Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 24, 1873, Image 2

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    Sunburj American.
NBU'ItY, MAY 24, 187:1.
The new Postal Cards have bounded
into sudden popnlnrily nil over the lnnd.
They wore issued last week, nnd ou Wed
nesday were disposed off nt tho City l'ost
offlccs by tho thousand. Nearly linlf n
milliou wcro sold in New York, l'hiladcl
. 4na NSfl.OCO, Mid in Washington City 75,
tjOO on llic first day. Orders from postmas
ters nro sent to the Third Assistant Post
master General nt Washington, nnd tho
cards nro forwarded !in caro of special
agents from tlie 'printing house to tho dis
tributing post-6TTices,no:essitating constant
activity aad'travel, as tho demand every
where lia'bcen very large, indicating that
the conk will soon become ns popular in
tho "United States ns In England and Caua
idn lu -all departments of business, for
brief correspondence between individuals
in tho city nnd at n distance.
A number of business firms in the city
have ordered their addresses printed upon
tho cards on tho address sido, sending them
under cover to customers iu the country,
who havo only to writo ou the back for
ootls and drop tho card into the postotllce.
They nro also largely used by firms print
ing their business circulars on tho back.
The postal cards arc sold only through
po8tnmsters, nt one cent each, no reduction
'being mndc on any account, wfocfheT Tor
large or small purchases. Tho cards are
lighl snfttnon tinted, 5 by 3 inches, bnt
most too thin, it is thought, to bo handled
rapiJly, nud not thick enough to prevent
the impression on the face from being seen
on tho reverse side. The job is not consid
ered n gooiVone, but of course nil dufocts
well be remedied in lime. The face of the
card has lines for tho address, a one cent
stamp, nnd the words "United States Pos
tal Card," with tho direction, "Writo the
address only on this side tho message on
tho other," and a border, the whole printed
in light brown. A watermark runs through
the cardboard, indicating tho special man
ufacture. .
ALtuouoh there was much anxiety
among prominent public men as to the fill
ing of the Russian mission, made vacaut
by flic death of Governor Orr, the first
gentleman to whom .the place is offered,
, Judge Tierrepoint, of Now .York, declines
.on the pica of pressing private business.
"Shis decision may, bo a disappointment
tto tire President, but it will rcvivo the
'hopes of nil that are eminently fitted for,
nnd havo strong claims ou, the Muscovite
.ambassadorship; nnd, as usual on such
important occasions, tho names of the per
sons desirous of serving their country is
Since we'iling the above wo learn that
"Ex-Governor Jewell, or Connecticut, has
"been offered the position, nnd the probabil
ities nro that he will accept. A most ex
cellent nppoiolmcut.
The Result of Strikes. "We have
, , ... t.v.Mvu aiitiiff ul
Rhode Island have found help enough to
'till the places of the strikers, who arc now out
employment. It would seem as if the
teachings of this spring would be of lasting
good to the labor organizations. Not one
of the many strikes has accomplished the
purposo fir which it was inaugurated
poverty nnd hunrjer have been their only
'Tub lease of tho Xorthrcn Central rail
Toad, from Klmlra via. Sunbury and
Ilarrisburg to Baltimore, to the Pennsylva
nia railroad, is a fixed fact, notwithstand
ing it was violently opposed by some
timorc interest when submitted to tho
stockholders last winter. Tho subject was
then referred to a special committee of
stockholders who have just submitted a re
port recommending a lease to tho Pennsyl
vania railroad ns necessary to the payment
of future dividends on tho stock and the
development of the capacities of tho road.
The lease will probably bo made on tho
basis of nn annual rental equivalent to six
per cent, per annum on tho stock, and tho
assumption of all tho indebtedness of tho
coriwration. Tho Pennsylvania railroad
now controls a majority of the stock in the
Northern Central, nud tho lcaso will bo
niado on these terms, uuless legal impedi
ments arc thrown iu tho way by the Iliilli
Uiorcoppoueiils of such a transfer.
Oakks A jibs' Will Tim will f Oakcs
Ames was admitted to urobalu on Saturday.
Tho bequests arc ns follows To his wife,
Kvcliuo O. Ames, elOO.UOO, all lho house
hold fUruiUire, horses and carriages nnd
use of his dwelling houtM during her life.
To his daughter, .Susau U. i'rouch, J,000
U year during her life. To each grandson,
now or hereafter to l Imrn, 2o,OUU ; each
granddaughter, 20,mi. To his son.
rranlc w. Ames, all his iuterost iu tho
Kinsley Iron and Machine Coiupnuy nod
m Louo, laud nnd buildings bought or re
ceived from the estate of Lyman Kinsley,
iu CanUn.
To his sunn, Oaks A. and Oliver Ames,
nil las real estate lu Kaston, Canton,
Uraiiitrce aud West Jlridgownter, with all
machinery, tools nnd fixtures pcrtainin to
or that nre in nuy way conuocted with tho
shovel business. Tho income of SoO.OtK)
from suvou per cent, railroad bonds to be
used for thu support of schools in Uisirict
io. 1 in North Kastou. All the remain
der so lo divided nmona his sons, Oakes
A., Oliver aud Frank M. Ames. Oakes
A. and Oliver Ames, bin sou, uro appointed
On Tuesday last the suiintcndeut of
tbe lcunsjlvauia Railroad turned over te
Um I ittsburg aud Couuellsvilie Railroad
UMupany the entire couUol of tho Mouut
I feasant aud Rradford road, as ordered by
m decision of the Supreme Court. The
QWtUiyim of the Connollsville road procoed
lv wiUwut opjwsition, to restore the
tracks uud budges lately destroyed by the
It is reported iu rhiladelplu that Col.
John W. l oruey is to bo run for bherifl'by
the Relorui Asaociatiou. Tho Sheritlally
of Uiat city is ono of the moat lucrative
oflioisiu the country, a teem there in beln
regarded us equivalent lu u lurtuue. "
Fatal Accident at Sita jio kin. On
Thursday last, a 'terrible accident occur
red nt Shamdklrj, "Which resulted in loss of
life, nnd mitiinlrig of quite a number of men,
women, 'tttid children. While, laying tho
corner Tslono of a Roman Catholic Church,
hit Clint place, a scaffolding, on which wcro
a largo number of people, broke down, nnd
precipitated thoso on it into a cellar, over
which it was erected. Wo do not know
'the exact loss of life and limb, but lenrn
tho'cnsualty wns great.
