Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 07, 1873, Image 2

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Hwnhrn : Simmon;
( Idilors.
SUXBURY, JUNE 7, 1873.
F. 11. Gowen, Est, litis - rosigoed
neat in the ConstituHooal Convention.
It is said that over a thousand hotels
in this Stato bftvo closed since the election
on the license question. , , .
r . rrrr
It is reported tlirtt tho "grasshoppers
have appeared in Texas, in Immense num
bers, and are laying waste all Vegetation.
Col. J. Koss Snowden, 37rothonolary
of tho Supreme Court for the Eastern Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, has resigned. B. E.
Fletcher, Esq., long Frothonotary of the
District Court of Phlladephia, has been ap
pointed to succeed him.
In tho Surveyor General's office, at Har
risburg, there is a deed bearing tho signa
ture of William Tenti, dated in 1C81, in
which, for the consideration often pounds,
he disposes of the ownership of five hun
dred acres of land in Pennsylvania.
McEnery who pretends to be Governor
of Louisiana lias issued an address to the
people of Louisiana, advising acquicsence
in the Kellogg government until Congress
assembles in December.
AGrkat Fihe ix Philadelphia.
A fire broke out in the extensive cotton
and woolen manufactory of John Brown
& Sons, situated on Eighth street below
Taskcr street, Philadelphia, on Wednesday
morning at half-past twelve and consumed
the entire building with all its contests.
The loss is estimated, at S3tK000.
Puof. W. Howard. Day, of Harris
burg, ed'fbor of Our National Progress, or
gan of the colored people of this State was
married ou Tuesday last to Miss Goorgie
F. Bell, of Philadelphia. This happy event
produced a pleasant sensatien among the
elite of the colored citizens of Pennsylvania,
for tho Trofcssor is well known and highly
esteemed, and recognized as an energetic
and useful man among his people.
Cfcvo of the incidents of decoration day
was that uftcr tho general demonstration
at tho cemetery His Excellency, Governor
Hartranft, visited tbe grave of ex-Governor
Geary, and with head uncovered de
posited a magnificent bouquet thereon.
He also left a handsome floral tribute upon
tho grave of Major P. Dalhon.
A meeting of tho Democratic Stato Cen
tral Committee was held in Philadelphia
on Wednesday, which agreed upon Wilkcs
Tjane ns the place, and August 27th the
time, for holding tho next Democratic State
Convention.' '
Tiikke are some peculiarities about the
' postal cards not yet explained. When un
' deliverable, unclaimed, orunmailable, ll'.ey
nre not returned to the writer, or sent to
' the Dead Letter Office, but destroyed. No
'"return request" on the card is regarded.
Any ousceno, vulgar, or scurrilous words
or devices on the cards prevent their de
livery. Clerks are instructed to regard the
matter on the cards as sacredly as may
other mail matter, and not to make it the
"subject of any conversation.
Do the people of the United States know
'that they, arc living uudcr a merciless, a
crushing despotism ? Do they know that
Grant is a tyrant and the army and United
.States Courts are tools in his hands where
with he means to crush out every vestige
of freedom and ride roughshod over their
necks to imperial power ? Do they app re
ciato these solemn fuels ? If they do not,
it is time they should. The Democratic,
papers assure us that such are the facts
and who ever knew a Democratic paper to
He? ' -
.. - '
A Northern Town in Texas. Seven
months ago tho first houso was bnilt in the
present town of Dcunison, Texas. ; A cen
sus just taken shows that tho population
foots up near 6,000. The general business
of the place is oa tho increase. The bulk
of the people are from the north, and more
from Kansas than any other one State.
Hun. TnADDKUsSxiiVENS willed a sum
of money to a nephew on consideration that
he attained from tho use of intoxicating
drinks, otherwise the money was to go to
the fouuding of an Orphan Asylum at Lan
caster. Tho tiroo of tho probation of the
nforesaid nephew has expired, aud ho hav
ing failed to give up tho "flowing bowl,"
tAve sum has been turned over to the other
purpose. The amount is variously esti
mated at from SoQ.OOO tog 100,000.
Haines, the "historian," is winning
coldeu opinions all around. Here is what
the Muucy Luminary says about him :
What's the Use ok Lying. ? Haines
iruhis history of Ilimlnsvi'iU stated that the
circulation of the Wakly Uuxtteaml Iiul
letiv, at that place, was larger than that
of any other printed, Xow we happen to
kuow that tho Luminary has nearly three
subscribers at Ilughesville, to the Gazttte
vul Bulletin' one. We do not mention
this in any spirit of boasting, for as a local
n;i per, the proportion is not any more than
.toufcflt to bp, but simply to show what a
coutcnipuuiy; moan. liar u names."
PuiiltcDebt Statement. The debt
statement shows a rcductiou during May
of ,525,282 50 ; currency balance. $0.
W'iJ'M ; coin balance, 875,5S3,316 ; special
deposits held for redemption of certificates
ot iiposu, t ju.ias.UOO ; coin certificates
448,600; outstanding legal tenders,
;i5H,000,000. This was quite as much as
was expected, owing to the heavy pay meuts
during the month.
There is no prospect whatever of secur
ine the punishment of a thief who steals
millions of dollars. Tweed canuot be
brought to trial he manages to escape on
all sorts of pretexts, and has just secured
another postponement. Jio one believes
tbat the great thief will ever be punished.
