Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 24, 1873, Image 3

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    SUNBUK V, MAY 24," 1873."."
Knllronil lime Table.
H. C U. XV., mil,
KrioMnll, li.SOnin
Krlo Kxprcs, 9.40 "
Mail. 11.03 "
P. ft S. R. R. West.
Mull, 6.30 a m
Nint Expression v m
Klnrir MMI 4.H0 "
Ninir. Expess s.00 p in
Erie Express, 7.01
buhbi'bT and i.nwisro1v .
J.ciTe Sunbiiry for Lcwlstown at 7.'5 a. ui.,
nnd 3-10 n. M.
Arrive fnt Bunbnry from LeKirtotra nt 1.80
'and 7.45 p. m.
iSuntmrj ut 5.45 a m I At Sunhury 0.25 n m
" 13.35 pm 1 " 8.55 pm
4.40 p m I .00 p m
Rceular passenger tail IcaVcs Suubury for
Danville, Catlnwlssn, Haxlcton and Intermediate
stations, at 0.45 a. m. Re'tiimlng leave Ilnrlo
tuu at 1.00 p. m. Arrive ut 4.1K) p. m.
Leave Northuiurjnrlanrt at 0.40 a. m. and 4.50
p. in.
Arrive at NortTiAwberlana nt 10.86 a. m. and
O.05 p. m.
Accidental Insumtree Tickets M lie naa Xt
J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
insincss fiofals.
Skwino Machine and Cottaos Ohoanh.
Mis Caroline Da 11 us it the ttgont for the sale of
the best ttowlug Macuiues-ln existence, vi 'The
Improved drover & Buker,' and 'Domestic,'
which nre constantly kept on hand, and sold at
reasonable prices. She Is also agent far the salo
xif the celebrated 'Silver Tomrue OrgnM,' and the
'Bay State Orenns,' and for the sale of Vm
Fruntz ifc I'npe Kuittimr Machluo. Call and see
thom. Oflleo on Market street, cast of the rail
road. Tub Improved Orovku & Baker Bewino Ma
cniNB. Thcso celebrated machines are offered
at the most reasonable rate. For particulars
npplyto D. G. KUTZ, Affont,
Feb.23,'7r,.-)y. Upper A nj;uBta township.
A niitr. to d !joncr:il housework ts wanted nl
hj residence of Miss Lou bhisslerMaj-kct street,
ui osilo Monument Square,
Ei.ur.KA. When a young man purchases a hat
of Samuel Faust, the popular batter, h re
claims, truth fully, too, "I have found It'' a
fashionable and serviceable hat. Mr. Faust has
all styles of fashionable hats and caps, and eve
fry one, both old and young, who will visit his
store, on Market street, opposite Monument
Square, Suubury, will be well pleased Wtth a se
lection from his lnryc and Varied assortment.
Tub Wine made at the Vineyard of Geo. B.
Yoimgntaii, near Suubury, and now being sold
by him, can not be excelled for parity, excellence
urnl cheapness. April 20. St.
)tt. C. M. Mautis it Co., have lately put Jipa
Soda FoHutaln In their Drug Store, on Third
street, from which they draw that delicious bov
croge, Soda Water. Thoao desiring a refreshing
ilrinir, can procure borne by calling ditrlpg the
day and eveniug.
A i.AiKiE stock of Cloths and Oasilmcrcs have
been opcund ut the tailoring store of J. J. Sender,
on Third street. Pull stills arc made opto order
In the latest stylo6, and a fit guaranteed. His
Uuo assortment Is bcinir much commended. He
keeps the best goods iu his establishment.
From the Baltimore Underwriter.
By the usual publicity given Us Ktatemclits,
mid the wide distribution of its monthly paper,
all Interested in the business have scrutinized
(he returns of The ifotrojiclitaA T.tfe Inmrantt
( 'vmjMmj. They bear testimony tn the ludomita
lihj energy and skill of Its administration, show
ing that the company is carving It way to a
irrcnt future, and that its growth Is marked by
all the elements of acallliy progress. The cha
racter of its asset, its watchful management, Hs
large membership, the rigid scrutiny of its risks,
tin: imblic appreciation of its (Kutiiutice plans of
insurance In all the.-'e is the assurance that
whatever solid life liseurauce contemplates, The
Mcti ojtulitim Is abundantly able to supply.
fOMLTiiiN'u New. A grand oijnliig of Milli
nery Ijooils wiil take place at Miss Amelia Han
cock's, on Market street, Just bclbW the City
Hotel. Give her a call. She keeps on hand the
most fashionable styles of Bonnets, Hats, Rib
bons and Embroidery in great variety. She Is al
so njrent for the Weed Sewing Machine, the best
lathe market. ni3.
W. n. Mu.i.Kit of tho Excelsior Store, has just
opened an elegant and superior assortment of
Boots and Shoes, which he is selling rapidly and
chuiply. Fancy (jaitcrs and Slippers. for ladles
and gentlemen, of a, stylo never before seen 111
Suubury, and admired by every one j told at low
prices. His assortment Is complete, and he in
vites everybody to call and examine his stock.