Dkcouation Day in "Washington
City. Tho Executivo Committee of tho
Grand Army of tho Republic has dotcrmia
not to allow the graves of tho Confederate
dead to be decorated nt Arlingtou ou the
30lh, lite day set apart for decorating the
graves of Union soldiers buried in that
ccmetery. At a meeting held lately tho
following resolution was nddoptcd :
. Whereas, A notice has been published
in tho Sunday papers by n person named
Culver, residing ou Tenth street, inviting
donations of flowers for the purpose of de
corating tlie graves of heonicdcTato 'dead
buried at Arlington ; and whereas, such
contemplated proceed inn is calculated to
.create disorder and lead to n breach of the
Ecaco in case or its attempted enforcement;
e it therefore
" JtcsohoK That WO, the members of the
Executivo Committee of the U. A. R., do
hereby givo notice thnt the 30th of May
being set apart by tho Grand Army of the
Republic ns a memorial day to their com
rades who died in defence ol thoir couutry,
nnd thu grounds nt Arlington nnd other
national cemeteries being opened on that
special day by Ardor of lho ijuarterninetor
GoBoral f Ike Army to the g'axl Array
of the Wcpwbtic "for ttio pot-pose f strew
ing (lowers upon trnd decorating the graves
of the deceased Union soldiers," any at
tempt by tho friends of the rebel dead to
strew flowers on their graves wil be re
garded as nn intcference with the program
me of the day, and will not bo tolerated.
In this connection tho Executive Com
mittee call ntllr.ntion to the following order
of Gen. Meigs :
War Dupartmknt,
Quartermaster General's Offic-k.
Washington. D. C, May 18, 1S73.
Sir : You are directed to have tho na
tional cemeteries under your charge put iu
good ardor previous to the day which may
be set apart by tho Grand Army of Jiie
Republic for tho purpose of stiowing flow
ers nnd decorating tho graves of the deceas
ed Union soldiess.
All work vjll be suspended on tho ceme
teries on that pn.y, except g ch as Is neces-
sary to assist in preparations for the occa
sion. You will direct tho superintendents, or
others in charge of the cemeteries, to admit
all organized processions or parties visiting
themfor tho purposo indicated, and to ex
tend to them all necessary facilities as far
ns in their power.
Very respectfully, your oledieut servant,
M. C. Mkios,
Quartermaster GcnBvt.Maj. Gen. .U.S.A.
It is said, notwithstanding all this, the
friends of the rebel dead will nttcmpt to
decorate tho graves of thoso hurried nt
Arlington, on tho day fixed by the Grand
Army of the Republic for decorating tho
graves of the Union dead. The "boys in
bluo" will not nllow the memory of their
departed comrades to be tarnished by such
unseemly conduct.
Indians o tub "War Path. San
Antonio, May 10. The Mexican robbers
oiaies commission left the lower iroTtrJicf
I'l.l... .". ...L-r -ri.V .
mo Mexican robbers again commenced
depredations upon defenseless citizens nnd
rouning tncir ranches and driving off herds
ot horses nnd cattle. Several skirmishes
nave uccn had nnd numbers killed nnd
wounded on both sides. On the 8th of I his
month a band of eighty Kickapooand Lip-
on Indians made their nppcaranco eighty
miles northwest of San Autonia and drove
on over two hundred head of horses and
Borne cattle.
On thu 10th instant, whilo several rnn
elieros were before the United Suites Com
mission, a courier came in tho office and
reported thnt a hr.ud of Kickupoo Indians
wcro sixtccu miles from this city herding
their stock, shooting down every ono who
interfered with their legitimate business.
Several of tho above lauchcros have re
turned since and reported that ucarly all
their stock was cone. It seems that ihn
ludiaus have taken advantago of the al
seucc of tho rauchcros while before tho
commission to steal their 6tock.
ilr. isrhuardt. United States snccial
agent at Piedras Ncgras, writes to the San
Antonio Ilq,rcm thnt he cannot complete
negotiations for the return of a stolen cap
tive boy until his cantor, a K
dian, returns from a raid into Texas.
There is a rumor on tho street to-day that
a governmeut train tn roiifc from Austin to
t on Concho had been attacked this sido of
Fort M'Kavett and robbed aud seven
Mexican teamsters uiurdcdcd.
From China uud JiiMtn.
conklaotation in IIono Kono-
Ac hes OF Ilocsus Dkstkoyku, JStu
Sun Frunc;.sw, May IS. Tho mails by
inu BieiiHibinp jupau wcro landed to-day.
A terrible contlagation occurred nt lloug
Koug, China, on the 2M of March. Forty
four acres of houses wcro destroyed, aud
live thousand persons rendered homeless.
The Gr,ealNortheru Telegraph Company
have established a connection with Auioy,
and a party of nine Chinese ollloials are en
gaged iu making tests of tho working of tho
lino. ,
Tho members of lho Co re an AsKmhlv
havo gone to l'tskin to submit to tho F.ui-
leror ul China as vassals of his power.
Fires and liAUTihjuAKEs. in Japan,
Ktj. A terrible conllagralion occurred in
Osaka, Japan, on tho tub of March, and
mony lives were lost. Tho Haines raged all
ono day and night. Two violent shocks of
earthquake occurred at the samo place on
the Mill of March.
Gnouac Frincis Train Sent to tiik
State Lunatic Assylux. Iu tho Train
caso the court directed tho wry to render
a verdict of not guilty, on the ground of
insanity. Traius counsel said that two of
tho jurors say that is not their verdict.
The court replied that the verdict is enter
ed, and that part of the cue is disposed of.
Dr. Cross testified that his insanity contin
ued, and Train must bo sent to lho State
I.uualic assyluiu. Mr. Tram (exciledly)
I protect agaiust tho proceeding here. I
have been nvo months in jail without being
granted a triul. Then addressing Judge
Davis lie said, "llcfore leaving hero I move
your imachnu:nt in tho uamo of lho io
plf." Judge Davis ordered hiiu to sit down,
and an order was made to tteud him to the
Slalu Luuatic asylum. Judge Fancher has
granted a writ of habeas corpus, returnable
on Thursday uext, to show caube why
Train should not be released.
