is. (Srraiicl Opening of AT NewOentral Varicty.Sfcora , No. 100, Market Strwt, South fide, Rift of the Kuliraid, Dress Goods of all Kinds, turn, WIA Poplins, AlMon, Luster Alpacas, DuLnlni'S, rinds, Oym FUnuole, Tickings, Ladies Honking. NOTIONS LAMES' 1J GK'T8' FCKNISHIN'O GOODS, Hoslory, GIotcb, Hoods, Cups, UermantwTi Wool, Ladles' Immitiillou llulr Goods In new and bountiful Styles. SHAWLS. Otlamon Crown, Otlauion Double ull WooJ, rind Sluiwls, Brnukftiit Shawlt, 6earf, tc, JEWELRY. Litdlw PlutsJ nnJ Jut Opsra Clmliis. LinlicH' Fluted niut Jet Setts, Finger Rlugs, Ear Kln?, ti'.yi, floeve Dultous, Groceries. Fresh erourlw, lWoJ and Willow Ware, Floor, Table and ttiilr Oil Cloths. CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Co to FliiiK'y' tut the Created Variety of Goo:Is. Goods nrr'.vinjj Dully. J. B. It la lh tmlrvtal vurdit-t of tho trade that my good are sold tlio lowest In this market. D.A.FINNEY, Kovunlicr 9, 1-17?, No. 106, Street. Suiitmry, Fa, W. D. MUCK, druggist ami Apothecary, itiKve.s.-or to Dr. W. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on TrJurUct Uquurc, NVMil'It, 5V. Keeps coiiMnutly on hand a full block of ci! selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COM 3 3, 11KUSHE3, FERFL'MURY, PATJEXT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, I'U'l'TY, T.VRS I SII, UI EN'fX'FFS, la fuel everytliliijj usually kept lu a well coa dueled XDIPVCTG- STOr.S. Fartieular attention paid to coinpouudin I'liy sielans jirescriptiune uud family receipt by the l'roprlator himself. Suubury, l'a., Jane !, 187'-'. 1307. RIGHTER&GASKILL, C307. JjEAl.EitS IN Aiiicricaa ani French Window Glass, Crystal Sheet, Kougli Plate, Colored, Enameled and Ornamental Ulims, 1007 Market Street, Philadelphia. January 11, 1S73. 1y. " "batc ii IE "lor b r g s TRADE MARK PliflGri NOW Hotter than uny over made by tkeui. Sec that tho boxes are Li andoJ rEClMAlS 1. It. ri'Xt'H. Wholesale Depot 330 XOHT1I TIIIltD STUEET, Bruuch 23 Noilh ','d St., Brunch 8117 Chestnut St., (Opposite 'CONTINENTAL.") PHILADELPHIA. March 1, 1S73. Omos. J872. 1812. GUAM) OI'I.M op PALL AND VINTEll GOODS, ut the Store- of Itfcil Itrollur A Hfii-iholt, (successors to S. O. Reed A Lro.) COMPRISING OF PUV (iOODS of every description ami vaih ly such us Duusk Go mis, Mruivos, '.'a-hmi'iiks, S.v'i in. Alpa cas. pori.iN-, Ai:., Pi.ais l-'ioi i;i:d Goons, Se v-'. i.s ash Ci-a:p, Ho.-iiiuv, and a YVU. A.--i. IM ME N'T OP XliTluN", whieh are being s.tld nt tiiu lowe-t Cash Prices. Also, (..rocj.-rii:' am Provisions, J :i i o and i'i;..h. (JU'EE.S'tWARE, !l.AKWAUJ-:, AND VOOI) AKU WlLI.OW 'ai:k, Nicest EiuikIb of Flour constantly on huuil. A vi ry largii ASSOHTM F.NT ()F WALL PA PEE, both glared and common, alw.ij s ou hand. 13 O O T S A N 1) S II t) E S from the celebraled hand made Hoot and Shoe ' Mumifaetorv ol WalMiiilown, for MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEAD Y-MAUi: CLOTJIlXd, fif all '.7.o.sniid or the latest styles. F L O U U . A eonitant mpjdynf wesleru while wheat flour a t-I'l-fiaiit v. The public are invited to all and examine our Goads tree of charge. Our moito i 'tjuick bale and Small Protits." and to p lease all. '1 he highest juices w ill be Jitlj for all kinds of couulry produce. By Uriel attention, to bu.-iuess and keeping at .ill Ulrica ifiTiil.l(.i. Ktock. mill Ki-iliur at .... ... ... . j lile iuvci',ii-'r, v u''i;,iiiLiiii, lilt qiiiuq i. tialronajto. REED BROTHER A SEASIIOLTZ. Punbury, Nov. lS7i.-ly. BUTCHIaIIV ! JJUTClIElivl MeKKrH. lHH I.H .V ISO V Fit, Third Street, opposite Central Hctel, SUNBURY, PA., KEEP constantly on hand tire very choicest of fresh It KEF, M I'TTO.V A1 YKAB.. . which Is sold at the lowest juices. Meat cn bo laid ut all hours during the day. Sunbury, Pa., Juua 8, 1IEALTY AT TIIE I'lttENIOE. Vuubated succes ofCRUMHSOF COMFORT. Elegant I Gorjeou I Brilliant I I t'ruiubtt ort'oinl'ort, the createst sue- cess of the age. Crumbs of Couifoit, the juidu of the kitchen and parlor. Thousands of ladies attest its worlh.nud unhesitatingly pronounce It the u,ucen ot Lustres. 1 lie press universally i j raise it and I'roclnlm it woman's every day frieno. Economical, Lusting, Unapproachable. I Price lO ceuti. Ladies will flud Crumb of! Comfort for sale by all Orst-class grocers, hard- j ware dealers, country store keepers, Ac.thiongh. out the Uulled Stale and Canada. H. A.Baiit- j i ktt A Co.. Manufacturer Harlletl'a Blacklue. V,irl nine. Ac.. Ac. 113. 115. 117 No. Front t.. Vblladeljdiia, IIS Chambers n.. New York, 43 Proadst, UotJou- 1'.'