Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 31, 1873, Image 1
THE SUNBURY AMEHICAN; IS rvBLtflltCD firXAT SATURDAY t EM'L WILVERT, Proprietqr, Moor A DIselngcr'aj.'BtiUiifft. Market 9ire, At tl.SO In AtlvsMtx. II not pal within 6 Months 92. , Snbfritiom tnk for less thttn tt,Month$. Vaxwrrn with this establishment 1 an eaten slveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of plain nnd fhnry type eqaal to any establishment n th Interior of the State, for which the patron age of the public la respectfully eoHcited. ; ,, I rofcsaiottal. Ax.irice, ATTORNEY AT LAW, akd actiso JUSTICE or the PEACE. Next ; Door to Judge Jordan' Iteeldcoro, Cheats wt, Sonb-ury, l'a. ' v 1 nnt Street, Collection! and all legal matter prornptly ft tended to. ' e . . . JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACTISU JVHTICK OF TIIK TEACK. Conreyanclnir.tlieeollec-tloneof clnlmt,wrltlni;s, and all kind of Iirnl bnlnea will be attended to carefully and with dispatch. Can bo commit ed In the hngtiah and Uernian lunjrunitf. DfHce formerly occupied by aVilamun M(llck, Esq., op jxidte City lloul, Snntniry, Pat-' '- -March , 1T3. lr. r G. A. ItOTDORF.r H, . . AnoTtrcvur.n. EORETf)W.V. Northnmberlnnd Co., Psjiiio. Cm be eomultiyl In the Knirllnh and (tcrnian lanj(uni;c. Collcvtiona nltundi'd to InNorth- nnilierlund and adjoining counilcii. Aluo Acint for the Lvunnnn Vallcj- Eire Inh- rnnce Qiuipany. mhlA T. II. n. K.4KE, Attorney at Ijiw, 'PCX- HURT. PA. Ollire In Ma rkrt ruiiarc, (itdjolalne IbtnlttVe of W. I. GreenOiiL'h, Ei.l) PrerrAniiuinl b-lne in Ihl iilii iuljiinlii(; toub. tins promptly attcnut'd to. Smihury, March HI, 17.-1 y. jar... ta' W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. November 0, 1S72. If. - , ; R. t JI.VS. 31. M lltTIX, 1'HY.SICIAN' AXl SUUOKON', ' Nunhurj, IVun'ii. ' Olllus on Front Street, ' nest dortr to Ilima Tairely ... OlUee llonrir. I'ntll n m. Prom 12 to I p in From 5 to tip ni.,iunl aftur II o'clock r in. At nil other hour when not prIVioii:injf efi- ' friirel. cun bn ftiund nt Drue Htifre.'oirTbWI rt. next lo ('lenient llouw;' -rfl iMiK:t,72.-ly 8 11. 1IOYEK. .Vttorury and Counnll'oV i :it Lnw. rtiem No. 3 4 .1 Second Flixir,' ' ltriirlit'ii Building, SL'N III' UY, PA. Profi a.lona bilhiiiea lUteaded to, in the court of Xorlhntn 1 herland and ailjoluini; cnn:ili'. AUo, in the : C'ircMit an I flMrvt Court for the Western 1U- ' trlct of IVunt.vlv.uiiu. CImUiik proinjitly collect- , c.l. 'Particular attention piid to nwi la Jl-ink- ruptty. ('iviiiHa-ioii ciu bt) hid ill the Ucr-i uian lHtiim.'. nmrA",'71. 1U. KANE, Attorney nt Law, KI N U HL'RY, PA., nlllce In Sfaecr' Bulldlntt , i i!ar the Court Ilou. Front Room up t:ilr ; i iibnve the Druir Store. Collection made in Nor 1 1 liiiiiibcrland and adjoining countir. , duuliury, Pa., .June H, 1S72. . 1 J. ii. n.lRKLE A' CO. Market Street, - SL'NBt'KY, PA. m.iler In Drug. Medicines, Paiute, Oiln, ; Ola", Varuiirtira, I.inorn, Tobacco, Cljtar, I Pocket Rmiks, Dairlea, At: SI. WOEYERTON, Attnrner at Law. Market S.,uara, 8UNHlRY,PA. ProfeealiMi . at .iiiKiiiei'K In thin and uiljoluini; countirt prompt- '. y uttendiul to, HH. MANSER, Attorney at Law, Bt'N- lll'RY, PA. Collections' attended to in ; til -. comities of NwthiiinlNTlniiil, Uul'in, (Miyrler, ' Montour, Columbia ami Lycomim;. a I'll (Mill 8 M)LOH( .tHI.K K, ATTOIiNF.Y AT l.AW. Oin at III reaiilciiee on Arch street, one iimra ' north of the Court Hotiw, near the Jik, SCN- ' Bl'KY, PA. Co!lclion and all professional ' hiisiness promptly attviide.l to in lbi and adjoin lxi counties. Consultations can I"' had in the ' tlurin.ia taiitfiiaKC. July'J7-lS72. 1 U. W. ZII'.lil.FK. ' I.. T. UOllllllKHI. .lEtsEEK tt KOIIKIt (TI, ATTORNEYS AT l.AW, OlTlce In llatipt' lluildluir, latety occupied by Judire Kocket'ullcr and I.. T. Kobrbaeh, Ki). ; Collection and all prnlesslonal tiusiness ; pr'iuptly attended to In the Court uf Noithitm- lierlaiid and ndjoliiliii; countiea. Dec. 2. 1S71. .... .. . . Si I J I . I ' ; otrls nub lltstanrunts. XJNITED NTATEN HOTEL, W. F. f U Kl ICIIEN, Proprlet.M-. OlH-lla the Ie- j jiot eilAMUKlN, PA. Every attention ifireu to i traveller, and the bet acmnkodatiis given. I April 5, 1S7U. tf ; NT. JANIX.IIOT EE. . ' No.. SOfl, 008 and 310 Rn trect, I'llII.ADKl.- , 1111 A. riENRY LEU MAS, Proprietor. llnte of Wooster, OhlnJ Successor to Win. Christinan. ', Termini 1.2.1 Per Day, j Market Bt. Car connect with West Pblla. sumter Depots, to all part of the Clay. Feb. 2i, 73 X inn. ASIIIUTON IIOI'NE. C. NEFF Proprietor, Comer of Market .fc Seeutd ; :ftreets, oppomtu the Court House, Hunbiiry, .Piu MuyUVTO. ! EI.EtillF.XY IIOI NE. A. BECK. : Proprietor, NM.bl2 mid Market Street, bove eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, per duy. lie respectfully soliciL your patrou- ' .age. Jan A' 7lt. i N"ationae hotei.. Ai'tJi'TrT's ' WALD, Proprietor, (ieorgetowa NorthM j Comity, Pa., at the Station ofthe N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bur. The table Is (upplted with th best the market affords. Uood stabling and nyetitive ostler. HI JIJIKIN ItK.NTA l'KAT, -L0CI8HUMMK L, Proprietor, Commerce St., 8HAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having Just refitted the above Salnoa for the .accomodation of the public, 1 bow prepared to Slnr. ' I i . f rlnA with 1 1... 