Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 10, 1873, Image 2
imbnrj gtmcvicaiu H. B. MASSER, , E. WILVCRT. 4 tdltort. SlTXBUItY, MAY 10, 1873. Death of Chief JusTtlb . Chase. Chief Justice Chaae of tlio Supreme Court nf the United States died iti Now York on Wednesday morning Innt nf pnralys'i. - linn. Hugh N. M'AUistcr, a RcpuUionn di-logato at largo to the. (Jonolitutional Con vention, from Centre emm'ty, died, in I'liilndelpbii, on Monday morning. r.AtlLY ITlBTOHT OF SrXnURY. Ve refer our renders to nn intern-sting sketch, tinder thm liead, from d.hc pen of John B. I.inn, Esq., now Deputy Secretary of the O'imnionweMtl), wbio'.i will bo found in another column. Death of cfvn Ministf.ii xo Russia. .James Or. of South Carolina, who went, out toltussia Bovernl -weeks ago, ns I. S. Ambassador, died In ft. Petersburg, on Monday K'igfit of this week, of inflamation of the lungs. lie was a prominent Con Hrepsnnn before, the rebellion, nnd has for years lwen die of the .Smith's eonspicuoud rnrn. Ho wns' nniong. the first to accept "the situation" on the downfall of the re bellion, and has since been favorable to the 1'tiion. Tun two of blood-hounds in fighting the Motion i.1 pagKeled. 1v.c proposition may seem barbamus, nnd yet it not so h.iharius as to have our soldiers shot down like 'Jog by the savages from hiding places iv hero they cannot be rvnehotl. Mood hound i were used with effect in the Florida war with the. Indiana.' Still, public eentl inent wi'.l not justify Ueh a resort. , HOX. ! AMI'S liftiJOU-1, gn ss from. Xs.w York member of Con city, nnd whose name figured eo conspicuously with the Credit Mohilier inverligritioti last winter, died iu Washington on Wednesday even ing a week, iu the 03d year of his age. He was a member of Cougress five tonus, nnd was re-elected for tho sixth at the election in Xovrmbcr last.' lit established the aVtifl Yvrk Krpn.i. in lFI'.fj, nnd has licm its chief editor and proprietor ever einw. lie was at one time a Whig, but for some years has been a leading democrat. Tiu:am:rkk Spinnkr, in reply to in quiries addressed to him by the editor of of the Rock Island Argus, declines to give the uame3 of members of Congress who have returned back pay. He Rays the amount returned to date is &77,7."iC 77, "but. as a considerable poi'ion of thin amount has been returned by Senators aud members who have requested that no pub i cily be given to the matter, I do not feel at libttty .to fe.rnish their uame-B." ish the names of Congressmen who desire i to remain in public life, and who have re- ... , ... .. .. - . . 1 1 usev, l lie 1 1 uiie iv 1 .i . jii u iliiu ko 1 .it; pay. editor of the Ilock Island (Illinot-) -lr;; conveying this refusal, Mr. Spinner adds : ': ''I have no objection to stating, information, the nmount of back pay that lias been returned to the Treasury, which is, to this date, CTT.ToT 77 ; but, ns a con siderable portion ofxliis amount has bee.n returned by Senators and members who have requested that co publicity be given to the matter, I do net f im 1 at liberty to furnish their names. " PnEE TitAtiE. The effort to reorganize the Jeniierauo party ou avowed priuci ples office trade, which is now being made iy the Xew York World, will, if success ful, leave tho Republicans of the old Key none Stale without a political foe worthy their steel, aud there will be the biggest lot of worthless politician and t.layid'out j Iiemocratic editors looking for occupations ever-before heard of in Pennsylvania. : There are many free trade editors iu the Democratic party at tho present time, w ho are barely tolerated by this intelligent por tion of the party ; but let it be once under stood let tho lenders once emblazon their true principles of Fren Trade boldly cn llieir bauuors as a plank of tho parly platform au l every intelligent man who works for a living will array himself with the Republican party thu party of protec tion t-j American industry and American Workitigxen. Gen. Van Iluren, Commissioner to the Vienna Kxpotition, and his seven Assis tants, have bhn suspcuded by Secretary Fish, for reputed improper conduct. Mi. Jay, our il'itiuster at Vienna, and other gentleman of character in Europe, arc to lo:! lo AtiK'iic.ii intcrrsts. We aro importing very heavily from foreign coutitirie8, aud much of the imiior t.itions which drain our ciiiutry of its wealth, is made up of articles not nt nil connected with the necessaries of life, hut designed to gratify unnatural appetites a:id foolish desires. For instauce. umom the. arUclc wl ich made. up thu $15,0(10.000! woilu ol loreigu gotuls imported into .New York, week before last, wore, Jewelry, 3in:i,0'j; ; toys, ; Mbaceo, S133.S3I ; i-igara. S01,119; fimey goods fan. S20.O13 : ale, W.G77 ; brandy, 77,- KU: beer. '5,32J ; cordials. 3113; chatn- pasine, iid,i'0 ; gin, i'.'.OSo ; porter, i5, U.JS ; ruta, j;'lJ ; vinegar, jfJ.'W ; whiskey, S'AMV; wines, A FEAitFul. Accident. A terrible ac cident, involviug a fearful loss of life, oc furred at Ilixon, III., ou Sunday afternoon. The rite of baptism was being administered at a part iu Kock river, just below the Truestlail ir-ui bridgo, and about two litiu- droil iKi'sonu. lueludiua many ladies ar ehtli'iren, had gathered on the bridge lo wit ness the ceremony. Suddenly, without warning, the bridge gave way, and precip itated tbe living freight into the streum he low. Tho set-no which ensued was Inde scribably, as the struggling victims vainly eudeavoriid to freo themselves from the rums of tho bridge and from each othrr. Large erowdi f people on the banks surged wildly to and fro, many of them so tlibtracted with terror as to be nimble to rentier any assistance. Others, more self possessed, speedily brought ropes and phuikk and boats, aud went nobly to work lo rescue the liviug aud recover the dead. Some of those who we 10 on the bridgo when it fell were so near the ends that they were able to reach tho shore without any utsiilatice.' To 0 p. 11)., 3J dead bodies had been taken from the river, aud it is ahuoat cer tain that there are others still under the wreck of the bridge. Of those saved, 21 weto more or less injurud, some fuUlly. . Vref idpiit flratit was 51 years old on Sun ;.;;, ton. Ik was burn Apt il '.'T 1 THE NEW FI8II LAW. Am Act to provide