1.1. .. L . 1 .'. H. B. MASSER, E. WILVERT. EdIIOM. SUX1JUUY, APltir.lO, ls-.i. ArTF.h tin "Salary l'!rab" bill passed the IIouso of Itcpresenlatives tit llarrls burg, it was generally stated that it bad passed without a dissenting vote. Wo slat ed that both Messrs. Dewitt nnd AmmcT man, members from this District, had fa vored tlid bill, nnd propounded tho ques tion why they did so. This eircurnstanco Financial Thocki.m.-TIic rinlndel-1 ..rodueed a lcVter, published in last week's . - 1 . i I!..;.. .... -. . .... phla AWta J ,iiei(Vt 1n noticing "tho va rious causes to which tho present financial (roubles is attributed, unch ns "iho con flicts between labor and capital, lis'11 money markets, high taxes, tho long nnd severe winter, tho liorso disease, the exces sive, cost of railway transit, scarcity of sea L'oin2 tonnage." &c, expresses Its own Demnci-nt, from Dr. llevviitt, In which bo denies that cither be or Mr. Amniermau voted in favor of tho bil'i, nnd charges us with having stated tho matter, which wns common rumor nt tho time, for tho pur pose of doiti himself nnd bis colleague rt pcrsoual and n political injury. Wo deny the -charge. We nsked for Information ns views, ascribing tho trouble to tlic u.o-tbvs correctness of the. rumor. Having 'Hint the country has undergone a cou- (-denounced these "Salary Crabs-' in other traction," nnd adds : "The currency l:fcs I , , without regard to mrtv, aud pro- been stationary and the supply if pol;l lus been diminished, while all tho Interest of the nation have inererraed vastly. There tested in plain terms our disapprobation of the whole matter, State and National, wo suppose wc have tho right ns a public being no specie currency, tho amount of , j0nmiiei, l0 ns,k our own representatives in paper iu circulation is r.ot equalto the or- tll0 StiUo ijCfii8lrtturo, why they did so. dinary wants of business, and the efforts j ln. XK.-witt in his letter, tries to explain the of the bushier men to supply the void, by j nwlkr t0 ilis advantage nnd that of bis the extensive use of banH credits, havo j c()lloaUQ u.. tiatitir that "both Dr. Am- been insufficient, because tho batiks are watched, criticised, cramped and embarras sed lu every way, nnd cannot afl'ord the desired relief without subjecting themselves to attack. Whenever a contraction is iu niermau nnd myself voted against the bill for various reasons, nnd called lourfhi for the. yeas and nays.ns did many other mem bers" (irrespective of party).1' Mr. Dewitt is certainly entitled to bis denial, and tliero progress trade ia nlways dud, nnd no one ( is olie wj10 ,vpd more readily make rcpa can well doubt that the state or things Tor t valjon tbau ourselves, lint our great re the past two years hah been a .practical ' njj.jja ('.-.j iiI..,.iv.,"t.v-. -vi. vtaou" vcllalu, SSWS apS!" ' AflcrJilmo far-1 hVvc beeii the duty of the speiiker ,0 hive Ur ,.,nrk iu r.-ard to "the general haA the yeas nnd. nay. taken when called -'aud the financial relations ue- , sct.lng vm! . '.' . . , v.....i. s. eoe.ds: ! v. nnd neither f tho names of the two L.'.Mitli flM I II' .t LI 1 tl , , w - 0 not believe tllai iuv . i 1 ,,,utL increase, of currency. as is man mentioned mi the proceedings in cornice... ......i. the ton . r j3 .i,,.,-,. ,,r,l el- o.i.l.; UliU t.lw.w in n.iv Vu puv-v.-l, ,iH, the public can "Wc do 1.,. .ti.v..il bv an increase We see that in the rise of the gold preim-I urn. How, thui, shall ve overcome the . Heels of the eonir'vOl-olisidcratiou of cir- ! ,,' Iuits for its solution. Two thiii" I ro sci uowu in the commercial press fact? : First, that the suiu.lv of ,1,1 short in consequence of largo shipments ; aud second, that tho volume of mercan tile exports has been far below the actual needs of commerce. The conaeqm. nee of that is Unit our foreign debt is slendlv in creasing by the shipment of bonds and ' "ml tlle """""it luthorizod by law lor sta other securities. The ilcfcienev !. 1 ',0",' ry fJlul I"''"111?-", the sum oftwohun- a. i, 'Li,r j i-isf , "rsisrs c 1.U.S0 me merchants are obliged to pnv too 1 settled by the Aulitor (i. neral ; imd the much for gold to meet the demands of the l':0 '' "t out of the said sum to each of the custom house. Currency bciti.r ju vol "k',1,Ih ':s (,f u,11- '1 "d House of Hep--c than the busincs hav ''. SSSrc ! accustomed to, purchases and payments : 'iloage, nnd that the salary of 'members are. embarrassed, and just in this iunetuie ' ''"'l1 ,lu'n;afler Uu "" thousand live hnn- tlie banks, that ought to afl'ord relief cm- : Uul'ill'8l each without computing mile not, from a variety of causes. , anv ...y oiijeeted to it ut all. proceedings belov, so that juioju lor uicm.'el.