Governor Dix, of New York, has vetoed
the locul option liquor bill, and the Assem
bly has failed to pass the bill over the veto
by a vote of W to liO.
Freight House Kurned. The exten
sive freight house bclougiug to tho Phila
delphia and Erio rnilroad company, nt
Lcwinburg Jonction (Montaudan station),
caught tire from lho spark of an cngino,
Tlmrmlny afternoon of last week, and was
totally destroyed, consuming a considera
ble amount of freight. A Inrgo lot of oil
wns, tfortuuatcly, rescued before the Humes
reached "that .portlou of tho building where
It hnd becnttored. A largo framouible
about ono hundred ynrds distant, bfyorg
lug to Mr. N. V. Anderson, was also icdn
sumcd. The entire town wns for n iinio
in imminent danger, and great damage was
only averted by tho exertion of men; wo
men nnd children, who worked wilk a
hearty will.
' a -
Nkw Coal Oil Law. It is important
that the people of this State be fully inform
ed in regard to lho provisions of tho law
lately passed concerning tho sale of oils,
nud therefore present here n synopsis pf its
lending points :
I. It forbids the snlo of nny product of
petroleum to be used iu lamps for burning
of a lower the lest than 110 decrees. This
completely shuts out all the patent fluids,
rondo from bencino or gasoline, except so
far as they are used 'm tho manufacture of
gas, burned through pipes like ordiunry
II. It provides that all oil sold for use in
this State shall bo inspected by a regularly
appointed inspector, and that every barrel
or pnekage shall bo branded as follows :
"State of Pennsylvania, first test,
the narao of tho inspector. If, however, the
oil is better than 110, it shall bo marked.
III. All barrels which have contained
oil, must have the inspector's brand re
moved, before they are sold or refilled.
IV. Any oil found in tho hands of a re
tail .dealer, which have been fraudulently
Branded, or tins oeen adulterated, or not
coMiug to tho test of lit), is liable to sew
wre. V. Any violation of this law Is followed
by a tine of not less thnn two hundred and
fifty dollars, or imprisonment not less than
ono year, or both. Any person sustaining
damage to projcrty or person by rensonof
the use of oil not p to tho legal test, can
collectjdamage ot the party who sold tlw
It will he seen that the provisions of this
act nro very strict nud its penalties very
severe. It is to be hoped that every dealer
will uso his best endeavor to have tho law
fully enforced.
From nil parts of Missouri, Southern
Illinois, Kansas, and Iowa come predic
tions of a largo and excellent wiieat crop,
but short crops of oats and corn.
James Smith, a retailed merchant of St.
Loui, has given 2H( shares of stock of the
lloatmen's Saving Institution, valued at
$75,000, to "Washington University, iu that
A fire in Kuighlsville, Capo Elizabeth,
yesterday burned three houses and a barn,
owucd by Mr. II. Deal, valued at $33,000 ;
insured for fcS.Ooo. The furniture was
insured for S1,-'(K.
Tho political situation in Arkansas is
quiet, and the militia on duty at the State
house, Littlo "Rock, have been disbanded,
the Governor not apprehend ing nny fur
ther present need tor their services.
John Warren, who boat Sullivan to death
at lho Oak House, Portland Me., a"' few
weeks since, pleaded guilty of manslaugh
ter, nnd was yesterday sentenced to four
months in thu couuty jail.
The Govornor's Convention at Atlanta,
Ga., met yesterday. An address of wel
come was delivered by Governor Smith.
Mr. Thomas, of Iowa, was chosen tempo
rary chairman. There was a large attend
ance. The Junior editor, an J proprietor of the Amu-icon,
now hi atlvndunce nt '.lie meeting or tlTe
Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.,orPenmyivBiiin,a(Mtn
Mcd at WUkesbgrrt, l'u., write this following
CorrcMpoudeiice lor the American.
Wtomino Vai.i.rt Hvnr., t
Wilkcbbarrc, May , 1873. )
I arrived at this place yesterday at 1 o'clork,
and have nnd but little thnu to look around the
great coal tnnrt of northern Peunoylvania, bat
from what I have seen of lho place I must como
10 trie conclusion tuat tlmro is yet room for hu
provemcnl. Outside of tho busiues part of tbo
town it is built up, principally, of woodeu build
lugs. I have observed itoiue very Hue bnlldlngi
on Frout itrcct, among which U the Wyoming
valley Hotel. 1 bis Hotel far cveecds many ho
tels outside the chics lu point of beantv. com.
fort, nud accommodations generally. At pre
sent there are over three hundred guests stop
ping hci-e all of whom nre well provided for. The
proprietor, Mr. J. B Stui k, together with the at
tendants, arc dUpobed to make all feci at bouic.
and are receiving the plaudits of every one stop
ping here. Incie If mora thnn the usuul sUr hi
tho town, caused by tho meeting of the Graul
Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows,
which has brought together a largo number of
peront from all parts of the State. The grand
Encampmeut convened yesterday, uud held its
session la Music Hall. Svuty-eigiH applicants
were admitted to membership, as follows :
Augustus rfuff, M. W. (irand Patriarch, re
tired, and James Metfahcy, of Philadelphia, win
latttalled iu his stead, iohu Curtis, of Phlladcl
phhi, was Instullud at M. K. G. High Priest
8ulllTn 8. Child, ol Ilnrrlsbuig, as Senior Wnr
deu James B. Nicholson, of Philadelphia, as B.
W. Orund Bcnbcj John 8. Helss, of Philadel
phia, as R. W. Treasurer s George lk-rtram as
R. W. Grand Junior Warden.
Toilay tho Fifteenth annual meeting of tho
Grand Lodge took place In tho Music Hall, which
was atUuded by mose tliuu the nsual number of
representatives, who represent a brotherhood of
over niucty thousand lu this Stale. Tho morn
ing session was taken up by the rending of the
reports of tho Graud Ollicers, which show lho
Older in a most flourishing condition. The
Grnnd becretary reported that during the year
thtrty-iiino now Lodges have Ix-eii udiiiitud with
in the pale of tho authority of the (irnud Lod"o.