. GtGftRS LAOIF.S' FAXC'V UOI.S FALL STYLES AT Miss Kate 131 ack, Market Bcvaaro Sunbury, Pa., BLACK DRESS SILKS, Fiaid and Plain Poplins. Worsted and Eiubroi erie(, Worsterd Sacks and Shawlu for Ladies and Children. All Kill ,1s of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. A general assortment of White Goods, Dre-s Trimiuii!.rs, L:ces, Ac. A ueneral arl"'.y of Gloves, linudkerehlufi, Hose fvr ladies and gen tleiueu. TOILET SOAF8 ANDl'FJIFCMLRY. Even body is invited lo call and tee them and buy'cueap. FAML AXI WIKTKK MIEMMOHV. Juti received from the cities aa entire new etoek Of Millinerv Goods, cousinim; of HOXNETS AND HATS. FLOWERS. WKE-'.THS, Feathers, Fiamrs, J.aees, Kibhoue, Tuniuoise, and all the leading styles of fine Millinery. I have spared neither puiiiK nor ixpcnscto make my Fall Stock one of t he most attractive ever otfered to the citizens of kanbury and vieiu l.y. All nrc luvlted to call siel tsamii.e mv stock. M. L. GO.-SLEI1. 45 South Fourth Street, be.ow the S. V. R. 1!., fiUNBUF.Y, PA. Nov. S, lS7i?. A. M. MEIXELL, 1'KilKH IN Aiuerbnn nutl Furojieuu W.lTt'KEM. PINE JEWELUY and SILVEHWAKE. E'erft-ftetl &iecttic!es k:i1 Eyo GOLD HEADED CANE?. Watches nnd Jowelry neatly repaired u J war ranted. Market e luare, SUNBURY, Pn. Feb. S. T7S.-tf. For fcijile. VALUABLE FARM HORSE AND TWO! FRESH MILCH COWS are ollered at i A private r.ule, on icusnnahlc terms, For. purlieu- la s call on the subscriber, in Upper Augusta j township, on the iurui Uuowu us the James Campbell Farm. fJ-4l B.J'". BARNIIART. Full ttiitt Winter Ntjleis " Ol' IIAT3, CAPS, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, ; FLOWERS, FEATHF.HS, Cmpee. Silks, Satins, TiiiquuUe, Cnije and Lace j Veils. Trimmings of every IVsiTiptiim i from New Yolk and Philadelphia, J'ist opci-cl and lor 'ule al unusually low juices. Call and i examine and be convinced. MISSL. SIliesLEK, I Maiket S.nnre. South s.ide, Sunbuiy, l'a j Suiibuiv. Oct. L'ti, ls.?1 " Wanted; Wc will givu Men tin I Women ; I m'SINKSS THAT WILL PAY ! j fi om t;4 to $ i per day. can be pursin-d in your' j own neighborhood ; it is a rare chance for those out of employmeiil or having b'i.- urc time ; girls and boys frequently do as well us men. Partl- e.ilars tree. Address J. LATHAM A CO., w'.C Washi.iluu St., ilo.-l'ju, Mass, Mar. VJ.-6'.. Administrator'.' Xotl-.o, j "VJOTH'E is hen by given Hint Letters of Ad-I .A- iiiinivlrailoii hie been granted to thu tin- I ib rsigned, on ihe estate of Win. W. I 'coney, late of the borough of Sunbuiy, Northumberland I county, Pa., ilccci. srd. All person. indebted to said istute are reqae.-ied lo make liuuo-di.ite I'.iy- ' imcnt.itiid lliose having ciiiinis to jn.:e:;t tuciii j duly ant In in icate.l lor settleun nt. Mas .CATHARINE DENN'EY, I Sunbary, March ir., lS7.-Pl-pd. lit;it' of ISiiuiiiel Tlmteher, U ''!. VTo'lTCE is hereby given that Letters of Ad minietration liuviug been granted to the un dersigned, on ihe eslaleof Samuel Thatcher, late of Point to a 1 1 - "f 1 1 j , Noithnmberlaud ciuiiiy. Pa., tleceasrd. All jiersous Indebted to said estate are requested to make, lmtnediulc payment, and those having claims to present them for settle ment. WILLIAM REED, Adm'r. Point township, March 'J'J, 1S73. tt. NEW TOBACCO A X 1 MEOAlt. A K It JJllUHII HTOHE. Eouth s!i of Mmkct street between 31 aii.l 4th bUNbURY, PA. Just r.j'ened, uu entire new stock or all una. ot I T0I!CC0 AND 6FGARH. Ecgar of every grade. Tobacco of every varie.'y. Pijies , both plain au4 fancy. BPUSHF.tJ I BRUSHES I I BRUSHES I ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct fiom the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His line of brushes arc a specialty uud many new kind never before introduced Into this market, Also, Pujcr Collar mid CulTs in ureal variety, A large asortmeut of all the jHjjiulor hongs of the day. Call uud examine my good and ret a list of juice. IIENKY PFTERY. Novnuber ".. 172. !y llcto Mbbcrtiscmcnta Cf From 2.1 'f.-K'Klit smnplos mull rprdb cd riv;i for 25 ets. 'that sell nt slirlit for four dollars, to any person In tiiiilnirv, who will net ns nitrnt. RANDALL it CO., nf,'7:t.4w. Tti7 Uroiidwny, N. Y. WORKING CLASS, MALKOR FEMA1.K, IV ii week nuamntopd. Ucspeetulni! ctnplnynietit nt home day or evening i no capital required full lust i nclions and vnltiable ruckii'i' of froodn feat free by mail. Address, with fix cent return stump, II. YOUNfl .fc CO., n5,'78.4w. 17.1 Greenwich tt., N. Y. A" WATtll FltKK worth (?:(), ulen gratis to every livo man who will net as our ns;i'r.t. llu sluess ileht and limiornltli. t.KXUlO made in f. days. Saleable as flour. Kverytioily buys it. Can't do without 11. Mui'thave it. No Gift Entertain ment, no Humbug. KENNEDY it CO., u.V73,4w. l'iitsliuijr, Fa. t'rliute Alv to Youii); Men by r.n eminent Clirlftian Physician. Sent free, to any address by tun C'oi respondiii!! Secretary of the Youmr Men's Christian Assnciation, Ger mantown, l'enna. ii.Vili.4w. 1000 Ap;enl8 wanted for oar lminene;y popular Maps im.l Charts. Our larsre Map of the "United States," with a beau tiful late "World"' Map on reverse Bide, sells splendidly. F.ach Map 40xf.S inches. "I f(f Airents wanted for nur new Charts, .1 V VV J "llolvVir;rinand Child" "Christ lllessiuir Little Children." Tliev will find a place In every Christian hum.