John Mahsii, Clothier, Simpson building,
Market Square, has In part ugutu recovered his
health, ami has been to the city and bought the
largest unci bevt stiwk or spring and sum
mer clothing that has bceu brought to Suu
bury this spring. Beautiful styles and lower
prices than elsewhere. 3t.-in3.
Tianos, Oiigans, dec. David Reiuicr, mitslc
teacher, having located permanently In Bunbury
for the put pose, of leaching music, announces
that he has the agency for Gaehle & Co's Balti
more Plauos, which aru being rapidly Introduced
uniong the best Judges. They am now In use in
the Statu Normal School, llloomsburg, Pa., also
at the Suubury Academy, by J. II. Jenkins, Esq.,
of ' Northumberland, und Judge F.llWell of
Bloomsburg. Ho will also take orders for Htelu
way & Co's, CUIckering iS Co's, and other well
kuowu Pianos.
JU. Keimcr aUo recoives orders for Prince &
Co's celebrated Organs & Melodeons, of Buffalo
New York.
Sheet music ou hand, and orders for ucw pie
ces promptly attended to.
Mr. Rcimer is ugcut'tTir the German publishing
house of E. Stciger of Ntw York, and will re
ceive subscriptiou for all German. Books, Period
Iculs, Newspupers, ic.
The celebrated Gaehle Plauos can be seen at
at all times at the residence df Mr. Ueimer, on
the corner of Third uud Aich streets, opposite
the depot.
Wokkmkn are busy In prcparlug tbe curbing
for the pavement around the park, which, when
linibheJ, will greatly improve its appearance.
The verdure In the park is beginning to shew
Itself, though it Is thinly scattered. There is,
however, ou great defect la the Iron railing that
ought to be remedied without delay. We mean
the gules. It did not require tho ftsd'oin of a
Solomon to foretell that a heavy iron gate could
not be swung and supported on a pet as light
as thoso which are used in the fence. Ttta gate
posts should be ut least four fold heavier than
they ar, aud what Is bailer, ought to be sus
tained by an arch sprung over tbe posts. The
southern shlc gate already leaus so much that It
Is uluioit useless. Properly, the gates should be
so hung us lo swiug shut of themselves.
,CokVi;ii rtTui.i! La urtu. Tho corner stone of
the New l.ilen Lvaiigtiical, iiulharau Church, at
I'iiini Creek, Lower AguUtwp., will be luld on
Whilsuuday, June 1, itat iu case It ralus tho
exercise w ill bo held iu' tiarn. closff Br. An
iuritatioii 1 tvieiiflcl to ul..' A" USntbcir ofnrtn-
ttci-n will ue in uiuuil.iuc?.'
Tn ankh. Our thanks, are returned to Gov.
Ilartranft for a copy of the General State Laws
passed by tbe last Legislature.
Tub building Intended for tho manufacture of
cars and car wheels In Cake's addition to this
place, has boen raised, nnd the foundation for
the engine Is being laid. The engine Is on tho
Thb Ladles' car on the late train down, ota Sa
turday Inst, on the P. Sc. E. R. R., was tnc scene
of an exciting rsneenlit jbotwce Edward B.
Haines, and a through passenger Whose seat
Haines had appropriated and refused to give up
when required to do so. The passenger, after
some parleying, slapped Raines in the month
at the next station Haines telegraphed for an ar
rest. The matter was settled npon the arrival
of the train at Wlllhunsport. Ilalnos is tfco nsfo
rian of Suubury.
Bout Found. Last Sunday afternoon, About
4 o'clock, as Christian Cable was Ashing In the
river near Georgetown, his hook caught to the
body of a child, Which proved to be a girl shout
ten years of nge. Mr. Cable, with assistance,
buried tho body on the banks of the stream.
From appearances the body has been In the wa
ter a long time. No clue can bo fonnd, so far,
as lo wherotko child belongs-.
RonnERT.On Wednesday night tost, some
Scoundrels entered tho. elceping appartnKuts of
the Washington House, Col. C. Neff, proprietor,
nnd stole tho wearing nppnret of two or three of
the Colotiors boarders, besides relieving their
pockets of some "filthy lucre." Oh Thursday
morning Capt. Roach arrested two suspicious
"roosters" from Harrlsburg, Who were commit
ted to jail by Esquire Snyder. On proving an ol
ibi they were released.
A Changs. Ou Monday last Mr. E. P. Me
Cioskcy was appointed agent for the Adams and
Central Express companies nt this place In the
place of Mr. II. G. Thatcher withdrawn. The
agency will be continncd In the store room of C.
8. HiiKcltino. Mr. Thatcher has been a resident
of our place for tho Inst eight years, engaged In
ditl'erent business pursAlls. Ho Is a man of good
heart, nnd Milled his late position with conside
rable nbility. We nnderstnud bis fulttro resi
dence will 1)0 In Philadelphia. Th ivew ap
pointment Is a good one.
