11 -w ''4jvi r . I unbuvir gmcriran. ' T sdNBUBY7MAY"3T 1373."" .. i'j i- ji 11 i 1 - Ilailroiyl Tlmo Tabic. AMtlTAt AMD DETAHTl'HK OF T1IAIN8 AT SUSHl'llT. y. c. R. W.. fionth. Erie Mall, 13.50 am ' Frio Express, 9.40 " Mail, 11.05 " Nlag. Express 8.00 p m P. & E. R. R. Went. Mull, 6.:i0 a m Nine. ExpressllMO pm Elmira Mall 4. HO " Erie Express, 7.01 " BUNDUKT asd lbwibtowh r. h. Leave Bunbury for Lewlstown at 7.45 a. m., nnd 8-10 p. M. Arrive fat Bunbury from Lewistown at 1.50 and 7.45 p. tn. eiiAMOKiM nirwion, . c. R. w. I.KAVi AltltlVF Sunbnry at 5.45 am At Sunbury 9.25 a m " 13.35 pm " 3.55 pm 4.40 pm . 0.00 pm DANVILLE, UAZLKTOH & WiLKBSHAHKB K. K. Rogular passenger tsaln leaves Bunbury for Danville, Cattawissn, Ilazlotori and intermediate stations, at 6.45 a. in. Returning leave Hiule tou at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4.00 p. m. LACKAWANNA AND HLOOMSnURO R. R. Leave Northumberland (vt 9.40 a. in. and 4.50 p. m. Arrlvo at Northumberland at 10.35 u. m. and 0.05 p. m. Accidental Ineuranco Tickets can bo had of J. Bhlpman, Ticket A Bent, at the Depot. Pnwmo Machines and Cottaoe Ohoan. Miss Caroline Dalius is the ugent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines in existence, viz : 'The Improved Grover & Baker,' aud 'Domestic,' which are constantly kept on hand, and sold at reasonable prices. 8ho Is also agent for the sale of the celebrated 'Silver Tongue Organs,' and tho 'Ray Stale Oreans,' and for the sale of the Fraiite & Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Office on Market street, east of the rail road. The Improved Groves & Raker Sewixo Ma- chine. TheBO celebrated machines are oircred at the most reasonable rate. For particulars apply to D. . KUTZ, Agent, Fcb.ai!,73.-ly. I'pper Augusta township. Hoi;sn and Lot foii Sale. A new House and Lot, located on Spruce stri'it. Sunbury, is offered for sale ou easy terms. Apply to Joun Wll.Vl.lt.' Tim Wine made, at the Vineyard of Geo. B. Youugtnan, near Sunbury, and now being Fold by him, can not bo excelled for purity, excellence and cheapness. April UG. lit. Tun best placj to Invest money profitably is at the Esecisiur Bo.it A Shoe Store of Win. II. Mil ler. His lino of goods are of the best, and many a doctor bill will be saved by buying the best made Shoes it Boots in market. Miller has a large assortment which he Is selling at the lowest prices, and a few dollars invested in his stock may save hundred tn bills for medicine. All persons wanting good aud cheap piitnres should call at K. C. Sniiek's Gem fiallcry, where they can get nine good pictures for 5(1 cents. llem;jcrly"s old stand, Sunbury, Pa. mlil-tf Fii.linu Vr. We notico that i. A. Finney, tlie popular caterer in Jhe Pry Goods and Grocc ry lines, is tilling up his More on Market street w ith a line assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Willow-wan:, F.urtlien-wurc, Glass-wnre, No tions in great variety, mid all kinds of goods, generally of tho lulest styles. By fair dealing Mr. Finney has established a large b'isiuec, and he is now prepared to furnish his customers with any article of goods they want nt the in st reasonable prices. Call mid examine his mammoth block. John Maksii, Clothier, Simpson building, Mjik''t Square, has in part .igain recovered hi health, and has becu tn tlie city and bought J lie 1 inrcst und best stink of spring mill sum mer clothing I hut lias been brought to ban bury this spring, l.eaulili'l styles uud lower price than elsewhere. Ut.-tn3. Pianos, Oiioanx, ,tc. David licimcr, music teacher, having located permanently in Sunbury for the puipose of leaching inuiic, announces that he has the agency for (iaelile it Co' Balti more Pianos, which arc being rapidly introduced anion ' the best judges. They are now ir. ate in il.,. C, ..... V'........l Bnl.Anl 111. ...,.:1. P.. i at the Sunbury Academy, by J. 11. Jenkins, Esq., of .vortuunibcrhind, aud Jutt;;e Kllwcll of Ulooinsburg. He will also take orders for Steiu w.iy & Go's, ChicUeilng & Co's, uud other well known Pianos. Mr. P.eiiuor nlio reeeives orders for Prince it t'o's celebrated Organs &. Melodcuns, of Uulfalo New , York. .. : . Sheet music on hand, and ?rder& for new pie ces promptly attended to. Mr. lleinicr is agent for the German publishing house of E. Bteiger of New York, and wiil re ceive subseriptiou for all German Books, Period icals, Newspapers, Ac. The celebrated Ciaehlo Pianos can tie seen at at ull times at the residence of Mr. Heimcr, ou tho corner of Third and Arch streets, opposite I be depot. t oral Iff:tirs. Choice Pi-ants ran th?;Paiik. (icib Simon Cameron forwarded some choice plants to H. I. Wharton, Esq., now on n visit to his friends here, a few days ago, for tho park, hi Market square. Mr. Wharton has alto procured tome box wood from ihe public garden ut Washing ton, for Miss Lou Sliissler, and Mrs. Philip Clark, rcsldiug ou Market 6i'i ire, to beautify a portion of tho new Park. Jons HEsnT Df.nsig, bettor kuown as ''Jack Sheppard," editor, proprietor aud carrier of Jack Sheppard's Trumpet, a newspaper publish ed at York, Pa., visited our town on Tuesday af ternoon, for the purpose, of soliciting subscrip tions. "Jack" is su odd gculus, und by his ec centricities manages to raUe tbo "wind" admi rably. He is see a almost daily at the Harris burj; depot, blowing a silver trumpet, presented to him by tho ladies of Harrisburg, soiling his papers. He sold a number of eopies.hcre and iu the evening made a speech on religious topics lo a large crowd on the square ou Third street SriiDEN Death. Miss Mat lie Thomas, daugb ter of Levi E. Thomas, of Fisher's Ferry, iu Lower Augusta township, died suddenly ut the residence of C. B. llazleilne, on Waluut street, in this place, on Saturday morning last, of Spi nal Meuingltis, or spotted fever. 