The llaarrisburg Telegraph states that
a number of capitalists, from other places
have lately been in that city, selecting sites
for new iron furnaces, a, number of which
they propose to erect.
Tna Geneva Arbitration cost '.lis United
States just (144,000 and brought iu
1 . Many people have queried, wbersr the
arms ana ammunition used by tbe Indi
ans came from. It is believed by trappers
and those living in the Northwest that the
Indians of that section obtain their arras
largely from the Indians of Manitoba.
After the Minnesota massacre many Sioux
crossed into British America, where they
bunted, trapped, and occasionally hired
out to the farmers of Manitoba. As soon
as theygot either money or furs they
bought or bartered for arms and ammuni
tion, which they in turn sold to their breth
ren of theUnitcd States. The Sioux have
a vivid recollection of the Mankato hang
ing, and are nursing a terrible- feeling of
rovengo. A constant communication is
maintained between those in Manitoba
and the United States ; and whenever a
favorable opportunity offers they will all
join in an outbreak, using Manitoba as a
base and a safe retreat in case of disaster.
Committed. Tho Bender family of Kan
sas have discovered perhaps the most mer
cifuksystcm of murder, and if we must
havefourdcrs let us. by all means, have a
system .which we nave not yet noticed.
It is this : Their cabin was arranged as a
place bf entertainment for travelers. , A
sheet hung Across it, dividing it into two
compartments. When a single traveler
arrived, he was seated at a table so that
the outline of his lorm was defined upou
the sheet, and in case he leaned back, his
head pressed against Uils clastic as well as
transparent bulkhead. Under his chair
unknown to Him, was a trap-door. Tho
mail fiend, stationed on the outer side of
the sheet, watched for tho pressure of the
victim's head against it,and striking a stun
nine blow with a hammer on the back of tho
skull, slipped the spring of tho trap-door,
thus dumping the body into tho cellar,
whore his wife, knife in hand, stood ready
to end tho work.. Nicholas Mindou, a
supposed accomplice of tho Bender lUmily,
was arrested in Texas," but oonwutted Bui
cide before rcachiug the Stale where the
atrocities, in which he no doubt bora a
part, were committed. He promised to
make a confession, but ho was allowed to
have a pistol in his possession, strango
enough, with which . ho shot himself.
There seems to be no doubt but that tho
Benders were in Texas where Miudou was
arrested, and were making their way into
Mexico. Sinco the foregoing was in type
it is also announced that two members of
the family had been arrested in Iowa ou
Saturday ; tho mother at Oxford and the
son at West-Liberty. There is said to be
no deubt of their iudonlity.
There are now suits pending against
somo of tho most promient and well known
meu iu tho country, for larceny aud breach
of trust in handling other peoples money.
There nre the suits against the Tammany
ring, and the ono more particularly against
Boss Tweed, for the recovery of $6,000,
000 ; and then comes the suits against Uic
Breuit Mobilier, for about three times that
sum with innumerable 'Other proceedings,
which would easily sum an asregato of
8100,000,000, now: pending in the courts
against men who pass for respectable in
society and powerful in politics, all of whom
aro alledgod to be thieves ;
Gen. Itosccrans is in the railroad con
struction busiuess in Mexico, and in that
way it doing much for that country. Mex
ico will corao np out of her revolutions and
anarchy through raiiroads, telegraphs,
newspapers and a little more Saxon blood.
The wild man in th woods has made
his auuual appearance once more, and very
early, he being this time in Fannin county,
Georgia. Ho is reported to bo eight feet
high, and iu a recent fight with some of
the citizens who attempted to capture bin.
he killed one of them, as repicsented, and
tore oft the tail of a horse.
Alligator hunting is a profitable em
ployment iu Florida siuce the demand for
tho hides has sprung up in Europe. One
huutcr has killed 900 of the reptiles siuce
The Reading Times and Ditpateii says :
So far as Berks county is concerned, we
havo tho assurance from observing far
mers that the prospects for a large harvest
of wheat and rye, and a larger yield of hay,
have never been moro promising, tho re
cent cool and wet weather haviug given an
unusual stimulus to the growth of all these
crops. Poaches, apples, cherries, apricots,
and kindred fruits are, however, very back
ward, with indications of a poor yield.
A Pexssylvania newpaper says "An
other 'minors' strike' is reported in Lu
zerne countv. A sixteen-year-old sou
struck his father with a hoe. The strike is
over, however, and no further trouble is
apprchcudod. Tho minor is not as well as
The tallest snake story of this region
thus far is the statement that a chop
per named Duffy killed a black Buako last
week at Bixler's Gap, thirteen feet and nine
inches long, and measuring 10 inches iu
circumference On tho samo day he
despatched four mttlesuakes. lie is ine
champion up to date. LticUtotiii Ocuirte.
The Pennsvlvauia insurance companies
lose 180.(100 by the last Boston Arc. This
is more thau tue Aew-iortc companies
lose. .
A Great Horror ' Done Away
Wrrn. Houso cleaning is a groat horror
to nine men out of every ten. When that
time comes the "men folks," as a rule, give
tt, rlnmMtln hearth a "wide berth."
