1873. Creates!: Vsn?f jf lowest Prices, Just opened at s. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, tlii' lurLT'it l i vir oIIoixhI in UXK) Cuiile, 1000 Vests, I..U0 Pants, 200 Roy's lor 1111 u Shirts of W) I ineu ami Paper Coi.'trn, 1000 l'.iir Linen aiil Paper Cud's, 10.KI Tics, Hows nnd Scarfs, 130 IKizcu Sooksi, 30 lllcrent styles Suspenders, 18 011MLLS AND Gartat! r.ml-eiinn .Summer Underwear, Trunks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. lvrybi)Jy s respectfully invited to call ,LUt 2io oJs inwrejucscnt'jd, uo trouble to show Goods or to give information. Tlia whole will be offered at inary nud satisfaction guaranteed in evtry way. Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. o;inb;u'v, 1 8' SPIMISTG BYRE AND LAMDELL, l'OUKTIl AM) AllCH STKEKTS. riULADEI.PlITA. A1U DAILY OPENING CHOICE N EV ypHING DHV OOOD, 1LKS OP II V.SON TINTS. 'LW' I'AIM.EV M1AWES. i J AIN PUIENDLY .SHAWLS. OULAWrS EAlUiE SPOT. .t E STOCK OF TAP.LE LINENS, NAPKINS & NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS. N. U.-LYONS liLACK SI LKS H'ajTtcMfttZ JJumb'.c. March 15, l!i7:-Cw eUTCIIEIii:! BUTCHERY Mfh.si'N. ttH I'EW A UOWVK, Third tiled, opposite Central Hi.tcl, .H N'lH ItV, VS., 1 tUoiev'tt S" liEI .ou5t:iatl i 11:1 liuiid liic very ot nosti in:!:t', .nr ri ox ix i vi:.u.. 'V tjteU is so nt I lie lowest prices. Me.it e.r.i l ."1 nt nil bonis unriti ilie di;i. Lui.utirv. l'.i.. June ii.'l"jVJ. " BATCHELOR BROS' : DF. UHGH CIGARS. sow '.tee lltuu nny ct or niutte by litem. lea that tlm boxes ore Lr.mdcd 1T.C IXI.VU 11. 11. I'l Xdl. Wholesale Depot .'CI NORTH THIRD STREET, lu-.iU .NoilhSd fct., Urnneb S7 Chct-tuul 61., JOSite 'CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. 1J73. Oaiot. .!!. 1 S307. RIGHTERtGASKiLL, 1307. '. DtAl.tK.S IK I h ivrjri , , . ,, , , ... , , noiifh l'lute, t clored, .lxanielbd 1 :il Siint, and Oruaiaeutiil OUss, C7 Mai'lcot Sn-oet, Philadelphia ill icy 11, 173. ly. UEW DRUG GTORE, ITo. 13, South Third Street, seat fee BuilcLins, Sitay, Fa. U.Cilil lU lir.m milllih UllllUlllV, 1Q. : t J f I I M .I'll ( I VMUMI1I1H W'll triia c-tia t.k i aim eiienpen piuce 10 uuy an Kiiuia ot noro i L'uods. No liniilile to show coodi. Dli. C. M. MAKT1N & CO.U3:. Vv '.XT tuntu.v oi'dilug iiu ttitiiely tew ttoik ui DRUGS AND MEDICINES, 'c prepaid! to niuplv unv urtielc in our line 1i.it l.i.iv be called for, wa baveulsou full slock ,.f all iho. leading Patent Medicines. Fine Perfu mery ar d l'olle-t Anieles n speciality, u full us- '-.r;iuJi:l of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe ami other llritsbi:, Dtwtliiif and other Combs iu great VKiiely. FIXE TOILET SO APS. i full line Cooking; F.xtnu ts, French Mustard, CtisiccspLes, repper v,hol.i or grouud, Castile iiisice s-pues, riqiper v, noin or grouud, I ustile i.ud Ltuudry Soaj s, LaiiipChiinueys nud Lamp lioods genernliy. Piid bes'd iu largo or small cuautities, CARPENTER'S CH LK in stock Fluid uud Solid Extracts, ElUen and l'il.6 of U. h- P., Kugar Clouted, Strengthening, Aruloit, Porous, Poor Man's aud other Plasters, Avtr'a, Wright's, Scheuk'i Mandrake, MeLune's J.ivt-r and other Pills, our stock viubruces every thing found in a well conducted Drug Store. Country Physicians will lind our stock full und roicpiet, and w e guarantee to sell as low us the same articles can be bought iu Philadelphia, il'jiee Wines, Whiikcy uud Brandy for Midieln- p .rposes. i let J s"; stock of this town. anil ChiUlrcn'B Suits, HWO lints- nnd Cups nuil boys, all Descriptions, and examine tliis most luaguifiecnt atssort- Low Prices, eizieiier9 1S73 SPHINti DItY GOODS. NEW COLONS STIUPE SILKS. DARK AFFECTS FINK SU AWLS. N E w 1 1 1 ; u t; t it 1 1 is o i !: x . FRENCH FOULARD CHINTZES. m:a;ovuu.k ;;oitN. r?I'KIN(i AKD yi'MMKIt STYl.KS rit mm Kitte Itliu-n, Mitrkct tiiu:ire, Sunbiirv, LAUIL'S tiOOliti of every etyiu mid (ii:uit. Wli'u 1! Goo. b, Viiticy (loo ts. Notions ami Trim mings 11 specially. TOILET SOAl'S AMI 1'FKKL'MniY. i:vnybo;ly i lnvkel Iu lull mid six tliem nnd buv eliea'. Muy iy,J. I.OC.U, OI'TEOA. 1 Xotv is the time to lurui Your clnbM. MARK FINE OLD RYE -WHISKY. Fully Four Years Old. SI lcr gallon. Or, in lar;o bottles, secure i ly jiackeil iu cases, if 11.00 per dozen. VERY FINEjPALE SAERKY, and RARE OLD PORT WINES, at same prices. GOLD SEAL RRANDY, Very Choice. 