-es. Jn tJie tioiMl..tit. 7 - p -.r 1. -i-i... .' page COli, is contiiucd the proceedings re .; t,JiIl.' piijgc of the bi'.l referred to, I as follows : I Mci-. Fi).- tie payment f.f the expen ses of (k, Legisiit-ue, including the pay and mileage of inenhers. clerks and ollieers ..... 11 uvui-v a iroinrea lor t in s (in. mill Iho Itev. II r. Tlioiunm hf I lie liuliiiiiN. Washington, D. C, April 1.1 Tho following dispatch was received ut the ofll cu of tho ndjutant Heticral of tho nrmy : II'DCJ'S DlVl.-ION OK TIIK PACIFIC, ) April 12, 1K7X J Ucnrrnl W. T. Shtrtnnn, Wushinitnn : Tho following report of tho horrible treachery nnd murder has just been receiv ed. I have telegraphed to Col. IJilleni to let the punishmeut of tho Modoc be. served as their treachery has merited, nnd hopo to hear soon that ho has made an end of them. J. M. Schofihi.o, Major General Commanding. A copy of a telegraph to tho Assistant Adjulant-deneral. Department of Califor nia, from tho Modoc expedition : General Canby, with the peace commis sioners, went to meet the Indians about one mile in Ironl of the cam) at 11.30 this morning. At 1.S50 this nflernoon Ihe sig nal ollicer whom 1 had watching the con ference, reported tiring. I'pon reaching tho placo of meeting I found that G 11. Can by nnd Ihe l.ev. Dr. Thomas had been kill ed, nnd Mr. Mereham wounded. The other commissioner, Mr. Dyer, escaped unhurt. I shall at oneu commence active operation against the Indians. Ai.vjn (.'ir.i.K.y, Col. 1st Cavalry, C"inmM"g. Dated at the camp south of Tule lake, April llth. Similar official reports were also received by Assistant Adjutant General W. D. Whipple, nt the army headquarters, from Assistant Adjutant General II. Clay Wood, at Portland, Oreunn, who had been advised 1. ..i ! :o.w... ..,4,' 1 r u'.inuiuuieaieu to the President at a late hour lnt night, by Adjutant Geuernl Townseiitl and (ii neral Sherman was a!s apprised, nt a lale hour. A' the (vciin-encv. The feelings of llie Piesidciit and the General at (he suiidt n iinnoimeein. nt wen; nf tin most iolense sorrow and indignation, and there was not an instant's lusiianc" in the declaration that the modocs shall lie made to sutler to the severest extent for their crime. THE JIODOd M.lS.HAt'KE. Tliclr Iimlrnctloim from tho Score turf. OFFICIAI. DlWPATCIIK.l. WasiiinotoN, April 14. --The following nr.1 the despatches of General .Sheiman, showing tin; earnestness of tho government to punish thn Modoc tiihe : llKAixirAiiTrns Aiimy of ITnitkh STATF.S. WAKIIINOTt'N, April 1J, lH7d. f Jeneial Gillem, Modoc ramp, vi:l Yltklf Culil'ornia : Your despatch announcing the terrible loss to tho country of General Canby, by tho perlidy of the Modoc band of Indians, has been shown to tho President, who au thorizes me to Instruct you to make tho attack so strong and persistent that, their fate may be commensurate with their crime. Yon will he. fully justified iu their utter extermination. W. T. Sukhmav. G'mrral. Xcvrr.. A copy of this despatch wns sent, to General Scholicld iu f?au Francisco, California : WasiiinotoN, April 13. General J. M. Peholleld, commanding Military District, San Francisco : Your despalh nf yester day is this morning received. Last night about midnight. General Townsend came to my bouse with a des patch from General Gillem to the Fame ef fect ay yours, which despatch he had shown to the President, and 1 answered General Gillem direct, with a copy of the answer to you. The President now Sfinelions the most severe punishment of thn Modocs, -md I hope to hear that they have met the doom they so richly have earned by their inso lence and perlidy. Consult, .M4s. .Ganby, General Canby One of the most useful medicines ; hav used it, nnd dispensed it for the past twenty yc!Wflv-7fri;. rm. H'aiv?, AuMm. Tho most valuable medicino now in use. Terra. On'in. It is .i nlly a valuable medicine, and used by mnny physicians. lioKtnn 2'ravelhr. We always keep It where we can put our hands on It. in the dark, if need be. llcv. C. Hibbartl, Hurmnh. One of the few articles that are lust what they pretend to be. Brv scifc Telfjrnph. In iny mountain travels no medicino is of so universal application as Pain-Killer, fee. ilf. 11. j);bi, llurham. 1EKRY IK1VIN AI SOX, MANF'SNU TROr'S, 1!5G High St., Providence, R. I. ' 111 Svcamoro St., Cincinnati, O. 377 St. "Paul St. ( Montreal, Canada. 