Oceans of suds tho product of tons of soap
fairy flood every part of the house. The
women, from trio mistress oown, mwr
worked before, and what with
th. fViBcorufort. the smell of suds and the
dumnncss. and not uufreaucntly sickness
the product orcoiusana overworn, iimm-ra
are generally disagrcaable. The simple
nan of of lanolio instead of soar) does awny
with all this discomfort. It lightens tbe
labor a hundred percent, because it re
moves dirt, grease, stains ana spots, wua
hardly any labor, with but little water,
and in one tenth tbe usual time.
Horrible Brutalities Beported
Rlavghter of 30,000 Captives by a
Victoriots Army. London, June 3. A
disnstch from bbanchai, giving some par
ticulars of the capture by the Imperial
Chindse forces of the of Talefo. the capital
of the Mohammedan State in tha province
of Yunnan, Southwestern China, says the
most frightful scenes were enacted in the
oonauered oi&v noon the entry of the Era-
neror's army. Th victorious farce fell
upon their captives and massacred thirty
thousand of thcin.
Tho Sultan poisoned himself, preferring
death by his own hands to felling into tbe
power or ms euemics.
A STEAMsnip Wrecked and Thirty
Lives Lost. The steamship Drummond
Castle, while an a voyage from Hankow for
this city went ashore on Chussn, an island
off the east coast oi unina, ana Dec me i
total wreck. Thirty persons were drown
d. , - .
MnsDEs by a Boy in Williamsport.
Wjlliamsport, Juns 3. At half-past
six o'clock, last evening, a man namea
Isaac I. Iteigle, was hit on the head with
a club, bv a bov. named If Bar T: Moor,
and died from the effects of the blow three
hours later. Both parties were employed
in tho Beaver Lumbar Mills, ilk this city.
An altercation had' taken ulaoe between
them some time before tha striking. Moor
Another Destructive Fibb. $5,000,
. . ....... 000 Lost. ,
' " ; Boston, May 30 S j-.n.
A great fire commenced this morniug
about 8 o'clock in the furniture factory of
Haley, Morse A Boyden, 411 Washington
street, a six-story building. On account
of tho combustible character of the contents
the flames spread with lightning rapidity,
and in ten minntcs the Building was one
massive sheet of flame.
The fire soon worked Into tho blocks on
either side and rear, occupied by wholesale
clothiers and piano manufacturers, includ
ing Emerson & Co. These buildings soon
succumbed. The fire soon crossed the
street and, on account of the intense heat,
tho firemen wore unable to work to advan
tage, and the French, roof of. tho ..Globe
thcatro building caught lire. . ,
Tho entire department and assistance
from out of town were present fighting with
tho flames. ' Great excitement existed in
tho vicinity of tho fire, and while dealers
were removing goods and merchandise
several accidents happened. ,
At ten o'clock the fire was still raging
with unabated fierceness, the fire depart
ment finding themselves unable to stop
its progress. About five blocks are con
sumed. Ouo of tho branch offices of the
Frauklin telegraph compauy is destroyed.
Engiues have come iu from the surrounding
towns. i .
At 11 A. m. the fire was still gaining on
the firemen and looked as if it would go
down to Chaunccy street, on the edge of
the burned district. Among the buildings
burucd are the Globe tlieatro. Chickering's
filnno warcrofims and the International
totel. About three millions hayo already
been lost.
Tho Ore originated iu the rear of Hadley,
Morse & Hoyden's, and extendod to the
stable, causing the names to work in the
direction of Treraont street All the deal
ers on that Btrcct exposed to the fire have
moved their goods on to the common im
mediately opposite, including Weeks &
Potter, who were among those burned out
at tho great fire.
. The elegant Masouic Temple, on tho
corner of Trcmont street, is not touched,
and will be saved on account of its non
combustible charctcr.i The buildings be
tween that corner and Washington ou
Boylston street are low structures, filled
with fire traps in tho rear, and were all
burned, including. Boylston, Banker and
the corner of Washington streets.
It is impossible to got tho uamcs of tho
occupants and losers now. During the
regress of the tiro tho steeple of He v. Dr.
lunn's Presbyterian church, corner of
Harrison avenue and Beach street, took
fire from the window and consumed the
balance of the church.
The streets lea Jiug to the sccno of con
flagration are tilled with teams, containing
valuable merchandise.
The fire interferes with the observauce of
decoration day, and caused a partial sus
pension of business.
The fire was under control before noou
anl the following buildiugson theeastside
of Washiugtou street aro totally destroyod :
Arlington Hall building, . Globe theatre
building, Chickering's piano forte building,
Howard Place. 2srine dwelling houses
were burucd, valued at $4,500 each.
Capture or Captain Jack The Lava
Beds Empty.
Langell's Valley, LostRiver.On.,
Sheen's Camp, May 31, evening via San
Francisco, Juno 2. After a thorough
examination of tho Modoc captives gather
ed in during the present scout under Colo
nel ureen, it has Deen nsccriainca mat mo
last haul netted 34 men, women and chil-
ron, 13 being ablcbodied warriors, IB
rifles of various patterns, 113 cartridges
and several lean and hungry ponies.
A. Cabauess, ot x reka, coulract surgeon,
who slept in their retreat last night, says
nptaiu JacK presentea a most woc-cegono
appearance, lie was sullen ana naa litiio
say. lie aia promiso mat no wouiu
surrender to-day. but in the uight he stole
nwav. The Modocs say Jack is insane.