These ndded to lira .-v, i, revived Lodges, brin"
the number of active Workine Lodge under iu
jurisdiction up to Vyi. Tim ht Lodge for which
a UUpeiuuttiou W'ut granted wns numbered Ha.
oo'J. The following is lliu n ort :
Number of members, us n-r last Itwurt.
' of luitlnliouk during Hie year .
" Admitted curd
" Reiuslutud
Deceased, Ac
Present number of members
Nut increase of member since lutl relHJi t
Number or Kflbukah Deu;reo Lodt'es.......
" of brothers relieved
widow families relieved.
rata for the reiuil of brothera i87.ncs in
" " wldow.d fuluilles 2S,7U4 0
.luctlou of orphaus... 1,03 54
Uuryiuji the dead- 84,504 OJ
Tola? omount paid for relief. t3U7,31l 45
Increased ainounf of relief over the
proeeedins; year 97,180 48
Amount of receipt of Uie Lodges
duriujr. the yeir 7115,017 SI
Increase of receipts over tb prccvoV
luK " U,S0 04
The following Orand OUicers were thcu IiwUiH
d I
,M," Vr' ir1n faster Jacob M. Campbell, R.
W. D, p. O. M., Isaac A. Bheppard. K. W. tirand
Wardeu, Dr. John Iverpool, R. W. Oruud Bo
eretary, . B. Nicholson, R. W. Urnud Mauuger,
M. Richard Muckle, Reproseututlve O. L. V. 8.,
1. A. Bluipsou.
Letter from riillndelpliln.
Philadelphia, May 1!), 1873.
Frkml Wilvtrt
The arrivol of tho "Ameri
can," always a welcome visitor, reminds
mo that I should onco mora write you n
few items, although what to write about is
hard to toll, possibly when onco at It, I
may succeed in (hiding something of inter
est to yourself and readers, nnd should I
fail must crave your kiud indulgence. Af
ter a month of constant raiu and a back
ward spring, wo have had a week of clear
and pleasaut Weather, as a consequenco
the backward vogitation hns made a ra
pid stride forward, and busincsxe whoso
st)uccss depends upon fair weather, start
foswartl wltii redoubted energy nfter the
long V)ay. Lne as it is, one can yet
hardly Jay -nsido the hvhitcr garb, it great
diUcrctieo hi icomiWisiiu with lust year,
when nt this time 'the lightest fabrics wcro
far to heavy fur 'coinhwt. Our seasons
seem very much awry. It has Uccn thought
in somo qnartors thnt wo can have do bet
ter until we remove Mr. O. Probabilities
from bis present position in Washington,
whether it is any misbehavior upon his
part or cot I -will not attempt to -say. Tlw
few bright days have brought out the
Spring fashions, and it flpeaBy seems as if
it were, upon tho feminine side, the only
thought, whero to pnt anothor ruillo,
flounce or puff I All is overdone, and the
exception is to sec anytlrrng neat or becom
ing. The moderate following Of thu fash
ions is undoubtedly well enough, and as
the old adago is, "better IX) out of the
world than out of fashion," will, no doubt,
havo to be submitted to, lAit lho extreme,
haunched and disfigured, are" certainly vul
gar and suggestive of anything but 0o4,
Fn the extreme. As a result ew better
class of Ladies decry the edict that would
compel them to appear upon the street itr
tho extroruo of the fashion, lit only to be
worn by the soiled doves of society.
Your readers will, no doubt, have no
ticed in tho daily papers, the account of
changes in the lkildwiu Locomotive Works
and the retiring of M. llairsl, the senior
partner and successor of Bald wit, tlus
the founder of tho establishment, with a
competence. The firm is tho largest of
Any in tho world, nnd havo contracts to
supply .r00 Locomotives during the present
year. A few weeks ago llroad St., for
somo forty feet in width aud the length of
over half a square, was piled with immense
boxes, and boxed boilers and other por
tions of Locomotives, marked by numbers
nnd addressed to several Kailrouds iu
South America, chiefly bi Brazil. A
New York paper in noticing the fact says,
with thuir usual unwillingness to credit
fhiladclftliia with anything, "that the
iiracil llailroads have all their eugiucs
built in this country,' which is the fact
nnd not only of that country, but the great
er part of tho world, nnd to bo eutirely
correct, should havo added, "arc built in
Philadelphia," in stead of leaving, as tlicy
no doubt intended, a chance for the pub
lic to infer that Now York was tho city to
whom tho credit was due.
It is so also in rcfercuco to tho Centen
nial iu behalf of which our people, nnd
the nation at large are couccntrating their
best ctlbrt, to render successful, nud New
York alone hangs back, aud from bcr ef
forts arise the stories of exuavatticc and
prcnoclivo failure that we hoar so much
J, of, we on the spot, kuowing the ability and
J will of Fcnnsyl vauitt, aud of our city, know
that it cannot, shall not tail 1 aud so lar
have met with greater success thau wo an
ticipated. During tho past week tho com
mission have been iu session, nnd tho
work has assumed a better shnpo than
ever. Already our people are preparing
for the great eveut, our park coiu'ruissiou-
crs arc increasing the facilities ot gelling
to and from tbo park, having recently nd
vertisul for proposals to lay and operate
street lbii.JJ An urlviug ami other
purposes, and render it more accessible for
tho poorer classes, who, now, cannot fully
eujoy it owing to the great distances ne
cessary to us traversed.
Our militia men are having a gala-day
lho Oowen Uuards of i'ollsville arrived
this morning, and last week we had a crack
company from Washington, accompanied
by tho Marino Hand, and Gov. Cookes
stall, as the guests of somo of our organia
tious. Our Governor latelv naid a coninli
ment to our Guardsmen, aud as well to the
Bomiers ot me late war, in appointing Col
Latta of the 1st Kcg't P. G. of Pa. Ad ja
lant General oT the State, vice Gen. Pur
sell rcsigued. Knowing Col. Latta, person
ally, I kuow the appointment to a good one,
well deserved, and tho Col. ahlo tn till it
with credit to himself, and to tho good of
uiu vommonwcaitn, we regret to loose
Gen. Purscll from the place that ho has
mica so long ana so well, but have known
for somo time, it must come, as the Gen
erals personal affairs would not warrant
his remaininc louder. Our (invrrnnr hi
tho President, seem to have the faculty of
juiuug uiu rignt men hi me right place's, re-
Eardlcss of the politicians, aud' is making
imsclf many more friends than ho would
Otherwise, by his iudepcudent course.