17 Southampton, Row, London, Eng. March V.2, 1873. lm. F WAGES. OH ALL WHO AllE WILLING TO WORK. Anv pprsnn, old or vnunif, of either sex. cim mako from HO 10 WO per week, nt hnnie (Iny or cvrnlntf. Wanted by nil. Suitnhlc to cither City or Cnimtry, nnd nny siMison of tho year. Tills Is 11 rare opportunity for those who nre out of work, nnd out of money, to lvmk mi Inde pendent Hvlnff. No cupitnl beim; rnpilred. Our pamphlet, '"Hotr to make 11 liTinir." jriWng full instruction, front mi reeeipl of 10 cent. Ail dress, A. lib'RTON Jfc CO., M.rrl-m;i, West chester Co., N. Y. Ap. V.'cowy. MZJ Km. 4? .n M ID m the . iliS f 040 fig IG COMING I MONTGOMERY' QUEEN'S 4 SEVER AT I SHOWS I EUROPEAN MENAUERIE ! TRANS-ATLANTIC CIRCUS I ROMAN HIPPODROME 1 AID THE SENSATION OF TIIE'AGE, THE GENUINE lEZEXDOTTUST ARAB TBOUPE 1 Aitrilt.H Wlilltvd cwrvwhcie to sell onr new and uovel Kmhroiderlntt Miiehine. s?ud for Plus- ! tnitcd Circular, to thn Mr lire M:imifiiPtiirln j Company, 3U'.l liroodwny, New York, np lt,-ly. , 1 ANOTHKK Al'l.'dt 1'. Lava Ui:d (.'amp. April 11, ) vi.. Yiskka, April U. ls?a. J leslenbiy inv..,,,,,,.,, 0..,. ,,,!;.,,,, .. 1 ..oir h.iunws ciinie 1111.. .;r t:.,.,.., w, ro nr.vs ok Si i.'i:TAiiv Dr.l.ANO. linnli- i!ivu..n! iA' ..!..tl.;.... . . 1 ... h ... n-nvLsn.i.s me M.erelnrv ! tl'e Itit, : i.,r to i:iv siiid wih K.'iii ....t l.-.i : . "'' ,! ' !:"r-v ui.iitevrr tor foi a ;i.k tins mortin, at a point from our :rc would scri. .u-iv 1,1:; rt 1 h. i.e ic 1.,. icv picket line. hvl.ifl. i-i-1 1 ': , r t i- 1 ' ....... .... .. ... "Km -ii.ii-iey isncd llinse who are 10M c. (Jrn.-niH cam.! Ill an. to d I ... 11 .Ir.l I ,,l I,., ll.l : ... .. . ,. ---....,..... ..,., wooio oy in ill-COl : Willi I !l!S polK'V. ,'llllt I Uko bis -un ; t.ii.thc .hurley) did not in- been interested will, U. nrn.-i" e.n. nt en. o p. buck any more. The picket the proceeding conileclc.i with tile Mo,. "....,.n i,m ,11 aim luiik nun I.) uie lent uii-M,i(i, and his 1 oi oenerai i.niii.y. wUtc Charley li lt hi-1 '-'iiii. and remained a; Co tint of l'i:M.k I THE PAULOR COMPANION. F.verv I.udy Wunls one ! toMWr&m'&WnYt'ini; Address, I.. F. ThU U 1 ...in .......... i,.....t.i "","BW" avenue, .New l.r.k. ....m ,u .,. s 'una, i-u,i- iiitnu'ni 1 - - - - tbis eveuim:, and to-mnrrovv will notify you IlOV-TON' FLIRTATION SIGNALS ,Vnt m or any cliaii'TO in tin? e xislm- command, if r.-rl,.t ofLT. ct. Cnhpie Prinlins nud I'nl.iNh lliade , but you may be sure that any men- J ,u-' House, ::ti Vescy Street, New York. .-M.i- ., .i iii v 1,1 me sav.i s will he riis which. . f. MiKK lW, (.cu. ral. tiKM-KAL .Il.FKr.IISON (..'. D.U ISTO ft'Mi:t;r.NnitAL L'axiivn Command. tietie'al Sherman has sent 11 d. snateb lo Ceneriil Jell'ersonC'. D-ivis, now iu Indiana, ',,v Vork. .iiree, -hit eiai 10 liliineil.ali ly proceed to the Picific coast and nsmime Ihe command , T1II: NKW KLASTH.' Tltr.S. An Impor madl vacant by the .b-alli of lieiur.il Call- ! t5l"t ,l,v""ti- It retains the Rupture nt nil j iiiiiiH, ai.ii un ier me iciMi-st rvreic or ki-vimivI j strain. It is won it'.i rmnfort, und if kept on nun ...,, nuns r. icniuin-!it euro In n few wc kx. Sold cheap, nnd i nt hv Mail wliun re queued, circular liee, when cinl. rc l tiv letter 0 33NTIRELY SEPEBATS TENTS. due Tlrltct Admit to All! Flrt risit to liliStnte of ttic largest tonnolidatcd ExMliitlnn. Will Kxibit i t SUKBtfR'f. on TUESDAY, APRIL 22nd. 1873. Tlir IiECKWITIl Pertahl. F.m.llv s..w. lnic Machine, on W) Duvh Tilal j maiiy'nilvan' tunei overall. Sntirfi.vlivii L'uainnleel, nr til h i ,,,, iieu. r-ai eoinpieie, w.ta In. I .iireclion. lleekwiih Sett in.' Mneliiiie Co.. VCil Uro uUv:,.- apl'.l, eowly. FOR OXK l.VY O.M.VI Evening I'ei f .rmt nee ut 8 oV.ocit. Do a Il iad nt to way, '.' Trusse, I lie l.l-il:e "l r-i- Co., No. .W:S I'.road . . I i:v. Nol,o,iy n-e Meiul Spring i to-.) painful j tn.'y slip oil loo li- .qnei.i n pill, eowly. Kid Till: lit. u ; aim hid c orks nnd i, Hi. ,. ..r ,....!. ui. ul.,,11 1U I i. - . " A u I,. d, . ... . . , .. ..... to i.nu 3,itii mil, null ns IS II 11- - Ul tlle t-x port trade, the w ihlw.1.i;.. i t K.nzed bv taw n...i ,iin, ,-. ol lull Western crnt.s mnel lu ,.,..;,i i .. . sum :uc tide thn tiavmn... ..foil .,(;!...,.. ..a , w n'lioiuvicu US , ....... x. .... .inn largely lcsponsibl". Ostensibly raised for export, these crops licve been so withheld mat the lorci-n export trade has been oV.i-ed to gather up cotton, tobacco, pro visions, petroleum and manufactured goods for shipment, and to till out tlic forei-n