18.00 tlia down. Send iu your orders, II. V A. . VAX 1IKII., Xo. lJO, CHESTNUT ET., riiiladelphk. A; ,il l'j, 1S7U, 1 yr. Nritivti ori:.ii of DRY (iOODS AND NOTIONS. Clotlm. C'ftstliijeres. Calicos, and evervtbin iu I I bt Dry liood line. CAKI'ETS ANU OIL CLOTHS. I yiieousware, (JlasBttuie, nud Wood and Willow- I ohocKRirs. A 1 ii'tie nssortiiK nt lin-t opeued, wliieb consiits tlf To,( (.,., Huj-ur. Molasses, rdees, Meal, FUh, be, The Celebrated Alleutown baud made ISOOTS AND SHOES. Wuriuntcd to (?ivc mtin'aiiloii. In fai t a full .issoi tinent of everythini; kept in u Drst-class store, v.iu be had nt greatly , KEDUCEIj rKICF.3. j fur cabli. Cull and uec the line tuleeliou of uew oods, and be couviiued that F. J. UTKOO'N, ... ... ... iH artl cl-utlK rul hurcti, III Stmbury, Is the best ( KM'lIlt OF A T'Ut At TIOX. 1 Everybody is luvltod to come und buy ofjtbe Lun,lsi;mc iishorttueiit o( T0Y3 AND CONFECITONEKIFSd i at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'3 STOBE, i Iu frame buildintr, udlolniug Moore A Disslugcr ' I building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. I Just opened u fresh mipply of CoufcotioueriiS of . every description. j TOVtt OF AEE KIXDS I constantly on band. The bet RAISINS, FIGS, -- KKA.M UKll.U r III J 1 . u itiu.Aioimir.ui I PURE RIO COFFEE TEJ I , , ... . ,, ! i fresh Bread, Huns A Cukes, i TEA & SPICES, evory tuoriilng. i AM ii:Anw,DistiuB, 'it.i..Kt.KB, kc. I OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! j Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters In every style, Ludle and Gentlemen i will be accommodated with the best blvulvca In .. . ...... . . ..... . . . ........... . ........ . market, ut all boars during the day and evening, Families will be supplied ut their residence w ith the best Shell or Canned Oysters, us Is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Cull aud tee my excellent assortment of goods aud ascertain the prices. F. F.NEVIN. Dec. 10, 11 1. bbctlisntfnta. Or Sugar-coated, Concentrated, Itoot and Herbal Juice, Antl-Blllona Orannlot). THE "MTTLE GIANT" CATTIART1C or Mnltum In, Par to I'liYSic. t ! The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical and Phar-' maccuttcal Science. No use of nny longer takinp tlio large, ropalstvo and nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, and hullty Ingredients, when Vo can by, a careful application or chemical science, extract all' the cathanlc and other medicinal properties from the most valuable roots and herb, and concentrate them IntoamlmitoGramtle.Kcarcely lnrgerUian a sntlKlaru oeu, tnuicpu lie remuiy swauowcu ny those of the most sensitive slotuiiclis ami fiistldtou tastes. Eachlitlle furgnllvo t'olletripresente, in a most concentrated form, an much cntharne power ns I embodied In auv of the largo pills found lor sale In tho driis shop. From their wonderful cathartlo power, In proporiion to their ilze, people who have not tried tfiem are ant lo suppose that they are harsh or drastic in ctfect, but such Is not at all the case, tie diflercnt active nicilicinnl principles of which they an composed beinr; so li.irnioiiir.cd and modified, ono ly t!ic others, ns lo pro. lime. 11 most ssenrclilinr aid t lioroim li, vet gesiliy mid ltintlly tii'r tins cathartic. $SOU Reward Ik lieicUy offered by the propria tor of these I'elleti". to uny chemist who, upon an alvsls, wMl find In tliem any Calomel or other forms ol' mercury or any oilier mineral potsuu. (Icing entirely vegetable, no pnrtlcu.nr cure Is required while using tliem. They operate without ilisturbaiio to the constitution, dint, or oc- Hlipnlioii, Impuro Itlood, n!n in iho Shoulder, XiKliliicol the 1 host, IHz zinesK, Sour ITruclntloit of tUo Slum, noli, Hud tasto In moiifli, l;iiioui attack, Pain In rxRioii of Kiduvya, Internal Fever, illoutod tecliaia about NCo.fliicli, lluh oX Jf lood to Head, II iwli Colored TIriiic, I iiMicialllily and Gloomy rorbO(ltn, tnke Mr. Pierce' Pleaoatit 1'uruulivo pellet. In cxplnna tlonof tlo remediul power of my I'urirntivo lelleta over o preat a variety f dit'nFeit, 1 vh to wiy that tlielr action upon 1I10 uniinul econo my la liiilTerxal, 1101 11 gland or tikuo eNcaplns; tlielr Mtnativo iupro. Af.'e rtoen not Impair tliem: thuir nutur-routing and beiiig enclosed iu plas bottlce preserve their virtues uniin pnired for any letiRili of time, In any climate, to that they atf. always fresh tunl leiiuhle, which Is not iho case with tho pill found in the draff Mores, put up lit cheap wood or paslo-bnnrd boxes. Itecollcct that for all diseases where a I.nxative, Alterative or PUrsativ is Indicated, three little relicts will give the most perfect satitiuction to all who use them. They nro ttold hy all oiiterprlnliig BruggUti at US cent a bottle. Q, Do not Allow any druggist to induce you to take anything else that he muy say is Just as good as my I'eilcts because he makes a larger profit on that which be recommonds. If your drumist cannot supply them, enclose 85 cents and receive them by return tmSX from " B, V. riEUVE, M. It., Prop'r, BUFFALO, N. V. May 4, 18721 NEW DISCOVERY Iu Chemical and Medical Science. Dr. nVII'R TAIt KKnEDIES Cure Itirinioiit 'siiMinptfoil. Kr. GARVIX'S TAIt ltllHEDIES Curo Cutai'rlt. Rr. CJAKVIVS tak rti:wi:iES Curo Asthma. Dr. CJAKVIVS TaII KF.7IF.DICS Cure Heart l)is':i.