Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 07, 1873, Image 3

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SUNKUUY, JUNE 7, 1873.
Railroad Time TaWf.
N. C R. W.. Booth.
Erin Mall, 19.50 m
Krio Express, 9.40 '
MU. 11.15 "
Mag. Express 8.20 p m
P. A E. R. R. West.
V, 6.20 am
Niag. Ex7.ressm.4u p m
Eimlra Mall 4. IS "
Erie Express, 6.55 "
Leave Bunbury for tewletown at 7.80 a. m.,
and 4-80 p. M.. , , M
Arrive at Snnbury from Lewistown at l.WJ
ad 7.45 p. m.
Banbury at . a m I At Bunbury ;am
t 4.40 pm I ' ' " 6.00 pm
Reitular passenger taln leaves Bnnbury for
Danville, CottawiBsa, Hnleton and Intermediate
etations, at 8.45 a. m. Returning leave Hasle
ton at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. m.
Leave Northumberland at .40 a. m. and 4.50
P Arrive at Northumberland at 10.35 a.m. and
6.05 p. mi- '
Accidental Insurants! Tickets cam be bad of
J. Bhtpmen, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Justness f otals.
Sewing Machine abo Coitaob Oroans.
alias Caroline Dallue the agent for the Bole of
the best Sowing Machine In existence, via i 'The
Improved Orover baker,' and 'Domestic,'
which are constantly kept on hand, and sold nt
reasonable prices. 8he Is also agent for the sale
of tho celebrated 'Silver Tomrue Organs,' and the
Bay State Organs,' and for the sale of the
Frantz & Pope Knitting Machine. Call and sea
them. Office on Market street, east of the rail
road. Tfl iMPnovin Gbovbb A Bakkh Sbwino Ma-
ciiinr. Theso celebrated machine are offered
at tho most reasonable rate. For particular
apply to . D. U. KUTZ, Agent,
Feb.'23,'73.-ly. Upper August township.
Cheap Ooons. To buy good and cheap goods,
none can go amiss by calling at D. A. Finney'
iUore, on Market street. HI selection Is of the
most extensive, nnd the goods of the best quali
ty, which ore sold nt reduced prices. Dry Good,
Dress Roods, Groceries, Notions, Boots nnd
Shoes, nnd Jewelry will ho found In great varie
ty and abundance. Ladle nnd Gentlemen will
find a general assortment to select from ut
A Clothe Dhteh. Mr. L. G. Boom Is Intro
ducing a portable revolving Clothes Dryer.whloh
is admirably adapted to tho purpose Intended. It
tnUcs up but Utile room, and may be placed in
lie smallest comer. Tboso who huvo ccn It nt
once gnvo theirordei, as It saves labor, time and
space In drying clothes. We have examined It,
and have no hesitancy in pronouncing It an arti
cle that will be appreciated by every housewife.
Mr. Boom has been in Bunbury during the past
week, and has received a large number of orders
for this excellent article from some of tho most
prominent families, among them we notice Hon.
Win. L. Dcwai t, G. W. Smith, B. F. Reefer, J.
I. Sehuffer, Dr. Zeetler, Sol. Mitllck, J. P. Haas,
I. Snyder, W. S. Rhodes, aud many others. .
la Willlamsport, where this dryer hns been lu
ise, the following persons may be referred to :
Mrs. II. C. Parsons, A. J. Delwller, Geo.
v-liulcr, S. A. Shainabosh. A. Elchenhach, J. W.
Wheeler, L. L. Tate, Dr. W. Eves, L. McDowell,
t. Gladstone, and others.
Mr. Bonrn Is now canvassing Bhamoklu, aud
alter towns In the couuty. .
1'i. HF. Mii.k. Ira J. Seasholtx having purehas
d this Dairy of Samuel Campbell, I now fur
lishing the citizens every morning with pure
ni;k. Having his dairy adjoining the borough
ine, persons can be supplied nt all times at hi
v Miss A.mi:i.ia Hancock ha Just received a
.ute stock of Millinery Goods from the city of
liiladelphla, consisting of Neck Ties silk and
tee, Children's Lace Bonnets, Old Ladle)' Dress
'up, Hair Bruidt, Ladies' Coisets, and it large
ariety of other article too numerous to inen
iou. V. H. Mii.txit oftlie Excelsior Store, has Just
pened an elegant and superior assortment of
.nits and Shoes, which he is selling rapidly and
Dkcobatio Dat. Friday last was generally
observed as a holiday by our cltlsens, who every
year manifest more and more lnterett Id tho sub
lime custom of strewing flower upon th gravel
of our departed beroc. The day was cloudy,
and threatened rahi, yet with all this nnfavora-ble-weather,
many persons from the country
came to town to assist In paying respectful tri
bute to the gallant heroe who sacrificed their
live for our sacred Institution. The inte
rest manifested on this occasion was truly touch
ing. During the morning many flag wore sus
pended from many buildings, and a number of
bouses wore bandiomcly decorated. After 13
o'clock all business places were olosed, and the
cltlzeus repaired to tht Park on Market Square,
where the cxerctsos opened by prayer by Re?. O.
S. Gearhard of the Reformed Church. An ap
propriate piece of music was then sung by the
Bunbury Glee Club. An address was then deliv
ered by the Hon. John B. Packer, which was at
tentively listened to by several thousand people.
The address of Mr. Packer was the most forci
ble, eloquent and appropriate we have yet heard
on a similar occasion. In speaking of many In
cidents occurring at the commencement of the
war, and his reference to young men leaving
their homes to battle for thilr country, whose
sufferings ho depleted In glowing terms, brought
tears to the eyes of stout men. We regret ex
ceedingly that we could not Induce Mri Packer
to give hi consent to Its publication which Its
excellence merited. After tho address, tho pro
cession was formed by Col. Geo. B. Cadwalladcr,
Chief Mar.hnl, assisted by E. M. Bucher, H. F.
