ihtnlmrg mcriran. 8UNBTJI.Y, JUNE 14, 1873. Hal I road Time Table. AjmiXkL LTD tKiflTtTRKOf TRAIN ATSCMBDRr. K. C. R. TV.. South. Erie Mall, 12.50 n in Erie Express, 9.40 " Mall, 11.15 " Nlag. Express 8.20 p in p. & t. r. n. W(t. Mail, 0.30 n in King. Z.vpressm.40 pro F.lmini Mall 4.18 Erie F.xpress, 0.55 " 17 N BURT AHn tBWISTOW R. R. Leave Sunbilry for Lewlstown fit 7.80 a. m., and 4-80 p. M. Arrive at Bimbury from Lcwistown nt l.RO RttJ 7.45 p. m. BJIAMOKnt MV79IO!!, m. e. R. w. ARRIVR At Sunbury 0.P5 a m " 8.ft5pin " 0.00 pm Snnbnry nt 5.45 a m " Vi.BS p m 4.40 p m TJASriLI.F, UAZLETON A WIl.KEBJURrtK R. R. Regular passenger tsaln leaves Sunbury for Danville, Cnttowissa, Ilnzicton nnd Intermediate stations, at 6.45 R. m. Returning leave Hailc ton at 1.00 p. in. Arrive at 4.00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBl'KO R. R. Le.ivo Northumberland at t.40 a. in. and 4.50 p. m. Arrive at Northumberland t 10.S5 n. m. and 0.05 p. m. Accidental Insurance Ticket can bo had of J. Shlpmaii, Ticket Agent, ut tho Depot. Summer Arrangement Tor the Pont Ofllco nt Muuburj-, Ia. Offlet Optn from 6.80 a. m., to 8 p. m., txcept on Suntfayt. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF TI1E MAILS. Arrives as follows : From the East nt 6.1! a. m., 12.15 p. m., 4 p. m. " South, 6.15n. m., 13.15 p. m. 4.10 p. m. " West, 6.15a.m., 12.15p.m. ,4. 10p.m., mid 8.20 p. m. " North, n. m., 11 n. m., 3.55 p. m. Hhamnkin, Mt. Carmel and points on that line, U.15 a. in., 3.50 p. in. Malls close as follows i For the East. 5. 50 a. tit., 10.50 a. m., 7.S5 p. in. " South, U.50 . in., 7.:5 p. m. . . " Wen. 7.K0 a. in., 10.50 n. m., 7.H5 p. m. " North 5.50 a. tn., .".50 p. in., 7.il5 p. m. Sliuinokln proper 12.15 p. ni. Sliamokin uud olliccs on Hint route, 4.20 p. in. J. J. SMITH, P. M. business locals. w iSkwino Mac-minks axu C'ottaoe Oki;an.. .liss Caroline Dalius is the agent lor the sale of '.be best Sewing Marhines ill existence, Vis : 'The Improved G rover A Maker,' and 'Domestic,' which are con-tniitly kept on hand, nnd sold ut reasonable prices. She is also agent for the sale of the celebrated 'Silver Tonirue t irguns,' and the 'Hay State Organs, nnd for the salo of tho Frantz fc I'opc K nit I i nir Machine. Call nnd see ibem. Olllce on Market street, cast of the rail road, j Tun Impiiovkd (iitoVRit A Uakgu Pnwiso Ma- i chink. Thee celebrated machines are olfered i at the most reasonable rate. For part'culurs nr-plyto T). O. KUTZ. Agent. I Feb.22,'73.-ly. I'pper Augusta towm-hip. i Tiik last -run Best. Miss L. Shlsslcr hasjuft opened another lot of Millinery goods f the most beautiful styles. Her Hock consists of a larger variety of magnificent goods ever exhibited i i this part of the State. The quality is of the very best. Call and see them. ; i T'isaoi.vmN. The co-partnership of J. O. j V..rk'e :u 1 (i. 1!. CuV-vallailefi trading under the firm nam? of lohn G. M.irlcle & Co., In the drug ii -iiaess, has been dissolve. 1 by mutual consent. The business will hcreaftei be conducted ty O. t. ( "udwuliuder. Ir is Importent to luiiitierinen and all persons h: th'-. Iu : i : I ; v bu;,in ss, wln ther contractor.! tr b iliders, a:i I all iin'elianics L'-iiera!ly, to rea l t'i" fol'owing whic'.i l illy shows Id-.v car'l'il men s'.oLi'd I.'l- in the .'V.reh;;-e of lumber, paiticularly b..ards as it is said : Mr. Nott Is not the nil uglily Individual, who espied the kur-!, I tint Nott after wnrds saw in the knotty panne!, that the car penter saw, hut Is tiuiy t,'.r Nott who discovered he knot, when it c line lof.se from its knotty .a 1:11.4 place. Now if this naughty man had not a a naughty manner, foI.1 n knotty board lo S.at, then Nott tto iid m l h.ie been so l.iuch cgrieved whi'it be rert a scum in the garment hen making to cov-r the p.nt of the ho iy of a i.iughty limn, i.'.i.i w l.ieh c.i'isc.l Nottind to feel i a very ha py inon'. Ar.d it is nho true that iott is not the n iiie.lity man that kini'cd the tires mong tlie Modoe fiulians, mi 1, in consequence, hese Modoc Iii liaus have recently concluded ml declared, that Nott is tlie utniue-lionablo lult tli.it is the fiiremnst cutter and tailor in the own of bniibuty. T. (i. Nott will be happy to ult on all his new as well as his old customers, t his shop on Fourth street below .Market. Ecreka. When a young man purchases a hat ' S.iiuuel Faust, the popular hatter, he ex. aims, truthfully, too, "I have found It" a shlonuble and serviceable hat. Mr. Faust has 1 styles of fashionable hats nn 1 caps, an I eve . one, both old ami young, w ho will visit his ore, on Market street, opposite Monument luare, Sunbury, will be well pleased wilh a ee