-. Dr. (JAKVI.VS TAK KK.TICD1ES Curo hkiii Diseases. Dr. ((AICVIVS TAK KCVCDIF.S RcgTilato t'.io I.iv'r.. Ir. ;AKVI.'S TAIt KC.tlKDIF.S Ui j-ulato theSt01(iarllujirinoVIS Dr. ;AKVI'S TAK KCHEDICS Curo nil Icmalo WouknewiC. Dr. CiAKVC.VS TAK 1CC.HCDICS Purify the Blood. Dr. CJAItVIX'S TAK Hi; Tir. DIES Curo liscns"i of th' Tlirout. Dr. OAKVIX'S TAK KE7IED1ES Curo BroiK'ltitis. Dr. ttAKVIX'S TAIt KE.nEDlES Curo ltoM 'old,"or ' Ha j -fewr" Dr.CiAKVlVN TAK KEMED1ES Curo Eiihk DicaN'. Dr. GAKVIA'S TAEl KE.lfEDIES Ouro Constipation. Dr. GAKVI.VS TAK KE71EDIE8 Cure Halt KlK'ttin.'' Dr. i AKVIX'S TAIt KE7IEDI0H Cure Kidney Diseases. Dr. GAKVI.VS TAK KE.7IEDIES Trevcnt Cholera & Yellow Fever Dr. GAKVIVS TAIt KE7IED1ES Prevent Jtlnlariotis Fevers. Dr. GAISVIX'S TAK KETIEDIES Remove Pain in the Breast. Dr. GAItVIX'S TAIt KE.flEDIES Remove Pain in tbu Side or Back. Dr. GAKVIX'S TAK KE.HEDIES Are a StM'rior Tonic. Dr. GAKVI.VS TAK KEMEDIES Rostoro the Appetite. Dr. GAKVI.VS TAIt KC.lf EDIES C'auM tho Food to Digest. Dr. GAKVIVS TAK KE.nEDlES Re to re the Weak end Debilitated Dr. GAKVIVS TAR KE.nEDlES Give Touo to Your System. L. F. HYDE fc CO., BOLB FBOFBIBTOBS, JOS Seventh Ave., Xtsw York, Deeeinber iil, 17. ly GET THE BEST. WcbNtvr'M l uattrldged Dictionary 1 0,000 11 'vrtlt ami Meaninyt not in other Diction arie. 3000 Engravings , 1840 Pages Quarto. Price $13. WIICUL'HT 1 vtisil iu oui;iin VAUll uainiiiiniiD, I consult it. Schuyler Colfax. J Ivery Scholar knows its value. li IW. II. Preseot the Historian. l ecu one or my ituiiy eonipanlons. JL John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac. far as I know, best dcliuing Dictionary. IO Horace Mann. Mine best guide of students of our Language. 1. John G. Wbitlier. 17'xecU all othcis in denning sctent'nc terms. lli I President Hltcheock. Kcmuikablecompeiidiuiu of Uunuiu know ledge I W. S. Clark, Prea'l Ag. College. A necessity for every intelligent family, stu- iteut, teacher and prolesslnnni muu. nut 1.1 biary is complete without the best English Die lionary. ALSO WKnxTKK'i National Vihtobial Dictionabt 1010 Pages Octavo. 000 Engravings. Price (5, Thu work is really a gem of a Dictionary, just thu thing for the uiil.luu. Amerifan I'lhicatiimal VUHtllllJ. Published by G.AC. MF.RRUH, Pprlnglleld J?ch BI2E t ooou ! 3 I A 5 i Mais. Sold by all Booksellers. VvANTKD AGEVl'N for Die preul seusu tiiin of hyirlcnii' llteiMlnie, Our dij;isliiii , or, Sly Jolly FrliMtd'H Koi-ret. Dr. Di;o M'.WIS' nev work Is nit Immense. suc"iM.s. favis money, worry nnd prielntis bi'iilib, an I show Imw lo live well mid urow lut on M u week. A !itil f ere eoinltiif money mid doltitf n win til of (looJ with It. Delay lint, but n1d-es nl once. UF.O. M Al.'l.EAN rnbllslior, riilladelplila. j is tnicquiileil by any known re'iiedy. It w 111 era- dl:ate, extirpate and tlionmciiiy uestioy nil poi lonoiis auljstnnecR in the Wood and will cllectu ally ilirpel nil predisposition to bilious derange ment. Jii Iheto want of net Ion In your l.lver and Spleen 1 Unless relieved the blood becomes Im pure by delerlous f ceretions, producim; seiol'u lous or skin disepsc", lllotelies, Felons, l'est ulos. Canker, l'llnples, etc., Ac. Have you a dyspeptic Stomach J l'nli' dlues tioti is pioinptly aided the RVstem h debillliited with poverty of the Wood. Dropsical tendency, general wenknesy and inertia. Have you wenkness of the lnletiues I You ire In diiiier of Chronic Diaiilni'aor iiiil.iiiiina liou of the bowels. Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Orpins j You are exposed to sutl'uilng Iu its I most njrgrnvuted form. Are. you dejected, drowsy, anil, Mnri;ir-h or de pressed In spirits, with head nee. back ache, coat ed tongue and bad tastimr mouth I i a certain remedy lor nil of these diseases, weaknesses and troubles j for rleatisinjr und pu rifying thu viated blood nud Imparling vigor to all the vital forces ( for liulldim; tip and restor ing rhe weakeued constitution UfK J U R U 11 K 15 A which is pronounced by Hie leading medical au thorities of London nnd F.ii Is "the tniKt power ful tonic nnd alterative known to the medical world." This Is no new nnd untried discovery but has been loin used by the lending phjsieiaus of other counli led with wonderful rcmc'tial re stills. Don't weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physic, they itive only tempo rary tolief Indigestion, Katnleiicy aud dyspep sia with piles mid kindled discuses am sure lo follow their u.o. Keep the. blood pure and ln-iiltliv Is assured. John y. kki.i.oiio. is viutt St., n. y. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, $1 per Motile. Scud for Circular. u.,'7;ilw HENKY WAltp KKKCHFJl'S PA PEP. Willi . the largc.-t clreuliition In the world, grows wonderfully bueause it is the best paper, gives kubssriberi. the most beautiful premiums, and oilers Canvassers the most Liberal Terms. Send lor Circular. J. 1). FOKI) & CO., New York. Hoston, Chicago, or Sau Francisco. n.'i,'7;l.4w. "PNVCIIO.MAXCY, or Soul Cluirm- Ing." How either sex may laeinato and gain I the love A: affection of any person they choose lit ' statitlv. This simple menial aciiiirenieiit all cull possess, free, by P'.ail, for '.Tie., together with n ; mairiage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Night Shirt, v.c. A niiecr ; tiook. Address T. Wii.mamh & Co., Piibs.,l'hila. I K1P.K ! KIKE I I FIllE ! M F 1 G II T I X G F I It I! ! i Agents wanted for the grandest book of the ! year, now selling