8he bad come to Mr. Hazlvtine's but a few days previous lo do house work. The deceased wus about 17 years ot age, and was highly respected In the whole community, llerremulus were taken toFlsher't Ferry on the mail train on the same day. Canal Navigation. We legrn that Ihe canal from Lock Han to Kort'aiiuiberland is now open for navigation. The North Erauch canal will not be opened frr some tlmo on aocouut of tho alterlugof lb lock at Berwick, Beach Ha ven, and other paints. Water will not be jit lu tlie canal above Clark's Forry uutil uboul llio 10th Inst. The, eaual froiu.ClutW's Ferry to be lev Middletowu, was supplied with water on Tuesday lat. ' . A rascal named m. Search borrowed a sett ofbaniessof Mr. A. J.Stroh lust, week, and stated that he wanted to go to Noi tUuiubeilaud. Biuee then Search bas not beeu heard from. Ho T supposed to kav sold the turpi,, and lufi fur Pitts. nrkiirwo H:: rurcL's reside lu l.ewiii "Observer," correspondent of tho Miltonimn, mentions the following matter of (merest in re gard to a road laid out in Augusta township i "It Is a matter of interest to the tax payers of' the county to know that tome tinid ago a new road was laid out In Upper Augusta township, near Snubury, commencing nt tho old turuplke In l'urdytown, and running up lu the direction of what has beeu railed tho "Cold Spring." through lands of J. B.'Lenker, J. W'. Cake, W. S. Shaf fer, Joseph Bachcr and others. The road Inter sects with the old river road at iCfccnd n short distance above the Northnrabe qd bridge. At the time the road was laid out little or no atten tion wae paid to it. The parties in Interest, however, wcro on the ground, and tho viewers lull It out. ConflicXing interests Just then con tended for the mastery. It ii generally known, of course, that the township In such cases must make tho road, and the county pay for the land taken, fences, &c. The viewers looked only at the township expense, and they laid the road not where It would be most advantage to the owners of the laud, or the public, or the county Treasury, but simply tho township in their contracted view of things. Iustcnd of locating the road up on the hill, where Col. Cake and others wanted thcui to, they fixed it aud run It across a town plot of Col. Cuke and others, ending and defac ing a parcel of building lots, and they also run it close by the brewery of Joseph Buuhcr, regard less of consequences to the county. In duo course of timo these laud owners petitioned the Court for a Jury to go ou tho ground taken up by this road to assess damages. Dilferciil juries went to each piece and they scvcrully made their assessments. In ull tho damages amount to $8, OOO.and the cud is not yet ; for they have not all petitloued. Aud all this on a piece of road a lit tle over a mile lu length. In this matter the first viewers were guilty of largo duplicity, and the latter of extraordinary, large-hearted liberality with other people's money. Tho Couuty Com missioners considered this liberality of these uolilo minded jurors as n. little too much, and they moved the Court to act aside their reports. Depositions have been taken as rules to show cause, Ac., mid the whole matter of the assess ment of these damages will he argued before tho Court In Juue next. Tho evidence given In tlie depositions shows clearly that dust was thrown lu t lie eyes Of the jurors, In mailers of law uud of fact by somebody or 6omcbodj 's lawyer, and the stupidest trick of nil was that of tlie jurors who laid out tho road." History of SiM.i iiT. .Mr. E. B. Haines of the Williainsport Gav.ette and Bulletin, is now engaged In collecting material for a history of Sunbury, its business, manufacture, railroads, churches, schools, .vc, Including the fall pro ceedings of the ccnteiilal celebration of July last. The book will contain about one hundred pages, nail ill nitaiii full statistics and descriptions of every manufacturing enterprise in the town, every business lion;:,. lumber items, church and loiige history, borough government, fire nnd o llee department, In fact, it will be invaluable as a book of reference, and full of information. The book wiil be sold at the low price of five cents on delivery. No less than I.'OOO copies will be print ed for the editor. A large sale and liberal ad vertising patronage will alone make the work re inuncrulivc. Our business men will find it an excellent medium to advertise, and we trust they will make tho enterprise n good success. Any pcrton having fuels of interest nbout tba town, its history and institutions, will confer a favor by calling ou the compiler nt the City Hotel, where he will remain for a few days loi.ger. Till! lecture of Iter, ctiuo. T. steck, in the Court House on Saturday evening last, for the bcnel't of the Soldiers' Monument Association, was not well attended owing to oilier meetings being held in the place on that evening. Tlie lecturer 'ns on hand, and I hough laboring under tlie disadv.iuttii'c i'f n slini audience he