for the nppointment of a board of fishery commissioners for tho construction rf flshwuys, nnd for the protection and propagation of fish nnd appropriating money for the same. Section 1. lie it enacted ly the Senate and House of Jieprntntntittn of the Common wealth of 1'tnntiylvania in General Assembly in(U and it is hereby enacted by the authority oftfic same, That hereafter no person shall have in his Or her possession', or cxpowj to Sale, any shad caught iu the river lvla ware or any of Us tributaries within the jurisdiction of this State, below the head of Trenton faUa, between the eleventh day of June and tomb day of August in any year, or above the head of Trenton falls, or any where on tho river Susquehanna, or on any of its tributaries within said jurisdiction,, between the siKtocnth day of June and tho tenth day of August In any year, under a penalty of live dollnrs for each and every shad so had in possession or exposed for sale, to be recovered in any action or ac tii us of debt, with costs of suit, by auy per son or persons, in his or their name or names, before any justice of the peace in the couuty where t ho oilenso was commit ted or where the defendant resides or is found : Provided, That nothing in this net contained shall make it unlawful for the fishery commissioners of this State, or of the coriparian States, or of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries, with the consent of the fishery commissioners ol'thia State, or of the coriparian Stales, To lake fish in the said waters for tho purpose of natural or artificial spawning or propaga tion of the same. M:c. -J. It shall not be lawful to catch fish in any way whatever in any of the waters in which migratory tiah will live, ir.-tti over which this Stale has either origi nal or treaty, statutory or constructive jurisdiction, reciprocally, intevehan-cably or otherwise, at any time Ix-twccn twelve o'clock midnight on Saturday and tho next enduing Sunday night, nt twelve o'clock ; that slid nfletise to bo deemed a mis demeanor, and on conviction the pi-rsou or persons so offending shall lie guilty of a mis demeanor, and on conviction be sentenced to pay n tine not exceeding one hundred dollars, nt tho discretion of the court ; and ; sheriffs and constables or harbor police of- ncers ami their deputies are hereby author ized and required to suppress all such lish ing, using such means and force as may be ticcefct-ary ; to arrest such persons found in sight of such olhcer or his deputy in the commission of tho oflensc, nnd seize such boats aud their apparel, tackle, implements, nets, i-t cetera, aH may be used orcmployed in the same ; the said persons t i be tried and punished as aforesaid, nnd the proper ty taken to be sold nt public sale by tho said sheriffs and conslibU.s, on due public notice given, tho proceeds to be turned over to tho treasuries of tho proper counties or cities bordering upon or embracing the stream or streams wheioon the ntVensu shall have beeu committed : l'nn-kled. That tish ormen, aud those only necessarily using such seines in their regular established j business as nn account of the large size, of sniu seines, ana ior uiai cause atone, can not be set or laid out except at the slack or turn of the tide, mav set their nets or seines at only oue such turn of the tide oc- j minUorv curring by regular changes between!"'"1'"111;.1 any midnight dining the. lishing season on Saturday night and on sunrise mi the fol lowing Monday morning, without incur ring the penalties provided in this section : Provided, None of the provisions of this sec tion shall apply to any one fishing with hook and line. m. poiiils'slntl be nitinshable c's other nn- ! lawful trespass for breach of a clor-e, but n. i. .11 1... .,.,;.,.! ,1 r,,r m,i..te , - - . - - - - . - - - - public notice of the character of said ore serves by hand pests bj set near the said waters by the owners or occupants thereof ; and if a roadway, pathway, railway or other form of crossing shall pars over wa ters held, owned or used as tish preserves, by any person or persons engaged in the cuiture, propagation or preservation of fish, it shall not be lawful for any person to lish in too said waters from the smid crossing, or from any of its nai ts or projectures, and any person or persons so offending shall bo liable in au action of treaiwi before, the tribunal Uavm;; jurisdiction thereof: JVo- vidtd, That .notice shall be fixed at such crossing -by the owner or occupant of the clone or preserve warniug the public that the said waters arc used as preserves for the culture, propagation or preservation enclosures, having given written notice to ! ol lish, aud the owners or occupant ot sucn their neighbors or adjoining occupants of the character of said preserves or enclo sures, and warned them uot to permit do mestic water fowls to trespass upon the same, which warning being unheeded for a period of ten days, the said owners or occupants may take possession of or other wise destroy said water fowl or water fowls without any liability for taking or destroy, ing the same, Sec. 4. That it shall not be lawful to uVu I with nets or any other method of entrap- iu which thero is ot may hereaf'er be any I schute or lish ladder for navigation, or for the purpose of tho passage of fish up or itu aud any person or persons so offending Klia.ll Oe UitetneU guilty ol a imsuemeunor I anil, on conviction Uicrcol, shall bo seu i teneeil to tay a line not exceeding oue hundred dollars, ut the discretion of the court : Pioi idul, 'That the provitious of this iieetiou shall not take effect until th". first day of March, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seventy, four. Sec. 3. The tiowernor of the Common wealth is hereby authorized and retiuired to appoint three competent persous who 1 snnu ue Known-ns inc Male' iisnury com-1 1 . . ' W" ."u,l, comtniioneu unu hohl hr posiiwns for the penod of three I cars V',0'" l.h,a Uitte 0t .U,sl? ''PP""""'". unless the said commissiou is sooner dis solved by legislntivu cuaetmeut, and any vacancy occurring in said commission by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be for the unexpired term iu like manner rilled by tho appointment und commission of the Governor. The general duties ot the