Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 31, 1873, Image 3
' t . 1 1 J. 'UL" gimburj -American. SUNBURY. MAY 81, 1873. RtUlroftd Tlnx Table. ARRIVAL kyV DSPABTtntl OF TV A. IK I AT ICKMCRT. . 0. R. W.. ooth. Brit Malt, 19.60am KrI Iter, t.40 " Mall, 1108 ' Nlag. Express 8.00 p ra P. AS. B.S. WmL Mull, ' i e.ItO ra NlBf. ErtVWMla.M p m Elmlra Mall d.V , Erie Kzpress, ' T.01 " BOTBOnT ASD LBW18TOW B-It.' ' . , I-ence Sunbury for Lewlstown at 7.45 a. pi., and 8-10 p. M. . -' Arrive .at Bunbury from Lewistown at 1.60 aa 1 .45 p. m. i i SIIAMOKTW DIVIilOB, . 0. B. W. ' ' 1 ' LBATB I AB8TT " Bunhary at MB a m I At Bonbnry 9.85 a m 18 88 pm I S.Mpm 4.40 p m I 8.00 9 la bXttYTU., HAf LSTON & WOJUUIBAaBB It. k. Kegntar passenger, tealn leave Sunbnry fur Danville, Cattawlssa, Hnalotoa and Intermediate stations, at 0.45 a, ro. Returning leave II a tie ton at 1.00 p. ui. Arrive at 4.00 p. m. LACKAWAIfTIA AJTO tOOOtnOVRO R. B. ' ' Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. and 4.50 p. m. Arrive at Northumberland at 10,85 a. tn. and 6.05 p. m. " ' r Accidental Insurance Ticket can be had of 3. Ghlpman, Ticket Agent, at tb Depot. nsitttss . locals.' Bbwikq Machines awo Cottaoh OnoAKS. Miss Caroline Dallus is the agent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, viz i 'The Improved Graver A baker,' and 'Domestic,' which are constantly kept on hand, and sold at reasonable prices. She Is also agent for the sale of the colebrated 'Silver Tongue Organs, and tho 'Bay State Organs,' and for the sale of the Frautt & Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. OUloe on Market street, east of the rail road. The Iuphovxd Ghovsr & Bakrh Bbwino Ma. rniui..TIiMa enlehrAtad machines a.rn ntfsmd ... Ik. m n. rii.imit.hl. r.l. Pn. n.rtlnnlan ' apply to D. O. KUTZ. Agent, Feb.23,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Cheap Goons. To buy good and cheap goods, none can go amiss by calling at D. A. Finney's Btore, on Market street. Ills (election Is of the most extensive, uud the goods of the best quali ty, which are sold ut reduced prices. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Groceries, Notions, Boots and j Shoes, and Jewelry will be found in great varle- j ty and abundance. Ladies and Gentlemen will ', find a general ussortrai-ut to select from at j Finney's. Ecrrka. When a young man pnrchanes a hat of Samuel Fnnst, the popular hatter, he ex claims, truthfully, too, "I have found It" a fashionable and serviceable hat. Mr. Faust has all styles of fashionable hats and caps, and eve ry one, both old aud young, who will visit his store, on Market street, opposite Monument Square, Bunbury, will lie well pleased with a se lection from hie large and varied assortment. FoMETniKO New. A grand opening of Milli nery Goods will take place at Miss Amelia Han cock's, on Market street, Just below the City Ilotul. Give her a call.. She keeps on hand the most fashionable styles of Bonnets, Hats, Rib bons and Embroidery In great variety. She Is al so agent for the Weed Bowing Machine, the best In the market. m3. W. II. Mim.ik of tho Excelsior Store, has just opened an elegant and superior assortment of Boots uud 8Iiocb, which he is selling rapidly and cheaply. Fancy Gaiters aud Slippers for ladies and gentlemen, of a style never before seen In Hui.bnry, and admired by every one ; sold at low prices. His assortment Is complete, and he In vites everybody to call aud examine his stock. Pianos, Ohoass, Ac. David Reliiicr, music teacher, having located permanently In Buubury for the pttipose of tenchlug music, announces that ho has the agency for Gaehle & Co's Balti more Pianos, which are being rapidly introduced among the best Judges. They are now In nsc lu the Ktato Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pa., also at the Bunbury Academy, by J. II. Jenkins, Esq., of Northumberland, aud Judge F.llwell of Bloomsburg. He will also take orders for Steiu way & Co' ., Chlckcrlog A. Co's, aud other well known Pianos. Mr. Kuimer also receives orders for Prince & Co' celebrated Orgaus & Mcindcons, of Buffalo New York. Sheet music ou hand, nnd orders for new plu ses promptly attuudi-d to. Mr. Rulmer Is agent for the German publishing houso of E. Stelger of New York, and will re ceive subscription for all Germau Books, Period iculs, Newspapers, &e. The celebrated Gaehle Pianos can lie seen at at all times at the residence of Mr. Ucimer, ou the corner of Third and Atcli streets, opposite the depot. Lewis Mili.kii had his arm mashed ou Wed nesday roorniiig last, while coupling cars iu the yard of the N. C. railroad company. Toe Pennsylvania Canal company, commenc ed the repairs at the Shaiuokin dnm at this place. The Reading railroad company have