presented liia subject with marked clLganco and vigor, and those who were foi Innately present wire ecstati cally delighted. Ml. Steck's subject was "Ho race lirccley iii" a Moral Hero.'' As a spueimcu ot oratory the lecturer lakes n high rank on the scale of merit, and stands Well as a masterpiece. Were he to turn his attention to the lectuie field, it will ldpi'ire but n little lime before this Would be continued bj the universal verdict of a. I who i bi'iir hilil. The life mill elm riii-l i.p if Hi, e tiieclcy froiii his boyhood were most beautifully Jiurt rayed by bis powerful orltoriu.il endowments. He presented the salient points of Mr. lireeiey's character und career with that deep sympathy, propriety aud force which curried tliu audience with him to the height of his enthusiastic admi ration for his hero. Tho self reliance, fidelity und humanity of ills hero were exhibited in a masterly way. , .The speaker had a grand theme, and it was evident, he knew and felt It. His re inaikable voice, of a musical quality uud flexi bility, entirely nt command, characterized by his apparent ficedem from etTurl, carried with him, in the whole course of his lecture, the feelings of every one present. Altogether the lecture is ad mirably written, and tho manner of delivery, made it one of the very best cvir 'cllvvrcd In this place. We hope Mr. Sleek may be Induced to repeal it here at some future lime, so that our citizens who have missed so rich a treat may have an opportunity of bcuring him. IjiriioviNU. Wo notice that Ira T. Clement is now engaged m enlarging his steam taw mill on Front street, and alto his power for cutting lumber. Three largo steam boilers are being put in to lucreaso the capacity of his mill. Mr. Clement lias shown gnat iuterprisu iu the lum ber busiuess In this place, and by constantly in creasing bis works ho give employment to a large number of .men. The lumber manufacto ries of Mr. Clement, now rank among the best ulong the Susquehiiiiua river; nnj ti,e mav ad vantages he lius over other mills enable him to deal on better terms than most mills outside of this place. ' ItE.il. EsTatb Sals. Ou Thursday of last week, Masscr aud Engle, real estate agents of this place, sold to L. T. Kohrbach, Esq., the large brick bou'e aud three lots or ground, situ ated on the bill, east of, aud adjoining the bor ough line, for the sum of ;!,&ui). The dwelllug was erected by Wui. Keugan, Esq., und was for merly occupied as a tesideuee by that gentleman. Tho property is very baudsomely located, und commands one of the finest views ulong the Sus quehanna. We congrutulate our worthy Pro tuonolary upon bis success iu obtaluiug so dosi rarle a property. It bus been positively asserted that our neigh bor of ihe Ihmuci at bus. turned to be a "nigger" abolitionist, and tbut one side of his face has been quite dark for a week past. Verily this is hard ou Bam bo. Fon stylish Hats, Gents' Collars, Cuffs and Cravats, go to B. Faust's 6tore; on Maiket square, aod examine bis stock. All styles are found In that Urge establishment. The spring styUs of clothing are manufactur ed by J. F. Bchaffcr, Merchant Tailor, on Third street. Hi stock U Wry Urge, and consists of the most stylish goods in market. Call und eiam Ine it. . '. The latnst contribution: , Youug man, spare that rising bustle I ' O, touch aot a single "pape That womau'a bad an awful tustle To get herself in such n'sbiipc. ' siokruMUfrr Association.-; At a special meet ing of tbo Monument Association, A. N. Hrlce, Esq., reported the following circular letter, which, on motion, was adopted and ordered to be printed t ' To tht PtopU of XorthumberUnd County j It is proposed to bnlld n monument to tho me mory of the deceased soldiers who wont from this county into the war for the suppression of the rebellion. To carry out this object we have or ganized tho Northumberland County Soldiers' Monument Association. This Association aim? to uuito the efforts and 'sympathies of all our people. and so as to make its work a popular oiler lug. Wo believe it Is not so much tba money ex pended on snch a memorial, ns the expression of popnlnr grntltndo of which It Is the exponent, which gives snch a tribute Its best significance. We appeal to tho people not to sect, party, clan, society or local Interest to all who suffer ed in their persons or families, and to thoso who feel for them to every one who has a heart to feci and lo throb rcspousive to patriotic senti ment and love of count ry to every one who ap-pi-eclated the rare consecration and the noble of fering of heroic lives. U matters not what par ty name our soldiers bore, what their creed, their calling or their social station. It Is enough that we were neighbors. nnfl now our patriot, doad that the nation's lifo Was imperiled, and that the Valor of our citizen soldiery Baved our grand fa brlcof government., You will not, therefore, ca vil about details, uor hesitate to ul I us in this great work. How best to do what lies so near our heart's desip: is What most concern ut now. Tho soldiers of Northumberland eourfty coino from all her parts from t he mine, the hnsy shop, the counting house and 1 1m Held of husbandry. With the open in ir of hostilities our heroes mulch ed to Falling Water and advanced upon tho common foe. With persistent bravery they fought at Fredericksburg, Cold Harbor, Chan-collorsvlllc,- Gettysburg, at Winchester