Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 24, 1873, Image 1

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    &, fa.
EM'L WILVEBT, Propriator, '.
Moore S Disslngcr' Bnildinff, Market Square,
At 91.50 In Advftnee.
It imt paid within O Month 9.
SHbuerljitionl taken for lent than fit Mmtfu.
Omvncrr.n with this establishment la an exten
ivoNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a tnrlcty of
plain and fiincy typo eqanl to any establishment
li tho Interior of the State, for which the patron
age of the public Is respectfully solicited.
AS. 11 It ICE,
AMD aotino JUSTICE op Trm PEACE.
Next Door to Judge Jordan' Residence, Chest
nnt Street, Sunbury, Pn.
Collections und all legal matters promptly at
tended to.
Convcyanciiig,thc collections of clalnis.writlnirs,
and nil kinds of Legal busluess will be attended
to carefully and with despatch. Can be consult
ed In tho English and German language. OlHco
formerly occupied by Solomon llalicki Esq., op
posite City Hotel, Bunbury, l'n.
March Btf, 18T3. lv.
GA. BOTDOnr, . ' ., :.'
GEORttETOWN, ". ..
Northumberland Co., Peuua.
Can he consulted In the English and German
language. Collections attended to lit North
muberLind nud adjoining coimtios. mhlS
Til. It. KANE. Attorney nt Law, 8UN-
UURY, PA, Office in Market fcqunro,
( adjoining the offlco of W. I. Urcvnough, Esq.,)
Professional business lu this aud adjoining coun
ties promptly attended to.
Bunburv, March 10, 1H72.-Iy. ' ' "' . ':
Attorney at Law,
Sunbury, Pa, ,
Xoviunber a, is?a. tr. v;.'
Nimbus-', IVnu'u.
Ortlcc on Front Stmt, next door to Haue &
Oltioc Hours. Until 8 a in. From 12 to I p m.
From 5 lo C p m.,ioifl niter 0 o'clock p m.
At all other hours when not professionally en
gaged, can txi found at Drug Store, on Third St.,
next to Clement House. ni;:!,'72.-ly
J IS. 1IOYEK, Attorney and Counselor
k5 at Uw. Rooms N'iw. 28 Beyond Floor,
llriglit's Uiilldltti:, SUNBURY, TA. Professions
business attended to. In the rnnrts of Northuta
herland and adjoining nout'.llo. Also, In tli
IHixuit and Dlttrtet Courts for tho WeHetn Dis
trict of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect
oil. Particular attention paid to casus lu JlmJc
rujttny. Coimriltation can be lui'.l in the Ger
man hinguak.'e. uari.r,'71.
L II. KANE, Attorney at Law, 8CN
BL'RY, PA., office in MuescrV liuUdlntf
near the Court Howm. Front Room up etairs
iibove the Drug Store. Collections made In Nor
t humberlatid and adjoining euuutfe. .
Biinbnry, Pa., June -8, 18TS.
JO. 9IAI1KI.E CO, Market Street,
Dealers iu Drugs, Medk'rnes, Puints, Oils,
Gins, VaraiBhes, Iiqnors, Tobaen, Cigars,
Pocket Books,, Dairies, ite.
Q I. WOlrVERTOw AttorKT oTlTw
k? Markot 6iare, BUXBUBY.PA. Profotsion
ul business in this ami udjifailng counties prompt
y attended to.
HH. MANS Kit, Attonuty rLaw, BUN-
11URY, PA. Collections aMndiyl U in
the counties of Northumbi'j-bind, Union, Snyder,
Mnntonr, ('olumbln. and Lvconiing. apHO-fi!)
Office nt. his rcpUlenco im Arch trect, one suaro
north of the Court HouM', near the Jall.BUN
flURY, PA. CollHetions ud nil profwdoajil
business promptly attended to lu Oils and adjoin
iuj; counties. Consultations can be had In the
Oerm.iH language. '"'-rt!i-
U. W. E1IK11.IW. ' J.. T. HOItlllUPH.
Olllee In Haupt's ulldlng, latMy orenpied by
Judge Rockefeller ami L. T. Rohrbitch, Enq.
Collections and all professional tuisiiictis
pr aiiptly attended to lu tbo Courts of Sorthuiu
twerland and ndjolnlnu counties. V
Dec. . 1S71.
KI rCHKV, ProprlHtor. Oposlte the De
pot BlIAiloKIN, PA. Every ntteutlon gtveq to
travellers, and tire best aorouimodacions given.
April 5,1873. tf
MlF. "iA5IW4;iioT-KU
Kos. 80, 90S nnd 810 Uaoo Street, PHILADEL
HENRY nEHMAN, Proprietor,
llnte of Woitr, OWn
BnecOKsnf to Win. C'hrititmun.
Terms If. 2.1 Per Iay.
Market Bt. Cars connect with Wwt Phila. Pas
scnger D(ots, to nil pury of the City.
Feb. 22, '73.-8 mrw.
Proprietor, ConiHr of Market A: Becoud
Ptreet6, opposite tho Conrt IIoiikc, Bunbury,
p. M;it28,70.
X,I''0l,rlc,"ri Nos.12 and 814 Market Street,
obofe eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Term, fi
per day. He respectfully solicits your patron
ujro. Jan6'73.
WALD, Prof rletor, UeorgiHowii Noitb'd
County, Pa., at the Station oftheN.,U R.V.
Choice wines and cigar at thanar. ' , '
The tablets supplied with the best tlie market
affords. Good stabling and aiteutlvo ostlers.