We have been requested to state by A number
of ladles, that they desire nil tli young men
who ivlsh to be classed nmong that very respec
table body of men eommonly known ns rowdies
or roughs, are Invited to meet on tho south
west corner of Third uud Murkct streets, every
evening during the present nnd coming season,
for the purposes of blocking up the side-walk,
and passing remarks on all who may chance to
pass along. The sltitattrji) Is an easy one to thoso
who accept their litVHntlon, and they will thus
he enabled, In n very short time, to classify tho
yonng "gents" of the place. Policeman Dieht
will nlways be In attendance to prcvont Any ln
terfereuce with their pleasure.
The recently nppoluled Fish Commissioners of
the State met ut Harrieburg ou Wednesday lust,
aud entered npon the discharge of the dutrcs or
their ofllccs. In consequence of a failure by
the New Jersey Legislature In tho ncocssary ap
propriation, nothing will bo doue on the Dela
ware river this season. But tho Commissioners
will devote their attention lo the propagation of
shad In tho Susquehanna (lining tho ensuing
summer. They wl'.l place several shad hatching
boxes in tho river near tho dam at Columbia,
And also deposit sulllelcut eva In tho stream to
produce forty millions of shad In 1874. Wehopo
the ds.'.i will be fixed this summer so that the
shiut Can run through them, next 6prlng.
On Saturday morning lt, during market
hours, an alarm of fire Was given, when Market
street became a sccito of coufuslou. Poople rutt
towards tho saw mills which were reported to be
on lire. Fortunately, the lttmnr proved false. A
flro had broken out in an out-kitchen belonging
to John (i. Fry, ou Front street, and when dls-
covered had gui:icd oonslderablc headway on the
roof. The hands ou Mr. Clement's enw mill at
once tore olf the roof, And extinguished the flro
with the aid of buckets. It is supposed the lire
originated through sparks getting Into eomo
fckavings that were laying under the roof.
Foil a nice, quiet place, Northumberland is
ahead ns far as heard from. lrtifmutuiri llcevnl,
of last week.-
His evident that the editor of tho litcord has
not been iu Northumberland since he was eu
that collecting MSur. Come dowu aud sco our
neighbors, John. You will find It a nourishing
place, where the erection of furnaces ami manu
factures give promise of rapid aud bubstantial
growth. The appearance of iMhUilry may not suit
the taste of the Watsoiiton editor, but we guar
antee that the citizens of Northuuiberlahd mean
Industry nnd thrift.
Jack SnriTAitn, who Is ovldeutly moro knave
than fool, held forth to a crowd Iu Market
Squar, on Sunday evening. Jack's sole object
1 3, of course, to sell his paper, und lu uid of this
purpose he courts notoriety by blowing a trum
pet to collect a crowd. Iu his discourse he af
fects great contempt for the clergy, generally,
and would fain make his bearers believe that no
preacher can be honest or sincere who receive a
large salary, und who dues not blow a horn and
sell papers ou Sunday. Jack's morals and reli
gion arc not calculated to reform the Wicked
or depraved, for wboho lustes aud apctites he
catcs. His nice discrimination In the obser
vance of the Sabbath Is laudable. Instead of de
manding live cents for his paper he holds his hat
on Sunday, for piiymcut. The labors of such
mountebanks may serve to amuse the thought
less and ignorant, but they have u tendency to
demoralise those who should be restrained rather
than encouraged in their habits.
Tub CoIscebt. The concert held In the Couit
House, on Friday evening last, by the Suubury
Singing Association, was a grand success. The
house was filled by an interested audicucc. The
music wus highly Appreciated throughout. Prof.
Moyer, under Whose allspices the entertainment
was given, assisted by part of his family, is de
serving of great credit for the satisfactory mau
ner iu which tho concert Was conducted. At the
opening, Sol. Mullek, Esq., delivered an address
giving a partial history of Hie association, and
made soino very appropriate remarks. Notwith
standing the large number of children engaged
iu the singing, the harmony was complete. Miss
Moyer played sovcral piece ou the plana
which elicited much applause. Mr. Uuluier and
lady of this place, played several select pieces,
ou tho same Instrument, which wore well execut
ed. Altogether it was one of the finest eulor
tiilumcnts etcr given ht Hnubury, aud wo hope
the association' will soon faVor tis with uuothor.
Tho School will bt continued under Prof.
Moyer, who is Justly entitled lo the tbaifk of
our low u for his success iu briuglug (o such a
degree of perfection the uiusicul talent of the
place. An opportunity Is presented' thoScf Who
wlsn to leurtl and praelica vocirt music. Mu
sic has a tendency to refinement ancf morality,
and Ihefefnte every eneourngemeut should" be ex
tended to fit ProfusSbr fir hl4 efforts to advance
tbe science iu this couiinuiTUy.