Iug may Veto Jack rcigu ! is the wish
of Yours,
- . i . j
P A I N K I L L E It
jiank'd n v
IS Till
Best Family Midiciiieof tho Age!
And u hj it thoU,l bt ktpt alteay mar at hand t
1st, I'aiu-Killer is the most certain Chol
era cure that mcdiunl scitnee has
2nd. Pain-Killer, as a Diarrhoea and Dys
. cntepr remedy, seldom if over fails,
drd. rain-Killer will cure Cramps or
Tains in nuy part of the svsteiu. A
single dose usunlly ell'ects a cure.
l'am-Killer will euro Dyspepsia and
Indigestion, if Used aocordiu to di
rections. l'nin-Killer is an almost never failing
euro for Sudden Colds, Coughs, Aic.
l'aid-Killcr has proved a .Sovereign
Remedy for l'ever nud Ajuc, aud
Chill IVver ; Jt has cured tho most
obstinate cases,
rain-Killer as a liniment is unequal
cd for Frost Kites, Chilblaius.Uurus,
Itruises, Cuts, tjprnius, &c.
raiu-Killer. has cured cases of Rheu
matism aud Xeuralga jitter years
stauding. '
rain-Killer will destroy Roils, Fel-"
ous. Whitlows Old Sores, giving re
lief from Fain after the first applica
tion. I'aiu-Killer cures Headache, and
I'aiu-Killer will save vou tlava of
sickness aud niauy a Dollar in time
aud Doctor's Rills.
12th. rain-Killer is a puiely Vegetable
preparation, safe to keep and to use iu every
family. Tho simplicity attending its use,
together with the great variety of diseases
that may be entirely eradicated by it, aud
the great amouut of pain aud sufl'oring that
can ue alleviated through this uso, make
it imperative Ution everv nsrsnn tn minnlv
themselves with this valuablo remedy, aud
vu sKi-.jr ,1, suwnyB ui-ar at nana.
The Vain-Killer is now known smi")
appreciated iu every quarter of the Globe.
i. nysiemna recommeua it in their practice,
wllde all classes of society have found iu it
relief and comfort. Give it a trial.
lie sure and buy the genuiue. Every
Druggist and ueariy every Couutry Grocer
throughout the land keep it ir safe,
April '73.-1 mouth.
Two hundred teamsters employed on tho
bridge tunnel excavation at St. Louis,
struck yesterday for higher wages.
It is rumored at Salt Lake City that
llriglmra Young will resign tho presidency
of the Mormon Churdh flaring tho confer
ence how bohig torM Hhcrc.
A special dispatch to tho UTornld attri
butes all 'Clio loss In tho engagement of our
troops at tho lava beds on tho 'Jiitli ult. to
the desertion of -Company Xi. oTtho Twelfth
infantry, and somo of tlie artillery.
Br" Virtue of a certain writ of f'i. Fn. to 'me
directed, will be exposed to pnblio snlo at
the Court House,' on Monday June 9th, 1(473, ift
1 o'clock p. m., the following proiicrty, to wit i
All those certain three lots or pieces of ground
situate In the borough of Shnmokin, Northum
berland county Pn., known and designated In tlie
general plan of said borough as lots No. 3, 4 and
5, in block 83, bounded on the north by nn alley,
on the oast by Second street, on tho south by
Mulberry street, nnd on the wwt by lot No. 3,
eirrh eontninlnc 25 feet In width, nnd 159 feet In
ncpili. iua lot No. S Is erected a one-and-a-half
Story home.
'Seized, trilion Hn elocution, and to be sold as
t'he proposty o'f l)tuiicl Doolcv.
8. M. ISOTHERM EL, Sheriff.
SuorifTs Oitloo,auiburt, JUny Iff, 4873.
Notice e Nperlal-Tax Payer.
The law of December 24, 1872, requires every
person engaged In any buslncim, avocation, em
ployment, which renders hliu liable to a
to procure aud place coiiflplciously In bis estub
ineut or plue of,baslnecs,
dei,otinf the payment of said Special Tax before
commencing business.
The taxes embrace wltVB t'he provisions of
law auove quoted are tne loiiowini!. vis t
RectWors . $300 00
Dealers, retail liquor 25 00
' Dealers, wholefuila liquor 100 00
Domlcrita malt liquors, wholesale 50 00
Dealers in mult liquorx, retail
Deletirs In leaf obacco..,v. .
Retail dealers In leaf tobacco
20 00
25 CM)
500 00
and on tale of over (1,000, II fey cents for
every dollar iu excess or ri.uuu.
Dealers In manufacured tobacco 5 00
Manufacturers of Mills 50 00
snd for each still or worm manu
factured . 20 00
Manufacturers of tobacco 10 00
Manufacturers of cigars 10 00
rcauicrs or lomiceo, nrm class, (juoro
thau two horse)
Peddlers of tobacco, second class, (3
Peddlers of tobacco, third class, (1
Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class, (on
foot or public conveyance.)
Brewers of less than J00 barrels, ..
Mrcwcrs of 500 barrels or nwre
50 00
25 00
IS 00
10 no
50 00
100 00
Any person wh slifrfl XM to comply
ith the
foregoing requirements will be subject to severe
Bpeciul-Ux Payers throughout the United
8tates are. reminded that thry must make nppli-
ej)tlon to the Collector (or Deputy Collector) of
tncir respective districts, nnd procure tno proper
stump for the 8ieclal-tax Year, commduclng
MsJ 1, 1878, without wallhig for further notice.
C. J. BKlEH,
Collector Internal Revenue,
May 10, 1S73. 4w. 14th District, Pa
lrtclm At Ion.
TXrilKUEAd tbo Honorable W. M. Rockefcl-
TT lvr, President Judee. and his Associates,
for this District, have Issircd their mandate for
an mljotoncd Court tor Northnmbcrlaiid county,
to lio hshl on Monduv the Vth star of June. A.