1.1 r.frMlimant. mnA treh Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all otter 'mult j Uor. ' BYERI.Y'N IIOTEeT ! J08IAH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Maha noy towuahlp, Northumberland count V, Pu., on the road leading from Georgetown to L'nlon itown, Smith Inn. Trevorton Potuvllle, Ac. The choicest Llqnor and Hegara at the bar. The table are provided wits the best of the sea son. Subline large and weJI suited for drovers, with good antler. Every attention paid to make gnestl comforta ble. Nov. 11, 187t.-ly. 1 . . '- -- P mm arbs. w. e. atioAua. j. rcEB baa WN. UIIOADN V CO., a ketail iiaAi.aus or ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Omca witu Haas, Fasxi.t At Co., Order WD. at SeaaVolta & Bre'a.,otttce Market Arect, will tocelv vempi ttekUu. CouiaLry vatoturepeotfU aeUoited. Fh. 4, Hj71 It ANTHRACITE COAL ! VALE TIKE DfCTI. WkolesaU and Ketitll dealer ie eseny variety of ANTHRACITE COAL. UPPER WUAjW, BL'NBt'KV, PENN'A. AH kind of Grain taken in exrtaae for Coal. Ordera aollcrted aet alle1 MMsfstly. Order lest titt 8. F. Nevin' Confectionary Store, am Third itreat, will rccleve promt attention, and mosey eceipUdfor, lie same at lUo office. i Y' 0 ivi A 17 I .TrrtUllislvtsd In 184.0, .1 fRICE 91 50 IN ADVANCE, Ith) ' Abbt rlif utcnls COAM COA14 1'OALf GRANT HROS., Shipper am W'bolwoll and Rctnll Dmalrra In WmTEASOREDASHCOAL,BUNBCItT,rA.1!j,;"r.;cr.E: ' Ht the fitofo of ' i v.n feBTAote Ajronta, westward, at the eelebrnted Ifcuryptay Coal. : . i .? jan HMJ V ;" DENTISTRY.. I '(tEOROE M. uknn. In iS'iniiwn'f i JtuiUUmj, ' Marktt Square, i, - : . . ' BrwntKT, . ; i'.'! 1. jvepared 10 do all kind of work pertatnloe to Itenllatry. lie kerpa conntnntly On band a lar- aMortnifiit of Teelb, aud other Dental natcrlul, 'from which he will be able to aelert, and mm iho wanta of hi natomrr. ' All worK warranted to lve(atlfaotloii,or else themoncy refunded. , - The very tx'xt Mouth Wanh andTooth-Powder '-kejt on Imnd. j trr tir 'xy L His ri'fi'rrncrii afe the nuincrooa pMroaa for 'jrhoin tarana woitd -for the lat twvlvaj eir. Hnnhiiry, April 21, 1X72. " " NEW COAL YAltD. THE undcrained having; connected, the Coal bualncas with lilaexwunlve FLQl'ICAORAIN trade, la prepan-d t aupplv fuinlllcs with tli VERY VENT OF ( OIL, ( I'OR t'AMII. EkK. Btove and Nut, constantly on hand. Craln takertlu exchange .for Goal. - i . , clmnee fin , Jan. h (J, M. CADWAI.liADER. Pnuburv, Jnrt. 15, 1H7U. tf. '"Ca (trmrly U.i H.T.Helmbold. TI1AIJK .BARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, W the euly Known Rsnisdr for Itright's Pis ens, and luis eun4 every cisse stf Iiiahetes in which It has bcvii rirn. lrrlistitm of th Neck of Uie WndrtVT snd Intlnnironilon nf the Kidneys, I'lcerstton of the Kidiw? and lUsrttler, Rrtrn vlin of Vrlne. llisesses of the Prostate fllnnd, Htuiw in (lie Bladder, tiravrJ. Ilrlck Dnst Jisuotil, and ilueous or tyUkr llsrbarirea. snd for En feebled and DellcntcCensHtutlunaiif boib Ssiea, attended whh Ibe following srmiitnms: lsi of I'tiwrs, Loss ml Meotorr, Diraeulie nf Ttrcnch tntt. Wrast Jicrvns, Wakefulness, Pain in lli baok-KlnshliiRtif the Body, Kraptinnoii the Kaen, Pallid Countenance, Lassitude nf the System, trc. Csod by iiersons In Iho decline or chance i life; after roolnement or labor psina, bi-M 1 Hoc In children, eic. In many affection peculiar to ladles, the Ks tr&t BiiSa Is nnctiuafett bv snv other remetly As In (ihlorosls or Retention, Irregularity, i'aln fulness or Sippresslon of Cuatosnsry KTSCuftllnns, (ilenrated or sjrbirrus sin of the i tems. Len corrhera or Whiles, Sterility, sad for sll rosn pIslMta Instdtnrt to the sex. It la prcsersd eu-nslvelv f the most enrtnent I'hyslciana and Midties for enfeebled and delicMe roiistlla tions of both sexes snd sll re. KE4RMIP9 EXTRACT BCCIIt , Cure ttiimut Armnq rrvm thiw, 2risr of IMtrtjinlkm, Etc., In all their stse. si tie expense, II Itle or no change In diet, ne lu-cnnvrnieiiu-, snd no exposure, lt causes a fre quent desire, and jcives strrncth to nrlnatc. thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing anj Curing Strlrturse of the t'rethrs; Allayinic Pain find Inflammation, so f request iu tlds clsss of dis eases, sud expelling nil poisonous malpT. KKARNBY' EXTRACT BCCHr, 1.00 er bottle or six boltles for SfVCW. dallveredl to snv aildoys, wTiire from observation. Sold bj dnutElStBor5'ywhere. Prepared by KKAfcsrV A .. 104 Diuwe Rt.,N". T. tn whom all letters for iuforinatlon should b ' addressed. AVMDQUACKn AND IMPOaTlR". B Charg for Advlos and Oonnltatioa. lr J. H. liyoit. Orsdnslr of Jcftrto Mtdieal Cal'tt, Philadelphia, suthor of several vslnsbla works, ran Its cnaeulted on all diseases of the ISexusI or Crluary Uanns. twhirh h hss aisda as especial alndyl, ellltar In main or female, no matter frm what eanan oriKinallng, or of how long standing. A prattles of HO years enable him to Irssl disease with snecess. Cures gnar anttted. tltsrire reasonable. Those at a dls lanee ran forward letter descrldng symptoms, asut encloslni; stamp to prepay poetaice. Cexut (m the Criiuis to Urntih. 1'ric to cents. i. b. DYUTT. M. I., Physirlan and Harapstu February 8, 1 N73.