rtion from his large nnd varisd assortment. CrtEAP Goons To buy good nnd cheap goods, me can go uiniss by calliug at I). A. Finney's ore, on Market street. His selection is of tho st extensive, and the goods of the best quail , which are sold at reduced prlcet . Dry Goods, ess floods, Groceries, Notions, Boots and ioe, nnd Jewelry will be foucd In great varie- and abundance. Ladies and (ieiitlcuieu will i n general assortment to select fioai nt uney's. Misi Amelia Ham oik lias just received a rge stock of Mil.iiKiy floods from the city of lilndelphia, consistii g of Neck Ties silk and e, Children's Lace lionutts, Old Ladle' Press ; ,lir'vim; mismess. lu connection with his tstab P, Hair Braids, Ladies' Co-sets, and a large j "shmcnt he has buth rooms, for public accoui- rlety of other nrticles loo numerous to men- I modatlon. '" 5N. Tom Tut mb nnd wife, with Commodore iV. II. 5IILLUK of the Kxccltior Store, has Just 'ned nt elegant r.nd superior assoitment of its and Shoes, which he is selling rapidly and ply. Fancy Gaiters nud Slippers for ladies 1 gentlemen, of a style never before seen In .bury, and admired by every one ; sold at low c.. Ilia assortment I complete, and he In s everybody to call nnd examine his stock. i'ht use Wine of a doubtful character when : can procure a pure article the purejulce of tfrape for less money thnn Is demanded by ir dealers for a liquor they call win I iasos, Oroavs, &c Duvid r.elmer, music her, having located permanently In Suubuiy the purpose of teaching music, announces . he has the agency tot Gaehle & Co'g BaltU e Pianos, which are being rapidly introduced ng the best judges. They are now In use In State Normal School, Bloorasburg, Pa., also ne Snnbnry Academy, by J. II. Jenkins, F.sii., yorthamberland, and Jurfife F.llwcll of imsburg. Ho will also take orders for Stelu- Co's, Chickering A Co s, aud other well wn pianos. r. Reimer also receives orders for Prince & i celebrated Organs it Melodeons, of buffalo ' York. loot music on hand, and orders for new ple promptly attended to. r. Relwer la agent for the German publishing to of C. Welder of New York, and will re 3 subscription for all Germau Uooks, Period I, Newspapers, Ac. le celebrated G ieble Pianos can bs seen at 1 times at ih resideoce of Mr. Kuliner, on orner of TMid sol Airlt sirre, opposite Isp.l. ocaI ffalrs. Wr are Informed that eomo parties who had too much top-loading, Inst Saturday night, be came boisterous and did their best to raise a row at the expense of the public, peace. Their Inn gongo was exceedingly Indecent, a well as vio lently profane. As ire bad no police on duty the ruffians escaped Imprisonment nnd a heavy One, both of which they justly merited. As onr con stables had no power no arrest were made. At the lat regular election for offleevs of the I.nnee & Shield Conclave, No. 11, of this plneo, tho following were selected i Commander, II. J. Waltz i Vice C, Frank r.csscnger; ller.Od Samuel Weaver Recorder, W. R. F. Wcimer; Treasurer J. M. Bostlao ; Re presentative to Ornud Conclave, P. M. Shiiidcl. The Grand Conclave met nt Wllkcs-Darre during the last week. Clen. J. K. Clement, Grand Com mander, and P. M. Shlndel, Esq., were In attcn dance, the latter gentleman as representative for Shield Conclave, No. 11, at this place. Wr. have lately he.ard mauy complaining about the numerical deficiency of our police force, expressing their hopes that for tho benefit of the town our council should remedy the evil. Onr opinion Is that If the Council would Vert power In tho constables to arrest and commit, the deficiency would be fully supplied. Our con stables, no doubt, would accept the position, nnd If they fail In the performance of the duty Imposed upon them, the citixena of the place can remedy the matter by electing men who will give it their attention. The Steam Fire Company of this place will go to Lock Haven on the 4th of July to celebrate, nt the invitation of the tire department of that city. The boys of the steamer are a happy set, and will uo doubt enjoy themselves, and return j homo with their usual good report of creditable ! conduct. I -J The SusnriiY Cornet Hand propose holding a festival commencing on the 94th of this month. ! A Silver Trumpet will be voted for between the Steam Flic Company, nnd Hook nnd Ladder i Company. The young men composing the band, jure deserving-of liberal patronage, nnd It be hooves our citizens to give their old In keeping ' up an institution which Is productive of so nineli i i pleasure on all pulilio occasions. We. hope to j ! B'c their festival the most successful of r.ny held In this place. ' I j Tapb Worm. We were, shown on Wednesday J last, while in Milton, a tape worm which had j i been taken from a man named Wenrieh, on that ' day, by Or. MeKi'.lnni, which measured 19 feet ! 