Amah liviny rof far from vT'-ffbtowi iajt fie
has all kiud vl cliiekeus buv jf few H oMo-
tuicn JUcvrU,
Iu our ltiuible JudgweuC thai mau ha made
mistake, and will suirei" Mfougn his Indiscretion.
Ho wnrldarVto keep tt.s Awn Secrets While lu
the presence 6f tbeedit'or' Af the' Htmr4, here,
CoMNCit. Provbkdinos. Sunbury, May 13,
1873. Council convenod at 8 o'clock, Chief
Burgess Mallck In tba Chair. Prosont Messrs.
J. Cadwallador, Miller, Irwin, G. Cadwallader,
Cake, Dewart, Rohrbach, Diets and Clark. Ab
sent Messrs. DlMlngcr, Smith, Bensenbach and
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
On motion, Redolved, That the resolutions lu
reference to bonds be read and adopted lu sections.
Resolved, That In order (o fund the debts of
the boroAgh of Banbury, which were outstanding
on tho 81st day of January, A. D. 1873, a suffi
cient amount of Aioncy be borrowed t and that
the bonds of the borough, which were lately pre
pared by direction of the council under the pro
visions of tho A of Assembly approved tho Slot
of Jsnuarrv 1873, at par are therefore adopted.
Resolved, That tbo Chief Burgess be nnd Is
hereby authorised to execute and deliver to any
person or persons holding claims against tho bo
rough by bonds vit 'orders, dated on or bcfoi tho
Jflst of January, 1873, the said new bonds at par
to the full amount of the principal und intorest
of such claims and that for all other debts out
standing as aforesaid, the said new bond may
in like manner be executed, and delivered wbon
the nnmuut of such indebtedness shall have been
first ascertained And settled by the borough coun
cil, JVertctorf, however, that tho council reserves
the right to Ardor the payments lu money of nil
sivch mdcbtciWse Ytthe borough after tn expi
ration nt two wws from t nls date. Adopted.
Resolved Tout After the explruliort of two
weeks from this date, the Chief Burgess 'be ami
Is hereby authorized to execute nnd deliver tho
said new bonds nt par to ntuj person aforesaid
lending money to tic borough, for such amounts
a the borough Council may from time ro time
order to be borrowed for the purpose or pnylng
In money any of to snld Indebtedness of the bo
rough. Adopted.
Resolved, That all tho said outstanding bo
rough bonds, borough Orders, and the evidences
of accounts for which the said new bonds shall
be Issued ns herein before provided 'ball luiine
dtaloly upon the execution of said bouik, be deliv
ered to (he borough Treasurer, clearly and plain
ly marked upon the fa Co thereof with the words,
"Bonds executed for this," and the Treasurer
shall thereupon sign the ccrttllrAto On the buek
of each boud then issued that the' Wholu amount
of it has been paid Into the treasury, und shall
charge himself with said amounts, and shall bii
entitled to take credit for tho full amount of All
such bonds, orders, aud other evidences of debt 1
delivered to him, us hereinbefore provided.
Resolved, That all smnB of money loaned to
the borough on any of the said now bonds, s&ull
be paid to tho borough Treasurer, who shall
therefore sign the certlllcatc ou tbe buck of said
bonds, thnt the u-inount thereof bus been paid
Into the Treasury, nnd charge himself therewith,
and shall bo entitled to credit for nil borough or
ders paid by htm whiwh slfill be- Issued by order
of the council for debts outstanding on the Slat
of January, 1S73, uud which contain on tho face
of them the statement that such order or
were granted for stieh vtstatillng debts. Adopt
ed. Resolved, That the Treasurer shall keep a scp
aruto account respecting the snld new 'bonds,
wherein ho shall be charged with 11 fall amount
of all the bonds issued us hereinbefore provided,
und shall lie entitled to the credit hereinbefore
mcutioned, and shall not take or l-c entitled to
credit therein for any payments, disbursements,
or credits whatever, except such as are herein
before specified. Adopted.
Resolved, That the Chlcl Burgess shall pro
cure for tho borough conucil a well bound blank
book, containing at least one leaf for each One of
the said bonds lo be Issued as aforesaid! nnd one
of said leaves consecutively according to their
numbers, and nt the tlmo of tho execution and
delivery ns hereinbefore provided, of any of the
said new bouds, the cnld Chief Bniyvse shall eli
te rt or cause to bu entered upon the leaf s up
proplHted to such bond, the number thcreof.tho
name of the per.oil to whom Issued, tho date of
the delivery, and whether Issued for nsh loaned
or In exchange for any of said outstanding lltJr
OUgh debts. Adopted.