-. HA AblSA LTlllilXIlT Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Lib erty St., New York. a.r,'73.4w. USE tho lUiiscnirer Push Lock and (Support to fati:. in it mxnowN! vo spring to break, no euttlui; of sash ; cheap, durable, vety easily applied t holds saKh at any place desired, and a crlf-f.ittrucr wlien snsli Is down. Send stnini; f'ir circular. Circular and six copper-bro zed locks seat to any address, post paid, on receipt of 5!) ccilti.. Liberal Inducements to t lie trade. Aaeiils wanted. Addles-, 1IF.I S1NGF.II CO., No. 4 is Vai ket St.. Him istiunr, l'a. Send money by potl-orlice order or rpls teri'd letter. uri,'7;i.4w". 1 is th best In the w H id. Wante I. mi : iu'),'' Peiid '.t.4w. N. Y. for circular. Addi "DOMESTIC" SEWING .1 A CI USE CO., V.tTi:n .tGKMTS lor the -rent sensa tlo'i of h;, ii me lilen.t are, liar diueliou , or, 55.V Jolly S'i-itMid'si Kecret. Pr. DEO LEWIS' new work is an Immense health, and hIiows how to live Woil uud crow fat on frl a wc'k. Audits are coinini: iiioner and , : dolni: a world of good uith it. Delav li't, but ! aMre.s at once. GEO. M ACI.CAN : ur,"7.!.4w. t'tibnher, Philadelphia. j " IW E V K'K i 1 Neu'lcet a Couch Nc thini; U more certain to j lay the fouinh lion for !'.:ture tvil coiSi"'.aiic.".3. ! " WELL'S C'A KI'.OLl'J TABLETS ' are a KUie cine for all ei.r-es of the Kei-pira- ' 1 tory Organs, Soie Throat, f'oids, Cioup, l.'iph-; 1 'thciia, A.-lhina. Cutanh, lloarsemM-, Dryness! ; of tile throat, Windpipe, or lironcbial 'i ubes, j j and ull Diseases of the Limes, i ' In all cues i f pu.l 'en cold, hov.-.'Ver taken, I thee Tablets should be piomplly and freely ; j tis-ed. They eipialize the eiiejlaliou of the b'ood. i j mil Lrate tiie severity of the attack, and kill I Very short time, rc.loiu lua'tl'.y aeliuu to the at- ! , fected organs. j i Wdlls' L-arbolh- Tnb'cte are put up only In i I blue boxes. Take no mh-titutes. It tucy can't j i be found at Vnur drulsl's, seud al once to the ; Ajicnt ill New York, who v.i : return mail. lorwarJ theui by ' llon't be deceived by Imitations, i Sold by di niriri-t.-i. Pi ice V ) cents a box. j JOHN l. KF.LLOCG, IS lllatt tt New Yolk, j uo, '711. 4w. Send for circular. Sole Aciait fur U.S. mm -scenes The spiciest A best selling bunk ever published. It tell all about the great Credit Mobelier :c:iu- I dal. Senatorial l-'ribciies. Congressmen, Rings, Lobbies, and the wonderful Sights of the NaHon ! al C..pKul. It sells quick. Send f..r circulars, .ami see our lernis u;..l a fell description of the work. Address, National Publishing Co., Phl.a : delpliia, P.i. u5,'7'i.4w. The Immense sale, 10,11'U in onemnnik onr I MYIXUNTOXF. asy.ui in AFKECA is! haling proves it above all clheis the book the I masses want. It goes liUy wildllre. Over COO pages, nly t2 .10. ' Moic Agents Wanted. NOTK E. Be not deceived by iiiisrepreseut.'i- tii.'iis made to palm oil' hUh priced inferior worka ; but send for circulars and see proof of statement , and great success of statements and great bue- j cess of our agents. Pocket companion, worth! tlO, mailed free. 1IU1I1IARI) BROS., Publisher i VJlt Sai.som st., Pbila. al,'"olw. I Wiite for Large Illustrated Price List. Address, f:sr:.TVVF';Tr?H v - 11" s-SMITHntLDSI PI7TSEUBCH PA. Breeeh-loading Shot Guns, fill to :10!. Dou ble Shot Guns, S to f 1Mb Single Gun. $ti to (-.'u. Rilb s, 1 to t7j. ReMilvcis, til to i-.T). Pis- Into, $1 to J i. Gun Material, Fishing Tackle. Liuge discount to dealers orC'iu'.s. AiinyGuns Revolvu's, A'c, bought or traded for. Goods sent by express C. O. D. to be examined before pal I for. u5,'7;l.4w. 7 'i' l'i im:k t i siT. We make a speeiaiiiy of Comity, City, and Lelioi.l Di-iriels Honds, Ginrntee Legality of all bonU soil, collect the coupons without eh irjv, or take same k to much cash on sales, i tend for jm ice list. i THE LAW OF MUNICIPAL BONDS j Juft publiehed by nur senior, should be In the' Inui'U of ull interested In this class of securities. , Two volumes, juice tlvl. iifi.'73 4w. 1 W. N. t OLF.R A CO., 17 Nassau-st., N. Y- (.'500 IX l'ttl JIir.tlM. ' j TWO NEW POTATOES. ! BLISS'S SELEC T GARIEN SEEDS. ' I XTR EMILY VERMONT. Ten Days ear lier lb in E.iriy Rose. Euoi nioiisly Proiluetive und of ExcclfcNt Il.'Vor. (I er pound ; 4 jui'irds by mai', pieipiid. for t'li.fx1. COM I'VoN'a si l;l Ri.-E, b.O litis hcis lo the Aeie. A li'llelaler than i'.uriy llo-e. Equ 1 ia quantity, f.i er pound, by uiiiil, j.nt aid. i-iiij will be nwurded as pieinii.iiis lo those ' who j'loipice the hugtrt qutinlily froin ent j I'uand. Desciipiive I in ulur of ihe above,! ! v, ivti list of i,o0 yariclies i I Potatoes flee to u.l. I.liistrateil Seed l-atalog-te, So-J j.uces Kith Colored Chronio, cents. A new lorn ulo, the "Arlington. Early, solid and productive. Price, Viae, per packet. Five packets lor frl. B. K. BLISS A SONS, H.V73.4''. S3 Park Place, New York. ! $i3,oot4:oo At'Ui.s, CHEAP FARMS! The Cheapest Lund in Land lu Market, for lale 1 j " UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, In tin Great Platte Valley. c.oiHl.OiX) ACCES JN CEN'IRAL NEBRASKA Now for sale in tract of forty acres uud up wards on Five and Ten Yens' Credit aid r cent. No advance Interest reqiliied. -Mild und Healthful Ciiuiale, t-'.