recently made some changes In the uamcs of stations along their Hue In this county. Raker's ttatiou Is changed to Hunter, and Gap to Dorusife. An express office has been established at Doiusife, Lltt'.e Mabauoy township. Akkests. E. Dltumick and F. Duukard, of Caketown, were arrested on Wednesday of last week, by coustnbla Bright, for stealing a watch from the Jewelry store of Frodcrick Voght, and brought before Esquire Suyder, who bound them over In the sum of (500 each for their appearau ce at next court. Pebsoxax. We wore happy to see during last week, our formor townsman, N. F. Lightuer, who visited 8uubury. Mr. Light ner has many friends here who desire hi visits often, but as he Is doing a heavy business iu Philadelphia, he Is not able to gratify them. We are happy to state that he has cousented to continue bis "Occa sional" letter to the Anurican, which are anx iously looked for by the reader of this paper. Wuile at Bhamoklu a few days ago, we visit ed the law office of U. F. John, Esq., located on Bunbury street', which is 00 of the most ueatly fitted np In that place. Ills book cages are well filled with a splendid law library, consisting of many of the best law authorities. Frank la a good lawyer, and we are happy to see be Is brim full of business. We are glad to notice that the United Bute Hotel, at Bhamoklo, kept by W, F. Kitchen, Is presenting such a flue appearance. .The bouse ha beeu renovated and refurnished, and with the clever landlord now rack second to nose tn the coal reglou. Ou thanks are due to W. l). Wharton, Iq., for special favors. Tu American is Issued on dsyebvad of the usual tjtne in order to give an observaaee of De coratlon day. 1 1 - We learn that soma Dartlea hava aracted Seata T, . T-J " .-- In the grove at the Bloody Spring, aboui, , haU a mile above this plae. W bop that further Improvement will be mad this place of bis torle interest. It could he ntado a pleasure ro S'rt A hcbtbrh of gentlemen of the Lemberman' Exchange of Wllttarllfporl visited tht place on Saturday Inst, for the pnrpoee of holding a meet ing of the Director. While- here they were ac companied to the Banbury boem, erected In the Went Branch, by S-. P. .Wolverton, John llna, and i. IT. Engl. It It estimated that aboat 19, 000,000 feet ol tog yet remain In the boom. The parti) revolved to rebuild the ehear boots, and farther sector the Capacity of holding all logs that may float down the river daring the fresh eta. . , , , ,.;) , . The partite were greatly Impressed with the natural advantage poseefeed by Iblt place for the erection or saw mills, and w tbay expect that effort will be made to make this a central point for ft large lumber trad. The facilities ar each that capitalist! are encouraged to Invest, and vr look forward to the day. not far distant, when It will be proven apon trial, that we have a larger Held for enterprise than any town along the rtrer. Every advantage desired to enter Into baslnea of any kind, will be found here, and bu siness men will be enabled to make more money out of Investments than can be fonnd elsewhere. W wish It distinctly understood that we do not Insert advertisements unless they are order ed. An editor Inserting advertisements without the consent of the parties concerned, and who aftorwards presont his bill with threats of expo sore If not paid, should himself be exposed In ev ery Instance, and should be looked upon as leech In the community, unworthy the patronage of the public, and beneath the dignity of an edi tor or publisher. We are also poor, and might, perhaps, like some we know, gain a few dollars by pursuing the same course, but we have notes yet mads up our mind to degrade the newspaper business In that way. A mew time table went Into effect on Monday, on the K. C. road, and trains now depart from Banbury as follows t South Eric mall, 12:50 a. m. Express, 0,-40 a. m. Mall, 11:15 a. m.; Nia gara Express, 8:?0 p. m. North Mall, 6:30 a. m. Express, 6:55 p. in.; Klmlra mall, 4:15 p. m. Niagara Express; K':40 p. m. Trains leavefiuu bury for Lcwlstowp at 7:80 a. in. and 4:20 p. in.; arrive from Lewistown at 1:S3 and 8:20 p. m. ' Toe Morning Exfkess Is the title of a new dully paper, which made Its appearance on Tuesday morning last, published by F. A. How er of this place. The paper Is neatly gotten up, and presents a lively appearance, nnd Is edited with considerable ability. The local department Is under the control of E. C. Gobln, recently re porter for the Sunbury Dally, and shows that he , Is determiucd not to let the public lose sight of his racy pen. The Ezptui will advocate Repub lican principles. The editor tried Labor Reform and Democracy, unsuccessfully, and now he gratefully comes back to his first love. Two