D., 1873, bein; thotd Monday of said month, lu
Buiibury. I therefore clva notice, that all per
sons Interested, to be and appear st thu place
aforesaid at iu o clocK n. in., or said aav.
Sheriff's OIHce,
Sunbury, Feb. 1. 1873.
T,."' -4IE KAfT!
A -t l.t uppjw, ,...T
With adjustable Washers, recently added, In
creasing its utility 60 per cent, Invented and
patented by 8. M. SMITH, Torlc, Pa.
It cleans all kinds or Clothintr better and
quicker thau any other Washer. Jt cleans pur
feetly aud without lujury, any article from th
finest Lacs CurUin to the heaviest Bod Clothlug.
It will cleans a half dozen Ucntlemon's Shirts,
badly soired, In from S to 8 minutes, Including
lho Collars and Wristbands.
The steam belnt confined In the Washer, the
clothing while being washed Is also bleached.
Over 800 Machines were sold In York and Lan
caster Counties and over 70,000 worth In this
Statu and Ohio, within a year; glvlnc tntisfac
trf. The celebrated Belf-Adjustinir EURKKA
Wringer Is attacked to the muchtne; ttTIn
fOn one to two hours a lnrte Family's Wash
can be done and rinsed, with last than half the
labor required Wy hand.
Klnalug ! amt In thU Marhloo
thoroagbly asid rapidly.
We ask no ono to purchase without first trying
its merits.
Sisolb Macdinbs, 118. With Wringer, J5.
I V Address all orders to
Manufacturer uud Ageut,
. " Suubury, Pa.
Soubury. April S6, 1873.
J siat Optacd
a lbs Store of
Kei Brtlser Kesusttolta,
(successors to S. O. Read & Bro.)
of every description aud variety such as
I) re IMS Good
comprising all the novelties la fabric and shade.
Whit Uooda, Fny Uooda.
Full Assortment op Notioxs,
wlJob are being told at tb lowest Cash Prices.
Also, Gkockrie8 and Provisions,
pur and fresh.
Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on band.
very large
bsTh glased and eosnmon, always ou baud.
from the celebrated hand mad Boot and Shoe
aiauuractory of Waisoulown, for
of all eliee and of the latest styles.
A eoostaut supply of wsatera whlU wheat Sour
a speciality.
The nubile ar lavltca to call aud examine our
Goods true of charge. Our motto la "Uuick
Vales and Small PioUU," aud to pleas all.
1 lu: highest prices will be paid for all kinds of
couutry prod oc.
by strict alteatioa to busluoM and kecpiuR at
all limes the newt oompleu stock, and selliug at
thulowcsl piles, W hop to UNrit a IM Sharof
IlLl-.u 3KU1ll(.KietA8UMl-TZ.
Sunbury, May 3, lj7.1.
Kule on Ilelrs) or Daniel Welmer,
Comity of Northiimberlond, '
To the Sheriff of said County, Greeting i
We command you that yon notify Christian L.
Wclmer, fioorRc L. Wclmer, Mary, Intermarried
With Henry Revillc, Cnthnrhiu, intermarried with
John A. Lloyd, Margaret, Inleriuarrle.l with
JohnS. Malliwk, Klimli th. Intermarried with
John A. Wciincr, Sarah Welincr, Ocnellu Wel
mcrnnd William Wclmer, nil heirs and Irgal re
presentatives of Daniel Welmer, lute of the bor
oii(;h of Noithumhcrlam), Northumberland
County. Pa., thnt nt the March term of Orphan's
Court, held at Snubury, In and for said County,
on the Seventeenth day of March, A. D. 1873, a
Rulo wss granted upon them the sid heirs and le
iralrrprescntativcs of the said decedent, command
ing tliem to come forward uud neecnt or refnax
tho Real Estate of snld decedent nt the valnatlon
put nptmtlie samo by nn Inquisition Issued out
of tliis-OoartTetnrnnblo at tho January term of
the year A. D. 1872, or show conse by the first
Monday of Angnst, A. V. 1873, why the same
should not be sold nccoTifiag to tne Act of As
sembly in sndhrase made and provided.
Witness the Hm. Wm. M. Rockefel-
L.8. ler, PresldenVo'f onr said Court, this
wvw 81st dayftrHlniVh, X. D. iSK
Deputy Clerk, OrnUin's Court.
May 10, 1873. 4t.
HiiERirr'n salfa.
BT virtue of certain writs of TV. Kt., Ivkti
Fiuiiu, Fi. Fa., Mint Vtn. Sip., and tlvr
iut, levari Facial Issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Northumberland County, nnd to
me directed, will be exposed to Public Sulo or
Outcry, on
nt 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Court House in the
horouRik of Snnbury, Northumberland County,
Pa., the following described property, to wit i
Two certain Wis -or pieces of ground situate in
tse borongh of Skaroktii, Northumberland
County, Pennsylvania, femmflcd and described
ns follows, to witi On the licert.h y lot
number six (0,) on the east byShnmoVIn Street,
on the South by lot number nine (U), andontwc
west by Rock Street, known nnd designated oa
tbo general .plot or plan of said borough as tots
numbers seven (7) and eight (8) in block
bcr one hundred and eighty-four (184) each con
taining twenty-five ( 25) feet in width, and one
hundred and niucty OW) fret lu depth, where
on are erected a two story frame dwelBng honse
nnd stabl.
Two certain lots of around situate In the bo
rough of Bhamokln, Northumberland County,
Pa., bounded and described as follows i Lot
number four hundred and thirteen (413), bound
ed on tho north by Hunbury Street, on the west
by lot number four hundred nnd twelve (413),
on the south by Commerce Street, and on the
east by nu alley, lot number four hundred and
lll'tucu, bounded ou the north by Banbury Street,
on the west by lot number four hundred ami
fourteen, oa the south' by Commerce Street, and
on tlie w fey lot number tour hundred and six-ec-s,
vath benit fbrty feet In width and one huu
dcrd nnd sirty-fect hi depth.
Setacd, taken in execution and to be sold as
the projicrty of John R. lloughncr, Henry Bough
tier and James A. Shlpp.