with astoiiisliing rapidity, i Tells the causes of Fire j Safe ; Fire-proof Huilil iings; Conquering File with Water, Sleain and lias j Insurance Is it safe 1 Its History, llasis, Management, How to Insure, A;e.; Vivid Ac counts of the (ireat Fires of History. Agents send for circulars. You will not regret It. Sunt free. Address Dustiti, Oilman & Co.. Hartford. j Ct nr,'i.4.v. Agents wanted for the new nnd ttartllr.g book, : The TnTTTT In History, bv the nnthor I UlU V XJj Bf'linil in History" 11 j lustrated It Dore and Nasi, Endorsed by imini ! lient divines. Y.. u. TIIKAT, t ub., cKO n''in, : J.".4w N. Y. ! WOIHCINO CLASS, MALE OU FEMALE. fi'.O a I week guarant'.'ed. Hesiicctabie. employment at : home day or evening ; no capital required ; full I instructions and valuable package of goods sent ! free by mail. Address, with six cent return ! itamp, M. YOUNG A: CO., ! n5,'7:i.-l . 17o (Jreenwieh St., N. Y. i HE WAXTAX AGi:Xr7 ! In this township to canvass for the new, valua ble ami fat selling book bv D. JOHN COWAN, THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE. , Recommended und endorsed by prominent mlnis i ters, physicians, religious nnd ccenlar papers. I No other book like it published. WJ por week ; guaranteed. Address, COWMAN A CO., lilt) Eitjliih St., New York. 73.4w. I SKWIXG n.lt'lIIXE I is the best in the world. Agcuted Wnnted. Send ' for circular. Address: n.1,'73.4w. 1 "DOMESTIC" SEWING MACFIJXE CO.,Jf. Y. j " " 7 TOl!l "li-ilt t'EXT. We make a wjicciallty of County, CUty, nnd I Lchool Districts JJouds, Guarantee Legality of ) all bonds fold, collect thu coupons without i charge, or take same as so much cash on sales, i i-ty" Scud for price list, j THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONDS just publlehed by our senior, should bo In the i hands of all interested in this class of securities. I Two volumes, price 1 10. n,1.'73.4w. W. N. COI.ER A CO., 17 Nassau-st., N. Y. X E V E It VAirln.t) n r'niiirli Vntti'tnor t& liiurn lort iin tn i lav the fouuduiion for future evil conscotieiieus. WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS are i sure cure for all diseases of the Respira- j tory Organs, Sore. Throat, Colds, Croup, Dipli- i theria, Asthma, Catarrh, Hoarseness, Dryness I of the throat, Windpipe, or Bronchial Tubes, and all Diseases of thu Lungs. ; In nil cases of sudden cold, however taken, these Tablets should be promptly und freely used. They equalize the circulation of the blood. mitigate the severity of the attack, und w ill, in a very short time, restore healthy uetlon to the af fected organs. Wdlls" Carbolic 1 ablets nro put up only in blue boxes. Tuke lo substitutes. If they can't be found at your druggist's, send nt once to the Agent in New York, who will forward them by return mall. Bon't b deceived by Imitations. Sold by druggists. Price 25 cents a box. JOHN Q. KELLOCG, 18 Rhitt-st New York. a5,'73.4w.Seud for circular. Sole Agent for U.S. 13,000,000 AMIES, CHEAP FARMS ! The Clica pest Lund in Land in Market, for sale by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, In the Great Plattu Valley. 3,000,000 ACCES IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA Now for sale in tracts f forty ncr'S aud up wards on Five nnd Ten Years' Credit at 0 per cent. No advance Interest rcqulied. Mild aud Healthful Cllmute, V'riile Soil, ao sbundaueo of Good Water. Tho best Market in tho Wost! Tho great Milling regions ol Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nevada, being tuppllcd by tne burners in tue Pluttt Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED to a HOMESTEAD of 100 ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. FREE HOME8 FOR ALL ! Millions of Acres of choice Government Lauds open for entry un der the Homestead Law, near this ureal nan- road, with good markets and all the coave nieiices of an old nettled country. Sectional Maps, showing tbe band, also new edition of Descriptive Pamphlet with New Maps Mulled r ree everywhere. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. R., u5,'73.4w. Omaha, Nebraska. f A M P II O K I X E . Puin! Pttlu! Pain! Tho great discovery for the relief of pain and a auie aud Immediate cure for rheumatism, chronic aud acute, spralnsj Ac. it has a pleasant and refreshing odor, ana will not stalu or grease the most dslieute fabric, which makes it a luxury in every family. Price 2.1 cents per-hoitle. For sale bv ull druggists. REl'BFN HOYT, Plop'r, New Yolk. a5,'i3.4w ii.ri,"i:i.-lw. , :xth Thonsotid In Press. Bale IncreaHlng. 