Mann, aud George Hoffman, Assistant Marshals,
It was composed: of tho different organisation,
and passed through several of our principal
streets to the-Ccm'ctery.'accompaulcd by the Bun
bury Cornet Band, and $hc. Seven Points' Cornet
Band. In the Cemetery the procession foi med a
circle around the soldiers' tnohutnent, when Rev.
A. C. Wheat offered up a fervent prayer to the
throne oi Grace. Then followed singing by the
Glee Dub, when the 'Boys lu Blue,' and 13 little
girls dressed In white, deployed to decorate tho
forty-nine graves that exist within the Cemetery.
Afterward? the procession re-formod,aud march
ed to Market Sqnare, when they were dismissed
by the Marrbuls, ' '
Altogether, the day was more gonersllyi'and
more beautifully observed than ever before,
which Indicates that 'Decoration Day' will, as
time ndvauces, hecoma as firmly Axed lit the
hinrts rf the Aiucricau people, as Is Fourth of
July, ns a day of rejoicing over nu event result
ing iu so much national benefit.
To the credit of our town we must mention
that not a case of drunkenness came under our
observation and of course there wus no quar
relling or lighting during the cntiro day. This
was a commeudalile feature of the occasion, and
we fuel Justly proud that niir town hits-shown
such a fncred reverence for the day set apart to
visit and honer the last rusting place of those
who sacrificed so much' for the nation the dead
Union soldiers.
Oru neighbors of Northumberland, have or
ganized a Parlor Dramatic Association, for the
purpose of giving enjoyment to both Old' niid
young. These social gatherings use not only In
teresting, but highly beneficial In Intellectual
culture, and keep young men fro:u tippling phi
ce', nnd probably yoking wormm from tattling or
mischief making and know everybody' busi
ness soctellc,-wliir.h have become so very nume
rous iu nil sections or the country, will grow
fewer iu number. ' 1 '
The fittitbHry Daily, of Tuesday, says that the
ladies give notico to young men standing on the
corners of streets, gazing upon them with the
usual accompanying remarks, ta cease their op.
crutious ) and that "liny will form a vigilance
committee, and some pleasant bight,' make a
raid on their pantaloon ; drag them froia tlio
arm of Morpheu to the river bunk, and duck
and souse them." Will the editor state whether
ho means the young men or tho pantaloon. If
only the puntaloons, the effort will be of nocOeet.
Wb were lately told an incident which actual
ly occurred In a raral district, a short lime ago,
not far from here, which is entirety too good to
be lost. A cirtaio well-to-do and close-listed
furmer, one night, was so unfortunate as to loan
a horse and buggy by theft. In the morning he
diseovend bis loss, and ut onec concluded that
thieves hd invaded his premises. IIu accord
ingly mounted one of hts best horses, and set
i oni ill iursuu. jn uu irnrircu aioii 1110 rouu
ply. Fancy Gaiters aud Slippers for ladle t he t.Vt.rvwhcro Ilt.l(1(, n,lUry respecting his lost
id iri'iitiemoii. of a style never before seen in
ir.biiry, aud admired by every one i sold at low
U-e. Hib assortment Is complete, and lie In
ti s everybody to cull and examine bis stock.
Why me Wlue of a doubtful character when
hi e.m procure a pure article the pure Juice of
e grape for lets mouey than is demanded by
I nor dealers for a llqnor they call wine 1
Pianos, Ouoans, Ac David Relmer, music
icher, having located permanently In Snnbury
r the put pose of leaching music, announce
at ho has theugency for Gaehle & Co's Baltl
ro Pianos, which are being rapidly iutroducud
long the bet judges. They are now In uso In
i State Normal School, Uloomsburg, Pu., also
the Snnbury Academy, hy . U. Jenkins, Esq
Northumberland, uni Judge Ellwell
Kimahurg. He will also take orders for Stein
y M (Jo's, Cliickering & Co s, uud other well
own Piano.
Mr. Reiineralno receive orders for Prince &
' ceieJrikted Orgun & Melodcous, of bulla lo
w York.
Micct music on hand, and orders for uew pie-
i promptly attended to.
Mr. Kuimer Is agent for the German publishing
use of K. Slelger of New York, and will re
vu subscription for all German Books, Period
Is, Newspapers, &c.
'he celebrated Gaeble Pianos can be seen at
ill times at the retideace of Mr. Keinier, on
corner of Third uad Aicti streets, opposite
i depot.
property, when nt last he found a trace or the
parties who had possession of the horse nnd bug
gy. Abont this time it occurred to tliu farmer
that It was fast approaching dinner time, and
thai his horse should be fi d .and hisowuslouiuch
replenished with the necessaries of life, so the king
of the soil very wisely retraced his steps, anl
went home, a distance of ten miles, to satisfy
nature's urgent demands. Immediately after his
hasty meul he set out a second time in pursuit,
but wheu evening came ou he had got no further
than he found himself ut boos, when ho agulu
very wisely and economically, ruturued home to
feed. The next morning be again set forth in
pursuit of the purloiners of his property, I at
upon reaching the point ho had reached twice the
of j day before, be concluded to give up the chase,
and ruturued home. lie now offers f 50 te any
one who will restore the proju-rly, but thus far
no horse or bugy ha been retnrced. -
focal fiairs.
'eteu Zimmeuhas bad a fluger sawed off his
hand ou Tuesday last, at the (leans uwmiU
lessrs Fryllug, Bowen 4s Eagle.
ALiroBMiA Floub. A small Invoice of this
v superior flour, wss received fey John M.
iwallader. It came la muslin sacks aud was
at 1 J per barrel. The freight costing about.
Wb hare not yet heard of anr efforts la cWv
brute the cowing 4th of July iu Hit place, In a
becoming manner. The time I rupldly ap
proaching, aud if we inteud to have a celebration
It is time to prepare for It. There Is ho place lu the
county, except Watsoutown, where preparations
are being made to have an old timo-hoiiorcd 4th
of July eclcbrallou. The county seal is the pro
per place for a demonstration, 'but if no move
ment is made soon, we will be left lu the rear.