Tliero is much method in his madness at
irescut. He is said to be in this neighbor-
ood, with from three to flvo warriors.
here nre twelve Aiouocs at largo uow.
Scouts were made to-day in thrco sec
tions of country by cavalry under Colonel
Perry, Major Trimble and Major Crcsson.
The war with the Modocs, as a tribe, is
over. Fighting after the guorilla fashion
ill bo Drobablv continued until the lost
outlaw ia captured or killed. ,
Cantain Hizcr's comnanv of Oregou
volunteers.numbcring forty, arrived in this
valley last evening ana bivouacheu uear
us. They will have a chance to do some
little scoutiug to-uay.
Cal., June 1, afternoon. This moruiug
the troops at camp in Langell's valley were
divided into several parlies and sent out
in scouts after tbe Hoeing Modocs. Just
as the scouting parties left tho Modoc cap
tives, with tue exception or uogusunariey,
Hooker Jim, Steamboat Frang, and Shack
nasty Jim. were scut to this ranche, in
charge of Lieut. Taylor, 4th Artillery, and
a small detachment of men.
Api'leqate's House. Clear Lake.
Cal., June 1, 3.30 P. M. A scrieaof pco-
longea yells ana cheers arouseox mi cturrp
from a pleasant siesta a half hour after the
departure ot my last courier. General
Davis nnu. vnueaion ana oiuer ouiL-cr uuu
all the men rushed from house and touts to
find the cause of the uproar, and at once
the whole camp was in commotion. Down
tho level plain, norm oi tne nouse, was a
grand cavacade. Mounted horsemen rush
ed forward at once at a furious rate and
soon neared tbe groups of spectators about
the Dremlses. "uatuain jsck cnniurcu v
shouted a sturdy surgcant. Again the
vallev echoed with cheers and yell. The
mounted comraana was rerrys. no naa
returnod from a scout of twenty-three hours
three miles above the mouth of Willow
creek, at half-)ast ten o'clock this morniug,
Tbe Warm Spring aooutastruck tho trail,
and after a brief search the Jt'odocs were
discovered. -
Colonel Perrv surrounded the Indian re
treat, and his men were bound to light.
Suddenly a Modoc shot out from the rocks
witn a wime nag. iie met a y unuoimug
Indian and said Jack wanted to surrender.
Three scouts were sent to meet Jack. He
came out cautiously, glanced about him a nul ttinn aa if oiviriU UD all hODe.
came forward aud held out his hand to his
visitors. Then two of his warriors, nve
souaws and seven children darted forth and
joined him in ins surrender.
Tha command that made this famous
march was the first sauadron of the First
Cavalry, Colonel D. Perry, composed of
Troop F. Lieutensnt Miller, and Troop H,
Mittor Trumbull, the medical otlicer being
Assistant Surgeon Dewitt. - Tho guides
were C. Pullman and II. Applegato.
Cantain Jack is about forty years old
five ftsel eight inches high, and compactly
built. Ho lias a large and well-formed
face, full of individuality. Although dress
ed iu old clothes be looks every lnca
Ha does not sneak to any one The Mo
Aoea. are erouned in a field near the house
ana- surrounded by a guand.. Spectators
poentnto Jack's (ace with eage Interest,
but be needs, uiuu. now ns i, iui a
SUitUC. .,;
A Wfxi-Known Ajtho tub Vic
tim. New York, June). Tbe Bturtevant
House, a fashionable hitel on Broadway,
between Twonty-cigbthand Twenty-ninth
streets, was the scene ojan awful tragedy
Ibis morning tbe killed of a father by bis
own son. The victim il Mansfloid Tracy
Walworth, son of the toe Chancellor Wal
worth, of this Bute, asd an author of
considerable literary repitation.
The following statemoit was made to the
coroner by Frank Walwtrth, who shot bis
father at the Bturtevaut House this morn
ing.' '
.1 reside with my mother in Saratoga, my
father having parted from her some years
ago. My father is an aithor, and I have
been studying law. I tliuk my father was
about forty -ono years old, but I do not
know where he was bort. My father has
not lived with my mother since we left
three years ago, but he has repeatedly sent
us threatening and insuting letters.
It is only a short tiinf ago since that he
threatened to shoot my mother and myself.
I shot him because of this. 1 Not long ago
I met him in the street id Saratoga, and
them I told him that if he did not keep
away from us, or insulted my mother any
more, I would shoot bin.
I told him that there vera bounds which
I would not allow any nan to go beyond
with impunity especially when my mother
was being insulted. I went to his house
yesterday, and left a note for him to call on
me, which be did this morning. When he
came in the room I drew out a rcvolvor
and told him to promise me that he would
not threaten or insult us any more, which
ho promised.
Shortly afterwards we began speaking on
family matters, and he used some very In
sulting language, and put his hand In his
pocket as though to draw a pistol, when I
shot him. Ho then came towards me and
1 fired three otter shots at him. . When I
fired the last shot at him ho had me by the
collar. '
I only regret this on account of the of
fuct it will have on my family. I would
like Judgo Harbour to know this, as ho was
interested iu the case before.
The doctor did lot find any pistol in the
pockets of deceased, but found a note left
for him by his son, in his breast pocket.