said commission Ts, in ud.lition to their oilier duties specified iu this act, shall ha to for ward the restoration of tho inluud fisheries of the rivers and wait 15 of Cuiiiuion- t wealth, rpi ttecfc the aioo with tiah in hueee.suion, at their judgmmit, as they shall bo supplied with humus therefor, aud they shall use every lawful means to have nil the laws in the case or cases made aud provid ed to he laill'ully executed, who shall bu paid then icasouable aud necessary ex jiensi for thu performance of the duties picBcribed by this act, and shall report their proceedings and doings annually to the Legislature thruugh the Governor ot'ibe Commouwcalth, accouipanied by a full and itemized statement, under oath, of all ex penditures mudo by them in. pursuance of the ptovisous of this act : iVoriifrd, That before the liovernor shall issuo a commis sion to auy of the said commissioner, he may require each of them to file a bund in the 6un often thousand dollars, with oue or more sufficient sureties, iu tho Auditor General's otllce, to be approved at by tho sani Auditor l.eneral, conditioned tor tne performance of the duty of said comiuia tionurs with fidelity, aud the faithful R-nnli- catiou of any moneys which may come to bis candt as tucn commiseitmer. Hkc. 6. During the present year, on iii'jisaua eignt nunarea ana sevonty-iiuec, i m i u ll' i i. -.miiii i mmmtm sxMimu. tho commissioners aforesaid arerequred to have constructed, by contract, with the lowest and best bidders, after due public notice, approved fishways or ladders for tho passage of migratory -r nnadromous fishes, as follows, to wit : One in the Col umbia dam, iu addition to the one now ex isting .herein ; ono iu the Clark Ferry dam f one in the Shamokin dam, and one in the first dam in the Juniata river, above its confluence with the Susquehanna river, for which purpose twenly-flvo thousand dollars (S25.W0), or so much thereof as may he necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any moueys in tho .Statu Treasury uot otherwise appropriated. During the year ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-four (1874) the said commissioners are hereby required to have constructed by contract in like mar.ucr with the lowest and best bidders, after duo public notice, approved llshwnys or ladders for tho pas sage of migratory or anadromnus fishes as follows, to wit : One in tho Muncy dam, oue in the Nantieoke dam, one iu the Lcw istowu dam (in the narrows), anil one in each of the two dams first occurring on the Lehigh river above its continence with tho Delaware river, and one in tho Horse race and Towanda dam, in tho north branch of the Susquehanna river, or open said dams, for which purpose thirty thousand dollnrs (30,000), or so much thereof ns may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of nny moneys in tho State Treasury not otherwise appropriated; nnd during the year eight hundred nnd seventy-five (1S75) the said cnmuiWsioncrs arc required to have constructed, by contract, with the lowest and best bidders, after due public notice, approved fishways or ladders for the passage of migratory and anadromus tithes, as follows, to wit : One in the New ton Hamilton dam, one In tho llaystown branch dam, and oue in tho third nnd fourth dams each on the Lehigh river, nhivo its confluence with the l'elaware river, for which purpose twenty thousand ' dollars (520,000). or so much thereof us , may bj necessary, is hereby appropriated j out of nny moneys in tho Stale Treasurv not otherwise appropriated : I'rnvidcil, . That in each or the said years the fishways aforesaid shall be completed in succession 1 in the order iu which they are above named, j and no moueys shall be paid out of the ' Slate Treasury under the provisions of this section, except upon the qualified eer lilicate or certificates of the said commis sioners, or a maprily thereof, from lime l time, that the services have been rendered or tho work doue in accordance with tliis net. which ceriilic.ies bi.iug presented l the Auditor Genera), he shall issue his warraut or warrants upon the State i'reu sury, iu paymet.t of the same, iu favor of Hie person or persons to w hom the same may bo due: A d procitlul. That imue of the tishwavs uamcu iu this Ac.ctiou to be constructed iu the years eighteen hundred nnd seventy-four (174) and eighteen huu dred at d seventy -live (1S75) shall be put uuder contract or coustruoled utiles the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall, ou or before the first day of May, in the year of one thousand eight hundred ami sovenly-four (1874), file ti certilicate with.: tho Auditor General, that iu their opiuiou ' the said lishwavs have beeu successful aud ! cau be successfully used for the passage of ( or nnadromous tislies : .-in it tuliur, I hat any hshwavs con structed under this act must be buiil and constructed iu a ubbUmtial manner, after the most improved method, to admit of the passage of Ush, at reasonable cost, and so ' ns not to injure the dams for the purposes for which tiiey are now used. j Sec. 7. The board of fishery commis sioners may, if they consider it uecessary, , appoint uot exceeding two lifeh wardeu or wutcr bailills. to be placed in charge each of tliu reachcr8 or stretchers of the . . river immediately bulow or above the dams mentioued, and nt least three likh wardeus or water bailitl's on tho river Delaware, at such point or points as they may deem proper, whoso duty it shall be to be vigi lant, and who, if it be necessary, are hereby empowered to his or their aid any Sherids, constables, harbor police otlicers or their deputies, and upon informal ion made Ley him or tliem, or upon vicv of any olfetise against or infraction of any of the fishery laws, to arrest and britia to tiuuishmentall and any olletiders ngaiust the : l',"1 i'V" which elbcers shall aine, me uot ex ceed one hundred doilnrs in nuy one year. Hec. 8. Should the State of New Jersey appropriate funds for tho nrtilioial propa gation of shad in the river Delaware during the fishing season of the current year, one thousand eiuht liuudreo nnd seveuly-lliree, the board ot fishery commissioners are au tborized to apply aud employ a similar I amount for the same purpose: l'rovitkd, I The amount shall