LOUIS HUM M EL, Iroprlotor,
Commerce Bt., 8UAMQKLN, PIUSN'A. v
Having just rellttud the atova Boliraa for tbo
accomodation of tbo public, la now prepared,, to
serve Ills friend with the bust rofreshnicnts, ami
fresh Lager Boer, Ale, I'oner, and ali other mult
J OBI AH BYERLY, Proprietor, Lower Malia
noy township, Northumberland comity, Pu.,
on the road leading from Geor getown to Union
town, Bnilth Inn, Trevortou Potlsvilie, &e.
Tht choicest Liquors and Segars nt the bar.
The tables are provided with the best of tho tea
sou, bublinc targe and we.ll enlted fur drovers,
with good ostlers.
Every attention pule ta ntuke gnetts comforta
ble, t.
Not. 11, 1871.-1.
IU .. )'' "J ...IJ 1 1 .
asinfSs furos
w. a. i- pacileh uaas
Orrica witu Hits, Faoki.t & Co.,
Orders left at BeasUolts & Bro'.,oiQoe Market
treet, will receive p'rompt attenticru. Country
uttom reapoatfully aolicited.
Feb. , 1871. tf.
VALEXTIKE DIETX, Wholecala and
Retail dealer in every variety of
All kinds of Grain taken In exchange for Coal.
Orders solicited and filled promptly. Orders left
Hi IS. V. Nevln's Confectionery- Blare, ou Third
troet, will recieve prompt attrition, and money
recrjtell, the same as at the office.
I tt'Wtti li; lt --i M -! l 1 . . .... i.. . I " """" "S?!??-T 1 ,
-i.-.- ' "' " .'''V fi "" J'"; ''':';' , ' . ' , ' ,' ' J. V,',' ' . , ("
T2etablliiiel In 1910. 'l
Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
IW Bolo Agents, weetwnrd, nt the celebrated
uvnryviay law. ; , Jnn Itft
. , ' t ' OENTINTRY,
! OEdllGE M. IU2NN. .
In Simpson's ' MitikUng, Market Srttaw,
Bunbuht, Ta,,
"I prepared to do nil kinds of work pertaining
iu jeiinnirj ii Keops conmsntiy on Hand
njarge nsHortuient of Tcoth, aud other Dental
material, from which lie will be able to selort,
and nieev the wants of his austomcrs. k
All worn warranted to give satisfaction, or else
the money refunded.
The very bust Mouth Wash and Tootli-Powders
kept ou hand.
nis references" arc Vie mtnirrons patrons for
whom ho lias worked for the litet twelve yours.
Swnbury, April ai, 187.
THE undersigned having connected tho Cool
business with hisextcimlvo FLOUR & GRAIN
trade. Is prepared to sitpply families with the
Egg, Stovo and Nut, constantly on hund. Grain
taken in cxcliaugo for Coal.
Buubtiry, Jan. 15, 1870. tf.
r. I tt m t , i I '
la t&o nuly Known Keioody for Ilrhrlit's IH.
' ease and has cored every case of Ilfahete In
wh&li it has beuti given, IrMUatlon of tho Keck
of Uic Bkwldcr and Uulftiiipuiuon of tbo KldnnyA,
Ckufothin of tin Kiduuys and Bladdij ltetea
j.lou nf Urine, I)beae8 of the Prostata Ol&ml,
Tne In the Madder. Gravel, BrliJt Dimt Desit,
and Mneons or Milky Ilireharpcs, and far Eu
' feelilnd ma Delicate CvustltutUiun of both bvxca,
AUiiidii with the following svmntotDn: 1hi
of 1'owea, Iws of Memory, Ditllculty of Brua th
ing, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, ruin lu the
Paek, Flushing of Uiellody, Kruitiunn tliu Face,
J'aJlid Counteuuyicu, Laasluide of Uiebyttum, rte.
Used by penus in the docllno or riianen r.
lite; aftar coullneineut or labor pains, bvu-wel '
ting In children, eta
In many affeotions peculiar to ladles, Uie Kx
tmct liqnhu is uueqiiouMl by any other nuacdy
As In Chlorosis or Retention, Irrenliiruy, 1'uUi
' fMlDWWorSiipprwtflQnof OuHitnutry EvaruaUoiet,
Ulcerated or &rhirru8 state i,f tho Utt'nn, Jou
corrhora or Whites, guirilltv, and for all com
plaints Incident to the six. It is proscribed
extensively by the most eminent Physlchuia aud
Mldwivus for eufeeltled and delicate congUtu,
tkins of both sexes and all ages.
Vvrtt SUtatu AiiMmj from ttnprvdencrt,
fliibitt of IHtuipullon, Etc., In all their stages, nt
ltttln expense, little or no change iu diet, no lu
oouvcaumoa, and no uxpiwure. It causes a fro
Kej;Ay,fcifviri2DbsrntctrtmK j'h'tni i nn- a i
CuiliiE 8tricu of tho Uroltira, Allaying Palis
ud Inflammation, so frequent In this class of Uia
t'Ases, and expeiUug all poisonous matter.
tJ.OO per bottlo or six botUos for i.0O, dullveruil
to any address, suenru f roni observation, bold lqr
0nii8Ui everywhere. Prepared by
KEABNK.Y & CX)., 104 I)uane fit.N. Y.
to whom all lettft-s for information should bu
addresif A.
Ko Charge tat Advice and Oonsnltatien.