dally papers' In our midst, will, no doubt, soon give us spice lu the way of c ros-(lres, particu larly when tho editors taavg learned each other by former close associations in the Democratic r.iuks. j It- editors were out of temper as often as thry I are out of money, It wonld be hot times fur those I about them. Lieut. Col. Dennis Biiihut, hus resigned his potlllou a Div. Inspector, 011 Guu. C. C Mc- Cormlck's slatf, aud Capt. A. Caldwell, of tho I "Shamokiu Guards," has been tendered nud ac cepted tho position. Col. Caldwell did valiant service during .the lute wur, and Is a militnry man of the true metal. lis It a wide awake sol dier, aud will be an honor to his new position. Wu congratulate the Colonel upon 'his promotion as well as Gen. McCormlek upon his choice in the selection of nu officer ou his staff. Ick. Mr. Wm. Hoover who has laid In a full illtitilv of excellent lee. Is nowsrrvluir his cnito. i raers, dully, wKh this uccossary article In warm i ... ... if t 1. . ... . .... irc.iiucr. .nr. nuincr is uli Olliy prompt, nuv obliging hi dealing with his customers. Catt. Ciias. J. Biilnjch, and H. D. Wiiab ton, of this place, have-been summoued as Gniud Jurors to the V. S. Court, for the West ern District of Pennsylvania, which convenes ul WlULauisport on the 10th of June next. A I'i'scaTohiaI. PabtT. Col. G. B. Cadwalla- der, Di. K. L. Kaupt, Conductor B. Aughcn bangh, uud Alexander Boyd, Esq., of Ibis place, returned from a piscatorial expedition to Clinton county lust week. Tliey report the speckled, finny tribe as abundant, having mnght over 200 in one day. Fish had better not come too close to shore when these Wultonlons are about, as they are sure to angle them. House and Bl-oov Stolen. On Friday night labt, the stable of Mr. Jacob II Arris, near George town, Loner Muhauoy township, was entered, and a horse and buggy stolen. At last accounts no clue to the thief or the horse and buggy has beeu discovered. We are Informed that the child found lu the river at Georgetown, last week, was a boy, and that he was rccoguized by Thomas Lamb, of wllkes Barrc, as his son, who had fallen In the river, at that place, some six weeks ago. He was about six years of age. His remaia were taken to Wllkes-Barre on Saturday last. Always keep to the right. Driving In the street, walking on the sidewalks, or wherever you chance to navigate, keep to the right and avoid collisions. Some people think it etiquette to give the ludy the Inside of the walk but this Is neither true etiquette nor a safe custom. Youho ladies, always give precedence to aee. Never go to ths wash tub If your mother or grandmother are present thry might think It disrespectful. If your grandmother has a hlirh tortolia shell comb lying around loose, get possession of It stick It in your back hair, aud yon wilt rejoice in the latest style. Delinquent subscribers should not permit their daughters to wear tbl paper for a bustle 1 there being to much du4 ou It there Is danger or a cold. :. Vendebs of merchandise are notified that an appeal will be held at the Commissioners' office, In Buubury, on Monday, Juns 3d. Also, that the lieeuse and fees must be paid on or before the 10th of said month, tn order to save costs. A small child of Henry nopp, of the Augusta Hotel, this place, bad one of Its eyes put out on Monday lost, by a stone thrown bv a hn. vm. is another lesson to boys who persist in settling tneir disputes ry tnrowtng stones at each other. Thb Parasols to be carried this season embrace almost every imaginable t'yl, and are of all eo. tors. Look out for sharpers and kscp your eyes open, if you dou't want to be imposed upon by wlndilog patent tight agents, ov'partle elicit ing subcrlptloH for, paper who a. sot proper, ty authorised, tq reaslv them, yV'4otica.tbat amber of uchja.41.vjdua kav.t)ea vlotlmlE teg people In some of tb adjoining eouutle. Th. Ud'.eido tbslr hair np so blfV bqw, that they have te stand on something to put oa their hats. , t 1, ' -1- '' D, J.;ir tjtyn, proprietor of ths'merl eao,2p'.Bj, on "nitre: street, removed to b,i farm fc??t3X WU fro,m gttubttrj, pj.e4jlat, Vi, Tula's) Etr4 hU eon, will raib"m T'.a" tn the fn' A Bop came off at the American flotsj, In this place, on Tuesday evening htt, given by Ml Tllll Eyster, pror to hsr departure from toss ten4 the Inrotner. " l,r'"' ' ' pAMpit O. KnoWIct, Kiq., recently Deputy rVotborioUry' fahder Wm. B. Haupt, has been appointed" Deputy Frothonotary of North mptou county. . Tns diw .foundry in Caketown, 1 already un der roof, and workmen are engaged In erecting the InsMe works. la a few week we enay ex pect this tMW enterprl In full operation. . List of Letters remaining at the Post-Office la ftunhnry, May 8, 1873. Edward Arbagaas, Miss