All those seven contlcuoas lots or pieces of
ground sltunte In the boroughof Shamokhi, Nor
thumberland county, l'erfcisylvunts, known In
the general plan of said borongh of Mtamokla its
lots numbers 2, 3, 4, S, 0, 7 nud 8, in block num
ber 3D, containing in width each, tweiuy-tlve
feet, and iu depth each ono hundred nmt Sfty
(150) feet, fronting on Lincoln street on the
north, and on the east by Klghth street, on the
west by lot No. 1 of the same block, aud on the
south by an alley whereon are erected on lots No.
3 and 4, n frame dwelling house two stories high,
uud oa lot No. !i, a ware and lee bouse, nnd a
well of good water.
Seized, taken In execution, and to be sold as
the property of John H. Dcwces, nnd T. 8. I)e.
wees, trudltig as Jolui II. Deuces it llro., also as
the property of Elijah Hammer, uud Culhariuo
Hammer, his wife.
All that certain plcco or lot of land situate iu
Upper Augusta lowushlp, Northumberland
county, Pa., Beginning at a stone, set for a cor
ner which stands north iwvrrty-irino AVgw) cast :
two feet and eight Inches from the mirth enst
comer of Catherine Coble and Frederick Coble's :
house ; thence by laud of John It. Looker north
sixty-three degrees aud 11 fly miuiites west, one
hundred nnd elfrhty hwt to a stone; thence by the j
same south nineteun degrees and lll'tecn minutes i
HASU'W) UllPlrfilj'MiuVrl''B.ilr.f.A .A.f'SIIV '
minutes east ono hundred and eighty feet to a 1
stiwic, and by tlie same north degrees I
and fifteen minutes cast one hundred uud iwm-
ly feet to the place of beginuiug, containing one !
mil oi nu eru or ineriuiuoiil more or less, it be.
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
in the brough of Shuinoklii, Northumberland
coaiity, Pa., known and designated hi the gener
al lithographed plot or plnn or said borough, as
lot number live iu block' nnmlier lhly-iwo,
bouuded on tbo north by lot number the
west by nn alley, on thu south by lot number six
and In tho east by Market Street, cotilahung
twenty-five feet In width and one hundred and
fifty feci hi depth, where jn are erected oue framo
Seized, taken hi execution and to be sold as
the property of George lleitzmun.
All thai certain trnct of land situate In Sha
mokiu Township, County of Northumberland,
nnd State of Pennsylvania, bounded nod de
scribed as follo-vs, to wit : Ueglnuing at a White
Oak, thence by lands of John Replcy, north six
ly degree west one hundred ami fifty-three
perches ton stone, thence bv lands of Junius To.
cum south twouty-hiuc and a hair degrees west
forty two perches to a post, theuce north slxljt
flvc and oue fourth degrees west twenty-three
perches and 5-10 to a post, thence south tweuty
seven degrees and Jircsl rorty perches and 4-)U
to a White thik or stone, thence south sixty-seven
and a half degrees cast two perches and 3-10
to u n one uns, uieuc rjy lands or George Heck
crt, South twenty-nine decrees east nlnetv.ihr. e
perches and 4-10 to a stone, thence by lands of
j.conuru t ensyi anil uaniei Adams north forty,
three degrees and one half east eighty-four
lurches to a stone by the church, thence elirhtv.
one degrees east eighty perches to the plutp of
uvKiuiuug, cuiiimmng seventy acres una one
hundred and fourteen nerehes. wheraon nrs erert.
cd one Frame House, Bunk Barn and other
Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as
tho property of Peter Uoughner.
The exclusive right and nrlvllefo todifr. minx
nnd carry away coal lu and from all the vidns of
coal In the William Green tract ot land, In Coat
towushlp, Norlhumlierlaod county, Pvnhsylva-
mu, kiiicu are aoove er overlie the twin veins
now worked by Robertson. Uniterm. A t o..nnn
the right to take timber for the use of the mljics
upon the raul- tract of land from one hundred
acros of the said William Green Tract, together
with the breaker thcrcou erected, and all hn
provemeuts, fixtures, machinery, and appurte
nances known as Frank Uoweu CollUry, and
also iwenty-foiirdrlfl cars, oue rorty horse power
uugiue, two thirty luch boilers, one Ave fool
screen, two four foot screens, two hoisting rrg
glugs, screen bars aud rests, four hundred and
fifty reel belling, llfteen pMllles, two hundred
tons railroad "T" Iron, fifty lipscreens, rourline
shufts, Ave hundred feet or wire roie, two push
ing bulls on Plains, two dirt duniners. thrnn inns
r sheet Iron, ouo forty-eight Inch slack, one
string elevators, one sell three foot rolls thirty
men uiumcter, oue sett Monkey Rolls eighteen
schute gates, aud thlrtv six allrW
shop, aud fixtures, aud three stove : And, Also,
all that ceitaia leasehold estate of thu said
James A. Shlpp, John K. Bougbner and Thomas
i . ivoese oi iu ana 10 me veins of coal In tho said
William Green tract or land, lu Coal township,
Northumberland couuty, Puuiisylvunia, which
are above, or overlie the Twin veins, sow work
ed by Robertson, Gultoruian Co., and the lim
ber upon the said William Green tract for miu
Ing purpose ; and all that certain memoranda
of Lease, from S. P. Wolvertoa, administrator
U oonu sums cum fssraijitnie imswtw of Hugh Bel
las, deceased, to William U. Douty, and William
Kutxuer of Shnmokin, Pennsylvaula, dutod the
10th day of November, A. D., one thousand
eight haudred and sixty-eight, aud aaslgued uu
to the said James A. Shipp, John R. Bonghurr
and '1 bennas (!. Keese by tho said Wi.llaiu H.
Doulyaud William R. Kulsner by assignment
dated the thlrtoeoth day of July A. D., one thou
sand eight hundred and sixty-nine, und all the
estate rights, privileges, title, term ol year claim
aud demand whatsoever of, hi, to or out of the
same, together with the aoridilatneul aud a a-
oeiacu, iiiHun iu execution, aud to h soM as
the proiwrty or James A. SWnpy John R. BJngh-1
uer, uud 1'homas C. Reese.