Dr. J. li. lvott, Graduatoof Jffferma Mtdlcat
(bKt4 rtillalefphia. author of several vulnahlo
works, rau ho coumilted on all diseases of thv
(xtial or I'rinsry Ursans, (which tut has suula
au e4Mciiii suuiy), either iu male or fuiuale. no
matter from what cauto origiuatlng, or of how
' long stonclnc. A practice of 30 years enables
blm to treat diseast with tncccsa. Cares guar
' autoed. Charge rvasonubls. Thoso at a dis
tance can forward letter lieecribiug syaiptoms,
aud enclosiug slamp lo prepay poauio.
Bend fer tiw 0uitt4 to UmIVi. l'rit 10 oentjs.
5. B.BY0TT, M. D.. Ph)-eiciau and Surgaojv
February 8, 173 ly. .
Classics and Muthctrtntle,
" ' French Lnngnaro nnd Literature,
Mks. H. M. BROWNE.
German Language, '
Teacher of Eugllbh Branches,
Advanced English Course,
Assisted by Mhh. 11. M. BROWNE.
Primary Department, '
" , Mus. II. M. BROWNE. ,
A ssisted by Mu. C. D. OBERDORF.
Instrumental Music,
Vocal Music
For Catalogue or any other Information, ad
dreos fc. N. FOSTER BROWNE,
Prineipal and Proprietor.
Or to Mxa. II. M. Bhownk,
Lady Prjnclpal.
Bnnbiry, vrch IS, 1873.-3 mos
Marcb W, 1K73 ly. '
ViniCLKs or aix Kids made to Ohdkb. '
The latest styles and the beat workmanship.'
Samples may be seen at the shop. Give him
Cuubury, Dc. T, 1K75. ly.
- u. ..;-
Physician of this celobrnted Instltntlon, baa
discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and.
""""' leim-uy in mo w.orin lor am
' Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures,
Aflcotlons of Kidneys and Blnddor, Involun-
tary Uischnrgca, Imjiotency, General Debili
ty, .nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low
epnits, confusion of Ideas, ' Palpitation of
l"e ncart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness
or oigni or unidiness, Disease of tho Head,
Throat, Nose or Bkln, Affections of Liver, Lnngs,
Stomach or Bowels these terrible niannixn
arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those
secret and solitary practices more fatal t their
victims inon tne song ot syrens to the Mariners
of Ulysses, blighting their most brill IflTit llnllAi
or anticipations, rendering marriage, fcc, Impos
sible. . . : ' .i .1 i . i . . . ',...
i-ir.-'l r-;tOliNlMENl I n-,ltf
ospcclally, who have become the victims of Soli
tary Vice, that dreadful nnd destructive habit
which annually sweeps to nn 'untimely grave
thousands of voting men of the moat
talents nnd brlllinut Intellect, who might other
wise have entranced listening Senates with the
thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the
living lyre, muy call with full confidence.
Married Persons or Yonuir Men contamnlatlmr
marriage, aware of Physical Weakness. fLoas
of Procreatlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex
citability, Palpitation, Organic Ycakness, Ner
vous Debility, or any other Disqualification,
speedily relieved. , ,. ; j
He who places himself und.r Hid care of Dr. J. I
may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle
man, and confidently rely nnon his skill nsaPhv.
sicluu. 1
Impotencyj Loss of Power. Immediate! Cured
and full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing Affection which renders Life
miserable nnd mnrrinco Impossible tstheneaalif
paid by the victims of Improper Indulgences.
Young persons are too apt to commit excesses
from not being aware of the dreadful couscqcuces
that may cnBiie. Now,, who that understands
the subject will pretend to deny that the power
of procrcntlon Is lost sooner by those fulling Into
improper nanus man ny tho prudent I Besides
being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring,
the moat serious aud destructive symptoms to both
body jind mind arise. The system becomes de
runged, tho Physical and Mental Functions
Weakened, Loss of Proereutlve Power, Nervous
Irritability, Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart,
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wnstlm'
of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay audi
I'CUl n.
Persons rulnexl in hclth by unlearned pretcn
ders who keep them trilling month after month,
taking poisonous aud Injurious compounds,
should upply immediately.
Member of the Royul College of Surgeons, Lon
don, Graduated from one of tlite most eminent
Colleges lu the United States, and tho greater
part of whoso Ifc lias been spent In the hospitals
of London, Prls, Philadelphia and elecwhere,
has effected sonic of the most astonishing cures
that were ever known ; many troubled with ring
lug In the head and enrs 'when asleep, great
nervousness, bcltij nluintod at sudden sounds,
bashfuliiess, with frequent blushing, attended
sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured
iiuiuvuiaiciv. ...