4 inches in length. The worm was sllll nlivo j when we saw it. Dr. McKilluni insures all cases i under his treatment. Wo were also shown n I hu ge number of dillerimt species of worms taken f....... I...!.-;. little In nllmr ,,l.i..a 1 I.m .....a I ... 1 1,1 ,....v.-. ... ..... w.r-, l i Mr. Wcnilih, but two dot.es of the medicine were 'akeu In fore ho vs? relieved. He express- cd himtelf highly pleased with the Doctor's sue- ! cess, and stated that he felt better than he had j fell 'or years pa-t. Dr. McKilluni expects to vl- . sit Suiibury thlB woek. Ci:s. Tom Tiivmii and Billiard. On Tues- j d.'V after his 111 ittiuee, the redoubtable General I amused himself for uu hour or two playing bil- ' thirds tit Trimble's saloon with his driver, bro- I her uf Commodore Nutt, who is about n head! taller than Tom. The Commodore in the mean j tune, amused himself at ueother tabic, praetic- ! ing with the cue. Tom, now nbout forty, has 1 . . , , , , , i eeeooie oooe, him iooks larger man lo. meriy. His chin was on n level with thetable.yet he play ed with co'.iidttr.:hle skill, frequently using the Sri I go.. Tom who con-ileia himself "every Inch n in. ni," il'.sdai.ic 1 r ii iuo himself on a pliitloim. Ki.yolir up Vikwkrs Spr Asinn. U will be re mi -inhered by our readers that some lime ago.wc gave an account of the hiving out of a road in Cppir Aiuusta township, riiiiniiij; trom tlie turnpike lu l'ur Ivtown up aloii( the brewery of Jo-eph Haclicr. The road was laid out, nnd a ju ry se. eled, who went upon the road laid out on laud- ol the several owners. The jury uppoint c.l to ass, s the damages aua'nst the county, uoiii t.. the piop..iy (,r Joseph B.icher. fixed tlie em .1 :l it il.SU-j. I'i-oni liilit repoit the county tool; exception. Testimnuy was uftnrw.irds ta lieu by both parties, and the exceptions were niL-ui I before JueVe, CoekefeHer, nt .Mar.h term last. Purine; the recess, tlie Jnde considered sion that the Jury had assessed (.o:oniions d.ilna , kos, uud on Monday l.isj fliyd his i pinion setting ; tbe repoit of juioi J n side. A new sa of viewers I were npp-inte 1 ;o t, damage-, and to report j u'. next term. The toitoniu uie the deiitlemen I nppoiuteil : John RoufIi, John 51. IIulT, John L. j Watson, William O. Hull, Geo. Stiiuc, and Mo 1 ses Chu.i.he: lain. Festival. A strawberry unj ice-cream festi j val will be hel l in Lyons' Hall, commenclni; on Tuesday cvenini; next, bj the ladies connected I with the Reformed Church forthe benefit ;f their j cliurclli. j Comiad Diii'MUEisi'.K, killed In tho mining ac j cideut, ut Sliamokin, on Tuesday last, was the ! sou-in-law of Christopher 5Iockert, of this place. I He was a sober and industrious mnn, and much I esteemed In the community lu which he resided, j He leaves a wife and ix childreu to mourn their loss. FineF purohase furniture In Philadelphia, are referred to the advertisement of F.irson, Son & Co., whom e can commend ns reliable men nud flrot class manufacturers. A. P. Waltkkb' Shuvinir and h-iir culling cs labllshineiit no tanks ainoin; the best In the Ste.te, end we are pleased lo see him doini; a N'ltl and Miss Minnie Warren, gave an exhibi tion in Garingei's Hull, on Tuesday niht last, to it large audience. Twis CALVF.s.-Mr. Geo. 8ellerat Fisher Ferry has two twin heiffur calves on his farm, of pre risely the same color, five months old and weith CT0 pounds. A correspondent of the 6uubury AiiUy says i These prodigals who received their Inheritance from Ihu Northumberland County Agricultural Society and departed, should know Ibat the fatted calves will be nt the Cuiou Park and Agricultural Society Fulr nt Sunbury. A NfMneii of farmers throughout the county complain of having to replant their corn, nnd In soma Instances, thrice. The fault, It is suppos ed, lies In the teed not germinating. 