We understand that the ladles belonging to the
Rcbeka Degree Lodge, I. O. of. O. F., Inteud
boldiag a pic ie on that day, aud we hope that
they may meet with success in iuaUIdl' U a geu-
eral celebration.
Tub Juntos Emtob on a Visit ro ws barlt
Thibt Texas Tntt DtDieATioit of aw Onfi
Fellows ItALt,, abb Gbabiv Pabadb At Gbats,
Dacpbib Coubtt. r: .. ',
A visit to tho homo of one's childhood 1 al
ways a more tbhn ordinary pleasure, particular
ly if a long time tins separated ns from the place
of our earliest Itnpresslon. Though many stray
fnf away and select spots which they may be
lieve more agreeable, after straggling with tliu
nffalrs of life, aud tasting of its bitter experience,
tbe heart torus fondly to the home of their early
youth, rendering a visit to the beloved snot,
where they "played their gambols when a child,"
a most agreeable task. "Home Is borne though
ever so homely." With such Inspirations we
ventnred, during the past week, to visit the spot
upon which we passed from Infancy to boyhood--that
halcyon period of life. Leaving onr matters
In chargs of tho "Devil," we started In the cars
for Georgetown, and from thence we proooedod
by private conveyance to the beautiful borough
of Gra'.s, in upper Dauphin, whlohwe left thirty
years ego. Our trip was made more pleasant
over the bills and through the beautiful vales, In
tervening, from the conviction that we had
a safe animal, and a good driver, and most
agreeable companions. Passing along Limestone
Valley, In Lower Mahanoy township, we noticed
the hundreds of limekilns erected for mile along
the road, which looked to ns like hug breast
works, deserted, on some old bat'.lc-fleld. This
valley abounds In riches, and as one looks upon
tho comlortable dwellings, largo barns, nnd the
brood acres of beautiful waiving grain surround
ing them,hc will naturally exclaim these people
have reason to bo happier than kings. The gralu
and grnss throughout this valley looks well, and
Is well advanced. As we proceeded on, we cross
ed th Hoe of Northumherlaad and Dauphin
counties, and entered the borough of Union town,
located upon a rise alongside of a mountain, and
la building up with buildings of a modern stylo.
Tho streets are kept clean, and the sidewalks laid
In the best manner. Stopping at ths Union Ho
tel of Mr. J. Hoffman, we were hospitably enter
taincd. After passing through the gap of the
mountain, we soon came in sight of the old home
stead, known to us In our early days. Proceed
Inir alonir tho road, and vlewinir the beautiful
valley of Lyken. with her majestic mountains
on both sides, we passed many memorable spots
which we once held most dear. Presently we
passed the Ilnrtmnu school house, rememliered
by us as ths place whrc wo wero first taught to
sav our A. B. Cs. t where e received our first
lessons tinder the tuition of Jonas Dietrich, some
thirtv-six years ago. Moving on, we at last ar
rived In the borough of Grots, laid out by Theo
dore Gratis, F.sq., more than half a century ago.
Hlonninsr nt the Gratr. Hotel, kept by Messrs. II.
F. Ileppler it Bro., und alter shaking tho dust
from our garments, we took a stroll through tho
town la search of old acquaintances. Tho majo
rity of the faces were strange to us ; the build
ings all looked different, nnd much iinprovcd,aud
we were forcibly reminded that the hand of pro
gress is inarching onward. But few of the old
builillnsr remain stnmiiui:, but among them is
the old Uniou Church whose pulpit was ably U'.led
forty years ago, by the late Rev. J. P. Sliiudel, of
Snnbury, ami the Into Rev. Isaac Gerhard, oH-v-kens
Valley, the former a Lutheran, and the lat
ter n German Reformed minister. This Chnrch
Is still occupied every Sabbath. In the Ccmotery
adjoining tills God's temple, there is found rest
ing lu peace the remains of many whose faces
were once familiar. In our walk wo met but few
of tho old residents of tlio place, viz : Geo. Hoff
man, Ksq., Henry llolliuan and William Welker,
whose heads have turned white, while their faces
are but little eliamred. (irats contain threo
large stores, two good hotels, and a number of
excellent mechanics, two physicians, who have a
widu reputation for their professional skill, one
of whom Is Dr. Sminkcy, who ably represented
Dauphin euuuiy during tliu last two sessious of
the Legislature. The town is beautifully located,
and is surroundod by a rich agricultural district.
About a mile south of the town is lliu Short
Mountain, which appears te bo nlmnst a solid
bed of semi-liltninlnoii coal. Several rich vein
have been opened, but iinfortniintely for the
owners of the mines, there I" us yet no outlet by
rail to market to fully develop the resources of
that Valley. This much needed branch ro:d,'to
Intersect with the road from Lyken to Millers.
hursr, as nn nutlet, Is prevented from tho fact
ihut two parties arc owners of the lauds, and one
Is waiting npon tbe other to build the road.
Should this branch road be built, Grntz Is destin
ed to become a flourishing town in a Bhnrt time.
Remaining over Sunday to witness tun proeeed-
inu's of u grand parade, and dodlratlou of un
Oiid-Fellow'n Ilall,ou Monday, we were rejoiced
that the day was nploisant one. As early ns
half past six o'clock the people from Iho country
li. l'mii to assemble, and continued to do so until
midday. The Gratx ('orntt Band appeared early,
aud ut i t lie different, Lodges of the Independent
Order of OiM-Fc'.los from the neighboring
towns arrive !, they wero escorted to tho Odd
Fellows' Hall building by Grntz Lodge, No. 6'ill.
Alter dinner, tho members and many of the citi
zens, repaired to the Hall where tbe solemn cere
monies, of dedication were performed by D. D. G.