The following is a copy of his note :
3 o'clock. I want to try aud settle
some family mnkters. - Call at Sturtevant
House after an hour or two. If I am not
there I will leave word at the office.
F. II. Walworth. ,'
Coroner Youngcommittcd the murderer
to the Tombs uu til such time as an inquest
takes place.
The cholera is doing a deadly business
iu New Orleans. . Its existence there h;is
long been kept a secret, but its work is be
coming too extensho longer to keep il from
the public.
Unfavorable lepoi ts of the prospects
of tho corn and cotton crops come from
Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama.
A decision in th habeas cornns case of
George Macdonnell, tho alleged Bank of
Jnlauu forger, has been reserved.
Tlit ftMotring arhelt m printed originally un
der tht abort taptioH, m an ulUorial, in the Com
mercial of tit 'Mh u. in reprint it nvu by
rcq'teit. 1
It used to be a good ptau to publish the proflli
of insurance companies when advertising ibclr
claims upon tbe pubic confidence. 1 he Idea
was that a company which paid lnrge dividends
must be prosperous aud well mauuircu and sale
But tbe Chicago And Boston fires exploded that
idea nnd changed that sdvcrtisingpnllry. 8cven
eighths ot the small-capita! lurge-dlvldend-pay-
ing companies, mat did business to any extent
la Chicago und Boston, were wiped out by those
exceptional disasters. Only those companies
wilbstood the liook that bad bean conducted
upon the principle of fortifying their capital by
allowing their earnings, alter paying lair aivi
(lends, to accumulate Into large surpluses, avail.
able for heavy calls upon their treasuries. Now,
therefore, Instead of advertising their profits, the
best insurance companies may more Judiciously
publish tbe amount of their losses, provided only
they are able to point to a clear record, which Is
the result of reiving one hundred cents on the
dollar to every honest claimant, no matter how
heavy may have been tbe aggregate of their
These rellortlous arise naturally examining the
last published statement of the condition of the
T.tuu insurance company or iiartioru. ui an
tho plucky things In this plucky country, we
think this glorious old institution must be con
sidered as about tho pluckiest. What V'l.Tosr.s
8. Oh ant was among the Union General, the
..tna is among insurance companies, it ap
pears to be removed beyond the contingency of
real disasters, ft may suffer heavy losses it
may encounter misfortunes against which no
human foresight could provide It may be sub
jected for a while to suspicion engendered by tbe
envy of rivals but, like General Grant, tbe
Ktna goes calmly on lu tbe line af duty laid out
by Itself, never discouraged, never set back,
never for a moment entertaining the Idea of
abandoning that "Hue," if it takes (be last dol
lar to meet its honest abilities. No doubt the
iVtna will continue to "fight It out ou tbnt line,"
until the end of time for Insurance companies on
this continent.
There Is something resolutely prand la the
resolute integrity of this noble old company.
The ttgures by which Its losses aro counted ana
positively startling. We forget tbe precise sum.
of Its losses by the Chicago fire but it masabova
$4,000,000. Eveiy dollar was paid. at or before
maturity, rollowing nara upon, uit- unexam
pled calamity caiuc the Boston 6e Wringing a
loss to the .H1111 which, fboved up to about fl,
600,000, a sum largor shna tha highest published
estimate at tbe time. No mail had to wait an
hour for bit-iuoacy. Within sixteen mouths the
Ktna paUl losses anointing to t'j,uou,uuu.
U'lLklu a neriod of fl!ly-four years, tbe term of
its Lonored career, its losess have aiuouuted to
tbe royal sum of a,000,000, every cent of which
was royuity juiu wuuviu mui iuui. u iuj
the last ('.1,000,000, which Included tbe totac by
the Chicago aud Boston Urea, many of which
were of course dilncuit II not lnipoasioie toestao-
lieu bv lezul uroof. uol a law-suit or serious uis-
nuto. notcAen an unpleasant detfereooe, occurred
between the company and the Insured I All Ibis,
we say, Is very remarkable. Tbe figures, taken
In connection with these farts, prosont more for
cible testimony to tbo --Ktua's past uuuuclul
Inleeritv aud fidelity thuu out words could give
It stands among lusurance companies iiae iuo
Kddystont among lighthouses, a model for all
that would safely doty the dangers of storm and
tempest and lire. Tha Eddysioua was built after
the lor.n ol tbe Billish Oak, that becomes all the
more ftrongly rooted be canst or tbe winds mat
utsall it. Like tbe Eddysloae tbe .Ulna appear
to come out of every storm not ouly unshaken,
but the butter prepared to meet in next one.