-l.Vj , EACI'ITY AICI RRICIMM SUNBURY ACADEMY. Classics uud Mm hematics, Pbok. N. FOSTER BROWN E. French IjtngnnKC and Literature, Mil. !!. M. BROWNE. (rriiiiin LangUiigr, , , Ph.ii-. DAVID RF.IMF.R. " Taachrr of English Branches, Mn. C. D. OBF.RDORF. Advanced English Course, PnrF. N. FOSTER 1IVNE. Assisted by Ms. H. M. BliOWVE. ' Primary Dcpartiucnt, Muh.1I. M. BROWNE, sslstcd by Ms. C. D. OUERDOKF. f Justruiiicntal Miulc, Pnor. DAVID REIMER. Vocal Music Pkof. N. FOflTFjt UIIOU KF. - , Tor CutaloeiiB or anv wther Information, ai dress S. FOSTER BROWNE, Principal and Proprietor. Or to Mhs. II. M. VunwNit, Lady Principal, Eunbnry, vnrcb i 187X-3 nios. THE PARKER CUH. StNO STAMP ION CIRCUiaa PARKER BRtfS VIST MERIDENsCT. Mreh 20, 1S73 ly. J. F. LERCH'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKINGeW. ' TABLISHMENT, CSZSTVUT 8T flTJWBlTfly. PA. YMueaar u, Cs uxvm t cUauvaJi,' , The lateat styles a ad tit bast warkmas)i. Hamplej aaof a aaeaaAika shop. kirn call. Jiuubury, Dec 7, tiTi.ij. TV- . i . v i .A vN ; k r .liow n Ii 1 i .I.Hk'l x u.iu-ii u it i MPRINO AND MVlrlMER OOOK d ttrothe WaiaholtK. " (,.'.'.'t'sceiorlo8.t)i Reed o'8ro.) '. COMPRlSfNO OF DRY OOU3 f ,is of erery dfmHptlon and ffcrlrfy dcn a '. ' Drew Cooam ' ' ! roinprlnlni: nil tlm noVollW in fuhriC and shade. Wllt tiooJ-, M-'mitvf Jool. : YVIX Ii WnRTMKVT OP Notion?, M which are beini; sulil at the lowest (Veil Prices. i Also, CJuot-KKiKs ani I'povisions, ;. ; ...j i ..' 'j pnreand fruh. ; ..i , ' QCr.KSSrARK, ttLASSVTA RR, ' AKD WOOD AMI! Wll-LOW W'ARK ' KSccsl jpfatidy or Fliiur coristnuiiy on band. A cry idwo, . , AKSOHTMKXT OiAVAt t'AJ'IvJt, both clnzrd and romtnon, ulnuys on hand. HOOTS AN I) SHOKS from the eclebriitml hand mad Knot and Shoo Manufactory "f tVuiaontown, for M EX, IVOMKN AXD CHII.DHKN'. JEAl)Y.MAlH!CLOTUL(i ; of all cite and of the latcet style." - F LOU U . - A eonrtnnt supply of Western uliili! Wheat flour ... . -a speciality.'."- " The public n re liiTtted In call And examine our (iomls ime of charge. Our nioeio in "yalck alcnd rtinall Protiti.." and to please nil. ; The highest price will be paid for ail kinds of conntry produce. lie strict attention to business uud kecpiux at nil. times the nmt cumpletu ih k. nitd svllinK n llielowi et prices, ivu hope to merit a I' ill share of patronage. ftpKASHOLTK. Siinbury, Mny 3. 1S7.1. , J, 1 C. u o -i i o itt? o 3 ft r re sd -4 PS ; - x- c 5 2 i2?4?3 2 i s 5 5 - .- ri v 3 "-3.3 3 2. 3 aa e. 5- -1 TV AN MINta .MADE EANY ! A Want long felt at last suaplled tiv the Improved . j . NCCCENV; WASHING MACHINE ! I With adjustable Washers, recently added, io crcualng Ks utility 50 per cent, invented aud paleuted by S. M. SMITH, York, Pa. it clean all tliula of fWkiug bettrr aiid utrkcr tbua any Mr WtaW. U clean per fectly and without liijnry, any article from the lineal Lace Curtain to the heaviest Bed Clottiiug. It will cleanse a half dozen Gentlemen's Shirts, badly soiled, In from S tn V minutes, including tho Collars and Wristbands.1- - The steam being confined In th Washer, the' clothing while being washed I also bleached. Over Hoo Maihiue wers Sold in York and Ijin eatier Couutie and over f 70,000 worth In this Hate and Ohio, wliklaycar giving satisfac tion. TUe celebrated. Pelf-Adjusting EUREKA Wringer Is attacked to the luarhlua. -VIu from one to two tours a Urge Family Wash ruu be done aud rinsed, wltti Wssthitn ttulf tde labor required by band. ' t t , lllnalns; Im dove lu tbla Mwrltlne thoroughly and rapid).' Wsask no one to purchase without first trying ' 'it USIlit. Binoi.1 Uuicsu, !. - With Wringer, 135. ry" Address all orint to .lr.,.-.; JU A T. CLEMENT, ... Manufacturer and Agent, , Sunbury, Pa, Bunbnrr. April M, IKt. , ' , Ut'lLDEKN . : v Send fr oiar LUa at rated Catalogue nf new book oa b Jlldiiig. A, J. U1CKNELL CO. a,'Jtw. ii Warren-si., few York. : si 'iliiH sli trd' In "HIT in j. at Ji I it.: . ;. . lo 1 '' BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL . Physician of this celebrated lustltutloat ha tllsoovered the most eertoln, speedy, pleasant and .elTcotnal remedy in the world fof all . . I ntof tasii CIS txtxtrttTrtt'wevs ' ' uiD.aoi.a w . ..'i. v. l i ,( '" Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affection of Kidney and Bladder, Involnii-taj-y Discharges, . Impotence, General Debll 1 ty, Nervousness,' Dyspepsy, Languor,: Low Spirits, Coufnsion of Ideas, ; Palpitation .r the Heart, : Timidity, Tremblings, Dlmmvts of Sight or Oiddiness, Disease or the, Head, Throat, No or Skin, ArTrcttoriiof Liver, Lunes, Btomach or Bowel these terrible Disorder arising from the Solitary Habit of Tenth those I eecret and aolltary practice mora fatal t ibalr victim tban the aong ot Byrena to the Mariner of Ulysses, blighting their moat brilliant hope of anticipations, rendering marriage, dtc-,linpo. lhle. - , , . iot'N'a MEN especially, who hare become the victims of Soli tary Vice, tbt dreurlful nnd destructive habit which annually sweep to an Untimely grnre thousand f .yonoc men the most exalted talent aad bfUllnnt Intellect, who might other wise bsv eotraacsd listening Senate with Iba thnndcr of eloquence or waked t ecstacy the living lyre, may call with fall confidence, ' MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, awarw of Physical Weakness, (Loss of ProorcnUve Power Impoteaeyr Nervo-ts Kx uilabillty, Palpitation, Organic; Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or auy other Disciuallllcatlon, speedily relieved. He who place himself under the enre of Dr. J. Mdy religiously confide In til hmor as a gentle. mail, hihI conlidently rely aooti his skill asal'bv aariaaw !;!' ' r -- ORGANIC WEAKNESS, luipoteiicr, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Mgor Restored. This Distressing Affection which render Life miserable and marriage Impossible Is the peaxlt y paid by the victim of Improper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from uot being a war of the dreadful couseqences that may- enaue.