Dr. J. nddi esse all those who have Iiijurrd
theiusolves by improper indulgence and solitary
habile, which ruin both body and mind, unUttiug
them for either business, study, society or mar
riage. Tuiisi? ure some of the sad nnd melancholy
encets produced by early hublts of youth, viz:
suiniitlon. te. The fearful effects on the uiiiid
are much to lie dreaded Los of Memory, Con
fusion of Ideas, Depression Of Spirits, Evil
Forebodings, Aversion to Society, JisHf-Distrust,
Love of Solitude, Timidity. Jtc., ure axune of the
evils produced. 9
Thousands of persons of all Cea can now
judge what Is tlio cause of thttiMcclin'mg health,
b-iiig their vigor, Iwomlng, weak, pale, nervous
uml cmuelatod, lutvlng a stngwijir appearance
ubout the eyes, cough and symptoms of consuuip-
Who have Injured themselves by a curtain roc
lice indulged In when alone, a UnUiK frequeiitly
learned from evil companions, or at st hol, thu
effects of which are. nightly felt, even when
asleep, aud if not cured, renders marriage impos
sible, and destroys both lulu.l and hotly, .should
apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the liopoof Ills
country, the darling F hts pwrcnts, should be
snatched from nil prospects nnd enjoyments of
life, by the consequence of deviating from the
path of nature and indulging in a certain secret
habit. Such persons Mi'sr before contemplating
rellccl that a sound mlud aud body are tho most
, necessary requisites to prontoU) connubial huppi
nc. Indeed without these, the journey through
life bocDiiu'S a weary pilgriuiago i the prospect
hourly darkens lo the. view thu uiiud becomes
shadowed with donpulr and tllieil with lire me 1ms
eholy reflection, that the liuppluess of another
Ikcoiuus bllghUxt with our own. .. i,,
When the misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure llnds that he has Imbibed the seeds of
this ilufnl dlsoase, it to QfUn happen that an
Ill-timed sense of Blutuie, or dreud of discovery,
deters hint from applying to those who, from
education and respectability, can alone befriend
him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ol
this hurrid disease uiake their nppeuruuee, such
as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctural
pains lu the head and limbs, dlmnes of sight,
dwfness, nodes on tho slilu bouea and arms,
blotches on the head, faco and extremities, pro
gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the
llate of the mourn or the iionce oi tne nose tail
in, nud the victim of this awful disease becomes
a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts
a period te his dreadful suffering, by sending
him to " that Uudlacovered V0UJlry flu'V wusnco
uo traveller returns." n , " '
It is a melancholy fan Innt'lhousatuls DIE
victims lo this terrible disease, through falling
into the bauds of Igo.ora.ut ot unskillful PRE
TENDERS, who, by the ubo of that deadly Pol
son, Mercury, &c, destroy the constitution, and
Incapable of curing, keep the uiluuppy suflsrer
month after mouth takiug their nokious or in
jurious comiiounds, and Instead of beiu'g restored
to a renewal of Life Vigor and Happiness, in des
pair leave hliu with ruiued. Health, to sigh over
his cullluc dlisiiDolutment..
To such, therefore, Dr. JoimsTOM pledges hlm-
eeir to preserve the utoet luyiotauie eocrecy, and
from his extensive practice and observations In
the great Hospitals of EuroiH), aud the first in
this country, vizi England, France, Philadelphia
aud elsewhere, Is enabled to offer the most cer
tain, speedy aud effectual remedy iu the world
for U diseases of liuurudenc,e, .. , f ,
Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few
doors front tb earner. Fail pot to observe name
aud number. .
No letter received unless postpaid and
aoutalulng a stamp to be used on the reply. Per
sona writing should state age, aud send a portion
of adviitlaetueut describing symptoms.
There are to many Paltry, Dealgulug and
Worthies Impnslera advertising theiuselve as
Fbyaiclaus, trllllug with and ruiuing the l.eulth
of all who unCortanutely full Into their power,
that Dr. Johnstou deems It necessary to say es
pecially to those uuacqualutcd with his reouta
tiou that bl Croderjlials'or ' Diploma always
hang lo hi oliioo. n
The many thousands bored at this Establish
ment, year after year, and the numerous lin-
Jiortant Surgical Operation erformed by Dr.
lohustoB, witnessed by the representatives of the
press and many other papers, notices of which
have apiwared again and again before the public,
beside his standing a a gentleman of character
and responsibility, I a sufficient guarantee to the
afflicted. disease speedily cured,
March 1, 178. ly r .;
weakness of uie buck and J.liub JCairaMw
Buck and Head. Di---" avtVDysicpsy,
Hilar I'ower, l-ulpitu-tlon of io'r Digestive
VmictioiisfTjc'ticruY iieriUily, Byniptoms of Con-
TS THE SnOP Or THE TOWN and ton'
JL has beon ask history and sho will toll yen
Men have grown old In onr patronage
' Babies on their m others' breast
To bouncing boy at play t
,, And youths by maiden fair caressed,
To stalwart man with cares oppressed,
And old men silver gray.
And among the bouored and fasting linprus
siotis or lime, and the crash of revolutions in
circumstances, we stand a living monumental
memento of the Ingenuity nnd perseverance ap
pertaining to the Identity of progression, plying
our vocation witu tne mgnesi style of art nnd
perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest
reward of merit attainable In our humble capaci
ty, nnd the sentiment of respect and approbation
which the presence of superior appliances nnd pa-
inDiisnment ore aiwnys wont toinspirev
Always to please 1 ' !
' We shave with case I n .
1 Cut and comb with taste the hair ) '
i ,, fth.ampoo.tlie bend with soothing earn, ,
, ; And color the whiskers black or brown,
u To suit the people about the town.
Then allow me politely request you to stop,
And not go pBt nor from around our shop.
' To get shaved oo the basis of nbllltv n or na
some have done for our use of the ballot for prln
clple sacred nnd right nor iindor the common
secret and Invidiohs guise of enmity to oomplsx
ion i for the cut of a mail's coat, or the color of
his skin, ought not to affect his usefuluos nor
his qunlillcatioiis. A fair chauce is nil that we
demand, to give the preof to all the land.
" ,: Proprietor.
Sinibury, April 6, 1873 i No. Wl, Market st.
X Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and
r Cheap. The best pump for tho
least nioner. Attention Is es
pecially Invited to Blutcblcy's
Patent Improved Bracket and
New Drop ('heck Valve, which
can be withdrawn without re
moving tho Pump or disturbing
the joints. Also, the Copper
Chamber, which uuvercrucks or
scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by
Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue aud
Price List. CHAS. G. BLATCIILEY, Manu
facturer, 5U0 Commerce St., Plillad'a. Pa. 814, ly
Nltucu ... ,.
"r tho
II A il I) W A II K S TO R E
.llnrkot St., Nuubury, Pit.
' To their Immense Stock of
Foreign and Antrrlcrtn TVatehes,
Cloi'ks, Bronzes and Faucy Goods, Forming an
rbllaeclpula, Marcb 23, 1873.-lyr. .
South side of Market street between 3d aud 4th
Just opened, an entire new sLuck of all kinds of
Bcgartj of every grade. '
Touheco ef every varle'y.
Pipes, both, plain ond fauiy.
A large assortment ofBrnshgs direct fiom th
manufacturer ul greatly reduced prices. Ills
line of brushes are a specialty and many new
kinds nsver before introduced Juto this market.
Also, Paper Collar and Cutis imgreat variety.
A targe assortment of all the papular Bong
of the day.
Call aud examine ray goods and get a list of
Novembers, 1873. ly
- We will give Men and Womeu
from t4 to (3 per duy, can be pursued In your
own ueighborhood it Is a rare chance for those
out of employment or having leisure time girls
and bovs frequeutlv do a well as men. Parti
cular free. . Address J. LATHAM ft CO., .
im WakhlD-tou si., Bo on, Mas.
Mar. 33.-01.
iiJ , LI;m .
, Tm ;., m -o
MAY 24, 1873,
On or the most Fcurful Crimsi on
Tho Kftnsaa City (Mo.) ZYhim poii Lai n b
tho followiug account of a dreadful affair
already alluded to iu our telegraphic col
umns :
What follows in its facts may read like
the recital of somo horrible dream, where
in uighlmara mirrors upon the distemper
ed brain a couutlees number of monstrous
and uunaturul tilings, yet what is set dowu
in the narrative is as true as the sun.
From the information furnished to us
last night by a. gentleman just from the
seeno of the butchery, and from distintcliia
nud accounts already published, wa aro en
abled lo give a tolerably dotailed account
of the monstrous aeries of murdura un ti
date. . . ...
Tho becirminiz of the end cAmn nhnnl. In
this vriso : On tho Oth of March, Dr. Wil
liam JL York, tho brother of that other
York, famous bow for his Dcnetration of
the guilty secrets of Pomoroy, and his be
trayal iu Ilia supreme moment of tho Sen
atorial crisis ol tho trusts confided to his
keeping, left 1'ort Scott, on horsebnek, for
bis homo in Independence. Knnsna. I In
did not come home. His friends watched
and waited for him bis family prayed and
prayed for him -the talk of tho town dealt
day after day with him cacncctatiou decn-
cnud into downright caruestuess, until on i
tno zsin ot juaren tho Lawruuce IriOune
gave a brief account of tho mysterious dis
apxaruuee. All at once thereafter all thu
pnpers iu tho State took ui tho tale of his
journey, of his nou-artival, of the fears of
foul play, and of all tho littlo details and
circumstances that might go to show that
ue uau oeen murdered. ,
The most thorough search known to
finite skill was at once commenced. His
neighbors turned out en masse. Ilis bro
ther, Colonel A. M. York, rested neither
oy nay nor night in his labors, but followed
What seemed to him a trull with tho tenaci
ty of an Indian, and the devotion of a saint.
Hirers wcro dragged, spots' lit for au am
bush wero probed foot by foot, lonesome
places wore quested as a keen hound scents
a trail that is cold, routes that ho was sup
posed to have folio wod had scouts upon it
from city to city, tho tracks of his horse ev
en were attempted to be idoutilled. but all
to uo purpose. Not a shadow of evidence
rested auywhoro to say that Dr. York had
been murdered not a sign auywhero told
bow he came to his death, if death indeed
had o vet-taken unawares. Ho was
traced to Chcrryvale, but no further.
There the trail was no longer a trail, but a
myth, a mystery, nn enigma neither the
un wearied jmtieuce of friends uor the sac
rificing devotion of a brother could solve.
Cherryvalo is a small town ou the Jea
veuwortli, Lawrence and Galveston rail
road, aud is in Labette couuty, about fifty
miles from the south lino of tho State. To
the south of Cherry vale, some two miles or
less, stands a frame house, having iu front
a large room, where the meals were served,
and in rear a sleeping room, furnished with I
wwi. an,i noma scant additional furut-
lived in this house with their wives. To
the right of the dwelling house was an out
house, nud iu the rear was an enclosed
gardeu of possibly two acres. K
The search seemed to end suddenly at
Cherry vale. Suspicion, if ever entertained,
fell upon no oue. There wero various sur
mises, conjectures and expressions ofopin-
K ; but for the life of any tnnu he could
not ay what had become of Dr. York.
Oue day, early in April, some men from
Cherryvale rodo over to the Uendor house
a tavern too, it was where entertain
ment was furnished to travellers, to inquire
concerning Dr. l ork, and to learn, it pos
sible, some tidings of his fate. They learn
ed nothing, however. Xoue of tbo I3undcrs
bud seen hi in, uor heard of him, nor his
mysterious disappearance, or anything
that pertained to him. Very well, the men
said, and they ode back again as fully in
formed as before.