Hut all this relate to tha past. What of the
nroscnt condition of. Ui JKtna I Uow has tha-
pmniMinv nam lueso esoraous suu biuiwii.i
lossok I Why, tbo stockholders bsve put their
hands In their pockets, and tbers tney louna ine
wherewithal to meet all deficiencies I Since tbe
flrai Ha nf December. 1871. tbe stockholders
have subscribed new capital to tha amount of
S'l tn (ion. and toda the Etna's slock Is worth
S1S3 per abare. ll paia-up capiiai is n,,
but It has assets amounting to $0,000,000. It baa
over three-quarters of a million cash on hand
and In bauk (no need of "shluulng" there totind
tim moncv for Davlmr any ordinary aran ai
sight), and tha remainder of IU assets are invest
ed la such securities aa a prudeut wan would
select for the safe keeping of tbe legacy upon
which the subsistence of his family would depeud,
when ba should ba uo longer ou earth to taka
care of them. Tbat la bow tha A)tua standi
now. It Is always ready to respond to any
hnnont itnmsnd. Can there b S question about
m. futiir. at a comnanv that baa alwaya been.
conducted upon this, tha wry highest principle
of commercial honor 1 ,
v feel it m ha a datv. as It eertainly ia s plea
sure, to make eoosplcaoas mention of Ibis tluoe
bonored institution, when the facts la regard to
lu career are so remarkable Important and la
tematinsr. Almost every ona I concerned In
knnwimr star to look for taft which is after all
il.. httAi lusuiauee i aud wa feel perfectly
justified U expressing a positive conviction tbat
f,Vr "traucajice that la sure" there Is no com
pany ahead of the old ttua of Hartford
Aim IuaurauM Co.,
OrurE-nsAB turn Colbt.Hocm, Biusut.
That Favorite Home Rrmedy,
Has been before the nubile over TRrhTT
tears, and probably hat a wider and bet
ter repuiauoB man any other proprietary
medicine of the present day. At this
period then are but lew unacquainted with
the merits of the Pain-Killer t but while
some extol it as a liniment, they know but
nine oi us power in easing pain when taken
internally ; while ethers use it internally
with great success, but are equally Igno
rant oi us neanns , virtues when annHcd
externally. We therefore wish to say to
all, that it is equally successful, whether
need internally or eternally. It is sufficient
evidence of its virtues as a standard medi
cine to know that it is now used in all carts
oi tno woria, ana mat its sale is constantly
increasing... na curative agent bnt bad
such a wide spread sale or given such uni
versal satisfaction, i
Davi8'sPain-Killeh is a purely vege
table compound, pcrpared from tho best
purest materials, and with a care that in
sures tbe most perfect uniformity in the
medicine : and while it is a most effective
remedy for pain, it is a perfectly safe medi
cine ; and while it is a most effective re
medy for pain, it is a perfectly safe medi
cine, even in the most unskilful hands.
It Is eminently a Family Medicine ;
and by being kept ready for Immediate re
sort, will save many an hour of suffering
and many a dollar in time and doctor's
After over thirty years trial, it is still re
ceiving the most unqualified testimonials
to its virtues, from persons of the highest
character and responsibility. Eminent
Physicians commend it as a most effectual
preparation for tho extinction of pain. It
is not only the best remedy ever known for
Bruises, Cut, Burns, &c., but for Dysen
tery, or Cholera, or any sort of bowel com
plaint, it is a remedy unsurpassed for effi
ciency, and rapidity of action. In the great
cities or India, and other hot climates, it
has become the standard medicine fur all
such complaints, as well as for Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaints, and all other kindred
disorders. For Coughs andeTJolils, Canker,
Asthma, and Rheumatic difficulties, it has
been proved by the most abundant and
convincing testimony to bo au invaluable
. We would caution the public against all
imitations of our preparation, cither in
name, or style of putting up.
May 31, 1873. lm.
Fob Los or Apprtite, Dynpcpslu, Indigestion
Dtprcsslon of Spirits mid irmcrut Debility, In
their various form, Form I'hoporated Elixir
of Calicay made by 'awku,, IIazaki & Co.,
Sew York, nnd told by all drusgixt. Is tbe best
Tonic. As n stimulant tonic for patient recov
ering from fever or oilier niekness, It has no
equal. If taken during the scaKon it prevents
fever und Hpue and other intermittent fever.
-1 Any person, old or young, or cither sex,
can make from (lOto $50 yvt week, nt home day
or evening. Wanted by all. Suitable to either
City or Country, and any season of the year.
This Is a rare opportunity for those who arc nut
or work, and out of money, to iimke an Inde
pendent living. No capital being required. Our
pamphlet, "How to make n living," giving full
Instructions, twnt on receipt of 10 cents. Ad
dress, A. BURTON A CO., Morrlsnna, West
chester Co., H. 1. Ap. 19 cowy.
Ageut lYuiitrtl everywhere to sell our new
und novel binliroidcriug Machine, scud for Illus
trated Circular, to the Mche .Manufacturing
Company, 800 Broadway, New York, ap I'J.-ly.
For Mcutttojr.
AT the solicitation of my friend. I have con
sented to be a condidate for tbe ntllcc of . -STATE
Should I receive the mmiinnlion of the Repub
lican paitv, subject to Ibe decision of the Confe
ree of I In District, and be elected, I will endea
vor to discharge the duties of the olbee Impar
tially, mid to Ilia net ol my anility.
Mt. Curmcl, May ol, 1S7;.
ounfy TrrttNiirrr.
HAVING consented to Mie w'.shes of numerous
friends throughout th county, 1 ollci myself as
a candidate Tor the ulllce or
subject to tbe decision of the county convention.
Should 1 receive the nomination an I be elected,
I will ue mv best endeavors lo laitMully dis
charge the duties of t lie olllce to the best Inter
ests of the tax-payers of the comity.
i n itia 1 1.. .r.rr.
Suubury, May 31, 1S73. If.