Resolved, That hereafter, from year to yeuPi
It Bha'.l he -the duty of tho Auditors who settle
and adjust tho accounts of the respective TrcasM
fcrSj to plainly and effectually cancel all capons
for Interest ou sol bonds, paid by and credited
to the snld Treasurer In snld acnmit-1, and there
upon to securely attach with nUiilltage or other
paste, consecutively, all such coupons lo tho leaf
in said book npjiroprhitod to the bond or bonds
from which tho said coupons wero taken uud
upon the payment of the principal upon any of
snld bonds, to cancel effectually the same, and (o
enter upon the leaf In said book appropriated to
such bond, tl.o tlmo and mauuer of the payment
thereof, the nnme of the person to whom paid,
and the time and mannor of tho cancellation of
such bond, and the said book shall bu at all
times open lo the Iiisp4ctlnn( nnd control of Die
borougll council. Adopted. j
Onmotioucf W. L. Dertart, ResolVea, Thut
the borough Council) In rl'gular meeting sksscin
bled, pledge the public faith) credit and lmnorof
tbo borough of Suul ury, to tho payment of the
bouds now ordered to be Issued for the llquula
tion of the borough debts. Adopted.
On motion of J. A. Cuke, Whereas the Penn
sylvania. Canal Company, by raising tho west
side of the Slinmoktn dam nt this place has caus
ed tho current of the river to flow stronger on
this side, and In consequence of suld raising and
curreat of tho river the bank bin bceu greatly
damagod this spsing to such an exlenl thut
uow become absolutely noccssury for the same to
bo riprappcd.or slope-walled, I Would respectful
ly offer tho following I
Resolved, That I ho Chief Burgess iliolnt a
committee or Bvci lo write to the President Of the
Pennsylvania Canal Coiiiaiiy, requesting them
to slope-wall the river bank the cullto length of
the boruugh limits along the river, and report
the answer to the same at tho next meeting of
council, aud that the Chief burgess be thalrumrt
of said Criitliulltee. Adopted.
Tho Chair appointed on said coinmUluo, J. Ai
Cake, W. L. Dewart, Valentine IVIti, aud- W.
H. Miller.
Street committee dofitlnocd In reference to wa
ter course in Market street, a reported by Mr.'
Bartholomew, Until dCxt meeting of council,
' Bills read and orders granted.
II. B. Massef, fur clock, fjVp3.SU M. Ross
Hemperley (t Co., f 15.00 ; 11. U. Thatcher, ex
press on boucls, .4(1 Wi I. Detvurt, pioviug
bouds, (ISO Hm'l Wtlvert, J JO j Steam Firu
company, (30 j 3. A. Cuke, 9 1 A. N. Brlce, (6 j
John Read, 3.50 I J. Lyon, 1.75 (3.03 ; Luther
(iartnger, M-37 1 C Slough, (3.C3 ) Ci Oarlnger,
(0, (4 ; A Hopper, 13.25 C. Reefer, .87 U. W.
Klchl,(4, (13j iS. F. Dlchl, (33 (1. Itafitsou,
( 10,50 j Wm. Lyon, ('J.75, 4.50 j Jacob Cusctt,
(7.00; Willi Harp, (3.50) David IlurU, (3.03
U. W. 6mlth, (M E. 6. Sturkloft, (t t Samuel
Neldlg, $3 1 Charie t. Marllu, (0.38. (9 E. J.
Gibson, (3.
On motion, U was lUtuiitJ, That aft order be
drawn lu favor oT tile Chief Burgess fbf the pur
pose of paying for A putr uf horses for tho Fire
Company, aud (he bofo'ugti for (.190. Ado(ed.
f , XV, URAY, Clerk.
Tui Masp with the jelloW bustle Is no insigfil
tlddut agent lu dispersiug erowd, but a nervou
woman making thrortgh a crowd for the tars,
with a valise lu one httticf, and itu umbrella In the
, other, Is abtut as appalMug iia object' as' Ij'Uo hu
"rn mlwl can rMn'i-tv fcnHI- Ik Ivhfnee.
Tn a old Baptist church, wo tinciorstanil, Is to
be purchased by the school board of Suubury.
This old relic of long Ago, once stood where
Fry' Opera house now stands, (formerly the
Presbytorlan Church,) and was occupied by
Chus. Derlng as a Cabinet making shop. This
wa upwards of 85 years ago. At thai time the
Baptist enure bad no existence hero. It gained
a fow adherents through the effort's oj Ucv. Wor
rcl.who held his meetings nt that lime 1 the old
Lutheran school house. . His exhortations werJ
clixiuenV, and produced their good ctleeU niming
atlass of the humbler walks . of life,. who, too
poor In purso and number to erect a chuixh edi
fice, purchased this old fabric,'1 and removed it to
it prcocut site on Third; street iu the cast ward.
The ground Upon which It stands wns the bequest
of Aarou- Robins. ' During this long term of
year tho seed so n by tho humble few who
Worshipped In this humble place, have been fruc
tifying, and to-day A largo and respectable con
gregation have purchased a valuable tot lu an el
igible position, npon which they Intend erecting
a fine edifice as their future pluco of worship.
Tho purpose of lo school board In purchasing
tills property I tbo extension of the school
grounds to Fourth street. At present the only
cutnyvee to the school house Is through an alley.