not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars : And jo-on'tfrd furtUcr, That the said sum, not exceeding 1 three thousand dollars, is hereby appropri ated for that purpose, to be paid by the Slate Treasurer upon the warrants of the said board of fishery commissioners, from time to time, as the same may be necessary, wr.cncver a ceriiueate oi me appropriation and action of the Slate of New. Icisey shall I be tiled iu tho office of the State Treasurer, i 811 1 ' . . . , i . Sr,c- .Th.At tl'u P'fvisioos against list; naskeis, Kiuuiea, eel wiers or racks, iuiu bimihir contrivances, contained m tueUon j c'uvcii t t thu act of tweuty-fourlli of May, oue thuusaud eivht hundred and seventy j one, are tuade applicable to all streams tin- j der the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth; aud it shall be the duty of thu board of lish- j , cry commisaioncrs to uoijly the public as j to llio spawning time, specif ing the same ' as far as they can asetrtaiu it, of the v.rl- j 1 oils tribes of uselul food libht s iuhabi.iug the inlaud waleis of this Commonwealth, during which lime it iliuil be uu ttn l'ul lor any pvrsou or pcnoiis to catcu r have iu their po&sctsiou any tiah ui tjl:i-s i f tin tribes or kinds uf whicii liolfe had bei u given by the .coiui:ii.-t,ioiicr as ul'orcs.iid, under the same peualtieo for thu same pre scribed as lo shad iu the first scctiou of this act. Sec. 10. It shall further be the duty of tho said fishery commissioners to select proper and suilablu locations, and con struct aud erect suitable houses und de vices for ihe purpose of hatching nud pro pagating useful tribes of food tislies, uud to stoek and supply all the streams, lukesaud fresh waters of tho Commonwealth with tho tame, by dislribuliut! tbe uupregnaled bpawu or fry of thu stud triOes of babes lo ad parts ol uio btale, uuder proper regula tions, having iu view tne cucuuragcuicut of tisit culture, and to employ the uecessary labor aud buy thu necessary material, ma chinery and implements therefor, aud for that purpose, and to pay tho necessary ex peuses uf the said tistiery commissioners, uud of the bailills ihey may employ in pur suance ol scctiou seven ol tins act, toe lur Ihcr sum of ten tb.ou3.1ud dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is here by appropriated out of auy moueys iu tho .Stale Treasury uot otherwise appropri ated, lo bo paid by thu blato Treasurer, ou the warraut or warruuU of said commis sioners, or a majority of them, from time to time, as the work is done or the services rendered : Provided, That the said com missioner shall tile anuuully with the Au ditor lioncral au account of all moneys expended and services rendered, und when ever it may bo practicable producu and file with said accouut the proper vouchers, for the same. 1 , . , , . Sf.o. 11. Jt shall be the duty of nny per son or persona on corporations hereafter erecting or coustructiug auy dam or dams id any of the rivers of this. C ommonwealth, or their tributaries, accessible to shad or other migratory fishes, to put In or upon th! same suitable fish way or ladders, under tho direction and approval of tho said fishery commissioners, without which every pilch dnm will bo deemed a public nuisnnce nnd liable to be abated upon tho information of anv oae complaining. iira;. 12. That 'if any person shall cast, draw, set or fasten, or otherwise make use of ouy seine, set net, fyke net or in t of any other description, of less mesh than ten inches, , or any other appli ance except the hook Rnd Hue, for the pur pose of catching fish, between the fifteenth day of June and the tenth day of August in any year, the person or persons so of fended shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and ou conviction be sentenced to pay a fine uot exceeding ono hundred dollars, nnd undergo an Imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, or either, at tho dis cretion of tho court j Promlvd, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to the river Delaware below Treuton Falls. Sec 13. That all laws or parts of laws inconsistent herewith be nnd the same are hereby repealed. Arr-ROVED The 2Sth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. J. F. Hahtranf r. llou.OitkeH Atus Attacked bf Vn rulyviy. Rostov, May 0. Hon. Oakes Ames was attacked by paralysis at five oY-lock last evening at Ids residence in North iston, and remains unconscious this luoruiug. The local physicians aud two noted practi tioners from Itostou, who went out nn a special train, remained with him list night. The symptoms are dangerous in thee tretne. Mr. Ames has not been able to at tend to business hinco Tuesday of last week, aud wee at his oltiee the last lime ou Wednesday, whim he was advised to go home for rest, hut n'l apprehensions were felt lor him until hut night. Louisiana. KKMSTANti: TO THE Al'THOIMTY OF Kni. LOOO ADVOCATED MEN' ANDAltTJI. LliUV SKST TO ST. MARTIN'S FAUIS1I. New Ohlkans, May .'f. Twelve houses on Lafayette and First streets were burned this afternoon. Loss During the lire a den of nickel counter feiters was discovered. A large quantity of liaM-coin was captured and several ar icsis were mad.'. Tin; citizens of Iberia parish organized a Tax Resisting Association to-day. Ad dresses were uiAdu by several members of the bar. who ollered their services free of charire. Resolutions were adopted endors ing Governor M'Euery. repudiating Cov entor Kellogg nnd urging resistance to the collection of taxes. Onn hundred Metropolitans, with a pV-ee of artillery, hate gone to St. Martinsville, St. Martin's parish, to Hiatal Governor Kcllogg'a otlicers. 1 Civil IVar in I.onisifinn. New ImsKiA, La., May U-ll A. M. ' ' The Metropolitans took quiet posses-ion 'of St. Martinsville on Sunday at noon. That uielit two Metropolitan scouts were dangerously wounded in the suburbs of thai town, one of whom lias since died. Skirinishim; has been constant since. A conference between the leaders of the contending forces was held yesterday. . The Metropolitans wanted lo know which ' of the otlicers they were about to instal were objectionable t the people, and what they wanted. The registers replied that the men were satisfactory ifcoinmiesiotied by Gove rnor M' finery ; that the citizens only wanted the Metropolitans to leave the town, and uot interfere with their local af- J fairs. The wuiuoti aud childreu are still j in the town. Kellocg's judge, in company with) his 1 district niiortiey and Congressman Darrell, has none to St. Martinsville to open court to-day. The' force is .variously esliuiauled tit '-V') and 100 men. with two pieces of artillerv. It is reported this morn- j ma that the Kelloitts are orantzin ue- 1 groes, Cons'-queutiy the entire population aro watchful; but no general engagement! . has vet occurred. Business is ccuerally ; ! suspended.. A severe storm has prevailed j ' since noou yesterday. ! Fkankmx, La., May 7. J Latest Fhom Louisiana.