aud in the Wilderness. On every Southern field our comrades fought and fell, and on every Held the bones of some are bleaching In honor of tho country's flag. They peered the scenic splendor 1 nf Lookout Mountain, and rlotrire.d noon Karlv's I nrmy in the valley. Their chivali io exploits at Petersburg are known, and tho stirring uni'uo rics of Appomsttox still excite the soul, while the triumphal March to the Sea- hi left to move our exulting memories. All the soldiers of our county have a placo in your hearts, and tho Me morial Granite we propose should rise for all. Our shuttered but not dishonored buttle Hags have been furled for eight years. Tho passage of time has brought and passed eight anniversa ries of tlie deaths of o'ir heroes, and while spring has been clothing their giaves with green since Peace Came to us, we have spread the ear ly (lowers upon their silent tombs In sweet lne mentoof their undying worth ; yet no monument stands forth to tell the sacredness of their mem ory or the gratitude of tlie iivi.ig. Many liavo cherished tlie hope that u suitable monument would be erected at some' fi.t'ire day, and the opportunity is now presented lor com 'bluing this purpose into one common eiu-e. We I e'.lfve that this propo-i d I'l.iuito -halt will rise In recognition of ull our soHier1, an 1 that it can be built without any in Jivid'.ial cuLtiib.ition larce enough lo be a bur.l' n. We believe you woul.l re t 1.. sat'.-tkd with tut unworthy or an mailci:c.: e cxprc.-sMn ot j.mr es timate of the ell' a l of br.tw tnon y Im-e i.e of country was stronger than tln ir love of life, nor with any Inferior inon'iiucnt to hich tlm eyes of our children shall turn for the i-ceoiiuitiou aiven to heroismlh.it shall brighten the liiMory of the Republic while man asiiiics for freedom. We inn-t not take counsel of our fears, nor shrink I from tlie effort to do what ought to be dene ill I this matter now. Those in none too p or to aid where all arc Interested i'tiolle cold enough to be Indifferent to a cause whose appeals lliil.l our i better nature. Let the motln r and the wile, the ; boy and the girl now blooming Into manhood and womanhood, and all who have received the j stern shock of the battle, these and the fiiends of these, rally to the cell we, make for aid. Let i it lie cheerful, hearty, full and free The living soldier and the memory of tlie heroic dead appeal to you for your action, for your time, your ino- ney, your sympathy, your encouragement . j Let the monument be built. Lay its I'ouu hi- ; tion deep uud stroutr. lieur its shall chaste and ! high. Let It's sample grandeur spcuk of the lie- ! roisui it shall couiuii morale, hud express the en- j dining, gratitude of patriotic hearts for nil future , time. : L"t us bury nronnd this granite column v. t.icn j wc iluaicft. fturo, ..II l.iul ,U.ilOU-lch Ulld itls- putcs, ill honor prelenir.g one another, and here, embalming the memory of our noble dead our ! dead in that they fought and died in defence of the government of the people strength in our ' fraternal feeling, and renew our fealty to tho in- i stitutions they an 1 their comrades s ued for ns I to enjoy. Wc trust the virtues which this mon- uir.enl shall fitly ce'.enrate will lie lrcu and ' grateful to those who shall people your heauti , lul hiils and peaceful valley.. i niter wa nie ; gone. '." ', ; This ii'peai i.-, made to.!! ino people of the ! county not In the interest 'd any person or ! town, or economic interests, not to ioalcr party purpose.iiorloiiiiuistertoloe.il pride. We deem the cause worthy, and wr Ic u!i llitele-t In IIS whose tianie we 1: ' 'f w hat Is siicc ss. The Assoei.it ion in -k appeuls to the pojni appropriate and lilting to be dm e and pledges itself lo act a w;-r: secure the object it was organ!;: 1 In this spirit, and with tills :r ;. tho w hole people for their un t 1 a J. J. Smith. Presi I i e i.i A- c!y :.- 't -pherc, may to '1 ..' out. we ak out. )li:'rii Puvtkii, Se en-lary. A. . I'liii r, Joiiv Kai Ci cmrst, (En. it. C.lliWll.l.AliI U, FlIHKVAN 11. M N N, L. II. K.si-, L. M. Yotir.ii, E. M. Bi rnr.i:, Sol. Ma lick, Jakkii lliWIV. II. (J. Tiia'mikiI, P. II. Moom:, 1). C. DiMisoFit, T. S. SUANSON. Executive Committee; Orr.itA IIoi sE. Tho "Old Reliable"" Theatre Company will present bhakes; .'ite's master piece, "Hamlet" Prince ol l'enuiark, this, Fri day, evening. Wc clip tho following from un exchange. Last night was cue that will long be remem bered by Ihe play-goers of this city who attend id I'nion Hall uud witnessed the performance irf tho grout- drama of Hamlet. Mr. J. (i. Sunt?, well deserves tho encomiums that have been passed upon Mm In other cities, and bis rendi tion of this great character was tiu most natu ral conception of it that we have bcrctufoie wit nessed. The storm of nppiiiii.