Annie Bnbb, C. A. Carpenter, F. N. Caatre, Henry Drum, Mis Polly Rngle, William Harrison, Esra-Jaeobr, W. H. Kahlur, T. O. Morgnsj, Mrs. Lovlna Mot Inr, James Newell, 8. B. Reed, Mrs. Bnruh J. Thatcher, John Walker. Those calling tor Int. ters, will say advertised. J. J. SMITH, P. sc. BtncaEB Goods. Miss M. L. Gustier has Jast pencd another large assortment of Summer Ml llnery Goods. Her stock embrace overythlng-lit the millinery line. Call and see them. Btbawberhiks, Tine apples, Potatoes, Csb bsgos, Fish, At., are among the Inxurle at Ne vla'e evsry Saturday morning. Pbotbction. Oct Insured by L. M. Yodor. Life and Fire Insurance effected on the bes4 plans In matt reliable compsnlos. Office, near the Court House, Bonhnry, Pa. We have lately bad an opportunity ofseelng many grain field in tht vicinity, and along the north' branch of the Snsqaehann, which, we ar hap py to state, are looking more promising than they have looked for many year. By present appearance the grain crop will exoeod any crop for years past. The grass also promises to yield more than an avrage crop. ' The fruit crop will la many place be an entire failure. 1'uookamiie roil Decoration Dat, Mat 90, 18TS. ExcrcUes will commence promptly at IX o'clock, at the west enc" of Market Square. Music bv the band. Prayer hy Clergy. 8ong by Glee Club. Speech by Hon. J. B. Packer. Music by band. The different societies will ho placed In column In accordance with their seulis rity of rialo or organization. The light of column resting on Market Street, frnntlug the river. Move up Front to Arch 1 out Arch to lth down 1th to Chestnut 1 out Chestnut to Front ; down Front to Walnut; out Walnut to 4th down 4th to Cemetery. Form hollow square around Monument, hand In centre. Prayer by Clergy ; 8ong by Glee Club j Distribution of wreuths by boys in Blue, In four detachments, band playing dirge while tbe flowers nro being distributed. Ke-foim proeppsion nnd March up 4th to Market Street i out Market to west end of Square ; music by band uud parude tllml'sed. The friends of the soldiers ar requested to de corate their houses along the route of procession with flags. Tbe Assistant Marshals will report to the Chief Marshal at 1 o'clock on the Square. By order, O. B. CADWALLADER, ' . Chief Marshal. FOR TUB SONItVRT AMERICAN. '" Decoration Day. .." Bring forth the flag the starry flag ' Proud symbol of the nation's might, . Unfurl It o'er their honored graves -The dead defenders of the right ; They died In reverence- of thec, Glorious banner of the free. Bring forth the starry flag to-day 'that stayed tho bnttlu's tide; Vr'heu treasou trailed it In the dust, In love tor it they died. Bequeathing freedom to the slave Bless tbe flag and bless the brave. With garlands deck each silent tomb In the quiet even-tide, Aud sing the soldier's requlmu for him ho bravely died Amidst the horrid of arms The thunder of the tight Who sauk beneath the glittering steel, That wu uiilil have the right. O'er many a battle-Odd be fought, (Though humble was hi blrtli,) lie died to save the natiou's cause, To-day we prize his worth. Then plant the Aug above his head, Though black or white he be. He died to save the cation's cause To set the captive free. J. T. ClTT Hotel, Sunbury, May SS, lt73. "Brntsn tiie Scenes in Washington," being a complete and graphic account of tliu C redit Mobliier Iuvesligaiion. tho Congressional Kings, rolllical intrigues, ttorkluga ol the Lobbies, etc. giving the Secret History of our National Government, Showing How thu Public Money is squandered, and How Votes arc Obtained ; iih Sketches ol tho Lcadiug beuatnrs, Coiiciebsmeu, Government Officials, etc., and an Arcurate De scription ot tbe Spleudld Public Building of tho Federal Capital. By Edward Wlunlow . Martin. The National publishing Co., of Philadelphia, has Just issued oue of thu most icmarkuble and Interustlug books of the day, bearing the above title. Of lalo the whole land hus been rlnnlng v. lth the most startling and appalling reports of cor ruption at Washington tbe bitfhett officials men whose names have hitherto been without a stain, have beeu Implicated In the charges, and the press has ruus with accusations and denun ciation which have caused ail good clllxeus. witnont regartto party, to rear for the ruture of the country. All have un iuteret in disroveriiiE the truth of these reports, and all have an earn est desire to know uioro of the practical woik lugs of affairs at Washington. The Author carries ns "Behind the Scenes." and shows us those feutures of Washington life which we eu desire to kuow more about, but which have all been kept secret by Interested parties. He tells a fearful tutu of cor ruption and Immorality In bitli pla.