Of the Condition of "The Northumberland Conn
ty National Bank," No. OM'.l, in Shitiiiokin, In
the State nf Pennsylvania, at the close of busi
uess on tbe -Hh day or April, lbia
Loans and frseouut tiU.Mo 21
S. Bonds lo secure Circulation 7,UO0 00
Other Stocks. Bonds und Mortgages 0,'JiO 00
Due from Rcdeemlni: and Reserve,
Agents approve! ib,.vl M
Due from other National Btinks IK'S lit
Due from Statu Banks unit Bankers led 15
nankiiii: House i:i,-.'.V.i
tltber Real Estate 1,-50 00
urnilurciind Fixtures ",KHI
urrent Expenses - ,U1 M
Tuxes Tald " OS
Checks und other Cash items l.drid 78
Bills of National Bunks lll.Ov'l 00
Fractional Cur'cy (including uiekels) , ; 7l M
Snecie, vis: Coin W'H ba
Lejul lender otes w
CuplUil Stock paid iu .r,." $t,00 00
Nurn ni mifl . ... s. n o-t
Discount, r.xcnauge ana murw... t f,isi w
Natn'l Bauk t irculutiou outstanding 611,315 00
Dividends unnuid i ' . 77J 50
Individual Deposit 218,578 1
nui to National Bauks w. 27,354 17
Due to Slate Bank and Bitukcrs..' 1,Sti5 83
$386,059 83
' V. S. Haas. Caslilar of "Tha Nortbuinber
laud County National Bank of Sbamokln," do
solemnly swear that tbe ubovo statement is true
to tbe best ot my suowirniia uuu uciiu,
l. O. ilAAO, vusincr.
Correct. Attbst,
Y. v. riiLijUin., ,
... Directors.
....... rxt wr.rtliiimrtf.nnnn.
K.orn to and subscribed before me, tblt 2nd
dsv of June, 1873.
Tin. n. . ...; . . w .
A Fins Ubbmam Cukomo.
We tend an elegant cbrotno, mounted and ready
for framing, rrea to every aircu 4or
Lirs Bruiw rni BcarACi, r Thos. W. Kaox,
Qt3 Pairea Octavo. 130 Fine EugravUigs.
Relates Iucldents and Accident beyond Ibe
Light of Day Btartllug Adventure In all part
OI Ine n oriai aiinea Ruu iuuuv v, u.,u
them Under-current of Society i Gambling and
lt ltnrrnr i I'aTarus and their Hysterica I Th
Dark Wav of Wickedness Prisau and their
Secrets Down in the Depths of the 6ca i Strange
Storlea of the Detection of crime.
Th iwvik treats of experience with brigands i
night in opium den and ambling hall life In
prUou Stories of exile i adventure among In
dian Journey through Sewer and CaUcoiubSi
accidents lu mine pirate aud piracy torture
of the hxtuislllon wonderful burglaries under-
iworldiU the great elite, ete., ate,
An;!. V atsttaML -
for this work. Exclubivetarilory given. Agent
eaa rnak 1100 a week In sailing tbl book. Send
fot sMculars and Urm loamt. - '
Hartford, toaa., or Chicago, 111.
D 1 A U 0 N D S
i . ij - i t
ubi Maura bt
Corner Market and Third Streets,
S p c t a c 1 e s .
These Lenses' aro manufactured from Minuto Crystal Pebbles, uuitcd bv fusion, ami
derive their name "DiamndVbn account
I lie fceietiuno principal on whlcn they aro constructed, prevents all glimmering and
wavering of Sight, Dizziness, &c., peculiar to all others in ue.
rMipertor to bcotch or itrnziliart rubbles at
Tlicv arc mounted in the finest manner,
Gnlil, .Silver, Htce), Rubber and Shell Frames
.Manutaetured oy i he Spencer Optical Manufacturing Company. (Successors to J.
E. Silencer & Co., iu the Optical Department.) New Vork and Xew Haven.
r or ciio oniy uy
r - '
Sunhury, Ta., May 3L, 1S7.1.
IIoh been before the American public
OV EH THIRTY years. It has never yet
failed to five perfect satisfaction, and has
Justly been styled the panacea for ail ex
temnl Woumls, Cats, Bams, Swellings,
Sprains, Bruises, &c., Ac.; for Han and
Beast. No family should be a single day.
Kotire tw Kpeelal-Titx rVr"-
Tbe law of December '24. 1872, requires every
person euguged lu any business, uvocutlon, em.
ploymcut, which reudcrs blui liable lu u
to procure and place eonsplclously In his c-tab-
ineut or place of baslnesa, - -
denoting the' payment of saW Ppecla! Tax before
commencing busiuess.
The taxes embraced within the provisinui of
law above n noted arc the following, viz
Dealers, retail liijuor
Dealers, wholesale liquor
Dealer, in mult liquors, wholesale
Dealers in malt liquors, retail
Delears iu leaf tobacco
f.'oO 00
... 35 00
... 100 00
... M 00
... !M 00
,.. eo
... fsJO 00
cents for
... 5 00
... 50 OU
Krtttll dealers 111 leaf tobacco ,
: and on sale of over tl.OoO, fifty
every dollar In excess of f 1,000.
Dealer, lu niunufacurcU tobacco ..