--It in almost impossible lo get news from St. M irtins 1 ville ; the lines have beeu down uutil Inte- ly. A statement has just come in that , there has been skirmishing. The Metropolitans are besieged at St. Martinsville, cut ott'from water, their pro visions are with them, but otherwise they are iu a desperate condition. Tho lax register's forces are strong, and have been accumulating all day. Nothing but the terrible storm last n'niht prevented a decisive engagement. Nothing ' ,U8 been heard iu explanation of the Me : tropoliiaus. Stom.iti!? at Drashear tn-dav thev wcio VLil movided with nuimunition and ru- hL Jlarlinsville. 1 hey aro exjieclt'd up to-diiy. and a light at JSt. Mariitisvilln in dnevittble. The Fbknch Klkctions.-.TIio result ol'ibii election on Sunday lust, in l'aris, of a decide republican V) rill tho vacancy in the National Assembly, has caused sur prise among the monarchists, and they uow -cmII for a-reatricliini ot miivurstd suf frayi'. ll is feared that lleniuait, who isi foreign minister, nnd was defeated aa a supporter of Presided. Thiers, may resign,' as well as -one or two othtr; members of the C'tibinet. This surprise is inuuhitiuj by 1 e K'lensg 1 if Ihe Republicans In' 'orlier pin ;s !' France, wlmreve r au elcciiou was held to fill vuctiueies ill the Assembly. F'1 P. A I.L WHO RE WILLIN'C, TO WORK. Any person, old or youinr, of either sex, c n nt h ti 0111 clJ to .u per Wees, ui noma any oreviuiut;. Wanted by all. Suitable to cither City or Coiiuiiy, aud auy season of the year. Tills is 11 rare opportunity for thou w ho are out of work, and out of money, to make an inde jicndet.t living'. So capital beluic required. Our pamphlet, ''How to m-ike a living," niviiiB full lunruetious, r .t n n-oeipi uf :10 cj-ui. Ad das, A. lit T.TON & CO., MorrWaiia, Wett cluieUr Co., Y. Ap. lUcowy. gent 's Wanted everywhere to sell our ucw uiitl novel laiibroideriiij Machine, send for Illus trated Circular, to the McKee Manufacturing Company, 809 Broadway, New York, ap l'J.-ly. THE PARLOR COMPANION. livery Lady Wants one ! l'.vety Man oui;ht to bave one I Sent on receipt of Teu Cents. Address, L. F. HYIK & CO., l'J5 Seventh Aveuut, New Vork. RON-TON FLIRTATION BIGNAL8, sent on racuipt of"5cts. Culque Prititine and Publish ing Uousu, lit! Vesey fetrcet, New lork. TI1EBECKWITII t'JO PortabU Family Bew Inc M.ichiue, ou tit) Hay Tiialt roauy udvan taifi s over all. BalUfaelion euurauteed, or f'JO retunded. beat eoiupluta, with full directions, huckwith Suwinjf Machine Co., Broadway, ,vr Vork. apltf, eowly THE KF.W ELASTIC TRUSS. An Impor tant Invention. Jt retains the Rupture at all times, had tinder the hardest exercise or severest strain. It Io n with comfort, and if kept ou 104 lit aim day, enacts r. peroiaueat cure lu a lew weeks, boia cnuuii, aud seat by Mail whoa re qurlud, circular tree, wben ordsrtd by letter scut to The Elastic Trass Co.. JNo. t)S3 Biead- way, N. Y. City. Nobody. uses Maul Spring Trusses) too paintui luey slip on too iriici ly. spin. co y. BKASOX WflT TTI15 r a i n k 1 1, l i: r MANP'O BT TERRY DAVIS AND SON IS THK Best Family Midicineof the Agel And vhji it ihould bt kept atony war at hand i 1st. Tain-Killer is the moat certain Chol era cure that medical science has produced. . 2nd. Tain-Killer, as a Diarrhoea and Dys- . emery reined v, seldom If ever fails. 3rd.' Taiti-ftrlletsAiTill 'enre Cramps or Tains hi auy part of the system. .. A single dose usually effects a cure., . 4th. Tain-Killer will cure Dyspepsia and 1 ,' lndigestiou, if used according to di ' rcctions. . Clh. Tain-Killer Is an almost never failing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, fec. 6th. raid-Killer has proved ft Sovereign Remedy for Fever nnd Ague, and Chill Fever; it has cured the most obstinate cases. 7th. Tain-Killer as a liniment is uoequal ed far Frost Bites, Chilblains,Burns, Rruises, Cuts, Sprains, Ac. 8ih. Tain-Killer has cured eases of Rheu matism and Ncuralga after years standing. . ' Bth. Tain-Killer will destroy Jloils, Fel- , ' ons. Whitlows Old Sores, giving re ' lief from Tain after tho first applica tion. 10th. Tain-Killer cures Headache, and Toothache. 11th. Tain-Killer will save you days of sickness aud many a Dollar in time nnd Doctor's .Hills. I2th. Tain-Killer is a purely "Vegetable reparation, safe to keep and to use iu every family. 'The simplicity attending its use, together witii tho great vnriety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and the grent amount oj" pain and suffering that can bo alleviated through this. use,, make jt imptativc upon every to supply I en iimcnm t, ira .u 110 , nircuj , , to keep it always near at liainl. i he ram-Killer fS now known and , :iitii eeiiiii'ii in everv u n u r 11 iiik ixiijlh:. 1 f.. . . ,.P ,l. fM..I... I 1'hysicinns recommend it in their practice, 1 While all classes ut society nave touncl in it relief otid comfort, (five it a trial. He sure and buy the genuine. Every Druggist and nearly every Country Grocer throughout the land keep it for sale. April 211, 'To. 1 month. n COi fcticrliamcnfs. VMl f'.l STATES 1 STERN At. KEVEXUE. Xotico l-t SiK'it.-T;iL l'nycrN. The law of J)e.'einber VI, 1ST'.', requires every person rnet;cd in any hiioiin-f. avocation, cm- : pioyuient, which renders him Ijibie In a SPECIAL TAX, I to procure and place i'oti'leluti!y ia hi est ib or pl.ii f i.f ImMnc"; I if-'TAMl j detiiitlns the payment of sal I Sprriul Tax before eommencliiK bu-ini hs. i The t:ixi t einliraeed within the provisions of law above quoted tire the following, viz ! Kei! tiers . .?'JOO 00 Dealers, retail liquor Dealer, wholesale lbpior Dealers In malt liiUo'.f. wh"1:ile. Dinlers in liquor, retail llelears in I'nf toteiceo Iletai! dealeiw in leaf tohaeen 85 00 1CK1 00 -rni 00 i 20 00 US 00 500 00 nnd on fale of over ?l.00i, fifty cent fori every dollar In pkcoss ol fcl.iiOO. 1 Dealers in munnlaenred tobacco 3 00 f Manufacturer of Mill.. W 1)0. and for ench Hill or worm maim- I fuel tired 20 00; Manufactures of tobacco 10 00 j Manufacturers of clears 10 00 ; 1'cd llers of tobacco, llrst clas, (more '. than two horse.) 