-e thul greele.l him when t lie curtaia fell must have Int-u truly grati fying to bis cars. Daily Tribune, Juhiif town, Pa. At the Sheriff's Sale, on AVe luesday la-t, the (.iwcil printing ofllee Wai eoli to J. A. Ciku for f- 1 -r - . ' t Ol H Ucighbor of the Daily, no doubt with tho best intentions, has dubbed the seuior editor of; this paper with the tltlo "Houoiable," which he respectfully declines, lest he might bo suspected of having been a recent member of the legidla ture where "honors are easy" ud honesty Is nt a a discount. ....' l m 1.1 Tue (laullt takes exception to some remarks of tlie Chief Burgees lu lilsQuiuiuo Proclumatiou. There is always danger In the Indulgence of eicaj; ge ruled pictures ou subjects uf this character, though iutendej as a Joke, as evil designed per sons uro over ready lu put ou tliu worst lace pos. Bible, and magnify mole hills iuto uiuuuUiuo. We are informed by the Cashier o( the Augus ta Bauk that the forged notes mentioned last week,, were not -honored by that Bank as we stated, but that they were left at tbe Bank for collection. A forory at that Bank will bavo to be well executed before the officers will honor it. The officers are good business men, gentlemanly and polite, and manage the accounts of that in stitution well. Dr. Suylor the Cashier is fist gaiulug friends lu this neighborhood both as a goulleiuao and business man. (Ikntlkmen's Garments. We are frequently asked where lbs bct gnriucuts can be procured in Philadelphia by parties who get tin Lr clothing from that oity. Ts ail such we-recommend (Joo. Evans Co , No. 914, Murketstreet. They keep constantly ou hand tho best goods tn tbe .Mar ket, sud have tbe moil fushiooablc cutters em ployed, and the work Is niudo up io a more sub stantial maimer than elsewhere In Ilia city, Tbe work 1 guaranteed toplyesutisraction: Mil itary oosl Firt tauipaules' can do 'better by get Ins; their uniforms from this establishment than eUewl.crc. O, the Snore, tho beautiful Snore, filling her ohavubor from ceiling ts Sour I Over tho cover let, under tho sheet, from her beautiful mouth to her sweet little feci I Now rising aloft like a bee In warm June i now sunk tnlhc wall of acrack-d bassoon I Mow, like a flute, subsiding again, Is V the beautiful snore of my dear Polly Jane. So says our bard j but not In tho stylu of "Basslcr'a Dogs." Wit ore frequently In receipt of circulars and private letters, asking us to puff up some insti tution or railroad enterprise ns a personal favor. This Is 'cheeking;' It to a considerable extent, o the parties forftet to offer to reward Us for our time aud space for the favor of putting money In their pockets. These parties no doubt, belong to that class Who entertain tho idea that pub lishers should work for nothing, and find them selves. Our term for local advertising Is 15 cents per line for first insertion. 20 cents for two insertions, and g.'iceuts for three insertions i nnd whenever the ca"!! accompanies the notices we will then take into consideration whetherto pub IHh them or not, and wo advise such parties that Railroad Bonds, rugars, leas, coll'eo or other goods, for thu full amount of eueh notices will bo considered the saiuo as cash. Almost a Casualty. At ,the funeral of the wife of Mr. .Lit kf on Harp on Tuesday last, n singular accident occurred which ml;:ht h.ivo re sulted iu loss of life. During the usual fuucral services tho room iu which tho corpse lay was crowi'ed, and immediately after the funeral cor tege left the premises the entire cciliug accom panied by a heavy glider fell upon the basement floor w ith an alarming crash, ow ing it is suppos ed, to tho excessive weight upon tho floor disturb ing tho couoli ucliuu of the building, which is an old ouo. Fiftrkn Siiak were caught nt one' limit , at Gauirler's Lauding, nbout lo miles below the I Bliumokiii Pain, on Thursday moriiiiig lust. This was the first haul made this spring, and it is the i opinion ol tin1 I'ishoriileu that were it uot for oh- s tractions which lay iu the way of the seine, 500 could havij beeu taken. From this it is supposed that Vilieu the fishery is clear of ob.-truelioua largo uumbcrs of these delicious fish will be caught. ; Sometiiind Sr.iv. A grand opening of Milii- ncry Goods will take place at Miss Amelia Han cock on .Market street, Just below the l try Hotel. Give ber a call. She keeps on baud the most fashionable styles of Bonnets, Hats, Rib bons and Kmliroi.li i y in gre a' variety. She i al so agent for tlie W 'cd Sewing Machine, tlie best I in tins maiket. Wi; have stiilitics and hydro ties, and rheumatics ; but none represent the feelings of young sec a new bonnet or a new baby, or hear of ano ther bail or frerh party this. Is eet.itics. In cverv part of the town wo not "oe 'icw build. 1 Ings going up. TUorc are at lea't some thiily j dwelling houses in ccntsa of erection, besides I other buildings uiideigclns rejuvenation. Me-j chanies of all kinds lire k-'pt constantly busj, and ull are teceiviug libeml, w sges. J iMiKiking will kill lice en plants, but a flue comb Is the best for small boys. . . "My spring bourn t" agitates the feiuaiu miud and papa's purse hi rings, A gate binge strong enough tc support two lovers is the latest invention. So. A w oman always remembers her sex. She would prefer talking to a luuu to conversing with i it niri'.l I i.-t or Letters i ni. lining' lu the Post Olli"c iu Suiibery, April 3, 17;;. Julia C. Hoy r, sjann s 8 room, Sarah F. Brow n A. P. Hover, 'liu. Bowen. 6. C. '"ulp, Jani' s McConl.ili, Samuel Henele, llciuv Lake, D. 1!. hunker. Win. Maun, Mcitia M, r . ine A Co.. J. I A. Port 1 IV.. 1 1. 11 .... .. 1, , . ! Kothermel. L. Siaiiuai, 'l.. 1". S'.u t i, i-uiuid .v. J. T. ; Perrons f Walls, ('. L. M:iie, w. Wagonbidlc t ulling for tlie above letters please s ay thev ale uiiveitieul. J. J. SMITH P. .M. The Mav number of TinfcltFin nt.u-, a month- ,lv' '" 'l! an I the Pacific : lis lie. . i. ., . . s "ire. .