-itile Soil, an nlunidancc of Good Waur. The best Mark-t in tho West! Tho great Mining regions ol Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nevada, being tuj'jillcd bj Cue laruicr lu the Plullt Vulley". SOLDIERS ENTITLED to a HOMESTEAD of 1GJ ACRES. THE BEST LOCATIONS FOR COLONIES. FREE HOMES F'OR ALL! Millions of Acres of choice Government Lauds open for entry un der 1 lie Homestead Law, near this Great Rail road, with good markets and ull the conve niences of uu old sclllcd country. Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also new edition of Descriptive Paiiijdilct wilh New Muj Mailed Free even w here. Address, O. P. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. 11., .'5,'73.4w. Ouiaba, Nebraska. YV i: Yt' AT AS A U V. S T. In this township to canvass for the new, valua ble and fast selling book by 1). JOHN l OWAN, THE SCIENCE OF ANEW LIFE. Re-eoianieuiled and endorsed by prominent minis ters, idiysicluns, religious and ceeulur pajier. No other book like it jiuhllshed. 140 jier week guaranteed. Address, COWMAN A CO., 3o F.leiNth Ft., New Yoik. a.V73.4w. Uito $&l)trtbmcni It Is uiieipiuied by uny known romedy. H will era dlcate, extirpate anil thoroiijlily destroy all poi sonous substanecs In tlio Blood and will elfectu ally dit pel all predisposition to Lllions dcrantje inent. N there want of nrllon tn yonr Liver nnd Spleen 1 Unless relieved the blood becomes Im pure by deletions secrrtions, producing scrofu lous or skin dlsepses, Blotches, Felons, Pestules. Canker, Pimples, Ac., Ac. Have you a dyspeptic. Stomach f Unless diges tion is promptly aided the system Is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general weuknesy nnd Inert Li. Have you weakness of the Intestines t You arc in danger ofChroulc Dian liucaor luUamma tlon of the bowels. Have you wcukness of the Uterine or Urinary Orpine 1 You ara exposed to tuU'ei lug In Its most UL'iiniVated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or de lircsscd lu spirits, with head uee. back ache, coat ed tongue and bad tasting mouth I Fnra certain remedy for ull of these diseases, weaknesses nnd troubles , for clcnusinK and pu rifyinvthe viated blood uud Impai tlnr vigor to all the vital forcee for building up nuj restor ing rhc weakened constitution USE J U U U 15 E 11 A w hich is pronounced by the lending medical au thorities of London and Paris "the most pow er ful tonic nnd alterative known to tho medical world." This Is no new and untried discovcy but bus been long used by the leading phti slchins of oilier countries with wonderful remedial re sults. Don't weaken nnd impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics, they glvo only tcmoo rary tellcf Indigestion, flatulency and dyspep sia with piles and kindred diseases ur sure to follow their use. Keep the blood pure and healthy Is useureJ. j JOHN IJ. KELEOGU, 10 Plait St., N. V. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, 1 per Bottle. Send for Circular. u5,'7o4w ! YO 8AMrrE8"CTrtT)TmaU"firr" 'S0c7tiiaV re : .1 J tall quisk for ?10. K. L. WOLCOTT, a.r),:7:i.4w. 1H1 Chuihaiu-sriuiire, N. Y. j TTED'lMWufATETY. -- 60,000 d ! W dresses, to which specimen copies of Smith e Magazine will tie sent Tree. Agents wan led. Write. Pliny F. Smith, 61 Liberty St., New York. ii6,'7i!.4w. it i i i. i e its Send for our Illustrated Catalogue of new booki on building. A. .1. BICKNELL A CO. ii.V78.4w. Sf7 Warren-st., New York. " .4 ti E STS ! A K A It E CIIAXCE t ! Wc will pay all nircnts t40 per week in rash, who will engage with lis lit once. Everything furnished and expenses paid. Address, u5,7J.4vv. A. COULTER A CO., Charlotte, Mo. HENRY WARD BEECHER'8 PAPER wilh the largest circulation in the world, grows wonderfully because It Is the best paper, gives suhssriberb the most beuutlful premiums, and offers Canvassers the most Liberal Terms. Send for Circular. J. B. FORD A CO., New York. Boston. Chicago, or Sau Francisco. ii,V73.4w. FIRE I FIRE I ! FIRE I ! I F I II T I X F 1 IC E I Agents wunted for the grandest book of the veur, now sellint; with astonishing rapidity. Tells the causes of Fire j Safe; Fire-proof Build- lings; Conquering rue with Water, Steam and !(oi; Insurance Is It safe ? Its History, Bssis, i Management, How to Insure, Ac.; Vivid Ae- counts of the Great Fires of History. Agents i send for circulars. You will not regret It. Sent I free. Address Dustin, Oilman A Co., Hartford, j Ct. a5,'73.4w. 8 1 O A DAY. Easily made by nn Agency of "Orit Own Fam ily Uoctok." Best medical work eitaut. I Everybody buys that sees it. Unusual Indnce I incuts to Agent. Send for circulars nd terms 1 to HURST A CO.. 740 Broadway, N. Y. 1 An easy and sum way to make money. aS.'7R.4w ". n O "k i jT i: . j ruin! Puint I'lllilt The great discovery i for the relief of pain and a suie and Immediate 1 cure for rhcumalism, chronic and ueutcpralus, Ac. It h is a p'ensant nnd refreshing o lor, and i will not stain or grease the most delicate fabric, I which make It a luxury In every family. Pileo US Penis per lint tie. For sale bv all drugglds. 