$aunfitftnrci9. MTOVK Ac TH l.Kl',VULlNig,HlilT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, TA. ATJTIltD KKAUSK, Proprietor. 'sUCJiSkOR TO 6lf ITU (1UHTHSH.J HAVING purchased the above well known r tablbdiruent, Mr. Kraase would respectful ly Inform the public tbnt be Dow has on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Kl Cook Anti-Post, Regulator or Revolving 'iop, Combination, Susquehnuua nnd others, which are so arranged no to be used for Coal or Wood, aud are warranted to perform satisf.ictorl ly or co sale. HEATERS of all klndn put tip to heat one or more rooms. 1IEAT1NO BTl'VES of different kinds ct very low price. Tinware i" Every Description ' vpt constantly ou hnnd. Roofing nnd Spouting with the best material, dono ut short notice REPAIRING iittend'ed to with dlsputch. foul Oil and Ltiuips constautly on hmid. Jupnn ware el' a x.ikU. Store opposite Cunley's hardware Hole. Ci ive me a call. A.KRAUSIl. "Il-Jl1 ! LIMltElf AMI 1I.AMX(1 WILLS. Third Street, mlinlnlnp Phlln. A Kile R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEM EXT, IS pit-pared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having ull tho latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Luiibcr, be la uow ready to till or ders of nil kluds of FLOORING, BIDING, DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, 1I1.IND8 MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, end all kinds of Ornamental PerowlWork. Turn ing of eTcry description promptly executed. Alo, . A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Alto, Shluglee, Pickets, Liithe, Ac. Ordcrt promptly tilled, nnd shipjd bv Railroad or otherwise. 1KA T. CLEMENT. deel9-e8:lj kiai iiim, tin or ai it:. FOl'MHtY. V.Y.O. KOIIRBACll & 0X6, huubtir.v, I'cmi'a, INFORM the public that they nro prepared to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, und having added n new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, nnd have supplied themselves with New Lathee, Platting nnd Boring Machines, with the latest Improvements. Willi the nld of skillful inichnnice, they ure enabled to execute all order of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, iu a satisfactory inau ner. Unite to no.it any Stove. II10N COLUMNS, for chinches or other build Ings. of all sir.es. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing; FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT KESIDENCKS, 4',., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their eu lcrlority, have been still further improved, mid will uhvavs be kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Bunbury, Mny 20, 1S71. it 1 i v oTt StImI e! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court Houte, SUN BURY, PA., F.espetfn'ly invites the attention of Retailers end others, that he has ou hand, and will coa ct.'iiitiv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Braudiet: Cogniac, Cherry, Ginger. Roclielle and Otnrd. Wliiskies: Pure live Copper-nistllled, Mo"u pahela, Apple nnd Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN! Wine;: Chnmpaga. Wine, Chcrrv, Port and Claret. ' ! Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. K. Rum, -L !M inlulMratlou having been granted to the nn Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. j dcrsigned, on thu estate of Sainntd Tbaieln-r, bite STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, of Point to nsh'.p, Northumberiunl county. Pa., And all others Liquors which can be found in ; deceased. All persons Indented to said cetace the city market", w hich will be sol I nt Whole- ! are requested to make iininedii.'le a; uin.t, i;n, sale und Retail. Every article guaranteed as i tlave having claims to present them for sett It represented. Also, a large lot of "DEMIJOHNS i ment. WILLIAM REED, Adm'r. and BOTTLES, alwavs on hand. Point township, March Ui, li7-. Ct. 1.4 orders promptly atteudedto, and MiUic i patronage respectluily solicitej r. NEFF. I Suabury, July D, lSi'-.h ly. Kl -VBl 21Y MARBLE YARD, Court li Street tilow .HurKet, a U N 15 U R Y, P E N N ' A. rpiIE niiderslgucd has rel'irued from the Tcr .L mont Marble Cuurries with 50 Tern of Marliie for .'toil tiuicuiw, Gravc-Ktcucs, He has boflgbt at such figures that will allow l.lin to seil better none, for less money, lluiu heretofore. The beet Sutherland Falls Martlo, which Is better thau Italian. Rutland Is now sold ns low us the Manchester. Those who need anything iu the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purpose;, will Din) it to their Interest to call and examine tills largo stock, us Letter barguius cau be secur ed than buying from parties 'hucksteriue;' roauJ the country. All lettering will be done la Ike Bmitctt auJ inotl Improved style. W. M. DAUGHERTY. Sanbury, Jan. 11, 1S73. BOOK AGENTS rou Tin: FUNNY SIDE PHYSIO. 00 I'HS'M, 250 EiigriMiiigj. A startling expose of Medical Humbugs of the j ust and present. It ventilates Ojiuck, Impos lois, Travelling Doctors, Patent Mcdieitm Ven ders. Noted Female Cheats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting aceounts of Not ed Pbjsiciiu.s, und Narratives of their lives. It icvcnis startling secrets, and iustructs nil how to nvo!;l the ills w hich flesh is heir to. ogive ex clusive territory nnd liberal commissions. For circulars nud terms nddiess tb luibllshers. 3. B. BURR A HYDE, Hartford, Conueetlcut, or Chicago, Illinois. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE CueltiiizeU It iters oi'Mcii Iu all Couiiti ies or thu World, Peing a comjirchcuslte account of their manners and customs, aud of their physical, social, lueutul, inorul nnd religion characteristics. Jly Utv.J. a. n oon, jr. A., . L. s. 500 EiigriM lugs. 1500 Nuper Roy al Oettsvo 1'aeH. In two Volnuies, or two olumes in oue. Agents are making over MOO per week iu fill ing this work. An early applcutiou i;l secure choice of territory. 1'ur terms nl Inn tpnb-l!tL.-rs, J. B. RUHR ti HYDE, TTnstford, Conn , or Chicago, Id. Marck 2'.', Ib73 -0t. Tailoring ! '&..or!nft!! CHARLES IIAIHL, 1 RESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens that V ho has j Hit reeehed bis Npriug uuil Nuiuiuer Coodn, u' his TAILOR SHOP, ouFouiiii oiivel, belu Maiket, In the Mullen building, and tbat be is prepared to make up all kinds of GENTS' AND HOY'S SI ITS, la the latest styles. Having had much exper ience In the buoiutcs he dctir.es tbe public to give him a trail. Clothing will be made np la the latest Phi Is nml American rathious lu the mott satisfactory manner. . CUARLE8 MAI1IL b Z i CjOft per day I Agent. Wanted ! All Q(J ID 0v classes of working people, of either sex, young or old, make more uiouey nt work for us tu inelr spurs moments, or nil ins nine than nt uuylblug else, ranieuiars ire. Address, C. 6TIVBON dt CO., fU-K. Portland, Maine m wmvm I KIM I IIIIMIWIIIIII I I mi CT! W. D. ftl CLICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Ittarltet Sqnare, BI XIU RY, 'I. Keeps constantly on band ft full stocX of well DRUGS &'CH3 10ALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COJIHfl, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY. FATKNT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VARMNII, DYISTll'IS, In fact everything usnnHy kept In a well con ducted JDTITJQ- STOF.E. Particular attention paid to cotnpotmillug Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts by the, Froprintor himself. Bunbury, Pa., June $, 1872. LADIES' FAXCY UOOUS FALL STYLES AT Miss Ivate I31ack, Iffnrkct SquareSimbury, Pa., BLACK DRESS SILKS, Plaid and Plain Poplins, Worsted end Embrol eries, Worsterd Sacks and Shawls for Ladies and Children. All kinds of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. A general assortment of White Goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Ac. A general variety of Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose for Indies nud gen tlemen. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody Is invited to call and see them nnd buj'theup. TEALEH IX American nud Kuropenu HATCISEW. FINE JEWELRY nml SILVERWARE. PerfoctccS KirctucH nnd I'jo GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly npalied and war ranted. Market Square, SUNDURY, Pa. Feb. 8. lS18.-tf. For Kale. A VALUABLE FARM 'HOUSE AND TWO FRESH MILCH COWS are. offered at private sale, on reasonable terms. For particu lars call on the subscriber, ia Upper Augusta township, on tho farm known as the James Campbell Farm. fea3-4t 1!. F. RARNHART. r ANTED. YV Wo will rive Men and Women BUSINESS THAT WILL FAY I from H to 3 j sr day. can be pursued Iu your ovn netk'hhorhec.l j it !s a rare chance fiir those cm of employment or having leisure time s girls and boys frequently do as well ns men. Parti cular free. Ad.lrers J. LATHAM it Co., W-i Washington it., Kci.-lon, Mass. Mat. C'J.-Ct. Ktie F Samuel Thutvhcr, tlt-c'd. -VTOTICE is lieribv given Hint Letters of Ad- SE.V TBACC AXD KEUABt. ASH in: us ii htui:l j ' S'ju'.h c'.Jv of MaiUct itrcit between?.! uuj 4th ! SUSIiUI'.Y, PA. j ! Just tpt-ued, nn entire new ttock of ail kiuds of I TOBACCO AND SEGARS. ! Segars cf every grade. Tobacco ol'ceerv varle'v. i Pipes, both plain and fuiuy. j LiPUSIIES ! ERUSrtES! ! BRUSHES I ! ! ! A large assortment of Brushes direct fioin the ' manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His j line of brushes Hie a specialty nud many new kinds never before introduced Into this maiket. Also, Paper Collars and Culls Iu great vuricty. A inrge ascoiltucul of all the popular Songs j of the d iv. I I . . .t i : i - i . ti t , i v,U;l wiiu wx.ii.i.m; civ mm :ti it mm ut prhiF. ' HE SKY PLTEUY. Novuiober ?, lr1.'. ly 1307. RlGHTElid: GASKI H7lZ07. im.VLERS.IX American an! Frencli WMcw Glass, Crystal Sheet, Rouh Piste, Colored, Fn".iaeld aui Ori.auici.tai G!:i-, 1307 Market Btrcct, l'LCutlo pLia. Jaiiunry 11, 1S73 ly. B ATC H E LO R D R O 3 ' TRADE marv: PUHCH ClGftRS. HOW llclter Ihnu nuj ever ltiutle by tbeiu. Sec that the t exts are Lrauded Pl-Cri.IAR B. R. I'l -NCII. Wholesale Depot S30 NORTH THIRD STREET, Branch 23 North 2d St., Brunch SSiCbestuut St., (Opposite '"CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. Mirch 1, r:,73. ihno;. HUTCIIERY I HUTCHEltY ! Messrs. It EE EE IV fc IlttWER, Third Stiet, oprnsite Central ILtel, SUN BURY, PA., KEEP constantly on l aud the very choicest of fresh HE EE, SUTTON AND VEIL, which Is sold at the lowest prices. Meat cau be hud ut all boms during the day. Ftmliury, l a , Junu tt, istj. REACT Y AT TIIE El REM IDE. Unabated success of CRUMBS OF COMFORT. Elegant! Gor.-eous I Brilliant I Crumbs) of Coin tori, Hie greatest suc cess of the uge, Crumlis of Comfort, the pride of the kitchen nud parlor. Thousands of ladies attest its worth, and uubesitatingiy pronounce it thetjueenot Lustre. I be press universuiiy praise it nud proclaim it woman's every day friend. Economical, Lasting, Unapproachable. Price 1 cents. Ludies wl I Hod Crumb of Comfort for sale by ull tlrst-cluss grocers, hard ware dealers, country store keeper,ifce.,thnugb. out the Culled Stales aud Cuunrias. 