-. I ..mate. Inhabitants, Natural, Cuiiosi- ly Mag .,,nc, devoted to the u.s cu.inaui.r of ... - , , , ;1.,ve;ilnrj ., litictil iutoilnatio'.l, lias tiiou received. 'I 'he cm- ! Mouniatns. and tb-j Pacific Coast. Mr. l!c..dlc tcnti are interesting -iLd usef.iVto every one w l.o j has MH-nt lliv years traveling in the new Stales desires-to be well luformd of the politi.-ai atl.iirs ' ,L':1 TfriUork-. and know nioro about tlmir re .... . i . ... , . tourcs. etc., tliaii auy iillu i writer. The l ook ot the day. Hi Vay Cf.mU-r La. the loi.owmg U illustrated with om ilK flue mgraviis of the table of eonu-u's : Scnery, C-tics, Lands, Mines, People, and ( u- Shall the lb pub.lcaii I'.uty Live. Tho Far- i l''08i,', of the Grrat West, and U the best and mers' Moviiiieni Again.t Kailwav Omuession. I selling book ever publlsbcd. Send fm- The Death of lloncml Canby The (ioverunicni'b 1 Indian policy. Japan. 'I he Fisheries. Ourlti dian Population. Tho Foi Iv-Third Comrress ! Parliaineiit iry lltforins. An Uid Euemy Under a New Name. Canadian Iudcpeiidenco and Coin J tincntal t'nity. Number of Males and Females I iu the I. nitcd Ma'es. Post Ofllee Savings Banks ! "In Debt." No Otllcer of the Army Can Hold j Civil Oihcc. Fnderick Douglass. Political Iu. formation Wanted. Living Within One's Means, j A Wora About Statesmanship. tar. Purest mul Sweetest Cod-Liver Oil is H.iz- ara iv inswcu s, made on tliu acu slime, from I fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard a Co., Newlork. It Is absolutely pure und sweetiJ l',tfl..nl U i,i ....... r...... t..L-,... . ... ..!! ' othcrs. Physicians have necldcj it supei ior to any oi tlie oilier oils m niaii.ct. lnj,'T.i,4w. if ts. Oil the -J4lll of April, lit the Reformed Parson I uge, by J;,.-t. C. 8. Gerhard, Mr. Oil-eon Bho i Ri iiirs, to M:ss Mauv A. Purr. lu Sunburv, on the lilh of April, ISAAC ! KEAHNS, In the ylU year of bis a(,e. in - t'laee on oiiuiiay lasi, ,o u i i.u a, wife of Mr. Jackson Ha.:', need U7 veais. 4 . mouths, and i days. - I On Wcdm-.diiy last, in this place, SAItAH, wile of Jackson tioHiuger, uged lii years.ll mo-., I and ?.' davs. QUI M.MUIiV Ml It KI.-IS. l'lour Mini raiu .MurUel. Estra Fiiniily $12.00 lied Wheat, p. bu., Buckwheat, p. tl., 5.0'J live, " Corn Meal, 2. .SO Corn, ' Wheat Bran, p. bu. I .W Bim U wheat " Shorts, ' a. 00. Oats, il'J lbs. Corn ifcOats Chop, H.lhi Klaxsuid, Timothy Seed, p. b. Ji.OiV l'roiluce itlnrLet. Potatoes, 1'i Hams, Eggs, per do., ikl Tallow, Butter, per lb., 1.5 Coiinti v Swp, Lard, ' 1J Dried Apple., Sides, lo " Peaches, Shoulders, J.liO SO 70 l.ou rn '.'.','5 is iu s 13 lii 14 Solo 820, per day I Agents Wanted I All classes of working people, of cither sex, young or old, make iuoiv mouey at work for us lu their spare moment, or all the time1 than at anything else. Particulars free. Address, O. BTINSON ii CO., 814-ly. Portland, Maine. Agents wanted lor ihe New Illustrated Book, WILD LIFE IN THE FAR WEST. 30 year wdlh Indians, Trappers, in Mexican wars, Ajc. Scalping Expeditioo agalust Apaehos. Full Interest and selling rapidly. The Book of the year. Address WILEY, WATERMAN & EATON, m8,'73,4w. Hartford, Ct. . Ageuls Wanted tr the . ' "HUMS OF UUU'8 PEOPLE. The grandest and molt successful new book out. Acknowledged to be the moot do'Jded sucews of the year now selling with usloulsUing rapidity. IVconlnius pearly WOO MuJni leeiit Eugravlags. Bpleu I in uppoi tiiulty for ugents to make money. I iretiiars, contuiuiu full niflicular auij teiuis, scut frei. Address DL'STIN, OILMAN v Co., uiS.'7:t,4w. Hart lord, Cvuu. GRANS SPRX1G OPEIIIfl .";;;;.; at the m -s-.'xA rs-""""ri' f . 0 laai-'Jis.? ,: . , .. ..... ... 1b 1b It III it 11 r I ta sJ ,y & r. :5,C'C0 in Sl'KJO and SUMMElt (JUUDtS nowojcn tor inspection cr," The linest hli(vk HSH;lwf, Jp, Triiiip, Stels, , JJ .w A Into .oiul Lace onK (laits in A Merchant' Tailoring, THOMAS G. StGTT, AVe liavo added ifoaeliant Tailoring to our Inisirlivss with THOMAS . NoTT as f'ut t , complete HMlisfaetion in this ad well a in every other lUpartnii'iit. 'al l.ni a. ii u -i. Wekceixtn "chlroi per uo.on, all other kinds, 00 Sunhury, Psi., Airil 5, lR":!.-",nio Agents Wauled for liii CXDKVELOPliLt WEsi", Olt, FIVE YEAliS I.N THE TEKHITCHIIES. Us; J. II. Ukauls, Western Currespoudvui uf Cincinnati Comiuei eial Tliu uc'.y I'limultto l.'utorv of that vast ree-ion specimen pages and circui.iri, with terms. Ad dress NA'I ION AL rt, Ul.lSIH N(i CO., M3.'73.4w.. .Philadelphia, Pa. 3 O , O O F O It K !! ! J J , rtniKDCIFT ONtEUT. .:: i Of the Mercantile) Liliraty Association of tlm I ., . . .' i . H'-v w' t'"Vouwi,rllt, .t; i ,-Jn sccqkIuiico wilh uu act of the Let islamic j nnd their Articles of Incorporation, the Board of " 4irt:ctors announce (heir lifst (.raiuioni Loneeit :nud ilittribution by lit UkU,OUg Uietlicket-boidersviii' . ( '",;i'WJ CA&JI, us LAINO S II ALL, Leavun oilh, on the ir.th ; liny of June, i.1T3, for the benefit of the T.ihraiv. 51.9SU CASH OIFTS. AMOl'NTIFC TO , ;T,llg omorpri,e lr; ,.ndored by 'the ffovemoi- secretary ol btate, Auditor of .State, fiij.crinten dvut of Public Instruction 'i real u jr of State, Mayor and Common Council of Leavenworth, ime all le'idlr.g business men of the Jlate, and the certainty of the dMribailoa una. payment of gift), as advertised, is fully guaranteed." . .TICJvEl 8 M EACH. for $. 