6tat Senate. Col.John McClcery or 5t?.ton, Is being strongly urged for State Senator by lita ny influential Republicans in tho county. Col. McCleery U certainly a very competent mau for thut position, uud If nomiuated will make pro minent candidate, as he Is well known as au et celleut lawyer, a good citUen, and has splen did war record. Assiosee Bale. We direct attention to the assignee sule advertised Id another column, to tube place on Saturday, June 28th, In the Bor ough of Turbutville, this county. The property ts one of the test aucr ms v'iluuble In the coun ty. Mrs. Hester, mother- 6f the ftotcflons F ties ter, died at Locust Gao hrs rnrfntT, on Monday ofl'i-l wriir CotTHMl. rROCRKinwni. Hunbnru, June R, 1R73. Council met at H o'clock J. M. Cailwnl luder In the Chair. Members preent .1. A. Cake, O. H. I'ndwallader, W. 11. Miller, W. Dewari, Val. IHetf, Jacob Rohtbaeh, Jiued Ir win, nnd John Clark. Mi'iutes of the lat meeting read auj approved. On motion of W. L. l)cwnrt. Whereas, Bnlom'on Weaver, collector for the ynr 1872. of liorough, road and poor taxes, amounting In the Aggregate to til. 0,5 SI, Is de sirous of settling up his duplicate for that year therefore Resolved, That In accordance rlth a .settle ment he has had with the chairman of tho Fi nance Committee, lie bs Allowed eronornllons for uncollect ed tnxes for the sain of 1218 85, and that a credit for that amount Is hereby directed to bo entered on his dup'lcnte for that year, for that amount, and also for some f 10 he has hand ed over to the Treasurer. Adeptcd. On motion ol W. L. Detroit, it was Resolved, That the Council allow John Shlss lcr the amount of his bill for work done on rond in front of his honso ou Front street. Motion lost. On motion of W. L. TVwai t, It was Resolved, Tbnt the Committee on Public Squnre, be Instructed to contract as cheap ns possible, for laying n gutter with pebble atones around the square, outside thn pavement j said gutter to he ilil Inches wide, nnd to carry the wa ter Into the itrent gnlters that run Into the 'gut.' Laid over until next meeting night. On motion, it was Resolvc,d, That fiom nnd after this date all work on the street" In tho rorough be slopped, unleis ordered by the Street Cjmmftteo. Adopt ed. On motion, It was Resolved, That the Chief Burgess ha Instructed to have the landings nt Arch street and Pack er street, forthwith put In repair, as there is no suitable place for petting water In case of fire In that part of the borough. Adopted. On motion, it was Resolved, That the butchers of our horough be nllowej to hold market from 6 to 8 a. in., on each regular market day, In Cake's addition to Sunbury. Adopted. On motion, it was Resolved, That the Street Committee contract with Charles F. Martin to take the dirt out of Win. Engelnian's cellar, nt KOcts per yard, to be I put on the mad in Cliureh street. Adopted. I On motion of J. A. Cake, It was Resolved, That J. A. Cake Is hereby authorized I to have lamps and posts erected ill Cuke's ndili ', lion to Sunbury, and he allowed the usnnl piiec 1 for lighting the same, and tho actual coist Tor j pulling them up. Laid over until next meeting. I On motion of W. II. Miller, it was I Ki solved, That the matter of paying off Mr. Bartholomew, he laid over until next meeting ! nighl, to see whether n borough bond can be sold I to pay his claim. Adopted. ; On motion of John Clark. It was i Resolved, Tint the policeman elected bv coun- cil be suspended till further notice. Adopted. liusoivcn, inai inn i mr limine on dniveyuru i be Instructed to have the steps repaired inline- ; ntiue y on inn cim ana wesi smcs. Ailopie.i. W. T. r.iekev Samuel Harrison Oeo. Cass Kd. Keim Kd. r.i-h-v John Smith M. Randalls P. Reel I'eliT Cub e Jos. Rlehai dson Levi Seashcltz (ieo. llairison B. F. Diehl Steam Fi'e Company P. W. Cray '. .T. M. ltaitholowmeiv J. M. Cake Charles F. Martin Sol. R. Shipe. Ou motion, Council ud'ourned P. W. Gu at; Clerk Jury 1. 1st for A it gust Torn:, IS i.l. GUA.NI JURORS. Jacob F.ckard. North'd Hueli M'Donald Mt Car Peter Welke:-, Sli.uiiokin Christian (ionserl, Cain Isaac Meaty, " t. illicit lieiiz, ( am i 'f' ,V , L Jacob Matthias, Nor Sam I lloaglalid, Milton thd Lloyd Johnson, t Car Samuel Reefer. L'p.MulrA. .1. Savidge, Lewis Isaac May.Jr. Shtimoliin Henry K. Valiek.L Aug David Mailer, M'Cai bo Isaae' Z iilin iii,.lackoti Geo. Crick, Mi.ili'okin Feidiimnd Klioa Is, Co n Win. A . Fetter, Sunhury l..aiaard Roup, .Shanio'r. Nath i It'iininer, Clin .lame. U-'iiniiifr, .nr G. A. Ne.v! a'ier, Z 'i be Jane's !. nt.in, lurbut Tlt.WF.U:; JURORS." I. Kiiuffmnr. L Mah'oy Sol T. uekeiimillcr, I).l i John Kiiek hamokin llei ry llaeh. !hainokiii Peter Oyster, li:nare S. W. Clak, Jonhui S. M. Keeser, I'p Aug'a Abr. .lohuson. Watson'ii Isaac Camphell, ' B.uii Zetlleinv;. er, Snub P I.ei-er, Walsoiito'.vn Tins Hnth r. Noilh'd Geo lVne',1, jr. Shaui'ii (Ktin Mull. W.it-ont'ivn Hugh .Maitiii, Chiiis'qn .'ere. K.inp, Mi'ion Martin llariis, 1. Mali W. M. Lloyd, Xniih'd (ieorge In, hi, tuiiloay .Muvm Voght, bhaino'n li.iuiel liuriiian, .Milton .1. II. lielst, I'p. Mah'v Uenb. K.iuphe.l. Sham, .lo'.m I lot!, r. Tin but Abr. Ki--i.ig.-r, Turlnii Win Mo'let, Lew is GioA Wykoif. Lewis Henry B.ieiier, Siii.burv Clius. II.irtell.l'p.Aug. Pit.-r Wi.K. roii, s,ham-j, Kohl Wilso i, Nortii'd Wm Follim r. Tuibul I 'l,n Hurst. Hush Ira Shin.