11. A.Baht I I1T & Co., Manufacturers liarll.ll's Blacking, Pearl Blue, So., Ac, 113, 115, 117 No. Front tt., Philadelphia, 144 Chambers St., New York, 43 Bioad St., Boston. all '73.1 I I dlclu Sbbcrfbcmcnta lfr V' Q I l'om Cl.-Right samples mall O -L ed frci for 25 rt a. that sell at sight li.r four dolluis. to any person In SMilmrv, lm will act ns ngent. R VNDALL A CU., a5,'73.4w. 7G7 llmndwny, N. Y. WORKING CLASsTMALE OR FEMALE, f fit) n week guaraiit-ed. liespect ibie employment nt homo day or evening no capital required; full instruction and valuable package of good sent free by mall. Address, with si cent return stamp, M. YOUNG CO., n!,'7.4w. 173 Greenwich St., N. Y. "A" WATCH ritr.K worth t-'O. giVen grntii to every live man who will act as our agent. Bu siness light and honorable. tlKKl.OO madn In 5 days. Saleable as Hour. Everybody buvs It. Can't do without It. Mtintlmvc it. No Gift 'Entertain ment, no Htiinbu-;. KENNEDY CO., uV?:t,4w. I'ittslmrg, Ta. " l'rivnte Ads Ice to Voung Mcn hy on eminent Chrislian Physician. Sent free to any address by tne Corresponding Secretary of thu Young Men's Cluift'.nn Assoeiatlnn, Ger mantown, Peuna. u5,'7:i.4w. 1000 Agents wanted for our Imaieii'cly popular Mans and CIimHb. Our larirc Map of the "I'tiltid Mutts," with u b.-nu- tiful birgo "World" Map on reverse side, sells splendidly. Each Map 40xf.8 inches. "I t i f V Agents wanted for our new Charts, Jl ) kJJ "Holy Vliirln and C'llld" & 'Christ l;ietsing Little Children." TlfV will find n place In every Christian home. 1IAASIS& LTRRF.CIIT Empire Map nnd Chart Establishment, ld7 Lib erty St., New York. u5,'73.4w. USE the Ileisenser Sash Lock nnd Support to FA ST E X VOIR UIMtOUSl o srring to break, no cutting of sash ; cheap, dnrnble, very easily applied t holds sash nt any place desired, and a sell-l'atener when sush is down. Send stamg for circular. Circilar and six copper-bm zed locks sent to any nddrens, post paid, on receipt of .It) cents. I.lhrral buiucer.ients li the trade. Agents wanted- Addrcs-, REI SlNtil'.R CO., No. 418 Market St., Har.l-bnrg. I Pa. Send money by por-t-ofllec order or regis tered letter. nA,'73.4w. j KEWI.XG .tSAt iiim: J Is the best In the word. Agetited Wanted. Pei-.d I ' I'm circular. Ablr"ss: Hft,'7;t.4w. I I "DOMEMIC" SEWiNG MACHINE Cl., N. Y. : ; "WAVrtl AtiEXTM for the erca't sena- ; i lion of hygienic liter .tare, Our digestion , or, I Sly Jo!l E'ricutl'M Sorrct. I Dr. DEO LEWIS' new work is an ltmtio ise ruecess. Saves money, wmiy ' p:'. Iteiillb. and shows how to live e . , on tl u week. Ag-uts are e.. . . doing u world of oi.l With it. 1'- .l-, t .i ! address at once. liKU. MA; I.KAS ii.V7S.4w. "ub ish i, i'l badeiplii i. , X tf' E tl j 1 Neglect A Cough. Nothing is more certain to i lay the fouudatioii fur future evil consequcnens. j I WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS . j j arc a sure cure for all diseases of the Rc-pira- ; tury li!'aus, Sore Throat, Colds, Croup, Diph j tberia, Asthma, Catarrh, Hourseness, Drysess I ; of the throat, Windpipe, or llrouehial Tubes, i and all Diseases of the Lungs. j In nil eases of sudden cold, however taken, ! these Tablets should bi! promptly and freely ! ured. They equalize the circulation of the b;ood. i 1 mitigate the severity of the attack, nud will, iu a ! very short time, usloie healthy action to the uf , fee ted organs. J Willis' Carbolic Tablets are put up only In I bine boxes. Take no substitutes. If they can't j be found at your druggist's, scud nt once to the Agent iu New Yol k, w ho w ill forward them by i return mail Bon'l be deceived by Imitations. Sold by drtiggi-ts. Priced') cents a hot. JOHN O.. KELLOCG, IS lllatt tt New Yolk. io,"i:l.4w.fccnd for circular. Sole Agent for U.S -uvtVf; vv.ri i v.o VO'ri Bi ' ; E p. s pi IU, The spiciest best SL-lllng boil; ever published. dal. Senatorial liriberies, i oni'ressini n, Ulngs Lobbies, and the wonderful Sights ol the Nation nl Capital. Jt sells quick, bend f ir clrculuis, and see our terms and u full description of the Work. Address, National Publishing Co., Phi. a- ' ileipliia. Pa. a5,'7 f.4w. ! The Immense sale, l'i,t!l in one mou! h our MAIM.VKIM; b vears In AFRICA Is having proves it ut'ove nil others the Imol; the masses want. It goes like wiidtlre. Over t-OJ pages, nly f 2.50. More Agents Wanted. NOTICE. lie nut deceived by misrepri sentu- ' Hons inaue to p ,lin oil high priced inferior worl.s but send fur cir'-ui.irs inulfi proof nfstatcmciiis nnd great success of statements mi l great sue : ce-s oi'iHir agents. PocUet coniinie.u, Vorth I f 10, mailed free. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers '-,! Sat. mm St., Pliila. no.'Tiilw. i Wiite for Large Illustrated Price List. AddrtES, GSTI VBTERJI Slr"ITH FIELD SI PITTS3U3GH PA. Breech-loading Miot Guns, CIO to i 1100. Dou ble Shot Guns, f S to tl&il. fcingle Guns, ti to t-'ll. Hides, 48 to $ ',:. Revolvers. ?G to E2.r. Pis fils.il to $3. Gun Maleiiai, fishing Tackle. Large diSiount to dealers orC'iubs. ArmyGuns Kevulvtrs, ic, bought or trailed for. Goods tent, by express C. O. D. to be exam. nud before paid for. uS,'73.4w. 7 TO 1 IER t'EST. M'c mnke a speciality of Couuty, City, nud Lehoiil Districts Bonds, Guarantee Legality of 1 nil bonds sold, collect the coupons without charge, or take same us so much cash on sales. J V'" Send for price list. THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONDS Ju-t publichcd by our senior should be In the , ii .n Is il ail iutrrested iu this c ss of securities. Two o nines, price $10. u5.'73.4w. : W. N. COLER A CO., 17 Nussaii-st., N. Y. S30O IN I'KEJIll .'IN. two new potatoes. " b;.ivs select garden seeds. KXTRV EARLY VERMONT. T-i. Duvs i Her 111 i:.. i. .s Pi no I ol L I". mi is Ly ! ; ; .1'. CO M i il. Vc 1 R l; Acre. A ' a- lei i i..i . . e. E 1 I quantity. , ei pound, by .1..1I1. p.isl p.,i i s.il0w'Hl bi aw..i'le. hi. J reliii .iiis to those who 1'iojnce the iaJi;cst qn tt.iiiy lioiu one ' pound. Descriptive Circulars o! .be kbove, with list of WD varieties ol i'.a. iti.es fieet'iall. l.lusiruled Seel Catalogue, SJ00 pages with i Colored Chroino, cents. j A new Tomato, the ''Arlington." Early, , solid and productive. Price, Sac. per packet. I Five packets lor tl. B. K. BLlsS i SONS, I , id.tw. Jol aili Place. New Virk. : t-H'J.000,000 ACHES, CHEAP FARMS ! The Cheapest Lund in Land Iu Market, for lulu by the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Iu the Great Platte Valley. S,000.t!tJ0 A CUES IN CEV1RAL NEBRASKA Now for sale In tracts of forty acres and up wards on Five nud Teu Yeer. Credit at ti per Cent. No advunce Liteiesl rcquiied. Mild and Healthful Climate, :'t fi-dl, nn abundance of Good Water. The best Mark-t in the West ! Tho great Mining regions ol Wyoming, Colomdo, Utah and Nevada, ticing lupplkd by tbe tanners iu the Plallt Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED to a HOMESTEAD of lu'J ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. FREE HOMES FOR ALL! Millions of Acres of choice Government Laud, opeu for eutry un der tbe Homestead Law, near this l.ieal Kall ruad, with good markets uud ail the conve niences of uii old Settled country. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of Descriptive Pamphlet with New Mapi Mailed Free everywhere. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Laud Commissioner U. P. It. R., S,'73.4w. Omuhn, Nebruku. WE WANT AN AGENT. In this township ta-runvuss lor the new, valua ble und fa-l selling book tiv I). J'MIN COWAN, 'I HE SCIENCE O A NEW I 'FE. Recommended aud endorsed by proiiiiucut minis ters, pbvslcians, religious and ceeular papers, No other book like it puhll-hed. ttl) per week giiaiaulccd. Address, COWMAN dt CO., lJtl Eighth St-, Ne York. 5,'T8.w. 1 VAttc' $vr trc&Z ito xlibcdismcttis. tliflIttldlHJ1il Is uiii.qiiaic'1 ly way kii'jwa re iirdy. Jt will era dicate, extirpate and thoroughly destroy ull poi sonous substances In the Blood nnd will effectu ally dispel alt predisposition to bilious derange ment. Is there want of nrllon In your Liver and Spleen? Unless relieved the blood becomes Im pure by delerious secretions, producing scrofu lous or skin discpses, Blotches, Felons, reslules. Canker, Pimples, Ac., !fcc. Have yon a dyspeptic Stomach ? Unless diges tion Is promptly aided the system Is ihbllituted with poverty of tbe Blood, Dropsieul tendency, freneral weaknesy nnd Uierlia. Have you weakness of the Intcstiucs? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or inflamma tion of the bowels. Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinnry Otgansl You nru exposed to suffering In Us most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish r de pressed Iu spirits, with head ace. backache, coat ed tongue nnd bud tasting mouth t For certain remedy for all of these diseases, weaknesses Rnd troubles ; for cleansing nud pu rifying the viutcd blond nnd Imparting vigor to nil tlu vital forces ; for building up and restor ing rhe weakened couFtltullon USE JUIIUIIEIIA which Is pronounced by the leading medical au thorities of London and Pai is "tho most power ful loulc and n'.terativc known to the medical world." This is do new nnd untried discovery but bus hecn long used by the leading pb slciuus of other countries with wonderful remedial re sults. Don't weaken nnd Impair tbe. digestive organs by cath utics and physics, they Klve only tern no tary teller Indigestion, flatulency and dyspep sia with piles und kindred diseases cm sure to follow their use. Ke.-o the biooi puie and heaithv It assure.). JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Pljtt St., N. Y. Sole Agent for the Unite.: States. Price, )I per Bottle. Send for Circular. u5,;7S4w "1 iVsATfPLESTenf biTinilffor" Slethat re .1 J tail q iisk for 81-). R. L. WOLCUTT, :,Ak, 1SI Cliatb.im-sqriar". N. Y. ANTED IMMI.DIA l : LY. o.'.OOtl ud- lre-es, to whleh speciiueu copies of ti i.nit w 1 i he r- nt "'' P n.j V. S.'. th, fiee. Agents tl Liberty i 6,'l.!.4w. ft HI.t5;itS n-t., led C italogil In; I ! on b-ii!