bal ances with stocks, bonds and sold." Tbis western blockade now items to reem- ,.. any every w.nttr. setting back the uusuiess ot the oolaiU v. and llirowi,, i ej.ipiojt.ts ; i,.r in,, pay ,.f u,e pau-es of (he llous-e, two Imndivd and lifiy dollars, and I lor the .Senate, two hundred doilais each ; j to the engineer, for each day not exeeediii ' ninety days emploved during the recess" t ireo dollars per day. The resideut clerk slmll receive from the Slate Printer tho I bound coj.ies of Haiti .oe,-i,. and ,.. ward a copy to each member of tho House, .lud the SUIIl (if two hlllldl-e.l ami lil'lv ,l..l- wholo i l:"'S is !K'lv!'y appropriated for paying tho "l inuruiiijr n,e faille. Mr. 1 A 1 '!"!' I ... ... ... .. . . x u.oe in amen, in ll.. he dining the ni u.u.M.,.. i:., ins I IIAI.M-.Y CAMK IN told the CoiunilsMon that Cinlain Ti. l !! liost.u inoimud me. , . 13 iMt.'cr r.T n 'nr..i ......... l. . ..... . .... . .... . . ... . ... r,..,, ! tm: ee1UT.l( uusniK.gj, i .seveiiui line uy slriume; cut the words "live vrbeu there is no real occasion for it. For ! hundred." l fie amendment wns not agreed to. J'be Section was aiierd to. On pai'e 17, EeoUia'.ive Juyml, Xo. Si, March l:hh, the bill caiuu up on second reading. Tliu following are the full pm cctdiiifts, on the .'iJd section e.s i..c ,rded : I iecuoiis tv.iiiiv-six, twr nty-sr-ven, Iwfti ' ty-eiht ttvciity-nine, thirty, ibirtv-oue, and thirty-two wero rend r.nd njrived to. i Mr. DA HIT. I move'" to amend the : thirl V-secoiid section bv slrikiii" i.nt t),.. j words lie hundred in tl.e seventh and ninth : line, and on that 1 call the vtas and nays, j Sir, I regard this prop .siilon to mite the t salary of the members to nl'ieeii hundred 1 dollars ;u unjust und iinwbx'--a thim; this l.inislature cannot all'ord to do neither do : 1 believe that we have, a ri-ht to do it. The Sl'EAKEU ;ro tmi. The section had already passed, mil the clerk .li- 1 .. 1., I ... i t I .1. l:.. - . e I w I-., tv. ., ..., luu icauni oi me. n-fi-.r, flw.... . ... .. ... -..... .,.oc arc ij'j expoils llom the west! to ihe seaboard tliero is no contrary cur- rent cf trade iu domestic and foreign goods. ' As always happens in such cites, the wise. I men of tho Hank of England have increased ,' our troubles bv cmbari'iistin r n.o ,..,: i can operations in sterling exchange. 'If western produce were to come fir ward freely, there being a vast amount of it in store in the west, trade would be tt iu motion briskly, and there would be no more demand f..r additonal currencv or additional bank cr dits. The demand fir gold would ditniuish, and tho shipment-, would cense with the abundance of merean tilo exports. If the freight charged on railroads are really responsible for the utter ,tfl'Tmti.m iv.. l.n,. I.... nr...:.. v .. tl.e ,.n, w ...,.i .....i " ' I next i-rciiou. l lie;v.vns so nim li coul'u- leuimc 10 oe : M..u i:i i he . , ili-n t ... H i villi by some competent, authority, I the seni'.tniau from Bradford (Mr. 1.).' t is sheer nonseime to sujipose that . -t't l'"."s ihirty-iliree, thirty-ii ur, l '"OJ dealt Willi bv SlUCl) uie enure commerce of a great cart he suffered to be interruuted i .I,; way to suit a few railway corporations. ! We should suppose that a little esorcisrs of i common sensy would teach the railway inamiijer better. A ud if it does not, then J the business tinges and the people general- ly must take care of their uwn interests by ; niiy mean- that can be found within reach. Tree trade, ihe lurid; protection, currency, ' specie payments, have liitle to do or lioth- ' i.ig to do wiih the t xibting troubles. The ' country is proVc!v:i:;. Production ot all i kinds is immeiie. I.nhor nnd capital both I find atnpl: employment, (.onnuerce, both inten.al and f:tenia!. could i.ot well 1,.. greater. And, m. lar as we can bee, there is nothing uutouuJ ia tho condition of things. The cau..e of trouble, whatever it J VK "u,i ou s..-.:gn; m (ho direct: in:i:cated above.- I iu,..i., llll nauou ; .1,;.......,;.,.. i'.... . not bear llil'i'.) tnirlv- t.V-i.'Vi n. tliirtv-elol.t. tV-:.it. t'.e.-lv i'.v.i. lor- ly-three, lorty-lour, lortylive. foil y-tix-fony-seveu. fort y-ei-ht, 'f -i.;:i.., it:y', lilly-oue, (ifty-two, lit; y. t hive, lifiy-foiir, tifly-live, liliy-eix, lii'iy-bev, n, l.i'i j -i-ir!jt, lil'ty-liilie, sixty, i-ixly one, sixty-two. sixly-ly-lhiee, hixiy-liiiu- and sixiy-iive, were lead ami agreed to. Mr. 15 A II. V. 1 move lo reconsider the vote en section thirty-two. The. M'K A KKK tfi (,.. Tl.e elil'.e- liaiU had hetU c wail 111. t;i llie Lili is ..ne , liirouuh wilii. Sections -ii-ty six, i';:;y., un, sixty- t eight UliJ bi: v-u:i.e weie l.