-. I'ii. Aiiitiistii ' c a uei Keiiiiine, .Mirth sane Vincent, Wa'sT.t j Win Kvster, ffuiitiury Ellis kraser, Milton i 1 W Se'.r.eigh, Cameron J rj Weni ieh, fe'iuniuMn Alex Yoi-uin. Sh iuiokin )( I) 1 lollnuin, Wash'lcii John S Spars. I. M.ih iienry ll.uipi. sr,U Aug ! .'os Nieley Jr. tlekiwarc J M itortian, bunbarv ' ! Wm. All-u Chillis.i iu' w I H! air, Chillisq'iie j I'ETi r JLT.OP.S. ! PI Krlss, 1, Anausta C I! Kennl'ie;i r, North'd DR drcy, MeKwensville Jacob M ui,'Zerbe ! .1 I) na th nderler, Chil. H. W. Thii'Mon, V Aug Win llrysm jr. liela're I' I) t'haller, Delaware ' Ch Ranp, Win II. u -thoiomew, Chil . Peter Yeiger, Plniiin'n Phi.ip C.iik. Siinhnrv : laiiie! lav, Tail etil!e K'i..s He.-!aid. Jordo'a : Thos Welsh. Mt. Carbo Benj V Ml.ier, Z.-ibe . Thos Burr, Wutsont'n lleiiry lie pen, Jordoit lienj Kriegbnum, L Aug T. B o.i-lej , North'd j John MeGee, ( hiilisn'e (ieo I'ov'si, r, ip n., J B Reed, Milton II Y Fivling. Sunbury ; tt M Reun, Sunbury Thos lluter, Turhol ! Anson hinder, Point, Ahr Wi-nman, Lewis , fui. Miller, I. Augu-l.i II W Keiehley, Noilh'd j Geo. KliiiLer. Mt C.rui J M Wol ii rton. Snvdert I) 8 Swart., Jordon " Wm l'oi seman, l h'ilisq. I 1 I) R iker, Lit Malianoy tol l)'m!eihler!er, Milton I j Tin: C ounty Commlsr,ionr:. have b.-n e-igaged of late in making H ntimber of repairs about the, ! col,ut' '"H'liis iihleh were al: isoluelv hfL-cssa- ry. ihey ate also pulling vcnlilatois into t lie Court room whieh want has long been felt. The Attorneys practicing at tlie bar, sn.t the fellow lng note of approval lo the Coiiiinipsioners. To the Comthiuiiiiuri f ','urthuihe,'.n;id County: Genti.f.mks : We m e ph ased it!i your action in having t lit-- C um Hi :ie properly ventilate I and heated, nnd rcspeciliilly iiiiitst you to h ive the walls and cel.iugs of the ainlieuec room neat ly ciileumlned nud repaired, hiUt tlie preseut Iiiiproveiiuiils are going ra, Geo. W. Zeigler, Oscar Foust, Jno. II. Vincent, Jeremiah Snyder, I. W. Cake, L. II. Rase, 8. B. lioycr, T. J. Gal -rath, Wm. Ii. M. Oram, John McCleery. C. W. Tharp.R. M. Cummings, Win. A. Sober, A. N. Brlce, 9. P. Wolvcrlon.J. Ii. Packer, Win. V. Lawsnn, 3. A. Cnke, Sol. Malhk.G. W. Ryon, L. T. Rourbach, p. L. Hackeubiiig, Geo. Hill, T. 11. Purdy, T. H. V. Kasu, Franklin Bound, John Poller, Win. Rockultller, Josejih Nicely, Associate Judge. A Plea for 5Iartinge nnd Home, by Rev. A. A. Willetts, I). I)., of Philadelphia, will be made In the shape of a lecture.'.lu this place, on Thurs day evening, loth of June, the proceeds to go for the benefit of tlie Lutheran Sunday School. The Odd-Fellows, aud the Improved Order of Red .Men, of this place, have resolved to spend the 4th of July ut Watsoutown, which will have a grand celebration on that day. It appears that Watsoutown is the only place In tbe eo'nnty where a general celebration is to be held ou In dependence day. We expect this place will bo well represented. At thn Assiene Sale of J. C. Morgan, ou Sat urday lust, S. P. Wolvn Ion became the pnr rhaser of the lesidence, at 1 3.U.V4, uud Pr. J. B. Master, fui the one half interest lu the oil mill at t 1,035. List of Letters remaining in the Sunbury Post Olllce, Juue II, 1873. C. Abbott, Foier Barnhart, Mrs. Julia M. Chasey, LImIb Ilevlln, Peter Dork, Miss llir. A. klaclehs, Mary Emerlck, fiituou Foonk, Sarah Forrester, Edward Greenleaf, Juniue llelxel.Kate Krester, M. K. Howarlh, John Krtlsser, Mary Elleu Poh, John I). Raker, Mary A. Shaller, Samuel B. 8uydej, W. Kiroh, S, John H. Lawney, S. Wleken, George Wood, Maggie Williams, William Zimmerman, David Zubiu. Persons calling for tbe above b tteri will please ' '-advert ied'T .!. J. tytru, P. 51. Tho fnmous Walklns Olen, located nt Vnlhin, Schuyler Co., N. i., which has become one ol the most popular Pnminer Resorts In tho United Stales, and Is nnnnally visited by lns of Ihoa snnds ol people from nil sections of the country, wi'l .with its two Mounlniri Houes--be open this Reason, for visitors, on or bel'ora the 1st o Juno. The entire Olen property has recently been purchased hy John J. Lj tleA Co., of Phila delphia, who have made many Importent Im provements nearly all tho stnlrcases, bridges and railing having been renewed and tha Olen Is hi a much better and safer condition than ever before. These gentlemen will perannntly super rise and manage tha Glen, and Its Summer Mo tels, during the season of 1873, and spare no time or expense in endonvorlni. to make It an attractive and pleasant place of resort for the public. Tho Watklns Glen manifold a are Its scenic charms Is by no means the only feature of In terest pertaining to the romantic surroundings