M.,V. Thomas, of (bat District, uetiug as Grand
Master, assisted by the necessary number of
Past OlUcer of tho Order. Tho ceremonies were
conducted with opeu doors, wero very satisfacto
ry, and went far to remove the prejudice against
sieret soewtica that exist in the public inind.
After tliu dedication of tho Hall, tho Lodge
formed in order, and were inarched, under the
Marsha Wiip ol Dr. I. S. Suiinkcy and Dr. C. E.
Zin ii'K r,to a grove about a mile from towu. Tbe
following Lodge were represented :
Gratz Lodge and Encampment, accompanied
by Gratz Comet Band.
L. sens 1.0,1'e of Uerrysourg anil uaua J mar
shal B. II. Wuiiibuugli.
Halifax Lodge ami Eureka Eucatnpmcnt; Mar
shal, Christian Lyter.
Tower Lodge or Tower City, Schuylkill county ;
Marshal, Henry llower.
Stone Valley Lodge, Georgetown, Northum
berland county Marshal, I. W. Dreibelbels.
I'PIkt Mabantongn Lodge, SchuylkiC county ;
Marshal, Cnp'aiu I. Shade!.
Ellsworth Lodge or Sacramento, Germanvflle
Cornet Baud dressed in Zouave uniform.
Kiimterstuwu Lodge, Schuylkill county j Mar
shal, Tobias Weist.
Wironiseo Lo.lgo nnd F.ncampment Mar
shal, J. I. Jenkins.
Washington Square Lodge, Cross Roads) Mar
shal, C. B. M'.ller.
I'nioutown Lodge; Marshal Dr. Raker.
lkmaldson Lode and Concord Kucuniptneut,
from Donaldson, Schuylkill county.
After iinivingou Hie ground on which scats
had been prnvid'-d fur several thousand persons,
llicy uere occupied, and thu proceedings
opened w ith prayer.
The assemblage vns then addressed by F.x D.
I), ii. M. John II. Sell, of Wouielsdorf, Berk
ootiiity, who gave a tine discourse upon the prin
ciples of the Order, lis many virtue. ibe good it
ha accomplished and the progress it tta made
during a period of tlfiv yeurs giving statistical
exhibit of k aggregate number of iderahrr, and
IU condition. He wa then followed
by Pref. D. S. Boyec.of Freeburg, Bnyder coun
ty a veteruu speaker, ou the subject of Odd-Fellowship.
Both the speakers were uUetilivcly
listened to during their aWo dueotirsa upon the
principles ol Friendship, Love und Truth. Late
in the day we bid adieu to our old friends, and
to the scene associated with our early youth,
and pursued our course toward tbe beautiful
Susquebauux, much pleased w ith our visit.
Thb Commissioners' bava appointed the, ful.
lowing list of Tax CbllSctors' ir the fsnr 1873.
Mflton; Ilenry ITnrrls. '
Tnrfcotvllle, S'i'rnuef fehannouV ' '
Delaware, Atoos MasL
Lewis, John T. Albrlj?ht.
Cbllllsquaque, WUUwn Blftlf,. , .
Watsoutown, Jclin JtnkUis. ,
Point, William Reed.
Turbut, Henry P. Fsllmcr.
. McEwensvllle, Audavw Gufly. , . ; ,
Northumberland, "WJllam Lelghow. '
Cameron, Jacob Gonsert.
Jackson, W. B. Lonpdorf.
Washington, Andrew Bucher.
Lower Mahanoy, Abioliam Blossor.
Zerbe, 3. H. Renn. ,
Jordan, George Troutman.
Little Mahanoy, Simon Reed.
Mt. Carmel township, Hugh McDonald.
Bhamokln bor J. P. Flncber.
SnydortowB, Daniel Everett. ;.
Riverside, Samuel Till?. . --. " '
Rush, Lorenzo Motlert ".. , ' '. . .
Mt. Carmel borcA E,'rf. Btlllwagnor. t-
Shamokln township,' Thomas Ifoir. .. i
Upper Mahaaoy; WllHam Smith.?, v.; ) .
Lower Augusta, Charles B. Millet'. ' ". " ,
Upper Augusta, Mathjas Bastlan.
Bunbury, Solomon Weaver. '
Coal No appointment yet. ' '
Of Sv
r . , t
Ti . n.i.Jr' ,A
, ?cife.-.-li "
Laivji Sales or Miu.isnnY Goons Judging
from the large amount of goods sold by the Mil
liners at Georgetown, w Inter that they havo
tho raeulty of making the best selections. Mrs.
Kate Unas, lias just received aud opened her
fourth assortment since the Spring trade com
menced. Mrs. Barah Wclst, Is constantly re-
plenlshlug her stock of goods to supply the vast
trade lh that vicinity. Their eustora extend for
some twelve miles aronnd, and as they manage
to get the best and most fashionable goods, the
people In that section of tbo country patronize
home stores Instead of sending to larger towns.
We noticed huts, bonnets and flowers In both of
these establishments, which compare favorably
to many of the most fashionable establishments
of Philadelphia
Pron.isTio. We are Informed thnt two pu
gilistic females hud a set to, ou Front street, one
day Inst week, lu regard to some misunderstand
ing. Ths conflict lasted but a short lime, and
resulted In one losing a lot of hnlr, and receiving
a black eye. They were parted by a gallant
young man, when the victor declared that "she
was still unhappy." '
Ft kb in Urrr.n Auousta Township. On But
nrduy afternoon, the residence of Mr. Joseph
Savidgc, In Upper Augusta township, about
three mile from Bunbury; caught Cre from the
spark of a chimney, and was cousmned. The
fire, when discovered, had gained such headway i
that it was impossible to save the building. Tho
greater portion of the furniture was saved. Thu
property was insured for ono thousand dollars.
Fiftken lime stono lots In Lower Mahanoy
township, will be oflered at public sale, on Sat
urday tho Blst Inst. Tliey contain tbff host qua
lity of lime. For particulars apply to George H.