-ad ui,,l a.oe.'.l ' I... Mr. WOI.l-'FJ. I move to rec.nsider section t'oirly-tH . I ho Sl-hAKKi:. The Chair had order- clerk lo lead the next Section. i-. , r i t i ii v j-i e.. i niblul upon and and live. Mher Indians would commission nutsido our linLs, Charley and Itoous t 'barley then a uorse anil started (1L. .,V:l i,,,,, About an hour nl'ler their departure fieiieral Canby. Dr. Thomas. Mr. A. J!. Meacham nnd Mr. Dyar. with Frank Kid dle and his squaw lor interpreters, st;:rte,l for the place aiqioint 'd. The- oai tv arrive! at thu iippoiit.d place, and were closelv watched hy the signal oi!ic-r, l.ieiuenan't Adams, from the signal station on the lull overlooking our camp. About half an hour after the party had arrived a cry from the signal slali. .n was heard, saying that the. INir.A.VS HAD ATTAt KKD TIIK I 'BACK COMMISSION, and that, an engagement bad commenc ed betwieii the Indians and Col Ma s.rj. In a moment trootm whm under nrmo and deployed as skirmishers, under the command of Colonel drcen. nnd orders were niven to forward a double quick. vi:uv miuiiti.y aktki: mi:. iy a:;::i: tii:m:i. and told us that the Indians hnd attacked tliem. and tint he thnu-ht be was the only one wl.o had escaped ; but a few moment.., after Kiddle and his s'juaw were seen with in mo picket hue. From him we gather the lollnwin? ac-j couiii oi now me nnssaere coinmeneed Mfi. DYA Il'S ACCOt NT OF TIIF. ATTACK. Mr. Meacham made, a (-hot t sp' . eh to the Indians, follow, d bv (ieneral C.nil.y. nnd tin n Dr. Thomas. Then OantainJiick made a speech, askiiu f,r Hot Cieek nnd (nttouw.iod, tho places now occupied by Fairehild and Dorris, for a reservation. Mr. Meacham told Ja.-k that it. was not possihli: to oivc him what ho asked. Sehonthin told Mr. M. aeham to say no more ; that be (M, ai h ami had said enoii.di upon that Ktibjcct and while Sclioiicbiu was sjuaking CAl-fAlX JACK COT IT Al) WALKED lli:i(IM the others, turned back and exclaimed "All ready 1" JIU then di CW his nivtol nn.l snapped a capnt fieneral Canbv. lie cock : ed his pistol nirain nnd tired. (Jeneral 1 Canby fell dead, shot under the eye. j Sehonchin then sb it Mr. Meneham in ihe shoulder and bead. lint, be is si ill alive. Ib.stoii Charley nnd another Indian shot i and killed Dr. Thomas. I Hawker Jim rinsed Mr. Dvrir f, r Some distance, bin Dar turned upon bint with , a pistol in band nnd Jim ran o')'. .lecisiotj was to ho inn I.OriM.VVA. TerrlMpKlol ut o!."ii, ;raa jl'ciu Hittbcriientcnts. Drilled I.ojrsi I Oril lcU I,o;s! N'OTICF. i- I..T, l.yivci l h.t. lie' fellewln-I."-'s hnvrtaKen :i drift in the river Sii-ti... inniei ituraii; lie- I; t" fr.hi-. I t th nnd, Xir.v (Xti.KAXs, lo. The stenmbiat SfiithtrtvUni, V hieh arrived aheut weiitv minutes eist one o'clock to-de.v. briuss st'.ring and important news froni Krant parish. The whites have re'akeii C.-lliix, iiiiii mere is not a negri lo he found miles around. From pass.-nerj, lul ,N.f,irf..f, , -e glean the I the negroes lud themselves ill the court brci.si Wf '1 here I -r i . i. resiiLiisr ,.ii nni. ., I l;..ii. at lleni lon. N'..r- j thu. literal u I rouuiy. Ii:;vinu' tin I'.ill.xvln,' I mio! i npou tii. in : i loin. K:,;, pm, ' r.S" i .'! V. 1 'Ju, 1 I. 1 o. 1 r, 1 11 IT, J, t:, i v, j i h. i i-T.i, i :.-i ox. (-',).-..,.. r, (i, i )v,i. ; a riu'J, '-'(:.). l y.. i x, l oa. s Pi,, a ii "vs, 2 im, 'J .v.'. Ii CAS. 1! 1,4 1'iv. 1 ? o 2 I i W!.xV. 1 (IT) 1 ii:::.. 1 :i Tv7. 1 C.I:, i J .1 t. 'J II,.'.. 7-J. 1 I I ... .1 O, .. 1 s.,o 'r ' l sh, 2 v, i x. 4 iia; iTk. i i, a coi.. i x' I the i 1 SS. t .Till'. 1 cm. 1 !'. a I 'i ns i ir.'' ' ilo'vin : t w.vr, t . i ihte. i v.k t Kss, i (Kv i .vi-'i- strongly fl.-ein bed ; A, - (T), -' she, I 11,1-.",. a Fun k. 1,.. use, :.ud btidt ' 1 ne owner or owners ar rciucfteil to Pravr ' .M'trruoon Eiilerlimiicnt nt 2 o'clock. (,,nir prevloiif AiMIfitOS0C'ctit. C 'II1I.BKF., 10 jcnrn oll, and under 3 emts. KirM loar tf t!ie Exlii'.iiti.um on the Ainerin.n Continent, nnj iirrpwn uii.ler SEPTATE iVIONSTKR TENTS ! nnu Wl hi) AXII.M.s A X 1 BIUIKS I ST". MKX AXi HOKSKS ! ' DISTIX(UT.