Manufacturers nf stills
and for euch still or worm manu
factured Manufacturers of tobacco
Manufacturers of cigars
Peddlers of tobacco, lirst class, (more
thun two horses)
Peddlers of tobacco, second cluss, (3
Peddlers ol tobacco, third clan, (1
horse) ,
Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class, (oa
fool or public conveyance)
Brewers of less thau 500 barrels.
20 00
10 00
10 00 ,
50 00
51 00 .
15 00
SO 00
Brewers of 500 barrels or more
loo 00
AnviwrstHi who shall fall to comply with the
..... . . w w
regoing renuiremeuU . ill be subject to sever.
Rnecb.r.tx Pavers throughout the Vulted
Bute are reminded thai tbey must make appli-
w." ... r..ii...n.t nr
p: i nn k.i l n noirtThor , or v.'ii.-,".
their respective districts, and procure the proper
stamp for the, BpeciaUst Year, coiuiuuneiug
May 1, loTj, wnnent wattitig iot lunner nuiice.
I. . J. uhl - r.u.
Collector internal Revenue,
May 10, 1873. 4w. 14th District, Pa.
Five Dollars Reward,
TflE above reward will bo given for Informa
tion that w ill lead to the recovery of a plat
form of fencing board which weut adrift from
here during the high water, ou the ulght of May
the lltb, 1873.
Wllkes-Burrc, May 81, 17. St.
UUlee of
tbs Lackawanna, & Bujomshi bo ll. k. -o.
eicranton, J ., May a, taia.
ABPEaAL MEETING of the Staeltkotdirt of
tbe Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Hull Road
Company, will be held at the Wyoming House,
In Ike city of Soranton. Peona., oa the aixleentb
day of J use, 1H73, at three o'clock In tha after
noon, for the purpose and object of considering
and adopting or rejecting an agreement which
baa been niaao neiwavn iuo wiuci v. Lackawanua aud Western Railroad.
Company, and tbe Director of the Lackavrauna
& Bloomsourg nauroaa vompau, ior m. cu.u
lidating of tbe said sompanlca, aod tha merging
of Ibe Lsskawanua & Bloomsburg Railroad
Company Into The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western. Itai! Koad company.
By order of tbe Beard.
Secretary. .
May-81, 1873-01.
ah mom watch.
of their hardness and brilliancy.
less thau halt the price.
at our own manufactory, in nil styles of
of the best quality.
without Ibis Liniment The money re
funded unless the Liniment is aa repre
sented. Be sure and pet the genuine
by all Druggists and Country Stores, at
25c., 60c and $1.00 per Bottle. Notice
style, siss of bottle. La.
Pure Blooming Complexion
It is Puraly TscttabU, and Ha nunrst'cuU wi snd
feltstouca. ItdtMsawsy with Ui l'iaslK.t
anca uiul tjy Htst. i'simus, u 1 Lxci-'iu. ! -. s
and rimoTs all Blotchrssnd rirtmt' s, drJih' diirk
and unsujbtly spots. Orivrs sway Tsn, Freckle, sml
Suubiiro, sad by Ita (sails bui .jumlut iJwiuo
soaaUsatb faded cheek with
Sold by ll riiRt ni Ttacy More.
Mar W.'. N-'" ' "
C onst ble'a Sale. .
. , , . . . .
VT l' V . A . new."''K:f lnui . . ,7-, ..7
. 0a, jJa of Joseph Vv. Myers, in tbe
lfough of unbury, the foUowlng articles WKre
purchased by the uudorsigued r-i wounK ow
' and Hxtures. 1 Cucboard and couWnls, U ind-
i . . r.
Magnolia B m
soi Chairs, i Plue Tables, 10 yards Rag Cant.
1 Clock, 1 Coal Bucket, 1 small Lounge, 1 iot
Tin-ware, 1 Radiantlight room fetove, 1 SetUe, 0
Chairs, 1 Rocker, 1 plcse OU Gloth, 86 'yards
room Carpet, 1 wool Table-cloth, 1 Lookirg
(ilass, 'i Bvds aud Bedding, 1 Bedstead, 1 Burwiu
3 chests, 1 Desk, 1 Hog, 3 Ukrrds, 8 Tubs, 1
Trunk, 1 Meal-barrel, 1 and Bed
ding, 1 Lamp, woodou Buckets. These good
are left lu the keeping of the said JuscpU W.
Myer during the pleasure of Ite uudcrsigued,
aud the public are warned not to niedile with
the same. . ,
Sunbury, May 20, 1873. bt.
7 TO IS lEH t'EXT. .
We make a speciality of County, City, and
Lcaool District Bonds, Guarautee Legality of
all bonds sold, collect tbe coupon without
charge, or tuke same a so much cosh 00 sajus,
IS- Send for price list. ,
last publlehed by our senior, hould be la the
hands of all luteresled lu this class of securities.
Two volumes, price (10. . e4,'T8.4w..
W. N. COLES &CO., 17 Nassau-st., N. V.
The grandest and inswt sucoc ssftd book eut." Ac
knowleeged to be the most decided success of
the year now-(filing wiib astonishing rapidity
It contains nearly -'on uiagnirtccut eugravlag.
Splendid opportunity fur giutonlut money.
Circular, Hawliung lull particulars aud terms,
sent free. Addreas Dibit, U1LMAN A CU.,
UarkforsjVoun. wy3l6w
w,wu. ;noi a baa lnycsitueuu
has. uol yet besn captured.