Teu'gcr fe Bro., at Georgetown,
' A Smash. On Wednesday evening, about 11
o'clock, a coal truin was passing up from tho
lower yard. In passing over the switch, at Pcnu
street, several cars struck a stone, which had
been placed on the track, and were thrown over
the stone wall along Third street. One
entirely demolished, and scvurul greutly
ed. A brakeman on the train jumped
lime to save himself from serious Injury,
Cknthk Tt'BNiMKR CowPABY. At a meeting
of the stockholders of this company, held ul tho
house or George Burr, in Northumberland, ou
Monday, June 2d. tho following officers were,
elected uud qualified to serve for the ensuing
year ;
President Dr. Jos. Priestley.
Secretary David Taggart.
Treasurer John Taggart.
Managers Win. Doualdson, IVm, Forsyth,
Lot Ueuson, Jno. Griffen, A. E. Kapp. W. L.
Dewart, David McKnight, M. a. Priestley. ,M.
Priestley, M. H. Taggarl, A. B. Dummings, Jos.
Pleasants, Alex. Biddie.
U M M -ft
y iu Hi m ill iu ii tin
$25.000jn SrRINO and SUMMER GOODS hoav oien for iiiBpoction ami rale at the STAIl STORE,
. . eonBistuw; oi
The finest stock of Ladies' Dress Goodu in this section, at very low prices-
Hosiery, Glow, Tiiiiip, Slnls Jlitets,
"White mid Lace Goods, Carpets iij great variety and price, from 25 cts, upwards, Oil Cloths,
'A full and complete assortment of GROCERIES.
"Window Blindj
Merchant Tailoring, RICHARD SLMPSQM, Champion Cutter.
"We have lidded Meachant Tailorinfr to our business with RICHARD SIMPSOX as Cutter, aiid will guarantuc.
. . ', " conjplcte satisfaction in this as wi-Il an in every otlter department.
ivu over ; ,.-.-
car was 1 1 4-tVffMf f Wekoepon hand constantly, licut Tntported Su'ix Maci
any address jost jiaid on rocoit of cash price Singer i
just iu J ay (.( jicr doen, all other kinds,.G0 ct. ur dozen. Mile DcMorest'a l'atteriw f
aching Xediu.e?, anil will forward'
all kind.--., uud G rover a; Laker
or sale.
Snnbury, l'a., April 5, 1873. oiuos.
At Zion's Liithern I'.i rsonn L'e Turbulville, ou
the I j ult, hy lliu lUv. Jucoh F. Wuiuuiie, Mr.
Clinton H. Sntiier, from Waslihiirtonvillo to
Miss. Katf from near Milum.
At the same place, on sama dny and by ths
siiiue, Mr. E.n 1.. I.fimucm, from near Turhot
ville to Miss. Maiiv Ann Fick, from Delaware
At the same plaec and by the sums, nn the 1st
Inst, Mr. HiiN'ur t. Lixz Ui Miss. Kate LtT.,
both of Milton.- v
-. i J ......
in Turliotvillc, nn 21st n't, 8C8AXNA SLA1
FiCH, need 70 yenrs, 5 months and 14 days.
Iu this place on Thursday morulni; last, after
a lintrerine; illness and miieb sullerinjj ironi spine
disease, KLS1E FKILINU, daughter of J, W.
Frlllntr. aired nbont 11 venrs. . . . ,
Flour And Grain Market.
F.xtra Family tl'J.OO Hed Wheat, p. hu.,tl.S0
I Wxxfct
iib Dkt Weatbs of lat waUlts a draw
i on ths crops in tbl vicinity, and it was
itly feared would totally destroy much of tbe
., grass, Ac. On Wednesday eveninr, a ro
bing shower, accompanied by thnnder and
tning, passed over this place. It came from
irlbwestern direction, and passed southward,
ing a decided change la tbe atmosphere, sad
Thursday morning vsrythlng presented a
:shed and most lovely appearance.
ikvbs Stobb L at io. The Coner-Btone
te Pluus-Oeek Church, in Lower Augusta
iship, was laid on 8unday last with appro
u ceremonies. Tbs exercises weie conduct,
y Prof. P. Born, efiellnagrove. Rev. G. W.
iperly aad other. The fair wsalher drew a I
e crowd of people together. Tbe amount of
cy rsoslved was 3S0
noticed that Pro!. Bruce, well known to
:ltlens, was thsato on Decoration day at
ton. Tbe Professor's address Is published,
smacks of his usual patriotism.
h J. Autkv, of the W&tsontown Btcorf,
turned potck and "still bs Is uuhsppy."
it's the way the old thing works.-"
We are happy to notice that J M. hlndel,
Esq., late U. 8. Assistant Assessor, has received
the appointment of Revenue btorokeeper for this
SMrkt. Esquire Bhlndel made a faithful oill
er while Assessor, aad performed his duty sat.
Isfnotory to tbe governoient. His new appoint
ment Indicates that bis services were appreciated,
and that Uncle Bam does not wuut to lose his
services. Tbe appointment could not have fal
len upon a ssore competent person, and will give
genaral sathsfoctlosu
Tuc ShamkiH Jhuld, of lat week, itatcs that
Peter 6tahl, bsewer at M. liarkle A Co' brewe
ry, near Sbamokln, wa stopped by three men on
the highway, at the red bridge, and fobbed of 1 75
in money, a watch and chain, valued at f 25, on
Saturday uight of last week. The villain after
robbing bits, passed up th road, a ad "remark
ed that be was not the man they took biin lobe."
It is supposed that another was to be their vic
tim. It 1 to be hoped that the partle Kill meet
tbo right euatomer, and bring tfceut so speedy
Ora Ceosty Commissioners ate engaged h
snaking some necessary Improvements about the
Cosut House. Ventilators have been put In the
building, and new beaters are being put np, the
Id so being entirely bnrned out. The new
eaters new being put In eonsume less eoal, aud
guarantee d is UU twlo a long a th aid.