-iH:i) I'KRFOIiMF.l'.S ! "AllAlilAN NhHTs-' E.VTr.UTA I N ? t EN T, and AF'MltXOOX also. A TWOHFXDllT) & FIFTi' THUl'S' AXD !!.!, All SHOW ! ;epalate Show S, crate Tents! Mui Men, Horses, Jades, Actors, Actr. s scs. Animals. Ileus, Cages, Cin'. i.sitiesa'id 'araphenalin, than AXV (TllKK SHOW OS" ilAUTil. OFPCST itiiioi.i) rm: ENTIlEi T n IU.M1MI A 1. Golden Cluriots ! Acting Elcphnntu 1 i -t; l-KS Lhr, e or tour feet hi.'h I f").j.i"i im tutu mean nw iv or are, it is said, ahout foul- hmi l-ed i ,ht Wll: l,c M'V" ol'a.oor.lii.j to law." me., armed and equipped t!.oroUel,y. (m j .,..,.., i;. ,!.-: Sunday about n..'ti some one hundred and ' - . .. . . . .-.... 1 1 1 1 V men. who ha.l 'ithere.l IVomi I!, e ,r rounding parish, h mad, breast .toiks, and a Lr till about ihree 1 wei-i stormi'd and in attai . on the li.'li' was kept til) M.. whin ii:,. works apiureo, uie negroes lalvin retuue m llie court house, ihe doors i i' v. l.,.1. iv. ie lurriead. d. Afler sonic I ii..iii,T lighting thu neroi-. threw out a! i1.il; of truce, and seveial detach mints of: lm n advanced on it. l.. n thev were Ji-.-.l 1 ATTAIN-. 'ftM makes s,pn w of i;Hd! :,us I ed I , M ; Hon. Seeti.ms siVituv two, seveiity-thiue 1 lead and a.'i'ee.l to. seventy-one, iv'.i l s. Vi uty- IliJ' luo- sev-'lity-JUf Wile , , ' TllKl'IlOi osKl) I.KASKOK TIIKX". C. 11. tl.e I'oi.I 1" to WaLontown to be snhmer 1 i" . n. . i . . . . a -m .v i.aii.iai last, contains the Ibli.iwing paragraph : "The meeting of some of he stockholders in Ihe Xoi-ihern Centra! railwav. vesterdav. d veloped lllilt the oieiosiiion tn" tho r.m. lease to the, l'eimsy Ivanhi Central 1 1 1 1 1 s mioii anv ...sun... .!.!. ,.l.:,.,i ... ... iou vu.il I in: high waier Ml: ieen iiie ioch ami the Hailing Mill of harUeeov Co. 1'. J Haekenherg under fook to drive, through n .Monday l ist. Ihe result was that the buggy m.s.t oaus lie' him Li I.,!.-.. n , . " ... i , . , .'"'- "a ins nai, i po.s... n I. - hn n who, li ... o:.. ' . . . . . ' ) ,ul ,;,, ,n ii,. tun, e ;i.i,1 ....I. I ....1. . .. . . 1 ! ' waters i.fthr. ra-in" SuVm, . ' m.- ' was called to ii iekei.be-' ,h,ii"7 w. . ; ." ) "'t'1'?;''''''' t'1'' pending in unci on against S urr u' o t?Z? I t.:,r uidntwnii'Mr. M,t .,l.,s six per iieeoii.nlUheil 1,1s w ,.,-i, I.. A "":V i Llu" "l "r ' A coiiimille,. cloihe- , , , .77... " " e.'11101 "PP"i'Hed to consider in hum ill liuu umn entertaining his friends with a mention of Ins a lveoli .1.,., :.. .,: . ,. .....w.v 'II.. . in . ,, , vm ii,.,... .r . . style. Wo would have been delighted to ! V,",TJm ll " if ,' 'V Vf1'0 !f'KUU hve been that cold bAth. Mittnrlon J"oilo Island flection, held on 1 u. s- u-j weti, buiiivgaiiotlicrcoluplcte triumph V. extending thu Krin of Mr. uiu present uiUi Treasurer, to I An T Mil I n knock d I be oi. ner horse and to, k it. but Captain J n !; nn.te him tetiirn it, and ihen another Ju ! dian chased Uidille and shot nt him. j Some allowance mav bo made for the j truth of tbis last statement. Tin: troops ox the ALrnr. The troops am now about a mile in th j lava Ids, lying on tl .;-. nrms, am! will . o-olin 1 ,! .' .i.l.-n ... ... .1.. 1 .1 i . ". o.-ui-.u .inner i ne cover ot darkness. There are hero about six hundred troops, who cm bo broueht inlo active service, and it is believed they will end tho Modoc war. Mr. Meacham is not expected to survive. appointed to consider nnd consult upon the views of stockholders and make a repoil to auolher meeting, -May ol next year, passed tho House ou xuestiay week, i.nd now only needs the1 ignature of tho (iovemor to becoino a la w I 1 oe hrst election under the amendment to 1 the Constitution making the Siato Trea-1 surer fclettivo by tho people, will be Jield at tho nniiual election iu October, and the fern, i.rtl.a . .... ... .. ... 1 ...u .r,..., i nos.-u win romtnen,:o on the tirst ot May folljwing. The. tmn oflheSuia Treasurer hereafter will be twoyenr. Fkemi Kuklux Khui outragu aro re ported Crom Miesisoipjii. iui mo l.eiiihlieans. The iiiajorily lor i.overuor is nearly h.O'ji.i, und there is a lingo majority iu both branches of thu legislature. A nirin, named Vaughau, has been ar rested in Memphis un tho charge of hav ing inurdered (ieiieral Thomas' C Hind iniiii, of Helena, Arkansas, four years ago. I'K ki-ocki:ts. The proprictnr of tliu wagoiuj for hauling, jn town, permitted u resn-.etat.le-looking young gentleman to rule with him last Friday t vctiing, and in return was relieved of bis pocketbook con taining a few dollars. The sudden depar turcof hih passenger mrpnsed him until ho discovered his Ion. fMnvillt Jrieeltt'rnrtr. VA I.II'DIlM A. Massaliik or tiik Moimic I'kaci: Com- MIsslONKK.s (iKNKliAl- CAMlY AM) Commission Kit Thomas tiik Victims. Sax Fkax. i.