1 REUBEN 1IOYT, Prop'r, New tork. u5,'"'-4w II'-; PER ("EST tiOM) INTEREST. FIRST MORTGAGE SINKING FUND. GOLD BONDS. Secured by mortgage on 11,000 ucres of very vaiuaoie coal nnu iron Lima. , Principal nnd Interest payable In GOLD COIN i For sale at prices that will pay over 11 per 1 cent. In uolil. r.quai lo uper eent. In currency. 1 CIIICB MfViril'AI. BONDH ALWAYS ON II AND. j Call or send for Painplielts, with maps and full i particulars, I bat will s itlsfv the most cautious i Investor. THUS. 1'. ELLIS A CO., Bankers. 14 Plue St, J. Y. City. a.V73.4w, THE MOIt.llOlV WIFE. I Agents wanted for the fearlcrs book. It com prises Hie Adventures nnd Exjierience of a woman I written by herself for year the wtfe of a ; Mormon Prophet disclosing all that Is mysteri ous, wicked and startling. Full of thrilling ad ; venture, uumorous and jiuthetlc scenes the i most fucinatlng book extant. Portrait of the Authoress, and of leading Mormons, men and women, Llle and Hemes In Utah, etc. For cir culars address Hartford Publishing Co.. Hart' ; ford. Ct. nV73.4w. rust Premium AQ.IfiSI.1871 Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet, Broil lug Door, Vender Guard, Dumping and Sinking Grate. Din-t Draft. FULLER, WARKEN A CO., '.'HO Water Street. Sew York. fhSlw. A MFCIIAKKV-U. CTIUoVlTYt Every mouse eiiught . sets tlur lrai for an thei ! Six sent bv ex press for ti. Saiuple 'by mall rei md, 75 els. tor sale by the tradi R. E. IIETZ Patentee, 14 aui SI Vu'.tou St., New York. a.i, 7i 4w. GEO. EVANS. E. U. MAKE. Geo. Evans & Co.. i 914 Market Strwt, I'liikdrljitua, j TAILORS MILITAHY CLOTMEHS, Military, Band k Fir? Organizations promptly nltrmed. Samples of Cloth, with 'hotographs, sent free on appl'tation, Our being the leading hose on Military work, we feel that we can otter luteementt which can not be attaint! anywhere r. Aug. 84, 1873. W. H. Di nks, HOUSE, 3IQ3ST, AND ORNAMENT AXPAINTER, SUNBURY, PNN'A. Decorating and Paper lngli'i; done lu the latest improved style. Order solicited, which w', receive prompt at tention, i Residence lo Pordytown, anerlck' bnlldlng. tnnbury, May 11, IW.-I Ifamn Range w5r catcheXalive V-SSk 1 jhlUI.'.i ; ' . ai 7y '"ITW ti i-isiini nw i it mi wl&tillimtOM. 1 YVIISIIAKT'M PINE TREE TAIl toicniAE. NATVll&S 0 HEAT llEMEDT . ron TUB THROAT AND LUNGS. It U gratifying to ns to Inform the public that Dr. L. Q. a Wlshnrt's Pine Tree Tnf Cordial, for Throat nnd Lung Diseases, has gained an eu vlable reputation from the Atlantic to the Paci fic coAst, and from thenco to some of the first families of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons throughout the States actually benefitted and cured al his office. While he pub lishes less, to eay our reporters, he Is unnble to supply the demand. It gains and holds its reputation-First. Not by stopping congh, but by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the un healthy matter collected about the throat und bronchial Hides, which causes Irritation. Second. It removes the cause of Irritation (which produces cough) of the innenou mem brane and bronchlnl tubes, assists the lungs to net and throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purities the blood. Third. It Is froc from squills, lobelia, Ipccus and opium, of which most throat and lung re medies arc comjioscd, which allay cough only, and disorganize the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts ou the liver and kid neys, and lymphatic and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, and In its Invigorating and purlTylng effects It has gained n reputation which it must hold ubove all others In the market. NOTICE. THE PINE TREE TAU CORl'IAL, Ureal Auierlcuu Dj kpepNlu Fills ADO W0Ui SUGAR LllOPS Being uuder my lu' mediate direction, lUey shall not loose their curnlive qualities by the use of cheap and Impure articles. MENU Y It. WIUSI AKT, PllOHlLHO.I. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr, L. Q. C. Wlshart's OClce Parlors are tipen on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 A. M., to b P. M., for ousultllii by Dr. Win. T. Magee. With him arc ussorlntcd two con sulting physicians of acknowledged ability. This ojiportuulty Is cot offered by any Institution in the city. All Icttem uust bo (lilrMnel (o I.. 6. C. WISH ART, M. I., HO. , N. SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA. November 10, 1873. uios. CENTER F ATTRACTION. Everybody U invited to coino and buy of .the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL F. NEVIK'S STORE, In frame buildinu, adjoining Moore A T)islnger' building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just njisued a fresh supply of Confeelioneri's of every description. TOYS OF A EE KINIM constantly on ban !. The lft RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DKIKD FRUIT. PURE IUO COFFEE, TEA A SPICES, fresh Bread, Huns A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS I OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having filled up a room expressly for serving up Oyster in every tyl. Ladies and Gentlemen will be accoiamodalod with the bast bivalves In mai ket, at all hoars during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence w ith the best Shell or Canned Oysters, us Is desirable, at thfl very lowest jirice. Call and see my excellent assortment of foods and ascertain the prices. 