-lin a5,'7!t 4w. of new- ttook A. J BR 'KNELL A CO. i7 Warren-st., New York. AfJEXTK I A IS A ICE (UASdi ! I We will pay ail ngnts tiO per week In cash, who will curare with us at once. Everything fnnilslied and expenses pal l. Address, a5.'Til4w. A. ClH'LTER fe CO., Cbarlotts, Me. HENRY WARD BEECH ER'S PAPER with the Inrge.t circulation in the world, grows wonderfully because It is the best paper, gives tuhssiibcrs thu most beautiful premiums, and otl'. rs Canvassers the most Liberal Terms. Send fur Circular. J. B. FORD A CO., New York. Boston, Ch'eago, or siau Francisco. w5,'7o.4w. EIRE FIRE ! I FIRE ! ! I I' I ti II T I S ti V I ti E I Agents wanted for tho grandest book of the vear. now selling with astonishing raniditv. Ti lls the causes of Fire j Safe ; Firo proof Build ings; Conquering Fire with V. utr, Slenin and Gas; Insuiaucc Isitsitfe? Its Historv. Basis. Mnuugciiif ut. How to Insure, e.; Vivid Ac counts of the OifAt Fires of History. Agents send for circulars. Yon will ut legiel It. Pent free. Address Dustln, Giiainn ei Co., Hartford. Ct. y7Mw. i 1 O A I A Y . E.isiiy made by an Agency of Oris Own Fam ily Doctor.'' Rest medical work exiant. i Evervhv.lv buvs tl nt sees it. Unusual Induce ments to Agents. Send for circulars and teims to IIUUST ,V CO.. 710 RroRdw.iv. N. Y. I An easy and Hire war to make rnoncv. ari,'78.4w n i it i i C A Jt ! II O I'uin! I'aiu! Ilu! The great discovery for the relief of pain nnd a sine and Immediate : cure for rheumatism, chronic nnd acute, sprains. xc. 11 n i-i a p easant ami reircsiitng o lor, ana will noi etnln or grease the most delicate fabric, which makes It a luxury In every family. Price -.ri cents per bottle. For sale bv all drurglsts. REUBEN HOYT, Prop'r, New York. a5,'7H.4w II's PER CENT iOI.n INTEREST. FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND. GOLD BONDS. Secure.) by mortgage on (1,000 acres of very vuluiitile Coal nnd Iron l.aui'.s. Principal and Interest payable In GOLD COIN. For sale at prices that will pay over ll'.j per cent. In Gold. Equal to IS per cent. In currency. CUlCr Ml'KICII'AL HONOR -ALWAYS OS SAID. Call or send for Paniphelta, w ith inapt and full particulars, that will sitlsfv the most cautious Invn-tors. THOS. P. ELL13 A CO., Bankers. 14 Pine St, N. Y. City. a.r.,'73.4w, THE MOHSIO.M WIFE. Agents wanted for the fearless book. It com-pri-es the Adventures and Experience of n woman written by herself for years tiie wife of a Mormon Prophet disclosing nil that is mysteri ous, wIcKed und startling. Fnll of thrilling Ad venture, uumorous and pathetic scenes the most fnclnatlng book extant. Portrait of tbe Authoress, nnd of ieadlng Mormons, men nnd women, Life nnd Scenes In Utah, etc. For cir culars address Hartford Publishing Co., Hart ford. Ct. n.V7;t.4w. kOf arren ianp nrstnixita y yminsi.mi Dunlin E:euted Oven, Warming Closet, Broil lu'r Poor, trader Guard, Pumping and Shsking tirate, Pi.e-t Draft. FULLER, WARREN A CO., .'16 Water Street, New Yolk. Ihiitw. CCRIOS1TY 1 Every mouse caught sets the tr.p for an- . it 1 ! Siv tent by ex ess lor ti. Sample y mall prepaid, 75 is. 1 or sale hy the R. E. DIKTZ ti Fu'ituu St., New York. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAKE. Geo. Evans & Co., 9H Maiket treU, Philadelphia, TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Military, Bund A Fire Organizations promptly uulforrr.ed. Samples of Clcth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading hoise on Military work, we feel that He oau offer lnducemeuts which oan- uot be attained anywhere else. Aug. S4, li3. YV. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decorating and Pujer Hanglcg done In the latest Improved style. Older, solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Resideueo In Purdvlnwo, Fmeilck's bufidlug. Bunbury, May U, Dffii.-tf. 1 1 i - - - -- - J A W U ANICtl, 11 r" cstcmeH1-"6 3t iSi u M0US , r'" J II .-. I- i' tt. i,t.-,-, At and wiMiAitT-) vmr. rnr.r. tar CORDIAL. NA TVRE-B QUE A T 11 EMED Y rou TUB TI1ROAT AND LUNGS. II Is grullfjlng to ns to Inform the public that Dr. L. Q. 0. Wlshart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, fer Throat nnd Lung Diseases, has gained tin en viable reputation from the Atlantic to the Paci fic coast, and from thence to some of the first families of Europe, not through the press nloue, but by persons throughout the States actually benefitted nnd cured t bis office. White he pub lishes less, so soy our reporters, lie is unable to supply tbe demand. It gains and holds Its repu tation First. Not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the un healthy matter collected about the throat nnd broucbiul tudes. which causes Irritation. Second. It removes tho oause of Irritation (which produces cough) of the in actions mem brane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to act and throw off tbe unhealthy Mentions, aud purities tbe blood. Third. It Is free from squills, lobelia, Ipecns and opium, of whirh most throat nud lung re medies are composed, which allay congli only, and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts ou the liver nnd kid ncys, and lymphatic ami nervous regions, thus reaching tn every part of the system, nnd In Us Invlgorullug and purif dug effects It has gained a reputat'on which It must hold iilniveall others In the market. NOTICE. THE PINE THEE TAR CORDIAL, ;ri".it Ainoricmi Djpoiela l';l!s iroK.v si'GAii miops litj'f'iri'li' 11; v im j.cd'. ite lirccliou, they shall unloose iheir carntive ij'in.ities ty the use of cheap aud Impure articles. II E X It V It. V I ti II A R T , Piiormsroit. FREE OF CHARGE. Pr, L. Q. C. Wishart's Ofiiec Parlors are open ou Mondays, Tuesdays nud Wednesdays from 0 A. M., to b P. M., for eou-ultatlon by Pr. Win. T. Magee. With him are associated two con sulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This opportunity is uot offered by any Institution la the city. All letter umnt be ttildremcd to I.. l. C. WISiUAKT, M. IK. NO. W, N. SECOXD ST., PHILADELPHIA. t November 111, 1872. mos. CENTER OF ATTRACTION Evervbodv Is invited to come nnd buy of the haudsome nssorlmtul of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt 8AMTJEL 5". NEVIN'S STORE, in frame bnlldinsr, ndjoining Moore ,t Dissir.ger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened n liesh siipj ly of Coufoctioucriis of every description. TOYS OF A I.I. 14 IN IIS constants on bund. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & PRICES, frer.h Bread, Buns A Cakes, every inornlnr;. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, c. OYSTERS I OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated witn the Dssl oivaives 111 market, at all hours during the day nud evening. Families wiii be supplied ut their residence w ith the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as Is desliable, nt tbe very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of goods and atcertuin tbe pi ices. S. F NEVIN. Dec. 10, 1671. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House MfflaiL Silmry, Fa. C. M. MARTIN & CO. WE are new opeu'mg au entirely ucw stock of DltUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared tn supply nny article In our line that tnav be called for, we have also a full stock of all the leading Patent Medicines. Tiue Perfu mery and Toilet Articles a sociality, a full as sortment of Hair, Toolb, Nail, bhoe and other Brushes, Dressing aud other Combs lu great variety. FI X i: TOI LET SOX VH, a full Hue CooWinji Extracts, French Mustard, Choice fpiivs, Pir whole or urouud, Castile aud l.auu.lry feoapt, Lamp Chimneys and Lamp Oonds t.ncrally. Dird beed In laife or small quantities, CARl'ENTElt'S CHALK, fill stock Fluid nnd Solid Extracts, Elixers and Pills of V. 8' P.', Sujiai- Coated, lrenj:thenlnp, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's and other Plasters, Ayer's, Wright's, bchenk's Mandrake, Ii Lane's l.lvtr and other Pills, our stock emliraces every thini; found In a well conducted Drui; Store. Country Physicians will tiud our stock full and complete, aud we guarantee to sell nslnwas the same aiticles can be bought lu Philadelphia, choice Wines, Whiskey and liraudy fur Mejiilu al purpose.. October 5, 187i. Mttubootlt How Lot)!, How Beator. Cat ! Just published, a new ediiinn of Dr. CULVERWELL'8 CEI.EURATED Eb! AT on the radical cure (withont mediclue) ol BPERMATORRHOZA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuutary Semluul Losses, 1M POTENCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. 1 also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, luduccd by telf-luduljjeuee or sexual extravagance. l-if Price, In a sealed enveloie, only S cents. Tbe celebrated author, In this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, tbat tbe alarmloir conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dyi (:crous use of Internal mediclue or the application of tbe kulfo t pointing out a mode of cure at one simple, certain, and effec tual, by means of which every sutlerer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radlealls. t-sy This Lot ure should be in th hands of every youth and evory man In the land. Beut, under seal, lu a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of sis eeuts, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell' Marring Guide," price 50 cent. Address th Publishers, CHAS. J. O. KLINE ds CO., r. O. Box, i.rsSd. 11 Bowery, New Toik. April ar, rvn. of tiring r roantstln Ifasal hrjector, 0B DOUCHE. This rmtnmioTit tt especlsUr design td for the per fsct application of DR. SACK'S CATARRH REMEDY. Ills the only form of Instrument yet tnventsd with Whicli fluid medicine esn be csrrled AioA us and ptrftcily applUd to sll parts of the affected nasal nes ssures, and trie chambers or cavities communicating tuerewltlt, tn which sores and Dicers freqaenthrextrt, ad from which the catarrhal ditehsrfre generally pro coeds. Tue want of success In tree ting Catarrh here tofore has arisen largely from the Impossibility ot applriug remedies to these csvittes and ebsBibere by tiny of the ordinary mothods. This obstacle In tne way of effsettnr cares Is entirely overcome by tbe iuvsnuon of the Douche. In nslni tbit Instramtnt, the Fluid Is carried tw its own ureight) no nwilfno. tore lnj or pumping bslnf rsoulred.) up on nostril In roll IreiiUy flowing stream to the highest portion of tbe sissa! passages, passes Into and thoroughly denotes) kit the tubes and cbsiabets eoanected therewith, snd Mows out ol the opposite nostril, ltsntels plessantsnd no Dimple thst a child can understand It. rail and explicit direction accompany each Instrument. When nsed with this instrument, Dr. Sam's Catarrh Remedy enres recent attacks of .'Cold In the Head "bra few applications. Myruptom of Uatarrb. Frequent hesd ache, diseharfre t&llirur Into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, Ac In others dryness, dry. watery, weak or Inflamed eves, stopping np or obstruction of nasal pssssKes, ringing in ears, deafness, hawking and coaching to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs Tram ulcers, voice altered, nasal twtng, offensive brcnth, Impaired ot total deprivation of sense of smell and taste, diszl neiw, mental depression, loss of appetite, indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, Ac. Only fair of these symptom are likely to be present ia our caso at one tl me. Br. sasre' Catarrh Remedy, whsa used with Or.Pleres'sNasal Ionche,and accom panied with th eoostlintional treatment which In recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Remedy, is perfect specific (or this loath some disease, ftnit the proprietor offltrs. In good faith, 9500 reward fur a case be can not enre. 