60 CO ! I'eddlers of tobacco, kecnud class, ('J 1 horse) 95 CO ! Toddlers of tobacco, third class, (I I horse) 15 00 I Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class, (on foot or public conveyance) 10 00! It re we ra of less than 500 barrels M 0O j Hi-ewers of 500 barrel or more 100 00 I Anv person who shall fail to comply with thai foretfoini; requirements will ,M snbji.-et to severe pennllics. Special tax Payer throttchotit the United StatiM are reminded that they must make appli cation lo the Collector (or Deputy Collector) of their respective dltrlet, and procure the proper stamp for the Special-tax Year, commencine; Mav 1, lS7;t, without waitliuj for further uotica. C. . HKUSKR. Collector internal Itevennc. MuyJ0,lS7i 4w. . Hth Dl.-tri.-t, fa. . W. KF.CFKU. C. W. lUSSU'.R. "Vr-,-.rT C L s j-. f '4li?it bv Acf.riiler. nutkc south liv lot number six O." D V Vs Vvyvu.r5 SritlNO AND SUM MEH. Dry GoO(lr. Notions, FllVlli'-hlDtr Goods. Grom-ics Oil Cloths "(iia. ami Xails of everv varietv, at ut die low price, Keefer & Itasslcr'H Store, Corner of Fourth ant! Market Street?, SL'NBCKT, PA. Alt Kinds of Grain taken in eieliance same ns ca-h. Call aad soe ns, KKKFER Jk BASSLEH. Sunhary, May 10. Ib7:i. AUJUCRNED tOUUT. l'rorlisination. -I VrilF.RF.AS thu Honorable W. V. Rochcfe- ler, President .IiidRe. and his Associates, for this District, Mve Issued their mandate for nu adiourned Court far North 1111b trland county, to bo 'held on Monday the t'th day of June, A. 1)., lS7:t, betntf the 3d Monday of saitl ruontn, 111 I ibc retore-ptve notice, mat an per otib luiorcM-1t to be and anynr nt -the plnro nfiiroiiM a( 10 o'clock h. m.. of mi.! day. HAM t EL H. KOTHEltMUL, Mierltr. SlieiifT's Otfleo, Suubury, FcJ). 1. , A HE M Alt K A Lk I -VI ESI TIO X . Oae of the most important ImproTements erer perfected in musical Instruments has lately been Introduced by Geo. Woorm Co., in tbeir improved Parlor Organs. It consists of a piano of exqul-ite quality or Ipnea w pies -win cvtn re quire tuni'11;. The tiUMTUmeni waa laieiy lnirotiuceu v a musical soiree In Baltimore and received the cor dial applause and endorsement of the many emi nent professionals present, pee uaTriii-uieii in another column. Marcli "ll, 187a. Sw. C.F.U. WOOD'S t'O'S., OROISS. AM) TUEIR COMBINATION 80LD 6T0P9. The Piano A beautifully toued piano, which will never require, tuning. The Vox Humana A baritone solo t not fan or tremolo, me JT.a- line delicate soft or breathing atop. 6e advor tisement in another rolutua. . March 29, 1873. Cw- , . . , GEO. WOODS & CO'S Organs are now acknowledged by all musicians who have examined then to be far iu advance of any olber. Their COMBINATION SOLO STOPS. : oline, Vox Humana and Piano, (the latter belntr a Piano of exquisite quality of tour, which will never require tuning, give tw Ihera a, wonderful capacity for UEAl'TiriX Hl'MICAL E'tIXTa), while their extraordinary power, beanty of i sIlii and thoroughness of construction are atir prising to all who are unacquainted with the de gree of perfection these instruments bave attain ed. Wm. Knocho of Harrlsbnrir haafteeured th agency forthera, and wilt be pleased to Thlbl them to all Interested la mnsle. '. - April .1, i;;i. 6w. Ilnle on Heir or Daniel Wrlmer, Deceased. STAT E UV VENNSTIA'ANIA, i County of Nnrtfiumberlnnd, j -To the Kberlff of snld County, Grcelln? ; We commnnd yon thnl yon notify Chrlsltnn'L. Welnier, Onoigs 1. Welmer, Mnry, lulermnrtieU with Henry Kuvllls, OlIiHrinu, Intcrmnn lcil tih John A. Llnyit, MiirKAret, Intermarried with Jnhn&. Mallork, Kllmbt-tli, Intermarried wltb John A. Weiiner, Barnti Weimer, Qenelln Wel mer nnd Wlllluin Wdliner, all bulrs and leirul ra prcsentutlvcs of Dnnld Wclmcr, late of lUe bor oiiKh of Nortliuuiberlnnd, Northnmbrlod County, Pn., tlmt atths March Wri ArOrphm'sr Court, lield ut 8"iibnry, In and for said County, on the Scrpnteonth day of Mnrch, A. D. 1878, a Rale was granted upon them the mid heirs and If CulrcprvsentiitlTet oftbesaid kf eduiit,commnd lug tliem to come forward and arcrpt or refnse the Kent EUte of said dcecduutat tbtVAluatlun fjut upon the same by an InqulilIou IfSnnJ out of till Co'irt returnable at the January term of the year A. D. 1873, or show cause by the flrst Monday of Anifunt, A. D. 1873, why the same should not he sold nccorrilue to the Act of As embly in saeh care made and provided. Wltrem the Hon. Wm. M. Rorkcfel- L 8. ler, Prcsidrntof our ml.! Court, tills Clet dav of Marrh, A. J). lS7a. . iF.O. B. ItEIMESSNTDElf, , Dep'jty Clerk, Orphan's C'uurt. May 10, 1873. 4t. SIIEniFF'N NALI.S. BY virtue of certatu writaof rm. L'n, Levari Man, t'i. Fa., JUm Vm. .'p., nficl J'lur u, Itvari heiai lenrd out of li"tie.ilot Com mon Pleas of Norlhumlierland County, and to me directed, will be exposed to Publin 8ulu or Outcry, on . NATl'RDAY, HAY Jtlst, 1S73, st 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Court Hoiue in the boronish of Banbury, NoilliUnibur'.nu'l county, Pa., the follow lnt dencribal propel ty. to wit : Two certain lots or ylere of VMdnd ttnte in te borouith of Bbumoklu. Nmtliuinlicrland County, PunntrlvanUi, lioundert nd lcribrd ns follows, to On the the uorth oy lot number six (tt,) on the cuit by Bluuookin 6 1 rent, on the South by tot number nine ( Ji. nn.l on Hie west by Hock Btreel, tnown aud deMjrnatcd on nae BeT'cn (7) J,n(1 H,,t (p) itl ,,,.k nuin. l,j.r one hundred and eltT elehty-four (1H4) ench eon- tilulnc twenty-five f!.".) feet in width, and one hundred and ninety (lao) font la depth, Khere- j ft,, are tirnftfii u I wn fti-r I'm trtn n vrel ilit-h..njn( ,l0tl s''le. ALSO: ; Two certain lots of i;roiiDil situr.t in the bo- rough o tlnunokln. Northumberlund County,, I'll., bounded aud described R follow: Los : intiiilier rotir bondrad and thiitet n (113), bound' I edon the