Accident A Valuable nonse Killed. Ou
Sunday lust, Win. Uerry of Shnmokln, und John
Berry of Ml. Pleasant, Schuylkill couuty, drove
two valuable horse iu a bupgy on a visit to tome
friends in Jordan township, Northumberland
county, und wheu near Wm. filiartle's
of the horses accidentally stumbled, uud broke
both front legs off below ths knee. . As no relief
could be glveu him ho was Immediately
killed, and pu( out of misery, Attor this occur
rence, Mr. Slianle furuUhed the parlies with
Bbafls to tbs buggy, asd tbs other horse wss
hitched in. Aitex drivkig a short disiaaea, ihe
horse frightened and became unmanageable,
when Mr. Wm. Berry was thrown out and seri
ously bruised, and the buggy considerably d sw
aged. Mr. Berry made a very narrow eseo
with bis life.
Tua Bi-XBVBT Ma rests. Tbe markets In
Bunbury are getting better every day, and are a
mutual bene&t to both srodsteer and eoiMumer.
The Saturday market to tbe best attended, aud
onr citizen find the vegetable marketing la a
better condlllou than that brought from ths el
ties. Last Satnrday morning sixty-six wagons
were In attendance wKh a general variety of
tnakctlng t Greens, meat, lowers, butter, eggs,
fce. The following wero the ruling prfcts s But
ter 80c., eggs,. 15c, potatoes 75cts per bushel
currants 15c apples 40c., onions Sc., new pota
toes, 60o aer peck salad 10c.a pine apples, S0a
80c. p apple-butter 85c., lard 18a., ehlsksns,
dressed, 30c., beef 16200., mutton llialCe., veal
se. p. ct., 5.00 Rye,
Com Meal, " 2..VI t;oru, "
Wheal Uran, p. bu. 1.5(1 Wuek wheat
Shorts, 2.0U Oal, 3 lbs,-
Corn Oats Ciioj), fcOO PlaJtsewl,
Tiuiuliy Seed, p. e.
I 1'rodiM'fe ffarbet.
1 Putiitocs, 70. Ilaine,
f,j;i;, per dot., li ialUrtif, .
Dutter, per lb., , -, .k,(louutry 8onp,
Lard, 15 Dried Apple, "
Side. -' IVi " Veaehes;-.
At a meeting of tho Bunbury 6ehool Board, i
hold June ii, tliu following olOcers wero clctlcd j
for the ensuinc year :
I'lvsideut Jacob Fetter. i
Secretary. II. -V. Frylln?.
Treasurer. M. P. 8caihuin.
roil Tiin sisuvuv American. j
Kr.ri.tciioNS of an Ojj Man vpon I'.bvisit- !
l!o I.owkk Arok'STA. StMn Pfitd, May ill, j
liiio. Who would have thought half a century I
ago. of seeing a thriving villnge, a church, stores,
work slioj'S, and. enterprising people on tbisloue
ly spot I Hut the world moves. 1 Inquire for
aequalntauees of o'llii lang njiu. Those who
were fond of the bottle, or it fiery content ail
dead. Iu 40 year they have goue to their last
1 pass on to the old Stouo Church. Its fami
liar exterior is uuchuiiL'cd, but lis old piaveyarcl '.
is nrucli enlurircd, aud contalus the bones of'
uiauy of my early acquaintances. From the pnl-
pit of tliu veuerauie sauetunry, l nuvo oiien 1
listened io the ltcv. J. P. 6hindle, aud Maniu
Bruuer. Tbey havo long ago goue to their re- I
ward. Jusl here repoe the bones of their Qoeks. I
The school house of oUl. Cloeo to the eh arch
stood the old loir school house, w here, half ueeu-
tury ago, I went to-the old-kUne school. Val.
Savidue, Dr. Morris, Asa Holmes, aud Jacob
Clark were some of the teachers. I reambcr
Clark the best. Ho tuughl here several winters.
What glorious times w e had playing bait, nnd nt
)clllug school I Byesley's (Spelling Book, The
Testament, und Pike's Arithmetic, were our text
books. Farmers' boys aud girl had no time to
waste ou Grammar uud Geography iu thoso
Doctor Raker. In the immcdiato vicinity I
found my old friend Dr. Jolm Rakor: Ho was
born near this locality, und passed his boyhood
ou his father' farm. After studyiug medicine
lu Muncy, he located here, obtained nn extensive
practice, devoting his lifu to the duties tf the
profession. How many horse he has used up,
bow muuy bushels of pills and otber drugs he
ba prescribed lor his uU'crlng patient I uot on
record. The Doctor never held oltlce, nnd nrrsr
mu IntoxUaUd. He appears likely, with God's
hlessiug, to suve hi bune yet nwhlle from the
old graveyard of ion Chuieb, w here he bus long
held uu active and luillwul membersbtp.
Jacob Clark. ttoine SO years ugo, the coilo
called Clark from tho school room to thuCousta- i
Me' olhce, and left him lu That service for 20 ;
.... . I., -... A r.Ati 1 1. pf rt f ih,l 1 1 m u i
l. wa. tax-lUo'rand rurolllns? otlleer in the ' AGENTS WANTED Send for C.italniriie
rebellion era. He say bs was an M. C. for six
years uol "member of Congress" but .Vail
Carrier carrying tbe seiiil-weokly mail from
Augusta to Snnbury on hi. back. Ills last olll
ciaf act was taking the census of the township in
MTrshai in "SJk 3 ttryo " Uul I -N WASHINGTON. '
George Koefer has served ont taorethan 'throe i Tils' spltliwt it bet selling booW sver published.
score uud teu' yeurs. 1 found hliB lu ivusonu- ; " tell ult uboul l lie greul I red it Mobelier bean
.bn.ijfls ja. Tirana. . j
WAX TEW AUEV1S foi the great seusa
tlou of liyieiilc Jiteratiu., Our diesliou , or,
My Jolly Ksieul'k Hwiet.