-i o, April 13. The news of tl:e massacre of tho Modoc peace com miasioiieu creates much exciteinent here. The policy of dallying with treacherous sa vages is strongly denounced by all classes of people. Tho folly of audi u' course was ih inoiiBiiated Ik fore, in Arizona, iu the llrooks campaign. Ot'Ti: au k.-, iiy tiii: Ai-aciiks- Skvkm y xixk Indians, Kili.ko and Twkxty six Cai i li:i:i. .1 , ..... i - . ; "i-on ,,y ii. .j o.-seig. ,i party, . o..miing 'jv- cral. amnniT whom were C.ij.tain lhi7ln.il, , 'ho was shot iu the bowels, and it is fear, d' i ilally wounded. Tin: Corn r Hut s:; Skt on I i hi;. The whitis retreated ou'.sidj (,f ;l,n breasiworks. and. as the only means of dislodging ihe. negro, s, the curl house uas s. t on tire, and the blacks were shot as tiny came from the burning building. It is reported that nearly one hundred n.'groes were killed, ai.d there were l.oiu to he tound lor iiiii. s around. m'ati :.;i:st of a S;i: vmt.oat t 1 he captain of the S-n.ltii-i the loliowmg statement : e arrived ;:l Colfax, on Sunday evening, ' about eight o'eloek, and found that, tho j biles and the sli, rill', I suppose, at their) head, had cap lurid the town, after aeon- ! llict with llie negroes. It was reported to .' me i hut ahout one hundred negroes had ! been killed and mauv others wounded, i e saw from the beat some lii'i. i n or twen ty lying dead on the hanks. One white. HI. in was reported killed, wh, name I did . Slot lea.n, end tv v.-ty scrhmxlv wounded - Messrs. lladnot and Harris. "Mr. Had-: not was shot in tl,.. bow.-ls, and is belie vtd to he uioita'.! wound.-. I. , We brought M. ssrs. Harris and II idnot ' down tioiu ('. it. ix t i Alexandria. Ttir- I or f ur ..lli.r white m. n were s-ightlv w. Hindi..!. Ah .ut li huiniiid iirsrms : ; . sea:,. ,1. hut ii was said Ihe whitis were! j j ur.-:ui:g thein. All in- 1. nd.-rs oi llie ri..t ) i s -ip id. ispe.ial.y viol men. The tie-! i v''o s ano u-e.i.leil i i.. niH. ; v, in :,- mii, t ! 1 le and the whites, finding there v. is ! no .e her in I i. fail lek itl't them, set lire! t. the. building, The wh:h.s nunilored i al'oul of.:' Iiiliidnl and hi'.v. 'J'he I'udil l.i-teil IV. mi noon tilt live' 1'. M. The whil.s are n nv in possiK.'e.n ..f Co'.!. ;x, and whinllei'l, na li;bl Su..d:iy t.ig'.ij ev. ry lliing was vry .pm t. v-o'.tsis FOR THE FAlX-KU.I.l.'lt. Wee.uicotiddetitly reeoinmeiid the r.iin Killer. 'J'oivnlu ! l As t. ll is tics most elleeuiiil remedy we know ol for Aches, Fains, Iksh wounds, vVc St. .Jolux yiwi, J'. (J. We advise that every family should have so cl!'eetii ..l and spicily a Fain-Killer. .tiKii r.v ;. (...Ci.'.'r. Our own experience is that a l.onln of i Fain-Killi r is the U-at Fliysician a traveller I can nave. I u: ui tl'.,n .V. t tat tr. For both internal ami external applica tion havo fuuud il of great value. ( Vo w. A medicine no family should bo without. Mmiirful 2 VjiMTi.f. Could baldly keep house without it. El 1'iver. Should be kept in every house, in readi ness lorbuuuenai lacks ol sickness. t irw. XV.K Vi:ri A.B ITJirA!EI.S'HIA .Mil I..3.V ;)(S. SIT.tN'li & SUM.MMlt IIONMITS tt HAT?. TfUMMKI) AND L'NTKIM SIKH. An exieiisiv.. nsMort ini'tit of Slr.iw Mllleiierr unit K.iury (loo.ls, now en at MISS 1.. WElSUifS MII.LINF.l'.V sTOUK, M.MIKr.T SxilIXT, Si ITIU llT, 1'A. My stotk of if-r:iig g,n.,1a I-. U'UMa i'lv V.r e :,iel vnrie.l, t-iiii risj tlir the h.te.t mij Vt traetive (!, r ret:,! with rare lr.nu the :. .,( tntr hnyoitine; lion.-..-. im,J u.I.ij.u.I fur Uie pi.-eal JSIl'vI ; Cameis ! UAHILXI IX (i HI K XT A L 1'ixas: A j t ivTi Tfff n-aseii. i.TJ.'TH. iiii-s l. wrisi:;: MASSIVE TiICX AM) KI.Ii'tiAX V FALACi:c.V(ii:si DNsoIudon of Pariui-rM.iiit. 1 v i j. r. i,r y irive;i tl;:it llw. co Trirrrt A ft, 1 I' !. -r. l li.'Iirt iich, li. c. hi til" P.,,, ..'i ;. , l.eo. Uoli;,.... 'i ti rs t ,lny oi a . ; business i.i l.i fain., pla.'i: i.y tli linn Li.ii.ie vii.i f.n uicr u .-eoUii'.r. Puiihar. ie ,'mmii.j ii. iweeli livolg.j loin 'j.;e!i ai.il Win. Kuln hai l,, ;.i --, .iieler tli" than name ol ; s...,. .li. l.lv.'.l ..a tlie 1 I.y U.'ltliiil euilMill. Tin. ' ..II, r ! e i.o r:,. I oa i.t tlic iiieler-i-ie.. 1 uii.U-r ti e t'.iru.er ; '.'I luniie nitienient of uh cr.o. imitnnACii, i J.'.i.Mi r. i:.iir:Afit. WILLIAM iiOlli.tlAt 11. ! . 1STH. lit. I An.il 1 !.(' I. OI'TIOX. Sow Ih llir (iiuc fo form l our clubi. FINEOl.n I'.YE WIIlsKV. Fully Four Years Old. SI per gallon. Or, in large bottles, secure ly packed in cases, 5fl l'.Ul) j,cr dictu. VEUY FIXE FAI.E SAEUKY, aud EAUE OLD l'OIIT WINES, at same prices. (iOI.l)SEAE I5UANUV, Wry Choice. 