-es, and gives a truthful but appalling history of the Credit Mobliier Bwiudle and Investigation, and Con gressional Bribery, uud preseuts 10 us with grim fidelity to truth, the shauisful but Interesting se cret history of the l.oU'j. It is a sad and terrible story that he tells, but one tbe people ought to know, and we commend tbe book te our readers, as one that will richly repay ierusal. The au thor tells us about tbe hard-worked and pootly paid employees of the departments, and gives Interesting fact about the female clerks, of whom so much has been said. He explains tbe Intricate but attractive process of making the bond and money of the Government we ex plore wltb him the magnificent Capitol, and ad mire the glorious works of art, tbe splendid balls and gorgeous chambers which it contains j we examine the treasures of tht great Congressional Library j . are lutroduced Into the White House,, and enabled to see life "Behind tb Scenes" there. Ia short, we are presented to all that ts Interesting, grand, thrilling, admirable and urlontu the Capital of the Nation. : - ' ' A t rut hi I picture of life Beblnd the Scenes In Washington'! eannoi be otherwise tbaa deeply interesting. The low price at which the book is Issued, brings it within the reach of all, and no oue who wants to know the truth about men aud things at Washington, should fall to read Ibis work. It is said by subscription only, aud agent are wanted in every county. In Baltimore, ou the Slst, JAMES . KUCHA MAN, in the Mth year of bis an. The deceased studied law a Oder ' lb late Judge ponosl, of this place, asd was after ward District Attprsey to York county Pa., and more recently a successful commission merchant tn Baltimore. In, Northumberland, 0q the 12th Inst., Mrs. BAjtAU BATCUELOR, wife of AMPS BATCH LLOR, aged 67 years, f months and il days. ., In Nonthnmberland, May IS, MART D. MAR SHALL, relict of DAN'IAL MARSHALL, deo'a., s'vi.uutuviiijabtt, jvpy avt ioipi iifirmT FWHEATLEf , aged T) years, I month and 18 ' vi. SUNUUBY MAKIittTH. Floor and Uraln Market. Extra Family tlli.00 Red Wheat, p. bu.,fl.M Buckwheat. D. ct.. 6.00 Rye, HO 50 1.00 40 its Corn Meal, ' i W Corn, Wheat Urn,p. DO. oucuwnent Shorts, t.OO Oats, S3 lb. Cora A 0U Chop. 8.OO1 Flaxseed. Timothy Seed, p. b. t.OOI Potato. Eggs, per do., Batter, per lb., Lrd, " Bides, T5 flams. 10 10 8 10 16 14 IS Tallow, Country Boap, Dried Apples, " Peaches, Shsinldnrs, 15, 10 cto Abbertismfnts. It pronirlrli9 inwxTT, tTtrinivt:: U I OLOl;, ml reojeo l.Vi Vl-or m.'. i'.i'.AtTi' orttia rt vi:t. fH: Tn tirr V: v I.Tvft T.fn-oi if TSC ItAlii . first !- -t in IMTIinrfcvtl f rit'fr-' l.. 'iiii'tim., l.-in, a i;i'iil"V.j isf i;W'. TlH.nmiu tsrior-wd ( M?, ' !v tiw." ;e 1 ir)iiv to rf'tf.r-. i.-ifv, r ji:':r"", t-'iie. Tm fivv.Ti'.j. i.r i -Mi.':ii'ic-" ai".tv tli-i obfflire-l, is 1: ti'ierwlvni.vl l u l i'.til.iut ic. It iien ' tha OsirtviM ar, & In i;i 1 1 1. 3 IU ; t it a dflishtful Anviue. It criioa'- L's-t Ir .tf. It pren th Zlnirtmri t,jr:u:i itt.y. JikrvV".- ie -l ool, .nl a-irrw the hnil 11 !( !, H.ft. '.o--y i.7Tv.inco. .ttho list in UeAiwirVnn X Oeiii.rrr i t vio'er Ur-Aii-Taart m Ksrenr A-.n-l i.l..iriU lmn.fcii.umht Cuuutr K'. uuly I I:! t M.a l, Xicttle. 'ff Oman's Esfj i E? Mi f-y UK si avi iw M -a rT May 17, 1873. lycow r.r 1 BlTTEls ij mwx hi f a. wry .i.rjtfr.-y4-fi.'i-,siii. - as' IS PCRBXT A VEttETAULB mrPARATlOM, eom. posed Imply of well-known R0OT81 HERBS ad FRUITS, combined with Other properties whlob lu tUslr nature are Cathartic, Aperient, Nu trlunos. Diuretic, AltersjTs and Anti-UUUous. Tho whole ts preserved In a snffldcut qusntity ot spirit from tba MO A It CAUti to keep thus) la any olUuats, will oh uiakes the qSLANTATION ITTERS cos of ths mostdsstrtbUTosiIra avnd Cattlisiio tin In the world. 'ihJ ars tatanilsa strictly a a Temperance Bitters only lob used as a medicine, sod always syxordin; to dtrMtions. Ihtj are the sbect-tnchnr of tbe fsebls and dsbOl tatsd. Thsj act cpon a (liseatMd bvar, and stimulate to such a degree that a healthy action ts at once bieuht about As a remedy to which Woasesa sir especially subject It Is supenaduiff every other ttmulsut. As a Sprint; and SaimsaanTeisile shay bat no equal. The; ar a mild and fentl j PurKSUvs as wall as Tonle. Thar Putty the Blood; Thsy ars a splendid Appetiser. They make the weak , tron. They purify and lnvlcorate. 