Dr. DEO LEWIS' new work 1 an lumcuio
sueees. Saves money, wory and precious
health, nnd sliows kow to live well aud grow fill
tut H a week. Agents are roluing money and
doing a world of good with It. Delay not, but
address at once: GEO. MACLEAN
m3l,'73.4w. . Publisher, Philadelphia.
How to bomitify tbe Complexion.
If there Is ono wish dearer than another to the
heart of womun, it is the desire to be beautiful.
The wonderful reputation of Ofo. W. I.aii.h's
"Bloom of Yoi'th' 1 very Justly deserved. For
Improving and beauiifylug ihu-skiu. It i. un
doubtedly the best toilet preiicrntion in the
world; it Is composed of entirely harmless ma
terials, and while tho Immediate effects are to
render the skin a beautiful cream v white, it will,
after a few applications, muko it soft, smooth
and beautifully clear, removing all blemishes
and discolorations.
This delightful toilet preparation hns boen se
verely tested by tue Uoabu op health os akw
Yokk City.- Dr. Louis A. Bayres, after careful
ly examining the analysis-iuod by tbe ubovo
Board, pronounced
Ufo. W. I.Hird'a "Itloom or Yoath"
Harmless, ami Entirely Free from Anything In
jurious to the Health or kiu.
Ask your Drutrisl for Geo. W. LnlrJ's 'Bloom
of Youth.' The geuulne lias tbe United fctates
revenuu stamp engraved on the front label, uud
.i.. .... .. ii.. i .i b .. .u.. ..i.. ..
I vnr uuine, vi. it. iinu, ikowii 111 ine uiss on
; I lie back or every bottle. BI Al.l.lJKlli
Doiuestle Sewiijg Machine Co., New York.
bio health. He seems as friendly, Jovial aud
active us lu tho olden lime. Brought up to the
labors of the farm, he has routiuuud that hono
rable occiipulion up to the present time. Old
George live at home. Tbo Brink Church where
he constantly utteuds service, and of 'vhleh he Is
one uflha oldest members, 1 near hi. premises,
and tbe icrtveyurd 1 even more couveuleut.
J udge buipuiau 1 kaew as an luduvuious sawyer
on the old Jones suw-uiill, near tho .toue tbuxcU,
He became a surveyor, and, I am tout has aerv.
ed as Absociute Jud)! for u period of leu year.
He has been, and Hill Is, a very useful business
man. Hi appearance Indicate good bealth.but
forcibly remind me of Bhskspears Mr John
Fa I stair. He has recently beeu elected a Justice
of ibe Peace. By his appearauce he hue yet ma
ny year before the silver cord of life will be
looted to the loss of tbe community In which he
lives. 1 alto found old Daniel KniTaner. An
extensive rover ever mauy sectious, he settled In
Lower Augusta, and wus well kuown as a minor,
well-diggr, abiugle-niuker, dealer iu long yarn,
aud marvelous udvnilure. His strength aud
vivacity are goue. Decrepit age Is Bearing ibe
inevitable eud.
None of the remalusng frlsnds of lay early
day are millionaires. All have a competeave.
None have been U. S. Beuators, M. C's, or Cblof
Justices. Sut all must eon be called to ac
count for the '-deed dona in lb body,' during
their lives. All they, a well at mjsaf ready!
dal. Senatorial Briberies, Congressmen, King,
Lobbies, and the wonderful fciiili. U'Uie Nation
al Capital. It sells quick. Bend for circulars,
and see our terms aud a full descrlptiuu of tbe
work. Address, National Publishing Co., I'Ll.a
delpbla, Pa. my3l,'7:i.4w.
To Hook t'uusaaMerM.
A NEW WAY of running a BntMcrlAXlon Book
Tbausands are sold: CanvuMloff reduced to a
mere puss time. Profits to arenss Immense.
East tolh street, New York. e'ny. myJl 4w
May 11, '73.-
Ni'MEHOi s Tests bavb Piuivrd
To be the Best Ever Invented.
PamohUt fees. Address, York, Pa. 4t
it Hrllliant llooka for Cstuvsxaaera.
and salesmen I Bryant's Library of Poetry and
Bong and Miss Ueeeht-r's New Housekeeper's
Manual. Both selling fust aud far. Exclusive
Territory; libuoal terms. J. B. FORD A CO.,
Now Ywk, boston, Chieago aud Ban Francisco.
Ageuw wauled tor the New Illustrated Book,
SO yeas with Indians, Trappers, in Mexican
wars, ssc. bculplug Epedlllou agulnsl A nuches.
Full Interest and scUUitf rapidly. Tbe Rook of
the year. Addreas
mS.'TSjtw. , Uarlord, Ct.
mix Kje
Neglect a Cuuiih. Nothing 1s more certain to
lay the fouudation for future evil conseiiuouca.
are a sure cure for all disoases of tho Respira
tory Orgjus, Pore Throst, Colds, Croup, Diph
tlicila, Astlima, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryaes
of the thiwtit, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes,
and all Diseases of the Liim;.
, lu all nisea of uddeu ro!d. however taken,
these 'liibicU should bit romt:y und freely,
ttfrd. They vqualisii the tlreulaHou ol llic blood,
Inltlate tiiu tevoijy ol'tlie ultaek, and- v.i'l. In a
very short lime, restoro healthy action to lliu at
feeli'd organs.
WJIIs Curbolle TahleN ave put up only In
l.lnu boxes. Take no sub-tilute... If they eau'l
be found nt your dniuist's, seuj ;it once to Hie
Agent lu New York, who will torwurd them by
retnrn mall.
Kon'i be deceived by Imitations.
Bold by druggist. " Price "J5 cents a box.