8. F NEVIN. Dec. 16, 1671. NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House EeLIii Srtrary, Fa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO. 'YYT'E are now opening; an entire!) new stock of DKUGS AND MEDICINES, Hilrfurc prepared to unv ailielr in our tire i thai mav be cllt for, mr have also a full stock of all the Lading Patent Med'eines. Fin.- Pei lu uiery and Toi'tt Arlie'er. a speciality, a full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Null. Shoe uud other Blushes, Dressing mil other Combs lu glial Nuncly. FIN E TO I LET NO A FN. a full line Cooking Fktracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Peiq .r lio! or around, Castile and Laundry Soaps, Lump Chimneys aud Lamp Goods g.uerally. Bird Seed iu larue or small quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, ful slock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Fillers and Pills of U. P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Man's and other Plasters, AVer's, Wright's, Sehenk's Mandrake, McLane's Liver und oilier Pills, our Hock embraces every thing found in a well conducted Driif Store. Country Phi sieians will tiud our stock full and complete, und we guarantee to sell as low us the same silicic, can be bought lu Philadelphia, choice Wines, Whiskey aud Brandy for Medicin al purposes. October 5, l7l. ItlHiiliootI i How Lett, How Itestor. cd t Just published, a new edition of Dr. CULVERWEL18 CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRlllEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. t also, Consumption, Ejulcjisy, and Fits, induced by self-iudulgeuce or Bcual extravagance. I-f Price, In a sealed enveloie, only 6 cent. The celebrated author, iu this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the ularmiug conse quence of self-ubuse may be radically cured without the dyi'gerou use of internal medicine or the apilicaiion of the knife t pointing out a mode ol cure at ones simple, certain, aud effec tual, by means of which every sufferer, no mut ter what his cuuditioii limy be, may cure himself cheaply, privately aud rudiealls. tW ThI Leature should be In the hands of every youib and evory man iu the laud. Scut, under seal, iu a plaiu envelope, to any address, postpaid, ou receipt of ilx cunts, or two postage stumjw. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 50 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., F. O. Boi, ,. JT Bower?, New York. April ST, IMT BUUXBSXrfiu it: I1 fUw- i Mv: CURES DISEASES 0T TW. TKBHALLUN'CS.UYER Ol BLOOD In thewonderftil medicine to which the afflicted are above juiuted fir relief, tlie discoverer ho ltevcs Uo 1ms combined la harmony more of Na ture' most sovereign curative jiroperlies whlcli Gad has lnslillcd Into Ihe vesetalile kingdnm for healing tho sick, than wer ever before combined In oiks medicine. 'iUid evhlenco of this fact la found In the grent variety of most obtinato ilis eases wiitch it Iris been found to conquer, fit ths euro of If roncli Ills, Severe Couglisi, and the early hu.'im of Conait ill ptlon, It has astonished tao lus'licul rucnliy, and eminent phy sicians pronouac ! it llu greatest tuedicul dlseovo ry of the a fe. While it cures t lie severest Coiu-hs, it strengthens the system and purifloa llio bleod. fty il-i and thoroueli bloml purify. lni pr.iportios, It cure, all If it morn, from the wost Hcrntula to a eoiamou If lotch, 11 ni plef or Euruption. Mecurial disen'.c. Mino ral Poisons, and Ihuii eflects, are eradicsted. suit vigorous health and a sound constitution estab lished. r.rHieln, Halt Kliruni, f ever Soeca, Mealy or ICoiikH Skin, In short, all the numerous dlseaes caused hy tisil hlood, are conquered by tills powerful purifyiug mid lu vigiralin medicine. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, huve snllnw solor of skin, or yellow ish brown spot on fiue or body, frequent herhudie or dizziness, bad taste iu mouth, Internal or chill alteruated with hot Utifhes, low spinl, unit L'i'xuny forebodings, ir rogular appetite, sad to'i:-u coated, yon nre sniTer ln' from Torpid fjivcr or "Hlllom noaa." In lusny cse of "f.lver Com plaint " only pu t of these symptonn arc eine. ricuccd. As a reinedv for all such cases Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no eqnnl, a It elTeels perfect ctn c. leaving the liver strength, encd and healtlir. Tor the cure of flnbltuat Coiisilpatioii of the howcl it is a never fall ing remedy, and thosn who hare used It for this purpose are loud In its jinisc. Tn proprietor ofler f 1.DO0 cewanl for a medi etas that will criil it for the cure of all the for which It U recommended. S.)ld hy dnnriTisti at 1 P"r buttle. Prepsrod.