Win. Bender, tho eldest of tho brothers,
had a wife who was a spiritunlist. The ba
lance of the licudcrs called her a medium
the neighbors a sbo devil. Sho was forty-two
with iron-gray hair, rnggod at tho
cuds, and tbiu over her temples. Her eyes
wero steel-gray and hard. AH t'uo house
hold feared ber, dreaded hero obeyed her,
aud, as tho .sequel proves, did the devil's
work for her beyouil all tho atrocious dev-
it's work ever done lu Kansas,
Time went slowly by, and u man riding
in one day from the prairio Baw no smoke
arising from Bender's chimney. The win
dows wero dowu, the doors were dosed,
there was no sigu of lifcanvwhcrc. Tlieso
evidences of emigration did uot even inter
est him. So absolute wus the stupor over the
disappearance of Dr. York that au awak
ening had to depend upou an absolute dis
covery. This man, however, iu riding by
a pen to the left of the house, saw a dead
calf in tho lot, aud upon further investiga
tion and with th practicul eyes of a prac
tical farmer, used loguessiui the weight of
live stock upou the iioof, be knew that the
calf had '
Then tho truth came, as au overflow of
ten comes to n Kansas creek, all of a sud
den and overwhelming. Such a death sug
gested (light, flight niCHUt guilt, and tho
nature of the guilt was surely murder. He
galloped into Cherryvale, and related what
he had seen. Tho town aroused itself. A
party was organized instantly, and set out
for the Bender mansion. Then it was re
membered thatabout two weeks before this
say some where near the 24th of April
William Bender had sold to some persons
cither in or near Cherryvale. a watch, somo
clothing of One character, two mules, and
perhaps a shot gun or two, and some pis
tols. How did Ju come by theso Y If the
dead could speak, the qucsliou might be
readily answered.
Tho party from Cherryvale arrived at the
bouse directly npou the Osago Missien
road, having tho outhouse in the rear
and to the south of it. In the rear, as we
have said, was a cardeu. This at first was.
not examined. The first room in the house
wus carefully searched, evet-y crack and
crevice being minutely looked into, and
subjected to the application of rods aud le
ver to see if the llooi iug was either hollow j
or loose. JSoUiiug came ot It an. AO
blood spots appeared. Tho floor was so
lid tho walls were solid. If there wero
dead men about, they were not iu the front
room. Then came the back room. Tho
beds were removed. Iu bis (light the elder
Bender bad left everything untouched. Not
even the doors wore locked, though such
hail hnnn tha ranutation of the abe-devil
that the Dremisos stood as safe from intru
sion us if protected by it devil iu reality.
( Nw Ncrlea, Vol. 5, So. .
Old Nfrlcft, Vol. 88, No. 5.
After the beds had boon removed one of
the party noticed a slight depression In the
floor, which upon closor eiamination, re-
veaiou a irap uoor upon binges. This Was
iuv, u nay uuur upon UltlgC". 1 D19 WAS
nediatelv liOotl un, a.nil la Uie gloiru a
outlinca Ilcb, forbiililintf, envernous,
mown. Lights were procured and somo
Im mml in (-! lillJ . .1 J it
itunit.uiuM;i v U
of tho men descended. Thev found timm
selves in au abyss shaped like a well, sonjo
six feet deep, aud about Bvo feet iu diame
ter. Hero and thero little damp places
could bo seen as if tbo water had cotno up
limn uiu uoiunii or uccn poured aown Itoui
above. Thev groped about over tlieso
splotches aud held up a handful to tho
light. The ooze Btneared Itself over thoir
palms, and dribbled through their fingers
it was blood.
The party had provided thomsolves with
a long -sharp rod of Iron which they drove
into the ground in every direction at Uio
bottom of the pit, but nothing further re
warded tho search, and they camo away to
examine the carden in the roitr nftliH 1uia
After boring or prodding, as it were, for
nearly an hour, the rod was driven down
into a spot, and when it was withdrawn
oinntbitifr that, looked liko matter adhered
to the point. Shovels were at once set to
work, and in a few moments a corpse was
uncovered. It had been buriod upon its
face. The flesh had dropped from tho logs.
Thero was no coffin, no wiudiuff sheet, no
preparation for tho grave, nothiug upou
thb body but an old shirt, torn lo places,
aud thick with damp nnd decay. Tho
corpse was tenderly disinterred, and laid
upon its back in the full light of tho soft
April sun. Ono look of horror Into tbo
ghastly; face, festering and swolleu, aud a
dozen voices cried out in terror
And it was. lie had been buried In a
snauow Hole, with scarcely two foctof dirt
over him. Had ho been murdered and
now I nicy examined him closely. Upou
the back of li is head, aud lo tbo left, and
obliquely from his right ear, a terriblo blow
had been given with a hammer. The skull
had becu driven into tho brain. Strong
uon turned away from the sickening sight
witli a shudder. Others went. Snn in pvrni
hud to leave tho garden, and remain away
from tho shambles of tho butchers.
It seemed as if tho winds carried Uio tid
ings to Chercyvale. In au hour all tho
towu was at the sceuo of tho discovery. A
coffin was procured for Dr. York's body,
and his brother, utterly overwhelmed, sat
by the ghastly remains as ouc upou whom
the hand of death had been laid. He could
not bo comforted.
But tho horrible work was not yot com
pleted. The iron rod was again put iu re
quisition, until six more graves wcro dis
covered, five of which contained each a
corpse, and the sixth containing two, an
old man und a littio girl. Somo wero in
tho last stages of decomposition, and oth
ers, not so far gone, might have been iden
tified if any among the crowd had known
them in life.
