, it
has become the standard medicine fur all
such complaints, as well ah for Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaints, and all other kindred
disorders. For Coughs nnd Colds, Canker,
Asthma, aud Rheumatic difficulties, it has
beeu proved by the most abundant and
convincing testimony to be au invaluable
medeicine. Wo would caution the public against all
imitations of our preparation, either in
name, or style of putting up.
May 31, 1873 lm.
t'A.DlDATt:' CAItUN.
For lteglMer and Iteewrder.
AT the solicitation of friends the subscriber
Offers himself as candidate for Register and Re
corder, subject to the decision of the Republican
convention of the county. Should be tsleeted,
be pledges himself, faithfully, to perform the
duties of the office, always looking to the Inte
rests of the people.
(Jhamokin, June ".'l,
County Treitnnrer.
TIIE sutwcrlbcr, bnvtnft received enconrnffuinrnt
from hit friend, offer hlmteirn a candidate for
snliject to the deolton of the Repnbllcsn Con
vention of Nortbnmberlnnd county. Wioold he
be nomlnnteil be will mRke the proper effort with
the SMlitnnee of his friend, to he elected, and
should he be to fnrtuimto as to be elected, he
pledge" himself to perform the duties of the of
fice faithfully And to the bent interests of tho
Cppfr AegotU, J-unn 81, 1871.
For Senator.
AT tho solicitation of my friend. I bars con
sented to be a condldnte for the office of
Bhonld I receive the nomination of tho Ro.pnh
llcan party, subject to the decision of the Confe
rees of the District, and be elected, I will endea
vor to discharge the duties of the office Impar
tially, and to the heat of my nhllltv.
Mt. Curmel, May 81, 1873.
tiormty Treasurer.
HAVING consented to he wishes of numerous
friend throughout thn county, I offer myself a
a candidate for the office of
subject to the decision of the oounty convention.
Bhmild 1 receive tho nomination nnd lie elected,
I will nee my best endenvors to fnKhfully dis
charge the duties of the office to the best inter
ests of the tAK-pnvers of the county.
Bnnbury, May SI, 1873. tf.
For t'oauty Commission.
At the solicitation of many friends, I consented
to be a candidate for the office of
County Commissioner,
subject to the decision of the Republican county
convention. Ifuomlnated nnd elected I shall
endeavor to fill the cfttce with the best of my
Jackeon township.
Kith tixtiamtnis.
t rt-
Tins Imi'hotkd ( A Bakph Sewino Mi
cntNB. Theo celebrated machines are otfered
at the most reasonable rate. For pnrt'culiirs
apply to D. (. KUTZ. Airent,
reh.2'-','73.-ly. Upper Ansusla towni-hlp.
for the cuforrcniriit ol' the Finb
UNDER the Act of the Legislature of Penn
sylvania, passed nt the session of 1871, for
the protection ol 'salmon, black bass, and other
food fishes newiy Introduced, or to be introduc
ed Into the rivor Delaware and aiqiieliiiuuii,aud
their tributaries generally, and for th : protection
of tifh generally in said Micam. 1, bainuel II.
Kotherinel, fclieiilt of No: i ltuiiib' . rhnid t,'oun y,
in compliance with and lor the uul'oi cement ut'
said law, hereby (rive notice that nil eonvcii en
ces for the catchine; of fish, commonly cull cl ti-li
baskets, A:c., nithin my i u i ii-diclion ns thcritl'of
said county, and now known lo esi-t in 1 lie
streams of sai l county, me hereby declared t b
common uuip:inv-, and i. herein coMini.iirl, tic
coidiui! to law, that they he removed and
m.'iniled by the own- is or iiian.ii;eis thereof,
wituin leu cays from the d:.te of Ihis proclama
tion. And lor the iuforinaliou f the public, I
hereto attach thai Section of the Fish-Law relat
ing to tile removal ami ilimi. Hilling of tidi-bus-kets,
Ac. :
Srr. 11. On any of the streams or parts of
strea'iis contemplated by this net, and under the
Jurisdiction of this ('mummi wealth, to which uii
adromous or initiatory tishes shall have ncce s,
by the tiou-exi.ti.ncc of dnms, or by openinus la
the dams, whether intended or not to laeiiilato
such neon, and whatever in the i caches of spa
ces below or between dams, such pL-inline; of
rev.- species shall liavo taken place, as herein
contemplated, the shcrill's of the counties having