of tho village from which it lakes lis name Seneca Lake, one of the most beautiful sheets of water In the world, with lha ninguilleent views whieh the highlands around It afford, Hector Fulls, two and a half miles north of Wntkins on the east shore of tho Lake, nnd tho Havana Olen, whieh has been visited for several years past by great numbers of people, are well wort I y the iitteiition of tourists, nnd will be hailed with de light by nil students nnd ndinirers of Nature. CliAMir. ok L. A II. It. R. Time. -Thn Lack.i wana & bloomshurg railroad have been making some changes In their time tab'.". Trains run now, early morr.lng po'.ng north at 5.611. Trains north nnd south, puss hero lit 10.15 A. M. and 5.17 T. M. The morning train will prove n great convenience to our people going up the. road. f.'anvUlt Inlellijenetr. ron TUB st.vr.rnT avkiucas. Cruelly to AuiiuulN. Mil. Editor : Will you allow mo to occipy a small space In your columns for thepnrposo of saying n few words upon n subject that require moro attention than It receives, much to the disgrace of our enlightened day : Notwithstanding that laws have been recently enacted for the more complete protection of ani mals against man's brutal cruelty, the most in human cruelty is n matter of every day occur rence right In our midst. It was only last win tcr wo read of a case which occurred In tho upper end of our county. It was that of a heifer which at Ihu commencement of the season w;b turned into an open field to subsist on a slack ol spoiled hay, nud to rest wherever it saw tit to lie down in the open Held. The winter was an unu sually severe one, nnd thus, without 'nod, with out water, nnd without shelter. It. ..lii.gerlngly starved an 1 froze to death. What lharucter ol creature must he be who e:m thus outrage hu manity and offend his Hod. Is there anything .).,, ,,r i..i.,.i.r ,.,.,r.. revnliinv in hiin,,.itv ,., ct of ,nUalitv to nn inotl'en- BiVt., helpless creature. While tlie human brute rendered himaeif secure against the winter's I I ! t f9 09 i cold storms, sleeping comfortably between blan 5 25 i ki ts, his starving beast lay freezing in the cold ft 75 f snow. This, perhaps, is hut one case of cruelty 2 :.. I out of r. Iiundi'.-il of wa'ch e h -ar nothing about . 4 50 ; (toil created union's for ivir convenience, com 5li 51! I fori nn I general i'C Bib ; lie la - f-eitled tiie 20 1:1 I tnatineut they shall r eeiy.; Iioia our hands. If 50 ! and any cruelly practiced upiii them is as much .1 5(1 . a sin as is a violalhm of any oih-rof his eoni 7 00 main's. It Is not unfrecjnently Die ease that we. 27 .'m ; il ml persons professslng Cbrisiianitv, whose pie. 7il 25 ' ty 1 1 ,cf them in the front ranks of the Church, "5 HI j anil who would consider an oinissiou of their d.u Kl IH) I ly devotions a crime, but who are totally indillc 1)7 40 j rent in regard to the treatment of their helplcs. 0 05 : brutes. How often during our life ns far us il U 00 has gone, have we been attracted lo the pig-pens 53 25 j of Just such persons, on a cold winter's night, by 14 Si j the restlessness of the creatures they contained, anri l, li ne l away am izen aim dismayed in ine miseiy we saw there eold and shivering freez ing fast in their own tilth, whilst the ijotnl man of the house comfortably slept, fcnrely, such pi r si n s lot 11 pray, they have much to answer for. There. Is another species of cruelty which is Is in general practice, but more particularly I'y 1 the ignorant, which bi.ouii receive tpecial at tention fiom nil who consider themselves Chris lions, ninl more particularly irom the omecrs ot .1... I..ur u ln.n rl.im It la l.i nrl in eiirl, i.ii.nj ! We have reference to the horse, that useful but j much abused iinim.il. How often do we m c 1 i some pour old hero-, which should be well treat- i e.t for its lou-; .-ml fniibful service p-'ih.ips ; pom I;. i"il. (rout its .i i r:, nee. draw in ' il - uvo I rleiotis in. islet '. o-.t l.vvt under t ii- hloivs a' I cudgel, or the sting of the whip, hieiusr- it r-r.n- ' j not progress ns rapid1)- ns Id th nki it slnmid. or j Is linoek"d down with th" chip's butt tn-c.iiis.i It ,s oitire.y iii'iiole to p -i loiui tin- tasK nnpo-eil ( til'oti ii. 1 his Is of frequent occurrence wiiliin j tlie limits of our h-iroiigh, to the shame of t io-c j who perpetrate the cuielty, uud it may be to their cost if continued. I We make reference to this matter first, bceail c ; we abhor cruelty, second, bciause the laws ' should be cveeutcd. There is nothing so demo- ' I rali.ing lo a people as the non-en forcem-nt of , I exiting laws. L- t the law be enforce I in cery 1 istance, and tho helpless brute w ill be relieved, j i nnd ws wiii have the satisfaction of knowing ; thet the law has been executed- Y. J j Pasviu.k, June 9, lSTD. 1 j Since my '-Keileetion" ptibllshcd in your Inst, ' j I have discovered anothi r old f lend, I think the i i oldest liv'nur on--, 'V. .'o'oi Kl'-uty on Shainokiii ' llille. Il.i f u reiitury ngo. 1 tirst saw the Col. ; i'i am form nt n b.italion In Sunbury,. About i , that time, or soon alter he was County Coimnis- ' J hior.. 1 remember, many lo.ig years ago, a visit , to his hospitable home. Before retiring for the ' night, he would read n chajiter In the Bible, s'r.g , one of gool oil Dr. Watts' hvmi:, and have: J fainily prayers. 