JOHN Q. KKl.l.Ot G, 18 Hlutt-sl New Voik.
mlil,'7X4w.lSiid for circular. Sole Agent for C.9.
Th Cheapest Lund In Land In Maikct, for salu
by the
Iu the Grout Platte Valley.
Now for salu lu tracts of forty acres and up.
wards on Five and Teu Yean Credit at 6 per
cent. No advance Interest required.
Mild aud ikalUilul Climate, V-i tile Soil,, an
abnndaneeofG ood Vutc r.
Tbe bei Market iu tbe West I Tbo great
Mining regions ol Wyoming. Colorado, Utah and
Nevada, being tupplled by the iuituers lu the
Plutis Valley.
. . lot) ACRES. ., .
JTREB HOMES FOR AtXt Mlllloo of Acres
t eboluv hroveruoient Lunds oyeQ for entry un
der tsis Jiomesteud Law, near Ibis Gtewt Rail
road, with good market, aud all ?L vouv
aieners of su old settled country. '
boctioual Ma,p, ahowlng tbe Landi also new
edition of Descriptive Pamphlet, with New Maix
Mailed Free everywhere.
Address, O. T. DAVIS, '
Laud CoruulssioueV I'. P. R. K.,
iuy31,'7C.4w. Omaha, Nebraska.
F I II T I A U ft' 1 It JL !
Agents wanted for the grandest boolt of the
year, now fcllim; with astonishing rapidity.
Telia the causes of Fire ; Safe ; Firo-proof build
ings ( Conquering Fire with Water, cteam und
lias s Insurauce Ik it sale f Its History, Basis,
Manugotncnt, How to lusaie, A.C.; Vivid Ac
counts of tliu Great Vires of History. Agents
send tor circulars. You ill no regret it. Hunt
free. Address Dustiu, Cilmaii '-u., Hartford,
Ct. taai'r.I.4w.
I u this township to canvass for t h". lien', valua
ble and fast selling book bv D. JOHN COWAN,
Reeomineuiltd aud endurteJ by prumiuoiit mini
tenr, physiciun--, religions .nu.l iliilar papers.
No other book like it publisV-.l. !0 j:r week
guaranteed.'ss, COWMAN O., liij
Eighth St., New York. m3l'7:.4.v
SAMPLES sint by m ill t..r .Wo. that ru-
tail uuirflv for fl'l. R. I.. Vi ot.f O IT.
;i,'7o.4w. tbl Ch.vJ:.ira-riiiirr. N. Y.
"CAMPHOHINE" cures cverv t ali!. e. Trv
lt. Sold by all druggists. REUhES iiUVT.
Prop'r, New York, mySl.-iw
Write for Large Illustrated Price List.' Address,.
Breceh-Ioadiui! Shot Guns, 40 to Su0. D-w-ble
Shot Guns,. i Va IVSO. Suitrl Cans, to
tW. Riaes, S to 75. Revolvers. ti to e'2 j. Pis
tols, $1 to $S. Gun Material, Fishing Tneklu.
Large discount to dealer or Clubs. Army Gun
Revolvers, Ac, bought or traded for. (jocc
sent bv cxnresb C. O. D. to he examine 1 b. it.:
paid for. mHV7"..;)
WOKHIM. Cl.AKW M.Uoor Fema'.e 6ii0 a
weok guaranteed. Isu3eiblu employment at
home, day or cvcUug; no capital required full.
Instructions a vaHuibio puwkugc f geods sent'
fres Ly mail. Address, with six ceul return
stamp, M. YOU NU A CO. 17a Greenwich Sye..!,
New York. J't? '
SOth Thousand lu Press. Sale Incrc.-.s!ng.
2,000 more MVE AGENTS Wanted foroui
over (WO pages, only -.'M Ineomuli.te and lu
tcrior works uro olfered, look out for them.
Scud for circulars aud see proof of the grei-.ta-t
success of the season. Pocket Companion wortl
tlO mailed froe. HUBliARl) BROS., Pub's,
invSt.4yr 72S rhuisota t., Phlln, Ph.
Is the uiust powerful cleanser, slreiitlincr
aud remover of lilandmur Obstructions Wnow iv.
to Materia Mi liea.
It is specially udgpfed to ronslltutl.nis worn
down" and debilitated by thu warm weathur ol
Spring and Summer, bcu I lie bloo l Is not iu
active circulation, consequently enllierini' !!iiu
rities from sluglsbiies and Itnpeileet tu-i'on :
the seciitlvo organs, und is uianJftfWslk 'iy fu
nors, r.rupltfMut Hutches, Soils, IVstuioi, SerO
luii,A:e. rt'heu weary and luaipild' from ovorwork, and
dullness, diowiue-s and lie tin take the place ot
euergyanj liror. the system, urej. a Toalc to
build it up uud help the V.ial Torces o nruiu
J, their reeuperativs power;
In the heiil of Summer, frequently t tie Llrci
aud Spleen do not properly perform-their func
tion; the Uterine and Crloury Orrans are In
active, producing weaknes of t'ict kitMnsoti uid
luteatiiie and a predisisjculw :rh11ioui dtrsiig
naul., ,
I! i tract or Jurubeba '
I prepareu pleoetly from ibe South American
Plant, and i. pecu'liary suited to ell these diffi
culties i it will cleanse the VIltuuAl Blood, slssug--then
the Lll'o-ltiving Powers, aad rsiuora all .
oburui Uus from liupusicd aud eufebled Urgsui. .
It should bs freely takeu, as Jurubeba is pro
noaustd v medieul writers the meat' eftieionl
Putiaur, Tonic aud Dco'asirueut kue tai tu U ,
a (mIii raiiKe of nieilielnal plant. ... i '.'.i
JOHN L j(t.tkWiO 'A Mail St., N. Y. ,
Sol AkuI for the Untied Statu..
Pi lee, SI per liotilu. keud to Cirt ulur. uitlika