jurisdiction of such reaches of the i-lt cams, when
ever they shall discover or he informed of Ihecx-i-iteuce
of such conn minces to the catchinj; of
fish us are commonly known as llsh-lmskets, ccl
wlers, kiddles, brush or fasolne uets, or u th
cr iH-rii-iti-cutJr . nio.ii'.a of Uklne; flsh, iu the
natureof a scive, which are known to be waste
ful mi. I extravagant modes of llt-luin,', the said
slierills f hall civu ten days notice in two news
papers of their respective counties, that the said
contrivances are known to exist nnd ure common
nuisance.-, mdcrinjr them to bo dismantled by
their owners or maua'ors, so as to reuder them
no longer cupaMc of Injuring the lishcs of tho
streams of whatever kind i and if nt. the expira
tion of the said ten days the distnantlein shall
not hpve taken place, then the said .-heiilf sha'l
proceed, with s'icli I'oice of "unl men of the
county as may he necessary for the purpose, nnd
destroy or dioinant'e the said llsli'-haskets, kid
dles, eel wicrs or such other ilevc es contemplat
ed by this !,eoli.i, fo that they may be no lonsi-r
capable of iujui Inif lih ; and the uccoantinj; olli
ceis of the counties. uU ill makf jpjod the cost of
the said pron to the salJ shcriif or slier ids,
in the i-.itjcin "it f ilicir accounts with the said
thciUT-,; M'.d ii' ''"i Im-iii u duly informed by a
repata-'r c.tifa. - 'lie.eounly that said nuisan
C are lu -ls'i mv nd require abatement, the
said sh"i'rir .'. rllfs shall not proceed as di
rected iu'tM'.r.ct, then he or they, upon couvic
tiou in the. coiiiiiy conrl of t'ac said neglect of
duty, shall be lined not. less thru one huudred
nor more than one thousand dollars for every
such neglect ; Said fines to lie collected ns ordi
nary Hues are collected, uud the proceeds arc to
be divided equally between the Informer or com
plainant and thetchool directors ol the proper
district, for school purposes only ; this section
is not intended to supercede any other law- of
this Commonwealth lor the suppression of fish
baskets, et cetera, if the same be found eOicau
Oits to destroy or abolish them.
SAMl'KL Ii. IiO'rilllllMF.l-. PherltT.
Shcrill's Ofllce, Sunbury, June lit, 1S71I.
In the UrpliauN Court OK NOUTII
F.HtutP OfSuritli Miliar, !cceaHOl. j
Bur Writ of partition. j
To F.phrnlm R. Miller, William M. Miller.Jane, !
intermarried with William Foy, resident in Ml.
Uiluad, Monroe eountv. Btnte of Ohio) John M. '
Miller, resident in Fort Wayne, State of Indiana,
and F.ii.alclu Computet, a daughter of Johnson
Miller, one of the sous deceased, inlermurried
with Com pn ret, residiui; lu the State of Io
wa, and to all the other heirs uud leiral represen
tatives of the said fr.irah Miller, dccc.isol.
Tukr olier. That by virtue of the above
writ uf Partition to me directed, an Inquisition
will be held upon the premises therein described,
on Wednesday, the vOth day of July, 1S78, Ht 10
o'clock a. in., to ascertain and Inqulrs biuou
other things, whether the said premise cau be
parted and divid dlwithout prejudice to, or spoll
liiK the whole thereof, or otherwise to value nnd
appropriate il.c same, when and where you may
attend if you see proper. '
Kespoctlully vours,
B. 11. ROTHEKMEI,, Sheritr.
(sheriff's Ofllce, Sunbury, June 21, 1873 61.
t'outlMblo Male.
"VfOTICE is hereby given ,that at a Constable'
L Sale, occurring oo tba 16lh of June, 1873,
of the personal poods of Johu F. Kapp, iu the
borough of Sunbury, the following goods were
purchased by the uuderslgued i tf cane seat
( hairs, ' Camp Stools, 1 laiye Chair, 1 Rocking
Chair, 1 marble top Stand, l Extenstou Table, 1
Sofa, 1 Book Case, 1 lot parlor Carpel, 1 piece
Oil Cloth, 1 Healer, 1 room Stove, 1 cook
Stove uud Bxtursi, 1 lot kitchen Carpet,
0 coiuuiou Chair's, 3 cherry Tables, 1 Clock, 1
Stand, 1 round Table, I lot hall and stair Carpet,
13 wush Stauds, Bowls and Pitcher, S Bed
steads, 6 Windsor Chairs, 1 lot bedroom Carpet
in two rooms, 1 Looking Glass, i) bureau, 8
Tubs, 1 Desk, and Wardrobe. These (roods are
left in the keeping of the said John F. Kapp dur
ing the pleasure of the underatgned, and tba pub.
lie ure warned not to meddle with the same.