The sceuo was horrible beyond descrip
tion. The daylight llod from tho prairies,
but the search went on with unabated vi
gor. A fascination impossible to define,
held the spectators to tho spot. Tho spirit
of murder was there, and it kept them in
spite of the night cJUA.l:.U'SJL
of diiIB":Irao the search reuewod. It
was past miduight when our informant left,
but three more graves had boeu discovered,
each supposed to coubtiu a corpse, al
though they had not been opened. Tho
whole country is aroused. Couriers aud
telegrams have been sent in every direction
with descriptions of tho Benders, aud it is
not thought possible that they can cscapo.
With the crowd at the grave was a man
named Brockmun who was supposed to
kuow something about the murders. Fu
rious men laid hold upon him at once, nnd
strung him up to a heum in the house. His
contortions wero fearful. His eyes started
from their sockets, and a livid hue camo to
las face that wus appalling. Death was
yitliiu reach of him when lie was cut down.
they yelled, but ho said nothing. Again
ho was jerked from his feet, and again was
tho strong body convulsed with tho death
throes. Again resuscitated, ho onco more
refused to open his mouth. Ho did not
appear to anderstaud what was wanted of
him. I he yelling crowu, the mutilated and
butchered dead, the flickering aud swirling
torches sputtering iu the night wiud, tho
stern, set faces of bis executioners, all pass
ed before him as a dreadful phantasmago
ria, which daxed him Bud struck him
speechless. For the third lime they swung
him up, and then his heart could not be
felt to beat, and there was no pulso at his
wrisls. . "He is dead, they said. But he
was not dead. Tho night air revived him
at Inst, and ho was permitted lo stagger
away in the darkness as one who was
drunken or deranged. '
Six butchered human beings were
brought forth from thoir bloody graves.and
three others ore yet lo be uncovered. It is
thought that more graves will yet bo dis
covered. Tho pit under the trapdoor was
made to receive tho body when first struck
down by the murderer's hammer. All the
skulls were crushed in, nud alt at nearly
the santu 'pltice. One of the corpses was so
horribly mutilated as to make tho Bex even
a matter of doubt. The little girl was pro
bably eight years of age, aud hud long,
sunny hair, aud some truces of beauty ou a
counteuauco that was uot entirely disfigur
ed by decay. Nothing like this sickening
series of crimes has ever been recorded in
the whole history of the country.
People for hundreds of miles are flocking
into Cherryvale, and enormous rewards
are to be ollured for the arrest of tho mur
derers. It is supposed '.hut they huvo been
followiug their horribles work for years.
Plunder is the accepted cause. Dr. York,
it is said, had a large sum of money ou bis
person, and Ihut he etoptscd at tho houso
either to feed his horse or get a drink of
water. W lulu halting for either ho was
dealt the blow which killed bim iu an in
tlaut. Every oue who knew him liked
Uuu. Noi.e of the other corpses have been
identified, Wa have despatched a special
reporter lo the scene, who will send us
further aud fuller particulars of the diabol
ical butchery.
The following special despatch, received
at midnight, gives some further horrible
particulars :
'CiiERHYVALE, Kan., May 811.30 p.
ru. Seven more bodies have beon taken
up. besides that of Dr. York, with three
graves yet untouched. Six of theso have
been identified. II. Louchos aud child,
eighteen mouths old. was Identified by his
father-in-law. The body of W. 1 M'Cur
thy lias also been identified. He was born
iu 181:1, uud served during the war iu com
pany D, Vi3d Illinois Volunteer i'-iu tury.
Some meu from Howard county identified
the body of D. Brown, lie had a silver nug
on the littlo linger of his left band, with
the initials of his uame eusruved thurcou.
jj0jJiWBbon100irnliv make jSqiinri
1 So; 3 So! S K,l 4 Rn ly.i i ..,
One wet-
Two wcwk
a. mi: t.m
3.751 o.t0l O.fVOi 7.00 1JW l7!ttW nn
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One Year
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W.00:ia.(X, 15.00l0.00"4O.O0l).( 01.00
' ' " - --e ' ' '.rgn;.Y.
Tho body of John Geary was likntified by
bis wife from Howard county, whosq tor
rible grUf over the mutilated remains of
her husband wus heart-rondiu,;. All had
been killed by blows ou the back of tko
head with a hummer. ,
"The throats of all had been cut except
that f tho littlo girl. Tho whole ground
will bo dug up to find more graven. Tim
excitement is increasing hourly. Sntntj
suspected parties will be arrested to-night.
I will return to tho scene of mur.ler to
morrow, and will send a full aocoutit of
everything new that is developed. Tho
whole country is aroused, ami the good
nauio of tho Slate Is enlisted in the deter
mination to sec u re tho murderers if tlu-y
have to be followed to tbo ends of tiie earth.
Tho scene at Iho grave surpasses overv
tbiii" in horror that could possibly be ima
gined. MoIoiiion'M Temple.