'JIm Remedy ie mild and pleasant to use, cental 3 trig no strong or canstle drags or poisons. Th Catarrh Reme.ty Is sold at 60 cents. Do ache at 80 cents, by all lriifr;lta, or either will be mailed by pre- viirwr v. ruwiui c.i do cents. it. v. riEBCE,n. Bole Proprietor. BUFFALO. 'At Y. Mov 4, 1S12- NEW DrSCOVERY la Cbemlostl and Kcdical Science. ipt.csarvivs tar nr-irnirs Cure Iucfpicnt Ccsi"Hijjtton. r. GAKVIX'S 1AB REMEDIES Cur Catarrh. r. GA1CVLVS TAB t5E?3T:IES Cure Asthnaa. Ir. OAIinX'3 TaR KE7IEHIX3 Cure Heart Discaso. Dr. OARVIVS TAR nr.TZrjHVA Cure Skin Disrnsrs. Dr. GARYI.VS TAK RECTSIES KorCato da Liver. D.-. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES luUto t'ueStOJliac h and DotvrU Dr.OAHVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Curo ell Female Wcalinv'e. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Turlfy the Elood. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Die:nei cf the Throat. Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES Cur ni'Oiichitts. Dr. GARVI.S TAR REMEDIES Curo' RosiC CoIJ.-or' ISayFever" Dr. GARVIVS TAR RUMEDIES Cure Lang Disease. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Constipation. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Cure Salt Rheum. Dv. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Curo Kidney Diseases. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Trcvcnt Choi era & Velio w Fever Dr. GARl'IVS TAR REMEDIES Trcvcnt Malarious Fevers. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES HctuoTO Prti:i in the Breait. Dr. GAKVIX'S TAR REMEDIES Kcmove Ialu in the Side or llack. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr.GAKVI.VS TAR REMEDIES Rettore the Appetite. Dr. GARVIVS TAK REMEDIES Causa the Food to DiRect. Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Keetore tho Weak and Debilitated Dr. GARVIVS TAR REMEDIES Civ Tone to Your Sy stem. L. F. HYES & CO., EOLB FBOFBIBTOB 19S Seventh Ave., Xew York December til, lMii. ly GET THE BEST. Webbter'st l uabridged Dirt leoisry. 10,000 Word) and Shaningt noi in vtfur Diction arias. 8000 Engravings ; 1810 Paget Quarto. Price (13. Whenever 1 wish to obtain stack dsauitions, I consult It. Schuyler Colfax.) IT' very Scholar knows Its value. U I W. H. Prescot the Historian. Been one of my dally companions. John L. Motlev, tbe Historian, Ac So far as I know, best dehuine Dictionary. lloiace Mann. rithe best guide of students of our Language. J. JebnO. Wlilttler. ITACels 11 others In denning scient'tlc terms. U (President Hitchcock. J 1einurkableconieudluiu ofliuman knowledge V W. B. Clark, Pres't Ag. College. J A necessity for every Intelligent family, stu dent, teucLcr and professional luau. What Li brary Is complete without the best EuglLb Dic tionary. AL80 WlBSTER' N'ATIONIL PlCTOHIAt, DlCTIONARV. 1040 Pages Octuvo. 600 Engravings. Price (5. Tn woik Is really a gem of a Dictionary, Just the thing for th million. Jmiivat dueUivat MontSly. Published byG. C. Mf F.RIAII, Sprlnggeld, Mate, fold bv sll UeokxMleis. TMi Cat DbitritM tt Ci If fx s-j ftT tiUyWir-M tSt ICKAD1XU RA1LIIOAU. W;NTEII ATIKANOEMENTS, M0S11AT, DECtaiBtn Sud, Trains lonve nnrrlsburfr for Nrw Toik sit foU lows 1 nt 6.80 end 8 10, a.m.. nnd 9.00, p. m coiiucctlng with trains on Pennsylvania TuV.U road, and arriving at at York it 12.86. 50 and 0.45 p. ni., respectively. Ri turiiiiilng 1 Leave New York at 8.00 a. m. 13.50 and 6 h0 p. in., Philadelphia at 7.80. 8.45 a. m., and 3Uo p. m. l.euve llarilsbnrit for Rendlnsr, PottsUlc, THtnaqna, M Inersville, Ashland, bbamnkln, Al lentowuand Phllndelohlu nt 6.30 nnd 8.10 a.m., 3 00 mid 4 05 p. 111., itoppinir nt Lebanon ami principal way stations ; the 4.06 p. m., train con iiertinr Toy Philadelphia. Pottsvllle and Colum Ida only. For Poltsville. Schuylkill Haven und Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Snss;utliuuua Rull road leavo Harrlsburg at 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Rood liis? for Al'entowii, Fusion and New fork nt 7.30 nnd 10.B5 a. in., and 4.00 p. 111. Rcturnuiir. leave New York nt .oo a. ui., 12 M and 5 80 p. in., and Allentewu at 7.80 tt. iu., 12.W3, 8.10, 4.56 and S. f5 p. 111. Why Passenirer Train leaves Phllndelphla fvt 7.11 n. in., ei iiMctb.g at Rending with train nu l-.'nsl Peuna. Railroad, returning leaves Pott, villi et -l.sr. p. ni.. Slipping at nil stallous. L-nve Poltsville at 0 W, 8.05 and tt. lit M. ra.t nud 2.30 p. in.. II. rndon ut lu.00 a. 1.1., Hhiiihi kiu nt tVmjnud 11. o2 n. m., Ashlimd ut 7.1S a. m on. I 12.'AJ p. m., Mahauoy City at 7..')B and 12.54 p. 111., Ta.iiaipiu at S.itft u. 111., and 2.10 p. 111., for Philudelph 11, New York, Readlmr. llur risburg, iVe. Leave l'oltsv IiW; via Schuylkill and Sntipie. bannn Railroad at 8.1-5 n. in., lor ll.irii-ltiug, und 11.4,'nt. ta., for I'nicgrnv.i ami TieHiorr. Poltsvi le Aecom;..o laliou Train leaves polts ville lit O.Oll a. in., p i-ses Ren bag at 7 4 a. In., arriving at Pnii.idu 1 I11.1 i t pi.15 i,. 111. Keti.r', inn leaios Phi a in 1 hi., i.t 4.45 p. m. passes Rending at 7 15 p. ia., in riv ;iig i:t Pelisvl ui nl 0.00 p. in. P. list. mil Aicoai.-n.) I.iti..n Tr on lruVtaPi.it.... lowu ai 0. 4.1 a. 111., pbia ( Sir.. : and Or . Co.un.l. . Ij., 7.30 a. . aut do Lane ,'' ... I'..: ..:nlu eater at s.-.j a. m.. hi 1 at 8.15 a. m., an Pelknnim Ral.lo rett.iuins: avir PI t. en, ) at 4 1K .. in. 1 Train- leave Uridine, at ,. 