Bunbtiry, June 31, 1 873. Ot
Will bu sold at private isle a
itunte in Washington township, Northumber
land county. Pa., contsiaing 50 acre more or
less, whereon is erected a good
Spring of Water near the house, and all oecea
ary outbuildings. The land is tn high state
of cultivation. Also, a
three stories high with a never felling Water
Power, two run of atone, baring au excellent
run of custom, and 1 located within three miles
of the railroad station. This valuable property
will be sold on easy terms. For further particu
lars appy to
Rabuck P. O.
Juno H, Id?::. Northumberland Co., l'a.
Auditor' Notice.
Isaac Dnttery, et. !. llo the Court of Common
vs. Picks, of Northtiniber-
. E. F. vfelsf. ) land ronhty, Fl. Fa.
No. 115, March Term, 1873.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the onderslftied
has been appointed Auditor by the Court of
Common Plens of Northnmberland eountv, to
make distribution of the monies paid Into Court,
arising from tho (ale of defendant's property, to
and anion it those entitled thereto. He will meet
thu creditors, and those clnlmluir ont of that
fund, nt his office In thn borough of Sunbury on
Thnrsdny, July 17th, 187H, at 10 o'clock, a. in.
A. N. BRICE, Auditor.
Sitnlinry, Jnne 19, 1978. -4t.
The Orient Insurance Co., of Hartford, has
withdrawn Its agency from Sunbury, and revok
ed the certificate of authority Issued to L. M.
Yodcr to act as agent for said company.
Vice President.
Hartford, June 0, 1873.
IFobmeslt Wood Hunt.)
Steam Engines.
Tho Best Sc Mot Complete Assortment
lu tho Market.
Thorn Eafftae have lwy miiintnincd the Try
lilffhMt fttandani of exccllencn. We make th
mADufacturp of Entfinfft, Boiler nnd Saw Mills
specialty. TCe have tliclargwt and mosfccomplet
works of th kind In the country, with machinery
Specially adapted to the work.
We keep constantly in procees large numbers of
Engines, which we furnish at the very lowent prices
and on the shortest notice. We build Engines
specially adapted to Mines, Haw Mill, Orint Mills,
Tannenea, Cotton Gins, Threshers and all classes
Of manufacturinff.
We are now building the oelebrated Lane Circu
lar Baw Mill, the best and most complete saw mill
arer ta rented.
We moke the manufacture of Saw Mill outfits a
special feature of our business, and can funuah
eoniplet on the shortest notice.
Our aim in ail oases is to furnish the best ma
hinsry in the market, and work absolutely on
equaled for beauty of desfcrn, economy and ttrecifth
Bend for Circular and Price List.
trricA, if. t.
, June Ml, lSTO.6in
' son et ii i x eVv.
Au elegant Album for '5 cent, holdini; 24 full
' sized cards, bound in full e;i!t cover nnd sold at
' the low price of cents, suitable for the pocket
; or centre table. Order a sninplc sent by mail,
post paid on receipt of 25 cents. !l lor ii cents,
or 0 for fl. Address,
; BUIIROW .t CO., Baltimore, Md.
l-7"A:r"iits Wanted. Catalogue of Hooks,
Hectares Ac, ent free. June H,'73 Kv.
The undersigned AcsiKnees for the benefit of
the creditors nf Anderson iieniiis, of the Borough
of Turliutville. Xort hnnihcrlatiif County, l'a.,
will oiler at Public Sale, at tl.o l'ost Oflicc in
said lioioiinh.
On Sat'-iidat, Ji n r. 'JSth IS7U,
the following valuable rial estate, t. wit : A
situate in the borough afore.-aid, fronting on main
hUMncs st i eel of the town, coutaiulne; nne-foiirth
acre, ou wfcU fc i erected a fine
iiKsiur.xci: and ktoke room.
stablc.aud other outbuilding. The lot Is elegant
ly improved with small Fruit Trees, Shrubbery,
tzr. This is one of the tnosi desirable properties iu
the ph-ai-ant ami tl.iurishin village of 'i'urbut.
vlllc, hciuif in the business ceutre.of the town,
Mid has been occupied by the the Tost Olflce and
a shoe stoic, for more than 12 years last past.