2,000 more live ngents wnnted for our LIVINGSTONE 23 yenrs In AFRICA over C00 pages, only Ea S3. Incomplete nud In feelor works arc offered, look out for them. Bend for circulars nnd too proof nf tltn greatest suc cess of tho season. Pocket Companion worth 91(1 mailed freo. 1IUB1IAUIJ 1IUOS.. M8,'7;l,4w. PuVs 72!l Snnsoui St., Phlln. Agents Wanted for the UNDEVELOPED WEST, OH, FIVE YEARS IN THE TERRITORIES. Hi J. n. liiuui.n, Western Correspondent of Cincinnati Commercial The only complete history of Unit vast region between the. Mississippi nnd the Paclfle t Its lie sources, Climate, Inbabltiinls, Natural, Curiosi ties, etc., with life nnd adventure on Prairies, Mountains, and the Pacific Coast. Mr. Beadlo has spent live years traveling In the new States and Territories, ud knows more about their re sources, etc., than nny other writer. The book Is Illustrated with over 25(1 lino engravings of the Scenery, C'tlcs, Lands. Mines, People, and Cu riosities of the Otvnt Wost, und Is the best nnd fastest selling book ever published. Send for specimen pages and circulars, with terms. Ad dress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Ma,'7!l, lw. Philadelphia, Pa. & 5 6", O o"o F O K $ 3 ! I I GRAND GIFT CONCERT Of the Mercantile Libiaty Association of the j City of Leuvonworlli, Kau In nccordance with an net of the Legislature and their Articles of Incorporatlou, the Hoard of DiiXTtors nnnouneo their first Grand Gift Concert and Distribution by lot, among the ticket-holders, of tS33,S55IN CASH, at LAING'S HALL, Leavenworth, on the 2.11 li day of Juno, 1873, for the benefit of the Library. M,!)33 CASH GIFTS, AMOUNTIFG TO $332,555 This enterprise is endorsed by the Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Superinten dent of Public Instruction, Treasurer of State, Mayor nnd Cominoii Council of Leavenworth, nnd all leading business men of the Jtate, and the certainty of the distribution nnd payment of gifts, as advertised, Is fully guaranteed. TICKETS ?2 EACH. S for .1. G for if 10. Memorandum of Cash Gifts to be distrldntcd Punc a.ltb, lt73. 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIF l 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, 1 GRAND CASH GIFT, $50,000 40.000 :r,;ono fM.Oilfl Lo.OJO Lll.O'.IO l.ri 000 V2,000 10.000 M,(l 10 .'.000 ;t,(Ko 2,r.oo For balance of piir.es scn.l fur circular!. Thie contest Is under the. sapcrvi.-ii .n and di rection of the following HOARD OF DIRECTORS : C. H. Durfec, Merchant, 11. L. Newman. Rank er, H. D. Rush. Lumber, Ji. W. liillett, Mer chant, G. F. Prescoll, Coinuieiei.il, .lames U. : Kitchen, Marnier, W. O. Fo-.ild, City Eng'r, P. , G. Lowe, Capitalist, C. R. Morehcad. Merchant, 1 J. L. Wcver, M. I.'., S. W. English, Lawyer, C. j Moller, Cash'rGer. S. H., E. T. Carr, Architect. OFFICERS! 1 E. II. Durfee, President. H. L. Newman. Vi-c i Pres. Geo. F. Proserin, Sec. Carl Moller, Tieus. The well known character of the Directors of the Mercantile Library Association and the en dorsement presented, is a sullicient guarantee lo nil absent ticket-holders, that their interests will be fully guarded and protected. All correspondence, strictly cnutidrml.il, and any person drawing u prize need not be known unless they so desiie. Tickets drawing prizes will be cached on sight. This Is the grandest, safest and best enter prise ever presented to the public. Official lists of winniug numbers will be sent to purchasers of tickets immediately after the distribution. For information and tickets address, VAMIiARGF. ci CO., General Airents. 05 Llbertv Street, New York. ; Tickets sent C. C. D. nt our expense. ! Agents wanted. Liberal Commissions paid m.ltw j " A .niX liAXIt'AE t l KlOSlTY ! " cATCWwx'w-Sh Kvery mouse c.nigbt MousvioiTsiAPf-i-f-jl esets tue trap tor un- itliei ! Sample by mail epald, 75 cts. For lie bv the trade. R. K. D1ETZ, Patentee, .11 and 56 Fulton St., New York. m:i,'i;!.4w. A GltEAT IIKJ EIt. iVe will pay nil Atil.N I S 310 prr week in e.i sb who will I'liefniie. witti us at once, r.very- thin furnlslicd und cxpi uses paid. A hlre-s. A. COELTER A CO., :;.4w. Cliaiioite, Mich. m3,' 1 Oi A per dn 1 Agents Vi'uiited ! All QU 10 0 ' classes ,', working iieople, of either si x, young cr o 1. make nioie. money at woik Tor us In tlielr spare moinenis, or nil the time' than nt anvtliia else. P., rl ieulars free. Address, li. STINSON A CO., SH-ly. I'ortland, Maine. Agents wanted lor the New Ilitimatcd UooL, WILD LI? E IN THE FAR WEST. .'10 years with Indians, Trappers, in Mexican wars, Ac. Scalping Expedition hgain-t Apaches. Full interest and selling rapidly. The hook of tho year. Address WILEY, WATERMAN A EATON, tn3,'7.",4w. 1 but ford, CL Agents Wanted for the HOME OF GOirS PEOPLE. The grandest am) molt successful new book out. Acknowledged to be the most decided buceess of the year now selling with astonishing rapidity. It contains nearly 200 MaJmillcciit Engravings. Splendin opportunity for agents to make money. Circulars, containing full particulars and terms, sent free. Address DUST1N, OILMAN A CO., ni3,'7;l,4w. Hartford, Conu. w. I UrUtJJSlSl and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. 