0 Ut i in. Memorandum of C.u U ClUis to bo di:-lrlJutcJ Sunc '.'Mb, lS71t. 1 (tRAN'l) CASH filFT, l.UKAND CAMl (iK , 1 (ilSAND CASH UU I', 1 OKANI) CASff OiFT. tii0;lo 40,000 li.S.OO'J IHI.Oill) :;s.o;'ii '.'ii.Odd 1fi.ll:. I . 1 2.000 lu.ioo .s,Wl'J .1,(HKI li.lKUl J.SOO 1 (1HASDCASH,IKT, j , . H . , . . , . . . . I t'SfSH J.S i 1 imi.l.l, i.i.u iur i,, 1 (.HAND CASH GIFT. 1 UK AND CAt-U OIFT, ' I OliA.NU UACIl UJrT,-, ' .1 OiiANDCAf'i GIFT, . ' 1 ORANI) CASH C1FT. ' ' ItiltASiD CASH GIFT,.; 4r bsliinoo of iniacs ea.l fdiieir.iMarB.' Tbu foDvei'l u umigr.tU,o,iiH'rWoii and ill recdou of the following : : BOAKD,OMI81XTon3 : . C.'ttl'liurfc, Merebaiit. IL L. Newman, Bai:!; ct, II. D. Ilusb, Lumbir, II. V. (iillett, M.t cirnts. If.- Pruscott, imiiibn'ci'ii,' 3aines H. Kitchen, Fanner, V. O. Fmild, Cil v EiiL''r, P. O. Lowe, Capitalist, C. It. Morehend". Merchant, J. L. W'evor, M, D., 8. W. English, Lawver, C. Molior, Cash'rvier. b. B., E. V. Carr, Architect. OFFICERS 1 ' ' E. H. Durfoe, Piejidciit. 11. L. Newman, Vice Pres. Geo. F. Precott, Bee. Carl Mollcr, Tic is. The well known character of the njrieiors of the Mercantile Library Association and the en dorsement presented. Is a sullielent guarantee 10 all absent ticket-holders, that their inie.re.-u will be fully guarded and protected. All corrcspouJeucu strictly conlidential, and uny jktsoii drawing a juizo need uot be kuowu unlets they so desire. Tickets Urawiug . prizes will be cashol 011 sight. This Is the grandusl, safest and best enter prise oyer prcstule I to the public. Ollieu! liU of winning numbers will be scut to puichaaera cf tickets LuniudLitely afler the disiributiou. For information aud tickets address, ' i BAMBAKtiE d: CO., (ieuerui Aiysnts, U5 Liberty Street, Nw York. Tiikcts seut C. O. 1). M our i-ioease. Agcnls Wauled. LilJ-'lal Couimissions paid mStw A MM IIAI tl. I KIONITV l KCATCMflAI-lWS V. . 1 Every mouse caught i esets the trap for un 9 'thei ! Sample by mull jpiepald, 75 cts. For 1 ulc by the trade. K. E. DIET!. - 1 S'-'t Patentee, 154 and M) Fulton St., New York. ni8 ,'T.4w. s ' ''' We will pay nil AfiENTS 40 per werk in rush, who Will I'tigata wuh us at ouif . Every thing furnished aud uApeuses pakl.' A ldress, A. C0J.LTEU i CO.; iu8,7s.4ir. Char'.olte, Mich. i , f( .. alrcs consistiii": ot. 01' Lauio.' iJposs (.iootls in this Section, A AIMIUAUUI KA11L II AMI grout variety nnd pr'uv, from 2'i ct.. upwards, Oil Cli.tl:, Vindi.w .i'lii lull and cmuplote aseortiiKiit ol'GKlHKUI KS. Land con.-tantivjuvt IniLorted Si:wisu Maciiini: N llj.i i: - s iiost li.tid on rivi'ltit. ofo.n-.li livirn tost naiti on roctiint of c.rv-ii orieu cts. per dozen. Mile DcMorest's 1 'at wi: WAXT AN J!:T. Ill this township to canvas, fur tin- m-w, vi'ia bie aud fa' I s-'l .iug book bv !. JoJIN !.oVAX THE SCir.NCE OF A NEW LIFE. Ib'cunimcnded and i:i li,r-;- l by p-rominent iniu's tei-. physicians religion t and i-ceuiar pa ,-r- No ol!n.r book :;ku it publi.iicl. .-fo "-r gimianl.'Cd. Address, CWMAN .V Co. Eighth St., New York. no, "Til. - iTinsinriiiv -1 - - i,i MMjj' Ki,ui(i si v isi: Is the bet In the world, AjjouteJ Wanted. Send for cireuHr. Address: n.r),"T3.4w. 'DOMESTIC" fcF.WI.W, MACHINE CO., N. V. to i i'ku c:i:t. We make a speciality of Couuty, City, and Lchool Districts Hon Is, Guarantee Legality of all bonds sold, collect tho coupons withou. chare;.', or lake same as so much cash ou sales, l'J Send lor prico list. THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONDS Jut publiebed by our senior, slioulil be in Un hands of all interested in tills class if secuiities. Two volumes, price 1 10. :.'j,'7,i.4w. W. N. COLEU &CO., 1. Niiffuu-st., N. V. v r. tl j.-M-g.ecia Loutu. coining is more certain ! lay tbo foil mint ion for lutiiic evil conscjueni I WELL'S CAIlUOI.lr TABLETS lire a sum cure for all diseases of the )le;;,!ra tory otirans. Sine Throi.t, Colds. Croup, Diph- ; theiia, Asihiua. '; t ult Ii, Hoarscncs-'. Di-vb--s ' of the liiroat, Windpipe, or Broiulii.il Tubes and all DUr.ases of the L.iii. In all crises of s id-lcii (o!l. boeiir lain 11, theJii Tabi-.ts iho ild be protnify i.n I fi.-.-ls u-'.d. '1 hey c-.; i.i'i;:" the clicul. 1t11.n o!' the b , 0,1'. mitigate the severity of the uil.iel;. nn J will, in a Very fboit time, te-i,.ic iiclliiv ,u t.0.1 t,, t.ic af fected organs. Willis' Carbolic Tab!-, f are tut i-p only in blue boxes. Take no sub-til at cs. If Ke y i" i, 't be found at your di ugri-i's. send at once to the Agent In New York, who will forward thcin by re:urn mail. Bon't ho deceive I by Imitations. Bold by druggists. ' price cents a b.A , JOHN Q. KUl.l.OCr;, IS Hint: m New Yolk, lii,"i;( 4w.Sf 1; I for circular. Sole Ag.-nt lor I S. .((0,(M(t At JlllMi, , CHEAP FAT. MS ! The Cheapest Land iu Lund iu Xl.u t." by thu UNION PACIFIC UAUKO.Vi) l OM PANT, Iu Hie Great Finite Valley. S.OOAOPO ACCF.3 IN" CENTRAL Nr.BKASKA Now for sale In tracts of forty acres and up wards on Five aud Ten Years' Credit ut 0 per cent. No advance Interest requited. Mild an I Healthful Climate, ' 1 tile Soil, an ubuud.iuee of liood Water. Tlm best Market tu the West ! The great Mining regions ol Wyoming. Colorado, I tah nnd Nevada, being tupplied by tbe tanner iu the Plultt Valley. 1 SOLDIERS ENTITLED to ,1 HOMESTEAD of' ltjij ACHES. ' THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. j FI'.FE HOMES FOR ALL I Millions of Acres I of choice Government Lands open for entry uu der tho road. Homestead Lsw, near this Great Rail 11 11 good markeis uud all Cue conve- uienccs of an old sell led country. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of Descilptlve Pamphlet witu New. Maps Mailed Flee crnm here. Address, O. F. D WIS, Laud Commissioner lT. P. P.. It., aS,'TS.4'. Vinaha, Nebraska. v a .u r 11 o h 1 1: . I'uiu! 1'liiul 1'uJuI Tlie grout dbcovciy for the relief ot pain uud a suie and liuuiedlato cure for rlieuiuatisiii, chronic and acute. sprains, be. It lia a pleasant aud refreshing o lor, and will not stain or grease the most delicate fabric, which iiinke it a luxury in every famll; plco Sf cents per bottle. For sale bv all 'Vi.guisls.' KEL'BEN HOYT, Ptop'r, New York. a-VVLlw 80th Thousond In Fross. Sato lucre:' sing. 8,000 more live agents wanted for our LIVINGSTONE 38 years lu AFRICA over 600 pages, only SJ.ftO. Incomp'i te and lu feelor works are ottered, look Oct fx thei.i. read for circulars aud ee proof of the greatest suc cess of the Sin sou. Puckit Companion worth 110 mailed free. lIl'HHAFtl) BROS , M3,'7a tw. Pub's 1 :a Suusoui St., 1'Lila. ami sale it tlie STAK ?iTl'llK, ul wry low ; rli,t-s. BliMs, Spa! ' '. Ghanipbn Cuitor. r, w will .) -.v; Siinrer all kinds, and Orovnr terns for talf- W.XTI-:: Al.F. VE'tt f.-r the gr.-,i '.ou ol hygicuV liteiature, Our digi-'tion . !3j Jolly 1'ricuiiN fOfrct. Dr. DEO LKWIr- ii.'-v ori: U u :i' SlIS1:1 Sill lll'll M 1 I- nnciaaie 1 hy any Uui un i,-n til -at -, i -1 "i 1 1 tic 'Hi.! i.i. '"ii;-li! i 0-io-h Hlbstcr ,- in the p.:,, I ulir ditp: 1 all pi. ,li- ,.sii.;.,:i lo i v. it , oet toy h'' 111:1 " l!l i -i. t 'i.io'a.i Jci t. meat. v h Ihei.- n..n: vt .: : i yur Liver an-. l:n- r j ieen r i niesn relicv-.t C'.e li!oo-l le romcs jmre by de IS Stri-tlo ".'Si's, Illut .'.ce'e-f. S iv money, wi,i : and pi .. j. ,ican i n ri !-,.!i. un ,i ii, " - . ii ii , , jj . o-. l a wcik. Aent a.-c e liui;1.-.: m e a! .'ding a win ; 1 ol !"..,u u '.' !i :', !i-ci.. in.;. I, i aldr'csK at. ic. '..;''.'. !' '.(LEAN j a.1,'7'-!. ". l.-i-hor. Pi-i;.t..:j M I"' 'laelilC set'' 1 he Felon., Festal, c-, tte.. Vc tu - 1V as. ( tion is e y-,ti .1 dyjpcp.tlc Sioni nh ; promiillv aided tho svstern tnli'S. .'.I,--.-ii dcbiiil.it,. c.;l '.ciidcncv with I'ovcny of the Blond.' Drop.- jrencal wc.ikucsy e.nd in ::ia. Have von w.'.ir'ness of the intestines I Y aro tn d 111 lion of t! " 1 r of Clinviie DUnlio- i"f in'lui. I. iv llaiu 1. Organs i most arj-i ; " c.il.iu You -ire - of the I t r:n - o .iposcl lo sad.i in 'ii- 1 1 .iied for : :-. I. .ir-.w I in p:::i-. w ah hi I re, cdt. F. ,d : . b :; a-nl bad f i-tin:' l eel I lill 1 eil'.. i lor .1 o! -0 disc -.- s. -s Hti.i r rou' :. , t. i- cl t lie vl..'..-.l !-!oo ,'inil l:n vil 1! Mice' ; for budoiii rdviic ml l.'a Ir.ir il, ,.n 1 : .11 a'o-lt--,! e,et.;tUtliill .! 1: 1: i ll 1: ji .s 1. ! is proiiolliuvd l.y C.e n ..iliui, i.-.ciK..! .: . 1 :ti. s of I ond"!i 111. 'I I'. i.i, ' the n: i.-t lov.ir j f.il loni': i.icl iiltciuii-. e known to tie "i--d -.. . world. " 'i !ns is no in- an I ur.ni !disco, -1 b..t !,.i- be- 11 long 11m d by tbe !, uiir .'n .. :..:: - - - ' ions or s in di - Ciii,'.,.i. !; 1. of other eo.li:lrli.s wi ll icv.'.c. 1',,'. i.n. iui i suds. . t fir sa' D-Mi'lw 'akin and imp:: :, 1 ! e dl.-cl ,v r - , ' j bv e.itli ul!c-ajid V-hy-ics. tn.-y lie oi.l aii.i, r.it v le i 'l IuJiki s'i',11, llatao'i,! v ,md dy s::i wi.h pil 's and klndied i!:.-c;tec, i.K- ii.it 1 lo! oir th. ir ue. Kei p the I'iood imre and h-..I' iiv.i . asiiti !. JollN i;. KLLLotii), i.s p;:;t f.;., n. ) . Sole Aucnl lor tl e l nilcd St Price, SI per Bottle, ft-n.l forClrcular.a.;,";:.!-. HENRY WAl) BI.ECI1I1K S PAPER w the largest circa 'atlon iu the wori.l, gre lil. s w crr.niy tvrca',:o :t is the l est paj' J-, I IS suIism d'cr-. the most beaii'itiil proiuluirs, ai r i'lii i s l a iv. 1 .srrs tin ou st ,:!ieral Tei ins. Send for Cireulcr. J. B. FOllD A; CO., New Yoik. U.islon, Chicago, or 6a.l Francisco. iiS,'7j.4w. " "S'Ssi'lsOJ?. I'S'fV.or Noul lliuriii. ing." !!- ri'licr sex may lavli.:-". ;::. -n tbe love o: miu lion of ai:v er. ou i'iei chouc--.- la stautly. ThU -in.pli- i, acuulun. . t o:l - ! possess, rr- c, l y i''.,i!I, l-T .. Jraetl-.-r -wi: 1. .1 I b'airiaue ; r:'oM.iu (,'ra lJ. Di un-.H." ' 'l i. allies, ,,,-. o.i- ..!.;.. I .....i, YC. A ,Uct 1 hook. Addles 1'. Wu.ui': A Co., l'ui,.-.,l'l.:l. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! HfiK' ! ' V I U II T IMi V 1 . ! Agents wantcii for the giandesl book ot I r vcar, now selling with astonisbhii; rapiditv. Tills the causes of Fire i Safe; Flrc-proi.f Bnild iugsj Conqaeriiig Fiic with Wilier, Sleayi and (ins; liinir.mee is it safe I Its It. story, His'i-, Mauageiui nt, llow to Insure, Ac.j Vivid Ac counts of the Gnat Fires of History. Acnl. send for circn'.ais. Yon will not n i,r I II . Seni free. Addicss Duitln, Giiiuan A, Co., Hnitroid, f t. . ' a'7a.4.. Agent wantsd for the iu and sliirtlirg book. Tho "I A 1 T I 1 In ll.stoij, bv tbcauibor XJ ill Xlj of "God III llisioi-y" Il lustrated by Dure and Nasi, Endorsed b) Immi nent diviue.. E. B, TREAT, Pub,. DOS B'wav, J:.-5.4 ' N.l. WORKING Cl, A . M AI . K Oil ll.MA" L E j i J" week guaranteed. Res pi rtab:e c:i:p!i,ynimit M homo day or i vcn!:ig 1.0 c i-.i .1 n j'li'ied ; lull install lions nnd v..!unb e p.u l. i'.e uf (:o.'Js vei l free by 111; il. Addle, .!:h ,.x c, nt lid' 1 stamp, M. Vol Mi ,v CO., 5,';..1. 1 Cut i- .1,1 h n't., ' .