&f1 U. V. Pierce, M. I) . Sole Proprietor, st his Chy -eal Laboratory. Hi S"w struct. huDlilo, N. V Scad yonr sddrew f.r a paiuiililot. Mnv 4. 1S72- WEW OSSCOVERY Iu Cbemlcal unci Science. WW L'V I" r j' vr . . h . . - U Dr.oAnriK's tau Kr.Tir.nica Cure Incipient Coiinm5loff. r. (JARYIS'S TAIl BrTIEWIES Cure Catsirrli. lir. CAESVIV3 TAB KILTrCIES Cure A.ll:i:-.:t. Bir. avex' tab nr.rrrnras Cuit) ICecst't BiNoato. rr. CiAKVEX'fl TASI ItEttZUMEW Cure s! Discuses. 5r. AKVEX"S TAU KK-TEHMES I;e;rii' t'e) I-iVOJ'. Dr. AECVEX"S T.ill nEIEIHES ll.-ejuluto tlneto:llachan(l SflHCll Dr.CiAKVI.VS TAE5 II ITII.OIES Cure all Irftns!e U'titikiiCMM. Dr. t-iAKVI.VS TAIE IJKTIEOIES Turifv tho R:oo!. Dr. G .113 VEX 'S TAIt KEnEiSiEg Cure DisoascH of the Throat. Dr.tSAliVEX TAEC ItE.nEDIES Cure Kroiirhitl'i, Dr. G AESVEX'S TASt ISE.nEDIES Cure "EEonc Cok1,"or"FIa Fot'or" Dr. GAKVEX'S TASI It CUE DIES Cure Ellilff Disc.'jscs. Dr. GAECVIX'S TAIE EIEIIIEDEES Cure Const ipnt ion. Dr. GAltVEX fi TA51 ItETlEDIES Cure Kiilt ESlicitin. Dr.GAKVEX'S TAIt RE.lfEDEES Cure Ki.!noy Diseases. Dr. GAluVIX'S TAU ltE.TirDIES r.-evmt Ctiolorif & VclIowFovor Ir. GAE&VEX'N TAU ICE.TEEDEES Prevent Tittlrfrioij- E'ororsi. Dr.GAECVEX'f TAIl IEE7SEDEES Remove Pain tr tlie R roast. Dr. GARVEX'N TAU ItEnLDIES Kemovo D:in iu the Side or Back. Dr. GAKVIX'S TAU ItEJIEDEES Are a Superior Tonic. Dr.GALlVEX'S TAU ICE.Tf EDEES Itctore the Appetite. Dr. GAUVEX'S TAU IlETf EDEES Cnuso the I'ootl to Digest. Dr.aAttVIX'S TAU IIEIEEDEES lUmtore the We ak and Debilitated Dr. GAIIVIX'S TAU IJI'.M INDIES Give I'oue to Yuar System. L. F. HYDE &; CO., BOEE FHOPBIGTOBSL 19.f Seventh Ave., Xew York Iieeunher'.'l, 117,. ly GET THE 13EST. Wcb-stcr'sj Inabridged Iictlniiry. 10,000 "tt'ordt and Meanings not inuthtr liiction uriet. flOOO Engi uvinu 1 1840 Page Qua. to. Pi lee 1 13. Yrhenever I wish lo obtain riact derlu.tlons, T I consult It. Schuyler Culfax. I very Scholar know its value. U I W. II. Preseot the Historian. Been one of my dally companions. John L. Motley, the Historian, Ac. 8o far as 1 know, best defining Pletionary. I Horace Mann. ribe best guide of studcuts of our Language. L Jehu U. Wiiiltier. TT'ACel all others Indeflnlng sciciit'llc teiins. l President Hitchcock. J Kcmaikablc compendium ol human knoaiedge W. S. Clark, Pres'l Ag. College. A necessity for every intelligent family, tu dent, teacher and luofcsrionul mail. Wiial l.i- I briny i complete without the best English lic- lioiiary. Wkbrtek's Natiokii. Pictorial Dictionart. 104'l Puges Octavo. OIK) Euruviug. Price t5. T ie work is really a gem ol a Uiclionary. just thu tiling lor thu million. Amarieun i'Uucatu)iiai Monthly. Published byO. AC. MERRIATI, Ej.rlnefleld, Miff Mi bv all BcokfeMsrs. ;v:5a.'.?i''..-J .a i. m 5 mmm ir 3 -h JL S Jautifacturcra. MI Xni'ltT .11 Alt HI. 10 YAKD, Fourth Mrcct below market, SUNUUHY, PEUN'A. rptnE undersigned has retnrno.1 from the Ver JL monl Marble Qtmrrios with 50 Tons of Marhle for Slouiiuieuf , Grave-Mlonesi, Ac, &o. He has bought at such flirures Hint will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best rW;4 Sutherland Falls Maiblo, which Is better than Itallau. old as low us the Manchester. Rutland h now Those who need anything in tho Marble line, for Monuments, Grnvo-fctones, or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine, this large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than' bnylng from parties 'huckstering' ronnl the country. All lettering will be done lu the neatest nnd most Improved style. W. M. DAL'GIIEKTY. 8unbnry, Jan. II, 1878. MACIIIXr SHOP AMPIKO FOE' X DRY. GEO. KOIIRBACII & 80NS, Sunbury, I'cnn'n, INFORM the public that they nrc prepared to do nil kinds of CASTINGS, "and having added n new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, nnd have sumillcd themselves with New Lnthcs, Plnulng and Boring Machines, with tho latest improvements. With the aid or skillful mi chaiilcs, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIUINC that may be given them, In a satisfactory niun ncr. Grntcsi to Hult hut Move. IRON" COLUMNS, for churches or other build lugs, of nil sizes. BKA83 CASTINGS, Ac Ornamental Iron Fe-iciyg; FOR GRAVE YAKD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YAIIPS AT RESIDENCES, AC, JtC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periorlty, have been still further improved, aud will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May L'0, 1S71. I.I'.II iEi:U AXIELAx1ixcr J4ILI.r. Third Street, adjoining Philu. & Erie