1 nay cure pyapepala, Cunstipauosi and Ueadache. Ihey aetaa ! aspeolAfl lnallaperles of diaorders which undermine ; the bodily mae'ia ana break aanrn tkaanunat tpirtta recot, 53 Park Plaoe, Now York. . May 17, ftllEKIt l-'N S I-:,. " BT virtue of certalu writs of Vin. Kx., Ltvnri Fueiat, fi, fa., Aliai Vtn. rp.t ami l'lwr ius, levari Fariai Issned out of tbeCourtof Com mon Flen of Northuniherland County, and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Bala or Outcry, on NATI'KDAV, WAV SIM, 1S78, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House iu the boroui;h of Buubury, Northumberland county, Pa., the following described property, to wit : Two certain lots or pieces of ground situate In tse borough of bhainokin, NHrthumberlund County, Pennsylvania, 'bounded and described as follows, to wit: On tho the uorth by lot number six (,) on tho cast by Shainoklii eilreet, on the South by lot number nine (9, und on thu west by Kock ttreei, known and designated on tho general plot or pian of said borough as lots numbers seven (7) and eight (8) in hlock num. ber one hundred aud eighty-four (181) each con taining twenty-live f'iS) feet In width, aud oue hundrud and ulnety (1U0) feet In depih, where on are erected a two story frame dwelling houso and stable. AL&Oi Two certain lots of ground situate iu ths bo rough of ehainnkin, Northumberland County, Pa., bounded aud described as dillows : Lot number four hundred and thirteen (413), bound ed on the north by bunbury Street, on tho west by lot number four hundred and twelve (413), ou the south by Commerce rHrcet, and ou tbe east by an alley, lot number four hundred and ttfueu, bounded on the north by Suubuiy Street, on the west by lot number four hundred and fourteen, on the south by Commerce Street, and on the east by lot number four hundred and six teen, each being forty feet iu width aud oue buu drcd and sixty-feet lu depth. Belted, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Johu K. Doughner, Henry bough uer und Jauie A. bbipp. ALSO 1 All those sevcu contiguous lots or ploces of ground situate lu tbe borough of Shanvckiu, Nor tbumberland county, Peuusylvaula, known In the general plan of said borough of bhamoklo as lots numbers I, S, 4, 6, t), and 8, In block num ber S9, contaiulne; In width each, twenty-live fret, and lu depth each one hundred and fitly (150) feet, fronting on Lincoln atreet on the north, and on tb east by Eighth street, on the west by lot No. 1 of the same block, and on tb oulb by au alley whereon are erected on lot No. 3 and 4, a framed welling house two stories high, aud 00 lot No. 6, 4 ware and ice bouse, and a well of good water. belied, taken lu execution, and to be cold a the property of John II. Dewee. and T. 8. le- wees, Iradibg a John II. Dcaee c Bra., alio a tne property pi tlijan Hammer, and Catharine Hammer, bit wife. B.H.ROTHERMSL, Sheriff. Tievlfi CC:, Sutibuty, IJsy 10, TC. lTHAIROH mmM SH860X GEAID - i .it. .... . ja s (5? ' A t,.;.7';v, ..... r. ZW-&0$&-?n. a.V uffu (Hi mm yMiiy it m i ?25.000in SPRIXG and SaMMER.GOOL3 now open for impaction Tho finest stock of Ladies' Drcs Gooda in this section, UnQiprir dliwpo 'PrimmifliTt" Mamie auuiuij, UlUfUU, llllllllllllU, mm m V Into and Lace Goodo, Carpets in great variety and price, from 23 cts, upwards, Oil Cloths, 'vVind jw Blir. lf. ., A full and complete assortment of GROCERIES. CLOTHS, CASSIiS3EiES.E3S, CfeQTmj&C'. Merchant Tailoring, RICHARQ S1BPS0H. Champion Cutter. We have added M&ich'ant Tailorinp to our businewj with RICHARD SIMPSON as Cutter, and will guarantee complete satisfaction in thin as well aa in every other department. I 3litifrftttit1ff We keep on hand constantly, best Imported Sewi.vq Machixk I to any address post paid on receipt of c.-uh prico Singer all k I ov cts. per dozen, all other kinds, 00 cts. per dozen. Mll'o DeMoreat's Patterns for Sunbury, Pa., April 5, 1873. Smos. NIIF.UIFF feULi:. BT Virtue of a certain writ of Fi. Ft. to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, on Monday Juno Utli, 1873, ut 1 o'clock p. m., the following property, to wit 1 All those certain three lots or pieces of ground situate in the borough of Sharuokln, Northum berland county i'a.. known nnd designated lu the general plnn of said borough hs lots No. 3,4 and 5, in hlock, HS, bounded on the north by au alley, on the east by Second street, on thu south by .Mil merry street, and on the west by lot No. ., each containing 25 foet In width, and 15) feet in depth. Ou lot No. 5 Is orcclud a one-and-a-half story house. Seized, tukcu in execution, an,! to he sold a the property of Dnniul Doulev. 8. H. MOTUEKM EL. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, May 17, 1373. WANTKD AUKXTH for the great sensa tiou of hygienic literature. Our digestion , or, My Jolly Friend' Necret. Dr. DEO LEWIS' new work is an immense success. . tiares money, worry and precious health, nnd shows how to live well and grow fat on $1 a week. Agents are coining1 mouey uud doing a world of good with It. Delay n t, but ntldres at oucc. (iEO. MACLEAN mSl,'?S.4w. Fublisher, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED Send for Catalogue. Domestic 8owng Machine Co., N w Ymk. ACENTS WANTED FOR BEHIND ""SCENES EN WASHINGTON. The splcTest it best selling book ever published. It tell all about tbe great Credit Moodier Scan dal. Senatorial briberies, Congressmen, Kings,' Lobbies, and the wonderf ul Sights of the Nation al Capital. It sells quick. Send for circulars, nnd sec our terms aud a full descriitltn of tbe work. Address, Natloual Publishing Co., t'hi.u delphin.Pa. uiySl,'7S4w. " 7 TO 12 PEIt CENT. V mako a speciality of County, City, and Lchool Districts Uonds, Guarautee Legality of all bond sold, collect tb coupon without charge, or take same as so much cash on sslci. CT Send for price list. THE LAW OP MUNICIPAL BONDS. Just ptibllrhed by our senior, should bo In tho hands of ail inteie.tud hi this class of si-ciirltlis. Two volumes, price 110. a5.'7J.4v. W. N. COI.Elt A CO., 17 Nassau-si., N. Y. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HOME of GOD'S PEOPLE Tho grandest and most successful book out. Ac know leeged to be the most decided success of tho year now selling with astouisuiug rapidity It contains nearly UUO uiogninor.nt engravings. Splendid opportunity for Agents to make mouey. Clrcuhiis, cuiitaiulng full puiliculurs nnd.trrms, sent free. Address DUS'lIX, OILMAN CO., Hartford, Conn. roySl 5w To Hook CstuTstssicrs. A NEW WAY of running a Subscription Book Thausands are sold. Canvassing reduced to a mere pass time. Profits to agents Immense. Address, MURK AY HILL PUBLISHING CO., 12'J East 88th street, New York city. tnySl 4 U Numkroi's Tssts nave Vhonbu 4 N. F. HUKNIIAM'S NEW TURBINE Z ft WATER WHEEL. To be the Best Ever Invented. 2. Pamphlet feee. Address, York, Pa. 4t S llrllliavat Hooka for Canvasser. and salesmen I Bryant' Library of Poetry and Song aud Mis Ueecher' New Housekeeper's Manual. Both selling fust and far. Exclusive Territory! iiboral tcims. J. B. FORD & CO., Nsw York, Boston, Chiaugo and Ban Francisco. Ageuts wanted lor the New Illustrated Book, WILD LIFE IN. THE FAR WEST. 30 years with Indian, Trappers, In Mexican war, tte. ' Scalping Evpedkiou against Apache. Fall interest and selliug rapidly. Tbe Book of the year. Aldrea ' Wlt.IT. DtrrsMIN T t TflV oVTJ,w. I!a,,Ct.' 0 AT THE & i VsU consisting at ' --- o nv wfgj ess m r aru m SECRET or IlEAfJTT. ITow to beautify tho torn ploxlou. If there Is one wish Juarcr than aunt Iter to the heart of It Is the desire to bn b.irtiitiftil. The wonderful repnialion of Geo. V. Laird's "Bloom or Y01 tit-' i. very Jusvly deserved. Fur improving aui bsiiullfyliii the skin, it is un doubtedly the best toilet preparation in the world; it is composed of entirely h.irinlcs ma terials, and while thu Immediate flier, ts aru to render the akin a beautiful cic.niiv white, It will, after a few arplirat'ons, rrniko it soft, smooth and beautifully cleitr, removing ail l.c::ilsl.! and discoloration. This delightful tol'et preparation Inn h.ien se verely tested by tlio U0AR11 or l'.fciMit or X: w YoiiK ClTT. Dr. Louis A. (tuyres, at'tiir caicl'ul ly examining the analyl!. made by ti, ubovo Board, pronounced Geo. W. I.alrd'x 7XlPOia of YrtutU" HaroUess, and Ktitinjlj Frw fro:n Au t l.liij In jurious to tht: Ueililli or Sk!. rttWAltE Ol" COUNlEilr EU:J. Ask' your Druggist for C"0. V. I.i:d 'It: -.otu 11I' Youth.'. The genuine has the l.'nite l St..les revenue stump engraved on the front hu,1 the name, "O. W. Laird,' blow 11 in t!m gl iss on theb:iek of every bottle. HOLD It V Al.l. DUL'U 0IS14 AND FANCY GOODS IK.tLEr.S. Vay 1, '7a. 4w. NEVER Neglect a Cough. ''Nothing is more certain to lay the foundation for future evil consequenru!,. WELL'S CAKhOLIC TAHLLTi are a sure cure for all diseases of the I'.esplra tory Organ., tfore Throat, tlolds, Croup, Diph theria, Aslhin. CuLirrh, llotir-.-ur, Uryucss oftlie throat, Wlndp ; e, or Itioui iilal 1'uhes, und all U'i':i.-vK ol i;m Lungs. Iu nl! isns of suddi'H foid, hnwevvr taken, tluse Tablet ahould b.- proir.t!y nti I f.-eeiy used. TheyennnliJii the i-ireulatii n'of the 'i:ood. luliignte the aewiiiy i.l'tne attack, nVd hi 4 very short time, icnort bralll. uti.oii to af. fet-led oriiiiiis. Wdlls' Cartiollc Tabltt ar put np ou'y In bine boxes. Take no uillutt s. If luey eun't beYound at your dniuglst's, acii.t at oihu tu the Agent lu New York, who w'.,J furttard lhi;u by return mull. llon't be deeelve 1 by Iuilt;it! .in. bold by diuggl.ts. lriii 25 i-fiiti t.-ov. JOHN Q. KF.LLOCU, U lllult-st .Sta York. to31,'73.4w.Sepd fur circular, tn.t .a dv U.S. Jl'i.OOO.OOO ,aM?S, ' si- . .CilKAP FAKM;i ! The Clirayest Land In Land iu Umkii, for aula . , I'' the UNION PfXIFlC KMLKOAD COMf.vNy, Iv the Creut l'lstl Valley. 