north bv Sunlmiv Street, on the wret j tiy lot number four buiii'.rvd and twelve (413),, ou the iah by Coiuuieiee. i-treef.nnd on the ' eKt liV i;it n!!iv' lnt mimli.'r fmir lmnrlrcil flllrl titteen. bounded on Hie north by Suubury Street, on the we-t by lot number Jour hundred aud fourteen, on thetoiuh bv Commerce Street, and on the cast by lut number four hundreil and six teen, each belnc forty feat In width and one hun dred and sixty-feet Iu depth. v -Belzed, taken In- execution and to b' aold ai the property of John 11. Bonchner, Henry Bough uer aud Jaine A. fchipp. ALSO : , All tho-e seven contls'ious lols or pieces of 1 ground e It mite In the borough tf lir.iookin. Nor- I thumberland county, PeunrylTanbu known In ! the. general plau of wiid borough of luimokii u Ui'.a iinnite r. e, 4, f, e.f 7 and M, la block nnm- ! Ler Dli, coiHainiuir In nldth each, twenty. nvc : reel, an t in depth each ono handled and Qfly I (159) feet, froming on Lincoln struct on the I north, and ou the vnrt by- Rtirhth street, on the ; west bv lot No. 1 of tli tame block, and on the Koiith by an alley wberoon are greeted on lots No. a and 4," a ftaiue dwelling house two stoileH hiifli. "u 'ot "'' ,r'' 11 w,,rd aUl' house, and a wen oi coon water. Seized, taken in exocutiou, and to be sold as the property of John H. riwec, and T. S. Pe wqos, tradti.g as Joltn It. Utv.eti .x, ilro. ALSO: All that certain piece or lot or luod fitnate in t'ener AuuMista towiishii). Northumberland ! count'.'. I'a., HeirliiniiK: nt u stone, sat for a cor- "la U'eneval plan of said infrfeets said ner which fttands nor'h twentr-nlne drroes east I Hiver street, thence alone; the southern line of two reel and tiyhl Inches from the tiortb rat ' uU: alley, in a wcstwuidly direction. le.r lei t to corner orCutheriiie Coble nnd Frederick Ci b'.e'i ' an alley j thence by a line alona sala ali.-v par house: thence bv land of John H. Lenkor uorth 1 Hd tt''-'a s-aid Iliv-r strict, 4.". lei-t, nt a di-tanca sixty-three drsrees und futv niinuten west, ono i of J05 t.-el fi i.tii i;i!d Liver street, th'-nc by a hundred aud enihty te.t toaHmie; Ihattce bv tha hie with 'aid E.drrbi -rrv ft reel l'-'- feet same souili nineteen di'sireesand fil'teeu minul.-s . from B.itd L.derbe.rry slrett to sjid Uivei f.'D t west one hnndred and twenty f t to a stone; ' lufi fe t ; Ihrme alone; said Kiver stri ct, ia a thence bv the same south sixtv-threc mid fifty uoitlnvardly i!irc tii.a, 40 feet t.. sal I n,;,- al nilnulescast one kundrcd ned" eighty feet to a j '""J". '',' P'aec of betmnins, coi.t:.t:inijr in trout stone, and bv tho same north Hinete.-u dcirrw: i 0,1 'a"I IVtver street -t.'i t-et. and iniliplh a nn; .ind tit'teen iriimites envt one hundred and tweti. "Id public alley, ii'S leel, bcinc tiie i.oiiIu ki ly feet to the place of bpin'ntnir, contMnltir one I Parts or lots Nos. 'Jh and ;".J. liereoii is eK-el-htilfof an acre or tlicri-uhottt more or less,-It be- ! H u one-and-a-half no-y lions". ,V.c. Also ins part of tin out lot No. IS, whieb w as convey- ! all that certain half lot nf Ki-oiind. Fitu.i'.c in the ed lo John 15. Lenker bv John O. Markle, execn-1 tor of Tliomas Robins. 'ilvcascd. ' Seized, taken Hi execution and tn be sold as the properly of Cuthajiue Cciiiie sad Fredtiuk Coble. i-k ALbn: ' ' " '-All'tral certain lot or piece of groutid illuate iit'lhe burn-ugh of Hhamokin, Nortiiiiinberluud county, I'tl., known and (Je.iiirnated In the pener al litliOKraiihed ptot or plan of said horoiuili, as lot- number, live in block number tilty two, lioidel en the-north bv lot number four, iu the Hnrifr41Vut bv'ilaVkeL Slieet. coiitaiuinL' : I twentv-avc lcitM!j.lth nd 'one hundred und i lift y feel In depth, wL T?itJ'lecld one fruiue I knticn " 1 - ' I Prized, taken In execution and to be ebd the pro; . ny ol titorjre;jii'.n. ALO: All tliuf ceitalii tract of laud situate iu Slta mokin Township, County of Northumberland, nnd Watts of VeuDsjlvunia, bouudrd und de scribed as foilow, to lt : ilt fliinitu; at a White Oak, tlie-.K-e by lands of J' hn Kepley, north tix tv di'geeea wctt one hit ml rod und lli'tv-tbree ,pencbes to.i ftone. Iheuce by laud of James Vo cuin south twtnty-liiue and a half decrees west forty two perchea to n post, theuco notth sixty- , tive'and one fourth decrees wet twenty-three i perches and 510 to a post, thence south twenty- . seven decrees and ?-,' west forty perches and 4-10 ton White O alt or none, tboneo south sixty-scv- ! ; eu and a half decree east two percttfs aud S-10 to a White t)ak, thence by lands of George ttcek ! crt, south twenty-nine decrees eaft ulni-tythree ipcrcbesaiid 4-10 ton none, thence by lands of j l.iouard t'ensyl and Daniel Adams north forty I three deirrees" ami one half curt eighty-four 1 perches lii a stone by the church, thence eltrbty I one decrees cat t c'ghty pi rches to the place of 1 briiiuniti:, coi.taiiiini; seieuty acres and oue hundred aul fouittrii ii-ri-bes, whereonarc erect j r H Hou ' hallk Bura una oihcr Kti,n.rc bnildines. j ftelied, tBKen in f xccuiioa and to be soU , , the property of Peter l5oiightic ALSO, The exclusive riht uud priv'.legc to dig, tiilue and cany nwav coal In and from all the veins of cowl in the William (irsen tract ot land, lu Coal township, Nort-h'iurberlaud county, Pennsylva nia, which are a nova r overlie the twin eiin now worked by Rohenson, Guileruinn &Co.,aod 1 tbe li'hl to take timber lor the use ol tne mines upon the said tract of land from one. huudred acres ot the said William Oieeu Tract, together with the breaker thereon erected, apd alt im provements, fixtures, machinery, aud appurte nances known ai Finnlt Goweu Colliery, and also twemj -four drift rare, -one forty UoaVt power euchie, two thirty Inch butlers, one live foot acmcu, two four loot tureens, two huisilug rig gings, screen bars and rests, four hundred and fifty feet beltintf, tlUees publea, two buudred tons railroad "1" irou. llfiy llpscrecns, four line shafts, live hundred feel of wire rote, two push Int; bulls oa plains, two dirt dumpers, three ton of sheet Iron, oue forty-eight inch stuck, ona string elevators, ouo sett three Xoot rolls thirty inch diameter, one ett Monkey Rolls clghteeu sehuta vales, aud Uii st lx '.tdea, out' (itilth shop, aud fixtures, and three stoves