-. Now, who that understand the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Improper habits than by tho prudent t Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Th system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Function . I Weakened, I.os or procreatlve Power, Nervous i Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, 1 IniliK'estlon, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of t he Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. ' ; A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trifling month after mouth, taking poisonous and Injurious compounds, should apply Intintdlately. : DR. JOHNSTON, Member of tlie Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of tho most eminent College In the United States, and the greater part of wtioje lfe has been spent In the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, hits ctlcctcd some of the moat astonishing cures that were ever knowa many troubled with ring ing In the head and ears w hen asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at Hidden sounds, buslil'ulncs, with frequent blushing, attcuJed sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured lmiiicdiutelv. ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all .those who have liijurrd Ihenisclves by Improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting llieui for either business, study, society or mar riage, i i Thcdk lire some of the sad and melancholy .nduf.J fcy .rlr Inl.ll. of ynilth, Vjx t Weakness of the Back and Limbs, PalusTii (lie Buck and Head, Dimness or Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspep.y, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of Digestive Fuuclious, General Debility, Symptoms of Con sumption, dec. ,M KNTA.I.I.Y The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Idea, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, belf-Uistrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, tc., are some of the evils produced. Tuousisiis of persons of all ages can taw Judge what Is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, aervowe and emaciated, having a lingular appearance jtboul the eyes, cough uud symptoms ol consump tion. . , . YOUNG MEN' . Who have Injured themselves hy a certain prac tice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequeutly learned from evil companions, or at sebaol, tho etlect of which are uightly felt, even when aslocp, aud If not cured, render marriage impos sible., and destroy both mind and body, should apply tuimediutely. What k pity thai a young man, the hope of hi conxstvy, the darling of his parents, should be enalehoA from all prospects nnd enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from tho path of nature and indulging in a cettaia scercl habit, tfucli cordons mi st before coutemplutiug MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound miud and bady are the most iMXWsury requisites to promote connubial happi i tie. . Indeed without these, the journey through i life becomes a vveury pilgrimage t the prospect hourly darkens to the view t the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the happiness of another become blighted with our own. A, CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided aud imprudent valnry of pleasure rinds that be has imbibed the seed of this ) willful disease. It too often happens that Ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applylug to -those who, from education and rescetubiiitv, can alsMte befriend dehiyhig ' 'he couslitutlonnl symptoms ol this borrid diseaae wtike their appearance, such as nlceratcd eons throat, diseased nose, uoeturul pains in the head and limbs, dimness or sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the bead, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till nt last the palate of the mouth or the bone of the nose fall In, and the victim of this awful diseuse becomes a borrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to bis dreadful uflcriug, by sending him to " that Undiscovered Couutry from wheuc no trsveller reruru." It i a melunchojy fact that thousand DIE victim to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hand of Ignorant or uuaklllful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol sou, Mercury, dec, destroy the constitution, and incapable of curing, keen the unhappy sufferer month after tuojuUi taking their natLas or in jurious compound, and instead of being restored to a renewal of Life Vigor and Happiness, In des iair leave him with ruined Health to sigh over bis galling disappointment. t'a asveii, therefore, Dr. Jciiksion pledge him aelf to preserve the most Iuvlolablc becrerv, and from hi extensive practice and observations m the greut Hospitals of Eummi, and the tlr.t r. this couutry, via England, France, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, is enabled to offer the most cer tuiu, speedy aud effectual Miwodj' Ui tbo ojld for all diseases of Imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFiCE, NO. 7. S. FREDERICK 8TREET. T3ALTIMOHK, M. 11.' Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few door from th corner. FuJJ uot to observe uame aud number. I if' No letter received unless postpaid and ucuitalning a stamp to be used on the reply. Per. too writWf (bould itate age, and aeud a portion of advlrtlsoineut describing ymptom. Thar are so many Paltry, Designing and Woxt&leea Iuipuslcra advcrlitiug themselves as Physician, trilling with and rululng the Lealtb of alt who unfortunately fall Into their power, that Dr. Johnston deem It necessary to say e. peoially to those unacquainted with bis reuwtsv lion taut bis Credential or Diploma always hang la hi office. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousand cured at (Lis Establish ment, year after year, aud the numerous im portant Surgical Operation perfdsmd by Dr.. Johnston, witoeased by tA reprecnwtia of pre And aa other paper, notice of which hove appeared gain and agaia before tbu public, bald blsattusdiuga a geutleman of cuaracler and aesponslbiiay, 1 a auUlclaut guar aulc lolUt affiltVed. bbiu dieaafeadily tuxed. March 1, 1S7JA; ' 1 1 ; ,'.1 fn:' "i Wi ' i-- IL.'.wiiJi.urt i. J . iU:i.tM -'ill f -wimi.t ol Jif i k nA j - -j.j. i..iu .' Oil . 'I' : S i: I'- J' .i : l" : I .'-!'. fiellCBrOJlb' mx28 i X Ill RIlIED COCRTSlIll. : ; I witi a ybunV rnrtn, post!Bcd fef 'mitli fclerjt tnOBii to enable trie to) Hve ftt tny 'cum?, nnd refrain from labor of any kind, when suddenly thelf canto k blow tlmt licnttercd my proapcrHy to the winds, find forced mo to tin ploy my tnbor and wit hi the general atrnglo of jrtiiriiig n livinp. Tho blow Came in tho almne of ,lbc raiiurtt of ft Inreje firm irt ti-hicli nil my capitttl was invested. - ' " i " r J ' ' Aftcf sccuritiff lit clcrksliir) Tn tho houao of a creditor of oar late linn, my tint rare was to look up a less expensive boarding house thnn the fashionablo one in which I was livinjf. ' I inserted nn advertisement in several widely circulated city papers, n&kine; fur rensounble board in n strictly privnto iUmily, and of course received a multitude of answers by nest post. Out of this mullcy iusUlliucut , of epiallcs, there wns but one which pleased nie, nnd that one I decided to answer iu pcrscm imme diately. , i, . ' Oru co Kingslcy was the name of tho fa vored landlady writing to me, nnd the let ter stated that' her houao was entirely pri vate, having no other .boarders whntever. I was much pleased with - tho fair, delicate handwriting, and an idea took me that Grace was a young and fascinating widow. I was not disappointed when 1 reached the house, and my ringing at the door bell was answered by the lady herself. .She invited me into the parlor in a manner so ennrteout, and yet so modest, that I had falleti desiie ratcly in love Willi her before I could cross tho threshold. ' I enjoyed ft very pleasant chat with Mrs. Kingrley. During the conversation she in formed me that her late husband had been in a fair way of business, and that at his death, which occurred a year previous, had left her in pretty fair circumstances. They had but one child ; and this item of mor tality I wns most graciously permitted to look upon, its it lay jieacefully slumbering in its cradle. J also learned that the lady was living in the house quite aluue, nud du- ireu a male boarder more as a protection than us a source of revenue. In conclu sion, the lnudlttdy looked so pretty (sho was quite young, not mote than two or three and twenty), aud the board so mode rate, her companionship so inviling, aud site seemed so to trust iu iuc, nud look up on tne so tavorably, that 1 would have been n lieathen, dead to nil charms and induce ments of the sex, if 1 hud not cugaed boaid on the sp;t. i. - . The next day I had ray truuk removed to my new boarding place, and permanent ly established myself there, lie lore leav ing my former boarding house, a letter was handed me by the postmau, but I did not find lime to txamino it until I was comfort ably ensconced in the parlor of Mrs. Kiugs lcy's coscy house. Openiug the letter, I discovered it to be from a wealthy uncle of mine, residing in Vcrmout, who regularly sent mo a leUer every year, but whom I had ucver seen, I! is epistle were always r-hort and to the I mint, generally constating of nn atsif nit nvtZkiici m ins lOCUllty, II uu soinu goou advice to me to take care of my money, us I might be burdened witli it before I was much older. 1 was always very glad to get this advice from him, as I regarded it as uu intimation that 1 was to inherit Ids wealth on his decease. Ouo day, however, about a year previ ous, I received a letter from him which con tained another topic besides those 1 have mcntioucd. My uncle made seme press lug inquiries respecting my matrimonial prospects, aud stated that if 1 was not al ready married, I should immediately enter iuto the wedded slate, and let him kuow it, or he ucver more would lie ai uucle of mine. Now, as my uncle lived in Vermont and I iu Philadelphia, and ns I never antici pated '.hat the old mau would pay iuc a vi sit and dincovor the falsehood, 1 wrote and informed him that I wns uot only married, but also the father of n bouncing baby. This intelligence so pleased my uncle that he sent a gold goblet aud u silver pap spoon to be presented to my child. 