1 . W. Moody,) At tbe old established stand on .Market Squwre, Sl'XIU P.Y, PA. Keeps constantly ou hand n full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COM US, BRUSHES, rERFl'M FRY, PATENT MEDICI N ICS, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAItXISII, DYESTFFFS, In fact everything usuaHy kept in a well con ducted DRUG STOEE. Particular attention imiil to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions aud family receipts by the Proprlulor himself. Simbury, l'.i., June 8, i". book: AGENTS 1011 THE FUNNY SIDE PHYSIC. SOO Pages), 2SO Engruviugs. A startling expose of Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It ventilates Quack, Impos tors, Travelling Doctors, Patent Medicine Ven ders, Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives luterestlng aceouutB of ot cd Physlciar.s, uud Narratives of their lives. It reveals startling secrets, and iustruets all how to avoid the ills which flesh is heir to. We give ex clusive territory and liberal commissions. For circulars and terms addicss the publishers, J. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Conucctieut, or Chicago, Illluols. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FnrlvilUetl Ititcea of.Meu Iu all Countries of the World, Being a comprehensive account of tbelr manners aud customs, uud of their physical, social, mental, moral and religious characteristics. By i.e. . 0. WOOD, M. A., F. L. S. 500 EugravluK 1SOO Super ltoyal Octavo Pai(e. In two Volumes, or two Volume Inoue. Ageuta are making over 1 100 per week In sell ing this work. An early applcation will secure a choice of territory. For term address the pub lishers, 3. B. BURR A HYDE, Hailford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. March;.', 1873 -fi. $aunf;tctnrcr5. yi NTOVK A TIX ESTAItEISII.nF.XT. MARKET STREET, SUNRURY, PA. ALFRED KrXtSE, Proprietor. sftCKSSOIt TO SMITH & orKTUKIt.J U A VINO pnrcbnsed the above well Known rs . tiibllshinenl, Mr. Krauso would respectful ly Inlorm the inililic f lint be now tins on band a large assortment of (3 ) O KING STOVES, Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulntor or Revolving Top, Coiublnatlou, Susipu luiiina and others, which arc so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, nud arc warranted to perform suttsf iclorl ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put tip to lii at one or more rooms. HEATiNil STIWEd of dil'.'ertnt kinds at very low prices. Tinware oi ICtcry DeNcriptioii kejit constantly on hand. Roofing and Spoiulng with t lie best material, done at short notice. ItHPAIRINO attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil nt d Lumps constantly on band. Japan ware of a. rt.ii'lj. Store opposite Cotiley's hardware store. Give me a cull. A. KRAUSE. upl2-ly M'mtEK AXD PEAXIXG MIEES. Thkd F-treet, iidjotulng Pbiln. A Erie R. It., two 8'iunies North of tho Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. Ill A T. TlEMEXT, IS prepared to furnish every description r.f lum . her required by the deiuuiids of the public.- Having all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, be Is now ready to till or ders f nil kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, RLIN1M MOCLDI.W.S, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Turn ing of lively description promptly executed. Also, A 1AUOK ASHOllTMllST or 15 1 L L L U M HER. HEMLOCK ami PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lat.be, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, und shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. 1A T. CLEMENT. dccl'.l-GSslv PI t 111. Ml SHOP AXD EKOX FOEXIMtY. GEO. ROIIRUACII & SONM, Siuilmr.r, Penn'a, INFORM the public that, they are prepnren in do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added n new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves, with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mi elmnics, thev are enabled to execute all orders or NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, licit ine.y be givn them, in a satisfactory man ner. Grilles to Niiit nii.r Move. IKON COLUMNS, for churches or other build lugs, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ae. Ornamental Iron I Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RKS1DEXCKS, AC, AC The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su- ! periority, have been still further improved, and : will alwavs be kept on h.md. I Aiso, THRESHING MACHINES. j Simbury, May 20, 171. I. I t V O It H T O It EI CHRISTIAN NEFF, ' Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN ; BI RY, PA., j Respectfully invites the nttentlou of P.etallers 1 nnd others, that be has on baud, und will con stantly keep all kinds of i FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, ! Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry, I Ginger, Rocbelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-tli-tillcd, Mni"m- ! ; gahela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wine-: Champagne Wine, Sheirv, Putt an ! ! , Claret. 1 ' Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum. Blow n Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And nil others Liijuors which ran hi toun-1 in ' the city maikcts, which will be sold ut Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteid no represented. Also, n large lot of DEMIJOHNS 1 and BOTTLES, always on hand. I'if" Orders promptly attended 'n, nmlju' lic . i.'