5,000,000 ACiZa IS CENTRAL NEtRASIIA Now fdr sale In tracts of forty acres aud up wards on Five and Ten Years' Credit at IS per cent. No advance luterest required. MUdaad nvalthlul Climate, V.rillo Boll, an abundance of Good WaUr. ' ' The tt Market Id th West t Thu Mining regions ot Wyuutlng. Colorado, Ut1. and Nevada, bciug tupplicd by lb tarmar lu th Platte Valley. SOLDI EK3 ENTITLED to a IIO.MESTJAD of 160 ACUES., ' THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COM FREE HOMES FOR ALL 1 Millloisof icres of choice Government Land opeu for vtt'.tj sin. der tb rleinesiead Law, ueai tbl Ureal Rail road., with good aiarkeu and all th cwov niencoi of au old settled country. Sectional Ma, showlug the Ijnd, also new edition of Descriptive PatuphUl wHh New MaS MahcU l'teetvdtya burs. Address, O. F. DAVIS, . LandCoiBluftsiouer V. P. ft. K., tfyJl.'TS Pr. Cr.ahs, Wcb.-usV. t3 ' if-i 1 1! p. if fi KJ? S&-L? iii C and salo at lLo STAR TORE, t Sf-se- a -jsv'- a at very low prices. DlnnVnto Ciipaiiiio UlUlliiUlUj UIJ1 UliUU. Ei mv I n sj B aa 'KB a c I a v. Xeidles. and will forward iuds, and Grovor k Baker, sale, rmr : firi: : : nun i nOIITI.Xi FIKE I Asats wuntcu for thu grandest buok ot the year, now railing villi ai totil-h;ni; rauiditv. TelU the causes of r ire ; Safe 1 Tiio-proof build ings i Cooiiuer'.Dg Fii e with ".Vater, Blejm. and Gas : lu'uutura Is it safe I l'.s History, taxis, Mauagenifut, How to Insure, te.j 'iivid Ac counts of thu Oieut Fires of History. Aaients send for flrcu!ars. You ill not regr-t it. "Kent free. Ad troi3 D,:s'.'.n, tiiiirian A Co., ilartTorJ. Ct. m.U'TiMw. WE WANT AS ACE VP. . I:i this township to cauwies fur t!)'! mr.v, vp-H; b!e uud fat selling hook by 1. 0!IN COVi'AN, i'ltji SCIiilvXP. OF A N'h'.V I If U. Be-'o:n'in:nil" U a'.iil eudorud 1" nr.' nil .mtt initiij- o-, phyrit'i'ins, rtl!ct,iti at)'! ce. 'i'.ir p;iu-.-.-No other Hook like It Iiuldishei. f0 pr weel-r Kuaratitued. Address, COWMAN .t CO.. U't Klch'.h St., No York. i!i:l!'7'J.4w. TV) "5X MTiE?7el7t h TTi Ti ff oT77d,Tt u7rij JLae tsl! riifk for t'ii. R. L. WOLCOTT, mSU'T'Mw. tSIChatham-aqtiare,'!?. T. "CAMPUOIliNK" cuieaevry puin, oc. 'fry it. Sold by a.l i!rtiiii'..-ta. KilUiiLN IIOYT. Prop'r, New Yor'u. mvoi.-l' Wilte for Large T.'.w LI it. Adarcsi, st-SsiTRnEiDsf p:iTi:-;.:H p,4 Ilrei:ol!-!oJi! t'liot i.i'.n.-, 1 ' v J. L-.t'x bin Siiot lluns W o elf. S.n e Ov.i '. ?" 1 t'.'fi. Kiiies, 7'. I !. -Iv-i s. i ' t. .;' i'i s to'.. $1 t .' 'tu .'.ti.'. :'..' '':.:.. ; V.i. i'' I.arife dl!.;-i:nt t'' d'rii':5 : f i.',:.n. An:'.- '' lit-i-i'.'.ir', Ko.!- ir; IT1 . ' t;. ' J i't by v;.-a.i C. i. '.- b. S...-: -.1 t.-.f 1.. t-U 'r. :i'-.:.'7.'.-v . W O '... CI.S! V "i r..h'.e n?;K iJni;iiiii":n. 11 ,:.-ji" "i ,:i,tj..', in:,; r.i ho:Re, (lay or oeij'l.g ; 1 (;i;.ltn, l.-'i'lii'l ; i nt r l-. t ". iui: -. Vji!ub!trp:i':kai'' vt at-.f . free be :ns I'. . -.M 1 - 1 , -'..!' r'x f -t.t I'fjii. ftaxj'. M. Y'J'.'.K,) tCv. 173 Ctl-j .:'. V-;i, New Y. rl:. v.'.yl. .; t&lii Thi'i;;.iid In VtKt. rjiui. nir..:-! ..;. 8.000 more LiVR AtirNTS WatitoJ oro:ir EIVI.,.NTO.i; tSv-t s ia Ai-atlCW mer OX) p.iK'0i, ,n' v $J 50 lin: m. uiou and 111 lei lor Hoiks urj otl'cied, look out lor tUi ni. Send for circulars and e r1' nf the i rialnt tirct-ss of the sea: O 1. I'rt' kt ', C inipanlon Vtoi th 10 mailed fior. I! "l.ltAUli HUOS., rul.'i, nnai,4w V?3 Sanson) St., Phlhi, i'a. ! aud ivmoverof uhotruc'.jcxi ktiu.n I to Mnlena Melka. It Is specially adgpted to coi.stituti ms "nr. dea n"' and itcbilltuled by the warm weather of priug nnd Summer, ben thu blood Is liol ! active circulntion, conseiiuenlly gntherlng inn rlllcs from sluggishucs and Iniperri-ct atCo t the secretive orgnna, and is'esltd by "" mors. E'rtrtlons. biolehes. Boilt. i'vstuleK.'ix'r . fua, .So. When wnnry nJ lauT-d fr.w.i "jvrwors;. r i.-.' dullness, droweiiieiat:d India take the'piaeo eaergy ami )Igt.r. :br system s Tuuic tn build It up and be! p thu Vila", i'ovce tu their iiciiiralivs poacr; -5 Iu the imI' if Mininur, frequently the Lle. and tplecu r.o not properly perform then f,.m lions 1 the Uterine and Urinary Organs are In active, producing weakness of the i, 1mx1.ii act lutestliies and a preJispocttion to bilious dirar. ji uicut. - DK: WELI8'. E.travt of Jurubeba Is prepare u plreclly from the Smtr Amrr'i -.. Plant, and Is peculiary suited to all these cutties 1 11 will cleans the Vitiated Hlood, streng then ths l.ifc-tiiviug fowere, and remove all obaaniclions fnua Impaired aud euf.tUxi Or cat s. It thvuld Uulrsuly tnkeu, a Juruueba is pro uoaured by nwdlcul witter thj irvvt i;H- Isut Purl.ter, Tnule and Deobstfuoct iso taliie whole rnng of medicinal lants. Joiiio ITI I 111.,; M !! .( fc V V Agent foi the Unite,'. r:u'i Prtpa, f 1 o:' fnf'.tU- fernj t'irc. ,1. tn ".1, 4