1 lirst sat down and wrote a very romantic letter to my uncle, thanking him for the presents, aud theu went to the uearest jewelry store and turned both goblet and spoon into cash, which 1 pocketed. I had received no further letters from my uncle until the one read in Mrs. Kings ley's parlor. The postscript to this one not ouly astonished, but absolutely trigl.o ened (tie, t read a follow : "P. S. I have never visited l'hiladel pbia, ao I barn alwidVed to do bu at once, and get a look at you nud your w ile aud child. You may expect mo about the Unit of the month." "(Jood gracious !" . My uncle is coming to visit mo," I exclaimed ; "nud it ia past tho 10th of the mouth now 1 I don't know at what moment lie may pop in. What am 1 to do for a wife aud child V" At that moment there came a terrible pull at the door bell, and ns if the man who pulled it imagined that he owned the house, nnd could make as much najse as he pleas ed. A sickening seusnlion took possession ofnte, fof I had a mis",ivkig that it was my unci Now, as good fortsiuc wou'd have it, Mrs. Kiugsley had gone out to a neighboring store for a few moments, and had request ed me to havo nn eye on her child while she was gvne, o it wouldn't fall nut of the cradle aud hurl itself. As 1 glanced nt the ctadle, ami thought of my uucle at the door, ft bright idea entered tny mind.' 1 determined iu caso the visitor was my un cle, to claim the youthful occupant as my own. The visitor proved to bo my uncle. 1 ,knew him by the picture. nfhim I had set'tt and he likewise knew itsc by my photo graph. After a mutual recognition and handshaking, 1 ushured my honored rela tive Iuto the parlor aud introduced him to my newly found otlspriug. 'There, ' uncle," said I, 'Ms tho first pledge of our married life. I assure you 1 taka pli'.yre ju p.rcseritim; to you my child." ' "It is a fatUtUii yohugatcr, said Jy uncle gazing at it admiringly, "1,'y the wav, what is it. a boy or a girl ?" That was a kntty question for me to an swer, for fays was Just as much acquainted with its -ender as I was. Uut it would not do to show ignorance on the subject, so I answered It bap-hazard that it was a bov, "I'm sorry it is a boy," said ray nnele ; "there aro .too many boys iu the family. Now, if you had ouly produced a little blue-eyed gkl, it would toave been uior sensible." ' """ I was sorry tho gender did cot suit, but toped in its future bis wit to rould bs gratitlcd. ' ' : ' 8o far I bad sucaceded la deceiving my uoclr, but the worst was that when Mrs. 1 1 mi f mm M . . H . , BJ , bu . -a aTT . V '.. , .4 J U ,, , , .... i i .....t ..n - .. - . -i L. ... L 1. U JIilLll-'.J!!ULJ. irnIT --.A r.-An'i Hi vtolTA'.T.'. :J'iT .i"n!ca'r! ri 9. !:''' .1 'V 1 ' .'fir . ; ''frl-:tt- if.r Kingslcy ftturoftdiihatolabt object tarny ; claiming ownraldprn bcruliild., Vtdos, to carry, out -my dcop4tau 1, must find A Wife its well a nn )irun(, and Mrs. Kings ley was Iho obly rmtf 1 Voald' conveniently clnim. The only stttlkmltyVwas lo get Iter consent to the deecptloB, juid thai might be done, if l, couW uuly secure a, private conversation with, her before' I introduced her to my uncle then it would bo all right. I watched iHy'apivlttiinity, and gained an interview with her i. before alio entered tho room. . 1 told her , in a, few brief and burned words, the extent of mydifllcully, and how 1 hail taken M liberty of acting ospnpa for her little one." I then told her 1 must find a wife, nnd begged her lo allow mo to introduce her to my uncle iu that capacity. She laughed very heartily at the suggestion, said she tfould comprehend my ditllcnity, nud consented to my proposal, ami Vary roguishly wnrnod me not lo presume upon the occurrence. AVe then cnterccl Iho parlor, and L intro duced her ns IKt bctter-hHlf. My undo was very touch ploascd with her, and com plimented me upon my good choice iu I he selection of a wife. Mrs. Kiugsley, of course, colorod most charmingly nt this compliment, nnd I could plainly see tliot she could scarcely refrain from laughing. 'You have a flue boy here,' said my uncle to Mrs Kiugsley, pointing to tbo cradle. 'Kxcuso mo, sir,' said she, coloring up again ; 'it's a girl.' I was tlumfouuilod. I wns exposed iu my iniquity. Would tny undo believe mo after this 'i He looked from mo to my pret ty land lady with A puzzled countenance. 'Your husband told mo it was a boy,' bo said, nnd rather suspiciously, too, I thought. 'Well, I always look it for a boy,' was my reply, putting ou a bold face, 'but 1 suppose, my wife knows beat,'. Hero Mrs. Kiugsley fairly screamed with laughter, nud my uncle's stern face rolii4 into an ironical smile. 'You nro a nice father, ain't you,' lie said, touching mo with one point uf his umberellii. 'not to know the sex of your own child f Why, 1 kucw it was n girl the moment I looked ntil. liut, Charley,' ho said, again addressing me, 'what did you do with tho goblet and pap-spoon I sent the little oueV t 'O, they are perfectly sale, I assure you,' L replied.', 'I have Uken good care of them,' 'Yes ; but where in the ilucc aro tlioy '( I would like very much to take another look at them.' , 'Well, I have deposited them in a bank for sat5 keeping ; but 1 can readily produce thi iu that is, in the course of n week's time.' Ho told mo to do so, ns ho wanted to see them, nnd then I got out of the loom for fear that he might ask me somo wore per plexing questions. A short timo afterwards Mrs. Kingsley came to me when I wns alone in au adjoin ing room, nnd I saw immediately ihnt something very humorous must have hap pened, for the corners of her lips were breaking into smiles. "Do you kuow, sir, into what an awk- wneil pr.l f.i.o.f j.rt.. I..,,.. n. V't Mtia luqmrcd, as she took a seat ou the louuge by my side. "Explain yourself," I said, i ''Why, your uncle cauio to me a short time ago, nud asked to tee my marriage certificate, and bo said he had some inouuy to settle upon us immediately, but wanted to lie s nro that all that everything was right llrst." , "Did you cxposo mo ?" I inquired, anx iously. "No, sir, I did not, for I never enter in to a deceptiou.or anything else, by halves." 