1 understand lie still rh.erves ; this i.iithiul duty ; uud uow, being upward of ' fo'.irseoic years, he is, t id- ut I) , uenr his final i r('Hl' I I a'so saw the vec.ciable J.Vr Joi'i'i! , of y. ur t-iwn, well remember. -1 for bis fervent ad. lies cs ' ! to the S:lnday fcehocl pujiils of Augusta, many I years ngo. lio ha been Presiding I ude -if your ! courts, 1 understand, fur -d years. To him tlie 1 "Giusshoptier has become a burden." He in i i Hearing the end of his earihly pilgrimage, the I passage of Ih.- spiritual Joi'iUm. I And now. Friend Wilveit, I init-t tiikc the j I train for the. West. 1 have not tiini to speak I ' (hrough your press, ol the large progress nf j.-vtr ' towns and in. a! districts in 40 yeais. To Hie lew ! reiiiaiuipg old frieu ls, 1 say, "itu thall nil meet ! Hgain but v.ot h-."' onr lUVentli hour has come is passing '.low mauy inmates remain is : i knoivu only to God. I liir limlies must soon re- turn to du-t, t" tin ii-.iru.t, our soul will si on ; j return lo Him whi Clival ns into being. Are' we all ready I L.-t each iti ihi'l.al conscience I uiiower. Il nut, why hive we In-'. I at nil I . ' The 'oiilVsion oi nu luvuliil. Published by a warning and for the benefit of j Young Men and others no u i.-r I mm N ntvoi s Pnnn.iTT, l.oss (if .Vamiooii, etc., siipp!) iug tlie I means of self cm Wrilte-i hy one who cured I I himself after uii.lci going considerable nilHi kcrv, I and sent free or rccedviinr it posl-pald d.rceted ; envelop. SullCreis are inviled to address the : iiuthor. NAllfANTCL MAVFAHl, ! June H,"3 Cm. llox l.'.a, lioi Utyn, .V. Y. , Fok Los or Ai-l'ETiti:; Dyspepsia, Indigestion i Dipresslon of Spirits and goueral Debility, In I their various forms, Fcrro PhosporatoJ lllixir of Cullsay made by Ciswti.i, Hazaud t Co., I New York, nud sold by all druggists, Is the best Tonic. As a slimtilunt tonlo for patients rccov- I ering from fever or other sickness, il has no I eiplal. If taken during the season it prevents fever nnd aeue ai d oilier inlermit tent fevers. iar;r2. Ou June lllh, 1-7H, ut the resideuce of the bride's parent, by the ltev. 8. P. Liun, J. A. Wbavkk to Miss Claka A. 1 1 anlf.t , daughter of A. N. llaiiley, Fsi., all of th.iinol.iu, r.u In Louer Augusta, township, ou the ldth Inst, ut tho residence of the bridu parents, (I'.IIhs Kineriek) by ltev. A. K. Zinierinan, Jno. M. IloTKii, of Delhi-ham, Noiihiiinplou county, mid Miss Lou. J. LMP.i.ir-K. M .N It IKY .M .illiii.,j i7' " I'lowr wiiil Urulu MurKrt; Extra Family (lLoo lied VVUuat.u. Int.. f 1.81 Buckwheat, p. et., 5.1M ltye, no 50 1. 00 4(1 3.g5 Corn Meal, " 8.5U Cora, Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.5(1 Buckwheat ' Shorts, '-'.OO Oats, M Its. Coru V Oats Chop, 8 (H) Flaxseed, Tlmoib) heed, p. b. 8.00 l'rodut'o Market; Potatoes, "f limns, F.ggs, per dot.,' IS Tallow, Butter, per lb.,' S Country Soap, Lmd, " fi Dried Appl.., Pi do, 1J " Peaeher , 'Phoiri,ieir, IK ll s M l(i It m mm H- L HI m m i tisa & $23,000 in SPUING ami SUMMER GOODS now open for inspection (.(insistins; (if ffoif) tit) Tho finest htock White nnd Lace Good, Caqts in A i Hosiery, Gloves Merchant Tailoring, RICHARD SIMPSQH, We have addd Mejchant Tailoring ; to our husinc-s with RICHARD SLMPSOX as Cutter, and will complete satisfaction in this as wfsll as in every otlier department. .V'ekeepon ! ir?,mr to any address : -n poi v uozen, an otner Kinds, ou Sunlitiry, Pa., April 5, 1873. oino.- ISn.l. s-W IS PURELY A YF.UETABLE PREPARATION, com. poseJitmply of well known ROOTS, HERBS and FRUIT8, combinid vriih otker properties, which lu their DAturB no CslllArtie, Areriaut, Ku trlttous. Pluritlc. Alterative and Autl-BilUous. Tb whole U preserved In sufficient quuutity uf spirit from the fcl C1AI t'Aftlii to kivy Hum in ur olliuste, which necAos luc v ftMrafimwtfUaT ITTERS one of (hft mo!t dalrsble Toiktca nd Cathar tlra In ih world. 