Mason a Hamlin's celebrated Cabinet organs,
and t'hlckorlngB, and Decker and Barnes' s u-
pcrlor Plnnos, for alu by II. B. Masscr, sole
agent for Sunbury.
DitowsED. On Friduy afternoon last Jas. Al
fred I.oudcr, oli of Joseph Louder, of this place,
aged nearly 11 years, was drowned lu tho pool
at Pardee's plnulug mill. He had been working
at the mill this Spring, and on the morning oi
the sad misfortune, went to work about U o'clock,
nnd ft few minutes before the noon whistle
sounded, he left tho mill, Willi tho apparent in
tention of returning after dinner. Nothing fur
ther was thought of him until some one parsing
tho pool, observed A hat floating on tho surface,
nnd very properly made Inquiry as to Its owner.
It was recognized as young Lender's, und search
wo Immediately mntlc in the pool, for tho body.
In a few minuloA H Was found near where tho
hut was first seen floating. Drs. Hunter nnd
Bowman uro sent for, who did all in their pow
er to restore life, but tho body having been lu
the Water about two hours, their effort proved'
On Buturuay evening the remain wore taken
lo MlfliinhhrgS where they were Interred on Sun
day. IKursKtiai JiiTOrd.
MiNF.iiAt, WATrit. Mclliek, who is an expe
rienced hand In the preparation of mineral wa
ter h his fountain In operation at his drug
store, Market street, opposite Monument Bqitavc.
Tnis Union PnVk nnd Agricultural Society of
Sunbury, will certainly hold their Ort fair ou
their ground's, some time during September.
Tub Executive Committee of the Northumber
land County Agricultural Society met at the
Burr House, oivThUlssay the 8th lust. The Pre
sident, Joseph Bird, preaided.
The report of the committee on '.he sale of luin
Cvr Was called for. The Committee was not pre
sent. On motion llrotommlttee was continued.
Ou motion,
Reiorvcd, That J. B. Lcinbach, of McEwens
yllle, be substituted for II. J. Reader us one of
vtbe EVScutlvo committee, and Wm. Cdoner of
tvutsoutown, in place of 3. M. Fullmer, and J.
Rctttt, Br., f TrcVorton, In place of J. E. llatu
bun. On mollon.
Resolved, That n mcctjug of tho Executive
Gomtntlteo will be held lu'lho Arbitration room,
In the Court House, in So.ibury, ou Saturday,
Jims "1st, lb73, for the purpose of receiving pro
posals from tho dilfercut places In the county for
the holding of the Annual Fair, and uImi propo
sals for the pi lnllrig for the society during the
On motion, the President was Instructed to ap
point a I'ommitteo of three to revise the premium
list for the next fair. The President appointed
J-. R. Lcinbach, George Guul and U. W. Arm
strong, thi motion,
ResolVtfiU That the present Treasurer be grunt
ed nu order oil the former Treasurer for thu mo
ney, hooks and papers ill his h.fuds.
Ou motion, oiljouiied.
AttMt J. BIRD, President.
U. tf . Akmstkono.
Godkv, for June, bus been received. The pro
Beat uumber contains the usual amount of nu t
ter, useful and entertaining, especially to tho la
dies. Godcy 1 emphatically A lady's lima,
heno bis popularity With tile Bex.
Tits' peach crop In Delaware and Jersey U re
ported very good. In this section tho fruit b ids
Are ulkllled, nnd iu some Instances tho tree-i
Also. PedT tree are covered witk I lossoms, and
pluurs, gencrallv, arc doln j well. Tho rel uii.l
niprella cherries are also iu full bloom, but tho
Biggilrcais arq a total failure; Ap'.cj, though
backward, lUity vrovo un average crop. Tho
Coucord grapes, especially on our hi!l,
look remarkably well. The Dolawafo and other
les hardy uud less valuable varieties, are most
ly winter killed.
Tub edjtbr of the Wa'.?diitu 11 K.coi;! husbucu
out rbirtglng. lie ha's hud grand lack, aud
boosts of K as follows
Our receipts yesterday were one pound of but
ter and one dosun ugr from tiie country. Who
wouldu't be a printer (
John is Iwcomlivg 0 10-1 f sho Watsc ntown fat
lings, and ho rejoleeth therefore.
Til it Purest and Sweilest l.'od-Liver Oil is Haz
ard & I'aswrli', made on thu sea slioii , i Uin
fresh, seleoted livers, by Panwell, liazam .V (J 1.,
New York, it i absolutely pare .Mid sweet.
Patieuts wlJ huVe 011 eu lakeu il'i'ieur it 10 all
others. l'll.Vkiciuns have welded it superior 10
nnv of Hie other oils I
In market.
'n? '1 '
st) x si v it v m a iVit wis. ' "w
FIohi1 Mlitl UrMlu Murkct.