P.. R., two kMltiurea North of tlie Central Hotel, Sl.'NliL RY, PA. Ill A T. "cLUMEyf, 13 Jirepared to fun.ibh every d. scriptloii of .Tim ber required by Ihe dcinu'mls of ihe public. Having all the lutesi liiiroved niueliinerv for manufacturing Limber, be is now read to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SI MING, POOKS SliL'TTEIIS, SAlill, HLINUS Mul LIU MIS, VE RANDAS, Mi ACK ETS, and all kitels of Ornumeutul Scrow 1 Work. Turn ing of every detitrlptiou prorn tly ixecuted. Also, X l.iHOE ASSOKTWl'M r 01' 1J1LL LUMBER. HEMLOCK, nnd PINK. Also, ihinglts, nckeff, Lathe, Orders promptly !ii!d, and shipped bv Railroad i or otherwise. UiA T. CLEMENT. I declO-fi:ly HTOVE A TIX r.STAItl.lSStMil.T. MATiKET STREET, SUNLL'KV, PA. ALFRED KRAl'SE, Frcprittor. srfC'heSOK TO SMITH A UR.ITHRa.j OAVING purchased the above well known talilishineiit, Mr. Krattse wouhi res; nct fu; -ly inform the public that he now has ou hand n l.cre assortmeiit of C O O K I X ( S T O V E S , Sjeer's Cook Anil-Dust, Regulator or Revolving' lop. Combination, Susquehanna and othrr.-, which are so arraiu'eil as to he used for Coal or Wood, and arc warranted l jicrform sutist'ictoii ly or no sale. HEATERS of ull kinds jmt nj to lieu one or more looms. HEATING BTt-VEij of dillerent kinds ut very low prices. 'i'iiiv.iirc or Every Deiscrlptioi. kept constantly on hand. EooHng aud Spouting with the Pest material, .lone at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with ilisjateb. Coal till red Lamps constantly on hand. Japan wuic ofa St'irc opposite Conlcy's li.u laie stois. liivc me a call. A. ER.Vl'SE. np:U-n " ASFEAT EiSTiit? ' Dr. 1 c ,i-c;:- YINEG-AE BIITEES $4 Humirccl- cf Ti;outws ? " Ucir l' Mlnvmy tV- tr rt'ecier- m f. r I-l -Ui'cl.Nv: iitc ji . THEY AKE NOT A VILE FANCY D R I r ? K. f r So Periot. can tnk fhie Bltlcr accord- Inj; to directions, and rimAin long unwell, prpvidfd the.r botict are not destntyed bv mineral potton or oilier me.ii.s. Win1 the vim) organs wasted beyond the point ol reun . Dyapepttltt or liitllajrtloa Htadathe, i'jIu in the Shoulder, Coup lis, 1 iphtneis of the Chest. Dii ness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Had Tiste in the Mouth, liihou At lacks, palpitation of the Heart, lu ll am ma lion of the I.un-s, pAiit iu the regions of the Kid neys, aud a hundred other painful symptoms, are the utT ftpiing of Dyspepsia. In thefcC complaintt it has no equal, aud one bottle will prove a Letter guAtdutce of iu merits than a lencthy advertisement. Fur Kciuale C'otiiilali.tit, in young i old. mar ried or tingle, at the dawn of womanhood, vt the turn of lite, theMC 'i onic Hitters display to decided .111 inrlueitce that a marked improvement it soon perceptible. Fur liiflMiiimatory ami C hronic Illteu Kuotlmu and Omit, Hnious, Kenuttent and lnteimit tent Fevers, Dieasts of the Illood, Liver. Kidnew and Bladder, these Hitters have no equal. Such I'l-cea are caused bv Vitiated 111 nod, Keiicral.y piotiuccd by drra 11 fe merit of the I't;etve t)ri;ans. They He a ir 11 tie Fura;Mll'e n ivrll an a TonlOf possessmp alsa the peculiar merit f actinf as a powerful apent in iciievinj; CoujjeMiou or lull numatirn c( the Liver and Vivien! OrRans. and in Uiliu J)t!eae.v For fckiu iieke Eruptions Tetter, Salt Rhcuin, Hiotche. Sifc'ic, I'imples, Fuitule, lioi!, Car buncles, Kunvworiuft, Swaid-llead, Sore Eves, Frs.ipe)as, Itch, Scurfs, iscoior..iiousof the i-kin, Humors and I)i eavet of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit erally due up and ciriud out of the system in a shoit time bv tlie use of ihte Hitters. The piopertU of Dr. Walkpk's Vinfcab ItiTTbKS are Aiwnent, I)iaphoreiic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxanve, Diutetic, Sedative, Couuter lm taut, Sudttntic, Alterative, and Anti-UiUous. OralcCul Tliuiuand rociann Vinbgak Wit tees tlie must wouaeilul laviutaut tluat cvci sutaiucd the sinking rystetti. J WALKER, Prop r. H II. McDOXALD 4l CO.( l)rugits and Gca Agts., Sau Francisco, CaJ., ad conef of WtuliiiiKtun aud Charitou bU., New Yotk SOLD LY ALL UKUUOISTS AKD DEALERS. LH I OK HTOUK! CIUUSTIAN NEfF, i Second &trett, ojipotiitc the Court Hoiufl, fcUN : m'HY, I'A., I KcspectfuIIy niritcg Ihe atteullon of Ketailera j and uLln i, he Ua ou httud, ad will cou . btuutlv krtp allklmihof VOKE1GN AND DOMESTIC? UQl'ORd, CoubUtiitK nt' Puro Uiautlici: Coguiuc, Cherry, G mil: it, llochrllc anj OlarJ. WhUkkn: I'ure Kye Copper-Uietil'rd, Moiu ! guhclu, Apple uud .V'cIhv. j rtUE HOLLAND GIN ! "tVlnca: CharupiVgue W'iue, Sherry, Port And Claret. Crab (MiU-r, Chaiupigue Cider, N. E. Kum, Biovtu Stout and bcoii'h Alt. BTOMACll AND BAR BITTERS, Aud nil other Liquore whirb tap bo t'onn 1 lu the city uiurkets, whUh wlUU wld ttt Whole ftulo and Retail. Every articU uaraiitonl as represented. Alto, larjio lot ot DEMIJOHNS aud BOTTEES, alwaya ou huud. Urdeia piotnptly atteudd o( nd ytibUc ruti'ouao retiH;4 tfully toUcite it WHAT AS ; KEY ? fT Sa- fro it! m