'lhf &r totended itrtcUy M ft Temporanco Bitters only to be nted as a medicine, aud always according lo directions. They ere the beeHnrher of the feeble end debili tated. Tlie act upon a diseased liver, aud stUnuUte to such, a degree ihul a boelUiy avtion is el once touufc-bt ebouL As remedy to which Women an etpeciilly subject ft is super eeduig every other timuUiit. As s bprlusr erntt Buiniuer'l unlo they bvo no iqunl. They ire a mild end (outle J-urlivt- as well ee Tunic. Ihuy IiirirV the blood. They ere a plen did Appetiser. Ihey make ihe wuak siroug. Tkiey purlly and invigorate. 3 hey curu liillla. Constipation and Headache. 1 he set as aapecinc Inallepeelea of Uleoidara which uueimine the UhUI eireng Ui aud break Uwu the aulaiel -.jrits. ,. Tecot, 63 Park Place, Now York. y IT, I'aiiMtuble'a Ndlc' VTOT1CE Is her. by given, that at n Cousin'. i ble's Sale, on the lOth day of May, loTU, of tlia personal goods of Joseph W. Myeis, in Ihu borough of Sunbury, the following artieles were purchased by the undersigned ; 1 Cooking l,e uud m'ttirex, 1 Cupboard uud contents, 6 Wind sol Chairs, 2 I'ine Tables, 10 yards Hag Carpet, 1 Clock, 1 Coal bucket, 1 aiiiujl Lounge, 1 h t '1 in-ware, 1 KiidiuuliUflit room Stove, 1 Settee, tt Chairs, 1 Linker, 1 pic-) Uil Clirth, i yards riMiui Curpel, 1 woul Table-cloih, 1 L.ioklng lilas, 3 Beds aud Ueitililnt, 1 Bedstead, 1 Bureau t hesis, I lK-k,' 1 ilo, 11 Barrels. 3 Tube, 1J Trunk, I Meat barrel, 1 Trilnillo-b. J uud Bed ding, 1 Lamp, V wooden Buckets, lbe.se goods are left iu the keeping of the. mid Joseph V. Myers during the ple.isuru of tre un.lcraib'UCd, uud the public are warned not in T-ied llo with the sa i jr.. J. W FRY LINO cV SON. Huu'-iirv, May Ufl. l'-ij. tit. wmm t "n- it ii sswiljsf5 RanMion M im mt $m (rn w& m m w ta " nrjiE asm tin mm w oh tiu ia li J S A 1 sa 'M 'l tn V-i R! B I I iB r .1 C i P-3f' BS En W iytl v3 tX IK H BS of Lailios' Ihxa Goods in this suction, Triiiioi Mi MA Suns i sreat variety and prk-c, from 2o c(-, upwards, Oil Cloths, Window Hlir.ds full and complete assortment of (JIIOCKJU Et 2 aflMatKi hand coiiMtantly, best Imported Sewing Machinr Xeedles, and will forward po.st mid on reccint of ca-th nrioi cts. per dozen. .Mil e L'e.Morcst s 1 per dozen. .Mil c L'o.Morcst s 1 DUM.0MD SPECTACLES, WATCHES & JHWELIiY. ?SsS f. - I, t V -e, - A , WAT CH CI S r --V- CM RHUO ItT Di 10 Or. M.ukc-t : bi: I.KAJ.Ki: IN :WATCilKS, CLOCKS. P IT Tln-s-- I.i i-i h i.i'L- nmtmf.ic! I (lcrivu lln it ii'tn-..! " Iji.i.iumhI i Tlie.M'ielilil'u- Hln -: I uu w :i writm Siolil, I hs-.iii-, Silliell-if lo S. oti.li ol- H.mz ifn! Irom Minute (.'iysi.il I'i " on nuc'iiuiit ul llieir IiiihIiu I Tlit'V tire in-iuiiti-il in' tiie iiie , Cinlil, Silver, Sucl. KuIiIh r Him j .MaiilllactUfoil by 'l i e hju i-.n ! 11. Sjifiiivr ii' 'o-. in t';c ''i.::. . r;r Sale only l-y 1 t Suiilmrv, l':i., M i ii ! Mi'KZ'ii; AM Nt.umm. .' !1LL1N1'.1;V liUuDS Fl.'K l..o j J U8T openc.1 t n extensive aortnieul of I STKAV, vff.I.lNKItY AND FANCY ftOUDS, comprising the, luleel uud lnont attractive lvies stleccd with cue from the le.i.ling lnipo;ting houses in New Yoi k and Phil. oh Iplilu, and ad.iuled for the mesenl season. KIUBuNtt AND VLUWK113. In g'eat variety, a general assoi imi-i.l of ttil; lles. oruamrnt fot auciiues. . TI.IMM1SUSUF Jill, KINDS. Cloves, Collars. Cuds, and every fa.h'.OU iblj article of Udtes' wear. Call and see tho new style ol Goods at MlfcpL. MlIS'rI.F.R. Market PqUar.-, Bunbury, Fu. April 3d, 173. Agent. Wanted ! All IU v.i el lasses of working people, of either evx, youug or, old, make uioiu money at oik for us iii lliL-lr sparu monumts, or all tlie lime' than at auuhiuf cl-e. I'artieiilur free. Addre.,' O. r'l I N' iN A : CO , bit l. I otlUDd, Maine. oi S7 tn mm si Hi M n tin trB and sale :t fix; .ST A Ii STORE, V) at very low prices. Chamoion Cutter. guarantee. Sinj-or all kltuh. and (?rovr . Tinkar: hie g-e-r all kind atterns tor sulo. '-i v r- v- AN ELiI WATCH. Had Tliinl .-Hel l-, Li Y, 1 A 7 .ll-WKI.IiV AND SILYKKWAl.r.. ,r Jr. ut-, tiii!tt-: i.y !';:i !i, mid :i tut t'i iiiiarrv. liLii i bey hiv i!iii";rn-t,-i. j r-.-venlij ul; .'v.-.. "ei-ul'mr t" f ! ' !in-rs m use. l-ll, ('--bLlt-b 1U lli.Ul ll:i!l'llli; pril.-P. ii. - t iiinntu r, HI inn' mm ui:itiu!''n.tui v liiiiiiii riu sti-t "tv'.i'S funics (d tlit tM-bt o'l iliiv. vVUuh! Muiitilm-tiiriiit; (.'uitip.iuv. gre.; to J. ! i-piirliiienl.) Nnv Vi-t w Kii.i 'u- Havi.li. 'iiixviitiH mux?; ox; rjAI.I. SI'KCIAT. ATTENTION To theli iuiiueiise Slmk uf - . Kurclun nud Aiucrleuit tV u t c h r , DIAMONDS JLVVtLUV, t-ll VKU AMI 6lLV(R 1'IITF.I Vl'silF, Clocks, Hr.Mits uud Fancy Goods. Forming nr. I LECANT ASSOKTMKN f lu cvei UK FAKTMKN'f . LOW Fiurts. rhiladslfhia, Maich ', m.i.-l'i