.tronuge respectfully solicited : " ! NEFF. i Simbury, July !), lsf.). ly. , si xBi uv u utiiLi: v.vui, j Fourth Street lielow .tlnrKel, j SUNIH'RY, PENN'A. rtlHE undersigned has returned from the Ver .1. mont Marble Quarries with S3 Tons of Marble for .n on lies cut n. Grsive-SloneN. .;,. a-i. He has bought at such figures that will allow' him to sell better stone, fur less money, than heretofore. The best a. Sutliorhiiiil Fulls Mail.lo, which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low as the Mnticiic'ti r. Thosu who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will Uud It lo their interest to call und examine tills large stock, ns better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' rounj the country. All lettering w!H be done In the nentcst and met Improved style. W. M. DAUGHF.RTY. Simbury, Jan. 11, 1873. Tailoring! Tailoring ! ! CHARLES MAIIIL, ESPECTFULLY lr forms the clilzens tint L he has just rce'chcd his Spring and Summer C.ocrfx, nt liis TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth t-lreet, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make up nil kinds of GEXTS AX If BOY'S SI' ITS. in the latest styles. Having had much exper ience In the business he desires the public to give him n trial. Clothing will be made up in tbe latest t'niis nud American Fashious iu the most satisfactory manner. 12,'73. CHARLES MAIIIL. A. M. MEIXELL, PEAI.rit ix American aud European MATCHES. FINE JEWELRY nnd SILVERWARE. Perfected Spectacle! itud Eye Glasses. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches nnd Jewelry neatly repaired aud war rauted. Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. Feb. 8. 16T2.-tf. XEW YOBK AXD PHILADELPHI A NILEIXEKY GOODS. SPRING & BUMMER BONNETS A HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. An exteuslve assortment of Straw Millenery and Fancy Goods, now open at MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY oTORE, Market Biuret, BrrrnvRY, Pa. My stock of Spring goods I unusually large and varied, comprising the latest aud most at tractive styles, selected with eare from the lead lug Importing houses aud adapted for the present ' MISS L. WE1SFR. w flii.IroiiH. t' ItEADIXU KAlEltOAD. WIN T.E R A I1UA NOE M EKT S, monoat, DBcr.Miian 2nd, IS7S. Trains leave IlnrrUburg for New York as fol lowsi nt 6.U0 and 8 10, u. in., nnd li.OO, p. m., connecting with trains on Pennsvlvntibi Rail road, and nrrlving at .Jew York at 13.M, :rr0 and 0.43 p. in., respectively. Returniulng i Leave New York nt O.oo fl. in. 18.50 aud 5.30 p. m., Phllodelpbla l 7.30, 8.4.7 a. in., and 8.30 p. m. Leave Harrlsburg for Reading, Potlsvllle, Tanuiqua, Mlnersvllln, Ashland, Bhnmokln, AI- leuKinu Finn i uiiaiieioiiia in o.;ju nna (t.io n. m., 2.00 nnd 4.05 p.m.. Hopping at Lebanon und principal way stations t the 4.05 p. m., train con necting foy Philadelphia. Pottsvlllo and Colnni bla only. F'or Poltsvllle. Schuvlklll Ha von nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill und Snsqucluinua Rail road leave Harrlsburg ut 3.40 p. iu. Eat Peiinsylvnnla Railroad trains leave Read ng for Alleutown, Easton nnd New York at 7.30 and 10.35 a. in., and 4.00 p. m. Returning, leave New York at l).(K) n. m., 12.50 and fi.30 p. tn., and Allcntewu at 7.20 a. tn., 12.15, 2.10, 4.fe nnd S. 55 p. m. Why Passenger Train loaves Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. m., connecting nt Rending with train ou East Peuua. Railroad, returning lenvua Potts villc ut 4.35 p. m., Mopping nt all stations. Leave Pottsville nt 0.00, S.05 and 0.10 a. m and 2.30 p. m., Hemdoii nt 10.00 a. i., Bhnmo kln nt 6.00 and 11.02 a. in., Ashland at 7.18 e. m., and 12.20 p. in., Mahanov City nt 7.53 and 12.54 p. ui., THiiiaiina at 8.3,1 a. in., und 2.10 p. tn., for Philadelphia, New York, Rendlug, Hur risburg, Ae. Leave Pottsville vui Schuvlklll nud Susque hanna Railroad at 8.05 a. in., lor Harrlsburg, und 11.4.1 a. in., for Pinegrovc uid Ti emont. Pottsville Accommodation Train lenvcs P.,n.. ville nt O.OO a. in., passes Reading ot 7.40 a. in., arriving at Philndeiphhi vt 10.15 a. in. Return ing leaves Phlladelplila at 4.45 p. in., passes Reading ut 7.1.1 p. in., arriving nt Pottsvhle at 0.00 p. in. Pottstown Accommodation Trnlu leaves Potts town at 0. 45 n. m., lettirnimr. leaves Philadel phia, (Ninth and Green.) ut 4.30 p. in. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rcadin" nt 7.30 a. nv, and 6.1.1 p.m., for Fphracta, Llt'z, Lancaster, Columbia, Ae. , n.fiiinlng leave Lan caster nt 8.20 n. in., and 3.30 p. m., and Colum- i uni ni o.io n. m., nun WJ m. I Perkiomen Railroad trains leave Perkir.meii I Jui ction at 7.31 ami 0.00 a. in.. 2.5,1 ami 5. In p. in. i returning, leave Gr?cr Lane at 0.1.1 a. m.j j 12.35 ond 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Plue- nixvilic at 0.10 a. m., H.Uhm.l .1.5u p. m. : return- iug, leave, livers nt 0.15 a. m., 12.4.1 and 4.20 p I m.. connect in:r with trains on Reading llailroed. I O.lebrookdale Railroad trains Icaiv Fnitft,.wu at 0.10 a. m. and 1.2n. li.'