1 was so elated that 1 could not stand the temptation of embracing iter. This did not make her angry, lor she nestled her Iua4 tosily my shoulder, and smiled se renely. "Wbat, answer did you make him ?" I asked. She hesitated for a uiomout, and then said : "I promised to produce the marriage ocr titlcate." "Hut we haven't got any," 1 then ro mnrked. She indulged in a quiet little laugh to herself, but said nothing. "Mrs. Kingsley nay", tny dear madam uo, I will call you darling we are both iu a scrape, nnd there is but one vy7 for us to get out of it, H'e must go and gut mnr ried ImmediAtely. Will you bo my wife it" "I shall be delighted," sho answered, frankly, nnd seizing both my hands, said b.o was ready for a frolic of any kind. We loat no time 1 assure you. I don't Ihitik Mrs. Kingnley ever got iuto her Sun day clothes iu such a hurry in her life be fore, while I spoiled two pairs of suspend ers in my frantic endeavors to be 'cm time.' We quite aaloniahed the person by our haste, and, at the conclusion of the cere mony, 1 would have forgoWw to giyo him the usual Cv tf be bad not reminded me of it. We bad secured the coveted maniage ccrlilieate, signed and scaled, and ntfo now safely out of tnir difllculiiis, as we thought. We had omitted one precaution, n we presented the ccrlilieate lo my uncle. It was nil tiglii with iim uttcpliou of the modern date. "Why, hotv ia thisV" said my uucle, gating nt the document through bis spec ; "I thought you ueio married ovi-r a year ago." "So we were, uncle," 1 answered, vtry solemnly. "How com it, tlt, tUU tbc cmtilicato is dated to-day f" b asked, iu a voice of thunder, We were slljck spocclik'sa, both my wife aud I. "Come," said my uucle, "I we there has lwe sutue trickery here. Own up lo it, or I will neyer forgive you." "I did owu up to it, and told him (ho whole story. I c xa-cU'd it would make him augry, hut it didn't; f ir he laughed heartily, ami said 1 was a clever rascal, aud be wns proud of me. "liut bow ubout the cold goblet and pap spoou? Yon bavcu't been drawiug .ho wool oyer my eyes about them, too lyo you-jeb?" I told (.Ue truth about tbo goblet frud pap-sjKiuu. " W hy, you are a regular trkk6Ura;uil my uucle. "I bclivo you vwUl deceive Sutan himself. Hull won't get augry with you, for I used to play Iba 4'uu games when, I was youuj. , , In a word, wo bucacue thoroughly recon ciled, aud fuy uuebs settled upou mo a suf- fieieut income Li ewabto we to quit my irk some duties S4 a A'kfk. ile has gone back to Vcriuosvt, and I can but say in conclu sion that wheu he pays us another visit, I cat) show aeveral little people that I call my owu, nod without telling A falsehood. ' "Fit yo4i with a tiu ear" is the successor of 'Tut a bead or! you." 10 Lt no, or about 1 U'V !, tiiaVc S-jtiu r 'fyl.l eel "'H5.ef) 1 A.TfsH 00 n rri'.creo I ' OK' 2.59 ()o week l.oo .ow .rwji stem r.oh Two week 1.. Ml 4. CK! 3. Ml 4.00 .rx) Three .a.W 3..v: ..r,tv, -..or u.on Four Five" SlK- ' Tmo Three Six ' Nine " One Ycnr a. SO 1. Wi R. Mt O.'O lO.nre ?,75; (l.CO fl.SO: 7.00 18.0O. ilUHh a.OiMS.ri-J .'-'. 7-W'i H.oUj H.00 ltO IT.Isj Lfi 0 ir.tfc7Jia, 8..W 8.00: .&' . .vuo '.i.tKi.ii.ooiia.otu. o.oo' i ti.ooi i a.oi'li 5.ut!iiis.uo U.Ou 1 2.W i I &,(i Mtl.t'C 10.011 - - ' f.'.o lo.t.e J: o b.ou i.t.fOiTIt.UO -11.101 CO iWisrellrtitHMS." i.'. ;vJ;; .: .Lis: n.icvJ.-:-i. "ViiH Ascent' oK;Motnrt Hayoi;n. In no artieltt wUh .theiiwbofo.iiUe, by N. 1. iji ml lord, ,ua utui'EU" for June, .itn following hftir-oreatllh eacaprarra reii'ro- ed i '' l j " ,u ' . 1 Mr. Hamp; fresh TVotrr Ida botne in Kn-;. land, know littloof tho properties of (moV and ice, and at one. ot'ljic jt.'Uical poiiita , i our ascent, tracting too.niueh to their sv.p port, liped and tell." Vbr a moment hi i clest rue t ion scemel ine vifablf, but w Itfi i: minibus .dexterity be tttrcw.blirjsclf nairnl- the icy ride;c projocUug frorM hc m -i i j -Impelled by this moveiucut, with .vn-- v ; dangling iu Ibe ''tfTvtw nex,t ':-: mn U.'A''i side, and the other swn'-jnng' sni--..-V side the glacier, hit slid witli ftadai r.i -pidity, at au angle ol tbtty-fivq. decree -i Jor the distance of fifty feci, talU'ig!i .' into ;i lm;es pile of soft vroY, wl'.le!.' p'A vented his descent 'of n Ah&r.ini frl'.