Extra Kailllly li.00 Red Wheal, p. bu.,(l.S0
Ditctthc'al, p. ct., 5.00 Rye, " HO
Com Meal, " 8.50 Com, " Ml
Wheal Drau, p. bu. 1.50' Hnekwhe-it " 1.00
Hnurts, 9.00 Oats, 33 lbs. 40
Corn A OoU Chop, 3.00 Flaxseed, 3.35
Timothy Seed, p. b. 8.00i
l'rodwee 9Itrkt
I'-gS. lir dor.,
Butter, per lb.,
75 Hams,
18 Tulloit,
40 CiMfilfv P.Vnfi,
15 Dried Apples,
10 " Peaches,
l,a ru,
DtrtMOliitlea of Pstrtuertilklp.'
N OTICE Is hereby given that the co-partnership
hcretbfote cxibtlngbctween E. C. llau
l.u, S. II. Rolheruud wnd C. D. Maurcr, under
the Arln name of Maurur A Co., was on the 3ud
day of March Iflst, dissolved by niilual crwscnt.
Tbo books of the said tirm lu tho huuiis of S. 11.
Kulboj-mcl ruid C, D. Muurer (or n llleincui.
May 8T3.-3t.
Auditor's) 164 ire.
Estate of DANIEL WEIMER, dee'd.
"VtOTlCE is hereby giveu thut an alias appli-
cation to the Court tbo undersigned has
been apoiuled auditor by tho cou.l Ij, rcMuto
the Account of tlerfrgu L. Weiiuer, urtnilMf-liiitor
f Unnitl Vliflcr, lata of the bvYoKh of Nor
thutllUurlaucf, deceased, lie- hereoy Ifivea notice
that he .will attend lo tbe dutioa of ids appoiul
inunt al his oPce in Suubury, Vn., on bATl'K
DAY, flie 17tb duy oi MAV, 17.1. a .0 o'clock,
a. m., whuu all persons inluceted limy attend il
they see proper.
L. 11. KASE, An.ltei.
Sunbury, Apul 'Jt, 1873. vl.
?25.000 in Sl'lvIM ond SUMMER (J(X)DS now open for inspeouou
"fOiiSisting of
Tito finest Ptock of L:dios' lre?s (loodt in tlii.- scot ion,
liff, wilt, Ti
White and Litee (iood., CarDcts in o',v;t. viivk ly and jtioo. from i!' cts, nnwfirdrt, Oil Clolhn, "Window Iilindsl
A lull and coini-loto si.-'ortniont of CUlOCClilKS.
Merchant Tailoring, RICHARD SIMPSON, Ctoplan Gutter.
"Wo have addfd Mctdiant Tailonn to our biwiiuss? with TiIClIAllD-SIMPSOX as Cutter, aud will uaranicv
coinnlctc satisfaction in this as well as in every other deiiartmcnt.
MiitHif 'Hit Wckeejion haiul constantly, host Iniiortt-d Sf.wim! Maoiunk Xi;im.i:s, ami wifl forward
III jf .tf. fQ aUy jl(i,ilvss n'u on rcceiit of eitsli price Singer all kituls ;:nl (5 rover & ISaUeiv
50 cts. per dozen, all other kintls, 0 cts. tier dozen. MHV DeMorcstV 1'alterns for sale.
Sunhury, Ta., April 5, Ontos.
kl. M A .
Magnolia Ei.lna
a tzvf make a
Pure Blooming Complexion.
It Is Pnrely VonrtaMe. an 1 tin o'.wrtttnn ts teen an J
feltutouce. It iivnduivuy Miiu the 1-lui.liL'it Ai'neJi--
It Is Purely VonrtaMe. an 1 tin o'.wrtttnn ts tern an J
.tutouce. It iivnduivuy m'iiu tho l-lunliL'.t Ai'i'cjr-
(11 cuubliI t.v iiedt. FatlkU. AJil Kxeiti-lrl. ul. 11.
auco catiBLil by liedt, Fatiu, uud Kx-it-in. ut. 11. 1a
1 removes ul liloUt'-fwaiel l nniil' S, iliap-Jlinti Jkrk
1 unetKhlly ii"its. Drives aw.iy Tan, I'rokl. j. oiul
ubuiu. iiu.l by its Biulla but powerful l&aueu.u
iusutit tiie tvi. a tnc . i ;ili
rrt tr U l'n:;n-t l'snry Btcro. Depot.
Muy 17, iVco.v
ITiis been beforo tho American public
OVER TOIHTV years, it hiu never jet
failed to give perfect satisfaction, and hu
justly been styled tho panacea for all ex
ternal Wound, Cut, Burn, Swelling.
Sprains, Bruise, &c, Ac., fur Mau und
Beast. No family tdiould ba Itu.'lo day.
A III .HAIli.Un.ll ivi: iio..
Oie of the mo-t Iin..(i-ti,l impnn-i.iii.iits ev..r
iwrfoeloj in miiPi.ul In-it uu,ei,l-i h... 1-Helv
ipm l?l '.rl,,,-1 rfiw. H e.., ol u piuno
"'lUiMte uualtty t tone which wi.l uevui ro.