The skill tho art, tin mighty toil, that
bavo been devoted to tho ndornmcut, and
to tho desecration, of this most ancient
place ol worship, have hem ofexliaodiiiary
magnitudo. Tho gtandest legacy of Egyp
tian autiquity, tho Great Pyramid, de
manded, indeed, n larger amount of naked
huiium labor, but in Moriah there is :t com-pulsion-
of tho features of Nature herself t
tho sui vico of tho builder. In actual bulk,
tho Great Pyramid is to the temple rock,
as five to nioo, if wo descend but ns far an
the sills of Uiq livo double gales of tho
raouutaia of tbo house. 'If wo carry tho
comparison down to tlio level at which tho
lowest foundation of the walls in inlaid in
tho rock at th angles of the enclosure, tho"
bulk ia threo times that of the Great l'vr.i
mid. Tho cubic contentd of the mason's
work may not amount to a tenth part of
that piled up by Souphis. But thu hill
has becu houey-comcd with chambers and
galleries ; ana the decliuing pin t to lh..
south Covered with vaults and arches, to
which Ghoezwh can show no parallel. .Nn
merely artificial structure could have s
suoce88ailly resisted the eilbrts of tbo nn
tsieut world to destroy its existence and
obliterate its niomory. No other mouu
rueut, loug surviving the cren of Asiatic and
Italiaupowcr can over, like tbo noblo
tkuctumy mark by its very ruins, the suc
cessive periods f its glory and its full 1
If wo regard not so much tho evideneo of
tho labor devoted to the work of the Tem
ple aa the effect produced on thu mind by
its apparent magnitudo, wo rilay suggest
the followiug comparisons: the length of
tho eastern wall of tho Sanctuary is rather
more than double that of one side of Uio
Grout Pyramid. Its helcrht. from tlm foun
dation on tliq rock at the sou th, nud near
uio northern angles, was nearly a third or
that of the Eirvntinn structure. If to this
great hoight of one hundred a:ul fifty-two
feet of solid wall bo added ta tho descent of
oue hundred aud fourteen feet to the bed
of the Kedron, nnd tho further elevation of
one hundred aud sixty, feet attained by tho
pinnacle of tho Teuiple porch, wo huvo ft
total hojghlof four hundred arid twenty-si
feet, which is only liftv-nino feet less than
UiUatf tha.fUeaLPvraruid. Tho. .tinea of
Thus the magnitude of the noble Sanctuary
of Jerusalem far exceeded that of any other
to.uplc iu the world. Twoampithuatrcflof
tho size of the Coliseum would havo stood
within its colossal girdle, and left room t
spare. Tho Colisuui is said to have statoxl
cighty-sevcu thousand spectators, and ai
commouutcd, twenty two tnousuu more m
its arena uud passages, k or sueli a num
ber to have bceu cramed within its cirele(
tho spaco for each porsou must havo been
limited to sevontuen inches by twenty
inches. Allowing two cubits ouch way, or
four square cubits for each worshipper iu
tho temple, tbo Suuuctuary would havo
contained thirty thousand , tlie Chcl, in
cluding the Priests' Court, twenty thou
sand more, and thero would yet IraYo boutf
room in tho Great Court ana tho cloisturs
to make thu total reach to more tlmn two
hundred aud ten thousand. l&liHbartf
The Apikhntsif.nt of a tfi;cc3e-or,
The reasons privately assigned by tho Pre
sident for nut appointing a successor to
Chief Justice Chuso until tho meeting of
Congress Rru substautially as follows
Tho subject is so important that it requires
much consideration, and it is his intention
to deliberately select a gentleman who will
bo generally acceptable to theeutiro coun
try. Besides there is uo nocssaity for im
mediately actiug, there being do judicial
business which now requires the attention
of a Chief Justice, tlm deceased himself not
iutending lo go on ids circuit during tiro
recess of the court. It is the president's
wind that bis nominee shall be continued
by the Senate before ctrtoring upon tho lu
ties of his olllee.
A School superintendent living 1:1 Snt
ton county, Kansas, recently uinilcd the
following answer to an applicaut for ft
leachership : "Mi deer Miss , Yours
of inqueery is pest received & at hand &
contents noted & I will say this mucin tbat
wo nir greatly iu kneed of somo good leach
ers & if you are prepared to uudergow A
sewoar examination iu spelling, gramer
latin & fraction, such as 1 always conduct
miself come to ouce. P. S. how would
you liko to eater the koimubial state thero
aro a gruto many voung men of high tone,
& sujierior incntaf acquirements hero who
air red hot for a wife it if you pbty your
kards darn sharp yor wont teach long
Yours in respect,
W. V. U.
A terrible tornado passed ovr liello
Centre, Ohio, ou Friday, blowing down
eight dwellings, a church ami four nr five
stores. No loss of life is reported. The loss
of proH'rly is estimated ot 40,000. Tho
same storm passed- over a number of Interi
or towns, but beyond uprooting trees aud ,
prostrating fences, uo borious damago Is
TilK investigation into tho mental eon-,
dition of Georgu Frauds Train, iu New
York, resulted ou the 13th Hist, in a verdict
that be has been and is sane. Being thus
declared responsible for his nets, ho will
uow bo prosecuted far publishing an im
moral paper in connection with the Wood
hull aud Clulliu matter. '
Onb of Baldwin's heroes, when examin.
ed by an Alabama judge previous to sign
ing his certificate tor liceuso to practice
law, was asked what wa "tho ihtl'erenco
bet w ecu law and equity." "Liw,'said be,
"is law, und ekily is justis ; nud a man,"
he added, "may pet a sight of law and
a very littlo eklty."
Mr. Joe. Millikon, of Ml Win county, has
just finished reading the Uible tltt-oult fur.'
the 41st lime.
k ;i.oo! a.oo1 a.sol . Lnri Zi;S
sl.faOi 3.001 8.50 4.0(C M rkai t'nnia'nn
fl.Ool B.IiUl n.nt o.ttiriYKwyXn