.M au.l 7.1.1 )i. m , t. i turning leave. Mount Pleasant at C..0H. b.t'O and 11.2.1a. in. and 8.00 p. ui., connecting with iii.ias j en Reading Railiond. lliesfr ailcy Ru.ioad train ' jioit at S.ttO a. hi. 2.40 imil ,1.:.u 1 leave Dnwulnutown at 0.5.1 a. in. j p. in., connecting w ilhtiains ou ; road. leave Brldg,- '!.. letll'hiiig, 12.:o I .1. ; Riailing Rail- 1 On Siimbiys : leave New York ut .1. r;o p, m., 1 Philadelphia at M.00 n. m. and 11. 1.1 p. m., (the I S.OOn. in. train running only to ReadniL',) bale j Poltsille at h.00 a. in., leave Hurrisburi; st .a.li.J , a. in. und 2. Oil p. in. : leave Allcnto'ii i,t s.,',.1 p. 1 in. ; leave Reading at 1.15 a. in. und 10.1.1 p. iu. ! for Harrlsburg, at 7.W a. in. for New York, and j at O.40a. m. and 4.11 p. in. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Se.i-n:i, School nnl j Excursion Tickets, toand from nil points, at re duced rates. I Baggage cheeked throng!) ; 100 pounds allow el i each I'.issei ger. ! J. F. WOOTTEN. Jftitt. Sil't. it '. -V.li'Vi'y. P.l'.AlMMi, P.i., Deeeui'-er li, Xortlieru till IfiiiJniij. " INTER AltRANGEMENT. fS iv.a nUer Oct. 187 train. J ns ' "i iw's : NOP.! II WARD Niagara Express leaves iu.. for Niagara Falls Mini at 12 4.) p. Mail xriives nt Siuibury nt 4.10 p. m., im b at Wiiliamspoit 0.20 and Elmiia 10. Hi) p. .n. rtisi i.ine. arrives nt . !uuimry at 0..;'J p. in.. arrive at W il;l.iuisi.u;rt 8.15 p. m. Kite Mall Icavs Simbury at I'..ii0 a in ; VYH llainspi.it at 8.40:1 fa, ai. l "i.nlM- at I'.bi.ii a -I 12-10 p m. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Sur.bury at ll.u.1 a. m.. :;r:lve at ll.tnisliiirg 1 .1.1 p. in.! Baltimore O.l-o p. m. Erie I'.xpivss leaves Siuibury nt 0. 1 a a. in., ar rive at llarri.-burg ll.oOa. ill., P'.liinioie '.i.o) '. t.i. Erie Mail le.Me Sunbuiy at 12. .10 a. in.. : nive at H-irr'.sburg B.j.-, a. m.. 'Baltimore 8.11 a. tn. Niagara Express leaves Sunliury nt S.t;0 p ui, Hirilsburg nt lo.-blp m, arrives at Baltimore 2.1.1 n tn. HIANJOKIN MVISION. FAMW Aim. Leave Sunliury r.f 4.40 p. in., iirt'ne at Sham kin 5.50 p. m., .lit. Carnicl 0.110 p. in. J.eaie tsai.tiurv (Aeonniiiicl.itiini,) at 12.1 p. in., arnvc at Shamokin l.M p. in. M IISIWAKH. Leave Mt. Carniel at 7.40 n. m., ShanioUia S.20 a. in., arrive at Simbury 0.2.1 a. m. Leave Shaumkin ( Accommodation,) lit t.45 p. in., arrive nt Suubury .,15 p. in. Express leaves daily. Ail other trains leave dally, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskf. ' Ei.. S. Yiii sol Geu'l. Sup't., Gcu'l Passcn'r Ag't., llarrisburg, Pa. Balimore, Ml I'tiiludelpliia and FHc Italtrond. SUMMER TIME TABLE. (n and nfter Snndav, Oct. 27th. 1S72, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run us follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Suubury, " " nrr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, 11.40 p 111 0.20 a ir 7.55 p tr 12.40 p m 7.01 p m 7.41 a ui 8.00 a m 4.1)0 p iu " " Sunhury, " " an nt Erie, Elmira Mall leaves l'hiladelpl.ia, " " Sunliury, " " air at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, .4.1 p III .;. a m Mintmry, " " nrr at Renovo,' 12.40 p in 4.35 u IU 1 1.35 a in 12.4.1 a m 0..1.1 11 ui ti.li.l p m 0.1..1 a m 3.30 p m 7-41 a iu ! 1.00 a fii ti.00 p ui 3.2.1 p in EASTWARD. Mali Train leaes Erie, " " " Suubury, " air .it PlilUilutphl. Erirf Express leaves Erie, " ' " Snnburv, " " urr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Snnburv, " " urr at Philadelplila, Niagara Express leaves Renovo, " " " Suubury, " " arr at Philadelphia, 7.5.1 p 111 1..I0 a in Mail East connects cast and west at Erie with L. S. A M. S. R. W. and nt Irvliieton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exoress und Erie Express East, and Erie Mail, Niagara Express and Elmira Mail West, conuect at Williaiusport Willi trains going north on tbe F.lniiiu aud C unaudaifeua division of the N. C. R. It. Catawissa passenger trains w ill be rr.u cast and west from Williauisporlon Elmira Mall. VVM. A. BALDWIN, ficn'l Sup't. Dam Hie, llnzlcfou .V IVilkesibarre IC. K. Peuuu. It. It. Co. Lessee. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On aud nfter this date Passenger trains ou tho D., 11. A W. R. R. will run as follow : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. I.r.AVK. A.M.: LKAVR. A.M. New York, 0:00 Snuburv, i:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Dauvllle, 7:02 Fusion, 0:25 Ctittawissa, 7:28 lSctltlihem, 10:05 Hailctou, 0:08 P.M. f- M. Himleton, 1:00 Bethlehem, 12:10 Cuttawissa, 2:40 Fusion, 12:35 Danville, 8:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 Suubury, arrive 3:57. New York, urr. ii:&0 Tralu West urrlviug nt Sunbury 3:57 p. in., makes close connections w ith trains on Philadel phia A Eri R. R. for Milton, W lUiumsport, Lock Haven aud ull jHiints Wist, Eliniru uud all point North, also with Northern Central Rail wav. for llarrisburg and Baltimore. JiNcw and elegant conches iuu thiouth bo tween Sunbury and F.aston. . FRANK THOMPSON, Suid. D. II. A W. R. R, Sl'l't's OrrllT, WlLlJAMM'OliT, Pa. ) M:iV I, 172. V