111., for Ephnieta. Lit r. , &v ; irt iru i.g c;:v La : X ll.lsJp. r.i., end Cola. . I .1 '-J I'. m. trains ve IVli.!r .Vi I 5 . . M O l'l .. n iti. ,- 1 . Ju etinn t 7 ej a.i.i y i;.t 1 ill. : 1. tnil.il. g. l.-ave Or 12. .i5 .1.1 4 -1 p. in., com, llf:.l!,g II li.r.-.l'l. Pickcr-.m: V. l-v 11 .';ro: I.: I title .';rp;; l trains 1 u l.'itvt ,S..'-V T in. : n s v 1 1 e at H 1, a. .. ill;.', I. '.i'.'i- i . . .... 1, 111 I..- I .,, w . 1 (.lei. . i. ; ... U .. at 9.4-.! r.. n : 1 I'll 1 i. ...... I,', ., ; . -.. 111., U . I'll lie. '. t r i!;i 1 .;" I,; I i I.i.j Kai Vt P, '. 1' 5 and T 1.'. . 1' ji ant at I.... b.O' -i; l: 11 2. ull I 1 S.. tiro; ' 1 111.. toiiueetii u" w ue K; .1. Chesfr Valley Rillruid trains leave port at 8.3d a. ki. 2.4.l mi l S.SS . in., ia: 1 . leave llowiilugiown at 6.f,S a. in.. 1 ;.:!! an I 5 -ki p. in., conuectiug with trains on Reading Rail road, Ou Sundays 1 lcav New York nt 6. 'JO p.m., PbiUilciphia nt 8.00 a. 111. nnd il.15 p. U'., (the 8.00 11. 111. train ruuuing only to Reading.) leave Poltsville ut 8.00 a. lu., leave Hurri-buig si 5.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. in. t leave Allrutown at S 55 p. m. i leave Reading nt 7.15 a. m. und 10.1.', p. 111. for Harrisburg, at "i.'M a. 111. for New York, nnd ut 0.40a. ni. and 4.15p. 111. for Philadelphiti. Commntation, Mileage, Season, Seluiol atil Excursion Tickets, to nud from ail point.', at lu luce l rates. Ra L'L'age chucked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Pustcuger. J. E. WOOTTKN. Ankt. Suftt. A F-u;. ''. RrAnixfl, Pa., Decern ;er 2, 1S72. Northern Central JCalZv. nj. "'I NTER A RR A N ( 1 F. M E N T. ON 1.11a Ifter Oct. 27, 1812, trubis will rui ns r " : NORHIWAP.D. Niagara Exprets leaves Sutibury nt 12.4-I p, m., for Niagara Falls Mail an Ives a' Sunbury nt 4.10 p. in., arrive nt Williamsport 0.20 and Elmira lo.ao p. in. Fast Line arrives nt Suuhury tt 0.60 p. in., arrive nt Williamsport, 8.115 p. ia. trie Mali leaves ranbiiry at n.aO a rti ; V, .1 liau.s.oit at 8 40 a m, 1.1. d "isuive, at Etuira at 12.40 p 111. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves -piinluiiy at 11. -" a. 1:1 , anivr at Harrisburg 1.45 p. m, H.iltimore rt.l.O p. m. Erie Express leaves Kuiibury at U.4 1 a. 111., ar rive at llariitburg 11. H0 a. iu., U.uti.iiore il.iO p. in. Erie Mall leave Suuhury nt 12..V) a. tn.,nr:ivo at II u risloirg 2. 1 .1. tn., B ill iu r,r S.4 1 1. in. Niagara Express leaves snnhur at n (n p ni, H.-irrisb Jig at U. lOp ni, arrive, at lialliiuo.e 2.1 j a in. SHAMOKIN DIVISION. RASVVVAI1I1. Leave Sunt, n-y at 4.40 p. 111., ariiic 1.: t!: 11110 kin 5..'.0 p. in., Mt. Carmcl CM p. m. Leai t .;nl l.iy (Acctuiiiiidatioii,) at l'i !-" ; 111., arilvc at Ninmnkiu l.bi p. 111. Wr.MWAKM. l.i'ave Mt. Carmel at 7.40 n. in., Slut iiokln S i'l 11. 111., arrive at Suubuiy 11.25 a. m. Leave bhamoliiu ( Atfcommodatioii,) at 2. -15 p. ni., arrive nt Suuhury i. '." p. tu. Express leaves daily. A:l other train, leuve dally, except Sun lavs. A. R. KisKF. Ei. K Vat-.i.', tieu'l. up't., (Icii'l Passcn'r je'l.. llarrishurg, Pa. P.alimoie, Md I'lilltulclphia and I'ric Uuilroud. Sl'MMEK TIME TABLE. On nn I Trait.. 01. run ..s ... iinday, Oct. !i?:b. n U- phi 1 A Eiij i; ii l'i. V- I'll' W KSTWAUD. Mull Thu . ;-..-.vi.s Phllii leiphla, Suuhury, " " nrr nt Erie. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. " " " Suubury, " " an at Erie, Eluiiru Mail leaves Phlladclp!...-. " " " 8ai;burv, " air ut Lock Haven, Nlagira Epre-s leaves I'Liiadel " Saiibuiv, ' " urr at Rcnovo, EASTWARD. 11.4 1 - I ., in S v.l a it 4 : n- Mali Train leaves Erie. 1 i I . i. .: " " " Suuhury, ; , ' " UT at Phllad'ilphia, t .. . . Erie Express lcavrs Erie, j.. .". ( a. " " " Suubury, t,.:.j .. .1 " arr at Pbiladelphm, S ;.o 1 n. Elmira Mail leaves Link llavni, 7.45 n 111 " " Suubury, ' l. no a 10 " " urr at Philadelphia, 6.011 p 111 Niagara Express leaves Renovo, 8.25 p 111 " " " Suubury, 7.5j p 111 " " arr lit Philadelphia, 2 IM a m Mail East connects east uuj west at Erie tiiih L. S. A M. S. R. W. aud at lrviuetuu with Oil Creek nud Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exoress and Erie Express East, nnd Erie Mail, Niagara Express and Elmira Mail West, connect at Williaiiispoit with irams going north on the Elmiia aud Canauduigua liiiiaiou of tbe N. C. R. Hi. C at m is.-a passengei trains will U-ruuiast an t wesi from ti'iliiaiii.portoii Elintt i ?U;'. 1VM. A. BALDWIN, l.eii'l Sup't Uunvllle. Iluzletitu A iVilkenliurro K. It. I'VUUU. It. It. CO. Lt'tHlt!. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this date Passenger trains ou t to ll., H. A W. II. K. will run us loilows : WESTWARD. EASTWARD. llO't. A.M.: LEAVE. A.M. New Yolk, 0:00 Sunburv, C;20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Dauville, 7:iia Kaslon, :25 Cuttawista, 7:24 rthlebem, 10:05 Hazletou, 11:08 r. m. r. m. Hasleton, 1:00 Hethlehetn, 12:10 Cattawissa, 2:40 Ensiou, 12:ii5 Danville, 8:20 Philadelphia, 2:15 bunbury, arrive l':57 New Yoik, urr. ':b0 Traiu West arriving at Snnbury 8:57 p. 111., makes close connect ions with trains on Philadel phia A Eli R. K. lor Milton, WilUanisHrt, Lock Haven and ull points West, Eluiiru and all points Noith, also w ith Noi them Ccutial Rail way, for Harrisburg and Baltimore. t-.yNtw aud clegnut roaches iuu through be tweeu Suubury and K inon. FRANK. THOMPSON, Bupt. D. 11. A W. Ii. P.. Brn's Orrtce, Wn.i iamsi-ort, Ta. i Myi,leri.