'l" !L . , , , .
ll e iinkiruiiu-ut w,,s hitely Intimiuce.l t a
mimical suirec 1.1 Ii ilti.ur.u' uii'l HM i.u l theivir
dial iipplaiinc aiul ciuloinciiicut nl the ni..iiy unit-
neiil yrulv.ssiiiiiiiU piesent. b e lulvi-rlUvlikiil
lu i'. u other column.
.Mrfieh BU, lsva. Ow.
ii)i:MS! a itii(i:iiv i:ii
W'c Mill J .IV ull :l 11-. '.; I ..-r i.e. i. in l-.ull,
i!.o1ii.! ui : il- 'li Ii li. ui.ei- "...i-i .il.iiii.
i o I i-.i..l uuU C-. iieUfcl i t'-l'- ujiw-,
uVTS.iw A ('OI'l.TI'l! i'. '
tic ta1
iiiio, Stalls.
M5;F?;h; Ali KlMiMKti-
I : i i.i.i n v iitiiw i'it i--tj
j J t'T I'i ei.e.l .-in i-Mcn (ivo uiili:ieiil of
isTUAW. VIl.i.INI.ia- Ni l-WNt'Y (;im.S,
' couiiiii.-ini; the l.iti t :iml mo.-t aiii-activ . ly!i -
heteeli'l Willi" front Ihc lc.'iuu:
, luni-e- ia Nc'.V Yoet. hit.! I'liila.'i 1;''.:.!, .111. i
; .1'! li'l" ' I'M' l! i' ) 1 i sciO : -:t-: hi .
LllilloNS AMI T'l.'iWKl.S
In SH-ul v.irii-iy, a iri neial ns orunei.t oi n-. ...
lie-, uni IIMi-Ill . lol u-'l'-.- .
Till M M ! NliS Hi' All, M.m. .
!!' . foil u . cml, ami cie.v .'.
1 -u-ii. !.- ,.f h, r, V v-.-ir.
I'.i.i .1:1,1 . e the i'. ii -(!.-. 1 1 1; !-.
; jiiwi.. Mil. .
; it ,r!v. I :mi.i.u.-, .- .;.sb I'i
A;.ii! 1 .
n. v. i'::i:ri:i:. . s. 1..1..- ! i i;
Mow CJoods!
?i'iu;.; and M'MMi:;:.
Dry (jiiods, Notions, Kunii.-hin;
Co.nls, (JiMterie,;, ( )il (".;!,-,
i!;i.s :!',! .-i!
ol' even- villi.
I -. .,
JVOJ'sl'I A I" wwJ f' C'.n I
V DuSMil Oilnl,
v.urucriii ruiinn rieits
.-L'NIli KY, I'A.
All of Or:tln, 11 i;i lAl.h.,.-c ,;ll0 ,lfi
1 .'ii ana .-ee us.
i:i:r.n::: ,- hassi.i: i:.
without this Liniment The money re
funded onless the Liniment Is as repre
Mntcd. Be ure and pet the penulne
by all Druggist and Country Btores, at
26o., 60c. and $100 per Bottle. Notioa
(trie, Bias) of bottle, &&
t. , . I
i VI, n n it i oi ! v vt!o' mil ii t.ri.1-. i
- it CO. it in .1 A I It). M LI 1 S OI
w i;, ,.,,, r,:, iri. lullin vi
l,,,.n,.,u. , ,:, ,- trv'.,u The .1. ,.
linn ilel'.CMte unit in l.iv.nt.ine ioi.. tee:..lur-
liferent i,. u. ier chum.
i;tri!i r.".!, I.';!. llw.
"VTOTK-K Is Icivhy ..'h en tl. it !!., :'; ., '.
-IA ;illil nolei lit' llui tale i.v.y, ul ,T. ii.
I onii v .V Co., h ive li.cii n- i . I. .. i ' i
Iiilln..i.ile. colli "Mii'll. All r' - oi--. I,i ,.iv
llu-.lli ..-ln- ;u.i a c l 1 in t ,.,..0 ,.. ; .
I.iei.l ,i.i e .1 1 1;, v !-! n -.v.-
m i .m i:i v
e.n.V iirv M v ' ,' ,
r&!tf;.pSi &&-i&&iit
' P. V - - .
Sllll'.-I'-V. 'ri.- 'II.' I
E !
ttitisWMi' y i
and side at tho STAR Kl'OltE,
at very low irieea.
Blankets. Strati
j L-
! 1
! -".
I- A
v- t
roit S ll.i:.
VTIDi; Vi'ATl-R e'AXAL UoAT, .fully'
U'illlppeil nnd lu l'.Ul'lll'llt oi'iler, ilil.V.
1'Jll Ions. Xow Jt, t. Ii uin tl .o!,:, a,;,!,'- ,
11. 11. Ml-l:,- ,v !-'.;.o.
: rt. Wiiine'.l'l i."!,.:.f.
i : l -vi