And, Also, all that ccitaln leasehold estate, of 4hu faid James A. Bhipp, Johu It. Hougliuer an4 Tlmtnas C. Reese of iu aud to tho veins of eoal in the said William Green tract of land, iu Coal township, Inr(hi,nil,i-lunrl nnillilV. Pennsylvania, wbleU are above, or overlie the Twin veins, uosr work ed by Robertson, GuitriV t'oi, an4 ber upou the said William Green truct Tor- min lne purposes! and nil that certuin metuoranda of liasi, from 8. I .Wolverfm, dniiUrator d 6..u s.r fifunt cMlucb Bel las, deceased, to Willtam H. louty, aid VM.llaan Kuuuer of Mhamokln, Peuusylvaula, dated tho 10th day of November, A. D., 011a thousand eiirht hundred ftnd lxtylght, aad, assign.) uu to thesald James A. Bhipp, Johnj K. Bonliivcr aud Tbeana C. Keese bv the ald Wliltam H. Douty and WUlUm K. Kutzner bv assignment dated tbe thirteenth day of July .A. D., one thou sand eight buadrsd and sixty-niue, and all '.he estate rights, privileges, thle, term r year olalra and demand whatsoever of, lu, to or out of the aaino, together with th heridliamenl Bi nurtenauce. ' '' ' . ' ' ', ' Asir. tken tn exec t to, and to be oid a JJie property of Jame A. Khlpp, John R. Rough- ner. ami I ihmmmw . .' . ft . 1 -ALSO I ; 1 . ; All that certain lot Or pUee of pTonnd sltnnts In the borotiKh of Bhatiiokln, county of North umberland, aud Btatc of Fcmmylvau a, bounded and defcrltied as follows, to wit 1 on the uorth by lot number live (S), on the went by Market street, and on the south by lot number ccn (7) on the et by nn alley, belli lot iminb"r mx (it) as marked wn the (fennral plan of said burouirh, contalnlLK twemy-flve feel In width, and one bundled and Any feet lu depth, wliereun Is erect ed a frame house. - 8cicd, taken Into Mecntlon, aui to Lo fold M tho property of J. J. Bluotu. ALSO 1 , A certain fmlldlnet sH bulldine 1 a hotel of tweetorlcs Hb an uttlo the rtilire building bn lni franiP, liaTineft front of Bfty-fonr feet, and n depth of thirty-clpht feet, situate upon a Certain lot or plcee of land within the borouph of Wat sontown, couuty of Northumberland. Bute of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as luilnwn, vlr 1 tn tbc porth by lot of John YurIp, jnuth by other lot of said Christian Orubb, east by Mulu ttreet, and weft by an alley. Belzed, taken In execution, and to be sold as the property of Christian Urubli, owner or reputed owner aud contractor. ALSO : All that lot or piece of pDund tltuate. In tbe borouith of Ehanioklg, rounty of Nnrtlium berlnnd, PennnylvanUj aud kuown on the ifeiie rnl lithoirrephic plot or .plan of said burnunh no block No. 107, bounded on the fonth bv Khak orare street, on the c;.st b) V.jf stn i't, nn H e North by Independence. 011 tho weft by Fern! street. Belied, t:ken In execution, and In be old a the property of James B. Hrnry. ALSO t Ail that pertain tract or piece of land fltat" In Upper Mabanoy townfMp, Nnrtheni' i iiuj.e county, Pennsylvania, buundirt tni detribtd k.-. follow-i, to wit : On Il.ei.iel lyl n.dof ti-.-rsro Fetter, 0:1 the fOTith by !au ! vt Wi.:l ,m faniiih, on the wect by land of Philip Eiit.kle, aim 1111 ttr north by Line Mouutalu lime!, c :ii .liii l.itr Ihiit.. seven (87) acren ninety (t;u) perebea, ftrict inraaure, wi.ureon are ererii d f. twoi'lory fram : dwel'luir boue, a fmma tan-.try, and other i in pmrumenlt. a!0 all that reitain tract or pleca : of wood land aituate In Upir Malmnoy town fhip, Noribnitiberhind county, rennpylranla, bounded and described n fjliowa, to wit 1 be ttluu'ivj at a ftonc heap, thence by land of Mi chael Braiin, north eli.'!ity-Uve degreef , enst tl'!i- .;.. hv l-m-t or ll,,ev ii... ,-LJa' iv-one perciiefani oiie-bnlr t a fto-ie !) J . - . , .... Creed, west fort v perclu8 to a tnnu Ihmo : tii.-m e by Lin-; Mountain, outh c;i;htj-llve decreet, ea-t eighty nnd oue-hulf to 11 none heap j thence routh two deerci.'s, eat forty perches lo the place oT bcitinninc, ci nte.liiiiil; elLhtCuu aeies, and one hand re 1 an J nineteen ptrclus end n'.- 1 Iowa nee. r.eue., ii in e.( re.t'r.i, rr.i o se fold ns rtic properly ol Solomon i'.uterlir.e. ALSO: A'd that cfir'nin let or piece of ground krovn and deeinatt-d in Bovd'a t hm ot Int laid 1 :l ia a portion of the Wether.!! tra?t o.c.illed hi Coal luwiifhip, rMirthiunSedaiid County, ra., as lot ! number one in block T, hounded o'lihee ist by I Shermaa Klreet. on th' south by an alley, on the 'west by lot number " and on the mult, ly I Oneida Hieet, w hereon is erected a frame il'.vel j line lioit'e. 8risd, taken in execution and m be n'.d ti th'1 property of Levi Albright. ALSO : All tint certain tract of tnnd fitiv.te In the township of Lower Mabanoy, In the eoniify of Northumberlund, und Btatr of Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of Peter Hon Ht, Chnr:e !!:. ions, William 8hafer, Michael La hi', Philip Bono, nun tnc MisTieimnna rise;', conif enni,- thirty tiro acres und eeventy iho e j - 1 1 whereon are erected a 1iou3 and two bnrns tinti ; a saw mil!. j Seize 1. taken in execution, and to be tS.i as j the properly of Ir.Tcl V. Whltrner. j ISO : I All that certain lot or piece of ground situate ic the borouch of tu:ibary, counly nf North'tm- beHand. nr.d Male of I'utin lvania, houtetc-i and I deseribui as tollos: beiirtiniuir at a point ou Ki 1 ir slree.t, feet froir .Kelerbcrry rtiv. I, at I ho '"'rtii-esst coiner of let ';".'. where an al. -y iu boroturli of buiiliury, oi I Pennsylvania, bi ini; the v oriliu.'i.tH-t : ii ii l eutii-iv. a cm li t 1 1 i-f l"t No. l;7i as matkt-din tlie l' i. I an 'T s : t i I '.on, and hounded on the souiii i.v m.w W.ilm.t str'-t. on t-ite noi-tii !y liaspt.- t i;. :ii!rv. on the west by lot No. 8?t, and on the bv tl.c eat etiiha.fof the s. Oil lot. No. ciit iiniii in front en Walnut street HO fe t. and Uin f.-.-f ;n depth, wla-reon are erectctl one two story fianie dwellint: liouse, and other hiiildtn:,'-. Feizi'd. tiiken into execution, and to be sold its the property of John Y. Ivipp. S. II. IIOTI! LT.Y. F.I.. Sla tilf. PheritI 's Office, tSunhury, May lo, 1711. !- fTVs33fRSBSmSSXSZrsr. "fV A B 1 6 C ?? 5 ,t - T, sss o R C " - - o ice y t c.j it ii 8 A i t- ra S t c a W . - "S X M e s- CTTTfiiTYTliBsim ' Send for eu? Illastnited CtUalrgu of new booK on h iltdlnir. ' A. J. lilt u.NM-1. . lit Co iCUIt. - Wairen-i New Vcrl