61S.H0 the dozen. S.:iJ iu your orders, IS. A A. V. XAS Itr.IE.. n. iai(), CHKb lNCT ST., I'liiiielvlpliiii. Vi-' I 'L- .irs ,' i .. i ,e si i I'rotpNKor orrlk' V E U CO UN E T 15 AXIi Wild An.vns Mor.v iri) ! Forming a Scr-no worth Miles of Travel behold. to i . ; ., :i - w Ai iii in, is: -1 vr. rrt'.M.s win b. J. LOilln', . ii the f .OllcOtu 'I'llV-JIJIJ TS. hi 1.1 in llie Ci.iuniir.f,i:ins' l.e.lill- il.ivs. fo. ill.- f..ll.e.v. i g li.wn,,i s 1.II.I I or..ii.'i,, i.: .ii l- iIi, .l.l.v.uil, Ml.Carim-l liolollgll, Litt! : M.lhi.!l..v, . M. .nni C.irni. 1 ,.i,,l Coal lou L.-e.j.s. " ; " tUlll, Mer.-l.ii,vi,'.e, Tuil.lUti.ie, hvU, Point aud Wutroul.iu n. ! " SOth, L' per Muliuimy, Waslilntou, .luck- ! son, Jordan, Zcbe and Lowir M.ili.i- J n, v. i that tbey ure not red, uuJl.j;: Miviircria Ieivers (,ae lee'r her.,: .. Iui" r li..i,.:y niter Airaie l.i-jihiy. Muv l.i. Ci n, r Aii r-,,,,, t ,., ti I 1 Aral." cim le seen la l'..e i i ii.. T. iT.. I . . i deal, la ...... ....n.i, .iiuiriiiD ii.iti c,i.aei town, ' -a, iwiuwarr, luriuit, Milton, CUilhs,Ua qile nn:t Nni lliiuiiherUnd. " l!.l, isuul.ury anil jUinniokin Ilnruiiths. JACOIJ 1ILXSK KKI5, AMOS VASTIXK, .heaii Uxrti'ciie?i c,i!ii miuce. i.ai. nuiiietwl, i.iel Intervlrwci ul tu !l WILI tHXS UV 6AH AUA. lire.it .u.,1, li, t,:s I v i W! Wait!! For tiu 4 Great Shows of MONTGOMERY QUEEN, Attest : r. w. tii j. (;. r r i ,iXLiSt 0, AV 1- ?n 11,0 111,1 -N o "rlic,c ever obtained such unbounded ot .Maicli l.us Swam. John M'Douald and popularity. .S.i( m 0imr i.eoige liiylorwero luurd.re.l lie v - i J " .-" : n-u.iuiu riKVUlLil Ul LUU buna of Aiuiches. The S.iva.reii ,,,.. i,nr. sued by tlic troops and overtaken, and dur ing the conflict, that followed seventy-niuo warriors were killed, and twenty-six wo men and children taken prisoners. Thu troops were under cininand of Eieiitenant It ice, who is now at Fort Whipple. They followed tho trail of the Apaches, and learned that Mr. Taylor had been raptured and suhieeled to thieinost horrible tortures. Captain Handall reports having had 1111 v..f;..H. ...em, wan mo Apaches, in which specific i'i .... ... ile. lyio v-l tViffl', lis power is wonderful and unerpialed in relieving thu most stivcro pain, Jlurlim ttm Sintititl. Au iudispcusablo article, in tho inediciue chest. Ar. F. Kaimiiu,: It will recommend itself to nil who use i t . ( leo nj i't Ki itrj,r ine. I extensively used and sought after as a really useful medicine. Journal St. Jl,n, A. li. x-.. r...i:..;.... i . .utuitiue nun acquired iueli a repu r - - - . - "i .. .....v., i - " ..... .... t,..o nuuuueii Hucii a re p ii - w2;ncaptu?cd!r8 "n killCd' Und 1 5 il ll "rit.-MwA? MUy LiFUHAM. . ConiiiiitKloncr. Sunbury, April tltli, 'Tti. It. f.irt s v dcbllollh of mi) dl IK- The Vliit'Ht u.! I.iirj-OKt rvcr Siren. UK t!,e ?i. nag. ale, net .1 ue: nor hear iiiiv.liinir rvlmltv lo (ho Ch-rm. i:r' a itnuAiiKAKLi: ixvr.vno.v. One oftlic most liuprvrtiiiit iinioven)i nt ever perfected In muhicul Inn I ruuieuts ti lutelv l.eeii iiilreiliiecd by C!ko. Woods Co., la ttieir improved Parlor Organs, h cousihti of a plui.o r, exqulhlte quality of tones whlrh will never re quire tuning. 'llie unttiumciit was lately introduced at a iiinsieiil soiree in Bultiinorc and rpoeirej the cor dial upplanse nnd eudorscmetit of the many cmi i.ent )rofesi.ioiiiili present. Pee adrcrlUemr nt iu iinollicr column. March Su, l!7J.-6w. And gut tin tinu seeu . the ''Cone ns winds c-oiap t:cn fmrMF are readi.l, foiue na tliewuves casne wlion navies uv straniul," werili of y.mr uiieiev by witrering llie luuhitii 1 f i.itrno'.ieiu to t e l'rCV '-"! K!'VAffr ... i.j':f mib,. . CillO. WOOD S CO'S., OKUAXN. AXD THEIR COMBIXATIO.V 80LD STOPS. The Piano A beautifully toned piano, widen will never require tuning. The Vox Humana A baritone solo j not fuu or tremolo. Tlio .Va line delicate soil or breatbiug slop. See adver tinenieiit In unoiher coluiuu. March SU, 1S7J. w. per day! Aentt Wanted I All 1 VI '..o. .',-J 5 v , -;wi QUEKX'S 4 I1IG fIIOAV.S i Look nt tha beautiful Plctoilal bills rend llm t;nner n Am k'oen Vnnr ..is a., alv.l.... . fcf. i.. Com Vr .y.?,y.el"f!,Mur. ili'SWl,l,fflllier M...rh..w.M ... . , )o iuk w oiii, uiuue uioro niou.y at work Itrllu TU.7J:rJ. V." ,T., J" "" J , April 23d. New for ut lu their i-para iiioiuuut, or all tuo liin' than at anything Parii. ulara fre. Addr, o. STINSON A CO., f-M-lv. Tortland, Main. MONTGOMERY QVEEX, nl Proprlelor nnd Msn.ir-er. -M.lllK-im, 1 rMuj, .ril aatU. VK AVK Ki VFRS, i. n i jl (lirertor