..m-ar.., ,uv ioi ao. 13, wi.icli was ,vry- . H.rough of Sni.bbry, Noriliuinhe: l.uui eo m ,Vv
!n : M!,rk'"' V"'vanU,. b.Hn, theweiern UnTti
Ihf ru of AtM n"1 r 1 'n" NJ-n-ca " he south ly lw Wainut
tin- properly of I nthariue t oblo and Kreiieriek i .ir.i ,.k i, , ' !.
ra.i-. i -" " j.uB.'ucirv uuev. on i )
' . ALSO I
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate
In the borough of Slianiokiu, county of North.
umherlaad. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as foLows, to wit I on the north by
lot number live (6), on the west by Marker,
street, arid on the South by lot number seven (7)
ea till seat by nn alley, being lot niimlior six (0j
as marked on the giueral plan of said borough,
ctrnth'ining twenty-lieo feet in width, nml one
hnndred aud fifty feet In depth, whereon Is creel
ed a frame house.
Betted, taken Into execution, and to be (old oi
therMpoit? of J. J. Bloom.
A certain building said building is a hotel of
two stories -with an attic the eutire building be
ing frame, bowing a front of flny-four fcet.aad a
depth of thirty-eight feet, situate upon a certain
lot or piece of land within the borough of Wat
sontown, County of Northumberland, Slate of
Penmylvnnia, "bounded and described ns follow::.
Vis t on the aorVh'by lot of John Yagle, south by
other lot of said Christian Grnbb, east by Main
street, and west by an alley.
Seized, taken in eirscution, and to be sold us
the proitrty of Christlau Ciriibb.owiicror reputed
owner and contractor.
All that lot or piece of (round situato In lho
borrtngu of Shamokiu, county 6f Northum
berland, Pennsylvania, and known on tho si re
ral lithographic plot or plan of said boronirli as
block No. 167, bounded on tho south bv Shakes
peare street, on the east by Vino street, on tho
Jforth by Independence, on the west by Pearl
Seises, .taken In execution, and to be sold ns
Ore frpeiperty of James B. Henry.
All thnt epftnln tract or piece of hind sltnnte
In Upper Mahnntjy township, Northumberland
county, Pennsylvania, bonnded nnd described as
follows, to wit : On the cast by lund of George
Fetter, on the south by land of William Smith,
on the west by land of Philip Ruukle, and on the
north by Line Mountain laud, containing thirty
seven (37) acres ipd ninety ('JO) perches, strict
measure, whereon are erected a two story frame
dwelling house, a frame tannery, aud other im
provements. Alto all that cartsin tract or piece,
of wood land situato hi Upper Mahunoy town
ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania,
fcoimdcd and described as follows, to wit : be
ginning at a stone heap, thence by land of Mi
chael Brann, north eighty-flvc degrees, east eighty-one
perches and one-half to a stone heap;
thence by load of nenry Masser, north two de
grees, west forty perches to a stone bejip theme,
by Line Mjwjntuin, south eighty-live derces,c;ist
eighty nnd oirt-hulf to a stone, heap; thence
soma iwo uogrecs, ensi lorty pcrcuca to tlm
place of beginning, containing eighteen acres,
and one hundred uud nineteen perches nud al
lowance. Sebaid, tuken In cxectfton, and to be sold ns "
the pTTipcrty of 8okmoii ruterlluc.
All that ccrtal VI or piece of ground known
and designated In Boyd's plun of lots laid out In
a portion of the Wetwerlll tract so-called in Coul
Township, Northumberland Cdtinty, Pa., na lot
number one In block 7, bounded o-i the cast ly
Sherman Street, ou tho sooth h an alley, on the
West by lot number 8 hnd on the north by
Oneida Sheet, whereon Is erected a t'lauie wui
llug house.
Seized, taken In execution aud to be eold ni
the property of Levi Albright.
All that certain tract of land sltuutc In the
Irtwnsrrinof Lower alnbanny, lu the county of
Nvtnfcwvnberlaud, and State of PemisUvauiu.
bounded by lands of Teter Borrell, Chafies Hro
sions, William Shafer, Michael Luhr, Philip
Bobb, and the Susqnehanuu river, containing
thlity-flve acree and seventy-three perches,
w hereon are erected a howsc and two barns and
a saw mill.
Seised, taken In eier-uiion, and to bo Sold as
the property of Isrwl P. Whitincr.
All that certain lot or plec of ground situato
fn the borongh of Suntury, county of Northum
berland, aud State of Pennylvunhi, bounde d ami
described as follows : beginning at a point on Hl
vcr street, 2!I0 feet rorr RSderburry street, at the
liorlh-cast corner ef lot 2U2, where un olley iu
the general plan ojsnid borough Intersects 'said
River street, thonca along the southern line ol'
said alley, in a westwardly direction, 105 feet to
an alley j thence by a liue along said alley par
allel with hi id River street, Att feet, at a cli.-lauce
of 105 feet from said River street, llience by a.
line pantllel with snid Elderberry si rcet IS.Ifni
from said Khleiberry street to said ltiver street
10.r feet ; thence nlong said River sireet, in a
nnrthw.irdlT direction, 4,.'i teet to mid miliiic til
icy, inn piaee or Iwginmng. coiiiaiuiiiir 'n f-ont
n said River stre-.t 45 Icl. and in depth along
sttld public alley, 105 f ;ci. being the northern
parts of lots Ns. V!W and Si'.', whereon is unit
ed a one-and-a-half story frame house. Ac. .Vs,i
nu mai certain hall lot of ground, situate
"IT. ,,, ,U (, J,,, 0.1S yj. Jlu f;l!i.
ernhnlfef the said lot, No. 875, containing in
front on Walnut street SO feet, n:id Sl'Ofc t in
depth, whereon arc erected one iwp story fraum
dwelling house, und other biiiulings.
Seized, taken luto execution, und to be sold as
the property of John F. Kapp.
8. 11. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff.
Sheriff's OfBee,
Sunbury, May 10, J87S.
I... n. ..1 ... . .
n s r
u a
ao p. - o W Q
R Cfcj a. J
' a"
2 2
) c
u .wb o--S
rn 55
r. I
Bead for coir lllastsulod Catalogue nfii6w hooka
. ...i .uu, crnaiu nnn uh oi iriouni . x:tmu in i ,..
on buUding. A- i. Uk kNKl.lvt: VO.
9,'TJ.lw. -'7 Waircu it , New York;