- oi ntora dowu the- pt'tSipiUvtu-'rile.' of- lf mountain. ; I saw him f.dl,- and fliipj ,r' he would bo dashed to pieces. A rtiu:vii' nfterwnrds he crawled from tho' ft'.:'.,T' snowhenp and ntidiaed tia bhliarmrd, we nil united in a round bulglircr, as Mmo'; lul ns it was hearty. ...T-iiis did not tii that treuiulousuehs of the nerves, of v.j:,;l: extreme and sudden danger is so friqueot a cause, and underlying ortr joy there rr,l. still a feeling of terror which we conjd,, Shako off. ;l'ressing carefully forward, w t nUaiued a recess iu the rooks, sii hundraai feet below the summit, where wo.hal'.ad. While resting berc. far abovo u?, wo beard the loud shouts or Captain Steven son, which wo answered. ' Soon be jViiuid, us, with the information that ha bail been arrested in bis ascent, nt it point two hun dred feet abovs us, by an intervening ryek, just too high for httn fo sjale. " It was per ixindieular, and sut'olotintt'd-' by a wido sheet of ice stretching upward towards ll summit, nnd covered, with snow. JIu bad made several iuetleclual cll'orts lo read) the overhanginf edge of tbo fock, and at one time lost bts foolhold, his entire w4jb. . coming upon bia hands while ho Lung with -bis face U Iho wall, lt was impossible without a leap to reach a standing placi.', nud by loosing bis hold without one h . woliltf drop several hundred feet down tV mountain. Fortunately, theru was n coat ing of ice and snow, wliich I'on'jhed jniif way from his feet to h:s arina, nv.l it.'., this, by repeated kicks with the toe of bia boot, be worked an indentation thatallbr.! cd a poiso for one fort. '.'V.s ' cr'aoled b.i:i to spring on one side lo ft narrow bench ;'. rock, where bo was salt',' ;' -, A Gkyskr Wash-Tck. One c,..riing Messrs. Spencer and I lamp, 'lef'Ttu:1 of testing the cleansing " qun'.n i'.'s f.j i!B lit.;, sprincs, attempted to w ash a danitat fchirt beloiigiug to the foi rrp.r iu liioip bil ing waters, Attuf carefully soaping ' garment, they committed it to one of ih least active cauldrons in tho basin, wten to their astonishment tlvu ivhUt i. thu s suddenly receded, currying the shirt .t ol" sight. Curiosity led them the next morn ing to revisit the spring, whicu : r. vt J to M-3 .., : i i.t., e - .. .1 a thry stood iu mute astonibhmeut upon tlie the edsc, uud gazed down its cornik;atet sides, listening to the gurgling and splui teriug ofthe water and tho muiuou3 inton ations from bt-nenth, an eruption Kuddenly look plaee. which projected tho missing shirt, amid it column of water ui)d vapor, to the height of '.') rl-et into tbo air, uud in its desceut it was caught upon otui uf the numerous silicious projections which sur rounded the edge of tho crater, nud re covered. During our stay iu the basin we bad Uift good fortune to witness, beaidn tho erup tions already mentioned, the Castle, tlm llee-hivo nnd" the Grotto in action. A ban! wind was blowing in tho morning, when the Castle, by va.,y ib;obbings, puleu Ijon and ahakiug gave notice of its juttiir tion to discharge.- -Frum "77ir .-l.-7.. Mount Huybn,'' S ribiif''sfvr ,'unc 1'uetty Drunk. Jew V. wa m vi-r ' drunk but once, untl that time, lie was "drunk as a fool." Cons"queu'ly, n;. who was a very pbus woman, much shocked, wneit one lilut ie: ed home under thu imliieaoi id !. After remotiHtralipg with him a: j.. folly of driwi-ing, she w-4.d : "Joe, wheu p xr.' juarriud, an came one, I littletbougl,t I should Wl!j. V.:T V I be you in this couditlou." ... . . , . . i j Wlto enn imagine tne uevoieu 'vi.e i thoughts when Joe made her the to:: .'vint i reply : "Well, Mary, dear (hie,) I know J ,'iiu I pretty drunk "(hie;) that's a fad. il :, Mary, ns we (hie) wi re nmdo one by mar- riage, then (hie) you pu-tty drtuilr,' I too (hie") .. v - ...i ., . i ICE1IPEN, atC. ) FnOM TIIK (KltM ANTOWJI TELEGUa.'H.J . ! UKCKIITS FOU SUMMEll DRINKS,' To Makk Ginokii llEKtt. Two gallons '. of ginger beer may bo luadu as follows: j Put two gallons of cold water info a P't upon the lire ; add to two it two ounces of. ' gwsguf and two pound of white or brown ' suu'ur. Let all this come, to a boil and cuu- tiu ue boiling for Ulf an hour. Theu skint the liquor nnd pour it into a jar or tub, along with iuc slim lemon nod half nn ounce of cream of tartar. When nearly - j cold, put iu a teacupful of liquor to cause the liquor to work. The beer is uosr pAiJe; I and after it U worked for two days, strtin aud bottle fur use. Tie tiro corks down ! tirrnly. St-nct 13 UtCKU.Two qiuirta of boi'lnr, I hot water, eight quarts of cold wa'xr. !. . j the hut water add twenty-live drops each ol the oils ot spruce, smewlras and wttij-r-.-green: three cents' worth if yea i pints of molassea. Mix it aud X-J, it -ttr i till day, then bottle. Put the wojatsr ' :n i tlm cold WistCA' iriler the ojU wi Wed tnlvcd in tlie bot water : add Ail the tv vci.a. d t wafer: lst of a'.l add tbo yeast. IftSadc in tbe suriroiiis it must be bottled i-tnv-.rt. i Halt' a goblel at' docV root Uilid i:: tuo water is beaitny. To Makb Mktiieiilis. I biv. n,. .it, exoelleut iu two ways, the reclpt for wlv. h , were handed to me by a neighbor; 'Mix--honey with water until it will iWl V ''f to tbe surface, exposing a smajj ui t.oM ot it above the liquid. Strain and -' t, a. temperature grad.u,-illy nud as lli acup rises skin. U ofT. the boiling polt t . is reached take from tbo Mm and let it coo!.' Put it a ousk, Wuviug tbo buo uX -put,l propejrjy ft4'Weju.W''J Aot bo lotsg to be come sour-.-atsd tie, tang tlghtlyor if i 't- tied. -ortcVell. it may be usou soon alter1 raakiAig, but age graatiiy iwiwoves rlav jr. . 4kwia ieron put uu tUuc aud bone.y ia a icaak atid vAor twelyo boucs u,ro,!mk -rssy nd tiui hopa at-t) ycaf t: Ol the fn. auc bvf pound and of tho latk-r oao pint for about forty galloii. WUw pri porlT fui tnentcd lbs air tdsuiild bo cidudecjl as in the first caso.