ALSO, a ccrtahi Lot in said borough, contain
Inj; oue ncre, franting on Worrell street nd
fiouiided on each of the other hides by a conveni
ent alley. This lot is tilled with younj.', vigorous
uud healthy Apple. Tear and Peach Trees, and
contains Grapes, ,V.c., nil iu full bearing ;
C very desirable property.
ALSO, a certain other Lot in said borntieh,
contuiniu!; very nearly fonr acres of excellent
luu I, iu a bii;h e of cultivation, und adapted
to Maikct Gattieuuii;, und Strawberry nnd Grape
ruisiiiif. There U now one acre of it in straw,
berries, in fall bcuriug, and soiuc eight hundred
Orn pe vines.
ALSO, a certain, other Lot in said borouuh,
containing one-fourth of nn ncre, This ie a tine
lot, nnd planted with Peach Trees.
bale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M-, of said
day, when terms und couiliilous will he made
kuowu bv
IIEN'BY DEXIUS. Turliutville. Pa.
T. J. GALRHAITII, Comly, Pa.
TucbutvUle, June 8,'7X '.'t. As-i(jnecs, &c.
nwufekiSci'Bi ,
.Biiiawai-.iii ,-i"i!wn
Send for Illustrated Catalogue und examine
our prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell
lowcj" tlfan nnv other establishment in the City.
liod RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia.
BY Virtue of a eertniu writ of Ltrni-i f'aeiai to
me directed, will be sold nt 1'uMic Sale, on
MONDAY the 30th day of JUNE, at 11 o'
clock, a. ni., at the Court House, in Suubury,
the followh g property, to wit s
All those certain seven, contiguous lots or pie
ces of ground, situate in the borough of Shaino
kin, county of Northumberland, and State of
Pennsylvania, and known an tho general plan of
said boroUL'h of Shamoklu, us lots numbered two
(2) thrco (3) four (4) Ave (5) six () seven (7)
and tight (8) in block thlrty-nino SO.
Seized, taken in execution, und to be sold as
the property of Elijah Hammer aud Catharine
SherfT's OlBee, Suubnry. June H, 1373.
Geo. Evans & Co.,
914 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Military, Band a Fire Organizations
promptly uniformed.
Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent
free on application.
Our being th leading house on Military work,
we feel that w can efler induoetaeat which can.
not be attained anywhere elle.
Am. is;c.
Tn Rcludlk FxyiLT MEDionn.
DIARRHEA, dysentery, Cholera, Bummer
Complaint, Crumps, etc., quickly cured br
tho us of n. uj
Compotlnd Syrup of Blntkberry Root and Rhu
barb. An old, well triad remedy, antlreiy Twetable,
plensntit to take, quick and certain In effect i
can be depended on in the most urgent cnias
may be Riven to the youngest Infant as Well a
to adnlls. It contains
It Is a plensnnt extract and readily tsken br
children. It has often saved life when physl
clans bnd despaired. Keep It In the house and
use In time. All we ask for It is a trial. Don't
let yonr dealer put yon off with something Us.
Buy it. Try it. Bold by Urol.t. Bt0rc
Keepers throughout this State. Prepared onlv bv
HANSFXL & fjRO., 1 '
Jmiel4,'7a-3m.gQ00 Market Bt-.J-hiladelphla.
No. 228 South SECOND Street, below DOCK.
Philadelphia. . ,
Manufactnrers of Drst-Clusa
rrlces reasoimble. Plcaso call and examine.
A Fim GRhMAif Cuiiomo.
We send nn eleitant chroino, mounted and ready
for framing, free to every nircnt for
Life Hpiiw tiik Svutack. bt Tnoe. W. Rnox.
Uia Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Engraviufrs.
Relates Incidents nnd Accidents b&yond tbo
LiKht of I)y ; btnrtliiifr Adventures in nil pnrts
of the Worlds Mines nnd Mode of Working
them ; Uuder-currents of Society i Gambling snd
Its Horrors j Cnverus and their'Mye terles j Tin
Dark Ways of Wickedness i Prisons nnd their
Secrets; Down In the Depths of the Sea j Strange
Stories of the Detection of crime.
The book treats of experience with brigands ;
niphts in opium dens and gambling hells ; life lu
prison t Stories of exiles j adventures nmong In
dians ; journeys through Sewers nnd Catacombst
accidents in mines ; pirates end piracy j tortures
of the inquisition t wonderful burglaries l under
world of the frieat cities, cte., etc,
Afceiit Wantrd
forthls work. Kxclusive teritory given. Apents
can make f Kit) a week in scliiii this book. Sen.l
for circulars and terms to iipeiHs.
Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111.
Five Dollars) Hevraril.
riIIF. above reward will be clvcn for Inform:.
JL lion tli 't will lead to the recovery i.I'm plat
form ;f IViiciiiL' bo.tnls which went . Irifl fiotu
here du; ii ir the l.'K!l wat-.-r, on the i.' t of Viav
tli j 1 1th, '.b7.i.
Wilkes-liarre, May 1S73. St.
I Kvervlio lv Is Invited lo come and buy of 4:.
handsome ni.'oi I .unit of
in frame buildlntr, adjoinine Moorct: Dissinpsr's
tiuiuiinir, TiiiKK mkm-.i, e-t. rartr, l'A.
i Just opened a fresh supply of Ctifc''tioneri?e of
I every description.
1 t'oriftanllv on blind. The Iv-t RAISINS, FICJl,
fresh llrea.l, Huns ,t Cukes, evory mornhiK.
Havimr ftr l F-d up n room expressly for si-rviuf
up Oyters In every style. Ladies nnd Geniiemeu
will be accommodated with t lie hei-t bivalves in
market, at all hours diirine the day nu l evcuiiijr.
Families will be supplied at their residence with
the best Shell or Canned Oyslurs, as is desirable,
lit the very lowest prices.
Call ami seeiny excellent assortment of jroojs
and a.ceitaln the prices.
Dec. 10, 1S71.
n e7-' n n w fi iA
Only 50 Cor.h p:r Bciih.
It prT'..Ui'3 t!:3 GnoV.TIT. IT; T.l'l V : .t J
Qyt T:.::tt Tri
V. 'i I" "f Ii.. I. II H
1 i.i t .if l.i . ' 1" u.'eito
i.iuiJ CC J !
t Vl'J IjICK " IsAi'i'.:iO," -'?-
' J'. fVf Hsi-. ..icrsi, 'IV-J
tiBOWTH kn l J-F.."l (-t 1 - i!sU.. Jt U IV i:t-:i.l:.jl
dreiTij. It. t-ri.i-"iic J" .n V.i.lT. It pn wuii th-
Ualrlruin t'in.i:it7 ;;mv. ki-rjj'i tl.o J.vrs. iui4
girw tiia Utt.r a rich, Kt:t, H::x-tH;:i:-.' . 1 : t'i
Same ia ut'AKTrrT un t wJALiiv n., i v in - nr u Qrw
naof a t rsTL'i'.r Aw. Mil n vJ-t lv nil ir'ir.-r: Athtind.
Country Stortt it oi!y 1'iUy c c u a i-v Iuiti
tean' Glory i? m Hair.
M a yK, 1 7a. lycow
No. 13, South Third Street,
Clemeat House Wki Sitey, Fa.
DR. C. 31. MARTIN & CO.
""yTE are now opening an entirely ueiv stock
and are prepared to supply any article In our line
that niav Le culled for, we have also n full stock
of all the leading Patent Medicines. Fine Peifu
Micry and Toilet Articles a speciality, a full as
sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other
Hrushes, Pressing and other Combs in i;reat
a full line Cooking Extracts, French Mastard,
Choice Spices, Peper whole or ground, Castile
and I.auudry Soaps, Lamp Chiuiucys aud Lamp
Goods Kcncrally. Bird Seed iu large or small
quantities, s
ful stock Fluid nnd Solid Extracts, Eliier and
Pill of V. S- P., Sugar CoHted, Strengthcninp,
Aruica, Porous, Poor -Man's nnd other Plasters.
Ayer's, Wright's, Scheuk's Mandrake, Mcl.ane't
Liver and other Pills, our stock embraces every,
thiug foand iu a well conducted Prnir Store.
Country Physician will find our stock Kill and
complete, and we gunruntee to sell as low as the
came article can be bought in Philadelphia,
choice Wiucs, Whiskey and Brandy for Mediciu
al purpose.
October 5, 1878.
Cloths, Cussimeres, Calicos, and everything iu
the Dry Good line.
Qnecnsware, Glassware, and Wood d Willow
A large assortment just opened, which consist
of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Bplces, Meat,
Fish, Ac. The Celebrated AHeutown baud isudu
Warranted to give sutkrfkctlou. In fact full
assortment of everything kept lu Brst-elass store,
au be bad at greatly
for cash. Call aud set the An selection of new
goods, and ke Hns'inced that
near th Lathern Church, lu Sunbury, 1 th best
and cheapest place to buy oil kind of store
goods. No trouble to show goods.
April :, 1S73. ly.